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Figure Name/Keyword/Planet/Sign/Element/Quality

▪ Puer (Boy) - Energy - Mars - Aries - Air - Mobile

▪ Puer represents force, energy, sudden change & enthusiasm, but lacks patience or level-
▪ ▪ headedness. Favourable where quick decision-making is needed, unfavourable in situations
▪ requiring careful thought.
▪ Amissio (Loss) – Loss – Venus – Taurus – Fire – Mobile
▪ ▪ Amissio represents all kinds of loss, this can include job redundancies, break-ups and items going
▪ missing. This can be good or bad depending on whether the loss is desirable. It is favourable in
▪ ▪ situations such as recovering from illness, leaving bad relationships etc.
▪ ▪ Albus (White) - Peace - Mercury - Gemini - Water - Stable
▪ ▪ Albus signifies thoughtfulness, introspection and wisdom. A character of deep thoughtfulness, it
▪ signifies quiet progress and intelligent decision-making, though lacks drive, making it
▪ ▪ unfavourable in conflict and situations requiring assertiveness.
▪ ▪ Populus (People) - Stability - Moon - Cancer - Water - Stable
▪ ▪ Populus is the most reflective of all the figures, and tends to take on the qualities of the other
▪ ▪ figures grouped around it. This makes it favourable with favourable figures and unfavourable with
▪ ▪ unfavourable ones.
▪ ▪ Fortuna Major (Great Fortune) - Power - Sun - Leo - Earth - Stable
▪ ▪ Fortuna Major represents great good fortune, that arises from within and unfolds naturally without
▪ having to be forced. It is favourable in all questions except for those that involve escaping difficult
▪ situations.
▪ ▪ Conjunction (Crossroads) - Interaction - Mercury - Virgo - Air - Mobile
▪ Conjunctio represents communication, exchange and meeting. This emphasis on interaction
▪ means that it's role in a chart depends on the circumstances and figures surrounding it.
▪ ▪ Unfavourable for finding lost items and situations requiring solitude.
▪ Puella (Girl) - Harmony - Venus - Libra - Water - Stable
▪ ▪ Puella is a balanced figure, symbolising peace, harmony and joy , however it is also fickle and
▪ flighty and should not be relied upon for a long time. Favourable in questions of love &
▪ friendship,and short-term happiness, but unfavourable where permanence is required.
▪ ▪ Rubeus (Red) - Passion - Mars - Scorpio - Air - Mobile
▪ Rubeus counters the quiet introspection of Albus with passion, ferocity and lust. Generally an
▪ ▪ unfavourable figure except in situations involving vices: sex, violence, drugs and debauchery are
▪ ▪ where Rubeus flourishes.
▪ ▪ Acquisitio (Gain) - Gain - Jupiter - Sagittarius - Air - Stable
▪ Acquisition represents gain and success, and means that which is desired is close at hand. It is
▪ ▪ favourable in any situations where gaining something is desired, but if the querent wishes to get
▪ rid of something, it is unfavourable.
▪ Carcer (Prison) - Isolation - Saturn - Capricornus - Earth - Stable
▪ ▪ Carcer represents restriction, limitation and rigidity. It's lack of flexibility or openness makes it
▪ ▪ unfavourable in most situations, however it is positive in questions requiring stability, restraint
▪ and discipline.
▪ ▪ Tristitia (Sorrow) - Sorrow - Saturn - Aquarius - Earth - Stable
▪ ▪ Tristitia represents negativity, sadness and underworld journeys. It is a sign of sluggishness,
▪ ▪ lowered vitality and difficult emotions. It can be favourable however in situations requiring
▪ rootedness, permanence or secrecy.
▪ Laetitia (Joy) - Joy - Jupiter - Pisces - Fire - Mobile
▪ ▪ Laetitia shows ascension, and upward motion. It signifies promotions, good health, happiness and
▪ ▪ creativity. This makes it favourable in nearly all situations, except those requiring the stability and
▪ ▪ secrecy that Tristitia gives.
▪ Cauda Draconis (Dragon's Tail) - Ending - South Lunar Node - Sagittarius-Fire-
▪ Mobile
▪ Cauda Draconis represents things coming to an end and letting go of the past. A figure of
▪ ▪ transformation, it is traditionally known to bring “good with evil and evil with good.” Favourable
for situations concerning endings but generally a negative figure.
▪ ▪ Caput Draconis (Dragon's Head) - Beginning - North Lunar Node - Virgo - Earth -
▪ Stable
▪ Caput Draconis represents beginnings and new opportunities. The opposite of the other draconic
▪ figure, it is good with good figures and bad with bad ones. Unfavourable in situations where
something is coming to an end.
▪ Fortuna Minor (Lesser Fortune) - Swiftness - Sun - Leo - Fire - Mobile
▪ Fortuna Minor contrasts with the natural luck of Fortuna Major by signifying good luck coming
▪ ▪ from an external source. Fortuna Minor is a more unstable fortune and is especially favourable in
▪ ▪ situations requiring speed and decisiveness.
▪ Via (Way) - Change - Moon - Cancer - Water - Mobile
▪ Via is the most volatile of all the figures and represents change and transition. This makes it
▪ favourable for all journeys whether they be literal travelling or inner transformative journeys.
▪ Unfavourable where change is not desired

The Shield Chart

• The first triplicity represents the querent themselves, and includes their health, habits, current
circumstances and personal attitudes.
• The second triplicity represents the events currently shaping the querent's life.
• The third triplicity represents the querent's environment: home, work, place of education and places
they frequent, as well as the querent's family.
• The fourth triplicity represents the querent's friends, associates and authority figures

The House Chart

• The 1st house represents the querent and their influence on the situation.
• The 2nd house rules money, business, and material possessions of a movable nature.
• The 3rd house rules brothers, sisters, neighbours and immediate surroundings, as well as journeys of
less than 200 miles, pre-college education, advice, news and rumours.
• The 4th house rules land, agriculture, buildings and settlements, and the querent's father, as well as
endings, and unknown or lost objects.
• The 5th house rules fertility, children and gardening. Sexuality goes here, but not love or marriage.
This house also rules entertainment & feasts, as well as letters & books.
• The 6th house rules employees and all service professionals. It also governs other magicians, and all
pets. It also rules illness and injuries.
• The 7th house rules intimate relationships. Spouses and lovers belong here, and all queries about love
or marriage. Partnerships and agreements also belong to this house, as well as conflict. Known
enemies are also ruled by the 7th house.
• The 8th house rules death and all matters relating to it. It also rules all spiritual entities (i.e. ghosts,
goetic spirits, angelic beings, UFOs etc.) Magic performed by the querent belongs here, though not
divination. It also rules loans and missing persons
• The 9th house rules long journeys, both inward and outward. Religion and spirituality belong here, as
does adult education, the arts and dreams. This house rules divination and occult philosophy (as
opposed to magical practise.)
• The 10th house governs the querent's career and social standing. It also represents people in authority
and politics of all kinds, and also the weather
• The 11th house governs friends, associates, promises, sources of help and the querent's desires.
• The 12th house governs restrictions and limitations, debt, imprisonment, secrecy and unkown
enemies. Harmful magic against the querent also belong here

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