The Graduate Nurse Experience

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qxd 6/4/2004 12:11 PM Page 303

Volume 34, Number 6, pp 303–311
©2004, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

The Graduate Nurse Experience

Kathy Casey, MS, RN
Regina Fink, PhD, RN, FAAN, AOCN
Mary Krugman, PhD, RN, FAAN
Jennifer Propst, BSN, RN

Graduate nurses experience stress transitioning ing hospitals, reporting that although 77% of grad-
from student to practicing professional nurse, mov- uate nurses are committed to developing a profes-
ing from a familiar educational environment into sional career in nursing, 31% of those younger than
the workforce, where expectations are to rapidly 24 years expect to change their position within the
function as a competent nurse. This study identified next 2 years. These data have significant implica-
the stresses and challenges experienced by cohorts tions for acute care hospitals because the 2-year
of graduate nurses working in 6 acute care hospi- point after new graduate nurse hire is often when
tals, during specific timed data periods, to better the clinical nurse starts to assume a leadership role
understand factors that may influence graduate on a service as a fully functional team member.
nurse retention. Results report graduate nurses do Graduate nurse turnover is costly for acute care
not feel skilled, comfortable, and confident for as hospitals because it includes not only the cost of
long as 1 year after being hired, highlighting the orientation, estimated most recently at $33,841,7
need for healthcare organizations to provide ex- but also replacement costs, which increasingly
tended orientation and support programs to facili- translate to spending premium labor dollars associ-
tate successful entry into practice. ated with registry or traveler nurses because of the
nursing shortage.4
Graduate nurse transition from an educational pro- Although there are many published reports of
gram into the practice setting has been widely rec- graduate nurse experiences, the data are widely
ognized as a period of stress, role adjustment, and variable, ranging from anecdotal narratives to sur-
reality shock.1-4 Whereas these challenges have been veys done on a one-time basis, often with a limited
documented since the early 1970s, there is renewed sample size. Persistent themes reported to influence
urgency to examine graduate nurse perceptions of the graduate nurse experience are the consistency of
the initial practice experience because of concerns role socialization support,8,9 the quality of the clini-
about retention. Graduate nurses are becoming a cal orientation,10-12 and the level of nursing leader-
significant part of hospital recruitment and staffing ship support, including knowledge and sensitivity
strategies5 as nursing workforce shortages become a to the phases and stages of professional nurse tran-
reality, yet graduate nurse turnover is estimated to sition and development.13-16 Based on informal feed-
range from 55% to 61%.6 Recently, the Nursing back from graduate nurses in the Denver metropoli-
Executive Center of the Advisory Board5 surveyed tan area, the authors initiated a study to investigate
121 graduate nurses at both teaching and nonteach- how graduate nurses’ experiences change with time
as they transition into the professional nurse role.

Authors’ affiliation: Clinical Instructor (Ms Casey); Research RN Purpose of the Study
Scientist (Dr Fink); Director, Professional Resources (Dr Krugman);
Cardiothoracic Surgery Case Manager (Ms Propst), University of The intent of the study was to identify the stresses
Colorado Hospital, Denver, Colo.
Corresponding author: Ms Casey, University of Colorado Hospi-
and challenges experienced by cohorts of graduate
tal, Campus Box A021-830, 4200 E. 9th Ave, Denver, CO 80262 nurses working in 6 Denver acute care hospitals
( during specific timed data periods: at baseline, 3

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months, 6 months, 12 months, and an additional entering an expanded graduate nurse residency pro-
continued follow-up of specific groups for a longer gram. Data were collected using confidential proce-
employment period. Graduate nurses were surveyed dures to assure anonymity of participants.
to determine if there were similarities or differences
in demographic profiles, skills, or procedures they
found difficult to perform, level of comfort and
confidence in their new role, organizational sup- The Casey-Fink Graduate Nurse Experience
port, and differences in self-reported job satis- Survey© was developed, piloted, and revised to mea-
faction. Qualitative themes of their perceived sure the new graduate nurse’s experience on entry
challenges experienced during the first year of em- into the workplace, then through the transition into
ployment are also reported. the role of professional nurse. The content of the
tool was derived from a comprehensive literature
review. The tool was piloted on 12 graduate nurses
and tested for content validity using an expert panel
The investigators selected a descriptive, compara- of nurse directors and educators in both academic
tive design using survey questionnaire methods to and private hospital settings. More than 250 nurses
study graduate nurse experiences in 6 institutions in hospital settings in the Denver metropolitan area
during timed data periods in the first year of transi- were surveyed during a 3-year period. Each data
tion into practice. The research was approved by collection period afforded an opportunity to con-
the appropriate institutional review boards as an duct psychometric analysis of the instrument, with
expedited study. There were 2 phases of data collec- revisions made to clarify potentially ambiguous
tion. The instrument used to survey the new gradu- items. These revisions were not substantive and
ates was developed by the investigators and pilot consisted of subtle wording changes in less than 3
tested during phase 1 of the study. The instrument questions and the addition of 5 statements related
was further revised over time to better measure to comfort and confidence. The instrument was de-
work environment issues not included in the origi- termined to discriminate between nurses with var-
nal pilot instrument. During phase 2 of the study, ied amounts of experience during the first year of
the revised surveys were distributed only to new practice. Internal consistency reliability was estab-
graduates at the academic teaching hospital. lished on the original instrument, with a Cronbach’s
alpha of .78 on items reflecting levels of comfort
and confidence with various practice skills. Addi-
Sample and Setting
tional reliability testing on the revised instrument
The study consisted of a convenience sample of 270 indicated little change in internal consistency.
new graduate nurses from 6 acute care facilities in The revised Casey-Fink Graduate Nurse Expe-
the Denver metropolitan area. The study sites en- rience Survey© consists of 5 sections: demographic
compassed 1 academic teaching hospital, 3 private information; skills/procedure performance (3 open-
for-profit facilities, and 2 private not-for-profit hos- ended questions); comfort/confidence (25-items
pitals. Participants were recruited by asking all new with Likert scale response with 1 = strongly dis-
graduate nurses at each facility to voluntarily com- agree and 4 = strongly agree); 9 items on job satis-
plete a survey. A total of 784 surveys were distrib- faction dimensions; and 4 open-ended questions
uted; 270 respondents agreed to participate (34% about work environment and difficulties in role
response rate). transition. Demographic data questions include
age, gender, ethnicity, specialty area, date of gradu-
ation, degree received, previous healthcare work ex-
Data Collection Procedures
perience, date of hire, length of time at the current
A site coordinator was identified from the staff de- hospital, number of preceptors during orientation,
velopment office at each facility to manage study and length of unit orientation. The instrument takes
procedures. The new graduates were asked to vol- approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
untarily participate, study procedures were out-
lined, and data collection was initiated. In phase 1 Results
data collection, surveys were distributed to various
cohorts of new graduate nurses at all 6 facilities Data were entered into the Statistical Package for
from June 1999 to July 2001. In phase 2 data col- the Social Sciences program (SPSS, Chicago, IL) by
lection, a revised survey was distributed to graduate a research assistant and analyzed by site, items, de-
nurses at the academic teaching hospital who were mographics, and aggregate groups over time. Data

304 JONA • Vol. 34, No. 6 • June 2004

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are presented by demographics and by categories of data collection time periods (n = 61) self-entered
the survey instrument. Alpha was set at 0.05. their own top 3 skills and procedures they were un-
comfortable performing. All skills from both survey
versions were combined and analyzed over time.
Only 4% of graduate nurse respondents were
Demographic profiles were analyzed for phase 1 comfortable performing all skills and procedures.
and phase 2 respondents. The average respondent Most respondents identified 54 different procedures
was a white woman 35 years of age or younger, and skills that proved uncomfortable on hire; of
with previous healthcare experience as a volunteer, these skills, greater than 15% of respondents identi-
nursing assistant, unit secretary, or licensed practi- fied 7 as the most challenging over time (Figure 1).
cal nurse. More respondents (95%) at the academic It is important to note that even after 1 year of
teaching hospital had a bachelor of science in nurs- practice, 41% of new graduates in this sample were
ing (BSN) as entry into practice than did other site still uncomfortable caring for patients with epidural
respondents (71%), because this is the only type of catheters.
graduate nurse hired. In addition, the number of
preceptors assigned to the new graduate varied
Comfort and Confidence
widely between phases 1 and 2. More than 59% of
respondents at the academic teaching hospital had There were 20 statements on the original instru-
more than 3 preceptors during their orientation pe- ment related to graduate nurse perceptions of their
riod, potentially because of the extended orienta- levels of comfort and confidence while functioning
tion (as long as 6 months in many specialties), as as a professional nurse. Five additional questions
compared with 39% of respondents at other sites. were added to the revised version of the survey in
The distribution of the total sample (N = 270) in- phase 2 in an effort to understand the support pro-
cluded 47% at the academic hospital, with the re- vided to new graduates by their preceptors, man-
maining 53% distributed among the 5 community ager, and peer nursing staff. When all phase 1 and 2
hospital sites. subjects’ results were combined, of the total 25
The graduate nurses practiced in a wide variety statements related to comfort/confidence, 5 were
of clinical areas, including critical care, medical/sur- statistically significant using chi-square analysis.
gical, and specialty services, such as psychiatry, re- Initially, graduate nurse respondents felt less
habilitation, and women’s services. The length of confident communicating with interns and residents
medical/surgical new graduate orientation pro- but gained confidence between 6 months and 1 year
grams varied by hospital and ranged from 6 to 10 (␹2 = 28.15; P = .001). Similar findings were re-
weeks at the for-profit and not-for-profit facilities ported related to communicating with attending
to 12 to 24 weeks at the academic teaching hospi- physicians (␹2 = 25.02; P = .003). The graduate
tal. New graduates were surveyed at various times nurse comfort and confidence significantly im-
during their first year of practice. The data were di- proved between 6 months and 1 year of practice in
vided into 4 time periods based on length of time in the areas of delegating to ancillary personnel (␹2 =
the registered nurse (RN) role (0–3 months, >3 and 32.78; P = .005), setting priorities for and organiz-
ⱕ6 months, >6 and ⱕ12 months, >1 year). Because ing patient care needs (␹2 = 25.86; P = .002), and
of the timing of the data collection period, there making suggestions for changes to the nursing plan
were no respondents in phase 2 of data collection of care (␹2 = 40.30; P ⬍ .001)
who were in the >1 year of practice category. One hundred (37%) respondents were uncom-
fortable caring for dying patients, and there was no
improvement with time. Almost all (99%) respon-
Skills and Procedure Performance
dents were comfortable communicating with pa-
New graduates (n = 209) who were surveyed using tients and their family members and felt supported
the first edition of the survey during the data collec- by their own family and friends in their work.
tion periods from June 1999 through July 2001 However, 126 (47%) new graduate nurse respon-
were asked to choose the top 3 skills and proce- dents stated they were experiencing stressors in
dures they were uncomfortable performing from an their personal life; 25% stated their stress was
investigator-generated list of 18 commonly per- caused by finances and student loans.
formed nursing activities and interventions. Because A comfort/confidence score was established
many additional skills and procedures were added based on 18 items that were the same on all ver-
to the list by respondents, a revision was made to sions of the survey. When the results of all respon-
the survey so that respondents from subsequent dents (n = 270) were combined (phases 1 + 2), there

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0–3 months

⬎ 3 months &
⬍ 6 months

⬎ 6 months &
⬍ 12 months

⬎ 1 year

*P ⫽ .005

Figure 1. Skills challenging for graduate RNs to perform by time periods. IV, intravenous; PCA, patient-controlled anal-

was a statistically significant difference in percent of graduate nurses reported satisfaction

comfort/confidence score by level of experience with their overall hours worked, but only 41% were
using analysis of variance (ANOVA) testing proce- satisfied with the opportunity to work straight days.
dures (Table 1). Graduate nurses initially starting Weekend schedules were rated at 65% satisfaction.
practice rated themselves as being comfortable and The level of satisfaction with positive feedback from
confident in their role (␹– = 55.03). However, be- preceptors, managers, and co-workers was moder-
tween 3 and 12 months this confidence level de- ately high, at 73%. Finally, 40% of new graduates
clined from ␹– = 54.28 (3 months) to a low of perceived they lacked opportunities for future career
– = 53.68 at 6 to 12 months. After 1 year of prac-
␹ development in their employment setting.
tice, comfort and confidence in the RN role in- The total job satisfaction mean score was calcu-
– = 57.92.
creased to a high ␹ lated for phase 1 (n = 167) ( ␹– = 31.35 ⫾ SD 5.403)
and phase 2 respondents (n = 61) ( ␹ – = 33.18 ⫾
4.249), excluding nurses with greater than 1 year ex-
Job Satisfaction
perience because of lack of respondents in that phase
All respondents (N = 270) were queried about job 2 category. Phase 1 respondents became less satisfied
satisfaction, which included 9 items related to with their jobs as they gained experience in the RN
salary, benefits, and work schedule. Although results role (P = .02). However, phase 2 graduate nurse re-
reported only 39% were satisfied with their salary, spondents at the academic teaching hospital reported
70% were satisfied with their benefits package, and significantly higher job satisfaction than did phase 1
65% were satisfied with vacation time. Eighty-four respondents from all other sites (P = .008).

Table 1. Comfort and Confidence Scores by Date of Hire

Date of Hire at Survey Time Subjects – Range ⫽ 18–72

Mean ␹ SD

0–3 months 76 55.03 (44–69) 6.019

⬎3 and ⱕ6 months 76 54.28 (24–68) 6.808
⬎6 and ⱕ12 months 79 53.68 (41–71) 6.817
⬎1 year 39 57.92 (49–72) 5.746
Total 270 54.84 (24–71) 6.560

F ⫽ 4.029; P ⫽ .008 (Scheffé post hoc comparison tests).

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Difficulty With Role Transition were not “in tune with” what it was like to be a
new graduate and therefore were not sensitive to
The last part of the survey included a series of open-
their needs for continued development in time man-
ended questions that permitted the graduate nurses
agement skills. Many stated a lack of “consistent
to give voice to their personal experiences. In re-
preceptors during orientation” contributed to their
sponse to the question, “What difficulties, if any,
lack of proficiency. Some graduates voiced a lack of
are you experiencing with the transition from ‘stu-
positive support and verbal feedback from precep-
dent role’ to the ‘RN role’,” 6 overall themes were
tors and peers. They were fearful about “speaking
identified. Key words from respondent narratives
out” and verbalized a need “to earn the trust of co-
were independently identified for each timed data
workers,” findings similar to those of Thomka,8
collection period by the 4 investigators. The investi-
who reported graduates feared retribution or were
gators then compared their findings to obtain inter-
reluctant to report poor preceptor treatment.
rater reliability across the sample. Six themes were
Other new graduates described positive experi-
consistently identified across all institutions and all
ences with their preceptors, verbalizing they felt
time periods. The following summary lists the
comfortable asking for help. For many graduates,
themes in order of how frequently and intensely the
having other new graduate peers available to talk to
graduate nurse respondents reported them to be
and share clinical experiences was identified as a
most difficult to their transition:
“relief” and a support.
1. lack of confidence in skill performance, Dependence and Independence
deficits in critical thinking and clinical
This theme refers to the graduates’ abilities to han-
dle their new level of responsibility. They struggled
2. relationships with peers and preceptors;
with the dichotomy of needing to be independent
3. struggles with dependence on others yet
yet continuing to rely on the expertise of others,
wanting to be independent practitioners;
findings similar to those of Duchscher,17 who inter-
4. frustrations with the work environment;
viewed graduates experiencing enormous frustra-
5. organization and priority-setting skills; and
tion with this issue. Across all time frames, the
6. communication with physicians.
struggle between dependence and independence
was evident. Comments included “feeling alone,”
Confidence “on my own with a tremendous amount of respon-
Throughout the first year of practice, graduates ex- sibility,” and “feeling overwhelmed.” Some felt
pressed feelings of inadequacy with their clinical “babied” during orientation, not able to develop
knowledge, deeming themselves incompetent to the necessary skills to acquire RN role responsibili-
care for their patient assignment. They were unsure ties. In contrast, another graduate stated, “there is
of their ability to learn new skills and were anxious no one telling me what to do!”
and “scared about making patient care decisions.” Others struggled with their delegation skills,
Many wrote, “I was expected to have all the an- verbalizing feelings of “guilt” and “frustration”
swers for my patient’s questions” and described dif- when not comfortable asking ancillary personnel
ficulties with implementing “textbook standards of for help, yet adding to their own workload. By
care versus the real world of care.” Toward the end the close of the first year of practice they de-
of the first year of practice, graduates reported that scribed being able to “let go of the dependence on
they were starting to gain confidence in their ability others.”
to think critically and reported starting to “get
comfortable in their role.” These graduate experi- Work Environment
ences mirrored the descriptions by Benner et al,15 Many graduate nurses described their work envi-
who noted the advanced beginner moves from act- ronments as being “understaffed,” expressed being
ing like a nurse, to coming into her own and being a overwhelmed with the “nurse-to-patient ratio,” and
nurse. voiced concerns with the “nursing shortage and re-
tention of unit staff.” During their first 6 months of
Peer and Preceptor Relationships practice, the nurses’ comments often related to the
Graduates voiced concerns about peer and precep- difficulty in adjusting to shift work (rotating from
tor relationships. Many graduates stated they felt a day to night shift), a perceived lack of time off with
lack of acceptance and respect from the experienced “no school vacations,” and frustrations with pay.
nurses and disliked being called “the new grad.” At 9 months of practice, a few graduates described
They verbalized frustration, perceiving preceptors being placed in the charge nurse and preceptor

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roles, expressing concern about assuming this level relations and work environment issues, which in-
of role expectation. cluded lack of feeling valued and lack of financial
rewards. They began to doubt their choice of pro-
Organization and Priority Setting fession and in some cases were already talking
Graduates with fewer than 6 months of experience about being “burned out.”
most often indicated that lack of organization skills In phase 2 of the study, 4 additional qualitative
seemed to be a key barrier to optimal performance questions were asked of the academic teaching hos-
in their new role. They described having a hard time pital graduate nurses. These graduates were partici-
determining a “routine of their own” to make pating in a hospital-wide graduate nurse residency
things run smoothly, “being disorganized,” “not ef- program that was initiated in June 2001, an expan-
ficient,” “task-focused,” “not being able to find sion of a smaller specialty program previously in
time to chart,” and “not having enough time to place. The survey tool was revised to provide an as-
think and organize in order to provide safe care.” sessment of job satisfaction with the current work
“Difficulty prioritizing tasks” and “I’m slower” environment, level of unit support for graduate
were common statements. They were concerned nurses, and an opportunity for the graduates to
with the amount of new information and skills they share any concerns about the new graduate nurse
needed to integrate while trying to be timely in their residency program.
care delivery. Having to use multiple references and Most of the respondents from the phase 2 sur-
resources made tasks and care delivery “take 3 vey questions were in the group that was in the time
times as long as it should.” period 6 to 12 months after hire. When asked,
The graduates had high expectations for them- “What could be done to help you feel more sup-
selves of what could be accomplished in an 8- to 12- ported or integrated into the unit,” many stated:
hour shift. They described having difficulty leaving “the staff is great, very inclusive and welcoming.”
work “on time.” Again, as time progressed, their Others identified that a consistent preceptor would
skills in time management and setting priorities re- have been helpful. Some graduates expressed a de-
garding patient needs became more proficient. sire to have a mentor available to answer their on-
Ellerton and Gregor18 identify this issue as a chal- going questions, whereas others asked for more
lenge to competent practice, describing how gradu- feedback and encouragement, especially surround-
ate nurses were handicapped before even leaving ing issues of time management and mastering new
the nurses’ station by the time taken for such activi- procedures.
ties as reviewing a record for 40, rather than 10, When asked about their perceptions of the
minutes; looking up medications with which they graduate nurse residency program, most respon-
were unfamiliar; and consulting on unfamiliar diag- dents appreciated the longer orientation period.
noses. They described the interactions with other new
graduates offered “moral support.” However,
Physician Relations many reported that having too many didactic
Effective communication is integral to the success of classes at the beginning of the program was over-
any work environment. New graduates identified a whelming. In response to satisfaction with the
lack of experience communicating with physicians work environment, most graduates described sat-
on their units. While the nurses were students, most isfaction with their patient/family interactions,
of their physician contact was with the support of a enjoying “listening to their patient stories.” Staff
preceptor or instructor. Throughout the first 6 support, teamwork, and “learning new things
months as professional nurses, they felt insecure every day” were also cited. The least satisfying as-
and lacked confidence knowing which physician to pects included frustrations with a perceived in-
call and when to call, and had difficulty “decipher- creased workload, generational differences in the
ing orders and signatures” and then interpreting RN team, difficulty with working rotating shifts,
their orders. They verbalized a lack of respect from and “poor pay.” This feedback was used to re-
their physician counterparts and were hampered by design the residency program, in collaboration
their difficulties communicating patient problems. with the development of the American Associa-
These difficulties were not expressed during the last tion of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and Univer-
6 months of their first year. sity HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) National
Many of the above-mentioned insecurities less- BSN Residency Demonstration Project,19 which
ened with time. At 1 year, new graduate nurses still was implemented in June 2002. The academic
verbalized problems with organization and delega- teaching hospital in this study became one of the
tion, but their primary frustrations focused on peer original 6 participating sites.

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Limitations after hire, indicate the potential risks to patient

Tracking graduate nurses for repeat measures in 6 safety without well-managed training and incre-
hospital sites proved complex. A study limitation mentally staged patients responsibilities.
was a decreased response rate and attrition with The Joint Commission on Accreditation of
time, resulting in fewer subjects at some sites by the Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) published a
close of the 1-year time period. This could have po- major white paper on the nursing shortage and its
tentially affected the validity of the results. The lack underlying causes, setting forth recommendations
of consistency of the cohort group of respondents that included funding of nursing internships of at
changed somewhat with time (eg, the percent of least 1 year after graduation.20 Results of the current
hospital new graduates who completed survey), study reinforce this JCAHO recommendation,
which also could have potentially affected the study showing that graduate nurse respondents in the
results. academic teaching hospital who were in the second
Because the instrument used in this study was 6 months of their residency program, having expe-
under development with multiple revisions, its rienced an extended orientation and a year-long
structure/format did not facilitate ease of adminis- support program, held higher job satisfaction rat-
tration and analysis. Quantitative and qualitative ings. These findings provide a strong rationale for
sections were intermixed; making the tool difficult graduate nurse residency programs that extend be-
to score. The final revised instrument is being used yond orientation and provide support through the
in a multisite study of graduate nurses participating first year of practice, such as the AACN/UHC Na-
in the National Residency Demonstration Project19 tional BSN Residency Program19 and the Los Ange-
and this larger number of subjects will permit addi- les Children’s Hospital Pediatric Residency Pro-
tional insights into the tool’s validity and reliability. gram.21
A second key finding is how significant the pre-
Implications ceptor role is to graduate nurses’ job satisfaction
Graduate nurses participating in the current study and their developing competency in the professional
reported many transitions into practice experiences role. Preceptors may not realize how critical is their
previously documented in the literature: stress, feel- support as graduate nurses balance the tension be-
ings of inadequacy, and deficits in both skill and tween independence and dependence during the ini-
knowledge domains.1-3 A key finding, that graduate tial socialization period. Preceptors need formal ed-
nurses perceived it took at least 12 months to feel ucation regarding the value and impact of their
comfortable and confident practicing in the acute role, and to better understand reality shock,1 Ben-
care setting, is a time frame that extends far beyond ner’s13 descriptions of the advanced beginner, clini-
the standard orientation and support provided by cal teaching strategies, learning style differences,
most hospitals. The data clearly demonstrate the generational differences, and communication
most difficult role adjustment time period for grad- strategies.
uate nurses is between 6 and 12 months after hire. Preceptors are key to facilitating the graduate
These findings were consistent across the 6 acute nurse’s personal adjustments to the practice role
care settings, indicating the process of moving from and strongly influence how professional behaviors
graduate to competent nurse takes time, supervi- are role modeled. Although the current study can-
sion, and support in both community and academic not make definitive recommendations on the ideal
hospital settings. number of preceptors during orientation, it is clear
Although it is not uncommon for any new many graduates do not feel their orientation pro-
graduate to experience some feelings of inadequacy gressed smoothly when the numbers of preceptors
when entering the job market, most do not have the exceeded more than 3 during the orientation pe-
confidence and competence to assume the level of riod. The effect of multiple preceptors can be medi-
responsibility for patient safety that is characteristic ated by a consistent and involved senior member of
of the nursing profession. Many hospitals view the staff, such as a residency coordinator, educator,
graduate nurses as an immediate solution to or manager, who oversees the process and ensures
staffing shortages, rather than a long-term strategy there is continuity of graduate nurse learning across
for professional development and retention. It is the shifts and different preceptors.
not uncommon for hospitals to curtail the length of Santos et al22 studied stress, strain, and coping
new graduate orientation to meet the demands of of inpatient Baby Boomer nurses born between
unit schedules. Data from this study, such as 41% 1946 and 1964, and found the greatest degree of
of graduate nurses still feeling uncomfortable caring stress related to the physical environment and re-
for patients who have epidural catheters 1 year sponsibility, with these nurses reporting role over-

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load and interpersonal strain. These Baby Boomer Conclusion

nurses are often the primary preceptors for gradu-
New graduate transition from student to profes-
ate nurses, potentially influencing how graduate
sional nurse requires consistent support and profes-
nurses perceive their own professional future. Con-
sional development during the first year of practice.
tinued evaluation and research on preceptors and
Closer partnerships between the academic and
their ability to mentor new graduates while experi-
practice institutions could facilitate an improved in-
encing work strain should be undertaken.
tegration in this transition process. Additional re-
There are many institutional strategies that
search is indicated regarding the effect of graduate
may be implemented to ensure that the environment
nurses’ personal and financial stressors because pre-
of continued support and learning for graduate
liminary evidence in this study highlighted issues re-
nurses continues beyond orientation, including
lated to finances, which may include debts associ-
adding off-shift educators, a special mentor pro-
ated with education to become a nurse and the costs
gram, or residency facilitators. The key element is
associated with starting an independent career after
to structure some type of formal support mecha-
graduation. Finally, research tracking graduate
nism so that both graduate nurses and the institu-
nurse care outcomes compared with outcomes of
tion can ensure continued instruction and patient
experienced nurses would be beneficial to con-
safety. The Advisory Board Nurse Executive
tribute insights into potential gaps in the prepara-
Center notes that 22% of the 121 graduate nurses

tion of students for transition into practice, as well

surveyed felt they were not supported by staff, and
as how to create improved systems of support for
31% felt they were unsupported by their managers.
the graduate nurse during the first year of practice.
Establishing a climate of support with management
Initiatives such as formal 1-year graduate nurse res-
actively involved in graduate nurse development
idency programs provide a way to close the gap be-
can improve ongoing socialization and mentoring
tween the new graduate nurse lacking comfort, con-
and plays a vital role in their overall job satisfac-
fidence, and skill proficiency and the professional
tion, feelings of belonging, and success with role
nurse who has developed into a safe and competent
clinical nurse.
Although a well-managed residency program
that includes trained preceptors, support sessions
focusing on critical thinking development, and pa-
tient safety can promote best practices for graduate Acknowledgment
nurse transition, it is of concern that so many grad- The authors acknowledge the work and dedication
uate nurses in this study voiced dissatisfaction with of the following nurses who assisted in data collec-
the work environment and frustration with their tion and management: Michelle Hobbs, MS, RN,
perceived lack of power to make effective changes. University of Colorado Hospital; Kathy Bader, MS,
These feelings of frustration, coupled with a 40% RN, Exempla/Lutheran Medical Center; Sandie
perceived lack of opportunities for career develop- Kerlagon, MS, RN, and Sheila Morgan, MS, RN,
ment, 39% dissatisfaction with salary, and 41% Health One/Swedish Medical Center; Judy Hiester,
dissatisfaction with their schedules, sound the MS, RN, and Carol Herring, MS, RN, Health One/
warning for the need to address workforce issues Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center; Sylvia Kitz-
beyond the scope of graduate nurse training and ed- man, BSN, RN, St. Anthony’s/Centura Medical
ucation. Workforce issues have been under exami- Center; Joyce Thomson, MS, RN, Health One/Rose
nation by numerous organizations, including the Medical Center; Laura Sasse, ND Nursing Student/
American Organization of Nurse Executives. These Research Assistant, University of Colorado Hospital/
efforts are essential to the retention of graduate Health Sciences Center; and Lisa Jones, BA, Univer-
nurses. sity of Colorado Hospital.
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