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Jose Rodriguez

Ap Eng Per.2
I brought everyone in to talk about one of the biggest problems affecting our planet being

global warming. As states stated by David Suzuki, one of the most recognized Environmental

Activist of all time “If we want to address global warming, along with the other environmental

problems associated with our continued rush to burn our precious fossil fuels as quickly as

possible, we must learn to use our resources more wisely, kick our addiction, and quickly start

turning to sources of energy that have fewer negative impacts.”(Suzuki Para 3) I am Elon Musk,

I run more than three successful multi-million corporations including Tesla, Paypal, and SpaceX.

I am also an environmental activist and currently 21 on the Forbes list richest. Global warming

from the emission of gases has always been a problem since the Industrial Revolution due to the

new machinery that humans have created. Carbon dioxide being emitted into our atmosphere is

not good for anyone because it causes a change in temperature which can lead to unexpected

outcomes like global warming and so we must step away from fossil fuels. According to NASA,

the release of CO2 into the environment produces a blanket around the planet which causes a rise

in temperature that shouldn't be there.

I have already started on my part to try and step away from fossil fuels and clean our

earth.I have developed cars that run on electricity and founded many programs that involve using

natural energy like solar energy. This has helped save our earth because there is no real gas being

emitted into our environment. I am completely against the use of fossil fuels because they harm

the environment by creating climate change, sea level rising, and even a change in the weather.

"We're running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much

carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe."The

more fossil fuels we burn, the more carbon dioxide is being released which traps heat in the
Jose Rodriguez
Ap Eng Per.2
atmosphere that causes global warming. We keep using fossil fuels as if it doesn't affect our

environment, in reality, the proof is there, global warming is active and will just get worse if we

don't make a change.So why is it that we know fossil fuels will wipe out humanity if we use

them too much but we aren't making a change to do anything about it? Little to no action is being

taken other than the consumption of is natural resources like sunlight to produce electricity

which won't affect our environment, but this is still not enough to make a difference.

Global warming not only affects humans, but it affects every living organism on the

planet. It can cause a change in climate that can lead to warmer temperatures, storms, floods,

you name it. According to the NRDC which is a corporation that helps protect the environment

we live in, “Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest

rate in recorded history. And experts see the trend is accelerating: All but one of the 16 hottest

years in NASA’s 134-year record have occurred since 2000”(NRDC Para 1).This is not good at

all for anyone. We are being forced to adapt to new temperatures that should not be occurring.

As stated by National Geographics, “Unless we take immediate action to reduce global warming

emissions, these impacts will continue to intensify, grow ever more costly and damaging, and

increasingly affect the entire planet — including you, your community, and your

family.”(UCSUSA Para 2) Although some scientist believes global warming comes from a

natural environmental cause. I would argue that the natural environmental causes don't cause a

global warming situation that is this intense, instead, it comes from the development of

humanity. This is because one of the main gases is CO2 as well as methane which are both

released from man-made machinery. Global warming affects humans, the environment, and it

isn't something to be proud of.

Jose Rodriguez
Ap Eng Per.2
We must stop using fossil fuels and focus on cleaner ways to create energy in which

does not emit gases into our atmosphere.“The planet's average surface temperature has risen

about 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased

carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere”(Forsberg Para 3) This

being said I would like to tell you guys something that happened not too long ago.”A young, fit

U.S. soldier is marching in a Middle Eastern desert, under a blazing summer sun. He’s wearing

insulated clothing and lugging more than 100 pounds of gear and thus sweating profusely as his

body attempts to regulate the heat. But it’s 108 degrees out and humid, too much for him bear.

The brain is one of the first organs affected by heat, so his judgment becomes impaired; he does

not recognize the severity of his situation. Just as his organs begin to fail, he passes out. His

internal temperature is in excess of 106 degrees when he dies”(Atkin Para 7). This isn't

something that should be happening. Global warming is seriously affecting our lives, as harsh as

this sounds if we don't do something about it we will all wound up dead. The environment won't

fix this problem, we created it now we must solve it.“One of the first things the IPCC learned is

that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming, and humans emit them in a

variety of ways. Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity

production”(Hegerel Para 4). Ending global warming is nearly impossible at this point, but what

we could do is find and use alternative sources like solar power, wind power and even water

powered energy. By doing this we are at least slowing down the process of global warming

which affects us less than continuous use of fossil fuels Just remember, If you aren't part of the

solution, you're part of the problem, this is the only planet given to us and we must conserve it as

much as possible.
Jose Rodriguez
Ap Eng Per.2
We must step away from the usage of fossil fuels because all it does is harm the

environment. All the carbon dioxide is being stored in our atmosphere which can lead to a total

catastrophe Big oil companies must limit the number of fossil fuels they use, they must find new

ways to create energy, they must be wary of the situation they are causing!Everyone must be

alert to what we are doing and all the harm we are causing. We must call for a stop, take a stand

for the future generation and not put this big problem created by us on their shoulders because

there might not be a future generation.

● B., Ethan. “Traditional vs Alternative Energy.” Letters to the Next President, 22 Sept.

2016, letters2president.org/letters/753, Accessed 24 Apr. 2018

● MacMillan, Amanda. “Global Warming 101.” NRDC, 6 Apr. 2018,


Dkee22AIVB7jACh09xQlZEAAYASAAEgI27PD_BwE, Accessed 24 Apr. 2018

● “Global Warming Impacts.” Union of Concerned Scientists, 18 Aug. 2017,


Accessed 24 Apr. 2018

● Forsberg, Michael. “Causes of Global Warming.” Global Warming and Climate Change

Causes, 14 July 2017, Accessed 24 Apr.


● Atkin, Emily. “Climate Change Is Killing Us Right Now.” The New Republic, 20 July

2017, newrepublic.com/article/143899/climate-change-killing-us-right-now.., Accessed

24 Apr. 2018
Jose Rodriguez
Ap Eng Per.2
● Hegerel, Gabriel. “Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?” NASA, NASA, 4

Apr. 2018, climate.nasa.gov/evidence/, Accessed 24 Apr. 2018

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