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Dear Mr. ________________;

This is to inform you of the following report received by management:

That on May 7, 2014, you were reported to have committed the following
infraction –

May 6, 2014 – that at about _______ of said date, you were caught by
___________ sleeping in _____________ area during your working hours. A
photograph of you sleeping during your working hours was taken and a copy is
hereto attached for reference. Sleeping during working hours is penalized under
our existing company rules that provides as follows:

“ x x x x copy company rules provision x x x”

Records show that this is not the first time that you were caught sleeping
during your working hours. On March 8, 2013, at about 10:45 PM, you were
also caught sleeping during your working hours and for the infraction
committed, you were sanctioned and warned.

On April 8, 2014, you were also caught playing games using your mobile
phone during working hours ansd thus, you were cited for wasting time and
served with a warning in writing.

On January 16, 2014 – you reported for work in the company under the
influence of alcohol (drunk) and ___________ noticed you to be unrully and
reeking with alcohol. Thus, you were immediately instructed to leave your post
and to go home. No sanction was implemented for your said infraction which is
punishable by __________ under our existing company rules and policy.

Records further show that you have been habitually late in reporting for
work and was tardy on numerous occasions from July 2013 up to May 2014, as

DATE Time-In Minutes Lates

____________ _____________ _______________
____________ _____________ _______________
____________ _____________ _______________
____________ _____________ _______________

Under our company rules and policy, tardiness is punishable by

_____________ and under the law and applicable jurisprudence, habitual
tardiness is a ground for termination from work.

Furthermore, your habitual and repeated infractions of the comonay

policy and rules constituted serious misconduct, a ground for termination of
employment under the Labor Code.

THEREFORE, you are hereby given the opportunity to refute, justify and
explain the allegations against you through a written explanation that you may
submit, together with all evidence that you may consider to be helpful to your
cause, within a period of five (5) days from notice. You are likewise requested
to attend the administrative hearing that shall be conducted upon receipt of your
written explanation wherein you may bring any person to help you explain your
side. You may request for an extension of time to submit your written
explanation or evidence provided that the request is for a meritorious reason and
in writing submitted to management not later than the last day to file written
explanation set herein. You are hereby warned that your failure to submit your
written explanation or evidence and or to attend the hearing shall be construed
as waiver of your right to due process. You may address any requests or
clarrification with the Personnel Department during office hours.

For your information and guidance

The Management

_________________________ (print name and indicate position)

Remarks: (name of recepient and date of receipt) (if receipt is refused, indicate
as such. The person serving shall execute a statement as to the fact of refusal,
date and time of service and one copy shall be sent to his residence address on
record via registered mail)

Copy furnished:
DOLE Regional Office

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