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Bi-Drum vs.

Single Drum Boilers – Comparative features



The market growth in the Industrial Boiler segment in recent years has been phenomenal both
in capacity and steam duty requirements. The thrust for cogeneration and Independent
Biomass Power Plant has led to the development of innovative boiler configurations and newer
arrangements to take care of higher steam duty requirements. Years of experience in the field
of boiler design combined with boiler operational feed back provide the input to customize the
right boiler configuration considering the fuels to be used, with focus on maintaining the steam
parameters and trouble free boiler operation.

The paper discusses the comparison of Bi-drum vs. Single Drum design features and also
presents the good design practices to be followed in either design.. The paper also highlights
the principles involved in the selection of Bi-drum and Single Drum. Effort has been made to
address the design experience in detail, combining the site feed back with a view to give a
comprehensive analysis of the design features of Bi-drum vs. single drum and help the
designer and prospective customer to arrive at the boiler configuration suited to the end use.

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