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Robert School: Instructional Technology

Technology Skills by Grade Level

Seventh & Eighth Grade

Technology Basics
Skill NETS Notes
Understand and comply with School AUP
(Acceptable Use Policy).
Practice proper ergonomics (sit up straight, use
both hands) at computer. Set volume at 5
appropriate level.
Know how to try to solve problems with computer
before asking for help.
Technology Vocabulary
Skill NETS Notes
• Web 2.0
• See Computer Technology Curriculum
grades 7 & 8 for a list of terminology.
Technology Concepts- Spiraling
Skill NETS Notes
Save and retrieve work (student network account)
• Create new folder and manage files. 6
• Save to flash drive/CD.
Practice effective research techniques using the
• Nettrekker
3, 4, 6
• Variety of search engines
• Destiny WebQuest
Keyboarding: Type 35 words per minute using
correct keyboarding skills and without error.
Use document printing skills.
• selection printing
• print preview
• choice of printers
Navigate between open programs to complete
assigned task.
• ExploreLearning Gizmos
• LoggerPro

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St. Robert School: Instructional Technology
Technology Skills by Grade Level

Technology Basics
Students will use appropriate content resources to
gather, view, analyze and report data.
Use: (8 of 12)
• The computer
• Digital camera
• Projector (on/off)
• Smart Response
• Document camera
• SMART Board
• Flip Video
• Kindle
• Probes
• Graphing calculators
• Scanners
• Or, ________________
Technology Projects
Skill NETS Notes
Use a Web 2.0 tool to communicate
comprehension using: 1, 4, 6
Collaborate in a small group or work individually
using appropriate software/web tool to
communicate knowledge using images, text,
sounds, and animations.

• Use text tool
• Move, copy, and paste objects
• Use different views
• Use transitions, WordArt, and hyperlinks
• Use digital pictures, graphics, and video
clips 1, 2,
• Import/save image 3, 4, 6
• Insert/move image
• Resize/rotate image
• Maintain proportionate sizing
• Use shape tools
• Frame image
• Use audio files
• Use narration tools

Note: Projects should be planned that allow

students to choose appropriate technology tools to
communicate understanding.

10/3/2010 2
St. Robert School: Instructional Technology
Technology Skills by Grade Level

Technology Basics
Use software and web tools to organize, plan, and
• Create a basic spreadsheet and a variety of
graphs using Excel
o import charts/graphs from Excel to
other applications
o use formulas and functions
• Create a report, essay, and/or 1, 2,
_______________ using Microsoft Word 3, 4, 6
o Font, italics, page setup, underline,
bold, indent, numbers
o Spell checker, dictionary, and
o Formatting toolbar
o Tables
Collaborate outside classroom to complete project
(i.e. wiki, blog, Skype).
Technology Research & Ethics (Media Specialists)
Skill NETS Notes
Use Destiny to locate and reserve books in the
3, 6
Learn appropriate skills to use technology safely,
responsibly, and effectively – CyberSmart 5

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St. Robert School: Instructional Technology
Technology Skills by Grade Level

National Educational Technology

Standards for Students
1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative
thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products
and processes using technology.

2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital

media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.

3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital

tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision

Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct
research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed
decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

5. Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural,

and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.

6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students

demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations.

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