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Consulting Services in

Public - Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Executive Summary

Change is the only constant factor LDK- J2C Consultants fill in a gap in the
and volatility in the global markets is consulting sector by providing integrat-
a given, driving the public sector into ed PPP consultancy services both to the
dire financial straits and quite often to public and private sector by combining
bankruptcy. In the midst of such con- engineering aspects with PPP struc-
ditions, one of the few viable solutions turing and capacity building in WASH
for development of infrastructure is (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Solid
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) – Waste Management and Transport In-
contributing with the capacity and the frastructure.
financial leverage of the private sector The services provided by LDK-J2C Con-
to develop infrastructure used by citi- sultants offer tested methodologies on
zens worldwide. PPPs, combining technical with finan-
PPPs are not a panachea to infrastruc- cial and legal knowledge of transac-
ture development, but with good plan- tions and PPP structuring with experi-
ning and awareness from both sides, it ence spanning in most kinds of Project
might become a good option for infra- Finance, e.g. BOT, ROT, DBF, DBFOs.
structure development and operations.

The Consulting Scheme

LDK Consultants, Engineers and Planners S.A. is a leading international
consultancy offering engineering and policy services to International Fi-
nancing Institutions, Ministries, Regulatory Authorities and Utilities on one
side and privately held companies on the other hand. It has held a domi-
nant position in Southeastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and the Middle
East in the sectors of environment, energy, water and transport infrastructure on
a national and regional level. It has integrated PPP concepts and policies in many
projects especially in the Middle East, in integrated solid waste management as
well as water management, advising ministries on how to structure PPPs, how to
mitigate the risks and how to integrate concepts on PPP insurance.

J2C Water Ltd. Strategic Advisors has a primary consulting fo-

cus on Non-Revenue Water (NRW) and PPP in water. Strong
synergies between sustainable NRW reduction and manage-
ment on the one hand, and public-private partnerships both in
operation and finance on the other hand have formed a key expertise of the firm.
J2C Water offers consulting services to organizations seeking to improve their
operations and procedures and to develop the capacity of their institutions to
become more efficient and to achieve specific outcomes.

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Range of Services
Key Services offered are:

•• PPPs options analysis •• Performance-based contracting

•• Financing Instruments analysis •• Project marketing and roadshow

•• Setting up the framework •• Transaction Advisory focused

for institutionalizing PPPs on financial, technical and contractual
•• Technical, Financial and Legal evaluation
of PPP opportunities/possibilities •• Performance-based contracting
in a specific sector/ministry
•• Financial assessment of a PPP
•• Preparing legal and contractual opportunity (shadow bidding and value-
documentation as samples for general for-money-analysis, affordability studies
use or for specific projects and assessments)

•• Terms of reference/ Request for •• Risk assessment and quantification

proposals preparation and support of
public bodies in the bidding/evaluation •• Allocation of risks between private
process and public partner

•• Capacity Building to ministry officials •• Uniformity of tendering procedures

on functional/contractual/strategic
issues of PPPs

•• Feasibility Studies and due diligence

of PPP structures

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Key Personnel

The PPP Services are managed by two Directors, and are supported by the person-
nel of the constituent companies, combining the PPP and engineering expertise in a
matrix organization. Short bios of the key personnel are presented:

Jan Janssens Stavros Damianidis

Principal Director at J2C Executive Director at LDK
PPP Technical Director PPP Operational Manager
After fifteen year of service, Jan Janssens retired Stavros Damianidis has over 15 years of manage-
in 2008 from the World Bank. His main area of ex- ment experience in large-scale infrastructure pro-
pertise is strategic advice and capacity building on jects in the environmental and energy sectors.
water sector institutional reform, water utility de- Being an economist, he has also focused on finan-
velopment and public-private partnerships (PPPs) cial/economic aspects of developmental projects
in water infrastructure. Jan has over 35 years of worldwide, with an emphasis on environmental
professional experience in the water and sanitation and energy projects and the collaboration between
sector. Prior to joining the World Bank, he had 20 the public and the private sector. He has been man-
years of experience in research and development, aging local, national, regional projects with public,
utility operations and management, and interna- semi-public and private clients, while he has been
tional consulting with the Antwerp Water Works responsible for LDK Consultants’ expansion in the
(AWW), Belgium. Middle East and the Gulf Countries.
He has led large multidisciplinary teams in advi- He has been the project manager of LDK Con-
sory support to client governments and has gained sultants in an important infrastructure European
extensive experience in project preparation and Investment Bank assignment on designing and
implementation for the main International Finance maturing critical environmental infrastructure in
Institutions, including the World Bank, the African Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan, while he is
Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, currently the project manager of a European Com-
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- mission initiative for water conservation and man-
opment, and local actors (governments, public or agement, incorporating PPP concepts in all North
private operators). Jan’s experience with PPP in- Africa and Middle East countries of the southern
cludes options analyses, contract structuring and Mediterranean.
design and regulation. He holds a master’s degree in business adminis-
He has worked in Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle tration with an emphasis on developing new busi-
East, and Asia Regions. Jan holds Masters of Sci- ness and is a shareholder and Executive Director of
ence Degrees in Civil Engineering (Ghent Univer- LDK Consultants.
sity) and Environmental Water Resources Manage-
ment (Brussels University). He also holds an MBA
of the Vlerick Gent-Leuven Business School and is
an Alumnus of IMD Lausanne. He has lectured and
presented papers at nearly 125 international events

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Bambos Charalambous George Tsivilis

Managing Director at J2C Solid Waste Management Expert at LDK
Performance Based Contracts Expert PPP Expert
Bambos Charalambous holds a BSc degree in Civil George Tsivilis has over 30 years of experience cov-
Engineering and a Masters in Business Adminis- ering the entire cycle of technical projects. Since
tration. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) regis- 2000, he has been working as Project Leader in nu-
tered with the UK Engineering Council, a Corporate merous Solid Waste Management (SWM) Projects,
Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), a carrying out Strategic Plans, Detailed Design and
Fellow of the Institution of Water and Environmen- EIAs, CBAs, Approval & Permit procedures, Tender
tal Management (UK) and a Fellow of the Interna- Documents, Monitoring and Contract Management,
tional Water Association. Operation and Emergency Plans for almost all Sol-
His experience in water-related areas spans over id waste management project categories such as
30 years and he has worked on many projects in Sanitary Landfills, Rehabilitation of Old Landfills,
Europe, Africa, Asia, United Arab Emirates and Cy- Transfer Stations, MBTs – Composting and Anaer-
prus. From 1995 to 2012 he was heading the Tech- obic, Biostabilization, Incineration, Gasification,
nical Services of the Water Board of Lemesos, a concerning Municipal as well as Health Care In-
public water utility in Cyprus, with responsibilities fectious, Industrial Hazardous and Special Waste
on all technical matters, including planning, oper- streams.
ation and maintenance of the water supply system. He is a pioneering consultant in PPP Projects in
His recent experience includes concept devel- Greece, having conducted pre-contractual pro-
opment for performance-based contracting in cedures (master plans, financial-economic and
Non-Revenue Water reduction and efficiency im- socio-economic evaluation of investment, tender
provement applicable to Water Utilities where in- documents) for a wide range of different project
termittent water supply conditions, high levels of categories (waste treatment plants, park stations,
leakage and capacity constraints are prevalent. sports and cultural projects, marines etc.), while
he has participated as Rapporteur in a number of
He has published numerous papers on issues re-
seminars and has trained implementing bodies’
lated to the management of urban water supply
staff in relevant topics.
and of water resources. Bambos is Past Chair of
the International Water Association’s (IWA) Water George holds a Bsc in Civil Engineering and an MSc
Loss Task Force and is currently the Chair of the in Regional Development.
Non-Revenue Water Intermittent Supplies Task
Group of the IWA.

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Representative Projects

Study of alternative business Models & Busi- Engineering Consulting concerning the double
ness Plans for the materialisation of Acropolis reformation of the Votanikos Region in Athens
Technological Park in Afidnes in Attika Region, to a mixed use entertainment and sports park,
a public-private initiative to form the first “Sili- housing the most popular Greek football team
con Valley” of Greece as well as other supporting uses, like enter-
tainment, other sports facilities and a shop-
Strategic Advice & Business Planning, Engineering Consulting ping mall, Greece

Engineering Consulting

Support to the Municipality of Likovrisi, Athens

in order to run a feasibility study and procure
the development of a mixed-use, real estate Infrastructure Finance and Public Private Part-
property on behalf of the Municipality as a PPP nerships (IFPPP) – Water Subsector – Technical
project, Greece Advisor PPPs in Water, Kenya

Financing & Economics, Business Planning Strategic Advice & Business Planning

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Mediterranean Hot Spots Investment Pro- Sustainable Water Integrated Management –

gramme - Feasibility studies and examination Support Mechanism. Capacity building to water
of PPP options for constructing and operating ministries and other stakeholders in Algeria,
large environmental infrastructure projects Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt,
(Wastewater treatment plants and solid waste Palestine and Israel in structuring water PPPs,
management plants) in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, dealing with insurance issues in PPPs and
Lebanon understanding the main modalities of PPPs
and how they can form an alternative solution
Financing & Economics, Structuring, Tendering& Procurement to project financing
Capacity Building & Training, Engineering Consulting
Capacity Building & Training

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Solid Waste Management Strategy of Jordan Second Forum of the Arab Financing Facility
Republic. Examination of PPP options in the For Infrastructure, Marrakech, 16-17 April 2012,
full circle of solid waste management oper- sponsored by IsDB, WB, IFC.
ations (design, construction, operations in Session 3 “Water”: Challenges and Opportuni-
management, handling, treatment and dispos- ties for PPP in WSS in MENA Region
al facilities)
Capacity Building & Training
Strategic Advice & Business Planning, Financing & Economics,
Engineering Consulting

Identifying Opportunities and Challenges for

upscaling Access to Water and Sanitation
Project Finance and Financial Modelling for through Private Sector Participation in SSA In-
PPP/PFI, a four-day seminar (20-23 May 2013), frastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) (AfDB
Course Director – Senior PPP Expert HQ), African Continent

Capacity Building & Training Strategic Advice & Business Planning

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Consultant of pre-contract procedure for the Principal Water and Sanitation Specialist in
project: “Construction, Operation, Management design and preparation water sector invest-
of Solid Waste Management Unit of Prefecture ment loans, water sector and utility diagnostic
of Messinia with PPP”, Greece and reform, including PPPs (including service
contract, management contract, affermage,
Financing & Economics, Structuring, Tendering & Procurement, BOT and DBF), preparation and facilitation of
Transaction Advisory institutional change and regulatory reform,
implementation of capacity building programs
in water and sanitation in Western African

Development of a Public-Private Partnership Strategic Advice & Business Planning, Structuring, Tendering
for the Improvement of the Water Supply in the & Procurement, Transaction Advisory, Capacity Building &
Northern Region of the Republic of Moldova – Training
Phase II, Senior Institutional/PPP Transaction

Structuring, Tendering & Procurement

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

Representative Clients

We offer a combination of operating the World Bank, the EC, the European In-
knowledge in utilities, IFIs and the pri- vestment Bank and the European Bank
vate sector, since our team has been for Reconstruction and Development for
employed for years at the World Bank, over 30 years.
Utilities in the Netherlands and Cyprus. Our experience spans most countries of
We have been providing consulting ser- the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa as
vices to international contractors and well as the Balkans and Central Europe.

Consulting Services in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) | LDK Consultants - J2C Water

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