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____________________________________________ ___________________________________

Name Teacher Signature

Fourth Graders have the opportunity to be Music Helpers. Music Helpers are
responsible for coming to the music room and helping Ms. Moser clean up the room,
prepare materials, organize, or help with the Music Store. Music Helpers are held to a
high standard and expected to show excellent behavior at school and achieve good
grades. If you are interested in becoming a Music Helper, complete the information
below. Ms. Moser will return the bottom portion of this form when you have been
Why would you make an outstanding Music Helper?





Please circle all the days/times you are available to help.

How many days a week would you like to be scheduled? ________

Mon. 7:30-7:50 Mon. 2:55-3:15 Tues. 2:55-3:15 Wed. 2:55-3:15 Thurs. 2:55-3:15

Student Signature __________________________________________ Date ________________

Parent Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________

(For Ms. Moser to fill out)

___________________________________________________ ______________________
Student Teacher

You have been selected to be a Music Helper! Starting next week, please report to the
Music Room the days/times that are circled below.

Mon. 7:30-7:50 Mon. 2:55-3:15 Tues. 2:55-3:15 Wed. 2:55-3:15 Thurs. 2:55-3:15

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