Activity 5-Present For: Maria Camila Montenegro Murcia 1. Please Do A Description of Your Special Talent, Minimums Ten 5 Lines. You Have To Use "Can"

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Activity 5-Present for: Maria Camila Montenegro Murcia

1. Please do a description of your special talent, minimums ten 5 lines. You

have to use "can"

My special talent is that I can easily teach people about a specific topic that I can
master and it's easy for me to understand and share it with them; to achieve this
talent, the only thing I do is focus on what I like and strengthen it by looking for
more information about the topics of my interest.

Through this talent I can socialize, talk about different topics with people and learn
from the teachings of another person, actions that make me critical in the face of
injustices of social reality and seek to change situations that I do not I think they
are fair.

The talent of being able to teach implies being able to have patience and know that
everything is achieved with discipline and depends on the dedication that each
human being puts to the things we want to achieve.

2. What is something you can do now but couldn´t do in the past? How did you
learn to do it?

One thing I can’t do in the past when I was in my teenage years and with my
parents was the lack of autonomy on my part to do anything as simple as it

I could learn to have autonomy over my things when I started this stage of
me training as a professional, because I left living in my house in Huila with
my parents and to recognize that I had already grown up, I could know the
real world in which we are not the children in the bubble that our parents
take care of us.

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