Experiment 401 - Magnetic FIelds and Magnetic Force

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Experiment 401:

Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Force

Charl Joseph B. Santiago, PHY13L/A4



This experiment is all about magnets, wherein it revolves on two principles of

magnetisms which are the magnetic fields and the magnetic force. Magnets exert attractive or
repulsive forces on each other. This experiment aims to study the nature of magnetic fields
around the poles of magnets, to determine the magnitude of magnetic force on a current-
carrying wire and to study the nature of the relationships between magnetic force and
magnetic field, current, length and orientation of current-carrying wire. In general, the
magnetic force is directly proportional to the magnetic field, current, length and orientation of
current-carrying wire.

Key Words: Magnets, Magnetic Field, Magnetic Forces


Magnetism is the study of physical phenomena that are mediated by magnetic fields.
Basically, magnets are any material that attract or repel magnetic material. Magnets orient
themselves in roughly north – south direction if allowed to freely rotate using compass. The
North Pole and the South Pole are the ends of the magnets which exert forces to attract or
repel on each other.

There are four properties of a magnetic force on moving charges. First, the magnitude
of the magnetic force is proportional to the magnitude of the charge. Second, the magnitude
of the force is also proportional to the strength of the field. Third, the magnetic force depends
on the particle’s velocity. And fourth, the magnetic force does not have the same direction as
the magnetic field, but instead is always perpendicular to both B and r.

Magnetic Fields are the space surrounding the magnet. It can be visualized by sets of
continuous loops, called magnetic flux, that leave the North Pole and enter the South Pole.
The electric field when a charge moves will experience electrostatic force given by the
𝐹⃑ = 𝑞𝐸⃑⃑ (1)

Likewise, as the charge enters a magnetic field, the magnetic force is exerted on it,

𝐹⃑ = 𝑞𝑣 𝑥 𝐵 (2)

The electric force and the magnetic force joined together on a charge particle is
known Lorentz force,
𝐹⃑ = 𝑞(𝐸⃑⃑ + 𝑣 𝑥 𝐵) (3)

Mathematically, the magnetic force can be defined by using the scalar dot product:

𝐹 = (𝐼)(𝐿)(𝐵)𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 (4)

The magnetic force can also be defined by using the vector cross product:

𝐹⃑ = (𝐼)(𝐿) 𝑥 𝐵 (5)


To start with this experiment, we were given a piece of power supply, a piece of iron
stand, a set of current balance, a piece of digital balance, a set of current balance accessory
unit, a piece of extension cord, a pieces of banana type connecting wires and a set of magnets.

1. Magnetic Field of Permanent Magnets

The focus in the first part of the experiment is the study the movements of the
magnetic field of permanent magnets. At the beginning of our experiment, we were given a
set of magnets, an iron fillings and a piece of paper to study the nature of magnetic fields
around the poles of magnets. We followed the setup of the combination of magnets on the
handout. After that, we sprinkle the iron fillings on the magnet and formed different magnetic
flux. In Fig. 1, it shows the interaction of like poles of a bar magnets. In Fig. 2, it shows the
interaction of unlike poles of a bar magnets. In Fig. 3, it shows the interaction of two U-
magnets that are opposite to each other. In Fig. 4, it shows the interaction of two U-magnets
with an iron ring inside.

Fig 1. Like Poles of a Bar Magnets

Fig. 2. Unlike Poles of a Bar Magnets

Fig. 3. Two U-Magnets with their unlike poles facing each other

Fig 4. Two U-Magnets with their unlike poles facing each other and iron ring at the center.

2. Magnetic Force On Current – Carrying Conductor

The focus in the second part of the experiment is the study of the nature of the
relationships between magnetic force and magnetic field, current, length, and orientation of
current carrying wire.

2.1. Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field

In the first part of this experiment, as shown in Fig. 5, we are given a magnet
assembly that has six magnets. We can use any current loop. But we need to remove four
magnets and place the magnet assembly on the digital balance. With no current flowing, the
current will be equal to zero, so we must set the balance to zero by pressing the TARE button.
After that, turn the current on and adjust it to 5 Amps. The voltage setting must be set at
maximum. Add extra magnets, one at a time after getting the data.

Fig. 5. The set-up for the Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field

2.2. Magnetic Force and Current

In the second part of this experiment, we can use any current loop. The current
flowing must be set to zero, just like what we did in Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field. The
voltage setting must also be set at maximum. Turn the current on to 0.5 Amps and as you
record the data, increment the current to 0.5 Amp.

2.3. Magnetic Field and Length of the Loop

In the third part of this experiment, we must first insert SF40 current loop into the
arms of the main unit. Just like what we did in the first and second part of this experiment, we
must set the current flowing to zero. The voltage must also be set at maximum. Turn the
current on and set it to 2 Amps and record the increase in the mass. After a while, remove
SF40 and replace it with a new current loop that is indicated in the data.

2.4. Magnetic Force and Orientation of Coil

In the fourth part of this experiment, as shown in Fig. 6, the current balance accessory
attachment to the main unit and magnet assembly are to be used. We must set the dial of the
current balance accessory unit to zero. Position the magnet assembly in such a way that the
magnetic field is parallel to the wires of the coil. Again, the current flowing will be set to zero
and the voltage setting is at maximum. Turn the current on and set it to 2 Amps, which is the
maximum current allowable, and after a while increase the angle up to 90 degrees clockwise
and counterclockwise to get the remaining data needed.

Fig. 6. The set-up for the Magnetic Force and Orientation of Coil

Results and Discussion

1. Magnetic Field of Permanent Magnets

In Figure 7, like poles of a bar magnets repel each other in the same way that like
charges repel each other.

Fig. 7. Like poles of a bar magnets

In Figure 8, unlike poles of a bar magnets attract each other just like the charges
attract each other.

Fig. 8. Unlike poles of bar magnets

In Figure 9, the two U-magnets made two attractions since the end of each magnet is
not the same to the other.

Fig. 9. Two U-magnets with their unlike poles facing each other

In Fig. 10, unlike in Fig. 9, the attraction of the two U-magnets were observed but
there is no attraction or repulsion inside the iron ring since it compose of north poles and
south poles.

Fig. 10. Two U-magnets with their unlike poles facing each
other and iron ring at the center

2. Magnetic Force On Current – Carrying Conductor

In Table 1, as the number of magnets increases, the value of magnetic force increases.
Thus, the magnetic force is directly proportional to the number of magnets.

Table 1. Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field

Low Voltage AC/DC Power Supply Setting:

Voltage: maximum
Current: I = 5 Amps
Current Loop: (choose any), SF 37
digital balance initial reading: 0 gram
Number of magnets Magnetic force in gram Magnetic force in Newton
2 0.2 g 1.96 𝑥 10−3 N
3 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
4 0.5 g 4.90 𝑥 10−3 N
5 0.6 g 5.88 𝑥 10−3 N
6 0.7 g 6.86 𝑥 10−3 N

In Table 2, as the current increases, the magnetic force also increases. Thus magnetic
force is directly proportional to the current.

Table 2. Magnetic Force and Current

Low Voltage AC/DC Power Supply Setting:

Voltage: maximum
Current: 0 to 5 Amps with 0.5 increment
Current Loop: (choose any), SF 37
digital balance initial reading: 0 gram
Current, I Magnetic Magnetic force Current, I Magnetic Magnetic force
(Amps) force in in Newton (Amps) force in in Newton
gram gram
0.0 0.0 g 0N 3.0 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
0.5 0.0 g 0N 3.5 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
1.0 0.1 g 9.80 𝑥 10 N 4.0 0.5 g 4.90 𝑥 10−3 N
1.5 0.2 g 1.96 𝑥 10−3 N 4.5 0.5 g 4.90 𝑥 10−3 N
2.0 0.3 g 2.94 𝑥 10 N 5.0 0.6 g 5.88 𝑥 10−3 N
2.5 0.3 g 2.94 𝑥 10 N

In Table 3, as the length increases, its magnetic fore also increases. Thus, the
magnetic force is directly proportional to the length.

Table 3. Magnetic Force and Length of Current loop

Low Voltage AC/DC Power Supply Setting:

Voltage: maximum
Current: 2 Amps
Current Loop: all
digital balance initial reading: 0 gram
Current Loop Length, L Magnetic force in Magnetic force in
gram Newton
SF 40 1.2 cm 0.0 g 0N
SF 37 2.2 cm 0.3 g 2.94 𝑥 10−3 N
SF 39 3.2 cm 0.3 g 2.94 𝑥 10−3 N

SF 38 4.2 cm 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
SF 41 6.4 cm 0.8 g 7.84 𝑥 10−3 N
SF 42 8.4 cm 0.8 g 7.84 𝑥 10−3 N

In Table 4, the magnetic force is at its minimum if it is in parallel while the magnetic
force is at its maximum if it is in perpendicular.

Table 4. Magnetic Force and Orientation of Coil

Low Voltage AC/DC Power Supply Setting:

Voltage: maximum
Current: 2 Amps (maximum allowable current)
Coil: Current Balance Accessory Unit
digital balance initial reading: 0 gram
Angle, Magnetic Magnetic force in Angle, Magnetic Magnetic force in
𝜃 force in gram Newton 𝜃 force in gram Newton
0 0.0 g 0N 0 0.0 g 0N
10 0.0 g 0N -10 0.0 g 0N
20 0.1 g 9.80 𝑥 10 N -20 -0.1 g −9.80 𝑥 10−4 N
30 0.2 g 1.96 𝑥 10 N -30 -0.2 g −1.96 𝑥 10−3 N
40 0.3 g 2.94 𝑥 10 N -40 -0.3 g −2.94 𝑥 10−3 N
50 0.3 g 2.94 𝑥 10 N -50 -0.3 g −2.94 𝑥 10−3 N
60 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10 N -60 -0.4 g −3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
70 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10 N -70 -0.4 g −3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
80 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10 N -80 -0.4 g −3.92 𝑥 10−3 N
90 0.4 g 3.92 𝑥 10 N -90 -0.4 g −3.92 𝑥 10−3 N

There can be possible sources of error observed in both of the experiment. In the first
part of the experiment, the improper arrangement of the magnets might cause error. In the
second part of the experiment, the wires must be in between and not touch the magnets in
order to get a good data.

In this experiment, we figure out the magnetic fields of different combinations of

permanent magnets. The magnetic field inside the iron ring assembled a hyperbolic curve.
The iron fillings “behave” this way inside the iron ring because the iron ring is a combination
of North poles and South poles. In this experiment, we also figure out the relationship
between magnetic force on a wire. And we found out that the magnetic force is directly
proportional to the magnetic field, current, length and orientation of current-carrying wire.

[1] Halliday, Resnik, Walker, Principles of Physics. Page 735-736,764, 9th ed., John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. USA (2011)

[1] Benzon, AM, Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Force. Physics Lab Manual., 1-5(2014)

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field
[2] http://ww2.odu.edu/~jdudek/Phys112N_materials/4-magnets.pdf

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