Non Operative Management

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Asian Journal of Surgery (2014) 37, 148e153

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Nonoperative management for perforated

peptic ulcer: Who can benefit?
Feng Cao a, Jia Li a, Ang Li, Yu Fang, Ya-jun Wang, Fei Li*

Department of General Surgery, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Number 45,
Changchun Street, Beijing 100053, PR China

Received 5 February 2013; received in revised form 5 October 2013; accepted 9 October 2013
Available online 3 January 2014

KEYWORDS Summary Background: Although nonoperative management for perforated peptic ulcer
perforated peptic (PPU) has been used for several decades, the indication is still unclear. A clinicoradiological
ulcer; score was sought to predict who can benefit from it.
surgery; Methods: A clinicoradiological protocol for the assessment of patients presenting with PPU was
treatment used. A logistic regression model was applied to identify determinant variables and construct a
clinical score that would identify patients who can be successfully treated with nonoperative
Results: Of 241 consecutive patients with PPU, 107 successfully received nonoperative man-
agement, and 134 required surgery. In multivariable analysis, the following four variables
correlated with surgery and were given one point each toward the clinical score: age 70
years, fluid collection detection by ultrasound, contrast extravasation detection by water-
soluble contrast examination, and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE
II) score 8. Eighty-five percent of patients with a score of 1 or less were successfully treated
with nonoperative management, whereas 23 of 29 patients with a score of 3 or more required
surgery. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.804 (95% confidence
interval Z 0.717e0.891).
Conclusion: By combining clinical, radiological parameters, and APACHE II score, the clinical
score allowed early identification of PPU patients who can benefit from nonoperative manage-
Copyright ª 2013, Asian Surgical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights

Conflicts of interest: The authors declare that they have no financial or non-financial conflicts of interest related to the subject matter
or materials discussed in the manuscript.
* Corresponding author. Department of General Surgery, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Number 45, Changchun Street,
Beijing 100053, PR China
E-mail address: (F. Li).
These two authors contributed equally to this work.

1015-9584/$36 Copyright ª 2013, Asian Surgical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved.
Nonoperative management for perforated peptic ulcer 149

vital and abdominal signs were rechecked by an experi-

1. Introduction enced surgeon every 4 hours. Operative therapy was indi-
cated for either progression or failure of improvement of
Because of the widespread clinical use of H2 receptor an- peritonitis within 12 hours. Treatment for H. pylori began
tagonists and proton-pump inhibitors, significantly less once the patients were able to tolerate oral intake. Follow-
elective surgery has been carried out for uncomplicated up gastroduodenoscopy was done at 4e6 weeks to monitor
peptic ulcer. However, the complications associated with ulcer healing.
peptic ulcer, especially perforation, are still common in
recent years.1,2 In 1946, Taylor first reported a series of 28
patients with perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) receiving 2.3. Statistical analysis
nonoperative management. The mortality rate was 14%,
which was less than the approximate 20% following a direct Continuous variables were divided into clinically meaning-
simple closure with omental patch.3 With the development ful categories as described earlier and compared between
of critical care medicine, the mortality of PPU treated by the two patient groups using Chi-square tests. The logistic
the nonoperative approach has significantly reduced.4e6 regression analysis was used to identify variables associated
However, the indication of nonoperative management is with successful nonoperative treatment, as opposed to
unclear, and urgent repair of perforation is still the stan- surgery therapy. All variables with univariable p < 0.2 were
dard approach for PPU in many clinical centers. The aim of considered for the multivariable model. All variables with
this study is to establish a clinicoradiological scoring system an adjusted p < 0.1 were retained in the final model. A
to predict who can benefit from it. clinical score was constructed based on the final logistic
regression model, in which one point was assigned for the
presence of each predictive factor.
2. Materials and methods To assess the discriminant ability of this score, a receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve was obtained and the
2.1. Patients area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. The AUC can be
interpreted as the probability that a randomly chosen pa-
Between January 2002 and December 2010, all patients tient having surgical therapy will have a higher score than a
who presented at the general surgery unit of our hospital randomly chosen patient with successful nonoperative
with clinical symptoms of PPU confirmed by abdominal treatment. Values of 0.7 or more are often considered
plain film with pneumoperitoneum were evaluated for in- clinically useful.
clusion in this study. Patients with PPU history or suspected The sensitivity and specificity of each threshold of the
with gastric cancer were excluded from this study. Patients score were examined, as well as the likelihood ratio for
with severe diffuse peritonitis or septic shock received successful nonoperative treatment for each value of the
direct surgery after fluid resuscitation. Otherwise, the pa- score. According to Bayes’ theorem, the likelihood ratio
tients were initially managed nonoperatively. The study represents the change in the odds of successful nonopera-
was conducted in accordance with the institutional guide- tive treatment between pretest and post-test (post-test
lines of the Xuanwu Hospital Ethics Committee, Beijing, odds Z likelihood ratio  pretest odds). A likelihood ratio
China. of 1 indicates that the test result does not change the odds
Demographic data were collected for gender and age of successful nonoperative treatment, and likelihood ratios
(continuous data, divided into the following two categories: of 5 or more (alternatively, 0.2 or less) are considered to be
<70 years and 70 years). Clinical variables included clinically useful.8 Statistical analysis was performed with
duration of abdominal pain prior to admission, the presence SPSS version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
of fever with a threshold of 38 C, use of steroids or
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the presence of 3. Results
Helicobacter pylori infection, and satiety during perfora-
tion. Laboratory variables were leukocyte count with a Between January 2002 and December 2010, 241 patients
threshold of 12  109/L and albumin level with a threshold with PPU admitted to our hospital were included in this
of 30 g/L. Radiological variables were ultrasound exami- study. There were 168 male and 73 female patients with a
nation for fluid collection, plain film for pneumo- median age of 45 years (range: 21e92 years). Initially, 132
peritoneum, and water-soluble contrast examination for patients received nonoperative treatment; of these, 25
extravasation. In addition, the Acute Physiology and patients converted to surgery after 12 hours. Finally, 134
Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scoring system and patients required surgical therapy. Clinical, laboratory, and
Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) were used to evaluate the radiological characteristics of the patients are summarized
general condition of patient and severity of peritonitis.7 in Table 1. The clinical results of these two groups including
length of hospital stay, expenditure, and morbidity were
2.2. Nonoperative management comparable (Table 2). However, the systemic infective
complications were more common in the nonoperative
Intravenous fluid resuscitation, appropriate antibiotics, treatment group than in the surgical group. The incidence
nasogastric suction, and acid-reducing pharmacotherapy of abdominal abscess and sepsis was 3.7% and 1.9%,
(H2 antagonists or proton-pump inhibitor) were included in respectively, in the nonsurgical group. In the surgical group,
nonoperative management. Patients receiving nonopera- the incidence rate was 1.5% and 0.7%, respectively
tive management were treated in intensive care unit. The (Table 2).
150 F. Cao et al.

Table 1 Comparison of clinical, biological, and radiolog- Table 1 (continued )

ical parameters of patients with perforated peptic ulcer
Nonoperative Surgery p*
who had nonoperative treatment and surgery.
management (n Z 134)
Nonoperative Surgery p* (n Z 107)
management (n Z 134)
APACHE II 8 <0.001
(n Z 107)
Yes 32 79
Sex 0.691 No 75 55
Female 31 42 MPI 21 0.002
Male 76 92 Yes 22 52
Age 70 y 0.001 No 85 82
Yes 11 37
No 96 97 *Chi-square test.
APACHE II Z Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II;
Pain duration 0.064
NSAIDs Z nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
prior to
MPI Z Mannheim Peritonitis Index.
12 h
Yes 16 33
No 91 101
3.1. Comparison between the nonoperative group
Fever 38 C 0.058 and the surgical group
Yes 42 69
No 65 65 Patients who received either nonoperative management or
Steroid use 0.172 underwent surgical exploration with PPU were compared.
Yes 2 7 Age 70 years, fluid collection detected by ultrasound,
No 105 127 contrast extravasation detected by gastroduodenal imaging,
NSAIDs use 0.337 and APACHE II 8 were significant variables in the multivar-
Yes 26 40 iable model (Table 3). Because fever and white blood cell
No 81 94 count are factors included in calculating the APACHE II score,
Helicobacter 0.430 we had recalculated the data after excluding them in APACHE
pylori II, and the results were similar. Age (70 years), positive
infection finding for ultrasound, and water-soluble contrast examina-
Yes 65 88 tion were still the independent factors against nonoperative
No 42 46 management. The odds ratio [95% confidence interval (CI)]
Satiety when 0.585 value was 0.293 (0.116e0.721), 0.202 (0.047e0.325), and
perforated 0.029 (0.012e0.089), respectively, in multivariable analysis.
Yes 41 56
No 66 78 3.2. Elaboration of a clinicoradiological score for
Leukocyte count 0.041 prediction of need for surgical therapy
12  109/L
Yes 89 123 One point was given for one clinical criteria (age 70
No 18 11 years), each of two radiological criteria (fluid collection
Albumin level 0.399 detected by ultrasound and contrast extravasation detec-
30 g/L ted by gastroduodenal imaging), and one scoring system
Yes 95 114 (APACHE II 8), leading to a maximum score of 4. The
No 12 20 distribution of patients with PPU according to the predic-
Ultrasound: fluid <0.001 tive score and the proportion of patients with each score
collection value who had nonoperative therapy are shown in Table 4.
Yes 15 76 Fig. 1 shows ROC curves for the logistic regression model
No 92 58 from Table 2 and the clinicoradiological score, for which
Plain film: 0.875 the AUCs were 0.898 (95% CI 0.832e0.963) and 0.804 (95% CI
pneumoperitoneum 0.717e0.891), respectively. The loss of discriminative
None 15 22 ability resulting from simplification of the risk equation was
Unilateral 66 80 therefore minimal.
Bilateral 26 32
Water-soluble <0.001
contrast 4. Discussion
extravasation The feasibility of nonoperative management of PPU has not
Yes 7 82 been provided until the results of the first randomized
No 100 52 controlled trial was published in 1989. Crofts et al4 showed
that about 72% of the cases (29/40) can be successfully
treated by nonoperative management with similar
Nonoperative management for perforated peptic ulcer 151

Table 2 Clinical results of patients with perforated peptic ulcer who had nonoperative treatment and surgery.
Nonoperative management (n Z 107) Surgery (n Z 134) p
Morbidity 15.9% (17/107) 17.2% (23/134) 0.791
Respiratory infection 7 (6.5) 8 (6.0)
Wound infection 0 (0) 8 (6.0)
Wound dehiscence 0 (0) 3 (2.2)
Abdominal abscess 4 (3.7) 2 (1.5)
Sepsis 2 (1.9) 1 (0.7)
Urinary infection 2 (1.9) 2 (1.5)
Renal failure 1 (0.9) 1 (0.7)
Cardiovascular 1 (0.9) 0 (0)
Length of hospital stay (d) 11.2  1.3 10.9  1.4 0.089
Expenditure (RMB) 11,188.3  2847.4 10,591.9  2733.4 0.099
Data are presented as n (%) or mean  SD, unless otherwise indicated.

morbidity and mortality compared with the immediate perforation is closed, and continuing spillover of contrast
surgical group.4 However, the indication of nonoperative agent suggests that perforation is not closed and that
management for PPU has not been well established. This gastrointestinal contents continue to leak. Positive results
study tried to devise a score that would help clinicians for the two radiological examinations reflect that perito-
select patients with PPU who can benefit from nonopera- neal contamination is severe and aggravating, which are
tive management. Based on univariable and multivariable included in our scoring system. In addition, age and APACHE
analyses, four parameters were significantly correlated II score, which reflect the general condition of patients, are
with the therapy approach: age 70 years, fluid collection also the important parameters suggesting surgical therapy.
detected by ultrasound, contrast extravasation detected by With the exception of contrast extravasation detected
gastroduodenal imaging, and APACHE II 8. The score by gastroduodenal imaging, all determinants in the present
developed by combining these parameters proved accurate score have previously been identified as independent pre-
in predicting the need for surgery. dictors of morbidity or mortality, which could explain the
Secondary peritonitis rather than peptic ulcer itself reasonability of our scoring system.4,9,10 In several previous
threaten the life of patients with PPU, and therefore, the studies, duration of abdominal pain prior to admission was
severity of peritonitis should be the major concern when an independent factor significantly associating with the
deciding the treatment approach. However, our study did prognosis of PPU patients, which was not proven by our
not include the MPI score as one of the four parameters that study.11,12 In our study, the cutoff point of duration of
strongly suggested surgical therapy for PPU. A small amount abdominal pain prior to admission was 12 hours rather than
of peritoneal effusion is difficult to find due to the large 24 hours, which might lead to the exclusion of pain duration
volume of abdominal cavity, and fluid collection detected from our scoring system. The model proposed needs further
by ultrasound prompts significant leakage of the gastroin- validation to determine whether it can be applied to all
testinal contents and severe chemical peritonitis leading to patients with PPU. However, the AUC exceeded 0.80,
abdominal infection. The water-soluble contrast imaging is indicating that this score can help in decision making. This
an important examination to determine whether the four-point score is most useful when values are either low

Table 3 Univariate and multivariate analyses for comparison of 107 patients with perforated peptic ulcer who underwent
nonoperative treatment with 134 who had surgery.
Unadjusted Adjusted Score points
OR (95% CI) p OR p
Age 70 y 0.276 (0.148e0.514) 0 0.274 (0.120e0.626) 0.002 1
Fever 38 C 0.519 (0.329e0.819) 0.005 Not retained 0
Steroid use 0.408 (0.129e1.294) 0.128 Not retained 0
Leukocyte count 12  109/L 0.421 (0.204e0.869) 0.019 Not retained 0
Ultrasound: fluid collection 0.126 (0.072e0.220) 0 0.108 (0.054e0.217) 0 1
Water-soluble contrast 0.037 (0.016e0.084) 0 0.031 (0.013e0.077) 0 1
examination: extravasation
APACHE II 8 0.307 (0.191e0.492) 0 0.292 (0.151e0.561) 0 1
MPI 21 0.393 (0.237e0.654) 0 Not retained 0
APACHE II Z Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; CI Z confidence interval; MPI Z Mannheim Peritonitis Index; OR Z odds
152 F. Cao et al.

Table 4 Performance statistics for predictive score applied to 95 patients presenting with perforated peptic ulcer.
Score No. of No. of patients Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Likelihood ratio Interpretation of likelihood ratio
patients receiving test: test: of successful
nonoperative considered considered nonoperative
management positive negative management
if score if <score at given score
0 10 9 100 0 N Strong evidence for nonoperative
1 24 20 82.0 2.2 4.5 Weak evidence for nonoperative
2 32 15 42.0 11.1 0.8 Neutral evidence (neither for nor
against nonoperative management)
3 20 6 12.0 48.9 0.4 Moderate evidence against
nonoperative management
4 9 0 0 80.0 0 Strong evidence against
nonoperative management

(0) or high (4). The intermediate values of 2 or 3 require nonoperative decision making. This severity score, if vali-
more careful interpretation. Continued surveillance and dated, does not replace but may supplement individual
regular reassessment are probably reasonable courses of clinical judgment. It is a method to assess quantitatively
action in these patients. the severity of PPU and might help in monitoring the evo-
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