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Resonence Educating for better tomorrow TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2017 Course : VIKAAS (JA) Date : 04-01-2016 TEST INFORMATION DATE : 00.00.0000 Syllabus :_ _(All Cheminfos and Handouts till date) This DPP is to be discussed in the week (04-01-2016 to 09-01-2016) DPP No. # 54 (JEE-ADVANCED) Total Marks : 61 Max. Time : 40 min. Single choice Objective ('-1" negative marking) Q.1 to @.3 (3 marks, 2 min.) __[09, 06] Multiple choice objective (‘-1" negative marking) Q.4 to Q.7 (4 marks, 2 min.) [16, 08] Comprehension ('=1' negative marking) @.8 to Q.11 (3 marks, 2 min.) [12, 08] Single Integer type Questions ('-1" negative marking) Q.12toQ15 (4 marks 3 min.) ——*[16, 12] Match the column (no negative marking) @.16 (8 marks 6 min.) [08,06] ques.No [1] 2|13]4]8]6]7] 8] 9] 10] 1] 12] 13| 14] 18] 16] Toa Mark abtainea| 4. Consider the following changes Nav(g) —> Nar(aq) aH, @ Na(s) —> Nav@) oH, ® ch@) —> Chea) aH. ©) Clg) —> 2cr@) AH, ) Na‘(g) + CI(g) ——> NaC\s) (AH, (5) NaCi(s) ——> Na*(aq) + C-(aq) AH, ® Hydration enthalpy of NaC! can be defined by sum of the following NaCl a rahors cet ft Prt a oer oer erat Rene oan on een 8 (A) aH,+aH,taH.+4H/2 (Bae aHonly — (CH).AH,+AH, (0) AH,+ AH 2+ AH, +H, Resonance nalawar Road, Kola (Raj) 324005 Educating for better tomorrow D 2. Ifforreaction N, (@) + 3H, (g) —> 2NH, (g), 4H,° =~ 30 kuimole at temperature 300 K and if specific heat capacities of different species are Sp.n, = 1 JIQ°C, Sp.n, = 10 Jig°C and Sp.nm, = 2u/g°C, then AH, at 400 K for the same reaction will be : (assume heat capacities to be constant in given temperature range) aft seftrfiven N, (g) + 3H, (g) ——> 2NH, (g) # fer 300 K atta oR AH, aft fafine son anftar Sp, v, 10 J/g°C 21 Sp. nw, = 2 Jig CZ, att HHT aiftfibat & fare 400K wea Pres eto: Ct gE are aera A on nftorg Pret FIG) (A7)=22kulmole (8) = 28kd/mole (©)-32.7kdimole (0) = 27.3kdimole 30 kJ/mole ® cen af APRS ehettoT UIG®C, Se. Sol. AH,” = [-30 ku/mole] + [(2 x 2 x 17 - 28-3 x 2 « 10} (100) J/mole] (20 ku/mole) + (-2000 J/mole) = -32 kJ/mole, 3. When the gasis an ideal one and expansion process is isothermal, then the correct relation is/are uf wor Are, ww cesta 8 ae sea aH erat 8, a wa TPA A/E (&) PV, = PV, (@)aE=0 (we=o (0) sH=0 Sol. The value of work done will not be zero, (RF wa ard wr AH ea a eT) 4+ Asample of ideal gas is compressed from an initial volume of 2v, to v, using three different processes (from same initial state) First : Reversible isothermal process Second : Reversible adiabatic process Third : Irreversible adiabatic process by a constant external pressure Then : [Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry] (A) Work done in first process will be greater than in second process, (&*) Final pressure of gas will be minimum in frst process. (©) Enthalpy change of sample will be highest in isothermal process. (0") Final temperature of gas will be highest in third process, A APT ot Tre x TPT TIT Tv, Te TH ah Aer a HH we ee eT | CEPA Pre sreer @) em : sopra ean 3am fadta : sorta wateita sim gia: yo Pram area eta gre sigemesta wale ame wa (A) sern san # fren rar ore, fetta ga Ges ATT | (Be) sere ape Are ar sar a TIT TAT | (©) ers aoe Har aor ete Rats ear era | (0%) gotta spe A At at ore Tee Ser eh | Sol. (A) Work done in first process will be lesser than in second process (ince W,y.,u(lesser area under PV graph) H,0(g) (1 bar, 373 K), the correct set of thermodynamic parametersis: PH HO(0) (1 bar, 373 K) ——=> H,0(@) (1 bar, 373 K), + fe sara Gerex ar re TETAS (A*) AG =0 (BY) aS>0 (C*) AH> 0 (0) AG =-ve Sol. H,0((,tbar, 373K) —> H,0(, 1bar, 373 K) AS>0 AH>0 AG=0 6* —_At300K, the reaction which have the following values of thermodynamic parameter, occur spontaneously. 300 KR, we aififipen, Gerreftenl aap & Pr art weal 2, ta offre eae: arf afe offer fre A a aiad ar wach 8 (A) AG? = — 400 kJ mol (B) AH? = 200 kJ mot", AS*=—4 JK“ mol (C*) AH? =-200 kJ mot’, AS*= 4 JK! mot (0) AH® = 200 kJ mot’, AS®*=—40 JK~* mol” Sol. AG°= AH°—TAS*; In case of options (A) & (C), AG*is negative. Ee. AG®= AH®—TAS®; fderea (A) atom (C) a aRRRReIAY Hi, AG? ACUTE” & | 7+ Forwhich one of the following equation AH®, not equal to AH®, forthe product ? (A) Xe@) + 2F.(g) —> XeF (9) (8*) 2CO@) + 0,)—> 2C0,g) (C1) N,Q) + 0,9) —>N,0,9) (01) CH,(g) + 2Cl,(g) —> CH,CI,(9) + 2HCI(g) fare 4S fom aiftitioar & Ferg AHP oon wr IK, SeaTE @ fery AHP, aN et (A) Xe) + 2F.(Q) —> XeF (9) (8") 2COG@) + 0,(g)—» 2CO,g) (C*)N.{g) + O,(g) —> N,O.(g) (D*) CH,(g) + 2Cl,(g) —> CH,Cl,(#) + 2HCI@Q) Sol. When one mole of a substances directly formed from its constituent elements, then the enthalpy change is called heat of formation, a ww oad a ow ser gab a Tet a aha aM 2, ot Pees eats wT TATE a GOT wee] For the reaction sfiftpan & fry Xe (g) + 2F, () —> XeF, (9) mol OH = AHF 8 Ifthe change in entropy of the system when 2 moles of an ideal diatomic gas ( to 800 K under constant pressure conditions is xR In 2, find the value of x. ia wep Faerie cere Ay (y= 1.4) Qatar aT at ara GARR A 400 KB 800 K aw aT fa SATE | aa af da @ OETA A gRads xR In2 2 ca X oT AA sit aA? 4) is heated from 400 K Ans. 7 MMe Sol. hot (P= constant) (-- P= Fa) Th _ M2 Tyr (Vp) 7) ARI Ly, ) SR In2+2Rin2=7Rin2 xe7, 9. Fora perfectly crystalline solid, (C,),, = aT®, where ais a constant. If (Cp), at 10K is 0.375 u/k-mol, then find the value of molar entropy at 20K (in J/K-mol). eo are: feecta ah F FAT (Cp =ATPS Tel a, TH Frama BAAS 10K AR, (Cp), A AT 0.375 J/K-mol 84, 20K oe Hae OTA aT ATH (WiK-mol #) are FARTS 7 Ans. 1 Resonance fara ames 26 toner a6 ‘Hoar City Mal, Jhalawar Roed, Kola (Raj) 224005 gusting fr bets to morro | WH vw eeonan oT | Ema = SorieT@rosoaTo Th a Fre £0 POD ZS [ DD DE SESE] CO USSSA OOTP TOOEOES Sol. 10. Ans. 1. Ans. 12. Ans. 13. Ans. 3 (Cm = aT? 0.975 = a (10 «a= Bx 105 2 20 ao {[Gedast S fara 2 8000a _ 8000 a eae L 3 3 x 3 10° = 1K-mol3, From the following bond energy and standard AH® values for the formation of elements in gaseous state, calculate the standard enthalpy of formation (in kCal/mol) of acetone(g) : Ast aero Hecho Frat fore meen AHP et ser rot BI are Teta A rT (kCallmol #) eA ‘Standard AH® Bond energies aa at CH= 99 kCaVmol 0 (g) = 59 kCal/mol C-C=80kCal/mol © (Q)=171kCalimol C=0=81 kCalmol was Ea Teg) B FT 49 Given the following standard enthalpies of reaction () Enthalpy of formation of water = ~ 68,3 kCal/mol (ii) Enthalpy of combustion of acetylen 310.6 kCal/mol (ii) Enthalpy of combustion of ethylene = - 337.2kCal/mol Calculate the heat of reaction for the hydrogenation of acetylene into ethylene (in KCal/mol) at constant pressure. Report your answerin terms of magnitude, rounding it off to the nearest whole number. Aa Qo Pena & re open BAH CARA Fa RA Tg () 5a A aia Ge =—68.3 kava (iy ofeect eer #1 CSA = -310.6 kava wht & cea a weed = - 337.2 kCalimol Fra era oy Ghat & gece F erggrorttarer Bh we or ATT (kCal/mol @) are aH Sr Se RAT wa a Fre qt A a 42. Estimate AH (in kd) for 2C,H,, (g) —> C,H,,(g) +H, (g). Given bond energy of C- Cand C—H are 347 and 441 kJmol-’. The enthalpy of formation of H(g) atom is 217.5 kJmol-', Report your answer after dividing by 10. 20H, (Q) —> CH, @)+H,(Q) sativa & fe, AH aT A (KIA) aT AR | C— Cat CH da A ae 1 ev are ser 347 eT 4441 kimol “fA 7H B | H(g) eT aH re AeA 1 APT 217.5 kdmot* | orn SOR 108 HT Sa AAT | 10 Using the data (all values are in kilocalories per mole at 25°C) given below, calculate the bond energy of C-Hand CC bonds. AH cnsusen taney = ~ 372 : AH contain ropare g = — 530 AHP forC (graphite) —> C (g) = 172 Bond energy of H—H bond = 104 AH? of HO () = -68 A AH? of CO, (@Q) = -94 Report your answer as the difference of two values. aa RR ma stlost (25°C we ent aM, Roatan wit Ate HRA Bw Swi wed gy C—H aM C-C aa aA aa waist A Torr A AH, = 372 AHP gaye =~ 930 AHP for C Gime) —> C(g)=172—; H-Haa a da oot H,0 ()& fey AH? = ~68 7 CO, @) & fay AHS SRT ER a ari} oR S wa A AT 7 104 94 Resonance fara ames 26 toner a6 Educating for better tomorrow nalawat Road, Kola (Raj) 324005 De FV TOSI 44, Determine the standard enthalpy change of the reaction: C,H, (g) + H, (g) —> C,H, () + CH, (g), using the given enthalpy of combustion values under standard conditions, . ‘Compound H,@) CHO) CHO) C Graphite AH? (kuimole) ~ 286 - 890 ~ 1560 = 303.5 The standard enthalpy of formation of C,H, (Q) is 104 k/mol. Report your answer in terms of magnitude, rounding it off to the nearest whole number. C,H, (@) + H,(@)—> C,H, (9) + CH, (9) ffir & fary, artes Gere ahaa at arora afore | Array aff, 2 orard geet CART ar RI aE ~aes Ho cH) CHO) cere) AH? (kJ/mole) — 286 — 890 — 1560 - 393.5 H, (g) Bt are ras Tete wT A - 104 kdimol 8 | SFr Ser GRA wa A Rome yt A iS Ans, 56 48, The standard molar enthalpies of formation of cyclohexane () and benzene () at 25° C are -156 and +49 KJ mol respectively. The standard enthalpy of hydrogenation of cyclohexene (/) at 25°C is 119 KJ mol", Use these data to estimate the resonance energy of benzene in KCal mol Report your answer in terms of magnitude, rounding it off to the nearest whole number. 25°C ara oy ETS (4) cen TA (0) THIET A AT Ha GA wT —156 TET +49 KI mol" HI 21 25°C we ergacteaert (9H arEgtorto AE Gee 119K mot’ S| Ser Stes Here a ats Bh aged Hat FH KCal mol" TT aA | arr wee afore tA reo ts H A On O AH cna 8 (E419) #987 KI mot = LOH product — 2H reactant Ans. oF AH,,,, =~ 156 (49 + 0) =~ 205 KJ mot sega sail Resonance energy = — 357 — (205) =— 152 KJ mot" 16. The enthalpy of solution of anhydrous CuSO, is - 15.9 kCal/mol and that of CuSO, .5H,O is 2.8 kCal/mol. Calculate the enthalpy of hydration (in kCal/mol) of anhydrous CuSO, into CuSO,.5H,O. Report your answerin terms of magnitude, rounding it off to the nearest whole number. Fria CuSO, & faa Bt Tete aT A - 15,9 kCallmol wT CuSO, SH.O& fara BH eta a AT 2.8kCalmol® | Ficis CuSO, % CuSO, 5H.OA Tea FH PAA (kCaVImol A) Tet FAT | Sr Se BRAT B wa A Foe iw A AA Ans. 19 17, Malch the processes given in column-| performed on an ideal gas sample with changes in column-!I Column Columnait (A) Isothermal expansion against constant external pressure © Sia, > (®)__ Free expansion against vacuum under isothermal conditions. (@) (©) Reversible adiabatic compression 0 ©) Free expansion against vacuum under adiabatic conditions. (8) Resonance fara ames 26 toner a6 ‘Hoar City Mal, Jhalawar Roed, Kola (Raj) 224005 gusting fr bets to morro | WH vw eeonan oT | Ema = SorieT@rosoaTo Th a Fre £0 POD ZS [ DD DE SESE] CO USSSA OOTP TOOEOES wie 4 PA TA Cow sree he | reel oe Apa TA sar aw, we A ma Gael @ gare Are | ore orearll Prac arg ara & Peme ame SAT © © waa wRRafta A Pair} fame ga TAR @ © senha sates wits © © Betoha oRRefal #, Praia & fee gaa Ta © ® Ans. (A) > p.sit (B) > +4," (0) > pest 48, Column-1 (Thermodynamic properties of chemical reaction) (A) AHO. (©) AH> 0, aSO , AS>O wrt I (wreaths Pear & swenraesta. em) (A) aH<0, 8<0 (®) aH<0, as>0 (©) AH> 0, AS 0, AS>O. Ans. (A)~r ;(B)—p; (C)-(), O)-4, Column tt (Condition for spontaneity of chemical reaction) (p) Chemical reaction is spontaneous at all temperatures. (@ Chemical reaction is spontaneous at high temperatures and non spontaneous at low temperatures. (9) Chemical reaction is non spontaneous at high temperatures: ‘and spontaneous at low temperatures, (s) Chemical reaction is non spontaneous at all temperatures. wre — I (errata siPbar w ere: sraftion 2 er) (9) sear sara eT Ta aT: ae & | (q eerae safer ea og ae ar afi 8 cen RT ATI area: safe @ | (o sree sifeBirem sea aT ay ore afar & cer Pr aT a waif & (9) wera otra err are we rea wafifa #1 Resonance Educating for better tomorrow D nalawar Road, Kola (Raj) 324005

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