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Escola Estadual Profª Maria Nalva Xavier de Albuquerque

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Grade: 7th _____

Teacher Amanda Damasceno

Atividade Avaliativa de Língua Inglesa – I Bimestre

Samantha is a single mother with two young children. Her son is four years old, and her daughter is
three. They live in small apartment in Manchester, England. Samantha has worked at a Chinese restaurant
for 4 years. Unfortunately, the restaurant was open on Mother’s Day, and she had to work the morning
shift from 10:30 to 2:30. Samantha’s children had to stay with her sister while she was at work. Samantha’s
sister helped the children buy a pretty card and flowers for their mom. The kids also helped their aunt cook
a special Mother’s Day dinner with roast beef and vegetables. After dinner, the children shared a big box of
chocolate. Samantha and her family do not have much money, but they have found an affordable way to
celebrate Mother’s Day.


single – solteiro(a) son – filho daughter – filha shift – turno children –

crianças cook – cozinhar share – compartilhar aunt - tia

1. Onde Samantha mora?

2. Onde ela trabalha?
3. Qual data comemorativa é mencionada no texto?
4. O que as crianças irão fazer para celebrar esta data?
5. Quem irá ajudá-las com os preparativos?
6. Leia as frases abaixo, retiradas do texto. Escreva PS nas que estiverem no Past Simple e PP
nas que estiverem no Present Perfect.
( ) Samantha has worked at a Chinese restaurant for 4 years.
( ) Samantha’s children had to stay with her sister while she was at work.
( ) Samantha’s sister helped the children buy a pretty card and flowers for their mom.
( ) After dinner, the children shared a big box of chocolate.
( ) They have found an affordable way to celebrate Mother’s Day.

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