Terms of Reference - Provision of Sms Platform For World Animal Protection Africa 2018 - 09.08.2018

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Terms of Reference for Consultancy to Supply a SMS Platform, With Short Code, Bulk

SMS Hosting and Maintenance and Support and Training

Project/Assignment Title: Consultancy to Supply a SMS Platform with Short Code, Bulk SMS
Hosting, Maintenance and Support and Training

1. Background

World Animal Protection is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) working in Africa and across the world to
protect animals. World Animal Protection works in four thematic areas; Animals in Farming, Animals in Communities;
Animals in Disasters and Wildlife. We advocate and campaign for animal welfare; a world where animals live free,
a life without cruelty and suffering. World Animal Protection seeks IT firm/Company to develop, install, and supply,
host, maintain and support a short code and bulk SMS platform to develop supporter leads (via subscription and call
to action) promote reporting on animal welfare issues and allow mass broadcast of animal welfare related

Purpose of the SMS Platform

World Animal Protection runs a series of campaigns and direct programmes in several Africa countries including
Kenya, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania(Zanzibar) Ivory Coast. The SMS platform be the main key
connector for World Animal Supporters. The SMS Platform will enable World Animal Protection to achieve the
a) Expand our network of supporters/activists through subscriptions and sign ups to our toll-free number

b) Enable World Animal Protection to send out related information intended to raise awareness across
the four thematic areas i.e can send SMS starting with the word Rabies…, El Nino etc
c) Generate call to action (A SMS that prompts people to respond to action. i.e once they subscribe
they can take action via SMs.. i.e can answer a series of questions. Tell your Governor Dog’s Lives
Matter, sign up to petitions ion the website.

d) Enable World Animal Protection to do mass broadcast in certain countries by giving us access to the
mobile numbers in that country.

Geographical Scope of the SMS Platform

Kenya and Sierra Leone with provision to roll out in three more countries in next three years.

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to bring on board a service provider who will 1) provide the SMS System and the
short code ii) host and maintain the system iii) train staff on the SMS platform management.

The nature of this consultancy is at three-fold;

i) Supply the SMS System

The successful bidder will supply an integrated SMS system which involves an SMS aggregator. The system should be
interactive and be able to send out unlimited number SMSs to mass recipients. The SMS platform should carry the
following features;
a) Disintegrated data - to Country, Sub County, by sex, community, age and gender
b) Show send/ receive messages
c) Have an IP telephony where people can call in and leave a message (especially for people who cannot send
text – for communities who have low literacy levels.
d) Categorize the recipients into geographical areas, name, gender, location
e) The front end (what is available to public) should have a locational map showing the number and type of SMS
f) Customize the portal i.e to have the logos and other World Animal Protection brand elements.
g) The short codes will also be branded i.e World Animal Protection
h) The Short Codes should be free- the provider will work with World Animal Protection on a framework to foot
the bills such that the sign ups and followers will not have to pay for it.

ii) Maintain, host and manage the SMS system

This is the second tier of this work and will involve hosting, maintenance and support for the first 12 months.

a. The successful bidder shall provide hosting, maintenance and support for the mobile gateway
at fixed rates for as long as World Animal Protection requests these Services. These Services can be
terminated at any time. The Company will supply all equipment, materials, supplies and tools required to
perform the Services.

b. The company shall provide a web portal for sending bulk sms and receiving incoming sms with ability to
export to excel and pdf. The portal should have access privileges of different levels.
c. The Company will provide fixed rate charges for SMS usage including system generated traffic reports for
incoming and outgoing SMS services, which will be cross checked with World Animal Protection databases
for validation and billed on a monthly basis.

d. The Company will specify and guarantee a minimum throughput capacity on all telecom networks.

e. The Company shall provide access to incoming and outgoing SMS queues to and from the Companies’

f. The Company shall ensure only SMS with higher priority are sent out to the telecom companies between
8.00pm and 6.00am (using the “priority flag” available in the SMPP protocol). SMS that are still queued on
the company's server shall remain stored and sent out the following day.

g. The Company will report any faults to World Animal Protection without delay, using its automated alert
system. The Company shall without delay provide alerts of when there are technical faults with telecoms once
the fault has lasted more than 5 minutes.

h. The Company is responsible for any unforeseen costs introduced by telephone networks. These are not to be
passed along to the Agency without express consent. The Gateway provider will be responsible for any new
costs not captured in the contract.

i. The Company will manage relationships with the telephone networks to fix technical faults and billing

iii) Training of Relevant Staff at World Animal Protection

In this third tier, the successful bidder will train the relevant staff and ensure that they can
successfully handle the SMS system. Other areas of training include;

a) Train staff members on how to handle data and analysis data generated by the system

b) Tran staff on messages formation and delivery

c) Train on message tracking, placement and analytics

d) Train on simple database management including creating user profiles, new links and codes

e) Train staff on geographical data aggregation and location citing.

Deliverables for The Assignment

a) They system should have the capability to;

o Disintegrated data - to Countries, Counties or Chiefdoms, County, Gender, Age
o Show send/ receive messages
o Have an IP telephony where people can call in and leave a message (especially for people who cannot
send text – communities who have low literacy levels.
o Allow users should be to use SMS to report incidences of Rabies, drought, Animal abuse, animal welfare
o Allow users to join in the call to action and deliver and action-oriented campaign via sms.
o The system should provide an interface to direct callers to the relevant services
o The system should provide an interface to log the nature of the calls, so the data can be used to present to
policy makers, animal welfare organizations, law reinforcements- to advocate for improved services
o Generate reports and export to excel and other relevant packages
o Report on misuse of the system
b) The front end (what is available to public) should have a locational map showing the number and type of SMS
c) Customize the portal i.e to have the logos and other World Animal Protection brand elements
d) The Short Codes will also be branded or by the name of the running campaign call i.e World Animal Protection
e) The Short Codes should be free- the provider will work with World Animal Protection on a framework to foot the
f) The agency should train users on how to use the system- Monitor the dedicated phone number and respond to the
calls appropriately.

Portfolio of the Company

a) At least 5 years’ experience in development of SMS-based platforms and carrying out focused
campaigns. Should possess strong working knowledge of public engagement;
c) proven experience of running campaigns and generate calls to action via SMS
d) Demonstrated analytical and research skills with SMS
e) Knowledge and capability to engage key local public audiences who are important in decision-making on animal
welfare in the target countries.

Requirements for submission

a) A technical proposal detailing the methodology and work-plan to be followed to perform the task
b) Financial proposal detailing your professional fees (State if tax inclusive)
c) Demonstrate your capacity to undertake the task and provide reference as appropriate.
e) Support documentation e.g. registration, tax registration certificates.
f) Any other information that may be useful for reference may be cited and later provided if requested
g) Furnish World Animal Protection with references for their work
h) Have licensing from Authorized government agency as a Telco

Tasks End Product/deliverables

a. The company shall activate the toll-free short
codes obtained by on all major networks in Confirmation of activation of services.
the various s countries to be negotiated)

b. The Company shall provide hosting, Tracking account accessible via the internet
maintenance and support at fixed rates for as
long as World Animal Protection requests
these services.
c. The Company shall provide a tracking Monthly invoices and (system generated) reports on all
account for all outgoing and incoming SMS, traffic for incoming and outgoing SMS for all short codes
through which World Animal Protection may licensed to World Animal Protection
monitor costs of the incoming and outgoing
SMS. These will be billed at fixed rates
d. Provide incoming and outgoing SMS
gateway services for short codes licensed to
World Animal Protection for all major
e. The successful bidder shall supply a media
and publicity plan to persuade people to opt
Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required for the assignment:

Education and experience:

• Experience in Bulk SMS portal, system design and maintenance
• Proven experience negotiating with Telecom Operators
• It is required that the Company has proven experience providing high quality hosting, maintenance and
support for requested SMS services.
• Its recommended that the company has proven connectivity and integration with the Telkom providers in
Kenya and Sierra Leone.
• Experience in SMS campaigns
• Network with the media and community groups
• Proven Understanding in the work and structure of World Animal Protection

Mandatory Requirements
a. The firm must be registered as an authorized PRS provider with the Communications Authority.

b. The firm must be authorized to host short code across all networks/ Telco Operators.

c. Must be a duly registered company operating in Kenya. Copies of registration certificate, tax
compliance should be sent with the expression of interest and quotation.

Requirements for submission

a) A technical proposal detailing the methodology and work-plan to be followed to perform the task
b) Financial proposal detailing your professional fees (State if tax inclusive)
c) Demonstrate your capacity to undertake the task and provide reference as appropriate.
e) Support documentation e.g. registration, tax registration certificates.
f) Any other information that may be useful for reference may be cited and later provided if requested
g) Furnish World Animal Protection with references for their work

Application and Submission of Proposal

All interested candidates/agencies are requested to submit their proposals via email to:
africaenquiries@worldanimalprotection.org copying in campaignsafrica@worldanimalprotection.org
Deadline for Submission

The deadline for submission is 20.08.2018 close of day.

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