Constraction Equipment 4

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Construction Equipment (4)

Equipment Operating Cost ‫تكاليف تشغيل المعدة‬

• Operating cost is the sum of those expenses an owner experiences by

working a machine on a project. Typical expenses include:

‫هى التكاليف التى يتم انفاقها لتشغيل المعدة فى موقع التشيد‬: ‫تكاليف التشغيل‬

1- ‫تكاليف الوقود‬

2- cants, filters, and grease ‫مواد التشحيم والمرشحات‬

3- ‫اإلصالحات‬

4- "‫تكاليف اصالح وتغير الكاوتش "اإلطارات‬

5- high-wear items ‫استبدال وحدات التردد العليا‬

• Operator wages are sometimes included under operating costs, but

because of wage variances between projects, the general practice is to keep
operator wages as a separate cost category.

‫ يمكن حسابها فى بعض االحيان من ضمن تكاليف تشغيل المعدة ولكن يفضل حسابها بشكل منفصل النها‬:‫اجور المشغل‬
‫تختلف من مشروع الخر وتختلف من ظروف الخرى‬

• Fuel expense is best determined by measurement on the job. Accurate
service records tell the owner how many gallons of fuel a machine consumes
over what period of time and under what job conditions. Hourly fuel
consumption can then be calculated directly.

‫ بمعنى تحديد عدد جالونات الوقود التى يتم استهالك‬.‫ يمكن تحديد من خالل عملية القياس خالل تنفيذ عمل ما‬:‫تكاليف الوقود‬
.‫بواسطة المعدة عند تنفيذ عمل تحت ظروف معينة وتحديد الزمن الذى تم استهالك الوقود فيه‬
‫ بصورة مباشرة‬Hourly fuel consumption‫وبالتالى يمكن تحديد‬
• When company records are not available, manufacturer’s consumption
data can be used to construct fuel use estimates.

‫فى حالة عدم وجود تسجيالت داخل الشركة الستهالك وقود المعدة يمكن استخدام معدالت استهالك المصنع "الموجودة فى‬
‫الكتالوجات" فى عملية تقدير استهالك الوقود‬

• The amount of fuel required to power a piece of equipment for a

specific period of time depends on:

‫كمية الوقود الالزمة لتشغيل معدة لمدة زمنية معينة تعتمد على‬

-(Brake horsepower / Flywheel horsepower) of the machine and the specific

work application.

‫( وعلى متطلبات العمل‬Brake horsepower / Flywheel horsepower)

-Most tables of hourly fuel consumption rates are divided according to the
machine type and the working conditions.

‫كثير من معدالت استهالك المعدة فى الساعة تعتمد على نوع المعدة وظروف العمل‬

Average Fuel Consumption – Wheel Loaders

To calculate hourly fuel cost, a consumption rate that found in the tables will
be multiplied by the unit price of fuel.

‫لتحديد تكاليف استهالك الوقود فى الساعة= معدالت االستهالك الموجودة فى الجدول ويتم ضربها فى سعر الوحدة الخاصة‬

hourly fuel cost= consumption rate in table * unit price of fuel

• Fuel consumption should be adjusted when calculated using equations

based on maximum output.

‫استهالك الوقود يتم تعديله اذا تم استخدام معدالت تعتمد على المخرجات القصوى‬

• Working conditions that must be considered are the percentage of an

hour that the machine is actually working (time factor) and at what
percentage of rated horsepower (throttle load factor).

(time factor)‫ظروف العمل التى يجب مراعاتها تتمثل فى نسبة عدد الساعات التى تعمل فيها المعدة بشكل فعلى‬
(throttle load factor)‫و ماهى قدرة االلة المستخدمة فى العمل‬

• When operating under standard conditions, a gasoline engine will consume

approximately 0.06 gal of fuel per flywheel horsepower hour (fwhp-hr)

• A diesel engine will consume approximately 0.04 gal per fwhphr.

‫ جالون وفى حالة‬0.06 ‫مثال على تغير ظروف العمل فى الحالة االولى استخدم محرك جازولين فيكون معدل االستهالك‬
‫ جالون‬0.04 ‫الديزل يكون معدل االستهالك‬
Example 1

• Calculate the average hourly fuel consumption and hourly fuel cost for a
twin-engine scraper. It has a diesel engine rated at 465 hp and fuel cost
$2.00/gal. During a cycle of 20 s, the engine may be operated at full power,
while filling the bowl in tough ground requires 5 s. During the balance of the
cycle, the engine will use no more than 50% of its rated power. Also, the
scraper will operate about 45 min/h on average. For this condition, the
approximate amount of fuel consummated during 1 h is determined as


• Rated power: 465 hp

• Engine factor: 0.5

Operating Power (throttle load factor)

• Filling the bowl, 5 s/20 s cycle = 0.250

• Rest of cycle, 15/20 * 0.5 = 0.375

• Total cycle = 0.625

Operating Efficiency

• Time factor, 45 min/60 min = 0.75

Combined factor

• Operating factor, 0.625 * 0.75 = 0.47

• From Table: use ‘‘unfavorable’’ fuel consumption factor = 0.040

• Fuel consumed per hour: 0.47(465)(0.040) = 8.74 gal

• Hourly fuel cost: 8.74 gal/h ($2.00/gal) = $17.48/h.

2-Lubricants (Lube Oils, Filters, and Grease)

)‫الشحم‬-‫ زيت التشحيم‬- ‫مواد التشحيم (المرشحات‬

• The cost of lube oils, filters, and grease will depend on the
maintenance practices of the company and the conditions of the work

‫تكاليف زيت التشحيم والمرشحات والشحم تعتمد على عمليات الصيانة الخاصة بالشركة والظروف فى مكان العمل‬

• The hourly cost is calculated based on: the operating hour duration
between changes and the quantity required for a complete change plus a
small consumption amount representing what is added between changes.

‫ فترات التشغيل بين الغيرات و الكميات الالزمة لتكملة الغيرات باالضافة الى‬: ‫تعتمد على‬The hourly cost‫حساب ال‬

‫كميات االستهالك الصغيرة التى يتم اضافتها مابين الغيرات‬

• The following formula can be used to calculate the quantity of oil


• The formula contains the assumption that the quantity of oil consumed per
rated horsepower hour between changes will be 0.006 Ib.
Example 2

• Calculate the oil required, on a per hour basis, for the 465 hp twin-engine
scraper in example 1. the operating factor will be 0.47, as calculate in
example 1. the crankcase capacity is 8 gal and the company has a policy to
change oil every 150 hr.

• Solution:

• The cost of hydraulic oils, filters, and grease will be added to the expense
of engine oil.

engine oil ‫ يتم حسابها من ضمن تكاليف ال‬hydraulic oils, filters, and grease‫تكاليف ال‬

• The hourly cost of filters is simply the actual expense to purchase the
filters divided by the hours between changes.

3-Repairs ‫اإلصالحات‬

• Repairs, as referred to here, mean normal maintenance-type repairs.

"‫اإلصالحات هنا تعبر عن نوع الصيانة المستخدمة "اإلصالحات‬

• These are the repair expenses incurred on the job site where the machine
is operated and would include the costs of parts and labour.

‫تكاليف اإلصالحات يتم اجراءها فى موقع العمل حيث يتم تشغيل المعدة وتتضمن تكاليف االجزاء والعمالة المستخدمة فى‬
• Major repairs and overhauls are an ownership cost.

‫االصالت الرئيسية تدخل فى نطاق تكاليف الملكية‬

• Construction operations can subject equipment to considerable wear and

tear, but the amount of wear varies enormously between the different items
of the equipment used and between different job conditions.

‫عمليات التشغيل للمعدات تؤدى الى تالف فيها ولكن تختلف قيمة التلف باختالف المعدة المستخدمة ويإختالف ظروف العمل‬
‫بمعنى بيختلف مقدار التلف من معدة الخرى ومن ظرف عمل لظرف عمل اخر‬

• Generally, the maintenance and repair costs get higher as the equipment
gets older.

‫تكاليف الصيانة واإلصالح بتزداد كلما زاد عمر المعدة‬

• The annual cost of maintenance and repairs may be expressed as a

percentage of the annual cost of depreciation or it may be expressed
independently of depreciation.

‫التكاليف السنوية لإلصالحات يمكن ان تكون نسبة من تكاليف اإلستهالك السنوية او تكون غير معتمدة على االستهالك‬

• The hourly cost of maintenance and repair can be obtained by dividing the
annual cost by its operating hours per year.

‫تكاليف الصيانة واإلصالحات للساعة يمكن تحديد عن طريق قسمة التكاليف السنوية على عدد سعات التشغيل فى السنة‬

The hourly repair cost during a particular year can be estimated by using the
following formula.
• The lifetime repair cost is usually estimated as a percentage of the
equipment’s initial cost deducting the cost of tires. It is adjusted by the
operating condition factor obtained from the following table.

‫تكاليف االصالح الكلية تقدر كنسبة من التكاليف اإلبتدائية للمعدة مع خصم تكاليف اصالح اإلطارات ويمكن تحديد معامل‬
‫ظروف التشغيل من الجدول التالى‬
Example 3

• Estimate the hourly repair cost of a scraper the second year of operation.
The initial cost of the scraper is $186,000, tire cost $14,000, and its useful
life is 5 years. Assume average operating condition and 2000 h of operation
per year.

• Solution:

4-Tires Cost ‫تكاليف إصالح اإلطارات وتغيرها‬

• The tire cost represents the cost of tire repair and replacement.

‫تعبر عن تكاليف اصالح اإلطارات وتغيرها‬

• Because the life expectancy of rubber tires is generally far less than the life
of the equipment on which they are used on, the depreciation rate of tires
will be quite different from the depreciation rate of the rest of the vehicle.

‫لذلك يكون معدل استهالك الكاوتش اكبر من معدل استهالك‬. ‫عمر المطاط الموجود فى الكاوتش يكون اقل من عمر المعدة‬
‫بقية األجزاء الموجودة فى المعدة‬

• The repair and maintenance cost of tires as a percentage of their

depreciation will also be different from the percentage associated with the
repair and maintenance of the vehicle.

‫تكاليف اصالح واستبدال اإلطارات بيعتبر نسبة من من استهالك اإلطارات ويكون مختلف تماما عن النسبة المتعلقة بتكاليف‬
‫الصيانة واإلصالح للمعدة‬
• The best source of information in estimating tire life is the historical data
obtained under similar operating conditions.

‫المصدر االفضل للمعلومات المستخدمة فى تحديد عمر اإلطار هى البيانات السابقة التى تم جمعها فى ظروف عمل مشابهه‬

• The following table lists the typical ranges of tire life found in the most
recent literature on the subject for various types of equipment.

• Tire repair cost can add about 15% to tire replacement cost. So, the
following equation may be used to estimate tire repair and replacement

‫ لتكاليف استبدال اإلطار‬%15 ‫تكاليف الصيانة يمكن ان تزيد نسبة‬

Example 4

• Calculate the hourly tire cost that should be part of machine operating cost
if a set of tires can be expected to last 5,000 hr. tires cost $ 38,580 per set
of four. Tire repair cost is estimated to average 16% of the straight-line tire
depreciation. The machine has a service life of 4 years and operates 2,500
hr per year. The company’s cost of capital rate is 8%.

• Solution:

Muh Hesham

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