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Psychological Hazards

1) The following are work related psychological stressors(d)

a) An increase in unexplained absences or sick leave
b) Poor performance
c) Poor time keeping
d) All of the above
2) High absenteeism in work place is an indicator of (c)
a) Poor morale
b) Sick building syndrome
c) Both a) & b)
d) None of the above
3) Presenteeism in work place is (d)
a) Habitual altercation with superiors
b) Attending late for duty
c) Reporting sick over phone
d) Working while sick
4) The Maslab Burnout Inventory is a (b)
a) Shift Lag Syndrome
b) Three – Dimensional Syndrome
c) Retrospective study
d) Depression study
5) The following are measures of mental workload except (d)
a) Galvanic Skin Response
b) Heart rate
c) E.E.G
d) All of the above
6) A change in the response strength as a function of the distance from goal is known as (b)
a) Frustration
b) Conflict
c) Gradient
d) Reinforcement
7) The stress is maximum when the stressful event (a)
a) Comes suddenly
b) Is anticipated in future
c) Comes gradually
d) Is related to past experience
8) The following are Neuro Behavioural test battery tests (d)
a) Simple Reaction time
b) Benton Visual Retention Test
c) Digital Symbol test
d) All of the above
9) For better management of Psycho-social Stressors at work, the following intervention is
considered (c)
a) Shifting the worker away from his designated work place
b) Compulsory leave
c) Increasing the worker`s control of the working arrangements
d) None of the above
10) If an organization intends to initiate Behavioral Toxicology Monitory programme , it should
employ a (d)
a) Industrial Psychologist
b) Occupational Psychologist
c) Psychiatrist
d) Clinical psychologist
11) Night shift workers become victims of occupational ailments because of disturbance in (c)
a) Day –to- day activities
b) Circaseptan Rhythm
c) Circadian Rhythm
d) Family life
12) People with which type of personality are more susceptible to stress (c)
a) Aggressive
b) ‘ B’ Type
c) ‘A’ Type
d) Depressive
13) Counselling refers to (d)
a) Advising
b) Giving information
c) Providing direct help
d) Helping the individual to help himself
14) The necessity of making a choice involves (b)
a) Affective Strain
b) Cognitive strain
c) Conflicts
d) Tension
15) The body`s response to stressors has been called (a)
a) General Adaptation Syndrome
b) Frustration
c) Homeostasis
d) Ego Defenses
16) the philosophy of Community Mental Health Programme consists of the following (d)
a) In patient Services
b) Out patient services
c) Partial Hospitalization
d) All of the above
17) Many workers manifest the tendency to do the precise opposite of anything that they are
directed to do . This is an example of (a)
a) Negativism
b) Reaction Formation
c) Projection
d) Sublimation
18) The Bradfort Factor is used to calculate (c)
a) Presenteeism
b) Unruly Behaviour
c) Absenteeism
d) Rationalization
19) The Borg`s Scale of psychological measurement has the following number of scales (c)
a) 10
b) 12
c) 15
d) 5
20) In childhood , individual`s behaviour is most influenced by (d)
a) Community
b) School
c) Peer Group
d) Family
21) Stress is (c)
a) Advantageous to the player
b) Detrimental to his abilities
c) Both advantageous and detrimental as per the situation
d) None of the above
22) The concept of Eustress and Distress was coined by (b)
a) Anna Freud
b) Hans Seyle
c) Alfred Adler
d) Sigmund Freud
23) Which is the lowest level of learning ? (a)
a) Rote Learning
b) Application
c) Understanding
d) Co-relation
24) The following are non-occupational stressors (d)
a) Ecology of residential area
b) Financial Needs
c) Social Status
d) All of the above
25) Life Style management includes all of the following except (c)
a) Maintaining a balance between work and homelife
b) Holidaying frequently with all family members
c) Sharing Experience and action plan with few others
d) Keeping aside at least half an hour exclusively for oneself.

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