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Contract Agreement between Asian Distillery Pvt Ltd.

Nepal Republic Media Pvt. Ltd.

This agreement made on 5th March 2017, accordingly on 22nd Falgun 2073 between Nepal Republic
Media Pvt. Ltd., Sundhara, Kathmandu, which is herein called the First Party and Asian Distillery Pvt
Ltd., Lalitpur, Nepal, which is herein after called the second party, on the following terms and

1 The Second Party assures one year contract for the release of their advertisement on Nagarik
Daily, Shukrabar weekly and Republica Daily.

2 The First Party will release advertisement of the Second Party as per the following:
A. Nagarik Daily/Republica Daily
Size: 3 x 10= 30cc
Insertions: 360 (360 days)
Position: Above Cinema Hall’s Movie listing
Rate: 2 lakh excluding VAT per Month.

B. Shukrabar Weekly
Size: 3 x 10= 30cc
Insertions: 50
Rate: Six Thousand excluding VAT per Insertion.

3 Invoice will be raised directly in the name of the Second Party and payment will be made
within 15 days from the date of billing.
4 The rates will be applicable on existing the First Party rate card.
5 This Two Party Terms of Agreement will be valid for one year starting from 1st March 2017 to
28Th Feb 2018.
6 The clauses and agreement for the next year will be revised before the termination of this
agreement and will depend upon the subsequent business volume of contract period.

7 Any disputes arising out of this Two Party Terms of Agreement shall be sorted out mutually
between the two parties mentioned in agreement.

For & on behalf of For & on behalf of

Asian Distillery Pvt Ltd. Nepal Republic Media Pvt. Ltd.

Shushil Shrestha Pratish Sapkota

Sr. Brand manager Marketing Manager


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