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2. 2. MORTAR Mortar is a workable paste used to bind construction blocks together and fill
the gaps between them. The word comes from Latin moratorium meaning crushed. Mortar
may be used to bind masonry blocks of stone, brick, etc. Mortar becomes hard when it sets,
resulting in a rigid aggregate structure. Mortar can also be used to fix, or point, masonry
when the original mortar has washed away
3. 3. MORTAR • Mortars are usually named according to the binding material used in their
preparation. • They are essentially required for masonry work, plastering and pointing etc.
FUNCTIONS OF MORTAR: • To bind together the bricks or stones properly so as to
provide strength to the structure. • To form a homogenous mass of the structure so as to
resist all the loads coming over it without disintegration.
4. 4. Composition of Mortar Modern mortars are typically made from a mixture of sand, a
binder such as cement or lime, and water.
5. 5. An ideal mortar:  Adheres completely and durably to all the masonry unit to provide
stability.  Remains workable long enough to enable the operative to set the masonry unit
right to line and level; this implies good water retentivity.  Stiffens sufficiently quickly to
permit the laying of the units to proceed smoothly, and provides rapid development of
strength and adequate strength when hardened.  Is resistant to the action of environmental
factors such as frost and/or abrasion and the destructive effects of chemical salts such as
sulfate attack.  Resists the penetration of rain.  Accommodates movement of the structure.
 Accommodates irregularities in size of masonry units.  Contributes to the overall aesthetic
appearance.  Is cost effective
6. 6. Mortar as Binding Material Pointing Masonry joint Plastering Cement Slurry
7. 7. Nature of application Brick Laying Mortars Finishing Mortars
9. 9. Workability Workability may be defined as the behavior of a mix in respect of all the
properties required, during application, subsequent working and finishing. Ease of use, i.e.
the way it adheres or slides on the trowel.  Ease of spread on the masonry unit. Ease of
extrusion between courses without excessive dropping or smearing. Ease of positioning of
the masonry unit without movement due to its own weight and the weight of additional
10. 10. Water Retentivity & Air content This is the property of mortar that resists water loss by
absorption into the masonry units (suction) and to the air, in conditions of varying
temperature, wind and humidity. Water retentivity is related to workability. The air content of
the mortar in its plastic state is also important. In order to achieve good durability it is
necessary that there is sufficient air content (entrained air) to enable freeze-thaw cycles to
be resisted without disrupting the matrix of the material.
11. 11. Stiffening and hardening The progression of stiffening, defined in the European
Standard as workable life, refers to the gradual change from fresh or plastic mortar to setting
or set mortar. Hardening refers to the subsequent process whereby the set mortar
progressively develops strength.
12. 12. Properties of hardened mortar  Durability of mortar may be defined as its ability to
endure aggressive conditions during its design life. A number of potentially destructive
influences may interact with the mortar: these include water, frost, soluble salts and
temperature change. In general, as the cement content increases so will durability. Air
entrainment of mortars improves resistance to freeze-thaw damage.
13. 13. Compressive strength The use of too much cement will produce a more rigid mortar,
which may result in vertical cracking passing through units and mortar joints as stresses are
imposed Use of the appropriate mortar should not result in cracking, but any that does
occur, (e.g. due to movement), will tend to follow the joints, which will be much easier to
14. 14. Flexural strength  Traditional masonry construction tended to be massive relative to
modern structures, typically with very thick walls. This meant that the mass or bulk generally
resisted the various forces applied to it.  The development of modern masonry units and
advances in mortar technology have led to more slender structures which are more
vulnerable to lateral forces e.g. wind loads.
15. 15. MIXING THE MORTAR: •The sand and the cement have to be thoroughly mixed by hand
or in a mechanical mixer before adding any water - do not use dirty water, or water from
puddles or ponds, as this could impair the final strength of the mortar. •Similarly, keep any
sugarcontaining liquids, such as soft drinks, well away from the mix sugar, even in small
amounts, seriously impairs the setting ability of the cement.
16. 16. Types of Mortars Mortars are classified on the basis of the following  BULK DENSITY
17. 17. By Bulk Density According to the bulk density of mortar in dry state , there are two types
of mortars. Heavy Mortar Bulk Density =/> 1500 kg/m3 Lightweight Mortar - Bulk Density <
1500 kg/m3
18. 18. Kind of binding material Lime Mortar Lime – Surkhi Mortar Mud Mortar Cement
19. 19. FUNCTION OF SAND AND SURKHI IN MORTARS: Functions of sand: •It reduces
shrinkage of the building material. •It prevents development of cracks in the mortar on drying.
•It helps in making mortars and concretes of desired strength by varying its proportions with
the binding material. •A well graded sand adds to the density of mortars and concretes.
Functions of surkhi: •It provides brick color and make the mortar economical
21. 21. LIME MORTAR Lime mortar is a type of mortar composed of lime and
an aggregate such as sand, mixed with water. Lime mortar is primarily used in the
conservation of buildings originally built using lime mortar, but may be used as an alternative
to ordinary portland cement. A lime kiln is used to produce quicklime through
the calcination of limestone (calcium carbonate). CaCO3 + heat → CaO + CO2
22. 22. Quick Lime Calcium oxide (CaO), commonly known as quicklime or burnt lime, is a
widely used chemical compound. It is a white, caustic, alkaline crystalline solid at room
temperature usually obtained from limestone. Slaking of Lime When water is added to quick
lime in sufficient quantity, lime cracks, swells and falls into powder form due to the chemical
reaction thus forming calcium hydrate Ca(OH)2.
23. 23. Lime mortar: •The paste is prepared by mixing lime and sand or surkhi in suitable
proportions in addition to water. •If surkhi is to be added in lime mortar the equal proportions
of sand and surkhi should be mixed with lime. •These mortars are inferior to cement mortars
in strength as well as water tightness. •These mortars should not be used for underground
works as they set in the presence of carbon dioxide and break up in damp conditions. •This
type is used for construction work above ground level i.e. exposed positions.
24. 24. Ht: 40 cm 6 – 9 m Dia BULLOCK DRIVEN GRINDING MILL Width: 30 cm
25. 25. Pivot Roller Roller Revolving Pan 180- 240 CM Dia Power POWER DRIVEN GRINDING
26. 26. MUD MORTAR
27. 27. Mud mortar: •The paste is prepared by mixing suitable clay, soil with water. •The soil
which is used for preparing mud mortar should be free from grass, pebbles etc. •These are
the cheapest mortars but weakest in strength. •These mortars are used for brickwork of
ordinary buildings and for plastering walls in rural areas.
28. 28. PREPARATION OF CLAY Mixing With Hand Ramming Homogenous Mixture Clay
29. 29. MUD wall
30. 30. Applications of MUD MORTAR Walls Mud wall Mud being Plastered to wooden
Framework Mud Plaster
31. 31. Wall with Mud Blocks Binding Material
33. 33. Clay Blocks / Tiles
34. 34. TERRACOTTA – Burnt Clay Solar Panels embedded in clay tiles Shingles Tiled Roofs
Roof Tiles Pot Tiles
37. 37. Decorative Motifs in Terracotta
39. 39. Cement mortar: •The paste is prepared by mixing cement and sand in suitable
proportions in addition to water. •The general proportion is 1 part of cement to 2-8 parts
clean sand. •These mortars must be use within half an hour, i.e.; before initial setting time of
the cement. •This type is used for all engineering works where high strength is desired such
as load bearing walls, deep foundations, flooring etc.
40. 40. •When mixing by hand, the sands and cement are heaped up on a mixing board or in a
wheel barrow and repeatedly turned over and over until thoroughly mixed. •The color of the
dry mix will change as the cement is distributed throughout - there should be no 'streaking' of
cement, and no clumps of pure sand or pure cement. •Once the dry ingredients are mixed,
the water can be added.
41. 41. Dry sand and cement in wheelbarrow Begin to mix sand and cement Mix to evenly
distribute cement The dry mix should be all one colour Add water and plasticiser Mix to
required consistency
42. 42. •When using a mechanical mixer, add half a bucket (2 or 3 liters) of clean cold water to
the empty drum before adding the dry ingredients in sequence. • Add 4 measures of sand
then 1 of cement, followed by 4 sand, then another cement and so on until the required
quantity is in the mixer. •This ensures a more thorough mix than adding, say, 20 measures of
sand and then 5 measures of cement. •Again, the water is added to the revolving drum once
the dry ingredients are thoroughly blended, a bit at a time until the required consistency is
43. 43. For wide joints in paving or for stonework, either as paving or as walling, a coarser
mortar is often preferred - replace half of the building/soft sand with grit/sharp sand. You will
probably find that a coarse mortar such as this requires less gauging water to achieve a
working consistency than does a bricklaying/general purpose mortar. Mortar for Wide Joints
2 x Building Sand plus 2 x Grit Sand plus 1 x cement
44. 44. SPECIAL MORTARS Fire – Resistant Mortar Lightweight Mortar Packing Mortar
Sound Absorbing Mortar X-Ray Shielding mortar
45. 45. Fire resistant mortar: •The paste is prepared by mixing aluminous cement and finely
crushed fire bricks (1:2) in suitable proportions in addition to water. •The usual proportion are
1 part aluminous cement to 2 parts of finely crushed fire bricks. •These are generally used
for lining furnaces, ovens and fire places with fire bricks.
46. 46. Light weight mortar: •The paste is prepared by mixing wood powder, wood sawing or saw
dust with cement or lime mortar. •In such mortars fibers of jute coir or asbestos fibers can
also be used. •These are generally used as fiber plasters in sound and heat proof
47. 47. THANK YOU

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