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Drop Techniques

3 Quick (Depth: 3.5 yards)

1. Punch step
2. Quick reach step
3. Quick crossover step
4. Left shoulder drops on crossover
5. As the third step hits
The ball comes back to the back number
The ball is positioned to throw as the right foot hits the ground

(Used on stops/quick outs)

* Depth of the drop is not as crucial as getting rid of ball quickly: 1-2-3-Throw
QB focus on the box on first step, 2nd step eyes should be on the target.
On the third step your toes should be in the ground#
Hang and hold when you have to dump off.
Big three step drop (Depth: 4 to 4.5 yards)
Used on slants and Y sticks
Steps are longer
Stretch on the first step#
Be under control on the second step
Hand and hold if slant is covered - then dump it off.
Quick five step drop (Depth: 6.5 yards)
Used on speed outs and thin posts
5 Steps - plant and throw

1. Punch
2. Quick reach
3. Quick crossover
4. Quick reach
5. Quick crossover
Shoulders down
6. Toes in the ground
Set hips to the target and throw

Big five step drop (Depth: 7.5 yards)

Used on curls
12-14 yard routes
Use a hitch step on big five drop

1. Punch
2. Big reach
3. Big crossover
4. Smaller reach - throttle
5. Smaller cross - Shoulder down
6. Toes in the ground - re-set - throw
7. Three big steps, 2 smaller steps

Don't peak over the rush - see thru the rush

Full 7 step drop (Depth: 9 yards)
Launch point 7.5 yards because of the hitch step
No concern for hot or sight adjustments

1. Three big steps

2. Four controlled steps
3. Big reach
4. Big crossover
5. Big reach
6. Four quick steps for balance

Get back deep and fast

Used on 18-20 yard schemes (cobbs or digs)
Controlled 7 step drop
Used on shallow cross routes

• 2 unders
• Y unders
• flanker drives

You may have to dump ball off etc.

Roll outs

1. 1st step straight back

2. 2nd step build for width and depth
3. Want a nine yard arch
4. Throw punch with left arm
5. Balance up
6. Step at target - hips to target
7. form the L
8. Follow the ball

Dropback drills

• To teach and improve the footwork of the QB on dropback passes.


1. QB takes his presnap stance

2. shouts out a short cadence
3. simulates the snap and takes a

o 3-step drop
o 5-step drop
o 7-step drops

1. ending with a throwing motion without actually throwing the ball.

In teaching period each QB should do it alone, but when using this drill as a routine drill, all QBs can line up
about 3 to 5 yards apart, with one QB giving the cadence and all QBs doing the drop.
Coaching Points
(everything is explained for right-handed QBs, for left-handed QBs you have to exchange left and right)

• The first step has to be taken with his right foot and should be big and directly behind the left foot
so that the drop is straight backwards.
• While taking his first step the QB turns by bringing his right hip, shoulder and elbow back to
accelerate his separation from the LOS
• The last two steps have to be shorter, so that QB is in good body-control position and ready to
throw on his last step.
• QB should take the ball up in front of his right armpit with his first step, holding it tight with both
• During the drop the ball should stay put in front of his right armpit, while the elbows should
hang/swing loose to improve balance
• QB should always look over his left shoulder downfield


• Ball(s)

Drops Warm ups


• To teach and improve the footwork of the QB on drop back passes.


• 3-Step Hit and Throw right and left

• 5-Step Hit and Throw right and left
• 5-Step Hitch and Throw right and left
• 7-Step Hitch and Throw right and left

Coaching Points

• Emphasize hustling to set-up point and footwork.

• Use yard stripe.
• Warm-up with crossover drop back technique from sideline to hash.
• Keep hip open and chin up over shoulder to see field.


• Ball(s)

Dropback square drill


• To improve the footwork of the QB on dropback passes.

• especially working on consitent depth
Read more:

Quarterback Drops

Rollout drills

• To teach and improve the footwork of the QB on Rollout passes.


1. Use a line-strip or put cones up marking the Center and Tackles.

2. Put cones or towels about 6 yrds behind the Tackles.
3. QB takes his presnap stance
4. shouts out a short cadence
5. simulates the snap and rolls out around the cone/towel in the backfield
6. and executes a throwing motion without actually throwing the ball about 1 yard behind the LOS.
7. QB should continue running downfield about 5 yards across the LOS.

The throwing motion is just to give the QB more of a feeling where that LOS is, so he will know when he
crosses the LOS and can't throw the ball any more.
In teaching period each QB should do it on his own, but when using this drill as a routine drill, all QBs can
line up about 5 yards apart, with one QB giving the cadence and all QBs doing the rollout (to the same side,

of course ).
Coaching Points

• QB has to push off with the left foot (when rolling right) and get depth.
• The top of the arc should be behind the Tackle (where you put the cone or towel) and be reached
with 5 steps.
• Then the QB should shorten his stride running 'downhill' under control.
• When running towards the LOS the QB should turn the upper body with non-throwing shoulder
pointing downfield (almost "turning his back to the receiver"), while his hips are still turned towards
where he is running.
• QB should take the ball up in front of his right armpit (for left-handed QBs the left armpit) with his
first step, holding it tight with both hands.
• During the rollout the ball should stay put in front of his right armpit, while the elbows should
hang/swing loose to improve balance


• Ball(s)
• Cones
• Linestrip

The scambling triangular


• To teach and improve the footwork of the QB if he is ever under attack when dropping back into the


1. QB drops back 5 steps with the ball up right showing pass.

2. After the drop (keeping the ball in the passing position) he runs upward to the right at a 45 degree
3. then side shuffles to the left
4. and drops back at a 45 degree angle again to the right
5. and ends up where he started.
6. After he returns to the start position he then throws a pass to a player or coach standing on the
right or left to develope throwing in different direction.

Repeat with starting to the left, shuffling to the left, and dropping back to the left again.
Coaching Points

• what ever direction he travels, he must step with that foot first.
meaning (if he is going right he must step with the right foot and if he is going left he should step
with the left foot first).
• to make sure he is aware you could put your hand up as a signal for him to throw and this could
happen any time in motion (QB must understand the window of opportunity only comes once I
teach so you must be prepared)


• Ball(s)

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