Authentic Faith

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authentic faith

fresh expressions of church amongst young adults

beth keith
authentic faith
fresh expressions of church amongst young adults

What is a fresh Introduction 3
expression of church?
A fresh expression is a form of Recommendations 4
church for our changing culture,
established primarily for the
benefit of people who are not Background issues 6
yet members of any church.
It will come into being through
principles of listening, service,
The research model 8
incarnational mission and making
Realities shared in common 12
It will have the potential to
become a mature expression of
church shaped by the gospel and Five types 14
the enduring marks of the church
and for its cultural context. Church planting hubs 16
Fresh expressions of church:
serve those outside church; Youth church grown up 20
listen to people and enter
their culture;
Deconstructed church 22
make discipleship a priority; Church on the margins 25
form church.
The Fresh Expressions Context shaped church 27
organisation exists to encourage
and resource these new ways of
being church, working with
Wider issues 30
Christians from a broad range of
denominations and traditions.
The movement has resulted in
Conclusion 34
thousands of new congregations
being formed alongside more Appendix 1: research subjects 35
traditional churches.

1. Churchgoing in the UK
Ian Farthing, Tearfund, 2007, p15
2. Pulling out of the nosedive: A contemporary Picture of
Churchgoing: What the 2005 English Church Census Reveals

Introduction Peter Brierley, Christian Research, 2006, p116

The Church is failing to reach or keep young adults. Only 11% of regular
churchgoers are between the ages of 25 and 34, whilst 16% of the population
is within that age group 1. In tracking decline, the greatest losses per year
are occurring amongst those aged 15 to 29 2. However, there are churches
bucking this trend.
This report outlines the findings from a qualitative research project
undertaken by Church Army and Fresh Expressions looking into some of
these churches including: parish churches, traditional church plants and
fresh expressions of church all with growing numbers of people in their 20s
and 30s.
This research provides evidence that some larger churches, with young adult
congregations, that are contemporary in style yet with more traditional
practices, such as Sunday services alongside midweek groups, are effectively
reaching middle class, well educated young adults, who previously attended
church as children.
However, the churches managing to reach young adults with no prior faith
or church experience, and from a broader socio-economic background,
exhibit very different traits and practices.
This study examines the emerging Christian practices amongst young adults
and how church is being rediscovered by those growing Christian
communities among those beyond the fringes of church.
This report outlines the background issues associated with research into this
age group, the research model employed, commonality and difference
between practices, the existence of five types of young adult church,
conclusions and the following recommendations.


There is evidence of five distinct types of young adults’

church. These types each connect with different kinds
of young adults and practice their faith differently.
These different dynamics should be recognised,
understood and encouraged by the wider Church.
The churches reaching closed de-churched and non-
churched young adults develop community practices
more often around the dining table than the church
building. Access to communal spaces, such as provided
by larger vicarages or manses, can make a crucial
difference to the growth and sustainability of these
Christian communities.
The rise of small sacramental communities needs
further understanding. Issues remain about permissions,
authorisation, and the appropriate administration of
the sacraments, which need careful consideration.
Some dioceses, and some acknowledged mission
communities, are making strides in recognising,
endorsing and supporting these types of churches.
Churches reaching young adults with no prior
experience of church, or who have rejected church
with no intention of returning, are developing more
experimental forms of Christian community. These
churches are greatly affected by the level of support
and connection with the wider church. However, their
unconventional style can be a stumbling block to this.
More can and should be done to encourage open and
supportive connections between the wider church and
these fledgling communities.

Church planting hubs act as gathering points, and are
highly effective in attracting, retaining and discipling
young adults with childhood church experience and
faith. These churches should be valued by the wider
church in the important role they play in retaining
young adults as they transition out of churches they
attended as children. These hub churches have a
crucial role in preparing young adults for a vocational
life of mission in the world and ministry in the church.
Those starting fresh expressions of church for young
people should make provision in time for the
subsequent development of a young adult church,
especially when working with young people unlikely to
move away from home to go to university.
Many dioceses have specialists acting as children’s
work advisors and diocesan youth officers. Arguably
there is an even greater need in work with young
adults. Posts should be created both to help multiple
new churches to form and to support existing young
adult churches. This work would include:
· finding sustainable patterns of leadership;
· affirming areas of good practice;
· support through periods of transition;
· guidance towards a contextual sacramental life;
· building positive relationships with the wider
· guidance on development over time as the young
adults grow up.

Background issues

Young adult movement

There is currently an uneven distribution of young adult involvement in all types of church, traditional church plants
and fresh expressions of church. An extremely high proportion of young adults in church are found in London churches 3,
followed by churches in university cities. Much fewer exist in rural and Urban Priority Areas (UPAs). This trend
highlights the wider movement of young adults moving out of home and into cities for university and jobs. This
represents a year by year influx of Christian young adults, looking for, or open to becoming part of a church.
Whilst churches in these areas are right to attend to this reality and both traditional church and fresh expressions of
church can respond to this, it would be naïve to ignore the wider trend of the movement among young adults. A church
in one of these locations may grow year on year and have a thriving young adult ministry, with only a minimal growth
of new Christians and significant numbers of young adults leaving.

Sociological development
Whilst young adults may be marrying and having children at a later age, this remains the key time when young adults
socialise within their own peer group - they date and look for partnerships. The implication is that a church with young

3. Pulling out of the nosedive: A
contemporary Picture of Churchgoing:
What the 2005 English Church Census Reveals
Peter Brierley, Christian Research, 2006, p116

adults is attractive to other young adults, and conversely being the only
young adult (or one of a few) plays against this group’s sociological drives.

Different streams of young adults

Whilst many young adults do move for university or work, many others
remain in their home cities, towns and in rural areas. Young adults
remaining at or near home often come from more deprived areas. Any
research of mission among young adults would need to take account of this.
A model of research which simplistically tracks large young adult ministries
in university locations will be skewed to a particular section of society.

Given these three factors we would expect to see larger young adult
involvement in churches in cities that are located near universities and that
become hubs for Christian young adults. These churches are well placed to
attract other young adults who are interested in Christianity. They can also
become a training ground for Christian young leaders, and will benefit from
the time and resources of the large numbers of young adults contributing to
the ministry and mission of the church.
A number of churches have become significant young adult hubs and there is
much to learn from the ministries and fresh expressions of Church that have
developed there. However, young adult movement and the sociological
drives of the age groups have played an important factor in this. In
identifying ‘successful’ ministries, existence of these phenomena must be
clear. Numbers attending can not simply be translated as ‘success’ without
taking into account the underlying trends and the types of young adults that
are present. Nor can a single model of church for young adults be expected
to work in contexts where other dynamics are in play.

The research model

This small scale qualitative

research project takes a
grounded theory approach, with
theoretical sampling to examine
the emerging practices amongst
churches with growing numbers
of young adults. It was clear at
the outset that any such study
could not simplistically look at
churches with large numbers of
young adults but instead needed
to track the types of young adults
attending, both in terms of their
socio-economic background and
their religious background as
children and teens.
The scope of the research was
not to identify churches with
young adults present amongst all
ages; rather, this research looked
at churches with growing
numbers of young adults. This
included parish churches with
young adult congregations,
traditional church plants, fresh
expressions of church, and some
examples of Christian ministry
amongst young adults which may,
or may not, yet be church.

4. Encounters on the Edge, 30
George Lings, The Sheffield Centre,
Church Army, 2006, pp16-20

There was much debate on the definition of ‘young adult’. A conventional definition of young adult, as those having
left university but not yet embarked on family life and the arrival of children, could be used. However, this defines not
just the age group but a certain demographic of young adult, which excludes the large numbers of young adults who do
not go on to higher education. Instead, for the purposes of this study, the term young adult refers to people between
the ages of 20 and 35 years. Whilst attendees were not discounted as young adults for being students or having children,
churches which were focused either on students (campus based or existing primarily for students) or on young families
were discounted.
Theoretical sampling was employed to identify twelve representative churches. Details of the churches involved can be
found at the end of the report. The range of churches identified covers those reaching young adults from a breadth of
socio-economic and religious backgrounds, based in locations across the country. However, no rural examples were
found, so all the churches examined are located in towns or cities. Also a range of ecclesial tradition was difficult to
find and this is discussed later.
One apostolic mandate is given in Acts 1.8: ‘When the Spirit comes, you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea,
Samaria and the ends of the earth’. This has been applied to a journey from mission to the familiar and open (fringe
and open de-churched), through the disagreeable (closed de-church), to the unthinkable (non-churched) 4.

5. Mission Shaped Evangelism
Steve Hollinghurst, SCM Canterbury
Press, 2010, pp10-15

e familiar?

Ju d e a

Jerusalem… Samaria… The ends of

churched the disagreeable the earth…

de-churched the unthinkable

fr i


Diagram 1: Jerusalem to the ends of the earth

Mission and evangelism in the UK has tended to focus on ‘Jerusalem and Judea’, representing mission to fringe and
open de-churched people. However, as the percentage of fringe and open dechurched people in the UK drops with each
generation, this connects with a reducing minority of people 5. So the vast majority of mission is done in a shrinking
pond. This is increasingly important as younger generations show higher percentages of people with no experience of
church. In identifying growing young adult churches, care was taken in identifying whether these relate to the
categories Jerusalem and Judea, Samaria or ends of the earth (diagram 2). Lessons learnt from these different contexts
can then more accurately inform practice.

Diagram 2: The spread of churches examined on the Jerusalem to the ends of the earth spectrum

Semi-structured interviews were conducted over the phone, with leaders telling the story of how the church had
started and developed. They were asked how and why they thought they had grown and were asked to describe who
came along.
After a number of open ended questions, interviewees were asked to give more detailed accounts of growth, size and
the types of people coming along, including their religious background. Alongside this, other details such as church
affiliation and geographical location were collected.

Realities shared in common

There are a number of common values and realities seen across all or most churches involved in the study. These
realities shaped their practice, their faith and how the community organised themselves. Whilst these realties were
outworked in different ways, which will be discussed later, their presence across all or most of the expressions of
church investigated suggests a commonality across ministries with this age group.

Community was a key value within the churches. Food, socials, hospitality were all key components of church life
rather than additional activities. The term family was used frequently, particularly in reference to church as family,
both for those from broken family backgrounds, or a family away from home for those having recently moved away
from their parents’ home for university or jobs.

Honesty, integrity, and ‘realness’ were emphasised over ‘rightness’. Church was described as journeying together,
working out faith, together, in the messy realities of life, rather than the teaching of truths. Leadership was defined by
honesty and in connecting with others in their struggles, rather than being detached or idealist about faith. Discipleship
was described as working out how to do life well, rather than how to believe the right things.

Across most of the churches value was placed on an openness to express doubt, to question, to deconstruct. This was
often understood as a valuable formational phase in the church’s life, enabling members to develop and own its vision
and ethos. Churches reaching people with no previous church experience or closed de-churched young adults allowed
more freedom in this area, with some leaders describing discipleship as moving through doubt towards faith. Some
leaders found the presence of such high levels of doubt hampered the growth of their church. Leaders of churches
reaching churched young adults also valued the space to express doubt and questions, but members of these churches
had less freedom to question and a quicker expectation on them to move beyond doubt. This resulted in a number of
young adults leaving, but allowed a more positive Christian community to develop amongst those who remained.

Most of the leaders interviewed, across the range of churches, emphasised
the emotive or ‘felt’ nature of a spiritual encounter with God. Creative and
experiential worship during church services was rated as a high value for
young adults with previous church experience. For churches reaching closed
de-churched or non-churched the term worship was not used, but rather
‘spaces’ where people could experience God. These spaces often looked very
different from the sung worship happening within a traditional church
service environment.

All the leaders interviewed discussed how change was an ongoing reality of
their church. They described a continuous transition of people in and out of
the community. This was caused by people moving geographically, for work,
study, and resettlement. Transition was also caused by people moving to a
new life stage. These on going transitions affected members and leaders and
had a significant impact on the development of the church. Larger churches
emphasised the need for robust and supportive structures to balance the
negative affects of transition. Smaller churches emphasised the strength of
relationship and the important role the wider church can play, especially
during leadership transitions.

In practice
Whilst there is evidence of commonality across the churches examined,
these realities of community, authenticity, doubt, spirituality and change
were worked out in very different practices. Though these realities shaped
their faith and practice, there were noticeable differences between the
types of churches, their contexts and the kinds of young adults reached.

Five types

Five distinct types of young adults’ church were identified during this study. Initially these were identified by the sorts
of questions that appeared to have defined and shaped how and why the church started, how they grew and how they
described the story of their development. It became clear through further analysis of the transcripts that this typology
extended and was confirmed by a number of other factors such as size, practices, sacramental practice, buildings used
and context. Below is a summary of the five types, which are then described in more detail.

Type Reaching Size Context

1. Church How do we retain

Christian and open Middle class well educated. In or
planting and attract more 100+
de-churched near student areas
hubs young adults?

2. Youth How do we grow Young adult growth:

Middle class well educated even
church up into adult Christians and open 100+
where teen context was different
grown up church for us? de-churched

3. De- 20-40, plus

Closed de-churched Middle class, highly educated and
constructed What is Church? 50-100 in
and non-churched vulnerable people
church wider network

4. Church What is gospel UPAs, high levels of poverty,

on the transformation Non-churched 12-30 mental health problems, addictions,
margins for the poor? homelessness, criminal activity

5. Context 30, plus 100+

What is Church in Churched and non- Varies, and people excluded from
shaped in wider
this context? churched church
church network

Continued on next page…

Type Sacraments Practice Buildings

1. Church
As part of Sunday service, Sunday service plus midweek Church, homes, limited use
administered by authorised clergy discipleship and mission of public space

2. Youth
As part of Sunday service, Sunday service plus midweek Church, homes, limited use
administered by authorised clergy discipleship and mission of public space
grown up

3. De-
Around the table, often agape in Meet around a meal or for a Community homes, limited
style project or task use of church buildings

4. Church
on the Agape style if at all Discipleship, coaching, meals Public spaces, homes

5. Context Teaching, worship, prayer,

Developed in context and Mixing sacred and secular
shaped discipleship birthed in
administered by authorised clergy spaces
church context

1. Church planting hubs
What are they like?
Churches identifies as planting hubs were defined by questions on how to
retain, disciple and attract more young adults.
They are contemporary in style, and with a specific service or congregation
for young adults.
The church life is organised around a Sunday service alongside other
community based activities. The Sunday service, which takes place in a
traditional or new church building, includes sung worship, preaching, and
sacraments are administered by authorised clergy.
The young adults meet midweek, in small groups, for discipleship and
fellowship. These groups include a strong emphasis on mission and
evangelism, through shared missional activities and personal witness.
Some of these churches run year out discipleship courses which feed into
the life of the church, both attracting people from across the country and
facilitating intensive discipleship opportunities for existing members.
Leaders described their churches as developing community, worship and
evangelism. However, they noted that mission and evangelism were less
developed than community and worship.

Who are they reaching?
These churches have large numbers of people in their 20s and 30s, with their
young adult congregation having at least 100 people. They tend to largely
reach young adults with a Christian upbringing, for example those moving
into the area for work or study and looking for a church, or those returning
to faith after a brief lapse at university. It was estimated that 80%-90% of
those attending these churches had gone to church as children or teens.
Leaders cited attractive worship, real and welcoming community, young
adults in leadership and having a critical mass of young adults, as the
reasons for their growth.
They are located in student and postgraduate areas, or in locations which
are easily accessible and networked into that demographic. With that
context it is then not surprising that they tend to reach middle class, well
educated young adults.

What do they do?

Although these young adult congregations have their own services and small
groups they are part of a larger church body. This enables the young adults
to develop a young adults’ church with the support and resource of the
larger church.
These young adult churches benefit from the resource of buildings, church
governance and accountability and leadership development. In some cases,
churches also provided older wiser Christians to come alongside the young
adults, especially when more demanding pastoral issues arose. This level of
connection enables supportive, discipling and accountable structures to
release inexperienced young adults into leadership.

Invest in leaders, that’s how you grow.

The oversight of clergy, working closely with lay leaders within these
churches, ensures the sacraments can be administered regularly and enables
connection with the wider Church.
Each of the churches researched were from a broadly charismatic
evangelical tradition. They each had a similar structure: large supportive
church, young adult congregation, small groups alongside social and
missional activities. However, they also emphasised the importance of not
copying other churches and avoiding the temptation to follow a set model or
programme of church.
Each noted the significance of growing church within their context, and the
place of ongoing discernment in the growth of the church.

Discipleship and leadership

These churches put a strong emphasis in discipling and releasing young
adults into leadership. Young adults are involved in leading midweek groups
and Sunday services. They also give young adults responsibility in making
decisions for the groups and in pastoral care.
The intentional development of young adults, the support of the larger
church body and the types of young adults they attract (middle class, well
educated, Christian background) results in a steady flow of competent
members with the time and resources to build up the church community and
mission. The growth of leaders encourages the growth of more small groups
and mission activities, attracting more members, with a supply of additional
leaders to facilitate further small groups for rising numbers.


Always build something that's scalable, then it can be
reproduced and replicated easily.

The churches interviewed in this type were involved in various forms of
church multiplication. The language of traditional church plant and graft
were used, as was the language of clusters and missional communities.
These churches’ ability to attract large numbers of Christian young adults
makes them well placed to engage in church planting, either sending out
larger groups of people to start church in a different location, or sending
out multiple smaller groups to start developing fresh expressions of church.
Each of these churches had gained wisdom from being part of a planting
process, recognising the effects on a congregation when significant numbers
of core members are sent out to plant something new. Some of these
churches had experienced quite large fluctuations of numbers and quite
rapid changes when planting occurred. Numbers grew back up quickly,
mainly through transfer growth and influx of students. However, leaders
emphasised the pastoral impact of these changes.

Leaders of these churches noted a lack of resources as hampering their
growth. None of these churches had a full time member of staff employed
to focus solely on young adults. Given that the young adult congregations
were between 100-250 people, they felt that staff resourcing was scarce.
They also highlighted that succession issues hampered the churches’ growth,
which happened when curates moved on, or when leaders moved out, with
the further church being planted.

“ Young adults are more reserved than teenagers, they give less away.
It’s much harder to work out what’s going on below the surface.

2. Youth church grown up

What are they like?
As the title suggests, these churches began life as youth ministries or youth
churches. Ten years on, with members growing up and out of the youth
church, but not connecting to other expressions of church, they began
considering how their church could become a place for young adults.
In the churches researched here, it happened that both examples of youth
church that grew up also fitted into the church planting hubs typology. So in
these cases many of the aspects of the church planting hubs apply here,
although their history is markedly different.
Rather than repeating the aspects found in common with church planting
hubs, this section outlines the differences between these two types, which
are in the main due to their differing historical mandates. However, it
should be made clear that although the examples given in this research
outline how these youth churches developed into church planting hubs, it
does not follow that all youth churches will or should follow this pattern.
A few examples of youth churches growing up, which did not follow this
pattern, were evident in the initial stages of this research but were
discounted, as it was felt they were too early on in their development, for
example Sorted, in Bradford. Future research into this will provide a more
accurate picture of how youth churches are developing and growing up.
The youth churches in this study were asking similar questions to the church
planting hubs: how do we retain, disciple and attract more young adults?
However, when these youth churches began, the questions which defined
how they developed and who they reached were more intentionally
missional and contextual than the church planting hubs.

“ It’s not about fixing a smile on your face, it’s about being authentic
and real about the struggles whilst acknowledging that God is good.

Who are they reaching?

In one example, a fresh expression grew almost exclusively amongst non-
churched teenagers. In the other, a youth church was developed from a
parish church, including the church’s existing teenagers and others from the
local school. This developed with about half non-churched teenagers and
half from families at the church. So, proportionally, we see these churches
reaching many more young adults from families who did not attend church.
However, both leaders describing the young adult congregations which had
developed out of youth churches, explained that whilst historical growth (as
a youth church) had reached non-churched teenagers, growth amongst
young adults was almost all from Christians transferring from other churches,
or from students and postgraduates moving into the area, and so they were
now reaching mainly churched, middle class and well educated young adults.
Difficulties were encountered when young people who had come to faith
through the youth church did not fit with the developing demographic
(either religious or socio-economic) of the young adult congregation. Sadly
one church, a church planting hub with a previously thriving youth church,
had lost many young people from non-churched and deprived backgrounds
because they had been unable to transition from the youth church to the
existing young adults’ church. The two examples in this research of youth
church grown up had successfully navigated this transition by growing the
church up, developing additional young adult groups and congregations,
rather than transferring people between very different congregations.
It is surprising that both youth churches studied, who had reached high
proportions of non-churched teenagers and retained these as they grew into
young adults, had almost exclusively gone on to only reach more young
adults from Christian families. This raises questions about differences in
reaching teens and young adults and highlights the difficulties encountered
in reaching young adults with no previous church background.

It’s about being church, not doing church.

3. Deconstructed church
What are they like?
These churches were defined and shaped by questions such as ‘what is
They tended to be influenced by Christians who had previous church
experience and did not want to go back (closed de-churched).
These Christian communities enabled members to question and practice
their faith. Whilst all types emphasised the place of questioning, these
churches were shaped by their willingness to dismantle what church is, in
order to find authenticity.

What do they do?

Deconstructed churches do meet regularly but without the normal Sunday
service features. They do not necessarily meet on Sunday, and probably not
in a church building. There is no singing, and often no plan, or set service.
They meet around a specific task or project, or around the table. These
churches placed a high value on community, with church practices based
around meals. Prayer, thanksgiving and discipleship happen during the meal
in which Communion is also shared.
With such an emphasis on community life, large enough communal spaces,
either in vicarages or shared houses is key. When a vicarage was either
provided, or lost, it impacted on the community’s ability to grow or struggle
to survive. There were examples of young adults living together in mission
communities with some connections to new monasticism made. They also
used sacred spaces for spiritual events. This worked well when a cathedral
or town centre church allowed them to use their building. One of the

Food is the new Sunday service.

communities studied was more reflective and emphasised worship alongside
community. However, the other two were more activist in style,
emphasising mission and community over worship.
From the churches studied, deconstructed churches were more likely than
other types, although not exclusively, to have started by accident, rather
than a diocesan initiative or from an existing church. Of all the types,
deconstructed churches were least likely to be connected to the wider
church. Whilst they lacked the resource of the wider church, they often
found it less of a problem than context shaped churches or those on the

Discipleship and leadership

Whilst there were often recognised leaders, they developed a flat leadership
style, with decision making being more democratic. Leaders noted that this
was the most appropriate leadership style, enabling members to take
ownership of the group and get involved. However, it could result in drawn-
out decision making and slow progress.
With ongoing transition, these churches struggled when key members of the
community moved on. Succession issues, especially when leaders or core
members moved on were hard to navigate, especially if this coincided with
the loss of the community’s home. To lose the leader and the building in
one move was difficult.
Deconstructed churches were less likely to seek or gain permission and
recognition from wider church structures. Some encountered issues with the
wider church, others were not noticed by the wider church. The one
example which was started as a Diocesan initiative appreciated close links
with the Diocese and Cathedral. These links ensured its survival during a
challenging transition period.

The deconstructed churches in this study have a small and transient
community of 20-40 people, experiencing considerable transfer of people in
and out. These churches also have a larger, and sometimes highly active,
wider network of people connecting with activities organised through the
church. These other activities and projects connect with people from a
much broader socio-economic and religious background and, in particular,
vulnerable young adults.

Who are they reaching?

The deconstructed churches studied were reaching a mix of closed de-
churched and non-churched people.
In one church, about half were from a Christian background, of which many
were closed de-churched and half with no previous church experience.
In another church 80% were classed as closed de-churched and 20% non-
The third deconstructed church was 20% closed de-churched, 20% non-
churched, 30% churched. They also identified 30% of their group growing up
with a mixed faith background, where one parent was Christian and the
other actively atheist or of another faith.
These deconstructed churches were reaching middle class, highly educated
young adults and vulnerable young adults through project work.

Leaders cited evangelism, advertising, inviting people along, being good
networkers, not having a church service, and developing opportunities for
people to encounter God as factors in their growth. These also talked about
how they had learnt through experience and the ongoing development of

4. Church on the margins
What are they like?
Two of the churches studied were reaching young adults marginalised by
wider society. These churches were developing within a specific context, so
could have been identified as context shaped churches. However, they were
being shaped by issues associated with deprivation and poverty, and raising
questions more defined by levels of deprivation than age group context,
such as ‘What is the gospel for the poor?’ and ‘What does church look like
among the marginalised?’

What do they do?

The focus here is on transforming the lives of the young adults; discipling
people beyond exclusion, rather than starting a church. Practices which
worked to enable that, such as coaching groups, discipleship pods (cells) and
one-to-one mentoring developed and grew.
One of the leaders interviewed raised questions about whether this was
actually church. His intention was to eventually develop Christian
communities of faith and he identified steps towards this, building on the
discipleship groups which were in place.
It may be that in such a context any definition of church may need to be
stretched. The other example was more readily identified as church,
including discipleship groups alongside a service, albeit somewhat chaotic,
which included time for worship, prayer, teaching and communion.
When working with people who have been marginalised by wider society and
by the church, building up trust is crucial. One leader in referring to
belonging, believing, behaving explained that asking people to belong to
church first is inappropriate in this context. They start by ‘blessing’ which

“ We’re starting from so far back that most defined church concepts are more or less unrecognisable
in this context. Talking about discipleship or transformation, rather than talking about a
worshipping community, is more appropriate language to use.

involves sharing God’s love through practical help and often involves food.
Through this they are able to get to know groups of young adults and over
time demonstrate that they are trustworthy. Meeting together over food
helps develop community, build trust and alongside this, coaching and
discipleship happens.
Both the churches studied were based in Urban Priority Areas. They used
public spaces such as parks, McDonald’s and a YMCA to meet in. Neither
group used church buildings, but one also used homes for discipleship groups.

Who are they reaching?

These churches were mainly reaching young adults from a non-churched
background. At least 80% were from non-churched backgrounds and where
there was some experience of church they often had been marginalised by
the church so could be violently anti church. The young adults reached had
high levels of poverty, illness, mental health, addictions, suicide,
homelessness, violence and criminal activity.

On the subject of growth, the leaders talked about the importance of food,
being a blessing, evangelism, inviting people along, and being welcoming.
Leaders talked about the slow process of growth in individuals, and the
scale of pastoral issues in a community with high levels of poverty, addiction
and mental health issues.
Both hoped for more Christians to help volunteer, disciple and lead.
One church had struggled when key volunteers moved on and highlighted
the lack of mature Christians to lead and develop the church further. Being
connected to the wider church at this point was crucial and helped them
move through this vulnerable period.

5. Context shaped church
What are they like?
Whilst each of the churches in this research were aware of their context, the
churches which were defined as context shaped churches developed and
were intentionally shaped through direct interaction with their context.
They asked questions such as, ‘What is the gospel here?’ and ‘What is church
here?’ Two churches were identified as contextual. One further church was
transitioning towards being a context shaped church.

What do they do?

These churches were embedded into their specific context. Practices were
markedly different between the contexts. However, each included times of
gathering, without standard Sunday service features.
Gatherings were regular but would not necessarily happen weekly or on a
Sunday. Whilst traditional elements of church, such as Eucharist, teaching,
worship, prayer, discipleship and fellowship were evident, there was often
no clear service, or preaching or singing.
Communion was administered, and all three churches had clergy or close
links to clergy to enable this.
These churches had a range of connecting points through cafés, projects,
and discussion groups, through which people could link up, get involved and
explore faith.
The emphasis in these groups tended to be more on community and mission
as starting places from which worship could develop.

“ If you get the cultural environment right, community and discipleship
just happens.

These context shaped churches used a range of spaces with a mix of sacred
and secular buildings, for example a café with chapel, the use of public city
centre venues plus events in a cathedral. By using a range of spaces, these
churches crossed the sacred/secular divide.
Where church planting hubs used sacred buildings for worship and secular
spaces for evangelism, these context shaped churches used public spaces to
develop community and share faith, alongside sacred spaces giving non-
threatening opportunities for people to encounter God and grow in faith.
These churches, like the deconstructed churches, had a small church
gathering of about 30 and a wider network or 100+ people attending events,
projects or cafés. Overtly Christian gatherings tend to have a higher
percentage of Christians with about 55% Christians from a churched
background and 45% non-churched. However, of the wider network
connected to the church, about 80% of them are from non-churched

Discipleship and leadership

Discipleship was happening often informally and on a one-to-one basis.
Leaders talked about discipleship without becoming ‘churchy’.
Developing leaders from those new to the faith was slow and sometimes a
complicated process.

Who are they reaching?

Based in town or city centres, the churches in this study were generally
reaching middle class students and postgraduates. One church was working
in the alternative community and reaching people often excluded from
church, although not marginalised by society at large.

In talking about reasons for growth, leaders cited evangelism, unashamed
advertising, inviting people along, being welcoming, having good networkers
within the context, being culturally embedded with approachable entry
points, and non-threatening ways to encounter God without having to go to
a church service.
One church found that succession issues hampered growth. Leaders moving
on after a few years can be difficult for these fledgling communities. One of
the churches interviewed found they struggled to sustain the church after
the ordained pioneer moved on following their curacy. They found
themselves overstretched and have recently taken the difficult decision to
stop the work with young adults as they did not have the resources to
sustain it.
Pastoral and discipleship issues were cited as factors which hampered
growth. With a high percentage of people from non-Christian backgrounds
and a smaller percentage of functional Christian young adults, developing
leaders and teams was a complicated and slow process.
Being linked into wider church structures was important for all three
churches, particularly in developing the sacramental life of the church and
in supporting the church when leaders move on.

6. Churchgoing in the UK
Ian Farthing, Tearfund, 2007, p15

Wider issues

Encouragingly, gender figures in
the young adult churches in this
study bucked trends in the wider
Church, where the average
breakdown across denominations
is 35% male and 65% female 6.
In church planting hubs (1) and
youth church grown up (2)
around 40% were male and 60%
female. Deconstructed churches
(3) had about 55% male and 45%
female (some gender-specific
work, which would inflate female
numbers, is not included in this
figure). Churches on the
margins (4) were the reverse of
(1) and (2) - 60% male and 40%
female (some gender-specific
work which would inflate male
numbers is not included).
Context shaped churches (5)
were split roughly 50-50.
As this research is qualitative,
numbers are not large enough to
make conclusive remarks about
gender in new forms of church,
but the number of men in the
churches studied is encouraging.

Ecclesial tradition
During this research it was difficult to find a range of ecclesial traditions fitting the criteria and happy to engage with
the research. Most examples given are evangelical or charismatic, or came from that background. However, leaders did
talk about a blending of traditions depending on context, drawing on the Church’s rich history and range of practices.
Those connecting with closed de-churched also talked of blending traditions along with a developing post-evangelical or
post-church theology. The influence of monastic life and teaching was also evident.
There are a range of denominations present in the research, including Church of England, Methodist, Baptist, free
churches with links into church planting networks, and those planted from acknowledged mission communities such as
CMS and Church Army. Some were a mix of denominations, some were not officially linked to anything but do have
relational links to other church organisations.

Just a life stage?

Questions remain over whether the traits and issues connected to young adults are cultural, or dependent on life stage.
If they were life stage dependent we would expect to see young adults moving on in time into more traditional
churches with a range of ages present. Although the research could not cover these questions adequately due the to
ages of those studied, there was some evidence that those who had rejected church or had no prior experience of
church were unlikely to transition into more traditional forms of church as they age, whereas young adults attending
church planting hubs and youth churches that had grown up did move on to traditional family based churches. This
could be into other congregations within the larger church, or into newly formed congregations connected to the larger
church or other churches. Both these types of young adults’ church had similar practices to the family based
congregations they moved on to, shaped around a Sunday service alongside midweek discipleship groups and mission.
However, those attending deconstructed, marginalised or context shaped churches may struggle to make the jump to
more traditional forms of church. This suggests the determining factor is not their age or life stage, and that these new
forms of church will grow and develop with their people.
The recognition of these small sacramental communities as church is vital, both for the sustainability of these fledgling
churches and for the building up of the wider church. Issues remain about permissions, authorisation, and the
appropriate administration of the sacraments, and all these need careful consideration. Some dioceses and some
acknowledged mission communities are making strides in recognising, endorsing and supporting these churches.

Connection to the wider Church
The wider Church plays an important role in these
churches. For those connected to larger churches,
relationship to the wider Church happens primarily
through their local larger church, with little direct link
to the diocese. These local larger churches may
benefit from the wisdom, gifts and theology present
within acknowledged mission communities, such as
Church Army or CMS, if they want to develop their
mission and evangelism and reach further beyond the
existing Church.
For those not in church planting hubs the wider Church
has a significant role, especially in times of transition.
Acknowledged mission communities, church planting
networks and dioceses play a vital role here. Support
(or lack of) can greatly affect the growth of churches.
Leaders in marginalised and context shaped churches
found being linked into wider Church structures very
important, in particular when leaders moved on and in
times of transition. Good relationships with the wider
Church can be the difference between these young
churches dying or continuing. This appears to work
best when the relationship between the young adults’
church and wider church exists and is strong before
difficulties arise.
Deconstructed churches were least likely to be linked
into the wider church, but benefited where they were.
Also the use of town centre churches and cathedrals
for events and gatherings was greatly appreciated.

Across all five types there was a wide range of leadership resource. Some
had ordained leaders, others were led by lay evangelists and others by
untrained lay volunteers. Some had full time employed leaders, others were
self supporting, yet others were leading the church in their spare time.
It was significant and noteworthy that it was not the time, training, or the
resource the leaders had which affected the development of the church, but
the type of church which made the difference to its practices and growth.
Where churches had employed leaders they experienced more acute
succession problems. This has implications for the deployment of OPM
curates, especially when this is also associated with access to a vicarage
(see below). Where no one was employed, the leadership team felt the
ongoing lack of resources. These churches found it especially difficult when
core members moved on.

Size and sustainability

There was a distinct difference between larger churches attracting Christian
young adults and smaller churches reaching those with no previous church
experience, or those who had rejected church. Those larger young adults’
congregations exist in close relationship to larger churches, having access to
their resources and draw their model of sustainability and accountability.
The smaller churches whilst reaching a much larger network often form a
core group of about thirty people and meet in buildings which accommodate
community meals. The use of community houses or vicarages is important in
the life of these small Christian communities. However, young adults often
do not own homes which are large enough for this. The provision of buildings
for this is one way a diocese can support the development of a new young
adults’ church.


This research provides evidence that some churches are reaching, retaining
and discipling young adults from a range of socio-economic and religious
Five distinct types of young adults’ church have been identified, with each
type connecting with different kinds of young adults and practicing faith in
different ways. Those reaching Christians or those on the fringe of church
exhibit more traditional church practices, whilst those working further away
from the existing church develop more experimental and contextual
The marked similarities amongst church planting hubs and youth churches
grown up, in contrast to the similarities found amongst deconstructed,
marginalised and context shaped churches, suggest that young adults with
no previous church experience are unlikely to attend a church organised
around a Sunday service, however contemporary in style.
Conversely churches embodying transformational and sacramental
community which are embedded within their context, though small and
more vulnerable than the larger young adult churches, do connect with
young adults from a broader religious and socio-economic background.
Whilst the growth of these young adults’ churches is encouraging, the
number of young adults attending church remains worryingly low compared
to the overall population of young adults.
The church can respond to this by encouraging the variety of expressions of
churches reaching young adults and releasing resources, such as empty
vicarages, to these fledgling communities.
Supportive and positive links to the wider church should be encouraged and
consideration given to how these communities can develop their
sacramental life further.

Appendix 1: research subjects

Andy Croft Soul Survivor Watford Watford

Bryony Wells Life Church, St Thomas’ Church Crookes Sheffield

Uncut (part of All Saints Ecclesall), then

Harry Steele Sheffield
St Peter’s, Greenhill

Mark Broomhead Order of the Black Sheep Chesterfield

Rebuilding Generation, St Toms,

Rich Atkinson Sheffield

Shannon Hopkins Matryoska Haus London

Un-named group, plus Church for the

Steve Leach Bournemouth

Carol Wain 11.57 Liverpool

James Henley The Lab Newport

Nick Russell Church Army Centre of Mission Greenwich

Sarah Belcher Monks Road Congregation, Threshold Lincoln

Steve Clarke FEIG Gloucester

Fresh Expressions young adults round table
The Fresh Expressions young adults round table draws together
organisations and individuals working with young adults to
share knowledge, develop best practice and support those
pioneering fresh expressions for young adults.
Take it further
The Fresh Expressions mission shaped ministry course is a one-
year, part-time course equipping participants to plant and
sustain fresh expressions of church.
ReSource weekends allow you to meet people who are doing
mission in diverse contexts, hear their stories, hang out with
their communities and think about what you can learn for your
own context. You can dive into one weekend or do all four in a
year to get a much broader experience.
Share booklets combine spiritual insight with practical
knowledge to offer guidance in starting and sustaining a fresh
expression of church.
The Guide is an online guide for all involved with fresh
expressions of church - practitioners, people in training,
encouragers, supporters and researchers.
Published 2013 by Fresh Expressions
Further resources including reading lists and related Registered charity #1080103
publications can be found on the Fresh Expressions website. Copyright © Fresh Expressions 2013
Author: Beth Keith
Designer: Ben Clymo
ISBN: 978-0-9560005-7-6

authentic faith
fresh expressions of church amongst young adults
The Church is failing to reach or keep young adults. Only 11% of regular churchgoers are between the
ages of 25 and 34, whilst 16% of the UK population is within that age group. In tracking church decline,
the greatest losses per year are occurring amongst those aged 15 to 29. However, there are churches
bucking this trend.
This report outlines the “For the majority of young adults in this country, any form of church is simply
findings from a qualitative off the radar. This research brings together stories that are full of hope and
describes a necessary move of the spirit to be nurtured and encouraged.
research project undertaken by
authentic faith is a powerful gift to young adult communities who often feel
Church Army and Fresh isolated and unsupported in their calling and its recommendations are
Expressions looking into some astute and should be heeded. This is essential reading for the whole church.
of these churches, including Zoe Hart, Fresh Expressions Associate Missioner and Chair of the Young
parish churches, traditional Adults Round Table
church plants and fresh “We should be grateful to Beth Keith for this careful piece of research and
expressions of church, all with even more grateful for the seven recommendations it makes. The ageing UK
church ignores these at its peril.
growing numbers of people in
Norman Ivison, Director of Communication and Resources, Fresh
their 20s and 30s. Expressions
“Beth’s research is insightful and timely. Her findings will help shape future
pioneering work in the church as we grapple with reaching the missing
Rachel Jordan, Church of England National Mission & Evangelism Adviser

Published by Fresh Expressions Ltd

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