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Poisson's Ratio for Viscoelastic Materials*


Fairleioh Dickinson University, Teaneck, N. J. (U.S.A.)

R I C H A R D L. M A C H
Research Division, American Standard, Piscataway, N. J. (U.S.A.)

(Received June 29, 1966; revised August 10, 1966)


A technique for obtaining Poisson's ratio for materials enough so that adequate time elapsed for near-
undergoing large strains has been developed. The equilibrium conditions to prevail. The reproducibility
change in volume of a specimen is measured during a and accuracy of each of the pertinent dimensions and
compression test which allows specimen volume to be measurements were also carefully determined so that
obtained as a function of compressive strain in the the error in the computed Poisson's ratio could be
specimen. Once volume changes have been obtained, evaluated. Error analysis indicates that Poisson's
Poisson's ratio may be computed from the volume ratio can easily be determined by this technique
changes by means of the relationships derived for within an error of 0.005. Experimental results also
large strains. The volume change is measured by indicate that values of Poisson's ratio that exceed
compressing the specimen while it is submerged in 0.500 have been measured which may mean that this
mercury and simultaneously recording the mercury technique may be used to detect phase changes in the
liquid level and crosshead movement of the testing material.
machine. Readings were taken at time intervals large


Une technique permettant de dOterminer le coefficient simultanOment le niveau du mercure et le dOplace-

de Poisson dans des matOriaux possOdant une grande ment de la traverse de la machine d'essai. Des
capacitO de ddformation a OtO dOveloppOe. On mesure lectures sont faites dl intervalles de temps suffi-
le changement de volume d'une dprouvette au cours samment longs pour permettre au systkme d'at-
d'un essai de compression et on obtient ainsi la teindre pratiquement l'Oquilibre pendant le temps
variation du volume de rdprouvette en fonction de la qui sdpare deux lectures. La reproductibilitO et
dOformation produite par la compression dans l'dprou- la prOcision avec lesquelles sont obtenus chacune
vette. Une lois que le changement de volume a Ot~ des dimensions et des grandeurs qui interviennent
d~termin~, il est possible d'en dOduire le coefficient dans le calcul onJ dgalement OtO dOterminOes avec
de Poisson d l'aide des relations applicables au cas soins, ce qui permet aux auteurs d'Ovaluer rerreur sur
des fortes dOformations. L'Oprouvette est immergOe le coefficient de Poisson calculO. II ressort de ce
dans du mercure et son changement de volume au calcul d' erreur qu'& l'aide de la technique prOconisOe
cours de la compression est mersurd en enregistrant le coefficient de Poisson peut facilement ~tre doter-
minO avec une prOcision de 0,005. Les rOsultats
expOrimentaux montrent de plus que dans certains
* This paper was presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the cas une valeur supOrieure dl 0,500 a OtO obtenue pour
American Society of Mechanical Engineers in November, 1965. le coefficient de Poisson: on peut donc penser que la
** Present address: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel,
N. J., U.S.A.
mOthode dOcrite pourrait ~tre utilisOe pour mettre en
*** Present address : Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Ovidence des transformations de phase dans le
Conn., U.S.A. matOriau.

Materials Science and Engineering-Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Printed in the Netherlands



Es wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt zur Bestimmung f~hrt, die grofl genug waren, um nahezu Gleichge-
des Poisson'schen Verhdltnisses far Stoffe unter wichtsbedingungen sicherzustellen. Reproduzierbar-
starken Dehnungen. Die Volumdnderung einer Probe keit und Genauigkeit wurden ebenfalls J~r jede der
wird wdhrend eines Kompressionsversuches gemes- betreffenden Dimensionen und Messungen sorgfdltig
sen, bei dem man das Probenvolumen als Funktion der bestimmt, so daft der Fehler der berechneten Poisson-
Kompressionsverformung erhdlt. Wenn die Volum- Zahl berechnet werden konnte. Eine Fehleranalyse
dnderungen bekannt sind, kann das Poisson'sche ergab, daft das P oisson- Verhiiltnis mit dieser M ethode
Verhdltnis aus den Volumdnderungen mit Hilfe yon leicht innerhalb eines Fehlers yon 0.005 bestimmt
Beziehungen j~r starke Dehnungen berechnet werden. werden kann. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse deuten
Die Volumdnderung wird gemessen durch Kompres- an, daft Poisson-Zahlen grb'fler als 0.500 gemessen
sion der Probe in Quecksilber und gleichzeitige wurden, was besagen kann, daft dieses Verfahren zum
Registrierung des Quecksilberspiegels und der Be- N achweis yon Phasenumwandlungen in Stoffen dienen
wegung des Querbalkens der Verformungsmaschine. kann.
Die Ablesungen wurden in Zeitintervallen durchge-

INTRODUCTION While the standard techniques for measurement

of Poisson's ratio for the classical engineering
Poisson's ratio, one of the fundamental elastic materials are well documented2, the problems
constants, may be simply defined for a uniaxial which arise in application to elastomeric materials
stress state as are significant. The nature of these materials is such
that large strains are encountered and these must
v -= (1) be measured in lwo directions simultaneously for
the determination of Poisson's ratio by classical
where v is Poisson's ratio, ex is the strain in the means. When data are desired over large ranges of
direction of the applied stress, and 8y is the strain in strain, employment of the usual strain gage or
an orthogonal direction. In general, Poisson's ratio extensometer techniques is obviated. Moreover,
is a positive number which, from eqn. (1), indicates when measurements are to be taken for specimens
that applied negative or compressive strains result undergoing large compressive strains, the in-
in orthogonal strains which are positive or tensile. evitable "barrelshaped" geometry assumed by a
The current interest in the accurate determination specimen makes it difficult to ensure that both the
of Poisson's ratio is twofold. First, from a prag- axial and the transverse strains are representative
matic viewpoint, the emergence of plastics and of strains in the specimen or are being measured at
elastomers as engineering materials requires that the same point in the specimen.
their elastic properties be measured and known. For the several reasons outlined, it was decided to
Whenever these materials find application in multi- determine Poisson's ratio for a specimen by measur-
axial load situations, accurate stress analysis and ing its volume change as it is strained.
prediction are strongly contingent upon accurate The computation of Poisson's ratio for a speci-
knowledge of Poisson's ratio. Also from a more men under a particular stress by means of the
fundamental aspect, the numerical value of Pois- volume change technique is equivalent to averaging
son's ratio is a seldom used, but potentially valu- the values of Poisson's ratio that would have been
able, indicator of material phase changes which obtained from a measurement of axial and trans-
may occur because of externally imposed stresses or verse strains at each point on the specimen. The
strains. Theoretical thermodynamic considerations technique used for measuring the volume change
demand that, for material stability, numerical was simply to use a piston to compress the specimen
values of Poisson's ratio be limited by ~ which is submerged in mercury. The compression
technique introduces some deviation from uniaxial
0 < v< 0.5 (2)
conditions at the ends of specimen when the
Values of Poisson's ratio which fall outside the strains are large. However, it was felt that this
above limits may signify that phase transformations deviation could be ignored in view of the fact that
have taken place in the material. the specimens remained essentially cylindrical over

Mater. Sci. Eno., 1 (1966) 239-250


most of their length during compression testing. PISTON (AFFIXED TO

It will be shown that volume changes can be com- CROSS HEAD OF TEs'rrlNG MACHINE)
puted from measurements of the change in mercury
level and the change in piston position.


A schematic representation of the apparatus which ~ITAIN ER

was used to measure volume changes is shown in MERC~
Fig. 1, and a photograph is shown in Fig. 2. The
apparatus consists of a container which holds the
mercury and the sample to be tested ; a piston which
is affixed to the crosshead of the testing machine ~ IMEN
and used to compress the specimen; a micrometer /

depth gage which measures changes in the liquid

surface level; and a large 5-in.-stroke dial indicator
(not shown in Figs. 1 and 2) which measures changes
in the piston or crosshead position.
il-- I
The container was originally a polished plexiglas
cylinder, but because of the lack of dimensional Fig. 1. Schematic representation of compressibility fixture.
stability it was replaced by accurately ground
stainless steel. The container diameter dc was deter- in liquid level is x/2 (0.00013) in. or 0.00018 in.
mined by taking the arithmetic mean value of 50 (ref. 3).
different diameter measurements at various loca- The change in piston or crosshead position
tions on the cylinder. It was found that the mean (Ahp) was detected by a dial indicator the repro-
value was
dc = 3.81931 in. and d(dc) = 0.38 x 10 .3 in. (3)
where d(d~) is the standard deviation from the
mean value of the container diameter.
The piston was also constructed of stainless steel
and its diameter was accurately ground so that the
mean value and standard deviation of the diameter
were respectively
dp = 2.50067 in. and d(dp) = 0.12 x 10 -a in. (4)
The micrometer depth gage, which was per-
manently fastened to the container, was arranged
in a simple electrical circuit with a battery and lamp
so that whenever the depth probe touched the
mercury, the lamp lit. The height of the mercury
surface (hz) could be detected accurately by slowly
lowering the probe until the electrical circuit was
closed. The repeatability with which the liquid
surface could be detected was tested by taking 30
depth measurements of the same liquid level. It was
found that the standard deviation of these surface
depth measurements was 0.00013 in. Because the
change in liquid level (Ahz) is computed from
measurements of two liquid levels, the standard
deviation d (AhL) of the measurements of the change Fig. 2. Compressibility fixture with plexiglas container.

Mater. Sci. Eno., 1 (1966) 239-250


ducibility of which was tested by taking 30 measure- when a specimen flowed uncontrollably so that it
ments of a stack of gage blocks (accurate to 0.000002 could no longer support load. As a rule, five
in.). It was found that the standard deviation in separate tests were run on each material.
measurement of the gage block height was 0.00013
in. This value is assumed to be d(hp), the standard
deviation of measurements of the piston position. COMPUTATION OF POISSON'S RATIO AND ESTIMATION
As before, the error in measuring a change in piston OF ERRORS
position is 0.00018 in.
The choice of mercury as a liquid was dictated by Figure 1 shows the conditions of the specimen,
its chemical stability in relation to the materials liquid level, and piston position at two stages of
being studied and its desirable inability to wet the testing. In the container, the volume of the liquid
container, piston, and samples. Because the experi- remains constant throughout the test program. The
mental technique relies on being able to measure or volume change A V in the specimen is
account accurately for any portion of the liquid
volume, the latter consideration is of paramount Av= [d2 AhL- d2 (AhL + Ahp)] (5)
importance. Of somewhat less importance is the
desirable electrical conductivity of the mercury. In order to determine an expression for Poisson's
The six materials which were tested were selected ratio, consider that as the specimen's axial length is
so that a range of behavior would be evident. deformed from hp to (hp-Ahp) the specimen's
Specimens were cut from stocks of Alathon poly- diameter is changed from d, to (d, + Ad,). Because
ethylene, Profax polypropylene, and Zytel nylon, these deformations are large, natural strain ex-
which were purchased commercially, while the pressions should be used 4 which means that the
samples of epoxy elastomers and the polyurethane axial and transverse strains arc given by
were cast in the laboratory. The specimens which
hpe~x = hp-Ahp and dse~ = ds+Ad~ (6)
were all cylindrical were nominally 1-in. diameter
and 1½-in. long, and whenever feasible, their ends where e represents the base of natural logarithms.
were faced before testing to inhibit end-distortion The change in specimen volume may also be
effects. Cast specimens were transparent and care- expressed in terms of its initial height, initial
fully inspected to insure the absence of gas bubbles, diameter, and their respective changes as
inclusions or other flaws. 7Z
A V = ~ [(d~+Ad~)2(h~,-Ahp)-d2hp "] (7)
Once the specimen diameter was recorded
(standard deviation of 0.0006 in.), the initial volume
Substitution of eqns. (6) into eqn. (7) and the use of
of the unstressed test specimen was determined by
the definition of Poisson's ratio as stated in eqn. (1)
submersion in the mercury and measurement of the
permits eqn. (7) to be written as
liquid level change. Subsequently, the testing
machine crosshead and piston were lowered until a 6v= d2hp{exp.[ex(1-2v)]-l} (8)
slight change in load was detected on the specimen.
In this manner, piston and liquid-level positions Substituting eqn. (8) into eqn. (5) and solving for
corresponding to zero strain were established. Poisson's ratio finally yields
Further readings were taken by lowering the piston
in increments of approximately 0.1 in. With each 1 In B (9)
v= 2 In ex
incremental loading measurements were recorded
only after liquid-level and piston-height readings dc2 Ahr-dp(Ahr+
Ahp) (10)
equilibrated. In general, these readings did not B=I+ 2
d~ hp
change perceptibly (to 0.0001 in.) after approxi-
mately 1 hour. It is worthwhile to note, however, and ex is given by eqn. (6). Thus the measurement of
that load readings rarely equilibrated in the a specimen's initial dimensions and the simultane-
relatively short time required for the aforemen- ous recording during testing of the change in liquid
tioned measurements. In some cases, load (and level and the change in piston position permit the
therefore stress) decay persisted even after several computation of Poisson's ratio. It is worthwhile to
hours' duration. A test run was usually considered remark, however, that the foregoing expressions for
terminated when sample fracture occurred or the computation of Poisson's ratio are based upon

Mater. Sci. Eng., 1 (1966) 239-250


the change in specimen volume from its original The estimated error has been computed for each
volume. Computed values of Poisson's ratio based calculated value of Poisson's ratio and listed in
on original volume are tabulated with axial strain Tables 1-6. No error has been computed for the
in the first two data columns of Tables 1-6. These Poisson's ratios calculated on the basis of in-
data have also been plotted in the graphs in Figs. stantaneous volume measurements but it is reason-
3-8. able to expect that these will be of the same order
With minor modification, eqns. (9) and (10) may as for those listed in the tables, that is, 0.005.
be used to compute Poisson's ratio based upon
incremental changes in specimen volume. The in-
cremental change in volume is the specimen volume DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND FUTURE W O R K
change in transition from one state of strain to the
next strain state. Poisson's ratio can be computed Figures 3-8, which depict Poisson's ratio computed
on this basis if first the incremental axial strain is on the basis of original volume measurements,
used instead of ex in eqn. (9). Further, instantaneous indicate generally good reproducibility in the
values of sample diameter and height must be used technique used. No attempt has been made to fit
and incremental values of liquid-level change and any single curve which would average the results of
change in piston position should be incorporated. various tests but rather a single line has been drawn
Data on values of Poisson's ratio computed on the connecting successive points of a particular test.
basis of incremental volume changes are tabulated It can easily be seen that particularly for small
in Tables 1-6. strains, Poisson's ratio is a function of strain for
The errors in the computed values of Poisson's most materials and cannot be considered constant.
ratio can be estimated by treating v as a function of The elastomeric materials (epoxy and polyurethane)
the several variables: do dp, ds, hp, Ahp, AhL. The are the exceptions in that Poisson's ratio seems to
variation in v due to independent variations in one hover about the 0.500 value for all strains. The
or several of the variables may be determined by results obtained for the other materials indicate
evaluating the total differential5 of Poisson's ratio, that some very careful measurements of Poisson's
dv, in terms of the partial derivatives of the variables. ratio as a function of small strains, i.e. ex<0.1,
Treating each of the calibrated standard deviations may be in order.
as independent errors of measurement, and evaluat- The effect of computing Poisson's ratio from
ing the six partial derivatives of v, an expression may instantaneous volume measurements is that sudden
be derived for the error in Poisson's ratio due to changes in volume will be made more apparent and
errors in measurement of the independent variables. any one value of Poisson's ratio will be independent
The error equation for Poisson's ratio calculated of previously obtained values. Therefore, changes
on the basis of change in specimen volume from its in Poisson's ratio with strain will be more apparent.
original volume may be shown to be Examination of Tables 1-6 shows clearly that
Poisson's ratio may at some time exceed 0.5 for
1 virtually any of the materials tested. Whether these
dv - 2Bd2hpex {L+M+N+P+Q+R} (11)
measured values truly represent changes in phase
Ahp d(hp)} of the materials cannot now be determined but
21nB {d(Ahp) - --~p must wait upon future study.
(hp- Ahp)(2ex)2
Of some significance, perhaps, are the two
where measured values of Poisson's ratio for polyethylene
L = - (2dCAhL)d(d¢) which were negative at about the same strain (see
Table 4). A negative value of Poisson's ratio
M= 2dp(ahp + ahL) d (dp) means that the cross-section area of a compression
N= [2d~ahL- 2d~(ah. + AhL)] d (d,)/d~ specimen decreases as the specimen is compressed.
P= Because of the possibility of voids in the opaque
Q= d(ah.) material for which they were measured, it may be
R= [a~ AhL - a~ (Ah, + AhL)] d (h,)/h, that these values are specious. However, the neg-
ative values may also represent phase changes in
and other symbols have the same meanings as the material.
ascribed previously. The future efforts in this study will concentrate

Mater. Sci. Eng., 1 (1966)239-250

Test Axial Poisson' s ratio Estimated Poisson' s ratio Test Axial Poisson' s ratio Estimated Poisson' s ratio
no. strain (based on orig. vol.) error (based on inst. vol.) no. strain ( b a s e d on orig. vol.) error (based on inst. vol.)

1 - 0.0704 0.035 0.0075 0.035 1 -0.0718 0.480 0.0062 0.480

-0.1475 0.248 0.0066 0.443 -0.1437 0.507 0.0060 0.535
-0.2240 0.340 0.0064 0.516 -0.2242 0.513 0.0058 0.527
-0.3120 0.388 0.0062 0.512 -0.3104 0.272 0.0065 0.430
- 0.4051 0.415 0.0059 0.506 -0.4056 0.503 0.0054 1.196
-0.5088 0.435 0.0056 0.515 - 0.5094 0.494 0.0052 0.448
- 0.6268 0.493 0.0050 0.760 - 0.6296 0.475 0.0050 0.388
-0.7575 0.456 0.0050 0.245 - 0.7643 0.465 0.0048 0.411
- 0.9068 0.462 0.0047 0.491
-0.0702 0.552 0.0060 0.552
- 0.0741 0.232 0.0070 0.232 -0.1442 0.715 0.0055 0.895
-0.1494 0.337 0.0065 0.437 -0.2237 0.529 0.0058 0.151
-0.2326 0.401 0.0062 0.518 -0.3121 0.521 0.0056 0.499
-0.3215 0.426 0.0060 0.493 -0.4049 0.515 0.0053 0.496
-0.4202 0.446 0.0057 0.508 -0.5110 0.502 0.0051 0.451
-0.5298 0.460 0.0054 0.514 - 0.6279 0.480 0.0050 0.376
-0.6535 0.468 0.0051 0.507 -0.7614 0.473 0.0048
- 0.7976 0.473 0.0048 0.495
- 0.9589 0.478 0.0044 0.504 -0.0713 0.594 0.0059 0.594
- 1.1522 0.480 0.0041 0.490 -0.1466 0.512 0.0060 0.428
-0.2269 0.512 0.0058 0.512
--0.0734 0.025 0.0075 0.025 -0.3147 0.511 0.0056 0.510 I m

- 0.1502 0.254 0.0067 0.472 - -

0.4097 0.508 0.0054 0.499 N
-0.2313 0.347 0.0064 0.522 - 0.5181 0.497 0.0051 0.451
-0.3223 0.391 0.0061 0.501 -0.6337 0.481 0.0050 0.404
-0.4227 0.418 0.0058 0.508 - 0.7693 0.473 0.0047 0.430
-0.5266 0.438 0.0055 0.519
- 0.6509 0.447 0.0052 0.486 -0.0713 0.501 0.0061 0.501
-0.7917 0.455 0.0049 0.490 -0.1455 0.507 0.0060 0.513
-0.2252 0.505 0.0058 0.502
-0.1020 0.192 0.0071 0.192 - 0.3099 0.505 0.0056 0.506 ¢3
-0.1386 0.318 0.0066 0.433 - 0.4066 0.503 0.0054 0.494
-0.2137 0.387 0.0063 0.516 --0.5108 0.492 0.0052 0.444
-0.2956 0.425 0.0060 0.524 - -
0.6297 0.482 0.0050 0.434
-0.3855 0.443 0.0058 0.501 --0.7607 0.471 0.0047 0.414
-0.4836 0.453 0.0055 0.494
-0.6015 0.464 0.0052 0.511 -0.0708 0.513 0.0061 0.513
-0.7147 0.469 0.0050 0.491 -0.1464 0.499 0.0060 0.486
-0.2264 0.506 0.0058 0.519
~o -0.1022 0.120 0.0073 0.120 -0.3111 0.510 0.0056 0.520
o~ -0.1524 0.273 0.0067 0.411 - 0.4050 0.504 0.0054 0.485
b.J -0.2333 0.354 0.0064 0.507 -0.5118 0.440 0.0054 0.173
- 0.3249 0.404 0.0061 0.533 - -
0.6289 0.475 0.0050 0.628
- 0.4243 0.428 0.0058 0.510 - 0.7611 0.466 0.0048 0.416
- 0.5349 0.441 0.0055 0.490
- 0.6596 0.452 0.0052 0.497
- 0.8022 0.459 0.0049 0.491

Test Axial Poisson' s ratio Estimated Poisson' s ratio Test Axial Poisson's ratio Estimated Poisson's ratio
no. strain (based on orig. vol.) error (based on inst. vol.) no. strain (based on ori#. vol.) error (based on inst. vol.)

1 -0.1597 0.511 0.0056 0.511 1 -0.0761 0.331 0.0067 0.331

-0.2507 0.610 0.0051 0.831 -0.1525 0.324 0.0066 0.309
- 0.3479 0.472 0.0053 0.705 -0.2351 0.376 0.0063 0.470
- 0.3226 0.407 0.0061 0.489
- 0.4595 0.460 0.0051 0.424
-0.5808 0.463 0.0048 0.471
-0.7217 0.472 0.0045 0.511 -0.0750 0.324 0.0067 0.324
- 0.8872 0.470 0.0042 0.458 -0.1564 0.370 0.0065 0.414
- 1.0899 0.474 0.0039 0.490 - 0.2472 0.411 0.0062 0.479
-0.3426 0.435 0.0059 0.497
-0.0710 0.548 0.0056 0.548 -0.4511 0.451 0.0056 0.500
- 0 . 1 491 0.485 0.0057 0.421 -0.5721 0.460 0.0053 0.496
-0.2303 0.493 0.0055 0.510 0.7039 0.468 0.0050 0.504 o
- 0.8648 0.474 0.0047 0.501
- 0.3208 0.455 0.0054 0.347
-0.4211 0.479 0.0051 0.558 z
-0.5319 0.474 0.0049 0.448 - 0.0774 0.298 0.0068 - 0.737
- 0 . 6 551 0.383 0.0052 -0.050 -0.1600 0.336 0.0065 0.471
- 0.2482 0.388 0.0063 0.498 ,-4
- 0. 07 51 0.531 0.0056 0.531 -0.3459 0.421 0.0060 0.500
-0.1594 0.510 0.0056 0.490 - 0.4555 0.439 0.0057 0.500
0.2484 0.500 0.0054 0.480 - 0.5772 0.454 0.0055 0.509 <
- 0.3437 0.482 0.0052 0.429 -0.7103 0.463 0.0050 0.500
0.4513 0.474 0.0050 0.449
-0.5720 0.468 0.0048 0.441 - 0.0760 0.336 0.0067 - 0.758
-0.1522 0.358 0.0065 0.472 >
- 0.7105 0.467 0.0046 0.462
- 0.8671 0.469 0.0043 0.472 - 0.2377 0.395 0.0063 0.495
- 1.0564 0.473 0.0039 0.494 - 0.3299 0.424 0.0060 0.500
-0.4284 0.445 0.0057 0.501 >
-0.0715 0.585 0.0055 0.585 - 0.5411 0.454 0.0054 0.500
- 0.6659 0.459 0.0052 0.489
-0.1480 0.529 0.0056 0.474
- 0.2316 0.505 0.0054 0.459 t -

- 0.3208 0.466 0.0053 0.356

0.4202 0.464 0.0051 0.457
- 0.5297 0.468 0.0049 0.480
-0.6517 0.469 0.0047 0.474
0.7910 0.474 0.0044 0.496
t~ - 0.9570 0.474 0.0041 0.471

-0.0714 0.521 0.0057 0.521

-0.1474 0.487 0.0057 0.451
-0.2343 0.474 0.0055 0.451
o~ - 0.3220 0.453 0.0054 0.390
ta~ -0.4210 0.455 0.0052 0.459
- 0.5326 0.461 0.0049 0.484 I"0
to - 0.6533 0.466 0.0047 0.488
Test Axial Poisson's ratio Estimated Poisson's ratio Test Axial Poisson" s ratio Estimated Poisson' s ratio
no. strain (based on orig. uol.) error (based on inst. vol.) O~
no. strain (based on orig. vol.) error (based on inst. vol.)

1 -0.0700 0.583 0.0048 0.583 1 - 0.0746 0.190 0.0069 0.190

- 0.1439 0.536 0.0049 0.489 -0.1545 0.319 0.0064 0.438
-0.2234 0.537 0.0048 0.542 -0.2407 0.390 0.0061 0.519
- 0.3094 0.524 0.0046 0.491 - 0.3343 0.423 0.0058 0.508
-0.4038 0.525 0.0044 0.530 - 0.4382 0.441 0.0055 0.499
-0.5199 0.465 0.0044 0.425 - 0.5540 0.454 0.0052 0.503
-0.6242 0.490 0.0041 0.419 - 0.6877 0.464 0.0049 0.505
-0.7543 0.481 0.0039 0.430 - 0.8394 0.469 0.0046 0.492

--0.0693 0.515 0.0050 0.515 -0.0768 0.107 0.0071 0.107

-0.1417 0.530 0.0050 0.548 --0.1573 0.260 0.0066 0.405
--0.2193 0.528 0.0048 0.524 --0.2441 0.338 0.0062 0.478
- 0.3027 0.524 0.0046 0.515 --0.3399 0.381 0.0060 0.488
-0.3949 0.513 0.0048 0.475 --0.4458 0.414 0.0067 0.524
- 0.4949 0.503 0.0043 0.463 --0.5631 0.425 0.0054 0.461
-0.6108 0.485 0.0042 0.401 - -0.6986 0.444 0.0050 0.523
-0.7374 0.471 0.0040 0.402 -- 0.8538 0.453 0.0047 0.497
-- 1.0390 0.462 0.0043 0.500
-- 0.0722 0.482 0.0051 0.482
--0.1480 0.503 0.0050 0.524 -0.0732 0.114 0.0071 0.114
-- 0.2304 0.500 0.0049 0.494 --0.1504 0.274 0.0065 0.425
- -
--0.3197 0.498 0.0047 0.493 0.2348 0.343 0.0062 0.464
--0.4160 0.498 0.0045 0.498 -- 0.3266 0.396 0.0059 0.533 N
- -
0.5269 0.488 0.0043 0.445 0.4273 0.424 0.0056 0.516
--0.6481 0.467 0.0042 0.366 --0.5399 0.438 0.0054 0.492
--0.6675 0.447 0.0051 0.482
-- 0.0677 0.479 0.0051 0.479 --0.8134 0.458 0.0047 0.508
--0.1423 0.486 0.0051 0.491
--0.2176 0.504 0.0049 0.542 -0.0789 0.191 0.0069 0.191
- 0.3045 0.500 0.0047 0.487 -0.1525 0.316 0.0064 0.450
- 0.3955 0.499 0.0045 0.495 - 0.2379 0.385 0.0061 0.508
- 0.4973 0.480 0.0044 0.401 a:
-0.3310 0.407 0.0059 0.458
--0.6119 0.469 0.0042 0.419 -0.4339 0.431 0.0056 0.510
- 0.5490 0.444 0.0053 0.491
-- 0.0695 0.479 0.0051 0.479
-0.1400 0.488 0.0051 0.496 - 0.0746 0.063 0.0072 0.063
-0.2185 0.506 0.0049 0.540 -0.1506 0.258 0.0066 0.449
--0.3031 0.510 0.0047 0.522 - 0.2336 0.333 0.0063 0.467
--0.3955 0.502 0.0045 0.475 - 0.3261 0.372 0.0060 0.468
- -0.4971 0.488 0.0044 0.431 - 0.4263 0.408 0.0057 0.529
-0.6114 0.473 0.0042 0.404 -0.5392 0.424 0.0054 0.483
- 0.6628 0.438 0.0051 0.497
-0.8075 0.449 0.0048 0.503
- 0.9777 0.458 0.0045 0.501


to ..--'-:?Z."
"z 0.4
w z l f "" .


,/ ii"

I i i i
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I.O

Fig. 3. Poisson's ratio versus axial strain for Profax polypropylene.


/ '
0.6 / ~
sn'\.\ N
o ,~-.-'~ Z . . . . .-.
_~:~... ".. . . .
< "",...

-z~0.4 :: .2
o .. _
_w •,, .:
• f


I i i
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 4. Poisson's ratio versus axial strain for epoxy elastomer A 20962.

Mater• Sci. Eno., 1 (1966) 239-250





i i i i
0 0.2 0.4- 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 5. Poisson's ratio versus strain for polyurethane LD 167/20.



_,.. - "77--.'7-£

"= o4

L /



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I.O


Fig. 6. Poisson's ratio versus strain for Alathon polyethylene.

Mater. Sci. Eng., 1 (1966) 239-250





i i I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 7. Poisson's ratio versus strain for epoxy elastomer A 021562.







0.2 7/;~
/ ./C



0.2 0.4. 0.6 0.8 I.O


Fig. 8. Poisson's ratio versus strain for Zytel nylon.

Mater. Sci. En#., 1 (1966) 239-250


on the performance of Poisson's ratio measure- REFERENCES

ments by this technique for materials under tensile
1 H. CALLEN, Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
stress. The purpose of tensile tests is first to dis-
N.Y., 1960, pp. 226-231.
cern whether or not Poisson's ratio data for the 2 ASTM Standard E 132, American Society of Testing and
tensile test agree with compression test data. Materials Standards, Philadelphia, Pa.
Second and perhaps more important is that the 3 0 . L. Davies, Statistical Methods in Research and Production,
tensile testing can be done in conjunction with Hafner Publishing Co., N.Y., 1961, p. 49.
4 A. NADAI, Theory of Flow and Fracture of Solids, Vol. I,
X-ray diffraction measurements in order to deter- McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 1950, p. 73 ft.
mine whether Poisson's ratio measurements can 5 G. A. KORN AND T. M. KORN, Mathematical Handbook for
truly be used as an indicator for phase changes with- Scientists and Enoineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y.,
in a material. 1961, p. 95.

Mater. Sci. Eno., 1 (1966) 239-250

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