Lattitude Zine - Issue 8 - July 2008

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July 2008

Shit, Piss,
Fuck, Cunt,
and Tits. Those are
the heavy seven. Those are
the ones that’ll curve your
spine, warp your mind, and
keep the country from
winning the war.

— George Carlin
Fiddlesticks! As you should be aware,
George Carlin died. While there’s nothing
I can really write that sums up anyone’s
life, George Carlin was amazingly funny
and made more sense in a 1 hour set than
many do their entire lives. I used the
mugshot photo here to illustrate that like
those seven words on the cover, they have
a lot in common with all the so-called laws everyone is generally so uptight about. Simply
put in this instance - they’re just words on paper.

So, let’s face it... up until last month’s bike issue, Lattitude had been pigeon holing itself.
More bitching and moaning than actual relevant solutions or stories of any sort of action.
This is something we are looking to change. We would like to bring you tales from those
out and about interacting with the world in all its various forms or how you might be able
to improve it. Some of this will of course be political, but we hope to have more every day
life thrown in there from this point on. Grant it that this issue isn’t quite there, but for this,
we need your help.

This change comes from feedback received by you, the reader who in turn becomes the
writer. Going back to the beginning, this is what Lattitude was meant to be about in the
first place. Community interaction, a world wide collective of sorts contributing to a
simple dialogue. Opinions are like assholes right? Everyone’s got one. Nobody agrees on
everything and that’s good. Feel free to share your own opinions about anything you’d like
- everyone’s interested...

Thanks for reading,


Lattitude Zine is published 12X a year, monthly in Louisville, KY. Lattitude is collectively
written and designed with subjects and style that will vary from one issue to the next. The
reader base is the staff essentially. There is no formal organization at work.

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1937 - 2008

3 • George Carlin
Butler Shaffer

5 • Grass Farmin’
Jimmy Flaherty

6 • Triztoons
Bill Trzcinski

7 • Burger and Spies

Eric Schlosser

12 • Anarchy in Your Head

Dale Everett

13 • NYC No-Car Zone

William Nueman & Fernando Santos

15 • Photos
Sarah Davis

George Carlin:
A Four-Letter Threat to Authority

Butler Shaffer

When I was in high school, I got into a agers with an unquestioning reverence
discussion with a couple of my classmates and awe. One ought never to be so bold as
over the role institutions played in our to offer an opinion contrary to that pro-
lives. I had made some comment critical vided by the authority figure. More than
of government, or organized religion, or that, one must always look upon himself
corporations – I don’t recall which – and or herself as fundamentally inferior to
was asked if I was opposed to all such this authority. One does not dare to gaze
systems. I replied that I was “distrustful of upon the king, to whom groveling is the
all organizations, from two-handed poker expected position.
on up.” This intuitive insight has stayed
with me all of my life. Many years later, Bruce and Carlin understood that there
I would discover a man whose life-work is nothing that can more quickly under-
consisted of using humor to express these mine this aura of obeisance than for those
sentiments. who command others to be referred to in
vulgar terms. External authority is depen-
It is difficult to find words that convey the dent upon a veneration that is quickly lost
sadness I felt upon being awakened, this when men and women begin to think of
morning, to the news that George Carlin their masters in the same four-letter
had died the night before. He was the vocabulary more commonly directed
successor to the man I continue to regard against other motorists or an annoying
as the most significant dismantler of relative.
authority in my lifetime, Lenny Bruce. To
most people, Bruce and Carlin were noth- The institutional order has long under-
ing more than dealers in four-letter words; stood this fact, which is why Lenny Bruce
men who loved to shock the sensibilities was driven to an early grave by criminal
of others. But there was a deeper meaning prosecutions for his daring to speak,
in their humor, and modern libertarian publicly, of politicians, judges, govern-
thinking would not have been possible ment officials, and other authority figures
without their important groundwork. as practitioners – if not the personification
– of four-lettered activity. George Carlin
Each man understood, at least implicitly, was subjected to a more subdued – albeit
that the authority some men presume to equally insistent – coercive treatment for
exercise over the lives of others depends even using four-letter words. Such words
upon the subjugated regarding their man- can become habit-forming, as easily

applied to the president as to an offending sizzle, followed by . . . nothing.
neighbor. That Bill Clinton and George Political systems, advertising, organized
W. Bush do not enjoy the kind of respect religions, corporate practices, school
accorded George Washington and Thomas systems, ideologies, political and social
Jefferson is, to a great extent, the erosion fashions of all sorts, came in for well-
of homage brought about by the likes of deserved skewering. Prior to 9/11, he did
Bruce and Carlin. a routine on airport security which, if
performed more recently, would doubt-
The mainstream media will doubtless less have earned him a visit from Michael
refer to Carlin as an “entertainer,” a word Chertoff and his thugs. And what devotee
that fails to account for what he truly was. of the new religion of environmentalism
I prefer to think of him in words that the – and its global-warming sect – could
late Alan Watts used to describe himself: a withstand Carlin’s treatment of this latest
“standup philosopher.” The media will fo- racket for subjecting humanity to the
cus almost entirely upon his “seven words control of those who fashioned themselves
you can’t say on television,” as though fit to run a planet? Before the day is over,
his work consisted of little more than the I will get out and play part of my collec-
outbursts of teenagers intent on shocking tion of George Carlin DVDs as a reminder
their parents. I do wish the man had not of the state of mind he helped all of us to
over-worked the use of four-letter words, develop as an antidote for the insanities
but I was willing to overlook some of his perpetrated by institutionalized thinking.
language for the content that lay within
it. Like the punch-line of the joke about The last comment I heard George Carlin
a young boy who kept digging through a make was in a video of a book-signing, in
pile of manure out of a sense that “there’s which a young man asked him if he be-
got to be a pony in here someplace,” there lieved that 9/11 was an “inside job.” Carlin
was deep substance to his routines. did not offer an opinion on the
matter, but only replied – in words I do
There are many so-called comedians not recall precisely – that it was a mistake
whose works consist of little more than to ever accept consensus-based definitions
four-letter words, but whose language is of reality. What better words to inscribe
not a prelude to the kind of understanding upon a tombstone or other memorial to
offered by Carlin. Perhaps these younger this remarkable man!
people believe that, if they can utter a
string of expletives, audiences will regard
them with the love and respect earned
by Carlin. But without the intellectual Butler Shaffer ( teaches at
and spiritual depth of a George Carlin, the Southwestern University School of Law. He
their “humor” becomes as impotent as an is the author of Calculated Chaos: Institutional
unexploded July 4th firework: some initial Threats to Peace and Human Survival.

June 2008 • LATT!TUDE 04

Grass Farmin’ This Ain’t

Jimmy Flaherty

There’s food growing in my front yard! I have yet to reap the benefits of my
Well, technically it’s my side yard as we gardening project, but my hopes are high
have a corner lot, but there’s food growing and I am very much looking forward to the
none the less. It’s amazing the interaction harvest as we’ll call it. Additionally, we’re
you have with people when you have a looking to grow our own pumpkins later
vegetable garden next to the side walk and this year and who knows what else.
not hidden away in the back yard. That was It really makes me sit back and wonder
actually one of my hopes when starting the why I haven’t done this before.
garden. Being that it was out there in the
open I figured I’d have some interesting I’ve never been a huge fan of the perfectly
conversations when I was out there work- manicured, carpet style lawn. It just seems
ing. weird. I guess it comes from all the time I
spent carving angled patterns into the grass
The best thing I have discovered in the covering golf courses around Louisville.
garden is the fact that it isn’t so hard. I was The fact that we could all be growing a
intimidated as hell to begin with, and even significant amount of our food right in
the first month or so was a bit disappoint- front of our houses is eye opening to say
ing as everything seemed a bit stagnant. the least. Maybe with the recent trends in
Add to that my dad’s garden in his yard of farmers markets more people start interact-
similar size and plant variety was making ing with the people that are growing their
leaps and bounds. Yes he had added the food and start to look at it as something we
metal laden weird blue mess if Miracle can all do. After all, I’ve certainly proven
Grow to his, coupled with hours more sun it’s not that hard. Seeds + water + sun =
than my garden receives, but regardless food. Not too hard to understand that
I held my natural ground so to speak, of equation. It’s a hell of a lot better than
water and compost. Now, low and behold, work + cash + store = food.
it’s taking off.


June 2008 • LATT!TUDE 06

Burger With a Side of Spies
Eric Schlosser

WHILE the Patriot Act has raised fears In March, a woman named Cara Schaffer
about government spying on ordinary contacted the Student/Farmworker Alli-
citizens, the growing threat to civil liber- ance, saying she was a student at Broward
ties posed by corporate spying has received Community College. Her eagerness
much less attention. During the late 1990s, aroused suspicions, but she was allowed to
a private security firm spied on Greenpeace join two of the group’s planning sessions.
and other environmental groups, exam- Internet searches by the alliance revealed
ining activists’ phone records and even that she was not a college student.
sending undercover agents to infiltrate the
groups, according to an article in Mother Ms. Schaffer is the 25-year-old owner of
Jones. In 2006 Hewlett-Packard was caught a private security firm. Her company,
spying on journalists. Last year Wal-Mart Diplomatic Tactical Services, seems like
apologized for improperly recording con- the kind of security firm you’d find in one
versations with a New York Times reporter. of Carl Hiaasen’s crime thrillers. Last year
Ms. Schaffer was denied a private inves-
And now it turns out that the Burger King tigator’s license; she had failed to supply
Corporation, home of the Whopper, hired a the Florida licensing division with proof
private security firm to spy on the Student/ of “lawfully gained, verifiable experience
Farmworker Alliance, a group of idealistic or training.” Even more unsettling, one
college students trying to improve the lives of her former subcontractors, Guillermo
of migrants in Florida. Zarabozo, is now facing murder charges in
United States District Court in Miami for
The Student/Farmworker Alliance and his role in allegedly executing four crew
an affiliated nonprofit, the Coalition of members of a charter fishing boat, then
Immokalee Workers, have for years been dumping their bodies at sea.
urging the fast-food industry to accept
some responsibility for the plight of Florida In an interview, a Burger King executive
migrants who harvest the tomatoes for its told me that the company had worked
hamburgers and tacos. I am a longtime with Diplomatic Tactical Services for years
supporter of their work. The wages of these on “security-related matters” and had used
farm workers, adjusted for inflation, have it to obtain information about the Student/
declined by as much as 70 percent since the Farmworker Alliance’s plans — in order
late 1970s. And hundreds, perhaps thou- to prevent acts of violence. “It is both the
sands, of migrants have been enslaved by corporation’s right and duty,” a company
labor contractors and forced to work with- spokesman later wrote in an e-mail mes-
out pay. The McDonald’s Corporation and sage to me, “to protect its employees and
Yum Brands (which owns Taco Bell, Pizza assets from potential harm.”
Hut and KFC) have agreed to subsidize a
modest pay raise for their tomato pickers But the Student/Farmworker Alliance and
and work closely with the coalition to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers are
eliminate slavery from the fields. Burger not dangerous, extremist groups. Both are
King, however, has pursued a different pacifist, mainstream nonprofits inspired
strategy. by the work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. The coalition is supported by the

June 2008 • LATT!TUDE 08

continued from page 8

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation, Congressional hearings on corporate

the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Pax espionage would be a good place to start
Christi, the Catholic peace movement. figuring out how to regulate the practice.
A Senate inquiry during the 1930s
The Bill of Rights was adopted to protect prompted companies to disband their
Americans from the abusive power of their private armies and stop spying on labor
government. I’ve come to believe that we unions. Burger King’s use of an unlicensed
now need a similar set of restrictions to private investigator to spy on the Student/
defend against irresponsible corporate Farmworker Alliance may have been illegal
power. Today companies like Wal-Mart and under Florida law. John Chidsey, the chief
ExxonMobil have annual revenues larger executive of Burger King, knew about the
than the entire budgets of some states, use of Diplomatic Tactical Services.
and they employ former agents from the Mr. Chidsey should get a chance to raise
F.B.I., the C.I.A. and the Secret Service to do his right hand and tell members of
security work. Unlike government agencies, Congress why he thinks this sort of
whose surveillance activities are supposed behavior is acceptable.
to be conducted according to strict guide-
lines and court orders, these private firms
operate with a remarkable degree of free- Eric Schlosser is the author of “Fast Food Nation”
dom. At the moment, federal laws against and “Reefer Madness.” We highly recommend
the practice of “pretexting” — using a false these books for your reading library.
identity to obtain personal information
— apply only to financial and telephone

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June 2008 • LATT!TUDE
Anarchy in Your Head

Dale Everett

I know it’s offensive to a lot of people when someone says that the Constitution is just a
piece of paper. When I say it, it’s not to suggest that it doesn’t matter if we ignore it. I find
it appalling that we don’t honor the rights that it attempts to protect. Saying that it’s just
a piece of paper is simply facing the reality that you shouldn’t put your faith in a piece of
paper to do anything. Each of us has to work to protect our rights. This July 4th, I suggest
you declare your personal independence from the State. It may not be much more than a
statement for now, but freeing your mind is an important first step.

The idea for today’s cartoon was suggested by a Richard Onley. Thanx, Richard.

June 2008 • LATT!TUDE 12

New York’s (temporary) No-Car Zone

William Neuman / Fernanda Santos

It has been a long-held dream of New to 1 p.m. on Aug. 9, 16 and 23. The mayor
Yorkers of a certain (greenish) stripe: the was careful to describe the initiative, called
streets of Manhattan free of cars. Now, Summer Streets, as an experiment.
for a few hours, on a few streets, on a few
weekends this summer, that dream will “If it works, we’ll certainly consider doing
become reality. it again,” Mr. Bloomberg said, at a news
conference in the East Village on Lafayette
Much of Park Avenue will be closed to Street, which will be included in the route.
cars on parts of Aug. 9, 16 and 23. Lance “If not, we won’t. But we have never been
Armstrong joined Mayor Bloomberg to afraid to try new ideas, especially the ones
announce street closings. that have the potential to improve the
quality of life.”
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced
on Monday that he will create a car-free The route will run north-south along
zone on three Saturdays in August, along Centre Street, Lafayette Street, Fourth
a 6.9-mile stretch of streets through Avenue and Park Avenue to 72nd Street.
Manhattan, from the Brooklyn Bridge, The southern half of 72nd Street from Park
north to Park Avenue and the Upper East Avenue to Fifth Avenue will also be shut to
Side. Cars, trucks and buses will be banned vehicles, to link to Central Park.
on the streets along the route from 7 a.m.

Mr. Bloomberg and the transportation voiced support, although some noted that
commissioner, Janette Sadik-Khan, said the neither they nor many of their neighbors
idea was to make the streets a haven for would be around to enjoy the benefits or
walkers, cyclists and others. Fitness, dance bear the annoyances, since the area virtu-
and yoga classes will be held along the ally empties out on summer weekends as
route, and there will also be places to rent people head to the Hamptons or elsewhere.
bicycles. The plan was reported in The
New York Sun on Monday. Downtown, however, there was a fair
amount of grumbling over the potential
“It’s a new way to use a street, using it impact on business.
more as a park than as a thoroughfare,”
said Paul Steely White, the executive “He’s got to be crazy,” Pablo Urema, 49, a
director of Transportation Alternatives, worker at a parking lot on Lafayette Street
an advocacy group promoting walking, in SoHo, said of the mayor. “We do a lot of
bicycling and mass transit that worked business every Saturday morning. No cars
with the city to develop the car-free zone. for the parking garage means no people
for the businesses.”
“Everyone around the world knows about
Park Avenue as one of New York City’s Tran Harper, 44, the manager of Canal
most storied thoroughfares, and to turn Lafayette Store, which sells Chinese teas
that over to pedestrians and cyclists, even and herbal products on Lafayette Street in
though it’s just for three consecutive Chinatown, was also displeased.
Saturdays, I think that sends a very power-
ful message that the tide is turning so that “It’s a big problem because my merchan-
bicyclists and pedestrians are on at least an dise doesn’t fall from the sky,” Mr. Harper
equal footing with drivers.” said. “How do I get it here? Saturday is the
busiest day. We have a lot of deliveries on
While the idea seems novel in New York, Saturday. Also a lot of customers park their
it has been tried with success in many cars in front and come in to buy.”
other cities, according to Ms. Sadik-Khan,
including London, Paris and Bogotá. She At the news conference Mr. Bloomberg
said that in Bogotá one of the city’s main responded with peevishness when asked
streets was closed to motor vehicles every about the potential for a negative reaction
Sunday. from business owners or residents. “I knew
you were going to find something wrong
The plan got a mixed reaction on Monday with it,” he said to a reporter.
along the route.
“Look, there will be minor inconveniences,”
“I think it’s a lovely idea,” said Allison he said. “There’s minor inconveniences
Blinken, 65, a retiree who lives on Park when it rains, when you have snow, in-
Avenue at 66th Street. “Anything that conveniences when it’s hot, when it’s cold,
makes the street more pedestrian-friendly.” inconveniences when there are people on
Several other residents of the well-appoint- the streets, when there’s not.”
ed apartment buildings along the avenue

June 2008 • LATT!TUDE 14

continued from page 15

“Anything that makes the street

more pedestrian-friendly.”
– 65 year old Park Avenue resident, Allison Blinken

But the mayor predicted that most stores would see an increase in business and
compared the initiative to his ban on smoking in bars and restaurants, which
met with initial resistance but ended up being popular.

Ms. Sadik-Khan said that the Transportation

Department had worked with the Police
Department to design a route that would
be less disruptive to traffic.

“We’ve been making very careful preparations

on our traffic front to make sure that we’re
dealing with the access issues that residents
have, with the delivery issues that businesses
have and also to make
sure that we’ve got appropriate access for
emergency vehicles,” she said.

Cyclists who were asked about the

initiative on Monday were generally

Eric Monasterio, 32, a painter who

lives in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, said
he regularly battled cars as he rode
his bike in Manhattan.

“If it works out they could have

a rotating system and have one
street open every day,” Mr.
Monasterio said.

Mathew R. Warren contributed

June 2008 • LATT!TUDE

June 2008 • LATT!TUDE 18

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