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Name: ______________________ Ceramic Project Title: ________________________

Each Category Excellent (12) Good (10) Basic (8) Poor (6) Score
worth 12 points
Creativity, Design is unique and displays Design is expressive; Design lacks Has minimal additional
Originality element that are totally their has some unique individuality. Has few feature or copies the
own. Evidence of detail, feature. Has “branched details. Evidence of ideas of others. Not
pattern or unique applications. out” to some degree. copying ideas. much attempt to show
Craftsmanship/ Form is carefully planned and Form is somewhat Form is unplanned and Form lacks planning and
Skill balanced. Edges are smooth planned. Most edges lacks balance. Some effort. Surfaces are
and refined. Walls are even are smooth, refined. edges are smooth but uneven and uneven
thickness (if it has walls). Walls even thickness many un-refined. walls (if it has walls).
Joining is secure and hidden. (if it has walls). Joining Joining is secure but Joining is insecure.
is secure and hidden (if obvious. Walls vary in Surfaces and edges are
intended). thickness (if it has unrefined.
Effort/ Uses class time to the Uses class time for Has difficulty focusing Hardly evidence of care
Perseverance maximum. Always on task. work but is sometimes on the project much of of the quality of the
Time and effort are evident in distracted by others. the time. Easily work. No additional
the execution of the piece. Work falls short of distracted by others. effort is noted than to
excellence. complete it.
Work Worked Steadily on project. Worked steadily on Worked most of the Socialized and broke
Habits/Followed Followed class rules. Open to project. Took a few time but took frequent rules to detriment of
Class Rules positive suggestions. Cleans ‘breaks’. Followed ‘breaks’. Followed class artwork and working
work area thoroughly. class rules. Accepts rules most of the time. environment. Leaves
suggestions. Cleans Lacks openness of clean up to others. Is not
work area most of the suggestions for open to assistance or
time. improvement. Has suggestions.
difficulty cleaning up
ones work area.
Total Score


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