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TNT Regional 2 2016

General Secretariat:
Fakultas Rumpun Kesehatan
Gedung C, Lantai 4
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat
To Whom It May Concern

Subject : Member Acknowledgement

On behalf of Center for Indonesian Medical Students’s Activities of andalas university, I hereby
confirm that this following person :

Name : Muhammad Rizki Pernadi

University : Riau University

is an active member of CIMSA of Riau university who wants to be trainee in Training New
Trainer in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The TNT Regional 2 2016 will be held from February 13th till
14th 2016.

This letter has been issued for use as stated and intended.


Local Coordinator CIMSA of Riau University

General Secretariat:
Fakultas Rumpun Kesehatan
Gedung C, Lantai 4
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat

1. Name (first/middle/last) : Muhammad Rizki Pernadi
2. Nickname : Rizki / kipe
3. Sex : Male
4. Place, Date of Birth : Pekanbaru, 23 august 1996
5. Age : 19 years old
6. Blood : B+
7. Mobile : 081268772488
8. Religion : ISLAM
9. Language : Bahasa Indonesia
10. E-mail :
11. Address : Jalan Baru no 41 Kel. Sidomulyo Barat Kec. Tampan

1. ID card number :
2. Member CIMSA since : 2016
3. Member of SCO : SCORE
4. National Meeting Attandance :

1. ElementarySchool : SDN 003 Sail Pekanbaru Year : 2002
2. Junior High School : SMPN 13 Pekanbaru Year : 2008
3. Senior High School : SMAN PLUS Prov Riau Year : 2011
4. University : Riau University Year : 2014
5. Organizational experience :
-Kelompok Olimpiade Biologi SMAN Plus Prov. Riau
-School Update RTV
General Secretariat:
Fakultas Rumpun Kesehatan
Gedung C, Lantai 4
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat
6. Training Experiences :

General Secretariat:
Fakultas Rumpun Kesehatan
Gedung C, Lantai 4
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat
(in english, min 150 words)

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb. My name is Muhammad Rizki Pernadi, i am a new member of

CIMSA SCORE medical student of Riau University 2014. Why i want to join TNT regional 2 ?
I have a big Interest to be a trainner, i want to train my soft skill as a trainner, and also i want to
learn how to be a good trainner and then i can expand my knowledge with other medical student
in Indonesia.
For some reason i want to meet other medical students in indonesia or even in other
country to learn and exchange each other experience. I want to make myself useful for other
person. I am not afraid for a challenge and i look forward to a new adventure and open for every
new experience.
I have a very high desire to follow TNT 2016 as one of the initial steps and training to
enter the world of this organization in college. Hopefully by following 2016 TNT, I can learn to
be organized properly, so as to develop soft skills that I have and broaden their horizons and
scope of the association for Medical Faculty of Riau University. I made this statement in order to
be considered to receive me in the TNT 2016.

Pekanbaru, January 2016

Muhammad Rizki Pernadi

General Secretariat:
Fakultas Rumpun Kesehatan
Gedung C, Lantai 4
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat
(in english, min 300 words, font Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1,0.)

Basic leadership

Leadership is an ability to stimullate other people for reach vision and mission, leader have
future vision to antisipation uncertainty. A good leader must be able to adapt according to the
conditions, Leaders need to protect the good employment situation, working to motivate
subordinates and implement strategies .
To be a leader means setting a good example and choosing the right choice, wheter people
will note the good you’ve done or not. Leadership is not just about the person leading, leadership
is defined as ‘the process in which an individual influences the group of individuals to attain a
common goal’. The goal is attained by mutual cooperation and cohesive behaviour. A leader
infuses a sense of positivity and directs others to reach the specified goal.
A leader is someone who stands not only for his cause but takes responsibility and motivates
other individuals also. There is a clear difference between being a boss and a leader. A leader is a
motivation for others and inspires individuals to aim high and attain that aim. However a boss
only supervises over his subordinates. Power naturally comes to a leader but that power is not a
tool of leader.
Leadership is not a quality but it is an individual’s behaviour. A leader showcases a positive
attitude and high self esteem. He assertively works towards the goal but never gets pushy for it.
A continuous self study, training, evaluation and imbibing positive things in life develop the
characteristics of a leader. Situations are never in our hands but reaction is always that we can
control. A leader not only reacts positively but also helps other members of the group to see the
brighter side of the picture. It has also been noticed that only those persons are considered as
good leaders who have gained the trust and confidence of their subordinates. Communication
plays a vital role in this regard. The other thing that people respect is knowledge.
In conclusion, leadership is not achieved easily. It requires a lot of patience and special
characteristics. Therefore, the most important traits are competence, consistency, and character.
Consequently, a good leadership can not be granted at universities but it goes with all doing.

General Secretariat:
Fakultas Rumpun Kesehatan
Gedung C, Lantai 4
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Jawa Barat

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