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Summer edition: Back to School

Fifth Grade In
Hello Timnath Families! August 2018

Volume 13, Issue 1

We are so excited to be to continuing or build- Monday, August 20
working with your chil- ing strong relationships at 4:30! Children are likely
dren this year. Some with you all. Don’t forget to bring
to live up to what
of you may already you believe of
Your children are going your school supplies them.
know us because we to have a great year with you to put in your
have already worked Lady Bird Johnson
and we are excited to desk!
with your older chil- help them in this tran-
dren, or we may be sition year before mid-
meeting you for the dle school. We look Inside this issue:
first time. Either way– forward to providing Welcome from 1
we can’t wait! This is them with an engaging, Fifth Grade

going to be a terrific successful fifth grade

Communication is

year and we are excited year. Background Info on 2

Mrs. Dalrymple
to get started.
We’ll see you all at the Summer Home- 2
We’re looking forward Back to School! work
Back-to-School Social
Background Info on 2
Mrs. Pellman

First week activity 3

Communication is Key
Tips for a great 3

Good Habits 3

As the school year always open. We spect. Please come to Calendar of Events 4

begins please feel really appreciate us with any issue. Volunteers Rule! 4
free to speak with us open lines of com- We can only help if
about any questions munication. From us we are “in the know.” Dress for Success 5

or concerns you have you can expect open

First Day Remind- 5
about the upcoming minds, honesty, un- ers

year. Our doors are derstanding, and re- Eco-week Info 5

Page 2

A Little Background Info on Mrs. Dalrymple

It is hard to believe, but I my student! I absolutely ing movies, and spending
am getting ready to start love this age and have a re- time playing outside in our
my twentieth year as a al passion for working with backyard. I love different
teacher at Timnath Elemen- kids during this important kinds of exercise and am
tary. I previously taught at transition year. always up for trying some-
Traut Elementary and sub- I have two children. Con- thing new!
stitute taught in school dis- nor is 16 and will be a jun- I’m excited
tricts in Larimer and El Paso ior at Fossil Ridge High for the
counties. I taught sixth School. Abby is 13 and will new year
grade nine of the previous be an eighth grader at Pres- to begin!
nineteen years here at ton Middle School. We love
Timnath. One of those years spending our free time ex-
included Mrs. Pellman as ploring Ft. Collins, watch-
We are looking forward to working
with your children!

Summer Homework!
At the end of last school year, multiplication facts, start learn- turns it in during the first week
we had the chance to meet the ing the names and locations of of school will receive a special
new fifth graders and talk to all the states, and think about treat.
them a little about what to ex- what their goals are for the next
pect in fifth grade. We sent year.
them home with some summer Hopefully, your child shared
homework to give them a little this with you.
preview of what’s to come.
Every student who completed
We asked students to keep read- their folder of homework and
ing, keep a journal, study their

A Little Background Info on Mrs. Pellman

I am very excited to meet all of fifth graders. We have such a Over the summer I was in two
you! I know firsthand how great time! weddings, my sister’s and my
wonderful Timnath Elementary best friend’s. I also spent a lot
is because I attended school Outside of school, I love spend- of time with my two Labradors,
here. In fact, Mrs. Dalrymple ing time outdoors whether I’m Ryder and Blue. They are quite
was my 6th grade teacher! It has biking, hiking, or just spending a handful and have kept me
been so much fun teaching with time with my family. I enjoy very busy.
her. This is my fifth year teach- bike riding on the great trails of
ing after graduating from the Ft. Collins. I also enjoy cycling I can’t wait to meet you all and
University of Northern Colora- indoors, especially on those begin our journey
do. I truly love working with rainy/snowy days. learning and exploring
Page 3

Get to Know You Activity for Week 1

The first week back to school this first week back. Please your child think outside the
is always an exciting time have your child bring in box and bring in something
for students and teachers. three small objects that tell that others really won’t
Most of the children know us something about him/her know about. It’s always a
each other, but there are al- that others may not know. It treat to see how similar and
ways newcomers, which is may be about a hobby, unique we
exciting! Although the chil- something from the summer, all are. This
dren usually know a great a sport played, etc. The items is such a
deal about each other, we as must be small enough to fit great first
teachers are learning every- in his/her backpack until it’s week get to
thing for the first time. To time to share. We will take know you
make learning about each to majority of the first week activity!
other more fun, we have a to complete this activity, do-
little activity we’d like to do ing a few each day. Help Time to get your
creative juices
Tips for a Great Start to the Year
Most kids this age aren’t naturally • Have your child keep at least school the next day in one lo-
organized. But, this is an important one folder in their backpack cation– maybe a basket by the
skill for them to acquire before for homework. All work door. This will help him/her
heading to middle school. Here are should stay in this folder so it from scrambling to find things
some things you can do this year can be easily located. in the morning.
with your child to have a good start
• Check your child’s daily plan-
in being organized:
ner. If he/she is not filling it
• Have your child empty their out regularly, doing so may “Few things help a child more than
backpack into the same loca- help them keep on track with to place responsibility on him, and
tion every Friday– that way homework and important info. let him know he is trusted.”
you’ll see all the Friday Folder
• Have your child gather all be-
items. Booker T. Washington
longings that need to go to

Good Habits to Grow On

Starting the school year off right sleep it really can hinder not only breakfast each morning and a good
means keeping some good habits their school perfor- lunch every day is really
going (or starting some). Most kids mance but their important. Studies have
probably enjoyed sleeping in and friendships as well. shown that going to
staying up late during the summer No one wants to school on an empty stom-
and will need to adjust to a new hang out with a ach can hinder learning.
sleeping schedule. Adequate sleep is “grouch.” Your child may be too
really important for kids, especially Another import key focused on hunger to pay
since your preteen is getting ready to to school and growth attention. Helping your
enter into puberty and will be experi- success is eating a Well rested, well fed, and child keep (or start) these
encing tremendous growth spurts. healthy diet. Eating energized to spring into good habits will serve
When your child doesn’t get enough action! them for life!
Volume 13, Issue 1 Page 4

August & September Important Events

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

19 20 1-5 21 First 22 23 24 25 ✓ Full Day Kindergarten Meet the

meet the Day of Teachers – Aug. 16
teachers School!
✓ Half Day Kindergarten Meet the
26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Teachers social– Aug. 17 4:00–
✓ 1st—5th Meet the Teachers So-
2 3 Labor 4 3-5 back 5 6 K-2 back 7 8 cial– Aug. 20 4:30– 5:30
Day to school to school
night night ✓ First Day of School– Aug. 21

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ✓ Labor Day, No School– Sept. 3

✓ Back to School Night– 3-5
grades Sept. 4 5:15-6:30
16 17 18 19 20 21 Coll. 22
✓ Running club begins– Sept. 5
3:50– 4:50
✓ Back to School Night– K-2
grades Sept. 6 5:15-6:30
✓ No school– Teacher collabora-
tion day– Sept. 21
✓ Picture day– Sept. 24

Volunteers Rule!
We encourage you to volun- If you are interested
teer in the classroom. There please sign up in the
are many ways that both the classroom during the
children and we would like meet the teachers so-
to have you involved. For cial. If you can’t make
example reading groups,
it to the social, just
writer’s workshop, math,
and hands-on science time send a note, an email,
are ways to be directly in- or wait to sign up dur-
volved with the students. ing parent infor-
Other valuable ways to help mation night. We
out include clerical work typically have volun- We always can use a helping hand!
(grading, copying, etc.), teers who’d like to
field trips, parties, etc. If work with students begin We can always use clerical
you are interested in helping sometime in September. help during the first week or
out in any way just let us That gives us time to get two. If this is an area you’d
know, we’d be more than like to help in please let us
into a routine and determine
happy to have you on board! know ASAP!
our class make up.
Volume 13, Issue 1 Page 5

Dress for Success!

With the warm tem- not appropriate for the
peratures at the start of the classroom, and can cause
year, we would like to re- too much distraction. Also,
mind students to make undergarments may not be
good choices on appropri- exposed (this includes box-
ate dress for school. Girls er shorts over sweatpants
should cover their shoul- and underwear above
ders (no spaghetti straps or waistlines). We know that
narrow strap tank tops), and there are lots of fun new
cover their torso. In addi-
tion, all shorts and skirts
styles out there that are
great for family affairs, but
Looking Good!
need to be fingertip length at school our focus needs to
(when arms are held flat be on learning and not the matter. We look forward to
against the thighs). Cloth- latest fashion trend. Thanks seeing all those new “back
ing that is too revealing is for your support in this to school duds!”

Reminders for the first day

of school: Eco-
Get a good night’s sleep

Eat a healthy breakfast

Bring your backpack Eco–Week Fundraiser
Although we won’t be going on our Eco-
Don’t forget school supplies trip until May, we will begin discussing
fundraising and cost now. We will dis-
Lunch or money for lunch & a snack cuss this further at our back to school
night in September.

Wear comfortable clothes & shoes

Timnath Elementary 970-488-6825 (main)
3909 Main St. 970-488-6827 (fax)
Timnath, CO 80547 970-488– 6826 (attendance)

Mrs. Dalrymple: Mrs. Pellman: See you soon!

970-488-6844 (voice mail) 970-488-4838 (voice mail)
Website: Website:

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