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Indonesia has their another show-off time through its students’ hands in Russia

Friday, January 8th, 2016

The Indonesian contestants in International Foklore (Interfolk) 2015 in St. Petersburg Russia

Jakarta – The weather temperature estimation was about 2oC in St. Petersburg, Russia,
but such extreme weather did not stop the enthusiasm of 22 Indonesian high school students
from Labcshool Cibubur Jakarta to successfully gave another pride to Indonesia by securing the
gold medal in 8th International Folklore Festival and Competition (Interfolk) which was held in
St. Petersburg, Russia 13-17 November 2015.

The team from Labschool Cibubur took home the gold medal in ansamble category,
which consists of vocal, instrumental, and dance performances. Interviewed separatedly on
December 2015, Karamira Khairunisa, one of the performer from Labschool Cibubur’s team,
said she was ‘enhanced’ after joined the Interfolk 2015 and also glad that she, together with the
team, were able to add another pride for Indonesia. “I was so thrilled to join this competition. By
joining this competition, it means that I get another new experience to follow in the future. This
is also my first time ever international-taste competition, so, all I want to say is, I’m really
grateful to be part of it,” she said.

Interfolk is an annual event which is meant to be gather and also learn the diversity as
well as originality of the cultural life from every countries of the world through festival and
competition. There were 80 teams from 25 countries that join this year Interfolk including
Indonesia. Before entering the ‘international level’ competition, it was already an honour for
Labschool Cibubur Jakarta to be selected as the representative from Indonesia. The selection
process was indubitable tight and tough, but fortunately the Labschool Cibubur Jakarta was able
to pass through.
The team consists of 22 students (17 students are girl who have role as the dancer and 5
students are boy who have role as the musician). Most of the team member were from
Labschool Cibubur Jakarta’s own traditional dance extracurricular namely Sthiracaranadara and
skill-based orientation was used to select the other members. In the 8th Interfolk Russia, the team
performed three Indonesian’s orginial dances: Tari Zapin from Betawi, Tari TorTor from Batak,
and Tari Saman from Aceh. Despite of their amazing performance, they lost to Slovakia in the
GranPrix as the the first winner. The team from Labschool Cibubur Jakarta only made it to get
the runner up position. The team from Slovakia was in different category as the Labschool
Cibubur Jakarta, and yes, their performance was more outstanding.

Labschool Cibubur Jakarta

Besides receiving medallion and gold cup, there were another awards that they were able
to bring home such as Judges Special Award for Best Technical Performance, EAFF Award for
High Quality Presentation, dan President World Association of Performing Arts & Caucasian
Association of International Festival (W.A.P.A & C.A.I.F) Award for Most Outstanding
Performer, as well as get the Golden Ticket to join The 3rd International Performing Arts
Competition 2016 which will be held in Yerevan, Armenia.

“The students deserve to win the competition,” said Mrs. Maya Nugraheni, the
economics teacher in Labschool Cibubur Jakarta who also took part in this competition as the
supervisor. “The practice session before go to Interfolk 2015 was utterly intense. Start from
Monday until Friday, even on Saturday after school ends,” she added.

As an Indonesia, we should be more grateful of who we are because we are born in a

country with rich cultural diversity and its uniqueness. Something that not all nation in the world
have. This is proved in Interfolk 2015 where the Indonesian’s performances were always be the
most anticipated performance there. Because Indonesian’s culture, traditional dances in
particular, are very unique and different than other nations’ dance. “I think the reason why we
won the competition is because the uniqueness of Indonesian’s traditional dance. “Compared to
the dances from another country, Indonesian’s traditional dances are more dynamic and rich.”
said Mrs. Maya Nughraheni.
From the breathtaking accomplishment by Labschool Cibubur Jakarta in Interfolk 2015,
we can reflect that no matter what, do not be pessimistic. Just do your best and always be an
optimistic person because you do not know what awaits you in the future.

Just like what Mrs. Nugraheni advised for all Indonesian student out there, "If the student
has any potential or skill, just try to develop it with the way you enjoy with. For example, if you
like dancing, try to join a dance community or other way. Who knows someday you will be able
to join international competition. It’s time for you to show off your talent and make proud of
your country,".

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