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 When will I get a permanent job?

 Job or business?
 What kind of business?
 Financial settle ment when?
 Foreign settlement?
 Will I always be miserable and humuliated?
 Any chance of further education if yes when?
 How long can I stay in Italy?
 Will I be able to clear off the debts?
 Relationship with family
 Marriahge, when, love or arrange? Indian/foreigner?
 Life line age death?
 Can I become an astrologer?
 Diseases critical if any?
 When will my time be good?
 Do I have sanyas yoga or shall I take a spiritual path?
 How is teaching line for me as a profession?
 Will ,my enemies always overpower me?
 Will my father get the promotion he is looking for?

Fear of unknown

1 1/12/2018 job, that will be south of Italy,reasonable monthly income, 6th level, keeping good name

2 possible 3rd sep till 14 nov temporary job

3 for visa 6th dec visa

4 italy only

5 after sep no need of father money

6 permanent foreign yes, till 2022 not coming to india

Monday not good also Saturday

After marriage higher study

Marriage in jan 2020, love cum arrange?

Job and business both?

At 64 spiritual life, one son , one daughter

Financial settlement by sep 3, very good 23rd jan 2020

Loan clearing 2022 no loan

Teaching line is part time

Life 83 yrs
 When will I get a permanent job?
 Job or business?
 What kind of business?
 Financial settle ment when?
 Foreign settlement?
 Will I always be miserable and humuliated?
 Any chance of further education if yes when?
 How long can I stay in Italy?
 Will I be able to clear off the debts?
 Relationship with family
 Marriahge, when, love or arrange? Indian/foreigner?
 Life line age death?
 Can I become an astrologer?
 Diseases critical if any?
 When will my time be good?
 Do I have sanyas yoga or shall I take a spiritual path?
 How is teaching line for me as a profession?
 Will ,my enemies always overpower me?
 Will my father get the promotion he is looking for?

Father promotion 5th nov

One love affair s,p n, r, after 13 oct 2018

Worship guru, 3 to 4 yrs

Jupiter is good

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