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Preliminary Examination 2015

Secondary Four Express

Combined Humanities (2204/01)
Paper 1 Social Studies

Date of Examination: 24 August 2015 Duration: 1 hour 45 min

Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School

Name: ______________________( ) Class: _______________


Write all answers on the writing papers provided.

Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters glue or correction fluid.

Section A
Answer all parts of Question 1.
Section B
Answer one question.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
Hand in the question paper, Section A and Section B separately.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part

Set by: Mr. Amos Heng and Mrs. Ibaidah Jacob

Vetted by: Mrs. Shaima Anshad

This Paper consists of 7 printed pages, including the cover page.

Section A (Source-Based Study) [25marks]

Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates

Study the Background Information and the sources carefully, and then answer all the

You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to
these sources you are told to use. In answering the questions, you should use your
knowledge of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources.

1 (a) Study Source A.

What is the message of this cartoon? Explain your answer, using [6]
details of the cartoon.

(b) Study Sources B and C.

Having read Source B, are you surprised with what Source C says?
Explain your answer. [8]

(c) Study Source D.

How useful is this source as evidence on Singaporeans reaction to

the White Paper? Explain your answer. [7]

(d) Study Source E.

Can you believe what this source is saying about foreigners in

Singapore? Explain your answer [7]

(e) Study Source F.

Are you surprised by this source? Explain your answer. [7]

[Total: 35 marks]

Was the White Paper well-received by Singaporeans when it was released?


Read this carefully. It may help you to answer some of the questions.

Singapore’s Total Fertility Rate is now way below the replacement rate of 2.1. As
Singapore faces the prospect of a shrinking citizen population and workforce, the
Singapore government needed to address the population issues. They outlined the
roadmap for Singapore’s population policies in the Population White Paper: A
Sustainable Population for a Dynamic Singapore. The aim is to build a sustainable
population with a strong Singaporean core — that strengthens Singaporeans’ social
cohesion, while providing a good living environment for Singaporeans and
maintaining Singapore’s economic strength. In 2012, the government embarked on a
year-long public engagement effort to gather the views and suggestions of
Singaporeans as it reviewed population policies and strategies to help tackle and
overcome the challenge that Singapore faces. In January 2013, the White Paper and
its plan to allow for an increase in the population to 6.9 million by 2030 were

Many Singaporeans’ comments criticising the government came swiftly after. Many
Singaporean citizens felt that these foreigners do not benefit Singapore in the long
run as they have no loyalty to the country. Singaporeans also blamed foreigners for
overcrowding and the rising costs of housing, transportation, as well as taking away
their jobs. Singaporeans have even taken to protesting on a few occasions so as to
ensure that their voices are heard and the government to stop the White Paper.

Read the following sources to assess if the White Paper is well received by
Singaporeans when it was released.

Source A: A cartoon, drawn by a Singaporean, featured in an online forum in 2013.

Source B: A comment by a Singaporean in an online forum on politics.

What makes everyone so sure that Singapore can’t handle the 6.9 million population?
The Population White Paper is a 17-year plan to prepare Singapore for an increasing
Source C: Extract
population from a study
to combat by two university
the ageing populationprofessors
and for commissioned by the If the
economic growth.
Ministry of Manpower on the adequacy of CPF payouts.
Government plans everything properly, we should be able to handle the large
population. A lot of Singaporeans used to view the government positively. If the
Government had announced the White Paper 30 years ago, most Singaporeans would
accept it without much questioning. Why did we reject it so quickly without looking at
the plans carefully? Why are we so sure that the plan won’t work? Perhaps the bigger
problem here is not the 6.9 million population or ageing population or economic growth.
The bigger problem we are facing now is that Singaporeans’ confidence level towards
the Government has gone down.


Source C: A speech by Mr Low Thia Kiang, a Member of Parliament from the

Worker’s Party made at Parliament debate on the White Paper on 7 Feb,

The government's road map on population is wrong. Without a good plan on increasing
birth rate, it will still be low. So when 2030 arrives, what solution are we going to turn to?
Another White Paper for 2050 as a road map? Singaporeans will become a minority in
their own country. The government fails to recognise that the problem is its immigration
policy in the first place. The problems of low birth rate and ageing population lie in the
social and physical environment, which is not conducive for family life.
Therefore the solution must be sought by focussing the promotion of the quality of life for
Singapore families. By focussing on immigration, the government is using the cause of
the problem today as a solution for tomorrow.

Source D: A post by a Singaporean on an online blog

With 7 million people in my country, I shall never have to walk alone. Indeed, my feet
might never need to touch the ground as the crowds push me along. So, when I am old, I
won’t need to petition the government for travellators to be installed on the walkways.
Neither would I need to fear about tripping over, as sandwiched by the crowds in front
and the crowds behind, I would be cocooned safely like a baby in his or her mother’s
This must be a very comforting thought for those of us who want to continue to call
Singapore our home – now and forever.

Source E: An extract from an interview by the Chairman of the Singapore Small

and Medium Enterprises Association, 28th May 2013, The Straits Times.

Why are we so against the White Paper? We have many foreigners in Singapore for a
reason. The simple answer is that each and every foreign worker or foreign talent has a
multiplying effect on Singapore's economy. They work here, they earn money and they
spend a large part of this money they earned back into Singapore's economy. For e.g.,
when a foreigner spends his hard earned money buying jewelry from a shop in Little India,
he is already contributing to Singapore’s economy. This will also have a, multiplying
effect because the owner will hire a new assistant to manage the booming business,
creating jobs, further adding to Singapore’s economy.

Source F: An extract of the speech by PAP MP Inderjit Singh, MP for Ang Mo Kio
GRC, on the White Paper in Parliament.

I feel the time has come for us to find a better balance between economic growth and
social cohesion and yes there will have to be trade-offs of economic growth but I would
rather trade some of these for a cohesive, united nation where people feel taken care of
at home and are confident of their future. I am not saying we go for low or no growth. I
am confident we will still be able to pursue respectable economic growth when
companies and Singaporeans are faced with a situation of lower labour availability by
focusing on improving ourselves through productivity and higher value capabilities of our
own Singaporeans. Finland and other small nations have done, we can do it too.

Section B (Structured-Essay Questions)

Answer one question.

2 Singapore Healthcare.

(a) Explain how Medisave aids to manage healthcare in Singapore. [5]

(b) Explain two other ways to manage healthcare in Singapore. Which of them do
you think is the more important? Explain your answer.

[Total = 15 marks]

3 Conflict in Northern Ireland.

(a) Explain how lack of voting rights led to the creation of the Civil Rights
Movement. [5]

(b) Explain two other factors that led to creation of the Civil Rights Movement.
Which of them do you think is more significant? Explain your answer. [10]

[Total = 15 marks]

4 Bonding Singapore.

(a) Explain how the HDB ethnic ratio leads to the creation of Common Space in
Singapore. [5]

(b) Explain how two other policies lead to the creation of Common Space in
Singapore. Which of them do you think is the more effective? Explain your
answer. [10]

[Total = 15 marks]

~ End of Paper ~
Social Studies 5N
Mid-Year Examination 2015
Suggested Answer Scheme


1a) Study Source A.
What is the message of this cartoon? Explain your answer, using details of the cartoon. [6]

Level Level Descriptor Mark

L1 Describe the cartoon only, without inference or Context [1-2]
Award 1 mark for describing and 2 marks for context

It was right after the release of the white paper, where Singaporeans are
showing their unhappiness to the white paper.
L2 Inferences without support [2-3]
Award 2 marks for 1 inference and 3 marks for 2 or more inferences w/o

e.g. This shows that Singapore cannot take any more increase in its

e.g. This shows that Singapore has not stopped increasing its population and
construction of buildings.

e.g. Singapore is increasing its population and buildings beyond its capacity.
L3 Inferences with support [3-4]
Award 3 marks for 1 inference with support, 4 marks with a valid Outcome

e.g. This shows that Singapore cannot take any more increase in its population
as the country is crammed/squashed with its people and landmarks

e.g This shows that Singapore has not stopped increasing its population as
there are more and more people that there is not enough space. People are
falling out of the can, which is Singapore.
L4 Purpose and tone [5-6]
Award 5 marks for tone or purpose and 6 marks for both

The newspaper published this cartoon to mock/criticize/insult the Singapore

government on the White Paper and its plan to allow for an increase in the
city-state’s population to 6.9 million by 2030. This can be seen by the can of
sardine and the Singapore flag that has been represented as Singapore. The
contents of the can of sardines look crammed/squashed with a lot of
Singapore’s landmarks and its people are even falling off the can due to the
small space.
It is criticizing the White Paper and the Singapore government so that the
government will reconsider the White Paper and will not carry on with it/ stop
White Paper.

1b) Study Source B and C

How read Source B, are you surprised by Source C? Explain your answer. [8]

Level Level Descriptor Mark

L1 Valid comparison of the sources, but no statement of surprised/not [1-2]
surprised or Copies source
No development of PROVENANCE
Award 2 marks for no development of provenance

e.g. I am not surprised as Source B is a blogger while Source C is a member of

the opposition party.
I am surprised as the Singaporean who is supposed to not support White
Paper actually supports it.
I am not surprised as it is by a member of opposition.
L2 Surprised with development of provenance/typicality or Misinterprets [3]
source. [Source B]

e.g. I am surprised with both sources as both sources are biased. They both
have own opinions on the White Paper and the government.
L3 Surprised because they disagree: comparison of content [4-5]
Award 4 marks for comparison on content and 5 marks for supporting details
from sources.

e.g I am surprised as both sources disagree on the effectiveness/response on/

of the White Paper. Source B says that if the government plans the White
Paper properly, it will work and will be able to benefit Singapore. Source C on
the other hand, shows that the White Paper will not work as it will give more
problems. From the source, “The government’s road map on population is

Not surprised/Incomplete purpose of Source C

e.g. I am not surprised as it is from an opposition, who will obviously say bad
things about the policies PAP comes up with as they want to go against PAP.
L4 Not surprised because they agree: comparison of content [5-6]
Award 5 marks for similarity on content and 6 marks for supporting details from
the sources

e.g. I am not surprised as both sources agree that people are not confident of
the government and that is the reason why the White Paper is not well-
received. In Source B it says that there is no problem with the White Paper but
it is due to the confidence level of Singaporeans towards government that
made the people not accept the White Paper. In source B, it shows how the
confidence of the people have been down as even before the White Paper, it
shows that the government did not handle the population problem well and so
the White Paper will make it worse.

L5 Not surprised: Evaluate reliability of B [7]

(Cross reference with other sources needed)
Award 6 marks for complete support from both sources and cross reference

e.g I am not surprised as Source B is not reliable. This is because Source B is

just a comment and the opinion of one Singaporean. We are not aware of the
Singaporean’s identity or where this Singaporean is from. He could be affiliated
to a political party. Furthermore, there is no evidence to prove his claim. He is
merely giving his opinion. We are not sure if the White paper will actually work.

L6 Not surprised, evaluate reliability + purpose of C [8]

e.g. I am not surprised as C is not reliable as it is a biased source which

only shows that the White Paper has not and will not work, ignoring its
positive impacts/positive intentions. It is by the member of opposition and
obviously will not support the government’s decisions. The WP member
will want to show that the government’s policies have not worked and
will not work so that Singaporeans will not support PAP and will
support/vote the WP instead.

1c) Study Source D

How useful is this source as evidence about Singapore’s reaction to the information in the
White Paper? Explain your answer. [7]
Level Level Descriptor Mark

L1 Useful/Not useful based on provenance alone or Unsupported assertions [1]

E.g. Not useful as you cannot believe anything you read in a blog.

Not useful as it is one-sided and it is against the white paper

L2 Useful/copies content-misinterprets source [2]

E.g. The source is useful in showing that the author wants the White Paper as
he then has many people in the country. He is saying all the positive things
about the White Paper.

L3 Not useful : typicality [3]

Not useful as not all Singaporeans will agree with him. It is only one person’s
point of view and it does not tell us the other peoples’ point of view.

L4 Useful : Infer about Author’s opinion on the White Paper [4]

It is useful in showing that the author is against the White Paper. The author is
showing how crowded Singapore will be with the White paper. He is using
sarcasm to show how the negative impacts of White Paper where there will be
no space for people.

L5 L4/Useful, x-refer to other sources [5]

The source is useful in showing the negative reactions of Singaporeans towards

the White paper. The source is useful as it is supported by Source A which also
shows how crowded Singapore will be with more immigrants and infrastructure,
till there is no space for people.

L6 Not Useful/Not reliable because of extreme language from the source. [6]
[Explain the exaggeration and sarcasm of the author, thus the unreliability
of source]

The source is not useful as it is not reliable as from the source it exaggerated.
The source is sarcastic and mocking the White Paper saying that there will be
no space for people to even walk that they are pushed around as though they

are on travellators.

L7 L6/Not useful + x-refer [7]

The source is not useful as it is contradicted by Source B. In source B it shows

how the government is able to accommodate the large population that there will
be no overcrowding. From the source, “If the Government plans everything
properly, we should be able to handle the large population and solve the ageing

1d) Study Source E

Can you believe what this source is saying about foreigners in Singapore? [6]

L1 Uncritical acceptance of Source based on provenance/source type. [1]

Yes, I can believe what this Source is saying as it is a view by the chairman of
the small and medium enterprises.
No as it is one-sided.
L2 Yes, based on source content, supported or No based on typicality. [2]
Yes, I can believe what this source is saying about the benefits of foreigners and
how Singaporeans should accept the White Paper due to the economic benefits.
It shows the multiplying economic benefits that the foreigners bring.

L3 L2 + Yes based on source content, with cross reference to other sources. [3]

Note: Yes (Economic benefit), can only cross-refer to Source B (“…economic


Yes I believe the source as the source is supported by Source B which also
shows Singaporeans accepting foreigners and the benefits they bring. From
Source B, it shows the foreigners bringing “…economic growth…”

L4 No, based on source content [4]

No I cannot believe as the source does not provide evidence or statistics. The
source is made up of the opinion of a man without supporting evidence. The
example given is also not supported with evidence. The source is also one-sided
as it merely talks about the economic benefit.

L5 L4 + No based on source content, with cross-reference to other sources [4-5]

Note: No is to cross refer with F on how we do not need foreigners and can be
self-sufficient. Source F does show that foreigners do benefit our economy, but
we can do without them which contradicts C which shows that we need them in
our economy.

No, I do not believe what the source is saying as Source F states that Singapore
does not need foreigners for the economy but instead Singaporeans themselves
can bring up the economy.

L6 L4 + Question motive of source/provenance [6]

This source is supportive of the White Paper and showing the benefits of
immigrants to Singapore’s economy as it has a purpose. This is because small

and medium enterprises have been hiring foreigners, as foreigners are cheaper
and thus benefits from these foreigners. They want foreigners to stay and for the
government to carry on with the White Paper.

(d) Study Source F.

Are you surprised by Source E? Explain your answer. [7]
Note: Students should first correctly infer from the source that the minister doesn’t agree with the
White Paper will receive above L2.

L Level Descriptor Mark

L1 Surprised/not surprised based on provenance [1]

No because the source is said by an MP.

L2 No based on provenance/ Undeveloped purpose or Misinterprets source [2]

No because the Parliament is used to discuss policies and so he is giving his

L3 Yes/No, based on Source Content or Yes, based on undeveloped author. [3-4]
Award 3 marks for inference and 4 marks for additional details

Yes because the source shows that we do not need to have economic growth or
the influx of immigrants as the well beings of Singaporeans is more important.

No because the source shows how Singapore is able to continue its economic
growth even with its low population.

Yes because he is a PAP minister, he should be supporting his own political party
but he is not.
L4 Both aspects of L3 Yes and No [5]
L5 L2 + Cross-reference to show surprise or not surprise [5-6]
Award 5 marks for 1 cross reference and 6 marks for another
Yes I am surprised as the other sources show that the immigrants are needed
in Singapore or that we are able to accommodate the foreigners, especially
in terms of economy, which in turn will help in the wellbeing of Singapore as a
whole. This source is contradicted by Source E which shows the benefits of
immigrants in Singapore. From the source, it says, “they spend a large part of this
money they earned back into Singapore's economy.”

No I am not surprised as Source C agrees that foreigners will not benefit

Singapore as it is the root of all problems. From the source C, it shows how the
low population problem is due to the foreigners in the first place.
L6 Yes, based on developed provenance/author’s [7]

Yes, because as a member of PAP, the MP should have supported his own
party as if he doesn’t, it will make people doubt the White Paper and PAP.
Yes as by openly going against the White Paper, isn’t he afraid of losing his
position as the MP of Ang Mo Kio as he will not get the support of the other
members from his political party.


Singapore Healthcare
2a Explain how Medisave is a way to manage healthcare in Singapore. [5]
L1 Writes about topic [1]
Award 1m for a brief description of topic.

People are responsible for their own healthcare.

L2 Describes given factor [2-3]
Award 2m for description of the given factor and an additional mark for details up to a
maximum of 3m.

Medisave is a compulsory savings scheme where a portion of the salary will be
transferred to help for hospital and other medical bills when needed.

L3 Explains given factor [4-5]

Award 4m for explanation of given factor and additional mark for details up to a
maximum of 5m.

Medisave is a way to manage Singapore’s healthcare. Medisave is a compulsory

savings scheme where a portion of the salary will be transferred to help for medical bills.
Hence, Government need not raise taxes which will burden the working population.
These would ensure that healthcare can be managed at reduced costs. A self-reliant
individual who is independent and have personal responsibility for his healthcare would
help to lighten the financial burden of Government to allocate resources for healthcare
services and facilities. All this helps to minimise the impact of an ageing population and
the Government can channel the money to subsidize community organisations to
provide more healthcare facilities for the general public.

2b Explain two other ways to manage healthcare in Singapore. Which of them do you [10]
think is more important? Explain your answer.
L1 Identifies factors [1-2]
Award 1m for one factor identified and another for the 2 factor identified.

Medifund and restructuring of hospitals.

L2 Describes factors [3-4]

Award 3m for the 1st factor and another for the 2nd factor described

Medifund is a scheme set up by the government in 1993 to provide help to those who
are not able to pay for healthcare. The government started with a fund of $200 million
and the interest earned from this fund is given to public hospitals to provide help for
needy patients.

Restructuring of hospitals
Restructuring of hospitals refers to changing the management and operation of hospitals

to become privately-run companies

L3 Explains one factor [5-6]

Award 5m for explanation of one factor and an additional mark for details up to a
maximum of 6m.

Medifund is a scheme set up by the government in 1993 to provide help to those who
are not able to pay for healthcare. The government started with a fund of $200 million
and the interest earned from this fund is given to public hospitals to provide help for
needy patients. Medifund helps to keep healthcare in Singapore affordable because it
can help needy Singaporeans who despite Medisave, Medishield and government
subsidies still cannot afford to pay for their medical expenses. Needy Singaporeans can
apply for Medifund and can benefit from it. Thus no Singaporean will be in a situation
where he/she is not given healthcare because he cannot afford it.

L4 L3 + Explains 2nd factor [7-8]

Award 7m to answers that explain the 2 factors and an additional mark for additional
supporting detail to a maximum of 8m.

Restructuring hospitals refers to changing the management and operation of hospitals

to become privately-run companies. Restructuring hospitals help to keep healthcare
affordable because they enable hospitals to have more freedom to reorganise to meet
the needs of Singaporeans. With greater efficiency due to restructuring, Singaporeans
would have better healthcare services – they should be treated more quickly and receive
specialist care as appropriate. This should mean that there would be less wasted time
and resources which would make healthcare more affordable for the country overall.

L5 Weighs the relative importance of the two factors explained [9-10]

Award 9m one clear comparison based on one criterion and another mark for another
comparison based on the same criterion.

Based on number of people affected, restructuring of hospitals is more important than.

Medifund. When healthcare is kept affordable, people are able to enjoy healthcare
services to ensure that they remain healthy. Medifund is only applicable to citizens who
are not able to afford healthcare, such as the lower income families and self employed.
Therefore, restructuring of hospitals would benefit a larger group of people as compared
to Medifund.

3 The Conflict in Northern Ireland

(a) Explain how lack of voting rights led to the creation of the Civil Rights
Movement. [5]

L1 Writes about the Conflict in Northern Ireland 1

i.e with no elaboration or explanation of given factor

E.g The conflict in Northern Ireland is between the Catholics and the
Protestants who have different religious beliefs.

L2 Describes lack of voting rights 2-3

Award the higher mark in the level for fully developed descriptions

E.g. The voting rights in Northern Ireland were unfair as the Protestants
were given more votes. Owners of homes had 2 votes. Bigger businesses
had more votes than smaller businesses. The Protestants however had
more homes due to the discriminatory policies cerate by the Protestants.

L3 Explains how lack of voting rights led to the creation of the Civil 4-5
Rights Movement

i.e shows link between factor and conflict

Award the higher mark in the level for extra details of conflict.

E.g. The voting rights in Northern Ireland were unfair as the Protestants
were given more votes. Owners of homes had 2 votes. Bigger businesses
had more votes than smaller businesses. The Protestants however had
more homes due to the discriminatory policies cerate by the Protestants.
This unfair allocation of votes caused the Catholics to not have an
opportunity to address the unfair policies that denied them of their rights as
they were always outnumbered in parliament. This created a situation
whereby the unfair policies such as the housing policy and were
perpetuated. The British government ignored the Catholics’ needs for
reformation thus leaving them with no choice but to form the Civil Rights

(b) Explain two other factors that led to creation of the Civil Rights Movement. Which of them
do you think is more significant? Explain your answer. [10]

L1 Identifies factor(s) which led to the creation of the Civil Rights [1-2]

Award 1 mark for identifying one factor and 2 marks for identifying
another factor.

e.g Two factors that led to creation of the Civil Rights Movement were
unequal allocation of housing and unequal employment opportunities.

L2 Describes factor(s) led to the creation of the Civil Rights Movement. [3-4]
Award 3 marks for describing one factor and an additional mark for
describing another factor.

e.g Unequal allocation of housing took place because the Protestant

government allocated housing unfairly. They made Catholics wait a long
time for housing even when they were in dire need of owning a house.
The Protestants, however did not have to wait long for houses.


e.g The Catholics suffered unequal employment opportunities as

compared to the Catholics as it was harder for them to find jobs. This
was because the Protestants who were richer and thus owned more
businesses. However they didn’t want to hire the Catholics due to
religious discrimination. It did not matter if a Catholic job-seeker was of
the same qualifications as the Protestant job-seeker. The Protestant got
the job just because of religion. This was especially so in the government

L3 Explains one other factor which led to the creation of the Civil [5-6]
Rights Movement.
i.e shows link between factor and conflict in Sri Lanka
Award 5 marks for an explanation of one other factor and an additional
mark for any supporting detail.

e.g Unequal allocation of housing took place because the Protestant

government allocated housing unfairly. They made Catholics wait a long
time for housing even when they were in dire need of owning a house.
The Protestants, however did not have to wait long for houses.

This brought about a situation whereby the Catholics suffered due to

overcrowded housing conditions. Overcrowding also leads to heath
problems and makes day-to-day living inconvenient. The quality of life of
the Catholics are also severely affected. The government did not
properly resolve the issue and this drove the Catholics to feel a need to
form the civil rights movement to address the issue and fight for justice.

L4 L3 + Explains 2nd factor [7-8]

Award 7m to answers that explain the 2nd factor and an additional mark for
additional supporting detail to a maximum of 8m.

E.g The Catholics suffered unequal employment opportunities as

compared to the Catholics as it was harder for them to find jobs. This
was because the Protestants who were richer and thus owned more
businesses. However they didn’t want to hire the Catholics due to
religious discrimination. It did not matter if a Catholic job-seeker was of
the same qualifications as the Protestant job-seeker. The Protestant got
the job just because of religion. This was especially so in the government

With unequal employment opportunities, the Catholics suffered a great

deal as they had to settle for jobs which were below what they were
qualified for. Many Catholics could not find jobs and ended up frustrated.
They were earning much less than what they deserved due to their
qualifications. Their standard of living and quality of life were badly affect
as they would not have as much disposable income as they should have
received. This led to the civil rights movement as the Catholics felt
denied of their rights to fair job allocation.

L5 L4 + Explains relative importance of the two chosen factors which [9-10]

led to the creation of the Civil Rights Movement

i.e not just why they are important, but explains why one is more, and the
other is less, important.

E.g The Unequal allocation of housing was a more significant factor

which led to the creation of the Civil Rights movement as it affected more
Catholics as compared to the unequal allocation of jobs. Even the young
Catholics were affected by housing shortage on a day-to-day basis
whereas the unequal job allocation affected only working adults, although
some Catholics managed to get employment by other Catholics or a
handful were successful getting jobs from the Protestants.

4a) Explain the HDB ethnic ratio leads to the creation of Common Space in Singapore.

L1 Writes about bonding Singapore but with no focus on the question [1]
E.g. Singaporeans need to have good bonding so that there will be peace
E.g. with no description / explanation of the strategy of creating common

L2 Describes the HDB ethnic ratio [2-3]

Award the higher mark in the level for more fully developed answers.

E.g. The HDB ethnic ratio specifies that the allocation of races in every
HDB block needs to be reflective of the ethnic mix of Singapore. This will
ensure that no ethnic enclaves are formed as this is harmful to Singapore’s
ethnic harmony.

L3 Explains how the HDB ethnic ratio leads to the creation of common [4-5]
E.g. shows link the HDB ethnic ratio and common space

Award the higher mark in the level for more fully developed answers.

E.g. The HDB ethnic ratio specifies that the allocation of races in every
HDB block needs to be reflective of the ethnic mix of Singapore. This will
ensure that no ethnic enclaves are formed as this is harmful to Singapore’s
ethnic harmony.

This brings about common space in Singapore as residents of every block

will encounter residents of the various races in Singapore. Common space
is established when residents of the same neighbourhood use the same
corridors, lifts and facilities. Through these common spaces the residents
will be able to interact with each other and share common interests and
discuss common topics.

(4b) Explain two other policies lead to the creation of Common Space in Singapore.
Which of them do you think is the more effective? Explain your answer.

L1 Identifies other policies(s) that lead to the creation of common space [1-2]
Award 1 mark for identifying one type and 2 marks for identifying two types

Eg. Two other ways to create common space in Singapore are National
service and CCA.

L2 Describes one or policies(s) that lead to the creation of common [3-4]


Award 3m for describing one factor and an additional mark for describing

Another policy that helps to establish common space in Singapore is CCA.


Being involved in CCA activities helps to build teamwork among students

from different ethnic groups. CCA is a platform for students from different
ethnic group to interact and develop their common interest.


Another policy which helps establish common space in Singapore is

National Service which creates an opportunity for bonding among young
men as they will go through thick and thin in NS regardless of their ethnic

L3 Explains one policy that leads to the creation of common space [5-6]
E.g. Another policy that helps to establish common space in Singapore is
CCA. Being involved in CCA activities helps to build teamwork among
students from different ethnic groups. CCA is a platform for students from
different ethnic group to interact and develop their common interest.

CCA is an effective way of establishing common space in Singapore as it

not only brings students together in a physical location but brings them
toward a common ideology so as to achieve a common goal together.

L4 L3 + Explains 2nd policy [7-8]

Another policy which helps establish common space in Singapore is

National Service which creates an opportunity for bonding among young
men as they will go through thick and thin in NS regardless of their ethnic

This establishes common space in Singapore among the men of all races
as a sense of brotherhood is established when they have to go through
challenging experiences together encouraging and spurring each other to
go on so as to establish a common goal of ensuring national defence.

L5 L4 + Explains relative importance of the two chosen factors in the [9-10]

creation of common space.

E.g. Although national services establishes common space in Singapore,

compared to CCAs, it only involves the men who are fit enough to serve
National service. CCAs on the other hand is compulsory in secondary
school and all students have to participate in it thus creating common
space for a much larger percentage of the population.

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