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g[pit àawRna [Ganapati Prarthana]


g/[na<š Tva g/[p?itg!< hvamhe

gaÞëanä÷à tvä gaÞëapa×tigà havämahe

k/iv< k?vI/namu?p/mï?vStmm!,
kaÞvià ka×véÞnämu×paÞmaçra×vastamam |

Jye/ó/raj</ äü?[a< äü[Spt/

jyeÞñöhaÞräjaÞà brahma×ëäà brahmaëaspataÞ

Aa n?> z&/{vÚU/itiÉ?SsId/ sad?nm!.

ä na×ù çåÞëvannüÞtibhi×ssédaÞ säda×nam||

Full Screen – On/Off Print Main Menu Ganapati Prarthana

à[ae? de/vI sr?SvtI/ vaje?iÉvaR/ijnI?vtI,
praëo× deÞvé sara×svatéÞ väje×bhirväÞjiné×vaté |

dhéÞnäma×viÞtrya×vatu |

g/[e/zay? nm>,
gaÞëeÞçäya× namaù |

s/r/Sv/TyE nm>,
saÞraÞsvaÞtyaé namaù |

ïI gu/é/_yae/ nm>,
çré guÞruÞbhyoÞ namaù |

Full Screen – On/Off Print Main Menu Ganapati Prarthana

hir> Aaem!.
hariù om ||

` zaiNt/> zaiNt/> zaiNt?>.

om çäntiÞù çäntiÞù çänti×ù||

Full Screen – On/Off Print Main Menu Ganapati Prarthana

g[pit àawRna [Ganapati Prarthana]
g/[na<š Tva g/[p?itg!< hvamhe k/iv< k?vI/namu?p/mï?vStmm!,
gaÞëanä÷à tvä gaÞëapa×tigà havämahe kaÞvià ka×véÞnämu×paÞmaçra×vastamam |
I pray to You, the Lord of groups of demigods, who remove obstacles. You are omniscient with complete
knowledge; You know more than anybody else. I have come to you, recognizing your greatness. You are the
Emperor of Emperors.

Jye/ó/raj</ äü?[a< äü[Spt/ Aa n?> z&/{vÚU/itiÉ?SsId/ sad?nm!.

jyeÞñöhaÞräjaÞà brahma×ëäà brahmaëaspataÞ ä na×ù çåÞëvannüÞtibhi×ssédaÞ säda×nam||
You are Brahma. I have propitiated You with my chanting of adoring hymns. I salute to You for the
fulfillment of my desires. You are the highest treasure among all treasures. You grant your devotees the
treasures of both food and wisdom.

à[ae? de/vI sr?SvtI/ vaje?iÉvaR/ijnI?vtI,

praëo× deÞvé sara×svatéÞ väje×bhirväÞjiné×vaté |
We invoke Saraswati the Goddess of speech. May She be pleased with us and inspire our intelligence
(to pronounce the hymns properly).

Full Screen – On/Off Print Main Menu Ganapati Prarthana

xI/nam?iv/Èy?vtu, g/[e/zay? nm>,
dhéÞnäma×viÞtrya×vatu | gaÞëeÞçäya× namaù |
Prostrations to Lord Ganesha.

s/r/Sv/TyE nm>, ïI gu/é/_yae/ nm>, hir> Aaem!.

saÞraÞsvaÞtyaé namaù | çré guÞruÞbhyoÞ namaù | hariù om ||
Prostrations to Goddess Saraswati and Sri Guru. Hari Om.

` zaiNt/> zaiNt/> zaiNt?>.

om çäntiÞù çäntiÞù çänti×ù||
May there be peace to the body, mind and the Soul.

Full Screen – On/Off Print Main Menu Ganapati Prarthana

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