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Response to

Request For Information (RFI)

BMLVS-GZ: E90031/5/6-KA/2008
22 Units of Observation and Reconnaissance Equipment Electro Optical Motor
Vehicle Supported (BAA EO fzggst) for Protected Multi Purpose IVECO

Submitted to
Federal Ministry of National Defense and Sports
Commercial Department
Reference: BMLVS-GZ: E90031/5/6-KA/2008
Date Replied: December 4Th 2009 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
The information and ideas contained herein are proprietary
to Aeronautics Ltd. (Aeronautics) and shall not be
duplicated or disclosed outside the receiving organization
or the receiving organization's potential customer without
prior permission, nor used by the receiving organization or
any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, for any purpose other
than evaluation of the ideas and work contained herein.
©Aeronautics Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
On behalf of Aeronautics Ltd. (Hereinafter: “Aeronautics”), I am honoured to submit this
response to RFI (BMLVS-GZ: E90031/5/6-KA/2008) "22 Units of Observation and
Reconnaissance Equipment Electro Optical Motor Vehicle Supported (BAA EO fzggst) for
Protected Multi Purpose IVECO Vehicles".
Our solution is based around the operationally proven Aeronautics' Ground Intelligence
Surveillance and Reconnaissance (GISR) solution which brings a number of unique
functional and performance characteristics and relies on Aeronautics’ operational
experience and technological building blocks.
Over the years our ISR systems haves been deployed in the most challenging
environments and with the most advanced armed forces in the world, including a
significant number of NATO and EU forces, operating in Iraq, Afghanistan and Chad.
Moreover, Aeronautics' systems have been deployed in extremely hot and humid
weather conditions, as well as in snowy and extremely cold environments.
We are especially aware of the high importance this RFI gives to the interoperability
capabilities of the required system with existing systems, such as the remote controlled
weapon stations as well as with the tactical and artillery command and control systems.
Aeronautics' open system architecture enables it's systems to easily interconnect with
various Command and Control environments. Moreover, we have vast experience of
interoperability with major defense contractors' systems, and especially with the Israeli
based defense companies such as Rafael, Elbit Systems, IAI etc., with whom we
cooperate in various projects of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and of other
international customers.
I would also like to refer to Aeronautics' special connection to the Austrian Defense
Community: our Flag Development Program – the Dominator II MALE UAV, is
developed together with our Austrian strategic partner, Diamond Aircraft, and is based
on the world proven Austrian manufactured aircraft, Diamond DA-42.

Aeronautics is confident in its ability to provide the Austrian Army with the optimal solution to
its operational requirements and to support it in theatre in the highest standards.
I am looking forward to presenting you our solution in detail.

Yours sincerely,
Felix Frisch
Marketing Director – Europe
Aeronautics Ltd.

Tel: +972-8-9433661
Mobile: +972-54-8811043
2. Summary of Solution
Aeronautics designs, manufactures, integrates and operates defence systems, specializing in
ISTAR systems and Unmanned Aerial Systems.

Superior tactical affectivity, Interoperability with existing systems, robustness and reliability,
and easy maintainability are the core of our offering. It is as well clear that cost effectiveness
will be a significant criterion for the customer's procurement decision.

2.1. Tactical Effectively

Aeronautics GISR system is unique in its quality of payloads, including long range stable day
and night vision enabled by advanced stabilisation gimbals component, automatic scanning
with target and change detection capabilities, day and night sensors continuous zoom. It is also
characterized by advanced and user-friendly human machine interface (HMI) and operating
software, leaning on Aeronautics' long year experience in integrating ISTAR systems to variety
of clients. In this offer we shall describe several payloads:

 CEDAR-450c – a Compact, Electro-optical automatic Detection and Recognition system,

designed as a modular sensor system based on a stabilized tray

 Shapo – a light weight, very compact, stabilized day & night observation system, ball
shape designed

 SPEED-V – a highly robust Stabilized Panoramic Automatic Intruder Detection and

Recognition System, especially designed for off road and rough terrain vehicles

2.2. Interoperability

Aeronautics sees its excellent ISR systems as a crucial and important force multiplier to modern
tactical forces. However, even the best surveillance outputs will be almost useless without the
capability to turn them into targets and field intelligence, and to distribute them to
collaborating forces and to superior headquarters. Therefore, we always include the
intelligence distribution solution into our ISR systems. As per this proposal, it is required to
show that our Command and Control (C2) systems are interoperable with the Austrian Army
remote controlled weapon systems, and with the C2 systems, all supplied by the Elbit Systems
Group. Aeronautics has vast experience if interconnecting with the said systems, both in the IDF
and in other international customers. Two recent examples are the Israeli southern border
where Aeronautics aerostat based sensors are being interconnected to IDF's "MASSUA" tactical
C2 system supplied by Elbit, and the "Naiza" artillery system, supplied to Kazakhstan, by Israeli
Military Industries (IMI), where Aeronautics' Orbiter Mini UAV system is operated as a forward
observer while the Artillery C2 system is, again, provided by Elbit Systems.

2.3. Robustness and Reliability

Aeronautics GISR systems are a result of decades of operational experience
accumulated by our land systems professionals during their service in the IDF as field
commanders, technical staff and technological units engineers. Designed to withstand
rough operational and environmental conditions, Aeronautics systems are "Combat
Soldiers Systems". The offered systems were tested in the field and currently serve in
highly demanding units of the IDF, US Army, Russian Federation Border Guards and
other international customers. The systems offered are compliant with US Mil
Standards and are being manufactured according to ISO-9000 quality programs.
2.4. Maintainability
Aeronautics maintenance concept is based on "smallest possible footprint". Therefore,
all of our systems are composed of the same technological building blocks, developed
from our UAVs. As a result, the system components are miniaturized to a very compact
size, and fit to small spaces. The system components are modular and easy to install,
remove and ship. Thy systems' modularity enable easier maintainability in combat
conditions, and lower number of technical personnel dedicated to maintaining the

2.5. Solution Characteristics Highlights

 Operationally proven
 Operational experience and ‘Combat proof’ concepts
 ‘On the move’ mechanical solutions
 High-quality day/night surveillance capability
 Automatic scanning, target and change detection capabilities
 Low maintenance
 Easy to use, ‘soldier proven’
 Small logistic footprint
 Operates in extreme weather conditions
 Network centric solutions
 Easy interface to client Artillery Fire Control and C2 Systems
3. Technical Description

3.1. GISR System Description

3.1.1. General
Aeronautics Ground Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (GISR), is Aeronautics’
turnkey solution for converting a ground vehicle into a highly capable ISTAR platform. The MSV
is a flexible and modular solution. The details given below could therefore change, and be
tailored to the customer’s exact operational requirements.

3.1.2. GISR – Features and capabilities

 Installation on Customer’s existing vehicles
 Extending Mast in several sizes (3m – 9m; less than 1m when folded)
 Rapid mast extension and deployment form the operators seat inside the vehicle
(requiring only two personnel and under five minutes for mast extension and full
 Rapid "Turn-On" of the system from "Sleep Mode" in less than 25 seconds
 Provision of quality, real-time stabilized surveillance imagery, day and night
 Optical Radar - Automatic scanning, target and change detection
 Panoramic wide scan and display
 Easy-to-Use Advanced Graphic User Interface (GUI) – The video data from mast-top
sensor is viewed on control interface in the vehicle cabin
 Aeronautics’ payload-control software is extremely user friendly and meets military and
professional standards
 Digital, multi channel, video/data recording system, operated from GUI
 Electronic map and navigation system
 Flexible, modular system architecture
 RF Communications relay (optional)
 Data-Link/SATCOMM "on the move" for video and telemetry real time transmission
 Can be integrated into Customer’s C4I systems
 Cost effective solution
 Power supply by vehicle, by silent generator or by buffer battery
 Minimal maintenance requirements

3.1.3. Operation Description

Driving Mode - The Clear-View (Aeronautics GISR control application) can be used on
the move on the way to the destination. At this stage all vehicle subsystems are still
folded and stowed. The operator station and the vehicle's navigation aids are ON. The
vehicle's present position is displayed on the operator's PC map (Clear-View) included
with a tracer. Additional users added symbols are also presented. In some of the
configurations the system can fully operate "on the move", using the payload's
stabilisation system and tracker.

Figure 1: Operations with tripod (Illustration)

Deploying Mode - Once the vehicle reaches its area of interest, it stops and the payload
is deployed by raising the mast to the desired height. All of the mast's manipulation can
be made from within the vehicle and the operator can monitor the mast's current
height from the working station. Once the payload is activated it conducts a self
orientation and calibration with the grid. The electro optical payload's sensor is
selected according to optical conditions. Both channels can be used during day and
night time either at the same time (picture in picture) or at different times.
The silenced generator which has an extension power cord can be dismounted and
placed away from the vehicle in order to reduce the noise at the vehicle's surrounding.
The system is activated and the surveillance and target acquisition begins. The payload
reports the system of its line of sight constantly, and when the LRF is "FIRED", the
system- using the navigation aids, defines the exact target's position. The data is
presented on the operator's station and reported to the commander's station and to
other operational network members: weapon station, artillery and tactical C2 systems.
Figure 2: GISR (illustration)
Another way to benefit from the system's flexibility and versatility is to dismount the
payload from the mast and place it away from the vehicle on a portable light weight
tripod. All the features remain the same and the operator stays in the vehicle's
protected environment.

Optical Radar - Automatic Scanning and Target Acquisition Mode – This unique capability,
embedded in Aeronautics sensors, dramatically increases the systems capability to detect
movements and targets in the area of interest, preprogrammed into the control station. It also
reduces the wear and tear on the personnel operating the system, enabling them to perform
longer missions. While in scan mode, the system does not require the operator to continuously
view the monitor, rather an alarm will sound if a target is detected and a visual cue at the target
location will appear on the scan image. Once a target is detected, the operator can perform an
initial assessment by reviewing the video captures from the last eight scans for the location
identified without leaving the scan mode. If further investigation of the possible target is
required, the operator can switch from scan mode to observation mode by simply pressing a
button. In observation mode, the system can be operated using the joystick controls and the
operator can utilize the continuous zoom (both CCD and IR cameras) to locate and identify the

Additionally, the laser range finder may be used in observation mode to determine
target distance and location, and the laser pointer may be used in conjunction with
night vision goggles to highlight the target for response personnel in the field.
Figure 3: Automatic Scanning Operator's Interface

"Sleep Mode" – when required, the system can be kept in a power saving and passive
mode. In this mode the system is fully deployed, but the sensors and the mission station,
as well as other computerised components are shut. By operators command the system
returns to life, maintaining its pre-programmed targets, patterns of surveillance and
other types of data. This procedure takes less than 25 seconds, enabling the operator's
to be in a high readiness situation while not operating the system, and perform a rapid
mission start.

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