Certified Fitness Trainer

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Personal Trainer Certification (CFT)

Written by Rudy Sleiman

Friday, 16 January 2009 00:54 - Last Updated Sunday, 15 February 2009 02:55

AUTHOR: Frederick C. Hatfield, PhD LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 Units

Course Table of Contents:

Introduction: The Who, What, Why, and How of Personal Training

Section One: Anatomy and Physiology

- Unit 1: Metabolism
- Unit 2: Basic Anatomy and Physiology
- Unit 3: Muscle Anatomy and Physiology

Section Two: Kinesiology and Biomechanics

- Unit 4: Kinesiology of Exercise

- Unit 5: Biomechanical Concepts of Exercise
- Unit 6: Muscloskeletal Deviations
- Unit 7: Muscle Mechanics

Section Three: Health and Physical Fitness

- Unit 8: Strength
- Unit 9: Cardiovascular Training Theory
- Unit 10: Flexibility

Personal Trainer Certification (CFT)

Written by Rudy Sleiman

Friday, 16 January 2009 00:54 - Last Updated Sunday, 15 February 2009 02:55

- Unit 11: Body Composition

Section Four: Program Development

- Unit 12: Program Development

- Unit 13: Basic Assessment of Fitness Participants
- Unit 14: Training Principles
- Unit 15: Periodization
- Unit 16: Determining Training Loads

Section Five: Nutrition

- Unit 17: Weighing the Truth on Exercise and Nutrition

- Unit 18: The Basics of Sound Nutrition
- Unit 19: Estimating Caloric Needs
- Unit 20: The ISSA Zig-Zag Approach to Muscle Gain and Fat Loss
- Unit 21: Fad Diets and Nutrition
- Unit 22: Supplementation

Section Six: Injury and Disease

- Unit 23: Exercise and Older Adults

- Unit 24: Exercise and Adaptive Fitness
- Unit 25: Exercise and Our Youth
- Unit 26: Exercise and Hypertension
- Unit 27: Exerise and Diabetes
- Unit 28: Exercise and Arthritis
- Unit 29: Exercise and Coronary Heart Disease
- Unit 30: Exercise and Pregnancy
- Unit 31: Exercise and Asthma
- Unit 32: Exercise and Sports Medicine in the Trenches
- Unit 33: Basic First Aid


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