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and the

nick muñoz | pass 2
innovation objective:

On memory
“in what ways might we
encourage and excite
students to memorize
innovation objective:

On memory

One beauty of the human brain is its capacity

to store information, pictures ---memories. It
allows humans to function in work
(specifically students), interact harmoniously
and, to varying extents, consolidate their own
lives from time to time, which promotes a
healthy psychological wellbeing. It preserves
the essence of human living ---the
experiences and encounters that define our
very being and purpose in life.
innovation objective:

On memory

With this objective, we are condensing two

key features as solution to a typical
unmotivated student tasked to memorize
stacks of books for his/her own future:
effectivity and excitement.
disconnecting from existing forms


Building blocks
material/concept to be memorized
memorization technique
students bank
time hobby
material/concept to be memorized any material
memorization technique tutors
environment/location virtual space/smartphones
• Memorizing is proven to be more effective if the person is motivated, more so passionate
about it on a personal level (elaborate rehearsals).
• free associating stock and memorized concept of a required topic with that of a random
topic elaborates such memories, which the brain requires to critique the importance of
inputted information.
• The recall ability of a person is highly elevated when s/he is exposed to the same
environment and ambiance s/he was in when s/he was memorizing; and what other
“space” is more frequented by college students than their own virtual homes a.k.a
student student+other students
time study+leisure time
material/concept to be memorized materials+journals
memorization technique techniques+music
environment/location location+interest
• Instead of relying to only one’s self and his/her stock memory, we can combine them with
a virtual “bank”, that can be shared among other classmates for key concept checking and
peer memorization.
• The tendency for students when memorizing long materials is to subconsciously take
equally long uncalled-for breaks. Where do they usually retreat? Social Media. Especially
Facebook and Twitter, where they rant about not having enough time to memorize for a
test when they could have been using that exact same time to continue memorizing. So,
instead of wasting time, why not integrate them to the said platforms? Through ads?
Personalized key concept ads. Taken from the “bank” mentioned earlier.
student ---
time ---
material/concept to be memorized scrapbooking
memorization technique workout/routine planning apps,
personalized games
environment/location online courses and schools
• memories are stored more effectively if we learn to associate them with other things, such as pictures,
or chunks of letters. while we’re at it, why not make it enjoyable? and nice to look at? As such,
scrapbooking can prove to be a fun and effective avenue for students to use to consolidate both new
and already-memorized information.
• Video games are easily one of the best fun, exciting yet most of the time counterproductive platforms
to pass time. Thus, to easily remedy this, why not make the process of playing productive? How about
a game, where most of the incentives, and game progress conditions, are earned and unlocked through
“reciting” (or simply enumerating and typing in) concepts and topics taken from our good ‘ol trusty
“bank” mentioned earlier? You can even compete with your peers!
• Another digital pitch: how about adapting one of those workout/routine program apps to our own
memorizing program? We can scan the whole reading, allot a set amount of time, set alarms for
periodical reading (for that pesky comprehensive finals that students have been stressing about their
whole academic life), then we’re good to go! It’s always nice to track progress by repetition, you know.
• promotion of an interdisciplinary approach to memorized concepts
• provision of a universal module of questions that pertain to current events, which students can answer
using the memorized/learned concepts from a material

• books and physical materials are proven to be slightly more effective, however they are a hassle to
bring everywhere. Thus, to eliminate the problem with portability, how about “mini-books”, that uses
laws of portable arrangement that basically functions like a reversible parachute, you just pull a
string and voila! Your regular-sized memorization material, right on your hand. You can pull the
string again to revert it to its portable state.

• Modify the topic material and reviewer to follow scientifically-backed proposed arrangements and
formatting that allows for easier, and thus more effective memorization on part of students
Put to other use
arttime mainstream,
material/concept to be memorized annual
memorization technique
environment/location competitions
student indifference to the task
time counterproductive breaks
material/concept to be memorized unnecessary complexity and irrelevant info
memorization technique detrimental spacing-outs
environment/location unnecessary distractions
Reverse. rearrange • Instead of students adjusting to the
memorization requirements of the
student teacher, the teacher gauges and adjusts
time to the the cognitive capability of the
material/concept to be memorized students, individually instead
memorization technique • unlimited time / integrated in life
environment/location • Instead of a physical or virtual
environment, psychotherapy and
hypnosis is used to improve
memorization; in effect, the process then
happens inside the mind, the brain.
3 Concepts An internetwork virtual
“bank”, much like a
systematic and conditioned
version of gdocs, that students
and his/her classmates can
use to pool key concepts and
memorized topics from
materials (integrated in social
media and in other innovation

A week-long, mainstream, A memorization scrapbook,

annual competition designed with hints how to use it
to pit the best of the best pertaining to scientifically-
when it comes to backed techniques to
memorization against each memorize more efficiently
disconnecting from sane ideas


Objective essence

liking something you

A fun and
hateat the
to same
do time,
effective way of memorizing
metaphorical world

Going to the gym

let’s face it, I’m not a gym person,

and even if I am, I still don’t think so.
If we were to sketch a customer
journey map here, it would go
something like this:

wakes up to gym day à contemplates

if s/he will go to the gym à eats à
chooses between chilling with netflix
or tiring oneself with gym à netflix
à sees perfect body on tv à becomes
envious à hits the gym à gets tired
as hell à feels good anyway
metaphorical world

Going to the gym

Much like how the kid in the journey

map got envious then motivated, we
also get motivated whenever a
classmate starts memorizing (or
studying in general) and you havent;
except this time, pressure’s the one
killing you.

Of course, that is topped by the

simple fact that much like going to
the gym, we simply just don’t
want to do it (but we like the feeling
anyways afterwards).
Metaphorical solutions
tracking physical progress memorization tracking app
making friends in the gym providing incentives per successful memorization sessions
making it a social tradition with family/friends group memorization
integrating inspirations in distractions integrating conducive environment for memorization
self-conditioning self-conditioning/counseling
3 concepts
tracking app that
motivates the students by
showing their progress
relative to time and
material pages

endorsing and giving

much importance provision of an incentive-
on the end result of based memorization
memorizing program that is based off
a variable-ratio schedule
(most effective
reinforcement schedule)
disconnecting from sane ideas

Cross -
water basic daily need – integration of memorization in daily
car machine – gear – systematic - memorization planner
chicken animal – pet – companion – study/virtual helper
pants pants – wearable – ink-washable long sleeves that can be
used when you suddenly want to consolidate memorized info
by jotting down
sun source of energy – will – motivational post-its per chapter
memorized in the material
3 concepts
A functional yet stylish clothing that
can be used as a easily-washed jotpad
for “eureka” moments and sudden
need or urge to consolidate memorized
concepts and topics

A customized planner with a A set of post-its that is arranged

customized layout specifically sequentially per pack, all in service of
designed to help students in providing support and encouragement
mapping their memorizing to students when they accomplish
scheme; “milestones” in their memorization
session (ie. chapters).

33 final
final Innovation
Innovation objectives

i. The bank

The bank, as mentioned several times before,

shall serve as a gdoc/facebook-inspired,
specialized online social platform and
database where students can create private
groups that they can use to help them
memorize for a test by pooling in key
concepts in a schematically-organized
configurable document. This also serves as
basis and framework for a conglomerate of
fun and exciting services and apps such as
games and personalized social media ads that
uses and flashes the info provided by the said

ii. The competition

For our ego needs. This will be a mainstream,

annual competition (mimicking sports),
between memo-wizards; this will rely widely
on the time and scope aspect of
memorization, with focus on the former. This
will be a highly-sponsored event, with grand
cash prizes awaiting the winner. In
anticipation for this week-long event,
specialized personal tracking and training
apps will have been developed to practice the
aspiring competitors.

iii. The scrapbook

The highly-specialized memo-scrapbook is

designed to help students, or anyone for that
matter, with their memorization needs. The
book comes with an instruction manual
listing possible memorization techniques that
they can use (such as word chunking), to
which in turn they can creatively convert into
visual art in the form of scrapbooking. This
also comes with sequentially-schemed
motivational post-its that they can put in
their chapter “milestones” to provide
emotional support.

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