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 Afirmativ:
S + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + Verbul la infinitiv + -ing
e.g.: I was learning a poem at this time yesterday.

 Interogativ:
Was (pers.I/III sg) / Were (restul pers.) + S + Verbul la infinitiv + -ing
e.g.: Was I learning a poem at this time yesterday?

 Negativ:
S + was (pers.I/III sg) / were (restul pers.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + -
Se folosesc adesea formele scurte wasn't (was + not) și weren't (were + not)
e.g.: I wasn't learning a poem at this time yesterday.

Trecutul continuu se folosește pentru:
 acțiune care se afla în desfășurare la un moment dat în trecut.
e.g.: While wou were having a bath, the phone rang. – În timp ce făceai
baie a sunat telefonul.
 acțiune care continua de ceva vreme
e.g.: Yesterday I was jogging in the park. – Ieri, făceam jogging in park.
 acțiune care are loc în același timp cu o altă acțiune în trecut
e.g.: While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his
favourite tv show. – În timp ce eu revizuiam articolul soțul meu urmărea
show-ul tv favorit.

 at this time yesterday, from ... to ..., all day, for ...
e.g.: Tom was typing some letters at this time yesterday .
e.g.: She was playing guitar from 6 to 8 o'clock.
e.g.: They were laughing all day.
e.g.: She was living in an old building for 6 years.

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