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SPE 84495

Drawdown Guidelines for Sand Control Completions

David L. Tiffin, SPE, BP America Inc., Michael H. Stein, SPE, BP America Inc., Xiuli Wang, SPE, BP America Inc.

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

flowing pressure) across the completion. Maximum
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and recommended pressure drops ranging from 500 psi to 1000 psi
Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 5 – 8 October 2003.
are common. Experience and success of nearby wells is the
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
usual basis for determining these pressure drawdowns.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Our first attempt at correlating data was to see how the
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at data lined up with drawdown. This is presented in Figure 1.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Note that the green wells (No problems) had a slightly higher
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is average drawdown than those that failed (red) as well as a
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous higher average drawdown than those wells constrained by
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
sand production (yellow). (Data classification is discussed in
more detail later.) It is clear that drawdown applied in this
way does not help predict safe operating conditions; nor can it
Abstract be used to optimize production rates.
This paper details a method for determining maximum safe Although drawdown is not a good parameter to predict
production rates for sand control wells. This method was whether a sand control completion will fail or not, drawdown
developed from a thorough compilation of data from over 200 or pressure drop across the completion is a key parameter in
sand control wells. As a result of this analysis, a simple determining when the sand matrix "fails" and individual sand
function of flux (fluid flow per unit area of screen) proved grains can be transported by the fluid flow entering a well.
very reliable at separating wells operating safely from those This may be the basis of using drawdown to control wells with
resulting in damaged screens or unacceptable amounts of a sand control completion. Many models and predictive
produced sand. techniques are available to make this determination based on
rock strength measurements. Depletion forces also act to
Prior to this work, BP (and the industry) used a variety of weaken the sand matrix resulting in a well capable of
methods to attempt to optimize production from sand control producing sand free at high drawdowns early in well life, but
wells. Most of these prior methods use pressure drop across failing later in life with the same or smaller drawdown after
the completion and were loosely based on experience and the reservoir is partially depleted. Also, just because a rock
rules of thumb. It is shown that these pressure based draw “fails” does not mean sand will be produced 1-3.
down limits are either ineffective for managing risk of well Sand control completions, like frac packs and gravel
integrity or unnecessarily constrain well productivity. packs, are designed to contain the sand whether reservoir
"failure" has occurred or not. For this reason, using drawdown
We are currently using this new flux-based approach as a to control wells with effective sand control completions only
basis of design for new wells and to open existing wells to a makes theoretical sense when there is an ineffective or
maximum safe operating production rate. Significant improperly installed completion in place; or in a very
production addition has been added without any well failures compressible highly depleted formation where wellbore and
as a result of opening up these artificially constrained wells. screen collapse is a risk. (Our data set contained only one
We furthermore anticipate preventing future well failures example of a wellbore collapse and a screen crushing failure
caused by operating at too high a rate. Earlier in 2002, two mechanism brought on by excessive depletion.)
BP-operated sand control wells suffered apparent screen Our analysis of screen failures indicated that screen
erosion failures; both operating at low drawdowns and safe erosion was by far the most common screen failure
limits using old guidelines, but at flux rates exceeding these mechanism (other than "infant" failures), even with a good
new proposed guidelines. quality completion in place (complete annulus pack with an
undamaged and unplugged screen). Erosion of the screen is
Introduction caused by fluid flow through the screen with a small amount
Most operators limit production rates in wells with a sand of fine sand particles. These solids greatly accelerate erosion
control completion for fear of damaging the completion and of the screen.
losing the well. Operators generally control these wells by Erosion of the metal screen by solids is a function of many
maintaining a maximum pressure drawdown (reservoir variables, but most notably, it is a function of the kinetic
pressure or shut-in bottom hole pressure minus bottom hole energy of the downhole fluid. For a given fluid, kinetic
2 SPE 84495

energy increases with the velocity or flux of the fluid. Flux is Drawdown was calculated at the time of maximum
defined as volumetric flow per unit area and most commonly production.
has units of velocity. Formation volume factors can change significantly with
Having identified the most common failure mechanism time as the reservoir depletes - especially for gas wells. If a
(erosion) as well as the primary variable causing that erosion gas well is operated at a fixed pressure based drawdown, the
(flux), the purpose of this work was to try to identify a maximum DOWNHOLE production rate can occur later in
correlation between downhole flux through the screen and well life, while the maximum surface rate occurs early in well
screen integrity. In a downhole environment, both the velocity life. Formation volume factors were calculated (or measured)
and amount of solids flowing through the screen is a function at bottom hole flowing conditions.
of the fluid flow or "flux" through the screen. As oil wells are depleted below their bubble point, free
Flux-based production limits were successfully applied to gas enters the wellbore and must be considered. This free
sand control wells in BP by a team of engineers at one of our gas was not considered early on in our data collection and
offshore fields4. This team used experimental results from analysis, but all data has been subsequently corrected for this
Southwest Research Institute to obtain a maximum flux rate free gas (and occasionally, the correction was significant).
through the screen at which no damage would be expected for
a 10-year life.5 Drawdown limits were changed from 750 psi A summary of all the field data is presented in Table 1. As
to this maximum calculated flux at the screen basepipe can be seen, data from a large number of wells was collected.
diameter. Inflow area of the screen was calculated at the All sand control completion types are represented. Most data
basepipe and then corrected using skin calculations to estimate is from the Gulf of Mexico and Trinidad.
partial penetration and percent wellbore area flowing. Success and failure proved difficult to define; so wells
Production increase results by applying these new flux-based were grouped into the following categories:
limits were quite successful for the original completions in this
thick fairly homogeneous sand. Poor completion quality (Plotted as asterisks and
excluded from correlations).
Results Evidence of screen damage upon installation
Data Collection and Classification (including plugging),
Building on successful experience with flux-based drawdown An incomplete annulus pack,
limits, together with a better understanding of screen failure Evidence of failure induced by repeated acidizing,
causes; it was decided to see if we could develop guidelines or
that could be used to better operate sand control wells. With Wells with very high or increasing mechanical skin
this purpose in mind, we collected additional historic field
data to determine what key variables were controlling success Erosion failures (Red)
and failure of screen life in the field. Under what conditions Sanded up
have screens failed due to apparent erosion? Could the data be Produced proppant/gravel
correlated with variables to separate the successful wells from Produced sand larger than screen aperture
those that cut out? Could we develop a simple function of No completion quality issues
downhole flux that could be used to predict when wells start to
fail? Well rates restricted due to sand production
In order to consistently and systematically collect data, a (Yellow)
questionnaire was developed to collect data thought to be Producing fine reservoir sand
pertinent to calculating drawdown pressure and flux. As we Rate restricted to manageable sand amount
did not know what factors were critical for success, the Restricted due to surface handling issues, chokes
questions ranged across the operation. There were several cutting out, etc.
details, assumptions, and decisions that we made that were Includes wells where we found gravel incorrectly
important. These were: sized too large.
Production rates change with time. It was decided to
work with the maximum downhole rate obtained over a 2- Producing small amounts of fine sand, but no
week period. Note that for gas wells downhole rate can need to restrict rates (Blue)
INCREASE with depletion at constant surface rates because
the gas formation volume factor increases with decreasing No sand, no problems (Green)
Completion quality was based on original completion Data Correlation – Cased Hole Completions
reports and data. We needed to revise this assessment for Flux is volumetric rate per unit area of screen and a direct
consistency across our entire database. function of surface rate. Determining downhole rate from
Drawdown was defined as shut in bottom hole pressure surface rate was relatively easy with the use of accurate
(reservoir pressure) minus flowing bottom hole pressure. It formation volume factors. All flowing phases were
was often necessary to calculate these values. Well test data considered in this volumetric calculation. Determining what
was matched with a nodal analysis program, which was then area of screen to use was not so straightforward. Flow
used to calculate bottom-hole pressures when bottom-hole velocity through the basepipe and corrections to inflow based
gauge data was unavailable. on skin and partial penetration did not correlate well.
SPE 84495 3

Correctly obtaining a function to accurately represent screen For gas wells, the onset of a high failure rate appears to
inflow area was key to obtaining a reasonably good flux based occur around 20 ft/sec, while this value is roughly 10 ft/sec for
function that was able to differentiate successfully operated oil wells. 10 ft/sec correlates well the onset of observed
wells and those that failed. erosion damage in premium screens during testing at
Two important steps were taken in order to adjust inflow Southwest Research.6
area of cased hole sand control completions before success
and failure were successfully correlated with flux. The first C-factor correlation
adjustment was to calculate perforation area rather than Erosion is a function of the sand carrying capacity of the fluid
basepipe inflow area. This adjustment resulted in more flowing through the screen. For this reason, it is not surprising
realistic values of flux at which one might expect erosion that a difference was observed between gas and oil wells.
damage. It is important to note that we are not claiming that Erosion experts have recognized this and developed a “C-
screen inflow area is the same as perforation area. We used factor” to account for differences in erosion with different
perforation area because gravel thickness in the annulus is fluid phases7.
very small and we have observed erosion holes in screens that C = (Densitymix) ½ x (Maximum Perforation Velocity)
correspond to perforation holes.
The second adjustment to inflow area that was not Where Density is in pounds/cubic foot and perforation
considered earlier proved critical to success. It was observed velocity is in ft/sec. Mixture density is obtained by weighting
during analysis of failed wells that failures were occurring in each phase density by its volume percent of flow. The
wells with high permeability streaks. It was also observed resulting mathematical term is basically the square root of the
while studying a failure in the previously cited offshore kinetic energy of the fluids that carry sand into the screen.
development where we first used flux-based limits that The use of a kinetic energy term is appropriate for erosion
existing operating limits, though quite successful for big by a fluid that moves straight into an object such as a gravel
blocky sands, did not work in this failed well completed in a pack screen, whereas the kinetic energy or the C factor
fairly heterogeneous sand. This led to the conclusion (and concept is not valid in a flow-geometry such as an elbow at
well known reservoir engineering principal) that inflow area the wellhead8. Erosion experiments through elbows show that
along the wellbore is a function of kh and varies with reservoir for the same velocity and sand concentration gas causes more
heterogeneity. We attempted to account for this with the erosion8. This is because with the centrifugal force developed
introduction of “heterogeneity index”. This correction led to through the elbow, gas does not have the viscosity to keep the
successfully being able to correlate wells that failed with high sand in the flow stream. Our database shows the opposite
calculated flux values. For most of our data, this effect, increasing the fluid density increases erosion.
heterogeneity index was estimated from log responses from All the data from Figures 2 and 3 are presented in Figure 4
the porosity, resistivity, and gamma ray logs. When possible, where the x axis has been re-defined from perforation velocity
we tied log response to actual core data. An alternate method to perforation velocity C-factor. Note that now both gas and
to determine the heterogeneity index is to use production log oil data are depicted on the same plot. Using C-factor, there is
test data. Production log test data was utilized in about about no need to establish different operating guidelines for gas and
15% of the wells (except in a few high rate high rate gas wells oil wells.
(on the order of 100 MMCF/D) in which production log tests Data in Figure 4 can be re-plotted to more dramatically
were commonly run at about 25% of the normal production demonstrate the correlation between success and failure with
rates due to tool limitations at high rates. Hill6 discusses our perforation velocity C-factor function. This is presented
production log tool limitations in high rate gas wells.) in Figure 5. Data has been grouped into x-axis "buckets" or
In addition to this heterogeneity index, a fixed percent of groupings and percent failure (red or yellow data points) as a
perforations were considered open and flowing and only net function of the number of wells in each "bucket" or grouping
pay was considered to contribute. The open perforation is plotted. Total number of wells in each grouping is also
assumption was uniformly applied to all of the cased hole listed in this figure. Wells with completion quality issues
completions in the database. Therefore, if the percentage of (asterisks) were not included. This figure clearly defines safe
open perforation is different from the assumption, the critical and unsafe operating regimes, as well as an operating regime
C factor will shift accordingly. that is safe to operate in as long as risks are understood and
A plot of drawdown vs. perforation velocity incorporating managed (with use of a sand detector for instance).
these two adjustments is presented in Figure 2 for oil wells A clear break in the data is not evident in Figure 5, nor was
and Figure 3 for gas wells. For both cases, it can be seen that one expected. Some successful wells may have never needed
the percentage of red and yellow data points (confirmed screen sand control to begin with and some failures may have been
erosion failures and wells with production restricted because the result of completion problems that we were not able to
of sand production) increases quite dramatically as perforation discover during our investigation. The size of the sand
velocity increases. Maximum perforation velocity (for a 2- particles and their concentration would obviously be different
week period) is plotted with the corresponding drawdown at for each well and these variables also affect erosion.
that point. Note that the selection of drawdown as the y-axis Unfortunately, sand concentration for failures is not accurately
is arbitrary as we have shown in Figure 1 that screen erosion known. In addition, it must be remembered that we are
failure is not tied to drawdown. We did not observe any correlating against PEAK production rate (over a 2 week
difference in calculated flux rates required for failure between average) during the life of these wells. Some wells were
frac packs and cased hole gravel packs.
4 SPE 84495

operated at or near this peak rate for significantly longer than however there is not sufficient field data (failures due to
others. erosion as a result of too high a production rate) to verify this
All data presented in Figure 5 are from wells with “good” assertion.
completion standards. Those completions excluded from this Most open hole sand control failures appear to have root
correlation, and new wells excluded from using this causes other than too high a production rate resulting in too
correlation to set maximum safe operating conditions include: high a flux through the screen causing screen erosion. Almost
1) an incomplete annulus pack, and 2) evidence of screen all open hole gravel packs and screen only completions
damage upon installation, 3) evidence of screen failure soon erosion failures occur as a result of an incomplete annulus
after the last of many acid jobs, or 4) wells with very high or pack. For one, an incomplete annulus pack does not provide
increasing mechanical skin. nearly as effective sand control as would be obtained with a
It is important to keep in mind that all data correlated sits complete pack. This results in a higher probability of solids
within a set of standard completion practices. Perforation passing through the screen – and it is solids that are the
density, screen diameter, annulus pack thickness, fluid primary cause of screen erosion. It also appears that an
viscosity are a few examples of data that generally fit within a incomplete annulus pack makes calculation of inflow area
well-defined range. It would not be a good idea to use this (and thus fluid flux through the screen) extremely problematic.
correlation on wells with parameters outside those used to It is suspected in some cases that annular fluid flow is utilized
build the correlation. For instance, applying this correlation in as fluid seeks the path of least resistance, avoiding flowing
a well with very high viscosity oil would probably not be through sections of screen that get packed off with produced
valid. solids. Flow through the screen then gets concentrated to
smaller and smaller areas of uncovered screen (resulting in a
Open Hole Completion Data high enough flux through the screen that erodes the screen).
All previous discussion focused on cased hole frac packs and
cased hole gravel pack wells. There is also a need to properly Other Screen Failure Mechanisms
correlate flux limits for open hole sand control completions. Production rate guidelines developed in this report assume a
Thirty-two wells with open hole gravel packs were failure mechanism based on screen failure due to too high a
investigated and added to our database. A summary of these flux through the screen resulting in erosion. Other failure
wells is presented in Table 2. mechanisms were identified during investigation of these field
Flux in open hole wells was determined similarly to the data. A series of wells failed in one GOM field because of
cased hole wells. For open holes, inflow area of the screen massive reservoir depletion and compaction forces. Wells
perforated base-pipe was used rather than perforation area. failed within a very short time in an entire block as a result.
Reservoir heterogeneity and net pay corrections were still Well failure was due to casing collapse, screen collapse and
used, but there was no need to reduce the number of other problems in well construction not designed to withstand
contributing perforations, as was the case with cased holes. these tremendous forces. This failure was not solely a result
Not surprisingly inflow area of open hole sand control of pulling the wells too hard, but too much depletion given
completions calculated in this manner tended to be much overburden forces. Little could have been done short of being
greater than the previously discussed cased hole wells. As a aware of this inevitable collapse and either shutting down
result, calculated velocities or flux rates in open hole wells production or injecting a fluid to keep reservoir pressures
were generally much lower than those calculated from cased sufficiently high to prevent collapse. This was the only
holes. The reasons for this are the differences in establishing documented case of this type of failure we came across,
in-flow area, the fact that generally open holes have a longer though there were vague references to similar failures. As a
completion interval than cased holes, and the area open to result, it is suspected that this failure mechanism is probably
flow in the base pipe is also greater than the area of open pretty rare – especially in cased hole completions.
perforations in cased hole completions. Screen failure by erosion is of course only one of countless
Data for all open hole wells are presented in Figure 6. failure mechanisms. Others include: Corrosion, QA/QC
Note that there is only one well failure in this data set. manufacturing defects, Installation damage, plugging by scale,
(Although there were completion quality concerns including asphaltenes or paraffin, and countless others. All these need
use of a slotted liner in this particular well, these concerns did to be considered during the process of establishing production
not meet our very narrow criteria for an asterisk.) Not only is limits in sand control wells.
there only one failure in this data set, but also no wells were
constrained because of excessive sand production. Use of Flux Correlation to Improve Reservoir
It is important to note that the data in Figure 6 does not Management of Wells with Sand Control
include those wells where an open hole gravel pack was Completions
attempted but not successfully completed. All wells reported As wells were entered wells into our database we observed
a complete gravel pack - usually as a result of a volumetric that some of the wells needlessly were choked back. These
calculation and occasionally a log to confirm. wells had good annular gravel packs. The C factors were well
In summary, there are not a sufficient number of open hole below 60. They had no history of increasing skin, which might
screen erosion failures to develop drawdown guidelines based suggest partial plugging of the screen. Moreover, they did not
on flux through the screen. It is suspected that the same produce sand. We then performed nodal analysis on the
guidelines developed for cased hole sand control completions candidate wells to determine how much more they could
would apply to open holes (with some minor modifications);
SPE 84495 5

produce without risking erosion to the gravel pack screen, as regimes were identified: Rates that result in clearly safe wells,
determined by comparison with our existing database. rates that clearly posed too high a risk, and a regime between
Figure 7 shows production rates from one of the wells these two limits. Risks of operating wells in this middle
where we used our new methodology to increased production category can probably be safely managed with: 1) a thorough
rates. This well, constrained by a 750 psi drawdown limit was well review to insure a top quality completion, 2) a sand
producing gas at 35 MMSCF/D with a CGR of 50 detector to serve as an early warning of sand production, 3)
STB/MMSCF, and no water. The wellhead pressure was 7000 continuous downhole calculation of the flux function via the
psig. Reservoir heterogeneity was average. The estimated use of a downhole pressure gauge and well test data to alarm
maximum velocity through the perforations was 4.7 ft/sec. operators through an automation system when the calculated
The C factor was 22.0. flux is too large; and, 4) if the operating unit agrees that
We began lowering the wellhead pressure, and eventually productivity benefits outweigh the slight increase in risk
increased the gas rate to 73 MMSCF/D at a CGR of 44 which occurs at the higher rate. It is important to keep in
STB/MMSCF with no water and a wellhead pressure of 3000 mind that operating guidelines are for maximum operating
psig. The resulting drawdown was 2250 psi. At that point the rates. Care should be exercised in opening and closing wells
estimated maximum flux and C factors were 12.8 ft/sec and slowly with prudent ramp up schedules, especially if operating
51.4, respectively. The well has not produced any sand. Water at well rates close to maximum recommended values.
production has recently begun at the well, as there is water It is likely that open hole gravel packs can also safely
influx. Opening up the well has therefore not only increased operate at these conditions, though this was not confirmed
well rate, but also increased gas reserves by out running the because of the lack of failures in open hole gravel pack wells
aquifer more than if we had not opened up the well. The that met these same completion standards.
estimated reserve increase is 5.6 BSCF and 0.26 MMBO. It is not realistically possible to analytically calculate flux
through a downhole screen. Although downhole fluid flow
Application of Surveillance Techniques to Reduce rates are relatively easy to determine from surface rates,
the Risk of Screen Erosion calculating the area of screen this fluid flows through requires
The C Factor approach can be enhanced by additional many assumptions.
surveillance. For example, acoustic sand detection9 and
intrusive erosion probes10 can be utilized to detect sand at the Acknowledgements
surface, subsea wellheads, and risers. Hydrocyclones may be The authors wish to thank the following: Ian Lambeth for
used at the surface to collect the sand and determine if the building and maintaining the data base as well as technical
sand is formation sand or gravel from the sand control support in several other areas; Paul Martins for relentlessly
completion. Production log tests may be run to look for driving this study; Fraser Elliott, Dan Gibson, Phil Smith, and
potential high velocity spots in the completion. Down-hole Clive Bennett for invaluable technical input; Countless other
temperature data from the production log test may also prove BP engineers for finding and providing data.
valuable in identifying high velocity zones as gas may cause
cooling, and oil may cause heating (Joule-Thompson heating References
effect). The C factor can be re-calculated on a regular basis 1. Vaziri, H., Barree, R., Xiao, Y., Palmer, I. and Kutas, M. 2002.
with each well test. In fact, the C factor calculation and sand What is the Magic of Water in Producing Sand? SPE Annual
alarm data can be incorporated into an automation alarm Technical Conference, SPE 77683, San Antonio, TX.
system to keep the operators aware of any potential risks. 2. Vaziri, H., Xiao, Y. and Palmer, I. 2002. Assessment of several
sand prediction models with particular reference to HPHT wells.
SPE/ISRM OilRock 2002, SPE 78235, Irvine, TX.
Conclusions 3. Vaziri, H., Lemoine, E., et al. 2000. How Can Sand Production
A simple method to optimize production and safely operate Yield a Several-Fold Increase in Productivity: Experimental
sand control wells (cased hole frac pack and cased hole gravel and Field Data? SPE 63235, Annual Technical Conf, Dallas,
pack completions) has been developed based on a function of Oct 2000.
flux through the screen (volumetric rate per unit area of 4. Fraser Elliott, BP: Personal Communications, (2001, 2002)
screen). This method is based on a correlation of field 5. Svedeman, Steve; Southwest Research Institute, Personal
production data from over 200 wells (primarily in the Gulf of Communications, (2000-2002)
Mexico and Trinidad). Too high a rate results in an 6. Hill, A.D.: Production Logging – Theoretical and Interpretive
Elements, SPE Monograph Volume 14, Henry L. Doherty
unacceptable well failure rate and too low a rate results in lost
Series, Richardson, TX (1990).
production. 7. API Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of
Only wells with a complete annulus pack around an Offshore Production Platform Systems, API RP 14E, American
undamaged screen were found to correlate. It was also Petroleum Institute, Third Edition, Washington D.C., December
observed that wells with a very high or increasing mechanical 1981.
skin did not correlate. For this reason, wells must meet at 8. McLaury, B.S., and Shirazi, S.A.,: “Generalization of API RP
least these completion standards in order to use these 14E for Erosive Service in Multiphase Production, : SPE Paper
recommendations. Furthermore, since this is a correlation of 56812 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference
field data, calculation methods used to develop this correlation and Exhibition held in Houston, TX 3-6 October 1999.
9. Mullins, L.D., Baldwin, W.F., and Berry, P.M.: “Surface
must be followed in order to maintain consistency.
Flowline Sand Detection,” SPE Paper 5152 presented at the
It is recommended to use this correlation to design and Second Midwest Oil and Gas Symposium of the Society of
operate cased hole sand control wells. Three operating
6 SPE 84495

Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Indianapolis, IN, March 28-29,

10. Braaten, N.A., Johnsen, R., Simes, G., Solberg, T. and Søntvedt,
T.: “A New Concept for Sand Monitoring: Sand Probe Based
on the ER Technique,” OTC Paper 6985 presented at the 24th
Annual OTC in Houston, TX, May 4-7, 1992.


Region/ Oil or Gas

Completion type Totals
Gulf of Mexico Trinidad Other Sub-Total
Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas
Cased Holes
Gravel Pack 8 15 31 10 39 25 64
Frac Pack 35 23 7 35 30 65
Expandable Sand Screen 7 1 7 1 8
Screen Only 1 1 1

Totals 43 39 31 17 7 1 81 57 138

Open Holes
Gravel Pack 10 2 9 1 12 31 3 34
Gravel Pack
1 8 5 14 14
with Pre-drilled Liner
Screen Only 2 3 5 5

Totals 13 2 17 1 20 50 3 53

Insufficient Data to Classify

Unknown 20 20 20

Totals 20 20 20

Total Number of Wells 211

Table 1: Summary of Field Data

Region/ Oil or Ga s
Completion type Totals
Gulf of Mexico Trinidad Other Sub-Tota l
Oil Ga s Oil Ga s Oil Ga s Oil Ga s
Gravel Pack 10 2 9 1 1 20 3 23
Gravel Pack
1 8 9 9
with Pre-drilled Liner

Totals 11 2 17 1 1 29 3 32

Table 2: Summary of Open Hole Data

SPE 84495 7

Figure 1: Drawdown Data for Wells in Database

Figure 2: Drawdown vs. Estimated Perforation Velocity for cased hole oil wells (gravel pack and frac pack)
8 SPE 84495

Figure 3: Drawdown vs. Estimated Perforation Velocity for cased hole gas wells (gravel pack and frac pack)

Figure 4: Drawdown vs. C Factor for cased hole oil & gas wells (gravel pack and frac pack)
SPE 84495 9

Figure 5: Percent cased hole sand control wells choked back or failed due to sand production
as a function of perforation velocity c-factor (gas and oil wells combined)

Figure 6: Drawdown vs. Estimated flux for OH gravel packs

10 SPE 84495

Figure 7: Production History from a Completion Where C-factor correlation was used to safely Increase Gas Rate

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