Chinas Trial by Fire Part 4

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Digitized by Original fror UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN press—— UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN biblio.gxd 1/16/01 1:02 PM Page 300 © Digitized by Original from UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN press—— UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Index ABCD entente, 139, 238 Abend, Hallet, 31, 41, 425 65 Abortive Revolution: China Under Nationalist Rule, 1927-1937, ix Aikoku (aircraft), 191 All-Shanghai Trade Union, 79 Anhui Province, 86 Anti-Japanese National Salvation Association (AJNSA), 3, 10, 11, 12, 35,215 265 385 694 70, 79, 115, 215, 216; and boycott, xiv, 15 3545 70, 79 Araki Sadao (general; minister of Wat), 275 128, 138) 141, 148, 156, 1575 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223, 228,239 Art of War, 173 Association of Fire Insurance Claimants, 198 Ataka (gunboat), 36 Aw Boon Haw (Hu Wen-hu), 118 Badham-Thornhill, Colonel, 189 Bankers’ Weekly, 193 Bank of China, 199, 200 Battle History of the Anti-Japanese Nineteenth R.A. 155 Battle Service Corps (AJNSA), 79 Baudet, M., 219 Bellevue Hotel, 115 Blue Shirts, x, 216 Blyukher, V. (general), 227 Boncour, Paul, 25 Borah, Senator, 160 Borodin, 214 Boxers, 17, 237 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PR ess—h— index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 302 © Braun, Otto, xv Buddhist monks. See Nichiren monks Bund, 1, 32 Bushido, 52 Cantonese KMT, 13, 56, 70, 156, 206, CCP (Chinese Communist Party), xiii, XIV, XV, 6, 23, 26, 79, 95, 102, 103, TES, T34p 1355 155s 174 181, 186, 189, 2135 2155 24 ty 242 CEC. See KMT Central Executive ‘Committee Central Daily, 211 Central Military Academy, 6, 57, 108, 373 Central Soviet Government, 95, 174 Central University, 119 Cercle Sporte Frangais, 16 Chang Chi, 208 Chang Chih-chung, xiii, 6, 57, 108, 130, 145, 15% 1585 1735 175, 178, 180, 233, fig. 6 Chang Ch'un, 5, 117 Chang Fa-kuei, 133 Chang Hsiang-ling (Samuel Chang), 229, 231 Chang Hsiao-lin, 207 Chang Hsueb-liang, 6, 10, 535 545 5% 206, 209, 210, 229 Changhuapin Railroad Station, 104, 1424 1595 162, 169, 181 Chang Kai-gnau, 195, 200 Chrang-shu, 183 Chang Tso-hsiang, 31, 227 jor Original fror UNIVERSITY 0 AICHIGAN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRE: 302 index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 302 © Index Chang Tso-lin, 162, 176 Ch’ang Yu-ch’ing (lieutenant), 222 Chapei, x, xii, 16, 20, 26, 335 34 35> 365 381 40s Als 43> 451 451 47 48) 62, 635 71) 775 86 875 91, 925 945 TOO, 102, 106, 141, 43s 1525 1545 163, 164, 169, 170, 192, 198, 225 Chapei-Wusung front, 173-76 Chekiang Province, 86, 177, 209 Chen Chi-hua, 155 Ch’en Chi-tang, 117 Chen, Eugene (Yurjen), xv, 45 55 6, 53s S4y 56 715 975 242, 240 Ch’eng T'ien-fang, 206 Chenju, 100, 153, 163, 179 Chen Kung-po, 216 Chen Kuo-fu, 208 Chen Li-fu, 206, 216 Chen Ming-shu (general), 5, 35, $35 545 59 7X5 965 995 103, 108, TS, 120, 121, 128, 148, 150, 151, 206, 209 Chen-tan, 119 Chen Wang-tao, 96 Chen Yen-mao, 190 Ch’en Yi (general), 133, Chiang Kai-shek, ix, x5 xis xii 45 55 14 Bs 35> 505 $Uy 525 53s S4y 56s 575 585 59 60, 61, 62, 68, 70, 73,755 78, 87, 90, 96, 975 98, 103, 105, 108, 116, 120, 1294 130, 1315 1345 1375 1385 1455 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 1575 161, 167, 168, 171, 1734 180, 205, 206, 207, 208, 2095 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 224, 230, 240, 241, 242 Chiang Kuang-nai, 5, 52, 59, 625 975 105, £08, 109, 1175 128, 130, 148, 150, 1535 £56, 158, 1665 173, 1745 175, 180, Chiang Ting-wen, 166 Chiangwan, 89, 100, 104, 106, 107, 139) 1424 1434 1454 1475 148, 150, 1515 1525 1555 1585 161, 165, 168, 169, 171, 187, 192 Chiang-Wang Coalition, 6, 71, 94, 97, 103,232 shy Chiating, 131, 179, 183 Chi-chia-ch’iao, 127 Ch’ien Hsin-chih, 132 Chiient’ang River, 177 China and Japan in the Global Set- ting, xii China Machine Works, r99 China National Medical University, 15, 64 Chinan University, 154 China’s National Revolution, 66, 68 Chinese Bankers’ Association, 207 Chinese Communist Party. See CCP Chinese Eastern Railroad (CER), 31, 65 Chinese National Flood Relief C mittee, 49 Ch’ing-p'u, 87, 107 Ch'in Pang-hsien, 95 Chiuchiang Road, 117 Chii-ya-k’ou, 173, 174 Chou En-lai, xv Chu K’ung-yang, 57 Chung-hsin Bank, 118 Chungking, 53, 55 Chu Preisteh, 54, 595 61 Ciano, G., 219, 232 Coble, Parks, Jr., x, xi, 207 Comintern, 174, 214 Commercial Press (Shanghai), 48, 179 194, fig. 14 Commercial Treaty, 221 Coox, Alvin, 39, 152 Cunningham, Edward, 37, 41, 49, 235 m- Debuchi, Ambassador, 64 Dentsu news agency, 66 Dill, Senator, 29 Diplomatic Monthly, x4 Doihara, Colonel, 20, 8 Donald, William HL, 10 Dreyer, Edward, 236 Eastern Jewel. See Kamashita Yoshiko Original fror UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 303 © Inpex 303 Eastman, Lloyd, ix, x, x1 Eden, Anthony, 16 Facing Japan: Chinese Politics and Japanese Imperialism 1931-1937. x Fan Ch’i-wu, 135 Feng Yu-hsiang, 6, 54, 59, 185, 209, 2135233 Feng Yung University, 118 Fifteenth Destroyer Squadron, 19 Fifth Air Regiment, 149 Fifth Army, x, xis Xiv, 6, 575 625 72, 975 98, 995 100, 108, r10, 116, 118, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 1375 1445 152, 153, 154) 1555 158, 169, 171, 175, 178, 180, 186, 187, 188, 255, 241, figs. 18-20 Finance Ministry Revenue Guards, 98 Finch, Perey, xi, 153 First Destroyer Flotilla, 18 First Torpedo Squadron, 19 Fitzgerald, John, xiii Flood Relief Commission, 101 Forbes, W. Cameron, 29 Foreign Affairs Commission, 15 Four Powers, 181 French Concession, 8, 22, 43, 655 171 Fuchou, 13 Fukien Rebellion, x Fukushima, Kimiji, 10, 12, 18 Funatst Tasuichiro, 205 Fushimi Hiroyasu, Prince, 28, 68, r11, 218,240 Futan University, 142, 1435 1455 154 Gale Corporation, 149 General Labor Union, 69, 715 78 79 Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere, 240 Green Gang (Ch'ing-pang), 47, 70, 78, 82, 132, 207, 208, 222, 223, 242 Hanbury Institute, 49 Han Ching, r15 Hangchon, 38, 149, 170, 176 177, 196 Hank’ou, 55 UNIVER ITY OF MICHIGAN press—— Harada, Secretary, 157, 159 Harbin, 19, 315 325 645 65, 975 98, 227 Harrison, James, xv Hara Shoryu, 146 Heilungchiang Province, 11, 19, 31, 65 Hengk’ou, 7, 47. 81, 82, 112, 143, 202, 227,228 Hengk’ou Bund, 84 Hengk’ou Park, 39, 46, 475 495 86, 925 100, 102, 1645 168, 226 Hirohito, rr, 32, 65, 162, 182,217, 223, 29 H.MS. Kent, 94, 170 HMS. Sandwich, 89 Ho Hsiang-ning (widow of Liao Chung-kai), 71, 117, 118, 129, 209 Honjo Shigeru, 31, 32 Hoover, Herbert, xii, 64, 191, 237 Hornbeck, Stanley, 28, 30, 221 Houn, Franklin W., xv Ho Ying-ch’in (war minister), 55, 545 55s 565 58s 595 61, 83, 97, 103, 104, 108, 109, 110, 116, 120, 121, 129, 1335 150, 209 Hsia-kuan, 84 Hsinwenpao, 70, 132 Hsu, Immanuel C. Y..x Hsu Tao-min, 155 Huangp’u River, 25, 45, 47, 835 89) 935 123, 1425 156 181, 230 Huang Shao-hsiung (general), 198 Hu Han-min, 4,135, 175,212 Hu Li-fu (lieutenant), 222, 223 Hull, Secretary of State, 9 Hunan, 134, 210 Hureg Chi 1745 204 Hung-se chung-hud, 174 Hupeh, 210 Hu Shih, x Hu Yu-vze, 96 Hyakutake, Admiral, 68 Hymans, Paul, 224 Ienaga Saburo, xii Lerh-pa (January 28 incident), 236 Original fror UNIVERSITY O} CHIGAN index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 304 © 304 Index LEMS. Kaga, rox Ikeda Junkyu (general), 204 Institute of Modern Chinese History (Peking), 35 International Settlement, xi, xii, 1 Inukai Tsuyoshi (prime minister), 8, 15, 175 875 138, 167, 189, 217, 221, 228, 232, 2395243 Iriye Akira, xii, 237 Itagaki Seishiro (colonel), 7, 39 Ivestia, 228 Japanese army in trenches, fig. 21 Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 81 ‘Japanese Cotton Mill Owners’ Associ- ation, 17, 81, 200, 203, 240 Japanese Front-Line Volunteers, 119 Japanese Invasion and China's Defense, 184 Japanese marines, figs. 7-9 ‘Japanese Naval Club, 22 ‘Japanese Reservists, fig. 9 Japanese Residents Association of Shanghai (J.R.A.), 75 175 315 325 38, 65, 80, 8 Japanese Spinners Association, 12, 67 Japan Mail Line, 25, 79, 106, 113, 126, 162 Japan’s Road to the Pacific War (series), xi Jikeidan, 39 Johnson, Nelson T., 121, 219, 232, 237 Kamashita Yoshiko (Eastern Jewel), 173 Kanazawa, 87 Kanchou, 208 Kanebo (Kanegafuchi) Textile Com- pany, 1, 126 K’ang Sheng, 95 Kan'in Kotohito, Prince, 18, 218 Kan Nai-kuang, 94 Kao Hsien-chia (captain), 83 Kato, Chargé, 30 Kawabata Teiji, 226, 227, 228 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PR ess—h— Kellogg Pact, 62, 75, 76, 85, 233 Kelly, Sit H. (admiral), 94, 102, 110, 164217 Kiangsi, xv, 5, 148, 166, 196, 208, 215 Kiangsu CCP Propaganda Depart- ment, 115 Kiangsu Province, 50, 58, 59, 835 86, 196, 222 Kido, Marquis, 177 Kirin Province, 65 Kitaoka Haruo (captain), 7, 37, 69, 81, 117, 118, 167, 181 Kitaura Toyoo (captain), 37, 45 KMT. See Kuomintang Koiso Kuniaki (general), 177 Kompo, 222, 223 Koo, Wellington (Ku Wei-chun), 121, 164,237, 238 Ku Chu-hsuan, 222 Ku Ch'u-’ung, 34, 57, 95 Kuga Noboru (major), 147 Kungch’an Kuochi, 186 Kung Dah mill, 126, 182 Kung, H. H. (K’ung Hsiang-hsis min- ister of industry), 5, 117, 206 Kunshan, 87, 100, 107, 151, 167, 180 Kuo family (Wing On department store owners), xi, 199, 204 Kuo Hung, 187 Kuominchun, 166 Kuomincang (KMT), x, xiv, X¥y 15 35 4564 By 145235 26, 435 70, 78, 795 86, 985 964 103s 132, 13.44 154, 2095 2135 215, 216; KMT Central Executive Committee (CEC), 15, 595 605 715 13%, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213 KMT Central Political Council, 53, 54 59, 60s KMT Military Council, 51, $9, 60. See also Cantonese KMT Kuo Tai-chi, 121, 216, 218, 219, 224, 225,230, 2325 238) 242 Kuowen Choupao, 89 Kwantung Army (K.A.), 8 10, 11 12, 355 175 18, 295 315 325 395 565 64, 655 Original fror UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 305 © Inpex 305 {635 705 735 975 107s 1405 1575 1625 163, 1705 176, 1775 1835 211, 224, 2275 228,233, 241 LaFeber, Walter, xii Lampson, Sir Miles, 119, 120, 135, 161, 219, 230, 232, 235, 237 League Commission of Inquiry, 76 League of Nations, xii, xv, 12, 29, 52, 54y 60s 735 764 855 102, 110) 139, 160, 163, 170) 181, 186, 192, 205, 210, 217, 224-25, 230, 235, 237 Liang Kuang-ying, 165 Liao Chung-k’ai, Mme, See Ho Hsiang-ning Liaoning Province, 1, 187 Liaotung Peninsula, 171 Li Chi-shen, 59, 209 Lienhua Film Company, 155 Li Hsin (Li Xin), 35, 174 Li Lich-chun (general), 209 Li, Lincoln, xiv Lindley, Sir Francis, 159, 230 Lin Shen, ro8 Lin Yishun, 118 Lion Hill, 84 Li Tsung-jen, 6, 54, 209 Little Tokyo, xiii, 4 6, 1 21, 40, 80, 123, 202 Litvinov, Soviet Foreign Minister, 228 Liu Ho, 116, 173, 175, 176, 178, 181, 185, 222, 236 Liu Hung-sheng, 12, 132 Liu River, 123, 171 Liu Shao-ch’i, 37, 79, 95, Liu Wei-wen, 132, Li Xin, See Li Hsin London Naval Treaty, 28, 68 Lo Wen-kan, 55, 54. 615 62, 765 122 Loyang, 60, 61, 94, 98, 103, 211, 216 Lu Hsun, 9, 96 Lunghua Railroad, 149 Lytton, Lord, 232 Lytton Commission of Inquiry, 76, 211, 214, 237 15s 175 19 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PR ess—h— Ma-an Islands, 102 MacDonald, Prime Minister, 64, Ma Chan-shan (general), 65 MacMurray, John V. A., 221 Macnaghten, Brigadier General, 76 Mainichi, 66, 67, 81 Manchukuo, xiii, xv, 157, 170, 199 Manchuria, 97, 180 Manchurian Incident, xii, 3, 4, 75 76 112, 162, 198, 210, 211, 227 Mao Tse-tung, 215 Mao Tun, 96 Margetts, Lieutenant Colonel, 136, 138 Matsuoka Yosuke, 110, 167, 170, 224, 237 Mayer, Captain, 155 May Fourth movement, xi Ma Yin-liang, 72 Mavzaki Jinsaburo (general), 218, 223 Mellroy, J. Gos 315 148 Miaohang, 142, F435 1445 1455 146, 1475 148, 1545 1595 1715 1755 178, 1875 188 Mikasa, Prince, 46 Minami Jiro (general; war minister), 32,65 Min-kuo Jib-pao, 10, 11, 14, 15 Minseito Party, 8 Mitsui Bank, 1, 10 Morishima Morito, 170 Mukden, 52, 535 655.735 179 Mukden incident, 30, 78, 221 Murai Kuramatsu, 7, 13, 145 155 215235 28, 355 374 40s 431 455 50) 53s 66 675 77s 80, 81, 82, 85, 86, 114, 135, 136, 169, 170, 180, 222, 226, 229 Nagaimen Mills, 1,21, 68, 134, 203 Nagata Tetsuzan (general), 39, 167 168, 17 Namhsiang, 103, 108, 110, 146, 177, 179, 180, 183 Original fror UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 306 © 306 Index Nanking government, 38, 60, 73, 755 94s 1495 154s 177s 1925 2075 2125 2375 241,242 Nanking No. 2 Archives, 152 Nanking University, 173 Nanshih, 26 Nantao, 22, 178 National Emergency Conference, 210 National Guard (Chinese), 6, 57, 595 61, 122, 154, 156 Native Bank Association of Shanghai, 196 Navy Council, 18, 20 New York Times, 28 Nichi-nichi, 66 Nichiren monks, 10, 11, 12, 14,21 Nikka Mills, 19, 69, 202, 205 Nine Power Pact, 62, 75, 160 Nine Powers, 60, 62 Nineteenth Route Army, ix, x; Xi, xii, iti, Xivy XV, 55 15, 15, 20, 26, 345 355 365 375 38, 40, 415 435 485 47s SO 515 54s 59s 625 7% 725 755 77s 825 86, 89, 95 92s 95» 96, 975 9B, 100, 1035 TO4y 1075 108, 109, 114, 116, 117, 122, 125, 1275 128, 129, 133, 139, 1425 U44y 1455 1465 147s 15, 152, 153, 15dp 1555 156, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169, 171, 174, 1755 1775 1795 184, 186, 187, 188, 204, 2055 2095 2125 218, 220, 2255233, 235% 241, fig. 10, fig. ox Ningp’o, 168, 231 Nippon Dempo news service, 20 Nish, lan, 190 Nisshin Steamship Company, 36, 54 Nomura Kichisaburo (Admiral), 91, 925 102, 107, 109, TIT, 114, 120, 135, 147, 148, 156, 170, 176, 217, 226, fig. 2 North China Herald, 154 North China Sunday News, 63 Northern Expedition, 95, 103, 131, 214 North Railroad Station, 41, 425 45. 475 48, 86, 92, 100, 101, 113, 115, 168 Notoro (seaplane carrier), 19, 46 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PR ess—h— i (cruiser), 19 Oriental Library (Shanghai), xii, 48, 194 Origins of the Second World War in Asia and the Pacific, xii Osaka, 201 Osaka Line, 127 Osumi Mineo (admiral; naval minis ter), 18, 38, 87, 91 Ou Shou-wu (colonel), 51 Pai chung-his, 20, 89 Paoshan, 143, 179 Patz, 190 Peace Preservation Corps, 233 Peattie, Mark, xiii Peck, W.R., 54 Peking, 215 People’s Republic of China, xiv Philippine Chinese United Associa tion, 72 Pienyitui, 69 Political Study Clique, 207 Pratt, J. T., 16 Pravda, 213 PRC. See People’s Republic of China Press Union, 36, 37 Prurk’ou, 83, 108, 166 Prurung, 45 Pu Yi, 19 Red Army, xv Red Cross, 71, 101, 118, 120, 192 Reed, Christopher, 198 Refugees, from Chapei, fig. 12 Reuters news service, 179 Revolutionary Diplomacy, 60, 211, 237 Ringwalt, Arthur, 82, 112 Ronin, 12, 15, 395 40, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 88, 112, 115, 120, 168, 192, 193, 198, 202,229 Route Pichon, 8 Saddle Island, 149 Saionji, Genro Prince, 27, 28, 68, 159, 218,229 Original fror UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 307 © Inpex 307 Samejima Tomoshige (captain), 21, 38, 425 454 102, Samurai, 80 San Yu towel factory, 11, 12, 13, 155 198 Sasebo, 25 Sato, 217 Schezh’uan North Road Settlement, 49, 86 Sea of Japan, 32, 65 Seinendan (Young Men’s Associa- tion), 12, 43, 81 Seiyukai Party, 10, 17, 28, 119 Sergeant, Harriet, xi Settlement Defense Committee, 30, 33, 34 Settlement Municipal Council, 13, 405 415 63, 81, 112 Shamejima Tomoshige (captain), 102 Shanghai, 1932 ruins of, fig. 14 Shanghai Bankers’ Association, 196 Shanghai Bureau of Social Affairs, 192, 195, 216 Shanghai Civie Association, 70 Shanghai Educators’ National Salva- tion Association, 71 Shanghai Evening Post-Mercury, 85 Shanghai Local Peace Preservation Association (SLPPA}, 70, 715 725 79 115, 116, 117, 152, 1545 197 Shanghai Municipal Police, 81 Shanghai-Nanking Railroad, 44, 50, 575 100, 180 Shanghai National Salvati tion, 215, 216 Shanghai Northern District Citizens’ Municipal Maintenance Associa tion, 222 Shanghai Volunteer Corps, 17, 20, 335 451 Shanghai Women’s Association for Support of Soldiers Protecting the Nation, 71 Shanghia-Wusung Railroad, 88, 92 n Associa UNIVER ITY OF MICHIGAN press—— Shang-kuan Yun-hsiang (general), 148, 165 Shantung, 210 Shenpao, 69, 71, 100, 109, 1175 184, 197 Shibayama, Captain, 81 Shidehara Kijuro, 5, 4.55 8, 68, 201, 2gt Shigemitsu Mamoru, 8, 9, 125 155 28, 33585, 92, 121, 218, 219, 226, 227, 239 Shih Liang-ts‘ai, 69, 70, 71, 725 109, 132, 197, 207, 213, Shib-shib Hsin-pao, 132, 232 Shih-tau, 143 Shih-taurlin fort, 175, 179 Shimada Toshihiko, xii, xii, 87, 113, 114, 156, 157,205 Shiozawa Kiochi (rear admiral), 8, 10, 4p 154 175 19y 21, 235 25, 26) 335 345 365 375 4ls 424 44y 455 464 50> 515 58 675 68, 774 83, 86, 875 915 924 935 102, 104, 176, 190, 2395 249 Shirakawa Yoshinori (general), 148, 162, 163, 171, 176, 1775 1795 183, 2175 225, 226, 227, 239, fig. 4 Short, Robert MeCawley, 149, 1935 237 Simon, Sir John, 16, 139, 217 Simpson, Sir John Hope, 192 Sino-French Medical Academy, 115 Sino-Japanese War, ix “Slippery Mary,” 92, 1435 163 SLPPA. See Shanghai Local Peace Preservation Association Soong Ailing, 117 Soong Ch’ing-ling (widow of Sun Yat- sem) 70, 71, 1525 1655 2095 242 Soong Mei-ling, 117 Soong, T. V. (Sung Tzu-wen), 5, 8, 9, 12, 405 $3» S4y 58, 95, 975 98, 99, 108, 117, 121, 122, 137, 151, 1975 206, 207, 208, 219, 238 South Manchurian Railroad, 3, 81, 126, 161 Special Naval Landing Party, 38 Original fror UNIVERSITY O} CHIGAN index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 308 © 308 Index Stimson, Henry, xiii, 28, 63, 64, 66, 85, 1124 1195 1394 1605 237 Storm Clouds Clear over China, 206 Stranahan, Patricia, xiii, xiv Student nationalism, in China, 1924-49, Xi Suchou Comparative Law School, 49 Suchou Creek, 49, 85, 115, Suchou Province, 83, 97, 103, 108, 149 Sun Chieh-yuan, 165 Sun Fo (K’0), 4s 55 54s 70 715 1175 Sung-chiang, 87, 107 Sun Tau, 173. 1795 236 Sun Yat-sen, 56 Sun Yuan-liang, 147 Supreme Military Council, 176 Tach’ang, 150, 161, 168, 170 Tai Chi, 26, 37, 525 98) 149, 231 Vai Hu, 179 ‘Taicts'ang, 178, 183 Takahashi Korekiyo (major; finance minister), 8, 51, 39, 191, 239 Ta Kung, 132 Tanabe Teruo, 202 Tanaka Giichi, 162 ‘Tanaka Ryukichi (major), xiii, 7 11, 12, 20, 22, 275 315 335 36, 395 66, 80, 86, 985 1735 180 Tran Chit-hsiu, 102 ‘Tange Kuji (captain), 83 Tangpu, 56, 1155 203 ‘Trang Sheng-chih, 59 Tani, Admiral, 68 Tan Kah Kee (Ch’en Tao Hsing-chih, 152 Tashiro, General, 121, 130 Taylor, Montgomery (U.S. admiral), gr “Tea party,” 218, 219, 220 ‘Temple of the Queen of Heaven, 14 ‘Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 240 ‘Thorburn, John, 14, 238 ‘Three Basic Principles, 220 ja-keng), 118 UNIVER ITY OF MICHIGAN press—— ‘Tientsin, 13, 53, 125, 126, 196, 201, 2045215 ‘Viien-tung-an Train Station, 43, 92 Ting Ling, 96 ‘Tokyo Stock Exchange, 190-91 Tou-cheng, 95 Toyota cotton mills, 49, 88 Trading guild, 81 Trento (cruiser), 94 Truce, of 1952, fig. 22 ‘Ts'ai Ting-k’ai (general), ixy xig 55 155 5, 525 625 98y 1095 130, 1355 Shy 145, 525 1535 1565 158, 164, 166, 173, 183, 184, 209, fig. ‘Tsai Yuan-p'ei, xi Ts'ao-chia-ch’iao, 127 Ts'eng Yang-fu, 206 Tsinan, 103 ‘Tsingtao, 15, 53, 20%, 204 ‘T’ung Chi University, 154 Tu Yuch-sheng, 70, 78, 132, 207 ‘Twenty-eight Bolsheviks, xv ‘Tze Chi University, 154 ‘Tru-tung Chiu-kuo-hui (Volunteer National Salvation Association), 216 Ueda Kenkichi (general), 87, 91, 1045 107, 125, 126, 1355 141, 1425 148, 150, 1515 176, fig. 3 Ujina, 87 Unequal Treaties, 66 USS. Marines Fourth Regiment, 38 USS. Senate Naval Affairs Committee, 161 USS. Houston, 895 94 USS. Missouri, 227 USS. Panay, 114 USS, State Department, 63 Usui Katsumi, 190 ‘Uyematsu Toma (admiral), 102 Volunteer National Salvation Associa- tion (Tzu-tung Chiu-kuo-hui), 216 Original fror UNIVERSITY O} CHIGAN Wakeman, Frederic, 223 Waldeck Russeau (cruiser), 94 Wang Cheng-ting, 242 ‘Wang Ching-wei, 4, 55 6 14 34) 525 53s Ss 55s 56s 59% 60, 70, 735 985 1335 134, 138, 206, 207, 208, 209 Wang Chun (general), 121 Wang, C. T., 136, 238 Wang Hsiao-lai, 70, 207 ‘Wang P'ing-nan, 151 Wang Shao-lai, 70, 131 Wang Yan-an, 96 Wanpaoshan, 56 Washington Treaty, 160 Weihaiwei, 171 ‘Weng Chao-yuan, 154,178, 180 Wentsaopeng Creek, 128 Western Capital Committee, 208 Western Powers, 73, 99 Werzell, Georg (general), 56, 58, 97 Whampoa, 6, 108 Wilden, W., 252 ‘Wing On company, xi, 1, 113, 114, 199, 204, 240, fig. 16 Woosung Creek. See Wusung Creek Writers’ Anti-Japanese Association, 96 Wu, C.C., 238 Wu Hsing-ya, 216 Wu K’ai-hsien, 216 Wusung, 110, 115, 1415 1435 1625 1695 170, 173, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 192, 1995 224 Wusung Creek, 141, 1425 147, 158 Wusung Port, 19, 25, 445 62, 68, 83, 935 104s 105, 106, 115, 123, 127, 128, 1355 136, 139, fig. 15 Wusung/Shanghai garrison, 52, 89 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRE: shy index.qxd 1/16/01 1:03 PM Page 309 © 309 Wu Trich-ch’eng (mayor), 6, 10, 12, 13420, 225 265 295 33s 36, 37+ 40s 41s 425 45s $05 $15 60, 62, 63, 70, 76, 775 86, 994 104, 110, 14, 117, 169. 170, 177s 194, 2035 212, fig. 1 Yakuza, 11, 39, 435 80,223 Yamamoto, Captain, 127 Yang-lin-k’ou, 173, 174 Yang Shang-Kun, 37, 955 1155 240, ar Yangtze Patrol, 8, 25 Yangtzep’u, 49, 77, 198 Yangtze River, 4, 52, 53561, 78, 83, 84, 995 YO4, TOR, 111, 125, 14%5 1655 167, 173, 174 17%, 181y 183, 205 Yano Makoto (consul), 228 Yeh Ch'u-ts'ang, 59 Yen Hsi-shan, 6, 54, 59, 209 Yen Hui-ch’ing, 73, 198 Yen, W. W., 119,224 Yi-yung chun (volunteer units), 77, 795 954 1195 131, 1545 187, 242 Yokohama Specie Bank, 81, 191, 225 Yonesato Monkichi, 222 Yoshizawa Kenkichi, 8, 14, 19,28, 2%, 66,775 85, 1275 128, 136, 157, 161, 170, 230, 231 Yubari (cruiser), 19525 Yu Chi-chung, 173 Yu Chi-shih, 57, 62, 105, 116, 130, 152, 187 Yu Hung-chun, 35, 36 Zaibatsu, 15 10, 81, 112, 126, 203, 206, 240 Zumoto Motosada, 173 Original fror UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN

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