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S he is arching her back, moaning and groaning and giving Mallika Sherawat a run for
her money. You are impressed by your ability to make her squirm like that, but deep
down your thoughts race between “What if she’s faking it?” and “If not, how do I hit this
magic button again?”
2. If you have ever been there, or for that matter would like to find yourself in that enviable
position, check out my favourite four tricks of all time that guarantees to make me come
time after time.
3. Put On A Manly Fragrance.
4. I feel smell is the strongest of the five senses when it comes to sex for two reasons. First,
since anything musky mimics testosterone, it kick a woman’s libido into high gear. Baby
powder can have a similar effect on women which links them to procreating sex. Second,
because smell, sex and memory centers share close quarters in the brain, the scent of
arousal leaves the most lasting impression. The second she gets a whiff of your musky
cologne, she’ll be transported back to the last time she smelled it on your body.
Personally the cocktail of a good deo mixed with a hard day’s sweat makes my fingers
twitch  - literally (just happened)
5. Know Her Clit Inside Out.
6. When diving in between her legs, just as you appreciate her indulging in more than just
your package, she would like you to go for more than just her hood ornament. When you
run your tongue around her clitoral head, concentrate on the 10 o’ clock and 2 o’clock
marks on either side, and then gently slip your tongue beneath the hood – you will have
her moaning from ecstasy. While bang-on is too sensitive, those two sweet spots will
make sure that she takes a licking and keeps on ticking, thanks to the bulbs hidden just
beneath. The best way to pull off this maneuver is to have her straddle your face as you
lay comfortably on your back. She’ll get to lean into the headboard so she can drive the
action with ease, since you have put her in charge.
7. Kiss The Right Side Of Her Spine…
8. Warm Her feet…
10. Time for you to take your tricks for a test drive. With all that attention, her skin will be
flushed, her pupils dilated, parts of her shaking, and those she can steady, she will be
pushing into you – until she is done and can’t take anymore, that is. Now that’s how to
make her orgasm for real. I hope you put all my hard work to practice and let us know the
results. Have a horny Sunday my dears.
11. You showed Me how it is to be Loved.

Now I know what really Love is,

Soon we will be together forever.

I can’t wait to hold you in My Arms Again

12. We may be far away now…but i feel u close to me…

Even when u r close to me, i still miss u
Coz I want u right beside me

13. A kiss is as to drink salty water:

you drink and your thirst it will increase..

14. A peach is a peach.a plum is a plum.a kiss is not a kiss unless its with open ur mouth
& close ur eyes & give ur tongue some exercise.

15. Kissing is best practice for lips. It keeps the lips

reddish pink
so always keep kissing

16. There’s a kiss 2 say I luv u, there’s a kiss 2 say its true, But the kiss I luv
the best is the one I got from u!

17. I pressed my lips to yours, my love,

To taste your kiss so sweet

You held me for a minute, love,

And that moment so soon did fleet

18. Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready

Kiss on the Forehead = I hope we're together forever

Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything

Kiss on the Cheek = You look so beautiful

Kiss on the Lip = I Love You Very Much

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