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A Lover's Guide

Susan Mumford


A LOVe1" s Guide

Susan Mumford


Photography 1>)' Richord 'Truscott

An Editor Trinity Fry Commissjof);ng Ediwr Sian F~ccr (\rt Director Jacqui Small EdiIOT Susie Behar Production Ccnrrotler Sarah Rces

rzm; puhlishcd in Grc.:u Brir.;lin in 1'9?-4 in hardback ricled

7 .. ~ r ... & " 1.gfi!1's Glfid~ ro MflIGf1g_e Mitchell I3c~7.1ey. a division of O,"OCIpU.~ Pu blis/l.inr Group J .imi red

~~ ~'ncwI publi.dn~rl by [t:.mlp .. , a divisiuo of Oeropus Pu~lj5.hillg {iruup Limited 24 r leron QUll ys~ London, E 14 4J P

CUp) ni';ht id 1 W4-, ~ 00 1 Oc.tOPru Publish i ng G rm.l'P lim IH::d T ext 1) Susn no :\.·h.1 mfoed l W-+

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ISBN Q .(H1 611599 X

INTRO D ueTI 0:-: 6
Creating (he Environment 12
Techniques 20
A Relaxation Massage 30
The Back 46
The Back of (he Legs 62
The Neck n
The Face 78
The Arms 82
The Chest 92
The Abdomen 96
The From of the Legs 100
Play I\fi:er Massage 112
Oils and Their Uses In
Index lli
AcknolV ledgernen [5 128 INTRODUCTION




TOUch ... We love to touch. We an indeed tactile, sensual vein gs. M7e P e1 "[fIve th e world thrOltgh 0111' senses, and are nJfeaed by tcbat wMweive. Sight, immd,. taste, touch, smell- of aJI the senses, to IIcbing p erbaps afficts:us the most deeply.

Touch communicates, brings closeness, reston!" and arouses.

From illfimcy, we use touch to find ant about the wotld, to explore, reach out and confirn« Tb1"ougb toucb we are able to njfil''lJl or- tn:mif011/i. OUt relati01~rhips,Imd out injiJrmatiofllmd reueal or hide ounelves. Touch tells us iobo 7J)e are, it gives us a sense of ourselves,. allows us to make contact and fee/we are not alone. We lise touch for pleasure, to bring re lationsbtps cI()sC1; to comfort and IImpt .. instinctively ~ve feel people as tbey walk into II room - toucb brings tbat contact closer; makes it Iced.

OU'r senses and feelings ran give tIS /;akmci and JfIt;;flldiriU.

They au an antidote to a tbinkiug; tec/Jlliml1!1011d. In order to

find sucb a balance, we need to turn OU'/-jOI,7JS to {J /wing relationship to tbrio«. T1H ' fiJ

our senses, re-examine om' slt1"'1wmdhlgs, and see how they make us feel. We need to l){WB an. environment tsbere we can feel, let go freely, wbtre we can open up e1lloti01'latly, receiue pleaS1t1"e and relax. Takin g C(J1"e to have around us objects that we tih, inspiring sbapes, softnesS', and cttrues. Paying attention to COlO1; materials, scents lind SIIlt11dv, for each sensation COTrcJeys something to 11S,

In explol-ing tbe sensual world ami all" reSp01'lSeS to it, we Illlwl'ally increase OUl' life of toucb. 'Ioncbing om' SlIilyoundings, the people we encounter; those ~ve (J1"C dose to, and those we love. As lovers we lire partim!al"ly lnt/nc1'able lind open to each other - toud: can. give immense pleasure 01' cause pbysical pain.

Tbe way tbat we, as louers, tpucb defines tbe


bond between us. Tbrougb sensuality we explor'e

and find deligbt in eacb other; beigbteniug botb arousal end atuareness. Pleasing each otber; we bring tbe other clam, increasing OUT sense oflrn!!'ng and being loved.

NlaJ1wge celebrates sensuality. It is IJn experience of giving and receiuing, of explol'ing and opening to each otber. It is a wtly a/pleasing and relaxing, releasing stress {Iud tension and creates a profound feeling af well-being. By giving massage we are caring for eacb azber in (I very real and loving ~lIa)'. In getting-to kn(f'<IJ web other better; we increase tbe trust and shrn'ing vital f01'

thing about massage is that it fuls ~ .-l • give as to receive,

Massag« can be used. f01' snnple rtloxtltitm -., a way of easing tired muscles, calm in g tbe mi1rJ, uplifting tJJE spirit end restoring our TIIltUr.J emrg)" Having the ability to do this for /JUT pm'tlJe1' give.- a special satirjaction, a feelillg of confidence and '11)[Jrmth. For our partner, allowing a caring touch to discover and ease tn1Jtry stress and tensions is a statement of openness and their t1'1ISt in us.

Intimate massage combines basic 111-1lSSagt tedmi ques, designed to relax and keep 1111ISCtes bea lthy, with added sensual a1'011Sai and the spo1ltaneity of loving touch, Witb ,renS'Un{ massage, each one pleasures tmd satisfies the other; a'eating an intimate, lovmg, nvo-'wllY fkr.o, There is no rigbt way to do it, it depends 011 a shared experience. If 0'1/.1' attention is on OUT pm'met; we will be am cerned on{y untb their happiness, and a tender sensitivity will develop. The beaut)' of (J. sensual, intimat« mtmage is tbat it enhances our nlatio'flship, b_y ina'easing knowledge, vitality and joy,

Tbe sensual mtmtlge in this book will take yOft about an bour to give. Tbe relaxation l1UJ,ssnge takes about twenty minutes. If YOll don't baue {I filll hour to spare, you can concentrate 011 O1Ie particular area uf )'[I'llr partne-r~ body, gn-illg tbat area yom' full loving attention.


Preparing for. MASSAGE


Preparing for a sensual massage can be a sensual experience in itself Ir sers rile mood, and the care and thoughr pur into ir will increase your enjoyment of rhe massage.

1ixing and using oils Can be extremely sarisfying. There ace various oils that you can use, and finding a combination rhar suits you is often just a rn mer of experimentation. The

12 'C3 rrier' or 'base' oil is the basic oil used [0

allow rhe hands ro glide freely over [he; skin. Grapeseed, a light I'"ger~ble oil wirhour a heavy smell, is a very good carrier oil. Almond oil, a slightly sweeter, thicker oil, feels more luxurious on me skin. Oils of avocado and apricot are rich, nourishing oils, which may be added ro makes mixture fuller. Oil of jojoba

is a beautifu 1, more expeusi ve oil, which is parricu larl y good for m assaging the face.







Another group of oils, essential oils, are added [Q [he carrier oi I ro enhance rhe effect of massage, Containing the essential nature of a

plant, they are extremely potent, and you need onl y usc a Few drop s, Trad itionall y essential oils nee used for the rreannen r of various COIldirions and they should not be used di rectly

on the skin. 1·'01' example, for relaxation, use lavender, a particularly useful, fresh, healing oil, Or chamomile, which h'J a calming, sedati ve effect In order ro get to know them, IT)' them separately ar fir~t, Inixing >I couple of drops into some oil For heightening sensual arousal, ITy oils known as aphrodisiacs - sandalwood, a woody, sedating, eastern seem; parchouli, B more stimularing, sweet, dark

odor; or yl ang ylang, which has an euphoric, sweet, floral smell. Experiment with these oils and sec which one, attract you. Perhaps the most beautiful of oils, and also tho; most expensive, are delicate neroli (orange blossom), which sedates; exotic jasn1ine,. which uplifts; and luxurious, soothing oil of ;os"'_ Also


Before stnrtin g a 1}llI5>llgC it is i'l1lprr!'tlmt to tune mto how ylYn and YOIW partner ftel. Ttl ke all tbe time ),011 need to relax together. Wbm yOll lire ready, l1y some gem/c breatbing. to ,-e//IX Jrr111' mind and body. Lyillg an yOllr back, knees hem, place yom- bonds on your n!IIIQJllCll (top rigbt). Simply allow YOll'- body to breathe naturally, feeling the rise and foil of Y01lr Iumds. Af""-jive or ten minutes, 111111Je and tn eacb part of y0111' /Jo~y relax in turn. Tben. dni1oil1gyomknees lip to yom- (best, spread yo",. arms, and SlO1V0' IIT",er JOtII' lift leg, and then yIflJJ' "igbt leg, to tbe forlr (boltom !·igbt). Next do this in rem!, •. This gives II uxnderfu! stretch but does not strain.

reputed ro have aphrodisiacal properties. these arc evocative, irresistibly heady scents. On page 111-123 you will find a list of oils and their properties and some recipes for )'011 to try om. Although mixing can be extremely satisfying, you call ; f you prefer, buy ready mixed oils.

There are various oils [hat you can use,

and finding a combination rhat suits YOt] is often JUSt a matter of experimenrarion, You C'UI make up as much as YOIl like. If you start with Ifloz (28ml) of base oil you will make enough oil for about four massages. The ratio YO(I should rerriernber is lise up to, but nor more than, 12 drops of essential oil per I floz {28ml) of lJ>lse oil. For rhe ma~I"lge YOll can use a !h~U01l' dish in which ro pm some oil, or use a small borde with a stopper. If you

are planning [0 massage frequently, you could prepare a mixture by filling 1 or 2floz (18 or 54m I) gl ass boules. If you add an optional teaspoon of wheat germ oil the mixture is preserved for a longer period.

.... ....

After mixing up the oils it is important to make su re you have everything you need before beginning massage, so (hat )'OU can give your full attention [Q ~-our parmer. The surface on which you massage should be comfortable bur firm, gi vi fIg Y01.H partner's body full support. ) au may need towels for warmth, and pillows to raise your partner's body. Have 3 supply of tissues, some water, and containers for me oil. Check to make sure the containers are well-balanced as it is extreme! y easy co knock [hem over as yO\] move,

Before giving l\ massage, it is important also to prepare yourself Never gil'e a massage if you are rired,_ The contact between you and your parmer becomes so close that almost your very thoughts can be sensed. take time with your parmer to gently relax your bodv. Allow your mind to dear, 1et go of any preoccupations, focusing yOUf thoughts on your partner

and yourself. Gentle breathing and body sensing, followed by muscle relaxation, help increase your inner bal ance, In order to relaxthe spine and release anr neck or shoulder tension, follow me simple but effecrive movements shown here. Use the floor to give you support, and keep each action precise, focusing your mind entirely on rhe sensation, feeling your joints and

rnu .cles flow. You and your parmer can do these exercises together or you can ask your parmer ro watch Y01.1, giving you help through feedback or couch. Alter [he exercises, ask your partner [0 gently massage your neck and shoulders before yOll STarr, so you will have received before you give.

Finally, be creative with your room. Turn it into a sensual retreat, filling ir with things you enJoy. Make sure it is warm,

] 6 me lighri ng is sofr, and [hat you will not be d isrurhed.

bead and shoulders Sumdi?lg 01' sitting with yo"r spine rtraigbt, drop yo",' bend forwm'ds onto yom' chest, Not», Vel}' slowly, start dn:ling .roul" bead round to the left. Let }'om' bond 1-0.1/ S'1!1'/M IDly, '/1M" Jug the circle generous, without llny strain. Continue round to tbe rigbt, then "0/1 tbe other 1MY, completing tbe circle at luur chest. Raise )10111' bead sUrwly. Tben roll each sboulder in turn, .,low£\1 and evmly, foCllS'flf£ .n}y on that movement,


To relax the spine, sit Q7] yo",beels, yottr [orebend on the flo()l·. Now "moly start tmcurliugyoar .<pine, one lmtebru lit" rime, l.mtil yll1J reads a sirrillg poricio". Yo"" 'OWeI- back war,k,. jirst; tmd JOIl"

h ,ad come: lasz, rollillg 'liP romly through tbe spine.

sbo ulder TJll!Ssage

To ease yow "uk and shoulders; ..& _yollr partner to mll.'mge them /ilr YOll. rim,. paftner'sfmgcrs ,hI",/d be pmCl'd ooer your mull/d.,-s, witb!!'Ilt squeezi)! g, so tb. r}J1/7/lb, {fre free to gmtiy 71",d a nd p'·~.\r. The tblllllV.\· am

-.rdt. pres: and 'qtlO"U tbe ·",ndes, >tm-t;l1g abour 1!11 inch

rfrom flu spine on e ith,,' sale.

~ .... m ber» rbe "wVmlelit "(inll~s, ~Ij'M"~jTi g fmil lifting, Ill' tl!rmg the top ufthe sboulders. ~/lg to ibe spine, ]11111"

'17It"I" should continue tbe

• ement drr,)m:l1!"1"ds, k<epi'lg same posit ion 0/ the bmlds.

-It Jour pm'1rm' fiels knots "nd uruirm. be samdll pfl)' them speci« I 4U{11fir11l. it foets pmyif;u!lIr!)'

,J to h. massaged betmeen tlse dmuJikr },fod .. s.


To relax the neck nmsdes, yo" ("1m use some simpl. s./f-m yon,' bmu! auer the bfnk 0/),0111' 'neck, «>"thillg in the midJk

otber. N01U by ",ising tbe arch Qf Ylfll1·/JtllId, bring yn1lr Ji-ngtruf bee! /o'W{!1"d eacb otber; g(J:m/y <""'Oking !lml.<qm'zing the musde» eitber -'ideo! ym'" spille. Wi'th a rb),tbmic motion, work "p _y01lr na: • muscles to tbe bas. of jour skI/it, wlle",,, lor of tension colleas. SpmJ -'Ome time ber« al1d the>! work back doum "gain. Use 0 pressure rhlll foul, '"ffiHfo rtable. Drop y~1ff head sligbtly to opm your lIeck muscles; slo,ftry sl"ruiglmming as you reub tbe bnsr o/yozl1" slndL






M assage is about much, and [Ouch is communication. Tboughes and feeli ngs tan be corn municated rhrcugh our hands, How we rot! ch can reflect and alrer our partner's feelings and our own, which ROIl back ~nd forth as OUf partner responds. The quality of QUr touch can transform a massage into a beaorifully evocative, creative experience.

However, no matter how gcnde a person" feelings are for their parmcr, massage involves


structured touch, which must be learnt to be accomplished properly. The three basic types of much, which are used regularly ill [hi, book, are effleurage, perrissage and friction.

Emeurage is an oiling stroke, good for getting to know your partner's body. Petrissage uses a pumping, kneading motion, I\' hich is wonderful for releasing tension. Friction presses into specific problems, and, best used for small areas, gives a feeling of deep release,


Tbis i$ the fo~t stroke "f {my "lOsfIIge, aud is used to spread tbe oii; as 'well {IS to milk. e01ltll,1; and explore 1m". palT",!',.'s body. Stltrtil!g with ylrlw h/ffU/S flat, fingers relaxed, glide ligbtly doom tbe body,ftelingfor knots 01" tension (top left). Allow _"IcurflTlgl!1"S to spread 11$ yO1/. .I"'"u;ecp 1"/J/m" to return, gmd1/ally Inlilillg ojl with the jingt:l1ip,. Gmerally, )'01/ should increase the Fremin' {Is J(r11 stroke trrwards the heart. Tbis stI"()ke relaxes, ff!feeti"g the nerves beneath the ski", (md belp,< return tbe blood flaw to the heart:


He,', deeper strakes, good jo,' fleshy oren r, are IIsed. l0IClldillg is tbe "MI.<I: 1IS~f,,1 extnllple. Grasp the flesb, pusbin g you;r thumb in and lJ;"J)tI)' ft'01/l ),1)11. Use YOIl" fingers to rot! the jk.,h bllek touerds yon (bottom left). Like kmading dOllgh, moue yOIll' band, altemstety; !vith .7 squeezing, rolling, lifting action. Kneading [rees the muscle fiber" in(1·etlsing ciratlation. fi-ictifm

Here, the 1.!Jumb, {We used to tlpPIy specific pressure to jomts, deep tissue mill mustl« Oller bone. PreSJ' down wing tb. pad of yollt· tbmub, cir'ding sligbt/y 1111 the spot for pcn~t!wti.f1 (1110;11 picture). Frictim: hrings ,·.1""" and stinntlates drcula tio».

fiat of hand

The flnt of the bond CI1I1 be wed for inh'odlldtJry· .;I!;rlke$ ~1!d to 'iron 0111' GC/'OS$ tbe b/U/t, moving onttua rds from besid« tb« spine. The 1JlQi'I"7Jlmt con 01.;0 be "sed ",h,.,.. strong'" pres.ITIrt is l1~edtd, Jor ,'x/lmp/t, along the thigh, Tbe Jlar of the hllnd nsed roftlJ' giilf'-S a tsarm sms« of


Tbe -,mflla oJ the skin contains billio,,_, 'if,,"nJe endings stimulated by tbe tightest touch, Uring fentbedigbt strokes )'011 con increase its smsitivity, UJlllf!, tbe pllds ofyomfiugelI, lightly trtti] down y"/1,ptntrm' 'J' ski", 'I·Vallt' YOln- fin geH down bis /)(Ick [or light sensations. Gently caress tbe d.timle areas of bis [ace and 1,111 your.tinge" tMottgb his hail', When Jh-okt;lg with yom' fingers, keep yllrfr wrists relaxed aud flexible Imt! b,-Mk Imy contact: WHitfy. Brush strokes will malee the trtmsititn: softly fi"qm om area of tbe IMliy te another.

rolling thumbs

As u'dl as using the pads of Ihr thumbs to press, the thllrllbs <fill olso be used in J rolling movement.

Tilting yor". tbmnbs ""'J sligbd)', use the tuhole length of your tbllmb to push the musde .roVn} from Y""' In IJ rolling lIUJVI:1"mt, am Ibu1IIb continues wbere tbe other smpped. Kerp the ,..11s r£11sr;IMb~y shan, and liy using yllm' t/JlI7IIbs It/te17/J1te~r, ),011 create 0 fedillg of One continuous flow. Rolling ran be used to 1001'1.: chrom fI/o"gside tbe spine, 011 the soles uf the feet, palm,-, Or gently doIm' the nos«. The ftngel'S (QIl be curled Or

22 'pn{uJ., Ina pTe,," Q7i1y witb tb« tbumbs.

contaa. You can use it to circle, or put 011' bnnd 0" top of the otber. imnnsing tbe pl'CSS1lnJ it! tbe tenter. For IIslighl variation, )'01/ can also tilt yOUi' band, huutlsing the P"'-'nll'C "it), er '/11 tbe rdge 0" tb e fo''fji-f! ger joint. This is lI.'cflll "vhm 'Wo,'ki>!g nil/rut the sboulde: blade.


ellli ),O'll,ji'llge', mt/) II fiJt, '.'ith _)'VlII' ,hlml/; tucked ill 01' /I,1Jt,-uding Hnd bend you/' iV' ist OVel' so )'0 m' Imlld/e.'· moe exposed. Now P'~" rliT".I!11 !uw the flesb, "/Ising (I fin/illg, twisting motio»; heing enetniue to ),our pOFtm.<, prrmu." needs. The !1JJ_1I,k{es ore m10' used forjlcrby, resistant arMS, pal1imlady rbe buttoeks and, with care, the soles "f the fret. By rippling ),UlJJ'fi"f!P" as }DU 'klmckk', an ilu:rigl!ing smsntioll is pn)duced, altenng tb« ,"tI:'IlSiry of tbe P,..SSI11"Il. Kct:p _)',mr tsrist ;1:riligbt tuhile Im"dding, as tbi: giws <"t!',rm1!!b to tbe mouement.


Bmd ),(}IU" 'IJriJl: lwk, lift yOIll" p"'m aud jinge:J'S digbt6' aud pflsh ,a:iJlto/ fro", y~l!, HIMg tbe musde, with tbe beef. Tbis giws tbe strol: added strengtb, peuetrmes tbe 1Imsd" d""pl)I, and givrs a .mtisfying sensation. Tbe brei am be lIsrd where added Sl'I"e"gt& is needed, 511e&

tiga''s 'mouth

So called. to de:;("yihe th« sbape of the bands tsben tbe thu",b mid fl1'efinger are sp,w"l, this /JlJ>liion, ,ds~ burJrrI as a 'V', is "red to squeeze along 7In"des aft.,efflell1"ilge. Place yOllr tlm""h ami flnifin ger "1 eitbe r side, adjmtnlg the rmgle to I:fJ1lifm'fllbly ji t (I1"OIlIld tb« »uucies: Pusb ur",anis, mJ!oy frOiJl you, ndjlLl"ti"g the flJl:Igle af yOll1" bandt» O£fw,wlodaw the muscles" incr",,,d bllik. Pusb lIS jiJr as ),Oll can · a finn pn!ssurt, Imt no t too "m-d, lmtiZ ),011 "each aJung th e mnsdes Imgth. YOIl 1lI"J' p,~[",- to ttse both bands, om hehi,," ,h. other, tlJgi"" the mouemrn: extra stnngth.

as the thigh musdes. It is /Ired fo,- deep ",diNg, esfJ"clnI6' coer finn, fi.,b), areas, like tl.le bllttocks. It can bc used to probe and p"ro blto muscukn areas, ."bil~ uo: lasi,lg a·ny ,ensitivity from ym'" tmab. Keep )'0"'- elbou: sligbtlJ

bent to create an lingle herwee!l yDW- shoulder, dbrrJJ a.nd 7wj_,r_


Within rhe r:mge of traditional rnoverncnrs (see page 20), there is 3 whole world of versariliry, literally at your fingerrips.. For large sweeping movements, being precise, or simply for differem sensations, everv pan: of (he hand can work to subtle effect. Different of (he hand can be used (0 increase prosure. ro [ouch lighrl y or playfully tease. Trs these variations our Oll yom partner, increasing confidence and ability as you experiment. \s ~ ou mass~ge, do Dot Iirnir your movements to vour hands. By using YODS whole body you C'31l increase ple~sll re in imaginative wars.


be creative

In sensual massage, you cast I,. creatiue 1viti> y01l1" /JOt!y, both in keeping contact untb )'QU,. p"'-n/~r 11m/ tb« ports yolt use to touch. Hairfeels partimlady p'~od 011

the bo~y, either sweeping "Vel' tbe skin; 01- ,111011 flicks OWl' bands 0"'1. feet. Full hody brushes, with -,kill tmiriJillg 01' tlmtillizingly close, arouse exciting sensations. As yo" 11/1/Sw'ge, life (Ill P01"tS of YOIJr

body for amtnct, arousing your parmer's senses lind increasing. pleasure for you.

Keep the body contacr close and sensitive, using rubs and brushes for sensation and delight. A whole body brush is a wonderful experience, while trailing, especially flicking, hair has 3 pleasurably unexpected feel.

We all instinctively have different ways to touch that convey different messages. Whether we are feding loving, relaxed, sensual, or playful - we spontaneous I y ex-press ourselves. The pa rts or our bodies rhar we use to express me tenderness oflove can be very di fferellt from, say, erotic arousal, J11 3 loving massage, we make use of these different nuances, when senses and receptivity are heightened. Like rolling waves, sensual caresses follow strokes for deep relaxation. Erotic arousal becomes dispersed through playful teasing, constantly affirming feelings of love. Sensual massage is

a gift of yuur 101) per cent concen[wtioll, ,In experience to which your partner need only

res po nd, It is an intimate way of expressing your feelings abour each other. Like a uuiq ue con versaeion, each massage will be di ffcrem.


the ItJving touch Tbis aJff<SSes tbe tenderness and closeness we fed, tb« sajmm tb e a tber arouses in lIS,

the erotic touch Use this to nY-MISe JOU:" l/We>;

26' stflllTJlating botb tbe body and sexual fimtll,,)"

the 1'elnxing toucb CIII", and soothirlg, we comfo,t {l11J relieo strain softly with gmtle strokes.

tb e sensual toucls Tbe experience nfjeelrog () 111" partner rbrollg" MIl' s/tn! and giving great piensur«

the stimwflt'ing touch TIJiJ can com, as /I surprise, wl'kirzg nnd n/-e'lTi"gyou,-pm1:ne:I'. A" jnvigomtiilg touch, it sends puis,,' throughout the bOl9" Good for !ib~"1"f/fmillg the senses it give.l· 1m hmmdinte fN/f!l"g)' lift.

the p.lnyful toucb ForI!.!1J, to "!Ilk< encb other Inugh, to play wgetbf:r IJnd to kt go together. Teasing end, otbe« soon. gets rid of seriousues: end is a great ten sion release and 1/11/:11,.,,1 restorer. Us. the ,M)'$ )'rm ""tumlly toud, J011" parme,. ill addition to your massl1ge ffmkes .. Abo", all, bri"g

a sense of plllyfllb!ess to tbe "IJl-'SllgC, so that it 1'e'/lIfli"s til! "'joyt/bl~ experience. A~ J'01l appHlllrb the 1Wl!iSage in tnt advr:TI turous spirit, fi sense of frm will b~ fl uiml i-ligredimt. Experiment with w11ciJing erICh ether und toTtllly give in to pleasure.


Massage for




M ake sure, first of all, you are happy [0 give a rnassage, then. check the room lor lighcing and warmth. Do the relaxation exercises (~ee pages H-17) to preporc yourself, runing in [Q your own body and IHlW YOli feel, Make sure you have 'orne oil prepared, char rhe answering machine is on, and you have enough room so a. nor to feel restricted.

When giving a massage, especially i r it is new {Q YOll, it is important to sir and move correctly from the start, Sit all your

1. easing' tension

To v.gil] the massllgc, knee! III JOllr partner's bead, {'till fon/Jflrds mtd gmtry nSl Y"'"T bmw! 011 his shoulder: (abovr ,·igbt). Simply fi" tbe tontaa. 'mogille t/;. flO'll' of energy from yOll to JO"I' P"'1- fU!I', lit this pai1ll, ytJllr hands 1/II'Y

pick lip illjo17J1otjOl' obo"t /;Im' your pormrr is f.~li1!g, bow tense or re1t!:o:ed he if. Toting 1J1Iything Y011 feel, :moke tbi, " 1II1i1/mlt simply I~ anmea. After oiling YM" Imnds, glid. gi!llfly doun: the bodl (bdo'1J! left), os if yOIl1" b"nds ,,'e," melded To yom'


Pfll"t-ll"" '; body. SPI"'(ld JO"" bands at tbe lower bll,k ();elllW center} ff/uf ,",eep upumrds 10 tbe sbonkiers in Ime lli1lg amtinuous mouemau ~)elow). Repea: seuerat times to ease tension, elldi1lg the strokes flowing dQum the 1117I1S. This is 0 gentle r'm .. dm:l"OIY frlo".."em.

2. knead squeeze and 7'011

N/rr.J" to tb! sid. mId plIJ(t 0'" Dlllui Imd.r )'111'.,pmtner': SbMlrI .. ', Imt! all' bmld 011 top, dose 10 bis sboulder blodc. Gmtly ease the 'TIll/stirs round tbe Motk, a/ the rome N"" as pul!;"g s1igIHly tmsard )'0" witl) the irm''''' band (J~fr), Use II ff"tlol",,,adir/g ./IOVeme11t olollg the top of the .!"b01l1d.,·, stnrting ot tb« curer edge nnJ 1IJ0V;lIg t1f"iJ:onls tbe neck (rig/;t). SI]//(= lint! rol! to Mse OIlJ tmsion, (liking C""'IM to dig in IYJiJ ,jeep. ~V1Jell y/t1l remb tbe lIeck, retum; ami begifl llgo;".

heels, have one leg up, or kneel on a ell hion or pillow, but ensure rhar as far as is possible your spine is straighr. Let the movements 0011' through YOllr arms, but nor come from them. Instead, involve yom whole body, and move [1'0 m the hips, Don ot srraiu to ex C IT pressure, especially if YOllr partner is much bigger, but ndjmc yOlll' po,ition and use y"ur whole bod)' weight, Have your hands constantly moving, except for the initial contact and final rest,

I eep the flow rhythmic and continuous,

Lisren to your partner's body, being aware of the way it changes, and see how it reacrs to

J. rallillg thtflflhs

No» 1'mW!1 to youI' pm tner " head, alld usillg the mouemen« of rolling thumb" '",",'k tbe tritmgk bensee» the base '1)'0111' pOl'tlIe1"r neck and the sbonlder. Begim';"g in tbe 11'Ilgle tobere YOIl fmished tbe kl1el1dillg mouement; pusb down, rolling dingol/olly tl)'/1'OI'd the spine. Do tbis mouetuent ".t',ml times ;topping en mcb sbor: of the spin",

your strokes, From the beginning, check with YOllr panner for pressure, encouraging feedback on what feels good Or if they Want more, When receiving massage, thoughts and crnotions come and go, flirting like douds across the sky. Be receptive if your pa!'tller WJllCS to share these impressions with you, or respect their need fDr quietness and space,


In a natural stare of health, we deal with stress and tension. Afier tensing up, we would then let go, In a sedentary, restricted lifestyle, with


4. 1YJlling down the spine This- 'mfYVe11U!~U is {J CfJutimU},, a lid brillg," the tbumbs doum tbe Imgth Qfthe spin«. Increase tb« Imgtb of the mils, keeping 1m nub IrWI'y from the spine, fwd using ,IIternotmg strokes doum to the lower bock, TIJelL, before ,'cocbing the pelvic bene return to tbe Upp~I' ba,'" ,md repea: tbe mooemm: II 11mllbel' of times. Tbi: f/U'JI;1Ig, rbytbn: if "Qllin,'!, d isp'ne, tens ;0",

rou"d, W"..k tigbt "o1md ta the sb(J1I/lif:rjoin.t, and after completing lb. stroke seuera! times, slide d(lill>1

/0 tbe hand. Pick "1' the "'714 aga;" S'lipportirrg tb e trrist mId elbow, mId retum fhl m'1!! [!;Mt/y III ym"partner's side. Stm1in g at th e sboulder, use V"Y ligbt br/lshm1Jke,- TO trickle doum the 'w'" W tbe fingonips (0./>(1110 rigbt). In a movement like a wat.rftlt~ ""p.m this ""lny times The stroke, wbile tight and sensitive, ,hould be quite dcfmed. K"c.t at YOIl1' pm1"'~"s bend ,lIul usk bi»: tn slowly turn it, 1Isin/( yo",' bands gentll' ss« guide. With tbe h."d em'ned (>ighl), ym' lin rM~r to repeat tbe moucnumts 011 tbe other rbou!d(ff.

5. shoulder and arm

Mov. to y"m' partner's side and pick lip lb. arm, S1lp{lilrtillg the tsrist mJd efbow (lift). Pia" the fll'''' be h ind YOt''" pm"tl'er's oluk,

so th~ ,-bolllde,- MuI, is e.,pom/, S"ppqrti"g tho $bol<Mer with 011. hllud underneath, witb the otber, -",ork '"OImd the sholllde,' blnd. (bclrnl1, lift)· Un"g the jim "fy(mr band to jollow th e com/nil', begin at: the top of tbe s boulder and puil


increasing demands and pressure, the tendency is for the stress (0 build up. This has a negative effect on us. 'W" become neurotic, agirarcd, anxious, our minds constantly overactive and unable to switch off. Sleeping or eating badly, using drugs or alcohol, we lose touch with ourselves and damage om relationships. Physically, we become tense, our muscles can harden and tighten; we may suffer from headaches, back problems and restricted movement.

The beaut)' of massage is [hat it is a natural treatment, it feels good and can have a profouod effect on us. Massaging the muscles

6, cjJlcnnlgillg the buttocks

Aftl!i' ')In=giJ>g the "PP"'- bllt-lt, mwe litrU,,, .:rOIfJ' partner's body I1J efp."rngc tho buttocks. Put IIlitt/~ oil &11 y&III' hands, Ibm plnr~ them. 011 the TOp to begin the stroke. With a giid,"g mounnent, ,,,It,,ls molded to the body, ,weep out and '"O'II/Id, jollowi71g tbe C{)1It01l1' oftbe hips, Keep The movement generous, and flllo7I,j'llg tbe ,dle" of flesh, come rp'lllld to the crease and ,u;ecp upward" to stan agnin. Tbil' 11I0Ve1llel11 ficlI"e;- smsation Oil tbe buttllCks, in puparation fl11' the deeper stroh s to fiJllow. At the same time as b"irig


frees up an)' congestion. Loosening comracred muscle fibers, it aids the elimination of waste products via che bluod and lymph. Massage stirnulares the circul arion, cao lower blood pressure, and has a tonic effect on the nerves .. The nerves rei ate directly [0 our organs, so it is often the case that mas,age can regulate the body, helping it function more efficiently. The cneq,'Y that was diverted to maintaining a state of tension is now released, and the feeling is more vibrant, Through the effect on the nervous sysrem, the mind Can gradually quieten, producing an all-over feeling of well-being.

extr~",ely plessurable to "U/_<mge, the lnutocks can (I"')' a 1M of tm.r;l»t, '11Ih icb is "ot rU"tMffy jelt. So use )'Mir bands to sens« our y{ml' pm·1:tu!j·)r tnnscles, /tn-d) if tense, tb.y ,'houki begll' to release under you, bands. The buttocks contain tbe strong giutetl/ musdes, _1'0 tbr pressure ytnl lise in this area can be n(/simably jiml. Remember to start with yOlIl" bands in 1/ sO'·lllfd.iviflg positio», then '/11"'111 lb. fi"ge-rs to include as nntcb jle.fb tI5 yuu. can. As wony people spelll/ rlJltt'h of their ! rues ,;mug doum; this pal"tiClIllw mouemenr elm give eU(J~71l0UJ" SlltisJ'ff~ti()1f..

7. circling the sacruni

Plad"g om h'l1Id 011 top q{ the otber firr n. steady p,-eml.r., position 1m,,, bands ouer yom' PIf/'"t1I. ,r~,sacrum: Tbis is the central, bony trinngl. tlmz ends just below where the b"l:Wi:k crease /111;'''$, Hr.'!h the "IlIVfflMU goilig anti-dotkwise, circle ),Q'''' bauds ",."atlfy around tlie SIU17.'m'S sbnp e. lG;ep )'mtr fmger< flatouer the bone, t1pplyi"g a steady, medium-ligbt pre,mn This stroee d;<pds II /1}1 "f tensum. Tn. the sacra] area lies all. i"'ponm,r nerue center, Tillfilily

connecting to the By "a"illg in this way the nerves are soothed, and ymlT partner will [ee! tbe 'ffod; in the legs, bips and lotser btl.d. Check to "111/" sure the 1"0,,"",., fid, ,.-ig/; t and tba t ),011. are no t appl;yillg fingertip prermn as you moue. Tbe circlin If should be $IOlV, geJM'Olts, ami fie! .;r;tn;mcty ,atiifj;ng, both to tbe one ""I'reivi1!g a"d tlie om lobo give,. After cvlllpleti>tg the circles seueral times, yon will fed loos""ing in tl" ana a, a ",ho',. ThiJ' ,;gJJul< it is

170m time to 1"/[171 yo",' a ttention buck to tbe bunacks.


8. kneading tbe bock Lt'llI/ing acros: to yUIll" plwfner'.I' QPpl/,df~ /1IIff(}rR, /If,f{iu tu Imend, tollhlg allli slj1mziug t"~.fleI], (obnt'e). Film, livrfJ' prnSllre [eels gOOlllm'f; th.1IIr1V<111t·/Jf should be d,'~p 1IIId libernlil1g. Thr k1!eadillg 1II0i'Olltnf raruiJIII<!S ntlllll"iJD_¥ lip IIJ~ hlld" (n/woe rigt'f), jirfllfil,jllg 1/1" spine. an itub 'i'iJ"'V, rig},t lip 10 tbe lIerR. _-llt/mugi> lb. TII01Hi,mrt herr "-'ill /Ie nnrrouie« ,III/111m,..' sbtdlow, t/;~ I'jfitJt is 1:_'Ondl1jill!)'fi"·-I·~I1Cbillg. S'1'il(b

pt{nimll'll" I'Itlt'lI/ ilm j,,_'rwrm I be ,.houMeI· blades, 1111</ from I here, hop dou» the rest of tbe spine, still willl the th"",hr. This should be '1l1ife ligbllllU/ "O/lIIey, p"e~\'illg bt'iej~l" flI lorgel" interoats. "OWlI fO I be IOWN' bllck ("fUnD). F>WII bere.

mlil yo/It" fi /1W1' "OWI/ tbe 'O"'fT .'phl~, tbeu pillc. J'~"'- hlllJ(/, to /','SI 11<1= the bf/ck (7//nift picture). Speml SUllie moments bere. just boti: ~fy'lt/ rrstillg, It is s sofrf/Ild g~mk lW~r 10 (illi/plett II.~ b(lek.

sides, mlfl i'"P"1r1 I/;es" 111111 mot'tJ1I1I:J1fS., tbe» ffJ1I1t1 dfJ'{Dn tb» Illlrk IIsiilgJ'D/1r Ibumbs (tlbov.~. Pr.'SS 11'1/1.1 tbe palls, "t (1.'1:>1 ;111<'11.'114, 11110 ,b~ 1II11.\'d,' Imnds eir/;,'i' slilr IIItl" sphw Pay


Perhaps the real heart of massage is the human conract that ir provides. JUS[ being touched and affirmed is often enough Wben giving massage, take care not to be judge-

mental; it is. process of coming together, l1O[ one of standing back. Through massage IVe

once again feel comfortable with our bodies, rediscovering just how great the body feels, eeling new, We see rhe world with fresh eyes, rediscovering our enthusiasm for simple things.

As the person giving massage, we can do a lot for our partner. It is a wonderful skill to develop. Giving is also relaxing, so as we


9. rolling the head

Apply a little oil to your bllnds. With yrnw parmor ~1} his bark, neck straight, place yow' hal/IiI on eitbe« side of fl., bead. Clip ),"w' hmltls flfOlmd tho base, fingerJ 1'!l1/thing tit tbe /;tick 'I tbe /leek. Now, n)!! y01<1' pmtner', bead II.,ing)¥JIW /if!; b{U/d, rJJC rigbt blind giving ligbt su ppu,t. The bead _,ho,,/d ,."It ljuite "'(lrm-aJly. lfyollr partner is tense, encollfllge bin: to 1ft go. Repeat IIsilzg YO'In' rigl,t /;01111, mill gently Toll the bend the other wny.

10. pulling the neck

Place ]I)ur bands IInder the neck, Clipping ""011/11/ the base oftb. head. Pull back geMly toward )'011, keepillg,Yollr fingers tmder tbe bony ridge uf the Jkllll, The t/il'ccti01I uf the pult is like 11 tunrimtation of tbe spitu, pliiling bilek, ,lIt1'"r tba» up. Do t.his mooement just once.

12. pushing the shoulder Wit" ylmn·ight bmld still SllPP(JItillg the helld, slille Jim)'

lift dmJt" _Y"IJ1- PIl'J'f"''''_, neck

,,,,a a/mig the sbo"Jd~r, Wbm

YIJ" reatb tb« edge of tbe sbo"Jdc~', gmtly P"S" d01Vll awoy jiWIl

_YUI/, givi>lg the neck muscles II SIItisfjlillg _;11"I't~h, To ill/nose thu strettb, 1',,1/ ,-fightl)' with :)"111" ,·ight hondo Aglll1l, ),011 shouid do' • this movement. jmt 0''" lime.

13. rotatiag the scalp

Refilm )'"lIf left ba/id to _),ou,· pm1ilc,·'s bead, and spreading ym,r fingers, pres" down with the pnds S"," we )"""- wbolc baml to malee .7 <irtfn,!!, mooemeut on II!" scalp, foelillg J'ki." moue ouer lsme.

Ramte one ere«; tbl!/i "'ove ~", Tum J'Oltl' partner': b eat! to repent moiement: 12 and 11.

1 I. turning the head

To turn the bend, wop botb hmulr on eitber ride, Tom· th1l'f"bs 171 fnmt of tbe lim, jonjing"'-' b,billd. NIYW, cmtlling tbe bend, til>" it v~ry glm-tly, so it. rests oil top if)'I)llr bmu'- The beauty if r-eceiving massage is tbat, for MW:, tber« is '10 ,).~~d to mak«

UII effort "i'-"'Y !?i>uI.


massage, 01Jr own bodies also let go. in being the giver, you are the One taking responsibility for a while, so it is up to you to make sure you have everything you will need.

A relaxation massage is a completely different experience. You will find OUl many new rhi Ilgs about your partner. Gerri ng [Q know your partner's tension means knowing your partner better. To relieve that tension is an invaluable gifr. The massage is for your enjoyment, so as yo\l both relax, the pleasure will flow between you.

''Ii e all experience the need co relax, 10 have rime when [here are no demands pm upon us. To have tile luxu ry of regaining our equi libri- 11m, letting stresses and strains si rnplv drain ~way, Through a relaxarion massage, the process of relaxing end being relaxed by our parmer creares a specia I atmosphere of intimacy and

14. completing the relaxation massage HIlVillg completed 11Jo,-k .11 tbe "we {mil neck, press ~vith thumbs tlJgetb~r lip Jail,. partner's ftn-ehMd. 1Vlove ill (I stmight tine fi'01lt bettsee: the 'yebrrlws, pre"l>!g gently with yom· thumb prllls, unonrds tbe

rru: t. Purring ourselves, literally, into our partner's hands increase, the understanding on both sides, A. the same time, being refreshed and in a relaxed frame of mind leads on to greater creativity, and ill turn, [0 better sex,

W hen giving a relaxarion massage, you I' mind is on your parmer, and your wish and ability [0 help. While sensually pleasurable, the massage relaxes rather than arouses. There is no pressure on your panner to respond. Satisfaction comes as youl· partner visibly lets go, a smile of enjoyment and relief creeping across his 0, her face,

If rhe relaxation mn.,s~ge is to be successful, your partller must want 10 relax. It is no good going through the motions wirh someone who is unwilling to receive. It is a decision taken before you scan, and is your partner's most important contribution to the massage,

bairline. Contnme the movement tbrougb tbe hair

to the center of tb. bend. This nuniement, ",hil. ,-elerJsiTlgfim:hf'tJd 1",,';011, can be felt en.,-illg tigbtness in the jm». Resting, 1vith yrlU1· bauds mpping tbe ber/d, completes the 1nllfSnge,



A Full Sensual



Giving your parmer a full sensual body massage is almost on extension of rhe movements with which you will now be famiiinr. A sensual massage incorporates (he strokes used fm' relaxation with C"""5e5 (0 "rouse and sri mubee. While you relax )'oU' partner's body, you arouse and heighten the senses through your rnovernencs, As you use your hands, Y[Jllr fingerrips play over your panner, making contact, releasing slowly, and promising more. Allow the rnnvernenrs of [he ma,."ge [0 draw YOllr p"nncr's senses to your hands as they move in gcnde, flowing erotic rhythms,

The quali [y of }r(mr [Ouch, (he \,ray you use you, hH nds, changes when YOll gi ve a sensual massage. It is " powerfu I cornbin arion. Sofr, releasing strokes, firm pressu re strokes CD peneIra tc c hem usclcs, eogerh e r wi th light, ra nt 111i~i ng


rou CbC5. The changes go in cycles, the movements rhyrbrnic and Rowing, blending from One into the nexr, To relax your parmer use soft, soothing strokes to explore [he hody and ease "way any i rnmediate tension, The pressure, while ge n tI e, is deli nice an d Ii rm. Dee p p ressure strokes go right into the body, reducing any build -up of tension in the muscles. The relief of being touched so deeply is almost reugible To enh •. nee you r sensu" I strn k es use a I igh rer tou c h tha r is less defined, releasing slow ly, and lingering as

YOll finish For example, after squeezing up a muscle, gen ely release yOUf hand, then trsi I l'OIlr fingcrs dclicarely along [he skin. The final rnorncnrs of rhc movement become almost irnperceprible. As yo" massage, use you r hands to bll ild the exd temenr fur your p~rmer, rben through

s rill n ess discharge the feelings YOll hu ve arou sed rbroughour the body.

W hen you give a mJosage for relaxation, you r body movemeurs are unobtrusive, the focus being the therapeuric bene/its for your panner. As you give a sensual massage, try [Q involve your body more and your ~nJo}'menr and wholehcarrcdness will be comrnunicared to your pnnncr, Sensual brushes and full skin contact wi II enhance your partner's experience, adding co the sensual pleasure, During ma."age, pay attention ro the nuances of rouch, exploring and rnaki ng COnr~CI creatively. Every stroke should be a source of pleasure for YOUr parmer, so it is important to listen ro the repnns,,-, of the body .. You will very quickly feel 0' sense if something is not quite right. Ask yOUI partner 10 provide Feedback as you go olo'lg. F ar from derracri ng from the milssagc this enhances you r cornrnu nication, Th e beaucy comes II' hen you are so fine-

I)' III ned to each other rhat needs and respoflS"s are completely automatic. At first you will need [[) practice a lirrle. While [he hands learn surprisingly fast, rhe rnosr imporranr factor is the How of feelings from your heart. If you are massaging simply to give Co your parmer, your partner's body will trust yow' hands Trust is a vital ingredient of [he ma.""ge and Increases as the experience progresses, The massage should be au "f~jrlll"tion of yO\1I' palm"", As you will discover, there is nothing 50 deer],Y eroric, AI you perform rhc movements, use the sounds of your breathing, your 0 wn unique noises, ro please Rlld arouse your partner, There co n be nothing more enjoyable f"r your partner than to know that you are receiving pleasure from giving massage. This applies equally as 1'011 receive, Express your appreciation and satisfaction.

Through sensus I massage, each "rea of the body is oro(Jght co fife, in a proces~ of continuing discOI'"ry, The soft, inner parnl of the body are extremely sensual and erotic, For example, the crno k of rhe elbow, the throat or the back of the

knee will all tingle wi th sensuality when touched. While special areas of the body stimulate more than others, arousing massage makes the whole body an erogenous zone, Take rime ro milch and explore, deriving pleasure from each new discovery. Use rhe proces.< of the massage {O create and he inventive, developing the eroticism of [he body. Touching sensually and sensicively, you can electrify your parmer increasing rhe intensity he tween yOll.

In me foiJ01Vi)lg page" you have ~ step-bystep guide to a full, flowing sensua I massage, £~ch stage "nd movement follows on from rhe next, covering both the back and the fronr of the body. The movemenrs from rhe relaxation massage are also included. Use the sequence til guide you, incorporaring your own experience and ideas, and of course your OWn unique knowledge of your partner. Also included is more gener.' information til give you further insights into the body and more especially inro your partner. I<:vcryrhing is there simply to be used . Enjoy b"i n~ting rhe strokes ro i ifc,


2. Itneading

Aft~r )'0/1 b~ve ejJleurag,d the whQle bnck, YOIl gemiy jmMJ tbe top of tbe W!)II/deJ' 1JJitb )'{)llT fhllmllS,

-,,,,, e ezing tb.little rolls ofjlesbwitb )lom- filJg,,·rrips. Begillnirlg at tbe outer edge, contirm ~ tbe mouemen:

(Q the nrck, ~"t!iug with /Quger teil-Sjl1g 'IJINcze_, to draw your partner'r senses. YOII should a/:wrIJ! w01·k 011 tbe sbQ"fd.". j"nrmg ~'I1)"0'" JOn, tober« the nmsde is exposed. Ar ),ou kmad tbc shollld~r, iJ17Isb tbe arms rl1" krwad tb« lIrck, pfn:y with yOllf pmtnet-'s senses, va>yl1lg tbe illtmsil)' of YOIl1- toucb ..


rime, as ),Oll' hands caress and feel om rile uody in the first effleurage, note [he sensations your partner's ski n produces in ),our hands. feel the rexrure, lny changes in roughness or smoorhness look a! rhe color, the elasriciry and the warmth. Depending on her mood, health, or the d'lY'S experience, ,be skill ",ill ll~'y'e ch9nged subtly from your last remembrance of ir. Pay artenrioa to your own feelings as you massage in the oi I, nllowing your hands ro How over rhe

ski n. Allow the in viration of YOLlr parrner's skin to d,3W )'01.11' hands into contact wi th the bock.

3. circling

After tbe kmfwi11g motion, press )'Q1I," thumb i" a!a'lg tlse »msde, "Il!k;',C smnJt hn1j~cird;"g "1(!1}fjl1fl11S frQm the,dg" of the ,boulder imuards, Press firmly to begin the circle, easing the p,·eSS//.1'f; q" tbe thumb maoes round, Draw your thumv /lWrl)' fi'lJ"fl1 each rird. /igb.t/)' rmd .>'"wlj" This continues tb« Msmg 1ferr that yOI! b'gm, ,vitI! tbe kn.admg_ Afte,' etlSillg, let the pressure trsil aWlry, romirming contact Dud arousal -witb ]mer finge,·ti ps. Ensing th. 1I'","ks is much more effiaiv~ than. usin g hard pre-,sure,


The back is a large and variable area co mas-sage and you will need to keep ill mind as vnu work rhar tbe kind of pressure on rite ojWI11cJer." lower back and buttock, need, to be different, You rna)' find quire of" lot of tension has collected ill [he shoulde,.,. ~speci.11J1' in ,he "!"ap~;Jus' muscle th at ru ns acros the shoulders, neck and upper back. Pressure here should be sensiti ve ""d only slighcly firm. W j rh righr muscle. it ;~ tempting It> use hard pressure but if )'Oll pr~ss [00 hnrd the muscles will fight back.

If you I ike, before you starr the sensual massage on tile shoulders, Y(Ju can incorporate some of ,he relaxation massage (see page, 39-41). Once you have mussaged the shou lders, move down

to rlle lower hack. Exploring rbe area, glide over [he sofr contours of the sacrum, buttocks and hips. The lower bad call he a particularly vulnerable or strained area, and lighwe,s here ClIO Cut off full sensations. Some relaxation movernenrs before the sensual massage will relax dw lower hack and bu rcocks, opening you, partner up to the full freedom of sensual reeling.

4. stroking

II-love to yonr pnrmer 's sid« aft,r (Dmpteting (be rhumb "QII.< firm, tb~ Ike" y rhardde,. tJ irUigte to til( spine (see page 32). Stroke d()Wl1 tbe 1I'II&;I.s 1:0 the side of tb« spine witb tbe who/eo[ ),our brlnd,

ming tiffbt, caressing mouements. A ltern« tillg your halU/:;, r:md lightly lJJ;tb yom"jillgertips as YOl;' romp/ete end! stroke, Ihlgurillg 01181' tbe JI.'in. D,.",,,, bmn, Ilsing these rolli" g brushstrokes, frarll

tbe ned: to the bm·e of tbe sp ine.

gende pressure. Keeping UT! i nch our from the spine, press evenly along the muscle bands, paying auencion where you feel raised areas

of muscle, Use [he sensitiviry of your fingers co feel rhe rex m re 'IJ1d ti gh zn <"S.', a lid as J~ml press correspond YQur movements ro your partner's exhalation, As nerves. branch our from the spine connecting to (he whole body, [his will be a high Iy sensitive and releasing moverneur for your parrner, As you reach the top of the neck, b,·j ng your ha nds once more to yOU( partner's lower hack to draw awareness away from (he

!\ deeper pressure used around the buttocks feels im mediately s"ti,fying and releases Strong 'erotic, sensual feelings. Follow deep relaxation round [he hips by muscle srirnuludon, [ben .'oft 3rollsing skin caresses to bring rhe senses ro )jJe. Rei axarion followed by caresses and arousal provide a cornbinaricn that is diHicu 1 [ co resist,

When you come to massaging the spine and ned, yeu shou ld be p"tticul,rly carefu 1. Both ~feG~· are \fery sensirive fwd rlXl"i re .~ more

head, and fully connect (he back. This movement isa lso a reminder of the feelings eariier aroused, as gencle sensations diffuse throughout rhe body. You mol' choose at this point 10 conrinue rhe body m;]SSllge, 01· [axe ri me ro explore your partner's bad ; n creative ways. Of all (he a1'CUS of rhe body, the back appreciates rn assage most. You will fmd that yO\1 have to change position severn I times as YDU mass"ge the back. J\{Jke sure )IOll have enough room co m~ne~ver.



). fiupl strokes - kilellding and brushing

To complete Y""'· "lnsfl1g~ of tbe "'ppe,· bIlek, move ym,]" pmTm"r~; 17m, behind ber bll,k, en,i"'g the fill/Sri" tn"01md the sbculder Mule. S/ill with y""" flY.;Je"" btJ1Ul mpp011ing IN,. shollldi'1; Its" tbe bee! 0/)'01'" hand to

push the nmscles 011 tbe blade iudi (moin picture). Move yo"'· blind diagollull)', toward the shoulde,.joint, pushing ,IQwly and deep~' ,,/(mg the tm/odes" Ease .he pressure to fo/low tbr contour of the shoulder dow" the firm. n,.ingiug tlse finn /'(I<"k to your pmTi'''''s side, use ligbt bmsbstrokes all the ,va] d01!W to the fingertips (aboue). Bm,b s'owly and sem"lltl!!:y, "'lri~ j,"gel1lp to fingenip, yo" amtinne the sensation even tlfM· J'Qur hand hilS gom. Gmt!)' Imead )'INK,. pmTIW1'~' ue,k (be/ow), 'II<illg ,/0,", gemle stroke: to tense 0 III till)' tension thell hold tb« bnir s,*~, as she turns ber bead. KrJet/d mIce lIg/ill, then repea: the "'OV"''''''S Oil the otber side.


6. the btlftOck$

IV[({!Jjllg t(rY'nw parl'Wr'" kgs, jJCm' "little mOn! oil into )~m' hn'IJds, j\iirw !J~gjll tQ~fflwmg" lb~ ~utM""s (1I!1I<i)1 piaure). Fan "lid rpn'Ild.~Qm II'!> Ite,.s, fc1iffll,iJ,g the IltJily t'imtoIW,-, tWI!/,ud t!)~ {mlier {Mdt, hipflflldtbr tOpf oJtbe thigb,. Swrep )'OU,,. bands "lmJ/jrd, 111'Id ~lftml1/"df, s/tuped to th~ "m'e~ Qf flf' b, ;mtii l"!!111 J' "uh is "lIVered with ,t/ film cf oil. ;;I'll); )'0111' ha",ih pre.o;1'1![l, dlll'-'" Imd imlltl,.,~, c;,-cft rbe beets j'l116 tli~ butto~k.r, ., !I/J'wn, ilp-W/n'ds Imd·OiIt to

saCl'll1 drn:ting, -Ib,'! _'Prend lour bends out (lC'IlJ.I;' the b(/~k (abmie). As yQII mO'/le t&~ l>tI1N" up,"'t, fae! t b r -dimple" 400 tbe euroes of t h~ bllttodu, ending rbe movement. with Jo"r fimuf .. 1:!.1I"t'eli nrDl#J(f the h;/JS- Mm';"lJ urrrm to the .J"idf,

'{Ell." to /..'Jwu:/ yow' ptwm «'. bZlUack. '1)'11b II 5lltiifyiltgl gemralis mouemsnt. Tben pross in with tbr beel Qf.~01I'1' /Jlmd, mnk;1lg deep, p,-obi!l.I\, ,-;,../ing movemtllts, bril'gir1t lb. p,.emli"if in. towrmlja" (helow lift). Feel rhe jill/sri." pn:fstII"lil!l,,1 ,bo IJip$,

"n$i,.g out tiTfj tensisns t~ /n-iJiIl the ,!'I'oa to lifo. GimtiwIf, this m01!IN!.Iffll wil}; )'IJUl"firtf{""/'ip! (above), J!i'.-nd1.1I!1I_y easing into tlse bip jl,im to S'1J(/1Qollilll1jilf ,mull!im/." oj"dcejJ releas« fb)-Dugb Yf!.IIJ' /!II:rtn~r'.J" pehli~ find .thighs.

Bo!)\' AW'\K~NE5,

The W<ll' we seem to see things means rhar we rend to divide them i lito parts Bur the rea lityis rhar each area of the body opens into 3 nether and rhat every par< is connected 10 rhc nexr, The powerful shoulders are needed for arm movernenr, rhe leg' arc a ff"''ired by [he lower


TN; if II Jigbt-hMrted !I1NI stimulating mcuemeni that pull! lb. jZerbli"<D.:ry fl·"1i' tbe bQti:J'. Keeping Y01lr umsts "e/axed, pull 'nHlI""dJ of flesb bettueen ),OIW fillg('1:< and Ih1l",b_, up tDlJJar-d Jim. Alternate y""1" blmdJ- to m{lk. 'l"itk, fighT. pll,.king "'1J1!~IiWf!rJ', clY"Jillg tb« '·;ppling"fJ'Ql,r pm"tne:r'sf/c,h Tbis pioyjirl movemmt will ,'tilllu/Me II1Id IIHt/{$' ),'ml" pa1"t"'~r, spre(ldin g tingling 01· tickling sensations

5 4 "~,,. 11" buttocks //lId lip tbe bork.

7. knucklitl;g

To wtnpfete tho deep pressure movements, flnll_your hand

into a [ist, pres<ingjirlllfy, )let smsi'tiue{)" with )10111" knuckles, AI you,. hasuls arc ,,",v fmuili{w snitb tb« area, Jim will b. nble to lOOSe!! tI:11SW1/, Press iut» tf" flesb, fteling brrw the buttocks usp""d Imdr")'Oll,. t011d>, mMll"Dgi'lg tbe »msdes to release and open

b~d. TI,e lower b~ck leads in ro ri,e swell of el, c


buttocks, the ribs follow round [0 the swell of

the breasts, Wilham judgement, preferences, likes or dislikes, simp 11' open your mind us I'OU r fingers explore. With each stroke, a IV hole new world opens 'Up, every inch of skin hal something diffcrenc ro reveal.


Now tbsr tb« Il1JttJJtks are a/rue and th'g/i"g, stroke up ""'}" ""'J' tightly bettseen tbeu: with the bucks cfJ~"r hll",1,f. Wm,1; YQ/I" p.a,.h",r'J· ,kin thrill to the trlllch tIS y.(rtt am.ti~1:lH!_ As ~7Hlltifm .. ~ heigh tim, We a sproadi"g stroke 10 di}fli-'~ erotic flehng,.

The skin is the I,.rgcsr urgan of the body. Sensory receprorslie [ust below it> surface, relaying mess:a~1-i m rhe cen rr8l nervous s_y.:sL~m. The sense receptors respond j'ng to rouch are 'j,Tery s~115jrive, and Con be stimulated hy extremely light pressure, Some respond ro n firm pressttr~, while ether alert the body <CI pain. A, you mags"-ge, II li!_1hrer pressure will generally arouse and stimulate, whi Ie a heavier pressure will relax and release the body, Use variations of pressure for rhe sensual massage, arousing, releasing then ·.lr<JIIsing again. L~t the rllov~mem. oml stroke, blend one into the other, so alteruunng and changing, the rhyrh on remains smooch. Your partner', senses should be following )'our hands bur left guessing, and you should nor make any ",dden movements.

The inrirnacy of ,he COn'"C, is very special.

Profouud knowledge and insights into you,' parmer can develop. Simply keep rile m""age Ilowing, alert ro your partner's ,a'ponsc. The feelings ,he massage arouses in you flow through your hands, to ch"nge, rise and fall and

guide your touch. As feel ings increase, and vour own senses are aroused, allow this (0 inspire your strokes, "rile gre.a'rcr }'our own ~ens:l~ons and in ru i ti ve responses, rh e grea rcr you l' Ci1 joyment will be, As growing enthusiasm is felt ~y one p.l",ner, so the other will respond in ki "d. Lee che (~dings between Y"u build and build.

10. diffusion

Cltp y""r ham/:; "'" ... the sacrum, tben "lrtW~y pult J07,," h{mds apm1, hugging th'711 over the !'ips ami /J,.;'lging ,he'!1l dCllllTl rh, thig/Jr_ Trlli.llY}jwith ylmf fi"glinips!1S Y"" compl,u the stroke.



11. 'irtmitlg'

Move yllln- PQritia 1]. so that YOIi can rcach the entire btlek easily, in prepm 'ation fQ~' the 'inmillg' srmke. Starting tbe ""JI)emC"l1 t just aboue the hip"', position yo,.,. bomb' either s ide (llbe spine. Tbe heels fnce IiIWfWd .. , fi"gn-tips sp,"eodillg out ac1'OSS tbe flack. Tben start to draw)'l)llI' bands op",'t, 1tSillg a firm, even pressure, to slide y1mrfi"gen mwmd tbe ribs With The whole ~f tbe fiat of the band, iron alit the 111 usd.s {IS ),011. push away from the spine, dlsprming tension. in the MI's,,1 muscles, tbe broad muscles tlrat IJdp move the arms (,'ight,l. As your heels move touiards J'olLr partnfl"s sides, add light caressing touches witb YOI/" finger, to.the feelings of streub and release:

Tben witb YOIl,' finge,tlps, dmg back rmum"1f the spine, hringing the beels af your /;(1lld:r back togetbe!', Position you,. hands ft.· the next stroke slightly fiwtber lip the back, and with "0 bresl: ;11, continuity, repent the stroke. WO'1'k leis/we~l' lip the back, Keep tbe pressure on the out-<1JII1'" strokes, YQm'1t/Qvt!mellfs big and gmel'(J1,$, which yow pm11m' will enjoy. As yo« come to the uppe,' back, book your band. s anmnd ber shouklers, puJling VelY slight!:y "p

5'6 snd bat'k t011)",'d you, (right)

12. wringing

To <011#1111< tb« 1II0V~lIlf!1lt, slide your bnnd« eV/m/y fl"D'lII a'mund the shoulders, fmd h"illg them, palms filii, toward., each other. Lend with y"UffiJ!g~ .. $0 yOllr arms cross over encb otber, rbe bands hugging the body Ii11 opposite sides (left), Curling yow' fingen to tbe form oftbe body, pull your band: bllck tmuard each other, "mit tbe_y cross in tbe center of the bock (below left). Continne the pressure 1II0Vfmmt ns your htnJf!J slide apert from eacb otber, »wving to mold 'YJ /IJ/,t/ tbe ribs 0" either side. Tbis 1Ilirvemmt bas a bugging, ,[)j'i"g'"gfie!, and is extremely satirfjillg, lIS fim tbe '11m scles tin moved in tmoard the spi"', Ibm .rltn~ly '71100th,d ImJ stretched (!wilY, Without

IrrMkillg tbe rbytbnr, use yom' finge11ips /0 C/l"J"CSS ym/!" permer': sides, As Y01! turn yom' bands, point .yom'li'll gen I!P tile body, Tben dmg yow' fil1gm «s YOIl

brill g tbe band: back /011)(11"(/ ..

mel: Qr/;I'!', cross 01/C1', and slide once mot. to tbe position 011 opposite sides. Movillg sligbtly fW"tbe-r down tbe back, repeat tbe w"j"girlg flrld returning nnti! once ngrti" )'0" 'we tit tb« bips. Keepillg the movement I"Ontim.lo1l.l, YlllIkillg down )'0"''' partner'» b~ck, 1~i II arouse deligbtfllt fotlings.



While injurie5 should receive medical nrten- 0.0'1, yoa can ease prob lcrus as YOll massage. Do no, massage directly over all injury, bur work the surrounding area gently. )\1\ uscles around an j njury ofren go inro spasm co protee, ir, J\'[,\~~age can help relieve ,he s,iffne:;s caused by [his, allowing (he injury co heal. The body will often C0I11pensa!; (0 protect a

pai nful area, so when [he riki1[ shoulder hurts, you should also rhe work [he left" shoulder, 12

14. completing the back

Hrroi'llg continued the prmu,-e mouements lip either side of tb e spine, ylI'I' .werl to clumge the pressure fl,. the nfck, As it will be mrned, alit is a/so e.tt1''''''"l)' scnsiriue, II nnub softer 1JUJV""'eln is 1·'1,,;'"",i. U," fhumb and forefinger to press eitht>r !ide 0/ tbe 1mk, ,e.m·hi"g up to tbe Vel), base oftbe slnd/_ R.kllsing tension, tbis p/YJduces dfeamy jitdillgs. LftlVi1Jg om bnud a t the neck, rest the other 0'11 the lower btlck to connect

58 sensation {{(m'" the spine (main pirtUI"e).

13. pressing the spine

From yrlllT pvriti01l at tI!C kmJer /Jlfd(, p/t'ce ],01(1" thumbpllds 011 tbe bmlds if muscle rtuming eitber side if the spin e, Stan to m01J~ yO«1' rbw,.b$ gonT~V up th ~ musdes, tr.!'Oidilrg pressure, thm prc£, ill when yo" f",,/ tel',riQn or the 1IU1sd'$ rise. 1'011 I"an use tb« tbumbs 11m)' se-1I.'riri-"e/y, kerpi" g tbt: pressure and withd1"f{'wni steady, tnkillg care not to preIs directly ou the spine.

R d<'IJoing tension, I:hi, spnrJ..>, sensation: tbu:t trlWe! tbrougb tbe wbole hody.

[he problem is caused by tension, work 011 and around the shoulder, easing rhe muscles OUtwards from rhe spine, Stan lightly, then move in deeper, spreadi ng and moving the shoulder frequ eutlv, [i or prob lems in the shou lders always include the lower back. For neck problems massage the upper bac~, then work OlJ the neck from underneath, For rhe lower back, ease wi ch sacra I circl in g (see page 35). th en massage the buttocks and middle back, spreading outwards from the spine.



A fter follmoillg the structured 7IInsstige sequence, wh)' not spend !o'"e time being creative isitb your loved' back ill other w~s. It feels good to simply rmjoy yml1' ptwtllc-r's back, and fee! ber pleasure Vibrating rbl'Ough the skin. Bdng ,),oltr body close to bets, and envelop beruutb a full body slide. Tbe whole body canmer feels FlWlt, mul the filet tbat YOII can't get aWIlY from b er back feels even better - for bo tb of YOIl/ After th~ imensity of the "'lissage, it fie/:; goud to relax, be playful, inventive find enjoy each otber.

In a slightl)' 111o,'e rejlectn» mood, trace out euery detail of )'ow' pmi:ncr', bllek 1IJit}; mudl caresses. Her bliCk, and tbe ,M)' )'01/ have come


to Im(fl!) it, lvill surprise ),Oil, 111 mnssilge. you come Vel]' close to your pm-tTleI; Follow ylnn' instincts (md if this is II good time tv pause for If moment, be quiet togethel; 01111 let yom' feelillf,$ 11U!7·ge. The ~oftm moments find the S'J11f11/e.,-r mouemems am often be tbe 1111)$t intiumte.

Yom- tOlJtI·'s soft body L111"lJeS prmiide IJ wmuleiflll piau wren.

8/QWiug on the skinfods 5f1lS/ltioJUI/. Afw' tb« WIll.,n p,"es'ill'e ufYrllw "and! dll"'i'llg man'age, tbe light, cord wucb of your breiUh provik a beoutiflll con trast on the skin. Blo» nloTlg the len gtl! af Jom- p011:ner's bock and aronnd the lamer hnck turues. Bring yom-lips Vel), dose so tin: b'-eath jeels W1I17/m; ond wflt.-b we woy th« smface of the skin responds. Holdillg your partner amtinues tbe closeness u[YOIl'I"COI1toct, and f'IIllb/rs yllll to brush ber hody lvith tvm more of your skill.

Tiy tTwtirl/! ge1Jtle curvet ouer your partner': 4lill witb tbe bllcks of yuur bands. Id0' rtrokt her 011e1' her body, ill soft circles IIIILI atrues, without sropping tbe dtytb1ll of ),our bands These gemle caresses foel lIny roving {/lid '[,Iamling,

Taking time to apprednte ,md admire :yow' partner; seeing ll1ul jee/iug the difference as your 7I1osrage p,.QgI·esses, the intimacy of the amtact II sutb rhot there is tlllwSl 110 dijfrrnlca betuuen YOII; J'QUf parT"er 'J' bod_y feek as fn.lI/ilim·lls YOIll' 01V1!. As for your' partner; time loses oil menllillg ;7/ the bJiss of mdlass variations of Wild, muJ deligbtfuJ sensations,



It is a narural progression of [he sensual massage to nOW move your eyes down your parrner's body to the Jegs. Norice ibeir power, their length, the way rlwy spread and [he form of rheir muscles Follow rhe contours around the rhjghs lind burrocks, 'Illd the c),onge ill skin re>:turccoming down rc the feet. As the shape of the calves {"per.; towards the ankles, place your hands softl}, around rhe beds.

Of all the areas of the body, the legs often suffer rhe most neglect For nil the work the)' do in support and movement, our artenrion is so milch more focused 011 the head and u pper body, rhat, for some, awareness ends jus, below the hi!". The l~gs and feet, however, are fully deserving of attention as they lead us forwurd reward new experiences,


GE/-;FRA.L Poircrs AllOlJT Lf,C; IvL\5SAGf.

When you effleurage the hack: !)f the legs you more irom your parrner's Jfikle up tile calf w the thigh, Take care when you reach the back of the knee as if is very sensitive. So too is [he inner (high. 0" I)' gen de pressu re shQU Jd be used in these areas, You should brush only lightly if )'Ollf partner has raised veins. Your parrner will love the kg movern .. nrs and stretches, but do nor bend past [he point of resistance, You should then ease the pres,ure once you reach this point After massagillg [he leg", rhe movements for passive exercis" (see p ages 66· 6 7) will he! p ro srrerc h 0 n d

tone d1C muscles and looseo the [ninrs, Always aim for the optimum movement within your P\\l;tner's en nge_ La II' ,"ring your legs slow I y a nd geml y draws out exquisite lee ling:; ofreiease.

1. cfJleurag;ng the legs

Apply ,,]me rum," oil to y<Jlir l"",tls ",,,1 Irned fit

ym</' pmtner'< feet. Tben I"gin rn ejfle:r."'lIgr Me

leg, stlllt;"g lit the rmkle (main picture). Sweep up tb( leg to cw,'l' tb .• bad, of tbe thigh (I/ld tb,· butt!}d, (left)- You can ~fJle1!mg" tbe l~gs rme at 0. rime, OT I,o//! fit Q'ICI, d~pe>rdi"g"" you« read) ~nd brrlDmcc_ With the pu.rsure on ,he IIpwan} Jtroki', .kup the mOVfJ'fI1e!lE {I, om long '>We,p, nljrr<1!;,'g JOI/l" hunds Iv follow tb I amie mul spr/!fId of ),OI'f porrncr 's musdes. 1,}J"illtf" tho Imtlork,· lI",i !oif'.' ns yIJ1l5n'()Qe, 11-' weil as the seusitiue, ""sily II'rrJUJ"ed rnnet: tbigb. R"w"'i"g 011 the dmPIJ'1M"ri stroke, dmg sligbrly Tvi,}! yOW'jil1g"'''rips n.r01md tht: btl,k cf'tbe knee rmrlmifJiJ!ll>Wi7!g tbe shope of the mll"msd". Topering don", untls ymll' jh, go); fi lmg the tendon to rhr heel, ,.!Jeep armmd the feet Dnd tile>! 1'1!tm7!. Ufi'Mrds W ".pMt tb r stroke. Apply {l little bit 1II0~r 0;1 (f" )'011" hml(l.. so tbat the)! glide easily ouer the lew.


2. squeezing the calf

R "turning to YOIll" ptlrtru:r',"/eer. finlll.Wnlr hlmd imo the .tiJrl'l·'S moutb ($ee page 23), dllJPing tbe legjtm lluQ'iJe ch, 11nk./e, Wirb tbllmb OJ"/ jinfin:gl!r spread on eitber side, sqmeze 11 p the musdes Pi thf'y smell to form tJ,c £OJ! Widen Jim,. hrmd 11$ the 11t!lScl~,

, broaden, nt'flsing the premln

as you near tbe kme. Squeezing 1JUJVl:"illents like this help to rcmoue w;rinr, ill jNlrtiC1//m·llU·t;~ acid The Imild~1Lp of toxm: ,viil be great",- in weli-fm"ed muscles, so if this is the case, use botb bands,

3. brick of the knee

Tbis is a wllrlde>fuJIy semitive ,""0 roat deserves >pmal atzention: Place the length of ),om- thumbs in tbe center Qf the crease of ymlf pertner's 1m ee. Kup;"J.: tbe pressure slight, slowly d,.,,'W yom- t!Jllm6J' apllTt_ As y<l'ur tb"mas reads anY/tlld the jQi11-t,

Ii gbt!y ami[ .<kwi)' alyt., dipping i/""wwonIJ, tben meeping lip through the namra! di."pl~'_ End the strolee with your thumb, trailing atf~'p the buck oftbe tbigh.


The legs nor only contain the longest bone in

the body, the femur, but also One of its most complicated ioinrs, rhe knee .. The sciatic nerve, me body's largest peripheral nerve, passes ~Wll throu gh th e pe I vis and buck of til e leg "CO rhe foot Usually, any pain in this nerve has a connection in the lower hack. The leg muscles me particulady powerful, with three long muscles (the hamstrings) running down dill backs of the thighs. T he fee, pro vide both mobility end stable

5. J1:roking the tbigh

With the Q!Y01P'folgers, stroh 'liP, alm!g the thighs tuwO)"d the h1tttock.~. As tbr backs oftb~ fingen {In very sensitiue, this nWV~II~U will also be enjoyable for ym,. &ep th« pn:ssltFe figbt mOl/gb to sensitize nnd.O)'ollSfJ, bus f~r a man especially, 1I0t soft e1MIgh to tickle. End the ,t;mkes curling pver tbe huttocks, s""ding sensations right lip tbe spin e

4. s'lueezi"g tbe tbigh

To perfom, tbis, )'OU ?I111J need

to adjust yOllr position, moving

up wY"""pmn,er's tbigb. Use

tbe flat ~f ym". bands to p'"CSs ji"JlI:r ZIp tbe muscles, keeping

tbe pressure tigbt QlI th e sensitive inner tbigb .. If tblleg muscles are partir:ularly rtrong, lISe tb~ beels of yo"" band:; to pres: lip the back rmd tbe ()'lIter thigb_ Continue pressure row'ords tb« Imtto,.k, IIUWil1g across and over the hip.

suppon, but j, is [he bonesof [he leg that directly bear the body's weight. The legs are extremely powerful and hjgh Iy sensitive. The backs and sides of the thigh are responsive to firm pressure, while [he inner thigh and buttock are more delicare, The feelings aroused here con be very erode. The calf muscles enjoy reasonably firm milch, but for a woman, ic may need ro be quite ligh~ Ch",k wirh your portner. The feet and ankles delight in mass~ge and movement, enjoyin g th e un accusro moo fre edorn it bri ngs.

6, stretch «wi circle

Witb b"ond, deep, enthusiastic strokes. begi" knelldi'/g the bllek af ,YO In- partner's tI}~rrb (J;elaw), Keep tbe pressure III tbe f/flc!.: and side, wOl'Hng ",,{1' lighlly Ir'Jer 'be inner are« whrH tb« leg IIl'my 1"1111$, Twist IIIllI roll tbe {Iesb 10 loose»

lip the 1IlIisries,f"eei71g the /higb _fen' WlsutiOJlS ami nm rigbt d()j!'11 to tbe frel, Srl'<Jkilig gmll)' /,(/d, dOll'J1 (be leg. p/qa mil' band oror

the bert 1111.1 one around tbe fiw't oftbefool, Thtll liftillgrb,{eg ,r/igbt(y, Pill! b(lek toicard JOIl, ghriug 1/ srreub tbat ,.,'" b. fllt

lTl tbe I01I.'''I"/",rk lind bips (lIho.'r). Raise tb« kg and begill to tirde it .<fOlV{)' •• 'c;m'ol thue: ill one

dh' •• 'ticn. {ben seuera! times ill tbe other dirr,'/io" (lIbm!, rigbl), Take the trbol« leg ,"eight, iJo/di>lg the loot IIl1d Im!.:le fa)' ~IIJlP01T, and Df/{y cirde if u'ell 'WiTiJi" .1'01/1'

pll11'1,er! I'flflge. Fell ill fbc hip IIIId kme }Qhm, tbis ll1m.'f1I1~"1 p;i'Vf!S /I slItijj,hl g ,'Oil /0 tbe II1JJsdes lit the bllrk Ilf the thigh, Fora finlll rdensillg strettb IIlong tbe [rou! ofTb. Ihigh, pl'(.~ the leg blick, heel toumrd the bllTlock (",oill picture), App~yillg pressure gr1lihl1J/~y fiJl'OlIgh the arms; {In,;, until yo II }i!rI tbe leg r es ist. Tben IIlW<r it gent!)', keeping contact

'11: ith yo,,1' bands.


Completing the massage at rhe feet gives immediate satisfaction. As reflex zones of the feet rei are ro all the organs of [he body, mass age here can. revitalize the whole system and seems to penetrare the very bones. At the end of the massage, pacu,e to res, and to allow the sensations flooding over your partner's body to diffuse.

Massaging the back of the body provides srrcngrb and suppOrt tor the vulnerable front. With the entire back of the body relaxed and alive with sensation, finish off with gende brushstrokes 10 bring

aw aren ess from head ro toe."


7. compkting the legs B"ingillg )'ow' partner'. leg back tlr<ll(wd yo 11, begin to work deep!)' m-olJ,nd the II'Ilkle join: (/in- left). U<illg yonr tburubs, circle <lowly and even!), "'I bo tb sides, working close to tbe bone. NIYW, moue dlJl~lI to the foot, Snppol1 it jimil tinderneath ,"ith y01/Y tbmnhs. Interlace y"tll" fin gene llC"rOSS tbe <ole, th en slowly start to d,.,.w them ffpmt (left). Tb is nairm spreads the foot, 'aiding to ff sense of freedMit and expansion. Ease the p1"l1SSiln (IS YOIl reach the sides of the foot, cupping y01/'- brwds m'mmd tb« instep mui ankle joi"t Do tbis mooement seoeml time> ouer. Luwer-ing the Icg to rest 01/ YIm,' thigh IlS a support, press aver the IOIe of tbe foot untb you/" thllmhs (J!otwm kft). Urirlg a reasrtllnbly ftl7lt pressure, pres; · the pad> to covel" tbe entire foot. Tbis creates a wGl1de!:firJ Ity releasing mooement, whiciJ reacbes dO'"<lIn the entire "04)'- Kf.ep tb f. pressure and withd!'aw(d skn» and stea dy, to increase the /Jy/fl1Dtic rhythm and sheer rkligbt. Theil plate The foot dinmJ geml)" (md stun the entire sequence on the other leg, U'/)iie lOll!" pRrMer'r body polses wit/; exqnisit« sensations, close tile h({ck of tb e leg 1llU,nage by restin g fo1'

tl 'mr",umt 01" W, wbik YO" bold )'UlW partner', fret (7l1f1in picture). Tbis time of stilln en is beneficial

to both of yvu.



, 70

The legs feel and look wonderfiil whm they an relaxed and mp_ pie. After the leg massage, take some time to explore n uariety of sensations fl1Ulsenma./1Itovf!'Il1entJ with yQIW partner:

TIJe sole, of the feet are vel')' sensitipe, tn'll} can oftm ,,, ticklish, bilt they an: extrl"me/y responsive to toucb. P!IIJ ,vitb yQm' partner's taes: they can be Vel) erogenous. They can als» be 11 source of greafp!eaml'" tlnd cbild;<;h laughul: FOI' an interesting seusuo! fiel, t1J'stimulating );0111" partner 's feet with J'otlr bait: B''1/"b ~Qftly with your- hair al! OVe1' the foot, Dr" ifyollr pnrtrllfl' can talee it lind ymll' hair is long erwuglJ, flick the ends at tbe soles of his feet. SbD11, sbmp flicks am be va) m-rJ1fs'ing. It also feels good to ),our parmer to lose his foot amongst )'01/.1' bair!

Leg mouement tim be vel'] J,rrflcejili. Leg to leg, sole to sole, b17.ngs tbe ICbfS togethel; co7lcentrlltingfeetillg aud contaa tln'ougb tbe feet. Use the sensitivity of yom- feet to feel eacb other; exp<'rim.ming with the diffennt shapes )'01W fogs create. For playfll/lllOvf!'I,mn, you (an biqc!e tbe legs togethC1; P'Lfhi'f1g mul stretching to feel the angle Qfyour limbs. Feel the sensations you prodnce as you press alld move against one mtotber; using tbe soft, sensitive pads ofY07tr jeet.

7itke time getting to knot» y01l1' partner's legs iutimate0', Brusb again_It tbem witb your entire body, Ill' softly caress them 7vitb YOIW toes. Slowly feel their entire !mgtb with y01l1' feet. Gently bloioing betiueen tbe toes feels vel)' sensual. s£pamting each one and giving a little pull Rub your legs, bip to hip 0'- back to back, foeting eve'f)' dete il ojJool!>' partn er's skin.

The natural restdt of massaging tbe bot0' is tbat: it becomes more integrated, tl complete tsbole once Ilgain. J\I/ovemeuts Ill? sptmtfmeolls and expressive; it is almost as ifyoll baue become re-acquainted with Y01l1- limbs. Nloving the legs, when tbey feel connected to the bark, is completely relaxed lind 'ffmtless. Express the pleasure ill your legs togetbel' ruitb ),our partner; sharing tbe enjoymenr of bow good they feel. Get to know y;ll>' pm-me,.'s body tbt'ougb yon,. feg'·, keeping the contact intimate and sperial.




W- irh your partner lying on her back, )'OU should position yourself at her head, with your knees all either side. Before beginning work On the neck, rake a moment

to be sensiri ve to your partner's body. The front of (he body is naturally more vulnerable and open than the back, and your massage should reflect this. See the soft, relaxed roundness in rhe way [he body lies, from the swell of the breasts ro the abdomen, hips and legs. Note rhe delicate facial features, the muscles of the neck and then concentrate your full arrenrion 011 rhe shoulders and gently bring:

)' am ha n d s row a rd you r parm er' s ch est.

1. effleurage and stretch

R:Jlb more oil onto ),Ollr fingers. Brg") the 111f1ssoge by pfndJlg ylm1' fing"rrip" tightly 011 your' part/leI"s .-Im1: (ub(lfle), tben r<fJel!{i dmull witb yuw' bands bettseen. br:r breasts. !:>pnad you.r bands to follow tb e curve of ylmr partner's body, sweeping your fillgm round tbe ribs (ablJVe center), As ),ou turn yOIW bands, press the fk,h firmly, then slowly pull up tlJe side

72 of tbe body (above j·igbt). Drag

The neck often carries a lor of tension, so in (hi, position (he muscles are res ring narnrally, without having to support the head. A soft, releasing massage on the neck muscles irnmediatel y affects the upper back. The most important muscle" for neck massage are the 'trapezius' (at rhe back of the neck), and the 'srernolcleidomasroid' (,It [he side), which turns the head. The cervical vertebrae supporting

[he bead form a natural spinal curve. If (he neck is lengthened through stretching, a feeling of release reverberates down [he spine.

The sweeping effleurage strokes you use around the breasts and ribs will connect

sligh tly 1bitb Y01l1-jingenips. Curve yOU!' bands to dip around tbe shoulders, tben slidhlg round bebilld the shoulders, stretch diY/ll1! llflll ffWlT) fro", you with the beet,. (below rigbt). Continue by !"Weeping tip tl e b/Uk of the neck, tmtil YOIwfmgers an under the base oftbe skull. CG111plete the "IO'"<!CII!e>l t by stretcbing up lmd back tlYWl1'rds Y01l, Imgthe>til1 g the neck and relensing tension in tb~ rpine (main picture). Pull off

tbnmgb the hair and gently leser the head. Complete this mouemen: seuera! times, tuiJlg lnxsrious, gliding strokes .

sensations from the torso to the neck. In fact as you stretch the neck and push the shoo I ders, rhe whole upper torso beg; I1S to release. Including [he movements of the relaxation massage (see pages 38-39), bring your hands [0 [he back of the neck, and use small circles to release. Pressing 510\\'ly at the base of the neck relea .es tension, ar the same rime increasing sensuality. To end [he massage, relax the scalp and tousle your partner's hair, rugging gently at the roots "lyirh your fl1lgenips.

It is only after releasing the neck [hat we feel a wonderful sense of freedom, the bod)' almost flooding with euphoria. It is no exaggeration to say thar a soft, rei axed neck creates a softer and more open Slate of m ind.


2. rolling

'Roll the bend from side to .ride. Then 7uitb )'0'/1"" hands br'1wnh tbe 110&, make slIIall circles -up the 1II1I.'I[lc$ 011 either rid". Use yo",· ft1!geJ7ips to w01·k ligbtly ftWiI tbe base trYWard tbe skull (llbove left). Turn rbe bead, fwd ajt';'- plI.'lb;"g tbe sboutder dOW11, S1l1ootb 11p the ned: with the fint "f)-our bend [aboue). As )'011 rencb the base of tbe sKull, jJ1'W ill nnd Imtie'r witli Jourftngertips. ketping the pressure slow and We!1 (bdinD lift). Tousle IJlld .,"mnpoo _YOII'" pmmer'r bnir (be/inu), then ftllger ·lIp to the ends (mdin ph·/:/IIT).



The neck and throat areas are extremely delicate and sensitive. This makes them extremely responsive to sensation. Using a tender; delicate touch will fully open lip yr}llr partner's senses.

Witb the sensitive backs ojYQlIr fingertips, trace lightly up :yonr partner's tbroat: Folkns e-~elJ detail, softly dn['"<1!ing up and under the chin. As your touch "sontinues almost imperceptibly, tbe entire br)(iy will be


mPtI,h with sensation. Or yO1/. Ctl11 gcntly brusb 7IJitb yonr fonifmge:r around tbe crescent of tbe earfollowing the curue bacl: lind [ortb. Tbe skin bebmd the ear is velY soft lind delicate. Stimulate it with the pads ofyom-Jingtrl-s, playing softly along. tbe fine oftbe bair: More tuonderfid sensations are pl"Oduced 0' )I01J. brllsbing up tbe ~ide of bey neck witb yomfmgers..,Stfm: stroking in the sensitive 1101l0w nboue tbe colIIII' boue, lind pull softly upwllrds until yot« reach tbe dimple bebind tbe em: Tbis sends tingles 0111.'1- the skin, dow1l the spine and around tbe sCfllp, UliJtcb to see the goose blimp, on yow' parmer's ftesb- Cboose (I fe» stran-ds of bair from tbe bigbly sensitiue nl/pe of y0-11I- partner's neck, tben ge"tlj' tease ond pull tbe hairs, keeping them taut between YOU1-jillgen Dra» {Jut the sensatum by p-utli'llg tbe very ends.

Exploring YOlir portlU:r's bod)', 'Waubil1g closely tlse wo)' sbe responds, increases the feeling between yo//, of tenderness nnd intimacy_ It is a wbole n.--<11 pleasure to find way_' to please yom' partner; pnJvidhlg diffenn/; sensations jor her to experience. As Y01< touch yDl/J' part/Jer~ body, "bare yo-m- experiences; bow 1m- bod;r fed, to yolt and bow your touch feels to bel:

77!M.<blg strokes

SillOoth a link oil QVIff yow' fi"geJ's_ TIm .. place the ImgdJ of yow' t),umb., ill the center of y(m~ pm'7;f)er's jc-r-ebMd, yom' bands ClIpped !,rmf~' aroulld tbe ht'lfi (ahove). Drm» yOlf!" tb7l'lnbs apl111, grad1mlly and nJmly, retea5J11g.,be -prrJ"sl!,.e lIS YOlI c!!''Ve rmmd


A ~ter [he ned and sc~jp nave heen m assaged and are tingimg, rum your artennon to [he face. By gently massaging [he face, you can send glowing feelings all rhrough yOUT partner's bead. Beginwng at the fore head , resr your hand, for a moment, and rune into yonr partner's stare of mind ..

The delicate muscles of the face are cons tan ely used ,0 reflect the way we feel, bur they can become quite tight, Tension over the forehead, around (he eyes, and especially round rhe jaw prohibirs fluidity of facial expression, The rnourh, a highly mobile srru crurc, is very sensu al, and the nerve endi ugsare extrernel y senoi ave to touch, The furehead, when we fee! ca lrn, is relaxed and smooth. Our eye, tell [he world how we fecI.

to the tI'VJpl~(. Dippil1g )'"ur tbuntbs t» cinie round. tbe teniples, m~i"g tb« "'011£""11>.1 bIlC", (md drmu OUt across tbe e;,"brIT"''' (be/IT.:!! left). J¥itho!lt bratlki'llg tbe c01Jrjmliry, pinre tbe pnrl~ of ymg· thumbs just he/ow tbe ey~-sOCk8t ,.idfff. Slm"! jhJJll tbe outer edge,

t him. pnss gerttly (liong tbe ntusdes,


US;" g ti'IY mnlJIIl}mlft ar euen '"t.,1),I1,- n)lmd 1.0 tho nose (be/ow ,-igb!). MITu"IIZg )'om' tbumhs to rest across the c h eekbones, smoorb ),ollr band: O'f)f?I" the cbeek.1 (l11d {llIi/Ylp tlYllJflrd tb: mrs (1J1f1ill picture). Cnp Y"'w bands gently armtnd. the foce and spread tbe 11/.11.<c/rl' upwards into a smile.

It is only when someone acrually massages [he face rhar we become aware of how much the muscles are used .. As you smooth across you, partner's forehead, any tightne_,s will stare ro diffuse, the feeling spreading as you work around the eyes. Smoothing over the cheeks and around the chin restores feeling and flexibility, completed by broad circling movements to release the jaw. The jaw, which can become cl enched tightly, should hang JUs. ,lightly open, with the tongue relaxed at the bottom of rhe mouth. By now your partner's face will feel blissfully released - theexperience reaches toO deep to even tal k, Often, it call feel as if a mask has been rnken off 10 reveal a pure stare of natural expression.

Complete rhe m assage-wirh levi ng touches 10 yom partner's features, stroking down the nose and tracing lightly with your fingertips around the mouth. Gentle squeezing and pulling of the earlobes can feel quite wonderful.


2. circling and brushing Interlnce your fing"''i under the .bin, tbm pull tlnm apart, ,preading 1Ip the line Qf the jIFW (above lift). Keeping your rhumb., n.bov" anti your forefinger's bekn» tbe jo:w tine, ,fitie r(J{l"d and upwards 1II1tii yOIl relic" tbr joint. To release !lny tigbme~, if!. tbe area, II,k your partner to rhghtly drop bis jaw, th en ,,,,,ke slow, bnJOd artles witb )'0111' ftllge11ips (lIbrr-ue rig/x). Softly brusb yOlif thu:mb alrmg tbe Irmgth o!jrnn' ponner's nose, 1Ising lYJlting strokes from the bfidge IX! the ve,] I:ip (below lift). Repmt tbis seuern I times follOWing tbe curue to reacb I,,:, lip.' (below rigbt) _ Traer lightly with you,. fingertip" eronnd the mouth. To cantmue stimulation of yrnw partner'« <em",", squeeze and mg tbe eafhbes between Yim,. finge,· tmd thumb (mllin pictnre), Slide dow" to the lobes, bnlSh;"g with yo,,,, lip,.



By now relaxation and sensual pleasure

will be seeping down your partner's body. You need to move [Ollis side to begin massage on [he arms, Look for a rnorneur [Q absorb each area in detail, following from the shoulder to the slimness of the wrists. Note rhe \ ay your parmer rests his forearm, [hen bring your eyes to the powerfu l, sensiti ve h ands, Make soft ;ni cial conracr at the wrist, then begi.1l ,he' sweep of effleurage strokes up rhe arms.

When you massage the arms, bear in mind cher, like rhe legs, you can do each part of die massage alcernating between the two ann, or

1. efflClwage and squeezing Apply S(I'IIU oil to )lour bands, tben use effiellrng" strokes ill filII glidi"g movements 'liP the arm. (abwe left). Be sure to oill'ighr 'I<p Q1JC'I- the shoulder. GC'I!l/y rock the fI111l between yow' btmdj' ns )'01/. return to /M.<C'l1 ony tension. 1'01< sbon td only we pressure on tbe '1lpwllra strok«. Keep th e strolees flO'wing, fiw and genlmm.< stiding

82 and 1'1l171ing on the ligbtttr

you can massage One ar a rime. When you begin work on the inner arm, be aware of the exquisitely sensitive skio all the in ncr elbow. Take a few moments W sense am the area with your fmgerrips, srimulating and arousing as you stroke, The movements on the arm shou ld flow inro one another, progressing rhythmically up towards the shoulder, Firm pre..s,me along [he upper srrn releases rhe bulk of [he muscle" which often become tight and solid. Use the flat of your hand 10 press and smooth around rhe armpit, keeping the pressure sensitive yer fi rrn as you explore the dips

drJ'wlI:wnrd stroke, Do tbis nuroement seueml times, then lifting the ann at tbc wrist (cu()".;. l'igbt), siJueeze up tbe [orearn: musdes witb the tiger's mout]: (xce pogo 23). U" the fon:fi"W1"joim and thumb flJ7' extra pressur«. Wark the lmgtb afthe musdes right up to the elbo», sqlleezillg as you release the pressure to wO"k rotmd tbe elba» joint (7I10in picture), As JOII press, ym! illill be

giving Y01l1' partner a feeling ~f'd-t:.p release, sending ioond~rf"l tingli11g sensations dOllm the

wbole 1 engt» of tb e arms. hess sm$itive/y with y01l1' tbumb, milt feel around tbe bones, mlilin.g off with S1Iudl circling movf:lnr:nts at tbe back of the "ppe,' 0171J. As you perform this nuniement, be mnfill of tbe ',d,UI;-' 11e!lIf, si !1If/te" lit the bock of the elbot» ImtZ often k!u1I1!!1 as tbe fUIIII] bone.

2. the inner arm and elbow Lower you,- partner', forearm once again, then turn the palm over, mpponj'l1g rh~ !o,-rar", ~'1 the sorist. With the fin t of YOllr band; begill 571w{Jtbing!lp the inner an" »mscles, p''''foing ,uitb rensonabla firmness unuards tbe elbot» (heflT'" left). Sweep round the nrm. .0 the Wrist, I/J]OU

return and taitbota bl·taking tbe rhytbm of your bands, slide up th e (11'1"1) again, exel1ing rom. Pfe.rsur«. This wit! fed both sootbillg and sensual to ylm1" partner lind produces If ddightfoi tilJgtillg ln bis palm. Repeat tb ese strokes severa! times. AfterWtmk, :tum_),our attention to the inner elbow, and lise ),our fingertip" to brush atolJ[l,

tbe crease (be!OW11ght). Tbis is a Ve1J sensitiue {Well and fo"ls WQ"~ de'ilfl as Y"" stroke allmg tbe line of tbe dbolV joint; U<r)'o 11.>' fiu g"'"S to stimulate, "1', d,'aggillg along tbe crease, dip 1111d circle them nfong tb« outer edge, Spend ,'WnoJ moments hen A.< )'olllinge~' ouer the skin, this will totally ruesmeriz« _r01l!, pnnn or,


and en rves , Circii,ng movements, followed

by slowly releasing the pressure, can ha ve a delightfully erotic feel. A fuJI stretch of your partner's arm is wonderful] y releasing, both freeing the arm and havi ng an effect right down [he spine (see page 80). The feeling of so m co nc else s rrerch i n g your limbs is an unusual, extremely pleasurable experience. As you press down the forearm, moving to the wrist, be aware of the delicate structure. As you ci rcle very gently with you r fingertips you

_ can feel [he minute derail of the bones. The hands deserve a good deal of atreurion, being used" almost unconsciously, every second of rhe day. Without realizing it a lot of tension can build here, only coming to a person',

attention when [hey arc rcccivi ng a massage

on [he hands. Spend rime caressing and relcasing every inch of your partner's finger" then, afrer brushsrrokes, tenderly emwi ne them in youl" own. JUS[ allow the fingers to idly touch and playas a sweer, loving gesrure of affection


Om arms play an irnporranr p~IT in our selfexpression, as well as being indispensable fur work Ir is with our arms rhar we draw people and objects closer, and eqll ally use them [0 push those things away, We nacunl1y use our arms for our protection, while our hands dernonsrrare wh at we say nod express til c way we feel, We use our hands ru manipulate

3. the upper arm

No» lift ),Im,. P01"t1'"'·'s a1711 to place it at a rigbt (mgle across the body, {mil give the fo,..lI1m mppo'1 &y hold iug it at the wrist (lie/my left). Then ClIp )'0111' otber band arousul the !Ipper "nit nmscles, Imd press ft'711!y down touard. the ,b(!IIide:r. Squeeze the tmtsdes tigbtly, followir1g tbei: roundness,

usi"g pressure between YOll, bee! and finger:" Apply the movement tv botb outer and inner 111711 muscles, U,Sil1g_YOllf tbundn for extr« <tJ,."gth. Ar yo U reacb tbe rhou}Je'r, slide )'our bsnd around tbejoint. Theil mpporting the Uppel' ann with botb hands, Iqw",' it behind yO'I11' partner's bead:

Ush'g the Ikt of your hand, press

ligbtlJ' round the 11m, pit (bel o ," ,·ight). Pres.<ing smritr.;efJi BI"01md the ClI11)eJ lind hollows, this maooment foels deliriollsly sensus]. !fy~lIr p(wtuel' if ticklish, star: !ightfJi lnu ft17UIy, and tben increase tho pre:smre. Press mtd cirde USil1g difftj'ent points (1),0111" bands, mdil!g hy soft brusbstrokes lip tbe arm. toumrd tbe etbc».

objects, make things or be creative. We hold our our hands to invite contact with another person, and of COI.1Tse, we use our hands for touch. The 6 ngcrrips are extremely seusitive, and pick I.1jJ numerous messages that tell us abour the world. The palms of the hands, also very sen iti VC, are an ate" from where we issue strength.

The bones of the forearm are so arranged mar in order for the arm to ru rn, one bone rntarcs around the other. Pressure between the bones can feel extremely good. The wrist provides a fulcrum for movement of the hands, which is facilitated by the srrucrure of [be finger joints, Passive movement of these joints always feels beneficial. The nerves supplying

the arms originate from the neck, so massage -around the neck and shoulders ofren travels down the length of the arms. The biceps and triceps are the strong upper arm muscles, effecting rhe movements of [he forearm. Interacting with the upper arm, muscles in [he back and upper chest facilitate movement of me mobile shoulder joint.

Ann movements are an extension of the body, and, flowing and expansive, come from around me shoulder blades. If the chest is also relaxed and open, this releases energy down the arms. The arm posicion and movements are affected if the chesr feels tight, contracted

a \l d held in. When me arms are free, they sudden 11' feel more sensitive and much lighter,


:1. stretch and circle Positioning .l'oln:<elj behind yom' partner's bead, bmd forll'lmls ro flJi:e hDltf ofl.w tlnN. Witi, one hlfllli arotmd tb« hand and rbe otber mppol1i77,f{ the elbeu; !{e/lt{)' plill the Imglh 'if the {/J71J baci:

I()1Ullrd_yuu (wlIil! pictllre,). Stnrt the stretch .</Q'lr(y. i'll("re(lJill,f{ the plllllllltil YOII fori resi..ttlllrl" tben ease the preSSII!l'. l"01/1' partner willful the stretil: around the ribs

(1m/II PP,>I" back. A.I· _yo II pl!lfor/1I

the stretcb, tn/" care 110110 [01/1- promise JGllr spine, {"lIIing bile/{ 'Wiflo tbe !nigbt oj)Q/IJ·lJiJd)'. r"" ran experimenr witb tbe plISitiol/ of ),0111' bold, .mpp01·tillg the }ol'eUI7I1 01" urist or [fI'ipping .1'0111" pm111C1' 's arm ({dllfUr lift IlIId right). To wake tbe stretrb more nctire fOI' yom' pm"tll<,"J". be tWII Idso ennoine his grip 01'011111110111' esm. So YOIll' plwtlwJeds II .;n,fi.ifyi"g stretch,

make sure br is reHlxcclllUlI grueo )"011 bis }i/ ff 1117" weight .... 1 s )'0;1 pili .YOII/" !L'bole hodv /lchimlyoU1' action, tbi s 1/Iovemenl,L,ill feel <''lfflrl(y good/or),!"" To kr~1"e" rbr: ann. k6ep suppmTiJlg 11Ij I b .'IOm· bnnds (aid circle it nil/fill 10 tbe side (bIlIQu,). Tben tuitl: bis upper om! rellillg, btll ;tili bu/JIillg th~ forelll'm, gel/tly IO'wer rllf (11711 to )iollr parmer's side.


,~ YOt! are rna 'saging your partner's arms, norc any differences )lOD feel between the left and the right. FOT people u,ho are right handed, for example, the right side will tend to be more developed and probably mare rense. The rig-hr side of the body is primarily conrroll ed by the rariona] and log'ical lefe side of cite brain, while the creative, intuitive right side of the brain

4. completing the arms Hotdillg tbe unist, press evw/y bu: finn/y with tbe ltmgth ofylllir thumb d'1Ilflt the center of ywv partner's jorean'l (above left). !U' YOft read: the wrist; use both tb1/!l/lbs to press {md milke J7/UJII circles around the bones IIf the joint (above center). Mooing outumrds

influences the left side of the body. Very often tension iJl [he arms and shoulders relates to the ways we use our minds. It is important to kEep an even balance between acriviries, and to use both sides of the body. For example, if you arc righc- hRllded, keep your left side active. Try and do things with both hands. As a general rule, nfrer muscles have been working. give them time to relax.

Fum the center, work your way across tbe umst, sliding 'round to drm» down benueen tbe tendons

of the band (nbove right), Pull slowly, dmwing tension 01/.t hetiueen. the fir1gen, tben turn the baml and circle over tbe palm witb your thumbs (below left). The pnr.rll1·e mu be 'l'IJit~ firm to leel


fully satisfying, 1ubile aligbt stretch betuieen the fi"gers enhances tile sensation. Press, win and squeeze as JaIl puJl tantalizingly ~ff eacb finger (belllW ri g h t). Then repeat the !iclfmmce on the otber arm. End gm tly wi tl! soft caresses witb )'ow' jillgl'l)' (m/fiJI pia:lJn).



As your partner basks in tbe 'wm7llth of the foe/till!.' l1!11nillg thflmgb his arms; 1IOW released, relaxed and sensitized, it is the pelfict time for more sensus] dLftlJVe!)"

With yOIl1" pill"tMl"S bOlld turned lip towm·dyoll, make the gmt/est of 1I/.OVe1,w/m 4rl"0<5 the pnlm. TOllcbi:Jlg and stroking lightly with yow· folgmipS" cirri. and explore the hand. Trace with )'omImger:J along the lines, r;losdyftelil!g roery fold and crease. Like the foee, the band: .-eflecr our 7IIm1d exp~,"ieme, n1ld the wily th', bnue been used tbro» gb II person " fift. Close you,. eyes and lot yo"r fillgen dismve,·for )1M. J'ou will fed yow· pm1n.,. in a complerd:ydiffinnT WII)'.

U,ing),Qm-rwils cl11J be all ",-otico.lly arol/sing experience. With tb« tip of


j'OlIr71fJil, drtrtll Itrrc5SJow·prmner'swrist. Tbe 1m! oft/x band lind irma umst are very sensitive, w there llud Olily be fJ hmt rif press1we. Follow lip the tnsid~ Qfyoll~- partner's Il"n1I, dr(!lvi:ng with the nnil to the _,cntitive elbo» crease.Keeping the toucb illtri guingl)' light IlIld delicate, "ails add 1/ dim emion to se1ISdtilJll fin· yOllr pm't1w·

Exp/o,-e diffi,-ent woys Y"U CIl'lJ toucb "'eb otber's «nns lI:1Id hawls, whig the tip of the nails nnd fi'!gel:', or drawing IIlong tbe edg e. Explore tbe sbnpe and movement of tbe [oreenn, tbe sensation of tb e pulse fIt tbe wrist. Mov~ up the arm, tmd fee! the am Min lIS therlnllliJlI1lriJ- into tb« xll,"Me,·. Cirde IfTm",d zbe "lICvm /1J7d neg/cITed elbow, .and return to the fo",i/im' round-. uess of the fingel1ips. Use yo,,,' fi"g":< lIS an exzensitm if ym'" uye.<_

For tt ebllnge ill sensation, blOl~ Jeft!)' on tbr plllm, IIltering tbe shope of }M' ·1J!omb to change the impoct af the {"w,tb. Or circle wit!, y~'''' elbow in the center of the pt/bll, mbicb bas 0 mrprising iffea af -'Pendiug wonilt!,_

partner's body with tbr hacks OfrOU)' wrists urnl bonds.

As you embmce, be tJ11JUrt .of the soft 1M/it) ;11 tbe 1M]. yl111 use yo",. «rnu. Tb« 0/171" can be used to bold ell!;" otber dose, tv encircle and tbensl:

We tbillY we twIll e. If yuu ere stil! and simply bold ym!!" pm 1'J1""s band be mvtlre of the fo"ling, tbst go btu:k and fo)~d}o,.d, ber-dJem Ylm.



Sit at your partner's head ro finish rhe rnassage on [he upper body. Before starting rhe massage look ar your partner's body, look at [he sensitivity of the breasts, at the cpenness of the chest, the ribs, the abdomen.


Duri ng the massage you will be using both the effleurage technique and stretch [0 open llP the bod y, pulling 1J p around tile rib, and breasts [0 expand and release the chest

The main muscles for massage are the pectora Is, whose movements are connected to the back. The ribcage, protecting the viral heart and lungs, is also important to massage. The inrercosrai muscles (betlVeen the ribs) work wgether wirh the diaphragm, so rhar the ribcage expands as we breathe in. When breaching is relaxed, the uppeI chest remains almost still. The brea til reaches right to the abdomen

when the body breathes naturally,

Feel your partner's vulnerability and sensi-

tivity by placing your hand over the center of her chest. As the heart pumps blood around the body, massage assists the flow of blood. Keep the strokes sensitive, caressing your partner's bod)' with loving, sensual touches.

1. ifflettmge and release

_ Re-oiling ),our "muir, begin the "'((SS{/g" 1vith fidl ifJIem'llge J·trokes OVC'r )'011,. pm'tflltl"s chest. Slip drfW'I1 Q'1Jf11' the !n'mrtholU, /t'{widi'll.g jN'cssltre to t"~ In Wl$IY (llblY'<ic lift) mlil glide your bands ouer mill around tbe ribs, jYlllling 1IJ! just under your pmT!U:r's body (tenter left). Give Il deep stretcb along the ribs, CIIrvillg JOur bonds sufil,), arDund tbe breasts. Return to tbe top of the chest (J1Id complete tbe mouement several times. Then, resting one "fwd on J'ol,r partner's shoulder, place the atherjllSt nnder tbe ribl. Pull ?lp ,md unVJ'S toumrd you. rJ,.'ow lift), sweeping y~m' bmu/lll'ollnd the shape of tbe brens». Tbm push over the pectoral muscles (fir.mued just nbllV? tbe breast), ending tb« mouemen: tr.t the (Inn (lImit, picture), Repeat tb« movement on the other side.

2, release along the ribs

Plm"l' )'ii/I1" fffYl hvo fillgetT hi the c mttrr of the [best, (»I either sid,of the breastbone. Witb you:rfonfmge1'S under the fint rib, and )'IJU1' secrmd jing!':ll in tbe groove bduw the next, drm» fimdy Qutil/lwds, along tbe C'UJW of tbe ribs. ElISe presJ'1we toword. the shoulders.


For both men and women, [be chest is very erotic, with heightened responses in the nipples and breasts, However, a woman's chest is more sensitive and should be worked around very genrly. On a mall [he pectoral muscles (mDre accessible on a man than a woman] benefit from releasing massage as they cart become quite right. Here, the massage movements Call be performed more broadly, rhe pectoral muscles circled firmly, Then the movements should be bro1lghr in closer, the sensitivity of the touch growing greater as the circles decrease,


3. fig(~re-eight

Supporting 1 it}; one bmul at the sboulder, lise your other b,md to slide doum. betmeeu yom' pm11II!1"s breasts. O:mthllll! with /I tinle nnnmd tbe breast, gliding y01l1' hand mulemeatb (farlrfr.), Bl'ing your mouement round trmll11'd the side, ami stroking comimlOlIslj., dra» IIp taumrd. the shoulder

(left)· Keep yotu bands sensitive tma soft. TbC1l bri1lgillg y<JlIr halUl bacl: unsards tbe center, begin to cirde tb« other breast, W 11!{/ k. a figure-eight, ClJm'ge hmu& ifyou flel more cotlifintoble and Ollce mor« glide bettoeen the breasts (below, f/J.f lift), Pollet» round end I",der the cun» to puJi gently lip the side (below left), Complete the nuroemem several times, Keep your toud: c!bse and softly arousing;

tben Clip )'01<1' bands around the breasts (main pict/n-e), Allow )'0111' pnrtner to experience the sensations j/rr.dllg over ber body. Ibm mouemenu are eq'llolly as erotic flY/" a woman as fiw a-man.



1. effleurage and circling

CoveTY01;1' bands witb more Q;I. Tben. npp1'lJllcbil1g contact lvith YOllr pertuer semirive/y, ejJlnmlge, moving you/' bmlds in II clockwise direction (llbove).

Let y011l' bands fol/Q'W the curue of tbe "ibenge. Stilt circling in the Slime direction, make your nuniemrnts

a little deeper, p"essillg with the flllt of yOU1' hlmd (bel07.~ lift). As you« bands '7'05,( over cileh other, IIlwllJS baue one band continuing the P'·'SSIt1'e. Ltlmiug over)'wl!' jJPJTnn; Imi;d the muscles /liallg bis side, pul/hlg and ,-oiling tbe fie<b 111M)' frotll the _ bod) (below 1·igbt). Repeat this mover/rem 011 tbe other side, then. resum« the brl)ad circling with ),om' buuds. Erp,md year drdes to trmtllJize !Ji", (muiti picture).


M- oving narnrally down from the chest, rrre strokes ro rhe abdomen arc a comp lerion of the rorso massage. Look at your partner's body, notice the curves, the angle. of the hips and the unprotected nature of the abdomen, Then from [he oft, sensual pelvic area, draw your gaze up along your partner's side, Make your first contact by resting your hands lightly ill the center of his body.

The abdomen is very sensitive and the quality of your first touch will be immediately felr by your partner, Gentle, warming con mer with the flat of the hand feels panicularly good in this area. When you m:l.lsage a I ways move ill a clockwise d i rection (this means YOlI will be following the shape of the large intestine). The lower abdomen is an important area in term. of inner strength, and being centered here affects our vitality, The abdomen can also be affected by nervous tension and anxiety, which rem Irs in feeling rundown and weak. For this re as on, be even more sensitive than usual when massaging the abdomen, and send positive thoughts through you r hands, A frer the

inirial effleurage you can continue [he circling motion of your hands gradually allowing the pressure co increase. Try and keep the strokes flLlwil1g and smooth as your hands cross over each other, expanding rhc circles slowly co arouse your parmer. Knead and pull along your partner', sides, drawing the muscles away from the body. (The Jorge abdornin a] muscle is the 'external oblique', under which lie layer" of muscles which help in flexing rhe back.) Be careful 11M to bring the movement into rlie center. A sideways strerch across the abdomen ; s good for relievi I1g tension. Ar rhc end of the massage softly hold YOIl r partner, providing balance, while diffusing the feelings aroused by YOllr strokes. For a man, the abdomen is particularly arousing and sensitive, so keep pressure gentle but firm. For a woman, the area may

be quire render, depending on her menstrual cycle,

As you massage, keep your mcvcrnents free and sen su al, eujoyi ng every tiny bit of your partner's body. The abdomen varies a great deal from person co person. I t can he full, round and soft, or muscular and flar, It is a wonderful area for your hands, Notice the skill rexrure, rhe \Vay rhe body curves, the hairs covering" [he ski 11, [he deep relaxing breaths coming down the torso,

2. strctch and balance

After tbe rinting mouemeuts, bring yQIt!' hllnds slIftly m tbe center of'ymw partner's nbdomm mul piace the'" t1!f!.~tbe", fin,,, g diagl<nnlfy across tbe bod_y. Pressing (Comly and steadily witb the flat of 'y0I11' bands, s/fflll/y drtl1J) tbm: apart (bclm"). Bring oIU band to I,be hip 1111d tho otbe: to the rib mg., .nrming tbe sides of the badJ. Then. repen: tbis mcuemcnt il1 the a,hel' direaam. YIJU1' strokes shuuid be smooth, gliding {m" cominuous. A.r Y"U end, pillee out: baHd over

the nbdollwn m,,1 the od,~' softly l!>ldmwath (1110111 picture). This bnMna.s your pm11ier nnd diffllse$ the surge of foe lillgs, m"lging YOIl Illld YOfl!" port'ller "e"ly dare. Enjoy llJuuhitlg the way )'ou". pm1Jl.l!'r's bod} moue! as be breathes.




1. effleurage and squeeze Kneeling lit )'01W pili-filer's foa, sp,-ead SfJIIle 0;1 onwyour bands, thm glide tlIW1.1 coer ber legs (above). Efflelwage trn"'nd the "ppr:r lh'g/; omi bip. Ream to prers _fir1llly 'liP tbe coif muscles either side of tbe bmw (below

left) U,e your ""Is jiw extra jI,·",:>lI1ce. Slid, tbe length of 1'011>' thumhs m"IJIPu{ 'yQ'''' pam":'-'$

knee (below rlgbt), cirding I111d premng IIITJ1Jnd its sbajle. Liftillg - " .yau" partner's thigl!, sqlleez.c _firmly down tbe '1!t1I:>r:I", using the heel: of tbe h{lud to grvf. firnrer presmr» (mil;,! piaure). Stroke ge1Jt~, on the inner thigb_

From the tender work Oll the abdomen, move on to the front of your partner's legs, completing (he flow of sensa-

rio ns over the front of the body. Before continuing you r contact, look once more a r YOll[ partner's I egs, From rhe delicare shape of (he ankle, to [he knees and along the thighs, follow up and over rhe curve of rhc hips, Notice how rhe legs naturally rum om, coming down to rhe softness of rhe roes, Make yom first contact by resting your hands gemly over the top of" your partner's feer.


When you begin to effieumge her legs, reach right up OVe'" yOllr partner's cbighs, bringing your strokes over and around

the hips. Remember co rock the legs genrly on the downward stroke (Q loosen the jO;Ilt~ and muscles. The pelvis plays an important part in the rnovemenr of rhe leg, for if it is contracted, rhis alrers the way the legs are held. The pelvis can often

be thrust back or forwards, which naturally affecrs the position of rhe spine Very often sexual feelings become trapped, curring off sen sa ti 0 n 5 to th e legs.

The squeezing stroke that you lise in this massage helps to remove W3St'e products from [he muscles, and restores the natural flow or energy. Circling lightly rou od the kneecap releases pressure inrhe joint, sending pleasurable sensations rou nd the knee, When you come [0 massaging [he thighs, it is worth realizing that they contain some of the most powerful muscles in



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