Pictorial Essay: Electrochemical Corrosion of Metal Implants

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Musculoskeletal Imaging Electrochemical Corrosion of Implants

Patterson et al.

Pictorial Essay
Scott P. Patterson1
Richard H. Daffner1
Electrochemical Corrosion of
Robert A. Gallo2 Metal Implants
Daffner RH, Gallo RA, Patterson SP

OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to show the radiographic changes that result
from electrochemical corrosion of implanted metal in the body.
CONCLUSION. Corrosion of metal implants is not rare. Radiologists should become fa-
miliar with the changes this process produces.

nder macroscopic observation, hu- species gains electrons (oxidizing agent) while

U man tissue may appear to be chemi-

cally inert; however, at the molecular
level, human tissue is a dynamic envi-
the other donates electrons (reducing agent). This
reaction occurs spontaneously when energy is re-
leased by the reaction. Most implanted metals,
ronment for immersed metals. Metals implanted such as titanium, cobalt-chromium, and stainless
into this saline milieu inevitably undergo corro- steels, have a tendency to lose electrons in solu-
sion. The degradation of these metals can produce tion, and as a result, they have a high potential to
detrimental effects both locally and systemically corrode [2–4]. The result is dissolution of the
within the human body. A brief explanation of cor- metal and formation of metallic ions.
rosion is offered, but the main focus of this article Multiple factors affect these spontaneous reac-
is to show the radiographic findings associated tions and determine the rate at which they occur.
with this process. All metals used for human implantation initially
corrode and form a thin barrier film. The barrier
Theory of Electrochemical Corrosion film, formed on the surface of the newly implanted
Corrosion of metals is a complex phenome- metal, offers a chemical barrier to corrosion and
non that depends on geometric, mechanical, and prevents the degradation of deeper metal atoms.
chemical solution parameters. Although a com- Without this barrier, these metals would react vio-
prehensive explanation of corrosion is beyond lently with the surrounding chemical environment
the scope of this article, a basic understanding is and eventually dissolve [3, 4]. Mechanical forces
required to elucidate the radiologic findings of can disrupt this layer, which then leaves reactive
corroded metal objects in human tissue. metal atoms susceptible to corrosion [1–3].
The human body depends on a large number
of chemical reactions occurring continuously to Radiographic Findings of Corrosion
Received July 15, 2004; accepted after revision sustain its viability. These chemical reactions Although electrochemical corrosion typi-
September 25, 2004.
produce an abundance of oxidizing agents, cally is clinically silent, certain radiographic
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Allegheny General which creates an unfriendly environment for features show that corrosion is occurring. One
Hospital, 320 E North Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15212–4772. metals and alloys. Even the most corrosion-re- of the earliest findings is the transformation of
Address correspondence to R. H. Daffner
(rhdaffner@netscape.net). sistant materials are not immune to the forces of the metal surface margin from sharp to irregu-
2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Allegheny General
nature and undergo some degree of corrosion lar and smudgy (Figs. 1–3). As corrosion
Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA 15212–4722. [1]. Some metals like stainless steel may decay progresses, dissolution of the metal eventually
AJR 2005;184:1219–1222 at a finite rate, whereas others like gold and plat- leads to erosion of the entire metal surface
0361–803X/05/1844–1219 inum are extremely corrosion-resistant [2–4]. (Figs. 4 and 5). Subsequently, the deteriorating
During the corrosion process, a coupled oxida- metal becomes brittle and may fracture (Figs.
© American Roentgen Ray Society
tion–reduction reaction takes place, in which one 6–8). After the metal fractures, the rate of cor-

AJR:184, April 2005 1219

Patterson et al.

Fig. 1.—68-year-old woman with history of breast carcinoma and positive findings on bone scan in right femur. History revealed cerclage wires placed 20 years earlier for
femur fracture.
A–C, Frontal (A) and lateral (B) radiographs show fuzziness of margins of wires indicating electrolytic corrosion. Radionuclide bone scan (C) shows increased tracer activity
in left femur. This corresponds to site of corrosion.

Fig. 2.—79-year-old woman with

thigh pain after fall. Radiograph
shows corrosion of screws in
retained surgical plate placed 40
years earlier for femur fracture and
fuzzy debris around screws.

Fig. 3.—78-year-old woman with

distal humeral fracture.
A and B, Lateral (A) and frontal (B)
radiographs show corrosion of
retained surgical screw placed in
radius 12 years earlier. Note fuzzi-
ness along surface of screw.
2 3A 3B

1220 AJR:184, April 2005

Electrochemical Corrosion of Implants

Fig. 4.—80-year-old woman with hip

pain after fall. Radiograph shows
significant dissolution and corro-
sion of surgical nail placed 30 years
earlier to repair a fracture.

Fig. 5.—68-year-old woman with

thigh pain after fall.
A and B, Frontal (A) and lateral (B)
radiographs show corrosion and
dissolution of retained plate and
screws, placed 60 years earlier
when patient was child.

4 5A 5B


Fig. 6.—73-year-old woman with foot pain. She gave history of having stepped on needle 5 years earlier. Fig. 7.—33-year-old male professional hockey player.
A and B, Frontal (A) and lateral (B) radiographs show corrosion and fracture of sewing needle in plantar aspect of foot. Radiograph of heel shows that corrosion and fractures
of broken hypodermic needles from self-injections.
Patient had been performing such injections for years.

AJR:184, April 2005 1221

Patterson et al.

Fig. 8.—54-year-old woman with foot pain. Patient suf-

fered puncture wound while walking barefoot on lawn
4 years earlier.
A and B, Frontal (A) and lateral (B) radiographs show
corrosion and fractures of broken needle in plantar
aspect of foot.

rosion drastically increases due to an increased is generally restricted to the fixation of fractures and inflammation caused by corrosion products
amount of exposed surface area and the loss of [5]. In this setting, the implant needs to be func- in the tissue around the implant will continue to
a protective passive layer. If the metal fragment tional only until the bone heals. In contrast, cobalt- occur [2, 3]. As our images show, corrosion is not
is not surgically extracted, further dissolution chromium and titanium are used for artificial joint an infrequent finding among implanted devices.
and fragmentation can occur, which may cause replacements in part because of their increased re- Typically, this finding has little impact on clinical
inflammation of the surrounding tissues. Corro- sistance to corrosion. As a result, failure of the im- decision-making. However, in certain circum-
sion can be seen as increased activity on skeletal plant due to corrosion is extremely rare. stances, corrosion of a metal implant may con-
scintigraphy (Fig. 1C). This finding on a bone Degradation products of corrosion can cause tribute to the clinical condition. Therefore, the
scan can be particularly troublesome in cases of a local inflammatory response. Locally, these challenge for the radiologist is to determine
patients with known malignancy. However, products have been linked to cessation of bone which of these findings is clinically relevant and
comparison with radiographs will show that the formation, synovitis, and loosening of artificial which is incidental.
increased activity was due to corrosion. joint implants [3, 6, 7]. Systemically, several re-
ports have suggested that metallic degradation
Clinical Implications products may cause the formation of neoplasms. References
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