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active GRAMMAR roo With answers Mark Lloyd and Jeremy Day Series editor: Penny Ur Introduction ‘Tense: 1 Present simple and present continuous Way is the girl in the phato smiling? 2. Past simple and past continuous; used to and would ‘Musicians sang and threw flowers. 3 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous ‘The higher temperatures have had dramatic effects 4 Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous Heil been expecting an easy climb, 5 The future 1: will, be going to, present continuous, present simple Vin going to ask her to marry me. 6 The future 2: other ways to refer to the future, the future in the past They wil be ying on the sofa 17 The passive 1: basic passive forms Borders between countries are being broken down 8 The passive 2: complex passive forms It has been suggested that it was caused by secret experiments, Modals 9 Modal verbs 1 There must be something else 10 Modal and non-modal verbs 2 Iimust adit, my first films were terrible. 11 Other ways to express modality There's na point doing nothing. RI Review: present simple and continuous; past and perfect tenses; the future; the passive; medals, rr 18 26 30 34 38 42 46 80 Determiners, pronouns and noun phrases 12 Determiners 1: articles and demonstratives ‘Aband came through the window. 13 Determiners 2: quantifiers ‘A,good deol of progress has been made. 14 Pronouns and possessives We alt helped one another. 18 Itand there 1's a.good idea to make sure you're reasonably fit. 16 Nouns and noun phrases 1 A-spoonful of cheese ice cream 17 Nouns and noun phrases 2: gerunds Bowing your head is the normal way to greet others. Re Review: determiners; pronouns and possessives; it and there; nouns and noun phrases Prepositions, adjectives and adverbs 18 Prepositions Hodja climbed up the ladder with the man behind him 19 Propositions after adjectives and nouns Without doubt the perfect solution to your problems 20 Verbs + preposit Ifthe moon loves you, why worry about the stars? 21 Adjectives 1 There's an amazing golden st 22 Adje: ‘My doughter said it would be pointless complaining. 23 Adject One of the most mod rn campuses in the world 56 60 64 68 72 76 78 82 86 20 94 98 102 108

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