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A. Biblical Studies 11.

Ministry to families
1. Bibliographical tools C. Systematic Theology 12. Small group ministry
2. Texts and translations 1. History of doctrine 13. Camping and retreat ministry
3. Textual criticism 2. Prolegomena
4. Concordances and lexicons 3. Systematic theologies F. Missions and Evangelism
5. Grammars 4. Scripture 1. History of missions
6. Dictionaries and 5. God 2. World religions
encyclopedias 6. Creation 3. Anthropology/culture
7. Geography and archaeology 7. Man 4. Church planting
8. Introductions 8. Christ 5. Church growth
9. OT and NT backgrounds 9. Angels 6. Theology of missions
10. OT and NT chronology 10. Salvation 7. Current issues
11. Old testament theology 11. Holy spirit 8. Strategies
12. New testament theology 12. Church 9. Ecumenical movement
13. Old testament in the new 13. Last things 10. Evangelism
testament 14. Contemporary theology 11. Revival
14. Hermeneutics 15. Prayer and Christian 12. Translation
15. The Pentateuch devotion 13. Cross-cultural
16. The historical books 16. Ethics and social issues communication
17. Poetry and wisdom books 14. Missionary life and work
18. Prophets D. Philosophy of Religion 15. Contextualization
19. The Gospels and Acts 1. General apologetics 16. Dictionaries, directories,
20. Pauline Letters 2. Historical apologetics handbooks
21. General Epistles 3. Christianity and philosophy 17. Local church and missions
22. Revelations 4. Christianity and science 18. General missions books
19. Psychology/counseling
B. Church History E. Christian Education
1. General Reference 1. General information G. Pastoral Counseling
2. General church history and 2. Philosophy of Christian 1. Pastoral counseling in
history of Christian thought education general
3. Collections of selected 3. History of Christian 2. Theoretical issues
documents education 3. Abuse
4. Collection of primary 4. Psychological foundations 4. Particular problems
sources in English for ministry 5. Pastoral counseling and
5. Ancient church (500) 5. Sociological foundations for human development
6. Medieval church (500-1500) ministry 6. Pastoral counseling and the
7. Renaissance and reformation 6. The management and community
(16th-17th) leadership of ministry 7. Psychology and theology
8. Enlightenment and 7. Teaching/learning theory
modernity (18th-19th) 8. Ministry to children H. Practical Theology
9. Contemporary 9. Ministry to youth 1. General works on pastoral
10. Ministry to adults duties
2. Multiple staff ministries
3. Theology of ministry
4. Books on the pastorate of
historical significance
5. The contemporary church
6. Leadership in the church
7. The servant image in
8. Styles of leadership
9. Management technique
10. Crisis management
11. Church administration
12. Pastoral relationships
13. Case studies in local
14. The city church—urban
15. The smaller local church
16. The funeral
17. Weddings
18. Ministry to the sick
19. Ministry to alcoholics
20. The minister’s personal life
21. Service books
22. Church planting
23. Laity
24. Renewal
25. Church growth
26. Pastoral dilemmas
27. Looking to the future—
28. Stewardship and church
29. Professional ethics: the
pastor, the church, and the
30. Religion and law
31. Church and society
32. Worship
33. Preaching

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