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ASTROLOGY HUB presents...

How to Read
an Astrology Chart
in 7 Easy Steps
Without the Confusion & Overwhelm

by Donna Woodwell

Copyright Astrology Hub, LLC 2018

Are you…

…Fascinated by the brilliance of the night sky?

…In love with the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome?

…Seeking spiritual meaning and your life purpose?

…Yearning for a deeper connection with Nature and the Cosmos?

…Looking to unleash your full potential?

…Exploring the secrets of the ancients for modern times?

If you said yes to any of the above then astrology is the perfect tool to help you to
reach for the stars!

Perhaps you’ve always sensed there’s more to astrology than just the popular 12-sign
horoscopes, but had no idea how to get started learning for yourself...

Or perhaps you’ve already jumped into the celestial waters, hungry to learn everything you
can. And then you discovered there’s so much to astrology, that you don’t know how to make
sense of all you’ve found...

Or maybe you’ve even been studying for years, but still can’t seem to make a chart “click”
for you.

If any of these sounds like you, fear no more! We’ve got a road map to help you prepare for
your astrological adventure.

Keep reading and we’ll reveal Seven Easy Steps you can use today to learn how to read an
astrology chart without the confusion and overwhelm.

But before we dive in, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page...

So, what exactly Is Astrology?
Astrology is a language designed to help you literally tune into the cosmic mind. It helps you
understand your “unique blueprint” and it helps you find compassion and understanding for
those in your life.

And tapping into the wisdom of the cosmos eventually leads to a life filled with more magic,
connection and purpose.

See, for generations, skywatchers have noticed an essential truth: the sky’s eternal cycles of
growth, change and rebirth mirror those same cycles on Earth.

Then someone had a bright idea: If we learn how things move in the heavens, and then
imitate those movements, we can become more star-like -- or more divine-like -- here on earth!

And so, about 2,300 years ago, the Hellenistic Greeks combined all the star wisdom and
philosophy of the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Indians, with their own map-making technology.

The result was the invention of the star chart -- known as a horoscope -- a snapshot of
the sky at a particular time and place on Earth.

For the first time in history, the sky became really, really personal. We could make a map of
the sky at the time and place of YOUR birth. It is a symbol of your utterly unique place in the
cosmic plan. To be able to read your birth chart is to understand your destiny.

And so one of the world’s oldest tools for living more consciously and with purpose was born.
Astrology became a “way of life.”

Of course, mapping the sky took specialized knowledge – and lots of books. And so for
centuries astrology’s insights were only accessible to an elite few -- royalty and masters of the

But, thanks to computers, today for the first time in history astrology is available to everyone!

However, there’s also a downside... Though technology’s made astrology more accessible than
ever -- it’s also led to an explosion of information. So much information that it’s getting harder
to make sense of it all.

So again… never fear! You can do this… If you just remember these Seven Easy Steps you’ll be
able to learn how to unlock astrology’s secrets for yourself in no time...

Step One: Understand how the sky moves.
If you’ve ever had the chance to stand under a truly dark night sky, without light pollution, you
already know there’s NOTHING more awe-inspiring.

You can’t help but be drawn into the majesty and mystery… You can’t help but wonder about
things like the nature of the Universe, and your place in it.

It’s this transcendent feeling that gave birth to astrology!

And so your first step in learning to read an astrology chart is to understand what’s
happening in the living sky above you.

That’s because astrology literally means “star logic.” More precisely, astrology’s built around
an understanding of how the sky moves -- as well as what such movements mean for US.

Now, if you look up to the sky and don’t understand the phases of the Moon, or how the Sun
moves along the horizon through the seasons, or how the planets cross your path, you’re not
alone -- that’s most people in the world today.

You see before electric lights flooded our cities, washing out the starlight, EVERYONE had an
intimate knowledge of the night sky as it shifted and moved through the seasons.

And, until the advent of personal computers, all astrologers were REQUIRED to learn some
basic astronomy to be able to make their astrology charts.

So, while computers and smartphones can make charts in an instant, not learning some basics
about the sky first means you are going to have to spend more time memorizing facts, rather
than intuitively understanding the “star logic” behind them.

In other words, learning a bit about the sky is key to becoming fluent in astrology FASTER.

If you’re lucky and live in a place where you can see a dark night sky, this means going outside
and watching it for yourself.

But if you’re like most of us who live in cities, don’t worry! There are still ways to tune into the
magic. You can supplement your sky experience with some planetarium software, or a good
astronomy course.

Step Two: Learn the Planets

mercury venus mars jupiter saturn

earth moon sun

As any longtime sky watcher knows, the Sun, Moon and the planets are the living heart of
the sky.

That’s because, unlike the stars, the planets MOVE. In fact, our word planet comes from a Greek
term meaning “wanderer” or “wandering star.”

No one can deny the effect of the Moon’s movement on the tides, the increase in births around
the full moon, the impact the moon cycle has on a woman’s cycle, or the Sun’s effect on the

So when we study the planets in the chart, we’re studying the even-more subtle effects
these influences have not just on our bodies, but on our hearts and our souls.

It’s in the movements of the planets that the ancients found inspiration for their astrological
wisdom. We named the days of the week after them. We even built our understanding of health
and healing around them.

As the oldest part of astrology, developing a good, solid relationship with the planets makes
learning the rest of astrology much easier, since all of the other parts of astrology are
variations on planet themes.

By “planets” we’re talking about the Sun and Moon and the five visible planets -- Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. As the only planets known for the first 2,000 years of
astrology, these form the foundation of the astrological model.

Each planet carries its own energy signature....

...As rulers of the day and night, the Sun and Moon are the cosmic Yang and Yin. ...Venus pulls
things toward us; Mars sends us searching outward.
...Jupiter lifts us up; Saturn pulls us down.
...And Mercury links things together.

Together, they describe the subtle movements of our psyches.

And, of course, you might also consider some of the “new” planets discovered over the past
two centuries – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Plus the dozens of minor planets and thousands of
asteroids we’ve discovered in just the last 20 years.

Though they aren’t part of the original astrological model, they certainly add an expanded
cosmic awareness to the mix.

And, because they are so new, it’s up to US to figure out what they mean in our lives and our

(Another reason to dive into astrology -- to wake up and co-create our reality!)

Step Three: Learn the Zodiac Signs


And now in Step Three we arrive at the familiar Zodiac signs. (Clue! If you’ve been trying to
study these first, it could be one of the reasons you may have had trouble learning to speak

As you remember from elementary school, the solar system is like a giant spinning disk. All of
the planets circle around the Sun like the grooves on an old-fashioned record.

Obviously Earth is one of the planets, too. From our vantage point, we look out at this disk
edge-on. To us, the Sun and all of the planets appear to travel around the Earth within a narrow
band we call the Ecliptic.

Now to make it easier to locate the planets, the ancient Babylonians divided this celestial
circle into 360 degrees (roughly the number of days in the year). They further divided it into 12
sections of 30 degrees each (the approximate number of lunar orbits in a year).

Then, they named each of the 12 sections for a corresponding constellation; these sections
became known as the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Zodiac is a Greek word which loosely translates as “the Way of Life” -- another pun! The place
where the living planets resided, as well as a spiritual path for living.

As the name implies, there’s deep esoteric wisdom about how life happens -- how creation
occurs -- encoded in the Zodiac signs.

Knowing the story behind the Zodiac -- and how it relates to the planets -- will make the Zodiac
sign meanings unforgettable for you.


What’s this celestial story? It’s actually the “Hero’s Journey,” in which YOU are the star.

The “Hero’s Journey” is a term coined by Joseph Campbell and it describes the archetypal
journey we are all on.

The path is described variously, but in general it includes the call to adventure, a supernatural
aide or mentor, initiation by trials and adventures, victory, and return.

And as the Sun travels from the light of summer to the dark of winter and back again,
year after year, he’s like the hero setting out on a quest. And so are you...

The Sun-king is born in the arms of a Virgin (Leo and Virgo). Inspired by his desire (Libra
and Scorpio), he goes off on a quest (Sagittarius). He descends into shadows to be reborn
(Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) and climbs toward the light again (Aries, Taurus). He gains
new perceptions, which seed his next journey (Gemini and Cancer).

In one lifetime, your planets actually cycle through all of the Zodiac signs in the chart multiple
times. When you know where they are on the path, you know the life lessons and soul work
you’re doing.

And when you tune into this pattern and work with it consciously, your yearly journey through
the Zodiac becomes a metaphor for the process of enlightenment.

In other words… you’re on the journey of a lifetime, and astrology is the map.

Step Four: Understand how the Planets and the Signs
work together
Think of the Zodiac signs
as marking out celestial
neighborhoods through which
Planets travel.

Sometimes a Planet enjoys

the comforts of its home turf;
other times it finds itself stuck
in foreign territory. Naturally a
planet is more comfortable in the
neighborhoods whose culture and
vibe it enjoys.

A planet’s comfort level is what

astrologers call its essential
dignity. A planet with a lot of
essential dignity is operating in its comfort zone; a planet which lacks essential dignity must
learn to operate outside of it.

Essential dignity is one of astrology’s forgotten keys. Though you might be familiar with one
form of essential dignity called rulerships, there actually are FIVE types, each with its own

And so, though essential dignity may seem insignificant, it actually holds the secrets to some
of astrology’s most powerful tools for prediction. Ignore essential dignities now, and you’ll
regret it later in your astrological studies!

Practice recognizing planets’ essential dignity, and you’ll discover how it shifts the feeling of
the planets. Then you’ll take your understanding of how the planets are speaking to you to a
whole new level.

Step Five: Learn the Aspects
Just like people, planets can fight, make love or be neutral.

It’s like a big family… sometimes they are fighting, sometimes there is peace, sometimes they
are supporting each other… other times irritating one another...

And it’s important because at any given time in the sky, different energies are happening -
sometimes they are conflicting and sometimes they are enhancing - and when you know what’s
going on you can find ways to work with it.

Now, astrologers call all these relationships “Aspects.” So when you hear an astrologer say the
planets are squaring off, you know they are feeling friction, or when they say the planets are
conjunct, you know they are basically making love.

The word aspect comes from a Latin word meaning “to see” or “to behold.” In other words,
planets in aspect to one another see eye-to-eye, or can see where the other is coming from.

The nature of these aspects is based on the Greek teaching chart for astrology, otherwise
known as the Thema Mundi. It literally translates to “the chart of the beginning of time” or the
“chart of the world soul.”

To follow the previous analogy, in Thema Mundi chart, all of the planets are in their own
neighborhoods. And THIS is where the meaning of aspects and our understanding of aspects
comes from.

The Thema Mundi reveals the underlying pattern that connects the Universe itself - showing
graphically the trines, squares, sextiles and oppositions… For example, you can easily see that
squares evoke friction because they are like Mars, and trines bestow gifts because they are like

None of it is random. And that’s why you don’t have to MEMORIZE anything… if you understand
where these assignments COME FROM and WHY you don’t need to spend hours learning them
by rote.

Step Six: Learn the Houses

If you REALLY want to become really fluent in the language of astrology so you can read a
chart, learn all the houses inside and out…

That’s because the Houses are where you look for answers to life’s everyday questions
-- like how to find a job or fall in love. In astrology, they represent where the heavens touch the

Earth, so they provide the answers to all those earthy questions that keep you up at night.

In a way, the Houses are like the rooms in your physical house. You go into the kitchen to
cook. You go into the bedroom to sleep, you go into the bathroom to shower… and so on...

Well, each astrological house also represents an important area of your life -- like your body, or
your career or your relationships…

As the planets move through your chart over days, months and years, it’s like the lights are
turning on and off in different rooms… or that you have different guests in each room.

Some scenarios will bring you more opportunities, while others bring more more challenges.
And you DEFINITELY want to know this, so that you can seize the opportunities that arise, and
find creative solutions to the challenges.

Now, if you’ve studied astrology before, you may know houses can be a little confusing when
you realize there are different house systems… more than 23 at last count.

Fortunately, there’s a way to cut through the confusion quickly once you know that the original
house meanings are derived from – you guessed it – planets.

And so like the signs and the aspects, once you understand the astro-logic of the system, you
don’t need to memorize so much. And you can understand how different systems are useful in
different situations.

Ok, now for the last step so you can READ A CHART!

Step Seven: Learn how to weave all the pieces

together to answer your specific questions.

This final step is where things get REALLY exciting.

Once you have the basics from the first 6 steps, and know how to bring them together, you’ll be
able to read a chart for yourself and for others.

You will be able to answer the REAL questions you have about your life, your current
challenges, and your destiny.

Up until this point, you’ve been learning the elements of the astrological language. Think of it
like learning all the nouns, verbs and adverbs.

Now you have to learn the grammar of astrology – or how you integrate all of the cosmic bits
into sentences, and then stories.

Because it’s the stories you can tell that help you answer all of your pressing questions about
your life, and the lives of others.

Good news! Astrology was designed to be spoken!

(If you’ve spent months (or even years) learning the planets, signs, houses and other elements
listed in earlier steps, but still can’t “read a chart,” chances are you’ve missed this last,
essential step.)

Of course, it still takes practice. You’ll have to pull the pieces together for dozens of charts.
But, by having a strong foundation in the LOGIC of astrology, your readings will become more
focused and smooth and meaningful.

And, you’ll have a system that helps you learn, so you’ll reduce the time it takes you to become
fluent from years to months!

Where do I go from here?
If you master these Seven Steps you’ll be able to read an astrology chart quite effectively.

That being said, astrology is a never-ending story and, I promise you, there will ALWAYS be
something more to learn. That’s part of the fun!

If you want to learn more about how to implement the seven steps, then join us for
Astrology Hub’s upcoming FREE video training series (watch your inbox... you’re aleady
signed up!): The Mystical Language of Astrology Revealed.

In this exclusive video series you’ll learn:

How astrology can help you discover your life’s calling and purpose
The true nature of each house, and how they can help you answer your most
important questions
How to use astrology to communicate deeply with others
What it means to infuse astrology into your coaching or healing practice

And much, much more…


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