Service#ED 409746. Eric Digest.: References

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Bello, T. 1997. Improving ESL Learners’ Writing Skills. ERIC Document Reproduction
Service#ED 409746. Eric Digest.

Berg, E.C. 1999a. Preparing ESL Students for Peer Response. TESOL Journal 8(2), 20-25.

Berg, E.C. 1999b. The Effect of Trained Peer Response on ESL Students’ Revision Types and
Writing Quality. Journal of Second Language Writing 8 (3), 265-289.

Mistar, J. 2002. Strategies of Indonesian Learners of English Across Individual Differences.

Unpublished Doctoral Degree. Melbourne: Monash University.

Willies, S. 1997. Teaching Young Writers: Feedback and Coaching Help Students Hone Skills.
http:// www.ascd. org/readingroom/cupdate/1997/lspr.html. Retrieved on August 6th,

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