Span 1 - Hispanic Heritage Month Project Directions - Countries

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Spanish 1 / Spanish 2- Hispanic Heritage Month Project

From September 15th – October 15th, the United States of America

celebrates “Hispanic Heritage Month” to recognize the contributions of
Hispanic Americans to the United States and to celebrate Hispanic heritage and
culture. September 15th was chosen as the starting date because it is the
Independence Day for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and

As we have learned, there are 21 Spanish-speaking countries in the

world, each of which has its own unique and exciting traditions and culture. In
this project, you will have the opportunity to discover some of these distinctive
customs and share them with the class and the rest of the school.

Each student will be assigned a Spanish-speaking country to research.
Your goal is to teach the class about the country that you are assigned. You
will have two options for the final product – a poster board or a pamphlet. Your
final product will be on display at IJG’s Hispanic Heritage Month Festival.

You must include the following information on your final product:

√ Required Information Checklist
Name of country
Country’s population
Country’s location (region)
Name of country’s capital city
Country’s independence (date)
5 interesting facts about the country
2 famous individuals born in the country
1 photo/picture of the country
1 photo/picture of the country’s flag

Important Dates

Thursday, September 16th – Receive Hispanic Heritage Month Assignment

Wednesday, September 22nd – Information sheet due to Sr. Rabin

Tuesday, October 5th – Final project due in class

Final Project Due Date:


This project will be worth 70 points, and will be counted towards an

assessment grade.
Assignment Points
Information sheet 10
Required Information 30
Posterboard/Pamphlet 10
2 Photos/Pictures 10
(Flag and Country)
Creativity/Neatness 10

Total Points 70

* For every day (A or B) that your project is late, you will lose
one full letter grade.*

Helpful Resources

You will each be responsible for finding the information on your country during
your own time. Below are some helpful resources that you can use to help you

1) CIA – The World Factbook
 Go to this link and find your country for great information!

2) Info Please
 Great site for flags and basic country information!
3) Spanish Speaking Countries Resource List
 Lots of fun statistics and travel information!

4) You may also use the books and encyclopedias in the IJG Media
Center. Please see Mrs. Gibson for more information.

** If you do not have access to the Internet, please come and talk
to Sr. Rabin as soon as possible! He will provide you with other
ways to research your country. Not having the internet at home
is not an excuse to not complete this project! **
Nombre: _______________________

Spanish 1 / Spanish 2 - Information Sheet

Due: _______________________________

Use this sheet to help you research your famous Hispanic individual. You
will earn 10 points towards your final project grade for completing this
sheet and bringing it to class by the due date above.

Name of Country: _________________________________

Country’s Population: _________________________________

Country’s Location (region): _________________________________

Country’s Capital City: _________________________________

Country’s Independence Date: ________________________________

5 interesting facts about your country:





2 famous individuals born in your country

1) 2)

Do you have a photo/picture of your country and the country’s flag?

Yes No

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