The Digital Horeca Branch

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Course: Marketing Research

Program: Commercial Engineering
Place: Vlissingen
Year 2011
Company: Epesi Creative New Media
Place of Company Middelburg
Company Supervisor: Bart de Ruijsscher
University: Hogeschool Zeeland
University of Applied Science
Final University Supervisor: Flip.Wubben Report
Researcher: Bing Yang
Date: 1-6-2011

Towards an innovated digital hospitality and

gastronomic environment focused on reducing costs and increasing guest

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 0


This document functions as the final report for the project that has been carried out
within the Epesi Company located in for the bachelor graduation in Commercial

Epesi is an innovating company dealing in creative new media, like Apple. Epesi
conceived and developed several interesting projects combining usability, design and
innovative information technology. Today, Epesi is facing the enormous challenges of
market, they should run out before the products and services are invented by somebody
else or become fashion. The goal of marketing research project is to help Epesi to know
which new technologies (e.g. internet, social media, tablets, smartphones etcetera) will
be used in products and services in gastronomy and hospitality in the near future.

Marketing Research is an important course during my study. It is a course about

systematical and objective identification, collection and analysis for the purpose of
improving decision making. The course is made up of theoretical study and project

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 1



In the report, I will present Epesi with the research results by describing potential new
products and markets. I have drawn the conclusions and proposed reasonable
recommendation in order to support Epesi to make a better decision. I hope it will
contribute to the continuing of development, grow and continuity of the Epesi Company.

Hereby I express my sincere thanks to Bart de Ruijsscher, the Epesi in-company mentor,
who has helped me from the very beginning of the internship introducing rules and the
working environment of Epesi to me. He has helped me a lot during the whole project,
and discussion discussed with me how to continue , to break down bottle necks. Special
thanks for inviting me for joining the Marathon Infinity Windhoos, which gave me the
opportunity to feel the culture of Epesi.

Last but not least I would like to thank Flip Wubben, the educational supervisor from
the HZ University of Applied Science. He has offered me useful external information
and visited me and Bart de Ruijsscher from Epesi every month to keep all the three of us
in the same pace and plan for this assignment. We kept in touch to discuss problems and
to control the research process even when Flip Wubben was in China.

Middelburg, June 2nd 2011

Bing Yang


Because of the rapid developments of information technology, cell phones, tablets PC,
MP3/MP4 and other digital products that are widely used in our lives. But digital
innovations in gastronomy and hospitality still remain in an early and hesitating stage.
Therefore the Epesi company expects to create future developments and sales in this
area in order to guarantee future company continuity.

In this report you will find general information about Epesi and the reason for this
research will be explained. They want to know which products and services may be
used in restaurants in the future, and how these new technologies will affect hospitality
and gastronomy, Epesi also wants to know how to benefit from these technological
innovations, and what the market opportunities in China are who are responsible for
these innovations and how can Epesi have contact with these companies etc.

It also appeared important to find out, what “kind of added value” the customers want to
get from the digital products and services of the restaurants.
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 2

Many promising new products have been found by combining the “added value” what
customers want to get from the products and services with the views and articles of
Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, . Each product has its own
advantages and benefits that Epesi can get from these all can be found in this report.

By executing a marketing research the opportunities for Epesi how to enter the Chinese
market were known. There are two kinds of companies in China. One is a design
company, like Epesi. The other is a manufacturing company, which produce low-price
and high quality digital products. Both of them might be able to cooperate with Epesi
and help them to enter the Chinese market successfully.


随着科技,手机,平板电脑,MP3/MP4 和其他数字产品的开发,广泛应用于我们
创造 Epesi 这一领域的未来销售,以保证公司未来的连续性。

在这份报告中,你会发现一般的信息 Epesi 公司以及本报告的原因是。他们想知道

食,怎么能 Epesi 得益于这些技术革新。他们也想知道如何在中国市场,谁是这些
创新,如何能与这些公司 Epesi 联系等工作


许多产品已被发现。每个产品自身的优势和 Epesi 可以从这中得到的好处。都可以

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 3


你也可以知道一个情况 Epesi 如何进入中国市场。有两种类型的中国公司。一个是

设计公司,和 Epesi 性质一样的公司。另一种是厂家,它生产的低价格和高品质的
数码产品。他们都可以配合 Epesi,帮助他进入中国市场。


Door de snelle ontwikkeling van de informatietechnologie, smartphones, tablet PC’s,
MP3/MP4 en andere digitale producten worden deze nu algemeen toegepast in ons
dagelijks leven. Echter de digitale ontwikkelingen binnen de horeca blijven achter in de
toepassingen. Om die reden verwacht Epesi nieuwe ontwikkelingen te creëren en
daardoor ook omzet te generen welke belangrijk is voor het garanderen van de
continuïteit van het bedrijf in de toekomst.

In dit rapport zult u informatie aantreffen over het bedrijf Epesi en wordt de aanleiding
voor het onderzoek verklaard. Epesi wil weten welke producten en diensten er in de
toekomst gevraagd gaan worden en hoe de technologie deze wensen gaat realiseren. Ook
willen ze weten hoe ze zelf profijt kunnen trekken van deze ontwikkelingen. Daarnaast
is Epesi geïnteresseerd in welke kansen zij hebben om de Chinese markt te betreden, wie
daar verantwoordelijk is voor de vernieuwingen en hoe zij met hen in contact kan

Tijdens het onderzoek bleek ook duidelijk hoe belangrijk het is om te weten wat de
toegevoegde waarde is die de gasten ervaren van de nieuwe digitale producten en
diensten. Door het combineren van de door de gasten gewenste toegevoegde waarden en

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 4


de producten en diensten welke uit het literatuuronderzoek van het materiaal van de
Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, werd een groot aantal producten
gevonden. Elk product heeft zijn eigen voordelen en mogelijkheden die in het rapport
uitvoerig beschreven worden. Vervolgens is een marktresearch onderzoek uitgevoerd
waardoor de mogelijkheden van Epesi op de Chinese markt werden verkend. Er zijn
twee soorten bedrijven waarmee Epesi in de toekomst mee zou moeten samenwerken in
China. Dit zijn de ontwerp bedrijven en de fabrieken. Door met beiden een goede
samenwerking op te bouwen moet Epesi een goede entree op de Chinese markt kunnen

Table of Content
Table of contents............................................................................................................6
Chapter 1. Company Epesi........................................................................................7
1.1 Description of Epesi.....................................................................................7
1.2 Assignment description................................................................................8
Chapter 2. Project Introduction................................................................................9
2.1 Theoretical Background................................................................................9
2.2 Problem definition and analysis..................................................................11
2.3 Report Structure..........................................................................................12
Chapter 3. Products and Services Research..........................................................13
3.1 Research method.........................................................................................13
3.2 Results literature survey.............................................................................15
3.3 Results & Findings.....................................................................................18
Chapter 4. Marketing Research..............................................................................28
4.1 Research methods.......................................................................................28
4.2 Results & Findings.....................................................................................28
Chapter 5. Conclusions & Recommendations.......................................................34
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 5

5.1 Conclusions................................................................................................34
5.2 Recommendations.......................................................................................35
Appendix A Questionnaire...........................................................................................38
Appendix B Famous Restaurants.................................................................................40
Appendix C Design Companies...................................................................................42
Appendix D Possibly Manufactories...........................................................................43
Appendix E Price Information.....................................................................................46
Appendix F Possible Partners In China.......................................................................48
Appendix G Definitive description graduation assignment.........................................49

1. The company Epesi

1.1 Introduction

The company, Epesi was formed early 2008 by graphic designer

(Mark Perquin) and computer engineer (Bart de Ruijsscher).
Inspired by companies like Apple, Epesi conceived and developed
several interesting innovating projects by combining usability,
design and innovating information technology.

The Apple products are seen by Epesi as a fascinating example of

creative thinking: they create a need for people, who were never
aware of that before and they appreciate it very much.

A highlight in its short existence is the cooperation with the famous

restaurant "Oud Sluis" in the small village of Sluis.
Figure 1 The Digital Winelist of Oud
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 Sluis (introduced6in 2006)[1]

Ranked as one of Worlds Best restaurants, Oud Sluis significantly values the "gadget"-
like innovations developed by the team of Epesi. One example is the digital wine list
“Mivinyo” (Fig 1),
This list provides the customers with an innovative and entertaining
approach to select a wine from the extensive list of over 500 wines.

1.2 Assignment description

The team of Epesi consists of several young people each with his or her own specialties,
ranging from graphic design to large-scale network technologies they continue looking
for new challenges and new opportunities. They want to gain a better insight in the
international development of market initiatives focused to technological innovations in
gastronomy and hospitality.

The project will be characterized as a marketing research project because it is aiming to

answer typical questions about the marketing elements, product, price, place and
promotion of Epesi.

More specific, the research project is split up in the next areas:

Product design: which products and services have potential prospects to introduce in
the hospitality and gastronomy market, being developed and based on new technologies
(e.g. internet, social media, tablets, smartphones etcetera)? And focused on the
hospitality and gastronomy companies in the near future?

Product development: how are the designed products composed and assembled in a
mix of hardware, software, procedural and organizational elements based on an IT

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 7


Components suppliers: what kind of companies and possible academic institutions are
responsible for these innovations?

Trend watching: When and what kind of new IT technologies will be expected and
what will be their applications?

Technological Innovation: How can Epesi benefit from these technological innovations
and keep a step ahead of competitor. In other words how to draw and provide
conclusions and recommendations for the products and services being developed at
Epesi in the near future.

2. Project Introduction
This chapter contains general information about the project. First some background
information will be given. The next paragraph describes the problem definition and an
analysis will be given. Information about the main theme and goal of the project will be
outlined and finally the structure of the report will be explained.

2.1 Background
The following chapters are about why and how to develop the ‘Market Research: Digital
Innovations in Gastronomy and Hospitality’ in Epesi. This assignment mainly focuses
on which digital products and services will be or have been used in gastronomy and

Market research is focused on the 4 P’s : Product, Place, Price and Promotion.
Each element will be discussed separately throughout the research.

2.1.1 Existing Products

Digital products are focused on the “production” of dedicated information. This

information is necessary in order to take decisions. For example if a guest would like to
order a meal his menu choice is based on the available dishes. There is one very
important condition: the guest must be able to understand the menu. This might be a
problem for foreigners. (Fig 2 Chinese menu card)

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Figure 2 Chinese menu card [2]

A new application could be a digital menu on a touch screen. The guest is making his
choice by answering questions. The choice will be confirmed by the system and the
“production” order for the kitchen is released. The guest might be informed about the
expected time of arrival of his choice. (ETA) Suppose one of the menu-items is sold out,
the item is immediately disappearing from the menu. The system also provides in stock
keeping and generating new orders at the suppliers. There isn’t a waitress or waiter
needed till this point, they are only needed to serve out the orders. Even that may be

Figure 3 Helpful functions for foreigners [3]

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 9

2.1.2 Price

With the development of technology and the popularity of electronic, it is an inevitable

trend that digital products and services will be used in gastronomy and hospitality more
and more often in the near future. From the site of the owner cost reduction will be an
issue, but it might not effect into dissatisfaction. From the guests point of a view
reducing of waiting time (if desirable) or amusement during waiting time is pleasant.
Sometimes there are mutual interests. Reduction of waiting times is pleasant for the
guest and offers the owner simultaneously more turnover by means of an increased
utilization. When savings and benefits are clear, the price of the product must still be
reasonable, but is in many cases not an issue. People are already used to pay for
information In the present information-environment with apps and SMS.

2.1.3 Place

Today, Epesi is facing the enormous challenges of the market. As a creative new media
company, Epesi should run before the things become fashion. So it is necessary to make
a marketing research about which new technologies (e.g. internet, social media, tablets,
smartphones etcetera) will be used in products and services in gastronomy and
hospitality in the near future.

Till know Epesi is limited to the Dutch market and the surrounding countries. Epesi
wants to expand their market areas.
In addition to that, Epesi also wants to have a profile of the present situation of similar
companies on the market, especially in China. Because China has a large potential
market, and has a large number of similar companies with Low-cost products. So Epesi
could be entering the Chinese market by means of cooperation with the other companies
who also enter the Chinese market.

2.1.4 Promotion

Of course it is also useful to know if the Chinese restaurants have interests in the digital
products Epesi already produced? The best way of the promotion is the self developing
strategy of convincing people with the results by means of self experiences. A relevant
saying is: “are you satisfied, tell it to others, when you are disappointed, tell us.”

2.1.5 Research direction

So my work of research should be divided into two parts. The first section is to investigate
how to create a tool for defining Products and Services Research. The second section is
to execute a Marketing Research.

2.2 Problem definition

To continue the existence of Epesi, they need to develop a continuous flow of innovating
and profit generating new products and applications. Therefore they have to design
periodically new business. Therefore Epesi requires relevant information about digital
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 10

market and contacts with business and suppliers.

 Main question
The main goal of the assignment is to answer the question:
How to create future sales in order to guarantee future company continuity?

 Sub-questions
I have formulated the following goal definitions to solve this problem:
1. Is there a software tool available for finding new wishes and related products?
2. How to define and recognize “added value” on the field of Gastronomy and
3. What kind of developed products and services are being based on new technologies
(e.g. internet, social media, tablets, smartphones etcetera)?
4 What kind of companies and possibly academic institutions are responsible for these
5. How will new technology affect hospitality and gastronomy in the near feature?
6. How can Epesi benefit from these technological innovations? (I.e. provide
conclusions and recommendations for the products and services being developed at

The research might help the managers of Epesi to find out the opportunities of Digital
Innovations in Gastronomy and Hospitality. On top of that it will give them possible
recommendations in order to create future sales for Epesi.

2.3 Report Structure and reading recommendations

It is necessary to know exactly the facts and figures about the company and who is
involved in the research. Therefore I first introduced the Epesi company and their
products in chapter 1 and the detail abut assignment in chapter 2. Then I started my
marketing research process and mention literatures and books used for the research in
chapter 3 and judge whether they are in accordance with the theory what was submitted
during class, lessons and reader. I will mention the results and difficulties I met with the
Marketing research in chapter 4. I analyzed them to find the problem and give the
conclusions and recommendations in chapter 5. In the bibliography, references and data
source are listed. At the end the appendices, all information you are missing in the
former chapters can be found.

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3. Products and Services Research

3.1 Research Methods

My research approach is based on the book named Applied Marketing Research written
by Luiz Moutinho and Martin Evans. [B1]

This research is carried out to find out what the new digital products and services
applied in the medical market. So the main task of this project is to collect products and
market information in an organized way, then analyze the data and conclude some
suggestions. Throughout the whole process of both products and market research, the
theory and knowledge I learnt from the lectures and readers are the most powerful tools
to enable me to work on this project smoothly. The guidance of both mentors has been of
great support for the project.

In order to make this research more systematically and more effective, so I executed the
Products and Services Research into 3 steps:

Step 1
Make sure the GOAL

Where What What else

Figure 4 Three questions you will meet when you want to have a meal

Digital products or services are not only used to replace something in the restaurant, but
also those things should give the customers more “added value” in order to find such
products or services are worth to exist. NOT just because it looks good and fashionable.

I think the main “added value” from these products and services is: information
We can easily find from the graph that when you go out for a meal, first question is
Where to eat? Some products or services could offer me details about restaurants or help
me to book a table. When you enter the restaurant you have chosen, the next question is
what you want to eat? Digital menu, digital wine list or images can give you vivid
information to choose what your favorite things. When you finish your meal, you also
want to know much more information about the surrounding environment (e.g. traffic
information, famous places to travel or entertainments and so on) to your question will
be “what else”.

The goal is summarized by:

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 12

1. To help customers to make their decision faster and better.

2. To increase the guest’s satisfaction.
3. To reduce costs and increasing profit for the benefit of the owners.

Step 2
Set the direction and work method
Before I start my investigation starts, a clear direction must be set. Without a clear
direction, a lot of work have been done which may be is useless.
So first an extensive literature survey is executed involving universities or related
organizations which could offer some helps and information for the research.

University: Cornell University School of Hotel Administration [4]

Existing research:
A1: Online, Mobile, and Text Food Ordering in the U.S. Restaurant Industry determined
by Sheryl E. Kimes, Ph.D., and Philipp F. Laqué [4]
A2: Customer Preferences for Restaurant Technology Innovations
by Michael Dixon, Sheryl E. Kimes, Ph.D., and Rohit Verma, Ph.D. [4]

According to the contents of the two reports, I have found a general direction.

When restaurant operators are considering whether to invest in a specific new

technology, they need to consider not only the costs and potential benefits of those
innovations, but they also must understand customers’ potential reactions to that
technology. So based on customers’ response, I will narrow the scope of the
investigation. may be narrowed.

Step 3
The product search

Search information about products, services, new technologies and related companies or
academic institutions:

The research will be focused on the next areas:

 Restaurants (world renowned restaurants)

 Hotels
 Pubs and cafes
 Lunchroom
 Conference Centers
 Leisure parks
 Quality Guides(famous magazines in gastronomy and hospitality)
 Specialists(special persons in restaurant e.g. Sommelier, Restaurant Owners)
 Research institutions (universities or companies perform research in hospitality)
Product search(R&D department)

I searched for the top restaurants and collected their information mostly from the
Internet. during the whole research process of finding products and services, I searched
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 13

for the top restaurants and collected their information mostly from the Internet.
Telephone and email are the two main communication tools I used to contact the related
institutions as well as to receive some information which is very important for my
To obtain further information, I made a questionnaire and sent it to represent in the list
(see Appendix B), also to limited number of customers.
The questionnaire will be separated into two parts. The first part is dedicated for
restaurants’ owners, the second part is filled in by the guests. (see Appendix A)

Result of question lists:

Before launching the questionnaire, professors, students and staff of HZ have been
Summarized the comments of professors from HZ university:
1. The product they have seen mostly is a digital menu.
2. They go to restaurants, if they encounter peak, they are willing to take the time to
enjoy the process.
3. They are willing to accept new products, to try new products.

Comment of HZ students and some staff :

1. They ever used digital product and service mostly is website. (through website to
book tables, order a pizza)
2. They hope in the future the digital products and services can make a quick service,
do not cost too much time to wait.

3.2 Result literature survey

The next three charts from the reports [A1] and [A2] gave me a lot of useful information
to narrow the area of research, helping me to improve the quality of research.

Figure 5 Technology Category

The technologies they studied can be classified into five broad categories:
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 14

(1) queue management (e.g. pagers, handheld order taking),

(2) internet based (e.g. online reservations, internet-based ordering),
(3) menu, (e.g. digital menu, online menu)
(4) kiosks, (e.g. touch screen ordering)
(5) payment related.(e.g. cell phone for payment)

According to the three questions of what is have said before, the products and services
could be divided into five parts reasonably. Queue management and Internet-based can
be used in the first question. Before customers reach restaurants these products and
services can help them to reserve a table and alerts them when their table is ready.
Menu-based can answer the second question, which offer customers a vivid, specific and
nutritional menu. It can help them to make a better decision. Kiosk and Payment can
help you to pay the bills faster and more convenient. For example some business people
prefer a self made personal description on the invoice.

Figure 6 percentage of each technology use

It is easy for us to see from the graph presented in fig 6.

The most highly used technologies were pagers (56%) and online reservations (32%).
Cell-phone payment technologies were hardly used at all till now.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 15


China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released, the 27th China Internet
Development Statistics Report. As of December 2010, Chinese mobile phone users
reached 303 million, representing an increase of 69.3 million in the end of 2009; mobile
phone users in general, further increase in the proportion of Internet users.

Figure 7 the number of Chinese mobile network users [5]

There is a trend that more and more Chinese people use mobile network, but the mobile
internet services is still not completed. There is still a long time to use mobile internet
technology in China, like in Europe.

Although pagers and online reservations used a lot now, menu innovation, kiosk
innovation and payment innovation were used a less, on the other hand, these three
sections in the future will have good prospects.

So my research will concentrate on these three innovation aspects of the products and

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 16


Figure 8 the situation about technology use by different age group

From figure 8, we can conclude that younger participants are likely to have used more of
the technologies than the older respondents, but gender had no relationship to
technology use.

Added value for Epesi:

Epesi can investigate the views of what young people think about. Epesi can combine
fashion elements and a lot of things that young people play with electronic products and
services. The target group is the young people. Food consumer groups 80, 90, 00 in 2011
after the popular restaurant has become the biggest target, they are in the restaurant
business conditions will be more focused on their needs and their life exercises, Internet,
mobile phones. 3G, Internet, SMS, these representatives of fashion, technology, per the
existing catering operation has become the main direction of marketing promotion, but
also by tracking the consumption of these people.

In conclusion, it is clear that the electronic products have not used so popularity till now,
both in the restaurants, or customers. And this kind of products is not a lot, still in the
use of websites, phone to book table. But there is no denying the use of electronic
products in the restaurants will be more and more popular.
While the mature and older customers still enjoy the process of waiting, but they are also
interested to try some new high-tech products.
For young people, high-tech gadgets have definitely a huge eye-catching highlight.

3.3 Results & Findings

Based on all the information I gathered the next products will enter into the marketing
research, concerning the remaining 3P’s (Price, Promotion & Place)

Software results:
A. Virtual menu

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 17


B. Gaming

C. Internet applications

Hardware results:
On top of that the possible hardware solutions should be involved in the market
a) Ipad
b) Table projection
c) Tablet
d) Note-book (wireless fixed-mounted on the table on a turntable, so that everybody
can reach
e) Smart phone (apps)

3.3.1 Virtual Menu

When you visit a busy restaurant, it might happen that the waiter let you wait, because
there are to many customers. You can only watch the food on other tables, but the food is
not yours. Whether you are trying to eat the table or not? If you can use the table to
order, without the help of waiters, isn’t that great?

Nowadays, a restaurant called Inamo in Wardour Street, the heart of the movie industry
in London’s Soho, could offer a magic table to make your dream come true.
The menus are virtual, projected onto your table. Each table has its own projector,
housed in an individually designed cocoon, and the menus are projected onto a touch
pad at your table, enabling the order to be sent straight to the kitchen. But there are
waiters on hand to answer any questions about the menus.

At Inamo you get to choose your own tablecloth too. These are also projected onto the
table so you can pick one that suits your mood.

Continuing with this innovative use of technology, customers can amuse themselves
while they're waiting by browsing information about Soho, including taxi booking
services, and also watch the chefs cooking in the kitchen.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 18


Figure 9 the Virtual Menu used in the Inamo restaurant [6]

Benefits of Virtual Menu

 Customers can order on the table screen technology to replace the busy, the
waiters’ error or bad attitude.

 To attract young customers, and delicious food diners can promote

consumption of images, thereby increasing the restaurant's income

 Do not provide a paper menu, only the virtual menu, ordering fast and
convenient checkout.

 Customers can with the mood, choose favorite wallpaper.

 During the waiting meal, customers can browse information by the projector,
and play the game.

This is a super great product, on the one hand it is instead of a paper menu, faster and
more convenient for customers to eat their favorite food. On the other hand, it also
solves many problems, for example, providing a range of information around the
restaurant, including traffic information, tourist attractions and so on.

3.2.2 Gaming
During the boring time of waiting for the meal, you can play games using this table. It
also can entertain young people. We could put the entertainments which is popular by
young people into the table. It must be able to attract more eyes.

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Figure 10 one famous game in China [7]

It is a very famous Table Game in China (Fig 10), called Romance of Three Kingdoms.
In China, many young people like to play this game, there are cards that lay on the table,
you can also use the internet to play. The Game combines the features of similar games
in Western Europe, with a China's background of Three Kingdoms period for clues to
the identity, the card form off licensing, collection history, literature, art and other

Opportunities for Epesi

As we know that nowadays Table Games become more and more popular, which is cool
and stylish, all young people like it. Whether we can link this idea with digital products
and services using them in the restaurants to attract more customers?

The survey has found out that young people will be the main customers who use high-
tech products. We need to attract these people, developing some interesting program,
like Table Games, combined with the Virtual Menu to catch their eyes.

It is a normal thing for the people in China to feel uncomfortable after dinner because
they don’t know how to continue their entertainment. If Epesi can put Table Games into
the Virtual Menu, the restaurant is not only a “restaurant”, but it is also a place to play

Epesi can write some stylish, popular games programs into the Virtual Menu table. Not
only make dinner conveniently, but also give the young people a good entertainment to
enjoy after the meal.

3.3.3 Internet application

Maybe you are a homestay guy, who can not live without computer and internet or you
are a stock investor and it is very important to you every second information of share. If

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 20


you a boring customer you might find your own happiness through internet.

Therefore digital products should include:

- Facebook
- Stock exchanges information
- Chatting tools (QQ, msn)
and so on.

3.3.4 Hardware solutions Ipad menu

On a busy night, so noise in the restaurant, you are a frequent visitor to the restaurant, sit
on a high chair, turned the wine list.
The menu is different from the commonly used in restaurant wine list, this restaurant's
wine list is a new IPad tablet. You touch the screen with your fingertips, not a few
seconds to search out all wines which the prices are under 40 dollars. Saying as you
moved forward to screen the list: "The price per bottle can quickly be seen and also can
see a variety of stores the description of wine taste, wine storage year." Do not require
any waiters’ profound description, you can choose the most satisfactory products so
clearly and conveniently, how cool it is!

Benefits of Ipad menu product

More layout options: you can change the menu based on the theme holidays, Like
Spring Festival, Christmas, Valentine's Day. What you thinking about what to change
on. Also you can develop a personal, highlight fashionable subject according to the
different need of wedding, birthday and other parties. The next applications are found
during the research :

1. Customers self-ordering:
Through pictures, text descriptions of various dishes to satisfy customers of size,
taste and so on, you can call for the waiters’ service; always check consumer bill.

2. Advertising:
Through text, video, photographs to introduce restaurants’ culture, the surrounding
tourist attractions, award-winning chefs and dishes as well as a cooperative
enterprise products.

3. Smart Sort:
IPad electronic menu can be reordered through intelligence, recommended the best
dish every day, promoting consumption.

4. Promotions of the restaurants:

To improve the customer experience during the meal, improve the quality of
restaurants’ services.

5. Absolute Environmental:
Ipad could be upgrading in a regular time.
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 21

Present applications

Some restaurants did already apply the Ipad

electronic menu. In ChicagoCut for example, they use
ipad (Fig 10) as a wine list, and introduced to
customers tailored app store applications, expression
model is a virtual wine cellar. Cellar extreme
simulation, the old wooden frame full discharge of
the restaurant has 750 different wines. Customers can
wine type, price, region, birthplace of Category
Search, you can also get the taste of wine,
composition and other basic information can be found
through Google maps from which vineyards.

Figure 11 The ipad menu[8]

As we all know that Ipad is produced by Apple, Inc. We can not steal ipad’s technology,
but we can focus on program design.
Although Ipad is a perfect platform, if we want to apply it to restaurants, there still are
many things we could do. According to different characteristics of each restaurant, we
can design different programs into Ipad to show the restaurant’s own features.

Related institutions

Nowadays in China, there are some companies focusing on the program design of Ipad.
With the growing popularity of Ipad, more and more restaurants in China want to apply
Ipad menu in their shop.

There is a Design & Idea Company in china called KSENSE [9]

(, using Ipad as a platform and designing digital menu for
Chinese restaurants.

Another example is website called theIMENUapp [10]

(, special in selling ipadMENU.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 22


Opportunities for Epesi

Ipad just is a perfect platform, if we want to apply it to restaurants, there still are many
things we could do. According to different characteristics of each restaurant, we can
design different programs into Ipad to show the restaurant’s own features.
Ipad menu allows you to upload Ipad menu descriptions, photos, allergens, and other
information online. Customize your Ipad restaurant menu with your choice of styles,
feature items, food and wine matching, and other details, needed to maximize your
customers experience, your menu will be turned into a customized application ready for
download onto your Ipad equipment.
Epesi can be dedicated to program editing, image processing. Ipad as the main products,
provide a range of services to develop the market. Table projection

Each time you face a monotonous table in the restaurant and waiting too long. It is too
boring. If the table becomes magic, you can use it to search the information you want,
play games, through the boring waiting time. Make your meal time to be funny.

The slide technology, combined with internet, is used in the table. A high-tech table has
been born. Customers can use his fingers touch the keys on the desktop, can be
implemented to operate. Access to the Internet, play games, you can also through the
kitchen of the camera, watch the chefs work.

Every restaurant has many tables. This table projection can be widely used in all the

Customers self-ordering: Through pictures, text descriptions of various dishes to satisfy

customers of size, taste and so on, you can call for the waiters’ service; always check
consumer bill.
During the waiting for the meal, customers may browse information by the projector,
and play the game.

Opportunities for Epesi

In Epesi company also has a magic table, Epesi can easily make this idea become a
reality and improve it to get better. It is still rare in Europe that the use of new
technology into a dining table in the restaurant. Epesi can catch this opportunity, making
their own idea on this kind of table, to build their own brand. Tablet PC

The acquisition cost of an Ipad is very high, which makes it difficult to invest for many
restaurants, because several are needed.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 23


We all know that China is a big country for producing products, there are many similar
products like Ipad, although it may not be similar image, durability as Ipad, but its
biggest advantage is low cost. In the aimed application not all the properties are
An example company show (see Table 1):


Product/Service Tablet PC,e-book,mp5 player,car
computer,flat computer,touch
computer,pad computer,usb flash
disk,music recorder,music player,movie
player,usb pen drive,car detector
computer,electronic book
Company Website URL
Main Customers West Europe
Table 1: A Tablet PC company in china for example

They recommended to me a product called flat-panel computer (with hotel the tablet
computer order system)

Figure 12 some functions of Tablet PC [11]

I step into the deep with their communication with the company, they send me the price
list of the digital menu. Overall, it was much cheaper than ipad and the more ordered,
the cheaper the price is.
The price information about this Tablet PC (see Appendix E)

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 24


Other related companies

There are many similar manufactories in China.
A list showed in Appendix D.

 The price is low, and almost all restaurants can afford it.
 There are so many similar manufactories in China. Epesi could choose the best as
the partner.

Opportunities for Epesi

China is a big country for manufacturing. There are many similar products like Ipad, and
these products are cheaper than Ipad. In this way, more and more restaurants can afford
high-tech products. Then let more people know these products, developing a larger

So Epesi can find a production company as a partner to enter China's vast market. On
the one hand Epesi can provide European companies’ advanced technology, ideas and
avant-garde design. On the other hand, in this way can reduce costs, do not send people
to China in particular, as long as the exchange and cooperation of the company to reduce
the inconvenience on the exchange. Note books

The cheap notebook will be mounted on a turning table so that everybody seating around
the table can use it. It is wireless so it had a direct connection to the restaurants access
point. It can be used for all three applications

 Customers can order on the table using note books to replace the busy, the
waiters’ error or bad attitude.

 It much cheaper than other digital products.

 Nowadays, it have been widely used by waiters, in the near future, customers
can use it easily. It can reduce costs of waiters.

 It also is very easy to add other applications. During the waiting meal,
customers can browse information by the books and play the game.

Opportunities for Epesi

This is a low cost product can be widely accepted at nowadays. Epesi can exert their
own advantages, making it became the leader of similar products. Smart phone

From hardware point of view this is the cheapest solution because most people own one.
If not a couple of smart phones must be available for short term loan

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 25


 Most people own one. It can be widely used.

 It the cheapest one. Need not spend money on cost of hardware.

Opportunities for Epesi

It may be a chance for Epesi to cooperate with a mobile phone company. Epesi can
design other applications. Epesi need not spend money on hardware, as long as design a
popular application. Epesi can make it become a fashion.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 26


4 Marketing Research

4.1 Research Methods

My research approach is starting with finding the applications (Ipad menu, Tablets PC,
Note books mentioned before), I should know what the situation market is now in China.
Who are market players include place, products and services suppliers, digital
equipment manufacturers and restaurants’ users. Epesi could supply and sell knowledge
and ideas to equipment manufacturers to make the applications come true. With the low-
cost products, create a high price, great brand. The manufacturers utilize the existing
products (e.g. Ipad, digital wine list) to design appropriate applications. While the
buyers could ask the manufacturers for some applications they need. At the end the best
promotion method has to be found.

So the desk marketing research is divided into three approaches based:

1. Directly search the digital applications in restaurants. Lots of applications

are found in this approach, a great number of websites put articles,
documents and descriptions online. Besides, this approach brings me plenty
of information about the market players, which broaden my search scope.

2. Check out what are restaurants’ activities in the market nowadays, they
might develop some new products and services to attract customers. I start
searching major restaurants which are listed in the finding guide.
Meanwhile, I try to get the potential Chinese market, which will help me
make recommendations in the end.

3. Look for digital equipment manufacturers in China. It is of great

importance, because applications are designed by them, they have many
digital applications which have been widely used in the market and they
might have some new applications on the development list. And the
manufacturers are regarded as Epesi’s potential customers.

4.2 Result and findings

4.2.1 Place
China has a large potential market and has a large number of similar companies with
Low-cost products. There also are many same companies that Epesi can cooperate with
enter the Chinese market.

Ipad menu
Nowadays, many companies in China have a high-tech software development, and also
are sales companies. Company has a highly qualified, experienced, and products’
development team, including well-trained employees.

These companies specialize in the application programs, combined with the platform of
ipad. Make ipad menu to extend Chinese market.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 27


Virtual Menu
Nowadays, a restaurant called Inamo in Wardour Street, the heart of the movie industry
in London’s Soho. It is its first use.

Tablet PC
China is a big country for producing products, there are many similar products like Ipad,
although it may not be similar image, durability as Ipad, but its biggest advantage is low

4.2.2 Price
From the side of the restaurants’ they want to reduce cost, much information about price
showed below:

Ipad menu [12]

Wifi Wifi + 3G
Ipad 16GB 499 599
Ipad 32GB 599 699
Ipad 64GB 699 799

Virtual Menu [13]

Although the price is difficult to check, the
price of an ordinary projector is roughly:

SONY VPL-EX145 ¥5800 almost €645

SONY VPL-EX120 ¥4500 almost €500

Tablet PC
China is a big country for producing these products, and its biggest advantage is low
Detail information see Appendix E: Price Information

Their products much cheaper than Ipad, and it also has a good quality. These
manufactories sell their products to Europe. It is easy for Epesi to communicate with
these factories about business. As I know that the products of digital menu in China,
generally divided into two parts. One is responsible for the production of platform, the
other part is responsible for the design, Like programming, style, images etc, this one
called program company. It is easy to find many manufactories through,
but there are small group of design companies in China.

4.2.3 Promotion
The best way of the promotion is the self developing strategy of convincing people with
the results by means of self experiences. But that will be not enough. Therefore placing
advertisements may also necessary.

According to the National’s policy, China wants to promote the creation of green hotels.
So recently many exhibits were held to show the high-tech used in restaurants. China

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 28


wants the restaurants use the high-tech to reduce energy, and protecting environment in

Ipad menu
Epesi could cooperate with these similar Chinese design companies, entering Chinese
market. Catch the chance, building a great brand. These companies in china also have a
great interest to have a partner.
Detail information see Appendix C: Design Companies

Because there are many state-owned enterprises in China, Epesi not only cooperated
with these design companies, but also should build a good relationship with these
national service companies.

These companies are all have cooperation with Design companies in China. (see Fig 12)

Figure 12: Possible Future Partners for Epesi.[15]

Tablet PC
Epesi also could cooperate with products’ manufactories. There are so many these kind
of company.
Detail information see Appendix D: possibly manufactories

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 29


At first, I like to introduce a very useful website I used during my marketing research :

Alibaba Group [14] ( is a privately

owned Hangzhou-based family of Internet-based
businesses that includes business-to-business
international trade, online retail and payment
platforms, and data-centric cloud computing services.

The company’s English language international marketplace ( serves

to bring together importers and exporters from more than 240 countries and regions. The
China marketplace ( is developed for domestic business-to-business
trade in China. It also has a Japanese marketplace (, which is focused
on facilitating trade to and from Japan through an associated company. In addition, offers a transaction-based wholesale platform, AliExpress
(, which allows smaller buyers to buy small quantities of goods at
wholesale prices.

Through this platform, I could find many digital equipment manufacturers in China. It is
convenient for me to understand the development of digital products used in restaurants
nowadays. It is recommended for Epesi also to visit this website to find the suitable
trade partners.

Concluding the survey results, I found that there are many manufacturing companies in
China, specializes in manufacturing Tablet PC, similar Ipad. But this is not common that
made Tablet PC into a digital menu.

Contact with the part of manufacturers, I see nowadays, the products in digital menu in
China, generally divided into two parts. One is responsible for the production of
products, the other part is responsible for the design, Like programming, style, images
etc, this one called program company.

Obviously, there are small group of design companies in China. So I think Epesi could
cooperate with these manufacturing companies enter the large market in China at the
beginning step.

Epesi can apply their advantages, such as the high-tech of European, ideas, stylish
appearance into this Tablet PC, making an own brand. The market in China is still at an
early stage, Epesi can make a famous brand in this section in Chinese market.

Second I should check out what are restaurants’ activities in the market nowadays,
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 30

which new products and services they want to develop to attract customers. I start
searching major restaurants which are listed in the fighting guide. Table 2 shows the
feedback information under a presented on a result of many hours spending to phone

Name Address Attitude

ARIA Restaurant Beijing need but should communicate in Beijing
Lanyun Beijing Interest, but to high-level decisions
8 号公馆粤菜酒家 Beijing good sales no need
长安一号 Beijing Interest, but to high-level decisions
大董烤鸭店 Beijing good sales no need
Jasmine Beijing good sales no need
上海风味餐厅 Beijing good sales no need
Cepe Beijing close
利苑 Beijing good sales no need
Lapis Lazuli Shanghai good sales no need
海逸海鲜酒家 Shanghai good sales no need
黄浦会 Shanghai good sales no need
Allure Shanghai Interest, but to high-level decisions
Sens&Bund Shanghai good sales no need
湖滨 28 Hangzhou good sales no need
味庄 Hangzhou good sales no need
指福门 Hangzhou good sales no need
蓉咖啡 Chengdu good sales no need
廊桥酒楼 Chengdu have used
雅轩中餐馆 Chengdu good sales no need
华龙锦轩 Guangzhou close
金钻潮庭 Guangzhou good sales no need
Blue 意大利餐厅 Shengzheng Interest, but to high-level decisions
王子国宴 Shengzheng close
海珠城美食会 Shengzheng Interest, but to high-level decisions
Gaddis Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
龙景轩 Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
Nobu Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
镛记 Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
文华扒房 Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
厦门佳丽海鲜大酒 Xiamen have used

福州荣誉大酒店 Fuzhou Interest, but to high-level decisions
Table2: Feedback information of Chinese restaurants

It is easy to see from the table, most restaurants have not applied any digital products or
services, and most of them have interests to develop this section.
But when I continue to talk about the details they all want me that I could go to their
restaurants to do an introduction. Because of the distance, they can not trust me. They
may think me as a liar, a waste of their time.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 31


The result of communicating with supervisors in restaurants is they think the best way is
to establish several agents in major cities in China. On one hand, we can introduce our
products or services to the restaurants more easily, increasing the success rate of
business. On the other hand, we can provide very good service after products sold out,
improving honest.

After some in-depth conversations, some of the supervisors of the restaurant gave me
some advice. They said they are not only to buy such products, like digital menu, digital
wine list. They will pay more attention at the service. Procedures for electronic products
the most important is the upgrading, and if the product has some problems, can you be
able to repair it immediately, and it will not affect the normal business, and so on.

So they think the best way is to establish several agents in major cities in China. On one
hand, Epesi can introduce our products or services to the restaurants more easily,
increasing the success rate of business. On the other hand, Epesi can provide very good
service after products sold out, improving honest. The question is whether Epesi must do
this at is own or should she search for a reliable Chinese partner.

4.2.4 Need for cooperation in the near future

Based on all useful information I have searched for Epesi that I conclude Epesi
cooperate with reliable partner to enter Chinese market in the near future.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 32


5 Conclusions & Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

Part 1 Products and Services

According to the information I searched from internet, the results of questionnaire, and
from this articles they present the results of a national survey on customers’ perceptions
of eleven restaurant technologies, as well as whether respondents use those technologies
and the value they see in them.

The technologies are pagers for table management, handheld order taking while waiting
in line, internet-based ordering, kiosk-based payment, kiosk-based food ordering, online
reservations, payment via SMS or text message, payment via (RFID) smart card,
payment via cell phone using NFC technology, virtual menus available tableside with
nutritional information, and virtual menus online with nutritional information. These
technologies are categorized in the following five categories: kiosk, menu, online usage,
payment-based service innovations, and queuing.

Nowadays, the technologies used most commonly were pagers and online reservations,
while cell-phone payment was used hardly at all. Although the application of digital
products used in the little restaurant, there is a trend that digital products will be more
and more popular in near future. In my report, there are two products used in modern

Part 2 Market

According to the information I got from the communications with manufactories and
restaurants’ owners, there is no denying that digital products will have a huge
development in Chinese market. Now it still is in an early stage. Some waiters told me
although their restaurant has purchased a number of digital products, such as digital
menu, they are rarely used in fact.

At present, the majority of the application of information catering enterprises la carte is

also limited to such devices, and display functions are simple dishes, for inventory
management, membership management, logistics management and other aspects of
awareness, understanding and application of even degree Fewer financial and personnel
management of information technology is even more impossible. Although the level of
information industry in the initial stage of cultivation, but even if only a la carte dining
is the information technology industry is still the need to start from innovation.

Therefore this is a good opportunity for Epesi into China, the majority of the market, to
establish a well-known brand.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 33


5.2 Recommendations

Part 1 Products and Services

Technology innovations have changed the way in which customers use and experience
services and in how businesses operate. ATMs, pay-at-the-pump gasoline, online
commerce, self-check-in boarding-pass kiosks, and self-checkout lines at the grocery
store are all examples of common technology based service innovations used. Well
chosen technology provides benefits to both companies and to customers. Innovative
technology can improve service-time perceptions, reduce cost, and increase productivity.
In addition, technological innovations have been shown to increase market share and
improve customer satisfaction and retention. Furthermore, consumers who use certain
self-service technologies, such as online banking, have been shown to be more satisfied
and less price sensitive, have higher intentions to repeat their purchase, and provide
more positive word of mouth.

It is a fact that there is a trend the digital products and services become more and more
popular in gastronomy and hospitality, but it is still a starting, Epesi could emphasize
this opportunity to occupy more market.

Here is a list of recommended products that I think would be useful for Epesi.

1. Ipad menu
Ipad just is a perfect platform, if we want to apply it to restaurants, there still are many
things we could do. According to different characteristics of each restaurant, we can
design different programs into Ipod to show the restaurant’s own features.

2. Virtual Menu
As we know that nowadays Table Games become more and more popular, which is cool
and stylish, all young people like it. Whether we can link this idea with digital products
and services using them in the restaurants to attract more customers?
It is a normal image in China that after dinner often we will feel confuse where to
continue our entertainment. If we can put Table Games into Virtual Menu, the restaurant
is not only a “restaurant”, it also is a place to play.

3. Helpful companies and academic institutions

Nowadays, the products in digital menu in China, generally divided into two parts. One
is responsible for the production of products, the other part is responsible for the design,
Like programming, style, etc, this one called program company.
So Epesi can find a production company as a partner to enter China's vast market. On
the one hand Epesi can provide European companies’ advanced technology, ideas and
avant-garde design. On the other hand, in this way Epesi can reduce costs, by avoiding
sending not to send people to China in particular, as long as the exchange and
cooperation of the company to reduce the inconvenience on the exchange.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 34


Part 2 Market

From the results of the research, there are many manufactories which producing Tablet
PC, but just a Tablet PC, they need a design company to combine perfect program, ideas,
images with this platform. Another problem is communication. Because Epesi is a Dutch
company, it is difficult to contact with Chinese restaurants about their business. So some
supervisors in restaurants suggest me to establish several agents in major cities in China.
In this way, Epesi can introduce the products or services to the restaurants more easily,
increasing the success rate of business. On the other hand, Epesi can provide very good
service after products sold out.

But it will invoilve a great investment for Epesi to build a network of some agents in
China. So I think Epesi can make a cooperation relationship with manufactory in China.
Epesi offer their Europe’s high technology, advanced theory, and thus establish own
brand in China.

Tablet PC for Chinese, they only know what Ipad is. Before the digital products have not
been widely used in restaurants, Epesi should catch this chance to build own famous
brand through the cooperation with factory. This is the best way for Epesi to enter
Chinese market.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 35


6 Bibliography
[13] /index.shtml

Cornell University School of Hotel Administration

Two articles
A 1: Online, Mobile, and Text Food Ordering in the U.S. Restaurant Industry determined
by Sheryl E. Kimes, Ph.D., and Philipp F. Laqué
A 2: Customer Preferences for Restaurant Technology Innovations
by Michael Dixon, Sheryl E. Kimes, Ph.D., and Rohit Verma, Ph.D.

B1 Book: Applied Marketing Research by Luiz Moutinho and Martin Evans

Appendix A: Questionnaire
Innovations in Hospitality
The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 36

This is a questionnaire for a Marketing Research project about Digital

Innovation in Hospitality as part of my final graduation research in
Commercial Engineering of Hogeschool Zeeland. Epesi would like to
find out how you feel about the digital products and services in
hospitality. I would appreciate your assistance by answering the
following questions.

Epesi developed the “digital winelist” for world renowned restaurant
“Oud Sluis” by Sergio Herman in the small city of Sluis. This digital
wine list allows guests to find information about the circa 500
different wines as served by the sommelier. Through the introduction
of consumer tablet pc’s such as the iPad, the possibilities are almost
endless. This questionnaire attempts to gain better insight in the
requirements of both restaurants and their guests of such innovations.

Contact details
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or, if
preferred, a representative of Epesi using the following contact details.

The Digital Horeca Branch June 2nd 2011 37

Figure 2 The Digital Winelist of Oud
Sluis (introduced in 2006)

Bing Yang Epesi Creative New Media

Graduate student of the Hogeschool Kuiperspoort 22a
Zeeland 4331 GS Middelburg
Commercial Engineering The Netherlands
E-mail: Mr. Bart de Ruijsscher
Phone: (+31)118 – 613 220

Please find the questionnaire on the next page.

Questionnaire for restaurant-owners

Your experiences please answer the following question. Anecdotes and descriptions
of your experiences are especially encouraged. All comments will be kept

1. What products and services do you use or know of being developed based on new
technologies (e.g. internet, social media, tablets, smartphones etc)

2. What digital products and services do you think your customers will expect in the
near future during their visit to your restaurant?

3. What do you consider being the added value of these products and services within
the area of gastronomy and hospitality? (e.g. Customers can order on the table
screen technology to replace the busy, the attendant error or bad attitude waiters.)

4. Which companies and possibly academic institutions are responsible for these

5. What do you expected about the profitability of these new digital applications ?

6. Would you consider buying the digital products or subscription to a services? If

yes, what would you consider a normal monthly fee for such a digital service?


Questionnaire for costumers

Questions yes no
1 Have you ever used digital products or services when you go out
dining or having a drink?
If so describe the products……………………………………….
2 Do you think it makes you more convenient to have dinner, when it is
supported by means of digital products or services?
3 In the near future, would you expect it to become a reason to choose a
4 If there is a digital product or service, do you think you would have a
5 Do you think that the service quality of restaurants would improve
through the use of digital products and services?
6 Do you feel it is necessary to develop digital products and services in
restaurants and bars?
If yes, why……………………………………………………………

Appendix B: Famous Restaurants

Word famous restaurants

Name Website E-mail







The Herbfarm


Frebch Laundry

Inn at little www.theinnatlittlewashington.c

washington om ct-us.php

Le Bec-Fin

Robuchon a Galera


Chinese restaurants
Name Address Attitude
need but should communicate in
ARIA Restaurant Beijing Beijing
Lanyun Beijing Interest, but to high-level decisions
8 号公馆粤菜酒家 Beijing good sales no need
长安一号 Beijing Interest, but to high-level decisions
大董烤鸭店 Beijing good sales no need
Jasmine Beijing good sales no need
上海风味餐厅 Beijing good sales no need
Cepe Beijing close
利苑 Beijing good sales no need
Lapis Lazuli Shanghai good sales no need
海逸海鲜酒家 Shanghai good sales no need
黄浦会 Shanghai good sales no need
Allure Shanghai Interest, but to high-level decisions
Sens&Bund Shanghai good sales no need
湖滨 28 Hangzhou good sales no need
味庄 Hangzhou good sales no need
指福门 Hangzhou good sales no need
蓉咖啡 Chengdu good sales no need


廊桥酒楼 Chengdu have uesd

雅轩中餐馆 Chengdu good sales no need
华龙锦轩 Guangzhou close
金钻潮庭 Guangzhou good sales no need
Blue 意大利餐厅 Shengzheng Interest, but to high-level decisions
王子国宴 Shengzheng close
海珠城美食会 Shengzheng Interest, but to high-level decisions
Gaddis Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
龙景轩 Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
Nobu Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
镛记 Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
文华扒房 Hongkong Interest, but to high-level decisions
厦门佳丽海鲜大酒 Xiamen have uesd

福州荣誉大酒店 Fuzhou Interest, but to high-level decisions

Appendix C: Design Companies

I find some design companies in China, and they are very hope to find a partner to
explore market.

Company: Acewill
Headquarters: Beijing, China
Established: 2006
Main products: Digital menu

Innovation is the abstraction of thought of human being. Their aims to provide

original customers a service platform to share and practise their innovation to enjoy a
better life experience.

Company: Hooday Technology

Headquarter: Shijiazhuang
Main products: ipad menu

Hooday Technology is a high-tech software development and sales company, main


products are: industrial automation (solar hot water project control system,
temperature and humidity control system), catering management system hardware and
software development and application of (ipad menu).

Company has a highly qualified, experienced, and products’ development team,

including well-trained, energetic, innovative marketing and project management
employees. Company has advanced technology tools in these areas, such as IT
technology development, network technology, information systems integration,
software development and Internet technologies.

Appendix D: possibly manufactories

Company Name Website
Ningbo Shining Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Honesty Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen HuaRuiAn Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Likegao Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Ocean Blue Technology Limited
Shenzhen Pertie Technology Limited Company
Shenzhen Kerchan Technology Co., Ltd.
Developed Solutions Co., Ltd.
Blong Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Easydy Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Maixin Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Sunvell Electronics Co., Ltd.
BMY Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Beaconton Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Vogue Industries Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Tone Strive Electronics Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Oce LCD Business Dept.
Shenzhen Goldwisdom Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.


Beijing Regulation Trade Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch

Shenzhen Chumrun Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Match Video Technology Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Dudeng Tech. Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yilutong Trading Company Ltd.
Shenzhen Jumaxifen Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Haowei Products Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Ebenda Technology Co., Ltd.
Suodar Electronics Co., Ltd.
Weisung Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Keshide Import and Export Co., Ltd.

Company Name Products

Ningbo Shining Electronic Technology Co.,
Tablet PC, Electronic Cigarette, Soft Cartomizer
Shenzhen Honesty Electronic Technology
Tablet PC, Android OS mobile phone
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen HuaRuiAn Technology Co., Ltd. Tablet PC MID, Tablet PC/MID NEW,DVD Player
Guangzhou Likegao Co., Ltd. MID / Tablet PC / UMPC, Notebook, 3D Products
Shenzhen Ocean Blue Technology Limited GPS Navigation, MID, E-book reader
Shenzhen Pertie Technology Limited
Tablet PC/MID/Android Mid,
Shenzhen Kerchan Technology Co., Ltd. Android Tablet PC, Digital Photo Frame
Developed Solutions Co., Ltd. MID/Tablet PC/Portable laptop, Accessories for iPad
Blong Electronic Co., Ltd. Tablet PC, Hot sell phone, Dual sim phone
Shenzhen Easydy Electronic Technology
New&Hot Products, Promotion MID/UMPC/Tablet PC
Co., Ltd.
Maixin Technology Co., Ltd. MaiPad - Capacitive touch screen MaiPad, MaiPad
Shenzhen Sunvell Electronics Co., Ltd. Car accessories,consumer electronics,tablet pc
BMY Electronic Co., Ltd. Digital photo frame,PHOTO ALBUM, ,E booker,photo fr
Shenzhen Beaconton Electronic Co., Ltd. tablet PC,notebook, cellphone,mobilephone,TV mobile ph
Shenzhen Vogue Industries Co., Ltd. Telephones,Tablet PC,Mobile Internet Device (MID)
Shenzhen Tone Strive Electronics Co., Ltd. tablet pc,Tablet keyboard,Tablet Case


Shenzhen Oce LCD Business Dept. LCD polarizer,LCD backlight,LCD,Housing, phone

Shenzhen Goldwisdom Electronic
Tablet Pc,google android os MID,UMPC,touch screen
Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing Regulation Trade Co., Ltd.
TabletPC,Mini speaker,card reader,computer accessories
Shenzhen Branch
Shenzhen Chumrun Electronics Technology
Electronic cigarettes,Mini video cameras,Tablet PCs
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Match Video Technology Co.,
Tablet pc,solution designing,ic,ark1859,ark1839,
Hangzhou Dudeng Tech. Co., Ltd. tablet pc,android tablet,laptop,tablette pc,notebook,
Shenzhen Yilutong Trading Company Ltd. Mobile phones,Cell phone,TV mobile phone,Touch scree
Shenzhen Jumaxifen Technology
multi-function digital photo frame,single function DPF
Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Haowei Products Co., Ltd. Tablet pc,MID,Computer,MID accessories,OEM Service,
Shenzhen Ebenda Technology Co., Ltd. laptop,netbook,tablet pc,tablet laptop,MID,notebook pc
Suodar Electronics Co., Ltd. Tablet PC,Laptop pc,MID,ePad,UMPC,Mobile Phone
Weisung Technology Co., Ltd. Tablet PC(MID),Digital Photo Frame,E-book reader
Shanghai Keshide Import and Export Co.,
Android tablet PC



Appendix E: Price Information

sample 100pcs 300pcs 500pcs 1K 3K
130USD 125USD 120USD 119USD 118USD 117USD

specification     picture    
chip flytouch 3


10inch LCD resolution:

size 1024*768
HD/memory 4GB/512M
screen 1 point touch screen  
1* TF slot(support 32GB)  
1*HDMI port  
1* RJ45 port
1* 3.5MM earphone port
1* power port    
1*turn off button
1* Home buttom
buttoms 1*return buttom
1*menu buttom MID picture:B-pad101
1*voice up and down
picture MID specification
built-in WIFI supportIEEE
  LAN port for network cable

  USB 3G

360 angel 4 way G sesor,can

G sesor
  play 3D car cycle
built-in GPS,can conect GPS
  mast,karote map on it


  li battery 3200MHA

       li battery awake 4-5 hours,2-3 hours

when wifi on
 power supply input:AC100-240V 50-60Hz
  output:9V 1.5A
google android 2.2OS support
andgry bird/3D car cycle/fruit
  man/plant against
deadman/android market
Video Player/Audio
  Player/Alarm Clock /Apk
Calendar/ES file Explorer /ES
Task Manager/Global Time
Google Maps /Google
Manager/Google Search
PDF Reader/Photo
audio format
Frequency response: 20Hz to
AVI, MKV(XVID/px/H.264),
video format FLV,
  (support to 1080P:1920x1080)
  1 stylus pen
  1 earphone
  packing 1 no brand colour box
 &accessories 1 GPS mast
1 power supply adaptor: AC
  adapter AC100-240V 50-60Hz
9V 1.5A
This is price information of one kind, more detail see profile 1.

Appendix F: Possible Partners In China



Appendix G (Definitive)* description graduation assignment

Student data
Name: Bing Yang Student number:
Address: Herclues Segherslaan 128a Tel.: +31 68 495 9963
Bachelor programme : THE DIGITAL HORECA BRANCH
Towards an innovated digital hospitality and gastronomic environment focused on reducing costs and
increasing guest satisfaction
Supervisory teacher: Flip.Wubben

Graduation place
Company Epesi

Address Kuiperspoort 22 Middelburg

Contact person HRM Bart de Ruijsscher

In-company mentor Bart de Ruijsscher

Title and description graduation assignment

Towards an innovated digital hospitality and gastronomic environment focused on reducing costs

and increasing guest satisfaction

In this report you will find general information about Epesi and the reason for this research will
be explained. They want to know which products and services may be used in restaurants in the
future, and how these new technologies will affect hospitality and gastronomy, Epesi also wants
to know how to benefit from these technological innovations, and what the market opportunities
in China are who are responsible for these innovations and how can Epesi have contact with these
companies etc.

It also appeared important to find out, what “kind of added value” the customers want to get from
the digital products and services of the restaurants.
Many promising new products have been found by combining the “added value” what customers
want to get from the products and services with the views and articles of Cornell University
School of Hotel Administration, . Each product has its own advantages and benefits that Epesi
can get from these all can be found in this report.
By executing a marketing research the opportunities for Epesi how to enter the Chinese market
were known. There are two kinds of companies in China. One is a design company, like Epesi.
The other is a manufacturing company, which produce low-price and high quality digital
products. Both of them might be able to cooperate with Epesi,and help them to enter the Chinese
market successfully.


Starting date graduating


Place ___ Kuiperspoort 22_ Middelburg ___ Date _____1-6-2011______

Sign for approval:

Graduating student ____Bing Yang_________

Supervisory teacher _____________

In-company mentor _____________

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