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Step By Step Guide to Holy HAJJ

Simple, Concise & Complete

Request for Prayers

Tanveer A Padder
This is a simple, compact and concise presentation for Holy Hajj.
¬  This can be easily printed or downloaded to your computer, Laptop,
notebook, I pad, IPhone or any other device.
¬  This would be of great help to people planning or going for Hajj.
¬  This presentation uses pictures and material collected from the
¬  I want to thank all the Hajj related websites Which helped me in
preparing this presentation.
¬  Please feel free to download this presentation and share with friends
and family.
¬  May Allah accept your Hajj.
¬  Please remember me and my family in your prayers.
Virtues of Hajj ‫‏‬
¬  Hajj is the Fifth Pillar of Islam.

¬  Hajj is one of the best actions of worship.

¬  Hajj makes you Purified from Sins as a newborn with no sins.

¬  Hajj has no reward but Jannah.

¬  The performance of Umra is an expiation for the sins committed

between it and the previous Umra;

¬  Hajj is the Jihaad of women, children, old people, and weak individuals

¬  The pilgrims are the Guests of Allah and whatever they ask for they
are granted and what they pray for it is granted to them and
what they spend of they are rewarded for it. They are granted a
recompense of 1,000,000 dirhams for the sake of 1 dirham

¬  The performance of Hajj and Umrah increase a person’s life span
and eradicates poverty and sins.

¬  There is no day when Allah sets free more servants from Hell
than the Day of Arafah
Pre-Requisites of Hajj
«  Genuine Sincerity

«  Repentance from all past sins

«  Ability-Physical, mental and financial

«  Make sure the wealth to be used for Hajj is from Halal sources

«  Pay off any outstanding debts

«  Ask forgiveness from those whom we have wronged

«  Write your will

«  Choose the company of the righteous

«  Learn as much as possible about Hajj and Umra

«  Memorize some du’a from Quran and Sunna

«  Learn how to pray Salaat al-Janaazah -funeral prayer

«  Learn the etiquette of visiting the graves

«  Learn the rulings of Salaat as-Safar
What to Take
Be positive. A LOT of PATIENCE !!!
«  The first thing you need is obviously KNOWLEDGE!
«  The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Take your Hajj rites from
«  You will soon be a guest of Allah at His House!
«  Do not get angry at any cost.
«  When packing things for Hajj, keep in mind: Stay light-Choose
compact and light items.
«  Most items are available in Saudi Arabia, and usually cheaper.
«  Keep valuables (documents, money, travelers' checks, keys, credit
cards, etc.) in the waist pouch.
Things to Take
Important Toiletries Medications Miscellaneous

«  Passport and «  Toothbrush, «  Any regular «  Universal adapter
photocopy of it tooth-paste medication you «  Alarm clock/Phone
«  IPhone/I pad/ «  Soap, shower take «  Travel Iron
Laptop/ gel, shampoo «  Travel sickness «  Night Eye Masks
Notebook «  Brush/comb tablets «  Ear plugs
«  Vaccination Card «  Nail cutter, «  Pain relief tablets «  Small Mirror
«  Money $100 bills «  Shaving «  Throat lozenges «  Snacks, biscuits
«  Important material «  Cold & flu relief etc.
contact numbers «  Pocket tissues «  Band-Aids «  Plastic zipped bags
«  Pocket Qur’an «  Wet wipes «  Antacids «  Multi-blade pocket
and Dua book (alcohol & «  anti-bacterial knife & can opener
«  Hajj/Umrah perfume free) cream
books «  Deodorant «  Antibiotics
«  Prayer Mat and roll on (optional)
«  Nice Camera «  Vaseline
«  Sunglasses «  Cream, lotion
«  Unlocked Mobile or balm
phone & charger «  Anti-bacterial
hand sanitizer
«  Safety Pins
Kinds of Hajj
1.  Tamattu’ ( ‫) ﺍاﻝلﺕتﻡمﺕتﻉع‬
¬  Umra then Hajj during the months of Hajj
¬  Pilgrim called Mutamatti’ (‫)ﻡمﺕتﻡمﺕتﻉع‬
Umra Hajj
¬  Requires Hady (animal sacrifice)

2.Qiran ( ‫) ﺍاﻝلﻕقِﺭرﺍاﻥن‬
¬  Combined Umra and Hajj during the months of Hajj
¬  Pilgrim called Qaarin (‫)ﻕقﺍاﺭرﻥن‬
Umra Hajj
¬  Requires Hady (animal sacrifice)

3.Ifrad ( ‫) ﺍاﻝلﺇإﻑفﺭرﺍاﺩد‬
¬  Hajj only during the months of Hajj
¬  Pilgrim called Mufrid (‫)ﻡمﻑفﺭرﺩد‬ Hajj
¬  Does not require Hady
Hajj Tamattu
¬  Umrah + Hajj Together –Most Common
¬  People who come to Saudi Arabia from other countries usually
perform Hajj al-Tamatt'u.
¬  The Ihram they wear on or before Miqat is for Umrah only and
perform Umrah first, then they slip into their ordinary clothes and
on 8 Dhiil Hijjah.
¬  They put on Ihram for Hajj at their residence in Makkah and
perform the rites of Hajj. It is taken off on the day of sacrifice.
¬  Hajj days: 8 th – 13 th of Dhul-Hijja
¬  New policy requires all pilgrims to leave Medina by 5th Dhul-Hijja.
¬  This presentation describes the procedure to perform Hajj al-
Destination Options-Medina First
¬  People who come to Saudi Arabia from other countries usually
perform Hajj al-Tamatt'u.
¬  You will be doing Umra and Hajj together
¬  The Ihram they wear on or before Miqat is for Umrah only and
perform Umrah first, then they slip into their ordinary clothes
and on 8 Zil Hijjah.
¬  You can buy Ihraam towels from Madinah
¬  Your Meeqat for Umra is Dhul-Hulayfah (Abyar 'Ali)
¬  Once you leave Madinah, then you make Ihraam from the
meeqat of Dhul Hulayfah (Abyar Ali).
¬  Then you go to Makkah and perform Umrah
¬  After Umrah you perfrom Hajj.
Destination Options-Mecca First
¬  Less common
¬  Perform Umrah and Hajj First before going to Medina
¬  You need to have a pair of Ihraam towels with you for your
Umra before travel. .
¬  Put on Ihraam towels in the airport or at the last stop of your
trip or before boarding your flight to Jeddah.
¬  It’s extremely difficult to put on Ihraam towels in the airplane.
¬  You assume Ihraam for Umrah before landing in Jeddah as
Jeddah is beyond the Meeqat.
¬  Make the Niyyah and say Talbiyah when Meeqat is announced in
the flight, approximately 30-45 minutes before landing at
¬  The geographical boundary that a person intending Hajj or Umra may not
cross without assuming Ihraam for Hajj or Umra, or both.

¬  A Muslim intending Hajj or `Umra who crosses the Meeqat without Ihraam
must return to the Meeqat and make Ihraam from there or offer a sacrifice

Limits of the Haram of Makkah

v  Dhu'l-Hulayfah: This miqat is about 9 kilometers from Madinah and about
450 kilometers from Makkah. Dhu'l-Hulayfah is the miqat for those who live in
Madinah & surroundings.
v  Juhfah: This miqat is about 190 kilometers to the northwest of Makkah. This is
the miqat for the people who come from the direction of Syria.
v  Qarn al-Manazil: This miqat is a hilly place about 90 kilometers to the east of
Makkah. This is the miqat for the people of Nejd & surroundings.
v  Dhat Irq: This miqat is about 85 kilometers towards the northeast side of
Makkah. This is the miqat for the people of Iran, Iraq and surroundings.
v  Yalamlam: This miqat is a hilly area about 50 kilometers to the southeast of
Makkah. This is the miqat for the people of Yemen and others coming from that
direction. It is the miqat for many of the pilgrims from China, Japan, India,
Pakistan who come by ship.
Limits of Haram of Makka

13.5 Miles E

4.6 Miles North

8 Miles N.E

13.5 Miles W

13.5 Miles E

10 Miles S.
Umrah of Hajj(Step By Step) ‫‏‬
«  1. Before setting off from home
ü  Make Ghusl (full body wash)
ü  Whatever Salah is due at the time of travel; ensure it
has been prayed in full before setting off
ü  Read 2 rakaats of Travelling Salah before setting off
ü  When going out of your house/hotel, say:

Bismillahi, Tawakkaltu, 'a‐lallahi, wa laa hawla wa laa

quwatta illah billah
Before Setting Off In Car ‫‏‬
«  2. Before setting off in car
ü  Read Du’aa of Travelling:-

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Subhaa‐

nalathee, Sakha‐ra‐la‐naa ha‐thaa wa maa kunaa,
lahu muq‐ri‐nee‐na wa innaa ilaa rabbinaa la‐
At A Journey Break ‫‏‬

«  3. At a journey Break, you may say :

A'uthoo bi‐kalimaa tillaah‐hitammaa ti‐min sharri maa

During Journey and Next Salah is Due

«  4. Once you are traveler and next Salah

is due :
ü  you can combine and shorten them as this is a
concession from Allah.
v  Dhur (2 Rakaats) & Asr (2 Rakaats) together
v  Maghrib (3 Rakaats) & Ishaa (2 Rakaats)
ü  Read as many sunnah/nawafil as you like, there is no
The Rites Of Umrah
The only rites of Umrah are:

1.  Entering the state of Ihram

2.  Tawaf of Ka�bah

3.  Sa�yee between the hills of Safa and Marwah

4.  Shaving or clipping of the hair

¬  The literal meaning of Ihram is to make haraam (forbidden).

¬  When a haji pronounces the Niyyah (intention) Umrah and

utters Talbiyah, certain halaal (permissible) things become
haraam for him.

¬  The two sheets that a haji wears are figuratively known as
Ihram but the real Ihram is Niyyah & Talbiyah.

¬  If someone wears these two sheets and does not declare his
intention and utter Talbiyah, he does not become a Muhrim.
¬  That is why, before Niyyah and Talbiyah, he can cover his head
during two rakahs of Nafl, an act which is not allowed in the
real state of Ihram.
Ihram for Men
v Ihram For Men:-Ihram for
men consists of two pieces of white,
unsewn cloth, One of the piece (izar)
is wrapped round the midriff to cover
his body from just above his navel to
his ankles, and the other (Rida) is
draped around his shoulders to cover
the upper body.

. Belt
Ihram for Women
Ihram For Women:-
According to many hadiths, it is not
necessary for a woman to wear
special clothing while in a state of
ihram. Women are expected to wear
clothing that conceals the shape and
covers the body completely, leaving
only their faces and hands exposed.
According to some authors, however,
gloves can be worn.
Procedure for Ihram‫‏‬
«  1.Preparation for Ihram :-
ü  Comb your hair

ü  Shape the beard

ü  Trim your mustache

ü  Cut your nails and

ü  Remove unwanted body

Procedure for Ihram‫‏‬

«  2. Purification:- Take a bath with the intension

of Ihram otherwise do wudu. Here it is noted that
there are two ways of purification:
1.  Purification of Body (Shower or Wudu)
2.  Internal Purification (Sincere repentance on your
sins. Say something like this:
“O ALLAH, I sincerely repent on my sins and
seek you forgiveness “
Procedure for Ihram

«  3. Ihram Sheet:-

ü  Man should wear a sheet of white cloth around
the waist and cover the upper body with the other
ü  Women’s ordinary clothes are their Ihram.
ü  Both should wear the flip-flops (Hawai Chappal )
so that middle bones of the upper part of the feet
are not covered.
Procedure ‫‏‬
«  4. Nafl Salah:- If it is not makruh (undesirable)
time , offer two rakahs of nafl for Ihram by covering
your heads.
«  ‘Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiroon ’ in the first raka’at
«  ‘ Qul huwallaahu ahad ‘ in the second raka’at.

«  5. Advice:- If going to Jeddah by an airplane , it is

convenient to get into the status of Ihram inside the
plane .
2. Intention and Talbiyah
1. Intention and Talbiyah:- Now uncover your head and
declare your intention. It is assumed that you are performing Hajj al-
Tammat'u in which Umrah is performed first as described later in the
"Kinds of Hajj".

allaahumma innee ureedul umrata fayassirhaalee

wataqabbalhaa minnee
Immediately after that utter the words of Talbiyah three times and as often
afterwards as possible. If you don't remember it, you can say its translation
in English or in any other language but Talbiah or its translation is
pronounced in a loud voice by men and in a subdued voice by women.The
literal meaning of Ihram is to make haraam (forbidden).

"Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka

laka. Labbayk.Innal-hamda wan-n'imata laka wal-mulk.
La shareeka lak."
“Here I am, O Lord, here I am,
You indeed have no partner, here I am
No Doubt, all praise and bounties are yours,
and so is the absolute Domain.
You indeed have no partners, here I am”
3. Du’a

v After this recite Darud Sharif and supplicate to Allah

Almighty any du'a in Arabic or in your own language.

“Allahumma inni as'aluka razaka wa janata wa a'uzubika

min ghazabika wa’nari“
4. Prohibitions of Ihram
v After intention and Talbiyah, you are in the status of
Ihram and from this time on you should not do acts that
are forbidden in Ihram.
û  Cover head (men), cover face (women)
û  Cover the middle bone of the upper part of the feet (Both
men and women)
û  Shave / cut hair
û  Cut nails
û  Wear perfume
û  Wear stitched clothing (men) / (Women can wear their
ordinary clothes)
û  Hunting / killing
û  Sex
5. Journey Towards Holy Makkah

v When this sacred journey towards Makkah al-Mukarrama

starts, recite Talbiyah frequently on the way.

v Then enter the city very humbly and with great fondness
still reciting Talbiyah.After arranging for your residence,
proceed to the Haram Sharif to perform Umrah.

v Ihram: You should be already in Ihram for Umrah before

entering Mecca as mentioned above.
5.Entering Masjid al-Haram
v W hile reciting Talbiyah, enter Masjid al-Haram
preferable through Bab as-Salam with right foot first.

“bismillaahi wassalaatu wassalaamu alaa

rasoolillaah. Allaahummaftah lee abwaaba
6. First Sight
v At the first sight of Ka’bah keep your eyes fixed at Baitullah
and standing at one side, it is suggested that you do the
ü Say three times

“Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha IllAllah”

ü Proclaim Darud on our beloved Prophet (peace be upon
him) and very humbly with tears supplicate to ALLAH for
whatever you wish. This is special time for acceptance of
prayers .
6. First Sight…
v The idea is to praise and glorify your Creator before
proclaiming Darud and supplications. Therefore, in lieu
of Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Illallah. You may recite some
other similar holy verses if you desire .

v Ather this , while uttering Talbiyah . Move to perform

Tawaf of Ka’bah.
Makkah & HARAM
Restrictions while in the Haram
Every good deed or bad deed is multiplied by 100,000 times
û  Its plants must not be cut
û  Its game must not be frightened,
û  Articles lost in it must not be picked up except by
someone making announcement to find the owner,
û  Nor is any man to bear arms for fighting in it. (Note: the
above is part of a Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh))
û  These restrictions apply to the Haram of Madinah as well.
û  They apply to everyone whether in a state of Ihraam or
not, during any time of the year

v  Tawaf means circling around something.Here it means

moving around Ka�bah seven times with extreme love
and devotion.

1. Preparation: Pass the upper sheet of Ihram

from underneath the right arm and put it on the
left shoulder. This act bares the right shoulder
and is known as Iztaba. Ablutions (vudu) is
essential for tawaf. Reciting of Talbiyah is stopped
when you reach Hajar-e- Aswad, the starting
point of tawaf.

2. Niyyah(intension): Stand in front of Ka’bah facing

Hajar-e-Aswad (the Black Stone) in such a way that the
whole Hajre-e-Aswad is on your right side. To achieve
this end, you may get help from the black stripe on the
floor. This stripe should be on your right side. Then
without raising your hands make Niyyah (intention) for

" O Allah, I perform Tawaf of Umrah to please You.

Make it easy for me and accept it from me."

3. Istilam: Now moving toward right, come in front of

Hajre-e-Aswad and kiss or touch it with the stick and kiss
the stick ; if that also not possible, raise your hands to
ears keeping open your palm toward Hajre-e-Aswad and

“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla hil Hamd”

And drop your hands down. Now point the palms of your
hands again toward Hajre-e-Aswad and kiss them. This
act of kissing Hajre-e-Aswad or pointing towards it is
called Istilam.
4.Tawaf Starts: After Istilam, turn right and start
tawaf counter clockwise.


v  The authorities often apply perfume to Hajar-e-

Aswad, Rukn Yamani and Multazam. If so, do not
touch them while in the state of Ihram,
otherwise a dum will be required as a penalty.

v  During Tawaf, it is not permissible to face or turn

your back towards Ka’bah except when you are
kissing or pointing towards Hajar-e-Aswad.


v  For the first three circuits of Tawaf of Umrah

and Tawaf of Arrival, men are required to
move their shoulders and walk with quick
short steps.

v  This act is called Ramal and is Sunnah.

v  They walk normally during the remaining four


Maqam-e Ibrahim


Abraj Al-Bait Abraj Makkah
Al-Masjid Al-haram (2)
Yamani Corner

Door of the Ka’bah

Shami Corner

Black Stone Corner

King Fahd Gate

To the Safa
Iraqi Corner
Hijr al-Ka'bah
Zamzam tap water
Maqam Ibraheem
6. Supplications of Tawaf: There are no fixed
supplications for Tawaf but there are several recommended
supplications listed in the books of Hajj and Umrah out of
which the following supplication is easy to easy to memorize :

“Subhan-Allah Wal-hamdu-lillahi wa la ilaha ill-Allah wa-Allahu

Akbar wa la haula wa la quwwata illa-billah”

v  If you don’t remember these words, you may glorify ALLAH by
repeatedly uttering :

Subhan Allah, Al-Hamdu lilla, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illallah, etc.

v  You may also use supplications used in the daily Salah or you may
seek forgiveness of Allah and ask Him whatever you wish in your own
7. Hatim : Hatim is a semi-circular half-built portion which was
originally a part of the Ka’bah but which could not be included in
the main structure when the Ka�bah was rebuilt. It is obligatory
to go around Hatim also while performing tawaf.

8. Rukh Yamani and Its Supplications: After passing

the three corners of the Ka’bah you reach the fourth corner
known as Rukn Yamani. Touch it with both hands or with right
hand. There is a beautiful supplication to be used while walking
between Rukn Yamani and Hajar-e-Aswad:

"Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati

hasanatan wa qina azabin-nar.“
Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) has repeatedly recited
this supplication. The first circuit is complete when you reach

Hijr al-Ka'bah

Ka'bah Ibraheem

Door To Zamzam

To the Safa
Start Line
9. Seven Circuits : At Hajar-e-Aswad ,start second
circuit by kissing it or pointing towards it as you
started the first circuit ,i.e., come in the front of
Hajar-e-Aswad , raise both hands to your ears with
open palms towards it and say :

“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla hil Hamd”

Now kiss both palms and drop your hands . After

this go around Ka’abah as you did before and sililarly
complete the seven circuits .
10. The End of Tawaf : At the end of seven circuits,
do Istilam of Hajar-e-Aswad or point towards it
eighth time which is Sunnat Mu’akidah. Also Say :

“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla hil Hamd”

11. Iztaba Finished: Now Iztaba is finished,

therefore , you cover your both shoulders with upper
portion of the Ihram sheet. This does not apply to
12. Multazam: Now, come to Multazam which is a
place five or six feet in length between Hajar-e-
Aswad and the door of Ka’bah.
¬  This is a highly sacred place where
prayers are accepted.

¬  If it is possible to reach Multazam

cling to it pressing your chest and
cheeks, and while trembling and
crying with devotion and with all
humility seek Allah’s mercy,His
blessings and ask Him whatever you

¬  If you are unable to come close to

Multazam, just face towards it
andsupplicate from a distance. Multazam
13. After completing Tawaf : Proceed to Maqaam‐e
Ibraaheem ‐ (Prophet Ibraaheem's station) Recite this verse
(which means):

1. Next offer two rakahs of nafls behind and close to Maqam Ibrahim
without covering your head. If it is zawal time when sajdah is not
allowed, you have to wait till this undesirable time is passed and then
offer prayers.

¬  In the niyyah (intention), say that you are offering 2 rakahs of nafls
wajib al- tawaf. Recite Qul ya ayya hal kafroon in the first rakah and
Qulhu wallah in the second rakah. After this, supplicate to Allah in
Arabic or in your own language. Ask Him whatever you wish and invoke
His blessings.

¬  If it is not possible to offer this obligatory prayer near Maqam Ibrahim,
it can be offered anywhere in Mataf, or in Hatim or anywhere in Masjid
al-Haram or even at any place in Haram of Makkah.
Two Raka’th of Nafal
After Completing Tawaf
2. Zamzam: Now go to Zamzam well
situated in the basement of the Haram
about 200 feet from the Ka’bah door.
There are separate portions for men
and women . Zamzam is the best
available water in the world. Drink this
water to fill while in standing position
saying Bismillah. Then supplicate to ZAMZAM WELL

“Allahummah inni as’aluka ilm-an naafi’an wa rizqan

waasi’an wa shifa’an min kuli da’in.”
After Completing Tawaf
3. Sa’ey Between the hills of Safa and Marwah

¬  How to Perform Sa’ey

1.  Istilam of Hajar-e-Aswad: Before starting Sa’ey, do

Istilam of Hajar-e-Aswad again the nonth time or point
towards it . Saying:

“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla hil Hamd”

Now proceed towards safa. It is a sunnah to be in the state of

ablutions during Sa’ey.
How to Perform Sa’ey

2. Start of Sa’ey at Safa : Climb the hill of Safa and

make intension(niyyah) for Sa’ey.

ü  Now recite:

“Inn-as-Safa wal-Marwah min Sha’a’irillah”

How to Perform Sa’ey…
2. After this Climb to the point where you can see the
Ka’bah, then facing the Ka,bah raise your hands in
supplication, say Allahu Akbar three times and recite the
following supplication or ask ALLAH whatever you wish :

“la ilaha ila Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahu al-mulk wa

lahu al-hamd, wa huwa `ala kulli shay’in qadir”

v  If you don’t remember this , you may use the

supplication recited earlier during Tawaf :

“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lilla hil Hamd”

How to Perform Sa’ey
3. Proceed toward Marwah: Come down from the
Safa and move toward Marwah while reciting this

“Subhan-Allah Wal-hamdu-lillahi wa la ilaha ill-Allah

wa-Allahu Akbar wa la haula wa la quwwata illa-

¬  If you don’t remember this supplication also , recite Subhan

ALLAH ,Alhamdu Lillah , ALLAHu Akbar repeadly and keep
moving. You may also praise ALLAH and ask for His mercy in your
language or use supplication taken from daily Salah. When you
reach two green pillars between which men have to run but
woman walk with their normal pace.

The Fast-Walking Area

Between the Green

(Finish) (Start)

The Sa’iy Area is approximately ½ Km each round

The total seven rounds is less than 3.5 km.
How to Perform Sa’ey…
4. At Marwah:

ü  When on top of marwah, praise Allah facing the

Ka�bah and repeat the same supplications that
were recited at Safa.

ü  One trip is over, second trip will be on Safa and

third trip will be on Marwah.

5. End of Sa’ey :In the same way, the seventh trip will end at

ü  In all trips the men will run between the green
pillars but the women will walk in a normal way.

6. Two Raka at Nafl : If it is not an undesirable (Makrooh)

time, offer two raka�ats of nafl in the al-Haram.
How to Perform Sa’ey…
7. While Coming out of Masjid-ul-Haram, aperson
should first keep the left foot out and then recite the
following du’a:
Shaving Or Clipping Of Hair

ü After Sa�ey, men should get their heads

completely shaved or get their hair clipped to the
length of the upper third of their finger or a little

ü Both shaving and clipping are permissible for men,

though shaving is preferable.

ü Women are, however, allowed to have a lock of

their hair clipped. They are forbidden to shave their
Umrah Is Complete
¬  After cutting the hair, Umrah is complete. The
restrictions of Ihram are finished.

¬  Now wear your everyday clothes and lead a normal life.
Be thankful to Allah that He provided the opportunity for
performing Umrah and lead rest of your life according to
the commands of your Creator.

Nafl Tawaf
« You may perform Umrah as often as you want according
to the above procedure.

« And if you want to perform just a nafl Tawaf, follow the

same procedure, however, in a nafl Tawaf there is no
Ihram, no Ramal, no Iztaba and even no Sa�ey.
How to Perform Umrah
Performing Multiple Umrahs
¬  This practice has no basis in the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) or
the practice of his companions (rAa).
¬  There is no report that the Prophet (pbuh) or the companions after
him accumulated multiple Umras while staying in Makkah waiting for
Repeating the Umra incurs hardship and causes many pilgrims to
miss on Fardh prayers because of tiredness.
¬  One who repeats the Umra may be compared to someone who prays
the Sunnah of Fajr, and while waiting for the Fardh prayer decides to
stand up and repeat the Sunnah multiple times, or someone who
decides to repeat the Witr prayer after Isha.

The exception here is a Umra which one performs for:

¬  A deceased person
¬  A sick or an old person who is not able to perform Umra by himself/
¬  Fulfillment of a pledge.
Stay in Makkah
If you did Tamattu’, you completed your Umra and now remain in the state of
“Hill” ( ‫( ) ﺡحﻝل‬being out of the state of Ihraam) until the day of Tarwiyah (8
th Dhul-Hijjah).
¬  While in Makkah use time wisely, it is so precious there. Avoid excessive
time on shopping and idle discussions
¬  In the Haram, the reward for good deeds is multiplied 100,000 times, and
so is the punishment for sins.
¬  Try not to miss any salat in the Masjid Al-Haram; each salat there is better
than 100,000 salat elsewhere: the equivalent of more than 55 years of salat!
¬  Make optional tawaf as much as possible, as it is better than salat in the
Masjid Al-Haram. But do not exhaust yourself.
¬  Keep yourself busy with salat, recitation of the Qur’an, Tawaf, dhikr and
reflection. Make lots of du’a.
¬  Do not neglect other forms of Ibadah: charity, fasting, help others, say
salam, smile, etc.
¬  Try not to walk in front of any praying person in the masjid. You should
pray two rak'at of "taHiyyat al-masjid" in case you don't intend to
make Tawaf. .
Sacred Journey Of Hajj


Mecca Mina Arafat Muzadalifa

Mina Makkah Mina

Hajj Step By Step - Summary
¬  Ihram - ‫ﺍاﻝلﺇإﺡحﺭرﺍاﻡم‬
¬  Mina (8 Dhul-Hijjah) - ‫ﻡمﻥنﻯى‬

¬  Arafah (9 Dhul-Hijjah) - ‫ﻉعﺭرﻑفﺓة‬

¬  Muzdalifah (9 Dhul-Hijjah – night) - ‫ﻡمﺯزﺩدﻝلﻑفﺓة‬

¬  Mina (10 Dhul-Hijjah):

¬  Ramy (throw pebbles at Jamrat Al-’Aqabah) - ‫ﺍاﻝلﺭرﻡمﻱي‬
¬  NaHr (sacrifice) - ‫ﺍاﻝلﻥنﺡحﺭر‬
¬  Halq (shave hair of the head) - ‫ﺍاﻝلﺡحﻝلﻕق ﺃأﻭو ﺍاﻝلﺕتﻕقﺹصﻱيﺭر‬

¬  Makkah (10 Dhul-Hijjah):

¬  Tawaf Al-IfaDah - ‫ﻁطﻭوﺍاﻑف ﺍاﻝلﺇإﻑفﺍاﺽضﺓة‬

¬  Sa’y between Safa and Marwa - ‫ﺍاﻝلﺱسﻉعﻱي ﺏبﻱيﻥن ﺍاﻝلﺹصﻑفﺍا ﻭو ﺍاﻝلﻡمﺭرﻭوﺓة‬

¬  Mina (11, 12 and 13 Dhul-Hijjah):

¬  Ramy (throw pebbles at all the three Jamarat) - ‫ﺍاﻝلﺭرﻡمﻱي‬

¬  Makkah (last day)

¬  Tawaf Al-Wada’ (Farewell Tawaf) - ‫ﻁطﻭوﺍاﻑف ﺍاﻝلﻭوﺩدﺍاﻉع‬
1 - Ihram 2 - Mina - 8th 3 - Day of Arafah - 9th
•  Assume Ihram from a Meeqat or your residence •  Arrive in Mina in the morning
if you are in Makkah •  Spend the day and night there •  Arrive in Arafah before or around
•  Clean yourself and take a shower •  Pray Duhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Fajr Duhr on the 9th
•  Put on two Ihram garments & slippers/sandals in their time with Qasr •  Pray Duhr and Asr combined with
•  Pray two Rak'at or a prescribed Salat •  Leave Mina for Arafah after sunrise Qasr early in the time of Duhr
•  Make intention and say "labbayk Allahumma (9th) •  Spend the day in supplication and
Hajjaa" remembrence of Allah
•  Recite Talbiyah •  Leave Arafah for Muzdalifah after
•  Go to Mina sunset

1 7
Mina Muzdalifah Arafah
1 4 3

4 - Muzdalifah - 10th
6 •  Arrive in Muzdalifah at night
•  Pray Maghrib and Isha combined with Qasr
•  Sleep the night until Fajr
•  Pray Fajr early in its time & then make Dhikr
8 - Makkah – Last Day •  Leave Muzdalifah for Mina shortly before
•  Perform Tawaf al-Wada' (farewell sunrise
•  Make it the last thing you do in Makkah
5 - Mina - 10th
•  Arrive in Mina in the morning
7 - Mina - 11th, 12th & 13th •  Go to Jamrat al-Aqabah and stone it with 7
•  Spend the days of Tashreeq and 6 - Makkah - 10th pebbles
their nights in Mina •  Proceed to al-Masjid al-Haram •  Slaughter your animal
•  Stone the 3 Jamarat every day •  Perform Tawaf al-Ifadah •  Shave or trim off your hair
between Duhr and Maghrib •  Perform Sa'y •  First TaHallul: Take off Ihram towels. All
•  You may leave on the 12th after •  Full taHallul: All restrictions restrictions lifted except sexual intercourse
stoning and before sunrise if you lifted •  Take a shower and put on normal clothes
wish •  Go back to Mina •  Go to Makkah for Tawaf al-Ifadah
Ihraam for Hajj
¬  Perform Ghusl and Put perfume (man only)
¬  Wear Ihraam garments
¬  If you are coming from outside (Africa, Europe, Madinah, etc.),
assume Ihram Dhul-Hulayfah at or before the Meeqat.
¬  If you are in Makkah, then you make Ihraam from your place of
¬  ”. Declare for Hajj ONLY when leaving hotel: “ Labbaik Allahumma
Hajjan “"O Allah! I intend to perform Hajj. Please make it easy for
me and accept it from me. Amen."
¬  NOW IN STATE OF IHRAM -Recite Talbiyah
¬  Avoid forbidden acts of Ihraam
¬  Recite Talbiyah often : “ Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaika Laa
Sharikalaka Labbaik. Innalhamda Wannirmata Laka Walmulk Laa
Sharikala “
¬  You continue the talbiyah until you throw the pebbles at Jamrat
Al-’Aqabah on the 10 th of Dhul-Hijjah
Mina 8 Dhul-Hijjah First Day Of Hajj
¬  Perform Fajr salah in Makkah.
¬  Go to Mina in the morning of Yaum at-Tarwiyah (8 th of Dhul-
¬  On the way, pronounce Talbiyah as often as you can and also
utter other supplications
¬  Spending this night in Mina is a Sunnah.For some scholars it's a
¬  Pray in Masjid Al-khaif (Mina). It is reported that 70 prophets
prayed in this masjid
¬  One will perform Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Esha and the next day
Fajr at Mina..
¬  Do not pray sunnah and naffil except for sunnah Fajr and Witr
¬  During time in Mina, recite Holy Quran, Talbiyah and zikrullah
often,No Tahajjud
First Day of Hajj (8 Zul-Hijjah)
Arafat-9th of Dhul-Hijjah 2nd day of Hajj

¬  Leave Mina for Arafat on the morning of the 9th of Dhul-
Hijjah and stay until sunset (start of 10th of Dhul-Hijjah).
¬  Offer Fajr prayer in Mina, say Takbir Tashriq (Allah-u
Akbar, Allah-u Akbar La Ilaha ill-Allah wa-Allah-u Akbar,
Allah-u Akbar wa Lillah-il-hamd) and Talbiyah.
¬  Pray Dhuhr and Asr at Masjid Namirah, two rak’as each,
combined at the time of Dhuhr , after listening to the
Imam’s sermon . This may be difficult because of the
crowd. In which case you may pray at your camp with
your group.
¬  Namira is not part of Arafah, but part of the Masjid is
within the limits of Arafah.
Arafat-9th of Dhul-Hijjah 2nd day of Hajj

¬  Stay inside the boundaries of Arafat.

¬  Waquf is started at the beginning of zawal and ends at
the sunset. Spend this time uttering Talbiyah, repent
on your sins, seek forgiveness and mercy of Allah, say
Darud Sharif and utter all the supplications (du'as) in
Arabic and in your own language.
¬  It is better to do Waquf while standing but sitting
down is also allowed
¬  Face Kaaba, raise hands, Praise Allah, cry and
supplicate abundantly untilMaghrib

Mount of Arafat Arafat during Hajj

Night at Arafat
Arafat II
¬  When the sun has set you leave Arafah for
Muzdalifah, going with calmness and tranquility ,
¬  Make sure you don’t leave until after sunset
¬  Do not perform Maghrib in the plains of Arafaator
or en route to Muzdalifah.
¬  Maghrib will be performed with Esha in the Esha
time at Muzdalifah.
¬  The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The best thing that I
and the Prophets have said on the evening of
Arafah is:

Rewards Of The Day Of Arafah
¬  The Prophet (pbuh) said: “There is no day on which Allah
frees more of His slaves from Fire than the Day of 'Arafah,
and He draws near, then praises them before the angles,
saying :'What do they seek?’
¬  The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The best thing that I and the
Prophets have said on the evening of Arafah is:

“Laa ilaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahul

mulk wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli shay'in
“There is no god except Allah, He has no partner. To Him belongs all
sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.”
Second Day of Hajj (9 Zul-Hijjah)
Muzdalifah – Night Of 10 Dhul-Hijjah
3rd Day Of Hajj
¬  In Muzdalifah offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together at
Isha time. For both prayers there is one adhan and one
¬  It is Sunnah to spend the night at Muzdalifah.
¬  You may collect pebbles here. Pick up 49 pebbles of the
size of chick peas if Rami is to be performed for three days
and seventy if for four days.
¬  Collect for the,10th Dhul Hijjah : 7 pebbles,11th Dhul
Hijjah: 21 pebbles-12th Dhul Hijjah: 21 pebbles, 13th Dhul
Hijjah (if one stays): 21 pebbles
Muzdalifah – Night Of 10 Dhul-Hijjah
3rd Day Of Hajj…

¬  Then you sleep until Fajr. Pray Fajr at the beginning of its
¬  When you come to the river valley of MuHassir (andThis is
a very blessed night in which glorify Allah, recite Darud
Sharif, read Quran, utter Talbiyah and supplicate very
¬  Also TAke some rest. One should remain engaged in
salah, dhikr, du’a all th ewhile.
¬  Then you leave for Mina before the sun rises, calmly while
reciting talbiyah.
Mina -10th Dhul Hijjah-Ist day of Eid
Leave for Makka before sunset on 10th Dhul Hijjah This is the busiest day of Hajj. You will be
doing the following:

ü  Stone Jamrat al-'Aqabah

ü  Sacrifice an animal
ü  Shave or trim off your hair
¬  Go to Makkah to do Tawaf al-Ifadah & Sa'y and come back to Mina

¬  Hit Jamrah Aqabah with seven pebbles one after the other

¬  Say when throwing: “ Allahu Akbar “ Do not supplicate when finished throwing stones

¬  Stop saying Talbiyah when you throw the first pebble. Also don't stop for du'a. Just go to
your residence and do Qurbani (animal sacrifice).

¬  TaHallul - ‫ ﺍاﻝلﺕتﺡحﻝلﻝل‬When you have stoned the Jamrah everything becomes lawful for you
again except sexual intercourse, even if you have not sacrificed or shaved your head - so
you may wear your clothes and use perfume.

¬  This partial freedom is called taHallul Asghar (the small taHallul).
Makkah - 10 Dhul-Hijjah
¬  Then you go off that day to Makkah and make Tawaf al-
IfaDah in the same way as in the Tawaf of arrival, except
that there is no idtiba’ (uncovering right shoulder) or
ramal (bold walk) in this Tawaf.
¬  Follow the same procedures as Tawaf of Umrah
¬  Pray two rak'ahs behind Maqaam Ibraheem, if possible,
or anywhere in the masjid if not.
¬  Then you do sa’y between Safaa and Marwah as before.
¬  After this Tawaf (al-Ifadah) you are in a state of
complete taHallul.
¬  Drink from Zamzam.
¬  Return to Mina.
Mina 10th-12th Dhul Hijjah
There are four acts to be performed between the 10th and 12thof Dhul Hijjah:

ü  Rami (pelting) – This has to be performed on each day.

ü  Nahr (Animal sacrifice)
ü  Halaq or Qasar (Shaving or trimming hair)
ü  Tawaf al-Ziyarah
ü  Rami (pelting) is performed on the 10th, 11th and 12th

¬  Nahr, Halaq/Qasar and Tawaf al-Ziyarah must be performed within the three
days of 10th,11th and 12th.

¬  Slaughter your animal in any part of Mina or Makkah unless you have coupon
for sacrifice.

¬  Then you shave off all of your hair or shorten it. Shaving is better.

¬  If you shorten your hair it has to be from all over the head, not part of it only
(like the sides). Start with the right side of the head. The woman shortens her
hair the length of a finger joint.

¬  Go to your camp in Mina, take a shower, put on new clothes and perfume.
Third Day of Hajj (10 Zul-Hijjah)
Fourth Day of Hajj (11 Zul-Hijjah)
Rami- Pelting of Stones
¬  Rami is wajib.It is sunnah to pelt with the right hand.
¬  It is sunnah to say Allahu Akbar with every throw.
¬  Minahas three tall pillars known as Jamaraat.
¬  These pillars mark the places where Ibrahim was tested by the
whispers of Shaytan
¬  The three pillars are:
1.  Jamaraat al-Aqabah or Kubra (The big pillar)
2.  Jamaraat al-Wusta (The middle pillar)
3.  Jamaraat al-Sughra (The small pillar)
Rami- Pelting of Stones…
¬  One should throw the pebbles one at a time and not all at onc
The recitation of the Talbiyah will end upon the first throw.
¬  As long as the pebbles land within the enclosure, regardless of
whether they hit the pillar or not, it counts as a valid throw.
¬  Do not stop to make du’a at the Jamarat after pelting. Keep
¬  On the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, only pelt the biggest pillar 7 times.
¬  On the 11th,12th and 13th (if one stays), one will pelt each pillar
seven times, beginning from the smallest.

The times for pelting the Jamarah al-Aqabah

ü  Before sunrise Makruh
ü  Sunrise-Midday- Sunnah
ü  Midday to Sunset- Permissible
ü  Sunset to Fajr (of the 11th- Makruh
Fifth Day of Hajj (11 Zul-Hijjah)
¬  Leave Mina for Makka on 13th Dhil -Hijj after throwing stones
¬  Stay in Mina for the days of tashreeq ( ‫ ) ﺃأﻱيّﺍاﻡم ﺍاﻝلﺕتﺵشﺭرﻱيﻕق‬and
their nights.
¬  Most scholars consider the staying in Mina as a Wajib. You may
go at night to make tawaf and return to Mina if you wish. It is
reported that the Prophet (pbuh) did it.
¬  Stone the three Jamarat each with seven pebbles in each of
those days, after zawaal (when the sun moves from its zenith,
i.e. Dhuhr time).
¬  After the first and the second Jamarat, move forward to the side
and stand facing the Qiblah for a long time making du'a while
raising your hands.
¬  Return to Mina
¬  You may leave on the 12th after stoning the Jamaraat if you wish
Tawaf-e- Ziarah
¬  Now perform Tawaf-e-Ziarat.
¬  Tawaf al-Ziyarah is a fardh.
¬  It can be performed any time, day or night, from 10 Zil Hijjah to
the sunset of 12 Zil Hijjah. Usually it is convenient to do it on 11
Zil Hijjah.
¬  Its procedure is similar to that of Tawaf of Umrah and it is
essential that you have performed wudu.
¬  According to Sunnah this tawaf is to be performed after Rami,
sacrifice and shaving or clipping of the hair, and every effort
should be made to do that, but the Fard stands discharged even
if Tawaf-e-Ziarat is performed prior to all these practices.
¬  As mentioned earlier, Halq or Qasr after Qurbani lifts all the
prohibitions of Ihram but the private relations between man and
wife are permitted only after this Tawaf.
¬  Until Tawaf al-Ziyarah is not performed, one cannot be intimate
with one’s spouse
Tawaful Wida - Farewell
¬  Go to Makkah and make a farewell Tawaf.
¬  Tawaf al-Wadaa’ is wajib.
¬  It can be performed anytime after Tawaf al-Ziyarah.
¬  Perform two Ra’kah of Tawaf.
¬  The Prophet (pbuh) said:”None of you should depart
until he makes his last act Tawaf of the House.“
¬  Even after Tawaf al-Wadaa’, a person can enter the
Masjid, perform Tawaf, Salah and even Umrah.
¬  No Sa’y needed but if you do same as say of Umrah
¬  Leave masjid with left foot saying Darood + duah
Makkah - Last day
¬  Let the Tawaf be the last thing you do in Makkah
¬  Obligation before leaving Makka. Tawaaf Wida
¬  After Tawaf Al-Wida you must leave Makkah, or else
another Tawaf should be made.
¬  Sunnah to bring Zamzam water home
¬  When leaving Makka, recite travel duah.
¬  May Allah accept your Hajj-Ameen
¬  You will Insha'Allah return spiritually refreshed, forgiven
of their sins, and ready to start life anew, with a clean
Future Expansion of Holy Kabah 2020

Request For Prayers

Tanveer A Padder & Family


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