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Teacher´s name: Raquel Valverde, Hilda Quevedo, German Sanchez Balderas and Fabiola

Sanchez Solano________

Date: October 14, 2010 School’s name: _The Anglo Coapa______

Aim:To identify and learn demonstratives adjectives_______________________

Previous work done: Jobs and professions a/an___________

Student´s profile Elementary, teenagers and adults

Stage To establish rapport
Activity Ice-breaker/find someone who
Timing 5-7minutes
Objective To break the ice/to establish good rapport among SS and Teacher

Language Find someone who I.e

Has a _computer________ in his/her bedroom
Has a _______ in his/her bedroom

Aids hand-outs, questioner

Procedure 1. T/will give the instruction to the SS

2. T/will give Ss a handout and set time.
3. Ss will look for a partner, walk around and ask the
questions, T/will monitor them.
4. T/will check answers and give feedback

Interactional Ss, Ss mingling

Predictable Students may speak their L1 or some may not speak shyness.
Possible solutions Ask another Ss to go and ask to the one that does not want to speak.
Motivating them By saying everybody is doing the same activity.
Teacher´s name: Raquel Valverde, Hilda Quevedo, German Sanchez and Fabiola Sanchez

Date: October 14, 2010 School’s name: _The Anglo Coapa______

Aim:To identify and learn demonstratives adjectives_______________________

Previous work done: Jobs and professions a/an___________

Student´s profile Elementary , teenagers and adults

Stage Presentation
Activity Lead –in presentation of what is this /these/that /those
Timing 20 minutes
Objective To introduce demonstrative adjectives in the context
Kenny’s bedroom
Language Vocabulary presentation, things you have in your bedroom
What is this? What is That?
This Is Kenny’s room That is Kenny’s computer

These are Kenny’s books Those are Kenny’s magazines

Aids Flashcards, hand-outs, white board, markers,

Procedure 1. Lead-in
T/ will ask the following questions
Which of these things do you have in your bedroom?
Which of these don’t you?
Which of these do you share with your family?
2. T/will present the situation (Kenny’s bedroom)
3. T/will introduce vocabulary and do choral repetition.
4. T/will start with the first model
What is this? What is That?
This Is Kenny’s room That is Kenny’s computer

5. T/ will introduce 6 more models and do choral repetition.

This is Kenny’s T.V That is Kenny’s bed

These are Kenny’s books Those are Kenny’s magazines

These are Kenny’s pencils Those are Kenny’s books
6. Ss will do a filling in the blank written exercise.
7. T/will check concept by asking true/false stamens.
What is this? Is it a_______
What is that? It is a_______

Interactional T – Ss, Ss – T, Ss- Ss.

Predictable Students may not understand the vocabulary
Possible solutions The teacher can show and explain the vocabulary with flashcards
Teacher´s name: Raquel Valverde, Hilda Quevedo, German Sanchez and Fabiola Sanchez

Date: October 14, 2010 School’s name: _The Anglo Coapa______

Aim:To identify and learn demonstratives adjectives_______________________

Previous work done: Jobs and professions a/an___________

Student´s profile Elementary, teenagers and adults

Stage Practice
Activity Fill in the blank exercises using what is this /these/that /those
Timing 15 minutes
Objective To give Ss more opportunities for further practice and to reinforce the
grammar structure In a meaningful context
Language This Is/ These are Kenny’s room

That is/this is Kenny’s computer

These are/this is Kenny’s

Aids Text hand-outs

Procedure 8. T/will give the instructions and set time.

9. Ss will answer the exercises individually.
10.Ss will compare their answers.
11.T/will check the exercises.

Interactional Individual then , Ss- Ss.


Predictable Students may not understand the vocabulary or may get confuse
Possible solutions The teacher can prompt the exercises by finger correction or echo
Teacher´s name: Raquel Valverde, Hilda Quevedo, German Sanchez and Fabiola Sanchez

Date: October 14, 2010 School’s name: _The Anglo Coapa______

Aim:To identify and learn demonstratives adjectives_______________________

Previous work done: Jobs and professions a/an___________

Student´s profile Elementary, teenagers and adults

Stage production
Activity Written practice and Role play

Timing 10 minutes
Objective To provide the SS with further practice ,to integrate skill and to practice
speaking skills

Language This is my Room.

These are my things.
That is my TV etc.

Aids Hand-outs, role play cards.

Procedure 1. T/will give the instructions.

2. Ss have to write a description about their rooms, at least 4
sentences and draw it down.
3. SS will share it with their partners and act out a roleplay.

Interactional Individual, Ss, Ss

Predictable Students may not have willingness to draw their bedrooms because they
problems do not how to draw it or may feel shyness to act out.
Possible solutions The teacher can encourage them by saying that the important point is
not the drawing. It is the description they make.

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