A Caster Class Comparison, D&D 5e

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D&D 5e Caster Class Comparison

“Full Casters” - ​These have access to spells up to 9th-level and focus mainly on spellcasting.
Class PHB Definition Flavor & Usual Role Mechanics

Bard “An inspiring Usually music-related, bards are You have “Inspiration Dice” that
magician whose power probably the best buffers/debuffers you can pass out to allies to make
echoes the music of in the game. Your job? Inspire your them better. You memorize your
creation.” ​(pg. 51) party and make them feel (and be) spells and can cast from the list
amazing. Also, you’re great at you’ve got memorized. Subclasses
basically every skill. give this class a lot of cool variety.

Cleric “A priestly champion A well-rounded caster, clerics You pray every morning to your
who wields divine sometimes like to wade into melee. chosen deity and can swap out
magic in service of a Each domain feels different and prepared spells as desired, choosing
higher power.” ​(pg. lets you do some cool stuff, from your class’ entire spell list.
56) including some of the game’s best Good for when you can plan ahead
healing and great support to boot. for encounters and/or situations.

Druid “A priest of the Old < Basically that. Druids are a great Like clerics, druids choose spells
Faith, wielding the nature-themed, well-rounded daily, accessing the class’ entire
powers of nature - caster, but if you go with Circle of spell list. You can also Wild Shape,
moonlight and plant the Moon, you’ll probably spend changing your form into a beast to
growth, fire and most of your time fighting as a fight or scout. Or just be a horse
lightning - and beast. Literally. walking around because why not.
adopting animal
forms.”​ (pg. 64)

Sorcerer “A spellcaster who You didn’t ask for your magic; it Sorcerers have fewer spells to
draws on inherent was bestowed on you. Maybe you choose from than some other
magic from a gift or have dragon blood. Maybe you got classes, but they can do cool stuff
bloodline.” ​(pg. 99) struck by lightning. You don’t and improve them using sorcerer
know a lot of magic, but what you points. Like bards, sorcerers simply
do know, you ​know​. Sorcerers acquire new spells as they level and
often make great damage-dealers. can cast from what they know.

Warlock “A wielder of magic Unlike a sorcerer, you ​did ​ask for You don’t have access to a lot of
that is derived from a your magic. Specifically. Warlocks spells or spell slots, but what you
bargain with an are a cool class with a creepy do have hits hard. Unlike other
extraplanar entity.” undertone that excel as casters, warlocks regain their spell
(pg. 105) high-damage blasters. They can slots after a short rest and cast
cast powerful spells, have the best spells at the highest level possible,
at-will damage of all the casters, using invocations for more power
and their subclasses offer a lot of and other magical effects. Hexblade
variety. offers you a chance to be powerful
in melee, too.

Wizard “A scholarly You’ve worked hard to learn your Wizards learn spells by copying
magic-user capable of magic, relying on your brains to see them into their spellbook. Every
manipulating the you through. Wizards are amazing day, they choose a certain number
structures of reality.” at battlefield control, great at of spells from that book to prepare
(pg. 112) buffing and debuffing, and all and have ready. Wizards have
around a fantastic utility caster. access to the most spells of any
Your motto as a wizard is “there’s caster class, and could theoretically
a spell for that!” end up with the entire class’ spell
list in their spellbook, available for

D&D 5e Caster Class Comparison

These have access to spells up to 5th level and usually do other things in addition to casting.

Class PHB Definition Flavor & Usual Role Mechanics

Paladin “A holy warrior bound to You’re on a quest for You pray/meditate every
a sacred oath.” ​(pg. 82) justice. Or vengeance. Or morning, choosing from
something else. Most of the class’ entire spell list.
your magic is divine and Good for when you can
you’ll often use it to make plan ahead for encounters
you smack baddies even and/or situations.
harder, or sometimes heal
and buff your allies.

Ranger “A warrior who uses Like druids, ranger’s Like bards and sorcerers,
martial prowess and spells are nature-themed. rangers memorize spells
nature magic to combat They’re usually used to as they go and can cast
threats on the edges of survive in the wilderness from what they know.
civilization.” ​(pg. 89) or, like paladins, improve
your combat skillz.

These are subclasses that allow otherwise non-magic-using classes to get their magic ​on​.

Class PHB Definition Flavor & Usual Role Mechanics

Fighter: Eldritch Knight “The archetypal Eldritch You’re a fighter. Except You can memorize spells
Knight combines the magical. Your spells can from the wizard list,
martial mastery common make you harder to hit or focusing on abjuration
to all fighters with a you can use them for AoE (protection) and evocation
careful study of magic.” damage when needed. (damage). You cap out at
(pg. 74) 4th-level spells.

Monk: Way of the Four “You follow a monastic You’re a monk. Except You spend ki points to
Elements tradition that teaches you magical. You can dedicate cast spells from a specific
to harness the elements.” yourself to a single elemental-themed list. No
(pg. 80) element or you can use all spell slots required!
of ‘em (think Avatar: The
Last Airbender).

Rogue: Arcane “Some rogues enhance You’re a rogue. Except You can memorize spells
Trickster their fine-honed skills of magical. Why pickpocket from the wizard list,
stealth and agility with someone or disable a trap focusing on enchantment
magic, learning tricks of yourself when you can (like ​sleep​) and illusion
enchantment and use ​mage hand​? Want to (like ​invisibility​). You cap
illusion.” ​(pg. 97) be invisible ​and​ stabby? out at 4th-level spells.
This is the route for you.

Note: For Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster, you can filter ​https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/class/wizard​ by
abjuration & evocation or enchantment & illusion respectively to see what spells are available to you.


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