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^980Version 4.5.

^98014 August 2018^*

==^960 Patching Schedule Change ^*==

^947-^* From this point onward, Heroes of Newerth will receive patches every 3
weeks instead of every 2 weeks.
^274*^*The official forums will contain a detailed patching schedule stickied

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^075Leaver Mechanic Change^*

^947-^* When a player is terminated, all other players are able to leave the game
without having their Leaver count penalized (in the Leave % system and the Leaver
Strike System).
^274*^*Players still receive the appropriate amount of Rank/MMR Adjustment in
the game.

^947-^* Time per pause before enemy team can Unpause the game increased from ^96045
seconds to 60 seconds^*.
^274*^*As a result, total minimum pause time per team (if not unpaused early by
an ally) increased from ^9601 minute & 30 seconds to 2 minutes^*.

=^075 Hero Reworks ^*=

^059Tempest^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Strength: 17 + 2.4 per level

^274*^*Agility: 14 + 1.0 per level
^274*^*Intelligence: 20 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^274*^*Movement Speed: 300
^274*^*Attack Range: 600
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 42-48
^274*^*Starting Armor: 4.2

Ability 1: ^256Glacial Blasts^*

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Mana Cost: 110/130/150/160
^274*^*Cooldown: 15 seconds

^947-^*Target an enemy unit to instantly blast it with ice. On each impact, deals
30/50/70/90 Magic Damage to target and applies a 0.25/0.5/0.75/1 second Stun.
Impacts a maximum of 3 times.
^947-^* Each impact occurs in 2 second intervals.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: Damage Type is changed to True.

Ability 2: ^256Elemental^*
^274*^*Range: 700
^274*^*Mana Cost: 180
^274*^*Cooldown: 35 seconds

^947-^* Target a creep unit to kill it and spawn 3 Elementals that last for 35
seconds. Elementals have 200/225/225/275 ^999Health^*, 2/3/4/5 Armor, 17 Magic
Armor, 600 Attack Range, deal 18/24/30/36 Physical Damage with each attack and have
260/280/300/320 Movement Speed.
^947-^* After 6 attacks, Elementals replicate themselves, spawning a new Elemental
with the same remaining life time.
^274*^*This effect now works when Elementals attack structures.
^947-^* Level 1 of this ability cannot target allied units.
^947-^* Upon being summoned, Elementals will automatically follow you around and
assist you.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: Damage Type is changed to True.

Ability 3: ^256Meteor^*
^274*^*Range: 1500
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana Cost: 95/110/125/140
^274*^*Cooldown: 40/35/30/25 seconds

^947-^* Target an area to travel to the location and spawn a Meteor.

^947-^* The Meteor's flames last 8 seconds and deals 2/3/4/5% of the enemy's Max
^999Health^* as True Damage per second.

Ability 4: ^256Elemental Void^*

^274*^*Range: 275
^274*^*Radius: 420
^274*^*Mana Cost: 275/325/375
^274*^*Cooldown: 180/160/140 seconds

^947-^* Target a location to channel an Elemental Void in the area for up to 4

seconds. Enemies who are in the Void are Stunned, pulled towards the center, and
take up to 200/400/600 Magic Damage.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: Damage Type is changed to True, and decreases
cooldown to 120 seconds.


=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Superior Magic Damage increased from ^96010/20/30/40% to 15/25/35/45%^* of
the target's Attack Damage.



^947-^* Illusions can no longer attack structures when ^059Circe^* is more than
1000 range away.


^059Doctor Repulsor^*

^256Magnetic Contraption^*
^947-^* Magic Damage changed from ^960110/160/210/260 to 100/160/220/280^*.

^256Ludicrous Speed^*
^947-^* Damage per 100 distance travelled increased from ^9606/9/12 to 15/20/25^*.
^274*^*Maximum Damage increased from ^960120/180/240 to 300/400/500^*.


^256Shadow^* Walk
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96040 to 50^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow reduced from ^96010/15/20/25% to 8/12/16/20%^*.



^947-^* Passive armor bonus reduced from ^9603/6/9/12 to 2.5/5/7.5/10^*.



^947-^* The initial cast can now target Enemy Units.
^947-^* If cast on an enemy unit, Transfusion forms a link that continuously
transfers Debuffs & Stuns from ^059Ichor^* to the enemy.
^947-^* Delay for jumping to an ally unit after the initial cast reduced from ^9603
seconds to 1 second^*.



^256Rocket Drill^*
^947-^* Now grants you 100 Movement Speed for 3 seconds after the leap.

^947-^* Mixed Damage reduced from ^960300/425/550 to 200/325/450^*.
^947-^* No longer slows enemies.



^947-^* Movement Speed increase reduced from Haste to 50%.
^274*^*No longer has 100% Slow Resistance as a result.



^947-^* Strength gain reduced from ^9602.0 to 1.8^*.

^256Mana Rift^*
^947-^* No longer stuns enemies for 0.1/0.2/0.3 seconds.
^947-^* Now applies a Silence and a 90% Movement Speed Slow to enemies for 1



^075Wall of Mirrors^*
^947-^* Now also deals 25/50/75/100 Magic Damage to the target upon impact.

^075Echo Strikes^*
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9606 to 8 seconds^*.


^059Monkey King^*

^256Flying Nimbus^*
^947-^* Out-of-combat duration increased from ^9603 to 5 seconds^*.


^059Pollywog Priest^*

^256Voodoo Wards^*
^947-^* Ward damage reduced from ^96040/70/100 to 40/65/90^*.



^947-^* Now considered a buff state, rendering it able to be transferred or



^256Bound by Fate^*
^947-^* When 1 of the bound unit dies, the tether no longer automatically snaps.
^274*^*Instead, the tether will be bound to the bound unit's corpse.
^274*^*The remaining tethered unit has to break the leash range to break the
^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96075/150/225/300 to 80/160/240/320^*.
^947-^* Cast effect type changed from Physical to Magic.



^947-^* Agility gain reduced from ^9602.4 to 2.3^*.

^256Wind Shield^*
^947-^* ^256Evasion^* reduced from ^96015/30/45/60% to 12/24/36/48%^*.


=^075 Item Reworks ^*=

^077Helm of the Black Legion^*

^947-^* ^077Beastheart^* (1100) + ^077Lifetube^* (850) + ^077Iron Buckler^* (225) =

2175 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +250 Max ^999Health^*, +6 ^999Health^* Regen.
^947-^* Passively grants a 50% chance to block 60 damage (30 for ranged). Does not
work against gadgets.

^947+^* Helm of the Black Legion was tapering off too quickly if you obtain this
item early game. The increased Block value allows it to maintain its relevance for
a longer period of time.
^947+^* Its block mechanics were also reverted to its legacy form & had numbers
adjusted to fit its intended purpose of being an early-mid game survivability item.

^077Ultor's Heavy Helm^* (renamed from ^077Ultor's Heavy Plate^*)

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Helm of the Black Legion^* (2175) + ^077Ringmail^* (550) +

Recipe (1000) = 3725 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +250 Max ^999Health^*, +6 ^999Health^* Regen, +5 Armor.
^947-^* Passively grants a 50% chance to block 70 damage (35 for ranged). Only
blocks half of the amount against gadgets.
^947-^* Active: Applies Heavy Plated to allied heroes and structures in radius for
12 seconds. Units cannot be affected by Ultor's Heavy Plate more than once every 45
^947-^* Heavy Plated: 100% chance to block 70 damage.
^274*^*Radius: 900
^274*^*Mana Cost: 0
^274*^*Cooldown: 45 seconds.
^947+^* Ultor's Heavy Helm is intended to be the analog to ^077Barrier Idol^* for
Physical Damage. It provides a large amount of Block to protect your team from
Physical autoattacks.


^077Plated Greaves^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Marchers^* (500) + 2x ^077Ringmail^* (550) = 1600 Gold Total

^947-^* Grants: +50 Movement Speed, +10 Armor
^947-^* Passively grants +2 Armor when attacked by a hero, up to a max of a bonus 8
Armor. Loses charges after 6 seconds.

^947^947+^* Plated Greaves was adjusted to be more oriented to come a cost-

efficient source of Physical autoattack damage reduction for yourself, as its
previous effects were negligible when used for your team or yourself. Its former
pushing enhancements are already found in multiple other items.^*


=^075 Items ^*=

^075Arcane Bomb^*
^947-^* Instead of dealing 900 Magic Damage, now deals 50% of the target's Max
^999Health^* if the target is an enemy player-controlled non-hero unit.

^077Barbed Armor^*
^947-^* Gadgets will no longer be affected by Barbed Armor.
^274*^*This specifically removes any interaction between ^059Engineer^*'s
^256Steam Turret^* and Barbed Armor.

^947-^* Movement Speed bonus reduced from ^96025 to 20^*.

^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96020 to 25^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from 450 Gold to 335 Gold.
^274*^*Total cost reduced from 1515 Gold to 1400 Gold.

^077Jade Spire^*
^947-^* In addition to its current effects, now ^256Heal^*s yourself for 25% of
^256Heal^*ing Done to others.
^274*^*This effect, along with the increased Healing Output effect do not stack.

^077Lex Talionis^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from 225 Gold to 100 Gold.
^274*^*Total cost reduced from 1275 Gold to 1150 Gold.
^947-^* Passive Armor bonus reduced from ^9608 to 6^*.
^947-^* Aura now also grants 2 bonus Armor.
^274*^*This is in addition to 1 Mana Regeneration that the Aura already

^947-^* Mana Regeneration lowered from ^9603 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Magic Lifesteal increased from ^96015% to 20%^*.
^947-^* Non-hero Magic Lifesteal increased from ^9605% to 8%^*.

^077Frozen Light^*/^077Searing Light^*

^947-^* Mana Regeneration lowered from ^9604 to 3.5^*.
^947-^* Magic Lifesteal increased from ^96020% to 28%^*.
^947-^* Non-hero Magic Lifesteal increased from ^9608% to 12%^*.

^947-^* Mana Regeneration lowered from ^9605 to 4.5^*.
^947-^* Magic Lifesteal increased from ^96030% to 36%^*.
^947-^* Non-hero Magic Lifesteal increased from ^96010% to 16%^*.

^075Madfreds Brass Knuckles^*

^947-^* ^904New ^*Recipe: ^077Punchdagger^* (500) + ^077Soulscream Ring^* (440) +
Recipe (260) = 1200 Gold Total.
^947-^* Now also grants 3 Strength and 3 Intelligence.
^947-^* Increased Attack Damage per charge from ^9603 to 4^*.

^075Nomes Wisdom^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from 250 Gold to 150 Gold.
^274*^*Total cost reduced from 2100 Gold to 2000 Gold.

^077Null Stone^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*Recipe: ^077Blessed Orb^* (2100) + ^077Sustainer^* (1700) +
Recipe (700) = 4500 Gold Total
^947-^* Passively grants: +15 Strength, +15 Agility, +15 Intelligence, +15 Damage,
+6 Regen, +150% Mana Regen.
^947-^* Cooldown for blocking a single-targeted spell reduced from ^96016 to 15

Orb of Zamos & ^077Grave Locket^*

^947-^* Initial synchronization range increased from ^960500 to 700^*.
^947-^* Synchronization delay decreased from ^9602 to 0.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Turning the item off will now clear any synchronization states that you
have, regardless of owner, and make you unsychronizable.

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947-^* Recipe Cost increased from 575 Gold to 1000 Gold.
^274*^*Total Cost increased from 4075 Gold to 4500 Gold.

^947-^* Armor reduction increased from ^9602/4/6 to 3/5/7^*.
^947-^* Maximum number of stacks on structures increased from ^9606 to 7^*.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from 300 Gold to 150 Gold.
^274*^*Total cost reduced from 2825 Gold to 2675 Gold.

^075Wind Whistle^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus reduced from ^96020 to 15^*.


==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^077Mid Wars^* (PBT)

^947-^* Heroes now gain 150 Movement Speed from their ally Well. This buff lasts 6
seconds, or after they are farther than 4000 units away from their ally Well.
^947-^* A ^077Homecoming Stone^* is now added to your inventory at the start of the
game. Homecoming Stones have infinite uses in this mode.
^947-^* Golem Boss now drops 2 Tokens of Sight.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Poker Set ^*=

^904New ^*Poker ^059Ellonia^* Avatar: ^579Queen of Hearts^*

^947^947-^* The Queen of Hearts may come off as a bit frigid at first, but that's
only because she's looking for tells and working to identify players ripe for
bleeding. When she turns on the charm and uses her full set of assets to taunt,
tease, and distract players (and possibly slip a cold deck into the mix), the rest
of the table quickly tilts or steams toward a rapid fold, laydown, or all-out

^904New ^*Poker ^059Sand Wraith^* Avatar: ^579Wraith of Diamonds^*

^947^947-^* The Wraith of Diamonds is a seriously sharp and intimidating player
with a deceptive style of play known as sandbagging -- he'll create the mirage of
holding a weak hand in battle, luring hapless opponents into staying in when they
should fold and raising aggressively when they should be more cautious. By the time
his overconfident targets realize they've actually been stalked since the first
card was dealt, the Wraith of Diamonds has already broken them.^*

^904New ^*Poker ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* Get the Poker ^256Carnage^* Counter with three of a kind, or go all-in with
the five Poker avatars and get the full Set Effect!
^274*^* Own 3 Poker avatars to get the Poker Carnage Counter
^274*^* Own all 5 Poker avatars to unlock the exclusive Poker Set Effect

Poker ^256Taunt^*
^947-^* Cut those Jokers out of the deck with the Poker Taunt!

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Subaccounts can now be properly purchased in-game.

^947-^* Using a teleporter will no longer center the camera on the teleported unit.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256LRM^* no longer issues a Hold command on Artillery.
^274*^*As a result, Artillery now automatically attacks an enemy unit within his
aggro range if no further command is given after LRM's channel finishes.

^947-^* ^256Steam Turret^* no longer takes an extra hit to kill if it receives any
^999Health^* increase from Engineer's inventory.

^947-^* ^256Grappling Shot^* now lets Gunblade follow the target correctly if the
target becomes orderdisjointed (e.g. by using ^077Geometer's Bane^*).

^947-^* ^256Guardian Angel^* now cannot be cast on ally heroes who have disabled
help from Martyr.

^947-^* ^256Elemental Warp^* (when boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) can now be
properly cast at max range when ^077Nome's Wisdom^* (PBT version) is in his

^947-^* String terminology has been clarified for Schism & which of Mimix's
abilities will be replicated by Mimix's illusions.

^947-^* ^256Arcane Vortex^*'s effects are now properly boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^* when used by the mimic spawned by ^256Ephemeral Forge^*.

^947-^* Raven Form models have been properly adjusted for all avatars.
^947-^* Debilitate and Decelerate will no longer be applied to heroes you do not
have vision of when spread by Shared Fate.

^947-^* ^256Ball Lightning^* will no longer be permanently disabled if the
projectile is out in Team Deathmatch when the round ends.

^947-^* ^256Disarm^* no longer procs its ^256Critical Strike^* & ^256Disarm^*
effects when attacking ally units.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Bloodborne Maul^*
^947-^* Fixed to no longer deal bonus damage against structures.


^980Version 4.5.3^*
^98031 July 2018^*

=^075 New Hero: Mimix ^*=

When the Sacred Order cleric discovered that the shapes and hexes used on the
profane ^900Hellbourne^* sacrificial shrines actually harnessed the power to create
daemonic energy, he knew that power could be reversed. It could become a destroyer.

He immersed himself in the math, the sequences, and the potential for disruptions
within. At first he experimented with quill and ink, watching with disbelief as the
shapes, when arranged correctly and applied to opposing shapes, destroyed each
other. And each time, always, the more perfect geometry was the victor. He moved to
solid objects, carving replicas of the Hellbourne shapes into boulders. When
confronted with certain sacred geometries by the cleric, the stones split apart as
if made of clay. He was ecstatic! Using these shapes to battle the daemonic
infrastructure could turn the tide of the war.

Then, a revelation: A warrior who accurately mimicked these shapes and carried them
with him, on him, within him, would be unstoppable. He began by carving the
geometries into his flesh, carefully cleansing the wounds to create scars, but the
shapes were too jagged, too imperfect. He knew they would fail when clashing with
the flawless Hellbourne symbols. So he took the remaining metal shapes and placed
them in the glowing coals of his fire, let them linger until red-hot, and pressed
them into his skin to create immaculate brands. He even left a few of the metal
symbols embedded in his body to ensure the quality.

And it worked. His body was now a weapon, and when he approached the boulders and
logs decorated with daemonic symbolism, they crumbled and splintered before him. He
fantasized about strolling into Hellbourne territory, smirking as the corrupted
landscape was decimated by his mere presence.

But then the sacred shapes began to change his body. They grew, twisted, and
contorted, taking the flesh with them. The transformation was agonizing but
thrilling, for the cleric knew the geometry was aligning his body in the ideal
patterns and ratios for maximum destructive power. When the perfection was
complete, he felt the power immediately. The sacred energies gathered within him,
ready to burst forth at his command. He was even able to replicate his new sequence
of shapes, expanding his power exponentially. The Sacred Order praised their new
warrior, who would literally reshape the war for the Legion.



Strength: 24 + 2.5 per level (Primary)

Agility: 12 + 1.4 per level
Intelligence: 17 + 2.0 per level

Attack Range: Melee

Movement Speed: 300
Armor: 2.7
Attack Damage: 50-54


^075Ability 1: Fractal Field^*

^274*^*Radius: 300
^274*^*Mana Cost: 90
^274*^*Cooldown: 10 seconds

^947-^* Activate to create an explosion of fractals around yourself after a 1.5

second delay, dealing 100/140/180/220 Magic Damage to nearby enemies.
^274*^*Your illusions cast this around themselves.


^075Ability 2: Wall of Mirrors^*

^274*^*Range: 600/700/800/900
^274*^*Mana Cost: 60
^274*^*Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy unit to dash to them. On impact, creates a curved Wall of
Mirrors behind the target and applies a 30% Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds.
^274*^*Your illusions will dash with you.


^075Ability 3: Echo Strikes^*

^947-^* Passively grants a stacking 30/40/50/60 Attack Speed for 6 seconds whenever
you cast a spell.
^274*^*Spells cast by your illusions increase the Attack Speed by 10/15/20/25.


^075Ability 4: Schism^*
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120/160/200
^274*^*Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

^947-^* Activate to split into fractals, creating 2 illusions that follow you for
30 seconds. Illusions deal 50/75/100% Spell and Attack Damage and take 150% Damage.
^947-^* During this time, nearby illusions under your control will attack when you
attack and mimic your spellcasts.


==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Forests of Caldavar ^*=

^947-^* The Easy Camps that are located in the pull camps for the ^090Legion^* &
^900Hellbourne^* side are now Medium Camps.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9603.5 to 3.2^*.



^075Crippling Puncture^*
^947-^* Superior Magic Damage decreased from ^96075/100/125/150 to 30/60/90/120^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from ^96030% to 40%^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96014 to 12 seconds^*.
^947-^* Duration rescaled from ^9602.5/3/3.5/4 seconds to 1.5/2.5/3.5/4.5
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96075 to 70/80/90/100^*.

^947-^* Charges removed. Now always triggers on ability casts.
^947-^* Superior Magic Damage reduced from ^96060% to 10/20/30/40%^* of the targets
Attack Damage.
^947-^* Now also triggers every second of a DoT effect.



^256Curse of Ages^*
^947-^* Now has a 1.5 second cooldown.
^947-^* Cooldown is changed to 0 seconds while ^059Chronos^* is inside his


^059Drunken Master^*

^2563 Point Strike^*

^947-^* Damage increased from 960250/325/400 to 300/475/650^*.
^947-^* Damage type changed from True to Physical.



^256Shadow^* Walk
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96070 to 40^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96025/20/15/10 seconds to 20/16/12/8 seconds^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from ^96015% to 10/15/20/25%^*.
^947-^* Now also grants unitwalking.

^947-^* Duration decreased from ^96040/50/60 seconds to 20/40/60 seconds^*.


^059Flint Beastwood^*

^947-^* Attack Range and Vision increase improved from ^960100/150/200/250 to


^947-^* Strength, Agility and Intelligence gains increased from ^9602.5 to 2.6^*.

^256Twin Breath^*
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96090/100/110/120 to 80/90/100/110^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96014 to 12 seconds^*.

^075Twin Fang^*
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960100 to 90^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96014 to 12 seconds^*.



^256Lodestone Plates^*
^947-^* Passive Damage Block reduced from ^96010/20/30/40 to 6/12/18/24^*.



^256Face Smash^*
^947-^* While active, ^059Pandamonium^* now also gains 50% Damage Reduction.


^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.2 to 2.0^*.


^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9601.8 to 1.7^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.8 to 2.5^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.6 to 2.9^*.

^947-^* Critical Hit multiplier decreased from ^9601.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 to

^256Edge Counter^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^960200/350/500 to 250/500/750^*.
^947-^* Stun duration decreased from ^9602/2.5/3 seconds to 2 seconds^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.7 to 1.9^*.

^256Ionic Dash^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96075/95/115/135 to 75/105/135/165^*.



^075Raven Form^*

^947-^* Vision granted to enemies when you attack or use skills increased from
^9602 to 3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Taking damage from enemies while in Raven Form will remove the 15% movement
speed bonus for 3 seconds.



^256Blade Frenzy^*
^947-^* Damage penalty reduced from ^96080/60/40/20% to 50/40/30/20%^*.



^947-^* Intelligence gain per level reduced from ^9602.8 to 2.6^*.

^256Glyph of Silence^*
^947-^* Slow linger time reduced from ^9601 to 0.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow reduced from ^96060% to 50%^*.


^059War Beast^*

^256Summon Hellhounds^*
^947-^* Duration of Hellhounds increased from 55 seconds to infinite.
^274*^*Still a limit of 2 ^579Hel^*lhounds active at the same time.
^947-^* Hellhound ^999Health^* decreased from ^960500 to 400^*.
^947-^* Hellhound Attack Damage decreased from ^96025/35/45/55 to 15/25/35/45^*.
^947-^* Hellhound Critical Hit chance increased from ^96010/20/30/40% to 30%^*.
^947-^* Hellhound Critical Hit multiplier rescaled from 1.5x to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8x.


=^075 Items ^*=

^904New ^*Supportive Item: Arcane Bomb

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Neophyte's Book^* (1000) + ^077Major Totem^* (540) + Recipe
(250) = 1790 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +14 Intelligence
^947-^* Active: Marks the target area and causes an explosion after a 0.5 second
delay. The explosion deals 100 Magic Damage to non-hero units or 900 Magic Damage
if those non-hero units are player-controlled, or if those units are illusions.
^947-^* Explosion also destroys trees.
^274*^*Range: 1200
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown: 25 seconds

^947+^* Arcane Bomb is an early game pickup to deal with enemy illusions and
player-controlled non-hero units.
^947+^* Enemy illusions have a problem of cluttering the screen and making single-
target spells & autoattacks much more cumbersome to execute. Arcane Bomb
facilitates eliminating this clutter in a pinch.


^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960600 to 400^*.
^274*^*Total cost reduced from ^9601640 to 1440^*.


^077Blight Stones^*
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^96090 to 75^*.
^947-^* ^999Health^* restored per charge reduced from ^960115 to 100^*.


^077Bloodborne Maul^*
^947-^* ^999Health^* loss requirement for each charge reduced from ^96015 to 10^*.
^947-^* Maximum number of charges increased from ^960250 to 350^*.
^947-^* Charge loss per second increased from ^96010 to 15^*.
^947-^* Bonus Damage type changed from True to the same damage type as your attack.
^274*^*This means that it will be Physical most of the time or Magic with a
Harkons Blade equipped.
^947-^* Bonus Damage is now added to your attack instead of counting as a separate
damage instance.
^274*^*This means that it will now contribute to a critical strike but will no
longer count as 2 instances of damage against abilities like ^059Klanx^*s


^077Dust of Revelation^*
^947-^* Reveal duration reduced from ^96012 to 10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Radius reduced from ^9601250 to 1000^*.
^947-^* No longer provides sight of enemies for 3 seconds.
^947-^* Now grants 1000 Clearvision for 2 seconds upon use.


^947-^* Targets affected by Hellflower now receive 15% increased incoming Damage
from all sources.


^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960400 to 600^*.
^274*^*Total cost increased from ^9604000 to 4200^*.


^075Loggers Hatchet^*
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^960225 to 200^*.
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage vs Creeps changed from 32% bonus Damage to a static 30
bonus Damage.
^947-^* Ranged bonus Damage changed from 12% to a static 15.


^077Mana Potion^*
^947-^* Duration reduced from ^96020 to 15 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana restored per second increased from ^9605 to 6.66^*.
^274*^*Still restores a total of 100 mana over the duration.


^077Power Supply^*
^947-^* Reworked.
^947-^* ^904New ^*recipe: 2x ^077Minor Totem^* (50) + ^077Crushing Claws^* OR
^077Duck Boots^* OR ^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) + Recipe (50) = 300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Intelligence.
^947-^* Passively gain a charge whenever an enemy ability is used within 1200
radius of you.
^947-^* Activate to restore 10 ^999Health^* and 15 Mana per charge.
^274*^*Cooldown: 17 seconds
^947-^* Max of 15 charges.

^077Mana Battery^*
^947-^* Removed from the game.


^075Rejuvenation Potion^*
^947-^* Amount of ^999Health^* restored reduced from ^9601200 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Amount of Mana restored increased from ^960900 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^960400 to 300^*.

^077Tablet of Command^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960825 to 625^*.
^274*^*Total cost reduced from ^9602000 to 1800^*.


^075Twin Blades^*
^947-^* Now has a 500 gold Recipe.
^274*^*Total cost increased from ^9602775 to 3275^*.


==^960 Mid Wars Changes ^*==

^947+^* The following balance changes will only apply to the Mid Wars mode:

^947-^* Starting Strength reduced from ^96022 to 20^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9602.7 to 1.5^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.8^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96016 to 18^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.5 to 1.8^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.8 to 2.5^*.


^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96015 to 20^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.7 to 2.8^*.
^947-^* Starting Intelligence increased from ^96017 to 20^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.8 to 2.4^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.3 to 2.9^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.1 to 2.6^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.2^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 3.0^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9603.0 to 3.4^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.7 to 2.5^*.


^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9603.0 to 2.6^*.


^059Prisoner 945^*
^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9602.8 to 2.2^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.8^*.


==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^947-^* Punk Play will now be counted when playing PBT games.

=^075 New Map Rotation in for this cycle: Mid Wars (PBT) ^*=

^947-^* A new Mid Wars map has been created with the intent of maintaining action
throughout the entire game. The overall map has been made smaller to accomplish
this, with additional neutral camps added as additional sources of gold.
^947-^* One Golem Boss has also been added to replace ^579Transmutanstein^* &
^579Zorgath^* with toned down stats, allowing it to be killed earlier in the game
and increasing the importance of this point of contention.
^947-^* The side areas of the map have more trees, creating an environment with
additional juke spots and fog of war.

^947+^* Mechanical Changes for Mid Wars (PBT Only) +

^947-^* Base Hero Level increased from ^9603 to 4^*.
^947-^* Passive Experience per Minute increased from ^960120 to 200^*.
^947-^* Passive Gold per Minute increased from ^960150 to 200^*.
^947-^* Starting Gold increased from ^960850 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Respawn time increased from (0.6 * Hero Level) to (0.75 * Hero Level)

^947-^* Max ^999Health^* percentage heal per second increased from ^96010% to
^947-^* Static Mana Regeneration per second increased from ^9607 to 10^*.

^075Golem Bosses^*
^947-^* Max ^999Health^* reduced from ^9605000 to 2500^*.
^947-^* Max ^256Heal^*th per 30 seconds reduced from ^96050 to 25^*.
^947-^* Stat buffs upon killing the Golem Boss from the regular PBT mode are
^947-^* Siege bonus is given when killing the Golem Boss in this map.
^947-^* Respawn time decreased from 10 minutes to 6 minutes.

=^075 Heroes (PBT Only) ^*=


^256Courageous Leap^*
^947-^* Re-enabled Courageous Leap PBT changes.

=^075 Items (PBT Only) ^*=

^904New ^*Item: ^077Nome's Wisdom^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Pickled Brain^* (900) + ^077Manatube^* (800) + Recipe (700) =
2400 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +250 Max Mana, +100% Mana Regeneration
^947-^* Increases the Cast Range of your Abilities & Items by 250. This effect does
not stack.

^947-^* Now has 3 levels (i.e. item can be upgraded twice).
^947-^* Magic Armor Penetration changed from ^96050% to 25/50/75%^*.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* No longer deals Magic Damage based on a percentage of your targets Current
^947-^* Instead, now deals 30 Magic Damage per second (2x to non-hero units, 0.5x
if only caused by a DoT) for 3 seconds.
==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Mimix ^*=

^904New ^*Early Access ^059Mimix^* Avatar: ^579Unity^*

^947^947-^* While the geometry of the sacred paradigm can render catastrophic
destruction, it can also bring objects together and bind them with nearly
unbreakable bonds. Unity is a master of this sorcery, and his ability to serve as a
spiritual artisan to augment his abilities and those of his reflections is a
powerful counter to the Hellbourne's desire to tear all of Newerth apart.^*

^904New ^*^059Mimix^* Avatar: Severence

^947^947-^* Although the cleric known as Mimix only recently discovered the
destructive power of geometric symbols, this weapon has been known to other beings
since the first shapes were scribbled in the dust of creation. Severance is a
warrior from the phantom realm, where the spirit and physical are forever
fractured, and he brings to Newerth an obsession with separating souls from their
mortal prisons. Whether through phantom sorcery or simple, pedestrian brutality, he
will shatter these shells and bask in the glory of the souls releasing into his

=^075 General ^*=

^947^947+^* The Birthday Basher and Cake Snake are a vicious team of party crashers
who work together to invade birthday parties and decimate all sweets and presents
before stampeding away, leaving splattered plates and sobbing children in their
wake as they hunt for the next party to ruin.^*

^904New ^*^059Predator^* Avatar: ^579Birthday Basher^*

^947^947-^* The Birthday Basher has an insatiable need to open and gorge upon any
wrapped gift it sees, and birthday presents are especially delectable. Children
across Newerth ignore their parents' pleas to slow down and relish the anticipation
of gift-unwrapping, for the kids know the Birthday Basher is lurking nearby,
stalking the presents and preparing to leap into the pile, shredding ribbons,
paper, and boxes alike to get at the prizes hidden within. The poor birthday boys
and girls may get a brief glimpse of their presents before they're wolfed down by
this monster, but then the toys are gone, along with any hope of enjoying the rest
of the party.^*

^904New ^*^059Slither^* Avatar: ^579Cake Snake^*

^947^947-^* Birthday party-goers across Newerth live in constant fear of the Cake
Snake. This nefarious creature lurks among the balloons, bounce houses, and pinatas
at these joyous gatherings, waiting for the perfect moment to burst forth. Its
appearance instantly scatters the screaming children and crushes the hopes of the
birthday boy or girl, who watches with helpless horror as the Cake Snake uses its
grotesquely enlarged spoon and fork to devour all birthday cake, ice cream,
cookies, and treats. Then it slithers away, momentarily sated until it finds the
next batch of cakes and dreams to destroy.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Using teleporters on particular maps (e.g. ^077Mid Wars^*) will now center
the camera on your hero.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* While Perching on a tree, Perch & Plunge's ability cast will now be
invalidated if Goldenveil attempts to use either of these abilities on a target
outside of the corresponding ability's cast range.

^947+^* The following changes were unintentional changes when performing changes
for him in PBT. His stats have now been reverted to what they were before.
^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96023 to 25^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* ^256Swarm^* Wave (when boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) now properly
applies the negative Armor debuff before its Physical Damage is applied.

^947-^* Raven Form's buff state can no longer be transferred to another unit (e.g.
with ^059Parasite^*'s ^256Facehug^*).

^947-^* ^077Riftshards^* now procs properly on her Unstable Shard.

^947-^* ^256Bound by Fate^* will now choose the closest valid enemy unit (instead
of a random enemy unit).
^274*^*Heroes are still prioritized over non-hero units.

^947-^* Can now manually control Shiver & bind Shiver's unit selection to a hotkey
(in addition to the current functionality of ^256Call of Winter^*).

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Alchemist's Bones^*
^947-^* Timer will now be started properly while the item is on a ^077Flying
Courier^* and Alchemist's Bones is used when it has 2 charges.

^077Bound Eye^*
^947-^* Can no longer be manually dropped if damaged by an enemy player-controlled
unit within the last 8 seconds.

^077Grave Locket^*
^947-^* Grave Locket's synchronization state will now be prioritized accordingly if
Orb of Zamos' synchronization state is also on that target.


^980Version 4.5.2^*
^98017 July 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Matchmaking ^*=

^947-^* MMR gain and loss will now be adjusted accordingly if there is a high
Rank/MMR disparity between your own Rank/MMR and either the highest or lowest
player Rank/MMR on your own team.

^947+^* 5-queue teams can no longer be matched with opposing teams that contain
more than 1 solo queue player.
^947-^* Therefore, the only options that 5-queue teams can be matched with are:
^274*^*4-queue + solo queue player
^274*^*3-queue + 2-queue
^274*^*2-queue + 2-queue + solo queue player

=^075 Leaver Strike System ^*=

^075The Leaver Strike System will have significantly harsher punishments for

^947-^* Strike 1: A warning is issued to the Player in the form of a popup window.
^947-^* Strike 2: Player is unable to use matchmaking for 4 hours (up from 1 hour)
^947-^* Strike 3: Player is unable to use matchmaking for 4 hours
^947-^* Strike 4 and Above: Player is unable to use matchmaking for 24 hours (up
from 10 hours)
^947-^* After 10 days without leaving a match, one strike is removed from the
player's account.

=^075 User Interface ^*=

^947-^* In the appropriate UI windows, the "Yes/Accept" button is now on the left
side, while the "No/Reject" button is now on the right side.

=^075 Report-A-Player (RAP) ^*=

^947-^* Submitting a report now requires a minimum of 1 character.
^274*^*Prevents empty reports from occurring and reduces the number of false
reports submitted.

=^075 General ^*=

^075Concede Votes^*
^947-^* Now requires 4 votes at the 15 minute mark (instead of the 25 minute mark)
to pass the vote.
^947-^* Now requires only 3 votes at the 30 minute mark to pass the vote.

^947-^* Time before enemy team can Unpause the game decreased from ^96060 seconds
to 45 seconds^*.
^947-^* Maximum pause time per pause instance decreased from 10 minutes to 5
^947-^* Max number of pause instances per team decreased from ^9603 to 2^*.

^075Gold Changes^*
^947-^* Melee Lane Creep Gold Bounty increased from ^96038-44^* to ^96045-55^*.
^947-^* Ranged Lane Creep Gold Bounty increased from ^96038-47^* to ^96045-55^*.
^947-^* ^980Upgrade^*d Lane Creep Gold Bounty decreased from ^96017-25^* to ^96015-

^075Experience Changes^*
^947-^* Assist Experience Penalty increased from ^9600/0/10/30/50% to
0/0/20/40/60%^* for 1/2/3/4/5 real ally heroes within the Experience Proximity of
the target.
^947-^* Unshared Experience bounty (worth 12 * the Killed Hero's level) when
killing an enemy hero has been removed.
^274*^*Will not affect Casual Mode.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Damage decreased from 1/1.5/2/2.5x of your Attack Damage to 0.5/1/1.5/2x of
your Attack Damage.



^947-^* 120 bonus Attack Damage limit removed.



^947-^* Killing enemy heroes while Carnage is active will now extend Carnage's
duration by 5 seconds.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^9606 seconds to 5 seconds^*.



^256Energy Field^*
^947-^* Entering and exiting the Energy Field now deals 90 Magic Damage.
^274*^*Was dealing 100 True Damage only upon entering the field (and not upon
exiting the field) before this change.
^947-^* No longer a controllable unit (and therefore will not break its behaviour
when Multi-Unit Assist is enabled when ^059Engineer^* stops attacking).
^947-^* Visual size of Energy Field's turret attack projectiles are now larger and
slightly slower.

^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:

^947-^* Now has 800 Cast Range. Target a location to leap there and then spawn your
Energy Field.
^947-^* Energy Field's Attack Damage is also doubled.


^256Telekinetic Control^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per object increased from ^96060 to 70^*.



^947-^* Physical Damage decreased from ^96060/120/180/240 to 55/110/165/220^*.



^256Draining Venom^*
^947-^* Damage increase and reduction improved from ^9606/12/18/24% to



^947-^* Chance to proc increased from ^96010/15/20/25% to 25%^*.
^947-^* Bonus Physical Damage increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to 15/30/45/60^*.



^256Wall of Mummies^*
^947-^* Can activate again while the Mummies are active to kill them early.



^947-^* Base Damage increased from 27-^96037 to 30^*-39.

^274*^*Starting Damage, thus, increased from 50-^96060 to 53^*-62.



^075Raven Form^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduction rate decreased from 4x to 2/2.5/3x.


^256Toxin Ward^*
^947-^* Charge refresh time increased from ^9603 to 5 seconds^*.



^256Chain Lightning^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^9601.5 seconds to 2 seconds^*.

^256Blast of Lightning^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^960110/190/270/350 to 100/175/250/325^*.

^256Lightning Storm^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96090 seconds to 100 seconds^*.



^256Call of the Valkyrie^*

^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96080/100/120/140 to 80/90/100/110^*.



^256Glyph of Silence^*
^947-^* Number of attacks required to destroy the glyph reduced from ^9602 to 1^*.
^947-^* The glyph now grants enemies 10 gold and experience when killed.



^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.0 to 1.8^*.

=^075 Items ^*=

^947+^* ^077Lightbrand^* & its derivatives no longer have their bonus Spell Damage
against non-hero units and grant Magic Lifesteal instead!
^947+^* Furthermore, ^077Grimoire of Power^* now grants Ability Cooldown Reduction!
^947-^* Instead of granting +12% Spell Damage vs. non-hero units, now grants +15%
Magic Lifesteal (5% vs. non-hero units).
^274*^*This is a Magic Lifesteal modifier and will not stack with other Magic
Lifesteal modifiers.

^077Frozen Light^*
^947-^* Instead of granting +18% Spell Damage vs. non-hero units, now grants +20%
Magic Lifesteal (8% vs. non-hero units).
^274*^*This is a Magic Lifesteal modifier and will not stack with other Magic
Lifesteal modifiers.

^077Searing Light^*
^947-^* Instead of granting +18% Spell Damage vs. non-hero units, now grants +20%
Magic Lifesteal (8% vs. non-hero units).
^274*^*This is a Magic Lifesteal modifier and will not stack with other Magic
Lifesteal modifiers.

^947-^* Instead of granting +24% Spell Damage vs. non-hero units, now grants +30%
Magic Lifesteal (10% vs. non-hero units).
^274*^*This is a Magic Lifesteal modifier and will not stack with other Magic
Lifesteal modifiers.

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947-^* Instead of granting +20% Spell Damage, now grants +25% Magic Lifesteal (10%
vs. non-hero units) and +25% Ability Cooldown Reduction.
^274*^*This is a Magic Lifesteal modifier and will not stack with other Magic
Lifesteal modifiers.


^077Bolstering Armband^*
^947-^* Added to the Outpost.

^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960800 to 600^*.

^947-^* Added to the Outpost.

^077Grave Locket^*
^947-^* Reduced the size and intensity of the visual effects of synchronization.
^947-^* Visual effects of synchronization will now only be visible to self and
^274*^*The state of synchronization is still visible to everyone.

^075Orb of Zamos^*
^947-^* Reduced the size and intensity of the visual effects of synchronization.
^947-^* Visual effects of synchronization will now only be visible to self and
^274*^*The state of synchronization is still visible to everyone.
^947-^* Bonus Damage based on the target's Max ^999Health^* will no longer proc
against enemy Bosses.

^075Sand Scepter^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960700 to 500^*.


==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^947-^* The PBT Feedback Form at the end of a PBT match has been changed to ask the
user 4 different questions!
^274*^*Thank you for filling out these forms in advance! They truly help us more
accurately gauge community reception to changes.

For this patch, we will be gathering feedback specifically for ^059Pestilence^* &
^059Tempest^*. Please play them and fill out the PBT Feedback Form to let us know
how you feel about those heroes!

^947+^* Only the following heroes will have their PBT version in the PBT game mode:
^947-^* ^059Chipper^*
^947-^* ^059Myrmidon^*
^947-^* ^059Nymphora^*
^947-^* ^059Parallax^*
^947-^* Pestilence*
^947-^* ^059Predator^*
^947-^* Tempest*

^075The following heroes will no longer be available in PBT:^*

^947-^* ^059Artillery^*
^947-^* ^059Berzerker^*
^947-^* ^059Blitz^*
^947-^* ^059Bramble^*
^947-^* ^059Calamity^*
^947-^* ^059Chi^*
^947-^* ^059Defiler^*
^947-^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* ^059Draconis^*
^947-^* ^059Flux^*
^947-^* ^059Gemini^*
^947-^* ^059Gravekeeper^*
^947-^* ^059Hellbringer^*
^947-^* ^059Ichor^*
^947-^* ^059Keeper of the Forest^*
^947-^* ^059King Klout^*
^947-^* ^059Moira^*
^947-^* ^059Monarch^*
^947-^* ^059Moraxus^*
^947-^* ^059Nitro^*
^947-^* ^059Oogie^*
^947-^* ^059Ophelia^*
^947-^* ^059Parallax^*
^947-^* ^059Parasite^*
^947-^* ^059Pearl^*
^947-^* ^059Prisoner^*
^947-^* ^059Revenant^*
^947-^* ^059Riptide^*
^947-^* ^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^059Sapphire^*
^947-^* ^059Scout^*
^947-^* ^059Shellshock^*
^947-^* ^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* ^059The Dark Lady^*
^947-^* ^059Thunderbringer^*
^947-^* ^059Torturer^*
^947-^* ^059Tremble^*
^947-^* ^059War Beast^*
^947-^* ^059Warchief^*
^947-^* ^059Zephyr^*

^077Staff of the Master^* Additions (PBT):

^947-^* Note that ^059Rally^*, ^059Scout^* and ^059Thunderbringer^* will be

reverted back to their Regular Mode forms, so they will not have these Staff of the
Master effects present in PBT until their PBT forms have been restored at a later


^256Forced Evolution^*
^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Can be toggled to permanently maintain this form.
^947-^* Now Cleaves for 50% of your Attack Damage while in this form.



^075Nature's Offense^*
^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96060 seconds to 30 seconds^*.
^947-^* Now also resets your item cooldowns.



^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Grants you 500 additional Max Mana.
^947-^* Reduces cooldown from ^960140 seconds to 80 seconds^*.



^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* ^059Predator^*'s ability cooldowns are reset when an enemy hero dies while
affected by Terror.



^059Rally^* to Me!
^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Physical Damage increased to 450/550/650.
^947-^* Now grants all allies a 50% Movement Speed bonus for 4 seconds after they
teleport to the flag.



^075Route Em^*
^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Magic Damage increased to 250/300/350 + 25% of the target's Current
^947-^* For 3 seconds after impact, can now be activated again to quickly leap to
the target.



^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:

^947-^* Increases the Cast Range of ^256Chain Lightning^* and ^256Blast of
Lightning^* by 150.
^947-^* Increases your Attack Range by 150.
^947-^* Chain Lightning and Blast of Lightning now also grants 1000 radius
Clearvision and 700 radius Reveal around the target location for 5 seconds after
being cast.


=^075 Mechanical Changes (PBT Only) ^*=

^075Gold for hero kills is reduced by a percentage for each additional real ally
hero that acts as an Assister past the second real ally hero.^*

^274*^*Real ally Hero means a non-Heropet, non-Mimic, non-illusion hero.

^274*^*1 real Ally Heroes who participated in the Enemy Hero Kill (i.e. just
yourself) = 0% Gold Penalty
^274*^*2 real Ally Heroes who participated in the Enemy Hero Kill (i.e. yourself
and 1 other ally hero Assister) = 0% Gold Penalty
^274*^*3 real Ally Heroes who participated in the Enemy Hero Kill (i.e. yourself
and 2 other ally hero Assisters) = 20% Gold Penalty
^274*^*4 real Ally Heroes who participated in the Enemy Hero Kill (i.e. yourself
and 3 other ally hero Assisters) = 40% Gold Penalty
^274*^*5 real Ally Heroes who participated in the Enemy Hero Kill (i.e. yourself
and 4 other ally hero Assisters) = 60% Gold Penalty

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Punks of Newerth ^*=

^904New ^*Punks of Newerth ^059Pollywog Priest^* Avatar: Punk Polly

^947^947-^* You can recognize Punk Polly's pieces at a glance -- if an adorable
frog is in there somewhere, it's Polly's. She's certain that by covering all of
Newerth with the goofy googly eyes, slappy tongues and gorgeous green, she'll bring
so much joy to the streets that no one will want to fight anymore. That fact that
any rival gangs (and maybe a few Punks) would want to slash her precious froggies
is completely baffling to her, and just further proof that they need more cutie
patootie frogs in their lives.^*

^904New ^*Punks of Newerth ^059Doctor Repulsor^* Avatar: Punk Repulsor

^947^947-^* Punk Repulsor is the tastemaker for this pack of wild artists,
constantly searching for inspirations that will bring about the next hot flavor of
graffiti for her crew. Drifting down streets and alleys in her tag chariot, she
slashes any pieces she deems unworthy of Newerth's glorious canvas -- even if they
came from a Punk -- and highlights the masterpieces worth preserving. The Punks are
naturally drawn to her electrifying energy, and when she spots a rival artist with
potential to become a Punk, she uses her magnetic personality to draw them close
for a private chat. Depending on how that goes, her recruits either join the Punks
of Newerth or end up a beautiful splatter on the wall.^*

^904New ^*Punks of Newerth TP Effect

^947-^* Tag the map end-to-end with the epic Punks of Newerth TP Effect!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Soulstealer^* Avatar: ^579Soulchiller^*

^947^947-^* The prevailing theory among those who dwell in the Frost Fields is that
death by hypothermia is somewhat peaceful: you're freezing, then you feel an
overwhelming sense of warmth and sleepiness, then you simply fade away. The major
flaw with this assumption is that everyone who completes the process is dead and
cannot confirm or refute the details. The Soulchiller of the Frost Fields is more
than happy to perpetuate this belief, for when her freezing victims see her
beautiful form approaching with her playful, mischievous snowflake fairies, they
think she brings rescue with her. In truth, her lovely visage conceals an elemental
daemon who freezes the exterior of her victims so she can drain their essence at
her leisure. Her prey may look like they've simply frozen to death -- perhaps even
peacefully -- but inside they are screaming in agony as she slowly extracts their

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Disconnecting from the Chat Server no longer kicks you out of the picking

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Sub Zero Accursed^*'s visual attack animation is now synchronized
properly with the actual attack impact.
^947+^* Chronos unintentionally had extra stats in the previous patch. His stats
are now properly set to the following values:

^947-^* Base Strength: 22

^947-^* Strength gain per level: 1.4
^947-^* Base Agility: 20
^947-^* Agility gain per level: 2.8
^947-^* Movement Speed: 300

^947-^* ^579Troika^*'s ^256Steam Turret^* and ^579Mangler^*'s ^256Energy Field^* no
longer produce obnoxious sound effects.

^947-^* ^256Shadow^* Walk now orderdisjoints.
^274*^*Prevents previously queued-up single target spells from bypassing Shadow
Walk's single-target immunity.

^947-^* Perch and Plunge activations are now properly disabled when Goldenveil is

^947-^* Automated Courier & Emote usage will no longer reduce the lifetime of Raven

^947-^* ^256Shining Rays^* (^256Illuminate^*, daytime) will no longer display its
visual effects for the enemy team if Solstice is stealthed & the enemy team does
not Reveal Solstice.

^947-^* ^256Wind Shield^* now properly interacts with sources of ^256True Strike^*.
^947-^* Wind Shield will no longer take effect against an enemy tower when
attacking that enemy tower at melee range.
=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Now properly dispels when damaged by enemies except for Lane Creeps (as
opposed to dispelling when only taking damage from enemy heroes).
^947-^* No longer triggers ^077Null Stone^* & other single-target spell negation
^274*^*Instead, now bypasses them completely (like ^077Lex Talionis^*'

^947-^* Now properly dispels when damaged by enemies except for Lane Creeps (as
opposed to dispelling when only taking damage from enemy heroes).
^947-^* No longer triggers ^077Null Stone^* & other single-target spell negation
^274*^*Instead, now bypasses them completely (like ^077Lex Talionis^*'

^075Twin Blades^*
^947-^* Cooldown is now reset if the second attack is not attempted.
^274*^*Example: if your attack target dies before the second attack is


^980Version 4.5.1^*
^9803 July 2018^*

=^075 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*=

^947-^* PBT will return to the NAEU International Client for weekends only!
^947-^* The first PBT Weekend will be on July 7-8, 2018!
^274*^*PBT will be active from 12am EST Saturday Morning until 11:59pm EST
Sunday Evening for all weekends after this point in time.
^947-^* A PBT Incentive System has also been implemented!
^274*^*After winning 3 PBT Games, you receive Plinko Tickets equal to 3 Plinko
^274*^*Every additional win in PBT games after that will grant you Plinko
Tickets equal to 1 Plinko Drop, up to a maximum of 10 games (max total of 10 Plinko
drops per weekend).

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^059All Heroes^* now have a base Magic Armor of 5.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960120 to 160/140/120 seconds^*.
^947-^* Chronofield now expires twice as fast when ^059Chronos^* is not in it.



^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9603.2 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* Base Armor reduced from 1.0 to -0.8.
^274*^*Starting Armor reduced from ^9602.96 to 1.16^*.

^256Guttling Hook^*
^947-^* Range changed from ^9601100 to 1000/1100/1200/1300^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960140 to 110/120/130/140^*.
^947-^* Physical Damage reduced from ^960100/200/300/400 to 90/180/270/360^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage per second to enemies and self increased from ^96025/50/75/100
to 30/60/90/120^*.

^256Cadaver Armor^*
^947-^* Strength gain when a nearby enemy hero dies increased from ^9601 to
^947-^* Radius for assist Strength collection reduced from ^9601150 to 500^*.

^947-^* No longer gains Max ^999Health^* from the channel.
^947-^* Devour now directly heals ^059Devourer^* for the damage dealt.



^256The Keg^*
^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96080/130/180/230 to 70/140/210/280^*.

^256Steam Turret^*
^947-^* Steam Turret now properly inherits 50% of the Attack Damage granted by
Agility from ^059Engineer^* (in addition to 50% of the Attack Speed granted by
Agility from ^059Engineer^*).
^274*^*This was actually a bug in the previous patch and was severely lowering
the power of Engineer's carry potential.
^274*^*Engineer's carry potential on his Steam Turret is now properly adjusted
to where it should be.
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960100 to 50^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96020 to 10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Ability now goes on a 5 second cooldown when the turret is damaged by an
enemy player.
^947-^* Can now be double-activated to drop the turret at your feet.



^256Chilling Presence^*

^947-^* Max Mana bonus reduced from ^96040/80/120/160 to 25/50/75/100^*.



^947-^* Base Damage reduced from 39-^96041 to 37^*-40.

^274*^*Starting Damage reduced from 61-^96063 to 59^*-62.




^947-^* Bonus Physical Damage and Healing reduced from 5/6/7/8% of Current
^999Health^* to 2/4/6/8%.


^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9603 to 2.7^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.3 to 2.7^*.

^075Wish for Wealth^*

^947-^* Bonus Gold per kill reduced from ^9605/10/15/20 to 4/8/12/16^*.

^947-^* Active effect bonus gold increased from ^96030/60/90/120 to



^947-^* Starting Strength, Agility and Intelligence increased from ^96017 to 18^*.

^256Essence Shift^*

^947-^* Attribute bonus decreased from ^96020/40/60% to 20/35/50%^*.



^256Blinding Dash^*

^947-^* Cast Range reduced from ^960900/1000/1100/1200 to 600/800/1000/1200^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960105/110/115/120 to 90/100/110/120^*.


^947-^* During the day, the ability no longer targets a location but instead
applies a buff to self which provides clearvision and deals damage to nearby
^947-^* Magic Damage per second rescaled from ^96020/30/40/50 to 15/30/45/60^*.


^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage rescaled from ^96020/30/40/50 to 15/30/45/60^*.

^256Solar Slash^*

^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage reduced from ^96050/70/90/110 to 40/60/80/100^*.

^947-^* Bonus Physical Damage to creeps reduced from ^960125% to 120%^*.

^256Crescent Strike^*

^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage increased from ^96050/70/90/110 to 60/90/120/150^*.

^947-^* Bonus Physical Damage to heroes (50%) removed.


^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* changes only:
^947-^* Staff of the Master soul limit increase reduced from ^96025 to 15^*.
^274*^*Staff of the Master now increases the maximum number of souls from
^96010/20/30/40 to 25/35/45/55^*.

^256Soul Burst^*
^947-^* Now fully benefits from the extra souls provided by the ^077Staff of the
Master^* effect.




^947-^* Range rescaled from ^960500/575/650/725 to 625^*.

^947-^* Duration reduced from ^9605 seconds to 3/4/5/6 seconds^*.
^947-^* True Damage per second increased from ^96020 to 30^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96015/14/13/12 seconds to 15 seconds^*.
^947-^* When another unit attacks a Mesmerized target, Mesmerize will now be
applied to it for 3 seconds (instead of the full base duration).



^256Blade Frenzy^*

^947-^* Attack Damage penalty during the effect increased from ^96030/20/10/0% to

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Bloodborne Maul^*
^947-^* Damage from self will no longer reset the timer.
^274*^*This means that damage from self will add charges but will no longer stop
charges from decaying.

^947-^* ^256Heal^*ing and Mana restored reduced from ^960150 to 125^* per sip.

^947-^* Critical hit multiplier reduced from 1.65/1.9/2.15/2.4x to
^947-^* New: Whenever a critical hit occurs, in addition to the multiplier it now
also deals 2.5/5/7.5/10% of the targets Max ^999Health^* in bonus damage.
^274*^*In total, at level 4 of Riftshards your attacks have a 20% chance to do a
2x critical hit and deal 10% of the targets Max ^256Heal^*th in bonus damage.
^274*^*This bonus damage is considered part of the critical hit.

^947+^* ^904New ^*Riftshards aim to give players the option to counter heroes with
high amounts of ^999health^*.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* ^999Health^* Regeneration reduction increased from ^96050% to 75%^*.

^077Ward of Sight^*
^947-^* Kill bounty increased from ^96050 to 150^* gold.
^947-^* Kill bounty is now given to the player who owns the closest ^077Ward of
Revelation^* within range.
^274*^*If there is no enemy ^077Ward^* of Revelation nearby then gold is given
to the killer as usual.

^077Ward of Revelation^*
^947-^* Kill bounty increased from ^96025 to 50^*.
^947-^* Kill bounty is now given to the player who owns the closest Ward of
Revelation within range.
^274*^*If there is no enemy ^077Ward^* of Revelation nearby then gold is given
to the killer as usual.

^075Wind Whistle^*
^947-^* Can now be purchased from the Outpost.

==^960 Midwars ^*==

^947^947+^* The following balance changes apply to the Midwars mode ONLY. These
changes aim to address the top strongest and weakest heroes in Midwars to make
Midwars a more balanced experience. If you play any other mode (for example, CoN or
PBT), the changes below will not affect you and heroes will still have their usual


^947-^* Starting Strength reduced from ^96023 to 19^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9602.7 to 2.1^*.

^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96016 to 22^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 2.8^*.


^947-^* Starting Agility decreased from ^96024 to 18^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.6 to 2.3^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96022 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.5 to 2.3^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96024 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603.5 to 2.8^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96021 to 23^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602 to 2.2^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96024 to 27^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.9 to 3.6^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96025 to 22^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603.0. to 2.7^*.

^947-^* Starting Strength, Agility and Intelligence increased from ^96018 to 21^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.1 to 2.6^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.3 to 2.6^*.

^059Flint Beastwood^*

^947-^* Starting agility decreased from ^96021 to 19^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.9 to 2.5^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96023 to 21^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603.5 to 2.8^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96018 to 19^*.

^947-^* Agility gain increased from ^9601.2 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Starting Intelligence increased from ^96022 to 25^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.3^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96026 to 22^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.4 to 2.1^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility decreased from ^96020 to 18^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96020 to 19^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.6 to 2.2^*.

^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96020 to 19^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603.5 to 3^*.

^059Monkey King^*

^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96020 to 22^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.4^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602 to 2.3^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.6 to 3.1^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96026 to 23^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.6^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96023 to 21^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.5 to 2.1^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96023 to 26^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 2.7^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.7 to 2.4^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength decreased from ^96020 to 18^*.

^947-^* Starting Intelligence decreased from ^96028 to 26^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9602.4 to 2.1^*.

^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96022 to 26^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.5^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96016 to 20^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.1^*.


^947-^* Strength, Agility and Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9602.5 to


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96015 to 19^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.8 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.1^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96015 to 19^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.6^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96020 to 24^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9603.0 to 3.2^*.

^059Soul Reaper^*

^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602 to 1.7^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.9 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9603 to 3.5^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.5^*.

^059The Dark Lady^*

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 2.9^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9603.3 to 3.7^*.


^947-^* Strength gain decreased from ^9602.5 to 2.2^*.

^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.7^*.


^947-^* Starting Agility decreased from ^96023 to 19^*.

^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.5^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96017 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 2.7^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96022 to 25^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.3^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.1 to 1.9^*.

^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9602.8 to 2.5^*.

^059War Beast^*
^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96024 to 26^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9603 to 3.2^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96016 to 20^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.4 to 2.3^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96017 to 23^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.1 to 2.8^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96024 to 27^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.6^*.
^947-^* Starting Intelligence increased from ^96013 to 17^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96017 to 22^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602 to 2.7^*.
^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96018 to 22^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.4 to 2.6^*.

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

=^075 General (PBT Only) ^*=

^947-^* Max ^999Health^* acquired per point of Strength decreased from ^96020 to
^947-^* Base Damage obtained per point of Strength for heroes with Strength as
their Primary Attribute increased from ^9600.75 to 1^*.
^947-^* Armor acquired per point of Agility decreased from ^9600.15 to 0.14^*.
^947-^* Max Mana acquired per point of Intelligence decreased from ^96015 to 13^*.

=^075 Heroes (PBT Only) ^*=

^947+^* ^059All Heroes^* have been reverted back to their forms in Regular Mode,
with the following exceptions:
^947-^* ^059Andromeda^*
^947-^* ^059Blood Hunter^*
^947-^* ^059Chipper^*
^947-^* ^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* ^059Glacius^*
^947-^* ^059Pestilence^*
^947-^* ^059Pharaoh^*
^947-^* ^059Pyromancer^*
^947-^* ^059Tempest^*
^947-^* ^059Thunderbringer^*
^947-^* ^059Valkyrie^*

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

^075Caldavar (PBT)^*
^947-^* Ranked Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

^904New ^*^059Circe^* Avatar: ^579Exiled Circe^*

^947^947-^* In ancient days it was the wanderers and adventurers who fell victim to
the sorceress known as Circe the Deceiver, drawn to the island prison by her
enchanted disguises of long-lost loved ones, missing sailors, even gods they
worshipped and believed they had found.^*
In the days of the Lost Civilization, Circe grew weak as Man refined his gift of
science; he knew all corners of the earth and had no sense of exploration. Circes
wanderers dwindled, then vanished. The sorceress waited alone on her island for
centuries, scanning the horizons for a glimpse of a topsail or debris from a
When a ship finally appeared, Circe did not believe her eyes. The hard iron
surfaces gleamed in the sun and looked nothing like the last vessel she had seen,
one carved of wood and held together with pitch and rope; this craft soared through
the air, though it had no feathered wings. The Deceiver remained concealed as the
object landed on her warm sand. She did not trust it, for it defied the laws of
nature and could only be sent by the gods, who had exiled her to this island so
long ago.
When the craft opened and mortal men stepped out, Circes doubts began to be
replaced by hope. She followed these men as they explored her island, holding iron
boxes with flashing colors. They seemed very pleased by the colors. When the chance
arose, Circe lured one of the men into the jungle and enchanted him to gain the
purpose of his visit.
The man told her all: he and his fellow explorers sought elements, though the names
he gave meant nothing to Circe. But when she gleaned from his mind the purpose of
those elements she saw fire and destruction on a scale that would shame the gods.
Circe allowed the men to leave with their findings, and for years allowed them to
return and extract what they liked from the soil and bedrock of her island. The
Deceiver took her share of the workers, casting spells to convince the others that
the missing men had been lost to accidents and desertion.
Then the men left, for they had taken everything they could from her prison. Circe
was once again alone. But the images of fire remained, and hundreds of years later
in what came to be known as Mans Fall from Light, Circe watched the horizons grow
bright with an unnatural glow. Storms of ash swept over her island and massive
structures made of stone and shattered glass were carried on the tides. Charred
corpses washed ashore by the hundreds.
As Circe had foreseen in the explorers mind, the waters surrounding her island fell
away, evaporated by the unholy flames that spread beneath boiling black clouds.
After thousands of years a prisoner, Circe walked off her island toward what
remained of mankind, for her island was now the entire world.

^904New ^*^059Engineer^* Avatar: ^579Ol' Briarpatch^*

^947^947-^* Ol' Briarpatch doesn't have much need or use for people or animals, as
most of them don't have much need or use for him and his crotchety ways. But his
beloved greenhouse, now that's another story. His precious pitcher plants wouldn't
survive without his careful watering, pruning, and singing, which to warm-blooded
ears sounds like a drowning accordion. They were all perfectly content being left
alone by the world, but the world decided to come barging in when a battle between
the Legion and Hellbourne spilled from a nearby field onto their property and left
acres of dead plants behind. Properly riled, Ol' Briarpatch rallied the survivors
and armed them, these glorious green soldiers of his, and they set out to stick a
giant thorn in the side of world.^*

^904New ^*^059Fayde^* Avatar: ^579Bloodshadow^*

^947^947-^* The Dragonblood Clan of Arasunia dates back to the city's first days as
a simple crossroads with a chapel, and their vow to protect the citizens from all
threats -- including the church -- has survived and evolved along with the
spectacular city. Those who belong to the secret society operate in the shadows,
collecting information, whispering rumors, and applying leverage as needed to
maintain the precarious balance between what is lawful and what is just. When that
balance tips too far either way, certain members of the clan are called upon to
cull the source and return order. Bloodshadow is the elite among these professional
assassins, and when he unleashes the full power of his Dragonblood upon the clan's
target you can be certain their shadow will remain forever still.^*
^904New ^*^059Riptide^* Avater: ^579Mecha Mermaid^*
^947^947-^* It's always dangerous when electricity and water mix, and Mecha Mermaid
could be the most lethal combination in all of Newerth. Once a beautiful, naive sea
nymph, this warrior witnessed the vast, careless destruction caused by the Legion
and Hellbourne fleets when they engaged in sea battles and knew her kind would be
quickly wiped out if no one intervened on their behalf. Though she was wary of
mankind, it was obvious that the daemons had no love for the natural world and its
inhabitants, so she volunteered to augment her powerful aquatic abilities with the
mecha arsenal designed by Legion Engineers. The results are about to create a tidal
wave of trouble for the Hellbourne.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* The Burning Ember: Apex is now disarmed while channeling with the ^077Staff
of the Master^* effect.
^947-^* The Burning Ember: Manually cancelling the channel with the Staff of the
Master effect no longer costs mana and no longer resets the cooldown back to 15
^947-^* The Burning Ember: Apex will now show the channeling animation even when
moving with the Staff of the Master equipped.

^947-^* ^256Splash^*: Illusions now properly only deal 33% of splash damage.

^947-^* ^256Taunt^*ing a player (or himself) will no longer reduce the duration of
Raven Form.

^947-^* ^256Blade Frenzy^*: Fixed the Magic Damage per second to correctly be

^059The Dark Lady^*

^947-^* ^256Dark Blades^*' Silence effect will no longer apply even on The Dark
Lady's missed attacks.
^947-^* ^256Bear Form^*: Fixed to properly count the time that you spend in
^256Bear Form^*.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Assassin's Shroud^*
^947-^* Now properly shares its cooldown with ^077Genjuro^*.

^947-^* Now properly grants +75% Mana Regeneration (instead of a flat 0.75 Mana


^666** For support, click ^

^666*** Report any bugs ^
^666*** Discuss the game on ^

^980Welcome to Heroes of Newerth

^*^980Version 4.5.0 - 19 June 2018

==^960 Design ^*==

=^980 Matchmaking ^*=

^947-^* 4-player and 5-player queue restrictions have been lifted.

^075*^* Groups of 4 players can queue together for matchmaking once again.
^075*^* Groups of 5 players can now be matched against all group
combinations (but will still prioritize being matched against other 5-man queues).

=^980 General ^*=

^947-^* Ranged Lane Creep aggro range reduced from 800 to 600.
^075*^* This change finds a good compromise in the lane dynamics between
suicide heroes and support heroes.
^947-^* Neutral Creep (non-player controlled) aggro range increased from 150 to
^075*^* This change allows heroes to more reasonably stack & pull camps
without physically attacking them, as the previous aggro range was too small.
^947-^* Mana consumption over time and dynamic mana costs now interacts properly
with ^059Balphagore^*'s Belly of the Beast ability (PBT) and ^077Nome's Wisdom^*'s
healing/shielding effect (Regular Modes).
^075*^* Examples of such sources include (but are not limited to):
^059Parallax^*'s ^057Earthshatter^*, ^059Adrenaline^*'s active abilities,
^059Torturer^*'s ^057Torment^*, ^059Scout^*'s ^057Vanish^*, ^059Chi^*'s ^057A
Thousand Cuts^*, ^059Doctor Repulsor^*'s ^057Ludicrous Speed^*.

=^980 Hero Reworks ^*=

^059:engi: Engineer^* (^904Ported from PBT^*)

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 20 + 2.1 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: 500
^075*^* Starting Damage: 41-48
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5

^057The Keg^*
^075*^* Range: 750
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds

^947-^* Throws a keg at target location, impacting after a 1 second

delay. Enemy units in radius take 80/130/180/230 Magic Damage, receive a
1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second Stun, and are pushed 250 units away from the impact point.
^947-^* If the Engineer is in the blast radius, he too will be knocked
back, but won't be Stunned.

^057Steam Turret^*
^075*^* Range: 650
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Creates a Steam Turret at your position that does 20/40/60/80

Physical Damage per shot. The Turret has 500 Attack Range and inherits Engineer's
Inventory and 50% of the Attack Speed granted by Agility from Engineer.
^947-^* The turret is unaffected by all sources of heals, Health or
Mana Regeneration.
^947-^* The Turret dies in 3 hits from heroes, Bosses and enemy
buildings (12 hits from other units) and does not aggro Lane Creeps. Its Health
regenerates to full after not taking damage for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Engineer can destroy his own turret by attacking it.

^057Targeting Algorithm^*
^075*^* Cooldown: 0.1 seconds.

^947-^* Hero mode: The Turret will attack whatever you attack. Otherwise,
it will attack the closest visible enemy hero. If the turret's target is not a
hero, it will only attack it once.
^947-^* Normal mode: The Turret will attack whatever you attack.
Otherwise, it will attack the closest visible enemy, prioritising heroes.
^947-^* Activate to switch between Normal and Hero modes. By default,
the Turret is in Hero mode.
^947-^* Turret cannot attack allies.

^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds.
^947-^* Activate to apply Overdrive to self for 4/6/8/10 seconds, gaining
25 bonus Attack Speed per second. Propagates to ally towers and turrets within 500

^057Energy Field^*
^075*^* Radius: 450
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

^947-^* Activate to create an Energy Field for 5/8/11 seconds with a turret
at its center.
^947-^* This turret deals 40/60/80 Physical damage per shot to all
enemies within 450 range, has a 1.5 second base attack cooldown and dies in 4 hits
from heroes, Bosses and enemy buildings (16 hits from other units). Does not
regenerate health.
^947-^* Enemies who enter or exit the field have Energy Field applied
for 2 seconds.
^947-^* Energy Field (state): 100% tapering Movement Speed Slow,

^059:fayd: Fayde^* (^904Ported from PBT^*)

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 2.2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 2.1 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 2.3 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 46-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0

^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 100/160/220/280 Magic Damage and drain 7/14/21/28%
of Max Mana from nearby enemies. Restores half the total mana drained.

^057Burning Shadows^*
^075*^* Range: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85/100/115/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to apply a 1.6/2/2.4/2.8 second Stun to enemies
in an 800 unit line and create mirror images of affected enemy heroes. Images deal
70/140/210/280 Magic Damage to their owners.

^057Shadow^*^057 Walk^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70
^075*^* Cooldown: 25/20/15/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to shroud yourself with darkness, disjointing on use and
granting Single Target Immunity to yourself for 2.5 seconds.
^947-^* During this time, you leave a trail of shadows that applies a
15% Movement Speed Slow to nearby enemies.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/175/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to become Invisible for 40/50/60 seconds.
^947-^* While invisible, you gain Treewalking, Unitwalking, 10%
Movement Speed, and 800/1000/1200 Clearvision.
^947-^* Your first attack out of ^057Invisibility^* inflicts Magic
Damage equal to 150/200/250 + 10/20/30% of target's Current Health over 2 seconds.

^059King Klout^*
^947-^* The "^057Goblin Toss^*" and "^057Parade of Power^*" abilities have
been reverted to their versions prior to Patch 4.4.6.

^059Prophet^* (^904Ported from PBT^*)

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 12 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 27 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 49-57
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.8

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy to deal 80/120/160/200 Magic Damage and apply

Debilitate for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Enemies under the effect of Debilitate take bonus 4/8/12/16%
Damage from all sources.

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 50/75/100/125 Magic Damage and apply a
25/30/35/40% Movement Speed Slow to them for 4 seconds.

^057Shared Fate^*
^075*^* Radius: 600
^947-^* Passively replicates ^057Debilitate^* and Decelerate onto the
nearest 1/2/3/4 enemies within radius of the target, prioritizing enemy heroes.

^057Raven Form^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to morph into a large Raven for 30/45/60 seconds, gaining
^057Flight^*, 15% Movement Speed, 2000/2100/2200 Clearvision and reducing the
cooldown of your other spells by 400%.
^947-^* Attacking or casting spells in this form will lower the
duration to 12 seconds if it is currently above 12 seconds.

=^980 Heroes (Regular Modes) ^*=

^947-^* Physical Damage increased from 0.5/1/1.5/2x to 1/1.5/2/2.5x of your
Attack Damage.
^057Fire Surge^*
^947-^* Mana Cost rescaled from 70/80/90/100 to 80.

^057The Burning Ember^*

^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from 8/16/24/32 to 10/20/30/40.

^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 15 seconds.
^947-^* Apex can move at 75% Movement Speed while channeling.
^947-^* Healing rate increased from 4/5/6/7% to 5/6/7/8% of your Max
Health per second.


^057Strength Sap^*
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* When activated, steals one Strength and heal 10 Health from enemy
heroes within 600 radius every 0.5 seconds for the next 2/3/4/5 seconds. Stolen
Strength is retained for 6 seconds afterwards.
^947-^* Instantly deals 100/150/200/250 Magic Damage to non-hero units
within range upon activation.

^057Carnage^* (^904Reworked^*)
^075*^* Cooldown: 70/55/40 seconds
^947-^* Activate to gain 40/60/80% Stun and Debuff Reduction, 100% Slow
Resistance, and bonus damage equal to 5/7/9% of your Max Health for 12 seconds.
^947-^* Can be used while Silenced or Stunned to break Crowd Control.
^947-^* You take 15% more damage while under this effect.

^947-^* Magic Damage per wave lowered from 30/40/50/60 to 20/30/40/50.

^075*^* Total Magic Damage lowered from 120/160/200/240 to 80/120/160/200.

^947-^* No longer deals reduced damage to enemy structures.
^947-^* Tapering Movement Speed slow increased from 40/50/60/70% to 70%
at all levels.

^057Boom Dust^*
^947-^* Now deals 75% of its damage against non-hero units.

^057Shell Surf^*
^947-^* Projectile speed decreased from 850 to 650 units per second.
^947-^* Expiration time increased from 2.35 seconds to 3 seconds.

^057Song of the Sea^*

^947-^* Silence duration increased from 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds to
0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds.

^057Crippling Dart^*
^947-^* Now applies a stack of ^057Jungle Toxin^* to the target.
^057Jungle Toxin^*
^947-^* Attack Speed steal increased from 10/15/20 to 15/20/25.
^075*^* Maximum Attack Speed bonus increased from 200/300/400 to

^947-^* Maximum number of pulls increased from 4 to 5.
^075*^* This does not affect the maximum amount of damage.

^057Funeral Pyre^*
^947-^* Debuff duration increased from 30 to 30/60/90/120 seconds.

^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^057Electric Tide^*
^947-^* Maximum distance Magic Damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to

^057Static Discharge^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 50/80/110/140.

^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage per essence increased from 35 to 45.

^057Vampiric Flight^*
^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage per essence increased from 25 to 35.

^059Dark Lady^*
^947-^* Strength gain increased from 2 to 2.2.
^947-^* Agility gain increased from 3.1 to 3.3.

^057Cover of Darkness^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from 5/10/15% to 20/25/30%.

^947-^* Cooldown decreased from 110/90/70 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds.

^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:

^947-^* Strength sap duration increased from 7 seconds to 30 seconds.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced to 70/50/30 seconds.

^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* Armor increased from 2.6 to 3.1.
^947-^* Base Agility increased from 20 to 22.

^057Magnetic Contraption^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 110/160/210/260.

^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* Cast Range increased from 500 to 900.
^057Infernal Instability^*
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from 80/90/100/110 to 70/80/90/100.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from 40/50/60/70 to

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 100/140/180/220 to 100/160/220/280.
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from 125 to 90/100/110/120.

^057Gauntlet Blast^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* change only: Magic Damage increased from
400/500/600 to 450/600/750.

^057Elemental Force^*
^947-^* Armor Penetration improved from 1 per 18/16/14/12 Strength to 1 per
18/15/12/9 Strength.

^057Fire and Ice^*

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.

^947-^* Bonus Damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80.

^057Call to Arms^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600.

^057Perch & Plunge^*
^947-^* Plunge's Magic Damage reduced from 80/140/200/260 to

^947-^* Base Magic Damage reduced from 150/200/250 to 120/180/240.
^947-^* Bonus kill Gold per token for the team reduced from 20/30/40 to

^057Defiling Touch^*
^947-^* Bonus Physical Damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80.

^057Zombie Apocalypse^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 100/85/70 seconds to 60/50/40 seconds.

^947-^* Agility gain increased from 2.6 to 2.8.
^057Grappling Shot^*
^947-^* Grapple duration increased from 4 to 4/5/6 seconds.
^947-^* Grappled target now deals 25% less damage to Gunblade for the

^057Balance of Power^*
^947-^* Missing Health and Mana Regen % rescaled from 1/2.5/4/5.5% to

^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^057Animate Forest^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from 100 to 100/110/120/130.

^947-^* Strength increased from 15 to 16.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from 1.5 to 2.0.
^947-^* Base Armor increased from -1.1 to -0.58.
^075*^* Starting Armor increased from 1.98 to 2.5.
^947-^* Movement Speed increased from 290 to 295.

^947-^* Mana cost lowered from 50 to 30.

^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Cooldown is reduced from 10/9/8/7 seconds to 3 seconds.
^947-^* Cooldown is now instantly refreshed when hitting a unit
affected by ^057Release^* the ^059Kraken^*.

^057Whirling Blade^*
^947-^* Physical Damage per spin increased from 100/125/150/175 to

^947-^* Mixed Damage increased from 150/240/330/420 to 150/250/350/450.

^057Lodestone Plates^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 12/10/8/6 seconds to 10/8/6/4 seconds.

^947-^* Mixed Damage increased from 275/375/475 to 300/425/550.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 100/80/60 seconds to 75/60/45 seconds.

^947-^* Now costs 25% of current Health (instead of lowering your current
health to 75% if your health is higher).

^057Arcane Vortex^*
^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^947-^* Now also makes allies pop out on the edges of the ultimate and
makes enemies pop out in the center.
^075*^* Credits to ^990Dattoking^* for the suggestion!

^057Crippling Pollen^*
^947-^* Immobilize duration increased from 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5 to 1.5/2/2.5/3
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from 70 to 60/70/80/90.

^057Cleansing Wind^*
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from 150/200/250 to 150.

^059Monkey King^*
^057Illusive Dash^*
^947-^* Physical Damage increased from [15/20/25/30 + Attack Damage] to
[15/30/45/60 + Attack Damage].
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from 13/11/9/7 to 10/9/8/7 seconds.

^057Wan Jin Slam^*

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 60/90/120/150 to 90/120/150/180.

^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* Starting agility increased from 18 to 20.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from 3.2 to 3.6.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from 3 to 3.5.

^057HEAT Round^*
^947-^* Detonation damage increased from [80/160/240 + 20/40/60% of Attack
Damage] to [80/160/240 + 30/60/90% of Attack Damage]

^947-^* Critical hit multiplier increased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0x to

^057Edge Counter^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 200/310/420 to 200/350/500.

^947-^* Starting intelligence decreased from 28 to 27.

^947-^* Channel time increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* channel time increased from 3 to 3.5

^057Primal Surge^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from 60/50/40 seconds to 60 seconds.

^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from 30 to 20.

^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from 65 to 40.

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 200/300/400 to 250/350/450.

^947-^* Physical Damage per second increased from 20 to 25/30/35/40.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.

^057One Man Riot^*

^947-^* Bonus Base Damage per nearby visible enemy hero within radius
increased from 15% to 15/20/25/30%.

^057Prison Break^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect tweak: target of the throw now
always gets the secondary Prisoner Break effect.
^075*^* This is referring to the extra damage and slow.

^947-^* Physical Damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 80/140/200/260.

^057Horned Strike^*
^947-^* Physical Damage increased from 60/85/110/135 to 60/90/120/150.

^947-^* Starting intelligence increased from 21 to 23.

^947-^* Magic Armor reduction increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5.

^947-^* Now also grants Revenant +6/12/18 Intelligence.
^075*^* ^077Staff of the Master^* grants +12/18/24 Intelligence instead.

^947-^* Range decreased from 1000 to 900.

^057Perfect Storm^*
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage based on Agility decreased from 10/20/30% to

^947-^* Disarm duration increased from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

^057Tree Grapple^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 80/130/180/230.

^057Relentless Salvo^*
^947-^* Damage per stack increased from 4/7/10/13 to 4/8/12/16.

^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^947-^* Max Souls increased from 10/20/30/40 to 35/45/55/65.
^075*^* Damage per soul calculations from ^057Soul Burst^* becomes
proportionally readjusted relative to the new Max Soul count when Staff of the
Master's effects are active on ^059Soulstealer^*.

^057Bear Form^*
^947-^* Toggle-on mana cost reduced from 50 to 0.
^075*^* Now same as toggle-off mana cost.

^947-^* Physical Damage increased from 150 to 175.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from 50% to 75%.
^947-^* Attack Speed Slow increased from 50 to 75.
^947-^* Slow duration increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.

^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from 8 to 10.

=^980 Items (Regular Modes) ^*=

^904New ^*Item: ^077Dreamcatcher^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Soultrap^* (700) + ^077Beastheart^* (1100) + Wind
Whistle (200) + Recipe (800) = 2800 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +250 Max
Health, +25 Movement Speed.
^947-^* Gains a charge when an enemy hero dies within 1000 range.
^057Consume^*s a charge on use. Carries over the number of charges from Soultrap,
max of 3 charges.
^947-^* Active: Target an ally to heal them for 300 over 10 seconds and
increase their healing and regeneration by 50% for the duration. Dispels upon
receiving hero damage.
^947-^* Target an enemy to deal 300 Magic Damage over 10 seconds and
reduce their healing by 75% for the duration.
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Cooldown: 2 seconds

^947+^* Dreamcatcher is an upgrade to ^077Soultrap^*, and is used as a

sustain tool that also provides healing over time in combat (does not dispel upon
receiving damage).
^947+^* Furthermore, it increases the target's amount of Healing
received and reduces an enemy's Healing received.

^904New ^*Item:^077 Twin Blades^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Arcana^* (1575) + ^077Broadsword^* (1200) = 2775 Gold
Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +30 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, +10 Intelligence, +75%
Mana Regeneration.
^947-^* When off cooldown, passively causes a secondary attack which
deals 100% of damage and applies a 100% Movement Speed Slow for 0.7 seconds. Only
works when carried by a melee hero. 5 second cooldown.
^947+^* Twin Blades is an item that is intended for melee heroes with high
Attack Damage (but low or moderate Attack Speed) to maximize their upfront burst

^904New ^*Relic Item: ^077Wind Whistle^*

^947-^* Cost: 200 Gold
^947-^* +20 Movement Speed
^075*^* Stacks with all other sources of Movement Speed.
^075*^* Movement Speed bonuses from multiple Wind Whistles do not stack.
^947+^* Wind Whistle was introduced to allow for cheaper sources of
Movement Speed for support/caster-oriented heroes since it has poor slot efficiency
& only builds up into items that generally favour these classes of heroes.

^077Bloodborne MaulBlood^*
^947-^* Health loss requirement for each charge increased from 12 to

^947-^* Total Health and Mana restored per sip increased from 100 to 150.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Major Totem^* (540) + ^077Scarab^* (325) + Wind
Whistle (200) + Recipe (450) = 1515 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +4 Intelligence, +20 Movement
Speed, +0.75 Mana Regeneration.
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 25
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Activate to grant 50 Movement Speed and 20 Attack Speed to allies
in a 600 unit radius for 6 seconds.
^947-^* Non-hero player-controlled units gain Unitwalking.

^077Grave Locket^* (^904Reworked^*)

^947-^* ^904New ^*Recipe: Orb of Zamos (350) + ^077Crushing Claws^* (150) +
^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) + Ring of Protection (175) = 825 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +2 Armor.
^947-^* Allows you to gather Experience even while dead in a 1500
^947-^* Passively synchronizes with a nearby ally hero if you stay near
them for 2 seconds (500 range).
^947-^* Once done, you will stay synchronized unless you move more than
3500 range away from each other for longer than 10 seconds.
^947-^* "Synchronized" effects (which both you and your ally receive):
+10 Movement Speed, +10 Attack Damage, each enemy unit killed grants 10 bonus gold
and 15 bonus experience to your synchronized partner.

^947-^* You cannot synchronize with a hero which has already been
synchronized with someone else.
^075*^* This includes interactions with Orb of Zamos.
^947-^* Item can be activated to turn the effect on/off.

^947-^* Visual effects of synchronization are randomly assigned 1 of 3

colors: Red, Green or Blue.
^947-^* Every pair of synchronized heroes is guaranteed to have a color
unique to them.
^075*^* This helps you tell which hero you are synchronized

^947+^* Grave Locket was remade to prevent your support heroes from
being too underleveled throughout the game, since support heroes typically have the
most deaths in a game.
^947+^* Grave Locket is assembled from Orb of Zamos, making it a
natural upgrade path for any support hero.

^077Sacrificial Stone^*
^947-^* Removed from the game.
^947+^* Sacrificial Stone's gain-experience-while-dead effects are now
integrated into the new ^077Grave Locket^*.

^077Jade Spire^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Manatube^* (850) + ^077Major Totem^* (540) + Recipe
(450) = 1840 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +4 Intelligence, +100% Mana
Regen, +25% Healing Done.
^947+^* Jade Spire is a cheap item that increases your Healing output,
making it ideal for early game healers.

^077Lex Talionis^* (^904Reworked^*)

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Ringmail^* (550) + ^077Ring of the Teacher^* (500) +
Recipe (225) = 1275 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +8 Armor, +5 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Aura (900 radius): Grants 1 Mana Regeneration to nearby ally
player-controlled units.
^947-^* Active: Grants target ally 6 bonus Armor; or reduces the target
enemy's Armor by 6 for 8 seconds. Reduces your own Armor by 6 for the duration.
Dispels debuff from self if the target dies early.
^075*^* Single target, 1000 cast range, 8 second cooldown.

^077Madfred's Brass Knuckles^*

^947-^* ^077Soulscream Ring^* in recipe is replaced with ^077Fleetfeet^*.
^947-^* Total Cost decreased from 1200 to 1150.
^947-^* No longer grants +3 Strength and +3 Intelligence.

^077Sand Scepter^* (^904Reworked^*)

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Luminous Prism^* (1500) + Recipe (700) = 2200 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +20 Intelligence.
^947-^* Active: Shoots a projectile which dispels debuffs and grants
+60% Movement Speed for 2 seconds on allies, or dispels buffs and immobilizes
enemies for 2 seconds. Enemies are also Revealed and Sighted.
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947+^* Sand Scepter provides an additional effect on allies to further
reinforce its defensive use on an ally as a purge tool.

^077Soultrap^* (^904Reworked^*)
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Pretender's Crown^* (165) + ^077Minor Totem^* (50) +
Recipe (485) = 700 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Intelligence.
^947-^* Gains a charge when an enemy hero dies within 1000 range.
Consumes a charge on use. Starts with 1 charge, max of 3 charges.
^947-^* Active: Target an ally to heal them for 400 over 10 seconds
(dispels on damage taken from enemy heroes). Target an enemy to deal 200 Magic
Damage over 10 seconds.
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Cooldown: 5 seconds

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^947-^* NAEU Client Only: PBT will no longer be available via Matchmaking until
further notice. We thank you for all your feedback.
^075*^* PBT will return in the NAEU Client when proper incentivizations and
improvements have been made to the mode.

^947-^* PBT will continue to be readily available in the SEA Client.

^075*^* ^904New ^*balance & design content will continue to be released
periodically in PBT for the SEA Client.
^075*^* PBT changes in future patch notes after this point will be listed
after the Regular Mode balance patch notes.

=^980 Staff of the Master Additions (PBT Only) ^*=

^947-^057Flame Consumption^*: Increases duration to 6/7/8 seconds, healing
to 30/40/50% and can be used while Silenced or Stunned.

^947-^057Void Rip^*: Decreases cooldown time to 10 seconds.

^059Blood Hunter^*
^947-^057Hemorrhage^*: Applies ^057Hemorrhage^* to all enemies around the
main target.

^947-^057Kelp Field^*: Reduces cooldown to 60 seconds. Damage and Stun from
moving more than 800 units from the ^057Kelp Field^* is now Superior Magic, and the
damage when breaking is doubled.

^947-^057Sawblade Showdown^*: Increases Cast Range to 1500, and saws apply
a 90% Movement Speed Slow that tapers off over 4 seconds.

^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^947-^057Overload^*: Increases firing rate from 0.7/0.6/0.5 to 0.6/0.5/0.4
and causes bouncing to 2 other targets.

^947-^057Guttling Hook^*: Increases range by 500 and reduces the cooldown
to 6 seconds.

^947-^057As One^*: Decreases cooldown time to 30 seconds and grants your
host ^077Staff of the Master^*'s effects while active.

^947-^057Glacial Downpour^*: Grants the ability 800 cast range. Enemies who
are hit by three shards of ice from this ability have your current level of ^057Ice
Imprisonment^* applied to them.

^947-^057Hammer Throw^*: Increases range to 900 and lets you activate this
skill again within the next 3 seconds to teleport to the target, dealing your
Attack Damage in the area.

^947-^057Sol's Blessing^*: Increases radius to 2500, increases reduction by
10% and globally affects ally buildings.

^947-^057H.A.W.K.^*: ^057Flight^* becomes passive and permanent.
^947-^057Lackey^*: Increases Magic Damage by 30.

^947-^057Decapitate^*: Instantly refreshes all abilities when you
successfully ^057Decapitate^* and kill a hero.

^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* The Affliction: Increases pause range to 600. Any hero that dies
with the debuff permanently increases damage per second by 5, up to a max of 50
bonus damage.

^947-^057Eruption^*: Increases duration from 1.75/2.45/3.15 seconds to
2.45/3.15/3.85 seconds and final radius from 550/675/725 to 600/700/800. Reduces
cooldown to 120/100/80 seconds.
^947-^057Enlarge^*: Grants ^057Enlarge^* the ability to ^057Chuck^* up to 3

^947-^057Swarm^*: Causes the ability to apply to all enemies in a targeted
cone area, and deals 50/100/150 Physical Damage on impact.

^947-^057Wrath of the Pharaoh^*: Grants a subskill that can hit ally heroes
(shares cooldown with main skill). Decreases cooldown to 20 seconds.

^059Plague Rider^*
^947-^057Plague Carrier^*: causes ^057Plague Carrier^* to bounce

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^057Voodoo Wards^*: Increases Voodoo Ward damage to 100/130/160.

^947-^057Blazing Strike^*: Increases Magic Damage to 650/850/1050 and deals
50% of the damage to enemies within 600 range of impact.

^947-^057Wish for Revenge^*: Reduces the cooldown to 40 seconds.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^057Mirage^*: Upon using ^057Manifest^*, fears enemies in a 400 radius
for 2 seconds, then slows enemies' Movement Speed by 15% for 4 seconds.

^947-^057Graceful Strikes^*: Reduces the number of attacks required for a
proc to 2. Allows you activate this ability to switch between day and night modes
at will.

^947-^* Cursed Grip: Ability is no longer channeled, duration increased by
1 second, and cooldown is decreased by 15 seconds. Has a leash range of 1200 units.

^947-^057Swift Slashes^*: Increases teleport count to 5/9/11 and reduces
cooldown to 100/80/60 seconds.

^947-^057Elemental Void^*: Damage Type is changed to True, and decreases
cooldown to 120 seconds.

^947-^057Torment^*: Increases damage to 100/175/250. Silences no longer
auto-toggle off this skill.

^947-^057Javelin of Light^*: Applies the current level of ^057Call of the
Valkyrie^* around any target hit by the Javelin.

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^057Spirit Ward^*: Increases ^057Spirit Ward^* damage by 30. Changes
^057Spirit Ward^* number of attack bounces from 0/0/1 to 0/1/2 additional
target(s). No longer channeling (but still cancels if Stunned, Silenced or killed).
^059War Beast^*
^947-^057Metamorphosis^*: All effects of this ability except for the
Movement Speed bonus and Base Attack Time reduction become passive.

^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^057Silver Bullet^*: Changes damage type to Superior Magic and
increases damage done.

^059Wretched Hag^*
^947-^057Bat Blast^*: Increases Superior Magic Damage to 450/600/750 and
reduces cooldown to 40 seconds.

=^980 Heroes (PBT Only) ^*=

^947-^* Movement Speed Slow duration increased from 1/2/3 seconds to 3

^057Rocket Barrage^*
^947-^* 0.3 second cooldown removed.
^947-^* Base Magic Damage lowered from 50 to 40.

^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^057Corrupted Conduit^*
^947-^* Now also purges buffs from the target and applies a tapering 80%
Movement Speed Slow for 0.5 seconds upon use.

^057Static Discharge^*
^947-^* Reworked. Now passively grants 3/6/9/12% Movement Speed and double
that amount if there is a visible enemy hero within 600 radius.

^057Demon Blood^*
^947-^* Reworked. Is now ^057Demonic Shield^* from the regular mode.

^057Lethal Range^*
^947-^* Instead of doing a 2.5/3/3.5x crit now deals bonus Physical Damage
equal to 200/300/400% of your Base Damage.


^057Release the Kraken!^*

^947-^* Radius increased from 400 to 450.

^947-^* Strength gain lowered from 3 to 2.5.


^947-^057Critical Strike^* multiplier increased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0x to

^057Edge Counter^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from 200/310/420 to 200/350/500.

^057Volatile Pod^*
^947-^* Radius lowered from 600 to 500.

^057Nature's Offense^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds.
^947-^* Ally cooldown reduction lowered from 4/8/12 seconds to 3/6/9

^057Dark Mana^*
^947-^* Charges lost on death lowered from 20% to 10%.

^947-^* Attack Range increased from 600 to 625.

^057Bubble Pop^*
^947-^* Range increased from 500/600/700/800 to 800.
^947-^* Healing increased from 75/125/175/225 to 100/150/200/250 Health.

^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage lowered from 40/90/140 to 40/80/120.

^057Wrath of the Pharaoh^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* enables this ability to also Restrain
enemies it hits for 3 seconds.

^057Stone Hide^*
^947-^* Bonus Armor lowered from 3/6/9/12 to 2/4/6/8.

^947-^* Physical Damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 80/140/200/260.

^057Horned Strike^*
^947-^* Physical Damage increased from 60/80/100/120 to 60/90/120/150.

^057Storm Blades^*
^947-^* Now plays the visual effects on the main target hit as well.

^057Power Overwhelming^*
^947-^* Number of charges gained when dealing Magic Damage to enemy heroes
increased from 8 to 10.

^057Musical Blast^*
^947-^* Magic Damage lowered from 100/160/220/280 to 80/130/180/230.

^057Divine Melody^*
^947-^* Slow Resistance lowered from 100% to 50%.

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^057Cursed Ground^*
^947-^* Radius increased from 180 to 200.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: Forests of Caldavar
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Teah Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^980 The Bloodwar Brood ^*=

^666^947+^* The Bloodwar Brood are a band of disgraced Sang-La Warriors who were
once the pinnacle of honor and bushido, but fell to the lure of corrupted power.
Though cursed, they still carry with them the ancient traditions of the Honors of
War. No matter who they face on the battlefield even each other they consider the
act of combat a sacred undertaking, worthy of the utmost respect. This honor is
unbreakable, even when the flesh and soul are completely ruined by Hellbourne

^904New ^*^059Accursed^* ^980Bloodwar Brood^* Avatar: ^079General Noroi^*

^666^947-^* The samurai General Noroi had only lost one battle, but one was too
many. He had failed his feudal lord his daimyo and the laws of the Sang-La warriors
demanded he pay the ultimate price of seppuku. The daemons now surrounded his
lord's castle high in the mountains, having carved through the general's army with
horrifying ease. The Hellbourne's commander was a merciless tyrant called Lord
Salforis, and his mission was to desecrate the estate's sacred burial sites,
searching for something only a twisted necromancer like him could know. The daimyo
knew it was simply a matter of time before the castle fell and his people were
slaughtered, but he would order his soldiers to fight to the bitter end. And he
would have his penance from the general who had humiliated him.^*

^666But he was wrong. As General Noroi knelt before him, preparing to reach for his
tanto, the feudal lord thought the coward was praying. But the samurai was reciting
the words whispered to him by Lord Salforis himself words that would doom the
general to an afterlife of undead agony, but would allow his family and the
daimyo's people to leave the castle alive. As soon as he uttered the final,
guttural words and plunged the tanto into his abdomen, his ever-faithful
kaishakunin delivered the instant death blow, severing Noroi's head. The daimyo
smiled, relishing what would likely be his last moment of true power before the
wholesale slaughter began. That smile froze on his face as the samurai general's
body stood, picked up his head, and bludgeoned the daimyo to death with it. So
began General Noroi's service to a new master -- corruption -- and his reign of
terror over the living lords.^*

^904New ^*^059Magmus^* ^980Bloodwar Brood^* Avatar: ^079Saji^*

^666^947-^* Saji the bladesmith was famous across all of Sang-La for the
beautifully lethal katana, wakizashi, tanto, and kodachi he created for the
samurai. A master of the sacred arts of forging, folding, shaping, polishing, and
sharpening, he would often disappear into his forge for weeks, needing only rice
and water amid the blistering heat and cacophony of hammer blows, to emerge holding
a priceless blade created for a specific set of hands down to the thickness of the
thread used on the suka. When the corruption came for him, it came quietly. A man
he did not know requested a blade for the legendary General Noroi, a blade that
would be used to defend his daimyo's castle from the nightmarish invaders rumored
to be approaching from the east. The man even brought a gift, a sack of high-grade
tamahagane to use for the blade's steel. Saji put his current work aside to focus
on Noroi's blade, unaware that the gifted ore he used had been mined from the
caverns beneath Blackwal and carried an insidious form of corruption. The smoke,
dust, and sparks he created while forging the blade all carried this corruption,
and it seeped into Saji's lunges, pores, and soul.^*

^666He felt nothing at first, but when the nameless man took the blade away to
present it to General Noroi, Saji felt a great emptiness. Though he was ashamed to
admit it, he wanted to see the blade cut, slash, and stab. He wanted to be near it,
see it perform, watch it set the blood free. He followed the peasant roads to the
great daimyo's estate, arriving just in time to see his beloved blade remove
General Noroi's head. The corruption within him burst free in celebration of the
victory, rending his flesh and setting him afire, and Saji collapsed in shame when
he realized the katana he created had wrought such carnage. Still, he could not
resist the corruption in his blood, which compelled him to follow General Noroi and
his cursed blade on their reign of terror. It did not take long for him to join

^904New ^*^059Rally^* ^980Bloodwar Brood ^*Avatar: ^079Kyugo^*

^666^947-^* Second in command to the great General Noroi, Kyugo is arguably a more
skilled samurai because of the countless battles he engaged in to save his general
from having to bloody his own blade. Noroi would have doubtlessly been triumphant
as well, but Kyugo knew the general had much greater things to concern himself
with. Kyugo's greatest pride came when Noroi never even knew how close he'd come to
death, a moment that happened time and again during the epic battle against Lord
Salforis' army outside the daimyo's estate. While Kyugo was successful in keeping
his general alive, they failed as soldiers and were forced to retreat within the
walls. And though Kyugo prayed it would not happen, Noroi made the inevitable
request for his dearest samurai to serve as his kaishakunin, severing the general's
head after the he disemboweled himself in seppuku. This was a great, heartbreaking
honor, and Kyugo performed it perfectly.^*

^666But when General Noroi's decapitated body stood and murdered the daimyo, Kyugo
instantly knew his service to the great warrior was not done. He willingly
submitted to the corruption flowing from the general and his great blade, allowing
it to seep into the many cuts and scrapes he wore from the battle. And though the
honor within him began an endless clash with the profane corruption, his devotion
to General Noroi had never been stronger.^*

=^980 2018 World Cup ^*=

^904New ^*^059The Madman^* ^9802018 World Cup^* Avatar: ^079The Playmaker^*

^666^947-^* The Playmaker may look like a bundle of chaotic cleats zipping across
the pitch, but his methods have a brilliant madness to them. Just when the
opposition expects him to be in one spot, he rolls into an attacking position and
quickly crosses the ball to a teammate or slashes through the defense himself to
put the ball in the net. His unconventional, high-risk, and incredibly creative
playing style may drive opponents (and sometimes his own coach) berserk, but the
golden boots, medals, and balls at the end of the games prove that while it might
sometimes look messy, the Playmaker's style is pure artistry.^*

^904New ^*^059Dampeer ^*^9802018 World Cup ^*Avatar: ^079Wing-Back Dampeer^*

^666^947-^* Wing-backs have a heavy emphasis on attacking, which suits Wing-back
Dampeer absolutely fine, but in a pinch he's happy to swoop back on defense and
terrorize an opposing striker to keep them from scoring. He isn't sure what's more
rewarding -- scoring a goal himself or constantly harassing an opponent and
completely draining them of energy, leaving them exhausted and desperate for a
refuel at halftime, if they even make it that long.^*

^904New ^*^9802018 World Cup^* Skin: ^079Wild Sbornaya^*

^904New^* TP effect: ^0772018 World Cup TP^*

^947-^* Get behind the defense or back to protect your goal in a flash with the
2018 World Cup Soccer TP Effect!

^904New^* Announcer: ^077World Cup Announcer^*

^947-^* Show your love for the 2018 World Cup with this ^980Announcer Pack^*!

=^980 General ^*=

^079Sha Wujing^*
^666^947-^* Once an honored general in heaven, Sha Wujing accidentally (or so he
claims) destroyed a vase that belonged to the Jade Emperor. Enraged, the emperor
exiled him to The Great Waste where Sha Wujing was reborn as a hideous man-eating
sand demon. There, he suffered for centuries and took his vengeance out on anyone
unlucky enough to wander close enough for him to feast upon. The only moment of joy
in his miserable existence occurred when nine monks who worshiped the Jade Emperor
stumbled upon Sha Wujing's lair; he devoured them one-by-one and threw their skulls
into the fetid river, but instead of sinking like the rest of his victims, these
floated. Fascinated, Sha Wujing examined them and found that they were blessed and
enchanted by the emperor himself. Perhaps this power could be harnessed...^*

^666Sha Wujing strung the skulls together and wore them as a necklace, and he
laughed heartily at the irony as the combined strength of their enchantment allowed
him to break free of his prison. He also laughed as he imagined the look on the
Jade Emperor's face when he finally found and confronted him again, telling him his
boot-licking monks had provided the key to Sha Wujing's freedom. As he began his
hunt, Sha Wujing wished for a way to make the emperor's agony last as long as his
own had...^*
==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^980 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* No longer forcefully switches to Day Mode upon respawning if you
have a ^077Staff of the Master^*.
^075*^* This bug only applied to some alternate avatars before this bugfix.


^980Version 4.4.6^*
^9805 June 2018^*

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^947-^* All heroes from the regular modes are now available in the PBT Hero Pool.
^274*^*Exception: ^059Circe^* (due to the potential of undesirable bugs being
produced with her ultimate).

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Feature Additions ^*=

^947-^* Ally illusions now have a green tint on the minimap, and their unit circles
are 50% smaller on the minimap.
^947-^* Holding the "Alt" button down now displays the neutral creep respawn zones.

=^075 Hero Reworks ^*=

^059King Klout^* (Reworked)

^256Goblin Toss^*

^947-^* No longer takes a target to activate. Now automatically throws a goblin

towards the closest visible enemy within 600 range, prioritising heroes.
^274*^* Cannot be activated if no valid targets are within range.
^947-^* Max number of charges (goblins) reduced from ^9607 to 1/2/3/4^*.
^947-^* Goblins are no longer upgradeable.
^274*^* No more green/red goblins, they all remain blue.
^947-^* Goblins deal 70/90/110/130 Magic Damage and apply a 10/15/20/25% Movement
Speed Slow for 2 seconds when thrown.
^947-^* Projectile speed decreased from ^9601000 to 700^*.
^947-^* Charge refresh time decreased from ^9608 to 5 seconds^*.

^256Parade of Power^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Cast Range: 1200
^274*^*Radius: 450
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^274*^*Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

^947-^* Upon use, rushes to the target location at 800 speed and explodes the area,
dealing 360/520/680 Magic Damage to enemies within range and applying 4 stacks of
^256Conscription^* to each enemy if you have it leveled.

=^075 Heroes (Regular Modes) ^*=


^075A Thousand Cuts^*

^947-^* Magic Damage per second changed from ^96040 to 30/50/70/90^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost per second reduced from ^96015 to 5^*.



^256Draconic Defense^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96030 seconds to 60/55/50/45 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96060 to 80^*.
^256Fiery Barrage^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per second reduced from [4/8/12/16 + 30% of Attack Damage] to
[4/8/12/16 + 25% of Attack Damage].



^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96025 to 22^*.

^947-^* Base Armor reduced from ^9605.5 to 3.5^*.

^256Hammer Throw^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect only: Fixed the ability to go on cooldown
the moment the hammer is thrown (i.e. not when ^059Hammerstorm^* teleports to the


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Public Beta Test (PBT)^*

^947-^* Ranked Pick
==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 The Four Symbols ^*=

^947+^* The Four Symbols were thought to be mythological creatures who dwelled
among the constellations, but as the future of Newerth teeters on the brink of
disaster, these honorable beings reveal themselves to be not only real, but also
incredibly powerful.

^904New ^*Four Symbols ^059Bubbles^* Avatar: ^579Black Tortoise^*

^947^947-^* The frozen climate of the North may be endless and unwelcoming to some,
but the lovely Black Tortoise of the North adores it. The time spent indoors allows
her to gather much wisdom and spend countless hours studying the gorgeous, powerful
crystals she finds buried beneath the snow with the help of her snake companion.
The two of them make a formidable pair in battle, with the Tortoise providing a
very somber, studied approach to any who threaten her people or seek to steal her
gems, while the snake prefers to be much more of a...well...snake.^*

^904New ^*Four Symbols ^059Prophet^* Avatar: ^579Vermilion Bird^*

^947^947-^* The Vermilion Bird of the South embodies the full beauty of peak
summer, when the scorching heat and dry conditions offer ample opportunities for a
good cleansing fire to sweep through and rid the land of undesirable inhabitants.
Now that she has set foot upon Newerth, this includes the corrupted Hellbourne, who
cannot help but admire the elegance of the Vermilion Bird and her graceful flames,
even as they are engulfed by them.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Plague Rider^* Avatar: ^579Plume Rider^*

^947^947-^* The Plume Riders of Fuathmoor bring a dazzling display of color and
flair to an otherwise dreary landscape of fog, bogs and hummocks. The village
children and offspring of the Poison-Plumed Harriers are paired at a young age to
foster trust and an uncanny, unspoken communication that allows them to fly in
perfect, graceful harmony. Originally used only for ceremonies to honor warriors
heading off to battle and welcome back the lucky survivors, they were forced to
evolve into warriors themselves when the Hellbourne rose and no survivors returned
from the slaughter. Now, the riders and harriers use both spear and poison feathers
to drive the corrupted out of their land, and they sing of the day when they can be
part of the ceremony celebrating the end of this terrible war.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The Exit icon on the login page is now more distinguishable from the
^947-^* Heroes that become unselectable (e.g. ^059Fayde^*'s ^256Shadow^* Walk
ability in PBT) will no longer be de-selected if you're the owner of that hero and
have multiple units selected in a group that includes that specific hero.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Fixed the ^579Geojuice^* avatar to have correct sight range while burrowed.

^947-^* ^256Hammer Throw^*'s projectile is now properly blocked by ^059Moraxus^*'
^256Arcane Shield^* ability.

^947-^* ^256Taunt^* is now considered a StatusDisable to allow its residual
Silenced/Perplexed debilitating effects to be properly removed by ^059Berzerker^*'s

^947-^* ^579Preda Tori^* avatar's attack animation is now properly synchronized
with the actual attack impact time.

^947-^* ^256Prison Break^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect now applies the correct
level of ^256Shackled^* to the target.

^947-^* ^256Ensnare^* now has proper cast mechanics (as opposed to having the non-
interrupting & inherit-movement cast mechanics).

^947-^* ^256Typhoon^*'s auxiliary (non-damaging) effects are now properly set to
Superior Magic.
=^075 Items ^*=

^077Tablet of Command^* (PBT)

^947-^* Now properly allows out of range casts if targeting a position.


^98023 May 2018^*

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

=^075 Items (PBT) ^*=

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduction now works on abilities and items.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Fixed an issue which causing some abilities having wrong cooldown.

^980Version 4.4.5^*
^98022 May 2018^*

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

=^075 Highlights ^*=

^947-^* ^077Harkon's Blade^* and other items have been re-added to PBT!
^947-^* The majority of the hero pool has been re-added to PBT!
^274*^*A large portion of these heroes have not received any individualized
changes to minimize the environmental differences between PBT & the regular modes
of play.
^947-^* Approximately 20 heroes have received significant changes.

=^075 General (PBT) ^*=

^947-^* ^059All Heroes^* in this mode now have an in-game summary on the hero pick
screen that details significant changes to them (when compared to regular modes of

^075Caldavar (PBT)^*
^947-^* Rune spawn location for the bottom rune has been moved upwards such that it
is between the set of ramps in the river.

^075Golem Bosses^*
^947-^* No longer has the 15-minute restriction for applying the siege-related buff
when killing 2 Golem Bosses within 3 minutes of each other.
^947-^* Siege-related buff now expires when healing is finished if it is impossible
for you to kill another Golem in the next 3 minutes.
^274*^*This can happen when the enemy team kills the other Golem or if the other
Golem is already dead when you kill yours.
^947-^* Adjusted Golem respawn timer to visibly have 8 "pips" instead of 10, 1 for
each minute.

^075Tower Bounty Adjustments^*

^947-^* Killer Bounty decreased from ^960460/510/560/610 to 300^*.

^947-^* Team Bounty (per player) changed from ^960150/200/300/350 to
^274*^*Total Bounty for the team if a player from your team kills the tower
changed from ^9601060/1310/1760/2010 to 1000/1200/1400/1600^*.

^947-^* Team Bounty (per player) if your ally faction kills the tower changed from
^960265/325/440/500 to 180/220/260/300^*.
^274*^*Total Bounty for the team if your ally faction kills the tower changed
from ^9601325/1468/1980/2255 to 900/1100/1300/1500^*.

^947-^* Denied Bounty (per player) decreased from ^960133/163/220/250 to


^075Other Building Bounty Adjustments^*

^947-^* Melee and Ranged Barracks: Killer Bounty increased from ^960100 to 200^*.

=^075 Hero Pool (PBT) ^*=

^947+^* A portion of heroes were re-added to the hero pool.

^075Moderate or Major Changes:^*

^947-^* ^059Accursed^*
^947-^* ^059Balphagore^*
^947-^* ^059Deadwood^*
^947-^* ^059Ichor^*
^947-^* ^059Madman^*
^947-^* ^059Nomad^*
^947-^* ^059Tremble^*
^947-^* ^059War Beast^*

^075Minor changes:^*

^947-^* ^059Salomon^*
^947-^* ^059Swiftblade^*

^075No changes (apart from map-wide/mode-wide changes in PBT). Information for the
heroes on this list will not be mentioned in the changelog.^*

^947-^* ^059Aluna^*
^947-^* ^059Amun-Ra^*
^947-^* ^059Arachna^*
^947-^* ^059Blacksmith^*
^947-^* ^059Bramble^*
^947-^* ^059Calamity^*
^947-^* ^059Cthulhuphant^*
^947-^* ^059Dampeer^*
^947-^* ^059Dark Lady^*
^947-^* ^059Deadlift^*
^947-^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* ^059Draconis^*
^947-^* ^059Electrician^*
^947-^* ^059Ellonia^*
^947-^* ^059Gauntlet^*
^947-^* ^059Gemini^*
^947-^* ^059Gravekeeper^*
^947-^* ^059Grinex^*
^947-^* ^059Keeper of the Forest^*
^947-^* ^059King Klout^*
^947-^* ^059Maliken^*
^947-^* ^059Martyr^*
^947-^* ^059Midas^*
^947-^* ^059Monarch^*
^947-^* ^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* ^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* ^059Pandamonium^*
^947-^* ^059Parasite^*
^947-^* ^059Prisoner^*
^947-^* ^059Revenant^*
^947-^* ^059Riftwalker^*
^947-^* ^059Riptide^*
^947-^* ^059Shadowblade^*
^947-^* ^059Slither^*
^947-^* ^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* ^059Zephyr^*

=^075 Hero Changes (PBT) ^*=


^274*^*Strength: 23 + 2.5 per level (Primary)

^274*^*Agility: 17 + 1.5 per level
^274*^*Intelligence: 21 + 2.0 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 310

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 55-65
^274*^*Starting Armor: 2.0

Ability 1: ^256Cauterize^*
^274*^*Range: 800
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
^274*^*Cooldown: 5 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy to deal 100/150/200/250 Magic Damage to them, and deal
75/100/125/150 Magic Damage to self.

Ability 2: ^256Fire Shield^*

^274*^*Range: 500
^274*^*Radius: 700
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120
^274*^*Cooldown: 10 seconds

^947^947-^* Activate to remove Debuffs from self and apply a shield for 15 seconds
that absorbs up to 100/150/200/250 damage. If the shield hits its limit or if
reapplied on a target that still has it, it explodes and deals 100/150/200/250
Magic Damage to nearby enemies within radius.^*

Ability 3: ^256Sear^*
^947^947-^* Passively causes your attacks and abilities to apply Sear to enemies
for 2.5 seconds, applying a 8/12/16/20% Movement Speed Slow and a 8/12/16/20 Attack
Speed Slow. Allies attacking enemies affected by Sear grant them a bonus 15%
Movement Speed and 10/20/30/40 Attack Speed for 4.5 seconds.^*

Ability 4: ^256Flame Consumption^*

^274*^*Cooldown: 60 seconds

^947-^* Activate to remove Debuffs from self, negate Damage, and convert 10/20/30%
of the negated Damage to ^999Health^* gained for 4/5/6 seconds.



^274*^*Strength: 24 + 2.5 per level (Primary)

^274*^*Agility: 12 + 1.2 per level
^274*^*Intelligence: 26 + 2.6 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 300

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 55-57
^274*^*Starting Armor: 2.52

^075Ability 1: Tenderizer^*
^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Radius around ^059Balphagore^*: 1200
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100
^274*^*Cooldown: 18/14/10/6 seconds
^947-^* Target an ally to heal them, or target an enemy to deal Magic Damage to
them for 10/16/22/28 per unit in radius, to a max of 15 units. Max Heal/Magic
Damage of 150/240/360/420.

Ability 2: ^256Corpse Conversion^*

^274*^*Range: 800
^274*^*Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^274*^*Cooldown: 18 seconds

^947-^* Passively grants you the ability to consume corpses by walking over them.
Each corpse heals 10/15/20/25 ^999Health^*.
^947-^* Target an enemy unit or structure to send 2/3/4/5 Minions to attack them
for 15 seconds.
^947-^* Minions have 250 Health, deal 15/20/25/30 Physical Damage per attack, have
4 Magic Armor, 400 Movement Speed, and an attack cooldown time of 1.25 seconds.
They apply a stacking 1/2/3/4% MS Slow on attack, up to 6 stacks.

^075Ability 3: Butcher's Cloth^*

^274*^*Radius: 900
^947-^* Passively grants 2/3/4/5 Magic Armor to ally units in radius.
^947-^*This can be toggled to swap the aura for -2/3/4/5 Magic Armor to nearby

^075Ability 4: Belly of the Beast^*

^274*^*Radius: 1000
^274*^*Mana Cost: 150
^274*^*Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

^947-^* Places buff on ^059Balphagore^* for 15 seconds. This can be purged.

^947-^* Deals Magic Damage to enemies each time they cast a spell, based on
1.25/1.5/1.75x the mana used to cast the spell.
^947-^* Leaves a corpse at the feet of the caster.



^947-^* No longer has a leap subability.


^274*^*Strength: 25 + 2.7 per level (Primary)

^274*^*Agility: 16 + 1.5 per level
^274*^*Intelligence: 16 + 1.5 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 300

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 56-61
^274*^*Starting Armor: 2.9

Ability 1: ^256Rotten Grasp^*

^274*^*Range: 1300
^274*^*Radius: 200
^274*^*Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^274*^*Cooldown: 13 seconds

^947-^* Target a position to apply Rotten Grasp to enemies in the radius after a 2
second delay. Rotten Grasp inflicts 100/150/200/250 Physical Damage over its
duration, Immobilizes, and -1/-2/-3/-4 Armor for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.

Ability 2: ^256Uproot^*
^274*^*Range: 500
^274*^*Radius: 700
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120
^274*^*Cooldown: 10 seconds

^947-^* Activate to pull a tree from the ground, gaining 15/30/45/60 Damage for 4
^947-^*While holding a tree, target an enemy unit to throw the tree at it, dealing
60/80/100/120 Physical Damage and applying a 70% Movement Speed Slow for 1.5
seconds. The tree will automatically be used on your final attack if you are still
holding it.

^075Ability 3: Petrified Bark^*

^947-^* Passively gains a 75% Chance to Deflect 30/40/50/60 Physical Damage from
incoming autoattacks.
Ability 4: ^256Willowmaker^*
^274*^*Range: 150
^274*^*Mana Cost: 75/100/125
^274*^*Cooldown: 60/40/20 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy unit to attack them with a 3x ^256Critical Strike^* and
apply a 1.5 second Stun.
^947-^*The target will have their passives broken for 5/6/7 seconds.



^256As One^*
^947-^* In addition to its current effects, now grants 40/60/80 Attack Speed.
^947-^* Attack Damage bonus changed from ^96030/60/90 to 40/60/80^*.



^256The Keg^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow magnitude increased from ^96020% to 50%^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^960100/150/200/250 to 80/130/180/230^*.
^256Steam Turret^*
^947-^* Targeting Algorithm now defaults into "Hero" mode.
^947-^* ^059Engineer^* can now destroy his own turret by attacking it.


^059Forsaken Archer^*

^075Skeletal Army^*
^947-^* Now applies a 30% Movement Speed Slow for 4 seconds to enemies hit by the
^947-^* Skeletons now die in the proper number of hits from heroes.



^256Hammer Throw^*
^947-^* No longer applies a Movement Speed Slow.
^947-^* Now applies a Stun for 2 seconds instead.



^256Summon Malphas^*
^947-^* Malphas' Base Attack Time reduced from ^9602.0 to 1.7^*.
^947-^* Malphas no longer has a chance to deal bonus damage and apply a Movement
Speed Slow on attack.
^947-^* Malphas now passively deals 20/40/60 Superior Magic Damage per second to
nearby enemies.



^274*^*Strength: 26 + 3.2 per level (Primary)

^274*^*Agility: 20 + 1 per level
^274*^*Intelligence: 24 + 1.5 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 310

^274*^*Attack Range: 150
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 45-51
^274*^*Base Armor: 4.1

Ability 1: ^256Whiplash^*
^274*^*Range: 700
^274*^*Radius: 150
^274*^*^999Health^* Cost: 60/70/80/90
^274*^*Cooldown: 3 seconds

^947-^* Target an area to deal 60/80/100/120 Magic Damage and apply a stacking
6/8/10/12% Movement Speed Slow to enemies in it for 6 seconds. ^059Ichor^* is
healed for 60/70/80/90 ^999Health^* if at least 1 enemy is hit. Slow stacks up to 8
^274*^*Health Cost is taken as non-lethal True Damage.
^075Ability 2: Blood Bubble^*
^274*^*Radius: 300
^274*^*^999Health^* Cost: 80/100/120/140
^274*^*Cooldown: 9/8/7/6 seconds

^947-^* Upon use begins growing a bubble which explodes after a 1.5 second delay,
dispelling debuffs from self and dealing 70/140/210/280 Magic Damage to enemies
within 300 range.
^274*^*^999Health^* Cost is taken as non-lethal True Damage.

^075Ability 3: Saint's Blood^*

^947-^* Passively reduces any damage instance equal to or above 50 by 10/15/20/25%.
^274*^*Damage is reduced before any mitigation effects.

^075Ability 4: Mitosis^*
^274*^*Radius: 800
^274*^*Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^274*^*Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds

^947-^* Shoots a projectile towards every ally hero within radius which applies
Mitosis to them for up to 30 seconds.
^947-^* Allies with Mitosis gain the current level of Saint's Blood and will
replicate your ability casts provided they are within range, dealing 40/50/60% of



^274*^*Strength: 16 + 2 per level

^274*^*Agility: 14 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^274*^*Intelligence: 15 + 1.8 per level
^274*^*Movement Speed: 290
^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 50-60
^274*^*Starting Armor: 1.33

Ability 1: ^256Stalk^*
^274*^*Radius: 175
^274*^*Mana Cost: 60
^274*^*Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds

^947-^* Activate to gain Stalk for 4 seconds.

^947-^* Stalk grants you Stealth with a 0.25 second fade time and Haste. While
Stalk is active, you deal 60/80/100/120 Magic Damage to any enemy you pass through.

Ability 2: ^256Barrel Roll^*

^274*^*Radius: 350
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
^274*^*Cooldown: 10 seconds

^947-^* Activate to disjoint projectiles and become Invulnerable for 0.2 seconds.
^947-^* Enemies in the area suffer -2/-3/-4/-5 Armor and receive a 30/40/50/60%
Movement Speed Slow for 3.5 seconds.

Ability 3: ^256Gash^*
^274*^*Cooldown: 8/6/4/2 seconds
^947-^* When off cooldown, your next attack deals a 1.5x ^256Critical Strike^* and
puts this skill on cooldown.

Ability 4: ^256Berserk^*
^274*^*Mana Cost: 80
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds

^947-^* Activate to channel for up to 3/4/5 seconds. ^059Madman^* is Stealthed and

CC immune during this time.
^947-^* While channeling, Madman auto-attacks all nearby enemy heroes once per


^274*^*Strength: 18 + 1.5 per level
^274*^*Agility: 22 + 2.8 per level (Primary)
^274*^*Intelligence: 20 + 2.0 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 295

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 54-62
^274*^*Starting Armor: 2.5

Ability 1: ^256Sandstorm^*
^075Mana Cost: 120^*
^075Cooldown: 60/45/30/15 seconds^*

^947-^* Activate to envelop the ^059Nomad^* in a Sandstorm for 4 seconds, gaining

8/12/16/20% Movement Speed and Unrevealable Stealth with a 0.5 second fade time.
This effect cannot be dispelled.
^947-^* Nomad does not reveal himself while attacking.

Ability 2: ^256Mirage Strike^*

^274*^*Range: 550
^274*^*Mana Cost: 90
^274*^*Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds

^947-^* Grants ^256True Strike^* and Mirage Strike. Target an enemy to have you or
an illusion charge at it.
^947-^* True Strike deals 80/120/160/200 bonus Physical Damage on impact and grants
20/40/60/80 Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
^947-^* Mirage Strike deals 60/80/100/120 bonus Physical Damage and grants you
Stealth for 3 seconds.

Ability 3: ^256Wanderer^*

^947-^* Passively gains 5 charges per second, up to a max of 100 charges.

^947-^* When you have at least 20 charges, grants attacks bonus critical hit damage
based on charges, up to a max of a 1.4/1.6/1.8/2x crit.
^947-^* ^256Consume^*s charges in the process.
^947-^* When not visible to the enemy team, you gain 4/8/12/16% Movement Speed and
your charge gain rate is increased to 40 charges per second.
^947-^* Only consumes half the charges when attacking non-hero units.
^947-^* Illusions will inherit your current amount of charges.

Ability 4: ^256Edge Counter^*

^274*^*Range: 1000
^274*^*Radius: 200
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100/125/150
^274*^*Cooldown: 60/50/40 seconds

^947-^* On activation, enters a 1 second state of ascension. If struck by an attack

or spell during this state, the ^059Nomad^* counterattacks with a massive
shockwave, inflicting 2/2.5/3 seconds Stun and 200/310/420 Magic Damage.
^947-^* Dispels Stuns and debuffs when the shockwave is released.



^256Grace of the Nymph^*

^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96020/30/40/50 to 10/20/30/40^*.

^075Nature's Offense^*
^947-^* No longer has a cast time.



^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96014 seconds to 10 seconds^*.
^947-^* The full cooldown of the skill now starts after the Movement Speed bonus
state expires.
^947-^* The leap portion of the ability goes on a 3 second cooldown while receiving
damage from a player-controlled source.


^274*^*Strength: 22+ 3.0 per level (Primary)

^274*^*Agility: 16 + 2.3 per level
^274*^*Intelligence: 18 + 1.6 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 300

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 52-60
^274*^*Starting Armor: 2.0

^075Ability 1: Wish for Power^*

^274*^*Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Activate to summon 8 Orbs of Power that rotate around ^059Salomon^*,

dealing 30/40/50/60 Magic Damage per second for up to 10 seconds.
^947-^* If the orbs collide with an enemy hero, they will explode, dealing
15/30/45/60 Magic Damage per Orb for a max of 120/240/360/480 Magic Damage.

Ability 2: ^256Avenging Leap^*

^274*^*Range: 450
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy to leap to it, dealing 40/80/120/160 Magic Damage and
applying a 20% Movement Speed Slow for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.

^075Ability 3: Wish for Wealth^*

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Cooldown: 60 seconds

^947-^* Passively grants 5/10/15/20 bonus Gold for every enemy non-hero, non-boss
unit you kill.
^947-^* Activate to transmute a non-hero unit and grant a bonus 30/60/90/120 Gold.

Ability 4: ^256Wish for Revenge^*

^274*^*Mana Cost: 50/100/150
^274*^*Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds

^947-^* Activate to transform you into an avatar for 30 seconds.

^947-^* Avatar form gains a bonus 40/60/80 ^999Health^* Regeneration, 4/8/12 Mana
^947-^* The cooldowns of Wish for Power and ^256Avenging Leap^* lowered to 5
seconds for the duration.



^274*^*Strength: 20 + 2.2 per level

^274*^*Agility: 26 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^274*^*Intelligence: 15 + 1.5 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 295

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 48-52
^274*^*Starting Armor: 4.0

Ability 1: ^256Blade Frenzy^*

^274*^*Radius: 250
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120/110/100/90
^274*^*Cooldown: 30/25/20/15 seconds

^947-^* Activate to enter Blade Frenzy for 5 seconds, dealing 80/100/120/140 Magic
Damage per second to nearby enemies.
^947-^* Dispels buffs, debuffs, grants Magic Immunity, and lowers attack damage for
self by 50% for the duration.

Ability 2: ^256Counter Attack^*

^274*^*Cooldown: 10/8/6/4 seconds
^947-^* Passively gives a 40% chance to counter-attack if attacker is an enemy

Ability 3: ^256Way of the Sword^*

^947-^* Passively grants a 15/20/25/30% chance of dealing 1.75x ^256Critical

Ability 4: ^256Swift Slashes^*

^274*^*Range: 400
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana Cost: 200/275/350
^274*^*Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a Mini-Stun and Swift Slash it, becoming
invulnerable and dealing 200 Physical Damage and teleporting to it. Randomly Swift
Slashes to a total of 3/6/9 targets. Regular autoattack instances can trigger while
Swift Slashing.



^274*^*Strength: 17 + 2.0 per level

^274*^*Agility: 18 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^274*^*Intelligence: 18 + 2.0 per level
^274*^*Movement Speed: 280
^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 50-56
^274*^*Starting Armor: 2.2

Ability 1: ^256Dark Swarm^*

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Radius: 300
^274*^*Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^274*^*Cooldown: 12 seconds

^947-^* Upon use summons a swarm of bugs for 5 seconds. Enemies within the swarm
take 30/50/70/90 Physical Damage per second, while ^059Tremble^* gains 50%
^256Evasion^* for the duration.
^947-^*Deals half damage to structures.

Ability 2: ^256Terror Mound^*

^274*^*Range: 1000
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown: 0 seconds

^947-^* Target a location to build an invulnerable Terror Mound there.

^947-^* While in the Terror Mounds, you gain 10/20/30/40% Movement Speed, 2/4/6/8
^999Health^* Regeneration, Unitwalking, and Stealth with a 2 second fade time.
^947-^* Maximum of 3/6/9/12 Terror Mounds.
^947-^* Has 2 charges with a 30 second refresh time.

Ability 3: ^256Impalers^*
^947-^* Passively applies -3/-4/-5/-6 Armor and a 15/20/25/30% MS Slow to enemy
units and structures on attack

^075Ability 4: Insect Sting^*

^274*^*Range: 500
^274*^*Mana Cost: 125/175/250
^274*^*Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds

^947-^* Hurls Shudder at target unit. Upon impact, applies Insect Sting for 1.5
seconds and spawns Shudder.
^947-^* Shudder's attacks deal 50/90/130 Physical Damage and re-apply Insect Sting
for 1.5 seconds. Shudder lasts until it attacks 8 times or 15 seconds. Deals half
damage to structures.
^947-^* Shudder has an attack cooldown of 1 second, max movement speed, and is
killed when attacked 4 times. Target is Sighted and Revealed while Shudder is
^947-^* Insect Sting: 30/45/60% Movement Speed Slow, 30/45/60 Attack Speed Slow,

^059War Beast^*

^274*^*Strength: 15 + 1.5 per level

^274*^*Agility: 24 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^274*^*Intelligence: 15 + 1.6 per level

^274*^*Movement Speed: 305

^274*^*Attack Range: Melee
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage: 61-66
^274*^*Starting Armor: 4

Ability 1: ^579Hel^*lhounds
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100
^274*^*Cooldown: 30 seconds

^947-^* Activate to summon 2 Hellhounds.

^947-^* Hellhounds have 400 ^999Health^*, deal 15/25/35/45 Damage, 2 Armor, and
have a 30% chance to ^256Critical Strike^* for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8x damage.

Ability 2: ^256Battle Cry^*

^274*^*Mana Cost: 40
^274*^*Cooldown 60/50/40/30 seconds

^947-^* Activate to receive 15/30/45/60 bonus Attack Speed and 20 extra Attack
Speed for each other unit under your control for 12 seconds.
^947-^* All of the non-hero units you control receive 10/15/20/25 bonus Attack
Speed instead.

Ability 3: Primal ^256Bloodthirst^*

^274*^*Radius: 650
^947-^* Passively grants Melee allies within range 15/20/25/30% Lifesteal and
Ranged allies 2.5/5/7.5/10% Lifesteal.
^947-^* Can be switched between hero-only and normal mode.

Ability 4: ^256Metamorphosis^*
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown 140/120/100 seconds

^947-^* Activate to transform for 20 seconds.

^947-^* Activated form reduces your base attack time from ^9601.7 to 1.4 seconds^*,
grants a 40% 1.6/1.8/2x critical strike chance, 100/200/300 bonus ^999Health^*,
1000 sight range at night, unitwalking, and increases Movement Speed of self and
all units you control by 20/40/60%.


^059Wretched Hag^*

^256Bat Blast^*
^947-^* Damage type changed from True to Superior Magic.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^960300/400/500 to 300/450/600^*.


=^075 Items (PBT) ^*=

^947-^* Passive on-attack effects changed to apply -5 Armor for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus decreased from ^96035 to 30^*.

^904New ^*Item: ^077Harkon's Blade^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Shieldbreaker^* (3000) + ^077Acolyte's Staff^* (2500) = 5500

Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +35 Attack Damage, +30 Attack Speed, +25 Intelligence.
^947-^* On attack, applies Broken Armor to the target for 4 seconds, reducing their
Armor by 5.
^947-^* Toggle to change your Attack Type to be Magic Damage and apply Harkon's
Blade to the target for 4 seconds, reducing their Magic Armor by 5.
^274*^*Each attack costs 50 Mana while active.

^904New ^*Item: ^077Amulet of Exile^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Pretender's Crown^* (180) + ^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) +

Recipe (150) = 480 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +6 Intelligence, +50% Mana Regeneration.
^904New ^*item: ^077Bloodborne Maul^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Axe of the Malphai^* (2500) + ^077Bolstering Armband^* (450) +

Recipe (1350) = 4300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +40 Strength.
^947-^* When damaged, gains 1 charge for every 12 ^999health^* lost, up to a max of
250 charges. Each charge grants 1 bonus True Damage to your attacks against non-
structure enemies.
^947-^* Loses 10 charges per second after 4 seconds of not taking any damage.
^947-^* Effects of this item do not stack and propagate to illusions for 33% of

^904New ^*item: ^077Fortified Bracer^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Pretender's Crown^* (180) + ^077Crushing Claws^* (150) + Recipe

(175) = 505 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +6 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Intelligence, +2 ^999Health^*

^904New ^*item: ^077Soulscream Ring^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Pretender's Crown^* (180) + Duckboots (150) + Recipe (125) =

455 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +5 Damage, +3 Strength, +6 Agility, +3 Intelligence.

^904New ^*item: ^077Whispering Helm^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Hungry Spirit^* (1000) + ^077Helm of the Victim^* (900) = 1900
Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +20 Damage, + 15% Lifesteal, +5 Armor, +3 ^999Health^*
^947-^* Active: Dominates the target, taking control of it and switching its team
permanently. The unit gains 1 Mana Regen and bonus Damage and Movement Speed equal
to 25% of your own.
^274*^*Range: 700
^274*^*Mana cost: 25
^274*^*Cooldown: 300 seconds
^947-^* Recipe changed to consist of ^077Slayer^* (2000) + ^077Bolstering Armband^*
(450) + Recipe (750) = 3200
^947-^* Passive bonuses changed to grant +8 Strength and +40 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Bash cooldown reduced from ^9603.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds^*.

^077Dust of Revelation^*
^947-^* Cost increased to 200 Gold
^947-^* Now grants 2 charges per purchase instead of 1.

^947-^* Attack out of stealth now applies a 50% Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds.

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduction now only works on hero abilities.

^077Savage Mace^*
^947-^* Moved from the ^256Morph^* Attack to the Combative category.

^947-^* Can now also target ally heroes.

^947-^* Magic Damage per impact increased from ^960120 to 150^*.

^077Void Talisman^*
^947-^* Now grants full Physical Immunity.
^947-^* +40% Magic Damage taken has been changed to be -5 Magic Armor.

^947-^* ^256Evasion^* reduced from ^96050% to 33%^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes (Regular Modes) ^*=


^256As One^*
^947-^* In addition to its current effects, now grants 40/60/80 Attack Speed.
^947-^* Attack Damage bonus changed from ^96030/60/90 to 40/60/80^*.


^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^075Animated Forest^*
^947-^* Animated Trees no longer have a 40 second duration. Instead, this ability
can now have up to a max of 4 trees up at the same time.
^947-^* Animated Trees from the Strength in Numbers skill do not count towards this
^947-^* Animated Tree's Attack Damage increased from ^96025 to 30^*.

^075Strength in Numbers^*
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus per Animated Tree increased from ^9604/8/12/16 to
^947-^* Animated Tree's Attack Damage increased from ^96025 to 30^*.


^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96065 to 50^*.
^947-^* Recharge rate improved from once every 8 to every 6 seconds.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* Magic Damage bonus increased from ^96020 to 30^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^9604/3/2/0 to 3/2.25/1.5/0 seconds^*.



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.7 to 2.2^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.5^*.

^256Mana Rift^*
^947-^* Magic Damage based on missing mana increased from ^96090/110/130% to



^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96016 to 18^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602 to 2.4^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960295 to 300^*.


^947-^* Starting Strength increased from ^96017 to 18^*.

^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 2.8^*.

^256Glyph of Silence^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow radius decreased from ^9601000 to 300^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed slow changed from being based on distance (5% minimum, 30%
maximum) to a static 60% slow that lingers for 1 second.


=^075 Items (Regular Modes) ^*=

^077Bloodborne Maul^*
^947-^* ^999Health^* loss requirement for each charge increased from ^96010 to

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Public Beta Test (PBT)^*

^947-^* Ranked Pick
==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 The Four Symbols ^*=

^947+^* The Four Symbols were thought to be mythological creatures who dwelled
among the constellations, but as the future of Newerth teeters on the brink of
disaster, these honorable beings reveal themselves to be not only real, but also
incredibly powerful.

^579Azure Dragon^*
^947^947-^* The Azure Dragon of the East is linked to the cleansing rebirth of
spring and its clear blue waters, which she uses in copious amounts from her dragon
cannon to purge Newerth of anything unjust. Her benevolence and delivery of good
fortune is a blessing to those who follow the path of honor, and a bane to those
who stray from it.^*

^579White Tiger^*
^947^947-^* The White Tiger of the West embodies the transitional season of autumn,
when crops are harvested and preparations are made to defend against the coming
winter. While she is more than happy to assist and guide her people in those tasks,
she never falters in her true purpose: vigilance against the terrors -- both
physical and spiritual -- who lurk in the growing shadows of fall. Her element is
metal, and her enchanted, razor-sharp claws never grow dull when reaping a full
harvest of forage...or corrupted enemies.^*

Four Symbols ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* Display the full power of all four directions and seasons when you own
every avatar in the Four Symbols Set:
^274*^* ^579Azure Dragon^* ^059Sapphire^*
^274*^* Black Tortoise ^059Bubbles^*
^274*^* Vermillion Bird ^059Prophet^*
^274*^* ^579White Tiger^* ^059Dark Lady^*

=^075 General ^*=

^579Carhop Tarot^*
^947^947-^* Carhop Tarot is legendary for her speedy service, sassy banter, and
uncanny ability to guess every customer's order before they even see the menu.
Sure, sometimes she's too busy showing off her server skills to care if her guess
is actually right, and she's always zipping off to the next customer before anyone
can complain about no ketchup, too much ketchup, or getting blasted in the face by
a burger -- but she'll always be back to collect her tips. Order up!^*

^947^947-^* The Cruxlords and Artificers may be extremely efficient at destroying
physical planets, but they are woefully inept at eliminating the concepts that
allow civilizations to survive and thrive -- tenets like truth, compassion, and
forbearance. These are invisible to the physical senses and alien sensors, yet they
are as real as the shards and dust floating through space after the Fulcrums do
their heinous work, and they have drawn together across galaxies to form the being
known as Nebula. Completely pure and virtuous, Nebula requires no effort to resist
evil, respect life, and work for the good of others, for those are its default
path. However, it also knows the truest way to show compassion for other is to
allow them to live their lives, an opportunity that will be lost should the
Cruxlords and Artificers prevail. Because of this, Nebula must bring all of its
celestial power to the fight against these monsters and add their dust and ash to
the incalculable pile they've already created.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Connectivity errors regarding Matchmaking (e.g. team roster errors and
disconnect errors after finding a match when queuing in Matchmaking) are now fixed.

=^075 PBT ^*=

^947-^* Base Gold bounty value is now properly set to 200 for a hero kill.
^274*^*Was mistakenly set to 350 due to a mismerge.

^947-^* Malphas' AI is now more robust and responsive.

^077Plated Greaves^*
^947-^* Now only gains charges when attacked by heroes.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Funeral Pyre^* no longer procs while Calamity is stealthed.
^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* ^256Illusive Dash^*: when the second activation state expires, it no longer
performs its second ^256Illusive Dash^* automatically if Monkey King is Silenced or
Restrained/Immobilized (in addition to if Monkey King is Stunned).
^274*^*Fix applies for PBT & regular modes.


^98018 May 2018^*

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

=^075 Items (PBT) ^*=

^609New Item:^* ^077Portal Key^* (^9802250 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 25 seconds
^947-^* Teleport self to target position.
^947-^* Cooldown of 3 seconds is applied to Portal Key if damaged by a player
controlled unit.


^9809 May 2018^*

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^947-^* Queue times should now be shorter for the PBT mode.

=^075 Items (PBT) ^*=

^947-^* Active effect now heals allies properly.

^075Wind Whistle^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonuses no longer stack from multiple Wind Whistles.
^274*^*For the time being, Movement Speed bonuses from items that have Wind
Whistle as a component to them will stack with other Wind Whistles & other items
that have Wind Whistle as a component.

=^075 Heroes (PBT) ^*=

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* Tongue Tied no longer bypasses Shrunken Head.

^947-^* Non-ultimate abilities no longer have their Cast Range increased while
Raven form is active.

^947-^* ^256Defensive Might^* no longer grants ^999Health^* Regeneration to Rally
when the aura state is hidden via damage.


^075Musical Blast changes:^*

^947-^* Note is now visible to both teams.

^947-^* Impact delay reduced from ^9601 to 0.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Smoothed out the growth of the note.
^947-^* Fixed how the note interacts on top of buildings.

=^075 Caldavar (PBT) ^*=

^947-^* ^900Hellbourne^* side of the jungle now has the same number of camps as the
^090Legion^* side (2 Hard camps, 1 Medium camp, 2 Easy camps, 1 Ancient camp).
==^960 Other Game Modes ^*==

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^947-^* Gold loss no longer occurs on death.

^947-^* "All Random" can now be properly selected for Mid Wars in the Mode
Selection screen.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Observatory & Side Shop no longer show the overlapping Guides page when
they are opened.

^980Version 4.4.4^*

^9808 May 2018^*

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^980HoNiversary^* =

- May 12th of this year marks a huge moment in Heroes of Newerth history as we
observe HoN's 8th year as a major online multiplayer game. To commemorate this
occasion, this HoNiversary's celebrations include a whopping ^98050% gold sale^*
(May 11th until May 15th), ^980triple diamond odds^* (May 16 until May 23rd) in
Plinko and a ^9803x silver bonus^* (May 8th until May 22th)! Merrick also has been
gracious enough to sell Limited Edition and Holiday Edition avatars again during
this celebration (May 7th until May 24th).
- The fun doesn't end there! Merrick also made his own grab bags he's putting up
for sale filled to the brim with ^077Holiday Edition^*, ^077Limited Edition^*,
^077Gold^*, ^077Ultimate^*, ^077Early Access^* and ^077Debut Edition Avatars^*!
Grab them before they run out! (May 8th until May 22th)
- Our trusty Newerthian friends will be celebrating this wonderful day with us.
Look forward to entertaining in-game changes to some of your HoN's favorite units.

==^960 Public Beta Test (PBT) ^*==

^666^947+^* ^*Public Beta Test (PBT) is the new game mode that brings a hardcore,
ruthless & unforgiving gameplay experience that Heroes of Newerth was originally
known for, and the environment that its legacy players thrive in. It brings back a
large majority of the gameplay mechanics that HoN used to have, while
simultaneously breathing life into the gameplay with a new map, new bosses, and a
revamped hero pool and item pool.
^947+^* PBT is also the mode where players can test changes potentially coming to
the main mode in the future! All on 1 client, with little to no extra assets
required to be downloaded each patch.
^947+^* This mode will be available to play in the Map Rotation slot on the Mode
Select screen until further notice.
^947+^* The compilation of the full changelog throughout PBT's lifetime will be
available in the Public Beta Test (PBT) Feedback forums.

=^980 PBT Feedback ^*=

^947+^* All players now have a clear voice if they wish to see something changed!
Simply fill out the feedback form at the end of every PBT game and make your
comments concise, constructive, and justified.
^666^947+^* ^*Additionally, players can visit the Public Beta Test (PBT) Feedback
section in the official HoN forums and have a more centralized location of
constructive feedback. The PBT Feedback subforums will be located directly below
the General Discussion forums, and are a place for having more elaborate
balance/design discussions pertaining to PBT. This is the best way to ensure that
your feedback is seen and taken into consideration!

=^980 Ranked Pick ^*=

^904New ^*Picking Mode: ^077Ranked Pick^*

^666^947+^* ^*Ranked Pick is our new competitive picking mode. This mode allows
everyone on your team to have an influence on Hero Bans and Hero Picks, and does
not restrict that influence to the player with the highest Rank on your team.
Because of its pick mode mechanics, Ranked Pick encourages teamwork and strategic
drafting to maximize your team's synergy and counter the opponent's hero picks and
^947+^* PBT's Pick Mode will be Ranked Pick.

=^980 Banning Phase ^*=

-^* The game starts with 20 seconds for every player to vote for Blind Banning
^075*^* Each player only has 2 votes.
^075*^* A player may choose to make 0 votes or 1 vote if they wish.
^075*^* Players can only see their own votes.
^947-^* After all Blind Bans are made or until the timer expires, the game bans the
top 4 heroes that have the most votes for being Blind Banned.
^075*^* No indication of how many votes were made for each hero are given to
^947-^* If 4 heroes with the most votes for being Blind Banned cannot be chosen
because of ties, then the game chooses randomly between the ones that require a
^075*^* e.g. There is a 3-2-2-1-1-1 distribution for Blind Ban votes. The game
will select the 3-2-2 heroes, but the remaining heroes with the 1 Blind Ban on each
of them will be randomly selected for the 4th hero.
=^980 Picking Phase ^*=

^947-^* A random team is chosen to pick first.

^947-^* Any player from the team can pick a hero for themselves. When the number of
picks per team in a turn is done, it switches to the other team.
^947-^* The number of picks per team when alternating picking turns is: 1-2-2-2-2-
^666^947-^* ^*Picking time per turn is 30 seconds. If the 30 seconds expires and
picks are not fully used for that turn, the game will pick a random hero for the
top-most player on that team for the remaining hero picks that turn, giving
priority to players that have a hero shadowpicked.
^947-^* Once all players have picked their hero, a 20 second time period is
provided for players to briefly discuss their general strategy and to swap heroes
(if necessary).

=^980 Map Changes ^*=

^947+^* Forests of Caldavar (PBT) has received a complete overhaul.

^947-^* The entire map received new textures and visual updates!
^947-^* Legion and Hellbourne bases have been streamlined and had excess buildings
removed, reducing the amount of congestion in fights within the bases.
^947-^* The World Tree and Sacrificial Shrine, along with their two Tier 4 towers,
have been moved to a higher elevation level than the Barracks.
^947-^* The Legion Well and Hellbourne Tarpit have been moved to a higher elevation
than the Main Base Structure, making fountain spawn camping even more difficult
than before.
^947-^* Top and bottom lanes had their treelines revamped on the sides of the lane,
allowing for more aggressive and sneaky plays for both teams.
^666^947-^* ^*Top and bottom lanes now have an Easy pull camp for the Safe
(commonly known as "short") Lane, and a Medium pull camp for the Unsafe (commonly
known as the "long" or "off") Lane, allowing for increased contention and further
diversifying lane dynamics.
^075*^* Heroes in their Safe Lane can pull their Easy camp at ~x45.
^075*^* Heroes in their Safe Lane can pull the Medium camp at ~x:55.
^075*^* Heroes in their Unsafe Lane can pull the Medium camp at ~x19 (if on
^947-^* Efficient, yet obvious marked ward spots have been added! Players can
choose to ward in these locations, but expect to be counterwarded much more
frequently if you choose to do so.
^075*^* Moderately skilled players will counterward relentlessly, which means
that higher skilled players will discover ward spots that avoid these commonly
counterwarded locations.
^075*^* Improvise your warding game by dynamically changing your ward locations
and finding new ones!
^947-^* The number of juke spots on the map has been increased overall, notably in
the jungle areas and around the middle lane!
^075*^* This allows for a higher skill ceiling of plays around those areas, as
it now becomes more probable to escape from a sticky situation if you are skillful
enough at juking!
^947-^* Balance has been improved between the Legion and Hellbourne jungle.
^947-^* Both jungles have been modified to allow for better neutral camp clearing
rotations throughout the game.
^947-^* An Ancient neutral camp has been added to the jungle, increasing the total
number of camps from 5 to 6 in the actual jungle!
^947-^* Golem Bosses now reside near the legacy Ancient neutral camp locations
(more details below!)
^075*^* The legacy Ancient neutral camp is still there, it has been shifted
appropriately with respect to the Golem Boss locations.

=^902New ^079Bosses^*: ^075Golem Boss ^*=

^666^947+^* ^*Kongor has been replaced with 2 Golem Bosses. One Golem will be on
the Legion's side of the map (East of the top Tier 2 tower), while the other Golem
will be on Hellbourne's side of the map (to the west of the bottom Tier 2 tower).
Killing one of these Golem Bosses grants your team permanent buffs, while killing
both Golem Bosses within a short amount of time gives you extra Sieging power to
destroy structures, allowing teams to have an easier time ending games more
^924Health:^* 5000
^924Health Regeneration:^* 20
^057Mana:^* 2000
^057Mana Regen:^* 10

^995Attack Damage:^* 80
^995Armor:^* 3
^995Magic Armor:^* 30
^995Movement Speed:^* 270

^975Sight Range:^* 1400/1400

^975Attack Range:^* 150 (Melee)
^975Base Attack Time:^* 1.0

^955Gold:^* 350 to killer, 200 for rest of team

^955Experience:^* 1000
^955Respawn Time:^* 8 Minutes
^075*^* Invulnerable until after the 6-minute mark.
-^* Golem Bosses gain 1 Damage, 50 Max Health, 0.1 Armor, and 1 bonus damage to his
Slam every 30 seconds (stops gaining bonus stats after 60 minutes).

= ^980When killed^* =
^947-^* Grants players a choice between the following permanent bonuses upon
defeating a Golem Boss:
^075*^* +4 Strength, +2 Agility, +6 Intelligence.
^075*^* +4% to All Damage Dealt.
^075*^* +15 Movement Speed.

^947-^* Applies "Golem Slayer" to all heroes on the killer's team for 3 minutes.
^077Golem Slayer^*
^947-^* Restores 40% of Max Health and 20% of Max Mana over the first 10
^947-^* If another Golem Boss is slain, applies "Golem Decimator" to self
for 3 minutes.
^947-^* Golem Decimator can only be applied after 15 minutes into the game.
^947-^* Healing effect ends early if you take damage from enemy players.

^077Golem Decimator^*
- Restores 80% of Max Health and 40% of Max Mana over the first 10 seconds.
Grants +80% bonus Damage vs Structures.
^947-^* Healing effect ends early if you take damage from enemy players.
= ^980Abilities^* =

^057Boulder Toss^*
^947-^* Throws rock at target location (200 radius) that lands after 2
seconds. Deals [150 + 10% of target's Max Health] in Magic Damage and stuns for 2
^947-^* Will randomly use this ability as long as he is fighting at least 1
enemy hero (20% chance every second).

^947-^* Slows the Movement Speed and Attack Speed of all nearby players.
Only used when 3 or more units are in melee range of the Golem.

^057Ancient Skin^*
^947-^* Passively grants 70% Debuff and Stun Reduction.

^947-^* When below 25% of your Max Health, gain 20 Attack Damage and 120
Attack Speed.

==^960 Mechanical/System Changes that only affect PBT ^*==

^947+^* ^980General^*
^947-^* Assist timer decreased from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
^947-^* Neutral non-boss units now have +1 Armor.
^947-^* Hero Base Mana increased from 0 to 50.
^947-^* Hero Magic Armor has been set to 5 for all heroes.
^947-^* Melee hero Base Health Regeneration increased from 1 to 1.5.
^947-^* Max Health acquired per point of Strength increased from 19 to 20.
^947-^* Base Damage obtained per point of Strength for heroes with Strength as
their Primary Attribute decreased from 1 to 0.75.
^947-^* Armor acquired per point of Agility increased from 0.14 to 0.15.
^947-^* Max Mana acquired per point of Intelligence increased from 13 to 15.
^947-^* Randoming a hero now gives bonus Gold again!
^075*^* 250 bonus Gold for randoming without a filter applied.
^947-^* Max respawn time increased from 80 seconds to 100 seconds.
^947-^* Tower Armor for Tier 3 towers increased from 18 to 25.
^947-^* Backdoor Protection System has been disabled.

+^* ^980Experience^*
^075*^* Note: the changes in this section will not apply to Casual Mode.

^947-^* Heroes no longer gain experience while they are dead.

^947-^* Experience Reduction based on the number of nearby ally heroes when
killing an enemy hero has been increased from 0/0/10/30/50% to 0/0/25/50/75%
(assuming 1/2/3/4/5 ally heroes within experience range of the enemy hero).
^947-^* Experience granted per hero kill was decreased from (75 + (70 + 5 per
level)) to 50 + (50 + 10 per level).

^947+^* ^980Gold^*
^075*^* Note: the changes in this section will not apply to Casual Mode.

^947-^* Gold per level when killing an enemy hero decreased from 10 to 5.
^947-^* Percentage of Kill Bounty distributed to your team for assists
decreased from 50% to 25%.
^947-^* Gold loss on death per hero level increased from 20 to 30.

=^980 Hero Pool (PBT) ^*=

^666^947+^* ^*^998At an early point in its lifetime, hero designs in the long term
were being hindered by multiple decisions: these include overloading a hero's kit
with too many tools (with many simply being "tack-ons") & making them all some form
of semi-carries, or allowing carries to be strong at all phases of the game, thus
making them "hyper carries". By doing this, it makes the hero pool more
homogenized, making a portion of the hero pool obsolete, and makes each hero less
unique & draftable relative to other heroes. This also introduces the problem of
powercreeping when introducing new heroes, as all new heroes feel compelled to have
their kit overloaded with every tool to make them feel up to par with the most
recent heroes, thus making the problem worse in the long term.^*

^666^947+^* ^*^998To fix these issues, a large portion of heroes are temporarily
removed from the game, and will eventually be reintroduced back into the game over
time as their hero designs are changed to make them fit better in the new hero
pool. Many previous hero designs have also been changed in certain areas to
minimize overlap between heroes.^*

^666^947+^* ^*^998Heroes have also received changes to make them have draftability,
i.e. have a reason to be picked on the Hero Pick screen to either grant a unique
benefit to their team, facilitate a strategy, or specifically counter certain
heroes/strategies on the opposing team.^*

^666^947+^* ^*^998To reduce the amount of hybrid/semi-carry heroes that are too
good at all phases of the game, some heroes have had their power adjusted relative
to each phase of the game. In general, support heroes have been tailored to excel
in the early game, gankers have been tailored to control game tempo and thus
control early-mid game, while carries will dominate late game & have much less of a
dominance early-mid game.^*

^947+^* Only the following heroes will be available in PBT

^947-^* ^059Andromeda^*
^947-^* ^059Armadon^*
^947-^* ^059Behemoth^*
^947-^* ^059Blood Hunter^*
^947-^* ^059Bubbles^*
^947-^* ^059Chi^*
^947-^* ^059Chipper^*
^947-^* ^059Chronos^*
^947-^* ^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^947-^* ^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^059Devourer^*
^947-^* ^059Empath^*
^947-^* ^059Engineer^*
^947-^* ^059Fayde^*
^947-^* ^059Flint Beastwood^*
^947-^* ^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* ^059Glacius^*
^947-^* ^059Gladiator^*
^947-^* ^059Gunblade^*
^947-^* ^059Hammerstorm^*
^947-^* ^059Hellbringer^*
^947-^* ^059Klanx^*
^947-^* ^059Kraken^*
^947-^* ^059Legionnaire^*
^947-^* ^059Lodestone^*
^947-^* ^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* ^059Magebane^*
^947-^* ^059Magmus^*
^947-^* ^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* ^059Myrmidon^*
^947-^* ^059Nymphora^*
^947-^* ^059Ophelia^*
^947-^* ^059Parallax^*
^947-^* ^059Pearl^*
^947-^* ^059Pebbles^*
^947-^* ^059Pestilence^*
^947-^* ^059Pharaoh^*
^947-^* ^059Plague Rider^*
^947-^* ^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* ^059Predator^*
^947-^* ^059Prophet^*
^947-^* ^059Pyromancer^*
^947-^* ^059Rally^*
^947-^* ^059Rampage^*
^947-^* ^059Ravenor^*
^947-^* ^059Rhapsody^*
^947-^* ^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^059Scout^*
^947-^* ^059Solstice^*
^947-^* ^059Soulstealer^*
^947-^* ^059Succubus^*
^947-^* ^059Tempest^*
^947-^* ^059Thunderbringer^*
^947-^* ^059Torturer^*
^947-^* ^059Valkyrie^*
^947-^* ^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* ^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* ^059Wretched Hag^*

=^980 Summary of Hero Changes^*=

^666^947-^* ^*^998Andromedas rework shifts her into a long range harass and poke
hero who can now take full advantage of her Void Rip ability. This direction pushes
her further from a walking ultimate and gives her a little more depth, as well as
increasing her lane strength so she can support more effectively.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Armadon is a hero that wants to be in the middle of teamfights,
but lacked any inherent mobility (unless he wasted spellcasts to get the benefits
of Restless). His ultimate now allows him a way to get right in the middle of
fights or pursue a fleeing enemy, dealing a burst of damage to get the party
started. Additionally, the frustration of Armordillo automatically casting Spine
Burst has been removed, replaced with Mana replenishment whenever Armadon takes
hits from behind. This increases the counterplay options available to his enemies
while also allowing Armadon the agency to choose when to expend his Spine Bursts.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Behemoth still boasts his classic burst of lethality to his foes
if they clump up too closely together. To facilitate his function without the need
of a Portal Key and allow his item build paths to be more flexible, he has been
given an initiation tool on his Enrage, allowing him to leap to a location.^*

^059Blood Hunter^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Blood Hunter is the premier single target silence ganker in PBT,
and will remain a great counter to heroes who rely on mobility or blinking. He is
still one of the stronger solo middle lane heroes with his ability to sustain
himself through Feast.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Bubbles was brought up to PBT levels a long time ago, which is
why he may have been perceived as being a little too strong in retail. His kit is
enjoyable, however, and not much has changed. The speed of Shell Surf was a little
too fast for most players to dodge even at mid to long ranges, so it has been
slowed down.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Chi has a unique mechanic for punishing heroes that obtain high
Attack Damage. There are many heroes that punish increasing Attack Speed through
blinds or slows, but not too many for Attack Damage, making Chi one of the best
counters to this strategy. As he was recently added to the main game, his abilities
are the same.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Chipper has always been played as a basic nuker who blinks on
top of an enemy and spews out all the damage he can, but this is neither
interesting compared to other nukers in the pool nor relevant to the design of his
main damage tool, Rocket Barrage. The changes to Chipper are meant to provide a new
strategy that works much better with his intended role as a long-range poke
machine, punishing him for being too close and rewarding him for keeping his

^666^947-^* ^*^998Chronos is a classic hero who received a few changes to give his
abilities a little more playaround. Rewind is no longer randomly activated,
granting more control to both the Chronos player and his opponent when deciding how
to approach a fight and when to use or prevent the ability. Additionally, Curse of
Ages now provides Chronos with a second attack instead of a bash, which not only
reduces frustration when fighting Chronos, but also gives him more opportunity to
proc attack items, removes redundancy when enemies are trapped in a Chronofield,
and fits better with his theme of time manipulation.^*

^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^947-^* ^998Corrupted Disciple will remain as the classic counter-carry hero with
his Attack Damage draining trait.^*

^059Demented Shaman^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Demented Shaman has returned to his roots as a full blown hard
support, capable of providing massive survivability through Unbreakable and the
ability to turn fights over time with the armor swing from Storm Cloud, making him
a great complementary pickup with armor-based teams. This not only solidifies his
role in the game, but also helps bridge the gap between how he is played in
different regions.^*

^947-^* ^998Devourer has one of the most fun kits in the game, and thus has not
received much change. He has been given some buffs to become more tanky as the game
progresses, but his mechanics remain the same.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Empaths identity is the same, capable of turning her allies into
carries (or even harder carries, if theyre already carries), but her global Health
regeneration has been removed as it isn't necessary in her kit. It has been
replaced with the movement speed boost (now called Spur) she would have otherwise
only gotten by using As One, which allows her more flexibility and ability synergy
when As One is on cooldown. Spurs effectiveness in general has also been increased,
making this skill impactful in more situations.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Engineer had some issues where most players found Spider Mines
to be a stressful addition to the game, as it promotes a playstyle that is
frustrating for both teams to deal with. These have been removed so that Engineers
unique method of stopping initiation with his ultimate could be the cornerstone of
his playstyle. Engineer has gone back to his roots and is now more suited to carry
with his legacy-based Turret, complete with new balance tweaks.^*

^947-^* ^998Fayde has been changed to an all-around ganking threat that focuses
more on larger HP targets. If her team needs an anti-strength hero, shes a great
option, and now has a tool that actually allows her to escape if things go awry.^*

^059Flint Beastwood^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Flint Beastwood has a little more control over his abilities
now, allowing him to increase his Hollowpoint Shells damage when he needs it. He
has gained the unique ability to provide True Strike for himself and allies while
remaining the longest ranged carry in the game.^*

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Forsaken Archer had the tools to be a hard carry who specializes
in auto-attacking everyone around her with Split Fire, so it didnt make much sense
that Crippling Volley limited her victims to one or two at a time, or that Piercing
Arrows was little more than a high damage line nuke on a hero whose damage output
should be relative to her farm. With this in mind, her new abilities shift her
further from ganking and burst damage spells, and closer to farming and excelling
through auto-attacks against multiple enemy heroes at once. Her new ultimate
provides an area miss chance to all nearby enemies, making her a great counter to
teams who rely on their auto-attacks for damage.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Glacius remains as a reliable, aggressive, and classic support
hero that provides a global Mana Regeneration aura to his team. His power level has
been increased to match other heroes in PBT, including the numbers of Chilling
Presence, which are now especially powerful for Glacius himself, allowing him to
harass much more effectively with his spells.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Gladiator is the most satisfying to play when hes able to one-
shot the enemy team after successfully landing his full combo. In PBT he is very
close to his retail counterpart, but Call to Arms now grants himself and his allies
a guaranteed crit when it comes charging by, increasing the likelihood that
Gladiator can achieve this feeling and obtain a team wipe if hes placed everything

^666^947-^* ^*^998Gunblade has been changed to a melee hero, as the melee/range
duality in his initial design did not actually play out the way it was intended in
real games; in most cases, Gunblade would simply wait until Grappling Shot was
available before he would engage in combat, nullifying his range advantage. As the
most fun part of his skillset, Grappling Shot is now available much more often, and
Lethal Range has increased significantly in its potential damage output.
Additionally, he is now able to track enemies as they flee by causing them to bleed
out, aiding his aesthetic as the iconic undead sheriff and giving him a little more
usefulness if hes not able to finish off his target.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Hammerstorm is a great carry for many reasons, but lacked
something that made him a powerhouse in certain strategies over others. Now when he
activates Brute Strength, ally heroes will receive a buff to their own Base Damage,
giving Hammerstorm an edge in lineups that benefit from amplified auto-attacks.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Hellbringer has always had something worth drafting with the
superior stun in Summon Malphas, but having to control both Hellbringer and Malphas
during this time never made much sense, as Hellbringer didnt have much damage
output and the multi-unit control turned many players away. His rework allows the
player to focus solely on Hellbringer, constantly barraging enemies with low
cooldown spells and staying alive while Malphas seeks out enemies to attack on his

^666^947-^* ^*^998Klanx is a simple and fun Attack Speed carry, but lacked
something unique to make him worthy of a pickup over other auto-attackers. To
remedy this, his new ultimate provides bonus Attack Speed to nearby allies for a
short duration, allowing him to synergize well with other heroes who could make use
of the buff. Flight has been further balanced to make dealing with him less
frustrating, and his early game power has been severely decreased since he is
intended to be a late-game carry. Additionally, B.A.N.G. now Blinds affected units,
granting this fragile mastermind a little more survivability if he manages to land
it properly.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Kraken has always had the potential to devastate multiple
enemies, but due to the design of his abilities, he rarely got the chance, and is
often relegated to more of a single-target ganker role. He has received some
changes to his ultimate that will allow him to fulfill his potential and capture
multiple enemies, streamlining his kit and giving him a more defined niche in the
game as an enemy team relocator.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Legionnaires power curve is often incredibly binary depending on
his performance early game. If he excels early on, he gains the levels and items
needed & tends to snowball out of control because of the scaling on his Terrifying
Charge. If he is stopped early on, he can never seem to catch up to the games
current tempo because he is so dependent on levels and items. As a result,
Legionnaires Terrifying Charge (and power) is now oriented towards the early-mid
game, granting him Max Movement Speed towards his target with only 1 point in the
ability, while no longer having the damage scale.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Lodestones uniqueness of armor penetration was restricted to a
single burst from his ultimate, and his intended role as a tank was often bypassed
in favor of simply picking up a Portal Key and jumping into fights at the last
second of Shatterstorm. To enhance his unique trait and remedy his battle aversion,
he has been given more tools to stay alive as the fight occurs, both shielding
himself and reducing the damage output of enemy heroes.^*
^059Lord Salforis^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Lord Salforis serves a very important niche in the game,
mitigating the ability of enemies to heal and countering heroes who rely on Health
Regeneration. However, the range on his spells didnt seem consistent with his
desire to be up close and personal with Dark Lords Presence. He has received some
adjustments to his spells to make them more potent if Salforis can stick to his
target, as well as adding a little more counterplay for the enemy if they can evade
the Baron of Blackwal.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Magebane is a relatively simple and old-school hero who requires
a lot of time to become a carry and often has to step into the middle of action for
prolonged periods of time. To help push Magebane into the realm heroes who lean
more towards our tank carries than squishy ones and emphasize his resistance to
casters, Master of the Mantras defense against Magic Damage has increased.^*

^947-^* ^998Magmus is another fan favorite and will always be drafted due to the
flexibility and power his kit provides.^*

^059Monkey King^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Monkey King is a popular hero in all regions of play, but his
kit allowed him to snowball a little too well and made him more powerful than the
semi-carry he was intended to be, so Illusive Dash was changed to no longer scale
with his Attack Damage. Monkey Kings power is clearly more notable in the early and
mid game, but tapers off late-game as intended.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Myrmidon has received some small changes to his kit, both
increasing their quality of life and granting more counterplay options to his
enemies. Forced Evolution now scales the Health given based on Myrmidons
Intelligence, giving his main attribute and support items relevancy in both forms,
and the Crowd Control effects on Weed Field and Magic Carp have been swapped,
giving enemies more of a choice than stunned or stunned.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Nymphora covers all the basics of support with Crowd Control,
Mana Regeneration, and Healing, but none of this was relevant to her ultimate. In
order to limit the number of global ganking spells in the game and focus Nymphora
around the use of her highly effective support tools, she has been given an
ultimate more centralized to her play-style, which allows her to recast her
abilities and help her teammates with their own spells.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Ophelia remains the definition of a high skillcap hero, capable
of pushing down lanes and ganking through the use of her Commanded neutrals. Her
ultimate providing a teamwide, global, and instant heal is still intact, making her
one of the few heroes who can help save an ally from across the map.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Parallax is still a strong counter to enemy heroes with small
manapools, but Earthshatter has been made more impactful by turning it into a burst
tool rather than a damage over time ability. This forces the Parallax player to be
more cautious about when to use the ability, but also feels much more satisfying
than having to wait for an enemy to slowly melt in its presence.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Pearl had some massive overlap with Rhapsody because of her role
as a support and her ultimate providing all-around damage mitigation. To give her a
more unique identity in the pool, Preservation is now a strictly Magic Damage
reducing tool, and is more effective at early levels, when Magic Damage is the most
lethal. She is also currently the only hero with an ally purge, making her a great
counter to heroes with strong debuffs.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Pebbles has the unique benefit of heavily controlling the games
tempo after obtaining his initiation tool, mainly because of the high lethality of
landing his combo on a cooldown that is much shorter than most ultimate abilities.
His power level has been increased to coexist with other PBT heroes.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Pestilence already had a simple kit with a lot of draftability,
but his reliance on Portal Key meant he couldnt spend his income on items that
assist his carry potential until the game had already progressed. For this reason,
Flight was given a secondary activation that allows him to quickly fly to his
intended location, setting him up for Impale much easier than before.^*

^947-^* ^998Pharaoh has remained largely the same, but his power level has been
increased to stay relevant in PBT. He will remain the premiere long-range initiator
and isolationist, able to lockdown enemies for an extended duration within his
Mummy Walls.^*

^059Plague Rider^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Plague Rider still boasts superior lane control through
Extinguish and has remained largely the same. His ultimate is now amazingly
devastating as a damage tool, but the CC has been removed; to get maximum benefit
from Plague Carrier, he is better off relying on the utility provided by

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Both Pollywog Priest and Witch Slayer had the same transfigure
ability: Witch Slayer needed it and Pollywog Priest didnt. Morph has been replaced
with a new ability that provides Stealth, allowing him to maximize the duration of
Tongue Tied without the need of a Shrunken Head.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Predator is a simple, classic hero that used to have two things
going for him. The first was that he provided Magic Immunity and the second was his
role as an anti-tank auto-attacker. His uniqueness as the only Magic Immune hero in
the game still exists as a powerful counter to Magic Damage heroes, but Carnivorous
has been changed so that he no longer overlaps with other heroes in the same

^666^947-^* ^*^998Prophet had some role confusion, as well as a rather frustrating
ability in Persecution, that needed to be addressed. To help differentiate him in
both feel and mechanics from other heroes who attacked in an area (like Hammerstorm
and Forsaken Archer), his playstyle has shifted from an auto-attacker to more of a
sustained damage caster, constantly slowing the movement and amplifying the damage
enemies take so his own team to capitalize on the debuffs. He has also gained a new
ability that makes his bird aesthetic more relevant to his design.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Pyromancer has been very fun, but very generic, for a long time,
with little reason to be picked up beyond some push and semi-carry potential. His
Blazing Strike has been updated with the unique capacity to instantly destroy
illusions and deal significant damage to minions in its path, giving him some more
depth and offering a counter to heroes who buy Geometers Bane or rely on multiple
units for their damage.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Rally is generally considered a fun hero with a generic
skillset, and his name never quite made sense with his design. To keep this fun
playstyle while adding something new and draftable to his kit, Rally now has the
ability to summon his allies from anywhere on the map to his location and grant
them the benefits of some powerful auras. This offers a plethora of new strategies
to the game, allowing Rally to become the commander he was always meant to be.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Rampage has been one of the more frustrating heroes to deal with
in HoNs history, capable of showing up out of nowhere and stun-locking his enemies
until they died. He also suffered from an overly-thematic approach to his design
that pushed enemies away, despite his mechanical desire to be right next to them.
Some tweaks have been made to solve both of these issues while retaining what made
his abilities fun, as well as his role as a global ganker constantly observing the
map for his next target.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Ravenor has been pushed closer to a late game carry than a mid
game snowballer. His early damage output has been lowered while giving him more
scalability in the late game to help facilitate this. His uniqueness as a Magic
Damage auto-attacker remains the same, making him a strong counter to heroes with
high Armor or Physical Damage reduction.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Rhapsody brought a fair amount of frustration to the game
between her successive mini-stuns from Staccato and her teamwide invulnerability
from Protective Melody. By focusing her new kit around the massive area heal that
Disco Inferno provides, she now has a higher skill cap and is much easier to
counter in the long run.^*

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^998Sand Wraith was recently reworked to the standards of PBT so he hasnt
seen many changes. He is still a solid counter to single target DPS and also
provides a global initiation strategy.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Scouts kit was overloaded with a large amount of utility and
scaling, more than any hero should ever have, making him a little too good at
everything. Silence, vision, Stealth, detection, Movement Speed, Attack Speed, Max
HP execution, Disarm, and Critical Strike. Phew! A lot of the excess utility in his
kit has been removed, allowing him focus on a unique trait of boss control. Scout
is able to take on the Golem bosses early and use his Electric Eyes to watch out
for incoming enemies while doing so.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Solstice has not received many changes. Her kit makes her item
builds and draftability flexible for most situations, even if she is not jungling
from level 1. Pure Light has been given a little more flavor by providing a Miss
Chance in Day form, aiding in counter-initiation and preventing some auto-attack
damage to her team while they regroup.^*

^947-^* ^998Soulstealer is another classic hero that did not receive many changes,
as his power has always been dependent on his performance in the early game, as
well as how skillful the player is with the usage of his Demon Hands.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Succubus retains her draftability in Cursed Embrace, locking
down enemy heroes through Shrunken Head, and Mesmerize, setting up easy skillshots
for her team or simply removing a hero from the fight for a duration. However, very
few players were making use of Smitten, as it was another single-target ability to
click and didnt do much to most heroes compared to her other single-target
abilities. Her new passive version of Smitten is now more useful and less
frustrating to deal with on both ends, as it grants her personal protection against
Physical Damage for a short duration.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Tempests Meteor was not being utilized properly because the
timing it required after a blink often made players forgo casting it in favor of
simply landing an Elemental Void. Additionally, Tempests item path was stagnant, as
nearly every game was the same flowchart of Portal Key, Shrunken Head, and
Restoration Stone. To help increase his combo potential and open his build path a
little more, Meteor now has a blink attached to it.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Thunderbringer was further pushed as a nuker that scales with
enemy Health, and his ultimate was turned from a free damage tool that lacked
counterplay into a skill-based spell that feels much better to hit. Because of his
squishiness and overall lack of auto attacks, his cast ranges have been slightly
increased so that he can compete as one of the best mid-laners in the game.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Torturer has received many quality-of-life changes and had
various design issues fixed. His new passive, Binding Chains, grants him some
Health Regeneration, allowing him to focus on building items that sustain his Mana
pool instead of just items that increase his general Survivability. Now boasting a
full suite of Physical Damage abilities, Torturer should see a lot of play time and
good synergy with other physical damage lineups, as his abilities can bypass the
protection offered by Shrunken Head.^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Valkyrie needed very little change, as her kit is considered
useful and enjoyable by most players. However, to better enforce Valkyries Prism as
the ganking tool it was designed to be, rather than an escape or a hit-and-move
buff, the ability is no longer global and now grants bonus damage when attacking
out of stealth. A few quality of life changes have also been made to her Javelin of
Light and Courageous Leap.^*

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* ^998Voodoo Jester remains as a classic, offensive support hero that has
near-guaranteed lethality on Cursed Ground if the afflicted targets are damaged
sufficiently after its application. His power level has been slightly increased to
stay on par with other PBT heroes.^*

^059Witch Slayer^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Witch Slayer has a ton of lock down and a great finisher,
however, he has always just been a sort of mash-up of Pyromancer and Pollywog
Priest. To give him a better reason for being picked up, Witch Slayer now has a
late game mana burn tool, excellent for countering heroes like Parallax who thrive
off of their large mana pools.^*

^059Wretched Hag^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Wretched Hag is one of the baseline nukers and an old standby
for many HoN players, offering a very solid and satisfying kit that fits well into
most lineups. To keep her relevant in PBT, Bat Blast now deals True Damage in a
large conic area, giving her more usefulness as the game progresses and as enemies
buy Magic Armor. Her Haunt has also been redesigned to push her more into the
hybrid caster/autoattacker niche, granting her Attack Speed against anyone affected
by Haunt.^*

=^980 Hero Pool Details (PBT) ^*=

^075*^* Notes
- Magic Armor has been set to 5 for all heroes.

- Staff of the Master & Master's Legacy have also been removed from the game
for now to ensure testing stability.
- All Hero Skill Icons that are recoloured indicates that they have been
reworked/changed to an extent where it's different enough from retail to warrant
players to read the ability tooltips again.
- Due to major differences between hero abilities in PBT and retail, the
Guides page has been temporarily disabled for PBT until further notice. This
encourages players to figure out the best skill build routes depending on the
current context instead of doing the same skill build they have always been doing
on retail for some heroes.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 2.2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 25 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 13 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 550
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 35-43
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^* ^057Comet^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 11 seconds
^947-^* Launches a projectile at the target. On impact, deals 100/175/250/325
Magic Damage and inflicts a 1.2 second Stun.

^075*^* Range: 1400
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 40
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 80 Magic Damage. Targets receive -3/4/5/6 Armor for
8 seconds.

^057Dimensional Link^*
^947-^* Passively gains 10/15/20/25 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Gain 650/850/1050/1250 Attack Range against anyone you have cast a
spell on for the last 3 seconds, and grants Sight of them for 3 seconds.

^057Void Rip^*
^075*^* Range: 800/1000/1200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 65/55/45 seconds
^947-^* Target an ally or enemy hero to swap positions with them, applying a
10/20/30% Movement Speed Slow for 4 seconds to the target and Mini-Stunning if it
is an enemy.
^947-^* Also increases your Movement Speed by 10/20/30% and matches
^057Comet^*'s Cast Range to Void Rip's Cast Range for 4 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 2.2 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 17 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 14 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-62
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.2
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^* ^057Snot Storm^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 30
^075*^* Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a stacking -1/1.5/2/2.5 Armor and
a stacking -3/6/9/12% Movement Speed per use. Stacks up to 4 times.
^947-^* Initial slow is a 20% Movement Speed Slow.

^057Spine Burst^*
^075*^* Radius: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 30
^075*^* Cooldown: 3 seconds

^947-^* Activate to deal 20/40/60/80 Physical Damage to nearby enemies, plus

25 Physical Damage for every cast of Spine Burst received in the last 8 seconds.
^947-^* Stacks up to 8 times. Can be toggled to auto-cast by right clicking.

^947-^* Passively reduces damage taken from behind up to 16/24/32/40%
down to 0% at 100 degrees from the back.
^947-^* Grants you Mana equal to the amount of Damage reduced.
^947-^* While Spinball is active, reduces damage taken from all angles
and increases damage reduction by 50%.
^* ^057Spinball^*
^075*^* Range: 1600
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 50/40/30 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit begin charging up. Allies can enter the
spinball by right-clicking on it. Armadon launches towards the target after a 3
second delay or upon second activation.
^947-^* Upon reaching the target, applies a 50% Movement Speed Slow for
1/2/3 seconds and 200/300/400 Physical Damage in a small area, plus an additional
40/50/60 Physical Damage for each ally hero in the shell.
^947-^* Waiting longer before launching increases speed.

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 12 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 17 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-59
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.2
^* ^057Fissure^*
^075*^* Range: 1400
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120/135/150/165
^075*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Target a location or unit to create an impassible wall
extending in that direction which deals 110/160/210/260 Magic Damage and applies a
1/1.25/1.5/1.75 second Stun to enemy units it hits.
^075*^* Wall lasts for 8 seconds.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 7/6/5/4 seconds
^947-^* Activate to causes your next attack within 14 seconds to deal
an additional 75/150/225/300% Base Damage.
^947-^* Also grants a subability, Enraging Leap, that allows Behemoth
to leap to the location instead, while granting the same effects of Enraged.
^075*^* This has a Cast Range of 900 and a Cooldown of 20 seconds.

^947-^* Passively deal 25/50/75/100 Magic Damage and apply a 20/30/40/50%
Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds to enemies within radius on spell cast.

^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 145/205/265
^075*^* Cooldown 130/120/110 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 100/125/150 Superior Magic Damage and apply a 1
second Stun to nearby enemies.
^947-^* Affected enemy heroes spawn an extra shockwave that deals 40/70/100
Magic Damage, while enemy non-hero units spawn a shockwave that deals 30/40/50
Magic Damage.

^059Blood Hunter^*
^075*^* Strength: 23 + 2.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 24 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 57-63
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Blood Crazy^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy hero to shoot a projectile of blood on them to
deal 80/160/240/320 Magic Damage and apply Blood Crazy for 5 seconds, Silencing
them and granting them +25% Attack Speed.
^947-^* Blood Hunter can attack the target to extend the duration by 1
second, up to a total of 3 times per cast instance.

^075*^* Range: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds

^947-^* Passively heals Blood Hunter each time he kills a unit. Each
kill heals you for 10/15/20/25% of their Max Health (2x for heroes).
^075*^* Hero kills count as long as Blood Hunter has damaged the target
in the last second.
^947-^* Activate by targeting a creep to kill it, triggering the heal
portion on Feast.
^075*^* Can target ally units but cannot target ancients.

^057Blood Sense^*
^075*^* Radius: 2000/3500/5000/6500
^947-^* Passively grants Blood Hunter 40% Movement Speed, and 20 Attack
Damage for every enemy hero below 20/30/40/50% Health.
^947-^* The bonus Attack Damage only works against targets afflicted by
Blood Sense.

^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds.
^947-^* Applies Hemorrhage to target enemy for 5/7/9 seconds.
^947-^* During the effect, the target takes True Damage equal to
30/45/60% of the Distance they move.

^075*^* Strength: 15 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 25 + 2.4 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 550
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 53-64
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.7
^* ^057Shell Surf^*
^075*^* Range: 2000
^075*^* Radius: 225
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150
^075*^* Cooldown: 15/14/13/12 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to throw a shell in that direction, dealing
70/140/210/280 Magic Damage to units it touches. Use this ability again to teleport
to the shell. The shell gives vision while in flight & temporary vision after it

^057Song of the Sea^*

^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/15/14/13 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 100/160/220/280 Magic Damage and apply a
0.75/1.5/2.25,3 second Silence to enemy units around you.

^057Take Cover^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 20
^075*^* Cooldown: 7 seconds
^947-^* Activate to become invulnerable for 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds. This
ability is channeled, moving or attacking will cancel it.
^057Kelp Field^*
^075*^* Range: 750
^075*^* Radius: 375
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^666^947-^* ^*Target a location to deal 100/150/200 Magic Damage and
apply a 0.5 second Stun to units in the area. For 5 seconds, any enemies who move
more than 900 units away from the center of the effect take 100/150/200 Magic
Damage and are Stunned for 1.5/2.25/3 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 16 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 25 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Starting Damage: 44 - 50
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 44-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.5
^* ^057Crippling Puncture^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Effect Type: Superior Magic
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947 -^* Target an enemy hero to deal 75/100/125/150 Magic Damage,
apply a 30% Movement Speed Slow, and Disarm them for 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds.

^057A Thousand Cuts^*

^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Touch Radius: 100
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Effect Type: Superior Magic
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60/80/100/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to throw a Spirit Shredder there, dealing
40/60/80/100 Superior Magic Damage to enemies it passes through.
^947-^* Upon reaching the location, it deals 40 Magic Damage per second
in the radius, but drains 15 Mana per second from Chi while this effect is active.
^947-^* The Shredder does not return to you unless activated again, you
die, or you travel 2000 units away from the Shredder.
^947-^* Activate again to return the Shredder to yourself and end the
Magic DoT effect. The Shredder deals the Superior Magic Damage again to anyone who
it passes through.
^075*^* This second activation costs 0 mana.

^075*^* Passive
^947-^* Passively adds 60% of an enemy hero's Attack Damage as Superior
Magic Damage for each Cast Instances of non-DoT Ability Damage you deal to them.
^947-^* Max of 3/4/5/6 Charges. Each Charge takes 15/12/9/6 seconds to

^057Ancestral Assault^*
^075*^* Range: 1200
^075*^* Radius: 125
^075*^* Effect Type: Superior Magic
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* Target a linear area to charge up his Qi there.
^947-^* After a 0.6 second delay, the Qi explodes, dealing 1/2/3
instances of 150 Superior Magic Damage to enemies within the area.

^059The Chipper^*
^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.4 per level
^075*^* Agility: 13 + 1 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 25 + 3.2 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 315
^075*^* Attack Range: 650
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 43-48
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5
^* ^057Rocket Barrage^*
^075*^* Range: 3000
^075*^* Radius: 75
^075*^* Mana Cost: 40/50/60/70
^075*^* Cooldown: 0.3 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to shoot a rocket in that direction, hitting
the first enemy it touches. The rocket deals 50 Magic Damage, and bonus Magic
Damage equal to 10% of the Distance traveled, up to a max of 200 Magic Damage.
^947-^* The rocket grants vision around itself. Max of 1/2/3/4 charges
(4 second refresh time).

^057Homing Acorn^*
^075*^* Range: 1600
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80
^075*^* Cooldown: 18/16/14/12 seconds
^947-^* Activate to shoot a homing acorn that seeks out the nearest
non-stealth enemy hero in radius. Applies a 60/120/180/240 Magic Damage and a 40%
Movement Speed Slow to the target and nearby units for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Provides vision while flying and vision of affected units for
duration of debuff.

^947-^* Passively grants a 25% chance for Chipper to restore
100/125/150/175% of the mana used on spellcast.
^947-^* Sawblade Showdown also has a chance to trigger this effect
every second of its duration.
^947-^* Also passively grants Chipper 100/150/200/250 Mana.

^057Sawblade Showdown^*
^075*^* Range: 1200
^075*^* Radius: 500 (1000 altogether)
^075*^* Mana Cost: 140/180/220
^075*^* Cooldown: 60/50/40 seconds
^947-^* Click and drag cursor to create a line of sawblades which lasts
8 seconds.
^947-^* Deals 200/300/400 Magic Damage to enemies who touch the blades,
followed by 75/125/175 Magic Damage each second they stay on the blades

^075*^* Strength: 23 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 23 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 56-62
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.8
^* ^057Time Leap^*
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to teleport to that position. Upon arrival,
deals 60/90/120/150 Magic Damage and applies a 15/30/45/60% Movement Speed Slow for
3 seconds to enemies around you.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to heal 70/80/90/100% of the Damage Taken in the last
3 seconds over 3 seconds. Also removes Buffs and Debuffs from Chronos.
^947-^* Heals based on what amount of health you had 3 seconds ago.

^057Curse of Ages^*
^947-^* Passively gives your attacks a 10/15/20/25% chance to deal an
Extra Attack.

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/225/300
^075*^* Cooldown: 180/140/100 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to create a Chronofield there for 4 seconds.
All non-owned units within the Chronofield are Frozen.
^947-^* Chronos gains Unitwalking and Max Movespeed (1000) while inside
the Chronofield.

^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^075*^* Strength: 18 + 2.6 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 1.7 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 21 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 475
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 45-47
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.7
^* ^057Electric Tide^*
^075*^* Radius: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125
^075*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Activate to create an Electric Tide that deals
40/60/80/100 to 85/120/155/190 Magic Damage in an area around you.
^947-^* Damage is greater the farther the enemy is from you and
damage is dealt on both the expansion and contraction of the Tide. Briefly grants
vision around Corrupted Disciple.

^057Corrupted Conduit^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 40/35/30/25 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy to grant vision around them, lower their
Attack Damage and increase your own. Drains 5/10/15/20 Attack Damage per second for
10 seconds, maintaining the damage for 8 seconds after the drain ends.
^947-^* If you get more than 800 units away from your target, the
drain ends early.

^057Static Discharge^*
^075*^* Cooldown: 4 seconds
^947-^* Passively grants 3/6/9/12% Movement Speed.
^947-^* When off cooldown, zaps enemies who target spells on you for
80/100/120/140 Magic Damage and -80% Movement Speed for 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6 seconds.

^075*^* Radius: 450
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply Overload to yourself for 30 seconds.
^947-^* Overload deals 40/55/70 Physical Damage and -1 Armor every
0.7/0.6/0.5 seconds to the lowest health target in an area around you.

^059Demented Shaman^*
^075*^* Strength: 16 + 2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 21 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 27 + 3.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 305
^075*^* Attack Range: 550
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 41-59
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.5
^* ^057Entangle^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
^075*^* Cooldown: 15/13/11/9 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a Mini-Stun and a 70/80/90/100%
Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds.
^947-^* Afterwards, deals 80/120/160/200 Physical Damage over 8
^947-^* Also spawns 2 Shaman Minions around the target for 4 seconds,
dealing 10 Attack Damage per attack.

^057Healing Wave^*
^075*^* Range: 750
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
^075*^* Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds
^947-^* Target an Ally (or self) to launch a wave which chains to the
nearest 3/4/5/6 friendly targets.
^947-^* Affected ally units are Healed for 80/100/120/140 Health and
deal 80/100/120/140 Physical Damage to enemy units around themselves.

^075*^* Range: 550/700/850/1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150
^075*^* Cooldown: 60/45/30/15 seconds
^947-^* Target an Ally (or self) to apply Unbreakable to them for 5
seconds. While active, the target cannot die (health will not go below 1) and gains
15/30/45/60 bonus Damage.
^947-^* When not on cooldown or not on another target, Unbreakable
remains active indefinitely on Demented Shaman until he takes fatal damage, upon
which it will expire 2 seconds after that occurs. While active passively,
Unbreakable does not grant bonus damage.

^057Storm Cloud^*
^075*^* Range: 2000
^075*^* Radius: 575
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 40 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to apply Storm Cloud to all heroes in the
area for 24 seconds.
^947-^* Enemies lose Armor per second until -18/24/30 Armor, then
regains it over the rest of the duration.
^947-^* Allies gain Armor per second until 18/24/30 Armor, then loses
it over the rest of the duration.

^075*^* Strength: 25 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 14 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 14 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 285
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-58
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.3
^* ^057Guttling Hook^*
^075*^* Range: 1000/1100/1200/1300
^075*^* Radius: 70
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to launch Guttling Hook towards it. The first
unit it encounters will be pulled to you. If the affected unit is an enemy, it
receives a Mini-Stun and 90/180/270/360 Physical Damage.

^947-^* Activate to toggle on or off. While on, deals 30/60/90/120
Magic Damage per second to nearby enemies and self. Nearby enemies are affected
with -30% Movement Speed. Lingers for 1.5 seconds.

^057Cadaver Armor^*
^947-^* Passively grants 1/2/3/4 Magic Armor.
^947-^* Permanently gain 1/1.5/2/2.5 Strength when a nearby enemy hero

^075*^* Range: 160
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/135/170
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit and channel to deal 75/125/175 Magic
Damage per second and heal Devourer for that amount, and apply Stun for up to 3
seconds. For each second that Devour is channeled, Devourer temporarily gains
increased radius on Decay.

^075*^* Strength: 19 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 24 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 46-54
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Essence Link^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120/130/140/150
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Applies a link to the target enemy. While linked, target takes
25/35/45/55 True Damage per second and you are healed 25/35/45/55 Health per
second. The link expires after 5 seconds.
^947-^* If the target moves more than 700 units away, the link is
broken and the target is Stunned for 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds.
^947-^* While bonded to an ally with ^057As One^*, Essence Link heals
the host instead of you.

^057Illusory Veil^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 325
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Click and drag cursor to create a wall that will block enemy
movement, but not allies. The wall lasts 3 seconds. Enemies who come near the wall
take 30/45/60/75 Magic Damage per second.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 30
^075*^* Cooldown: 14/11/8/5 seconds
^947-^* Activate to grant 100% Slow Resistance and 550 Movement Speed
to yourself for 2 seconds.
^947-^* Grants the Movement Speed bonus to her host instead if ^057As
One^* is active.

^057As One^*
^075*^* Range: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^947-^* Target an allied hero to go inside them for up to 30 seconds.
While inside, Empath is invulnerable and her host receives 30/60/90 Attack Damage.

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 20 + 2.1 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: 500
^075*^* Starting Damage: 41-48
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5
^* ^057The Keg^*
^075*^* Range: 750
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Throws a keg at target location, impacting after a 1 second
delay. Enemy units in radius take 100/150/200/250 Magic Damage, are Slowed by 20%
for 3 seconds, and are pushed 250 units away from the impact point.
^947-^* If the Engineer is in the blast radius, he too will be knocked
back, but won't be Slowed.

^057Steam Turret^*
^075*^* Range: 650
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Creates a Steam Turret at your position that does 20/40/60/80
Physical Damage per shot. The Turret has 500 Attack Range and inherits Engineer's
Inventory and 50% of the Attack Speed granted by Agility from Engineer.
^947-^* The turret is unaffected by all sources of heals, Health or
Mana Regeneration.
^947-^* The Turret dies in 3 hits from heroes, Bosses and enemy
buildings (12 hits from other units) and does not aggro Lane Creeps. Its Health
regenerates to full after not taking damage for 4 seconds.
Sub-ability: ^057Targeting Algorithm^*
^075*^* Cooldown: 0.1 seconds.
^947-^* The Turret will attack whatever you attack. Otherwise, it will
attack the closest visible enemy, prioritising heroes.
^947-^* Activate to switch the Turret into Hero Targeting Mode, causing
it to never attack creeps unless you are attacking them. If you do attack creeps,
the turret will only attack them once in this mode.
^947-^* Activate again to switch back to Normal Targeting Mode.

^075*^* Radius: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds.
^947-^* Activate to apply Overdrive to self for 4/6/8/10 seconds.
^947-^* Overdrive: Starts with and gains 25 bonus Attack Speed per
second. Propagates to towers and turrets within 500 range.

^057Energy Field^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 450
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to create an Energy Field for 5/8/11 seconds with a
turret at its center.
^947-^* This turret deals 40/60/80 Physical damage per shot to all
enemies within 450 range, has a 1.5 second base attack cooldown and dies in 4 hits
from heroes, Bosses and enemy buildings (16 hits from other units). Does not
regenerate health.
^947-^* Enemies who enter or exit the field have Energy Field applied
for 2 seconds.
^947-^* Energy Field (state): 100% tapering Movement Speed Slow,

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 2.2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 2.1 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 2.3 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 46-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^* ^057Cull^*
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 100/160/220/280 Magic Damage and drain
7/14/21/28% of Max Mana from nearby enemies. Restores half the total mana drained.

^057Burning Shadows^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85/100/115/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to apply a 1.6/2/2.4/2.8 second Stun to
enemies in an 800 unit line and create mirror images of affected enemy heroes.
Images deal 70/140/210/280 Magic Damage to their owners.

^057Shadow Walk^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70
^075*^* Cooldown: 25/20/15/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to shroud yourself with darkness, disjointing on use
and granting Single Target Immunity to yourself for 2.5 seconds.
^947-^* During this time, you leave a trail of shadows that applies a
15/20/25/30% Movement Speed Slow to nearby enemies.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/175/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to become Invisible for 40/50/60 seconds.
^947-^* While invisible, you gain Treewalking, Unitwalking, 10%
Movement Speed, and 800/1000/1200 Clearvision.
^947-^* Your first attack out of Invisibility inflicts Magic Damage
equal to 150/200/250 + 10/20/30% of target's Current Health over 2 seconds.

^059Flint Beastwood^*
^075*^* Strength: 15 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 3.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 285
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 36-42
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.5
^* ^057Explosive Flare^*
^075*^* Range: 1600
^075*^* Radius: 450
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to fire a flare that deals 20/40/60/80 Magic
Damage per second, applies a 15/20/25/30% Movement Speed Slow, reveals enemies and
causes attacks to have a 50% chance to pierce their evasion. Effect lasts for 5

^057Hollowpoint Shells^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 25
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to enhance the next 4 Attacks for up to 7 seconds,
granting 100 Attack Speed and dealing bonus Physical Damage equal to [4/6/8/10% *
Base Damage] per 100 units from the target, starting from 300 units away.

^947-^* Passively increases attack range and vision radius by

^057Money Shot^*
^075*^* Range: 2000/2500/3000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/250/350
^075*^* Cooldown: 20/15/10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy to channel for 1.7 seconds.
^947-^* After channeling completes, fires a shot that deals 350/500/650
Magic Damage and a 0.2 second Stun.

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^075*^* Strength: 18 + 2.3 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 17 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 44-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.8
^* ^057Skeletal Army^*
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 30/26/22/18 seconds
^947-^* Launches a wave which spawns a Skeletal Warrior to attack each
enemy encountered. Skeletons have 420 Movement Speed, unitwalking, deal 10/15/20/25
Physical Damage per attack and apply a stacking -1 Armor on attack for 3 seconds.
Stacks up to 4/8/12/16 times.
^947-^* Skeletons will follow their target for up to 15 seconds and die
in 3/4/5/6 hits from non-hero units and half as many from heroes, bosses and
^947-^* Grants clearvision in the area upon cast for 4 seconds.

^057Split Fire^*
^075*^* Radius: 650
^075*^* Cooldown: 1 second
^947-^* Passively splits your attack into 2/3/4/5 separate attacks that
each deal 50/60/70/80% damage. Main target takes full damage.
^947-^* Activate to turn Split Fire on/off.

^057Call of the Damned^*

^947-^* Passively grants an 8/12/16/20% chance to spawn a skeleton
archer every time you or your units deal non-DoT damage. The archer will attack
once dealing 60 Physical Damage.

^* ^057Banshee Wail^*
^075*^* Radius: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to enter Banshee form for 6 seconds, applying a
40/50/60% Movement Speed Slow and 40/50/60% Miss Chance to all enemies in radius.

^075*^* Strength: 16 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 25 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 35-41
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Tundra Blast^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/120/140/160
^075*^* Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to deal 100/150/200/250 Magic Damage in the
area and apply -20/30/40/50% Movement Speed and -20/30/40/50 Attack Speed for 4.5

^057Ice Imprisonment^*
^075*^* Range: 550
^075*^* Mana Cost: 130/140/150/160
^075*^* Cooldown: 10/9/8/7 seconds
-^* Target an enemy to encase it in ice. Once encased, the target is
Immobilized and Disarmed for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds (10 seconds for non-hero units),
Mini-Stunned, and they receive 100 Magic Damage per second.
^947-^* If the target dies while frozen, mana cost of this ability is

^057Chilling Presence^*
^947-^* Passively grants 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 Mana Regeneration to all
allied heroes and 2/3.5/5/6.5 Mana Regeneration to self.

^057Glacial Downpour^*
^075*^* Radius: 800
^075*^* Explosion Damage Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/400/600
^075*^* Cooldown: 110/100/90 seconds
^947-^* Activate to channel for up to 10 seconds, randomly spawning
shards of ice around Glacius. Each shard of ice deals 105/170/250 Magic Damage.
^947-^* All enemies in the area have -30% Movement Speed and -30 Attack
Speed applied to them during the channel.

^075*^* Strength: 21 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 16 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 47-57
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.5
^* ^057Pitfall^*
^075*^* Range: 1500
^075*^* Radius: 225
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to summon a Pitfall. After a 1.5 second
delay, enemy units at the location take 75/150/225/300 Magic Damage, get launched
into the air for 1.2 seconds and receive -35% Movement Speed for 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
^075*^* Grants temporary vision around the Pitfall after triggering.
^075*^* Range: 400/600/800/1000
^075*^* Cooldown: 26/20/14/8 seconds
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
-^* Target a unit to mark it for Showdown. If Showdown is activated
again or in 4 seconds (8 seconds for allies), the target will be returned to his
marked location.
^075*^* Grants temporary vision around the Showdown mark.

^075*^* Radius: 380/420/460/500
^075*^* Cooldown: 10/8/6/4 seconds
^947-^* When available, passively grants your next attack 20/40/60/80
Bonus Damage and 100% True Damage Cleave in a 380/420/460/500 radius in front of

^057Call to Arms^*
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125/175/225
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to summon a Chariot behind you that travels
2000 units in target direction. Allies in the Chariot's path receive a 1.5/2/2.5x
Critical Strike on their next attack or for up to 8 seconds.
^947-^* Enemies at the Chariot's final location receive 400/500/600
Magic Damage and a 1 second Stun.
^075*^* The Chariot grants vision while in motion & temporary vision
after impact.

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 2.2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 23 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 16 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 46-48
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.5
^* ^057Crippling Slugs^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 70
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Target a location or enemy to quickly fire three Slugs in that
direction. Each Slug deals 30/50/70/90 Physical Damage and applies a stacking
8/11/14/17% Movement Speed Slow to all enemies hit for 3 seconds.
^947-^* The slugs will pass through and damage creeps but stop on
^947-^* This ability can proc ^057Lethal Range^*, dealing full crit
damage instead.

^057Grappling Shot^*
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 20/16/12/8 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to quickly grapple to it, attaching
yourself to them for 2 seconds.
^947-^* The target suffers -1/2/3/4 Armor and is Restrained during this
^075*^* Can reactivate this ability to detach from the grappled enemy

^057Demon Blood
^947-^* Passively causes enemies you've damaged to deal 10/15/20/25%
Reduced Damage to you for 3 seconds.

^057Lethal Range^*
^947-^* Passively grants a 15% chance to perform a 2.5/3/3.5x Critical
Hit on attack.
^947-^* When a crit occurs, the target will take 70% of the damage
instantly and bleed for 5 seconds, taking the rest of the critical hit damage over
the period and leaving a trail of blood behind them.

^075*^* Strength: 25 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 58-60
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Hammer Throw^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 140
^075*^* Cooldown: 13 seconds
^947-^* Deals 100/160/220/280 Magic Damage and applies a 75% Movement
Speed Slow for 3 seconds to enemies in an area around the target.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 25
^075*^* Cooldown: 25 seconds
^947-^* Activate to gain 15% Movement Speed and 4/8/12/16 Armor for 10

^057Mighty Swing^*
^075*^* Radius: 450
^947-^* Passively applies 30/40/50/60% Splash to your attacks.

^057Brute Strength^*
^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to add 60/100/140% Base Damage to your attacks for 30
^947-^* During the effect ally heroes within 900 range also gain
20/40/60% Base Damage.

^075*^* Strength: 17 + 2.1 per level
^075*^* Agility: 10 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 20 + 3.3 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 47-57
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5
^* ^057Mortal Coil^*
^075*^* Range: 650
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90
^075*^* Cooldown: 4/3/2/1 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 75/110/145/180 Magic Damage and
apply a stacking 6% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds. If that kills the target,
refunds 50% of the mana cost. Slow stacks up to 5 times (30%).
^075*^* Counts the refund effects as long as the target dies within
0.05 seconds of impact, no matter the killer.

^057Hell's Chains^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds.
^947-^* Target an area to link all the enemies in it together for 15
^947-^* Linked enemies will take 12/18/24/30% of Damage Taken by anyone
within the chain. Linked enemies are also Slowed by 10%.
^947-^* New casts of Mortal Coil will propagate its slowing effects to
everyone in the chain.

^057Demonic Pact^*
^947-^* Passively summons a demon which follows Hellbringer around and
heals him for 5/10/15/20% of all damage dealt.
^075*^* Does not work on damage dealt to structures.

^057Summon Malphas^*
^075*^* Range: 1200
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds.
^947-^* Target a location to deal 150/275/400 Magic Damage and applies
a 1 second stun to enemies in radius.
^947-^* Summons Malphas at target position for up to 30/40/50 seconds,
who then proceeds to go on an uncontrollable rampage, attacking nearby enemy
heroes, units and structures.
^075*^* When Malphas runs out of things to attack for 3 seconds or when
he gets further than 3000 range away from Hellbringer, he will return to following
^947-^* Malphas has 1200/2100/3000 Health, 10/15/20 Armor, 5 Magic
Armor and deals 50/75/100 Physical Damage per attack with an attack cooldown of 2
^947-^* Malphas instantly kills lane creeps, deals double damage to
structures and has a 25% chance to deal 100 bonus Damage and apply a 50% Movement
Speed Slow on attack for 3 seconds.
^947-^* Malphas is uncontrollable and has unitwalking.

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 1,5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 17 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 53-63
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^* ^057Inner Light^*
^075*^* Range: 575
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Cooldown: 11/10/9/8 seconds
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85/100/115/130
^947-^* Target an allied unit to heal it for 90/160/230/300 Health
while damaging enemies around it for 90/180/270/360 Magic Damage.

^075*^* Range: 150
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 seconds
^947-^* Activate to Smite your target with your sword, dealing 60
Physical Damage and applying a 60% Movement Speed Slow to them for 2/3/4/5 seconds.

^057Radiant Steel^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 0
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to buff yourself for the next 3 attacks or up to 8
^947-^* The buff reduces your attack speed by 25% but grants
20/40/60/80 bonus Physical Damage and True Strike to your attacks.

^057Sol's Blessing^*
^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^075*^* Cooldown: 120 seconds
^947-^* Activate to grant all allies and allied buildings within radius
40/60/80% reduced damage from Physical attacks for 5/6/7 seconds. Killing Jeraziah
ends the effect early for his team.

^075*^* Strength: 15 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 550
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 37-43
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.7
^* ^057B.A.N.G.^*
^075*^* Range: 1300
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds.
^947-^* Target an area to throw a flashbang to that location, exploding
after a short delay.
^947-^* Enemies facing the flash will receive 50/80/110/140 Magic
Damage, a 100% Miss Chance and a tapering 30/50/70/90% Movement Speed Slow for 2
seconds. Enemies not facing the flash take 75% Damage with no auxiliary effects.
^947-^* For 2 seconds after cast, you may throw a 2nd flashbang at no
^947-^* Enemy heroes cannot be damaged by flashbangs more than once
within a 3 second timeframe.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Activate to gain all terrain walking and 2 charges of
+5/7.5/10/12.5% Movement Speed each for up to 10/15/20/25 seconds.
^947-^* When taking non-DOT damage from player-controlled enemy units,
H.A.W.K. loses 1 charge and goes on a 3 second cooldown.
^947-^* Taking player damage at 0 charges removes the benefits of
H.A.W.K. and puts the skill on a 20 second cooldown.
^947-^* Not taking player damage for 3 seconds restores a charge.
^947-^* Enemies will gain sight of Klanx for 2 seconds whenever he
attacks them.
^947-^* Right-click to autocast.

^075*^* Cooldown: 0 seconds
^947-^* Toggle on or off to cause your Lackey to fire a rocket towards
your attack target that deals 15/30/45/60 Magic Damage, at the cost of 10 mana per

^057A.C.E. Shots^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125/150/175
^075*^* Cooldown: 80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to grant allies, ally Gadgets, and ally Towers
30/60/90 Attack Speed for 6 seconds.
^947-^* Klanx gains 60/120/180 Attack Speed during this time.

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 17 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 310
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-57
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.5
^* ^057Torrent^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 110/160/210/260 Magic Damage and
apply a 40% Movement Speed Slow to it for 3 seconds.

^057Tsunami Charge^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 125
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110
^075*^* Cooldown: 14/13/12/11 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to charge 800 units in that direction.
^666^947-^* ^*While charging, you will pick up any enemy hero you
collide with, dragging them in front of you. If you collide to terrain while
dragging an enemy hero, that hero receives 60/90/120/150 Magic Damage and a
15/20/25/30% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds.
^947-^* Grants 500 day and night Clearvision around where you stopped
charging for 5 seconds.

^075*^* Radius: 350
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* When available, your next attack will create a devastating
Splash around you, dealing 100/150/200/250 Physical Damage to all enemies hit.
^947-^* Attacks lower the cooldown of Splash by 1 second.

^057Release the Kraken!^*

^075*^* Range: 400
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/250/300
^075*^* Cooldown: 120 seconds
^947-^* Activate to pull all enemies to you, dealing 100/150/200 Magic
Damage and applying a 2/2.5/3 second Stun to all units hit.

^075*^* Strength: 25 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 49-53
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^* ^057Taunt^*
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to gain 20 Armor and force nearby enemies to attack
you for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.

^057Terrifying Charge^*
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 40/50/60/70
^075*^* Cooldown: 24/21/18/15 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to charge at it with Max Movement Speed.
Upon reaching it, the target and enemies within a cone receives 100 Physical
Damage, -15/30/45/60 Attack Damage and +40 Attack Speed for 5 seconds.

^057Whirling Blade^*
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Cooldown: 0.2 seconds
^947-^* Passively gives a 15% chance to deal 100/125/150/175 Physical
Damage to nearby enemies when attacked.

^075*^* Range: 175
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 75/65/55 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit with less than 400 Health to instantly
kill it.
^947-^* If an enemy hero is killed, ^057Terrifying Charge^*'s cooldown
is reset and you gain 10/20/30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. Otherwise, deals
150/250/350 Magic Damage.

^075*^* Strength: 25 + 3 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 17 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-61
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^*^057Rocket Drill^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds.
^947-^* Target an area to launch a drill which applies a 60% Movement
Speed Slow to enemies in the area for 2 seconds, and attaching the drill to target
^947-^* Activate again to launch yourself towards the drill, ending 300
units past it, dealing 100/150/200/250 Magic Damage to enemies you pass through and
applying a 1 second Stun to them.
^947-^* The drill returns to you if you move more than 1200 units away
from it.

^057Circuit Breaker^*
^075*^* Radius: 350
^075*^* Mana Cost: 30/40/50/60
^075*^* Cooldown: 7/6/5/4 seconds.
^947-^* Activate to deal 75/125/175/225 Mixed Damage to enemies around
you and reduce their base damage by 30/40/50/60% for 6 seconds.

^075*^* Radius: 400
^947-^* Passively reduces normal and magic armor of nearby enemies by

^075*^* Range: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds.
^947-^* Activates "Shatterstorm", which starts with 200/300/400 health
and can grow to up to 400/600/800 health. Lasts for up to 10 seconds or until
detonated (2nd activation).
^666^947-^* ^*Shatterstorm: Absorbs incoming post-mitigation damage.
The Shatterstorm gains 20/25/30 health per second for each enemy hero in an 800
radius. Explodes for Mixed Damage equal to the Shatterstorm's current health in a
400 radius when detonated or when it expires, with a minimum of 200/300/400 Damage.

^059Lord Salforis^*
^075*^* Strength: 25 + 2.6 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 10 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 20 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 53-69
^075*^* Starting Armor: 0.9

^057Mors Certissima^*
^075*^* Range: 400
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75/85/95/105
^075*^* Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds.
^947-^* Target an area to blast it after a 0.5 second delay. Deals
100/200/300/400 Magic Damage to enemies in radius and restores 40% of damage taken
in Health Regeneration over 5 seconds.

^057Life Tap^*
^075*^* Radius: 275
^075*^* Mana Cost: 40
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/12/8/4 seconds.
^947-^* Activate to refresh your attack cooldown and apply Life Tap to
self for your next attack or 5 seconds.
^947-^* Life Tap: +60/80/100/120 Damage, +50 Movement Speed, +100%
Lifesteal, Next attack converts 100% of Attack Damage to Superior Magic Damage.
^947-^* Enemy target suffers a tapering 60% Movement Speed Slow for 2
^947-^* Can be switched into auto-cast.

^057Dark Lord's Presence^*

^075*^* Radius: 300
^947-^* Passively steals 50/60/70/80% of nearby enemy's Health
Regeneration, giving it to yourself.

^057The Affliction^*
^075*^* Range: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds.
^947-^* Applies The Affliction to target for 8 seconds. Pauses the
duration while Salforis is within 300 range.
^947-^* The Affliction: 25/50/75 True Damage per second, -100% Healing

^075*^* Strength: 16 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 315
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 49-53
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.7
^* ^057Mana Combustion^*
^947-^* Auto-attacks passively burn the target's mana for an amount
equal to 6/12/18/24 + 3/4/5/6% of the target's Max Mana, and deals Physical Damage
equal to 50% of the Mana burned.

^075*^* Range: 1200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 15/12/9/6 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to teleport to that position.

^057Master of the Mantra^*

^947-^* Passively grants 5/10/15/20 Magic Armor.

^057Mana Rift^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125/200/275
^075*^* Cooldown: 70 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a 0.3 second Stun and deal
60/85/110% of the target's missing Mana as Magic Damage to the target and to
enemies around it.

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 2.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 19 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 47-66
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.2
^* ^057Lava Surge^*
^075*^* Range: 400/500/600/700
^075*^* Radius: 145
^075*^* Mana 110/120/130/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to surge there and deal 100/160/220/280 Magic
Damage and apply a 2.15 second Stun to enemy units passed along the way. Magmus is
invulnerable & unable to take action for the first 0.55 seconds.

^057Steam Bath^*
^075*^* Radius: 450
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60/50/40/30
^075*^* Cooldown: 40/30/20/10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply Invisibility to self for the duration of
channel and deal 30/50/70/90 Magic Damage per second to nearby enemies for a
maximum of 60 seconds.
^947-^* Invisibility lingers for 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 seconds after breaking

^057Volcanic Touch^*
^075*^* Radius: 400
-^* Passively applies Volcanic Touch to enemies you attack for 0.25
seconds. If the target dies while affected, Magmus deals 60/90/120/150 Magic Damage
to enemies in a 400 radius around the target.
^075*^* Can be toggled off.

^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/225/300
^075*^* Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds
^947-^* Activate to channel for 1.5 seconds.
^947-^* Afterwards, releases a pulse around you every 0.35 seconds, up
to 6/8/10 pulses. Each pulse deals 110 Magic Damage and applies -30% Movement Speed
to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.

^059Monkey King^*
^075*^* Strength: 18 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 17 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 48-54
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.8
^* ^057Illusive Dash^*
^075*^* Range: 350
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 9 seconds
^947-^* Dashes 300 units forward, following pathing. Deals
50/80/110/140 Physical Damage to enemies you pass through.
^947-^* After 2 seconds or on second activation, if you dealt damage on
the first dash, you will dash forward again, unless you are Immobilized or

^057Heavenly Vault^*
^075*^* Range: 200
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Mana Cost: 130
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^666^947-^* ^*Target a unit or tree to vault over it, landing 300
distance behind (distance doubled if building) and inflicting Vaulted if it is an
enemy. Enemies around your landing point are also inflicted with Vaulted, and trees
are destroyed. You may vault another time within 2.5 seconds.
^947-^* Each application of Vault will inflict 85/140/195/250 Physical
Damage and a tapering 20/40/60/80% Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds (50% damage
for subsequent hits, minimum of 25% damage).

^057Wan Jin Slam^*

^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80
^075*^* Cooldown: 13/11/9/7 seconds
^947-^* Slam the ground in front of you, raising a small rock. Nearby
enemies will be launched into the air for .5 seconds and take 60/90/120/150 Magic
^947-^* After 2 seconds, the rock implodes, again launching nearby
enemies into the air and dealing the same damage. You may ^057Heavenly Vault^* on
the rock as if it were a building.

^057Flying Nimbus^*
^947-^* Passively grants 50/100/150 Max Mana.
^947-^* When you have not taken damage for 3 seconds, you gain
10/20/30% Movement Speed and 2/4/6 Mana Regeneration.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 22 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 315
^075*^* Attack Range: 500
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 46-53
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.8
^* ^057Weed Field^*
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to create a Weed Field in that direction.
After a 1 second delay the Weed Field will explode and apply a 30/40/50/60%
Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds and deal 125/200/275/350 Magic Damage over the
^057Magic Carp^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an area to fire Magic Carps at enemy heroes within it,
dealing 100/150/200/250 Magic Damage. If the target is moving at the time of
impact, it suffers a 1/1.5/2/2.5 second Stun. If not, it applies a 0.1 second Stun

^057Wave Form^*
^075*^* Range: 850
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70/75/80/85
^075*^* Cooldown: 24/20/16/12 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to charge there, pathing around obstacles.
Enemies passed through receive -1/2/3/4 Magic Armor for 3 seconds.

^057Forced Evolution^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply Evolved to Myrmidon for 10/15/20 seconds,
granting him 8 Max Health per point of Intelligence.
^947-^* While active, Myrmidon becomes melee range, and his attacks
apply a 20/30/40% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 16 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 28 + 2.7 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 43-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.7
^* ^057Volatile Pod^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/160/170/180
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to place a Volatile Pod there that grows for
3 seconds.
^947-^* Builds up 50/70/90/110 Magic Damage and Healing per second
while growing. The Volatile Pod explodes after it finishes growing, dealing the
built-up Magic Damage to enemies and built-up Healing to allies.
^947-^* Can reactivate to explode the Volatile Pod early.

^057Nymphora's Zeal^*
^075*^* Range: 950
^075*^* Radius: 120
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120/135/150/165
^075*^* Cooldown: 16 seconds
^947-^* Launches a projectile that impacts targets it touches, dealing
50/90/130/170 Magic Damage and applying a 1 second Stun to them, then the
projectile returns back to self.
^947-^* Units can be impacted twice, once when the projectile is being
launched and once when it is returning.

^057Grace of the Nymph^*

^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 20/30/40/50
^075*^* Cooldown: 18/16/14/12 seconds
^947-^* Target an Ally (or self) to bless them. Restores 75/150/225/300
Mana over 3 seconds and grants 100 Movement Speed for the duration.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus expires upon taking Damage from a player-
controlled unit.

^057Nature's Offense^*
^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* Upon use refreshes the cooldowns of your non-ultimate
^947-^* Also applies a buff to nearby allies which reduces the cooldown
of their next non-ultimate ability cast by 4/8/12 seconds. Buff lasts for up to 20

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 21 + 2.8 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 48-58
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5
^* ^057Nature's Wrath^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70
^075*^* Cooldown: 13/12/11/10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a tapering 15/20/25/30% Movement
Speed Slow and 15/20/25/30% Damage Amplification to them for 8 seconds.

^057Ophelia's Judgment^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 175
^075*^* Cooldown: 16 seconds
^947-^* Target a unit to Judge them. If the target is an ally,
teleports them back to your team's base after 5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds, instantly
teleports units you control. If the target is an enemy, deals 80/160/240/320 Magic
^947-^* Cannot be used on lane creeps.

^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Target a neutral unit to take control of it permanently. You
can control 1/1/2/3 units in this way simultaneously. The creatures you control
receive 40/120/160/200 Max Health and 10/20/30/40 Movement Speed.

^057Ophelia's Touch^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/300/400
^075*^* Cooldown: 120 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply a 200/300/400 Health Heal to all allied
heroes and 600/9001200* to minions you control.
^075*^* Strength: 16 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 1.9 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 26 + 2.7 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 550
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 41-46
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.7
^* ^057Fulcrum Shift^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 135
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100 + 10% of Max Mana
^075*^* Cooldown: 0.5 seconds
^947-^* Target location to move the Fulcrum to that location, consuming
a charge.
^947-^* Enemies hit along its path are dealt 10% Max Mana +
0/30/50/50/70 Magic Damage.
^947-^* Max of 1/1/1/2/2 charges that refresh every 9/8/7/6/5 seconds.

^057Ionic Dash^*
^075*^* Range: 925
^075*^* Radius: 125
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85
^075*^* Cooldown: 15/14/13/12 seconds
-^* Activate to dash towards the Fulcrum, dealing 75/95/115/135 Magic
Damage and applying a 1/1.5/2/2.5 second Silence to enemies on the way.
^947-^* Resets the cooldown of this ability if at least 1 enemy hero
was hit.

^057Dark Mana^*
^947-^* Passively grants a charge when damaging enemy heroes with
abilities; each charge gives 2/4/6/8 Max Mana.
^947-^* 20% of charges are lost on death.
^947-^* Max of 120 charges.

^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Radius: 375/475/575
^075*^* Mana Cost: 175/250/325
^075*^* Cooldown: 140 seconds
^947-^* Activate to create a field around the Fulcrum after a 2 second
^947-^* The field removes 30% of affected enemy heroes' Mana and deals
Magic Damage equal to 0.2/0.35/0.5x the difference between their Max Mana and your
Max Mana.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Agility: 17 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 27 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 48-56
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Asphyxiate^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy or ally to launch a bubble at them. If the
target is an enemy, then the bubble removes all buffs, deals 30 Magic Damage and
applies an 80% Movement Speed slow for 0.6 seconds.
^666^947-^* ^*After 1.5 seconds, the bubble explodes, dealing
80/120/160/200 Magic Damage and applies an 80% Movement Speed slow to all enemy
units within 400 radius for 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 seconds. If the target is an ally, then
it removes all debuffs on the target at that time.

^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to throw a bubble in that direction, pushing
all enemy heroes with it. The bubble explodes at the end dealing 80/150/220/290
Magic Damage in an area.
^947-^* Non-hero enemies can receive the damage as the bubbles flies
through them.
^947-^* You can double-activate this ability to spawn and instantly
explode the bubble on top of self.

^057Bubble Pop^*
^075*^* Range: 500/600/700/800
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Target an area to travel there by using bubble momentum,
healing ally heroes within the area for 75/125/175/225 Health.

^075*^* Radius: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate spawn a Bubble for up to 6/8/10 seconds and apply a
Stun and push nearby enemies to a point 700 units away from Pearl over 1.2 seconds.
^947-^* Allies within the Bubble receive 70/80/90% Magic Damage

^075*^* Strength: 26 + 2.8 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 9 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 16 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 74-80
^075*^* Starting Armor: 0
^* ^057Stalagmites^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120
^075*^* Cooldown: 19/18/17/16 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to deal 100/180/260/300 Magic Damage and
apply a 2 second Stun to enemies in the radius. Units affected by ^057Chuck^* take
double damage from Stalagmites.
^947-^* Casting in the sequence Stalagmites -> Chuck will yield the
highest potential combo damage.

^075*^* Range: 1200
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target a unit to throw the nearest unit within range at it,
dealing 75/150/225/300 Magic Damage to nearby enemy units. The thrown unit takes
20% of that as additional Magic Damage.

^057Slab Skin^*
^947-^* Passively provides 2/4/6/8 Armor and -10/-20/-30/-40% debuff

^947-^* Passively adds 40/90/140 Attack Damage and 10/20/30 Movement
Speed, but increases Base Attack Time from 1.7 to 1.8/2.0/2.2 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 16 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 51-59
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^* ^057Flight^*
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply 15/30/45/60% Movement Speed and unitwalking
to self but increase damage taken by 15% for 7 seconds.
^947-^* Ability can be activated again for 25 Mana to fly to a target
location, once.
^075*^* 1200 Cast range, 1000 projectile speed.

^075*^* Radius: 350
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85/95/105/115
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 75/125/175/225 Physical Damage and apply a
1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second Stun to enemies within radius.
^947-^* Applies a 20% Movement Speed Slow and 20% Attack Speed Slow for
2 seconds after Stun

^075*^* Cooldown: 2 seconds
^947-^* Passively gives Pestilence's attacks a 10/15/20/25% chance to
apply a 1 second Stun and deal 120 bonus Physical Damage over 3 seconds. Non-hero
enemies receive 2x the bonus damage.
^947-^* Illusions deal 33% of Gore's damage when triggered but do not

^075*^* Range 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 25
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to Reveal it and apply -10/15/20 Armor for
10 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 26 + 2.8 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 13 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 310
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 54-56
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Hellfire^*
^075*^* Radius: 275
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 32/28/24/20 seconds
^947-^* Activate to impact a random target in radius every 0.75 seconds
for 10 seconds.
^947-^* Each impact deals 20/45/70/95 Magic Damage and applies a 0.1
second Stun.

^057Wall of Mummies^*
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
^075*^* Cooldown: 16 seconds
^947-^* Activate to spawn 8 mummies in a ring around self for 5/6/7/8
^947-^* Each mummy may push an enemy by 150 units on the outside of the
circle, dealing 80/120/160/200 True Damage and applying a Mini-Stun. Mummies die in
3 hits from other heroes and 1 hit from Pharaoh.
^947-^* Can activate again while the Mummies are active to kill them

^057Tormented Soul^*
^075*^* Range: Global
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65
^075*^* Cooldown: 30/25/20/15 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to launch a projectile to that location. The
projectile grants vision during its flight & on impact and deals 80/120/160/200
Magic Damage in its targeted impact radius.

^057Wrath of the Pharaoh^*

^075*^* Range: 3000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150
^075*^* Cooldown: 80/60/40 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to shoot a projectile in that direction. Upon
impacting a non-neutral enemy, Pharaoh launches at it and applies a 0.5 second
^947-^* While traveling, Pharaoh inflicts 100/200/300 Magic Damage and
1/1.5/2 second Stun to units he contacts.

^059Plague Rider^*
^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 3.3 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 310
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 42-51
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5
^* ^057Contagion^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 130/150/170/190
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 125/200/250/325 Magic Damage to
the target and 75/100/125/150 Magic Damage to other enemy units in a small area
around the target.
^075*^* If the targeted unit dies from this, another 75/100/125/150
Magic Damage will be dealt to surrounding enemies.
^947-^* Enemies hit receive a 30% Movement Speed Slow and -20 Attack
Speed for 4 seconds.

^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85/90/95/100
^075*^* Cooldown: 24/20/16/12 seconds
^947-^* Target an area to deal 40/60/80/100 Magic Damage to enemies and
blight the earth under them. Earthblight gives -1/-2/-3/-4 Magic Armor and slowly
pulls the enemies back to their starting location for 4 seconds.
^947-^* If the target moves too far from this location, it will be
forced back to the original position. This effect only happens once per target.

^075*^* Range: 400
^075*^* Cooldown: 60/45/30/15 seconds
^947-^* Target a creep to kill it instantly, giving Plague Rider
30/50/70/90% of its current Health in Mana.

^057Plague Carrier^*
^075*^* Range: 750
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/350/500
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a 0.1 second Stun and send a
Plague Carrier at them, which deals 280/370/460 Magic Damage and bounces 10 times
between nearby enemies.
^947-^* Plague Carrier will instantly kill creeps.

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^075*^* Strength: 21 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 16 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 22 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 280
^075*^* Attack Range: 500
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 44-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.6
^* ^057Electric Jolt^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Radius: 200
^075*^* End Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/120/140/160
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 140/200/260/320 Magic Damage to it
and up to 0/2/4/6 enemies in a 780 unit line.

^057Tongue Tied^*
^075*^* Range: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 140/150/160/170
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to channel for 2.75/3.5/4.25/5 seconds.
During the channel, the target is fully disabled and takes up to a total of
120/200/280/360 Magic Damage over the duration.

^075*^* Cooldown: 20/15/10/5 seconds.
^947-^* Activate to instantly become still and invisible, leaving a
Lily Pad at your location.
^947-^* Invisibility is broken if you move or attack. It is also broken
if the Lily Pad is attacked 2 times.
^947-^* Cooldown of this ability begins when invisibility is broken.

^057Voodoo Wards^*
^075*^* Range: 550
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/350/500
^075*^* Cooldown: 120 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to summon 10 controllable Voodoo Wards at
that position. The wards will attack nearby enemies, dealing 40/70/100 Physical
Damage per attack, and die from 2 attacks.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Agility: 22 + 3.3 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 310
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-62
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.8
^* ^057Venomous Leap^*
^075*^* Range: 650
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 24/20/16/12 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to leap to it, dealing 75/125/175/225
Magic Damage and inflicting a tapering 70% Movement Speed Slow for 6 seconds.

^057Stone Hide^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Activate to dispel Stuns and Debuffs, and grant yourself Magic
Immunity and 3/6/9/12 Armor for 5 seconds.

^947-^* Every attack made by Predator increases his chance to
Critically Strike the target for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8x by 8%. The Critical Chance resets
after 3 seconds of not attacking.

^947-^* Attacking the same target 4/3/2 times (once for non-hero units)
inflicts Terror on the target, applying a 15/30/45% Movement Speed Slow for 8
^947-^* When Predator attacks a target affected by Terror, he receives
30/60/90 Attack Speed and 30% Lifesteal for 3.5 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 2 per level
^075*^* Agility: 12 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 27 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 49-57
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.8
^* ^057Debilitate^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy to deal 80/140/200/260 Magic Damage and apply
Debilitate for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Enemies under the effect of Debilitate take bonus 5/10/15/20%
Damage from all sources.

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 50/75/100/125 Magic Damage and
apply a 25/30/35/40% Movement Speed Slow to them for 4 seconds.

^057Shared Fate^*
^075*^* Radius: 600
^947-^* Passively replicates ^057Debilitate^* and Decelerate onto the
nearest 1/2/3/4 enemies within radius of the target, prioritizing enemy heroes.

^057Raven Form^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to morph into a large Raven for 30/45/60 seconds,
gaining Flight, 15% Movement Speed, 2000/2100/2200 Clearvision and reducing the
cooldown of your other spells by 400%.
^947-^* Attacking or casting spells in this form will lower the
duration to 12 seconds if it is currently above 12 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Agility: 16 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 24 + 3.2 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 43-49
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.5
^* ^057Phoenix Wave^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Radius: 275
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/115/130/145
^075*^* Cooldown: 9 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to shoot out a wave of fire in that direction
which deals 100/170/240/310 Magic Damage to enemies it passes through.

^075*^* Range: 625
^075*^* Radius: 225
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to deal 80/120/160/200 Magic Damage and apply
a 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 second Stun to enemies in the radius.

^947-^* Passively grants 10/20/30/40 Cast Speed.
^947-^* On spell cast, grants 20/40/60/80 Attack Speed and 5% Movement
Speed for 10 seconds.
^075*^* Each stack gained is timed

^057Blazing Strike^*
^075*^* Range: 1000/1400/1800
^075*^* Radius: 100
^075*^* Mana Cost: 280/420/680
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to pitch a scorching fireball and heat wave.
^947-^* The fireball deals 500/700/900 Magic Damage to the first enemy
hero it contacts, while the heat wave deals 3x the damage to enemy non-hero units
and instantly destroys enemy illusions.

^075*^* Strength: 25 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 51-56
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.6
^* ^057Compel^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^947-^* Leaps to the target enemy hero, dealing 70/130/190/250 Physical
Damage and applying a 60% Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds.

^057Balance of Power^*
^075*^* Radius: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 15
^075*^* Cooldown: 2 seconds
^947-^* Toggle between auras with a 2 second delay:
^947-^* ^057Offensive Force^*: Grants Rally and nearby allies a
10/20/30/40% chance to critically strike for 1.5x damage.
^947-^* ^057Defensive Might^*: Grants Rally and nearby allies 2/3/4/5%
of missing out of combat HP and Mana regeneration.

^057Battle Experience^*
^947-^* Passively adds 10/20/30/40 Attack Damage and causes Rally's
attacks and abilities to ignore 20/40/60/80% of target enemies' Armor.
^057Rally To Me!^*
^075*^* Radius: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125/200/275
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^075*^* Cast action time: 1 second
^947-^* Deals up to 300/400/500 Physical Damage to enemies within range
based on how close they are to you, dealing full damage to enemies within a 200
radius and close to no damage to enemies at the edge.
^075*^* Refunds half the cooldown and mana cost if this hits no enemy
^947-^* Also applies a tapering 40/60/80% Movement Speed Slow to
enemies for 2 seconds.
^666^947-^* ^*Leaves a Rallying Flag at your location upon use for up
to 60 seconds. Allies can left-click the Rally Flag icon on the right side of your
screen to teleport to it after a 3 second channel. This effect has a 10 second
^947-^* Also grants allies within range 6/8/10 armor for the duration.
^947-^* The main flag provides 500 clearvision and dies in 4/6/8 hits.
Grants enemies 50 gold when killed.

^075*^* Strength: 23 + 2.2 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 17 + 1.7 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 15 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 45-55
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.5
^* ^057Stampede^*
^075*^* Range: 9999
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 30/26/22/18 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to charge towards it, gaining omni-walking
& vision of the enemy. When close, you will pounce on the target, dealing
80/120/160/200 Physical Damage and tossing them behind you.
^947-^* Enemy heroes in your way will have ^057Horned Strike^* applied
to them.

^057Tough Hide
^947-^* Passively gains a shield as Rampage moves that blocks post-
mitigation damage. Gains 2/4/6/8 HP per 100 distance traveled, up to a max of
60/120/180/240 at 3000 distance.

^057Horned Strike^*
^075*^* Cooldown: 6 seconds
^947-^* When available, passively grants your next attack 60/80/100/120
bonus Physical Damage and applies a 50% Movement Speed Slow for 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds
to the target.

^057Greater Rhino^*
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 130/150/170
^075*^* Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to spear them with a giant horn after a 1
second delay, dealing 200/300/400 Physical Damage and a 1 second Stun, throwing the
target back towards Rampage.
^075*^* Strength: 17 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Agility: 23 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 21 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 48-56
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.0
^* ^057Ball Lightning^*
^075*^* Range: 1400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to throw an electrical ball in that
direction. The first enemy hero hit by the ball is dealt 50/90/130/160 Magic Damage
and Stunned for 0.2 seconds.
^666^947-^* ^*Ravenor may activate this ability again and teleport to
the target, applying another 0.2 second Stun and dealing 50/90/130/160 Magic Damage
to nearby enemies, followed by a 40% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds. Debuff
lasts for 4 seconds or until the enemy moves more than 3000 units away.

^057Storm Blades^*
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply Storm Blades to yourself for 4 seconds,
granting you 30/60/90/120 Attack Speed and causing your attacks to deal Superior
Magic Damage equal to your Attack Damage to targets within radius around your
attacking target.

^057Demonic Current^*
^075*^* Radius: 900
^947-^* Passively grants ally heroes within radius 10/15/20/25% Magic
^947-^* Magic Damage-over-Time (DoT) only grants 10% Lifesteal

^057Power Overwhelming^*
^947-^* Passively converts your Attack Damage to Superior Magic and
grants 8 charges when dealing ability damage or autoattack damage to an enemy hero.
^947-^* Grants a bonus 0.5/1/1.5 Movement Speed per charge.
^947-^* Grants an additional 1/1.5/2 Superior Magic Damage to your
^947-^* Maximum of 80/140/200 charges, does not work on bosses. Charges
decay at a rate of 10 per second after not gaining charges for 10 seconds.
^947-^* Toggle to enable/disable this skill.

^075*^* Strength: 20 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 30 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 52-56
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0

^057Musical Blast^*
^075*^* Range: 2000
^075*^* Radius: 250/400 (Min/Max)
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to send out a Note which travels at 750 speed
in the that direction. The note starts out at a 250 radius and grows by 60 radius
each second that it travels.
^666^947-^* ^*Upon second activation or reaching the destination, the
note stops and explodes after a 1 second delay, dealing 100/160/220/280 Magic
Damage to enemies in the area and Immobilizing them for up to 3.5 seconds, based on
distance travelled, with a minimum duration of 1.5 seconds.
^947-^* The note grants 800 Clearvision at the final destination before
it explodes.
^947-^* Enemies cannot see the note.

^057Divine Melody^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80
^075*^* Cooldown: 30/26/22/18 seconds
^947-^* Target an ally (or self) to grant them 100% Slow Resistance and
a 125/200/275/350 Post-Mitigation Shield for 6 seconds.

^057Move to the Rhythm^*

^075*^* Radius: 900
^947-^* Passively grants 10/20/30/40 Movement Speed to ally heroes
within radius.
^947-^* Rhapsody gains 15/30/45/60 Movement Speed instead.

^057Dance Floor^*
^075*^* Radius: 1200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125
^075*^* Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to create a Dance Floor below you for 6 seconds,
healing allies and dealing Magic Damage to enemies equal to 100/175/250 when
^947-^* Allies on the dance floor receive a 60/90/120 Heal per second
(0.3x if moving), while enemies receive 60/90/120 Magic Damage per second (0.3x if

^059Sand Wraith^*
^075*^* Strength: 21+ 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 29 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 21 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 285
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 55-59
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.5
^* ^057Desert's Curse^*
^075*^* Range: 2000
^075*^* Radius: 150
^075*^* Mana Cost: 120
^075*^* Cooldown: 16 seconds
^947-^* Target a location or unit to shoot a line of Sand dealing
50/100/150/200 Magic Damage to anyone hit. Enemies that are hit or walk through the
Sand receive a 12/16/20/24% Movement Speed Slow.
^947-^* While on Sand or for 3 seconds after leaving Sand, you may walk
across any terrain. Causes nearby owned illusions to gain Haste & attack the enemy
targeted by this ability.
^057Sand Stalkers^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 15/25/35/45
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Activate to dissolve into sand for 0.2 seconds, disjointing
projectiles and become invulnerable.
^947-^* Upon returning, spawns 2 Sand Stalkers next to you for 20
seconds. Sand Stalkers are illusions which deal 25/30/35/40% of your damage and
take an increased 400/350/300/250% damage.

^947-^* Passively grants a bonus 15/30/45/60 Attack Speed to Sand
Wraith and all illusions under his control.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 150
^075*^* Cooldown: 130/120/110 seconds
^947-^* Activate to spawn an illusion of yourself next to all enemy
heroes on the map. Illusions last for 4/5/6 seconds.
^947-^* You may activate this spell again and target a location to
teleport to your nearest illusion, taking its place.

^075*^* Strength: 17 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 21 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 19 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 315
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 45-59
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.5
^* ^057Scout Em^*
^075*^* Mana Cost: 10
^075*^* Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds
^947-^* Toggle to enter Stealth Mode until toggled off, you run out of
mana, or you attack or cast ^057Marksman Shot^*.
^947-^* Stealth Mode grants you Invisibility with a 1-second fade time
and 10/15/20/25% Movement Speed, but drains 5 Mana per second.
^947-^* When Stealth ends, you gain 75/150/225/300 Attack Speed for 4
attacks or up to 5 seconds.

^057Electric Eye^*
^075*^* Range: 100
^075*^* Radius: 275
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to place an Electric Eye. Electric Eyes are
Revealed to nearby enemies.
^947-^* Activate the sub-ability to detonate the nearest Eye, applying
a 20/30/40/50% Movement Speed Slow and Perplex for 3 seconds.
^947-^* May be placed while in stealth and up to 1/2/3/4 Eyes may be

^947-^* Each attack applies Lacerate for 12 seconds. When Scout attacks
a target with Lacerate, he deals a stacking 10/15/20/25 Physical Damage to the
^057Route Em^*
^075*^* Range: 2000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 125/175/225
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
^666^947-^* ^*Target a line to channel for 0.7 seconds, then fires a
crossbow bolt at your mouse cursor that hits the first enemy hero on its path,
dealing Magic Damage equal to 250/300/350 + 10% of Scout's Base Damage per charge
of Lacerate on the target.

^075*^* Strength: 23 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 13 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: Melee
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 53-57
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.7
^* ^057Blinding Rush^*
^075*^* Range: 900/1000/1100/1200
^075*^* Mana Cost: 105/110/115/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 14 seconds
^974Day Mode^*: ^057Blinding Dash^*
^947-^* Target an enemy to charge at it, granting 350 Movement
Speed and 4/8/12/16 Armor.
^947-^* Upon reaching the target, deals 60/120/180/240 Magic
Damage^* and applies a 1.5 second Stun.
^459Night Mode^*: ^057Shadow Dash^*
^947-^* Target an enemy to charge at it granting 350 Movement Speed,
invisibility and 150/200/250/300 Attack Speed.
^947-^* Upon reaching the target, deals 50/100/150/200 Magic Damage and
applies a 35% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds.

^057Shining Rays^*
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 30/25/20/15 seconds
^974Day Mode^*: ^057Illuminate^*
^947-^* Applies Illuminate to self for 8 seconds. Illuminate:
15/30/45/60 Magic Damage per second to enemies within 600 range, 600 Clearvision.
^459Night Mode^*: ^057Shining Rays^*
^947-^* Target an area to grant vision of enemies for 8 seconds.
Grants you a bonus 20/30/40/50 Attack Damage and 15/30/45/60 Movement Speed for 8

^057Graceful Strikes^*
^974Day Mode^*: ^057Solar Slash^*
^947-^* Passively adds to your 3rd attack 50/70/90/110 Physical
Damage Cleave in a 250 radius & 180-degree arc, and 20/30/40/50% Lifesteal. Bonus
damage deals 150% more to creeps.
^459Night Mode^*: ^057Crescent Strike^*
^947-^* Passively adds to your 3rd attack 60/90/120/150 Physical
Damage and 20/30/40/50% Lifesteal.

^057Pure Light^*
^075*^* Range: 1400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to begin channeling for up to 3 seconds increasing
damage and distance, activate again to release early. Deals up to 400/600/800 Magic
Damage in a cone up to 1300 units away.
^974Day Mode^*: ^057Breath of Sol^*
^947-^* Applies a 20/30/40% Blind for 4 seconds.
^459Night Mode^*: ^057Lunar Judgment^*
^947-^* Applies a 60% Tapering Movement Speed Slow for 6

^075*^* Strength: 15 + 2.3 per level
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 2.9 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 18 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 310
^075*^* Attack Range: 500
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 33-41
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.0
^* ^057Demon Hand^*
^075*^* Range: 250, 450 and 700
^075*^* Radius: 250
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90
^075*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 100/175/250/325 Magic Damage to each
target in an area in front of you.
^947-^* Upon learning Demon Hand, Soulstealer learns three
separate versions of Demon Hand, each dealing damage a certain distance (250 ,450
and 700 units) away from Soulstealer. These abilities do not share cooldown.

^947-^* Passively grants you a Soul when you kill a unit, up to a
maximum of 10/20/30/40 Souls. Each Soul adds 2 Attack Damage. Hero kills grant
4/6/8/10 charges to Soulsteal.
^947-^* Dying will cause you to lose half of your Souls.

^947-^* Passively applies -3/4/5/6 Armor to enemies within 900

^* ^057Soul Burst^*
^075*^* Radius: 1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 150/175/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds
^947-^* Activate to cast for 1.4 seconds and then deal up to
150/225/300 + 15/22.5/30 Magic Damage per Soul you possess to enemies within 100
range. Damage greatly decreases the farther away enemies are.
^947-^* Applies -50% Movement Speed and Attack Speed to all
enemies hit for 5 seconds.

^075*^* Strength: 22 + 1.6 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 25 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 310
^075*^* Attack Range: 400
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 58-64
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.7

^075*^* Range: 625
^075*^* Mana Cost: 140/160/180/200
^075*^* Cooldown: 14/13/12/11 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 90/160/230/300 True Damage and
heal yourself for the same amount.

^075*^* Range: 500/575/650/725
^075*^* Mana Cost: 135
^075*^* Cooldown: 15/14/13/12 seconds
^947-^* Target a unit to apply a 4/5/6/7 second Sleep, dealing 20 True
Damage per second. Direct damage will remove the Sleep and if attacked, the Sleep
is transferred to the attacker.
^947-^* The target is invulnerable for the first second of the Sleep
state. Succubus' units are not affected by Mesmerize and won't wake the target up
when damaging them.

^075*^* Mana Cost: 60/80/100/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Activate to grant yourself 30/40/50/60% Physical Damage
Reduction for 5 seconds.

^057Cursed Embrace^*
^075*^* Range: 625
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/300/400
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/85/70 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to channel on them for up to 5 seconds,
applying a Stun and dealing 100/160/220 Magic Damage per second. Restores up to 25%
of your Mana over the duration.

^075*^* Strength: 17 + 2.4 per level
^075*^* Agility: 14 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 20 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 42-48
^075*^* Starting Armor: 4.2
^* ^057Glacial Blasts^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110/130/150/160
^075*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to instantly blast it with ice. On each
impact, deals 30/50/70/90 Magic Damage to target and applies a 0.25/0.5/0.75/1
second Stun. Impacts a maximum of 3 times.
^947-^* Each impact occurs in 2 second intervals.

^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 180
^075*^* Cooldown: 35 seconds
^947-^* Target a creep unit to kill it and spawn 3 Elementals that last
for 35 seconds. Elementals have 200/225/225/275 Health, 2/3/4/5 Armor, 17 Magic
Armor, 600 Attack Range, deal 18/24/30/36 Physical Damage with each attack and have
260/280/300/320 Movement Speed.
^947-^* After 6 attacks, Elementals replicate themselves, spawning a
new Elemental with the same remaining life time.
^947-^* Level 1 of this ability cannot target allied units.
^947-^* Upon being summoned, Elementals will automatically follow you
around and assist you.

^075*^* Range: 1500
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 95/110/125/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 40/35/30/25 seconds
^947-^* Target an area to travel to the location and spawn a Meteor.
^947-^* The Meteor's flames last 8 seconds and deals 2/3/4/5% of the
enemy's Max Health as True Damage per second.

^057Elemental Void^*
^075*^* Range: 275
^075*^* Radius: 420
^075*^* Mana Cost: 275/325/375
^075*^* Cooldown: 180/160/140 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to channel an Elemental Void in the area for
up to 4 seconds. Enemies who are in the Void are Stunned, pulled towards the
center, and take up to 200/400/600 Magic Damage.

^075*^* Strength: 15 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 10 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 30 + 3.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 450
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 43-51
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.8
^* ^057Chain Lightning^*
^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 65/70/75/80
^075*^* Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to zap it with lightning. The lightning
then bounces between the closest 3/5/7/9 targets, dealing 85/100/115/130 Magic
Damage to each.

^057Blast of Lightning^*
^075*^* Range 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75/95/115/135
^075*^* Cooldown: 6 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy to blast it with lightning. Deals
100/175/275/350 Magic Damage and applies a 100% Movement Speed Slow for 0.75
^947-^* Also grants 1000/700 Day/Night Clearvision around the target
location for 5 seconds.

^057Lightning Rod^*
^947-^* Any time you deal non-DoT Magic Damage to an enemy, they will
take 3/6/9/12% of their current Health as bonus damage.

^057Never Strikes Twice^*

^075*^* Range: Global
^075*^* Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 225/325/425
^075*^* Cooldown: 90 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal an initial 20/30/40 Magic Damage to enemies
within 900 range of the target location. Afterwards, deals 300/500/700 Magic Damage
split evenly between enemy heroes in the target area after a 1 second delay.

^075*^* Strength: 18 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Agility: 20 + 1.0 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 26 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 41-45
^075*^* Starting Armor: 3.0
^* ^057Chain Reaction^*
^075*^* Range: 750
^075*^* Radius: 150/175/200/225
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/120/140/160
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to deal 120/180/240/300 Physical Damage and a
1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second Stun in the area.
^075*^* Stun effect type is Magic.

^057Agonizing Bonds^*
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 4 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 50/100/150/200 Physical Damage to
it and the nearest 3/4/5/6 enemies.
^947-^* All units hit receive a 75% Movement Speed Slow for 1 second.
^075*^* Slow effect type is Magic.

^057Binding Chains^*
^947-^* Passively attaches a chain to your target for every 3rd source
of non-DoT ability or attack damage instance you deal against heroes.
^947-^* Chains heal Torturer for 10/20/30/40 Health per second and have
a break range of 1000 radius.

^075*^* Radius: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60/80/100
^947-^* Toggle on to deal 80/120/160 Physical Damage per second to all
enemies in an area around you.
^947-^* Grants 50 Movement Speed while active.
^947-^* Drains 30 Mana per second until toggled off.

^075*^* Strength: 17 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 16 + 3.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Intelligence: 16 + 1.8 per level
^075*^* Movement Speed: 295
^075*^* Attack Range: 630
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 39-50
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.2
^057Call of the Valkyrie^*
^075*^* Radius: 650
^075*^* Secondary Radius: 425
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Activate to deal 75/150/225/300 Magic Damage in an area around
^947-^* Deals an additional 50/100/150/200 Magic Damage to the closest
target next to you.

^057Javelin of Light^*
^075*^* Range: 3000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 17 seconds
-^* Target a location to throw a Javelin in that direction.
^947-^* The first enemy hero hit by the Javelin is dealt 50/140/230/320
Magic Damage and Stunned for up to 5 seconds depending on how long the Javelin has
traveled before impact.
^947-^* Also deals up to an additional 140 Magic Damage based on how
far the Javelin has traveled.

^057Courageous Leap^*
^075*^* Range: 550
^075*^* Mana Cost: 40
^947-^* Stores up to 2 charges. Regains a charge after 60/50/40/30
^947-^* Activate to leap forward 550 units. Upon landing, grants
25/50/75/100 Attack Speed and 8/16/24/32% Movement Speed to self for 2 seconds.
^075*^* Duration stacks if used in succession.

^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds
^947-^* Activate to apply Prism to ally heroes within radius for 15
^947-^* Prism grants Stealth and 50 Movement Speed. When you break
Prism by attacking out of it, you deal 100/150/200 Magic Damage to your target.

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^075*^* Strength: 16 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 13 + 1.2 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 24 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 305
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 51-61
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2.5
^* ^057Acid Cocktail^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to apply a 1.2 second Stun. Bounces to
random nearby visible enemies 2/4/6/8 times, applying a 1 second Stun and 50 Magic
Damage to each unit hit.
^947-^* Creeps are stunned for 5 seconds and take 75/100/125/150 Magic

^075*^* Range: 500
^075*^* Radius: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 20/17/14/11 seconds
-^* Target an Ally (or self) to apply Good Mojo or an Enemy to apply
Bad Mojo for 8 seconds.
^947-^* Good Mojo heals the target for 15/25/35/45 Health per second,
while Bad Mojo deals 15/25/35/45 Magic Damage per second.

^057Cursed Ground^*
^075*^* Range: 575
^075*^* Radius: 180
^075*^* Mana Cost: 105/110/115/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to apply Cursed to enemy heroes in the radius
for 12 seconds.
^947-^* Every 4 seconds Cursed targets take 16/24/32/40% of Health lost
in Magic Damage since Cursed was applied. Also takes 7/14/21/28 Magic Damage per
second while active.

^057Spirit Ward^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200
^075*^* Cooldown: 80 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to channel an invulnerable Spirit Ward there
for up to 8 seconds. The Spirit Ward has 60/100/140 Attack Damage, and attacks the
nearest enemy hero once every 0.3 seconds. The Spirit Ward's attack bounces to
0/0/1 additional target(s).

^059Witch Slayer^*
^075*^* Strength: 16 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 15 + 1.5 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 20 + 3.0 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 290
^075*^* Attack Range: 600
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 47-53
^075*^* Starting Armor: 1.7
^* ^057Graveyard^*
^075*^* Range: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 85/100/115/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 12 seconds
^947-^* Target a location or unit to deal 80/140/200/260 Magic Damage
in a line and apply a 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 second Stun.

^075*^* Range: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^075*^* Cooldown: 30/24/18/12 seconds
-^* Target a unit to debuff it for 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds, causing it to
move slower and be unable to attack, cast spells, or use items. Instantly kills
enemy illusions and dispels stealth.

^057Mana Burn^*
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^075*^* Cooldown: 25/20/15/10 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy hero to burn Mana from them equal to
3.5/4/4.5/5x their Intelligence, and deal 50% of the burned Mana as Magic Damage.

^057Silver Bullet^*
^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 200/425/650
^075*^* Cooldown: 160/100/40 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to shoot it with a Silver Bullet, dealing
600/725/850 Magic Damage.

^059Wretched Hag^*
^075*^* Strength: 16 + 2.0 per level
^075*^* Agility: 18 + 2.7 per level
^075*^* Intelligence: 24 + 2.5 per level (Primary)
^075*^* Movement Speed: 300
^075*^* Attack Range: 550
^075*^* Starting Attack Damage: 45-53
^075*^* Starting Armor: 2
^* ^057Haunt^*
^075*^* Range: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 16/13/10/7 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to deal 60 Magic Damage, apply a 25%
Movement Speed Slow, and deal 10/25/40/55 Magic Damage per second for 5 seconds.
^947-^* Wretched Hag gains 15/30/45/60 Attack Speed when attacking an
enemy affected by Haunt.

^057Flash of Darkness^*
^075*^* Range: 1300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 15/12/9/6 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to teleport to that position.

^057Sonar Scream^*
^075*^* Radius: 500
^075*^* Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
^075*^* Cooldown: 7 seconds
^947-^* Activate to instantly deal 75/150/225/300 Magic Damage in an
area around yourself.

^057Bat Blast^*
^075*^* Range: 900
^075*^* Starting Radius: 300
^075*^* End Radius: 300
^075*^* Mana Cost: 250/360/500
^075*^* Cooldown: 135/125/115 seconds
^947-^* Target a unit or location to deal 300/400/500 True Damage in a
cone. Applies the current level of ^057Haunt^* to anyone hit.

==^960 Item Pool (PBT) ^*==

^666^947+^* ^*^998The item pool has been revamped to give each item more of a
unique purpose in the game, and to allow each class of heroes to have similar
options when countering particular strategies or problematic heroes on the opposing
team. Certain items' price points have been adjusted to facilitate buying items for
this purpose.^*

^666^947+^* ^*^998Due to major differences between the item pool in PBT and retail,
the Guides page has been temporarily disabled for PBT until further notice. This
encourages players to try out new items instead of picking up the same items they
did before, simply because some items may have received a significant change in
their effects or their components in the item recipe.^*

=^980 Most Notable Changes ^*=

^077Portal Key^* ^904(Removed)^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Portal Key is no longer in the item pool, as it caused a
fundamental problem with heroes who depend on it to be massively successful in the
game due to its incredible range and instant teleportation, not allowing for much
counterplay or reaction time. It also created a design problem for heroes with
skillshots, enabling them to blink onto a target and unleash all of their spells at
once, even if they were designed to be used from afar, making initiation &
approaches to situations one-dimensional.^*
^947-^* ^998A few heroes who were dependent on Portal Key to initiate have had
mobility tools added to their kit.^*

^077Tablet of Command^* ^904(Changed)^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998As a compromise, Tablet of Command received a slight mechanical
change that allows the user to target a location and travel there (in addition to
its ally pushing mechanics). It is slightly slower (non-instant) and has a lower
cast range than Portal Key, but it has a better buildup and still be used as a
supportive tool to save allies.^*

^077Shrunken Head^* ^904(Changed)^*

^666^947-^* ^*^998Shrunken Head's main purpose is to prevent Crowd Control on
yourself (primarily for carries) so that you can cast your spells, attack heroes,
and fulfill your purpose in a teamfight. However, it had a design issue where it
rendered most of the cast obsolete, since the target cannot receive any Magic
Damage while under its effects.^*
^947-^* ^998By changing Shrunken Head's mechanics to primarily provide Crowd
Control Immunity and limiting the amount of Magic Damage it can reduce, Shrunken
Head's price point can be lowered so that carries can participate in teamfights &
ganks sooner.^*
^947-^* ^998Shrunken Head provides tapering Magic Armor when activated, allowing
enemy heroes to still be able to deal Magic Damage to them (and more Magic Damage
once the effect starts to taper off more).^*

^077Tome of Elements^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Tome of Elements grants underleveled heroes on your team (typically
Support heroes) a burst of Experience, allowing them to quickly catch up to the
game's tempo, rather than becoming underleveled throughout the entire game.^*
^075*^* ^998Tome of Elements has little to no benefits for carry or ganker class
heroes if they are close to/above their team's average Experience, as the item adds
bonus Experience based on the difference between your Experience and your team's
average Experience if your Experience is the lower value.^*

=^980 Evasion/True Strike related changes ^*=

^077Snake Bracelet^* ^904(Removed)^*
^947-^* ^998This item was not valued much for its Evasion and had limited buildup
paths. The addition of Evasion into too many items was not desired because it would
have added excessive ubiquitous utility to multiple items.^*
^947-^* ^998Evasion and Miss Chance is now primarily implemented into the kit of a
few heroes.^*

^077Halberd^* ^904(Changed)^*
^947-^* ^998As a countermeasure to the addition of Evasion to multiple heroes,
Halberd is now a cheap item to partially counter Evasion, as well as building up
into Savage Mace for a harder counter against Evasion.^*

=^980 New Items ^*=

^077Arcane Bomb^* ^904(New)^*
^947-^* ^998Arcane Bomb is an early game pickup to deal with enemy illusions and
player-controlled non-hero units.^*
^947-^* ^998Enemy illusions have a problem of cluttering the screen and making
single-target spells & autoattacks much more cumbersome to execute. Arcane Bomb
facilitates eliminating this clutter in a pinch.^*

^077Armor of the Mad Mage^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Armor of the Mad Mage is an item for heroes that wish to pick up Armor,
while simultaneously increasing the effectiveness of Magic Damage for themselves
and their allies.^*

^077Dreamcatcher ^*^904(New)^*
^947-^* ^998Dreamcatcher is an upgrade to Soultrap, and is used to increase the
target's amount of Healing received and reduce an enemy's amount of Healing

^077Faux Bow^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Faux Bow increases the Attack Range of Ranged Heroes and allows them to
have a method of finishing off fleeing targets that escape their Attack Range.^*

^077Midnight Morning Star^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Midnight Morning Star provides heroes bonus Strength and a Disarm
effect, which allows them to counter autoattack-oriented carries.^*

^077Spectral Owl^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Spectral Owl summons a bird to allow for mobile vision & scouting, as
well as facilitating counterwarding by granting vision uphill of your Ward of

^077Staff of the Goddess^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Staff of the Goddess provides extra Intelligence and survivability via
its self-purge effect for heroes who depend on momentum within a teamfight to
continuously excel at their role.^*

^077Ultor's Heavy Helm^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Ultor's Heavy Helm is intended to be the analog to Barrier Idol for
Physical Damage. It provides a large amount of Block to protect your team from
Physical autoattacks.^*

^077Twin Blades^* ^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Twin Blades is an item that is intended for heroes with high Attack
Damage (but low or moderate Attack Speed) to maximize their upfront burst

^077Wind Whistle ^*^904(New)^*

^947-^* ^998Wind Whistle was introduced to allow for cheaper sources of Movement
Speed for support/caster-oriented heroes since it has poor slot efficiency & only
builds up into items that generally favour these classes of heroes.^*

=^980 Other items that were significantly changed ^*=

^077Behemoth's Heart^* ^904(Changed)^*
^947-^* ^998Behemoth's Heart and Mock of Brilliance's damage aura have been
combined into 1 item, allowing heroes who want to be in the frontlines to
constantly be a threat while simultaneously receiving a high amount of Health for

^077Frostfield Plate^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Frostfield Plate has been changed to also grant Strength (and as a
result, Max Health) to heroes that wish to pick up Armor, while simultaneously
crippling enemy heroes that are dependent on Attack Speed.^*

^077Grave Locket^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Grave Locket was remade to prevent your support heroes from being too
underleveled throughout the game by granting them proximity experience even while
they are dead, since support heroes typically have the most deaths in a game.^*
^947-^* ^998Grave Locket is assembled from Orb of Zamos, making it a natural
upgrade path for any support hero.^*

^077Grimoire of Power^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Grimoire of Power has been retailored for heroes that need
survivability from Magic Lifesteal, while also favouring heroes that benefit
largely from Ability Cooldown Reduction.^*

^077Null Stone^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Heroes who pick up this item now have the option to transfer the Spell
Negation effect to another ally hero!^*

^077Jade Spire^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Jade Spire is a cheap item that increases your Healing output, making
it ideal for heroes who wish to maximize their team's survivability.^*

^077Kuldra's Sheepstick^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Kuldra's Sheepstick's active effect was simply a universally improved
version of Hellflower's aspect. Thus, it now builds up from Hellflower.^*

^077Plated Greaves^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Plated Greaves was adjusted to be more oriented towards selfish
survivability against Physical autoattacks, as its previous effects were negligible
when used for your team or yourself.^*
^077Riftshards^* ^904(Changed)^*
^947-^* ^998When fully upgraded, deals a portion of the target's Max Health as
bonus damage. This allows autoattack-oriented carries to deal with heroes that have
a high Health pool.^*

^077Shieldbreaker^* ^904(Changed)^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Shieldbreaker had a historical problem of being misunderstood as
an item that counters Armor. In reality, it was picked up to increase the
snowballing power of heroes that deal a high burst of Physical Damage early to mid
game (due to how Armor mechanics function).^*
^666^947-^* ^*^998Shieldbreaker now requires multiple autoattacks to remove a
larger percentage of Armor. This minimizes its use on burst-heavy Physical Damage,
as you need to attack them multiple times before Shieldbreaker's Armor shredding
effects are pronounced, while also maximizing its intended purpose (to remove Armor
regardless of how much your target has).^*

^077Stormspirit^* ^904(Changed)^*
-^* ^998Stormspirit has been adjusted to only target yourself and enemies.^*
^947-^* ^998Other items are designed to save allies, and thus Stormspirit was
reoriented to be more of an offensive setup tool, while still retaining its
defensive usage for only yourself.^*

^077Symbol of Rage^* ^904(Changed)^*

^947-^* ^998Symbol of Rage is now built from Elder Parasite and acts as an improved
version of it in terms of the Lifesteal granted while autoattacking.^*

=^980 Other Removed Items ^*=

^947+^* The following items are removed since they had a low pickup rate, and were
only used to build into mid tier items: ^947-^* Fortified Bracer
^947-^* Soulscream Ring
^947-^* Amulet of Exile
^947-^* Perpetual Cogwheel
^947-^* Voltstone

^947-^* ^077Master's Legacy^* are removed for now to ensure testing stability.
^947-^* ^077Jade Spire^* now fulfill the survivability/heal functionality better
than ^077Nome's Wisdom^* can.
^947-^* ^077Daemonic Breastplate^*).
^947-^* ^077Grave Locket^*.
^947-^* ^077Helm of the Black Legion^*).
^947-^* ^077Shield of the Five^* is removed from the game because its active
effect had a low impact for most of the game.
^947-^* ^077Spiked Bola^* is removed from the game because Agility heroes do not
pick up this item due to a lack of survivability granted by this item.
^947-^* ^077Behemoth's Heart^*.
^947-^* ^077Bloodborne Maul^* is removed from the game because having Strength
carry heroes becoming too prevalent basically allows them to completely replace a
late-game Agility carry.
^947-^* ^077Shieldbreaker^* is performing its main function (to bypass large
amounts of Armor).
^947-^* ^077Symbol of Rage^*.
^075*^* Symbol of Rage has a new buildup, so Whispering Helm is no longer
necessary for that purpose.

==^960 Item Pool Details (PBT) ^*==

= ^980Supplies^* =
^077Mana Potion^* (^98050 Gold^*)
^075*^* Range: 100
^075*^* Restores 100 Mana over 15 seconds.

^077Health Potion^* (^980100 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* Heals 400 Health over 10 seconds. Dispels upon taking damage from

^077Blight Stones^* (^98090 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: 100
^075*^* Charges: 3
^947-^* Heals 115 Health over 16 seconds. Cannot be dispelled.

^077Bottle^* (600 Gold^*)

^947-^* When activated, restores 150 Health and 150 Mana over 3 seconds. Must
be filled at the Well or by picking up Runes.
^947-^* Right-click or target a Rune to store it for up to 2 minutes. Storing
a major rune refills the Bottle to full, while storing a Refreshment Rune refills
the Bottle to 2 charges.
^075*^* Hold down the Ctrl button to apply the effect of the content in the
bottle to another ally unit.

^077Ward of Sight^* (^98075 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 5
^075*^* Cooldown: 1 second
^075*^* Max Stock: 4
^075*^* Initial Stock: 2
^947-^* Grants 1600 Vision for 6 minutes. Cannot be placed within 75 units of
a tree.
^947-^* If the Ward lasts full duration, you are refunded 50% of its cost.

^077Ward of Revelation^* (^98075 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 5
^075*^* Cooldown: 1 second
^075*^* Max Stock: 6
^075*^* Initial Stock: 2
^947-^* Grants 200 Vision and an 800 radius Revelation for 3 minutes. Cannot
be placed within 75 units of a tree.
^947-^* If the Ward lasts full duration, you are refunded 50% of its cost.
^947+^* Ward of Revelation's counterwarding mechanic (where it initially
revealed enemy Wards uphill of where it was placed) was removed. It makes
counterwarding a bit more difficult & hardcore like legacy HoN.
^947+^* A new item (Spectral Owl) has been implemented to be a source of
clearvision to facilitate revealing enemy Wards uphill.

^077Dust of Revelation^* (^980100 Gold^*)

^075*^* Radius: 1000
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Applies Reveal to heroes within radius for 10 seconds. Also grants 1000
Clearvision for 2 seconds.

^077Homecoming Stone^* (^98050 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: Global
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 65 seconds
^947-^* When activated, teleports self to target structure and applies a
stacking 3 second Disarm to the structure.
^947-^* Requires channeling for 4 seconds to Tier 1 Towers, 3.5 seconds to
Tier 2 Towers, and 3 seconds to everything else.
^947-^* Destroys trees in the area. Perplex effects interrupt the channel.

^077Spectral Owl^* (^980300 Gold^*)

^947-^* Only 1 in stock.
^947-^* Passively summons a Spectral Owl to follow you around at 350 Speed
and scout for you, providing 800 Clearvision. The owl is also invisible to enemies
unless they come within 400 range and dies in 1 hit, granting 100 Gold.
^947-^* When the owl dies the item goes on a 120 second cooldown, plus an
additional 60 seconds each time it dies (up to a max of a 300 second cooldown)
^947-^* Can be given to teammates.
^947-^* Active (target position): Send the Spectral Owl to the target
location or go back to following you around if used on self.
^947-^* The owl will automatically teleport back to you when he's in follower
mode and more than 2000 range away.
^947-^* The owl can be controlled manually, and also shared with and given to
+^* Spectral Owl is implemented to introduce a means of mobile vision for
scouting, as well as facilitating counterwarding by granting vision uphill of your
Ward of Revelation.

^077Tome of Elements^* (^980200 Gold^*)

^075*^* Purchasable after the 10 minute mark.
^075*^* Initial Stock: 0
^075*^* Stock Refresh Time: 10 minutes.
^947-^* Activate to grant you 300 Experience, plus 60% of the difference between
your Experience and your team's average Experience if your Experience is the lower
^947+^* Tome of Elements is intended to be picked up by underleveled heroes on your
team (typically Support heroes) to quickly catch up to the game's tempo, rather
than becoming underleveled throughout the entire game.
+^* ^*Tome of Elements has little to no benefits for carry or ganker class heroes
if they are close to/above their team's average Experience, as the item adds bonus
Experience based on the difference between your Experience and your team's average
Experience if your Experience is the lower value.

^077Veiled Rot^* (^980100 Gold^*)

^075*^* Radius: 1000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 75 seconds
^075*^* Charges: 1
^947-^* Activate to give yourself and your nearby units invisibility and 20%
Movement Speed for 30 seconds. This invisibility cannot be seen through with
^947-^* Walking within a 1000 radius of a visible enemy or tower removes the
effect and disables the item.
^077Rejuvenation Potion^* (^980300 Gold^*)
^075*^* Range: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 300 seconds
^947-^* Heals 1000 Health and 1000 Mana over 20 seconds. Dispels upon taking
damage from non-Lane-Creeps.

^077Orb of Zamos^*
^947-^* Recipe: 2x ^077Minor Totem^* + Recipe (250) = ^980350 Gold^* Total
^947-^* Passively gives: +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence.

^947-^* Passively synchronizes with a nearby ally hero if you stay near them
for 2 seconds (500 range).
^947-^* Once done, you will stay synchronized unless you move more than 3500
range away from each other for longer than 10 seconds.
^947-^* "Synchronized" effects (which both you and your ally receive): +10
Movement Speed, +5 Attack Damage, each enemy unit killed grants 10 bonus gold and
15 bonus experience to your synchronized partner.

^947-^* You cannot synchronize with a hero which has already been
synchronized with someone else.
^947-^* Item can be activated to turn the effect on/off.

^947-^* Visual effects of synchronization are randomly assigned 1 of 3

colors: Red, Green or Blue.
^947-^* Every pair of synchronized heroes is guaranteed to have a color
unique to them.
^075*^* This helps you tell which hero you are synchronized with.

==^960 Accessories ^*==


^077Crushing Claws^* (^980150 Gold^*)

^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength

^077Duck Boots^* (^980150 Gold^*)

^947-^* Grants: +3 Agility

^077Mark of the Novice^* (^980150 Gold^*)

^947-^* Grants: +3 Intelligence

^077Minor Totem^* (^98050 Gold^*)

^947-^* Grants: +1 Strength, Agility, and Intelligence

^077Major Totem^* (^980550 Gold^*)

^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, Agility, and Intelligence

^077Bolstering Armband^* (^980450 Gold^*)

^947-^* +6 Strength

^077Fleetfeet^* (^980450 Gold^*)

^947-^* +6 Agility

^077Apprentice's Robe^* (^980450 Gold^*)

^947-^* +6 Intelligence

^077Pretender's Crown^* (^980180 Gold^*)

^947-^* Grants: +2 Strength, Agility, and Intelligence

^077Blessed Orb^* (^9801500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +8 Strength, Agility, and Intelligence

^077Mighty Blade^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Strength

^077Quickblade^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Agility

^077Neophyte's Book^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Intelligence

^077Luminous Prism^* (^9801500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +15 Intelligence

^077Axe of the Malphai^* (^9802500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +20 Strength

^077Dancing Blade^* (^9802500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +20 Agility

^077Acolyte's Staff^* (^9802500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +25 Intelligence

==^960 Weapons ^*==

^077Logger's Hatchet^* (^980200 Gold^*)
^947-^* Grants Melee heroes a bonus 25 Attack Damage against non-hero units.

^077Iron Buckler^* (^980225 Gold^*)

^947-^* 50% chance to block 20 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Only 10 damage is blocked for Ranged Heroes.

^077Punchdagger^* (^980450 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Attack Damage

^077Broadsword^* (^9801200 Gold^*)

^947-^* +20 Attack Damage

^077Warhammer^* (^9801600 Gold^*)

^947-^* +30 Attack Damage

^077Slayer^* (^9802000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +40 Attack Damage

^077Steamstaff^* (^980850 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Attack Damage and +10 Attack Speed

^077Halberd^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Attack Damage
^947-^* 25% Chance for attacks to pierce Evasion
^947+^* Halberd is now a cheap item that partially counters Evasion.
^947+^* Halberd is intended to be picked up in a pinch if a counter to
Evasion is urgently needed, and builds up into ^077Savage Mace^* (its stronger
counterpart against Evasion).
^077Guardian Ring^* (^980175 Gold^*)
^947-^* +2 Armor

^077Ringmail^* (^980550 Gold^*)

^947-^* +5 Armor

^077Helm of the Victim^* (^980900^*)

^947-^* +5 Armor, +3 Health Regeneration

^077Platemail^* (^9801200 Gold^*)

^947-^* +10 Armor

==^960 Relics ^*==

^077Gloves of the Swift^* (^980500 Gold^*)
^947-^* +15 Attack Speed

'^077Alacrity Band^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +30 Attack Speed

^077Warpcleft^* (^9801500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +45 Attack Speed

^077Hungry Spirit^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +15% Lifesteal

^077Wind Whistle ^*(^980200 Gold^*)

^947-^* +20 Movement Speed
^075*^* Stacks with all other sources of Movement Speed.
^947+^* Wind Whistle was introduced to allow for cheaper sources of Movement
Speed for support/caster-oriented heroes since it has poor slot efficiency & only
builds up into items that generally favour these classes of heroes.

^077Marchers^* (^980400 Gold^*)

^947-^* +50 Movement Speed
^077Bound Eye^* (^980600 Gold^*)
^947-^* Passively Reveals stealthed units within 900 radius. Can be activated
to Reveal wards. Cannot be sold. Once dropped or transferred, it can no longer be
picked up again by a Flying Courier.
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to Reveal and gives sight of Wards in radius for 15 seconds.
Vision of wards linger for 4 seconds.

^077Mystic Vestments^* (^980500 Gold^*)

^947-^* +5 Magic Armor

^077Alchemist's Bones^* (^9801800 Gold^*)

^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Initial Charges: 1
^075*^* Max Charges: 2
^075*^* Charge refresh time: 60 seconds
^947-^* Activate to kill a target enemy creep, gaining 75 bonus Gold and
1.75x the kill Experience.

==^960 Legendary ^*==

^077Trinket of Restoration^* (^980300 Gold^*)
^947-^* +2 Health Regeneration

^077Lifetube^* (^980800 Gold^*)

^947-^* +6 Health Regeneration
^077Scarab^* (^980300 Gold^*)
^947-^* +50% Mana Regeneration

^077Manatube^* (^980800 Gold^*)

^947-^* +100% Mana Regeneration

^077Beastheart^* (^9801000 Gold^*)

^947-^* +250 Max Health

^077Pickled Brain^* (^980900 Gold^*)

^947-^* +250 Max Mana

^077Glowstone^* (^9801100 Gold^*)

^947-^* +175 Max Health, +175 Max Mana

==^960 Initiation ^*==

^947-^* ^077Scarab^* (300) = 1600 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +6 Intelligence, +10 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, +50% Mana

^077Blood Chalice^* (600 Gold)

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) = 600 Gold Total (Auto-
^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength, +3 Intelligence, +50% Mana Regeneration.
^075*^* Cooldown: 25 seconds
^947-^* Activate to sacrifice 200 Health for 100 Mana. If an enemy hero
within 1000 radius is killed before 15 seconds after use, the user is healed back
for 200 Health.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Fleetfeet^* (450) + Recipe (550) = 2000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +16 Agility, +5% Movement Speed, +10 Attack Speed.

^077Ghost Marchers^*
^947-^* ^077Punchdagger^* (450) = 1300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +20 Damage, +50 Movement Speed.
^075*^* Cooldown: 8 seconds
^947-^* Active: Grants +25% Movement Speed and Unitwalking for 3 seconds.

^077Grave Locket^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*Recipe: ^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) + ^077Ring of
Protection^* (175) = 825 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +2 Armor.
^947-^* Allows you to gather Experience even while dead in a 1500 radius.
^947-^* Passively synchronizes with a nearby ally hero if you stay near them
for 2 seconds (500 range).
^947-^* Once done, you will stay synchronized unless you move more than 3500
range away from each other for longer than 10 seconds.
^947-^* "Synchronized" effects (which both you and your ally receive): +10
Movement Speed, +10 Attack Damage, each enemy unit killed grants 10 bonus gold and
15 bonus experience to your synchronized partner.
^947-^* You cannot synchronize with a hero which has already been
synchronized with someone else.
^075*^* This includes interactions with Orb of Zamos.
^947-^* Item can be activated to turn the effect on/off.
^947-^* Visual effects of synchronization are randomly assigned 1 of 3
colors: Red, Green or Blue.
^947-^* Every pair of synchronized heroes is guaranteed to have a color
unique to them.
^075*^* This helps you tell which hero you are synchronized with.
^947+^* Grave Locket was remade to prevent your support heroes from being too
underleveled throughout the game, since support heroes typically have the most
deaths in a game.
^947+^* Grave Locket is assembled from Orb of Zamos, making it a natural
upgrade path for any support hero.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Apprentice's Robe^* (450) + Recipe (550) = 2000 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +16 Intelligence, +3 Mana Regeneration, +15% Magic Lifesteal
(5% vs. non-hero units).
^947+^* Lightbrand and its derivatives have been changed to be useful for
most heroes who pick up this item, having its niche effect be Magic Lifesteal.

^077Plated Greaves^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Ringmail^* (550) = 1500 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +50 Movement Speed, +10 Armor
^947-^* Passively grants +2 Armor when attacked by a hero, up to a max of a
bonus 8 Armor.
^947+^* Plated Greaves was adjusted to be more oriented towards selfish
survivability against Physical autoattacks, as its previous effects were negligible
when used for your team or yourself.

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Striders^* (750) + Recipe (1900) = 2650 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +100 Movement Speed, +2 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* When out of combat, increases Movement Speed by 40 and Health
Regeneration by 2.
^947-^* You are considered out of combat if you haven't attacked, dealt/taken
damage, or been targeted by an enemy ability.
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* Active: After channeling for 3 seconds, teleports self to target
allied unit or structure. Target is unable to act during the channel time. Perplex
effects interrupt the channel.

^077Power Supply^*
^947-^* Recipe: 2x ^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) + Recipe (50) = 300 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Intelligence.
^075*^* Cooldown: 17 seconds
^947-^* Passively gain a charge whenever an enemy ability is used within 1200
radius of you.
^947-^* Activate to restore 10 Health and 15 Mana per charge.
^947-^* Max of 15 charges.

^077Searing Light^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Lightbrand^* (2000) = 4000 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +16 Agility, +16 Intelligence, +20 Attack Speed, +10%
Movement Speed, +4 Mana Regeneration, +20% Magic Lifesteal (8% vs. non-hero units).

^077Sorcery Boots^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Marchers^* (400) + ^077Ring of Sorcery^* (1000) = 1400
Gold Total (Auto-Assembles)
^947-^* Passively gives: +50 Movement Speed, +250 Max Mana.
^947-^* Active: Restores 150 Mana to self and nearby allies.
^075*^* Cooldown: 35 seconds
^075*^* Radius: 600

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Apprentice's Robe^* (450) = 1350 Gold Total (Auto-
^947-^* Grants: +10 Strength/Agility/Intelligence, +50 Movement Speed, +20
Attack Speed.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Trinket of Restoration^* (300) + Recipe (50) = 750 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +50 Movement Speed, +2 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* Passively grants up to a bonus 80 Movement Speed and 2 Health
Regeneration. Goes on a 6 second cooldown from combat events.
^947-^* You are considered out of combat if you haven't attacked, dealt/taken
damage, or been targeted by an enemy ability.
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed is reduced if you are within 900 units of an
enemy hero, down to 0 charges at 750 units.
+^* Striders was a little too powerful previously, and also frustrating to
use when using an ability for mobility/non-combat purposes. Adjustments were made
to alleviate these 2 points.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Manatube^* (800) = 1600 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Passively grants 6 Health Regeneration and 100% Mana Regeneration.

==^960 Supportive ^*==

^077Abyssal Skull^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Refreshing Ornament^* (600) = 2075 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence, +5 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Aura (900 range): Grants +15% Lifesteal to melee ally units (+10% for
ranged). Stacks with other lifesteal modifiers. Also grants 0.8 Mana Regeneration,
+15% Base Damage, 3 Health Regeneration and 4 Armor.
^947+^* Abyssal Skull's lifesteal aura now functions on ally Ranged heroes as
well, making this an ideal pickup for any team that is autoattack-focused.

^077Arcane Bomb^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Major Totem^* (550) + Recipe (250) = 1800 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +14 Intelligence
^947-^* Active: Marks the target area and causes an explosion after a 0.5
second delay. The explosion deals 100 Magic Damage to non-hero units or 900 Magic
Damage if those non-hero units are player-controlled, or if those units are
^947-^* Explosion also destroys trees.
^075*^* Range: 1200
^075*^* Radius: 400
^075*^* Mana cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 25 seconds
^947+^* Arcane Bomb is an early game pickup to deal with enemy illusions and
player-controlled non-hero units.
^947+^* Enemy illusions have a problem of cluttering the screen and making
single-target spells & autoattacks much more cumbersome to execute. Arcane Bomb
facilitates eliminating this clutter in a pinch.
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Ringmail^* (550) + Recipe (350) = 1500 Gold Total (Auto-
^947-^* Grants: +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence, +5 Armor.
^947-^* Aura (900 radius): Grants +3 Health Regeneration to nearby allies.
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 50 seconds
^075*^* Radius: 600
^947-^* Active: Heals allies in radius for 175 Health instantly and grant
them 2.5 Armor for 25 seconds. This effect can only be applied once every 25

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Wind Whistle^* (200) + Recipe (800) = 2700 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +250 Max Health,
+25 Movement Speed.
^947-^* Gains a charge when an enemy hero dies within 1000 range. Consumes a
charge on use. Carries over the number of charges from Soultrap, max of 3 charges.
^947-^* Active: Target an ally to heal them for 300 over 10 seconds and
increase their healing and regeneration by 50% for the duration. Dispels upon
receiving hero damage.
^947-^* Target an enemy to deal 300 Magic Damage over 10 seconds and reduce
their healing by 75% for the duration.
^075*^* Range: 1000
^075*^* Cooldown: 2 seconds
^947+^* Dreamcatcher is an upgrade to Soultrap, and is used as a sustain tool
that also provides healing over time in combat (does not dispel upon receiving
^947+^* Furthermore, it increases the target's amount of Healing received and
reduces an enemy's Healing received.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Wind Whistle^* (200) + Recipe (450) = 1500 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +4 Intelligence, +20 Movement Speed,
+0.75 Mana Regeneration.
^075*^* Radius: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 25
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Activate to grant 50 Movement Speed and 20 Attack Speed to allies in
a 600 unit radius for 6 seconds.
^947-^* Non-hero player-controlled units gain Unitwalking.

^077Jade Spire^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Major Totem^* (550) + Recipe (450) = 1800 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +4 Intelligence, +100% Mana Regen,
+25% Healing Done.
^947+^* Jade Spire is a cheap item that increases your Healing output, making
it ideal for early game healers.

^077Kuldra's Sheepstick^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Hellflower^* (3500) = 6000 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +40 Intelligence, +20 Damage, +25 Attack Speed, +120% Mana
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Active: applies Transfigured to target for 4 seconds. Instantly kills
enemy illusions and dispels stealth.
^075*^* Transfigured effects: +25% Damage Taken, Silenced, Perplexed,
Disarmed, Base Movement Speed set to 100, 100% Movement Speed Slow, Restrained,
Negates Evasion.
^947-^* After the state expires, the target cannot be affected by Kuldra's
Sheepstick again for the next 2.5 seconds.
^947+^* Kuldra's Sheepstick's active effect was simply a universally improved
version of Hellflower's aspect. Thus, it now builds up from Hellflower.

^077Lex Talionis^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Ring of the Teacher^* (475) + Recipe (225) = 1250 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +8 Armor, +5 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Aura (900 radius): Grants 1 Mana Regeneration to nearby ally player-
controlled units.
^947-^* Active: Grants target ally 6 bonus Armor; or reduces the target
enemy's Armor by 6 for 8 seconds. Reduces your own Armor by 6 for the duration.
Dispels debuff from self if the target dies early.
^075*^* Single target, 1000 cast range, 8 second cooldown.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Luminous Prism^* (1500) + Recipe (600) = 3100/3700/4300
Gold Total (can be upgraded twice)
^947-^* Stock 10 minutes.
^947-^* Grants: +11/13/15 Strength, +18/22/26 Intelligence
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 90 seconds
^947-^* Spawns a Puzzlebox Wizard and a Puzzlebox Mauler under your control
for 35 seconds.
^947-^* Both Minions have 400/600/800 Health, 6/8/10 Armor, 11 Magic Armor,
and 350/370/390 Movement Speed.
^947-^* Puzzlebox Wizard - 40/65/90 Attack Damage; 350/450/550 Attack Range;
Can cast Mana Burn: Burns 125/175/225 Mana from target and deals Magic Damage equal
to 100% of Mana burnt; Has an aura that grants +3/6/9% Movement Speed and 3/6/9
Attack Speed to allies.
^947-^* Puzzlebox Mauler - 25/50/75 Attack Damage, Attacks burn 25/50/75 Mana
and deal Physical Damage equal to 100% of Mana burnt. Reveals enemies and wards in
a 300/650/1000 radius. Deals 200/400/600 True Damage to killer.

^077Refreshing Ornament^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*Recipe: ^077Pretender's Crown^* (180) + Recipe (120) = 600
Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence.
^947-^* Aura (900 radius): +3 Health Regen for nearby allies. Can be toggled
between All/Heroes-only.

^077Ring of Sorcery^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Pickled Brain^* (900) + Recipe (100) = 1000 Gold Total
^947-^* Active: Restores 150 Mana to self and nearby allies (600 radius). 45
second cooldown.

^077Ring of the Teacher^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Guardian Ring^* (175) = 475 (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +3 Armor, +5 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Aura (900 radius): Grants 0.8 Mana Regeneration to nearby ally
player-controlled units.

^077Sand Scepter^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Luminous Prism^* (1500) + Recipe (700) = 2200 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +20 Intelligence.
^947-^* Active: Shoots a projectile which dispels debuffs and grants +60%
Movement Speed for 2 seconds on allies, or dispels buffs and immobilizes enemies
for 2 seconds. Enemies are also Revealed and Sighted.
^075*^* Range: 700
^075*^* Mana Cost: 60
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947+^* Sand Scepter provides an additional effect on allies to further
reinforce its defensive use on an ally as a purge tool.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Minor Totem^* (50) + Recipe (470) = 700 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Intelligence.
^947-^* Gains a charge when an enemy hero dies within 1000 range. Consumes a
charge on use. Starts with 1 charge, max of 3 charges.
^947-^* Active: Target an ally to heal them for 400 over 10 seconds (dispels
on damage taken from enemy heroes). Target an enemy to deal 200 Magic Damage over
10 seconds.
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Cooldown: 5 seconds

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Wind Whistle^* (200) + Recipe (500) = 2000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +6 Intelligence, +40 Movement Speed (stacking), +150% Mana
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 22 seconds
^947-^* Active: Makes target enemy hero or self-stunned, restrained and
invulnerable for 2.5 seconds. After the duration, the target is Perplexed and
Restrained for another second.
^947-^* After the initial Cycloned effect expires, the target cannot be
affected by Stormspirit again for the next 2.5 seconds.
^947+^* Stormspirit has been adjusted to only target yourself and enemies.
^947+^* Other items are designed to save allies, and thus Stormspirit was
reoriented to be more of an offensive setup tool, while still retaining its
defensive usage for only yourself.

^077Tablet of Command^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Wind Whistle^* (200) + Recipe (700) = 2500 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +6 Health Regeneration, 100% Mana Regeneration, +20 Movement
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 25
^075*^* Cooldown: 25 seconds
^947-^* Target a position to quickly travel there.
^947-^* Target an ally hero to Push them 600 units in the direction they are
^075*^* Destroys trees within 100 radius of the target while it is being
^666^947+^* ^*Portal Key is no longer in the item pool, as it caused a
fundamental problem with heroes who depend on it to be massively successful in the
game. It also created a design problem where heroes typically use Portal Key to
blink in and unleash all their skillshots, even if they were designed to be used
from afar, making initiation & approaches to situations one-dimensional.
^666^947+^* ^*Rather than keep Portal Key in the game, the majority of heroes
who are dependent on Portal Key have had mobility added to their kit to emulate the
function of Portal Key to a good enough extent such that they do not require it to
be picked up.
^666^947+^* ^*As a compromise, Tablet of Command still retains Portal Key's
general functionality. It is slightly slower (non-instant) and has a lower cast
range than Portal Key, but it has a better buildup and still be used as a
supportive tool to save allies.

==^960 Protective ^*==

^077Assassin's Shroud^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Steamstaff^* (850) + Recipe (950) = 3000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +30 Damage, +10 Attack Speed.
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Active: Grants stealth with a 0.5 second fade time and +20% Movement
Speed for 15 seconds. Breaking stealth deals 125 bonus Attack Damage.

^077Armor of the Mad Mage^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Platemail^* (1200) + Recipe (500) = 4200 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +25 Intelligence, +10 Armor.
^947-^* Aura (900 range): Passively reduces the Magic Armor of nearby enemies
by 4.
^947+^* Armor of the Mad Mage is an item for Intelligence heroes that wish to
pick up Armor, while simultaneously increasing the effectiveness of Magic Damage
for themselves and their allies.

^077Barbed Armor^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Bolstering Armband^* (450) + Recipe (1050) = 2400 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +10 Damage, +12 Strength.
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Activate to return 100% of the damage taken as True Damage for 5

^077Barrier Idol^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Major Totem^* (550) + Recipe (550) = 2700 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +8 Magic Armor, +8
Health Regeneration, 30% Debuff and Stun duration Reduction.
^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* Applies Barrier to target heroes in radius for 12 seconds, granting a
shield that absorbs 400 Post-Mitigation Magic Damage.
^947-^* Barrier cannot affect a unit more than once every 50 seconds.
^947+^* Barrier Idol has been adjusted to be a stronger anti-burst tool for
your team against Magic Damage, and not so much as a pushing tool.

^077Behemoth's Heart^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Beastheart^* (1000) = 4500 (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +20 Strength, +500 Max Health.
^947-^* Aura: Passively deals 40 Magic Damage per second to enemies within
700 range. Deals 50% bonus damage to non-hero units.
^075*^* Aura can be turned on/off.
^947+^* Behemoth's Heart and ^077Mock of Brilliance^*'s damage aura have
been combined into 1 item, allowing heroes who want to be in the frontlines to
constantly be a threat while simultaneously receiving a high amount of Health for

^077Daemonic Breastplate^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Platemail^* (1200) + Recipe (900) = 3600 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +20 Attack Speed, +5 Armor.
^947-^* Aura 1 (900 radius): +25 Attack Speed and +5 Armor on nearby allies
(and self).
^947-^* Aura 2 (900 radius): -25 Attack Speed and -5 Armor on nearby enemy
units and structures.

^077Frostfield Plate^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Platemail^* (1200) + Recipe (500) = 4200 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +20 Strength, +10 Armor.
^075*^* Radius: 750
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Activate to create an expanding ring that deals 200 Magic Damage and
applies a 20% Movement Speed Slow and 50% Attack Speed Slow to enemies within
radius for 4 seconds.
^947+^* Frostfield Plate is an item for heroes that wish to pick up Armor and
Strength, while simultaneously crippling enemy heroes that are dependent on Attack
^947+^* Frostfield Plate is tailored for initiators that need an extra spell
instance to keep enemies near them just a little longer, while protecting the
followup by their allies from autoattacks.

^947-^* ^077Quickblade^* (1000) = 5200 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants +20 Agility, +35 Attack Damage, and +20 Attack Speed.
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^947-^* Activate to grant Master Assassin's Stealth to self for 15 seconds.
Stealth with a 0.5 second fade time, +20% Movement Speed, and Unitwalking. Your
next attack deals an additional 125 damage.
^947-^* Consumes a charge on use. Gains a charge every 20 seconds unless in
use, up to 2 charges.
^947+^* Genjuro did not need the Movement Speed Slow on attack, as the main
reason for obtaining this item is to provide your character with 2 Stealth
instances in combat.

^077Helm of the Black Legion^*

^947-^* ^077Iron Buckler^* (225) = 2025 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +250 Max Health, +6 Health Regen.
^947-^* Passively grants a 50% chance to block 60 damage (30 for ranged).
Does not work against gadgets.
^947+^* Helm of the Black Legion was tapering off too quickly if you obtain
this item early game. The increased Block value allows it to maintain its relevance
slightly longer.
^947+^* Its block mechanics were also reverted to its legacy form & had
numbers adjusted to fit its intended purpose of being an early-mid game
survivability item.

^077Icon of the Goddess^*

^947-^* ^077Pickled Brain^* (900) = 3000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +425 Max Health, +425 Max Mana, +2 Health Regen, +40% Mana
^947-^* Whenever an enemy hero dies within 1000 range restores 300 Health and
525 Mana over 15 seconds.

^077Iron Shield^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Duck boots^* (150) = 525 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +8 Agility, +100% chance to block 20 damage from heroes (10
for ranged), 50% chance to block non-hero attacks.

^077Null Stone^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Blessed Orb^* (1500) + Recipe (100) = 3200 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +10 Strength, +10 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +6 Health
Regeneration, +100% Mana Regeneration.
^947-^* When off cooldown, passively blocks a single-targeted spell.
^075*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^075*^* Range: 800
^947-^* Active: Transfers your spell negation ability to another ally hero
for up to 15 seconds.
^947+^* Heroes who pick up this item now have the option to transfer the
Spell Negation effect to another ally hero!

^077Shaman's Headdress^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Trinket of Restoration^* (300) = 1600 Gold Total (Auto-
^947-^* Grants: +8 Magic Armor, +8 Health Regen.

^077Shrunken Head^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Broadsword^* (1200) = 2800 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +20 Damage, +8 Magic Armor, +8 Health Regen.
^075*^* Cooldown: 70 seconds
^947-^* Activate to dispel Debuffs on self, and then grant 100% Debuff, Stun
and Mana Burn Reduction to self for 6 seconds.
^075*^* Also grants a tapering 25 Magic Armor upon activation.
^075*^* Channeled Crowd Control still bypasses the 100% Debuff and Stun
^075*^* Has an Activation Modifier. Using this item disables other items with
this modifier for the duration.
^666^947+^* ^*Shrunken Head's main purpose is to prevent Crowd Control on
yourself (primarily for carries) so that you can cast your spells, attack heroes,
and fulfill your purpose in a teamfight. However, it had a design issue where it
rendered most of the cast obsolete, since the target cannot receive any Magic
Damage while under its effects.
^947+^* By changing Shrunken Head's mechanics to primarily provide Crowd
Control Immunity and limiting the amount of Magic Damage it can reduce, Shrunken
Head's price point can be lowered so that carries can participate in teamfights &
ganks sooner.
^947+^* Shrunken Head provides tapering Magic Armor when activated, allowing
enemy heroes to still be able to deal Magic Damage to them (and more Magic Damage
once the effect starts to taper off more).

^077Staff of the Goddess^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Icon of the Goddess^* (3000) + ^077Luminous Staff^*
(1500) = 4500 Gold Total (Auto-Assembles)
^947-^* Passively grants: +15 Intelligence, +425 Max Health, +425 Max Mana,
+4 Health Regeneration, +100% Mana Regeneration.
^947-^* Whenever an enemy hero dies within 1000 range restores 300 Health and
525 Mana over 15 seconds.
^947-^* Active: Upon use, removes all debuffs from self.
^075*^* Mana cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 45 seconds
^947+^* Staff of the Goddess provides extra Intelligence and survivability
via its self-purge effect for heroes who depend on momentum within a teamfight to
continuously excel at their role.

^077Ultor's Heavy Helm^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Ringmail^* (550) + Recipe (1000) = 3575 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +250 Max Health, +6 Health Regen, +5 Armor.
^947-^* Passively grants a 50% chance to block 70 damage (35 for ranged).
Only blocks half of the amount against gadgets.
^947-^* Active: Applies Heavy Plated to allied heroes and structures in
radius for 12 seconds. Units cannot be affected by Ultor's Heavy Plate more than
once every 45 seconds.
^947-^* Heavy Plated: 100% chance to block 70 damage.
^075*^* Radius: 900
^075*^* Mana Cost: 0
^075*^* Cooldown: 45 seconds.
^947+^* Ultor's Heavy Helm is intended to be the analog to ^077Barrier Idol^*
for Physical Damage. It provides a large amount of Block to protect your team from
Physical autoattacks.

^077Void Talisman^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Major Totem^* (550) + Recipe (800) = 1350 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +6 Strength, +6 Agility, +6 Intelligence.
^947-^* Active: Grants self 80% Physical Damage Reduction, +40% Magic Damage
taken & Disarm for 4 seconds. Second activation ends the effect early. Can be
^075*^* Has an Activation Modifier. Using this item disables other items with
this modifier for the duration.
^075*^* Mana Cost: 75
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds.
^666^947+^* ^*Since Harkon's Blade is no longer in the game, Void Talisman is
not realistically counterable. Void Talisman is still an effective counter against
Physical autoattackers, but now Physical autoattackers can still feel like their
autoattacks do something when hitting someone with a Void Talisman.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Dancing Blade^* (2500) + ^077Steamstaff^* (850) = 4200
Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +20 Agility, +20 Attack Damage, +20 Attack Speed, +50%

==^960 Combative (PBT Only) ^*==

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Gloves of the Swift^* (500) + Recipe (900) = 2400 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +10 Agility, +15 Attack Speed.
^947-^* Passively grants your attacks a 25% chance (10% for ranged heroes) to
deal 80 bonus Physical Damage and stun for 1.5 seconds. 3.5 second stun cooldown.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Punchdagger^* (450) + Recipe (800) =
2700/3500/4300/5100/5900 Gold Total
^947-^* Recipe can be re-purchased to upgrade the item 4 times.
^947-^* Grants: +15/17/19/21/23 Intelligence, +18/20/22/24/26 Damage.
^947-^* Active: Deals 400/500/600/700/800 Magic Damage to target enemy.
^075*^* Range: 600
^075*^* Mana Cost: 180/160/140/120/100
^075*^* Cooldown: 40/36/32/28/24 seconds.

^077Corrupted Sword^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Slayer^* (2000) + Recipe (1800) = 3800 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +80 Attack Damage
^947-^* Double-activate (or target self) to consume this item and permanently
gain 35 Attack Damage. This effect stacks.

^077Doom Bringer^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Slayer^* (2000) = 6000 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +250 Damage.
^947-^* Each hero kill adds 1 charge to Doom Bringer, increasing its Bonus
Attack Damage by 10 per charge, up to a maximum of 25 charges. Charges are not lost
upon dropping the item.
^947-^* This item will drop on death if killed by an enemy player.

^077Faux Bow^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Halberd^* (1000) + Recipe (500) = 3000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +8 Strength, +8 Agility, +8 Intelligence, +10 Damage, +150
Attack Range (Ranged Only).
^075*^* Bonus Attack Range does not stack.
^075*^* Range = Your Attack Range
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Active: Grants 100 bonus Attack Speed, infinite attack range and a
50% chance to Pierce Evasion against the target enemy for up to 6 seconds or 4
attacks. Only grants infinite attack range on ranged heroes.
^947+^* Faux Bow increases the Attack Range of Ranged Heroes and allows them
to have a method of finishing off fleeing targets that escape their Attack Range.

^077Geometer's Bane^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Firebrand^* (2000) + Recipe (800) = 4300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +8 Strength, +24 Agility, +8 Intelligence, +15 Attack Speed,
+10% Movement Speed.
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 50 seconds
^947-^* Active: Spawn 2 Illusions of self. The illusions take 3.5 times
normal damage, deal 33% of your attack damage, and inherit properties from you. The
Illusions have a 20 second lifetime.
^075*^* Dispels all Buffs and Debuffs on use.

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Lightbrand^* (2000) + Recipe (800) = 4300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +8 Strength, +8 Agility, +24 Intelligence, +4 Mana
Regeneration, +25% Magic Lifesteal (10% vs. non-hero units), +25% Ability Cooldown
^947+^* Grimoire of Power has been retailored for heroes that need
survivability from Magic Lifesteal, while also favouring heroes that benefit
largely from Ability Cooldown Reduction.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Arcana^* (1600) + ^077Alacrity Band^* (1000) + Recipe
(800) = 3400 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +6 Intelligence, +10 Damage, +40 Attack Speed, +80% Mana
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Mana Cost: 100
^075*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds
^947-^* Active: Silences target for 3.5 seconds and increases their damage
taken by 15%. Target also leaves behind a visible trail.
^947+^* Hellflower received a price reduction along with a small reduction in
its effects so that its Silencing effect can be picked up earlier in the game.
^947+^* Hellflower also builds into ^077Kuldra's Sheepstick^* now, as
Kuldra's Sheepstick is a universally improved version of Hellflower's active

^947-^* Recipe: 2x ^077Warpcleft^* (1500) + Recipe (400) = 3400 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +120 Attack Speed.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Steamstaff^* (850) = 2250 Gold Total (Auto-assembles).
^947-^* Grants + 10 Damage, +25 Attack Speed, +5 Armor, +4 Health Regen.
^075*^* Cooldown: 5 seconds
^947-^* Active: Toggle to gain 20 Strength, 15 Damage and 5 Armor but lose 30
Health per second.

^077Madfred's Brass Knuckles^*

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Fleetfeet^* (450) + Recipe (250) = 1150 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +10 Damage, +6 Agility.
^947-^* Passively collects a charge for every hero kill or assist that you
get, permanently gaining 3 bonus Attack Damage per charge, up to a max of 5 charges
(15 Attack Damage).
^947-^* When 5 charges are reached, also grants 15 Bonus Movement Speed.

^947-^* ^077Punchdagger^* (450) + Recipe (1050) = 2700 Gold Total
(3750/4800/5850 Gold Total for levels 2/3/4 of this item)
^075*^* Can be upgraded 3 times.
^947-^* Grants +40/50/60/60 Attack Damage, and also grants a 15/20/25/25%
chance for 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.2x Critical Strike.
^947-^* On level 4 of this item, the critical strike also deals 8% of the
target's Max Health as bonus damage.
^947+^* Heroes that obtain too much survivability are often difficult to deal
with. The max level of Riftshards is expensive to obtain, but allows autoattack-
oriented carries to deal with heroes that have a high Health pool.

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Logger's Hatchet^* (200) + Recipe (700) = 4100 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +40 Damage, +6 Health Regen, +150% Mana Regen, +60% Cleave
(Melee Only), +60 bonus Attack Damage vs Creeps (Melee).
^947-^* Active: Throws an axe which deals your attack damage to the target
enemy creep or object.
^075*^* 10 second cooldown. Can also be thrown to destroy trees on a 5 second

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Arcana^* (1600) + ^077Helm of the Victim^* (900) +
Recipe (800) = 3300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +6 Intelligence, +10 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, +50% Mana
Regeneration, +5 Armor, +3 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* Passively causes any Magic Damage you deal to ignore 50% of the
target's Magic Armor.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Manatube^* (800) + Recipe (500) = 2400 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +250 Max Health, +250 Max mana, +200% Mana Regen.
^947-^* Passively applies a debuff to enemies whenever you deal Magic Damage.
This debuff deals 5% of target's current Health in Magic Damage per second and
reduces Health Regeneration by 50%. Debuff damage is reduced to 33% when you deal
DoT damage.

^077Midnight Morningstar^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Warhammer^* (1600) = 3600 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +30 Damage, +20 Strength.
^075*^* Range: 800
^075*^* Cooldown: 18 seconds
^075*^* Mana cost: 100
^947-^* Active: Disarms the target enemy unit for 3 seconds if melee or 5
seconds if ranged.
^947+^* Midnight Morning Star provides heroes bonus Strength and a Disarm
effect, which allows them to counter autoattack-oriented carries.

^077Twin Blades^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Arcana^* (1600) + ^077Broadsword^* (1200) = 2800 Gold
Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +30 Damage, +10 Attack Speed, +10 Intelligence, +75% Mana
^947-^* When off cooldown, passively causes a secondary attack which deals
100% of damage and applies a 100% Movement Speed Slow for 0.7 seconds. Only works
when carried by a melee hero. 5 second cooldown.
^947+^* Twin Blades is an item that is intended for melee heroes with high
Attack Damage (but low or moderate Attack Speed) to maximize their upfront burst

==^960 Morph Attack (PBT Only) ^*==

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Lightbrand^* (2000) = 6000 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +18 Strength, +18 Agility, +18 Intelligence, +15 Damage, +25
Attack Speed, +5 Mana Regeneration, +12% Movement Speed, +30% Magic Lifesteal (10%
vs. non-hero units).
^947-^* Passively grants a 50% chance to apply a 40% Movement Speed and 40
Attack Speed Slow on attack for 5 seconds. Only slows by 25%/25 when wielded by
ranged heroes.

^077Elder Parasite^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Alacrity Band^* (1000) = 2000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +30 Attack Speed, + 15% Lifesteal.
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Active: Grants 60 Attack Speed and 15% Movement Speed, +20% Lifesteal
and +10% Damage Taken for 8 seconds.

^947-^* ^077Icebrand^* (2000) = 4000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +16 Strength, +16 Agility, +16 Damage, +16 Attack Speed, +10%
Movement Speed.
^947-^* Passively grants a 40% chance to apply a 30% Movement Speed and 30
Attack Speed Slow on attack for 5 seconds. Only slows by 15%/15 when wielded by
ranged heroes.

^077Frostwolf's Skull^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Icebrand^* (2000) + Recipe (800) = 4300 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants +24 Strength, +8 Agility, +8 Intelligence, +10 Attack Damage
^947-^* Passively applies Freeze to target for 3 seconds when attacking or
casting a single-target ability. Freeze applies a 35% Movement Speed and 35 Attack
Speed Slow if wielded by a melee hero, or 20%/20 Slow if wielded by a ranged hero.
^075*^* Radius: 2000
^075*^* Mana Cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^666^947-^* ^*Active: Sends out an Ice Wolf towards the closest enemy hero
within 2000 range. Upon reaching the target, deals 200 Magic Damage and applies a
70% Movement Speed Slow and Restrain for 4 seconds. Target is also Revealed and
Sighted for the duration.
^947+^* Frostwolf's Skull now stays true to its theme, while also providing
scouting and Restrain utility.

^077Frozen Light^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Lightbrand^* (2000) = 4000 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +16 Strength, +16 Intelligence, +10 Damage, +4 Mana
Regeneration, +20% Magic Lifesteal (8% vs. non-hero units).
^947-^* Passively grants a 40% chance to apply a 30% Movement Speed and 30
Attack Speed Slow on attack for 5 seconds. Only slows by 15%/15 when wielded by
ranged heroes.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Bolstering Armband^* (450) + Recipe (550) = 2000 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +16 Strength, +10 Damage.
^947-^* Passively grants a 30% chance to apply a 20% Movement Speed and 20
Attack Speed Slow on attack for 5 seconds. Only slows by 10%/10 when wielded by
ranged heroes.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Quickblade^* (1000) + Recipe (1000) = 3500 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +45 Attack Speed, +10 Agility
^947-^* Passively causes attacks to burn 50 mana from enemies, dealing
physical damage equal to 50% of the mana burned.

^077Savage Mace^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Halberd^* (1000) = 3000 Gold Total (Auto-assembles)
^947-^* Grants: +60 Damage
^947-^* Passively grants your attacks a 75% chance to pierce Evasion.
^947+^* Savage Mace is now an item that is meant to be picked up exclusively
to counter Evasion.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Alacrity Band^* (1000) + Recipe (400) = 3000 Gold Total
^947-^* Grants: +35 Attack Damage, +35 Attack Speed.
^947-^* On attack, applies a stack of Broken Armor to target for 3 seconds,
reducing their Max Armor by 15% per charge.
^075*^* Max of 6 charges.
^666^947+^* ^*Shieldbreaker had a historical problem of being misunderstood
as an item that counters Armor. In reality, it was picked up to increase the
snowballing power of heroes that deal a high burst of Physical Damage early to mid
game (due to how Armor mechanics function).
^947+^* Shieldbreaker's main use now is for autoattack heroes to remove a
percentage of Armor through sustained damage from autoattacks. This minimizes its
use on burst-heavy Physical Damage, as you need to attack them multiple times
before Shieldbreaker's Armor shredding effects are pronounced.

^077Symbol of Rage^*
^947-^* Recipe: ^077Elder Parasite^* (2000) + Recipe (1000) = 5000 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +40 Damage, +30 Attack Speed, +25% Lifesteal.
^947-^* Active: Grants +20% Movement Speed, +60 Attack Speed, +100% Lifesteal
and +10% Damage Taken for 8 seconds.
^075*^* Mana cost: 50
^075*^* Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947+^* Symbol of Rage is now built from ^077Elder Parasite^* and acts as an
improved version of it in terms of the Lifesteal granted while autoattacking.

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Gloves of the Swift^* (500) + Recipe (200) = 2800 Gold
^947-^* Grants: +30 Damage, +30 Attack Speed.
^947-^* Passively causes every 3rd attack to deal 120 bonus Magic Damage to
up to 4 targets.
= ^980Outpost (PBT Only)^* =
The following items are available in the Outpost:
^947-^* ^077Homecoming Stone^*
^947-^* ^077Duck Boots^*
^947-^* ^077Wind Whistle^*
^947-^* ^077Logger's Hatchet^*
^947-^* ^077Iron Buckler^*
^947-^* ^077Scarab^*
^947-^* ^077Trinket of Restoration^*
^947-^* ^077Mystic Vestments^*
^947-^* ^077Punchdagger^*
^947-^* ^077Marchers^*
^947-^* ^077Gloves of the Swift^*
^947-^* ^077Apprentice's Robe^*
^947-^* ^077Steamstaff^*
^947-^* ^077Lifetube^*
^947-^* ^077Hungry Spirit^*
^947-^* ^077Helm of the Victim^*

= ^980Observatory (PBT Only)^* =

The following items are available in the Observatory:

^947-^* ^077Ward of Sight^*
^947-^* ^077Health Potion^*
^947-^* ^077Mana Potion^*
^947-^* ^077Dust of Revelation^*
^947-^* ^077Veiled Rot^*
^947-^* ^077Rejuvenation Potion^*

==^960 Design ^*==


^057Crippling Puncture^*
^947-^* Effect Type and Damage Type changed from Magic to Superior
^947-^* Damage changed from 80 to 75/100/125/150.
^* ^057A Thousand Cuts^*
^947-^* Effect Type and Damage Type of the on-touch effects changed
from Magic to Superior Magic.
^947-^* The return on-touch effects now use the large radius (250)
rather than reverting to the small radius (80).
^947-^* Projectile speed increased from 950 to 1200 units per second.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 70/80/90/100.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 4 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

^947-^* Effect Type and Damage Type changed from Magic to Superior
^947-^* Charge refresh time decreased from 19/16/13/10 seconds to
12/10/8/6 seconds.

^057Ancestral Assault^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 100/80/60 seconds to 60 seconds.
^947-^* Effect Type and Damage Type changed from Magic to Superior

==^960 Quality-of-Life Features ^*==

^947+^* The following Quality-of-Life changes apply to all game modes (i.e. not
just PBT), and were made to drastically improve the player experience for all of
our international players:
^947-^* Matchmaking now only matches teams together if the difference in the
average Kill-Death ratio between each team is within a certain threshold.
^947-^* Players will now join chat channels based on Region when logging in
(e.g. NA-1, EU-1, AU-1, LAT-1, CIS-1, etc.) as opposed to general chat channels
(e.g. HON-1, HON-2, etc.).
^947-^* Remake Votes can only be called until the 2-minute mark in a match.
^947-^* Concede Vote can now be called after any termination or disconnect
where the player cannot come back.
^075*^* Concede Vote can still be called after the 15-minute mark if these
conditions are not met.
^947-^* Players will now receive a personal notification whenever they
successfully stack a Neutral Camp.
^075*^* Special messages will appear if players stack multiple Neutral
Camps at the same time.
^947-^* Added an option to enable Selection Circles around every hero at all
^075*^* Improves visibility of heroes in the midst of combat.
^075*^* This option is found under Options -> Interface -> Gameplay.
^075*^* Enabled by default.

=^980 Mechanical Changes that affect all Modes ^*=

^947-^* Camera Field of View has been increased by 10%.
^947-^* Neutral aggro range during the day has been decreased from 300 to 150.
^075*^* Prevents accidental neutral aggro when travelling to another
^947-^* Neutral Creeps' Movement Speed normalized to 325.
^947-^* Lane Creeps will no longer avoid re-aggroing to the ranged lane creeps
after being aggro'ed by a hero.
^947-^* Melee Lane Creeps damage multiplier against Neutrals decreased from 150% to
^947-^* Ranged Lane Creeps damage multiplier against Neutrals decreased from 150%
to 75%.
^947-^* Ranged Lane Creep aggro range increased from 500 to 800.
^947-^* Experience Range increased from 1000 to 1300 units.

==^960 Casual Mode Changes ^*==

^947-^* Passive Gold per minute (GPM) increased from 100 to 120.
^947-^* Proximity Gold reduced from 20 to 0.
^947-^* Gold bounty per level reduced from 12 to 10.
^947-^* Buyback cost multiplier decreased from 1.75x to 1.5x.

^947+^* The following changes no longer apply to Casual Mode:

^947-^* Unshared Experience from a hero kill is higher between levels 1-6.
^947-^* Assists share the Hero Kill Experience Bounty globally for allies (as
opposed to allies within proximity).

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: Forests of Caldavar
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick
^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Public Beta Test (PBT)^*

^947-^* Ranked Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

^904New ^*^059Forsaken Archer^* Avatar: ^079Yumi^*
^947-^*^666 The legendary annual Shao Temple archery competition is a joyful
event that brings villagers together from throughout the Sang-La Mountains and
allows the monks to share food, tea, and news from the lands beyond the mountains.
Yumi has been dominating the event as the first -- and only -- female kyudoka since
she was a small girl, for her natural abilities with the bow quickly surpassed
those of her instructor, then her kyudojo, until the Shao Temple became the only
place that could harness her true potential. The monks taught her the way of shin-
zen-bi, to shoot with truth, goodness, and beauty, so that when she uses her bow
and arrow with a good and virtuous spirit toward all things, her archery will
become naturally beautiful and true. Skeptical at first, Yumi finally embraced this
training and grew to understand its power, and her already amazing skills became
^666Because of the beauty and virtue integral to her archery, she was stunned
when the monks first told her it could be used as a weapon. But when they told her
of the atrocities happening outside the walls of the temple, of the Hellbourne and
their soulless cruelty, she realized the virtuous path was leading her straight
into battle with these daemons. Every raise, draw, and release had prepared her for
this, and she and her bow would share the beauty of her kyudo with these corrupted
fiends one arrow at a time.^*

^904New ^*^077Taunt^*: ^079Shikigami Taunt^*

^947-^* ^666Show your opponents they're nothing but target practice with the
Shikigami Taunt!^*

^904New ^*^059Night Hound^* Avatar: ^079Wildcat^*

^666^947-^* The cruelly playful Lynx Tribe of Death's Cradle is infamous for
stalking and chasing their victims before pouncing and toying with them, finally
ending their misery only after the entertainment becomes tedious. When they
ambushed a gypsy caravan and systematically slaughtered everyone aboard, the last
thing they expected to find when they commenced the looting was a sleeping infant,
swaddled in blankets. Even the Lynx are not that heartless (usually), so they took
the orphan into their fold and trained her in the ways of the feline huntress. The
girl took to it like a cat to catnip, and embraced the traditions and tactics so
fully she went to great lengths to change her appearance to something closer to her
fellow huntresses. She may still look somewhat human, but when the claws come out,
she is all Lynx.^*

^904New ^*^059Parallax^* Avatar: ^079Cruxlord^*

^947-^*^666The Cruxlords are an extraterrestrial race even more ancient than
the Artificers. They seek the ancient, powerful objects held most secret throughout
the universe, for within those items are the answers to unlocking even more power.
Though Andromeda's memory is still incomplete, she senses that the Cruxlords may
have harvested the original dark matter and created the Fulcrums that became the
devastating weapon of the Artificers, sending them forth to destroy entire planets
and scatter the debris into space. Scanning the dross for ancient relics is much
easier than searching intact worlds and dealing with their tedious inhabitants, but
this Newerth has proven more resilient than any other planet, and now the Cruxlords
must descend upon it and handle things themselves.^*
^904New ^*^077Name Color^*: ^079High Roller^*
^947-^* Show all of Newerth your winning ways with the High Roller Name

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^980 General ^*=

^947-^* "Do Not Disturb" mode (enabled by typing in "/dnd") will now properly
prevent Instant Message (IM) from popping up in the chat channel list.

=^980 UI ^*=
^947-^* Player colour indicators in the hero pick screens are now thicker to
further distinguish them from the background.
^947-^* The Report-A-Player (RAP) button (or window, if you started a report in-
game) will now properly display at the end of games.
^947-^* MVP Selection will no longer display in replays.
^947-^* The HoN logo in the middle bar of the main lobby screen is no longer
pixelated/low resolution.

=^980 Heroes ^*=

^947+^* A few heroes (^059Scout^*) now properly have 150 Attack Range (instead of
having 128). ^947
+^* The following spells now bypass Magic Immunity on ally heroes:
^947-^* ^059Accursed^*'s ^057Cauterize^*
^947-^* ^059Accursed^*'s ^057Fire Shield^*
^947-^* ^059Blacksmith^*'s ^057Frenzy^*
^947-^* ^059Blitz^*'s ^057Quicken^*
^947-^* ^059Bramble^*'s ^057Fungal Spit^*
^947-^* ^059Chipper^*'s ^057Focus Buffer^*
^947-^* ^059Glacius^*' ^057Ice Imprisonment^*
^947-^* ^059Keeper of the Forest^*'s ^057Nature's Guidance^*
^947-^* ^059Midas^*' ^057Lion Pride^*
^947-^* ^059Nymphora^*'s ^057Volatile Pod^*
^947-^* ^059Rally^*'s ^057Compel^*
^947-^* ^059Revenant^*'s ^057Essence Shroud^*
^947-^* ^059Voodoo Jester^*'s ^057Mojo^*
^947-^* ^057Persecution^*'s effect no longer bypasses Magic Immunity if
Magic Immunity is obtained while the projectile is in midair.

^947-^* Activating ^057Blade Frenzy^* no longer interrupts your previous
Attack command if it is already part-way into its animation.

=^980 Items ^*=

^947-^* All items in the regular (non-PBT) modes no longer have the "New" tag
on them, with the exception of Orb of Zamos.

^980Version 4.4.3^*
^98024 April 2018^*

=^075 New Hero: Chi ^*=

Chi, the Exiled Master, was once a beloved brother to Warchief. Chi's embrace of
meditation and non-violence caused him to be cast out from the Red Sand tribe, and
in exile his meditative abilities became so advanced he no longer needed to use his
body, for his spirit could manipulate the world around him. He was locked in a deep
meditative state when Adrenaline and Apex's army massacred the entire Red Sand
tribe and possessed Warchief, and it was in the spirit realm -- once scorned by
Warchief -- where Chi battled the corruption and kept it from completely claiming
his brother.

As Warchief's energy returned to normal, then beyond, Chi realized his brother was
preparing himself for something epic: Battle. War.

And his own death, if that's what it took to vanquish the enemy who slaughtered the
Red Sand tribe.

Chi expected to be conflicted -- should he abandon his beliefs completely, join the
violence and chaos of the human world to save his brother?

But he felt no discord.

He was completely at peace with it.

For now he knew, energy was energy. It could be used to soothe, heal, and create,
or to kill and destroy.

If his brother's enemies chose to use their energy to harm others, Chi would simply
turn it back on them.

It would be their efforts that brought their demise, not his.

Now, still physically weak and seeking to enlighten others and soothe their rage
with meditation, he and his spirit animal Soto join Warchief and the Legion in a
last effort to bring peace to Newerth.


^075Strength: 18 + 1.7 per level^*

^075Agility: 16 + 1.5 per level^*
^075Intelligence: 25 + 3.0 per level (Primary)^*
^075Starting Damage: 44 - 50^*

^075Starting Armor: 2.5^*

^075Magic Armor: 6^*

^075Movement Speed: 300^*

^075Attack Range: 600^*


^075Ability 1: Crippling Puncture^*

^274*^*Range: 700
^274*^*Effect Type: Magic
^274*^*Mana Cost: 75
^274*^*Cooldown: 14 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy hero to deal 80 Magic Damage, apply a 30% Movement Speed
Slow, and ^256Disarm^* them for ^9602.5/3/3.5/4 seconds^*.


^075Ability 2: A Thousand Cuts^*

^274*^*Range: 800
^274*^*Touch Radius: 100
^274*^*Radius: 250
^274*^*Effect Type: Magic
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
^274*^*Cooldown: 4 seconds

^947-^* Target a location to throw a Spirit Shredder there, dealing

^96040/60/80/100 Magic Damage^* to enemies it passes through.
^947-^* Upon reaching the location, it deals 40 Magic Damage per second in the
radius, but drains 15 Mana per second from Chi while this effect is active.
^947-^* The Shredder does not return to you unless activated again, you die, or you
travel 2000 units away from the Shredder.
^947-^* Activate again to return the Shredder to yourself and end the Magic DoT
effect. The Shredder deals the Magic Damage again to anyone who it passes through.
^274*^*This second activation costs 0 mana.


^075Ability 3: Enlightenment^*

^947-^* Passively adds 60% of an enemy hero's Attack Damage for each Cast Instances
of non-DoT Ability Damage you deal to them.
^947-^* Max of ^9603/4/5/6 Charges^*. Each Charge takes ^96019/16/13/10 seconds^*
to refresh.


^075Ability 4: Ancestral Assault^*

^274*^*Range: 1200
^274*^*Radius: 125
^274*^*Effect Type: Magic
^274*^*Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^274*^*Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds

^947-^* Target a linear area to charge up his Qi there.

^947-^* After a 0.6 second delay, the Qi explodes, dealing ^9601/2/3^* instances of
150 Magic Damage to enemies within the area.


==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^256Webbed Shot^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^9605/10/15/20 to 10/20/30/40^*.

^256Spider Sting^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960125/175/250 to 125/150/175^*.



^075Furious Anger^*
^947-^* Time before charges disappear increased from ^9603 to 5 seconds^*.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^256Hunter's Command^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow and Reveal duration increased from ^9603 to 5
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow magnitude reduced from ^96020% to 10%^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96016 to 12 seconds^*.

^947-^* The self-destruct ability on the overgrowth can no longer be activated
until the growth has properly set in.
^274*^*This applies to the first 1.5 seconds after an Overgrowth has been
^274*^*This applies to the Sub-ability on ^059Emerald Warden^* to kill the
closest overgrowth as well.
^274*^*Overgrowths can still be triggered early via being attacked (by Emerald
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^96080 to 125^*.
^947-^* No longer deals double damage to non-hero units.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96012 to 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960400 to 500^*.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^96075 to 60^*.
^947-^* Maximum number of growths decreased from ^9605 to 2/3/4/5^*.
^947-^* Growths now have a lifetime duration of 5 minutes.



^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.5^*.

^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96022 to 21^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9603 to 2.5^*.



^947-^* ^256Turn^* rate increased from ^960200 to 900^*.

^947-^* Base Mana Cost reduced from ^9609 to 4^*.
^274*^*Starting Mana Cost is reduced from ^96010 to 5^*. Maximum Mana Cost
reduced from ^96034 to 29^*.
^947-^* Added auto-cast feature: right-clicking the ability will allow it to
automatically fire towards your cursor when available to use.
^947-^* Range rescaled from ^9601100 to 800/900/1000/1100/1200^*.

^256Divide & Conquer^*

^947-^* Bonus Movement and Attack speed on buff increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to


^256Primal Surge^*
^947-^* Amount of ^999Health^* restored for Mana spent decreased from ^96050/60/70
to 40/50/60%^*.
^947-^* Duration decreased from ^96016 to 15 seconds^*.



^947-^* Passive Movement Speed bonus increased from ^9605/10/15 to 10/20/30^*.



^947-^* Mana upkeep per second reduced from ^9605 to 4^*.


^256Poison Burst^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per second decreased from ^96036/58/81 to 35/55/75^*.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect only: Magic Damage per second increased
from ^96058/81/108 to 60/90/120^*.



^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9603.2 to 2.7^*.

^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed from ^256Terror Mounds^* decreased from
^96015/30/45/60% to 10/20/30/40%^*.


^059War Beast^*

^256Primal Rage^*
^947-^* Bonus Base Damage reduced from ^96010/20/30/40% to 10/15/20/25%^*.

^059Wild Soul^*

^947-^* Initial Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96020/30/40/50 to 20/40/60/80^*.

^256Bear Form^*
^947-^* Bonus Armor increased from ^9603/5/7 to 3/6/9^*.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Chi, the Exiled Master ^*=

^947^947+^* For centuries, the monks of the Sang-La Mountains have formed a
physical and spiritual wall between Newerth and the forces of corruption that seep
from the bottomless crevices and pits into All Hells. These portals existed long
before the Second Corruption, allowing the Hellbourne to probe, infiltrate, and
terrorize the landscape as they prepared for the uprising. Because of this, the
monks have had ample more than enough, they would say time to develop powerful
ways to counter and destroy the daemonic invaders.^*

^904New ^*^059Chi^* Early Access Avatar: ^579Osho^*

^947^947-^* Osho, also called "The Old Teacher" by his students (along with
slightly less-honorific titles behind his back) is the eldest instructor among the
Sang-La monks and the most experienced when it comes to battling evil corruption.
The Hellbourne and their capacity for chaos have ceased to surprise him, and some
days he simply can't even muster the energy to be interested in the daemons he's
sending back to All Hells. The only thing that does manage to raise one of his
bushy white eyebrows is when a student of The Way does not act like a totally
idiotic buffoon in training, tripping over their own clumsy feet and stammering
like a newborn chiprel. Only his beloved cat Osho truly understands, for his
ability to remain aloof among morons is beyond even Master Osho's.^*

^904New ^*^059Chi^* Avatar: ^579Master Ka^*

^947^947-^* Master Ka uses his pure spirit and the vast, empty void of his
meditation to absorb the corrupted flames of the Hellbourne, cleanse them of
impurities and malice, and return them to the source with a righteous intensity
that destroys that which seeks to destroy. He is a scorching mirror for the unholy,
literally fighting fire with fire to keep the Hellbourne at bay and purge their
corruption from Newerth. Most think his companion Huo is simply a pet monkey, but
the clever creature wields a powerful void himself and serves as a force multiplier
when Master Ka faces an overwhelming level of corruption.^*

=^075 F.L.E.X. ^*=

^947^947+^* The F.L.E.X. soldiers are the most advanced -- and experimental --
weapons developed by the Legion's war machine yet. Created by a top-secret program
buried so deeply in the Corps of Engineers that not even Tork knew about it, they
are bionic, armored suits powered by artificial intelligence that only utilize the
best traits of the heroes upon which they are based and ignore such things as doubt
and fear. While each F.L.E.X. soldier has complete agency over how they perform
their duties, they are all programmed to follow a specific sequence of orders once
the enemy is involved: Find > Lock-on > Engage > eXterminate. It is a lethal form
of evolved intelligence that always creates a predictable outcome: when a F.L.E.X.
soldier targets an enemy, one of them is going to die.^*

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^059Behemoth^* Avatar: F.L.E.X. ^059Behemoth^*

^947^947-^* The F.L.E.X. artificial intelligence is programmed to ignore traits and
tendencies that are likely to cause doubt and hesitation in battle, and compassion
falls within this category. However, the F.L.E.X. Behemoth AI quickly realized that
compassion was one of the Legion hero's strongest attributes and could be amplified
to increase its battlefield efficacy. By shifting the Find > Lock-on > Engage >
eXterminate directives to focus on the fear of Legion allies rather than the
aggression of Hellbourne enemies, F.L.E.X. Behemoth is able to place itself in
prime positions for intercepting attacks and obliterating the incoming threat.
Countless grateful -- and unscathed -- Legion warriors are grateful for this
powerful emotional intelligence.^*

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^059Hammerstorm^* Avatar: F.L.E.X. ^059Hammerstorm^*

^947^947-^* F.L.E.X. Hammerstorm may not seem that different from the original
source material at first glance, for the famed warrior is known for his strength
and dedication to the cause, traits executed perfectly by the F.L.E.X. artificial
intelligence. But a closer look reveals that F.L.E.X. Hammerstorm has discovered a
weapon untapped by the Legion legend: personality. It turns out that while pure
brute force is indeed effective, stronger alliances can be formed by being likable,
friendly, and humorous, and enemies can be rendered off-balance by unexpected
jokes, flirtations, and oversharing. The fact that all of this makes the original
Hammerstorm very uncomfortable is proof that it works.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^579Deathbloom^*

^947^947-^* The Cleansing Research Labs inside the Electrician's Laboratory are
hidden deep within the sublevels to ensure a properly controlled environment, and
to keep his most extreme experiments from prying eyes -- Legion spies as well as
curious Hellbourne who, despite dwelling among the damned for millennia, may still
find his cutting edge work unsettling. The Electrician developed the Cleansing
procedure after discovering the power of corruption was greatly reduced when it had
to contend for control of a being, battling against the soul and whatever divine
power reinforced it. So he found a way to scrape the soul from a living creature,
harvest it, and replace it with an artificial form of corruption that is much more
controllable than the hellish, chaotic version. And much more powerful.^*

Deathbloom is his first success, technically, as she was the first human to survive
the procedure and still be able to function despite the artificial corruption
trying to burst free from its human vessel. Captured by his Shocktroopers from a
lightly-guarded supply caravan, the young patient had tremendous skills in
cleaning, food preparation, and little else. The Cleansing enhanced these talents
into incredibly effective combat skills, but what the Electrician did not expect
was the augmentation of her ingrained desire to help people. Such a flaw should
have been scrubbed along with her soul, but apparently it was embraced by every
cell of her being, even her DNA. Deathbloom was supposed to be his first Cleansed
Warrior, but instead she became a vile traitor, slashing her way out of the
sublevels and wreaking havoc throughout Laboratory as she pursued her new mission
to do some cleansing of her own -- wiping Newerth clean of Hellbourne.

^904New ^*^059Voodoo Jester^* Avatar: ^579Painkiller^*

^947^947-^* Painkiller serves joyfully as the head nurse within the Electrician's
Cleansing Research Labs, prepping victims -- er, patients -- for their procedures
and making sure the brilliant Electrician has everything he needs to conduct his
best work. Unruly patients quickly turn docile when she gives them a heavy dose of
her sedative cocktail, which overwhelms the pain receptors with so much agony they
are unable to move, let alone fight. Even the Shocktroopers standing guard outside
the Cleansing labs know to keep silent, lest they disturb the Electrician and earn
a dose of Painkiller themselves.^*
She would be happy to never leave the nightmarish sublevels of Laboratory, but the
escape of Deathbloom has caused her beloved Electrician so much angst it's causing
his work to suffer, and he's losing more Cleansing patients than he's saving. Well,
this just won't do. Painkiller has made it her mission to hunt Deathbloom down and
drag her back for another Cleansing, and if that one doesn't take, the last thing
that traitor will see is the ultimate painkiller needle slipping into her heart.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 UI ^*=

^947-^* MVP Screen no longer becomes stuck if you Mentor someone or go to HoN Live.
^947-^* HoN Logo in the middle bar is no longer pixelated.
^947-^* Double clicking someone's name from Friends list or a player name in a chat
channel now brings up the Instant Messaging channel with that player.
^947-^* "Remove All Notifications" will now actually remove all notifications from
the notifications list.
^947-^* Hovering over a hero now displays Hero Mastery Progress & Experience.
^947-^* Alternate Avatars on the Hero Pick selection screen will now properly
display their price if you do not own the avatar.
^947-^* Role text will no longer go outside of its borders in the Hero Pick
detailed window.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Passive ability cooldown status beside ally hero portraits is now properly
updated (i.e. will change to a red colour when on cooldown).
^947-^* Automated Courier will no longer appear to deliver your items when you are
within shopping range of the enemy team's base item shop.
^274*^*Instead, the items will be delivered to you automatically under these
conditions if you use the Automated Courier delivery command.

^947-^* Abilities boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^* have a new format: ability
name colour is now green, with a * added at the end.
^274*^*Prevents ability names from being too long & getting cut off.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Cataclysm^*'s Damage over Time (DoT) amplification state will properly
be reset to a maximum duration of 4 seconds when damaged.
^274*^*Fixes rare cases where the Cataclysm state is somehow increased to
incredibly long durations.

^947-^* ^256Horned Strike^*'s stun overhead visual is now properly removed.

^947-^* The attack instance from ^256Cold Shoulder^* will no longer start your
attack cooldown.

^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* ^579Sin Slayer^*'s voice lines are now the proper ones (was previously
referencing a female voice line).

=^075 Items ^*=

^075Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* Will no longer go on cooldown when entering your inventory by swapping it
from your stash.


^980Version 4.4.2^*
^98010 April 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Forests of Caldavar ^*=

^947-^* ^090Legion^* side's east-most neutral camps have been rearranged so that
the level of difficulty to double-stack these camps is more comparable to the
^900Hellbourne^*'s west-most neutral camps.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96045% to 40%^* of his Max Mana Pool.


^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9603.4 to 3.0^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence decreased from ^96027 to 25^*.


^947-^* Percentage of Strength dealt as damage to the enemy & taken by
^059Deadwood^* increased from ^96040% to 45%^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level from ^9603.3 to 3.5^*.
^947-^* Attack Range increased from ^960350 to 400^*.


^947-^* Base Armor lowered from ^9603.5 to 2.5^*.



^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96012/10/8/6 seconds to 12/11/10/9 seconds^* after
he uses Plunge.

^059Moon Queen^*

^256Lunar Glow^*
^947-^* Aura radius increased from ^960600 to 900^*.


^947-^* Base Attack Time (BAT) increased from ^9601.5 to 1.7^*.



^256Ophelia's Judgment^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^960100/180/260/340 to 80/160/240/320^*.


^256The ol' Ball and Chain^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960140 to 110/120/130/140^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96085/90/95/100 to 45/50/55/60^*.

^256One Man Riot^*

^947-^* Base Damage bonus per visible enemy hero increased from ^96010% to 15%^*.
^947-^* Check radius increased from ^960500 to 700^*.



^256Horned Strike^*
^947-^* No longer Stuns the target for ^9601/1.2/1.4/1.6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Instead, now applies an 80% Movement Speed Slow to the target for
^9601.5/2/2.5/3 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer pushes the target away.
^947-^* No longer destroys trees.
^947-^* Physical Damage increased from ^96050/75/100/125 to 60/85/110/135^*.



^075Perfect Storm^*
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage reduced from ^96020/30/40% to 10/20/30%^* of
^059Riptide^*'s Agility.


^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96070/80/90/100 to 50/60/70/80^*.

^256Rolling Thunder^*
^947-^* Allies can now enter the shell from up to 250 units away.
^947-^* Can now click on an icon that pops up on the right side of your screen to
order your hero to enter the shell.
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96060/120/180/240 to 70/140/210/280^*.



^947-^* Duration reduced from ^9604/5/6/7 to 5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960130/140/150/160 to 130^*.



^256Way of the Sword^*

^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* proc chance reduced from ^96020/25/30/35% to


^256Bound by Fate^*
^947-^* Stun duration reduced from ^9602 seconds to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds^*.
^274*^*Previously, the stun duration was mistakenly displayed as 2.25 seconds on
the detailed tooltip, when in reality it was actually stunning for 2 seconds.


^059The Dark Lady^*

^256Taint Soul^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96012 seconds to 6 seconds^*.



^256Javelin of Light^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96015 seconds to 16 seconds^*.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* no longer decreases the cooldown of this skill to
10 seconds.
^274*^*The cooldown was unintentionally decreased from ^96020 seconds to 15
seconds^* in the patch where the Staff of the Master effect was introduced.

^059Voodoo Jester^*

^256Acid Cocktail^*
^947-^* Range reduced from ^960700 to 600^*.
^947-^* Stun duration on the initial hit for hero units reduced from ^9601.5
seconds to 1.2 seconds^*.

^947-^* No longer affects targets in an area (i.e. only affects the main target
^947-^* Magic Damage and ^256Heal^* values increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to
15/25/35/45^* per second.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^* (SEA Client only)

^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Songkran ^*=

^904New ^*^059Goldenveil^* ^980Songkran^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Goldenveil^*

^947^947-^* When it comes to bringing the most powerful water arsenal to the
Songkran festival, most partygoers opt for bigger water cannons, heavier buckets,
and longer hoses. But they're missing the most obvious solution: more arms. Not
armaments -- literally arms. Songkran Goldenveil can toss twice as many water
balloons and dump four buckets of water for every deuce from a mere two-handed
reveler, and her Songkran poncho doesn't just provide shelter from the soakings --
it also creates the perfect party camouflage, enabling her to perform a flawless
perch & plunge into the soaking fray!^*

^904New ^*^059Lord Salforis^* ^980Songkran^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Salforis^*

^947^947-^* Songkran Salforis takes his water festival activities very seriously,
packing a full arsenal of water weapons and floaties and adding new ink to his
gorgeous water-themed tattoos before each New Year. The tradition he truly embraces
is the honoring of his ancestors, and while some carry this out by offering sand to
temples for repair or releasing animals as a requiem, Songkran Salforis takes it
one step further -- he actually summons his deceased ancestors to join the
celebration and help him drench the entire festival in cleansing waters. Everybody
expects to get soaked at Songkran, but nobody expects to get soaked by a bunch of
flying skulls and a creepy dead lady. Happy New Year!^*

^904New ^*^059Pharaoh^* ^980Songkran^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Pharaoh^*

^947^947-^* Songkran is a festival of unity, merit-making, and the cleansing of
sins and bad luck, but some unsavory characters use it as an excuse to add more
sins and uncleanliness to their souls. When these types show up at a party, it's
Songkran Pharaoh's honor to bounce them right back out with the help of his
Songkran Security Team. His paddleboarder disguise allows him to blend in perfectly
with the revelers, and the paddle makes an excellent gentle -- or not -- escort for
those who don't want to leave the party willingly. If he ever feels outnumbered or
in danger of a party slipping out of hand, one call to his Security Team creates a
ring of cohorts ready to completely cleanse any gathering of buzzkills and

^904New ^*^059Sir Benzington^* ^980Songkran^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Benzi^*

^947^947-^* Traffic is INSANE during the Songkran festival, and Songkran Benzi
knows the only way to get to all of the best parties scattered across Newerth is to
hop on his trusty Beavrel Bike and dash through the crowded streets. Of course,
there's no reason not to soak everyone and everything between parties, so he's
always ready with his splash lance and sidearm squirt gun, and when he encounters a
target-rich environment that is just too tempting to pass up, he launches into an
epic jump and cannonball splashes everyone in the vicinity. Yeah, it totally
trashes his bike, but it's so worth it.^*

=^075 F.L.E.X. ^*=

^947^947+^* The F.L.E.X. soldiers are the most advanced -- and experimental --
weapons developed by the Legion's war machine yet. Created by a top-secret program
buried so deeply in the Corps of Engineers that not even Tork knew about it, they
are bionic, armored suits powered by artificial intelligence that only utilize the
best traits of the heroes upon which they are based and ignore such things as doubt
and fear. While each F.L.E.X. soldier has complete agency over how they perform
their duties, they are all programmed to follow a specific sequence of orders once
the enemy is involved: Find > Lock-on > Engage > eXterminate. It is a lethal form
of evolved intelligence that always creates a predictable outcome: when a F.L.E.X.
soldier targets an enemy, one of them is going to die.^*

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^059Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: F.L.E.X. ^059Flint^*

^947^947-^* The Legion Corps of Engineers was initially baffled by the AI data they
harvested from Flint Beastwood. (The data was sold to them by an entrepreneurial
Merrick employee, who scanned and downloaded the information while Flint was passed
out after a drinking contest with Balphagore.) The data showed no sign of doubt,
fear, guilt, shame, or humility -- all of the things the F.L.E.X. soldiers are
programmed to ignore -- which led the Engineers to believe they had an incomplete
data set, but it turned out they had it all; Flint just doesn't possess any of
those silly traits to begin with. This has made F.L.E.X. Flint the most efficient
killer of the group, freeing up all of her processing power for locating and
eliminating her targets, and she even has some left over for a bit of AI-fueled

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^059Bushwack^* Avatar: F.L.E.X. ^059Bushwack^*

^947^947-^* F.L.E.X. Bushwack not only has a fatal set of combat skills, she also
has a highly refined sense of irony. It was Bushwack's forbidden tampering with
technology that got him exiled from his Rulian Marsh tribe and drove him into the
clutches of the Electrician and Dr. Repulsor, and it will be the next level of
technology that exterminates each and every one of them. Her AI has been programmed
to focus on those three targets in order to cripple the Hellbourne's research and
development capabilities. If she succeeds, she will be the ultimate force
multiplier due to all of the Legion lives spared from the devastating technology of
those madmen.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 User Interface (UI) ^*=

^947-^* When you are in-game and bring up the Main Lobby screen via F6/F10,
commands for your in-game character will no longer be executed through the
transparent overlay.
^947-^* Notification sounds will now play when someone sends an Instant Message
(IM) to you, or when you get invited to a group.
^947-^* "Remove All Notifications" button now properly clears notifications
(instead of just 4-5 of them).
^274*^*Note that some System Messages are still not removable due to those
messages having a different notification type in the legacy UI, and the merging
process meant that the button does not clear this type of notification yet. This
will be fixed in a future patch.
^947-^* Players can now properly random from their list of Favourite Heroes on the
Hero Pick Screen.
^947-^* The bonuses that accumulate towards Silver Coin will no longer have their
progress bars overflowing past their boundaries.
^947-^* Players can now properly claim their rewards from Hero Mastery.
^947-^* The Match Stats screen now has a search box to search for other Match IDs
without leaving the same screen.
^947-^* The "Esc" key can be used to exit certain UI elements, or act as a "Back"
^947-^* Region Selection preferences no longer resets after every game.
^947-^* System Message Notification settings have been updated to only include the
following (for the ones that you can select to have them display In-Game/Out of
Game/In History):
^274*^*Friend Request
^274*^*IM Received
^947-^* Other System Message Notification settings have had their default setting
to only be displayed Out of Game & In History.
^274*^*These changes reduce the overall amount of clutter from System Message
^947-^* URSA Silver Coin Multiplier is now mentioned properly when its effects are

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Some skills with strings that are too long for the Hero Pick Screen have
been shortened.
^274*^*This means that unfortunately, some details in the Simple Tooltips had to
be removed.

^947-^* Strings for abilities currently boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^* will
no longer redundantly say they have been boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*.
^274*^*Instead, the fact that they are boosted will be indicated by the ability
name and the green tooltips in the ability description.

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* The trees above the ^090Legion^* pull camp can now be cut at melee range
with proper pathing.
^947-^* A spot on the right edge of the map below ^900Hellbourne^*'s bottom lane
entrance has been fixed so that units no longer get stuck if you cut trees there
and attempt to walk there.
^947-^* The ^579Hel^*lbourne Tier 3 Middle Tower no longer has a visible black
square underneath it.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Thai ^579Xia Hou Dun^* Berzerker's ^256Mark for Death^* icon is now the
correct one for this avatar.

^947-^* ^579Tumbler^* Lodestone no longer plays loud sounds when dying with certain
states active on him while other sounds are simultaneously playing (e.g.
^579Wolf^*time ^256Taunt^* & Double Damage rune).

^947-^* Blind Prophet's set bonus effects will now display the sun fixture visuals
floating above his head (rather than floating in front of his face).

^947-^* Increased Swiftblade's model transparency while ^256Swift Slashes^* is
^274*^*Allows players to more clearly know when Swiftblade is invulnerable or

^059The Dark Lady^*

^947-^* ^579Ascension Dark Lady^*'s ^256Dark Blades^* now display the correct


^980Version 4.4.1^*

^98027 March 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Song of the Sea^*

^947-^* Silence duration decreased from ^9600.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds to 0.5/1/1.5/2

^256Take Cover^*
^947-^* Can no longer be autocast.


^059Doctor Repulsor^*

^256Electric Frenzy^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96030/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90^*.


^059Drunken Master^*

^0753 Point Strike^*

^947-^* True Damage reduced from ^960300/350/400 to 250/325/400^*.


^256As One^*
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^960300 to 500^*.
^947-^* No longer grants bonus Attack Speed.
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage changed from ^96040/60/80 to 30/60/90^*.


^059Forsaken Archer^*

^256Call of the Damned^*

^947-^* Proc chance increased from ^96010% to 15%^*.



^256Grappling Shot^*
^947-^* Cast Range changed from ^960500/575/650 to 650^*.
^947-^* Physical Damage increased from ^960100/200/300 to 150/250/350^*.


^947-^* Bonus Armor decreased from ^9604/8/12/16 to 3/6/9/12^*.



^256Telekinetic Control^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^9603 seconds to 4 seconds^*.

^256Stasis Smash^*
^947-^* Damage Reduction decreased from ^96030% to 20%^*.



^256Dark Mana^*
^947-^* Percentage of charges lost on death increased from ^96010% to 20%^*.
^947-^* Bonus Max Mana per charge decreased from ^9602/5/8/11 to 2/4/6/8^*.



^947-^* Magic Damage per proc decreased from ^96025/35/45/55 to 20/30/40/50^*.

^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* Tapering Movement Speed Slow decreased from ^96050% to 40%^*.


^059Puppet Master^*

^947-^* Critical Multiplier increased from ^9601.5/1.75/2.0/2.25x to



^947-^* Cast Range decreased from ^960650 to 550^*.



^256Piercing Shards^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^960140/200/260/320 to 140/210/280/350^*.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^* (SEA Client only)

^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Songkran ^*=

^904New ^*^579Songkran Nomad^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Nomad^*

^947^947-^* The fruit stand is a pretty boring (and sticky) place to work most of
the year, and the owner's daughter has been counting the days until the Songkran
Water Festival begins. Not only is it a chance to wash off the seemingly permanent
fruit juices -- her father also promised she'd be allowed to go into the joyous
crowds to sell their family specialty, the giant watermelon ice, and she's planning
to use this as an opportunity to unveil her new watermelon-themed line of swimwear.
Her father might be upset when he sees how much skin it covers (or doesn't), but
hopefully he'll calm down when he sees how many watermelon ices she's sold.^*

^274*^* Also available with Thai voice

^980Songkran^* ^579Set^* Effect
^947-^* Get this cooling, cleansing aura around your Songkran 2018 avatars when you
own them all!

^980Songkran^* TP Effect
^947-^* Own all of the Songkran 2018 avatars and make a festive splash every time
you teleport!

^980Songkran^* ^256Taunt^*
^947-^* Give your opponents a serious spiritual cleansing with the Songkran Taunt

=^075 HonWorld ^*=

^904New ^*^579HoNWorld Nomad^* Avatar: ^579HoNWorld Nomad^*

^947^947-^* Some say the battle-hardened loner Nomad is obsessed with his mission
to exterminate the Sand Wraiths -- and all of the Hellbourne -- should he live long
enough. And it is true, the warrior shuns the comforts and companionship of Legion
encampments, he has no friends among the ranks, and only bothers with conversation
when necessary to establish the next mission. What his Legion comrades don't know
is this obsession carries over to all things competitive, and with the epic Garena
Star League fast approaching Nomad has turned his intense focus to one thing:
creating a battlesuit that will dominate the event and make all other heroes look
like the weak poseurs they truly are. Nomad isn't too familiar with technology,
computers...or electricity for that he's going all-out and adding
bleeding-edge components to his armor and weaponry to ensure superiority. (He also
made sure the helmet would cover his face on the off-chance his trademark scowl
cracked into a grin from having so much fun at the event.) Nomad has not given up
the fight against the Sand Wraiths -- he never will -- but stacking up some
victories at GSL will be a nice way to train for his next desert skirmish.^*

^904New ^*^579HoNWorld Vindicator^* Avatar: ^579HoNWorld Vindicator^*

^947^947-^* The Great Rift version of the Garena Star League event is much
different than ours. There is a tiny slice of attention paid to eSports and gaming,
but the vast majority of the event focuses on devouring other competitors face-
first and spitting out their steaming bones. Last year's champion, HoNWorld
Vindicator, doesn't see much challenge in simply eating more faces and skinning
weak Rift pubs alive, so she's bringing her elite-level playbook to the portal and
heading straight for our top GSL teams. Watch out gamers -- she may not know about
our no face-eating rule.^*

=^075 F.L.E.X ^*=

^947^947+^* The F.L.E.X. soldiers are the most advanced -- and experimental --
weapons developed by the Legion's war machine yet. Created by a top-secret program
buried so deeply in the Corps of Engineers that not even Tork knew about it, they
are bionic, armored suits powered by artificial intelligence that only utilize the
best traits of the heroes upon which they are based and ignore such things as doubt
and fear. While each F.L.E.X. soldier has complete agency over how they perform
their duties, they are all programmed to follow a specific sequence of orders once
the enemy is involved: Find > Lock-on > Engage > eXterminate. It is a lethal form
of evolved intelligence that always creates a predictable outcome: when a F.L.E.X.
soldier targets an enemy, one of them is going to die.^*

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^059Silhouette^* Avatar: F.L.E.X. ^059Silhouette^*

^947^947-^* F.L.E.X. Silhouette is everything the original Silhouette's Scout
trainers wanted her to become -- stealthy, professional, and extremely lethal.
Indeed, they are both excellent assassins, but F.L.E.X. Silhouette wisely chose to
leave the boisterous attitude and cockiness of her source hero's personality out of
the programming. Her A.I. may let some bravado slip through, just to examine the
results, but other than that F.L.E.X. Silhouette is all about executing her core
sequence, which always leads to executing her enemies.^*

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^059Legionnaire^* Avatar: F.L.E.X. ^059Legionnaire^*

^947^947-^* Rather than rely on a single hero's intelligence to create its
operational code, F.L.E.X. Legionnaire benefits from the experience, savvy, and
courage of battalions of war-hardened soldiers. Every Legionnaire with more than
five years in the ranks (survivability) and fifty Hellbourne kills (lethality)
volunteered for the extraction process to help make F.L.E.X. Legionnaire the
greatest possible force multiplier it could become. And though they've placed
wagers on how long the newfangled thing will actually last in battle, they're
grateful for every daemon it kills along the way.^*

^904New ^*F.L.E.X. ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* Augment your entire F.L.E.X. set with unique, electrifying effects for each
F.L.E.X. warrior!

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Purchasing certain items with ultimate avatars will now play their proper
voice clips.
=^075 UI ^*=

^947+^* ^579General:^*

^947-^* Opening your Friend List will no longer cause a long duration freeze.
^947-^* Players can now search other Player Profiles on the Player Profile screen.
^947-^* Getting invited to another group while you are already in a group will no
longer make you leave both groups when you accept the invitation to join the other
^947-^* You can now properly report players via RAP for games that you did not
participate in.
^947-^* The notification sound now plays properly when you find a game via
^947-^* Instant Message (IM) windows no longer reappear in your chat tabs when that
user logs in and out.
^947-^* Merrick and the corresponding text in the HoN Store is now aligned
^947-^* Teapots no longer show on your screen if you press F6/F10 while in-game.
^947-^* The Most Played Heroes panels in your Player Profile now properly display
hero names.

^947+^* ^579Mode Selection Screen:^*

^947-^* The Regions dropdown menu on the Mode Selection screen will now collapse
when you click somewhere else on that screen.
^947-^* Bot Match now has an option to fill the rest of your team with Bots to
automatically queue into a game.

^947+^* ^579Hero Pick Screen:^*

^947-^* Right-clicking heroes on the Hero Pick screen now display that hero's
avatars properly.
^947-^* Hovering over your hero portrait now properly displays the hero info
tooltips at the bottom of the screen.
^947-^* Chat history is no longer cleared when transitioning from the Hero Pick
screen to the in-game map.
^947-^* Player slots are now properly aligned to be symmetrical on the hero pick
^947-^* You will now select the avatar you marked as Default even if you do not
press the "Use" button after you select a hero.
^947-^* The Ready button has been re-added to Practice Mode games.
^947-^* Name colours on the hero pick screen now properly match your actual name
^947-^* Friend list is now closed properly during the loading screen.
^947-^* The lobby music in Champions of Newerth now plays the correct soundtrack.

^947+^* ^579Post Game Screens:^*

^947-^* Mentor Votes no longer visually count towards the MVP Vote.
^947-^* The Post-Match channel now automatically obtains focus in the chat channel
selection after you exit a game that has ended.
^947-^* The Post-Games Screen no longer displays "Match Victory" when your team
^947-^* Game duration is now displayed correctly on the Post-Match Stats Screen.
^947-^* Items on the Rewards page now display their tooltips properly when you
hover over them.
^947-^* Match Stats screen now displays the precise time the match was played at.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Sterling Midas^*' attack projectile now visually leaves his hand when
he attacks.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Ghost Marchers^*
^947-^* Adjusted visual effects so that it does not obstruct hero model and texture


^98016 March 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Forests of Caldavar Map ^*=

^947-^* Neutral Creeps: The east-most Medium Camps on the ^090Legion^* and
^900Hellbourne^* jungles have been changed to be Easy Camps.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^075Unholy Strength^*
^947-^* Now has a ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: cooldown is decreased by 2
seconds, and the Strength steal is increased to 10.

^947-^* Now applies a 50% Movement Speed Slow to the target for 2 seconds.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect has been removed.



^256Whirling Blade^*

^947-^* No longer deals Bonus Damage to non-hero units.



^256Graceful Strikes^*

^947-^* ^256Solar Slash^*: Bonus Damage against non-hero units reduced from 150% to


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947-^* Now requires a 575 Gold recipe purchase to complete the item.
^274*^*Total Cost increased from 3525 Gold to 4100 Gold.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Fixed an issue where players are experiencing constant in-game freezes.
^947-^* Fixed an mouse cursor visual issue on OpenGL video driver; this primarily
fixes the mouse cursor freezing issue for Mac users.
^947-^* The confirmation window for changing your Controls is now displayed
^947-^* Friend List now sorts players by their in-game status properly.
^947-^* Repick button in All Random mode now displayed properly.
^947-^* MVP Voting Screen no longer gets locked up if this screen pops up during a
pause vote.
^947-^* MVP Voting Screen no longer locks up if you are using "Track Player

^980Version 4.4.0^*
^98014 March 2018^*

==^960 New User Interface (UI) ^*==

^947+^* The game client has received a complete overhaul of the User Interface!
Below is a summary of some features that were added or changed:

^947-^* The Mouse Cursor has been revamped and allows for more precise targeting.
^947-^* Your user profile can be seen at all times in the main lobby, along with
MVP reward badges, number of matches played, and number of avatars owned.
^947-^* The top bar has been revised to be more modern and concise.
^947-^* Clicking on "Play Now" opens a mode selection screen with different panels
to avoid confusion.
^947-^* After selecting a mode, loading screen art is displayed while game
resources are being loaded.

=^075 Hero Pick Screen ^*=

^947-^* The Hero Pick screen has also received a major revamp, and now displays
larger hero icons for better visual clarity.
^947-^* Hero picking logistics have been changed:
^274*^* Left-clicking on a hero will shadowpick the hero.
^274*^* Right-clicking on a hero will display that hero's available avatars.
^274*^* Left-clicking on the Select button after left-clicking on a hero will
actually select that hero.

=^075 Player Profile ^*=

^947-^* The Player Profile has also received a major revamp! Left-clicking on your
Account Icon will open your detailed Player Profile.
^947-^* The Player Profile has 5 detailed tabs: Overview, Mastery, MVP Awards,
Statistics, Match History.
^947-^* Switching to a subaccount is now done in the Overview tab of the Player

=^075 Most Valuable Player (MVP) System & Post-Game UI ^*=

^947^947-^* The Most Valuable Player (MVP) System bridges the gap between player
performance and rewards, allowing players to feel accomplished regardless of
whether they win or lose. At the end of a game, players will earn Awards based on
their performance in certain areas relative to the rest of their team.^*
^947-^* When a game ends, each player will be able to vote for the MVP of the game.
A minimum of 3 votes is required for a player to be nominated MVP.
^947-^* Players also receive performance-based rewards if they meet the minimum
requirements for particular criteria and have the highest performance for that
criteria out of all players in that game.
^947-^* An improved Post-Game screen is now displayed for players, detailing the
rewards and progression they get for playing.

=^075 Future Plans for the UI ^*=

^947-^* The new User Interface will be continually polished over the course of
time, as there are always areas that could be improved or revamped.

==^960 Champions of Newerth (Season 6) ^*==

^947+^* Changes to Matchmaking for Champions of Newerth for Season 6:

^947-^* Players who use a Stat Reset will now be recalibrated to a more proper
initial rank.
^947-^* Recalibrated the Rank Progress impacts (for wins and losses) for Placement
^947-^* End of Season rewards will now be granted not only based on your rank, but
also by how many games you have won throughout the Season.
^274*^*Players will need to win enough matches at their highest rank to receive
certain Season rewards. Simply just reaching the rank won't be enough!

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Forests of Caldavar Map ^*=

^947-^* Neutral Creeps: the Easy Camp position has now been swapped with the lane
pull's Medium Camp position (for both the ^090Legion^* and ^900Hellbourne^*
^947-^* Markings have been added to the ground to indicate where each Rune will

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Melee Hero Attack Range increased from ^960128 to 150^*.

^947-^* Being near an allied hero will no longer increase the Experience obtained
from nearby enemy Lane Creeps that die.
^274*^*Was previously granting +50% Experience in that condition, effectively
causing dual lanes to reach level 6 about 3 minutes faster than if this bonus
Experience mechanic was not active.

^947-^* Gold per minute received passively reduced from ^960100 to 69^*.

^947-^* Tier 1 Tower ^999Health^* increased from ^9601500 to 1800^*.
^947-^* Armor for Tier 1, 2 and 3 Towers increased from ^96018 to 22^*.

^947-^* Base Attack Damage increased from 190-^960199 to 200^*.
^947-^* Now deals 2x damage to enemy heroes.

^947-^* No longer gives a Movement Speed boost.

^274*^*Will still occur in Casual Mode.

=^075 Reworks ^*=

^059Artillery^* (Reworked)

Ability 1: ^256LRM^*
^274*^*Range: 1200
^274*^*Radius: 100
^274*^*Mana cost: 10
^274*^*Cooldown: 0 seconds.

^947-^* Target a direction to channel, firing a barrage of rockets over the

duration hitting the first enemy they touch.
^947-^* Consumes 4 mana per rocket fired. Each rocket deals ^960[12 + 7/14/21/28%
of your Attack Damage]^* in Physical Damage in a 200 radius on impact, plus a bonus
1% Damage Multiplier for each rocket fired after the first in a given channel
^947-^* Deals half the damage to non-hero units.
^947-^* Each charge grants 1 rocket, with a max of 20 charges. Charges are
refreshed every 0.5s, even while channeling.
^947-^* Activate mid-channel to ^256Turn^* toward your cursor while firing your


Ability 2: ^256Mortar Shot^*

^274*^*Range: 1200
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana cost: 65
^274*^*Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds.

^947-^* Target an area to lob a mortar which impacts after a 1.5 second delay.
^947-^* Targets in radius take ^960100/140/180/220 Magic Damage^* and have a 15%
Movement Speed Slow applied to them for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Can be activated while channelling.


Ability 3: ^256Special Ammunition^*

^947-^* Passively grants your abilities ^960200/400/600/800 extra Cast Range^* and
causes them to apply a 15% Movement Speed Slow to enemies hit for 3 seconds.

Ability 4: ^256Homing Missile^*
^274*^*Range: 1200
^274*^*Mana cost: 125/150/175
^274*^*Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds.

^947-^* Target an enemy to launch a Homing Missile. The missile starts out slow but
rapidly accelerates towards the target.
^947-^* On Impact, deals ^960200/250/300 Magic Damage^* and Stuns for up to 4
seconds in a ^960225/250/275^* radius around the target.
^947-^* Stun duration starts at 1 second and increases by 0.1 seconds for every 100
units the missile has travelled.


^059Deadlift^* (Reworked)


^075Strength: 22 + 2.5^*
^075Agility: 15 + 1.3^*
^075Intelligence: 27 + 2.8^*

^947-^* Starting Armor increased from ^9603 to 6^*.

^947-^* Base Damage rescaled from ^96047-62 to 52-60^*.


^075Ability 1: Unholy Strength^*

^274*^*Radius: 350
^274*^*Mana Cost: 80
^274*^*Cooldown: 10/8/6/4 seconds

^947-^* Upon use, deals ^96020/40/60/80 Magic Damage^* to nearby enemies, stealing
4 Strength from nearby enemy heroes for 30 seconds. This effect stacks.
^947-^* Non-hero enemies take ^96060/120/180/240 Magic Damage^* instead.

Ability 2: ^256Onslaught^*
^274*^*Range: 1000
^274*^*Mana Cost: 75/90/105/120
^274*^*Cooldown: 30/26/22/18 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy hero or structure to gain Max Movement Speed and charge
towards your target. All nearby ally units and units under your control do the
^947-^* Also summons ^9602/3/4/5 Undead^* upon use to help you for the duration.
Undead have 30 Attack Damage with a 1.6 second attack cooldown.
^947-^* All units gain ^96020/40/60/80 Attack Speed^* and are forced to attack the
target for 6 seconds.

^947-^* Deals 150% damage to structures and 50% damage to other units
^947-^* If the target moves beyond 1100 units the effect is cancelled.


Ability 3: Soul ^579Syphon^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Radius: 900
^947-^* Passively regains ^9601/1.5/2/2.5%^* of Max Health for every creep and
4/6/8/10% of Max Health for every hero that dies nearby.


Ability 4: ^256Resurrection^*
^274*^*Radius: 1500
^274*^*Mana Cost: 250
^274*^*Cooldown: 160/120/80 seconds

^947-^* Upon use, revives all nearby ally units after a 3 second channel. Heroes
resurrect with up to 100% Health and Mana, divided among the number of heroes
resurrected. Non-hero units resurrect with 50% Health under ^059Deadlift^*'s
control for 10 seconds.
^947-^* Passively leaves a gravestone when an ally hero dies. Allies revived will
neither leave a Gravestone nor lose gold from dying for 30 seconds.
^947^947-^* Staff of the Master effect: Upon death, automatically triggers the
ability after a 3 second delay if it is off cooldown, reviving yourself in the
process as well with 100% Health and Mana. If it is on cooldown, Deadlift leaves
behind his own Gravestone and revives after a 3 second delay. Own Gravestone dies
in 3 hits.^*

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^075The following heroes are now currently unavailable in Tournament Rules:^*

^947-^* ^059Artillery^*
^947-^* ^059Deadlift^*



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.5 to 2.0^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.5^*.

^075Shard Blast^*

^947-^* The secondary (bounce-back) projectile will now land at most 350 range away
from ^059Adrenaline^* under normal circumstances.
^947-^* The secondary projectile will at most travel 1200 distance away from the
^274*^*This is relevant when Adrenaline teleports away before the projectile



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from to ^9602.2 to 2.5^*.



^256Chain Spike^*

^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Increases chain duration from
^9605 to 10 seconds^* and slow from 40% tapering to a 50% static Movement Speed
Slow. Second activation now executes the target if it falls below 20% of


^059Blood Hunter^*

^256Blood Sense^*
^947-^* Range reduced from Global to 1500/3000/4500/Global.




^947-^* ^059Chronos^* now has 1000 Movement Speed while inside the Chronosphere.
^274*^*This breaks the maximum movement speed barrier and is in addition to
other existing effects.


^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^947-^* While Unholy Expulsion is active, when ^059Defiler^* takes 140 Post-
Mitigation Damage, she loses a spirit and heals for 30% of that value over 6


^059Demented Shaman^*

^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96024 to 22^*.

^947-^* Intelligence gain per level lowered from ^9603 to 2.5^*.


^059Doctor Repulsor^*

^256Ludicrous Speed^*
^947-^* Now deals ^9606/9/12 Magic Damage^* per 100 units traveled in a 200 unit
line, up to ^960120/180/240 Magic Damage^*. Deals half damage to creeps.
^947-^* No longer passively grants Intelligence to ^059Doctor Repulsor^*.
^947-^* Attack action time (i.e. the "windup time" before an attack) is now set to
0 while Ludicrous Speed is active.
^947-^* Attack cooldown is also reset when ^256Ludicrous Speed^* is cast.
^274*^*This ensures that ^059Doctor Repulsor^* can launch an autoattack when he
uses Ludicrous Speed.
^947-^* ^256Turn^* rate is now set to 9000 while Ludicrous Speed is active.

^059Drunken Master^*

^0753 Point Strike^*

^947-^* True Damage increased from ^960250/300/350 to 300/350/400^*.

^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601/1.2/1.4 seconds to 1/1.5/2 seconds^*.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^256Silencing Shot^*

^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^96070/80/90/100 to 50^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^960[0/25/50/75 + 100% of your Attack Damage]
to [60 + 100/110/120/130% of your Attack Damage]^*.

^256Hunter's Command^*

^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^96080/100/120/140 to 80^*.

^947-^* Number of wolves spawned reduced from ^9602 to 1^*.


^947-^* Now deals 2x damage to non-hero units.


^256Steam Turret^*
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^960750 to 800^*.
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^960100 to 75^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96022 to 15 seconds^*.

^256Spider Mines^*
^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^960100/175/250/325 to 80/160/240/320^*.

^256Energy Field^*
^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Grants the ability 900 Cast
Range and brings ^059Engineer^* to the destination. Plants 4 ^256Spider Mines^* on
arrival which last for 10 seconds.
^274*^*These Spider Mines have the same level as your Spider Mines ability and
do not count towards the mine limit.



^256Glacial Downpour^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Now also grants the ability 800 cast
range in addition to the other Staff of the Master bonuses.



^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Active effect now also
affects enemies within 400 range of the target.


^256Corpse Explosion^*
^947-^* Initial targeting radius increased from ^960225 to 400^*.



^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96023 to 25^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Base Agility lowered from ^96021 to 20^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96014 to 15^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level lowered from ^9601.6 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Base Movement Speed lowered from ^960300 to 290^*.
^947-^* Base Attack Damage increased from ^96031-33 to 39-41^*.
^274*^*Starting Attack Damage increased from ^96054-56 to 64-66^*.
^947-^* Base Armor increased from -^9601 to 2.7^*.
^274*^*Starting Armor increased from ^9601.94 to 5.5^*.

^256Hammer Throw^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96014 to 13 seconds^*.

Ability 2: ^256Galvanize^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Radius: 600
^274*^*Mana Cost: 25
^274*^*Cooldown: 18/16/14/12 seconds

^947-^* Passively grants ^9604/8/12/16 Armor^*.

^947-^* Activate to grant 15% Movement Speed to you and nearby allies for 5

Ability 3: ^256Mighty Swing^*

^947-^* Radius increased from ^960300 to 450^*.
^947-^* ^256Splash^* is now centred around the target.
^947-^* Splash amount decreased from ^96025/50/75/100% to 30/40/50/60%^*.

Ability 4: ^256Brute Strength^*

^947-^* Duration increased from ^96025 to 30 seconds^*.
^947-^* Bonus Base Damage decreased from ^960100/125/150% to 50/100/150%^*.



^947-^* Starting Armor increased from ^9602.8 to 4.0^*.

^256Whirling Blade^*
^947-^* Now deals 25% bonus damage to non-hero units.



^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: ^256Flight^* becomes passive
and permanent.

^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Increases Magic Damage by 20.

^075A.T.K. Drones^*
^947-^* Mana cost lowered from ^960100/150/200 to 100^*.


^256Master of the Mantra^*

^947-^* Bonus Magic Armor increased from ^9603/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16^*.


^059Master of Arms^*

^256Weapon Enhancement^*
^947-^* ^256Cheetah^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^9600/100/150/200/250 to



^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96024 to 30^*.

^059Monkey King^*

^256Heavenly Vault^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96010 to 8 seconds^*.


^059Night Hound^*

^947-^* Bonus Agility increased from ^9600/6/12 to 3/9/15^*.



^947-^* Attack Damage multiplier reduced from ^960100/105/110/115/120% to 100%^* at
all levels.



^256Prison Break^*

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960100 to 80 seconds^*.

^947-^* Impact delay reduced from ^9603 to 2 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer stuns enemies that have been pulled. Instead, now applies an 80%
Movement Speed Slow to them for 3 seconds.
^947-^* While slowed by this effect, enemies deal ^96025/50/75%^* less damage to
^947-^* Improved ^077Staff of the Master^* visuals.



^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9602.8 to 2.5^*.

^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* Duration decreased from ^9605/7/9 to 4/6/8 seconds^*.



^947-^* Base Movement Speed increased from ^960295 to 310^*.

^256Battle Experience^*
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage rescaled from ^96010/20/30/40 to 30^*.


^075Wish for Wealth^*
^947-^* Gold bonus per kill lowered from ^9606/12/18/24 to 5/10/15/20^*.

^256Wish for Revenge^*

^947+^* ^077Staff of the Master^* change only:
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96030 seconds to 40 seconds^*.


^059Sand Wraith^*

^947-^* Bonus Attack Speed increased from ^96015/25/35/45 to 15/30/45/60^*.



^075Unstable Shard^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from ^96010% to 15%^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 2.5^*.



^256Graceful Strikes^*
^947-^* ^256Solar Slash^*'s bonus damage multiplier against creeps increased from
^960100% to 150%^*.



^256Luck of the Draw^*

^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* damage multiplier reduced from ^9602/3.5/5x to




^947-^* Elemental Movement Speed increased from ^960250/250/260/260 to

^947-^* Elemental Attack Range increased from ^960450 to 500^*.


^256Hive Mind^*

^947-^* ^256Ensnare^* duration increased from ^9601.5/2/2.5 to 3/4/5 seconds^*.

^274*^*This includes both the secondary ability and the Boris ability.



^256Cold Shoulder^*
^947-^* Now performs a proper attack on impact, instead of just dealing your Attack

^256Call of Winter^*
^947-^* Radius in which enemies see Shiver reduced from ^960600 to 400^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Bloodborne Maul^* (Reworked)

^947-^* When damaged, gains 1 charge for every 10 ^999Health^* lost, up to a max of
250 charges.
^947-^* Each charge grants 1 bonus True Damage to your attacks against non-
structure enemies.
^947-^* Loses 10 charges per second after 4 seconds of not taking any Damage.
^947-^* Effects of this item do not stack and propagate to illusions for 33% power.


^075Orb of Zamos^*
^947-^* Gold given to the synchronized partner decreased from ^96015 to 10^*.
^947-^* Now properly disabled in Tournament Rules.


^947-^* Can no longer apply Stormspirit to a unit who has already been under its
effects within the last 3 seconds (after landing).


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random
^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

^904New ^*^059Blood Hunter^* Avatar: ^579Hannya Blood Hunter^*

^947^947-^* The Widows of the Succubus are a miserable lot. They mourn the deaths
of their husbands, lured to a passionate and agonizing death by the terrible
seductress, and they mourn their marriage vows, apparently so tenuous that their
spouses would rather risk death than defy the embrace of a daemon. Their simmering
jealously was brought to the surface when the widows gathered to support each
other, and rather than wail piteously and rage at the injustice of it all, they
formed a plan. After some careful questions in the right back-alley alchemy shops,
they journeyed to the Sang-La Mountains and found the withered old woman who knew
how to summon the Hannya. A physical manifestation of the misery and jealousy of
the Widows of the Succubus, the Hannya is the perfect weapon against that wretched
temptress. He cannot be seduced, for he has no desire except to destroy those who
foment jealousy.^*

When the Hannya was given the Succubus as his target, he rejoiced, for eliminating
that daemon would lift an eternal, looming cloud of the toxic emotion from Newerth.
Let the Succubus' final feeling be of overwhelming, crushing jealousy as she
witnesses the true power of the Hannya!

^904New ^*^059Glacius^* Avatar: ^579Keybreaker^*

New ^059Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^579Locksmasher^*
^947^947-^* Born to parents of the highest status within the cult of the Corrupted
Disciples, the Latchkey sisters spent their childhood traveling across Newerth
seeking powerful relics that had to be hidden from the Sacred Order of Arasunia,
yet made readily accessible for when the proper time arrived. Ever cunning, their
parents secreted the relics within everyday items and cast spells to make them
invisible until the sorcery was unlocked. To their eldest daughter they gave the
power of the lock; to the youngest went the power of the key, and the relic could
not be released unless both sisters were present to serve their roles.^*

But when the proper time actually arrived, now known as the Second Corruption, the
young Latchkey sister was appalled to see the relics they had protected being used
as weapons, unleashed upon the innocent to cause devastation, slaughter, and
heartbreak. Her older sister found this carnage amusing, even thrilling! The
suffering and cursing of Sol's name was everything they and their parents had hoped
for. She was so mesmerized by the delightful anguish she didn't notice her younger
sister trying to use her powers to smash one of the magical locks until it was too
late -- the little brat actually destroyed the lock and gave the relic to one of
the foul Martyrs! So began the ongoing struggle between the sisters -- one trying
to help the Legion and make up for the evil her parents carried out, one trying to
bring victory to the Hellbourne and honor the vision her parents had for Newerth.
Whenever they meet at the site of a prized relic, the sibling rivalry is epic!

=^075 General ^*=

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* Debuff reduction effects will no longer completely nullify the application
of the Damage over Time state.

^947-^* Hammer Leap (^256Hammer Throw^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) no
longer teleports Hammerstorm to the bottom-left corner of the map if ^059Moira^*
uses ^256Arcane Vortex^* and Hammerstorm activates the leap subability after the
initial 3 second timeframe.

^947-^* ^256Inherent Defense^*'s tooltip has been updated to clarify that the
shield is generated through non-DoT Damage (instead of Spell Damage).

^947-^* ^579Mephisto Myrmidon^*'s ^256Weed Field^* now properly displays its

^947-^* ^579Chuck Pebbles^*' ^256Stalagmites^* projectile will no longer be
slightly delayed if an ally ^579Grace Nymphora^* is on your team.

^947-^* ^256Wall of Mummies^* no longer interrupts channeling if it pulls allies
into the wall.
^274*^*Still interrupts channeling if it pulls enemies into the wall.

^947-^* Tooltip reworded from "Physical and Magic Damage Immunity" to "100%
Physical and Magic Damage Reduction" for clarification purposes.

^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* ^256Withering Presence^*'s tooltips have been clarified to mention
^999Health^* Loss instead of Damage.

^947-^* ^256Mesmerize^*'s tooltips have been clarified to mention ^999Health^* Loss
instead of Damage.

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* Certain effects (e.g. ^256Kelp Field^*) now display properly on the
^579Voodoo Raptor^* avatar.

=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* ^077Plated Greaves^*, ^077Sacrificial Stone^*, and ^077Shield of the Five^*

no longer apply their overhead visuals to the invulnerable Well structures.


^980Version 4.3.7^*
^98027 February 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Stasis Smash^*
^947-^* The affected target now receives 30% Damage Reduction from all sources
while Stasis Smash is active.
^274*^*Prior to the changes in 4.3.5, the Damage Reduction on the target applied
to all sources except from ^059Kinesis^*. Now, the Damage Reduction on the target
applies to all sources, including ^059Kinesis^*.

=^075 Items ^*=

^075SomaZ's Synchronizer^*

^947-^* Renamed to Orb of Zamos.

^274*^*Credits to i99StrPurePk for the name suggestion.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^0751v1 Mode^*
^947-^* Solo/Different Heroes

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Blacksmith^* Avatar: ^579Plinko Smith^*

^947^947-^* Plinko Smith has a bit of a gambling problem. He gambles on cards,
dice, roulette, even which bubble in Engineer's beer stein will pop first. When he
started taking pre-battle wagers on which enemy would die first, it became
increasingly burdensome to keep track of who bet what, on which enemy, how they
would die -- then throw in the actual chaos of battle and it was a real pain in the
butt. When he lamented about this to Tork over a vat of beer, the Engineer devised
a perfect solution: rather than rely on betting machines that had to be lugged
around, why not become the actual machine? Measurements were taken, more beer was
poured, tweaks were made, and viola! Plinko Smith strutted onto the battlefield,
taking bets, paying out gold to the winners and bludgeoning the losers.^*

^904New ^*^059Gladiator^* Avatar: ^579Kusanagi Gladiator^*

^947^947-^* The young girl from the tiny Sang-La village was honored to work for
the shinshoku, the priests who tended the Kusanagi Shrine, and she found great joy
in sweeping and washing the floors, filling the lanterns, and preparing for
ceremonies. When word came of General Po's rampage across the land, devastating
sacred sites and converting them to shrines to himself, the priests began the
heartbreaking process of dismantling the shrine to hide it from the brutal despot.
But they were too late. Po's scouts arrived before the priests could fully conceal
the shrine and its namesake, the legendary Kusanagi sword, revered for how many
battles it had won. The terrified girl hid behind the sword's altar, powerless as
the priests were slaughtered by Po's soldiers and put on display for when their
master arrived. She prayed to the gods for help -- not to save her life, but to
protect the sword and keep it from falling into the hands of evil. Perhaps she
could take it from the altar, slip into the mountains and hide it until she could
find someone who could truly protect the blade...^*

She lifted Kusanagi from its altar -- the blade was surprisingly light -- and crept
toward the thick forest just beyond the shrine's clearing. When one of Po's scouts
shouted at her, then charged with a half-dozen others, the girl knew she had
failed. But she would not give up without a fight. The scouts laughed as she lifted
the blade in an awkward warrior's stance, then taunted her, offering her one free
shot before they threw her corpse atop the dead priests. With tears in her eyes the
girl swung the blade, knowing it would fall short, but it was all she could think
to do. The blade did miss, but the fiery wheel burning with the fury of the gods
did not. The blade unleashed this magical weapon upon the scouts and cut them down,
turning them to bones and ash. The remaining scouts attacked and she swung the
blade again, summoning a shrine that trapped the killers within then collapsed upon
them. The girl stared at Kusanagi, awed by its power. The legends were true! If she
could master the blade, become worthy of carrying it into battle against General Po
and the fiends of corruption, maybe she could help bring peace to the land. Maybe
then Kusanagi could rest again, but for now, there was work to be done, and a
legend to continue.

^904New ^*^059Ravenor^* Avatar: ^579Cyber Ravenor^*

^947^947-^* With Ascension technology fully integrated into life on Newerth, the
battlefields and warriors who stand upon them will never be the same! While the
extraterrestrial equipment was intended to destroy Parallax and the Artificers, the
Legion has adapted it to further their cause against the daemon blight; and of
course, corruption cares not what it taints, so even the pure technology of the
Ascension is not immune to its destructive powers.^*

The Electrician constantly searches for new technologies and materials to aid his
mission of replicating the destructive powers of the Hellbourne and expanding their
damage capabilities, and when he discovered the Ascension technology and its
seemingly endless depth of potential, he immediately began experiments to weaponize
it. His first attempts to use the unfamiliar technology to channel his beloved
electricity ended rather embarrassingly, with a scorched face and a laboratory that
still smells like burnt bone marrow. But when he modeled his formulas after the
ancient Daemon Lords, those cruel tormentors known as Ravenors, aha! Converting the
electricity to plasma made it much more stable -- and lethal -- while imbuing the
cybernetic soldiers with a sole directive of causing as much human suffering as
possible gave them a simple, executable mission. The results, battlefields strewn
with charred corpses forever locked in poses of agony, make the Electrician giddy
with satisfaction.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Stasis Smash^* can now be dispelled as though it was a regular stun by
certain sources (e.g. ^059Accursed^*'s ^256Fire Shield^*).

^947-^* The second activation of ^256Ball Lightning^* will no longer count as a
spellcast for the purposes of certain interaction (e.g. ^077Mana Battery^*).
^947-^* The second activation state of Ball Lightning will now expire properly if
the projectile becomes negated (e.g. via ^059Moraxus^*' ^256Arcane Shield^*).

^980Version 4.3.6^*
^9806 February 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Essence Link^*
^947-^* True Damage per second and Heal per second reduced from ^96020/35/50/65 to



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3^*.

^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.66 to 3.5^*.


^947-^* Range increased from ^9601000 to 1200^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^9602 seconds to 3 seconds^*.



^256Telekinetic Control^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per unit thrown reduced from ^96080 to 60^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow reduced from ^96020% to 15%^*.



^256Arcane Hymn^*
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^960Global to 500^*.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*
^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^0751v1 Mode^*
^947-^* Solo/Different Heroes

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Fayde^* Avatar: ^579Contessa Raze^*

^947^947-^* The Aritor family began as farmers of a small parcel, grew that to
include vineyards, orchards, and livestock, and over the years became the largest
producer of food for the Legion army. At a certain point, the family became more
interested in politics and pageantry than soil and manure and relocated from their
country estate to a manor within the walls of Adkarna where they flew their sigil
-- a large, ornamental scythe -- for all to see. The family has always supported
the Grimm name, from the brutal War of the Single Banner to the days when Lord
Commander Grimm seemed to be losing his spine, and his mind, to the wretched
Sylvia. When Maliken fled in madness and grief, the Aritors placed their confidence
and money behind young Jeraziah to lead the way against those who opposed the
Legion and Sol's magnificence. One thing they never offered, though, was blood. The
Aritor family was much too precious to waste upon a filthy battlefield, but their
gold helped train and equip many lower citizens so they could fight and die for the

This is why, when the young Aritor contessa demanded enrollment in Adkarna's combat
school, her parents shook their heads and obliged, knowing it was just a phase. But
she excelled. Then dominated. She chose the scythe as her weapon of choice, a tool
that felt natural and easy in her hands, and the traditionally trained sword- and
spearmen had no defense against her agility and unorthodox style. When the contessa
graduated at the top of her warrior class and pledged to fight for the Legion, the
Aritors forbade it. When she ignored them, they threatened to exile her from the
family and cut her off from all funds. This was fine with her -- a warrior needs no
comforts -- but she did require one parting gift. She took the ornamental scythe
from above the massive hearth, had the smiths hone the blade to a wicked edge, and
set out to find Hellbourne to harvest.

^904New ^*^059Kinesis^* Avatar: ^579Sakura^*

^947^947-^* Sakura knows that the cherry blossom is a perfect metaphor for the
ephemeral nature of life -- it is fleeting, beautiful, fragile and volatile, and
should be enjoyed and appreciated while it lasts. Unfortunately, the current state
of Newerth treats life more like a weed: something to be eradicated, trod upon, and
used for compost if anything at all. This is why she has devoted her own
impermanent existence to spreading the calm acceptance of how precious and
exquisite life truly is, and it is better to drift on the winds of karma and
destiny like a cherry blossom than it is to cling to a dying branch or plummet
strait toward one's final resting place. Sometimes, because of one's unwillingness
to accept this perspective, it is their destiny to be pruned by Sakura herself.
Such is life.^*

^904New ^*^059Monkey King^* Avatar: ^579Shinobi Monkey King^*

^947^947-^* The Shinobi Monkey King is an expert at what some may call irregular
warfare, covert operations, or, more often, furiously frustrating and dishonorable
combat tactics. He cares not one bit, for the goal of combat is to survive while
your enemy does not, and at this he is expert. His clan of assassins was hired by
the monks of the Shao Temple when a pack of ronin was causing havoc among the
villages, slaughtering innocents and threatening to attack the Monastery of the
Way. The warrior monks certainly could have defended themselves, but the new
Hellbourne threat required all of their attention, and they could not abide any
more innocent deaths at the hands of the rogue samurai. After much prayer, they
hired the Shinobi.^*

What the monks could not know was that the ronin were Hellbourne -- dead samurai
possessed by the insidious corruption of All Hells -- and when Shinobi and his
fellow assassins ambushed them the ensuing battle left only the ninja leader alive.
Since that day he has pledged his skills and his blades to destroying the
Hellbourne threat, and the monks shudder at the slaughter they helped create.

^904New ^*^059Prophet^* Avatar: ^579Prophet Prince^*

^947^947-^* The Prophet Prince of Sang-La was born into a dynastic family in the
most fertile valleys of the mountain range, and for generations his ancestors had
ruled the land and prospered without fear of challengers. But the young prince had
visions of vultures circling above his family's estate, eager for the carrion that
would soon fill their bellies. When he told his family of this, they scoffed at
him. "Foolish boy," they said, "we have no enemies. And even if we did, they could
not breach our walls, defeat our warriors, and destroy our family. It is
impossible." Yet the visions persisted, and increased in detail. He soon foresaw
the vultures tearing at the dead flesh of his family and their servants, whose
butchered corpses lay strewn across the once-glorious courtyard. The prince pleaded
with his family to increase the watch, raise the walls, abandon their home and seek
shelter...and he was ignored.^*

When the corruption-infected samurai invaded, it was indeed a slaughter. They

murdered everyone within the supposedly impenetrable walls and chased the terrified
prince all the way to the top of that wall, where he stood on the edge, prepared to
fall to his death rather than endure the savagery of the undead samurai. As he
stepped from the parapet the vultures swept in and caught him, carrying him to the
Monastery of the Way. There, he was finally safe. To train, to hone his gifts and
his skills, and prepare to unleash the vengeance of his extinguished bloodline upon
the Hellbourne.

^904New ^*^059Pyromancer^* Avatar: ^579Kojin^*

^947^947-^* Kjin is the Japanese god of fire, the hearth, and the kitchen, and his
mastery of elemental flame allows him to cleanse all impurities -- even the most
insidious fire-borne corruption. When the villages of the Sang-La Mountains were
helpless against the horrifying Yokai skittering out of the tunnels to All Hells,
it was their prayers to Kjin that finally saved them. Wherever a shrine to the god
-- usually placed near a home's hearth -- was disturbed, Kjin appeared to
incinerate any daemons who would bring destruction upon the household. His arsenal
of fire is both powerful and diverse, ensuring he has the ability to destroy any
enemy he may encounter, even one forged in the dead heart of All Hells.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Fireball^* now properly procs 3x multicast instances when ^256Chaotic
Flames^* is maxed out.

^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* ^256Lunge^* will no longer teleport to a target if they have disjointed the
initial ^256Lunge^* projectile.

^947-^* ^256Call to Arms^*' Chariot now properly travels 2000 units regardless of
where you cast it.
^274*^*Before, it was travelling more than 2000 units & takes a longer amount of
time to reach its destination. This issue was exacerbated as you cast it closer to
its max range.

^947-^* Plunge no longer allows Goldenveil to use items while you are in midair
when using this ability.

^947-^* Forgetting ^059King Klout^*'s ^256Goblin Toss^* ability from Thoughtsteal
now properly kills the minions created by ^256Goblin Toss^*.
^947-^* Forgetting ^059Silhouette^*'s ^256Death Lotus^* ability from Thoughtsteal
now properly expires the orbiting projectiles created by ^256Death Lotus^*.
^947-^* Forgetting ^059Wildsoul^*'s ^256Summon Booboo^* ability from Thoughtsteal
now properly kills Booboo.
^947-^* Forgetting ^059Scout^*'s ^579Vanish^* ability from Thoughtsteal now
properly expires the appropriate active states on Kinesis.
^947-^* Forgetting ^059Parallax^*'s ^256Fulcrum Shift^* ability from Thoughtsteal
now properly destroys the Fulcrum owned by Kinesis.
^947-^* Using Thoughtsteal on Parallax and casting his Fulcrum Shift and reaching 0
charges on that skill will no longer cause it to be forgotten.
^947-^* Using Thoughtsteal on Silhouette's Death Lotus now spawns the proper number
of blades.
^947-^* Using Thoughtsteal on another Kinesis (e.g. a mimic created by
^059Circe^*'s ^256Twisted Visage^*) will no longer cause infinite casts of
Thoughtsteal (and by extension, infinite Silence) against another Kinesis hero.
^947-^* Using Thoughtsteal on ^059Adrenaline^* and casting Shard Blast will no
longer play some odd red visual effects beside you.
^947-^* Using Thoughtsteal on ^579Ceremonial Armor Jeraziah^* and casting his
^256Inner Light^* spell will now play the proper cast sounds.

^947-^* Using ^256Javelin of Light^* when boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^* and
doing a frame-perfect animation cancel into ^256Call of the Valkyrie^* will no
longer cause 1 instance of ^256Call of the Valkyrie^* to be nullified.

=^075 Items ^*=

^075Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* State will no longer linger on an ally if it is transferred to your stash.

^980Version 4.3.5^*
^98016 January 2018^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^947-^* 5-player queues can now match up against an opposing team composed of a 2-
player group and a 3-player group.
^274*^*Solo queuing will still not match you against a 5-player group.

=^075 General ^*=

^075The following heroes can now be used in Tournament Rules:^*

^947-^* ^059Berzerker^*
^947-^* ^059Bramble^*
^947-^* ^059Kinesis^*
^947-^* ^059Sapphire^*
^947-^* ^059Warchief^*

=^075 Backdoor Protection System ^*=

^947-^* Tier 3 Towers and all other base buildings lose the benefits of the
Backdoor Protection System if a Melee Barracks or Ranged Barracks is destroyed
(rather than if a Tier 3 Tower is destroyed).

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Stun duration reduced from ^9602 seconds to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 seconds^*.

^256Dimensional Link^*
^947-^* Base Damage bonus reduced from ^96012/20/28/36% to 12/18/24/30%^*.



^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960100/60/20 seconds to 60/40/20 seconds^*.
^947-^* Duration reduced from ^96010 seconds to 6/8/10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Stun, Slow, and Debuff resistance increased from ^96040/60/80% to



^947-^* Magic Damage rescaled from ^9604/6/8/10% of your Max Health to 5/6/7/8% of
your Max Health^*.

^256Entangling Vine Wall^*

^947-^* Range reduced from ^960800 to 600^*.


^947-^* Percentage of Strength dealt as damage to the enemy & taken by
^059Deadwood^* increased from ^96035 to 40%^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960120/100/80 seconds to 110/90/70 seconds^*.



^947-^* Now silences the target for 2 seconds upon stealing the target's ability.
^947-^* The stolen ability is now permanent until ^059Kinesis^* chooses to forget
the stolen ability.
^274*^*Forgetting the ability can be done by activating Ability 3 (default
hotkey "E").
^274*^*Forgetting an ability now puts Thoughtsteal on cooldown.

^256Telekinetic Control^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per unit lifted increased from ^96060 to 80^*.

^256Stasis Smash^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^960150/250/350 to 200/300/400^*.
^947-^* No longer grants opponents Damage Reduction.


^256Life Essence^*
^947-^* ^999Health^* returned changed from ^96010/20/30/40 + 3/6/9/12% to
10/20/30/40 + 5% of Attack Damage^*.

^256Hellbourne Zeal^*
^947-^* Attack Speed per charge reduced from ^9601/1.5/2/2.5 to 0.5/1/1.5/2^*.


^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.

^256Flying Nimbus^*
^947-^* Now grants ^9605/7.5/10 Mana Regeneration^*.


^947-^* Armor lowered from ^9602.9 to 2.2^*.

^256Tormented Soul^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96025/20/15/10 to 30/25/20/15 seconds^*.

^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^*

^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^960100/200/300 to 75/175/275^*.


^075Reckless Charge^*
^274*^* If the target gets pushed into Unstable Shard, the target will be
^960Stunned for 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds^*.



^256Way of the Sword^*

^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* damage multiplier reduced from ^9602.0x to 1.75x^*.



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 2.5^*.

^256Piercing Shards^*
^947-^* Damage effect type changed from Superior Mixed to Magic.
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^960170/230/290/350 to 140/200/260/320^*.

^256Cold Shoulder^*
^947-^* Tapering 60% Movement Speed Slow removed.
^947-^* Now applies a ^96010/20/30/40% Movement Speed Slow^* to the target for 2
seconds each time they are attacked while the Cold Shoulder debuff is on them.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96040 to 60^*.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Blitz Mode^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Limited Edition ^*=

^904New ^*^980Limited Edition^* ^059Pebbles^* Avatar: ^579P-800^*

^947^947-^* The P-800s were developed by the Electrician in the early days of the
Second Corruption, intended to be the next evolution of his dreaded Shocktroopers.
The goal was to design a Hellbourne soldier that could infiltrate the Legion ranks,
bide its time, and wreak absolute havoc when prime targets were presented. But
while the living tissue over a cybernetic skeleton coexisted well, the daemonic
possession required to power the machines often resulted in erratic behavior, such
as consuming vast amounts of human flesh despite having no digestive system. This
usually tipped the humans off that something was awry. The Electrician eventually
gave up on using sentient corruption as a life force and resorted to rudimentary
hardware and processing units to power the P-800s. This worked amazingly well --
until the Engineers got their hands on one and reprogrammed it to protect Jeraziah
and hunt and kill any daemon it detects.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Devourer^* Avatar: ^579Jiangshi Devo^*

^947^947-^* Centuries ago, the brutal General Po was known in every valley of the
Sang-La Mountains for his ruthless treatment of anyone who stood in the way of his
mission. It didn't matter if they were soldiers, royalty, monks, or peasants -- if
they tried to stop him from conquering Sang-La's sacred sites and claiming them as
shrines to himself, he skewered them on his butcher's blade and left them on
display as a warning to others. Unfortunately for the General, this mistreatment of
the dead had dire consequences. The unburied corpses he left in his wake were
extremely displeased that they had not been given proper funerals, and their
agitation attracted the corruption seeping into Newerth from All Hells. Infected by
the corruption, the dead became reanimated as jiangshi -- corpses who subsist off
the qi, or life force, of the living, and they tracked General Po, their numbers
growing as he continued his campaign of slaughter.^*

Only when he had converted one hundred sacred area to shrines -- and killed
hundreds of innocents in the process -- did General Po rest and call for a massive
ceremony to celebrate his obvious greatness. When the torches were lit and the
banners unfurled, the General found that his adoring crowd was entirely jiangshi,
come for vengeance. They surrounded the tyrant and slowly drained his life force,
dragging the agony out as long as they could, then left his corpse intact to ensure
it would join them and wander eternally, undead and insatiable.

^904New ^*^059Myrmidon^* Avatar: ^579Scylla^*

^947^947-^* The narrow straights of the Fenwater are treacherous enough with deadly
rip currents, hidden crags that can pierce even the sturdiest hull, and the
occasional iceberg flowing down from the Iron Mountains. But these are nothing
compared to Scylla, the hideous monster who dwells along the dark shores, waiting
for ships to wander close enough to fall victim to her tentacles, sea serpents, or
the crushing jaws of her ferocious wolf heads. While the sailors she devours alive
are indeed mourned, the true tragedy may be that Scylla was not always a monster.
She was once a beautiful young woman feeling the thrill of new love, an infatuation
returned by the god Glaucus. But Circe the Deceiver wanted Glaucus for herself, and
as Scylla bathed for her next rendezvous with her lover, Circe tainted the water
with a potion that transformed the innocent woman into the creature who haunts the
Fenwater, forever snatching the life out of her victims and happiness from their
loved ones.^*

^904New ^*^059Scout^* Avatar: ^579Deranger^*

^947^947-^* The Derangers are the assassin scouts of Apex's army, slipping through
enemy lines as easily as their corrupted blades pierce mortal flesh. It takes
incredible discipline to leave clueless survivors in their wake as they move deep
into Legion territory, but the momentary satisfaction of a mere sentry kill means
nothing compared to the glory of assassinating a high-ranking military officer, a
Martyr of the Sacred Order, even King Jeraziah himself. And while the thought of
that triumph does indeed provide motivation, the wrath of Apex for a mission gone
wrong is what truly keeps these silent killing machines from running amok and
sending their body counts into the hundreds. For this, the Legion is grateful --
but once a Deranger eliminates his target and accomplishes his mission, every
living soul is fair game.^*

^904New ^*^059Tempest^* Avatar: ^579Elder Rift Tempest^*

^947^947-^* The portal to the Great Rift is no longer expanding, but the forbidden
sorcery required to close it continues to elude Valreia the Riftwalker and the
Elder Riftwalker she has recruited to help her. Even though the Hellbourne have
stationed Malphas near the mouth of the portal to stop any creatures trying to pass
through, the Elder Riftspawn are too powerful for even a dozen of the sentry
daemons. These monstrosities cross into Newerth with sickening ease, and it is up
to the true heroes of our realm to send them back or leave their carcasses here to
rot, for even the carrion eaters cant stomach them.^*

The Elder Rift Tempest carries within it the chaotic weather and environmental
conditions of the Great Rift, and the highly flammable gasses, plummeting meteors
and unpredictable voids do a quick job of turning any Newerth battlefield into a
terrifying mirror of the nightmarish Great Rift. Following in the wake of the Elder
Rift Cthulhuphant, the Elder Rift Tempest seeks to turn the path of destruction
into a fertile landscape for the seeds of chaos.

^904New ^*^059Witch Slayer^* Avatar: ^579Sin Slayer^*

^947^947-^* The Sisters of the Cathedral of Hope devoted their entire lives to
being caretakers of the massive church and its grounds, which included the Fields
of Light, a glorious and sacrosanct cemetery for the citizens of Hope's Keep. When
the Second Corruption exploded from the nearby Scar, the Sisters did not panic.
They had long ago made peace with Sol, their true god, and being delivered to him
did not frighten them, even though it would be preceded by blistering agony and
untold horrors at the hands of the Hellbourne. Lord Commander Grimm personally led
the assault upon the hallowed ground, for despite his corrupted madness, he
retained knowledge of the priceless -- and powerful -- relics buried with some of
the holy warriors in the Fields of Light. The Sisters tried to protect the sacred
tombs with their bodies, but the rampaging daemons simply tore them apart and
tossed them aside like tattered leaves. The massacre continued until one Sister
remained, standing bravely before the crypt of a Martyr of the Sacred Order. She
prayed for strength, for the Hellbourne to find mercy in their dark hearts, for a

Sol did not respond. But the Sin Slayer did. The Sister did not know it, but the
dead Martyr she protected had carried the legendary weapon into countless holy
battles and had been buried with it, and now it whispered to her from within the
granite walls: Sister. The only true path to peace is through overwhelming force.
Carry me to the enemy and see them shatter.

She watched the daemons draw closer, the blood from her Sisters still glistening on
their teeth and claws. What would Sol want? Obedience to her vows, or vengeance
upon his enemies? Her fingers twitched toward the tomb entrance, and that was all
the Sin Slayer needed. It flew to her hand, bursting through the stone walls and
unleashing instant destruction upon the Hellbourne. Since that gruesome day, the
Sister and her weapon have become inseparable as they cut a holy swath through the
corrupted ranks. They are both known by the single name -- Sin Slayer -- a name
that sends a chill through even Apex's simmering blood.
==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Fixed a few more lingering pathing bug locations.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Trail lifetime tooltips for Enhanced Shrubbery have been updated to display
the correct value (6 seconds).
^274*^*Was displaying the value as 4 seconds before, which was incorrect.

^947-^* ^579Plushie Cthulu^* now plays the correct sounds when using ^256Trample^*.

^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* ^579Dionysus Mead Viking^*'s colour has been slightly adjusted to more
clearly portray other visual effects (e.g. ^077Shrunken Head^*'s visual effects).

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* Skeletons can no longer be targeted by ^077Post Haste^*.

^947-^* ^256Lackey^* no longer despawns when illusions of Klanx are created.
^274*^*As a result, Lackey's projectile spawns at the correct location when
Klanx attacks.

^947-^* ^256Call of the Valkyrie^*'s second instance of damage will now be properly
dealt if 2 instances of the spell occur within a short timeframe.
^274*^*This primarily accommodates the interactions between ^077Staff of the
Master^*'s effect on ^256Javelin of Light^* and ^077Restoration Stone^*.

^980Version 4.3.4^*
^9802 January 2018^*

=^075 Design ^*=

^075The following heroes are now properly excluded from Tournament Rules:^*
^947-^* ^059Berzerker^*
^947-^* ^059Goldenveil^*
^947-^* ^059Kinesis^*

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 8-Bit II ^*=

^947^947+^* The electronic realm of Arcadia has been sealed away from the passage
of time for decades due to a defensive shield coded by the Quarter Masters. This
shield had kept them isolated and safe from the chaos of Newerth, until 8-Bit Kane
accidentally sliced through the power cord during his headstrong rush through the
shield to join the fray. Now all the characters of Arcadia are free to roam Newerth
while the Quarter Masters duct-tape the cord, jostle consoles and blow into
cartridges in a frantic attempt to reactivate the shield.^*

^904New ^*^059Master of Arms^* 8-Bit II Avatar: ^579Master of Commandos^*

^947^947-^* Man, we thought the alien invasion in Arcadia was bad! This Newerth
place has Parallax, the Ascension, the Great Rift, something called's a damn good thing the Quarter Masters have secretly funded the
Master of Commandos with unlimited resources and ammunition to eradicate any and
all extraterrestrial threats. This super solider is slightly confused about whether
the Legion and Hellbourne should be considered aliens or not -- they are from
another realm, after all -- but he wasn't trained to think about such large
questions. He was trained to follow orders, maintain operational discipline, and
shoot stuff in the face. LOCK AND LOAD.^*

^904New ^*^059Shadowblade^* 8-Bit II Avatar: ^579Gamerblade^*

^947^947-^* It doesn't matter if it's a console, PC, or mobile game. It doesn't
matter if it's an RPG, FPS, or MMO (or all three). Regardless of the platform or
genre, Gamerblade has a full set of gear and skills to meet all challengers and
send them packing with whiny excuses about lag time and cheat codes. He may be the
only player who can challenge Game Master and Dr. Gamer, and the clash of tactics,
strategies, and egos will likely rival this tiff between the Legion and Hellbourne,
whoever they are.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The base avatar for ^059Chronos^* has been updated!

^904New ^*^059Chronos^* Avatar: ^579Professor Tick Tock^*

^947^947-^* The Illuminated Orphanage of Arasunia is without a doubt the best
possible place for a child who has lost their parents to the endless war with the
Hellbourne. It is clean, safe, and the Sisters of the Sacred Order are stern yet
loving as they raise the children to love Sol and give all praise to Him. The young
man now known as Professor Tick Tock hated every second of it. Just three years old
when he arrived, his first question was "Who killed mama and dada?" And he wanted
answers. Every time he asked, the Sisters blathered on about faith, how Sol has a
reason for everything, praise Sol and everything will be fine...this was blatantly
false, as his parents had been devout worshipers of Sol, and where had it gotten

Eventually the Sisters gave up, allowing the boy to wander the orphanage on his own
rather than have him taint the other children with his blasphemies. When he
stumbled upon the maintenance workshop, it was as if he'd finally found something
to devote himself to. The tools, gears, cogs, belts, hinges--they all made perfect
sense. They were real. He began to build things; toys at first, then carts and
scooters for the other children, then weapons (which did NOT go over well with the
Sisters). The more he worked the gears, the more he saw how they could interact to
manipulate the air around him, the water, energy...perhaps even time? He left the
orphanage at age twelve for an apprenticeship with the alchemists -- which didn't
surprise the Sisters one bit yet still made them shudder for his poor, doomed soul
-- and this proved to be the final step to achieve his goal. He created a
rudimentary time machine and went back to the moment his parents were murdered. His
machine only allowed him to observe, not interact, and so he was frozen, helpless,
as he watched. The intruder's face was concealed behind a silk scarf, but when he
turned from the brutal deed and faced the glowing embers in the fireplace to catch
his breath the scarf slipped. It was Jaru, of course. The Corrupted Disciple.

When the boy returned to the present, exhausted and torn between sorrow and rage,
he had a mission. To finance his efforts he built and sold amazing trinkets that
spun, twirled and played music. These became extremely desirable among Arasunia's
elite and he rose into high society, the mysterious, melancholy young man known
only as Professor Tick Tock. Even the Sisters who raised him did not recognize him
on the streets, but had they learned his true identity, they would not be surprised
that he seethed with obsession to perfect his time machine, to work tirelessly upon
it until he could go back to that single moment and kill Jaru.

^904New ^*^059Jeraziah^* Avatar: ^579Beast King^*

^947^947-^* With Apex, Adrenaline and the Third Corruption ripping through all of
Newerth, King Jeraziah knows it is more vital than ever to keep the Beast Horde as
an ally. Even though it would offend the Sacred Order--and possibly cause the most
devout among them to revolt--he swallowed his pride and knelt before his sister
Ophelia, Queen of the Beasts, and recognized her as his equal in the fight against
the Hellbourne. He also acknowledged that their myriad gods (chaotic as they are)
are just as powerful and important as Sol. While this instantly inflamed the
congregations, Jeraziah's shrewd military mind hoped it would compel the holy
warriors to fight that much harder in order to prove their god was, in fact,
superior. As for what the Beasts think, the King's actions will speak louder than
any mere words, but they do approve of his newly forged weapons and armor -- they
at least get the stink of man off him.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Fixed various pathing bugs with the new map. Certain trees have been
adjusted to remedy this.

^947-^* Mouse cursor no longer disappears after minimizing while not in a game.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* & its derivative effects will now properly switch
certain heroes' ultimate ability to the boosted, alternative version of the
ultimate ability upon obtaining the effect.
^274*^*Example: ^059Thunderbringer^*'s ultimate ability and Staff of the Master.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Blitzkrieg^*'s Stun no longer bypasses Magic Immunity if the projectile
is in midair and the target gains Magic Immunity before the projectile impacts.

^947-^* ^256Take Cover^*, when autocast, will no longer unintentionally block
Damage-over-Time (DoT) effects.
^274*^*Was not going on cooldown while blocking DoT effects when used in this
manner before the fix.

^947-^* ^579Punk Chronos^*' ^256Chronofield^* visuals now correctly match the
actual area of effect.

^947-^* If you use ^256Twisted Visage^* on ^059Goldenveil^*, the visual golden
tokens on the opposing team will now be properly expired when ^256Twisted Visage^*

^947-^* Fixed detection logic for ^579Greed^*gutter when checking for terminated
^947-^* Tokens from Greedgutter should no longer be visible to the enemy team under
rare circumstances.

^947-^* Range indicator that is only visible to self should no longer be visible to
the enemy team.
^947-^* ^256Stasis Smash^* no longer damages lifted units upon their landing if the
unit is an ally.

^947-^* ^579Beast Predator^* will no longer have a sound delay when hitting his

^947-^* ^256Blinding Rush^* now has its proper effects during night time if
Solstice has ^077Staff of the Master^* and chooses Day mode.


^980Version 4.3.3^*
^98019 December 2017^*

=^075 New Hero: Goldenveil ^*=

^947^947-^* Goldenveil the Gilded Sellsword has fought in every corner of Newerth
for countless banners, crowns, and causes -- none of which he cared about -- and
the only constants he's witnessed are death and gold. These two are inextricably
intertwined, and long ago Goldenveil slithered his way between them to offer his
legendary, lethal skills to the highest bidder. He served as a scout and assassin
for Lord Commander Maliken Grimm during the War of the Single Banner, silently
dispatching enemy sentries and scoffing at any mention that he had sold his soul to
the true enemy: mankind. When The Second Corruption tore Newerth asunder and gold
temporarily lost all value -- survival was the only currency worth anything --
Goldenveil wisely used some of his blood money to sail beyond the known borders to
fight for civilized customers.^*

But every new country, culture, and kingdom was eventually overcome by the
relentless Hellbourne corruption, and when this sly mercenary ran out of new
battlefields, he returned to the land, and profits, he knew best. The once-
prosperous city of Hope's Keep was unrecognizable. It had been reduced to rubble
and charred corpses within hours of The Second Corruption, but in the ensuing years
the nightmare of Hell's Keep had grown to meet the demands of the Hellbourne war
effort. The negotiation with Maliken Grimm was short and brutal, exactly how
Goldenveil operates: Kill as many Legion soldiers as possible and collect the heads
of Jeraziah and Ophelia. The reward will be a fortune, more than the coffers of
Adkarna and Arasunia combined, and the Gilded Sellsword gets to keep every ounce of
gold he takes from his victims along the way. Death and gold: inseparable, eternal,
and Goldenveil collects them both.



Strength: ^96016 + 1.5^*

Agility: ^96019 + 1.8^*
Intelligence: ^96021 + 2.6 (Primary)^*

Base Damage: ^96051-54 (30-33 when not considering primary attribute)^*

Movement Speed: ^960290^*
Attack Range: ^960600^*
Armor: ^9601.5 (-1.2 when not considering primary attribute)^*
Magic Armor: ^9606^*


^075Ability 1: Dagger Dance^*

^274*^*Radius: 300
^274*^*Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140
^274*^*Cooldown: 9/8/7/6 seconds

^947-^* Activate to whip your daggers at the closest enemy in radius every 0.25
seconds for 3 seconds, dealing ^96015/25/35/45 Magic Damage^* per whip. Total
damage output of ^960180/300/420/540^* over the duration.

^075Ability 2: Perch^*
^274*^*Range: 1000
^274*^*Mana Cost: 40 (first jump only, 0 on subsequent jumps)
^274*^*Cooldown: 2 seconds

^947-^* Target a tree to hop on top of it, gaining Clearvision of the surrounding
area and becoming invisible to enemies, but immobilized.
^947-^* While ^059Goldenveil^* is perched on a tree, he has 450 Attack Range.
^059Goldenveil^* can reactivate this ability to jump to another tree, or cast the
sub-ability Plunge.
^947-^* If Goldenveil is knocked down from a tree, he will be Stunned for 3
^274*^*While perched, Goldenveil can unperch from the tree by issuing a Move

^075Subability: Plunge^*
^274*^*Range: 800
^274*^*Radius: 250
^274*^*Mana Cost: 40/60/80/100 (Plunge only, 0 for descent)
^274*^*Cooldown: 12 seconds

^947-^* Target a position to jump there after a short delay, dealing

^96080/140/200/260 Magic Damage^* and a ^9601.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 Second Stun^* to all
enemies in the area.
^947-^* Places Perch on a 12/10/8/6 second cooldown.


^075Ability 3: Recluse^*
^947-^* Passively regenerates ^96010/20/30/40^* Health per second when you are not
seen by enemies.


^075Ability 4: Greedgutter^*
^274*^*Range: 900
^274*^*Mana Cost: 150/175/200
^274*^*Cooldown: 60/45/30 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy to throw your golden dagger at them, applying a 60%
Movement Speed Slow for 4 seconds and dealing ^960150/200/250 Magic Damage +
50/75/100 Magic Damage^* per token.
^947-^* If ^059Goldenveil^* kills or assist in killing a hero, he receives
^96060/90/120 Gold^* per token and his team receives ^96020/30/40 Gold^* per token.
Killing the entire enemy team will reset the tokens and grants each member of
^059Goldenveil^*'s team 100/200/300 Gold.
^947-^* Passively applies 3 golden tokens on enemy heroes when this ability is
learned. Enemy heroes lose a token whenever Goldenveil kills or assists in killing


==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Features ^*=

^075Added a new option, Auto Select Summons^*

^947-^* Can be found in Options -> Interface -> Assistance.
^947-^* If enabled, controllable new units or illusions spawned under your control
will be added to your current selection group.
^274*^*Enabled by default.

=^075 Forests of Caldavar - Map Changes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Kongor^* has been relocated to a new home in a neutral position on the
southeast side of the river.
^947-^* The southern ramps leading to mid lane have been adjusted to create a
safer, harder to gank matchup in mid.
^947-^* The ^900Hellbourne^* ancients have been repositioned to better reflect the
^090Legion^* ancients.
^947-^* The Observatory has also found a new location with the shuffling of all its
immediate neighbors.
=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Emerald Lightning^*
^947-^* Bounces reduced from ^9601/2/3/4 to 1^*.
^947-^* Stun duration on both chained targets increased from ^9601 to
1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed magnitude on the buff and debuff increased from ^96040 to
^947-^* ^256Emerald Red^* Attack Speed buff and debuff increased from ^96060 to



^947-^* Base Strength Increased from ^96021 to 23^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9603.0 to 3.5^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96019 to 15^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.8 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Base Movement Speed increased from ^960300 to 310^*.

^256Chain Spike^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^960550 to 600^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost rescaled from ^96090/95/100/105 to 80/90/100/110^*.
^947-^* Damage rescaled from ^96045/80/115/150 to 40/80/120/160^*.
^947-^* Immobilie rescaled from ^9601.3/1.7/2.1/2.5 seconds to 1/1.5/2/2.5

^075Ability 2: Mark For Death^*

^947-^* Moved to the Ability 2 (W) slot.
^947-^* Range increased from ^960800 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96050 to 75^*.
^947-^* Now also refreshes ^256Chain Spike^* if the unit affected by Mark of Death
^075Ability 3: Furious Anger (Reworked)^*
^947-^* Passive: Every attack made by ^059Berzerker^* increases his chance to
Critically Strike the target for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8x by 8%. The Furious Anger State
lasts 3 seconds.

Ability 4: ^256Carnage^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Cooldown: 100/60/20 seconds
^274*^*Mana Cost: 0
^947-^* Activate to gain ^96040/60/80% Stun, Debuff and Slow Resistance^* for 10


^059Blood Hunter^*

^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96023 to 22^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.6 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed reduced from ^960310 to 290^*.

^256Blood Crazy^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96015 seconds to 15/13/11/9 seconds^*.

^256Blood Sense^*
^947-^* Radius increased from 1500/3000/4500/6000 to Global.
^947-^* ^999Health^* threshold for detection rescaled from ^96035% to

^947-^* SuperiorMagic Damage taken per distance unit travelled decreased from
^96035/55/75% to 30/45/60%^*.

^947+^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:

^274*^* Applies ^256Hemorrhage^* in a 325 radius around the target.


^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.6 to 2.8^*.

^947-^* Starting intelligence increased from ^96014 to 15^*.

^256Time Leap^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow reduced from ^96022/28/34/40% to 10/15/20/25%^*.


^059Demented Shaman^*

^947-^* No longer grants 20/40/60 Attack Damage.



^256Magnetic Surge^*

^947-^* Cast time reduced from 700ms to 400ms.

^274*^*Cast action time remains unchanged.
^947-^* Magnetic Surge can now be auto-cast on your next autoattack by right-click
toggling it.
^274*^*Does not affect your autoattack cooldown.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.1 to 3^*.

^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9601.9 to 3^*.



^256Hammer Throw^*
^947+^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^*Increases cast range and leaves a hammer at the landing location. You can
reactivate Hammer Throw within the next 3 seconds to teleport to the target and
apply 1 autoattack to them.



^947-^* Movement Speed lowered from ^960300 to 290^*.

^947-^* Attack range lowered from ^960600 to 550^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level lowered from ^9601.8 to 1.6^*.
^947-^* Base Agility lowered from ^96016 to 15^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9601.8 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96025 to 30^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain lowered from ^9602.7 to 2.0^*.

^075Ability 1: Thoughtsteal (Reworked)^*

^274*^*Cast Range: 1000
^274*^*Mana Cost: 0
^274*^*Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds

^947-^* Activate to steal the first ability from the target hero.
^274*^* Your first (Q) ability turns into the target's first (Q) ability. Target
gets to keep their ability.
^947-^* The stolen ability will last for a single cast or until you die and costs
the same as it would for the enemy at that level. Level of the stolen ability is
equivalent to the level of Thoughtsteal.

Ability 2: ^256Telekinetic Control^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Range: 800
^274*^*Mana Cost: 60/80/100/120
^274*^*Cooldown: 3 seconds

^947-^* Activate to lift the ^9601/2/3/4^* closest trees or creeps for up to 8

seconds. If not enough are present, pieces of ground are lifted instead. Lifted
objects are invulnerable and will follow ^059Kinesis^* at 450 speed during the
^947-^* Activate again by targeting an enemy to throw all lifted objects at it,
dealing 60 Magic Damage per object and applying a 20% Movement Speed Slow for 2
^947-^* Objects must be within 1500 range to be thrown.

Ability 4: ^256Stasis Smash^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100/150/200
^274*^*Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds.

^947-^* Target enemy unit to place it in a stasis and lift non-hero units around it
for up to ^9603/3.5/4 seconds^*. Target gains 50% Damage Reduction from sources
other than ^059Kinesis^* and is Stunned while in stasis.
^947^947-^* When stasis expires, the target takes 150/250/350 Magic Damage and an
additional ^96020/30/40 bonus Magic Damage^* for every other unit lifted. Units
lifted take the same damage. Other enemies in the area receive a 2 second 50%
Movement Speed Slow if they are caught in the blast.^*
^947-^* Ability can be activated again to end the effect early.
^947-^* Creeps thrown with ^256Telekinetic Control^* at a target lifted with Stasis
Smash will get caught and contribute to the effect as well.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* Effect: Increases the radius to 600 and allows
you to choose where the target lands. Cannot throw further than 1200 distance.


^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from 50% to Haste (max Movement Speed,
cannot be slowed).

^947-^* No longer gives a Movement Speed bonus.



^947-^* Base Strength lowered from ^96025 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.6 to 3.5^*.
^947-^* Base Agility lowered from ^96020 to 15^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9602.0 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased ^96017 to 18^*.
^947-^* Base damage increased from ^96022-28 to 29-35^*.
^274*^* Starting damage increased from ^96047-53 to 49-55^*.

^256Sword Throw^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^960110/120/130/140 to 100/110/120/130^*.

^256Sword of the Damned^*

^947-^* ^256Enchanted Flames^* Magic Damage to self rescaled from ^9606/12/18/24 to
^947-^* ^256Life Essence^* now also heals you for 3/6/9/12% of your Attack Damage
per attack (in addition to the base 10/20/30/40 Heal).
^274*^*This bonus Heal based on Attack Damage is not propagated to Life
Essence's modification to ^256Sword Throw^*.

^256Hellbourne Zeal^*
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^9600.5/0.8/1.1/1.4 to 1/1.5/2/2.5^*
Attack Speed for every 1% of missing ^999Health^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus no longer has a limit (previously 100).
^947-^* Now also grants 0.1 Magic Armor per 1% of missing Health.

^947-^* ^999Health^* loss effect changed: sets your ^999Health^* to 75% of your Max
^999Health^* if your current ^999Health^* is higher than that value.
^947-^* No longer gains bonus Armor for the first 7 seconds of the effect.
^947-^* Attack Range in demon form increased from ^960550 to 600^*.


^059Master of Arms^*

^256Acid Bomb^*
^947-^* Physical Damage rescaled from ^96010/20/40/80 to 15/30/45/60^*.

^256Weapon Enhancement^*
^947+^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^*Now gains the effects of both guns at once.

^256Master's Call^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960100/80/60 seconds to 60 seconds^* all levels.
^947-^* Shield value increased from ^960200/300/400 to 200/400/600^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed on ^256Cheetah^* while shield active increased from
^96040/80/120 to 50/100/150^*.



^256Golden Salvo^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960150 to 175^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96050/100/150 to 100/150/200^*.

^059Monkey King^*

^947-^* Base Agility increased from ^96019 to 20^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level reduced from ^9603 to 2.8^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9602 to 1.8^*.

^256Illusive Dash^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96015/13/11/9 seconds to 13/11/9/7 seconds^*.

^256Heavenly Vault^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96012 seconds to 10 seconds^*.

^256Wan Jin Slam^*

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96014/12/10/8 seconds to 13/11/9/7 seconds^*.

^256Flying Nimbus^*
^947-^* Cooldown upon taking damage reduced from ^9605 seconds to 3 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer loses Nimbus when damaged by creeps or neutrals.
^947-^* No longer reduces cooldown of other abilities.


^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* Agility gain per level reduced from ^9603.5 to 3.2^*.

^947-^* Damage reduction per bounce increased from ^96025% to 50%^* when attacking


^947-^* Damage dealt to the initial target decreased from ^960120% to
^947-^* Physical Damage on subsequent targets hit reduced from ^96015/30/45/60/75%
to 10/20/30/40/50%^*.



^947-^* Magic Damage based on Max Mana changed from ^9602/3/4/5% to 1/2/3/4%^*.
^274*^*The values were unintentionally changed previously from ^9602/3/4/5% to
4%^*, so this is being remedied correctly based on ^059Oogie^*'s performance since
the change.



^256Nature's Wrath^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow is now tapering.

^256Ophelia's Touch^*
^947-^* No longer grants affected units 5/10/15 ^999Health^* Regeneration.


^947-^* Strength gain per level from ^9602.7 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* Range increased from ^960350 to 400^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow rescaled from ^96020/30/40/50% to 40%^*.



^256Wall of Mummies^*
^947-^* Duration reduced from ^9604/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer removes Mana from affected targets.
^947-^* Damage type changed from True to Magic.


^059Pollywog Priest^*

^256Voodoo Wards^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960100/90/80 seconds to 120/110/100 seconds^*.
^947-^* Damage against structures reduced by 25%.


^256Venomous Leap^*
^947-^* Cast type is properly changed from Physical to Magic.

^947+^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^* Stacks reduced from ^9604 to 2^*.
^274*^* Attack Speed increased from ^96025/50/75 to 50/75/100^*.
^274*^* Kills reset the cooldown of ^256Venomous Leap^*.



^256Battle Experience^*
^947-^* Attack Damage bonnus increased from ^9606/12/18/24 to 10/20/30/40^*.
^274*^* Armor Penetration increased from ^96015/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80^*.



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 3^*.

^256Storm Blades^*
^947-^* Attack Speed increased from ^96020/40/60/80 to 30/60/90/120^*.
^947-^* Number of bounces increased from ^9601/2/3/4 to 3/4/5/6^* targets.
^256Static Shock^*
^947-^* Active component removed (i.e. will no longer grant 15/30/45/60 Attack
Speed to ^059Ravenor^* for 6 seconds).

^256Power Overwhelming^*
^947-^* Charges gained per damage instance increased from ^9606 to 8^*.
^947-^* No longer gains a minimum amount of charges.
^947-^* Maximum charges rescaled from ^960125 to 80/120/160^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed per charge rescaled from ^9600.6/0.8/1 to 0.5/1/1.5^*.
^947-^* Superior Magic Damage per charge rescaled from ^9600.8/1.2/1.6 to



^947-^* Intelligence gain reduced from ^9602.8 to 2.4^*.



^256Gargantuan's Blast^*
^947-^* Strength bonus increased from ^9603/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16^*.

^256Feint's Siphon^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to 25/30/35/40^*.
^947-^* Agility bonus increased from ^9603/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16^*.

^256Soul's Sight^*
^947-^* Intelligence bonus increased from ^9603/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16^*.



Ability 2: ^256Toxin Ward^*

^947-^* Moved to the Ability 2 (W) slot.
^947-^* Toxin Wards no longer apply a 25 Movement Speed Slow.

Ability 3: ^256Toxicity^*
^947-^* Moved to the Ability 3 (E) slot.
^947-^* Movement Speed slow increased from ^9601.25/2.5/3.75/5% to 3/6/9/12%^*.
^947-^* ^999Health^* regeneration reduction lowered from ^96030/50/70/90% to



^947-^* Base Movement Speed increased from ^960305 to 310^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 3^*.


^256Lightning Rod^*
^947-^* Radius reduced from ^9601200 to 900^*.

^256Lightning Storm^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* changes only: Magic Damage reduced from
^960150/250/350 to 150/200/250 Magic Damage^* per strike.



^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.2 to 3.2^*.

^947-^* Base Movement Speed ^960310 to 290^*.

^256Dark Swarm^*
^947-^* Damage Reduction from enemies outside the swarm increased from ^96040% to

^947-^* ^256Terror Mound^*s no longer grant 50% Mana Regeneration.
^947-^* Cooldown is reduced from ^96040 seconds to 10 seconds^* if you use
^256Terror Port^* to teleport to the Terror Mound in your Ally Well.



^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96025 to 23^*.

^256Piercing Shards^*
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^9601300 to 1500^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960120 to 100/105/110/115^*.
^947-^* Mixed Damage reduced from ^960180/250/320/390 to 170/230/290/350^*.

^256Cold Shoulder^*
^947-^* Moved to the Ability 2 slot (W).

^256Call of Winter^*

^947-^* Reworked and moved to the Ability 3 slot (E).

^947-^* Passively summons Shiver the flying scout to follow you around at
^960300/325/350/375 Speed^* and scout for you, providing ^960800/1000/1200/1400
^947-^* Shiver is also invisible to enemies unless they come within 600 range and
dies in 1 hit.
^947-^* When Shiver dies the ability goes on a ^96060/50/40/30 second cooldown^*.
^947-^* Shiver gives enemies 15 gold and experience when killed, and can no longer
see enemy units affected by ^077Veiled Rot^*.

^947-^* The ability can be activated to send Shiver to the target location or go
back to following you around if used on self.
^274*^* This has global cast range and no cast time.
^947-^* Shiver will automatically teleport back to you when he's in follower mode
and more than 3000 range away.

^947-^* Magic Damage on main target reduced from ^960200/250/300 to 150/225/300^*.
^947-^* Knockback Magic Damage increased from ^960100/200/300 to 150/225/300^*.



^256Javelin of Light^*
^947+^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^*Applies the current level of ^256Call of the Valkyrie^* around the target
hit by Javelin of Light.


^059War Beast^*
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96022 to 24^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9601.9 to 1.4^*.

^256Summon Hellhounds^*
^947-^* Hellhound ^999Health^* rescaled from ^960400/475/550/625 to 500^*.
^947-^* Hellhound Damage rescaled from ^96030/35/40/45 to 25/35/45/55^*.
^947-^* Hellhound Armor lowered from ^9603 to 2^*.
^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* chance rescaled from ^9600/30/30/30% to

^256Battle Cry^*
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96030 to 50^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96035 to 70/60/50/40 seconds^*.
^947-^* Bonus Damage for heroes rescaled from ^96011/22/33/44 to 15/20/25/30^*.
^947-^* Bonus Damage for non-hero units rescaled from ^9604/8/12/16 to 6/8/10/12^*.
^947-^* Buff now also grants 5/10/15/20 bonus Attack Speed.
^274*^* This applies to both heroes and non-hero units.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^96016 to 20 seconds^*.

^256Primal Rage^*
^947-^* Base Damage bonus increased from ^96010/15/20/25% to 10/20/30/40%^*.
^947-^* No longer grants 10/15/20/25 Attack Speed to your owned units.
^947-^* Now also grants 2/4/6/8 ^999Health^* Regeneration.

^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96080/60/40 to 100/80/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Active effect now also increases sight range during the night by
^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* damage multiplier increased from 1.5x to


^059Wretched Hag^*

^947-^* Base Movement Speed reduced from ^960300 to 295^*.

^256Flash of Darkness^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^9601250 to 1300^*.

^256Sonar Scream^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^960135/140/145/150 to 110/120/130/140^*.

^256Bat Blast^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^960700 to 900^*.



^947-^* Base Movement Speed increased from ^960295 to 310^*.

^256Wind Shield^*
^947-^* No longer passively grants a 5% bonus Movement Speed.
^947-^* ^256Evasion^* increased from ^96015/20/25/30% to 15/30/45/60%^*.


=^075 New Items ^*=

^904New ^*supportive item: SomaZ's Synchronizer

^947-^* Recipe: 2x ^077Minor Totem^* + Recipe (250) = 350 Gold Total
^947-^* Passively gives: +2 Strength, +2 Agility, +2 Intelligence.

^947-^* Passively synchronizes with a nearby ally hero if you stay near them for 2
seconds (500 range).
^947-^* Once done, you will stay synchronized unless you move more than 3000 range
away from each other for longer than 10 seconds.
^947-^* "Synchronized" effects (which both you and your ally receive): +10 Movement
Speed, +5 Attack Damage, Each enemy unit killed grants 15 bonus gold to your
synchronized partner.

^947-^* You cannot synchronize with a hero which has already been synchronized with
someone else.
^947-^* Item can be activated to turn the effect on/off.

^947-^* Visual effects of synchronization are randomly assigned 1 of 3 colors: Red,

Green or Blue.
^947-^* Every pair of synchronized heroes is guaranteed to have a color unique to
^274*^* This helps you tell which hero you are synchronized with.

^077Merrick's Bounty^*
^947-^* Removed from the game.
^274*^*The addition of SomaZ's Synchronizer promotes a more ^999health^*y way of
gaining gold for support heroes, as it requires teammates and yourself to be more
proactive to reap its benefits.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Grimoire of Power^*

^947-^* Spell Damage bonus vs Heroes increased from ^96015% to 20%^*.

^075Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^9601500 to 2000^*.
^274*^*Total Cost increased from ^9605700 Gold to 6200 Gold^*.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* ^256Mana Burn^* per attack decreased from ^96050/75/100 to 40/60/80^*.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 New Hero: Goldenveil ^*=

^904New ^*^059Goldenveil^* EA Avatar: ^579Lurx^*

^947^947-^* Before the Second Corruption, the citizens of Hope's Keep shuddered at
the thought of the notorious cutpurse Lurx targeting them as they skittered home
from services at the Cathedral of Hope or one of the city's numerous libraries. The
infamous thief had confounded authorities for years, mocking them by robbing the
elite of Hope's Keep and, more often than not, murdering them even though they
hadn't seen his face or heard even a whisper from him. When the Hellbourne spewed
forth from the Scar and reduced the glorious city to ash and corpses, Maliken Grimm
spared Lurx, finding in him a highly capable and lethal assassin who could rob the
Lord Commander's enemies of gold, precious relics, or their lives. "Spared" may be
used loosely here -- Grimm allowed the corruption to take hold of Lurx and
transform his body into a daemonic form that better represented his inner self, and
increase the terror in his victims tenfold.^*

^904New ^*^059Goldenveil^* Avatar: ^579Copperhead^*

^947^947-^* The ruthless bandits who roam the Great Waste preying upon supply
lines, merchants, and hapless travelers may puff their chests, brag about their
fighting prowess, and bray about the lack of any real warriors to challenge them,
but a closer examination will show their eyes shifting to the treetops and their
voices dropping to a whisper whenever they pass through a shaded grove. For these
are the hunting grounds of Copperhead, the desert vigilante who shows no mercy to
those who target civilians to fill their purses. Should they -- or any other
corrupted soul -- cross his path, their only real hope is that he is not interested
in a fair fight and makes quick work of their demise.^*

=^075 8-Bit II ^*=

^947^947+^* The electronic realm of Arcadia has been sealed away from the passage
of time for decades due to a defensive shield coded by the Quarter Masters. This
shield had kept them isolated and safe from the chaos of Newerth, until 8-Bit Kane
accidentally sliced through the power cord during his headstrong rush through the
shield to join the fray. Now all the characters of Arcadia are free to roam Newerth
while the Quarter Masters duct-tape the cord, jostle consoles and blow into
cartridges in a frantic attempt to reactivate the shield.^*

^904New ^*^059Bombardier^* 8-Bit II Avatar: ^579Short Fuse Bomber^*

^947^947-^* Short Fuse spent years trying to explode his way out of the endless
mazes that trapped him in Arcadia, then stupid 8-Bit Kane accidentally set him free
with that ridiculous sword of his. Well, now that this cantankerous demolitions
master is free, he'll never be trapped again! Towers, trees, houses, basecamps --
they all need to be reduced to dust and pixels as quickly and loudly as possible.
If any bystanders get caught in the blasts, too bad for them -- they were probably
trying to fence him in again anyway.^*

^904New ^*^059Blitz^* 8-Bit II Avatar: ^579Power-Up Blitz^*

^947^947-^* It may take a while to get used to this top-down view, for Power-Up
Blitz comes from the side-scrolling realm of Arcadia, but if there's one thing he's
learned over the decades it's that speed overcomes all obstacles. Confronted by an
unknown enemy? He goes fast. Teammates need help across the map? He goes faster.
Spot some rings to collect? He goes so fast he bursts into flames. Those burns are
mild compared to the blistering smack talk and wisecracks he slaps on everyone he
cuts off, runs over, or sets afire, but hey -- the rings are worth it.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Lodestone^* Avatar: ^579Tumbler^*

^947^947-^* Tumbler has always dreamed of joining the circus and basking beneath
the spotlights for the adoring crowd. But when he finally got the chance to make
his dream come true, he found that the circus already had a soft, snuggly, adorable
bear -- and this one had a gorgeous woman inside! How is he supposed to compete
with that? With hard work and talent, that's how. So he mastered the art of
balancing on a ball (pretty much), learned to play the double horn (reasonably
well), and became Newerth's top umbrella artist (it's a thing). Now it's time to
roll through the three rings playing masterpieces and show Goldie who the real
circus bear is!^*

^904New ^*^059Sand Wraith^* Avatar: The ^579Storm Daughters^*

^947^947-^* The Nine Kings of the Great Waste believed one could never be too rich,
too powerful, or too ruthless. Perhaps the best example of this was their practice
of identifying the Storm Daughters -- young girls among the Bedouin tribes who were
gifted in the ways of sorcery -- and claiming them as soldiers for their barbaric
armies. The Storm Daughters were trained to use their control of the weather to
utterly destroy enemies of the Nine Kings, and the sand, dust, and thunderstorms
they could summon were used to mask the looting of sacred sites and fallen castles.
When the Storm Daughters could take no more death and refused to fight for the
brutal kings, they were sacrificed on an altar built from the gold they had helped

But the Nine Kings, so focused on victory in the mortal realm, did not consider the
aftershocks of their heartlessness. As they passed, one by one, into the spirit
realms, something waited for them. The Storm Wraith, an elemental being created
from the vengeful souls of the Storm Daughters, stood ready to serve justice upon
the Nine in whatever fashion would bring them the most misery. And now that they
have all been released from All Hells, she hunts them across Newerth to ensure
their reign of terror does not begin anew.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Twisted Visage^* now properly copies the Master's Legacy state from the

^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect only: Gawain, when spawned on ^059Circe^*,
will now expire if ^059Circe^* successfully casts ^256Twisted Visage^*.

^947-^* ^579Sterling Midas^*' attack projectile's spawn position (relative to his
hand) has been corrected.

^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* ^579Lunari^* and Moon avatars can now properly toggle off ^256Multi-

^980Version 4.3.2^*
^9805 December 2017^*

= UI =

^947-^* ^904New ^*Heads Up Display (HUD) added: 8-Bit HUD

^274*^*This can be found in Options -> Interface -> Game Overlays, and selecting
"8bit" in the dropdown menu.
^274*^*The 8-Bit HUD can only be used until the end of the 4.3.4 patch.

^947-^* The 8-Bit Render Mode has made its way back into Newerth!
^274*^*A button will be available in the top bar of the main interface to toggle
the in-game graphics to 8-Bit Render Mode & regular mode.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Capture The Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 8-Bit II ^*=

^947^947+^* The electronic realm of Arcadia has been sealed away from the passage
of time for decades due to a defensive shield coded by the Quarter Masters. This
shield had kept them isolated and safe from the chaos of Newerth, until 8-Bit Kane
accidentally sliced through the power cord during his headstrong rush through the
shield to join the fray. Now all the characters of Arcadia are free to roam Newerth
while the Quarter Masters duct-tape the cord, jostle consoles and blow into
cartridges in a frantic attempt to reactivate the shield.^*

^904New ^*8-Bit II ^059Adrenaline^* Avatar: ^579Puzzler^*

^947^947-^* Puzzler is in a constant state of agitation as he tries to figure out
exactly where he fits in this crazy new world of Newerth. Back in Arcadia,
everything was in its proper place, connected and aligned perfectly -- but this
chaotic realm has him all sorts of discombobulated with tiles and segments floating
and scattering everywhere, even spinning as if controlled by some other entity.
He's seriously topped out with all of this disorder and the chain reaction of
destruction it's causing around him. Puzzler is determined to do whatever is
necessary to find his way back to Arcadia where he can re-stack himself, eliminate
all of these S and Z pieces that cause so much trouble, and enjoy a quiet life as a

^904New ^*8-Bit II ^059Berzerker^* Avatar: ^579Plumb Crazy Zerker^*

^947^947-^* Plumb Crazy Zerker used to be a quiet, humble pipefitter in the land of
Arcadia, maintaining the infrastructure that kept the shield operating smoothly for
the Quarter Masters. When he heard rumors that Big Boss Bubbles had kidnapped a
beautiful princess and all the other heroes were too busy collecting rings, coins,
or whatever trinket they coveted to help, he decided to take matters into his own
hands. He quickly discovered that even though he was an excellent plumber, he was
even better at rescuing damsels and smashing everything that got in his way,
particularly evil mushrooms. Now that he's in Newerth with no shield to maintain he
can focus entirely on his new career as a gallant hero, and it's good thing. This
place has an entire Legion army that needs rescuing!^*

^0758-Bit II TP Effect^*
^947-^* ^256Teleport^* every one of your precious pixels in dazzling 8-Bit II

8-Bit II ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* When you own 2 8-Bit II avatars, you gain the 8-Bit II Kill Counter
^947-^* When you own 4 8-Bit II avatars, you gain the 8-Bit II Ground Tag
^947-^* When you own all 8-Bit II products -- 6 avatars and the TP Effect -- you
gain the 8-Bit II Name Color

=^075 Christmas Holiday ^*=

^904New ^*^579Christmas Solstice^* Avatar: ^579Christmas Solstice^*

^947^947-^* Newerth is in absolutely NO shape for the winter holidays -- it's
covered in siege rubble, scorched crops, and you can't dash ten feet through the
snow without tripping over a frozen corpse. This is why Christmas Solstice is
working day and night to decorate the land with festive ornaments, lights, garland,
and all-around Christmas cheer. She's more than happy to share all of her
decorations as she hurries from dawn until dusk -- even giving up the Christmas
cloak on her back -- and so it is when night falls, she's often left with very
little to keep herself warm. This usually works out just fine, as that's when the
best holiday parties start to heat up and Christmas Solstice can replenish her
stockings with another day's worth of holiday fun!^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Dampeer^* Avatar: ^579Vampeera^*

^947^947-^* The legend whispers that it was miserable starvation, cannibalism, and
eventual insanity that brought about the hideous creature known as Dampeer. But as
the ancient daemons spill forth from All Hells and the Third Corruption, new,
terrifying truths are surfacing with them. Vampeera is one of the original
vampires, and her bloodthirsty reign pre-dates even Man's Fall from Light. She has
been stalking and terrorizing the living for millennia, converting them into
drained sacks of flesh and bone or servants to gather her feasts and spread her
carnage -- whatever her whims and appetites call for at the moment. Captured and
banished to All Hells by the Blind Prophet and his Disciples, she is now unleashed
to renew her destruction. And she is very, very thirsty.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Tooltips now display the proper information for ^059Empath^*'s and
^059Emerald Warden^*'s ^077Staff of the Master^* effects.
^947-^* Friend List tooltips: changed "Ignore" to "Reject" when deciding to accept
or deny the friend request.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Orb visuals from ^256Consume^* now match the charge count after Dampeer

^947-^* ^256Clearcutting^*'s instance of bonus Movement Speed (when cutting a tree)
now applies to Deadwood properly for the ^579Plushie Deadwood^* and ^579Misfit
Deadwood^* avatars.

^947-^* ^256Sandstorm^*'s Movement Speed Slow no longer bypasses Magic Immunity.

^947-^* ^579Vanish^*ing Woman avatar now has proper bones for visual effects.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947-^* Tooltips now properly mentions the Cleave information.
^947-^* Cast Range indicator is now displayed properly.


^980Version 4.3.0^*
^98021 November 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^075Changes to Matchmaking for Champions of Newerth for Season 5:^*

^947-^* You may only queue for this mode as a solo, duo, trio, or as five.
^274*^*If you queue as five players, then you will only be matched up against
another queue of five players. No exceptions.

^947-^* Compression algorithms have been revised to improve Matchmaking Balance:

^274*^*Rank Compression will no longer occur for players having a Rank between
Silver 3 and Legendary.
^274*^*Rank Compression will still occur for players having a Rank of Immortal,
which will put them back to rank Legendary.
^274*^*Rank Compression magnitude has been decreased by 50% for players of Rank
Silver 2 or lower.

^947-^* Removed Rank Decay from higher tier ranks.

^947-^* Recalibrated the Rank Progress impacts (for wins and losses) for Placement
Matches and Regular Matches.

^947-^* Changed Trophy Avatars from varying degrees of gold effects to three
distinct colors to further distinguish a players achievement:
^274*^*This change will be implemented for Season 5's Trophy Avatar,

^947-^* Added additional End of Season rewards:

^274*^*Each player will now receive an icon indicating their Rank for the
^274*^*This icon will unlock a corresponding grab bag in store that contain an
additional reward for the Season.

=^075 Features ^*=

^947-^* Indicators for buybacks have been implemented!

^274*^*Players can now keep track of the number of buybacks remaining, and also
see the amount of deficit or surplus gold they have to afford a buyback after
^274*^*Holding the "Alt" button will pop up the Buyback indicator to the left of
your Gold Count UI element. Alternatively, you may hover your Mouse Cursor over the
Gold Count UI element to see this information.
^274*^*You can also open the scoreboard to see the number of buybacks remaining
for each ally player.

^947-^* Users now have the option of making their "Attack" command be usable with
the Smartcast mechanic.
^274*^*This can be found in the Options menu via Options -> Controls -> Primary
Hotkeys -> "Attack".

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The killer now always receives the appropriate amount of experience for
Hero Kills, even if they were out of experience range from the killed hero.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96018 to 16^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level lowered from ^9602 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* AgiIity gain per level lowered from ^9603.0 to 2.0^*.


^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 3.4^*.
^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96018 to 15^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.0 to 1.8^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96015 to 10^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level reduced from ^9601.5 to 1.0^*.
^947-^* Base Armor increased from ^960-1 to 0^* (Starting Armor increased from
^9601.52 to 2.1^*).
^947-^* Base Damage reduced from ^96033-39 to 32-38^* (Starting Damage increased
from ^96054-60 to 56-62^*).


^947-^* Movement Speed lowered from ^960305 to 300^*.
^947-^* Base Strength lowered from ^96019 to 18^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.1 to 2.6^*.
^947-^* Base Agility increased from ^96026 to 30^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9602.4 to 2.2^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence lowered from ^96019 to 16^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level lowered from ^9601.8 to 1.5^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96070/80/90/100 to 90/100/110/120^*.
^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601.75 seconds to 2 seconds^*.


^947-^* Movement Speed reduced from ^960295 to 290^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96023 to 20^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9601.5 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Base Damage changed from ^96018-29 to 23-26^* (Starting damage rescaled
from ^96041-52 to 43-46^*).

^256Webbed Shot^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^9604/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20^*.
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96012 to 15^*.
^947-^* Duration lowered from ^9603 seconds to 2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed Slow increased from ^9605/10/15/20 to 10/20/30/40^*.

^256Harden Carapace^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9608/16/24/32 to 10/20/30/40^*.
^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^96028/28/22/16 seconds to 20 seconds^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9602.0 to 1.5^*.

^256Rotten Grasp^*
^947-^* Mana cost lowered from ^960120 to 90/100/110/120^*.
^947-^* Number of charges lowered from ^9605 to 4^*.

^256Clearcutting^* (Reworked)
^947-^* ^904New ^*active: Activate to gain ^96030/45/60/75 Movement Speed^* and the
ability to walk over and destroy trees.
^274*^*Walking over trees grants an additional boost of 30/45/60/75 Movement
Speed and ^96025/50/75/100% Slow Resistance^* for 2 seconds.

^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960100/85/70 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana cost lowered from ^960100/150/200 to 100^*.


^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* Base Agility lowered from ^96022 to 20^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.6 to 3.0^*.

^256Magnetic Contraption^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96070/130/190/250 to 100/150/200/250^*.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^947-^* Can now trigger the closest Overgrowth to you by pressing the sub-ability
hotkey (default hotkey is "D").

^256Summon Gawain^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: allows ^059Emerald Warden^* to
Summon an additional Gawain on an ally hero.



^256As One^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: In addition to its existing effect, also grants
the ^077Staff of the Master^* upgrade to any hero ^059Empath^* is currently inside.


^947-^* Movement Speed decreased from ^960315 to 300^*.
^947-^* Attack range decreased from ^960600 to 500^*.

^256Geo Stalk^*
^947-^* Now grants a bonus 25 Movement Speed while active.


^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Base Agility lowered from ^96015 to 14^*.

^947-^* Radius lowered from ^960250 to 200^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^960120 to 90/100/110/120^*.
^947-^* Cooldown rescaled from ^96012 seconds to 16/14/12/10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage lowered from ^960120/180/240/300 to 75/150/225/300^*.
^947-^* Stun duration lowered from ^9601.53 seconds to 1.5 seconds^*.

^947-^* Cast range rescaled from ^960650/750/850/900 to 400/600/800/1000^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^96065/75/85/95 to 60^*.
^947-^* Cooldown lowered from ^96020 seconds to 20/18/16/14 seconds^*.
^947-^* Duration rescaled from ^9602/3/4/5 seconds to 4 seconds^*.

^256Call to Arms^*
^947-^* Duration rescaled from ^9605/6/7 seconds to 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Chariot speed lowered from ^960750 to 600^*.



^256Mana Rift^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: applies the Magic Damage in a
450 radius around the target.


^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 22^*.

^256Lava Surge^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^960140 to 110/120/130/140^*.

^256Steam Bath^*
^947-^* Radius changed from ^960300/350/400/450 to 450^*.
^947-^* Channel time changed from ^96020/40/60/80 seconds to 60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^96020/40/60/80 to 30/50/70/90^*.



^256Arcane Vortex^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^274*^*Damage type changed from Magic to SuperiorMagic.
^274*^*Damage dealt to enemies is now lethal upon expiration.
^274*^*Allies are healed for ^960125/250/375^* Health upon expiration.
^274*^*Initial radius increased from ^960150 to 250^*.
^274*^*Final radius increased from ^960400 to 700^*.


^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96016 to 14^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 22^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level reduced from ^9603.0 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96021-28 to 22-28^* (Starting damage increased
from ^96042-49 to 44-50^*).

^256Voodoo Wards^*
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^960150/250/350 to 200/350/500^*.


^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96024 to 26^*.
^947-^* Strength gain increased from ^9602.4 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96075 to 100^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96010/30/50/70 to 20/40/60/80^*.

^256Wall of Mummies^*
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9603/4/5/6 seconds to 4/5/6/7 seconds^*.
^947-^* True Damage and mana burn increased from ^96065/90/115/140 to
^947-^* Knock back duration lowered from ^9601.1 seconds to 1.0 seconds^*.

^256Tormented Soul^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^96050/55/60/65 to 50^*.
^947-^* Cooldown lowered from ^96030/25/20/15 seconds to 25/20/15/10 seconds^*.

^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^*

^947-^* Initial projectile touch radius increased from ^96096 to 125^*.



^075Wish for Wealth^*

^947-^* Active ability can no longer target Ancients.


^947-^* ^256Shining Rays^* (day): Magic Damage per second increased from
^96015/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50^*.
^947-^* ^256Luminescence^* (night): Bonus Attack Damage increased from
^9608/16/24/32 to 20/30/40/50^*.

^256Graceful Strikes^*
^947-^* ^256Solar Slash^* (day): Physical Damage increased from ^96035/45/55/65 to
^947-^* ^256Crescent Strike^* (night): Now does 50% bonus Physical Damage to


^947-^* Base Strength lowered from ^96016 to 15^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.4 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* Souls gained for hero kills changed from ^9605 to 4/6/8/10^*.
^947-^* Amount of souls lost on death increased from ^96033% to 50%^*.

^256Soul Burst^*
^947-^* Radius lowered from ^9601250 to 1000^*.


^947-^* Base Agility increased from ^96016 to 23^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9601.7 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960305 to 325^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage per pulse increased from ^96066/100/144 to 70/110/150^*.
^274*^*Magic Damage per pulse increased from ^96088/133/177 to 100/150/200^*
while ^077Staff of the Master^* is in your inventory.
^947-^* Base (activation) Mana Cost changed from ^960110 to 40/80/120^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Hypercrown^* (^904New Item^*)

^274*^* ^077Warpcleft^* (1800) + ^077Warpcleft^* (1800) + Recipe (400) =
^077Hypercrown^* (4000)
^947-^* Grants +150 Attack Speed.

^077Arclight Crown^*
^947-^* Removed from the game.
^947+^* ^077Icebrand^* and its Derivatives:

^947-^* ^077Icebrand^* now applies a static 15% Movement Speed slow for 3 seconds.
Only slows by 10% when wielded by a ranged hero.
^947-^* ^077Frostburn^*/^077Frozen Light^* now applies a static 25% Movement Speed
slow for 3 seconds. Only slows by 15% when wielded by a ranged hero.
^947-^* ^077Dawnbringer^* now applies a static 35% Movement Speed slow for 3
seconds. Only slows by 20% when wielded by a ranged hero.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* ^256Mana Burn^* increased from ^96045 to 50^*.
^947-^* Physical Damage reduced from ^96080% to 50%^* of the Mana Burnt.
^947-^* Recipe can now be purchased 2 more times after item is purchased.
^274*^*Total cost is ^9603300/4160/5020^*.
^947-^* Each recipe purchase increases Mana Burn by 25.
^274*^*Total Mana Burn is now ^96050/75/100^*.
^947-^* The final level of Nullfire Blade now dispels buffs on enemies.

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947-^* Now has a new buildup:
^274*^*^077Sustainer^* (1700) + ^077Warhammer^* (1600) + ^077Loggers Hatchet^*
(225) = ^077Runed Cleaver^* (3525)
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^96060 to 40^*.
^947-^* Now deals a bonus 60% damage to non-hero units (20% for ranged heroes).
^274*^*Range of the active effect increased from ^960100 to 600^*.
^274*^*Cooldown when used on an enemy unit is15 seconds (5 seconds if used on a
tree or enemy gadget).
^274*^*Active effect remains the same.

^075Sand Scepter^*
^947-^* Projectile Speed increased from ^9601100 to 1500^* units per second.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* Damage from Spell Sunder is now non-lethal.
^274*^* This primarily fixes the interaction between ^059Slither^*'s ^256Poison
Burst^* and Spell Sunder.

^947-^* Now has a new buildup:
^274*^*^077Pretenders Crown^* (165) + ^077Minor Totem^* (50) + ^077Minor Totem^*
(50) + Recipe (360) = Soultrap (625)
^947-^* Passive bonuses given changed to +5 to all Attributes.
^274*^*Active effect remains the same.

^947+^* ^077Sustainer^* and Related Items:

^947-^* Cost decreased from 875 Gold to 850 Gold.

^947-^* Cost decreased from 875 Gold to 850 Gold.

^947-^* No longer gives 4 Attack Damage.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Combo Set ^*=

^904New ^*Beauty and the Beast ^059Empath^* Avatar: Beauty

^904New ^*Beauty and the Beast ^059Predator^* Avatar: Beast
^947^947-^* The Beast loved his Beauty the first time he saw her, but she did not
feel the same. His hideous appearance frightened her, and no matter how many
splendid gifts and perfect roses he gave her in his luxurious castle, she would not
accept his twisted, clawed hand in marriage. He could not tell her he had been
cursed to look as he did and could only be freed by true love. The Beauty left her
Beast to return home, taking a magic mirror that allowed her to look in on him, and
when she finally did she saw he was near death from heartbreak. Only when she
rushed to his side and wept tears of regret did she realize she loved him, and
those tears broke the curse, transforming him into the handsome prince he had
always been. They have been inseparable ever since, though the curse returns when
they are not physically touching. The savage Beast will kill anything that
threatens his one true love, and in return the Beauty tends to his wounds and will
do whatever she can to keep him safe.^*

^274*^* Sound Interactions

^947-^* If Beast gets a kill and Beauty assisted him, she will commend him.
^947-^* If Beauty gets a kill and Beast assisted her, he will commend her.
^947-^* If Beauty uses her ^256As One^* ability on Beast, she will say something
special to him.
^947-^* If Beauty dies close to Beast, he will cry out for her.
^947-^* If Beast dies close to Beauty, she will cry out for him. (There is a
smaller chance of this happening in MidWars due to the high death ratio.)

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Lord Salforis^* Avatar: ^579Techromancer^*

^947^947-^* The Techromancer may be Lord Salforis' most devious creation yet. After
collecting a pile of shattered corpses from Parallax's crater impact site, the
Baron of Blackwal discovered the bodies were infested with the mysterious dark
matter that had arrived along with the Artificer. The substance seemed to pulse
with a life of its own, and the mad necromancer was enthralled by the possibilities
it could mean for his army of the dead. The first tests did not fare well -- living
subjects found the dark matter slightly bitter and, ultimately, disastrously fatal
-- but when applied to a fresh and once-robust corpse and combined with the Baron's
dark works, the alien substance thrived. And so rose the Techromancer, an
unstoppable force infused with Salforis' essence and powered by an extraterrestrial
intelligence with a singular focus to destroy.^*

^904New ^*^059Ophelia^* Avatar: ^579Queen of Adkarna^*

^947^947-^* Ophelia despises the feel of man-made surfaces beneath her feet --
particularly treading upon the cold, immaculate floors of the Radiant Palace of
Adkarna, built by the church to celebrate Jeraziahs reign over the Legion. It is
bad enough her flesh must touch the lifeless structure, but to have to don this
imperial folly for the ridiculous, meaningless ceremonies of her half-brother and
his sycophants leaves her in a constant struggle to contain the wrath burning
within her. A towering redwood would look glorious bursting through the stained
glass ceiling, its roots cracking and warping the polished floor...^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Energy Field^*'s simple tooltip now mentions that targets also get
Perplexed (in addition to being Silenced) when walking in or out of the ^256Energy

^059Flint Beastwood^*
^947-^* ^256Explosive Flare^* no longer blocks neutral camps from respawning.

^947-^* ^579Shrapnel^*'s 3D portrait is now properly centered.

^947-^* Mutant Evolution (^256Forced Evolution^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^*) will now apply the proper amount of damage in its splash radius.

^947-^* ^256Ophelia's Touch^* will no longer apply bonus ^999Health^* Regeneration
to NPC ally faction creeps.

^980Version 4.2.6^*
^9807 November 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Duration reduced from ^96030/40/50 seconds to 30/35/40 seconds^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus reduced from ^96015% to 10%^*.


^947-^* Movement Speed lowered from ^960300 to 290^*.

^947-^* Can now be set to auto-cast whenever the ability is off cooldown and the
state is not currently applied.

^947-^* Lackey's shot no longer deals damage in an area of effect, and now only
affects the main attack target.
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96015/30/45/60 to 30/40/50/60^*.
^947-^* Now has a cooldown of ^9604/3/2/0 seconds^*.



^947-^* Damage Reduction decreased from ^96016/32/48/64% to 15/25/35/45%^*.



^256In My Element^*
^947-^* Riptide's icon on the minimap is now displayed to enemy units if he is
within 800 radius of a visible enemy hero.
^274*^*Credits to iamDalle for the suggestion!



^075Unstable Shard^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow reduced from ^96010/20/30/40% to 10%^* at all levels.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 HoN Tour ^*=

^904New ^*^579HoN Tour Cthulhu^*phant Avatar: ^579HoN Tour Cthulhu^*

^947^947-^* Behold, tryhards, the true HoN Tour Champion! HoN Tour Cthulhu holds
and defends the HoN Tour trophy with a burning desire to trample any challengers
who dare step into his lane and try to wrest the trophy from him. If you're mad
enough to even consider this task, you'd best bring four of your most skilled
comrades and have the favor of the gods on your side, for this supreme conqueror of
all things HoN Tour is ready to make a trophy out of you!^*

=^075 New Moon Warriors ^*=

^947^947+^* Some believe Lunari the Moon Goddess has become desperate with the
arrival of the Third Corruption and the crumbling of the heavens and hells -- and
if she has, who could blame her? Still, many of her followers and even some
outsiders question her choice of the naive schoolgirls from Adkarna as the New Moon
Warriors, and it remains to be seen whether this selection is one of panic or
divine brilliance.^*

^904New ^*^579Moon^* Warrior ^059Drunken Master^* Avatar: ^579Drunken Moonster^*

^947^947-^* Shockingly, Moonster wasn't chosen by Lunari to help save Newerth from
total destruction, but that won't stop him from worshipping everything about the
goddess and her New Moon Warriors. He started with small parties themed around the
celebration of Moon, her friends, and all they do to keep this world safe. The
theme quickly spread into elaborate decorations, then costumes, then full-blown
cosplay and drinking games. Every time one of the New Moon Warriors turns a baddie
into a pile of dust, whips them into outer space, or just flat-out humiliates them,
everybody has to drink. Because of their total dominance on the battlefield,
Drunken Moonster is in a constant state of inebriation, which has led him to
believe he may actually be the missing member of this badass troupe...^*
^904New ^*^579Moon^* Warrior ^059Silhouette^* Avatar: ^579Venus^*
^947^947-^* As a star dancer at the private Adkarna school, Venus was known for
moving with a grace and efficiency that made even the most difficult routines look
easy. It didn't hurt that she looked fantastic in the official school colors, light
gold and dark gold, which also happened to be her two favorite colors (and metals).
When Lunari chose her to stand beside her best friends to defend all of Newerth, it
was a simple matter to apply her dance training and props to warfare rather than
entertainment. It's still an art form, she insists, and she still gets to wear gold
on gold.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Pollywog Priest^* Avatar: ^579Prince Polly^*

^947^947-^* The Chief Pollywog Priests of the Wild Cults wield their well-earned
political and magical powers after years of intense studies, dedication to their
tribes, and relentless training. The Pollywog Princes of those tribes carry
abilities and influence equal to (greater than, the Princes would say) the Priests,
but their power is granted by birthright and bloodline rather than merit. This
creates a bit of tension between the two groups, but Prince Polly sees no reason
for conflict -- a Priest is born to serve, worship, and sacrifice, and a Prince is
born to be served, worshiped, and sacrificed for. That said, when his tribe is in
danger Prince Polly stands right next to the Priests in the front ranks, risking
his royal blood to vanquish the threat as quickly as possible. For as soon as the
enemy is destroyed, the parade in his honor can begin!^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Minimap icons produced by Geo ^256Stalk^* can no longer be hovered over.
^274*^*Prevents obstruction of the minimap when hovering over those icons.

^947-^* ^256Shards of Harkon^*'s orbiting projectiles will now properly inherit
invisibility on the target they are attached to.

^947-^* ^579Misfit Myrmidon^* now plays the correct voice clip when you get a kill
or assist.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* Master's Legacy's state should no longer prevent ^256Mirage^*'s
^256Manifest^* subskill from appearing in rare circumstances.

^947-^* ^256Counter Attack^* and ^256Way of the Sword^* scripting has been cleaned
up & optimized.


^980Version 4.2.5^*
^98023 October 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^075Counter Pick^*
^947-^* Pick phase duration for the first pick turn (for the team that picks first)
increased from ^96040 seconds to 50 seconds^*.
^274*^*The duration of the other pick phases in this mode remain the same (at 40

=^075 UI ^*=

^947-^* In the Options -> Interface ->Assistance menu, the "Selection Outline"
option has been split into 2 options:
^274*^*Selection Outlines: Outlines units you have selected, changes to
selection circle if disabled. Disabled by default.
^274*^*Hover Outlines: Outlines units you are hovering over, changes to
selection circle if disabled. Enabled by default.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Loi Krathong ^*=

^904New ^*Loi Krathong ^059Bubbles^* Avatar: ^579Noppamas Bubbles^*

^947^947-^* Centuries ago, the lovely queen consort Nang Noppamas found that her
lover and his court were becoming infected by undercurrents of jealousy,
negativity, and warmongering. She had no way of knowing that Circe the Deceiver was
twisting her claws into their thoughts, hearts and souls, but she still knew that
something had to be done to cleanse her kingdom before it was too late. She created
a krathong, a tiny, beautiful basket made from a lily pad and decorated with
flowers. She filled it with all of her negative thoughts, her grudges, her anger,
then lit a candle to venerate the gods and released the krathong into the river to
carry the troubles of her people away. She urged everyone on the city to do the
same, and the massive outpouring of love, forgiveness, and renewal made Circe so
disgusted she actually fled to find a populace more interested in chaos and

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Armadon^* Avatar: ^579Arma Donna^*

^947^947-^* Donna has always adored the stolid and stalwart Armadon, who looks so
cute and cuddly while he's loping around that she wants to wrap him up in a big hug
and keep him safe, just like he keeps his fellow Legion warriors from harm. When
she started work on her amazing Armadon cosplay, she had to make a very tough
decision: remain true and loyal to her gruff, lovable hero, or forgo the razor-
sharp spines and sticky, smelly snot for something a little more comfortable (and
acceptable at Halloween parties). She chose the latter, certain that if she ever
got to show her outfit to Armadon, he would appreciate her prioritizing the safety
of others -- and candy -- over authenticity.^*

^904New ^*^059Magmus^* Avatar: ^579Fireheart^*

^947^947-^* Ask any elemental warrior which force is most powerful -- earth, air,
water, spirit, or fire -- and they'll certainly tell you it's whichever they wield.
But Fireheart knows that even though the utterly destructive flames she controls
are indeed powerful, it is another element which provides that power: love. It may
be a love of fiery, scorching obliteration, but it is love, and she longs to share
it with someone for eternity. It's a tragedy that nearly everyone she tries to
share her love with is consumed by the passion (or the inferno), but on the rare
occasion when someone can withstand the intensity of her emotional surge, Fireheart
creates a life-long devotion to making sure the heat between them never dwindles.
This life-long relationship typically lasts twenty minutes or so.^*

^904New ^*^059Rhapsody^* Avatar: ^059Rhapsody Hatsune Miku Ver^*

^947^947-^* Miku arrives in Newerth with the aspiration to bring joy and music to a
very dark and melancholic world. Throughout her journeys, she quickly became
appalled by the harsh reality of this land and decided to use her talents to heal
the wounded and provide moral support for the destitute. Through her irresistable
songs and dance moves, she has quickly gained devoted fans from both the Legion and
Hellbourne who adore her greatly.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* If a unit has multiple Bash sources, then when a Bash procs, each Bash
source will go on its individual cooldown (instead of going on the cooldown of the
Bash source that just procced).
^947-^* ^077Devo Wars^*: Fixed a bug where Healing Ward was affecting non-hero
units. It will now only affect ^059Devourer^* in ^077Devo Wars^*.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Wish for Power's visual state now expires properly if Salomon no longer has
the orbs orbiting around him.

^947-^* Adjusted the height of the selection box for Unstable Shard to be more

=^075 Items ^*=

^075Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* Can no longer be applied to an infinite number of ally heroes based on a
specific item drop & pickup pattern.


^98011 October 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.5 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Attack range increased from ^960500 to 550^*.

^256Acid Bomb^*
^947-^* Now reduces Armor by 1/2/3/4.
^947-^* Mana cost lowered from ^960100/115/130/145 to 90/100/110/120^*.

^256Weapon Enhancement^*
^947-^* ^256Cheetah^* mode Attack Speed bonus increased from ^9600/80/120/160/200
to 0/100/150/200/250^*.



^075Unstable Shard^*
^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^960100/115/130/145% of Attack Damage to
80/100/120/140% of Attack Damage^*.
^947-^* Now only deals half of the Attack Damage to non-hero units.


==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Fixed a bug which caused illusions to deal increased damage when attacking
the Unstable Shard.

^059Sir Benzington^*
^947-^* Now has the proper aggro range when Sir Benzington has ^077Staff of the

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^947-^* Attacks against Reckless Horseman while inside the pit will no longer miss.


^980Version 4.2.4^*
^98010 October 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^947-^* Rank Threshold required for the Hero Ban phase to occur in the Counter Pick
game mode lowered from Diamond II to Gold III.
^274*^*In other words, if 50% of the players in the game have a rank equal or
higher than Gold III, then the Hero Ban phase will be enabled in the Champions of
Newerth game.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^980Halloween^* has made its mark on Newerth!

^274*^*Pumpkins have grown around the map.
^274*^*The world sounds much spookier.
^274*^*Halloween sound tracks have been added into Newerth once again!
^274*^*Ghosts now haunt the wells on Newerth.
^274*^*The Halloween Spirit has infected the lane creeps and powerups.
^274*^*Frankenkongor is alive! HE'S ALIVE!!! (He also really really likes
^274*^*^579Reckless Horseman^* replaces ^579Transmutanstein^* in ^077Mid Wars^*!
Watch out!
^274*^*Dracula Merrick now spookily greets you in the store! Beware!

^947-^* Merrick no longer sings or beatboxes if you idle in the store!

^274*^*May we bless Sol for this change.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947+^* The following heroes can now be picked in Tournament Rules (note that this
change has no impact for Champions of Newerth):
^947-^* ^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* ^059Prophet^*
^947-^* ^059Salomon^*


^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Max ^999Health^* bonus reduced from
^96015% to 10%^*.



^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage per Essence lowered from ^96040 to 35^*.

^256Vampiric Flight^*
^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage per Essence lowered from ^96030 to 25^*.



^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.0 to 1.5^*.

^947-^* Base Agility increased from ^96016 to 20^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9602.7 to 2.5^*.

^256Essence Link^*
^947-^* Magic Damage changed to True Damage.
^274*^*Cast effect type is still Magic.
^947-^* Can now be cast while moving.
^274*^*Changed to be non-interrupting with 0 cast time.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960550 to 600^*.
^947-^* Leash range decreased from ^960800 to 700^*.
^947-^* No longer cancelled if the target momentarily becomes invulnerable.
^947-^* Mana cost rescaled from ^960110/125/140/155 to 120/130/140/150^*.

^256Illusory Veil^*
^947-^* Duration decreased from ^9603/4/5/6 to 3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96018 to 16/14/12/10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage per second rescaled from ^96050 to 30/45/60/75^*.

^256As One^*
^947-^* Sub-ability mana cost decreased from ^96050 to 30^*.



^947-^* Base Movement Speed decreased from ^960325 to 315^*.

^947-^* Starting Damage decreased from ^96051-59 to 47-55^*.
^274*^*Base Damage decreased from ^96029-37 to 25-33^*.


^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* Attack Range lowered from ^960550 to 500^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96015 to 16^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96022 to 20^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96020 to 14^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level reduced from ^9602.5 to 2.0^*.

^075Overcharged Shot^*
^947-^* Range lowered from ^960700 to 600^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^960100 to 90/100/110/120^*.
^947-^* Immobilize replaced with a Movement Speed Slow.
^274*^*Movement Speed Slow is now 80% tapering over 3 seconds to the main
target, while anyone hit by the forked projectiles is 40% over 1.5 seconds.

^256Acid Bomb^*
^947-^* No longer reduces Armor.
^947-^* Physical Damage per second changed from ^96015/30/45/60 to 10/20/40/80^*.
^947-^* Duration lowered from ^9608 seconds to 6 seconds^*.

^256Weapon Enhancement^*

^947-^* ^256Bulldozer^*
^274*^*No longer reduces Attack Speed by 20%.
^274*^*Attack Range is now increased by 150 at all levels.

^947-^* ^256Cheetah^*
^274*^*Attack Speed lowered from ^9600/100/200/300/400 to 0/80/120/160/200^*.
^274*^*No longer has ammo.

^256Master's Call^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96060 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer increases Movement Speed by 50.
^947-^* While active, you also gain ^96040/80/120 Attack Speed^* on the
^256Cheetah^* gun.
^274*^*The bonus ^96020/40/60 Attack Damage^* on the ^256Bulldozer^* gun still


^059Moon Queen^*

^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960310 to 330^*.

^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96017 to 15^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96020 to 18^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9603 to 3.5^*.

^256Lunar Glow^*
^947-^* Base Damage bonus for ally ranged units reduced from ^9606/12/18/24% to
^947-^* At night, the Base Damage bonus is increased to ^96015/20/25/30%^*.
^947-^* Aura radius lowered from ^960900 to 600^*.

^256Moon Finale^*
^947-^* Damage changed from ^960275 to 200/250/300^*.
^947-^* No longer gains bonus Movement Speed while active.


^947-^* Max number of creeps controlled by this skill changed from ^9601/2/3/4 to



^075Gargantuans Blast^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^96090/100/110/120 to 90^*.
^947-^* Now also grants 1/2/3/4 Armor for the duration.

^075Feints Siphon^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^96090/100/110/120 to 90^*.


^059Sir Benzington^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^*Passively increases Attack Range by 250, and reduces the cooldown of
^256Lance-A-Long^* to 5 seconds.



^947-^* Physical Damage increased from ^96035/50/65/80 to 40/60/80/100^*.
^274*^*Still deals 2x damage to non-hero units.



^256Lightning Rod^*
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^9601500 to 1200^*.

^256Lightning Storm^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master's^* subability (Thunder Storm): Magic Damage
reduced from ^960250/350/450 to 150/250/350^*.


^947-^* Cooldowns on allies now go down 2 times as fast (changed from 2/2.5/3 times
as fast).
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed reduced from ^96010% to 5%^*.
^947-^* Bonus Mana Regeneration rescaled from ^96025 to 10/20/30^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960120/100/80 to 160/120/80 seconds^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^075Madfred's Brass Knuckles^*

^947-^* Attack Damage reduced from ^96015 to 10^*.
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage per charge reduced from ^9604 to 3^*.
^274*^*Max Attack Damage reduced from ^96035 to 25^*.

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^274*^*Note that the following changes in this section only apply for the
^077Mid Wars^* map.

^947-^* Your Ally Well no longer gives a bonus 150 Movement Speed.

^947-^* Max ^999Health^* decreased from ^9603000 to 2500^*.
^947-^* Ability 2: Magic Damage decreased from ^960300 to 200^*.

^947-^* Max ^999Health^* decreased from ^9605000 to 4000^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^96050 to 20^*.
^947-^* Ability 1: Magic Damage from ^960300 to 200^*.
^947-^* Ability 2: Health threshold of ^579Zorgath^* required for activation
lowered from ^96070% to 50%^*.

^947-^* Tier 1 Tower's Max Health lowered from ^9601500 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Tier 2 Tower's Max Health lowered from ^9601900 to 1500^*.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random
^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 New Moon Warriors ^*=

^947^947+^* Some believe Lunari the Moon Goddess has become desperate with the
arrival of the Third Corruption and the crumbling of the heavens and hells -- and
if she has, who could blame her? Still, many of her followers and even some
outsiders question her choice of the naive schoolgirls from Adkarna as the New Moon
Warriors, and it remains to be seen whether this selection is one of panic or
divine brilliance.^*

^904New ^*^579Moon^* ^059Corrupted Disciple^* Avatar: ^579Europa^*

^947^947-^* Europa has always been totally self-sufficient, handling everything
that needs to get done by herself, whether it's studying, shopping, cooking,
cleaning, home renovations, or athletic training. Unfortunately for just about
everyone except for her, she attacks each one of these tasks with a relentless
aggression that often leaves a wake of destruction, hurt feelings, and school
reprimands. When Moon and Lunari shared the news that she had been chosen for the
New Moon Warriors, Europa was overjoyed at the idea of using her incredible
strength and new abilities to combat evil. She was slightly less enthusiastic,
however, about this whole concept of a "team"...^*

^904New ^*^579Moon^* ^059Forsaken Archer^* Avatar: ^579Mars^*

^947^947-^* Moon has always worried about her slightly aloof (and occasionally
hotheaded) friend Mars, who bristles against the male-dominated warrior training at
their private Adkarna school. She's a better rider than any boy at the academy, and
her skill with a bow surpassed the instructor's years ago. It was a thrill for Mars
when Lunari chose her to fight alongside Moon and the others, for she finally had
the opportunity to prove how powerful she -- and all women -- can be. This was also
a relief for Moon, who no longer had to fret about one of her best friends getting
expelled for fighting with boys; now she only had to worry about her dying in
battle against the Hellbourne.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Thunderbringer^* Avatar: ^579Raijin^*

^947^947-^* When the children of the Sang-La Mountains first hear the quiet rumbles
rolling in from a distant valley, they cannot help shivering, even in the
sweltering heat and humidity of summer. This sound means that Raijin, the God of
Thunder, the ancient, daemonic spirit who has long haunted this land, is beating
his drums in preparation to unleash his fury upon the helpless, cowering mortals.
As with any storm, the best chance for survival is to shutter the doors and
windows, lash everything down, and hope Raijin doesn't focus his lethal lightning
upon you and yours.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Direct Pathing now works properly with trees!

^274*^*i.e. when a tree is in your hero's line of travel while Direct Pathing is
enabled, the hero will ignore the tree's presence and will path straight into it
and push up against the tree, instead of going around it.
=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Void Rip^* now applies a 50ms Mini-Stun.
^274*^*This prevents odd situations where an enemy hero's cast action time is
uninterrupted & will continue the casting even after swapping (e.g. ^059Tempest^*'s
^256Elemental Void^* being cast from over 1000 units away).

^947-^* Enhanced Shrubbery's trail will no longer block neutral camps from

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* Overcharged Shot is now blocked properly by ^059Moraxus^*' ^256Arcane
Shield^* if the projectile is in midair when ^256Arcane Shield^* is cast.
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus from ^256Master's Call^* now applies properly for all of
Master of Arms' alternate avatars.

^947-^* ^256Ballistic^*'s passive range indicator will now show on Nitro at the
appropriate times, and will not show to the enemy team in rare circumstances.

^947-^* Bubble Pop can no longer be activated while Immobilized or Restrained.

^947-^* ^256Disco Inferno^* no longer blocks neutral camps from spawning.

^947-^* Wish for Wealth's bonuses for illusions of Salomon will no longer be active
when owned by a hero other than Salomon (e.g. ^059Circe^*).
^947-^* Tooltip on ^256Wish for Revenge^* no longer erroneously states that he
gains bonus Movement Speed.

^947-^* Enemy gadgets will now properly damage Unstable Shard.
^947-^* Quickshield no longer plays a sound when damaged by Damage-over-Time (DoT)

^947-^* ^256Fireflies^* no longer block neutral camps from spawning.

^947-^* Reveal gadgets spawned from some of his skills will no longer block
neutrals from spawning.
^947-^* Thunder Storm (the alternate ^077Staff of the Master^* active skill) audio
has been improved.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Bound Eye^*
^947-^* Will now drop properly if the killer is invulnerable at the time of your

^077Doom Bringer^*
^947-^* Will now drop properly if the killer is invulnerable at the time of your

^077Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* Fixed to properly remove certain ^077Staff of the Master^* effects from
boosted allies when the item is dropped.

^077Ward of Revelation^*
^947-^* Initial reveal radius increased by 5 to remedy corner-case scenarios where
the initial reveal mechanic does not reveal enemy Wards (but the persistent reveal
radius does reveal enemy Wards once you have proper vision of them).

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^947-^* Fixed a bug with Zorgath's first ability which didn't properly count it as
a Damage over Time (DOT) effect.
^274*^*This prevents abilities like ^059Cthulhuphant^*'s ^256Maddening Revenge^*
triggering incorrectly.


^980Version 4.2.3^*
^98026 September 2017^*

=^075 New Hero: Sapphire ^*=

Sapphire of the Crystal Caverns is an ancient being, the last of her race of
elemental channelers who once served as arbiters in the conflicts between Man and
Beast. Sapphire lived among the tribes and packs of The Savage Lands, where the
bloodshed was greatest, for she knew that if she could help create a peace there,
the rest of Newerth may follow. She called sworn enemies to meet within the Crystal
Caverns, deep beneath the northern Sang-La Mountains, to share their grievances and
find common ground.

The crystals served dual purposes -- their energies created a soothing environment
that made anger and resentment seem far off, like thunderclouds passing on the
horizon. But should hostilities actually break out, Sapphire could channel those
energies into spells that would incapacitate, protect, and, if necessary, kill.

Her efforts, and those of the other arbiters, seemed to be going well. Then came
The First Corruption, and the eras of The Bestial Shift, Tooth and Nail, the Beast
Bone Years...more and more corruption and death. Sapphire's hopes for a lasting
truce between steel and claw dwindled. Peace was a jest, a word and notion that
mocked her. The only remaining glimmer of a chance lay with the Red Sand tribe and
their Warchiefs, who wanted to live in harmony with the Beasts -- with all beings,
truly -- if the world would only let them.

When they were massacred by Apex's soldiers, leaving only the Warchief and Sapphire
remaining, she finally realized why her beloved, healing crystals also possessed
the power to kill. She had learned the hard way that sometimes peace required the
utter and complete destruction of those who opposed it.

Strength: ^96017 + 2^*

Agility: ^96023 + 2.7 (Primary)^*
Intelligence: ^96019 + 2.2^*

Base Damage: ^96044-51^* (21-28 when not considering primary attribute)

Movement Speed: ^960300^*
Armor: ^9604.2^* (1 when not considering primary attribute)
Magic Armor: ^9605^*
Attack Range: ^960600^*


^075Ability 1: Reckless Charge^*

^274*^*Effect Type: Magic
^274*^*Range: 550
^274*^*Radius: 100
^274*^*Mana Cost: 90
^274*^*Cooldown: 14 seconds

^947-^* Surges into the target, dealing 50/90/130/170 Magic Damage and pushing the
target back 400 distance.
^274*^*^059Sapphire^* flies back 200 units when this occurs.
^947-^* If the target gets pushed into an hero, tree, building or a cliff it takes
an additional ^96050/90/130/170 Magic Damage^* and gets ^960Stunned for
1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* If an enemy hero is hit by the target that was pushed, they will receive
this effect as well.


^075Ability 2: Unstable Shard^*

^274*^*Effect Type: Magic
^274*^*Range: 700
^274*^*Radius: 450
^274*^*Mana Cost: 75
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Spawns an Unstable Shard at the target location for up to 10 seconds,

initially pushing enemy units near the center of the Unstable Shard towards
^274*^*The Unstable Shard slows the ^960Movement Speed of nearby enemies by
^947-^* Sapphire and his allies can attack the Unstable Shard up to 10 times to
deal ^960100/115/130/145% of Attack Damage as Magic Damage^* to enemies within its
^274*^*Enemies can also attack the Unstable Shard to kill it in 3 hits.
^274*^*Gives enemies 50 Gold when killed.

^075Ability 3: Quickshield^*
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Applies a Quickshield to self for 10 seconds.

^947-^* The Quickshield absorbs ^960100/160/220/280 Damage^* and ^960increase
Attack Speed by 20/35/50/65^* for the duration.


^075Ability 4: Crystallize^*
^274*^*Effect Type: Magic
^274*^*Radius: 1200
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100
^274*^*Cooldown: 180/150/120 seconds

^947-^* Activate to Crystallize all enemy heroes within radius for up to

^9604/5.5/7 seconds^*.
^274*^*While Crystallized, enemies are Stunned and Invulnerable.
^947-^* This ability can be activated again to Uncrystallize the affected enemy
units, ending the effect early.


==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Users now have the option of making their "Attack" command be usable with
the Smartcast mechanic.
^274*^*This can be found in the Options menu via Options -> Controls -> Primary
Hotkeys -> "Attack".

^947-^* Alt-Clicking on the Buyback button will now tell your team how many
buybacks you have left, and how much gold it would cost to buyback if you do not
have enough gold.

^947-^* Buyback announcements have been changed to be announced to All Chat

(instead of Team Chat).

^947-^* The Item Shop has been expanded by 1 column to allow room for more items in
the future!
^274*^*As a result, Master's Legacy has been moved from the Combative section to
the Supportive section in the Item Shop.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Spine Burst^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960625 to 650^*.

^947-^* Damage reduction rescaled from ^96011/22/33/45% to 16/24/32/40%^*.
^947-^* Extra ^256Spine Burst^* damage increased from ^960150 to 175^*.

^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Radius: 650
^274*^*Mana Cost: 200
^274*^*Cooldown: 50 seconds

^947-^* Target a location to turn into a ball and roll towards it. While rolling,
^059Armadon^* is immune to Crowd Control effects, and ^256Armordillo^* now applies
in all directions.
^947-^* Upon reaching the destination, Armadon exits the ball and applies ^256Snot
Storm^* & ^256Spine Burst^* to enemies within radius.



^256Shell Surf^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96012 seconds to 14/13/12/11 seconds^*.

^256Song of the Sea^*

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96060/120/180/240 to 100/160/220/280^*.

^256Take Cover^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^96050/40/30/20 to 20^*.

^256Kelp Field^*
^947-^* Cast radius lowered from ^960400 to 375^*.



^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96016 to 15^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level reduced from ^9601.7 to 1.6^*.

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96015 seconds to 13 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost changed from ^960120 to 90/100/110/120^*.


^059Drunken Master^*

^075Magic Brew^*
^947-^* ^999Health^* Regeneration reduced from ^9604/8/12/16 to 3/6/9/12^*.
^947-^* Bonus Health Regeneration is only active while off cooldown.



^256Spider Mines^*
^947-^* No longer blocks neutral camps from spawning.


^059Master of Arms^*

^947-^* Attack Range lowered from ^960550 to 500^*.

^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96022 to 20^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96020 to 14^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level reduced from ^9602.5 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96015 to 16^*.

^075Overcharged Shot^*
^947-^* Range lowered from ^960700 to 600^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^960100 to 90/100/110/120^*.
^947-^* Immobilize removed replaced with a Movement Speed Slow.
^274*^*Movement Speed Slow is now 80% tapering over 3 seconds to the main
target, while anyone hit by the forked projectiles is 40% over 1.5 seconds.

^256Acid Bomb^*
^947-^* No longer reduces Armor.
^947-^* Deals 10/20/40/80 Physical Damage a second.
^947-^* Duration lowered from ^9608 to 6 seconds^*.

^256Weapon Enhancement^*
^947-^* ^256Bulldozer^*
^274*^*No longer reduces Attack Speed by 20%.
^274*^*Attack Range is now increased by 150 at all levels

^947-^* ^256Cheetah^*
^274*^*Attack Speed lowered from ^9600/100/200/300/400 to 0/80/120/160/200^*.
^274*^*No longer has ammo.

^256Master's Call^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96060 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer increases Movement Speed by 50.
^947-^* While active, you also gain 40/80/120 Attack Speed on the ^256Cheetah^*
^274*^*The bonus 20/40/60 Attack Damage on the ^256Bulldozer^* gun still



^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96019 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.5 to 1.8^* .
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.7 to 2.0^*.

^256Nature's Wrath^*
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^960600 to 800^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960100 to 70^*.
^947-^* Cooldown lowered from ^96014 seconds to 13/12/11/10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9607 seconds to 8 seconds^*.

^256Ophelia's Judgment^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96075/150/225/300 to 100/180/260/340^*.

^947-^* No longer has charges.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds (per charge) to 8 seconds.
^947-^* Maximum amount of creeps controlled increased from ^9601/1/2/3 to

^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:

^274*^*Now allows ^059Ophelia^* to control Ancient creeps.

^256Ophelia's Touch^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* no longer reduces the cooldown to 30 seconds.



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.5 to 3.0^*.

^075Wish for Power^*

^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^960130 to 70/80/90/100^*.

^256Avenging Leap^*
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered to a flat 50.

^075Wish for Wealth^*

^947-^* Gold per non-hero & non-boss kill increased from ^9604/8/12/16 to
^947-^* ^256Transmute^* gold increased from ^96025/50/75/100 to 30/60/90/120^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^96050 to 0^*.



^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.6 to 2.0^*.



^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96017 to 16^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.8 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96020 to 23^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Base Damage rescaled from ^96021-29 to 24-26^*.
^274*^* Starting Damage increased from ^96041-49 to 47-49^*.

^256Chain Lightning^*
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^960750 to 850^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^9602.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Number of targets affected reduced from ^9606/9/12/15 to 3/5/7/9^*.

^256Blast of Lightning^*
^947-^* Revelation time increased from ^9603 to 4.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^9607 to 6 seconds^*.

^256Lightning Rod^*
^947-^* No longer deals the Magic Damage around the target.
^947-^* Now deals the Magic Damage to all enemy heroes within 1500 radius of
^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^9604/6/8/10% to 2/4/6/8%^* of target's Current

^256Lightning Storm^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960140/130/120 seconds to 90 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage changed from ^960215/335/460 to 250/350/450^*.

^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:

^274*^*Globally target a location to spawn a Thunder Cloud there for 9 seconds.
Every 3 seconds, a lightning strike occurs and hits all enemy units in a 600
radius, dealing 250/350/450 Magic Damage.
^274*^*Also grants 1000 Day Clearvision and 700 Night Clearvision for its
^274*^*^256Lightning Rod^* is now activatable to swap between ^256Lightning
Storm^* (non-boosted skill) and Thunder Storm.



^947-^* Cooldowns on allies now go down 2 times as fast (changed from 2/2.5/3 times
as fast).
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed reduced from ^96010% to 5%^*.
^947-^* Bonus Mana Regeneration rescaled from ^96025 to 10/20/30^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960120/100/80 to 160/120/80 seconds^*.



^947-^* No longer blocks neutral camps from spawning.

^947-^* No longer blocks neutral camps from spawning.

=^075 Items ^*=

^947+^* The following changes to ^077Iron Buckler^* and ^077Iron Shield^* were made
to further solidify some of the melee Primary Junglers in their role, as well as
simultaneously providing melee heroes in lane the edge against top tier ranged
heroes in the current meta.

^077Iron Buckler^*
^947-^* Deflection value increased from ^96015 to 20^*.
^947-^* Block Chance decreased from ^96060% to 50%^*.

^077Iron Shield^*
^947-^* Deflection value increased from ^96015 to 20^*.
^947-^* Block Chance decreased from ^96060% to 50%^* (still 100% against heroes).


^075Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* Now outputs a chat message to your team to indicate that a player has
applied Master's Legacy to another player on the team.

==^960 Neutral Creeps - Numerical Balance Adjustments ^*==

^947+^* Jungling at very early levels (~1-3) has been too easy for heroes that
weren't initially intended to be able to jungle so early. Multiple goals will be
met for doing a complete numerical overhaul of the jungle, namely:

^274*^*Ensures that Primary Junglers still have a relatively easy time and place
in the jungle at early levels, while Secondary Junglers have a much harder time
doing so and likely won't be able to jungle effectively until they obtain the
proper items and levels to do so.

^274*^*Rebalances jungle difficulty so that each camp gives the proper amount of
risk & reward relative to each other and with respect to each difficulty level.

^274*^*Improves consistency for the Experience, Gold, Damage Output &

^999Health^* for each camp.


^947-^* When owned by the AI: Neutrals Creeps' attack damage against Heroes
increased from ^96050% to 60%^*.

^947-^* The Antlore medium camp has been changed from "2x ^579Antling^*s, 1x
^579Antling^*, 1x ^579Antlore Necromancer^*" to "1x ^579Antling^*, 1x ^579Antlore
Healer^*, 2x ^579Antlore Necromancer^*"

^947-^* Gold Bounty average per camp has been changed:

^274*^*Easy: ~72 Gold -> ~65 Gold
^274*^*Medium: ~95 Gold -> ~92 Gold
^274*^*Hard: ~102 Gold -> ~115 Gold

^947-^* Gold Bounty average per camp has been adjusted and normalized slightly to
be more consistent when comparing jungle camps of the same difficulty level.
^274*^*Easy: ~65 Gold
^274*^*Medium: ~92 Gold
^274*^*Hard: ~115 Gold
^274*^*Ancients: ~220 Gold

^947-^* Gold Variance per jungle creep (the difference between the minimum gold and
maximum gold you can obtain per creep) has been significantly tightened up to
maintain consistency for junglers in the early game.
^274*^*Easy: max Gold Variance is +/-3 per jungle creep.
^274*^*Medium: max Gold Variance is +/-4 per jungle creep.
^274*^*Hard: max Gold Variance is +/-5 per jungle creep.
^274*^*Ancients: max Gold Variance is +/-15 per jungle creep.

^947-^* Average Health per camp has been adjusted and normalized to further
maintain consistency for junglers in the early game.
^274*^*Easy: ~1400 Health
^274*^*Medium: ~1800 Health
^274*^*Hard: ~2000 Health -> ~2200 Health
^274*^*Ancients: ~3600 Health

^947-^* Average Damage per second (DPS) for each camp has been increased overall
and made more consistent between camps to ensure that Primary Junglers are more
reserved for the jungle compared to Secondary Junglers at early levels.
^274*^*Easy: ~45 DPS -> ~55 DPS
^274*^*Medium: ~60 DPS -> ~75 DPS
^274*^*Hard: ~85 DPS -> ~100 DPS
^274*^*Ancients: ~115 DPS -> ~145 DPS

^947-^* Average Experience per camp has been slightly adjusted (remains largely
unchanged from before, but is more consistent per camp now):
^274*^*Easy: ~140 XP
^274*^*Medium: ~185 XP
^274*^*Hard: ~215 XP
^274*^*Ancients: ~340 XP


=^075 Other Neutral Creep Changes ^*=

^075Neutral Creep consistency changes:^*

^947-^* All neutrals with active abilities will now have Mana.
^947-^* All neutrals without active abilities will no longer have Mana.


^947-^* Max Mana reduced from ^960400 to 100^*.
^947-^* ^256Kamikaze^* now costs 100 Mana.
^947-^* Kamikaze no longer automatically triggers on death.

^947+^* The following neutral creep changes were made to allow ^059Parasite^* to
dominate Ancient creeps, thus opening up more options for item builds and decision-
making in the mid and late game.

^579Dragon Master^*
^947-^* Adjusted the model so that moving looks better at higher Movement Speed
^947-^* Now has 360 Mana and 1 Mana Regeneration.

^947-^* ^904New ^*Active Ability: Flame Bath

^274*^*Target Scheme: Target Self
^274*^*Radius: 500
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120
^274*^*Cooldown: 25 seconds

^947-^* Sets the area around the Dragon Master on fire for 10 seconds, dealing 40
Magic Damage per second to enemy units around him.
^274*^*Neutral AI will not use this ability.


^579Predasaur Crusher^*
^947-^* Now has 480 Mana and 1 Mana Regeneration.

^947-^* ^904New ^*Active Ability: Thundercrush

^274*^*Target Scheme: Target Position
^274*^*Radius: 300
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120
^274*^*Cooldown: 8 seconds

^947-^* Deals 250 Magic Damage to enemies in the area and 125 Magic Damage to
^274*^*Neutral AI will not use this ability.


^579Dreadbeetle Queen^*
^947-^* Now has 360 Mana and 1 Mana Regeneration.

^947-^* ^904New ^*Active Ability: Dread Venom

^274*^*Target Scheme: Target Entity (Enemy Unit)
^274*^*Radius: 500
^274*^*Mana Cost: 120
^274*^*Cooldown: 16 seconds

^947-^* Applies a 40% Movement Speed Slow to the target for 4 seconds. Damage done
to the target during this time heals the attacker for 40% of the Damage taken.
^274*^*Neutral AI will not use this ability.

=^075 Detailed Neutral Creep Changelog ^*=

^947-^* Note that some Attack Damage values may appear to be too high/too low, but
each creep has different Base Attack Times.
^274*^*DPS calculations factor in Base Attack Time, so any Attack Damage
adjustments were made based on DPS comparisons, not flat Attack Damage comparisons.

^947+^* Easy Camps

^947-^* ^579Antling^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 22-27 -> 20-22
^274*^*Attack Damage: 22 -> 30
^274*^*Experience: 47 -> 45

^947-^* ^579Antlore Healer^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 21-26 -> 20-22
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 450 -> 400
^274*^*Experience: 47 -> 50

^947-^* Earthroc
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 21-22 -> 17-20
^274*^*Attack Damage: 20 -> 24
^274*^*Experience: 47 -> 45

^947-^* ^579Sporespitter^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 31-40 -> 27-30
^274*^*Attack Damage: 22 -> 26
^274*^*Experience: 48 -> 50

^947-^* ^579Snotter^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 9-13 -> 10-12
^274*^*Experience: 23 -> 22

^947-^* ^579Large Snotter^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 24-29 -> 21-24
^274*^*Experience: 48 -> 52

^947-^* ^579Vagabond Assassin^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 10-19 -> 15-18
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 300 -> 350
^274*^*Attack Damage: 10 -> 20
^274*^*Experience: 26 -> 25
^947-^* ^579Vagabond^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 23-29 -> 26-28
^274*^*Attack Damage: 34 -> 35
^274*^*Experience: 59 -> 60

^947-^* ^579Werebeast^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 20-23 -> 18-20
^274*^*Attack Damage: 15 -> 25
^274*^*Experience: 47 -> 45

^947-^* ^579Werebeast Enchanter^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 31-40 -> 27-30
^274*^*Attack Damage: 33 -> 35
^274*^*Experience: 48 -> 50


^947+^* Medium Camps

^947-^* ^579Antlore Necromancer^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 28-37 -> 24-27
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 800 -> 600
^274*^*Attack Damage: 25 -> 42
^274*^*Experience: 47 -> 45

^947-^* ^579Ebula^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 22-29 -> 23-25
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 450 -> 500
^274*^*Attack Damage: 22 -> 32
^274*^*Experience: 57 -> 55

^947-^* ^579Pustula^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 43-49 -> 40-46
^274*^*Attack Damage: 45 -> 48
^274*^*Experience: 70 -> 75

^947-^* ^579Fire Ogre^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 24-34 -> 28-32
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 700 -> 625
^274*^*Experience: 53 -> 60
^947-^* ^579Ice Ogre^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 35-52 -> 28-32
^274*^*Attack Damage: 26 -> 38

^947-^* ^579Alchemist Ogre^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 24-34 -> 30-34
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 650 -> 625
^274*^*Experience: 53 -> 60

^947-^* ^579Wild Hunter^*

^274*^* Gold Bounty: 44-52 -> 44-47
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 800 -> 850
^274*^*Attack Damage: 31 -> 48
^274*^*Experience: 94 -> 93

^947-^* ^579Wolf^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 20-24 -> 25-28
^274*^*Attack Damage: 23 -> 25
^274*^*Experience: 53 -> 55

^947-^* ^579Wolf Commander^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 34-41 -> 38-42
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 600 -> 700
^274*^*Attack Damage: 32 -> 35


^947+^* Hard Camps

^947-^* ^579Catman Soldier^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 46-56 -> 55-60
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 950 -> 1000
^274*^*Attack Damage: 56 -> 69
^274*^*Experience: 75 -> 100

^947-^* ^579Catman Champion^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 59-70 -> 60-65
^274*^*Attack Damage: 69 -> 75
^274*^*Experience: 132 -> 115
^947-^* ^579Goatar^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 17-20 -> 22-25
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 500 -> 600
^274*^*Attack Damage: 26 -> 32
^274*^*Experience: 52 -> 55

^947-^* ^579Minotaur^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 54-65 -> 65-70
^274*^*Attack Damage: 60 -> 65
^274*^*Experience: 101 -> 105

^947-^* ^579Screacher^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 13-17 -> 22-24
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 350 -> 550
^274*^*Experience: 35 -> 40

^947-^* ^579Vulture Lord^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 51-71 -> 65-70
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 950 -> 1100
^274*^*Experience: 132 -> 135

^947-^* ^579Undead Warrior^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 21-28 -> 24-26
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 500 -> 550
^274*^*Attack Damage: 17 -> 32
^274*^*Experience: 35 -> 40

^947-^* ^579Skeleton King^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 42-49 -> 60-65
^274*^*Attack Damage: 50 -> 65
^274*^*Experience: 132 -> 135

^947-^* ^579Vagabond Leader^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 69-80 -> 69-74
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 1100 -> 1200
^274*^*Base Attack Time: 1.35 -> 1.05
^274*^*Experience: 120 -> 130

^947+^* Ancient Camps

^947-^* ^579Dragon^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 31-42 -> 35-45
^274*^*Attack Damage: 27 -> 55
^274*^*Base Attack Time: 1.8 -> 1.7
^274*^*Experience: 71 -> 75

^947-^* ^579Dragon Master^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 114-178 -> 130-145
^274*^*Attack Damage: 86 -> 120
^274*^*Experience: 178 -> 190

^947-^* ^579Predasaur^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 50-68 -> 60-70
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 800 -> 900
^274*^*Attack Damage: 39 -> 40
^274*^*Experience: 81 -> 80

^947-^* ^579Predasaur Crusher^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 62-74 -> 70-85
^274*^*Max ^999Health^*: 1200 -> 1300
^274*^*Attack Damage: 83 -> 85
^274*^*Experience: 137 -> 130

^947-^* ^579Dreadbeetle^*
^274*^*Gold Bounty: 65-70 -> 55-65
^274*^*Attack Damage: 33 -> 45
^274*^*Experience: 60 -> 80

^947-^* ^579Dreadbeetle Queen^*

^274*^*Gold Bounty: 110-130 -> 90-105
^274*^*Attack Damage: 65 -> 85


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^947+^* The following heroes cannot be picked in Tournament Rules (note that this
does not affect Champions of Newerth):
^947-^* ^059Bramble^*
^947-^* ^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* ^059Prophet^*
^947-^* ^059Salomon^*
^947-^* ^059Sapphire^*
^947-^* ^059Warchief^*

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Sapphire ^*=

^904New ^*Early Access ^059Sapphire^* Avatar: ^579Picaroon Sapphire^*

^947^947-^* Picaroon Sapphire is in high demand across the high seas of Newerth.
When the battle flags fly and the cannons are primed with powder and chain shot,
most sailors put on a brave face but secretly pray for Picaroon and her expert
skills in the art and craft of parley. When she serves as the negotiator between
two captains, her goal is to allow each of the fools to sail away feeling like
they've won they day. And if they do manage to sail away, they have -- for if
Picaroon can't achieve an armistice, she'll most likely sink everyone involved just
to make sure they don't hurt anyone else in the process.^*

^904New ^*^059Sapphire^* Avatar: ^579Kinetic Sapphire^*

^947^947-^* Most battles have a long, slow fuse leading up to the actual
confrontation -- a misunderstanding here, a perceived insult there, sanctions,
threats, etc. -- and Kinetic Sapphire does everything she can during that slow burn
to convince all sides involved that war is not the answer. Her compassion, empathy,
and tales of the carnage she's seen through centuries of slaughter are sometimes
enough to dissuade eager combatants from pulling the first sword or trigger. But
when she cannot guide them toward peace, her vast experience in the ways of battle
and death is on full display as she goes kinetic, instantly pivoting from mediation
to lethal military action.^*

=^075 New Moon Warriors ^*=

^947^947+^* Some believe Lunari the Moon Goddess has become desperate with the
arrival of the Third Corruption and the crumbling of the heavens and hells -- and
if she has, who could blame her? Still, many of her followers and even some
outsiders question her choice of the naive schoolgirls from Adkarna as the New Moon
Warriors, and it remains to be seen whether this selection is one of panic or
divine brilliance.^*

^904New ^*^059Moon Queen^* Avatar: ^579Moon^*

^947^947-^* When the fun-loving schoolgirl learned she had been chosen by Lunari to
not only join the New Moon Warriors, but to become the heir to Moon Queen's throne,
she couldn't stop giggling. Not because anything was funny; that's just how she
reacted when she felt incredibly nervous and reluctant. When Lunari told her the
first mission was to find and assemble the rest of the New Moon Warriors, things
got a little better -- maybe some of her friends would come along? Then she had a
sweet snack and began her journey towards possibly becoming the savior of

^904New ^*^059Wretched Hag^* Avatar: ^579Mercury^*

^947^947-^* A devout lover of books and learning, Mercury was at first quite
resistant to Lunari's call to become the second New Moon Warrior. Time spent
adventuring and fighting would mean less time studying quietly, though when her
friend Moon pointed out that if they didn't save Newerth, all of the books would be
consumed by corrupted flames anyway. Such a dilemma...but in the end, Mercury chose
the devotion to her best friend and the survival of the planet over the comfort of
a hushed library, though she did vow to learn everything she could about the enemy
and use brains over brawn to defeat them whenever possible.^*

^904New ^*^579Moon^* Warriors ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* Own all of the New Moon Warrior avatars and gain a magical in-game kill
counter for them!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Salomon^* Avatar: ^579Yokai Salomon^*

^947^947-^* Deep within the Sang-La Mountains, in a valley almost entirely isolated
from the outside world, a cluster of small villages lives in constant fear of the
Yokai. These are creatures and phenomena that cannot be explained by the elders,
the laws of nature, or any application of common sense. They simply should not
exist -- yet they do. If the villagers were brave enough to venture beyond their
sturdy, bamboo walls, they might discover a shadowed entrance tucked within a fold
of the valley wall. An entrance with foreign, sinister runes carved around its
mouth. And within that entrance, a cave, leading down, down, down, until the cold
stone begins to grow warm. Then hot. Then blistering. It is a gateway to All Hells,
and from there the Yokai scuttle forth from their corrupted dwellings to take the
shape of nightmares.^*

Yokai Salomon is perhaps the most insidious of the Yokai because of her desire to
make innocent villagers feel safe, protected, even amused, before revealing her
true self. Disguised as a beautiful female merchant, Yokai Salomon roams among the
villages of the Sang-La Mountains offering charms, bells, and lanterns to ward off
the nasty ghosts who seek to infiltrate their homes and families. The lanterns are
chchin obake, comical and harmless ghosts who like to surprise and entertain humans
with their ridiculous expressions. This puts the villagers at ease, and just as
they relax Yokai Salomon emerges from her lantern portal in full daemonic form to
terrorize and slaughter the innocent.

Renamed Avatar: ^579Azurite^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Revenant^*

^947-^* Due to the introduction of the new hero (^059Sapphire^*), "^059Sapphire^*
Paragon Revenant" has been renamed to "Azurite Paragon Revenant" to avoid potential

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^999Health^* Bars are no longer displaced to the right when using
resolutions that have an ultrawide (21:9) aspect ratio.

=^075 Team Deathmatch ^*=

^947-^* Projectiles are now properly deleted before a round ends, preventing
unwanted teleportation events when a projectile impacts after a round ends.
*As a result, units will properly remain in the spawn area after a round ends upon
^947-^* Abilities and items can no longer be targeted out of bounds, preventing a
multitude of unintended out of bounds bugs and interactions.

^947+^* The following abilities and items now toggle off properly when a round
^947-^* ^059Devourer^*'s ^256Decay^*
^947-^* ^059Oogie^*'s ^256Conflagrate^*
^947-^* ^059Parallax^*'s ^256Earthshatter^*
^947-^* ^059Scout^*'s ^256Vanish^*
^947-^* ^059Skrap^*'s ^256Scavenge^*
^947-^* ^059Torturer^*'s ^256Torment^*
^947-^* ^077Insanitarius^*

^947-^* No longer able to enter out of bounds & stay there after reviving from
^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^*.
^947-^* If Amun-Ra dies with ^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^* off cooldown and the round
ends before Amun-Ra revives, then Amun-Ra will properly teleport back to the spawn
area after he revives.
^947-^* If Amun-Ra dies with ^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^* off cooldown and the round
ends before Amun-Ra revives, then Amun-Ra's invisible heropet unit will be properly
cleared after he revives.

^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* Gawain now has the proper behaviour after a round ends.

^947-^* ^256H.A.W.K.^* now expires properly after a round ends.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^256Desert's Curse^* now expires properly after a round ends.

^075Restoration Stone^*
^947-^* Can now be sold properly in this mode.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Take Cover^* now blocks damage correctly in ^077Blitz Mode^*.

^947-^* ^256Magnetic Surge^* now has ^256True Strike^* when it is cast.

^947-^* Units lifted by ^256Telekinetic Control^* or ^256Mass Control^* now have
their proper visual effects.

^947-^* Wish for Wealth can no longer target ElitePets.


^980Version 4.2.2^*
^98012 September 2017^*

=^075 New Mode: Team Deathmatch ^*=

^947+^* Team Deathmatch is an action packed, casual, quick, crafted experience that
is an easy way to get in and enjoy teamfights in an arena setting.
^947-^* Players get 1 Blind Ban and then may select a hero freely after the banning
phase is over.

^947-^* There will be up to 7 rounds in a game of Team Deathmatch. The objective is
to win as many rounds as possible and maximize the number of surviving ally heroes
per round.
^947-^* The first team to reach 18 points or has the most points by the end of
Round 7 will win the match!

^947-^* At the start of the game, each hero is set to Level 3 and is given 1140
^947-^* Preparation Phase: Players will be in their preparation area, and will have
time to allocate their hero's skill points and purchase items to their inventory.
^947-^* After the Preparation Phase is over, the round will start by dragging all
players' heroes to their respective side of the arena.
^947-^* Teams will fight to the death! The round will end when a team no longer has
any heroes in the arena.
^947-^* Once a round ends, players are revived and teleported back to their
preparation area.
^947-^* The Preparation Phase for the next round will start, and players will all
be given an equal amount of Experience & Gold for the next round.
^274*^*Heroes will not gain any gold or experience for hero kills/unit kills
during a round, so this ensures that one team cannot gain a gameplay snowball
advantage simply by winning a few rounds!

^947-^* Don't stall for too long in each round!
^274*^*If the round has not ended after 1 minute, all players will be Sighted &
^274*^*If the round has not ended after 2 minutes, all players will gain max
Movement Speed, but also receive non-lethal damage equal to 3% of their Max
^999Health^* every second.

^947-^* A ^579Minotaur^*, ^579Catman Champion^* and ^579Wild Hunter^* will be

available at the beginning of each round for heroes who are somewhat dependent on
neutral creeps (e.g. ^059Parasite^* and ^059Ophelia^*).
^274*^*They will not attack you back while they are under control of the AI.
Killing them does not grant any experience or gold.

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Reworks ^*=

^059Drunken Master^* (Rework)

^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96023 to 22^*.

^947-^* Strength gain increased from ^9602.2 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Base Agility increased from ^96010 to 12^*.
^947-^* Agility gain increased from ^9601.2 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Base damage increased from ^96028-32 to 28-35^*.
^274*^* Starting damage rescaled from ^96051-55 to 50-57^*.

^947-^* Damage changed from 15/30/45/60 + 70/80/90/100% of your Attack Damage to
^96020/40/60/80 + 50% of your Attack Damage^*.
^947-^* Push distance decreased from ^960400 to 300^*.
^947-^* Slow increased from ^96010/20/30/40% to 20/30/40/50%^*.


^947-^* Damage reduced from ^96040/80/120/160 to 40/60/80/100^*.
^947-^* Added Attack Damage increased from ^96015/30/45/60 to 40/60/80/100^*.
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed removed.
^947-^* Bonus damage to creeps removed.
^947-^* Now resets cooldown when ^256Lunge^* is used.
^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^9609/8/7/6 to 8^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96045/50/55/60 to 60^*.


^075Ability 3: Magic Brew (Reworked)^*

^274*^*Cooldown: 40/32/24/16 seconds
^947-^* Passively grants ^9604/8/12/16 Health Regeneration^*.
^947-^* When available, passively blocks the next spell targeted against
^059Drunken Master^*.


^075Ability 4: 3 Point Strike^*

^274*^*Radius: 1200
^947-^* Passively causes 3 strike points to appear on nearby enemy heroes.
^947-^* When all 3 strike points have been attacked, ^059Drunken Master^* will
perform a punch that deals ^960250/300/350 True Damage^* and knocks them into the
air, applying a ^9601/1.2/1.4 second Stun^*.


^059Salomon^* (Rework)

^075Strength: 22 + 2.5 per level^*

^075Agility: 16 + 2.3 per level^*
^075Intelligence: 18 + 1.5 per level^*

^075Ability 1: Wish for Power (Reworked)^*

^274*^*Radius: 200
^274*^*Mana Cost: 130
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Activate to summon 8 magic orbs that rotate around ^059Salomon^* for 10
seconds, dealing ^96011/15/19/23 Magic Damage^* per orb to creeps they pass
through, (about ^96030/40/50/60 Magic Damage per second^*).
^947-^* If the orbs collide with an enemy hero, they will deal ^96015/30/45/60
Magic Damage^* each, to a max of ^960120/240/360/480 Magic Damage^*.

Ability 2: ^256Avenging Leap^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Range: 450
^274*^*Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds

^947-^* Target an enemy unit to leap to his location, dealing ^96040/80/120/160

Magic Damage^* and ^960applying a 20% Movement Speed Slow for 1.5/2/2.5/3


Ability 3: ^256Wish For Wealth^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown: 60 seconds

^947-^* Passively increases Gold from non-hero kills by ^9604/8/12/16^*.

^947-^* Activate to transmute a non-hero unit and grant a bonus ^96025/50/75/100
^947-^* Works on ancients, but does not work on ElitePets (Malphas, Booboo, etc.)


Ability 4: ^256Wish for Revenge^*

^274*^*Mana Cost: 50/100/150
^274*^*Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds

^947-^* Activate to gain a bonus ^96050/75/100 Health Regeneration^* and ^9604/8/12

Mana Regeneration for 30 seconds^*.
^947-^* Lowers the cooldowns of Wish for Power and ^256Avenging Leap^* to 5 seconds
for the duration.
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Reduces the cooldown from
^96080/70/60 to 30 seconds^*.



^947-^* Base Strength decreased from ^96017 to 16^*.
^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96021 to 20^*.
^947-^* Agility gain increased from ^9602.8 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* No longer deals Physical Damage in an area.
^947-^* No longer applies a Movement Speed Slow in an area.
^947-^* Now deals ^96035/50/65/80 Physical Damage^* to the main target and to every
enemy it bounces to.
^274*^* Deals double damage to creeps.
^947-^* Bounce count increased from ^9602/4/6/8 to a static 8^*.
^947-^* No longer has a chance to crit with ^256Luck of the Draw^*.


^256Far Scry^*
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9608/10/12/14 to 15 seconds^*.
^947-^* Now grants ^059Tarot^* 100 Attack Speed upon use.
^947-^* Attack speed and bounce effects only apply to the first ^9602/3/4/5
^274*^* Once ^9602/3/4/5 attacks^* have been made, your attacks will no longer
bounce (or have bonus attack speed).
^947-^* Bounces to the closest enemy hero in 800 range
^947-^* No longer grants ^256True Strike^* or Armor Penetration against the target.
^947-^* Now a self-target cast.


^256Bound by Fate^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow on main target increased to 30%.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow removed from secondary target.
^947-^* Duration reduced from ^9605/6/7/8 to 5 seconds^*.


^256Luck of the Draw^*

^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* mechanic changed to the following: Passively grants a
20% chance to deal a ^9602/3.5/5x Critical Hit^* on attack.
^274*^*No other effects are present on Luck of the Draw.

=^075 General ^*=

^947^947+^* As a general rule of thumb for consistency purposes, only gadgets that
are interactable (i.e. you can damage it or displace it, etc.) and/or takes up
space (i.e. has collision) should block neutral camps from respawning. Any gadgets
that don't adhere to either of these conditions should not block neutral camps from

^274*^*Side note: legacy behaviour (i.e. "it has always been like that!") is not
a valid justification for retaining the neutral camp block behaviour.

^947-^* The following gadgets will no longer block neutral camps from respawning:
^274*^*^059Andromeda^*'s ^256Aurora^*
^274*^*^059Artesia^*'s ^256Arcane Missile^*
^274*^*^059Calamity^*'s ^256Firebomb^*
^274*^*^059Empath^*'s ^256Illusory Veil^*
^274*^*^059Hellbringer^*'s ^256Demon Strike^*
^274*^*^579Hel^*lbringer's ^256Evil Presence^*
^274*^*^059Master of Arms^*' ^256Acid Bomb^*
^274*^*^059Pearl^*'s ^256Whirlbubble^*
^274*^*^059Solstice^*'s ^256Illuminate^*
^274*^*^059Voodoo Jester^*'s ^256Spirit Ward^*

^947-^* The following gadgets will now block neutral camps from respawning:
^274*^*^059Engineer^*'s ^256Spider Mines^*

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96027 to 22^*.

^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96018-22 to 20-24^*.
^274*^* Starting Damage reduced from ^96045-49 to 42-46^*.

^256Side Step^*
^947-^* ^059Bushwack^* is no longer stunned during the jump.
^274*^* This means that you can attack and use spells or items.

^256Jungle Toxin^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Attack Speed bonus no longer
resets if you attack a different target.


^947-^* Parasite's minimap icon is now visible while ^256Infest^* is active.
^947-^* When Parasite's Infested creep is killed via ^256Consume^*, it now grants
the last enemy player-controlled unit the kill credit if that unit has damaged the
Infested creep within the last 2 seconds.
^274*^*This prevents Parasite from denying the gold and experience of the
opposing team if he uses Consume before the opposing team can kill the Infested


^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^9608/7/6/5 seconds to 8 seconds^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed decreased from ^960100/200/200/200 to 75/100/125/150^*.
^947-^* Number of attacks affected changed from ^9602/2/3/4 to 1/2/3/4^*.

^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^9601200 to 1000^*.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* Mid Wars Beta

^075Team Deathmatch^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Silver Coin ^*=

^904New ^*Silver Coin ^059Flux^* Avatar: ^579Force of Nature^*

^947^947-^* Nature is in a continuous state of ebb and flow, but one constant is
the presence of the Sentinels, warriors of Gaia powered by the earth and tasked
with protecting the defenseless ecosystems of Newerth. They were once overwhelmed
by the advancement and ambition of mankind, but as the planet seeks a new
equilibrium in the chaos of war, the Sentinels emerge once again to stand between
Nature and destruction.^*

Gravity is an undeniable force, and the Force of Nature Sentinel wields it with a
stunning mastery. Pushing and pulling any object at will, the Force of Nature draws
the enemies of Gaia near for an elemental thrashing, then propels their ragged
carcasses away to become food for the scavengers and compost for the soil.

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Tarot^* Avatar: ^579Onmyoji^*

^947^947-^* The yin and yang, dark and bright, negative and positive--most assume
these are dissonant adversaries battling for conquest over the other. But the few
who have mastered both understand that the opposites are actually complementary to
one another, and the balance between them holds tremendous power. Onmyji has spent
years immersed in the yin and yang of all things, from the smallest speck of dust
to the whole of Newerth and beyond, and she feels the balance of existence tipping
dangerously close to the darkness. It will take every shred of her power to bind
the fulcrum of this reality's energy to her own and bring it back from the brink of
being snuffed out forever.^*

^904New ^*^059Arachna^* Avatar: Youkai ^059Arachna^*

^947^947-^* Deep within the Sang-La Mountains, in a valley almost entirely isolated
from the outside world, a cluster of small villages lives in constant fear of the
Youkai. These are creatures and phenomena that cannot be explained by the elders,
the laws of nature, or any application of common sense. They simply should not
exist -- yet they do. If the villagers were brave enough to venture beyond their
sturdy, bamboo walls, they might discover a shadowed entrance tucked within a fold
of the valley wall. An entrance with foreign, sinister runes carved around its
mouth. And within that entrance, a cave, leading down, down, down, until the cold
stone begins to grow warm. Then hot. Then blistering. It is a gateway to All Hells,
and from there the Youkai scuttle forth from their corrupted dwellings to take the
shape of nightmares.^*

Youkai Arachna is a creature of playful mischief. She thrives on the combination of

glee and anxiety that comes with wildly popular Newerthian games such as Hide and
Seek, Catch Me if You Can, and probably her all-time favorite, Save Me from the
Spiders. Slightly coy and bashful when she first meets a playmate, she quickly
forms a lifelong attachment with them and decides they will play together forever
and ever. When her playmates feel otherwise due to exhaustion, terror, or blood
loss, Youkai Arachna's nightmarish temper reveals itself. She typically regrets
these moments, when she tears off legs to prevent someone from running away or
binds them in a suffocating web until they realize how much fun they're having. But
her sorrow is quickly forgotten when a new playmate comes along and the game begins

^904New ^*^059Sir Benzington^* Avatar: ^579Bajutsu Benzi^*

^947^947-^* The elite Bajutsu Riders have defended the rural clans of the Sang-La
Mountains for centuries, even being summoned by the monks of Shao Temple on the
rare occasion when they need combat reinforcements. These mounted warriors are
masters of the spear, and when their shock-style charges catch an enemy in the open
valleys of the rugged mountain terrain they make short work of things. The Bajutsu
general is a frisky veteran who has engaged in--and won--countless battles with his
beloved and fearless fox mount, and the sound of their approaching charge is often
drowned out by their combined purring as they anticipate the joy of the fray. And
though the general is more than skilled enough to toy with his adversaries, perhaps
batting them around and tossing them up a bit before finishing them off, his battle
discipline is ironclad. Well, maybe a paw smack here and there...^*
=^075 Hero Reworks ^*=

^075These heroes have been reworked and now have new base models:^*
^947-^* ^059Tarot^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^999Health^* Bars for neutral creeps no longer have transparency.

^947-^* The Disable Auto Aggro, Right Click Deny, and Safe ^256Teleport^* options
have been moved from the Keybindings options menu to the Interface -> Assistance
options menu.
^947-^* Invisible gadgets will no longer register as a targetable unit on the
user's client interface if you hover your mouse cursor over them.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Twisted Visage^* can no longer target ^059Adrenaline^*'s Ember Shards.

^947-^* ^256Wave of Death^*'s visuals now properly match its actual area of effect.

^947-^* Volcanoes that spawn on enemy towers (spawned from ^256Draconic Defense^*)
will no longer have collision if Draconis does not have a ^077Staff of the Master^*
in his inventory.

^947-^* When boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*, ^256As One^* will no longer
teleport Empath back to her host if the distance between the 2 exceeds 2000 units.

^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* ^256Dreadknight^* Lord Salforis will now play correct amount of footstep
audio on land and in water.


^980Version 4.2.1^*
^98029 August 2017^*

==^960 UI ^*==

^999Health^* Bars
^947-^* Transparency for the empty regions/background of the Health Bars have been
^274*^*In particular, this improves the visibility of the Health Bars when last-
hitting creeps when they are adjacent to one another.
^947-^* Decreased the brightness of the Health Bars slightly.
^274*^*This helps reduce the "glare" perceived by players with more sensitive

==^960 Design ^*==


^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Passively increases your Max
Health by 15% and an extra 1% for every kill or assist you scored.



^256Draconic Defense^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* no longer reduces the cooldown of the ability.



^947-^* Clearvision rescaled from ^9601000 to 800/1000/1200^*.



^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96023 to 26^*.

^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96016 to 13^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level reduced from ^9601.7 to 1.3^*.

^256Arcane Shield^*
^947-^* Triggered buff no longer gives ^96040/60/80/100 Attack Damage^*.
^947-^* Triggered buff now ^960increases all Damage dealt by 15/20/25/30%^*.


^059Puppet Master^*

^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96020 to 18^*.

^947-^* Base Intelligence decreased from ^96021 to 20^*.

^256Puppeteer's Hold^*:
^947-^* Duration lowered from ^9602.5/3.25/4/4.75 seconds to 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds^*.

^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^947-^* Damage amplification from the Voodoo Puppet to the main target changed from
^960140/160/180% to 120/150/180%^*



^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96017 to 15^*.

^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96023 to 21^*.

^256Death Lotus^*
^947-^* Magic Damage when shooting the blades out changed from ^960100/160/220/280
to 70/140/210/280^*.



^947-^* Terror Mound placement cooldown increased from ^96010 seconds to 20
^947-^* ^256Terror Port^* cooldown increased from ^96020 seconds to 40 seconds^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^075Sand Scepter^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960835 to 535^*. Total cost reduced from ^9602800
to 2500^*.


=^075 Mid Wars Beta ^*=

^947-^* Primary Pick Mode: Hero Ban
^947-^* Secondary Mode: ^077Blitz Mode^*
^274*^*Cooldown reduction adjusted from ^96080% to 60%^* for ^077Mid Wars^*

Features changed from ^077Mid Wars^*

^947-^* Passive Experience per minute (XPM) increased from ^960120 to 180^*.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick
^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* Mid Wars Beta

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Fusion ^*=

^947^947+^* With the pure, true corruption from the depths of All Hells continuing
to flow from Apex's portal, the other previously untapped levels and pits are also
free to spew their filth and wickedness across Newerth. The Fusion Chamber is one
such level, a subterranean laboratory where the damned souls were infected with a
daemonic virus that tore them apart from within and rebuilt their maimed bodies
with the ability to transform appendages into brutal, fiendish weapons. The Fusion
Chamber did this for centuries, churning out an army of agonized soldiers prepared
to wreak havoc and spread the Fusion virus across Newerth when Apex finally
ascended. That day has come, and the Fusion warriors come with it.^*

^904New ^*^059Blood Hunter^* Avatar: ^579Fusion Hunter^*

^947^947-^* Fusion Hunter serves as the tracker for the Fusion army, using his own
virulent blood to detect the slightest, untainted drop from a soon-to-be victim.
His hideous appearance can be somewhat masked by wardrobe, allowing him to blend in
with a crowd long enough to sniff out the strongest among them and identify the
first target for the other Fusion terrors to descend upon. And while his visage can
be masked, his hunger for flesh and blood cannot, so when someone in the masses
happens to have an open wound -- or even dried blood on a collar -- Fusion Hunter
cannot help himself. That hapless bleeder becomes the first of many victims, and
they are lucky to be spared the carnage that follows.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Geomancer^* Avatar: ^579Leviathan^*

^947^947-^* Seeking the dark matter carried within Parallax's fulcrum to fuel their
own path of galactic destruction and rule, the Leviathans have descended upon
Newerth with zero regard for the war between the Legion and Hellbourne. But they
are intelligent enough to join the winning faction, just long enough to expedite
the eradication of one army before they turn upon their supposed allies.^*

^904New ^*^059The Dark Lady^* Avatar: ^579Vice^*

^947^947-^* Many criminals think Vice is weak (or a stripper, let's be honest) when
they first see her, but her knockout appearance is 100% intentional and tactical.
It gives her the split second of doubt in a takedown operation that allows her to
stun, overpower, and restrain perpetrators exponentially stronger than her. Even
when the goons are cuffed and face-down on the ground, sniffing dirt through
bloodied noses, they're still waiting for the gag to be over and the show to start.
Should they finally realize they are truly headed for the Graybar Hotel and try to
reclaim their pride and freedom through violence, they will quickly learn Vice
isn't just a brilliant strategist -- she's also a master of her patented Siren
Sticks and will leave any would-be assailant in a cloud of instant pain and

^904New ^*^980Announcer Pack^*: E-san Announcer

^947-^* Kick your game up a notch with this spicy E-san Announcer Pack! Recorded by
Thailand's famous joker, Eed Pong Lang.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^256Shadow^*picking a hero in Captain's Pick before a ban will no longer

pick a hero that is already banned.
^947-^* Graffiti sprays will no longer block neutral camps from respawning.
^947-^* The info window above a player's hero will now show the player name when
you hover over it with your mouse cursor.
^947-^* A coin sound will no longer be unintentionally played if an enemy hero
kills a super creep.
^947-^* The ^090Legion^* Archer's overhead bone has been fixed to display visual
effects properly.
^947-^* The "Move to Spawn on Disconnect" option now moves all of your owned,
controlled units back to the ally well when you disconnect (instead of just your

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Stardust Aluna^*'s bones during her knockdown animation now display
their visual effects appropriately.

^947-^* ^256Entangle^*d Vine Walls no longer take return damage from ^077Barbed

^947-^* ^579Punk Chronos^* now uses the proper knockdown animation sound.

^947-^* ^256Deep Shadows^* now boosts Fayde's Movement Speed properly.

^947-^* ^256Earth's Grasp^* now uses the proper ability icon.

^947-^* ^256Pitfall^* will no longer block neutrals from respawning.

^947-^* Transfusion's and Bloodrush's states now use the proper icons if the Ichor
player is using an alternate avatar.

^947-^* ^256Shatterstorm^*'s proc delay is now correctly set to 5 seconds.

^947-^* ^579Esper^*'s ^256Inherent Defense^* state icon now uses the appropriate

^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* Undying (boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) will no longer freeze its
duration if Lord Salforis is dead.
^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* ^256Invisibility^*'s fade time no longer incorrectly adds the attack
frontswing duration to the fade timer.
^274*^*To compensate, Invisibility's fade time has been increased from ^9604/3/2
seconds to 4.5/3.5/2.5 seconds^*.

^947-^* Plushie and ^579Misfit Myrmidon^*'s splash attack impact visuals (from
Mutant Evolution) is now consistent with the other Myrmidon avatars.

^947-^* ^256Wanderer^*'s attack impact sound is now played properly.

^947-^* Ancient creeps controlled via ^256Infest^* (boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^*) will now draw aggro from creeps properly.

^947-^* ^256Tormented Soul^* no longer blocks neutrals from respawning if it is
still in flight.

^059Plague Rider^*
^947-^* ^256Extinguish^* is no longer able to target ^059Wildsoul^*'s Booboo.

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* ^256Voodoo Wards^* no longer take return damage from ^077Barbed Armor^*.

^947-^* ^579Amadea^* Prophet's bones during the item usage animation and the
knockdown animation now display their visual effects properly.

^947-^* Respawning with a ^077Staff of the Master^* while Solstice has chosen Night
Mode on her ^256Graceful Strikes^* ability will now retain the proper skill icons
for that mode.

^947-^* Shiver's ^256Patrol^* subability can no longer be used to trigger ^077Null

=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Droppable items on death (e.g. ^077Doom Bringer^*, ^077Bound Eye^*) now
properly drop on death if your ally faction (i.e. the ^090Legion^* faction if
you're on ^090Legion^*) lands the killing blow on the target.

^077Harkon's Blade^*
^947-^* No longer breaks stealth when toggling it.
^947-^* Can now be toggled off properly when lacking the mana required per attack.

^077Logger's Hatchet^*
^947-^* The hatchet throw impact now does the proper amount of damage to Siege
^947-^* The hatchet throw now only plays "Timber!" when the target is a tree.

^075Master's Legacy^*
^947-^* Active is now disabled when owned by a mimic.

^980Version 4.2.0^*
^98015 August 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Features & UI Improvements ^*=

^947-^* ^999Health^* Bars, Unit Selection Circle, Line Cast Range Indicator, and
the Unit Info Window (upon hovering over them with your mouse cursor) have been
revamped for improved visibility.
^947-^* "Show Groundsprites" is now disabled by default to reduce visual clutter in
the game.
^274*^*Can be re-enabled in Options -> Interface -> Assistance if desired.
^947-^* Skill points are now automatically allocated to "Attribute Bonus" when the
hero cannot allocate their skill points to any other ability.
^947-^* Players that are AFK will now have a visual AFK overhead icon on their
controlled units.

=^075 Reworks ^*=

^059Geomancer^* (Rework)

Strength: 18 + 2.0
Agility: 16 + 1.2 per level
Intelligence: 22 + 2.8 per level ^075(Primary)^*

Attack Range: 600

Movement Speed: 325


^947-^* Magic Damage changed from ^96070/140/210/280 to 100/150/200/250^*.


^256Ability 2: Earths Grasp (Reworked)^*

^274*^*Range: 900
^274*^*Radius: 150
^274*^*Mana Cost: 125
^274*^*Cooldown: 19/16/13/10 seconds

^947-^* Target an area to launch a wave of grounded energy towards it, dealing
^96080/100/120/140^* Magic Damage on impact and applying Earths Grasp to units hit
for 4 seconds.
^947-^* ^256Earths Grasp^* deals ^96015/30/45/60 Magic Damage per second^* to the
target. The Magic Damage dealt is reduced by 50% if the target is moving.
^947-^* ^256Earth's Grasp^* also Sights and Reveals affected targets for the


^256Ability 3: Geo Stalk^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Radius: 1200/1400/1600/1800
^274*^*Cooldown: 75 seconds

^947-^* Upon use, Geomancer burrows into the ground for the next 30 seconds.
^947-^* This allows him to see moving enemies (including stealthed units) as red
dots through fog within a radius around himself, but reduces his sight range to 400
and changes his Attack Range to Melee.
^947-^* Geomancer is also invisible while burrowed, but is revealed to enemies
within 400 radius of him.
^274*^*Geomancer can unburrow after ^256Geo Stalk^* is cast.


Ability 4: ^256Crystal Field^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Radius: 350
^274*^*Mana Cost: 150/200/250
^274*^*Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds

^947-^* Upon use immobilizes target enemy for 2.5 seconds.

^947-^* When the immobilize wears off, applies a ^9602/3/4 second Stun^* to all
enemies around the target.
^274*^* The original target is not affected by this.
^947-^* Deals ^96050/75/100 Magic Damage per second^* to enemies affected by the
Crystal Field.
^947-^* Has the same ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Upon exploding deals an
additional ^960100/120/140 Magic Damage^* and applies a 4 second 50% Movement Speed
Slow in a 600 radius.


^059Sand Wraith^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96023 to 20^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.5^*.

^256Desert's Curse^*
^947-^* Whenever an enemy unit is targeted by this ability, now causes all of your
illusions within 2000 range of yourself to attack it.
^274*^* Applies Haste to your illusions for 5 seconds or until they attack.
^947-^* "Familiar Ground" buff which gives terrain-walking and speed now also
applies to all of your illusions.

Ability 2: Sand ^256Stalkers^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Mana Cost: 15/25/35/45
^274*^*Cooldown: 30 seconds
^947-^* Activate to spawn 2 Sand Stalkers next to you for 20 seconds.
^947-^* Sand Stalkers are illusions which ^960deal 25/30/35/40% Damage^* and
^960take 400/350/300/250% Damage^*.
^947-^* Using this ability also disjoints projectiles and makes you invulnerable
for 0.2 seconds on cast

^075Ability 3: Enkindle (Reworked)^*

^947-^* Grants ^96015/25/35/45 Attack Speed^* to ^059Sand Wraith^* and all
illusions under ^059Sand Wraith^*'s control.


^059Tremble^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96049-54 to 54-60^*.


^256Dark Swarm^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Radius: 300
^274*^*Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^274*^*Cooldown: 12 seconds

^947-^* Summons a swarm of bugs for 5 seconds. Enemies within the swarm take
^96032/48/64/80 Physical Damage per second^*, while enemies outside the swarm deal
40% less damage to ^059Tremble^*.


^256Terror Mound^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Range: Global
^274*^*Radius: 400
^274*^*Mana Cost: 50
^274*^*Cooldown: 10 seconds

^947-^* Creates a Terror Mound at the target location by sending Boris there. While
in the Terror Mounds, you gain ^96015/30/45/60% Movement Speed^*, 50% Mana
Regeneration, and Stealth with a 2 second fade time.
^947-^* Terror Mounds die from 3 attacks (6 if the attacker is outside of the
^947-^* Maximum of ^9602/4/6/8^* Terror Mounds.
^947-^* A permanent mound is placed at the well that can not be moved or destroyed
or replaced, and does not count towards the Mound limit.
^947-^* While in a Terror Mound, ^059Tremble^* can use ^256Terror Port^* to
teleport to another Terror Mound after a 3 second channel. This has a 20 second


^256Impalers^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Passively makes your autoattacks apply a ^96010/20/30/40% Movement Speed

Slow^* and ^960-1/-2/-3/-4 Armor^* to the target for 2.5 seconds.

^256Hive Mind^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Mana Cost: 50/75/100
^274*^*Cooldown: 60 seconds

^947-^* Summon Shudder at your location for 40 seconds. Shudder is invulnerable and
cannot be controlled and follows ^059Tremble^*, attacking what ^059Tremble^*
attacks for ^96060/90/120 Attack Damage^*.
^947-^* For 40 seconds, Hive Mind becomes ^256Ensnare^*.

^274*^*Range: 600
^274*^*Mana Cost: 0
^274*^*Cooldown: 15 seconds

^947-^* Immobilizes a target enemy unit for ^9601.5/2/2.5 seconds^*.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: instead of spawning an uncontrollable
Shudder, ^059Tremble^* now spawns a permanent, controllable Shudder with
^g90/120/150 Attack Damage, 1000/1400/1800 Health, 4/8/12 Armor and 5 Magic
^274*^*Shudder's skills are: ^256Ensnare^*, ^256Terror Mounds^*, ^256Impalers^*
and ^256Razor Carapace^* (30 Deflection).


=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Siege Creeps can now be targeted by Spells and Abilities.

^274*^*Siege Creeps now have 10 Magic Armor.

^947-^* ^579Antlore Healer^* no longer heals neutrals while it is an NPC.

^947-^* ^579Antlore Necromancer^*'s active ability has changed:
^274*^*Summons 10 Zomblings with 270 ^999Health^*, 5 Magic Armor, 300 Movement
Speed, 15 Attack Damage and a 30 second cooldown.
^274*^*This active ability will not be used if it is controlled by the AI.
^947-^* Illusions now inherit bonus Attack Speed, ^999Health^* Regeneration, Mana
Regeneration, and Lifesteal from the original hero.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Void Rip^* now deals a negligible amount of non-lethal damage to its
target upon being cast.
^274*^*Acts as a damage instance for some combat purposes, e.g. putting
^077Portal Key^* on its cooldown.


^256Kelp Field^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* no longer boosts the duration by 2 seconds.
^274*^* Still reduces the cooldown and increases damage.



^947-^* Attack Speed per Essence reduced from ^96015 to 10^*.



^256Guttling Hook^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Increases range by 500 (1600
total) and reduces the cooldown from ^96014 seconds to 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Staff of the Master also increases the maximum range that you can pull a
target from ^9601440 to 1920^*.

^947-^* No longer has a ^077Staff of the Master^* effect.



^947-^* Now applies a 45% Movement Speed Slow for 4 seconds regardless of distance
to the target
^947-^* In Pull polarity mode, applies a 10% Damage Amplification to all targets
hit for 4 seconds.
^947-^* In Push polarity, applies a 10% Damage Output Reduction to all targets hit
for 4 seconds.

^256Magnetic Surge^*
^947-^* Now counts as an autoattack.

^947-^* Range is no longer Global.
^947-^* Now affects all enemy heroes within 2000 radius.
^274*^*As a result, ^077Null Stone^* will not be able to block Discharge.
^947-^* The push and pull effects are no longer inhibited by cliffs, buildings or
any type of obstacle.
^947-^* Displacement distance changed from ^960500/600/700 units to 400/600/800


^947-^* Base Movement Speed increased from ^960295 to 300^*.

^947-^* Strength gain increased from ^9602.8 to 3.3^*.

^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from ^96030% to 40%^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960120 to 90/100/110/120^*.

^947-^* Now deals the same Physical Damage to all enemies within the radius (325).
^947-^* Physical Damage increased from ^96060/100/140/180 to 60/120/180/240^*.

^256Release the Kraken!^*

^947-^* No longer stuns enemies that reach the center.
^947-^* Now Immobilizes enemies that reach the center for ^9602/2.5/3 seconds^*.



^947-^* Strength gain per level reduced from ^9603.2 to 3.0^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601.0 to 1.2^*.
^947-^* Base Movement Speed increased from ^960290 to 300^*.

^256Rocket Drill^*
^947-^* Initial projectile impact time decreased from ^960400ms to 300ms^*.

^947-^* Range reduced from ^960250 to 200^*.
^947-^* Now hits in a 180 radius around the main target.
^947-^* Mana Cost removed.

^256Lodestone Plates^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Now passively blocks ^96010/20/30/40 Physical Damage^* from attacks.
^274*^*Does not stack with other forms of damage block, e.g. ^077Iron Buckler^*
or ^077Helm of the Black Legion^*.
^947-^* When off cooldown, reduces the next instance of hero damage over 150 by
^947-^* Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds


^059Lord Salforis^*

^256The Undying^*
^947-^* Previous ^077Staff of the Master^* effect removed.
^947^947-^* New Staff of the Master effect: Pauses the duration of The Undying when
Salforis is within 600 range of the target. Each hero that dies while under the
effects of Undying permanently increases the Damage per second done by this ability
by 5, up to a max of 50 bonus Damage.^*

^059Moon Queen^*

^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96017 to 15^*.

^947-^* Strength gain increased from ^9602 to 2.2^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96020 to 18^*.

^256Moon Beam^*
^947-^* Stun duration reduced from ^9601 second to 0.75 seconds^*.

^256Moon Finale^*
^947-^* Now has clear visuals beneath ^059Moon Queen^* to indicate when Moon Finale
is still active after its initial cast time.



^256Elemental Warp^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Increases cast range from
^960700 to 1400^*, and passively reduces all your ability cooldowns by 2 seconds.



^256Forced Evolution^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: Total Attack Damage while transformed reduced
from ^960155/205/255 to 140/190/240^*.



^947-^* Added a new ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Can now infest Ancients.



^947-^* Buff/Debuff dispel now only occurs when the bubble explodes.

^075Ability 3: Bubble Pop (Reworked)^*

^274*^*Mana Cost: 100
^274*^*Cooldown: 20 seconds
^274*^*Range: 500/600/700/800
^274*^*Radius: 500
^947-^* Target an area to travel there by using bubble momentum, healing ally
heroes within the area for ^96075/125/175/225 Health^*.

^947-^* Damage Reduction against units outside the bubble decreased from ^960100%
to 40/60/80%^*.
^947-^* ^999Health^* Regeneration increased from ^96020/30/40 to 20/40/60^*.



Ability 2: ^256Invigorate^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Radius: 800
^075Mana Cost: 65^*
^075Cooldown: 8/7/6/5 seconds^*

^947-^* Activate to heal for ^96075/100/125/150 Health^* and grant a bonus

100/200/200/200 Attack Speed for 5 seconds or the next 2/2/3/4 autoattacks. Chains
to the closest ally hero within 800 radius.

^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* Shared Fate is now applied to all enemies within 1200 radius around
yourself for 5/7/9 seconds (instead of spawning a lingering field for a duration at
a target location).



^256Blazing Strike^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: Now always deals 50% of its Magic Damage to
enemies within range, not just when the target dies.



^256Disco Inferno^*
^947-^* Can now be double-activated to cast the skill at your location.

^256Protective Melody^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* now allows movement at full speed.
^274*^* This is in addition to the previous effects.



^947-^* Base Strength, Agility and Intelligence reduced from ^96019 to 17^*.
^947-^* Strength, Agility and Intelligence gain per level reduced from ^9602.3 to

^256Gargantuan's Blast^*
^947-^* No longer grants bonus Physical Armor.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow changed from ^96020/25/30/35% to 25%^*.

^256Essence Shift^*
^947-^* Percentage gained from the target's primary attribute changed from
^96030/40/50% to 20/40/60%^*.



^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96024 to 25^*.

^947-^* Strength gain increased from ^9602.7 to 3.2^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96020 to 18^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96017 to 16^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain reduced from ^9601.9 to 1.6^*.

^256Blinding Dash^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^960600/800/1000/1200 to 900/1000/1100/1200^*.

^256Graceful Strikes^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Reduces the number of hits
required for a proc from ^9603 to 2^*. Allows you to activate the ability to switch
between Day and Night mode at will.
^274*^* No longer switches modes passively while Staff of the Master is


^059The Chipper^*

^947-^* Strength gain reduced from ^9601.8 to 1.6^*.

^947-^* Agility gain reduced from ^9601.6 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96023 to 25^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain increased from ^9602.5 to 3.0^*.


^059Voodoo Jester^*

^256Spirit Ward^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* now also makes the ability non-channelling. The
ward lasts for the usual duration of 8 seconds and disappears if ^059Voodoo
Jester^* gets stunned, silenced or dies.


^059War Beast^*
^947^947-^* Added a new Staff of the Master effect: Now permanently turns you into
a wolf and passively gives you all the bonuses of this ability except for the
Movement Speed bonus. This includes a lower Base Attack Time (BAT), extra Health
and Critical Strike.^*
^274*^*Activating the ability grants you and your units Max Movement Speed and
Unitwalking for the usual duration.


=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* The following items in the Item Shop have been moved from the Combative
section to the ^256Morph^* Attack section:
^274*^*^077Elder Parasite^*
^274*^*^077Nullfire Blade^*
^274*^*^077Arclight Crown^*

=^075 New Items ^*=

^904New ^*Combative Item: Master's Legacy

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Staff of the Master^* (4200) + Recipe (1500) = 5700 Gold Total.
^947-^* Passively gives +10 Strength/Agility/Intelligence, 200 ^999Health^* and 150
Mana, and boosts your abilities just like Staff of the Master.

^075Active Ability:^*
^274*^*Range: Global
^947-^* Target a real ally hero to permanently boost another ally hero's abilities
with any ^077Staff of the Master^* effects they may have.
^947-^* This can only be done once and only on heroes who aren't already boosted.
^947-^* Losing the item will remove the boost from the ally and put the item on a 5
minute cooldown.

^904New ^*Combative Item: Madfred's Brass Knuckles

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Punchdagger^* (500) + ^077Soulscream Ring^* (440) + Recipe
(260) = 1200 Gold Total.
^947-^* Passively grants: +15 Attack Damage, +3 Strength, +6 Agility, +3
^947-^* Passively gains 4 bonus Attack Damage whenever you score a hero kill or
assist, up to a max of 5 stacks (20 bonus Attack Damage).
^947-^* Upon reaching 5 stacks, also grants 15 Bonus Movement Speed.

^904New ^*Combative Item: Corrupted Sword

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Sword of the High^* (3400) + Recipe (600) = 4000 Gold Total.
^947-^* Passively grants: +70 Attack Damage.
^947-^* Double-activate (or target self) to consume Corrupted Sword and permanently
gain 35 Attack Damage. This effect stacks.

=^075 Counter Pick ^*=

^947-^* Pick Phase duration increased from ^96020 seconds to 40 seconds^*.

^947-^* No longer has a team-shared pool of extra picking time.
=^075 Mid Wars Beta ^*=

^947-^* Primary Pick Mode: Hero Ban
^947-^* Secondary Mode: ^077Blitz Mode^*
^274*^*Cooldown reduction adjusted from ^96080% to 60%^* for ^077Mid Wars^*

Features changed from ^077Mid Wars^*

^947-^* Passive Experience per minute (XPM) increased from ^960120 to 180^*.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* Mid Wars Beta

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Silver Coin ^*=

^904New ^*Silver Coin ^059Calamity^* Avatar: ^579Archimedes Calamity^*

^947^947-^* Many in the Legion worship the power of Sol, but Calamity has
discovered a way to use his presence against them by using mirrors and parabolic
lenses to harness the sun's energy into a weapon with devastating power. A single
burst from her minion mirrors is enough to set an entire ship ablaze, and when she
summons her lethal lenses to surround an enemy with blazing heat, everything within
the vault is reduced to steam and ashes.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Magebane^* Avatar: ^579Tutankhamun^*

^947^947-^* Circe the Deceiver watched from the shadows, disguised as an ancient
beggar, a gilded merchant, a wandering shepherd, as the young pharaoh Tutankhamun
rose to power. Circe had worked tirelessly to sow dissatisfaction with the Egyptian
gods, and many temples and shrines lay in ruins, abandoned because of her efforts.
Now the young pharaoh was restoring the temples, the people's faith, and Circe's
fears. The gods had exiled her once -- never again. So she murdered the pharaoh's
wife Ankhesenamun and took her form, allowing Circe to get close enough to the
ruler to stage a terrible accident that left him shattered, weak, and quickly dead.
Unfortunately for the gods, the Thutmoside blood line died with him^*
Still in disguise, Circe had his body hastily sealed within his unfinished burial
chamber to ensure no one could examine the corpse and become suspicious. But the
gods did not need physical evidence of her crimes. They created Tutankhamun's
Curse, a vow of vengeance against Circe that would bring the young, powerful
pharaoh back to life when the heavens and hells collapsed, releasing the gods and
spirits from their prisons. And even though it was Apex and the Third Corruption
that brought this catastrophic event about, the curse was nevertheless triggered,
and now Tutankhamun rises from his sarcophagus as a warrior of justice for the gods
to hunt his killer.

^904New ^*^059Demented Shaman^* Avatar: ^579Firefighter Shaman^*

^947^947-^* Firefighter Shaman lives for battling flames, and it doesn't matter if
they come from a carelessly tossed torch, an epic lightning strike, or the fires of
daemonic corruption -- they will be extinguished! When she arrives on-scene,
civilians know an unbreakable barrier has been placed between them and the raging
inferno, and the storm of skills she unleashes upon the flames instantly turns a
terrifying disaster into an amazing display of water, steam, and harmless ash.^*

^904New ^*^059Klanx^* Avatar: ^579Firefighter Klanx^*

^947^947-^* Firefighter Klanx is constantly searching for signs of smoke, and as
soon as he spots a potential threat he loads up, mobilizes, and pounces to unleash
the full firefighting arsenal carried by him and his crew to extinguish the danger
before it can become a problem for anyone else. As for the cleanup, well, most
troublemakers are biodegradable.^*

=^075 Hero Reworks ^*=

^947+^* These heroes have been reworked and now have new base models:
^947-^* ^059Geomancer^*
^947-^* ^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^059Tremble^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The in-game Emote animations for heroes (obtained via Hero Mastery) have
been improved for a large number of heroes.
^947-^* Illusions and all otther owned hero units are now properly selectable when
pressing the "Select Own Units" hotkey (default hotkey is F2).

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Activating Burning Consumption (^256Flame Consumption^*, boosted by
^077Staff of the Master^*) will now properly dispel the Fear effect.

^947-^* ^579Arachnabot^*'s Spiderling model is now correct when ^077Staff of the
Master^* is in your inventory.

^947-^* Activating ^256Carnage^* will now properly dispel the Fear effect.

^947-^* ^256Flaming Hammer^* will no longer bypass Magic Immunity if it was in
midair prior to the target gaining Magic Immunity.

^947-^* ^579Punk Hammerstorm's^* ^256Galvanize^* visual effects no longer glitch
out on hills and ramps.

^947-^* ^579Ruby^* Pearl's ability icons are now officially recoloured to red!

^947-^* Obtaining ^077Jade Spire^* on Blind Prophet will now properly display the
golden belt and arm ornaments on the model.

^947-^* ^579Winter Solstice^*'s 3D Portrait is now properly centered.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Ultor's Heavy Plate^*

^947-^* Aura effect type is no longer Magic.

^077Whispering Helm^*
^947-^* Beneficial states from Whispering Helm are now dispelled when ownership of
a dominated creep by Whispering Helm is transferred to another player.


^980Version 4.1.6^*
^98001 August 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Day/Night cycle duration decreased from 7.5 minutes to 6 minutes.

^947-^* NPC Lane Creeps' Attack Damage against NPC Neutral Creeps decreased from
^960150% to 125%^*.
^947-^* Siege Creeps' Attack Damage against Structures and Towers increased from
^960150% to 175%^*.
^947-^* Siege Creeps' ^256Health^* increased from ^960500 to 550^*.
^947-^* Hero Attack Damage against Siege Creeps increased from ^96050% to 100%^*.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Curse of Ages^*
^947-^* Mechanics reworked: now has a ^96010/15/20/25%^* chance to proc.
^274*^*Uses a Pseudo-RNG Algorithm.
^947-^* Magic Damage upon proccing increased from ^96040/50/60/70 to
^947-^* 2 second cooldown removed.
^947-^* No longer deals double the damage if the target is affected by

^947-^* Units outside the Chronofield will no longer deal reduced damage to units
inside the Chronofield.



^256Fulcrum Shift^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^9601 second to 0.5 seconds^*.

^256Ionic Dash^*
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^960350 to 275^*.
^947-^* No longer deals damage to enemies as you pass through them.
^947-^* No longer silences enemies.
^947-^* Now sends out a wave of dark energy upon arriving to the Fulcrum, dealing
damage to enemies in a 350 AoE and applying a tapering ^96040/50/60/70%^* Movement
Speed Slow to them for 3 seconds.

^256Dark Mana^*
^947-^* Charge loss on death reduced from ^96020% to 10%^*.

^947-^* Effect radius increased from ^960200 to 275^*.
^947-^* Damaging area is no longer a link between ^059Parallax^* and the Fulcrum.
Instead, it is now centred completely around the Fulcrum.
^274*^* Or, effectively around Parallax when the Fulcrum is picked up.


=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^947-^077 Mid Wars^* will now only have 2 Main Pick Modes: Hero Ban, and Mid Wars
^274*^*All other modes in Mid Wars Matchmaking is now removed.

All of the changes in this section also applies to ^077Mid Wars Beta^*:

^947-^* Non-hero units now do 50% damage to the Main Base Structures in the Mid
Wars map only.
^947-^* Main Base Structures now have 50 ^256Health^* Regeneration in the Mid Wars
map only.
^274*^*This Health Regeneration is negated for 10 seconds when the Main Base
Structure receives damage.

=^075 Mid Wars Beta ^*=

^947-^* Primary Pick Mode: Hero Ban
^947-^* Secondary Modes: Duplicate Heroes

Features changed from Mid Wars:

^947-^* Passive Experience per minute (XPM) increased from ^960120 to 180^*.
^947-^* Grants a bonus 1 Mana Regeneration per second.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* Mid Wars Beta

==^960 New Content ^*==

= ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* =

^947^947+^* The Punks of Newerth are here to leave their mark on the battlefield!
With enough swagger and attitude to cover the entire map, they're primed to show
the authorities that the future -- and every structure and surface in Newerth --
belongs to the Punks. Join this baller crew and help create a masterpiece during
the Graffiti Event!^*

^904New ^*Punks of Newerth ^059Chronos^* Avatar: ^579Punk Chronos^*

^947^947-^* Punk Chronos earned legendary status among the graffiti gang when he
went for the ultimate heaven spot in all of Newerth -- the City of Iron clock
tower. With its constantly churning gears, levers, and hydraulic pistons, this
wonder of engineering might as well be a meat grinder as well as a timekeeper. But
Punk Chronos made it to the top, got his arsenal of paint cans ready -- then ran
out of time. The clock tower struck midnight and dragged him into its guts, finally
spitting him out three hours later but keeping an arm and a leg as penance for
trying to deface its masterfully crafted surface. Punk Chronos learned a key lesson
that day, and even though he lost a couple appendages, he didn't lose a bit of
courage. He vowed to become the master of time, to forever know the perfect moment
to strike, to retreat, to empty a full can on a masterpiece or hit the target with
a single drop, a thousand times, to create his work of art. For Punk Chronos, time
is just another medium for a true artist to work with.^*

^904New ^*Punks of Newerth ^059Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: ^579Punk Flint^*

^947^947-^* Punk Flint used to belong to the rival Warlords gang, but they were way
too focused on fighting and didn't seem to care much about art, style, or artsy
style, three things he considers to be vital to a proper existence. For him, artsy
style means sauntering down the middle of a busy street popping paint splatters at
targets three blocks away to create dazzling masterpieces, and looking hella fresh
while doing it. Granted, he's barely over eighteen, and grizzled members like Punk
Smith just shake their heads at the audacity, muttering about how he'll have to
learn the hard way, but Punk Flint sees things differently -- instead of him
learning the hard way, these old Punks are going to have to learn the new way.^*

^904New ^*Punks of Newerth ^059Rampage^* Avatar: ^579Punk Rampage^*

^947^947-^* On rare mornings, authorities across Newerth will awake to find their
streets and buildings entirely covered in dazzling paint so vivid and artistically
applied that it seems to vibrate to an unheard beat. They shake their fists and
bellow about the ragamuffin gang of Punks and their scofflaw ways, but these end-
to-end masterpieces are the work of just one Punk: Punk Rampage. Whenever the
system's inherent oppression, ridiculous rules, and stifling expectations get to be
too much, this spray-painting steamroller just can't hold back. He gasses up the
Horned Hot Rod, cranks up the volume, and stampedes through entire city blocks to
let the paint and frustrations fly!^*

=^075 Ultimate ^*=

^904New ^*Ultimate ^059Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^579The Sculptor^*

^947^947-^* It is a proper shame that nearly every being in Newerth is either dull,
ugly, or a staggering combination of both. Even the gods themselves descending from
their heavens proved a disappointment, as they turned out to be petty, self-
absorbed, and in some cases unbearably flatulent. The only alternative for The
Sculptor -- a man with impeccable taste and unquestionable genius -- is obvious: if
he is to have any hope of spending time with an equal, he's going to have to create
this entity himself. It took him years of research and trial and error (due to
flawed materials, not design!), but he finally created a sculpture that was as
beautiful as he. In a rare outburst of joy, he kissed her steel lips in celebration
and found them to be...warm.^*

Her eyes opened, blinked, and looked into his. "I am Apega," his creation said. "I
am yours, and you are mine. No other is worthy to partake of us." The Sculptor was
stunned, but his joy only grew. Through some unforeseen alchemy of blended metals,
elemental materials, and possibly his sheer force of will, his dream companion had
come to life. One potential downside: she embodied his sheer disdain for all other
living beings, yet she did not posses his restraint. When The Sculptor took Apega
to a ball to drive the other men mad with envy and the women wild with jealousy, he
was slightly horrified when his dearest slaughtered the entire lot. She's such a
rascal! Apega will only grow more powerful as The Sculptor shows her the world and
she gathers more items and materials to augment her brilliant design. If these two
are indeed the last two remaining beings on Newerth, at least they will be happy
together. Until she kills him.

=^075 Sculptor Item Upgrades ^*=

^947-^* ^077Shrunken Head^*: A chain with shrunken heads floats around ^579The
^947-^* ^077Elder Parasite^* / ^077Whispering Helm^* / ^077Symbol of Rage^*: The
Sculptor gains a purple helmet with horns.
^947-^* ^077Assassin's Shroud^*: The puppet gains a glowing pink cape.
^947-^* ^077Genjuro^*: The puppet gains a glowing cyan cape.
^947-^* ^077Harkon's Blade^* / ^077Savage Mace^*: The puppet gains a cyan sword on
her right hip.
^947-^* ^077Alchemist's Bones^*: The puppet gains a golden claw on her left hand.
^947-^* Boots: The Sculptor gains a decorative golden greave with glowing cyan
sections on his left leg.
^947-^* ^077Kuldra's Sheepstick^*: The puppet gains a floating crown of purple and
cyan energy.
^947-^* ^077Thunderclaw^* / ^077Arclight Crown^*: The puppet gain a gold and cyan
claw on her right hand.
^947-^* ^077Hellflower^* / ^077Grimoire of Power^*: The puppet gains two golden
ring ornaments on her right arm.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Renamed all the Mastery Icons so that they are grouped together
^947-^* Removed Attack Modifier Cycling keybinds from the Options Menu.
^947-^* ^256Taunt^* sounds now play correctly when previewed in the Vault or HoN
^947-^* Purchasing consumables of the same type as a consumable that is already on
its way to your hero via the Automated Courier will no longer deliver those
purchased consumables to your hero in the same delivery instance.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Arcane Missile^* and ^256Arcane Bolts^* will no longer affect Magic
Immune units.

^947-^* ^256Take Cover^* will now proc properly against a damage instance sourced
from a dead enemy unit if ^256Take Cover^* has Auto-Cast toggled on.

^947-^* ^256Consume^* will now heal properly when used on non-hero units when he
has ^077Staff of the Master^* in his inventory.

^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^256Unbreakable^* now calculates ^999Health^* loss properly for multiple
damage instances that occur within the same frame.

^947-^* Default model's knockdown animation now plays correctly.

^947-^* ^579Sea King Myrmidon^* now plays its proper death animation while Mutant
Evolution is active.

^947-^* ^579Punk Nomad^* now properly leaves graffiti on the ground when one of his
illusions kill a real enemy hero.

^059The Dark Lady^*

^947-^* ^579Dark Zealot^* and ^579Glorious Dark Lady^* avatars now have their 3D
portrait properly centered.

^947-^* ^256Courageous Leap^*'s visuals are now displayed properly.
^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* ^256Acid Cocktail^* will no longer stun a target that dies on the same
^274*^*Fixes a niche, corner-case, same-frame issue where the target is stunned
for 5 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds or 1 second, and becomes unable to act if he
uses a buyback as soon as they can.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Icebrand^* & all of its buildup items

^947-^* Now properly shows the attack impact effect tooltips (e.g. mentions the max
number of charges it can apply again).


^980Version 4.1.5^*
^98018 July 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^579Stealth Hunter^*
^947-^* Removed from the game.
^274*^*A ^579Wild Hunter^* will be replacing the Stealth Hunter in the
appropriate neutral camp spawns.

^579Wild Hunter^*
^947-^* No longer has Magic Immunity.
^947-^* Now has 6 Magic Armor.
^947-^* Now has the "^256On the Hunt^*" invisibility active skill (inherited from
^579Stealth Hunter^*).

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Flaming Hammer^*
^947-^* Projectile Speed increased from ^9601200 to 1800^* units per second.



^075Maddening Revenge^*
^947-^* Damage multiplier to non-hero units decreased from ^9602.5x to 2x^*.


^947-^* Moved to the Ability 2 (W) slot.

^256Mighty Swing^*
^947-^* Moved to the Ability 3 (E) slot



^256Mirage Strike^*/^256True Strike^*

^947-^* Range increased from ^960500 to 550^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.9 to 2.5^*.

^256Blade Frenzy^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96075/95/115/135 per second to 80/100/120/140
per second^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96030/28/26/24 seconds to 30/25/20/15 seconds^*.

^256Way of the Sword^*

^947-^* ^256Critical Strike^* proc chance increased from ^96010/18/26/34% to


^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.7 to 2.5^*.

^256Call of the Valkyrie^*

^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^960100/120/140/160 to 80/100/120/140^*.

^256Courageous Leap^*
^947-^* Range changed from ^960630/710/790/870 to 600/700/800/900^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^9604/8/12/16% to 5/10/15/20%^*.

^059Valkyrie^*s Prism
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960100/150/200 to 100^* at all levels.

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^947-^* Passive Experience per Minute (XPM) increased from ^96045 to 120^*.
^947-^* Passive Gold per Minute (GPM) increased from ^960100 to 150^*.
^274*^*This change compensates for the removal of ^077Merrick's Bounty^* in
^077Mid Wars^*.

=^075 Mid Wars Beta ^*=

^947-^* Heal reduction & Health Regeneration reduction decreased from ^96030% to
^947-^* Percentage-based Mana Regeneration bonus removed.
^947-^* Flat Mana Regeneration bonus decreased from ^9603 to 2^*.
^947-^* Now grants a base Health Regeneration of 2 (after factoring in the Health
Regeneration reduction).
==^960 Community ^*==

^947+^* For more information about the Punks of Newerth event, head to the forums!

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077The Grimm Hunt^*

^947-^* All Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

= ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* =

^947^947+^* The Punks of Newerth are here to leave their mark on the battlefield!
With enough swagger and attitude to cover the entire map, they're primed to show
the authorities that the future and every structure and surface in Newerth
belongs to the Punks. Join this baller crew and help create a masterpiece during
the Graffiti Event!^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Blacksmith^* Avatar: ^579Punk

^947^947-^* Punk Smith comes from the old school of Punk rebellion, when you
couldn't even walk on the same sidewalk as the gang unless you'd tagged the armor
of a Captain of the Guard -- while it was being worn. If the Guard happened to
catch you, or you came across a rival gang while you were trying to pass
initiation, well...that's why you made sure your spray painter doubled as a
warhammer. Punk Smith tries to teach the new blood how to do things the right way,
stay relatively safe and out of shackles, and crush and mix their own custom paint
colors, but they're all rebels -- they don't listen to a damn thing he says, and he
wouldn't want it any other way.^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^579Punk

^947^947-^* The Punk Hammer loves spreading art across Newerth as much as any other
Punk, but his greatest pleasure is removing tryhard toy graffiti from existence so
no one else has to suffer the unbearable pain of looking at it. When he encounters
these incredible wastes of paint (basically any graffiti created by someone other
than a Punk) he doesn't settle for a mere slash or dis across the offending piece
-- that would be too kind, and someone might still be able to see the original
piece (of garbage). Instead, he uses his bass hammer to reduce the entire structure
to rubble, then smashes the pieces into dust and powder. Then he finds the so-
called "artist" and does the same thing to them.^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Nomad^* Avatar: ^579Punk Nomad^*

^947^947-^* While Punks like Ravenor, Valk and Pyro love to get the whole gang
together and blast the city with paint and parties, Punk Nomad is a bit of a loner,
preferring to wander the streets on his own, letting the architecture guide him to
the perfect stone and steel canvas for his inspired masterpieces. This also lets
him stalk the rival gangs drawn to the Punks' revelry and pick them off one by one,
leaving a series of brightly painted and barely living art displays in his wake.^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Pyromancer^* Avatar: ^579Punk Pyro^*

^947^947-^* Punk Pyro has no time for mere tags, slashes, or even wildstyles --
she's all about painting burners: large, elaborate pieces that are so intense they
seem to radiate right off the surface. To bust one of these massive masterpieces
out before she's caught or confronted by a rival gang, she needs to work insanely
fast and be ready to blast trespassers away at the first sign of trouble. This is
not a problem -- her paint pump is capable of covering a wall in mere seconds and
drowning chumps even faster, and she has a very sticky trigger finger.^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Ravenor^* Avatar: ^579Punk Ravenor^*

^947^947-^* There's nothing like a graffiti rave to get the Punks ready for a
mission of tagging and slashing, and Punk Ravenor gets the party started right by
carving up the floor with her Rollerblade moves and baller wildstyle artistry. She
doesn't suffer amateurs, boring parties, or lazy sticker slap tags, and if she
comes across another crew trying to disrespect the Punks' graffiti, she's more than
ready to overwhelm them with a shocking display of power, paint, and pink and
purple pain!^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^579Punk

^947^947-^* Punk Swifty brings the flair of a pure artist to every aspect of his
life his painting, music, dancing, weaponry, and especially his street fights.
It's often hard for the other Punks to tell if Swifty is painting a masterpiece,
choreographing a new vocal and step routine, or hacking and slashing a rival gang.
This can be embarrassing, as they sometimes end up punching a backup dancer in the
face or trying to sing along with a victim's cries of agony, but you can guarantee
Punk Swifty will turn whatever chaos he's created into another pice de rsistance of
bright paint, epic beats, and splattered blood.^*

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^*Valkyrie^* Avatar: ^579Punk Valk^*

^947^947-^* Punk Valk views her spray paint art through a different prism than the
other Punks. For her, the outrageous wildstyle designs she creates are inspired by
a heavenly power, a god-tier muse who has chosen her as the conduit for its angelic
artworks. Fortunately, this being has also chosen her to party hard, constantly
live on the bleeding edge, and drag the rest of the Punks along for the daring and
divine ride. If anyone ever convinces her how insane it all is...she'll probably

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Announcer Pack: Punk Announcer

^947-^* Make your legendary mark on the battlefield with the Punk Announcer!

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Courier: Punk Courier

^947-^* Never run out of spray paint or style with the Punk Courier!

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Creep Skin: Punk Creep

^947-^* Fill the lanes with punk swag with the Punk Creep!
^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Name Color: Punk Color
^947-^* Display your epic tag for all of Newerth to see with the Punk Name Color!

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Selection Circle Upgrade: Punk

Selection Circle
^947-^* Surround yourself with wildstyle inside the Punk Selection Circle!

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Taunt: Punk Taunt

^947-^* Tag their tombstone with the wildstyle Punk Taunt!

^904New ^* ^479^:Punks^* ^842of^* ^808Newerth^* Ward: Punk Ward

^947-^* Tag your territory and watch for slashers with the Punk Ward!

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The cliff below the ^900Hellbourne^* left-most hard jungle camp has been
smoothened out to prevent pathing issues with certain dash skills.
^947-^* A cliff spot near the middle lane on the Hellbourne side will no longer
cause a ward placed on it to sink into the ground.

^075Knockdown animations now play properly for the following avatars:^*

^274*^* ^579Steam Mage Bubbles^*
^274*^* ^579Necrosis Kinesis^*
^274*^* ^579Necronomicon Vindicator^*
^274*^* ^579ALPHA Blood Hunter^*
^274*^* ^579Baby Yaga^*
^274*^* ^579Hook Madman^*
^274*^* ^059Glacius^*
^274*^* ^579Yanluo Wang^*
^274*^* ^579Dominatrix Torturer^*
^274*^* ^579Scorpion Magmus^*
^274*^* ^579Icy Deadwood^*
^274*^* ^579Bedsheet Devourer^*

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Vuvuzela Bushwack^*'s now display proper visual effects on his model's

^947-^* ^256Waylay^* now properly unbinds the targets hit.

^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* ^579Lunari Moon Queen's^* ^256Lunar Finale^* now applies the proper
duration for the Movement Speed bonus to self.

^947-^* ^256Weed Field^* no longer bypasses 100% Stun Reduction.

^947-^* Group ^256Chuck^* now properly amplifies damage caused by

^947-^* ^579Purgatory^* Warchief bones for visual effects have been improved.
=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Trail effect now disappears properly when its wielder dies.


^980Version 4.1.4^*
^9804 July 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Mid Wars Beta ^*=

^077Mid Wars Beta^* is a new mode in addition to ^077Mid Wars^*. It contains

changes that occur periodically to freshen up the ^077Mid Wars^* experience.
^274*^*Mid Wars Beta is not a replacement for Mid Wars, but is an additional
mode that is available to play alongside Mid Wars.

^947-^* Experience per minute increased from ^96045 to 240^*.

^947-^* Starting Gold increased from ^960850 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Passive Gold per minute increased from ^960100 to 200^*.

^947-^* All Healing and Health Regeneration is reduced by 30%.

^947-^* Grants a bonus 3 Mana Regeneration per second.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration is increased by 100%.

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

The following changes apply to both ^077Mid Wars^* and ^077Mid Wars Beta^*:

^947-^* The Backdoor Protection System in Mid Wars now only applies to Main Base
Structures (instead of the towers).
^274*^*As a result, the older Health Regeneration mechanics on the Main Base
Structures in ^077Mid Wars^* have been removed, and their Health Regeneration has
been lowered from ^960105 to 3^* in ^077Mid Wars^*.

^947-^* Earliest Concede timepoint in Mid Wars decreased from 15 minutes to 10


^075Ban Mechanic Change^*

^947-^* ^077Mid Wars^* now uses "Hero Ban".
^947-^* Bans are no longer blind in the Banning phase.
^274*^*This ensures that 10 heroes will be banned every game.

^077Merrick's Bounty^*
^947-^* Disabled from being purchased on the ^077Mid Wars^* map.
^947+^* Merrick's Bounty was encouraging passive play in Mid Wars, which is not an
intended goal for this map.
^274*^*In Mid Wars Beta, the Gold adjustments compensate for the removal of
Merrick's Bounty.
=^075 UI ^*=

^075Alt + Leftclicking now has additional features!^*

^947-^* Alt + Leftclicking item names that have modifier changes (e.g.
^077Steamboots^*, ^077Bottle^*) now display the proper item name in Team Chat.
^947-^* Alt + Leftclicking a Rune now mentions that a particular rune is available
to use (in addition to the ping that it does on the minimap already).
^947-^* Alt + Leftclicking an item in your Stash mentions the item is in your Stash
in Team Chat.
^947-^* Alt + Leftclicking an item currently in the Automated Courier delivery
inventory while it is on its way to you mentions this fact in Team Chat.

=^075 General ^*=

^075Experience Changes^*
^947-^* Experience given from lane creeps when another ally hero is present
increased from ^96020% to 50%^*.
^947-^* Experience gained from hero kills while your hero is dead is reduced by 25%
(instead of gaining full experience from hero kills while you are dead).

^947-^* Experience for hero kills is reduced by a percentage for each additional
real ally hero present past the second real ally hero.
^274*^*Real ally Hero means a non-Heropet, non-Mimic, non-illusion hero.

^274*^*1 real Ally Heroes near the killed enemy hero (i.e. just yourself) = 0%
Hero Kill Experience Penalty
^274*^*2 real Ally Heroes near the killed enemy hero (i.e. yourself and 1 other
ally hero) = 0% Hero Kill Experience Penalty
^274*^*3 real Ally Heroes near the killed enemy hero (i.e. yourself and 2 other
ally heroes) = 10% Hero Kill Experience Penalty
^274*^*4 real Ally Heroes near the killed enemy hero (i.e. yourself and 3 other
ally heroes) = 30% Hero Kill Experience Penalty
^274*^*5 real Ally Heroes near the killed enemy hero (i.e. yourself and 4 other
ally heroes) = 50% Hero Kill Experience Penalty

^075Gold Changes^*
^947-^* Removed the Bounty Loss Reduction (of 25 Gold per kill in the streak) when
your Kill Streak ends.
^274*^*This means that the person who had the Kill Streak will no longer lose
less Gold upon dying, i.e. the person with the Kill Streak lose more Gold upon

^947-^* Lane Creeps: after losing aggro, Lane Creeps will now re-aggro against
Melee Lane Creeps before attempting to re-aggro against other units.
^274*^*This prevents them from re-aggroing onto Ranged Lane Creeps when there
are other Melee Lane Creeps around, thus lowering the amount of creep equilibrium
disturbances when a hero aggros Lane Creeps.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Bonus damage per essence increased from ^96025 to 40^*.

^256Vampiric Flight^*
^947-^* Bonus damage per essence increased from ^96015 to 30^*.
^947-^* Bonus healing per essence increased from ^9605 to 10^*.
^947-^* No longer has the line range indicator.

^947-^* Passive attack speed bonus per essence increased from ^96010 to 15^*.

^947-^* Now instantly kills creeps upon use.
^947-^* Now gains 3 Essences if the target hero dies within 0.25 seconds,
regardless of who the killer is.
^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Essence cap increases from
^9603 to 6^*. Now only loses 3 Essences on death.
^274*^*Fear duration on ^256Terrorize^* is capped at 2 seconds.



^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage decreased from ^96030/40/50/60 to 15/30/45/60^*.
^947-^* Now has a Cast Action Time of 800ms.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96015 to 20^*.



^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96013/11/9/7 to 7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Range changed from ^960775/900/1025/1150 to 600/800/1000/1200^*.



^947-^* Radius decreased from ^9601000 to 800^*.
^947-^* No longer increases the damage of Vorax.

^256Unleash Vorax^*
^947-^* Vorax's damage to self when attacking structures increased from ^9601/16 to
1/12^* of Max ^256Heal^*th per hit.

^947-^* Strength gain reduced from ^9602.5 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Agility gain reduced from ^9601.9 to 1.5^*.

^075Sacred Totems^*
^947-^* Life Totem healing reduced from ^96030/50/70/90 to 15/30/45/60^*.

^075Spirit Walk^*
^947-^* No longer reduces damage taken by 50%.


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Blood Chalice^*
^947-^* Health cost increased from ^960150 to 175^*.

^947-^* Total Health restored per sip decreased from ^960135 to 100^*.
^947-^* Total Mana restored per sip increased from ^96070 to 100^*.

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^9601550 to 1900^*. Total cost from ^9602250 to
^947-^* In addition to its current effects, the buff state that is granted for up
to 5 seconds after you successfully teleport with Post Haste now grants
^274*^*Credits to Xeanoz for the suggestion.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Hero Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Mid Wars Beta^*

^947-^* Hero Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Fusion ^*=

^947^947+^* With the pure, true corruption from the depths of All Hells continuing
to flow from Apex's portal, the other previously untapped levels and pits are also
free to spew their filth and wickedness across Newerth. The Fusion Chamber is one
such level, a subterranean laboratory where the damned souls were infected with a
daemonic virus that tore them apart from within and rebuilt their maimed bodies
with the ability to transform appendages into brutal, fiendish weapons. The Fusion
Chamber did this for centuries, churning out an army of agonized soldiers prepared
to wreak havoc and spread the Fusion virus across Newerth when Apex finally
ascended. That day has come, and the Fusion warriors come with it.^*

^904New ^*Fusion ^059Amun-Ra^* Avatar: ^579Fusion Ra^*

^947^947-^* Fusion Ra specializes in closing with the enemy and dealing a
tremendous amount of damage throughout their ranks with his cleaving blade and
infected, boiling blood. Merely standing in his wake is enough to burn a normal
human alive, and the lucky ones perish before the Fusion virus can twist their
smoldering bodies into a new soldier for the cause. Even though Fusion Ra's flesh
may succumb to the enemy's blades and bullets, it is the blood they must kill, and
when his mangled corpse rises once again to carry the fight to his killers, there
are none who are strong or brave enough to deal the true final blow.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Dampeer^* Avatar: ^579The Gentleman Killer^*

^947^947-^* The high society of Adkarna seems very genteel and cosmopolitan, and
most of the Legion's military consider them to be helpless doves who wrinkle their
noses at the very thought of violence. But the ruthless politics and maneuvering
for status have their own forms of battle, and The Gentleman Killer is a master of
these. Able to converse in multiple languages, pick the perfect wine to accompany
any meal, and discuss history, current affairs, and coarse gossip with equal savvy,
he can manipulate any victim into practically giving their own blood to please him.
And when that doesn't work, he lures them to a darkened room or alley and removes
them as an obstacle -- brutally, efficiently, and permanently -- before dabbing the
blood from his hidden razors and emerging from the shadows to continue his work.^*

^904New ^*^059Draconis^* Avatar: ^579Dragoness^*

^947^947-^* The Dragoness of Death's Cradle does not appreciate the attention
Calamity and her ridiculous pet Sunder are getting from all of Newerth. After all,
the Dragoness and her fiery little companions have been causing infernos and
cataclysms for centuries, and no one mentioned anything about a Third Corruption.
And now, with Apex and his True Evil flowing over every hill and valley, it is time
for her to show these pathetic humans and daemons what ancient, elemental fire can
do to flesh, regardless of whether it is alive or dead. After all, everything burns
it's just a matter of degrees.^*

^904New ^*^059Master of Arms^* Avatar: ^579El Maestro^*

^947^947-^* El Maestro is an infamous gangster and stick-up artist who makes his
living -- and his reputation -- robbing other gangs like the All Hells Angels while
they're running gold, weapons and potions for the goblin black market. He's a
master of the arsenal he carries, and the rare survivors of his attacks claim El
Maestro can make his guns sound like an orchestra of chaos and destruction. Whether
it's a slow, steady build to an explosive crescendo or a rapid staccato flurry that
assaults every sense (and everyone), each epic performance from El Maestro is
enough to bring any rival gang to its knees...then face-down in the street while El
Maestro escapes with their loot.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Alt + Leftclicking a UI element now properly registers the first mouse
^947-^* The "Most Used Heroes" section in the Public Game statistics now functions

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Cyber Artillery^*'s Artillery ^579Barrage^* now has the 3-stage missile
model & animations from the legacy ^256Homing Missile^* ability.

^947-^* ^256Static Grip^* from ^579Osiris Reborn^* Electrician is now more visible.

^947-^* Will no longer play a voice line when toggling off Mutant Evolution
(boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*).

^947-^* Warcry now properly affects invulnerable ally heroes.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Barbed Armor^*
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960600 to 800^*.
^274*^*Total cost increased from ^9602000 to 2200^*.
^947-^* Strength bonus reduced from ^96015 to 12^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96020 to 30 seconds^*.

^075Sand Scepter^*
^947-^* Dispel effect is now more visually prominent.


^980Version 4.1.3^*
^98020 June 2017^*

=^075 New Hero: Warchief ^*=

The legendary horn Warcry has been passed from generation to generation within the
Red Sand tribe of The Savage Lands, carried by the warrior strongest in spirit,
fighting skill, and honor. This person -- male or female -- is called Warchief
until the time comes to pass into the spirit world and hand the horn to the next
great leader, who is responsible for the survival of the tribe's people and ways.
This is no easy task, for the Red Sand tribe has spent centuries clashing with the
Scouts to the northeast and the foul raiders who wander out of the Savannahs to the
south. When the Beast Horde became the primary enemy of man, Warchief refused to
raise the tribe's weapons against the creatures of the land, who had given them
companionship and sustenance since the days of the first elders. To seal this vow,
and in a gesture of unprecedented respect, the leader gave Warcry to the animals
for safekeeping. This ensured it would not be used against the Beasts or fall into
evil hands, should the Red Sand tribe be exterminated by the encroaching armies of
Lord Commander Maliken Grimm.

But Grimm's Legion soldiers found The Savage Lands to be nearly as hostile as the
Red Sand warriors, and their ranks withered due to casualties, thirst, and
desertion until they pulled out entirely when word arrived that the Lord Commander
had gone mad and abandoned his people. The tribe lived in relative peace while the
rest of Newerth boiled under The Second Corruption and the Rise of Apex, but when
Apex's soldiers finally encountered the Red Sand warriors, Warchief and his people
were woefully unprepared. Without the strength of the elders contained within
Warcry, the entire tribe was massacred save for Warchief, who was possessed by a
daemon and forced to recover the powerful horn from the beasts so it could be used
by the True Evil.

When the enthralled Warchief arrived to take the horn from his animal brothers and
sisters, the Beasts knew something was amiss. The horn's animal guardian cast a
spell upon the horn before Warchief could blow it on Apex's behalf, and when he
did, the spirits of the elders ripped the daemon from Warchief and trapped it
within the great horn. Now he carries this devastating weapon against the forces
who destroyed his entire world, and when they are defeated he will finally join his
people and elders in the spirit world.



Strength: ^96018 + 2.5^*

Agility: ^96016 + 1.9^*
Intelligence: ^96022 + 2.7 (Primary)^*

Base Damage: ^96050-57^* (28-35 when not considering primary attribute)

Movement Speed: ^960305^*
Armor: ^9604.2^* (2 when not considering primary attribute)
Magic Armor: ^9606^*
Attack Range: ^960128 (Melee)^*


^075Ability 1: Sacred Totems^*

^274*^*Action Type: Self Position
^274*^*Mana Cost: ^960100/140/180/220^*
^274*^*Cooldown: ^96016 seconds^*

^947-^* Upon use, spawns helpful Sacred Totems at your feet for up to 30 seconds.
Their effects have 700 Range. Totems die in 1 hit and give 10 Gold when killed.
^947-^* ^960Level 1^*: spawns a Flame Totem which deals ^96040/60/80/100^* Magic
Damage every second to the weakest nearby enemy, up to 4 times.
^947-^* ^960Level 2^*: spawns a Life Totem which ^256Heals^* the weakest nearby
damaged ally for ^960-/50/70/90^* every second, up to 4 times.
^947-^* ^960Level 3^*: spawns a Shock Totem which ^960Stuns the weakest nearby
enemy hero for 1 second^* after a 2 second delay.
^947-^* ^960Level 4^*: causes the Shock Totem to ^960Stun a second enemy^*.
^947-^* Spawning new Sacred Totems will remove any old Sacred Totems that are still

^075Ability 2: Spirit Walk^*

^274*^*Mana Cost: ^960100^*
^274*^*Cooldown: ^96016 seconds^*
^274*^*Channel Time: ^9603 seconds^*

^947-^* Upon starting the channel, spawns an invulnerable Spirit and transfers
control to it for up to 3 seconds. During this time, you gain 50% Damage Reduction.
^947-^* Spirit moves at 650 Movement Speed.
^274*^*Spirit can pass through all terrain except cliffs.
^947-^* The Spirit deals ^96075/150/225/300 Magic Damage^* and applies a ^96035%
Movement Speed Slow for 2.5 seconds^* to enemies it passes through.
^947-^* Activating this ability again (W) teleports ^059Warchief^* to the Spirit
and dispels it. A secondary activation (E) simply ends the effect early.


^075Ability 3: Power of the Elders^*

^274*^*Cooldown: ^96010 seconds^*

^947-^* Passively adds bonus ^960Magic Damage^* equal to ^9601/1.5/2/2.5x^* your
Intelligence to your next attack whenever off cooldown.


^075Ability 4: Warcry^*
^274*^*Action Type: Target Self
^274*^*Radius: ^960900^*
^274*^*Mana Cost: ^960100^*
^274*^*Cooldown: ^960120/100/80^* seconds

^947-^* Upon use, ^059Warchief^* gains a buff that emits an aura affecting nearby
allies and self for 12 seconds.
^947-^* Buff applies bonus ^96010% Movement Speed^*, ^96025 Mana Regeneration per
second^*, and causes all ^960non-ultimate ability and item cooldowns^* to go down
^9602/2.5/3^* times as fast, or ^9604 times as fast if it's on Warchief^* himself.
^274*^*For allies, the cooldown reduction rate will only reduce the max cooldown
of an item or ability to a minimum of 3 seconds.


==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^947-^* Exclusive chat channel ^960CoN Elite^* has been introduced.

^274*^*Players who have reached Legendary rank or above in the previous Season
or the current Season will join this exclusive channel.
^274*^*Updates in real-time, meaning that when a new season starts, it will only
check for the previous Season and that current Season, and not any further back in
the past.

=^075 Counter Pick ^*=

^947-^* The Blind Ban phase has been replaced with a Regular Banning Phase.
^274*^*The game will randomly choose the first player from 1 of the teams (Blue
or Pink) and then that player gets 20 seconds to Ban 1 hero.
^947-^* This alternates in a 1-1-1-1 fashion (4 bans max/4 turns total).

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Concede Vote cooldown increased from 60 seconds (1 minute) to 120 seconds
(2 minutes).

^947-^* Neutral camps will no longer spawn the same camp 2 times in a row.
^274*^*Credits to Alelor for the suggestion.

^947-^* Magic Armor for Intelligence Support Heroes has been decreased from ^9607
to 6^*. This affects the following heroes:
^274*^*^059Demented Shaman^*
^274*^*^059Plague Rider^*
^274*^*^059Voodoo Jester^*

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Strength gain per level lowered from ^9601.7 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9601.6 to 1.5^*.


^059Plague Rider^*

^947-^* Impact delay decreased from ^960650ms to 550ms^*.
^947-^* Pull mechanics changed: now pulls with a constant force of 30 units per
second for 4 seconds (instead of the force increasing with distance travelled).
^947-^* ^960Upon reaching 350 units away from the center of the Earthblight, the
target is pulled back to the center^*. ^960This effect only happens once per target
per cast instance^* of Earthblight.
^947-^* Break radius decreased from ^960700 to 350^*.
^256Plague Carrier^*
^947-^* Now applies a 30% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds.
^947-^* Projectile speed increased from ^960600 to 700^* units per second.


^059Puppet Master^*

^256Puppet Show^*
^947-^* Duration reduced from ^9602.5/3/3.5/4 seconds to 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds^*.


^947-^* Attack Range increased from ^960400 to 500^*.


^059Sir Benzington^*

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96070/140/210/280 to 100/170/240/310^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Lex Talionis^*
^947-^* No longer upgradeable.
^947-^* Recipe reworked to be: ^077Ringmail^* (550) + ^077Trinket of Restoration^*
(350) + Recipe (100) = 1000 Gold Total
^947-^* Now passively grants: +6 Armor, +3 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* Upon activation reduces enemy's and own Armor by 6.
^947-^* Can now be used on allies to grant them bonus Armor (same amount) at the
cost of your own.
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^9605 to 0^*.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* Can now ^960activate and target an enemy unit to apply a Tapering 60%
Movement Speed Slow to them for 4 seconds^*.
^274*^*This item's active ability has a 14 second cooldown and a 700 Cast Range.

^947-^* 400 Gold Recipe removed.
^947-^* ^077Scarab^* (325) added to the recipe. Now auto-assembles (625 Gold
^947-^* Bonus Strength reduced from ^9608 to 6^*.
^947-^* Now grants 5 bonus Attack Damage.
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^96025 to 0^*.
^947-^* ^256Healing^* increased from ^960360 to 400^*.
==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Warchief ^*=

^904New ^*Early Access ^059Warchief^* Avatar: ^579Purgatory^*

^947^947-^* The name Purgatory sends a chill down the spine of any Sol-fearing
Legion citizen and propels members of the Church of Arasunia into a frenzy of
prayers and gestures to ward off the inherent evil. Once the high priest of the
Sacred Order, this man succumbed to the temptations of corruption and opened the
gates -- both physical and spiritual -- to allow a Hellbourne cult to infiltrate
the highest ranks of the church. This resulted in The Doom Bringers, genocide in
the name of Sol and Lord Commander Grimm, and countless other unspeakable acts
committed beneath the banner of Sol. When The Doom Bringers learned the truth about
their corrupted master, they executed him with one of their legendary swords, then
shattered the blade, condemning his soul to an eternity trapped between the living
and the dead.^*

^904New ^*^059Warchief^* Avatar: ^579Hex^*

^947^947-^* The legendary medicine men of the Scourge Tribe may have started out
with the benevolent intent of healing their own people, but the unbelievably harsh
conditions and constant battle for survival within Death's Cradle made it brutally
apparent that the best way to ensure the tribe's survival was to redirect all of
their energies and conjurings toward maiming and killing the enemy. Hex is the
chief of these warrior shamans, his body, weapons, and totems coursing with the
lethal energy of the Cradle itself, harnessed by the self-scarification he
performed during thousands of sacred ceremonies. When his scars begin to glow with
the power of Death's Cradle, a state of unshakable calm flows over Hex, making him
the devastating eye of the storm within the chaos of battle.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Glacius^* Avatar: ^579Wildfire Glacius^*

^947^947-^* Nothing terrifies a sailor more than the thought of rampant flames on
the open sea, and the mere mention of Wildfire is enough to send an entire crew
into a frenzy of soaking the decks and sails even though an entire ocean would not
douse the creeping blue flames once they've been unleashed. Wildfire's personal
recipe for agonizing, burning death includes the rendered remains of his victims
and rare compounds found only in the darkest depths of The Boiling Sea, tweaked
with his insidious alchemy to ensure all life is snuffed out long before the
Wildfire even begins to fade.^*

^904New ^*^059Kane^* Avatar: ^579Mutineer Kane^*

^947^947-^* Usurpers need vacations too, but Kane seems to think that means taking
a break from killing kings so he can scour the open seas for captains and admirals
to slaughter. He is a one-man boarding party more devastating than a full broadside
fusillade, and any captain who chooses to face off with him instead of running or
trying to, anyway is certain to face a swift and brutal mutiny at the hands of a
more judicious crew.^*

^904New ^*^059Monkey King^* Avatar: ^579Monkey Singer^*

^947^947-^* The Monkey King has many skills -- dashing, vaulting, irritating
Ophelia and casuals -- but no one in Newerth knew how beautiful and melodic his
singing voice was, and this noble warrior could no longer keep this amazing talent
to himself. Rather than let his voice be judged by a biased audience who already
adores (or despises) him, Monkey King has chosen to don a complete disguise so his
heavenly crooning can stand on its own. And if the critics decide he's a no-talent,
tone-deaf poseur, he can always show them how to really rock with a Wan Jim Slam.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Overhead visuals on the ^579Snotter Boss^* will no longer be abnormally


=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Ice Cream Bombardier^*'s overhead bone has been fixed when he issues a
Hold command.

^947-^* ^579Toadwood Deadstool^*'s portrait is now properly centered.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^256Desert's Curse^* will no longer block neutral camps from spawning.

^947-^* ^256Cursed Embrace^* now properly Sights and Reveals the target.
^947-^* Cursed Grip (boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) now displays its channel
bar properly.

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* ^256Mojo^* now has a visual indicator for its area of effect.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Geometer's Bane^*
^947-^* Added a visual timer indicator to let the user know the lifetime of the
illusions (without having to actually switch to the illusion).

^077Merrick's Bounty^*
^947-^* Item is now unable to be activated if it has 0 charges.

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* No longer able to teleport to ^579Klanx^*'s ^256Lackeys^* if they are owned
by illusions.

^077Whispering Helm^*
^947-^* Having negative Attack Damage will no longer cause creeps dominated by
Whispering Helm to have +999 Attack Damage.


^980Version 4.1.2^*
^9806 June 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 UI Changes ^*=

^947-^* Players can now choose to always display Player Names or Hero Names above
each Hero's ^256Health^* Bar (or not have either one).
^274*^* Default setting: Hero Names.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Base Hero Kill Gold Reduced from ^960250 to 200^*.

^947-^* Lane Melee Creep Gold (from Soldiers and Imps) lowered from ^96038-47 to

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Void Rip^*
^947-^* Bonus Armor upon swapping removed.



^947-^* Base Strength lowered from ^96024 to 22^*.

^947-^* Agility gain per level lowered from ^9601.6 to 1.5^*.

^075Enhanced Shrubbery^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960150 to 200^*.


^075Maddening Revenge^*
^947-^* Damage multiplier against creeps reduced from ^9603x to 2.5x^*.



^947-^* Activate to pull a log from the earth.
^274*^*No longer requires a tree to grab a log.
^947-^* Attack Damage bonus changed from ^96015/35/45/60 to 30/40/50/60^*.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^96030 to 15^*.


^059Forsaken Archer^*

^947-^* Attack range increased from ^960550 to 600^*.

^256Split Fire^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^960600 to 650^*.



^075A.T.K. Drones^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^960120/90/60 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds^*.



^947-^* Base Intelligence lowered from ^96032 to 28^*.

^274*^*Base Damage increased by 4 so that the overall Attack Damage remains

^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96070 seconds to 90 seconds^*.
^947-^* Vision radius on wards decreased from ^9601600 to 1200^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence lowered from ^96031 to 28^*.

^274*^*Base Damage increased by 3 so that the overall Attack Damage remains



^947-^* Base Armor increased from ^9602.44 to 2.5^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96050 to 10^*.
^947-^* Mana upkeep per second increased from ^9602/3/4/5 to 5^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Area of Effect and Aura-Based Armor items now also work on ally structures.
This includes the following items: ^077Ring of the Teacher^*, ^077Abyssal Skull^*,
^077Nome's Wisdom^*, ^077Shield of the Five^*, ^077Plated Greaves^*, and
^077Sacrificial Stone^*.
^274*^* These items will now give bonus Armor to ally structures.

^947-^* Now ^256Heals 200 Health^* (instead of 150).
^947-^* No longer heals an additional 100 Health over 10 seconds.
^947-^* Now has an application cooldown of 25 seconds.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* ^077Fleet Feet^* (450) in recipe replaced with ^077Soulscream Ring^* (440).
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960700 Gold to 860 Gold^*.
^274*^*Total cost increased from ^9603150 Gold to 3300 Gold^*.
^947-^* Agility bonus decreased from ^96030 to 26^*.
^947-^* Now passively gives +3 Strength and Intelligence.
^947-^* Active effect removed.
^947-^* Mana burn increased from ^96026 to 45^* per hit.
^947-^* Damage based on Mana burned increased from ^96060% to 80%^*.
^947-^* Now gives 200% Bonus Attack Damage against summoned units and illusions.

^075Sand Scepter^*
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960600 Gold to 835 Gold^*.
^274*^*Total cost increased from ^9602565 Gold to 2800 Gold^*.

==^960 Community ^*==

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*
^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Blitz Mode^* (^980Paragon^*)

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Silver Edition ^*=

^904New ^*Silver Edition ^059Succubus^* Avatar: ^579Incubus^*

^947-^* With ^059Calamity^* attempting to begin the Third Corruption, the Great
Rift expanding, the Crystal Magi seeking the lost ^980Paragon^*s, and
^059Parallax^* skewing time and space around him, an alternate reality has woven
into Newerth as we know it.
In this reality, Incubus is the male version of Succubus, and even though this
daemon has excelled at seducing women for ages, he found himself enraptured by the
insidious Sylvia, who used him to create her daughter, Ophelia, who would bring
about the Second Corruption.

=^075 Plushies & Misfits ^*=

^947^947+^* War has touched every inch of this magical land, and not even the
Illuminated Orphanage is safe. Within the high, clean walls maintained by the
Sacred Order of Arasunia, a constant battle rages for dominion over one of the most
highly contested plots in all of Newerth -- the toddler's playroom. Divided by a
river of blankies and soiled diapers, the romping area has opposite corners claimed
by two factions: the Plushies, adorably soft and cuddly dolls, and the Misfits,
unsettling and dangerous toys tainted by the echo of evil left behind by Jaru the
Corrupted Disciple. The Plushies find haven in the Nursery Corner, from where they
strive to protect the orphans and Sisters within the orphanage, while the Misfits
dwell across the room in the Cursery Corner, plotting to overtake the entire
campus. Let the stuffing fly!^*

^904New ^*Plushie & ^579Misfit Myrmidon^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Myrmidon^*

^947^947-^* Bath time is a joyous occasion in the Illuminated Orphanage playroom,
when the children get to wash off the day's dirt with steaming kettles of water and
the precious essential oil soaps they made by hand with the Sisters. And no bath
time would be complete without Plushie Myrmidon, whose hilarious water antics and
gentle scrub brush make the torturous experience of washing behind one's ears not
just tolerable, but actually fun! The children don't need to know that their
beloved bath toy is also there to protect them from any Misfits who try to cause
trouble in the tubs, particularly Misfit Myrmidon, who has a penchant for biting
toes beneath the warm, soapy waters.^*

^904New ^*Plushie & ^579Misfit Myrmidon^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Myrmidon^*

^947^947-^* Misfit Myrmidon loves to bite toes. Big toes, little toes, second toes
that are longer than the big toe -- it doesn't matter to him and the multiple
stuffed hydra heads attached to his tail. As soon as he hears the bathwater kettles
begin to whistle, he slithers across the playroom floor and, when Plushie Myrmidon
isn't looking, slips into the tubs and waits for the children to test the waters
with their oh-so-wiggly toes. When they dip those digits in (Or even better, jump
in with both feet!) Misfit Myrmidon chomps on the first toe he sees and turns his
serpent heads loose to find their own piggies. But my oh my, when one of the
Orphanage Sisters dares to put her toes in the tub to soothe her aching feet, this
evil bath toy evolves into a massive Misfit to better attack the adult-sized
targets. Many a child has gone to bed dirty and stinky for fear of Misfit

^904New ^*Plushie & ^579Misfit Bubbles^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Bubbles^*

^947^947-^* The children of the Illuminated Orphanage love to sit and watch the
teeming life within the playroom's terrarium for hours. They whisper how the wild
vines, lush green mosses, and delicate ferns must seem like an entire world to the
tiny insects and amphibians who bustle over the foliage and nestle in the cool,
dark soil. Plushie Bubbles is the caretaker of this miniature ecosystem, and he
helps the children learn about the precious balance of life they are witnessing and
playfully quizzes them about the names of the flora and fauna. When the windows
outside the orphanage grow dark and the children go to sleep, however, his role
changes from caretaker and teacher to guardian as he protects terrarium and its
inhabitants from the wicked Misfit Bubbles, who would love to see the tiny world
turned into a monument to himself.^*

^904New ^*Plushie & ^579Misfit Bubbles^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Bubbles^*

^947^947-^* Misfit Bubbles used to perch upon the edge of the playroom's terrarium,
a place of honor where the orphans loved to set him and pretend he was the ruler
and lord of the tiny world. It was all in good fun, and he and Plushie Bubbles
would chuckle about it as they worked together to keep the glass clean and the soil
moist. But over time, Misfit Bubbles began to believe the plants, insects, and
amphibians actually were worshipping him, and he remained in his lofty seat while
Plushie Bubbles did all the work. The corruption simmering in the orphanage sensed
this growing conflict and wormed its way into Misfit Bubbles' stitching until he
was convinced the entire terrarium should be clear cut and replaced with a monument
to his greatness. He constantly recruits other Misfits in his efforts to outwit or
outfight Plushie Bubbles so the entire playroom can bask in the glory of his
shrine, and someday, he will prevail!^*

=^075 EXO ^*=

^947^947+^* In the ultimate alliance between the Legion and Beast Horde, the tech-
focused Engineers have set aside their spreadsheets and stress tests and looked to
the research that has been ongoing for millennia: nature's evolution. When the
Engineers examined the shells, exoskeletons, and carapaces of the Beast warriors,
they found systems of armor that, when applied to man-made materials, created
external protection that was lighter, more flexible, and stronger than anything
Newerth had yet seen.^*

^904New ^*^579EXO Soulstealer^* Avatar: ^579EXO Soulstealer^*

^947^947-^* It was a critical response to the new corruption spewing from Apex's
portal, and a lifesaving breakthrough for the lone survivor of a Legion patrol
tasked with finding a weakness -- any weakness -- in the True Evil's gateway to All
Hells. "Survivor" is used loosely, as this warrior was torn in half and had her
hands severed by a single strike from one of Adrenaline's shards, and lived only
because the horrendous wounds were instantly cauterized. The Martyrs kept her
shocked body alive long enough to get her to the EXO team, who used their new
technology to do more than just keep her on life support: it made her more
powerful, resilient, and deadly than before her fateful mission. Now for some

=^075 The Doom Bringers ^*=

^947^947+^* The Doom Bringers are an outcast group of peacekeepers who were once
part of the Sacred Order of Arasunia. They were the iron fist of the church,
crushing rebellions and extinguishing entire sects of pagan worship in order to
bolster the power and influence of Arasunia. When The Doom Bringers learned they
had been recruited, trained, and deployed by a daemonic cult that had infiltrated
the highest ranks of the church while Lord Commander Maliken was enthralled by
Sylvia, these warriors slaughtered every member of the clergy they could find,
burned half of Arasunia, and renounced the Sacred Order. They were branded as
outlaws and hunted mercilessly by Maliken Grimm's High Knights, and the few
surviving members faded into the shadows. But they did not stop their work. Their
mission to carry judgement and sentencing to all lawbreakers a nebulous term they
alone define to fit their agenda has continued to this day. They remain anonymous,
recruiting carefully, and while their weapons and tactics have evolved along with
the technology of Newerth, they still carry the Doom Bringer blades as a symbol of
their power and a reminder of their sins.^*

^904New ^*^077Doom Bringer^* ^059Scout^* Avatar: Vardik

^947^947-^* Vardik is a specialist even among The Doom Bringers, slipping into the
undercurrent of whispers, rumors, and secrets to root out even the most clandestine
enemies of peace. True, he has, on occasion, been the sole source of these murmurs,
but only when the target is obviously guilty and no hushed testimonials can be
found. And though he is most comfortable and effective in the covert business of
intelligence gathering, when the sentence is ready to be carried out Vardik is
exceedingly prepared to unsheath the blade and make quick work of the offender.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The "Weapons" category in the Guides section now functions properly.

^947-^* Duplicate heroes will no longer be unintentionally picked in Captain's Pick

when attempting to swap heroes.

^075The following abilities/items now remember their toggle state when dying and
^947-^* ^059Forsaken Archer^*'s ^256Split Fire^*
^947-^* ^059Moon Queen^*'s ^256Multi-Strike^*
^947-^* ^059Myrmidon^*'s ^256Mutant Evolution^* (boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^* only)
^947-^* ^077Harkon's Blade^*

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Ember Shards are now treated as illusions once again.
^274*^*Will remove the green tint for Ember Shards for allies in a future patch.

^947-^* ^077Insanitarius^* now toggles off properly when she becomes a mimic of an
enemy hero that currently has ^077Insanitarius^* toggled on.
^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^256Unbreakable^* will now properly set your ^256Health^* to the correct

^947-^* ^579Shenlong^* Myrmidon's tail will no longer be abnormally lengthened
while ^256Forced Evolution^* is active.

^947-^* ^256Stasis Smash^* now properly stuns auxiliary targets for a minimum of
100ms if Kinesis immediately uses its second activation after ^256Stasis Smash^* is
first cast.

^947-^* The first ^256A.T.K. Drone^* now properly deals its Magic Damage.

^947-^* Using ^256Stampede^* on ^579Kongor^* will no longer delete a nearby enemy
hero when ^579Kongor^* dies.

^947-^* Morsels will no longer prevent neutral camps from spawning.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Daemonic Breastplate^*
^947-^* Now properly remembers the mode it was in if dropped and picked up again.

^075Sol's Bulwark^*
^947-^* Now properly remembers the mode it was in if dropped and picked up again.


^980Version 4.1.1^*
^98023 May 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^075Death's Halo^*
^947-^* Now grants ^059Adrenaline^* terrain-walking for 2 seconds upon use.



^256Glacial Spike^*
^947-^* Magic Damage lowered from ^96095/130/165/200 to 80/120/160/200^*.

^256Absolute Zero^*
^947-^* Superior Magic Damage of each pulse lowered from ^96050 to 40^*.



^947-^* Magic Damage lowered from ^960300/400/500 to 250/350/450^*.
^947-^* Clearvision lowered from ^9601200 to 1000^*.


^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^075Nature's Guidance^*
^947-^* ^256Invisibility^* fade time increased from ^9600.25 to 1 second^*.

^947-^* Stun duration reduced from ^9601 to 0.5 seconds^*.


^256Sword of the Damned^*
^947-^* ^256Enchanted Flames^*: Magic Damage dealt to self per attack decreased
from ^9608/16/24/32 to 6/12/18/24^*.


^059Master of Arms^*

^075Overcharged Shot^*
^947-^* Immobilize duration reduced from ^9601.5/2/2.5/3 seconds to 1/1.5/2/2.5


^947-^* Now deals a minimum of ^960200/300/400 Magic Damage^* when it explodes.


^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* Bonus agility lowered from ^9605/15/25 to 0/6/12^*.
^947-^* Now displays a visual timer on the ability to indicate when ^059Night
Hound^* becomes invisible.
^274*^*Credits go to the user N1ppl3 for the suggestion.



^947-^* ^256Pounce^* range decreased from ^960450 to 400^*.

^256Horned Strike^*
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96060/90/120/150 to 50/75/100/125^*.
^274*^* This also affects the damage this ability deals with ^256Stampede^* and
Greater Rhino.

^075Greater Rhino^*
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^960150/250/350 to 100/200/300^*.


^947-^* Base Armor decreased from ^9604.0 to 3.2^*.

^256Piercing Shards^*
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^960190/265/340/415 to 180/250/320/390^*.

^256Call of Winter^*
^947-^* Shiver now dispels enemy ^077Veiled Rot^* states after seeing them for 2


^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* Base Armor increased from ^9601.5 to 2.5^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960100/120/145/170 to 100/120/140/160^*.

^256Silver Bullet^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^960150/90/55 to 105/80/55^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960200/420/650 to 200/360/520^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Blood Chalice^*
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^96075% to 50%^*.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Plushies and Misfits ^*=

^947+^* The Plushies and Misfits continue their adventure in Newerth.
^947-^* Continue your collection of the Plushies and Misfits with a new avatar
every Friday until June 16th.
^947-^* For more details on how to acquire these avatars, head here:

=^075 May Grab Bags ^*=

^947+^* One new Grab Bag every Wednesday in May filled with your favorite avatar
^947-^* Keep an eye out in Merrick's shop for the remaining May Grab Bags.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^0771v1 Mode^*
^947-^* Same Heroes
^947-^* Different Heroes

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Plushies and Misfits ^*=

^947^947+^* War has touched every inch of this magical land, and not even the
Illuminated Orphanage is safe. Within the high, clean walls maintained by the
Sacred Order of Arasunia, a constant battle rages for dominion over one of the most
highly contested plots in all of Newerth the toddler's playroom. Divided by a
river of blankies and soiled diapers, the romping area has opposite corners claimed
by two factions: the Plushies, adorably soft and cuddly dolls, and the Misfits,
unsettling and dangerous toys tainted by the echo of evil left behind by Jaru the
Corrupted Disciple. The Plushies find haven in the Nursery Corner, from where they
strive to protect the orphans and Sisters within the orphanage, while the Misfits
dwell across the room in the Cursery Corner, plotting to overtake the entire
campus. Let the stuffing fly!^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Deadwood^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Deadwood^*

^947^947-^* The box gardens beneath the windows in the Illuminated Orphanage
playroom may be tiny, but they yield a surprising bounty of flowers, herbs, and
small, sweet fruits. This is partially due to the love and attention from the
orphans and their gentle hands, but that alone won't protect the fragile plants
from being trampled and destroyed by the rampaging Misfits. That responsibility and
honor belongs to Plushie Deadwood, who along with his gang of helpful critters and
stuffed mushrooms is dedicated to keeping the gardens alive so they can continue to
bring joy and nourishment to the orphanage. When a Misfit dares to set foot within
the gardens, they also make the mistake of getting too close to Plushie Deadwood's
powerful grasp -- and from there, it's only a matter of time before they become
muddy, soggy compost for the lovely plants.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Deadwood^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Deadwood^*

^947^947-^* The moldy, mildewy Misfit Deadwood relishes the opportunities he gets
to stomp through the playroom's box gardens, clearcutting the delicate leaves and
uprooting the fragile stems to leave a swath of dead plants, trampled fruit, and
crying children in his wake. When that pesky Plushie Deadwood shows up and tries to
chase him out (which is not what happens -- Misfit Deadwood was ready to leave
anyway), this rotten rascal savors the fact that the plants left standing will soon
be overrun by the moldy spores and blight he carries in every fiber of his stuffed
being. Enjoy your graveyard gardens, brats!^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Pandamonium^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Panda^*

^947^947-^* Plushie Panda is a therapy doll meant to bring a sense of peace and
calm to the orphans who hold him, and his soft fur and cushy stuffing make him
perfect for tender hugs, even to serve as a temporary pillow when the children
become so relaxed they doze off. But peace and calm must sometimes be protected,
just like the orphans, and when the Misfits disturb the serenity of the playroom --
or commit the ultimate crime and actually strike an orphan -- Plushie Panda does
not hesitate to unleash another relaxation technique he has mastered: beating
Misfits over the head with his staff until they lose consciousness.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Pandamonium^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Panda^*

^947^947-^* Misfit Panda was once a beloved plaything for the orphanage's children,
a soft, bouncy doll handcrafted to serve as a wrestling partner, punching bag, and
outlet for young frustrations. But the doll had a temper, and after one playful
punch too many, he snapped and did the unimaginable -- he hit back. When the child
ran away crying, Misfit Panda picked up his doll-sized staff and smacked another
orphan, then another, until the entire playroom was a flurry of bawling children.
Misfit Panda had never been happier, and since that day he takes every chance he
gets to send the poor orphans crying and flying through the air. Even the Sisters
fear his tainted wrath, and only when the heroic Plushie Panda intervenes does this
furious face-smasher leave the playroom in peace.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Gladiator^* Avatar: ^579All Hells Angel^*

^947^947-^* The All Hells Angels are a ferocious biker gang who splintered from the
already-terrifying Death Prowlers when the hit-and-run teams deemed these warriors
too dangerous, even for them. After the split, the All Hells Angels became
mercenaries, providing security for anyone with enough gold to pay the price,
running weapons and potions for the goblin black market, even reaching into the
deepest Caligo Alcazar prison cells to assassinate hard targets. They ride fast,
shoot first, and consider anyone not in their gang to be a mortal threat and enemy.
And when an All Hells Angel spots an enemy, it's a fight to the death -- but never
a fair one.^*
^904New ^*^059Gunblade^* Avatar: ^579Gunmaiden^*
^947^947-^* The Gunmaidens are an elite, secretive group of assassins who were
forced into existence by the tyrannical rulers during Lord Commander Maliken
Grimm's reign over the Legion. Many of the men and women who rose to power under
Grimm did so through ruthless means, and they were feared and despised by their
subjects. To secure their power, they imposed extremely harsh laws and restrictions
across their domains to keep the people weak and incapable of revolt, often
resorting to group hangings and slave labor to tamp down any thoughts of an
What these rulers did not anticipate, however, was that some of the slaves brought
into their lush estates to serve their every need came with years of covert
training in the art of death. The Gunmaidens specialized in acting scared,
subservient, and helpless, until the time was right and they revealed their true
nature, unleashing a lethal hail of bullets and blades that left throne rooms
painted in blood and throngs of liberated people dancing in the streets.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Ember Shard visual assets have been updated.
^274*^*As a result, they are no longer truly illusions, but are pets that
inherit Adrenaline's stats and inventory.
^274*^*Still deals 10% of Adrenaline's damage and receives 400% damage.

^947-^* ^579Plushie Behe^*moth and ^579Misfit Behe^*moth will now change to their
Night Form properly when owning the correct products from the set.

^947-^* ^579Fungal Bramble^*'s visual effects have been updated to match her colour
^947-^* ^579Bramble of the Bells^*' Enhanced Shrubbery visual effects are now more
distinguishable from the ground.

^947-^* Maddening Revenge now has a new icon!

^947-^* Fixed a corner case bug where using ^059Gladiator^*'s ^256Showdown^* as
Circe and then dying before it ends sends the target to the bottom-left corner of
the map.

^947-^* ^256Illusory Veil^* will no longer block pathing projectiles for ally
^947-^* ^579Lust^* Empath will now play the correct autoattack grunt sounds when
^256As One^* is leveled.

^947-^* ^579Umbra^* Ichor's attack projectile is more visible to players now.

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* Overcharged Shot will no longer bypass Magic Immunity if it is in midair
and the target gains Magic Immunity before the projectile impacts.
^947-^* ^579Circus Bear Goldie^* will no longer have a completely transparent model
when you cancel the cast animation of his ^256Elemental Warp^*.

^947-^* ^579Grace Nymphora^*'s ^256Grace of the Nymph^* will now play a sound when
its cast action time is reached.

^947-^* ^256Phoenix Wave^* and ^256Dragonfire^* visual effects have been updated to
more closely match their actual impact area.

^947-^* ^256Static Shock^* will no longer bounce to non-visible units or non-
visible Stealthed units.

=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* ^077Health Potion^*, ^077Mana Potion^*, ^077Soultrap^* and Rejuvenation

Potions' regeneration states will now be properly dispelled by Lane Creeps that are
^274*^*Non-player-controlled (NPC) Lane Creeps will still not dispel these
regeneration states when they inflict damage upon someone with the states on them.

^077Harkon's Blade^*
^947-^* Will now stack properly with on-attack effects granted from other items
when used in conjunction with other on-attack skills (e.g. ^059Arachna^*'s
^256Webbed Shot^* and ^059Vindicator^*'s ^256Master's Incantation^*.

^077Whispering Helm^*
^947-^* Optimized the logic for damage and Movement Speed per charge is more
accurate & has less truncation/rounding errors.


^980Version 4.1.0^*
^9808 May 2017^*

==^960 Champions of Newerth (Season 3) ^*==

^947-^* Due to the general inflation of each player's Rank during the last Season,
Rank compression will be heavier than normal this Season.
^947-^* The Rank growth has been adjusted to not be as geared towards progression,
and will feature absolutely no progression outside of skill in the upper brackets.
^947-^* Win Streak bonuses will no longer be active in this Season.
^947-^* Players can now see whether they have won or lost a Placement Match in
their Placement Match history progression bar.

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Hero Mastery ^*=

^075The third and final stage of the Hero Mastery system is now implemented into
Heroes of Newerth!^*

^075Hero Mastery Rewards^*

^947-^* Individual Hero Mastery has been increased to LV15.
^947-^* Rewards will be given at each additional level.
^947-^* ^904New ^*Perks include:
^274*^* LV13 will reward a new Emote Ability in game. You can use the Emote to
show your best dance moves on the battlefield.
^274*^* LV15 will upgrade your Hero Mastery border to the Epic Border.
^274*^* LV15 will upgrade your Mastery Badge effect.
^274*^* LV15 will upgrade your ^256Teleport^* effect.

^075Overall Hero Mastery Rewards^*

^947-^* Overall Hero Mastery has been increased to LV100.
^947-^* Rewards will be given every 5 levels.
^947-^* ^904New ^*Perks include:
^274*^* LV55, LV75 and LV95 will reward a new item, Super Boost.

^075Other Updates^*

^579Lunari^* the Moon Goddess

^947-^* When a player reaches LV15 with ^059Moon Queen^*, the Lunari avatar's
visual effects upgrade to silver/gold versions! In addition, she gains:
^274*^* Additional glowing effect on her weapon & wings.
^274*^* Additional visual effects on her ^256Multi-Strike^* attack projectiles.
^274*^* Enhanced visual effects for her ^256Moon Beam^* and ^256Moon Finale^*.

^947-^* Super Boost

^274*^* Super Boost can only be earned via the Mastery System.
^274*^* Each player will receive a free Super Boost upon launch of the update.
^274*^* Super Boost can only be used on LV1 & LV0 (Mastery level before match)
Heroes. You can use the Super Boost before the next match to earn 9x bonus Mastery

^947-^* Boost ^980Bundles^*

^274*^* Mastery Boosts can now be purchased in a bundle of 10 Boosts.
^274*^* The Boost ^980Bundle^* will offer a 10% total discount on the Boosts.

^947-^* Gold Hero Bonus Experience Increase

^274*^* The Mastery XP Bonus per Gold Hero (LV10) has been increased to 10% from
^274*^* The maximum bonus is still 50%.

^947-^* Mastery Ladder

^274*^* Show the top 1000 players on Mastery ranks with the Hero Mastery Ladder.

=^075 Facebook Streaming (BETA) ^*=

^947-^* Players will now be able to livestream their games to their Facebook!
^947-^* Choose to show off your skills to your friends in real time!
^274*^* Note that there are some known issues (mouse flickering and most
Facebook features are not supported).

=^075 UI Changes ^*=

^947-^* Players can now hold down the "Alt" key and left-click on various parts of
the HUD to communicate key pieces of information to their teammates via Team Chat.
These include (but are not limited to):
^274*^*An ability on your hero (tells your teammates whether the ability is
ready to be used or not, and indicates the reason why)
^274*^*An item in your inventory (tells your teammates whether the item is ready
to be used or not, and indicates the reason why)
^274*^*An item in the item shop (tells your teammates whether you plan on buying
an item and how much more gold you need to purchase it)
^274*^*Enemy hero icon on the sidebar (tells your teammates respawn time if the
hero is dead, or indicates that the specific hero is missing)
^274*^*The selected unit's Health and Mana bar (tells your teammates your
current Health or Mana correspondingly)
^274*^*State bar icons (tells your teammates that you're affected by a
particular state)
^274*^*Current Gold (tells your teammates whether you have enough gold or not to
buy back - this takes into consideration the gold loss on death if you are still
alive when you do this)

^947-^* Players can now ping the minimap while the game is paused.

^947-^* Items can now be rearranged while the Automated Courier is in transit to
your hero or to your Ally Well.
^947-^* ^904New ^*hotkeys have been added for controllable units:
^274*^* F2: Selects all controllable units that you own.
^274*^* F3: Selects all controllable non-hero units that you own.

^947-^* The HoN Tray Icon now flashes, brings the game window to the front, and
plays a sound when the game is Unpaused.
^947-^* An extra row has been added to the Quickbuy section of the in-game Shop UI.
^274*^* Default items in the row: ^077Ward of Revelation^*, ^077Dust of
Revelation^*, ^077Veiled Rot^*, ^077Mana Battery^*, ^077Marchers^*
^274*^* These can be changed by the player if desired.

^947-^* Implemented a Cloud Save/Cloud Configuration feature.

^274*^*Game settings and configurations can now be uploaded, saved and synced to
the Cloud.

=^075 Backdoor Protection System ^*=

^075A Backdoor Protection System is now implemented in the game:^*

^947-^* Towers regenerate 75 Health per second while the Backdoor Protection System
is active.
^274*^* Only heals damage taken while the Backdoor Protection System is active.

^947-^* Backdoor Protection System is enabled after 15 seconds when no enemy lane
creep/siege unit is in 1500 radius of the respective Tower.
^947-^* Backdoor Protection System is disabled when an enemy creep/catapult enters
within 1500 of the respective Tower.
^947-^* Backdoor Protection System will not activate when taking damage from
friendly units.

^947-^* Tier 1 Towers (outermost towers) are not affected by the Backdoor
Protection System
^947-^* Tier 3 Towers and all other base buildings lose the benefits of the
Backdoor Protection System if 1 of those Tier 3 Towers or base buildings have lost
the Backdoor Protection.
=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Gold per minute changed from ^96069 to 100^*.

^274*^* This change also affects ^077Mid Wars^*.

^947-^* Starting Gold decreased from ^960603 to 600^*.

^947-^* Default Max Movement Speed limit increased from ^960522 to 550^*.

^947-^* Shop detection radius for the Outposts increased from ^960500 to 600^*.
^947-^* The Ally Well now grants a bonus 150 Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds.
^274*^* Dispels early if you travel too far from the Well.

^075Automated Courier^*
^947-^* Movement Speed towards your hero increased from ^960522 to 550^*
^274*^* Time to destination decreased from ^96017 seconds to 15 seconds^* if the
courier travels from ^090Legion^* fountain to the middle of the river in the middle
^947-^* Movement Speed towards your Well increased from ^960225 to 330^*
^274*^* Time to destination decreased from ^96040 seconds to 28 seconds^* if the
courier travels from Legion fountain to the middle of the river in the middle lane.

=^075 Hero Reworks ^*=


^256Emerald Red^*
^947-^* No longer has charges.
^947-^* When activated, any ability cast within a 10 second timeframe is powered up
(like they currently are, with the exception of ^256Power Throw^*: see below).
^947-^* Activating Emerald Red grants ^9600/1/2^* charges of Power Throw. These
instances of Power Throw are free to cast as long as Emerald Red is active.
^274*^* Power Throw still has its current boosted properties when powered up
by Emerald Red.



^075Ability 1: Fungal Spit (Reworked)^*

^274*^* Range: 1000
^274*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^274*^* Cooldown: 11/10/9/8 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to launch a pod in a line, hitting all enemies and
allies. Deals ^96070/125/180/235 Magic Damage to enemies while healing allies for

^075Ability 2: Enhanced Shrubbery (Reworked)^*

^274*^* Mana Cost: 60
^274*^* Cooldown: 18 seconds
^947-^* Activate to leave a trail behind you for 6 seconds, granting yourself and
allies ^96030/60/90/120^* Movement Speed while they are on the trail.
^274*^* Each part of the trail remains on the ground for 4 seconds after
^075Abilty 3: Chomp! (Reworked)^*
^947-^* Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 seconds
^947-^* When off cooldown, your attack Chomps the target, dealing ^9604/6/8/10^*%
of ^059Bramble^*s Max Health as bonus Magic Damage and putting the skill on

^256Entangling Vine Wall^*

^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96080/70/60 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds^*.
^947-^* Attack Range of Vine Walls increased from ^960250 to 300^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from ^96030/40/50% to 40/50/60%^*.
^947-^* Attack Damage of Vine Walls increased from ^96010/20/30 to 15/30/45^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.5^*.

^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^960115 to 120^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96012 seconds to 15 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer stops when ^059Cthulhuphant^* touches a cliff.
Magic Damage from launched non-hero units changed from ^96015/20/25/30 to 20^*.
^947-^* Travel speed increased from 800 units per second to 1000 units per second.

^256Obliterate^* (Reworked)
^274*^* Range: 600
^274*^* Radius: 200
^274*^* Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
^274*^* Cooldown: 25 seconds

^947-^* Activate to shoot a pulse of water in front of ^059Cthulhuphant^* every

second for 4 seconds.
^947-^* Damage from each pulse starts at 30/40/50/60 Magic Damage and deals an
additional ^9605/10/15/20 Magic Damage every second. Max total Magic Damage of
^274*^* Can damage Siege units.

^075Ability 3: Maddening Revenge (Reworked)^*

^947-^* Whenever you take non-DoT Physical Damage, you deal Physical Damage to the
attack equal to ^96020/30/40/50^*% of ^059Cthulhuphant^*s Strength (3x for non-hero

^256Dreams of Madness^* (Reworked)

^274*^* Radius: 700
^274*^* Mana Cost: 200
^274*^* Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds

^947-^* Activate to gain an aura for 6 seconds that applies a ^96020/30/40^*%

Movement Speed Slow to enemy units.
^947-^* Enemies units who look at you for a combined 2 seconds will go mad,
attacking ^059Cthulhuphant^* for 3 seconds.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^075Shard Blast (Renamed)^*

^947-^* Fractures have been replaced with Ember Shards.
^947-^* Ember Shards are illusions which have a distinctive look, take 400% of
Damage, deal 10% of your Base Damage, have 1800 Attack Range but cannot move and
only attack up to 3 times.
^947-^* Ember Shards also have vision of the target they're attacking.

^075Death's Halo^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96080/70/60 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Fractures have been replaced with Ember Shards.



^256Sticky Bomb^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^960100/180/260/340 to 75/150/225/300^*.



^256Shell Surf^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96010 seconds to 12 seconds^*.

^256Song of the Sea^*

^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96016/14/12/10 seconds to 18/16/14/12 seconds^*.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^947-^* Now displays a charge count that represents the number of Overgrowths
currently placed.


^059Forsaken Archer^*

^947-^* Attack Range decreased from ^960600 to 550^*.

^256Crippling Volley^*
^947-^* No longer uses a skeleton to cast Crippling Volley.
^947-^* Now has a cast action time of 200ms and a cast time of 800ms.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96018/16/14/12 seconds to 10 seconds^* at all
^947-^* Immobilize duration changed from ^9601/1.5/2/2.5 seconds to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25

^256Split Fire^*
^947-^* Attack split count increased from ^9602/3/4/5 to 5^* at all levels.
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96010/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30^*.
^947-^* Now passively grants the Attack Speed bonus (rather than needing to toggle
the Split Fire on).
^947-^* No longer amplifies damage against ^059Forsaken Archer^* by 15% when
toggled on.
^947-^* Split Fire attack range has been decreased from ^960650 to 600^* (in
conjunction with the general Attack Range reduction).
^947-^* Split Fire's damage per shot decreased from ^96050/60/70/80% to
45/55/65/75%^* of your main shot.



^947-^* No longer a passive ability. Instead, activate to grant him the bonuses of
H.A.W.K. for ^96010/20/30/40 seconds^*.
^274*^* Mana Cost: 50
^274*^* Cooldown: 10 seconds
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^9600/5/10/15% to 5/10/15/20%^*.

^075A.T.K. Drones^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96060 seconds to 120/90/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* The first Drone no longer deals 2x damage to non-Hero units.
^947-^* The second Drone now deals 20 Magic Damage and applies a 20% Movement Speed
Slow for 2 seconds.
^947-^* The third Drone now deals 20% of your Base Damage as Magic Damage (instead
of healing you based on your Base Damage).



^947-^* No longer grants Magic Armor to allies or self upon activation.

^256Master of the Mantra^*

^947-^* No longer deals Magic Damage when a nearby enemy hero casts a spell.
^947-^* Now passively grants ^9603/6/9/12 Magic Armor^* to ^059Magebane^*.

^256Mana Rift^*
^947-^* Magic Damage is no longer dealt in an area around the target.
^274*^* Now only deals Magic Damage to the main target.
^947-^* Percentage of Missing Mana dealt as Magic Damage increased from
^96060/85/110% to 90/110/130%^*.

^059Moon Queen^*

^947-^* Damage penalty per bounce increased from ^96020 to 25%^*.

^256Lunar Glow^*
^947-^* Bonus Base Damage lowered from ^9607/14/21/28% to 6/12/18/24%^*.

^256Moon Finale^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus decreased from ^96020/40/60 to 20/30/40^*.
^947-^* Max number of times a target can be hit by Moon Finale decreased from ^9605
to 4^*.



^947-^* Damage to subsequently hit targets changed from ^96012/30/48/66/84% to

^256Divide & Conquer^*

^947-^* Movement Speed bonus for ^059Nitro^* reduced from ^9600/20/30/40/50 to
^947-^* Mauser: bonus Attack Damage received based on Nitro's level decreased from
^9601.5x Nitro's Level to 1.2x Nitro's Level^*.


^059Pollywog Priest^*

^256Tongue Tied^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^96040 to 40/50/60/70^*.

^256Voodoo Wards^*
^947-^* Wards now die in 2 hits instead of having ^960135/150/150 Health^*.
^947-^* No longer deals ^256Splash^* Damage.
^947-^* Attack Damage per Voodoo Ward increased from ^96040/55/70 to 40/70/100^*.



^256Stone Hide^*
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9603/3.75/4.5/5.25 seconds to 4/5/6/7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown lowered from ^96015 seconds to 14 seconds^*.

^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96020/40/60 to 25/50/75^*.

^059Puppet Master^*

^256Puppet Show^*
^947-^* Range decreased from ^960700 to 600^*.

^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^947-^* Amplified Magic Damage value changed from ^960160/180/200% to



^256Phoenix Wave^*
^947-^* Damage increased from ^960100/170/240/310 to 110/180/250/320^*.
^947-^* Range increased from ^960600 to 900^*.
^947-^* Travel distance increased from 600 to 900.

^947-^* Range increased from ^960600 to 625^*.
^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601.6 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5^*.
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^960100/160/220/280 to 80/120/160/200^*.

^947-^* Attack Speed per charge increased from ^96020/30/40/50 to 20/40/60/80^*.
^947-^* Cast Speed increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to 20/40/60/80^*.
^947-^* Burning Effect removed.

^256Blazing Strike^*
^947-^* Magic Damage lowered from ^960450/675/950 to 450/650/850^*.
^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^960150/90/55 seconds to 100/80/60 seconds^*.



^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96015 seconds to 20 seconds^*.


^256Storm Blades^*
^947-^* Now grants ^96020/40/60/80 Attack Speed^*.
^947-^* The state is now considered a Buff, making it able to be dispelled or


^256Disco Inferno^*
^947-^* ^256Heal^* per second increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to 15/30/45/60^*.

^256Arcane Hymn^*
^947-^* Radius increased from 500 to Global.
^947-^* Magic Armor Penetration decreased from ^9601/2/3/4 to 0.5/1/1.5/2^*.
^947-^* Now grants ^96020/40/60/80 Cast Speed^*.
^947-^* No longer grants Magic Damage Lifesteal.


^059Sir Benzington^*

^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^96014/12/10/8 seconds to 14 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^960100/170/240/310 to 70/140/210/280^*.

^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96010 seconds to 14 seconds^*.


^059Wretched Hag^*
^947-^* Range decreased from ^960550 to 500^*.


==^960 Items ^*==

=^075 New Items ^*=

^904New ^*Consumable Item: Rejuvenation Potion

^274*^*Consumable Item
^274*^*Cost: 400 Gold
^274*^*Cooldown: 300 seconds

^947-^* Upon use, restores 1200 Health and 900 Mana over 20 seconds. Dispels when
damaged by a non-Lane-Creep unit.
^274*^* Also sold at the Observatory.


^904New ^*Supportive item: Sand Scepter

^947-^* Recipe: ^077Luminous Prism^* (1500) + ^077Amulet of Exile^* (465) + Recipe
(600) = 2565 Gold Total
^947-^* Passively gives: +5 Strength, +5 Agility, +25 Intelligence

^947-^* Active: Target an ally or self to dispel Debuffs, or target an enemy to

dispel their buffs and immobilize them for 2 seconds. Enemies are also Revealed and
Sighted for the duration.
^274*^* Action Type: Target Entity
^274*^* Range: 700
^274*^* Mana Cost: 60
^274*^* Cooldown: 20 seconds


=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Removed the concept of Attack Modifiers from the game. You may now mix and
match previously unique attack modifiers together. For example, a
^077Shieldbreaker^* and ^077Frostwolf's Skull^* will now work together.
^274*^* ^077Hungry Spirit^*, ^077Whispering Helm^*, ^077Symbol of Rage^* and
^077Elder Parasite^* (new) are now Lifesteal Modifiers, which do not stack with
^274*^* ^077Icebrand^*, ^077Frozen Light^*, ^077Frostburn^*, ^077Dawnbringer^*
and Frostwolf's Skull are now Freeze Modifiers, which do not stack with themselves.


^077Abyssal Skull^*
^947-^* ^077Trinket of Restoration^* removed from the recipe.
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960300 Gold to 600 Gold^*.
^274*^*Total recipe cost reduced from ^9602050 Gold to 2000 Gold^*.
^947-^* Aura Base Damage bonus increased from ^96012% to 15%^*.
^947-^* No longer grants 2 Health Regeneration.


^077Alchemist's Bones^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96025 to 0^*.


^077Arclight Crown^*
^947-^* Lightning visuals and icon have been recoloured to a red colour.


^077Assassin's Shroud^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96075 to 50^*.


^947-^* No longer restores 200 Health instantly.
^274*^* Instead, now restores 150 Health instantly and another 100 Health over
10 seconds.
^947-^* No longer applies a cooldown state to affected allies (which also restored
75 health over 25 seconds).


^077Barbed Armor^*
^947-^* Recipe changed from: ^077Broadsword^* (1200) + Apprentices Robe (450) +
^077Ringmail^* (550) = 2200 Gold Total to:
^947-^* New: ^077Punchdagger^* (500) + 2x ^077Bolstering Armband^* (450) + Recipe
(600) = 2000 Gold Total.
^947-^* Now passively gives: +15 Damage, +15 Strength.
^947-^* Can no longer be disassembled.


^077Barrier Idol^*
^947-^* Moved from the Supportive section to the Protective section of the item
^947-^* ^077Refreshing Ornament^* is replaced with a ^077Major Totem^* in the
^274*^* Total cost reduced from ^9603578 Gold to 3515 Gold^*.
^947-^* Passive bonus Stats increased from +2/+5/+2 to +5 to all Stats.
^947-^* No longer grants a Health Regeneration aura.
^947-^* Now also passively grants 30% Debuff and Stun duration reduction.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960100 to 50^*.


^947-^* ^077Mighty Blade^* is replaced with a ^077Bolstering Armband^* in the
^947-^* Strength bonus reduced from ^96010 to 8^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960300 Gold to 800 Gold^*.
^274*^* Total cost reduced from ^9603500 Gold to 3450 Gold^*.


^077Daemonic Breastplate^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96010 seconds to 1 second^*.


^077Elder Parasite^*
^947-^* ^077Lifetube^* has been replaced with a ^077Hungry Spirit^* in the recipe.
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960625 Gold to 600 Gold^*.
^274*^*Total cost remains unchanged (2000 Gold).
^947-^* No longer gives 5 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* Now gives +10% Lifesteal.
^274*^* Lifesteal modifier.
^947-^* Crazed buff's Lifesteal reduced from ^96025% to 20%^*.

^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed now tapers from 75 -> 0 (instead of 75 -> 25).
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9606 seconds to 10 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer applies a cooldown state to affected allies.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96075 to 25^*.


^077Firebrand^* and items it builds into:

^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^9606/8/10% to 8/10/12%^*.


^077Frostwolf's Skull^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960100 to 50^*.


^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96075 to 50^*.


^077Geometer's Bane^*:
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^9608% to 10%^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^960165 to 50^*.


^077Ghost Marchers^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus on the buff state increased from ^9608% to 10%^*.


^077Health Potion^*
^947-^* Now only dispels when damaged by a non-Lane-Creep unit.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960120 seconds to 90 seconds^*.


^077Logger's Hatchet^*
^947-^* Cast time decreased from 200ms to 0ms.


^077Luminous Prism^*
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^9601650 Gold to 1500 Gold^*.
^947-^* Intelligence bonus decreased from ^96016 to 15^*.

^077Mana Potion^*
^947-^* Now only dispels when damaged by a non-Lane-Creep unit.


^077Merrick's Bounty^*
^947-^* Now has an active effect which consumes all the charges for their Gold
^274*^* Same effect as if you killed a creep.
^947-^* Gold per charge increased from ^9609 to 10^*.
^947-^* No longer automatically gains 1 charge whenever coming off cooldown.


^077Minor Totem^*
^947-^* Cost decreased from ^96053 Gold to 50 Gold^*.


^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* No longer able to purge yourself.


^077Plated Greaves^*
^947-^* Buff duration increased from ^96030 to 60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Hero Armor bonus from the buff state (3) and non-hero buff base damage
bonus (20%) are now both doubled (6 & 40%) for the first 10 seconds of the effect.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96010 to 0^*.


^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96075 to 50^*.


^077Pretender's Crown^*
^947-^* Cost decreased from ^960185 Gold to 165 Gold^*.


^077Restoration Stone^*
^947-^* Bonus Mana Regeneration increased from ^960150% to 200%^*.

^077Ring of Sorcery^*
^947-^* No longer applies a cooldown state to affected allies.


^077Sacrificial Stone^*
^947-^* Buff duration increased from ^96045 to 60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Armor bonus from the buff state (3) is now doubled (6) for the first 10
seconds of the effect.


^077Savage Mace^*
^947-^* Physical proc Damage increased from ^960120 to 140^*.


^077Shaman's Headdress^*
^947-^* Bonus Health Regeneration increased from ^9609 to 10^*.
^947-^* Now also passively grants 15% Debuff and Stun duration reduction.


^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96040/50/60 to 35/45/55^*.
^947-^* Armor Reduction decreased from ^9603/5/7 to 2/4/6^*.
^947-^* Max number of Armor Reduction against buildings and gadgets decreased from
^9608 to 6^*.


^077Shield of the Five^*

^947-^* Armor bonus from the buff state (3) is now doubled (6) for the first 10
seconds of the effect.


^077Shrunken Head^*
^947-^* Duration reduced from ^96010 to 7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96080 to 65 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer loses duration and cooldown with every use.


^077Snake Bracelet^*
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^9601800 to 1100^*.

^075Sol's Bulwark^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96010 seconds to 1 second^*.


^075Sorcery Boots^*
^947-^* No longer applies a cooldown state to affected allies.


^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* Damage per second reduced from [5 + 5% of current Health] to [5% of current
^947-^* Debuff now reduces Health Regeneration by 50%.


^077Spiked Bola^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96075 to 0^*.


^077Tablet of Command^*
^947-^* Bonus armor increased from ^9602 to 3^*.


^077Veiled Rot^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Bonus increased from ^96015% to 20%^*.


^077Whispering Helm^*
^947-^* Lifesteal reduced from ^96020% to 15%^*.
^947-^* No longer grants the dominated creep 50 Movement Speed.
^947-^* Instead, now grants the dominated creep a bonus of 25% of your Damage and
Movement Speed.
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96075 to 25^*.


^947-^* Recipe changed to include another ^077Steamstaff^*.
^274*^* Full recipe is now: ^077Dancing Blade^* + ^077Snake Bracelet^* + 2x
^947-^* Total cost increased from ^9605800 to 5900^*.


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 HoNiversary 2017 ^*=
^947+^* With another year in the books, Newerth celebrates its 7th Anniversary!
^947-^* From bonus gold sales to silver multipliers, HoNiversary is guaranteed to
highlight the best of Newerth.
^947-^* For more information on the event, check the HoN forums and social media.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Rift Wars^*
^947-^* Shuffle Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Silver Coin ^*=

^904New ^*Silver Coin ^059Parasite^* Avatar: ^579Nuclear Parasite^*
^947^947-^* As the arrival of Apex and his soldiers threatens all of Newerth, the
previously unknown sub-levels of All Hells continue to crack open and spew their
filth across the landscape. And as if the parasitic abominations growing within the
black, primordial cesspools weren't bad enough, the sludge that leaked from that
crevice wormed its way through the depths of the cursed realms until it congealed
within a nuclear waste storage facility, long-since buried and forgotten by the
Lost Civilization. The horror that evolved there is beyond a mutated parasite -- it
is an entirely new form of daemonic creature whose body is constantly consumed by
the radiation simmering within every cell of its being, driving it to drain the
life from everything it encounters in order to replace its dying flesh.^*

=^075 Plushies and Misfits ^*=

^947^947+^* War has touched every inch of this magical land, and not even the
Illuminated Orphanage is safe. Within the high, clean walls maintained by the
Sacred Order of Arasunia, a constant battle rages for dominion over one of the most
highly contested plots in all of Newerth the toddler's playroom. Divided by a
river of blankies and soiled diapers, the romping area has opposite corners claimed
by two factions: the Plushies, adorably soft and cuddly dolls, and the Misfits,
unsettling and dangerous toys tainted by the echo of evil left behind by Jaru the
Corrupted Disciple. The Plushies find haven in the Nursery Corner, from where they
strive to protect the orphans and Sisters within the orphanage, while the Misfits
dwell across the room in the Cursery Corner, plotting to overtake the entire
campus. Let the stuffing fly!^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Cthulhuphant^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Cthulu^*

^947^947-^* Everything is rainbows, sunshine, and adorable stuffed animals for
Plushie Cthulu -- and we mean everything. Whether a child is sobbing from a
disturbing nightmare or a Sister is weeping because a certain green, winged Misfit
keeps stomping through naptime, Plushie Cthulu is there to cheer them up with an
endless supply of delightful rainbows and cuddly lovies. As an added bonus, Misfit
Cthulu absolutely cannot stand anything bright, colorful, and adorable, and these
keep him away while the children sleep and the Sisters get some well-deserved

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Cthulhuphant^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Cthulu^*

^947^947-^* The Misfit Cthulu doll is reviled among the Sisters of the Illuminated
Orphanage because of the havoc he wreaks upon the most sacred hours of the day --
naptime. When the rowdy children finally settle onto their blankets and pillows for
a brief period of peace and quiet, Misfit Cthulu waits, waits, waits...then
tramples through the dozing kids, spreading terrifying nightmares and obliterating
any chance for the Sisters to take a little time for themselves. Once everyone is
awake and screaming, Misfit Cthulu waddles away, cackling and looking forward to
the setting sun, when he can ruin even more sleep and dreams. The only thing that
will keep him away is his disgust for anything bright, colorful, and adorable, but
the other Misfits will happily destroy those barrier so he can continue his
destruction. It's a recipe for true madness.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Pestilence^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Pesti^*

^947^947-^* Plushie Pesti loves to help with Arts & Crafts time, and he carries a
bottomless supply of buttons and yarn to help the children create their
masterpieces. When the artwork is done, he soars around the playroom with his swarm
of flying yarn balls to make sure the glorious treasures of creativity are hung
high for all to see! Should anyone -- Misfits in particular -- dare to interfere
with the wonderful Art & Crafts time or the childrens' creations, Plushie Pesti is
ready and willing to attack and turn his helpful swarm into an aggressive, stinging
cloud. Feel the rope burn and beware the buttons, Misfits!^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Pestilence^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Pesti^*

^947^947-^* Arts & Crafts is a wonderful time for the children and Sisters of the
Illuminated Orphanage, when everyone gets to play with paper, glue, fabric, and
paint to create pure expressions of joy. The children feel immense pride as their
works of art are hung on the walls of the playroom for all to see. But "all"
includes Misfit Pesti, who lurks in the shadows, waiting for his chance to scuttle
out, unsheath his wickedly sharp scissors, and ruthlessly shred every last
painting, drawing, and collage. This stinkbug of a stuffed animal doesn't just use
his snippers on paper though -- he also loves to create his own artwork by cutting
the adorable Plushies into ribbons and leaving a pile of cloth and stuffing behind
for the children and Sisters to discover. They don't understand his art, but that
just exposes their lack of sophistication and appreciation for nuance. Stupid

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Aluna^* Avatar: ^579The Emerald Princess^*

^947^947-^* The emerald mines of Fuathmoor along the western base of the Iron
Mountains used to be a focal point for war because of the massive financial value
of the countless gems hidden within the caverns. These days, the magical and
devastating powers of the now-priceless emeralds bring looters, scavengers, even
entire armies to the northern villages to steal the crystals from the people who
have protected them from before Man's Fall from Light. Their leader, known as The
Emerald Princess for her stunning beauty, hardened soul, and razor-sharp edges,
will gladly give her life to protect her people and the mines, but she'd much
rather make the Fenwater turn from green to red as it fills with the invaders'

^904New ^*^059Forsaken Archer^* Avatar: ^579Forsaken Siren^*

^947^947-^* The Forsaken Sirens call is hauntingly beautiful, and countless
fishermen have heard it and felt the irresistible compulsion to throw themselves
into the crashing waves just to get closer. Both breathtakingly alluring and
chillingly ugly, she sits astride an equally fearsome mount; a freakish variant of
a once-elegant creature known as the Hippocampus. Armed with her gigantic bow and
arrows that could put the greatest siege machines to shame, the dyad tear
themselves from the sea and into the night, the chilling song heard for miles

^904New ^*^059Legionnaire^* Avatar: ^579Maritime Legionnaire^*

^947^947-^* The Maritime Legionnaires are a fierce lot indeed, banished from Legion
soil for fighting higher-ranking officers, disobeying orders, and insulting
royalty, among other crimes. Given the choice between the noose and serving aboard
the ships of the Legion Armada, some opt for a quick death, for the warships are
infamous for monstrous rats, rampant disease, and constant clashes with pirates and
water daemons, not to mention the bottomless Maw and whatever manages to crawl out
of it. But the Legionnaires who embrace this life and thrive amid the chaos are
among the most dangerous men of any army, land or sea, and when they swarm over the
gunwales with their wicked boarding axes swinging, the planks and seas quickly run

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^077Forests of Caldavar^*: The area with the ^090Legion^* high cliff ward
spot by the hard bottom-left neutral camp has been adjusted so that Wards placed by
the ^090Legion^* team has the possibility of not blocking their own hard neutral
^947-^* An enemy hero's inventory will now persist on the scoreboard when they move
into fog, but the inventory for enemy heroes will not update on the scoreboard for
your team until you have vision of them again.
^947-^* The limit for Max Charges has been increased from ^960127 to 999^*.
^274*^* This change reduces truncation to values like damage or movement speed
per charge in select corner cases.
^947-^* Units will now be able to properly damage ^579Kongor^* even when they are
standing at the inner corners of ^579Kongor^*'s lair.

^947-^* The following abilities can no longer be acquired in ^077Rift Wars^*:

^274*^*^059Adrenaline^*'s Ember Shard
^274*^*^059Rampage^*'s Tough Hide
^274*^*^059Maliken^*'s ^256Sword of the Damned^*

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Chocolate Magmousse^*'s ^256Eruption^* now plays the proper voice line
when ^077Staff of the Master^* is in your inventory.

^947-^* Switching stances via ^256Sword of the Damned^* will no longer give charges
to ^077Mana Battery^* and ^077Power Supply^*.

^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* ^579Catnip Night Hound^*'s bones are now positioned correctly.

^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* ^579Hunter Witch Slayer^*'s gun on his back will now glow properly when
^077Staff of the Master^* is in your inventory.
=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* ^077Ring of the Teacher^*, ^077Abyssal Skull^* and ^077Nome's Wisdom^* will
now properly display their Armor value in the Heads Up Display (HUD).
^274*^* Mechanically, this was working fine while the display bug was active,
i.e. the Armor was properly given regardless of what the HUD was showing.


^980Version 4.0.8^*
^98025 April 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Balance ^*=


^256Sword Throw^*
^947-^* No longer deals reduced Magic Damage while ^256Life Essence^* is active.

^256Sword of the Damned^*

^947-^* ^256Enchanted Flames^*' Attack Damage bonus increased from ^96012/24/36/48
to 15/30/45/60^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage dealt to self per attack increased from ^9604/8/12/16 to
^947-^* ^256Life Essence^* no longer reduces your Attack Damage by
^947-^* Will always be active with either Enchanted Flames or Life Essence when
this skill is leveled.
^947-^* No longer has a cooldown.

^947-^* Max charges increased from ^96080 to 100^*.

^947-^* No longer has a Mana Cost.
^947-^* ^059Maliken^* now spends 25% of his Current ^256Heal^*th when Possession is


^059Night Hound^*

^256Smoke Bomb^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960275 to 325^*.

^947-^* Now teleports ^059Night Hound^* behind the target.
^947-^* No longer loses stealth when activating items.
^947-^* Fade time increased from ^9603.5/2.5/1.5 seconds to 4/3/2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Stealth will not have a fade time when respawning (i.e. with ^077Token of
Life^* or ^059Deadlift^*'s ^256Ressurection^*)
^947-^* Bonus Agility increased from ^9600/6/12 to 5/15/25^*.



^256HEAT Round^*
^947-^* Physical Damage reduced from ^96085/170/255 + 25/50/75%^* of ^059Nitro^*'s
Attack Damage to ^96080/160/240 + 20/40/60%^* of ^059Nitro^*'s Attack Damage].

^059Sir Benzington^*

^947-^* Stun duration rescaled from ^9602 seconds to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Range reduced from ^9601200 to 1000^*.



^256Demon Hands^*
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96075 to 90^*.
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^960275 to 250^*.


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Plushies and Misfits ^*=

^947+^* The newest set of spectacular avatars is headed to Newerth. Start your
collection of the Plushies and Misfits beginning on April 28th.
^947-^* For more details on how to acquire these avatars, head to the forums.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Capture the Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Plushies and Misfits ^*=

War has touched every inch of this magical land, and not even the Illuminated
Orphanage is safe. Within the high, clean walls maintained by the Sacred Order of
Arasunia, a constant battle rages for dominion over one of the most highly
contested plots in all of Newerth -- the toddler's playroom. Divided by a river of
blankies and soiled diapers, the romping area has opposite corners claimed by two
factions: the Plushies, adorably soft and cuddly dolls, and the Misfits, unsettling
and dangerous toys tainted by the echo of evil left behind by Jaru the Corrupted
Disciple. The Plushies find haven in the Nursery Corner, from where they strive to
protect the orphans and Sisters within the orphanage, while the Misfits dwell
across the room in the Cursery Corner, plotting to overtake the entire campus. Let
the stuffing fly!

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Behemoth^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Behe^*

^947^947-^* Every inch of thread, cloth and stuffing that makes up Plushie Behe is
dedicated to stopping bullies from causing trouble in the Illuminated Orphanage
playroom. Most ruffians will back down as soon as the stuffed heavyweight steps up,
but sometimes the big lug has to strap on the gloves and get his soft fabric a
little dirty. When it comes to the Misfits, however, Plushie Behe never hesitates
to put himself between the dangerous toys and any child, Sister, or Plushie they've
made the poor decision to attack.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Behemoth^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Behe^*

^947^947-^* The deranged, corrupted Misfit Behe is a bully of massive proportions,
constantly wreaking havoc among the children and Sisters of the Illuminated
Orphanage. In addition to destroying all the fresh snacks and new toys with his
smashing sack, he takes foul pleasure in pulling his moldy straw stuffing out and
creating babydoll bait for the more gullible orphans and Plushies. When they totter
close enough, he unleashes a nightmarish pummeling that leaves kids crying and
Plushies scattered across the playroom floor.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Devourer^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Devo^*

^947^947-^* The Plushie Devo Doll loves spreading snacks and fresh air across the
playroom, and the children and Sisters simply adore his soft, warm hugs and how
openly he wears his generous heart for all to see. He is always ready to retrieve a
lost binky with his gentle squeezer, or pull a fellow Plushie out of harm's way
when the stinky Misfits show up to make trouble.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Devourer^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Devo^*

^947^947-^* The Misfit Devo Doll is endlessly searching for Plushies to rip open so
he can gorge on their stuffing and replenish his own innards, which are constantly
leaking and falling from his numerous split seams and torn fabric. He'll settle for
stealing an orphan's lunch if that's all he can find, but it will only make him
grumpier until he finally gets his pinchey clamp on one of those precious

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Night Hound^* Avatar: ^579Plushie Night Hound^*
^947^947-^* There is nothing Plushie Night Hound loves more than turning invisible,
sneaking up on a distracted toddler, and pouncing on them to deliver a cloud of
soft, snuggly hugs full of giggles and love. These elite cuddling skills have a
darker side, however -- when the Misfits arrive with bad intentions to harm the
innocent children and Sisters of the orphanage, Plushie Night Hound's hugging paws
become slashing claws and his gentle smile bristles with snarling teeth, ready to
shred the Misfits into harmless piles of thread and stuffing.^*

^904New ^*Plushies and Misfits ^059Night Hound^* Avatar: ^579Misfit Night Hound^*
^947^947-^* Misfit Night Hound actually started out as a Plushie, and it was
impossible to tell the difference between him and his twin brother. Unfortunately,
the children and Sisters of the orphanage would always find out too late that there
was a significant difference between the two -- the stuffed doll who would become
Misfit Night Hound despised cuddling, snuggling, and hugs of all kinds, and when
someone tried to embrace him he threw such a tantrum he'd tear his own fabric, pop
his seams, and stain his soft fur on the playroom floor. Eventually the safety pins
used to hold him together became deterrents to keep the hugging buggers away, and
when this ornery doll saw how absolutely no one wanted to hug the smelly Misfits,
he immediately jumped the river of soiled diapers to join their sticky ranks.^*

=^075 EXO ^*=

^904New ^*^579EXO Monarch^* Avatar: ^579EXO Monarch^*

^947^947-^* In the ultimate alliance between the Legion and Beast Horde, the tech-
focused Engineers have set aside their spreadsheets and stress tests and looked to
the research that has been ongoing for millennia: nature's evolution. When the
Engineers examined the shells, exoskeletons, and carapaces of the Beast warriors,
they found systems of armor that, when applied to man-made materials, created
external protection that was lighter, more flexible, and stronger than anything
Newerth had yet seen. It was a critical response to the new corruption spewing from
Apex's portal, and the winged warrior who had pledged herself to Monarch's army was
the perfect prototype on which to test it. If her delicate wings were strong enough
to carry the EXO armor, and kept her alive against the forces of corruption, the
rest of the Legion would be convinced this new technology could change

=^075 Fusion ^*=

With the pure, true corruption from the depths of All Hells continuing to flow from
Apex's portal, the other previously untapped levels and pits are also free to spew
their filth and wickedness across Newerth. The Fusion Chamber is one such level, a
subterranean laboratory where the damned souls were infected with a daemonic virus
that tore them apart from within and rebuilt their maimed bodies with the ability
to transform appendages into brutal, fiendish weapons. The Fusion Chamber did this
for centuries, churning out an army of agonized soldiers prepared to wreak havoc
and spread the Fusion virus across Newerth when Apex finally ascended. That day has
come, and the Fusion warriors come with it.

^904New Fusion Maliken Avatar: ^579Fusion Maliken^*

Fusion Maliken may be the most dangerous of all the twisted warriors to emerge from
the Fusion Chamber. The unprecedented amount of determination within his damned
soul allowed the daemonic virus to destroy and remake every cell of his body, so
that he not only possesses the ability to forge weapons from his flesh and blood --
he can transform into an entirely new and terrifying creature that is in and of
itself a weapon of mass carnage. Regardless of which form he takes, the deranged
zeal he exudes while massacring the armies of Newerth is enough to chill even
Fusion blood.

^075Trophy Avatar^*
^075Trophy Avatar Advanced^*
^075Trophy Avatar Elite^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Bots ^*=
^904New ^*Bot: ^059Prisoner 0945^*
^947-^* Authored by Sparks1992.
^947-^* Additions by Anakonda.
^947-^* Sparks1992 receives 3200 Gold Coins and an alt avatar of his choice!

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Issuing the "Order Hold" command will no longer cancel your unit's channel.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^256Unbreakable^* will now trigger even when taking non-lethal damage (e.g.
^077Blood Chalice^*) to prevent Damage-over-Time (DoT) sources from bypassing
^256Unbreakable^* when a source of non-lethal damage takes Demented Shaman to
approximately 0 Health.

^947-^* Having ^077Staff of the Master^* on the certain avatars will no longer play
^579Grace Nymphora^*'s Mass ^256Teleport^* sounds.

^947-^* Sapphire Revenant's ^256Manifestation^* now modifies his other skills


^980Version 4.0.7^*
^98011 April 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

^947-^* Legacy MMR can no longer be viewed by players other than yourself.

=^960 Balance ^*=

^059Demented Shaman^*

^947-^* If ^256Unbreakable^* is Dispelled without its effects activating,
^256Unbreakable^* goes on a 30 second cooldown.



^947-^* Radius and cast range indicator has been reduced to more properly reflect
the 825 cast range of this ability.

^256Draconic Defense^*
^947-^* Cooldown will now begin after Draconis lands at his destination.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* only: Cooldown increased from ^o10 seconds to 15
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* only: Damage Reduction state duration on self
decreased from ^o8 seconds to 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* only: Ally Building's Damage Reduction state
duration decreased from ^o16 seconds to 12 seconds^*.

^947-^* Duration lowered from ^o20 seconds to 15 seconds^*.
^947-^* Attack frequency has been decreased from once every ^o2.5 seconds to 2


^059Witch Slayer^*

^947-^* Stun duration from ^o0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds^*.
^274*^*Overall stun duration changed from ^o1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds to 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^o60/130/200/260 to 80/140/200/260^*.

^947-^* Duration changed from ^o1.25/2/2.75/3.5 seconds to 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^o13 seconds to 25/21/17/13 seconds^*.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Songkran 2017 ^*=

^947+^* The hottest event of the year is here, and the spirits and festivities of
Songkran have found their way into Newerth once again, livening up ^077Forests of
Caldavar^* and ^077Mid Wars^*. Break out the squirt guns and keep cool!
^947-^* Songkran is in full force in Newerth for 4.0.7. Keep an eye out for these
hot promotions:
^274*^* 25% Bonus Gold Sale from 4/13 - 4/17
^274*^* Past ^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* avatars in Merrick's shop from
4/7 - 4/26
^274*^* Songkran aesthetics in Newerth from 4/11 - 4/25

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random
^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075The Grimm Hunt^*

^947-^* All Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Songkran ^*=

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Grinex^* Avatar: ^579Songkran

^947^947-^* Songkran Grinex seems like the epitome of a serene participant in the
Thai New Year festival, dedicated to traditional merit-making and showing respect
to her elders and loved-ones. This is true, but when she steps out of the temples
and homes of her family members into the chaotic streets, she is capable of
unleashing a shockingly fast assault of water and claws against any who threaten
her mission to spread blessings to those she loves. Unless they try to splash her
too, then it's on.^*

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Shellshock^* Avatar:

^579Songkran Shellshock^*
^947^947-^* All hail the snail! Songkran Shellshock is ready to rock and roll
during the water festival with a massive arsenal of super splash cannons, and he
even brought a few snail friends from The Luminary to help. While the peaceful
snail is usually dedicated to protecting the Sanctuary Stone and those who cannot
defend themselves, during the Thai New Year celebration he is all about dousing
everything in sight. After all, splashing someone during Songkran washes away their
bad luck and is a sign of respect and well-wishing. If the snail gets a little
pleasure out of that, what's the harm?^*

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Witch Slayer^* Avatar:

^579Songkran Slayer^*
^947^947-^* Songkran Slayer brings a whole new meaning to "Power Drain" when he
empties his gigantic water cannon upon the Thai New Year revelers! He may have
skimped on his wardrobe budget, but that's just to distract the gawking ladies and
jealous bros while he douses them with his arsenal of squirt guns and splash axes
before stunning the crowd by sending an entire beach party down the street.^*

^980Songkran^* Set Effects

^947-^* When you own all of the 2017 Songkran avatars, each of the characters will
gain pure, cleansing white powder impact effects!
^947-^* The 2017 Songkran avatars are:
^274*^* ^579Songkran Adrenaline^*
^274*^* ^579Songkran Bombardier^*
^274*^* ^579Songkran Grinex^*
^274*^* ^579Songkran Shellshock^*
^274*^* ^579Songkran Slayer^*

=^075 Easter ^*=

^904New ^*Easter ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Magmus^* Avatar: ^579Chocolate

^947^947-^* Nothing in Newerth is safe from corruption with the rise of Apex -- not
even delicious holiday chocolate. The massive annual Easter batch at Adkarna's
Blessed Acadamy of Chocolatiers was just about ready for pouring and cooling when a
primordial entity emerged from the depths and found a new home within the thick,
bubbling chocolate, and when the ensuing eruption was over the academy was a
steaming ruin coated in chocolate, Easter eggs, and sprinkles. The joyfully cruel
elemental escaped on a surge of chocolate to continue its campaign of sweet, sugary
havoc, leaving a trail of chocolate misery and shattered sweet teeth behind it.^*

^904New ^*Easter ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Tempest^* Avatar: ^579Easter Elemental^*

^947^947-^* Nothing makes the Easter Elemental happier than coloring Easter eggs in
bright, festive colors and spreading them across Newerth for everyone to find.
However, after too many years of these "heroic" warriors stomping on his eggs
rather than collecting and celebrating them, this joyful fella has decided to make
sure it's very easy to find his eggs -- they'll be splattered all over the faces
and graves of his enemies!^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^980Announcer Pack^*: ^579Miku Announcer^*

^947-^* The world of Newerth is yours with this first announcer pack from the

^904New ^*^059Revenant^* Avatar: ^579Wendigo^*

^947^947-^* Even the savage clans who dwell in Deaths Cradle fear the Wendigo, a
spirit of the dark forest who is said to be the last member of a cannibalistic
tribe known for its bloodthirsty ways. As a human the Wendigos hunger for flesh
could not be satiated, and he massacred his own people in order to gorge on their
corpses. The Death's Cradle elementals punished this atrocity by transforming him
into the Wendigo, a hideous spirit that is half man, half monstrosity, and who is
eternally starving to death no matter how much he eats.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Optimizations ^*=

^947-^* ^579Kongor^* 's death timer indicator now shows a circular band that
retracts over time to more accurately display the current duration of his death
^947-^* An option labelled "Don't Switch to Hidden Hero" has been introduced in the
Options -> Interface -> Miscellaneous menu.
^274* ^* This option is disabled by default, mainly for ^059Parasite^* players
that had a habit of switching back to their hero while ^256Infesting^* a creep.
^274* ^* This option was introduced for players who wish to not select owned
heroes that are uncontrollable & not on the screen.

=^075 General ^* =

^947-^* The K/D/A values in the "View Statistics" window will no longer go out of
its frame.
^947^947-^* When logged in on an account that is in a clan then using the dropdown
button next to your name to quickly switch to a sub account that is not in a clan,
you will no longer appear as if you were in the clan.^*
^947-^* On-Release Smartcasting will now work properly with the lower 3 inventory
^947-^* The background of HoN Plinko will no longer show the ^980Ascension^*

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* ^579Transmutanstein^* 's de-aggro radius decreased from ^960650 to 500^* .
^274* ^* Note that ^579Zorgath^* 's de-aggro radius remains unchanged so that
^579Zorgath^* will still attack players who try to chip away at him from afar.

=^075 Heroes ^* =

^947-^* Movement Speed Cap is set to ^960700 (instead of 999)^* in the Strikers of
Newerth mode only.

^947-^* ^256Webbed Shot^* can now be properly toggled on or off by double-
activating it.

^947-^* ^579Cyber Artillery^* 's ^256Mortar Shot^* will no longer cause heavy frame

^059Blood Hunter^*
- ^256Blood Crazy^* can no longer be double-activated.

^947-^* ^579ALPHA Bubbles^*' knockdown animation will now be played correctly.

^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* ^256Root^* will no longer propagate from other ally heroes with
^256Nature's Protection^* on them.

^947-^* ^579Shenlong^* will now display properly on Low Model graphic settings.

^947-^* ^256Master's Incantation^* can now be properly toggled on or off by double-
activating it.


^980Version 4.0.6^*
^98021 March 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Optimizations ^*=

^947-^* The Scoreboard layout has received a visual overhaul! Information is now
more readily visible, intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.
^947-^* When a game is found during a queue, the HoN tray icon flashes and brings
the game window to the front.
^274*^*A sound will still play when a game has been found.
^947-^* The HoN Store now has a Search Bar for the Account Icons & Chat Symbols

=^075 Balance ^*=

^059Blood Hunter^*
^256Blood Crazy^* (Reworked)
^274*^*Range: 800
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100
^274*^*Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to Silence it for 4 seconds and deal 60 Magic Damage
to it. The target also receives ^o10/20/30/40 Magic Damage per second^*.
^947-^* Your autoattacks made against this target increases the duration of the
Silence by 1 second.

^256Blood Sense^*
^947-^* Detection threshold decreased from ^96040% to 35%^* of Max Health.
^947-^* Your autoattacks deal a bonus ^o10/20/30/40% of your Base Damage^* against
a target marked by Blood Sense.

^947-^* Initial SuperiorMagic Damage reduced from ^960200/325/450 to 200/300/400^*.
^947-^* SuperiorMagic Damage taken per distance unit travelled increased from
^96030/50/70% to 35/55/75%^*.
^947-^* Any type of displacement now triggers the damage caused by Hemorrhage (i.e.
^077Tablet of Command^*).
^274*^*Only ^077Homecoming Stone^* and ^077Post Haste^* teleports will not
trigger the damage caused by Hemorrhage when the unit is displaced.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Thai Ghost Set ^*=

The Thai Ghost ^579Set^* continue to trickle into Newerth.
^947-^* Upon release, each Thai Ghost avatar will be 25% off until the next Thai
Ghost avatar comes out.
^947-^* Make sure to grab the avatars early before you miss out on this great deal!

=^075 Songkran 2017 ^*=

^075We're gearing up for the hottest event of the year break out the squirt guns to
keep cool.^*
^947-^* ^980Songkran^* will hit Newerth in full force during the next patch, 4.0.7.
^947-^* Some heroes are already in their swimsuits in preparation for the event so
don't be surprised if a stray water balloon comes your way.

=^075 Combo Avatars ^*=

Straight out of your imagination, ^579Chuck Pebbles^* and ^579Grace Nymphora^* are
heading into Newerth in an extraordinary fashion.
^947-^* The Combo Avatars are bringing a new type of event with them, win and gift.
^947-^* During the event, when you purchase one of the Combo Avatars you will be
able to gift it to a friend only if you've won 3 games together.
^947-^* Games can be won on ^077Mid Wars^* or ^077Forests of Caldavar^*.
^947-^* The event will run from March 29th to April 5th so make sure to get your
games in.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Strikers of Newerth^*
^947-^* Limited Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Songkran ^*=

^904New ^*^579Songkran Bombardier^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Bombardier^*

^947^947-^* Among the rare, precious things in Newerth are the lovely, nurturing
petals of the Sefir Tree, the distant, echoing songs of the monks within the
Monastery of the Way, and days when Bombardier doesn't want to blow something up.
It happens about once a year, and even though he takes a break from blasting caps
and earth-shattering explosions, he still feels the need to throw SOMETHING at
SOMEONE. Luckily, the Songkran festival embraces the cleansing power of water in
any form, including bursts, barrels, and bombing runs, and our fiery friend is more
than happy to cleanse the entire party one balloon at a time.^*

^904New ^*^579Songkran Adrenaline^* Avatar: ^579Songkran Adrenaline^*

^947^947-^* There are no partygoers who embody the fun-filled water fight revelry
of Songkran more than Songkran Adrenaline, who immediately rushes into any group of
locals or tourists he stumbles across during the chaotic celebration and unleashes
a truly epic barrage of splashing. Midway through the celebratory dousing, the
soaked targets begin to wonder when this hyped-up prankster will run out of water
-- but surprise! -- he never will. With a body made of water weapons and an endless
supply to fill them, Songkran Adrenaline is prepared to make the Thai New Year last
365 days.^*

=^075 Thai Ghosts ^*=

^904New ^*Thai Ghost ^059Blood Hunter^* Avatar: ^579Krahang^*

^947^947-^* The powerful sorcery of the Sang-La Mountains can be very tempting, and
when a foolish man thinks he is worthy of wielding the magic, say, of a Moh-Phi
shaman, his hubris can have horrible consequences. If the sorcery deems a man
unworthy, it will transform him into a Krahang, a tortured being doomed to live as
a normal person during the day and a flying ghost by night. Krahang aren't
necessarily evil, though they may terrorize villagers walking in remote areas at
night, and you may even befriend one by complimenting his winnowing basket wings
and impressive wooden pestle. Be forewarned, though: even a friendly Krahang will
not protect you if you encounter the hideous and vengeful Krasue. Should that
happen, the Krahang may even use his wings and pestle to help Krasue devour your
entrails, as he'd rather make a short-term enemy of you than an eternal enemy of
the terrifying Krasue.^*

^904New ^*Thai Ghost ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* When you own all of the Thai Ghost avatars, each avatar gains a sacred,
glowing symbol that revolves around the character and promises to deliver even more
ghostly powers.
=^075 Imaginary Friends Combo Set ^*=

^904New ^*Imaginary Friends ^059Nymphora^* Avatar: ^579Grace^*

^904New ^* Imaginary Friends ^059Pebbles^* Avatar: ^579Chuck^*
^947^947-^* Grace was a lonely, fragile child of the nymphs who was left beneath
the protection of the Sefir Tree when the warriors were called to battle. To keep
herself company she invented a best friend, Chuck, who played hide-and-seek with
her and danced to her soft, gentle singing.^*
Their fun was shattered when a Rulian Marsh raiding party burst from the forest
and, seeing her alone and helpless, closed in for an easy meal. Chuck stood between
the trolls and his Gracie, ready to fight to the death to protect her, but the
raiders moved through him as if he wasn't there indeed, he was not.

Grace tried to summon her fairy magic to teleport away, but her immature grasp of
her powers led to an overwhelming surge that transferred some of her life force
into Chuck. Brought to furious life, he tore the trolls to pieces, flinging their
body parts away so the blood and rot would not frighten his Gracie.

^075Grace and Chuck have been inseparable since that day, and even though she has
grown up, Grace still needs her best friend to keep her safe, and Chuck still needs
his Gracie to sing her soft, gentle songs.^*
New Imaginary Friends ^579Set^* Effects: When Chuck and Grace are in a game
together, they each gain enhanced ability effects! Grace gains adorable and
protective stuffed animal friends, and Chuck gains some of Grace's furry friends as
well as enchanted pixie dust!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Keeper of the Forest^* Avatar: ^579Keeper of the Blossoms^*

^947^947-^* The Keepers of the Blossoms are revered and protected by those who live
within the Monastery of the Way, for it was these benevolent guardians who planted
and tended the glorious trees that attracted the first Shao monks to the peaks of
the Sang-La Mountains and inspired them to build their temple upon the summit. Now,
as the monks descend the mountain passes into the chaos of war to save Newerth from
endless corruption, the Blossom Keepers fall in with them, vowing to return the
protection the monks have provided for centuries.^*

^904New ^*^059Slither^* Avatar: ^579Deep Poison Slither^*

^947^947-^* This leviathan is named for the toxic clouds of death she unleashes on
anyone or anything that strays too close to her domain. The lucky ones die choking
on a mix of sea water and blood as the poison causes a slow and painful demise; the
unlucky ones fall into the icy grip of the Maw before they reach that sweet
release. The most sinister of the Maws servants, she takes utmost pleasure in
seeing her poison melt the skin off her prey. She has no qualms in killing
unquestioningly; the will of her master is absolute.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Taking damage sourced from yourself, your ally units or your own units will
no longer reset the AFK Timer.
^947-^* ^579Kongor^*'s respawn timer visuals will now be properly displayed to all
^947-^* Kongor's Boulder Toss will no longer play its visual ground impact effect
through fog.
^947-^* Pick Screen UI will no longer be unresponsive upon entering a Champions of
Newerth game.
=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Fracture illusions are now pitch-black to further distinguish them from the
real Adrenaline hero.

^947-^* ^256Willowmaker^* will now properly bypass ^059Bubbles^*' ^256Take Cover^*
if the ^256Take Cover^* activation is put on autocast.

^947-^* Enemies will no longer be able to pass through cliffs if Pharaoh's ^256Wall
of Mummies^* is used near cliffs.

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* ^579Pollywog Chieftain^* will now display the ^077Null Stone^* visuals
properly when the Model Quality is set to Low.

^947-^* ^256Bound by Fate^* will now instantly apply the Stun & Magic Damage to a
tethered unit if the main target dies before the initial projectile impacts.


^980Version 4.0.5^*
^9807 March 2017^*

==^960 Design ^* ==

=^075 Balance ^* =

^059Demented Shaman^*

^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96090/130/170 to 120/150/180^* .
^947-^* ^256Health^* set value decreased from ^960300/500/700 to 200/400/600^* .



^947-^* Max charge count reduced from ^9604 to 3^* (i.e. now only requires 3
instances of non-DoT damage from player-controlled enemy units to put H.A.W.K. on
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed decreased from ^9605/10/15/20% to 0/5/10/15%^* .
^947-^* Enemy player-controlled gadgets will now properly reduce the number of
charges on H.A.W.K. when they damage ^059Klanx^* .
^075A.T.K. Drones^*
^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96050/100/150 to 100/150/200^* .



^256Lock & Load^*

^947-^* Mauser's Magic Armor decreased from ^9607 to 5^* .



^256Wall of Mummies^*
^947-^* Projectiles that use ground pathing will no longer be able to escape Wall
of Mummies if a path cannot be found to go from inside the Wall of Mummies to
outside the Wall of Mummies.
^947-^* Affected projectiles include:

^274* ^* ^059Adrenaline^* 's ^256Rush^*

^274* ^* ^059Apex^* 's ^256Decimate^*
^274* ^* ^059Bushwack^* 's ^256Side Step^*
^274* ^* ^059Drunken Master^* 's ^256Stagger^*
^274* ^* ^059Myrmidon^* 's ^256Wave Form^*
^274* ^* ^059Pandamonium^* 's ^256Flurry^*
^274* ^* ^059Riptide^* 's ^256Undertow^*
^274* ^* ^059The Dark Lady^* 's ^256Charging Strikes^*


^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960100 to 70/80/90/100^* .


==^960 Community ^* ==

=^075 Luck of the Clover ^* =

^075Lucky us! Another year to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in Heroes of Newerth.
This year's activities include:^*
^947-^* ^980Holiday Edition^* Avatars available for purchase
^947-^* Hero specific grab bags. Purchase these bad boys and get a random avatar
from your favorite hero!
^947-^* The return of ^059Tarot^* 's Lottery. Get massive discounts on a large
selection of products.
^947-^* For all the juicy details, head to the forums:

=^075 Thai Ghost Set ^* =

The Thai Ghost Set arrives in Newerth this patch and Merrick has a special deal on
the avatars.
^947-^* Upon release, each Thai Ghost avatar will be 25% off until the next Thai
Ghost avatar comes out.
^947-^* Make sure to grab the avatars early before you miss out on this great deal!

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^* ==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

=^075 Mid Wars ^* =

^947-^* The Mid Wars Map has received huge art and visual improvements!

==^960 New Content ^* ==

=^075 Thai Ghosts ^* =

^904New ^* ^059Defiler^* Avatar: ^579Krasue^*

^947^947-^* Long before the peace of the Monastery of the Way found its way to the
Sang-La Mountains, the territory was brutally contested by numerous small kingdoms.
When a nobleman's army was conquered by another, it was traditional for his
daughters to be married to the victor's sons as a gesture of fealty. Lakana was the
most beautiful daughter of one such defeated lord, a proud man whose family
cherished the old ways of the mountains.

These ancient ways included a powerful witchcraft that ran deep within the family's
women, and when Lakana was sentenced to burning at the stake for refusing to marry
the victor's cruel son, she quietly accepted the punishment, knowing she held the
power to wreak eternal vengeance upon those who had harmed her family. As she
burned, Lakana spoke words that turned the hair of everyone present pure white. Her
flesh was charred and turned to ash, but her organs and head remained unscathed.

When the chains that bound her finally fell away, her bodiless head became a
hideous mask of rage. She screamed through the panicked nobles, tearing their
entrails free and devouring them whole. The conquered, cursed kingdom was and still
is abandoned, for every night the screams of Lakana echo through the valleys as she
searches for more victims.^*

^904New ^* ^059Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^579Mo-Phi^*

^947^947-^* When a particularly malevolent or unhappy spirit haunts the villages of
the Sang-La Mountains, the victims call upon one of the elite Mo-Phi, the shamans
who specialize in possessions, communication with the dead, and invocations. The
most advanced among the Mo-Phi even speak with angels and gods, and these priests
make quick work of the troublesome spirits terrorizing the poor villagers.

With generous offerings to tempt the spirits and a hefty stick to keep them at bay,
the Mo-Phi uses his rituals to trap the ghosts in earthen jars, which he promptly
throws into the deepest lake available. One shudders at the thought of an event
that might shatter these jars and release all of those trapped spirits

^904New ^* ^059Empath^* Avatar: ^579Nang Tani^*

^947^947-^* The lovely and benevolent Nang Tani is said to haunt the banana groves
at the base of the Sang-La Mountains near the sacred Sefir Tree. This is difficult
to confirm, for Nang Tani is very shy and chooses to remain hidden among the trees
most of the time, but the monks who pass by and find gifts of nourishing bananas
carefully wrapped in leaves always take a moment to thank the gentle Nang Tani.

That said, any man, beast or daemon who sets foot within the grove seeking to harm
her trees will find a very different Nang Tani one who shows no pity as she
destroys the threat to her home and makes them as one with the soil.^*

^904New ^* ^059Deadwood^* Avatar: ^579Pret^*

^947^947-^* Among the many levels and depths of All Hells, one region is dedicated
to twisting and deforming human souls who have lived wicked lives into Pret, who
are then sent back to the mortal realm to seek enough forgiveness and merit to
cancel out all the terrible things they did in the previous life.

This is difficult to do, as Pret are hideous to look upon and try to satisfy their
endless hunger by eating their own pus and blood. When merit is not given, these
pathetic creatures will typically move along to beg another person to help them
escape their eternal torment.

But beware: the Third Corruption has brought about many changes among the damned,
and the Pret will do whatever is necessary to avoid going back to All Hells. If
that means they must bludgeon those who are stingy with their merit, so be it their
karmic debt may increase, but what do they have to lose?

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^* ==

=^075 General ^* =

^947-^* Certain skills (e.g. ^059Bushwack^* 's ^256Side Step^* ) will no longer be
put on an unsigned integer overflow cooldown value.
^947-^* Hero Stats from Champions of Newerth games are now properly being recorded
in the Learnatorium.
^947-^* Invulnerable pets will no longer have states with overhead effects applied
to them from ^077Astrolabe^* and ^077Energizer^* .
^947-^* If you have control of more than 1 hero unit, pressing the "Select Next
Hero" hotkey will no longer switch to a hero that does not visually appear on the
screen (e.g. ^059Gemini^* while he is split into ^256Fire and Ice^* ).
^947-^* Certain spots for Cliffwalking-with-Direct-Pathing exploits have been fixed
in ^077Forests of Caldavar^* .
^947-^* Neutral creeps in the ^090Legion^* 's southwest hard camp will no longer be
obstructed by fog of war caused by trees when viewing the camp at general angles
from north of the camp.

=^075 Heroes ^* =

^947-^* Using ^256Draconic Defense^* on your ally Well will now properly grant you
the ^256Draconic Defense^* bonuses.
^947-^* Using Draconic Defense will no longer be able to take you behind the ally
^947-^* Draconic Defense will no longer be able to target the Well Attack
Structures in the ^077Mid Wars^* map.

^947-^* Purchasing behaviour has been fixed while Gemini is split into ^256Fire and
Ice^* :
^274* ^* You will now be able to properly purchase an item in some manner while
selecting Gemini's Fire or Ice heropets.
^274* ^* If Gemini's Fire pet is near a shop, then if you select Fire or Ice, you
will purchase the item (based on whatever is available in that shop) and that item
will go to Gemini's inventory.
^274* ^* If Gemini's Fire pet is not near a shop or if your selected unit is
something other than Fire/Ice/Gemini, then buying the item will send the item to
your stash.

^947-^* Demon Minion model is now properly updated for all avatars when the minion
is sent out when using ^256Evil Presence^* 's active ability.

^059King Klout^*
^947-^* Certain visual effects played on a unit affected by ^256Conscription^* will
no longer be improperly upscaled.

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* ^256Bulldozer^* weapon will no longer visually disappear if ^256Weapon
Enhancement^* is leveled up while the skill is still on cooldown.
^947-^* ^256Master's Call^* will no longer play a whirling sound indefinitely after
the state expires.

^947-^* ^579Blaze Pyromancer^*'s knockdown animation now plays correctly in certain

^947-^* Remnants of Shadowblade's armor from ^256Gargantuan's Blast^* will no
longer be displayed incorrectly when Shadowblade is affected by ^077Kuldra's
Sheepstick^* /^059Pollywog Priest^* 's ^256Morph^* while Gargantuan Form is active.


^980Version 4.0.4^*
^98021 February 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth^*
^947-^* Now only requires 50% of the players in the game to have Diamond II rank or
above to enable the Blind Ban phase.

=^075 Balance ^*=


^256Divide & Conquer^*

^947-^* Mauser: bonus Attack Damage received based on ^059Nitro^*'s level
^960decreased from 2x^* ^059Nitro^*'s Level to ^9601.5x^* ^059Nitro^*'s Level.



^947-^* Mana Cost increased from ^96040/50/60/70 to 100^*.

^256Rolling Thunder^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^96070/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240^*.


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Merrick's Special ^*=

^947+^* Merrick decided that it's time to celebrate so he's hosting a unique event
known as Merrick's Special!
^947-^* Merrick's Special will include increased Diamond Chest Odds, Store
Discounts, and a Bonus Gold Sale.
^947-^* Head to the forums for more information:

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Blitz Mode^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Run and Gun ^*=

^947^947+^* The heavy metal-blaring Run and Gun pilots love to go fast and break
everything, then go back and shoot up the pieces. They are convinced the Third
Corruption and all forms of evil on the planet are due to an alien plot to take
over Newerth a theory bolstered by the arrival of Parallax and The Ascension and
they've vowed to use every bullet, bomb and blade within their stunning arsenal to
send the invaders to a smoldering crater grave.^*

^904New ^*Run and Gun ^059Draconis^* Avatar: ^579Draco^*

^947^947-^* Run and Gun Draco realizes being a dragon on Newerth is pretty elite
already, but the firepower granted by his natural abilities just wasn't going to
cut it for his mission to incinerate the alien invaders trying to corrupt and
conquer his homeland. With a temper hot enough to match his flame-spewing weapons,
he specializes in cataclysmic strafing runs that leave everything in their path --
alien or not -- a smoking pile of ashes.^*

^904New ^*Run and Gun ^059Parallax^* Avatar: ^579Ion^*

^947^947-^* Run and Gun Ion is a brilliant pilot who uses his superior intellect to
outwit, outmaneuver, and outlive every alien he encounters. He's also smart enough
to recognize daemons, gross bugs, and some rude humans as alien impostors, and give
them a dose of his Ionic arsenal before they see it coming. Some of the other Run
and Gun pilots even consider him fearless, but that's not the case -- he's just too
smart to be scared by inferior targets.^*

^904New ^*Run and Gun ^059Predator^* Avatar: ^579Hack^*

^947^947-^* Run and Gun Hack is a huge fan of combat that's up close and personal,
getting right in the alien enemy's face before slicing it off with his laser lances
and leaping onto the next adversary. His teammates may soften the target up a bit
with their bombs and bullets, but it's the hacking blades that send the corrupted
aliens fleeing before the Run and Gun charge.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Bushwack^* Avatar: ^579Mech Huntress^*

^947^947-^* There are many in Newerth who embrace the rediscovered and newly
crafted mechanical tools of war, from the harvested armor and weaponry of the URSA
Corps to the devastating arsenal of the Ascension, but there are some who still
cling to the primitive -- some would even say honorable -- ways of combat. The Mech
Huntress belongs to this group; she is a fierce warrior from the ruthless tribes of
Death's Cradle, where survival means using any means necessary to bring your enemy
to its final resting place where it can rot or rust. In order to defend her land
and people from the mechanized incursions of both Legion and Hellbourne, she has
made the hard decision to adapt her arsenal to cause maximum damage to any target
she encounters, be it made of flesh or steel.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Server loads are now properly balanced, rather than having some servers be
overloaded and others not reaching their optimal capacity.
^274*^* This prevents frame drops & long server frame issues from occurring in
servers, particularly servers in Europe (EU).

^947-^* Towers will no longer 'randomly' switch to another target without a valid
reason it is attacking, unless your ally hero is aggro'ed by a player-controlled
enemy unit.
^947-^* Enemy creeps will no longer 'randomly' switch to attack a hero on the
opposing team if there is another valid creep unit to attack within its attack
^274*^* Will still aggro onto a hero on the opposing team if that creep's ally
hero is being autoattacked or aggro'ed by a nearby enemy hero.

^947-^* Ultimate avatars will now properly display the upgraded visual effects when
they have ^077Grave Locket^*, ^077Sacrificial Stone^*, ^077Ring of Sorcery^* or
^077Sorcery Boots^*.
^947-^* Entering the HoN Store will no longer set the Post Processing graphics
setting to True.
^947-^* Fixed some corner case bugs with projectile & gadget binding and unbinding
so that units visually displayed properly (e.g. ^059Gunblade^*'s ^256Grappling
Shot^* and ^059Kinesis^*' ^256Stasis Smash^*).

=^075 UI ^*=

^947-^* RAP Button is now displayed properly when right-clicking another player's
hero portrait in-game.
^947-^* Hero Role Bars are now displayed properly in the Hero Pick Screen.
^947-^* The Hero Pick Screen will now update properly when entering a new game.
^947-^* Checkmark colour in the HoN Store (to indicate whether you own an item or
not) changed from blue to green.
^274*^* Improves visibility of the checkmarks by increasing the contrast against
the background in a more appealing manner.
^274*^* Credits to JinZero for the suggestion.

=^075 Forests of Caldavar ^*=

^947-^* The ^090Legion^* pull camp (closest to the bottom lane's outermost
^090Legion^* tower) will no longer draw aggro if you pass by the camp's north
^947-^* Players that find their way behind the ^900Legion^* Well will no longer be
stuck there.
^947-^* Trees near the ^900Hellbourne^* west-most hard neutral camp have been
adjusted so that a unit will not path through the trees near the camp & aggro them
if they simply want to move to a general point southeast of that neutral camp.
^947-^* ^900Legion^*'s southwest hard camp can no longer be pulled all the way to
the middle lane's ^900Legion^* Tier 2 tower to pull lane creeps to the camp.

=^075 Mid Wars ^*=

^947-^* Cliffs and trees above the ^090Legion^* Well have been rearranged so that
players can no longer walk through the treeline to get behind the ^090Legion^*
^947-^* The ^900Hellbourne^* Well will no longer attack players below the cliff
south of it.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Mana cost calculations for all skills are now correct at all times if your
max mana changes at any time.

^947-^* Autoattacks will now properly play their sounds again.
^947-^* The tree cutting affector from ^256H.A.W.K.^* will be disabled when Klanx
is Stunned.
^274*^* Prevents trees from being destroyed while being affected by bound
projectiles like ^059Kraken^*'s ^256Tsunami Charge^* and ^059Grinex^*'s ^256Shadow

^947-^* ^579Magus Bane^* will no longer have excessive glowing effect layers on his
hero model.
^947-^* Group ^256Chuck^* will now be properly put on cooldown if ^256Chuck^* is
used while ^077Staff of the Master^* is not in his inventory and then Pebbles
obtains a ^077Staff of the Master^* in his inventory afterwards.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* will no longer stack the ^256Horned Strike^* proc affectors
on himself each time he switches targets.

^059Sir Benzington^*
^947-^* Can now use ^256Joust^* near the edges of the map.

^947-^* The ^579Mr. Tickles^* avatar no longer has duplicate sound and visual
effects from the ^579Yin and Yang^* Solstice avatar.

^947-^* ^579Harlequin Tarot^*'s model size is now more consistent when compared to
other Tarot avatars.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Channeling effect now plays properly on the user if the enemy team can see
the user, and the teleport destination is in fog for the enemy team.


^980Version 4.0.3^*
^9807 February 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Balance ^*=

^059Demented Shaman^*

^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96070 to 80/90/100/110^*.

^256Healing Wave^*
^947-^* Max number of ally units affected decreased from ^9603/4/5/6 to 3/3/4/5^*.

^947-^* When placed on an ally and returned to ^059Demented Shaman^* without
triggering the effect, the skill goes on a 15 second cooldown.



^256Draconic Defense^*
^947-^* Cooldown is no longer halved when flying to your ally Well.

^947-^* Damage-over-Time Amplification reduced from ^96015/30/45% to 10/20/30%^*.



- Player-controlled enemy units' attacks now reduce the charges from ^075H.A.W.K.^*
(instead of just enemy heroes' attacks).

^075A.T.K. Drones^*
^947-^* Lifesteal from the Third Drone decreased from ^96030% to 15%^*.



^256Wind Shield^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus changed from ^9604/6/8/10% to 5%^*
^947-^* If the attacker is within 250 radius of ^059Zephyr^* when the attack hits
^059Zephyr^*, Wind Shield will not grant ^256Evasion^* against that attack


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Valentine's Day ^*=

^947+^* Grab the game you love and celebrate Valentine's Day with Heroes of Newerth
^947-^* Festivities start on Feb. 13th
^947-^* Head to the forums for more information:

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^0751v1 Mode^*
^947-^* Same Hero
^947-^* Different Hero

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Valentine's Day ^*=

^904New ^*Valentine's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Klanx^* Avatar: ^579Prince

^947^947-^* Prince Charming and his Love Lackeys are here to make all of Newerth
swoon with passion! No one will be able to resist his powerful arsenal of diamonds,
adorable stuffed animals, and lovely balloons that are sure to make even the
hardest hearts get carried away with the holiday of romance and love. Take care
with your tender emotions, though, for Prince Charming may just be setting you up
for the special kind of heartbreak that comes along with that other four-letter L
word: LOSE.^*

^904New ^*Valentine's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Master of Arms^* Avatar:

^579Master of Hearts^*
^947^947-^* Nothing upsets The Master of Hearts more than a lonely heart on the
most romantic of all holidays, and the battlefields of Newerth are chock-full of
them! She's made it her mission to spread pure, unconditional love to each and
every hero this year, and she's fully equipped to do just that with enough left
over for those adorable little Creeps. It's best to stay on her good side though,
because if you resist her Valentine's Day overtures she's likely to label you as a
lost cause and melt your black heart with a well-placed box of acid-filled
chocolates. Kisses!^*

=^075 Community Winner ^*=

^904New ^*Community Winner ^059Pearl^* Avatar: ^579Popcorn Pearl^*

^947^947-^* There's nothing quite like the soothing aroma of fresh, buttery popcorn
before a skirmish, and Popcorn Pearl's goal is to provide her friends with a
constant supply of hot, fluffy kernels to keep their spirits and health as high as
possible. But this master popper has a prickly side too, and her delicious treats
can quickly become weapons of asphyxiation should anyone try to harm Popcorn Pearl
and her friends. And if any sneaky snackers even THINK about grabbing her buttered
treats, they'll find she has a powerful arsenal to keep this popcorn well-
^274*^* This avatar is a community winner from Heart`Attack!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Solstice^* Avatar: ^579Yin and Yang^*

^947^947-^* Many warriors of Newerth posses a duality -- peaceful on the homefront
yet savage on the battlefield -- but none come close to the dichotomy that is Yin
and Yang. By day she is a merciful, honorable warrior who conducts herself by a
strict code of justice with the lofty goal of putting an end to war and suffering
in Newerth. When the sun sets, however, she becomes a ruthless killer with no
regard for who she leaves in her wake as she slashes through Man, Beast, and Daemon
on her path toward ridding the land of any hostile being. The irony is that
although these two halves of the same woman operate with vastly different methods,
should they succeed in their goals, the result will be the same.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Optimizations ^*=

^947-^* Memory usage has been significantly optimized.
^274*^* Alleviates heavy memory allocation issues particularly for Mac OS.
^947-^* OpenGL gamma graphics issues have been remedied.
^947-^* Added an FPS & Ping overlay to the in-game HUD.
^947-^* ^077Forests of Caldavar^*'s art assets have been optimized for performance.

=^075 UI ^*=

^947-^* Match History now displays properly once again.

^947-^* The in-game item shop will no longer stay on the same page if you open a
specific shop category using your mouse's left-click, then close and reopen the
item shop.
^947-^* Certain icons in the HoN Store will no longer protrude out of their
containing frames.
^947-^* Hero icons on the minimap will no longer clip through the top of the
minimap's borders.
^947-^* Razor UI's top piece has been moved very slightly to the left to be
perfectly centered.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Units teleporting into fog will no longer be visible for 1 frame after the
teleport event completes.
^947-^* Stray paintbrush streaks have been removed in the top ^900Hellbourne^* area
of ^077Forests of Caldavar^*.
^947-^* Attack sound volumes for creeps and ^090Legion^* towers have been reduced.
^947-^* ^077Token of Vision^* (dropped from ^579Transmutanstein^*) now has an
overhead visual while its state is active.
^274*^* Credit to JinZero for the suggestion.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Vuvuzela Bushwack^*'s Sidestep attack impact sound is now played

^947-^* ^256Twisted Visage^* will no longer decrease Circe's mimic's ^256Heal^*th
when copying heroes that have a boost to their Health or Strength (e.g.
^059Shadowblade^* while in his Gargantuan form).

^947-^* Undead units from the ^579Medevac^* avatar have less flashing & flickering.

^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* ^256Opposite Charges^* textures now appear properly on Low Graphics

^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* Gawain will no longer use ^256Diving Strikes^* twice if ^059Circe^* uses
^256Twisted Visage^* on Emerald Warden & ^256Summon Gawain^* is leveled.

^947-^* ^256Essence Link^* will now select the correct target to apply the buff on
in niche cases (e.g. while Empath's ^256As One^* is active on ^059Nitro^*).
^947-^* ^256Grappling Shot^* now unbinds Gunblade when the projectile hits the

^947-^* Now displays the proper visual effects from ^256Infest^* when Infesting a
siege unit.
^947-^* ^980Paragon^* Parasite will now play its proper knockdown animation when
stunned by certain skills (e.g. ^059Engineer^*'s ^256Keg^*).

^947-^* ^256Soothing Presence^*'s visuals will no longer persist after Pearl dies.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* will no longer affect its target if Rampage is already
within 500 units of his target and Rampage becomes Stunned, Immobilized or
Restrained during the time of impact.

^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* ^256Inhuman Nature^*'s sound effect on the ^579Charon ^*avatar has been
reduced in volume.

^947-^* ^256Bound by Fate^*'s complete expiration range has been increased from
^9601200 to 2000^*.
^274*^* This prevents a few long range blink spells (e.g. ^256Flash^*, ^256Flash
of Darkness^*) from breaking the leash range and not triggering the stun & damage
portion of the spell.

^947-^* Boris' ^256Terror Mound^* cooldown will no longer be incorrectly restarted
once it has gone off cooldown.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* The teleport will now cancel properly if you target ground & teleport to a
non-building, non-Well unit & that unit dies.

^077Staff of the Master^*

^947-^* Ability icons now display properly after obtaining Staff of the Master.


^980Version 4.0.2^*
^98024 January 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 1v1 Mode ^*=

^947+^* A new mode has been added to the rotation: 1v1 Mode
^947-^* 1v1 mid has always been a sacred proving ground, where players can
determine who is the best player: themselves, or that trash-talking guy who
challenged them!
^947-^* 1v1 Mode takes place in ^077Forests of Caldavar^* where only the middle
lane is active. No Runes or Neutral Creeps will spawn.
^947-^* Two players will battle with no distractions in a perfectly even
environment, where the first hero kill or the first tower kill will immediately end
the game and grant the killer victory.
^947-^* If the game lasts 15 minutes without a hero kill or tower kill, creep score
will determine the victor.
^947-^* Pick modes work as follows:
^274*^* Players select Same Hero Pick Mode or Different Hero Pick Mode.
^274*^* Each player locks 3 heroes. This puts the heroes into a separate, locked
^274*^* Each player bans 2 of the 6 locked heroes.
^274*^* If Same Hero Pick Mode is selected, one of the remaining heroes is
randomly chosen and both players play as that hero.
^274*^* If Different Hero Pick Mode was selected, the players pick which of the
remaining 2 heroes they wish to play.
^274*^* Note: Duplicate Heroes is enabled for all phases of the pick modes.

=^075 Balance ^*=

^075Magic Armor Changes^*

^947+^* The following heroes will have their Magic Armor increased from ^9603 to
^947-^* ^059Apex^*
^947-^* ^059Amun-Ra^*
^947-^* ^059Armadon^*
^947-^* ^059Berzerker^*
^947-^* ^059Draconis^*
^947-^* ^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* ^059Gladiator^*
^947-^* ^059Hammerstorm^*
^947-^* ^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* ^059Maliken^*
^947-^* ^059Pandamonium^*
^947-^* ^059Pestilence^*
^947-^* ^059Rampage^*
^947-^* ^059Ravenor^*
^947-^* ^059Salomon^*
^947-^* ^059Solstice^*
^947-^* ^059War Beast^*



^947-^* Can now be targeted to go a shorter distance.
^274*^* No longer forced to go 600 range.



^947-^* Number of waves of damage reduced from ^9605 to 4^*.
^274*^* Total amount of damage reduced from ^960150/200/250/300 to



^947-^* Movement Speed Slow changed from a non-tapering 15% + 5% per nearby ally
unit to tapering 70% Movement Speed Slow.
^274*^* Previously, only the base Movement Speed Slow was tapering, which caused
the skill to apply a much stronger Movement Speed Slow than intended.
^947-^* Damage modifier on affected units against heroes decreased from 0.75x to

^256The Dead Shall Rise^*

^947-^* Number of Undead units spawned when casting ^256Onslaught^* changed from
^9601/2/3/4 to 2^*.
^947-^* Max number of Undead units changed from ^9603/5/7/9 to 4^*.
^947-^* Received Damage multiplier for Undead units changed from
^960350/300/250/200% to 400/300/200/100%^*.
^947-^* Undead units' damage dealt is now properly set to 50/75/100/125% (was
incorrectly set to 75/100/125/150%).


^059Drunken Master^*

^947-^* Attack Damage bonus increased from ^96015/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80^*.

^075Drunken Style^*
^947-^* Critical hit chance increased from ^9608/16/24/32% to 10/20/30/40%^*.


^947-^* While active, whenever Klanx autoattacks enemy heroes, he gives them vision
of himself for 2 seconds.


Mutant Evolution (^256Forced Evolution^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*)
^947-^* Staff of the Master damage increase reduced from +50 to +30.
^274*^* Total Magic Damage per attack decreased from ^960175/225/275 to


Mass ^256Teleport^* (^256Teleport^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*)
^947-^* Channel time increased from ^9602 seconds to 3 seconds^*.

=^075 Map Updates ^*=

^947+^* The world of Newerth is always in a state of continual improvement. The

following visual updates were made:
^947-^* Base Death Animations.
^947-^* ^090Legion^* World Tree and ^900Hellbourne^* Shrine models.
^947-^* Legion and ^579Hel^*lbourne Creeps and Barracks models.
^947-^* Legion and Hellbourne Tower models.
^947-^* Legion and Hellbourne supplementary building models, including the Shop and
Observatory models.

==^960 Community ^*==

^947+^* Champions of Newerth is back for a second season. Are you ready?
^947-^* CoN Season 2 will start on January 23 2017, and will last approximately 3
^947-^* For more information on the new season, head to the General Discussion
section on the forums.

=^075 A New Dawn ^*=

^075With the arrival of this year's Spring Festival, Newerth is getting prepared to
bring in the new year!^*

^947+^* 15% Bonus Gold Sale

^947-^* Fill your pockets with some extra gold in preparation for the celebration.
^947-^* The 15% bonus gold sale starts on 1/27 and lasts until 2/1.
^947+^* Event Rewards
^947-^* The celebration continues. The more you play, the more you earn.
^947-^* Log in 5 Consecutive Days from 1/27 - 2/7, earn ^579Diao Chan^*
^947-^* Log in on 1/28, earn ^579Zhang Fei^* ^059Nomad^*.
^947-^* Play 5 Games from 1/27 - 2/7, earn ^579Cao Cao^* ^059Maliken^*.
^947-^* Win 5 Games from 1/27 - 2/7, earn ^579Lu Bu^* ^059Monkey King^*.
^947+^* Dance With The ^579Dragon^* Weekend
^947-^* Play 20 Games over the Chinese New Year weekend (1/27 - 1/30) and earn the
new CNY ^980Holiday Edition^* avatar, ^579Lion Dance Disciple^*, for free!

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^0751v1 Mode^*
^947-^* Same Hero
^947-^* Different Hero

==^960 New Content ^*==

^904New ^*Spring Festival ^059Armadon^* Avatar: ^579God of Fortune^*

^947^947-^* Armadon spends most of the year spreading snot and spines across
Newerth, but for the joyous Spring Festival he's donned a delightful God of Fortune
costume and will spend the holiday sharing coins in the hope that they bring
happiness and prosperity to all! He welcomes offerings of pig, goat, chicken, duck,
and carp in return for luck in the coming months, and if the gift is very generous,
Armadon might not hit you with snot for the rest of the year. But he probably

^904New ^*Spring Festival ^059Artesia^* Avatar: ^579Yuanri^*

^947^947-^* The worship and respect paid to the gods is all well and good during
Spring Festival, but it is also a time for entertaining friends and family! Artesia
welcomes all of Newerth to don their most spectacular outfits and join her in
celebrating with food, drink, gifts, and enjoying the amazing dragon and lion

^904New ^*Spring Festival ^059Corrupted Disciple^* Avatar: ^579Lion Dance

^947^947-^* Spring Festival Disciple is a master of the traditional Lion Dance,
with dynamic footwork and movements that capture the spirit of the powerful king of
the jungle. With a style that beautifully shifts from fierce to playful and back
again, the Spring Festival Disciple deftly plucks the auspicious offerings left to
reward his performance. He always takes special care to pay his respects to the
local temples and ancestors, and the only thing that brings him more joy than an
impressive dance is spreading good fortune and happiness to everyone he

^904New ^*Spring Festival ^059Doctor Repulsor^* Avatar: ^579Doctor Firecracker^*

^947^947-^* Ever a student of history and archaeology, Doctor Repulsor has done
extensive research into the spring festival to discover the best ways to ensure he
has good fortune in the new year. When he found out red firecrackers are used to
ward off evil spirits as well as attract the favor of certain gods, he devoted his
powerful intellect and staggering knowledge of science, psychology, and sociology
to maximizing the benefits of these explosive party favors. The result: Doctor
Firecracker! The rest of Newerth just hopes he doesn't get too fond of all the

Spring Festival ^579Set^* Effect

+ If you own all 4 of these avatars, each gains a unique additional effect:
- ^579God of Fortune^* ^059Armadon^* gains a shower of gold ingots.
- ^579Yuanri^* ^059Artesia^* gains a festive flower blossom.
- ^579Lion Dance^* ^059Corrupted Disciple^* gains a dancing lion pet that follows
him around.
- ^579Doctor Firecracker^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^* gains enhanced effects on his
passive (Electric Frenzy), and his Firecrackers gain light effects.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Counter Pick ^*=

^947-^* Players will now be properly able to swap their hero with a teammate at any
point in the picking phase, so long as the players who are swapping have already
selected a hero.
^947-^* If you queue up as a complete group of 5, the group leader will always be
selected as the Captain regardless of their rank.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* "Disable Background Effects" now properly disables the login screen
^947-^* Self-cast hotkeys now work properly if Smartcast is not toggled on.
^947-^* Movable Frames now functions properly once again.
^947-^* If a ^077Ward^* and a gadget's selection areas overlap, the ^077Ward^* will
have a higher priority than the gadget.
^947-^* The ^900Hellbourne^* Tarpit's attack structure now does the proper amount
of damage (it was doing 3x more damage than intended).
^947-^* The ^059Demented Shaman^* bot has been updated to function properly.
^947-^* ^980Paragon^* ^256Taunt^* & Treasure Chest ^256Taunt^* now play their
sounds in the HoN Store & Vault.
^947-^* Hovering over avatars in the Specials page of the HoN Store will now
display the hero's name properly (instead of their alias in the entity files).

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* All heroes are now able to be picked in Tournament Rules.

^947-^* Fracture Burst now properly gets negated by ^059Moraxus^*' ^256Arcane
^947-^* Fractures are now more distinguishable from Adrenaline.

^947-^* ^256Arcane Missile^* is now properly blocked by ^059Moraxus^*' ^256Arcane

^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* Gawain will no longer use its skills if it is owned by an illusion of
Emerald Warden.

^947-^* Voice lines for ^256Glacial Downpour^* will now properly play when you have
^077Staff of the Master^* in your inventory.

^947-^* ^256Tsunami Charge^* will no longer teleport Kraken to the target if he is
displaced prior to the target impacting a cliff/tree.

^947-^* ^256More Axes^* will no longer incorrectly show a timer if the skill is not

^947-^* ^256Chuck^* will now deal the proper amount of bonus damage to the
^256Chuck^*ed unit based on the level of ^256Enlarge^*.

^947-^* ^256Rolling Thunder^* will no longer interrupt an ally's channeling when
Shellshock is launched.
^947-^* Rolling Thunder will now end properly if the target dies before Shellshock
starts rolling towards them.

^947-^* ^579Warlock^* Skrap's voice interaction sounds now play properly when
killing another ^980Paragon^* avatar hero.

^947-^* ^256Swipe^* will no longer destroy runes.
^947-^* ^579Lion Tamer Wildsoul^* now has his proper voice lines.

^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* Left and right hand bone-related effects will now play properly for all of
Witch Slayer's avatars.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Geometer's Bane^*
^947-^* Upon use, illusions will now separate properly.
^274*^* Fixes a corner case bug where units with Unitwalking (e.g. ^059Klanx^*
with his passive ^256H.A.W.K.^*) will stack on top of each other after Geometer's
Bane is used.
^947-^* Spawned illusions from Geometer's Bane will now properly play the purple
visual effect.


^980Version 4.0.1^*
^98010 January 2017^*

==^960 Design ^*==

^947+^* Added Extra ^256Taunt^* Functionality

^947-^* Taunting yourself causes your hero to perform a sleeping animation with no

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* Range decreased from ^9601000 to 400/600/800/1000^*.
^947-^* Duration decreased from ^9608 seconds to 6 seconds^*.



^256Mass Teleport^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: ^256Nymphora's Zeal^* projectiles spawned by
Mass Teleport will no longer deal Magic Damage.


^256Cursed Embrace^*
^947-^* Change to the ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: now has a 1200 leash range
between herself and the target.



^947-^* ^256Meteor^* no longer has a cast action time or cast time.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Champions of Newerth (CoN)^*

^947-^* Map: ^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Mode: Counter Pick

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Capture the Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

^970^:= Gold Collection =^*

^904New ^*Gold Collection ^059Midas^* Avatar: ^579Circus Bear Goldie^*

^947^947-^* Goldie the Circus Bear loves to share golden treats and surprises
through the big top crowds, but the real amazement comes when the lovely lady
inside the burly suit makes a quick appearance -- just long enough for a wink and a
smile -- before unleashing a dazzling display of golden pyrotechnics and dancing
away to spread more joy throughout Newerth.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Night Hound^* Avatar: ^579Catnip^*

^947^947-^* This fun furball recently stumbled upon a lush field of potent catnip
in the Forests of Caldavar, and now he is ready to play with anything that dares to
walk, move a finger, or even glance in his direction. Be forewarned, though, he's
too jacked-up to worry about keeping his claws sheathed, so it's probably best to
just stand still until his tail stops twitching. But that might make him even
crazier, so it looks like we're all going to be scratching posts until the effect
wears off and he passes out in a sunbeam.^*

^904New ^*^059Sir Benzington^* Avatar: ^579Big Top Benzi^*

^947^947-^* Folks travel from miles around to see Big Top Benzi do her astounding
tricks, like jousting crowns off petrified patrons' heads with her magical lance
and stomping up a massive cloud of dust in the three rings. But the real show-
stopper is when she leaps clear out of the big top tent, becomes a mere speck in
the sky, then plummets back to Newerth with a hearty laugh and not a scratch upon
her or her steed. Sometimes an unwary bystander gets crushed beneath the hooves,
but that's the price of show business!^*

^904New ^*^059Wildsoul^* Avatar: ^579Lion Tamer Wildsoul^*

^947^947-^* Controlling drunken, boisterous crowds is child's play compared to
conquering the beast within for this mysterious Lion Tamer. Hailing from The
Savannahs, this scarred and stoic performer joined the traveling troupe in order to
keep moving and live among others who have a true wild side. A side that must be
tamed at all costs, for unleashing it upon innocent bystanders can only result in
tragedy and persecution--something this man and his beasts unfortunately know all
too well.^*

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^904New ^*Champions of Newerth Avatar: ^059Emerald Warden^*

^947-^* Earn this exclusive avatar through participating in the Champions of
Newerth Season. There will be 3 different versions of the avatar -- Basic,
Advanced, and Elite -- depending on your highest rank in CoN!

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Awesomium is now disabled on Mac & Linux clients.

^274*^* Fixes a common crash bug on those Operating Systems.
^947-^* The "Player Breakdown" page will now properly record and display its
^274*^* This fixes a bug where players were losing Silver Coins because of the
missing results on that page.
^947-^* A special animation will properly play upon finishing your placement
matches in Champions of Newerth.
^947-^* RAP icons now correspond to the correct type of offense when you report a
player while in a game.
^947-^* Clicking on Merrick in the HoN Store will now properly toggle between the
Specials and the Bundles page.
^947-^* Cyber Name Color will now display properly.
^947-^* ^077Mid Wars^* Blind Banning text will now display properly.
^947-^* Switching between the PvP & Season tabs will no longer cause the server
popularity bars to disappear.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Crippling Dart^* animation now plays properly for all avatars.

^947-^* Disabling help from Deadlift will now properly prevent ^256Onslaught^* from
forcing an order on creeps you own.

^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^256Unbreakable^* will no longer apply to self when respawning if
^256Unbreakable^* is not off cooldown yet.

^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* Cancelling your autoattacks repeatedly will no longer infinitely extend the
duration of the evasion state on Drunken Style.
^947-^* ^256Bloodrush's^* effect indicator size will no longer be affected by
^059Witch Slayer^*'s ^256Miniaturization^*.

^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* ^256Animated Trees^* will now properly count as valid units for neutral
creep area-of-effect spells.

^947-^* ^256H.A.W.K.^* will no longer have infinite flight if you die while the
skill is toggled off.
^947-^* ^256Lackey^* will now respawn with its proper flight state if H.A.W.K. is
toggled on when Klanx respawns.

^947-^* ^256Noxious Nightcrawler^* will now properly show the neutral camp block
radius while selecting a target location to cast.

^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* ^256Pounce^* animation now plays properly for the default avatar, Classic
avatar and ^980POG^* Skin avatar.

^947-^* ^579Luckphora's^* 3D portrait is now properly centered.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* will no longer grant permanent vision on a target if he dies
after he enters the leap state
^947-^* Stampede will no longer rant permanent vision on a target if Stampede
switches targets & the subsequent target becomes invulnerable at the time of
^947-^* Stampede will now properly switch targets if another valid unit is within
1000 radius of Rampage if the target gets deleted for any reason.
^947^947-^* Stampede's leap projectile now has a max lifetime of 1.5 seconds, so
that in incredibly rare cases he will not follow the target from 1 end of the map
to another without having any control (e.g. the leap projectile activating after
Draconis' Draconic Defense flight activates and Draconis flies back to his

^947-^* All avatars now deal proper damage with ^256Demon Hands^*.

^947-^* Killing one of the targets affected by ^256Bound by Fate^* with the other
target dying from the damage instance of ^256Bound by Fate^* will now properly give
the kill credit to Tarot (rather than awarding it to the owner of that target).

^059Wretched Hag^*
^947-^* ^256Bat Blast^* no longer incorrectly applies ^256Haunt^* if ^256Haunt^*
has not been leveled.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Homecoming Stone^*
^947-^* You can no longer accidentally teleport behind your ally Well while on the
^900Hellbourne^* team.

^98020 December 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==


^075Ember Shard^*
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^9604.5/5.5/6/6.5/7% to 3/4/5/6/7%^* of
^059Adrenaline^*'s Max Mana per second.

^075Death's Halo^*
^947-^* Stun duration decreased from ^9602.5 seconds to 2 seconds^*.



^256Sticky Bomb^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^960100/200/300/400 to 100/180/260/340^*.

^256Boom Dust^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per instance of Boom Dust decreased from ^96015/30/45/60 to



^256Jungle Toxin^*
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus on ^059Bushwack^* is now capped at ^96020 charges^*.


^059Demented Shaman^*

^256Storm Cloud^*
^947-^* Duration decreased from ^96015 seconds to 10 seconds^*.
^274*^* The maximum Armor & negative Armor values still remain the same.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96014 seconds to 10 seconds^*.



^256Shadow Step^*
^947-^* No longer able to be used while Immobilized or Restrained.

^256Rift Stalk^*
^947-^* Fade time increased from ^9600.5 seconds to 1 second^*.

^256Illusory Assault^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96050/40/30 seconds to 70/60/50 seconds^*.
^947-^* Shadows no longer deal ^960100%^* of ^059Grinex^*'s Attack Damage on their
first attack.
^947-^* Total potential Physical Damage over the duration decreased from
^960240/420/640 to 200/300/400^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.9 to 2.4^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.2 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9602.7 to 2.4^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9601.8 to 2.0^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage per Cyclone changed from ^9607/8/9/10 to 8^* at all levels.


==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The "Mute" button in the HUDs will now function properly.
^947-^* MsPudding Announcer's arcade text now has proper textures.
^947-^* Fixed a crash if players tried to start a Practice Mode game without anyone
in it.
^947-^* Fixed background music while in the HoN Store.
^947-^* Fixed the "Back" button in the HoN Store so it won't bug out under certain
^947-^* The Silver Coin price of bundles will now show properly on the detailed
page of the bundle.
^947-^* Fixed a crash where Linux users crash while browsing the HoN Store.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Fixed the attack animation for the base model
^947-^* Model size between other avatars are now more consistent.

^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* ^256Strength in Numbers^* now only have ^96033%^* of the original proc
chance for illusions to spawn an Animated Tree when attacking an enemy unit.

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* ^256Master's Call^* will now properly grant the ^256Cheetah^* gun infinite

^059Plague Rider^*
^947-^* ^256Plague Carrier^* will no longer instantly kill bosses.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* will no longer grant permanent vision on a target if he dies
after he enters the leap state, or if ^256Stampede^* switches targets & the
subsequent target becomes invulnerable at the time of impact.
^947-^* ^256Greater Rhino^* will no longer bypass the target's invulnerability.


^y^:Version 4.0^*
^98013 December 2016^*

^904New ^*Hero: ^059Apex^*

Apex is the physical embodiment of the True Evil, the original corruption that
caused such dread among the gods that Sol ripped all mention of it from the
original Codex Solaris. Before time had a name, the realms were undivided. The
mortal world, the hells, and the heavens were as one, and all things were free to
move among the realms. God, man, beast these words meant nothing. All were equal.
This, of course, could not last.

When the original sins began to fester and grow the gods wanted nothing to do with
the mortal realm, while man and beast still craved the physical. The damned sought
their own domain, the All Hells, where they could perfect their cruel ways. And in
the depths of those hells, a daemon imp of no consequence sought a means to achieve
greater power, and that power whispered to him from the deepest, coldest pit of the

The imp descended below the scorching heat of the known hells into the frozen
darkness. Beyond the levels of nightmare. Beneath what even the daemons would not
whisper about, where no heat dared exist, for heat means life. And there was no
life here.

When he found the true source of evil, it appeared as the worst types of evil
always do: Harmless. The innocuous shards glowed a deep red, and when they pierced
the heart of the imp the True Evil began a transformation, an evolution, that would
take millennia of agony to complete.

Above, the gods, men, and beasts had their wars and eras. All the while, they
denied the instinct that warned them of the growing evil. They invented stories to
keep themselves safe from danger. Myths. These could not touch the True Evil that
continued to grow.

When the True Evil finally stirred and began its ascent to reap the harvest of the
other realms, the daemons in the deepest pits of All Hells fled before it. This
caused The First Corruption, when the Hellbourne sought to establish a new home
bought in blood on the surface of Newerth. But the mortals fought tooth and nail to
keep their realm, and with the help of the gods the daemons were banished back to
All Hells, where the True Evil waited.

Man and beast continued their ebb and flow of war. Peace was sometimes present and
always fragile. But below...The War of All Hells raged. Single battles lasted for

And steadily, relentlessly, the True Evil rose.

The Hellbourne again needed to escape their realm. To do so they required a key, a
powerful soul ripe for the taking. And in Maliken Grimm, they found it. The True
Evil drove the lesser daemons before it, into the mortal realm for a second time:
The Second Corruption.
The Legion of man and beast believes it has pushed the Hellbourne to the brink of
destruction as they follow the retreating daemons back to The Scar. But the
Hellbourne are not retreating they are coalescing.


For ^059Apex^*, the True Evil, has finally reached the surface of Newerth.

^r^:And The Third Corruption has begun.^*



Strength: ^96022 + 2.5 per level (primary)^*

Agility: ^96017 + 2.0 per level^*
Intelligence: ^96020 + 1.5 per level^*
Movement Speed: ^960295^*
Armor: ^9602.0^*
Magic Armor: ^9603.0^*

Range: Melee^960 (128) ^*

Base Damage: ^96052-56^*

^075Ability 1: Decimate^*
^274*^* Action Type: Target Position
^274*^* Effect Type: Physical
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96060/75/90/105^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96010 seconds^*
^274*^* Range: ^960600^*
^274*^* ^960125^* Wide Line, ^960350^* Area at the end of the line

^947-^* Dashes in the target direction and spins, dealing ^9600.5/1/1.5/2x your
Attack Damage^* to each enemy in the area.
^274*^* Follows pathing and destroys trees.


^075Ability 2: Fire Surge^*

^274*^* Action Type: Self
^274*^* Effect Type: Magic
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96070/80/90/100^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96016/14/12/10 seconds^*
^274*^* Cast action time: ^9600 seconds^*

^947-^* Activate to gain ^960maximum Movement Speed, 100% Slow Resistance, and
Unitwalking for 2.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* You next attack during this time unleashes a wave that deals
^96070/140/210/280 Magic Damage^* to enemies in a line. The wave travels ^960600
units and is 200 units^* wide.
^947-^* Attacking removes the Movement Speed bonus and Unitwalking immediately.


^075Ability 3: The Burning Ember^*

^274*^* Action Type: Self
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96050^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96090/80/70/60 seconds^*

^947-^* Passively causes any non-DoT Damage dealt by ^059Apex^* to apply Burning
Ember to enemies, dealing ^9608/16/24/32 Magic Damage per second for 4 seconds^*.
^274*^* DoT damage does not apply Burning Ember.
^274*^* Burning Ember does not apply to Magic Immune targets.
^947-^* Upon activation, begins a channel that restores ^9604/5/6/7% of your Max
Health per second^* as long as you continue channeling.


^075Ability 4: Armageddon^*
^274*^* Action Type: Self Position
^274*^* Effect Type: Magic
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960125/175/225^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^960120 seconds^*
^274*^* Radius: ^9601200^*

^947-^* Unleashes a ring of flames that expands to full size in ^9600.5 seconds^*.
^274*^* The ring of flames deals up to ^960200/300/400 Magic Damage^* to enemies
based on how close they are to the center.
^947-^* Enemies already affected by Burning Ember are stunned for ^9601.5/2/2.5
seconds^* and have the duration of Burning Ember extended by ^9605 seconds^*.
^274*^* Otherwise, they receive a ^9600.5 second Stun^*.

^274*^* Deals full damage up to ^960500^* units away. Past that, the damage
tapers down to ^960100^* Magic Damage minimum.
^274*^* Ring does not move with you. It is centered where you cast it.


==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

=^075 Champions of Newerth ^*=

^947+^* Champions of Newerth (CoN) is an entirely new ranking system aimed to
improve HoN's competitive experience in both Normal and Casual ^077Forests of
^947-^* Each player will participate in 6 placement matches to determine their
initial Rank for Champions of Newerth.
^947-^* There will be 6 distinct Ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Legendary,
and Immortal. Select Ranks will be broken down into tiers to further distinguish a
player's skills.
^947-^* As a player continues to compete, they will move forwards or backwards in
ranking based on wins and losses. Keep in mind, all Champions of Newerth games will
be played using Counter Pick*
^274*^* Games with all Legendary or Immortal players will also include Bans to go
along with Counter Pick.
^947+^* Seasons and Rewards
^947-^* Champions of Newerth will be broken up into seasons ranging from ^9601 to
3^* months long.
^947-^* At the end of each season players will be rewarded based on the highest
Rank that they achieved that season.
^947-^* Rewards will increase with each Rank and will consist of anything from
Plinko Tickets to Trophy Avatars.
^947-^* Lastly, new seasons will not require placement matches for returning
players. They will be placed based off of the previous season's performance.

=^075 Counter Pick ^*=

^947+^* Counter Pick is a new picking mode that will allow both teams to have a
chance to react to their opposing team's hero picks and adapt accordingly. The
primary intention of introducing this game mode is to promote hero pick diversity
and expand the viable number of metas, while simultaneously making each Matchmaking
game a more unique experience.

^947-^* Once the teams enter the Hero Pick screen, a Blind Ban phase will occur for
20 seconds.
^274*^* The Blind Ban phase only occurs if the game contains all Legendary or
Immortal ranked players.
^274*^* 2 Blind Bans are assigned to the Blue Player and the Pink player. If they
are disconnected before issuing a Blind Ban, then the next player down the list on
their respective teams can use the Blind Bans.
^947-^* After the Blind Ban phase is over, ^090Legion^* or ^900Hellbourne^* is
randomly chosen as the team with the First Pick.

^947-^* The teams then pick in a 1-2-2-2-2-1 fashion.

^274*^* Example: if ^090Legion^* receives the First Pick, then the ^090Legion^*
team picks 1 hero. The ^900Hellbourne^* team then picks 2 heroes, with the
^090Legion^* team picking 2 more heroes after that. This hero pick sequence
continues until the last player on ^900Hellbourne^* manages to pick their hero.

^947-^* Each picking phase lasts up to 20 seconds. If a pick occurs before the
timer for that picking phase expires, then the remaining time is consumed and the
next picking phase occurs.
^947-^* Each team also receives 60 seconds of Extra Time. Time is subtracted from
your extra time when the normal countdown has reached 0. If the Extra Time reaches
0, a random choice is made.
^947-^* Once the last player has picked a hero, both teams have 15 seconds to swap
heroes with players from their respective teams before the game begins.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Report a Player ^*=

^947+^* We've gathered feedback from the forums and listened to the community to
bring positive changes to both the policies and the RAP operation. We're excited
for the changes and hope that they improve your HoN experience!
^947-^* For the first time in HoN's history we are offering everyone a clean slate.
^947-^* There will be a new player portal. The player portal is a tool to easily
get an overview of your RAP situation. It offers the following options:
^274*^* Players can check their report history. They can check their own RAP
sheet to see when and why they were previously infracted.
^274*^* Players can make appeals and check the status of your current appeals.
^274*^* Players can also easily get in touch with Senior ^579Game Masters^* by
creating new support cases.
^947-^* Additionally, when a report you have submitted has been judged, you will be
notified of the decision using the in-game message system and the email linked to
your HoN account.

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^960 Music ^*=

^947-^* To celebrate the release of HoN 4.0, Newerth has received completely new
soundtracks, courtesy of SoundWizard!

=^075 Apex ^*=

^904New ^*^980Debut Edition^* ^059Apex^* Avatar: ^579Zenith^*

^947^947-^* Zenith is an unstoppable holy warrior created within the catacombs
below the Church of Arasunia, where Sol's most devout worshipers still follow the
old invocations, which some would call heresy. These forbidden prayers allowed them
to place the blessed jewel from Sol's first altar -- touched by the god himself,
they say -- within a suit of armor and bring it to life. It is life without a soul,
they will admit, but when Sol's archangel takes the battlefield alongside the
reborn Jeraziah and sends countless daemons back to All Hells, the clergy falls
reverently silent.^*

^904New ^*^059Apex^* Avatar: ^579Nadir^*

^947^947-^* The reanimated corpse called Nadir was once a heavy slave laborer for
the Electrician, clearing tons of soil and rock to unearth the precious relics and
ancient technology that held so much potential. When Nadir accidentally triggered
an explosion of weaponized, irradiated plasma during a dig and scattered the
contents of his torso across The Great Waste, the Electrician saw an opportunity.
The glowing plasma seemed to have a life of its own, and with a bit of hasty wiring
and a dash of corruption (fine, more than a dash) he created a relentless monster
dead-set on vengeance upon the world that had enslaved and murdered him. Now Nadir
seeks to bring about the lowest point in human existence by causing as much despair
and suffering as possible. If only the Electrician could control his creation...^*

^073^:= Christmas in Newerth! =^*

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday ^059Chronos^* Avatar: ^579Christmas Chronos^*

^947^947-^* Some say giving is better than receiving, and Christmas Chronos agrees
as long as we're talking about holiday smackdowns and not gifts. Opening her lovely
presents is the best part of the holiday season, which is why she constantly
rewinds so she can re-wrap, re-open, and re-irritate everyone else gathered within
the Christmas Chronofield.^*

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday ^059Demented Shaman^* Avatar: ^579Winter Shaman^*

^947^947-^* Many consider the harsh and bitter winters of Newerth to be a vex, even
a threat, yet the deep cold is also healing, cleansing, and protective. The Winter
Shaman carries this cold with her, using her mystical powers to purify Newerth of
blight, pests, and sometimes, when the dire need arises, those who live by the
blistering heat of corruption.^*

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday ^059Soulstealer^* Avatar: ^579Xmas Spirit Hades^*

^947^947-^* Hades spent centuries searching his vast Underworld for this "Christmas
Spirit" he'd heard so much about, and his frustration grew with every passing
moment the wraith eluded him. How could the very God of the Underworld not locate
this entity, even with the help of Cerberus? Had it escaped his eternal realm? Did
his haughty brothers lay claim to it? Unacceptable. To set things right, Hades has
garnished himself in a god's amount of holly jolliness and begun his tireless
search of Newerth's mortal realm to find and capture the Christmas Spirit and
return it to the Underworld, where it belongs.^*

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday ^059Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: ^579Flint Who Stole

^947^947-^* It's not enough for Flint to spoil the festive season by looting all
the presents and treats on Christmas morning he also wants to steal the holiday
cheer from the hearts of everyone in Newerth, just to make sure no one gets
anything for free. So he's suited up in the hide of a reindeer and adorned his
infamous guns to create Christmas spirits as fast as he can reload. However, there
is one holiday maxim Flint agrees with: It is much better to give than to receive,
but only when the gift is a hollowpoint at 2,500 feet per second.^*

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday Wards

^947-^* Christmas Monster
^274*^* Santa may see you when you're sleeping, but this giant-eyed Christmas
Monster sees EVERYTHING!
^947-^* Snowman
^274*^* Brrr, it's freezing out there! Let the Snowman ward stay out in the cold
to spread the Christmas cheer (and ganks).

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday Courier

^947-^* Flying Reindeer
^274*^* This dashing reindeer courier guarantees to deliver your holiday goodies
on time!

^904New ^*Christmas Holiday Taunt

^947-^* Bad Present
^274*^* It's exactly what your adversaries deserve this year: a big box of

=^075 Heavy Armor Set ^*=

As the Third Corruption boils to the surface of Newerth, it is becoming lethally

obvious that the current state of weapons and armor even the highly advanced
Ascension kits are not sufficient. The Legion must fortify itself with armor strong
enough to withstand this new breed of chaotic and crushing daemonic shock troops,
and to do so the Engineers and Blacksmiths will have to rely on ancient methods and
skills nearly forgotten in this modern age. The result will be armor nearly too
thick to bear, but it will let the front ranks stand firm against the relentless
impacts of the Hellbourne heavies lumbering out of The Scar.

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Dampeer^* Avatar: ^579Kannibal^*

^947^947-^* The daemon named Kannibal spent his mortal life as a connoisseur of
human flesh, sampling every race, religion, and age across Newerth before a Death's
Cradle shaman managed to utter a curse before Kannibal ate his tongue. The curse
resulted in violent food poisoning and death, and when Kannibal found himself among
the damned and daemons he discovered a taste for them as well. He protected himself
from their weapons, teeth and claws with massive slabs of armor and, while
burdensome, these allowed him to enjoy his meals in relative safety as the dishes
thrashed and fought. With the Third Corruption Kannibal was once again unleashed
upon mankind, and he found a new, cruel pleasure in transforming from daemon to
human and back again based on his chosen delicacy to ensure he retained the hideous
name he had earned.^*

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Rampage^* Avatar: ^579Gory Vanguard^*

^947^947-^* To counter the bloody Daemon Dragoons storming from the Scar, the
Engineers and Blacksmiths of the Legion have forged the elite Gory Vanguard,
heavily armed and armored cataphracts mounted upon the sturdiest and surliest
warthogs that could be somewhat tamed from the Savannahs. When these mounted troops
clash, the impact can be felt across the entire battlefield, which is soon
decorated with the scattered gore and body parts of any Dragoon unlucky enough to
be snared by a Vanguard hammer and chain.^*

^904New ^*Heavy Armor Set Effect

^947-^* If you own all of the avatars in the Heavy Armor Set, each avatar will gain
an armored eagle effect on its back. The eagle's color and effects will vary based
on the avatar
^947-^* Avatars in the Heavy Armor Set:
^274*^* ^579Blood Fiend^* - Heavy Armor ^059Blood Hunter^*
^274*^* ^579Daemon Dragoon^* - Heavy Armor ^059Emerald Warden^*
^274*^* ^579Dreadmace^* - Heavy Armor ^059Armadon^*
^274*^* ^579Gory Vanguard^* - Heavy Armor ^059Rampage^*
^274*^* ^579Kannibal^* - Heavy Armor ^059Dampeer^*
^274*^* ^579Khamsin^* - Heavy Armor ^059Sand Wraith^*
^274*^* ^579Scourge Trooper^* - Heavy Armor ^059Pestilence^*
^274*^* ^579Shaytan^* - Heavy Armor ^059Salomon^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Myrmidon^* Avatar: ^579Mephisto^*

^947^947-^* Mephisto is perhaps one of the most insidious daemons and servants of
Lucifer, for he does not bother to target those who are still pure of spirit--he
chooses to harvest his souls after they have already been corrupted, and upon the
battlefield of Newerth it is only a matter of time before every soul has some
eternal blemish upon which Mephisto will latch.^*

^904New ^*^059Nomad^* Avatar: ^579Bloodstorm^*

^947^947-^* Once a devout servant and elite warrior of the Church of Arasunia, the
missionary now known as Bloodstorm was sent into The Great Waste to convert the
pagan nomadic tribes to the word of the one true god -- or else. His unspeakable
crimes against those people sent him to All Hells when he was finally killed by
Sand Wraiths (it seems even Sol cannot protect those who commit sins in His name),
and while imprisoned in those depths he was pulled into pieces, one grain of flesh
at a time, for what seemed an eternity. Now that Apex has brought about the Third
Corruption and swept every damned creature within All Hells to the surface,
Bloodstorm is once again free to convert the lost souls of Newerth. He has a new
religion, however, called Suffering, and his victims all kneel to it when the
particles of his damned flesh and blood fill their eyes and lungs.^*

^904New ^*^059Monkey King^* Avatar: ^579Six Eared Macaque^*

^947^947-^* The wily Six Eared Macaque also known as the false Sun Wukong has made
a living posing as the legendary Monkey King and committing shameful acts of theft
and assault. Not even Ophelia can tell the difference between the two, for the Six
Eared Macaque's strength and abilities are equal to the Monkey King's, and when
these two spiritual primates face each other the battle always results in a draw
(and massive collateral damage). During one of these epic and confusing brawls,
Ophelia realized that only the true Monkey King would have her golden mark seared
into his forehead. The Queen of the Beast Horde uttered a spell to make the seal
burn, and when the real Monkey King winced in pain, she commanded her warriors to
attack the impostor. The Six Eared Macaque escaped barely and his panicked flight
continues across Newerth, leaving havoc in its wake.^*

^904New ^*^059Zephyr^* Avatar: ^579Firestorm^*

^947^947-^* Nature is in a continuous state of ebb and flow, but one constant is
the presence of the Sentinels, warriors of Gaia powered by the earth and tasked
with protecting the defenseless ecosystems of Newerth. They were once overwhelmed
by the advancement and ambition of mankind, but as the planet seeks a new
equilibrium in the chaos of war, the Sentinels emerge once again to stand between
Nature and destruction.^*
The Searing Owls who roost within the simmering volcano Krula are notoriously
territorial and unfortunately few in number, but the eldest among them carries the
honor of serving Gaia as the Flame Sentinel, guardian of the burning blood that
spills from deep within Newerth to form new terra firma. The lava was once its own
guardian, but since man, beast and daemon have developed magic and technology to
protect themselves from the blistering heat and now manipulate the lava to fit
their own purposes, the Flame Sentinel must be more vigilant and aggressive than

^904New ^*^980Announcer Pack^*: The Return of MsPudding!

^947-^* MsPudding is back, and she's oh so sweet!

^904New ^*^579Kongor^* Texture

^947-^* Kongor has an updated texture thanks to community member CJXander!


==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 User Interface ^*=

Three new in-game Game Overlays/HUDs (Heads Up Displays) have been added to HoN!
^274*^* Go to Options -> Interface to select between different HUDs and choose
the one you like most!

=^075 Balance ^*=

General Balance - Armor & Magic Armor

Magic Armor adjustments were made based on a hero's general role:

^947-^* Strength Carries - 3

^947-^* Other Strength Heroes - 4
^947-^* Agility Heroes - 5
^947-^* Agility Supports - 6
^947-^* Intelligence Supports - 7
^947-^* Other Intelligence Heroes - 6

For Armor, we have re-evaluated every hero's base Armor and made adjustments based
on their needs and intended weaknesses.

The specific value changes will be noted in the Hero Balance section.


^075Hero Balance^*

^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 26^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9606 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.38 to 3.5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.52 to 3.52^*.

^256Emerald Lightning^*
^947-^* Max number of targets hit increased from ^9601/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5^*.
^947-^* Max Stun duration is capped at ^9603 seconds^* (regardless of whether
^256Emerald Red^* is active or not).
^947-^* Attack Speed penalty per target hit increased from ^96014/17/20/23 to 40^*.
^274*^*Attack Speed buff on ^059Aluna^* also receives this change.
^947-^* Emerald Red bonuses:
^274*^*No longer doubles the max number of targets hit.
^274*^*Attack Speed buff/penalty duration increased from ^9608 seconds to 10
^274*^*Bonus Attack Speed per target increased from ^96040 to 60^*.

^256Deja Vu^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^96025/30/35/40% to 30/35/40/45%^*.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9603/3.5/4/4.5 seconds to 3/4/5/6 seconds^*.
^947-^* ^256Emerald Red^* bonus: now also grants ^960100% Evasion and 45/50/55/60%
Movement Speed^*.
^947-^* Emerald Red bonus: no longer grants stealth after teleporting back to her
original position.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96016 to 19^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96017 to 19^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96040-50 to 43-53^*.
^947-^* Movement speed increased from ^960295 to 305^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.96 to 3.96^*.

^256Void Rip^*
^947-^* Bonus Armor reduced from ^96030/40/50 to 20/30/40^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Spider Sting^*
^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effects:
^947-^* Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds if used on a non-hero unit.
^947-^* If Spiderling kills a target, spawns 1 controllable Adult Spiderling.
^947-^* If Adult Spiderling kills something, a controllable Child Spiderling is
^274*^*Adult Spiderling lasts for ^96050 seconds^*, has ^960600 Health^* and has
^96090/120/150 Attack Damage^*.
^274*^*Child Spiderling lasts for ^96050 seconds^*, has ^960350 Health^* and has
^96015/25/35 Attack Damage^*.

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9604.75 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9603.38 to 3^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9600.86 to 2.0^*.


^947-^* Attack range increased from ^960400 to 600^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^947-^* Damage per rocket changed from^960 [12 + 7/14/21/28% of your Attack Damage]
^*to^960 [10/15/20/25 + 15% of your Attack Damage]^*.
^947-^* No longer deals extra damage the longer you channel.
^947-^* Now has a 6 second cooldown when the channel ends.
^947-^* Range increased from ^9601200 to 1400^*.

^256Mortar Shot^*
^947-^* Renamed to ^256Mortar Strike^*.
^947-^* Damage rescaled from ^960100/140/160/220 to 60/120/180/240^*.
^947-^* Now applies a stacking ^96015% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds^*. Stacks
up to ^9606^* times.
^947-^* Now fires an extra mini-mortar for each enemy hero in the target area upon
cast. Fires up to ^9605^* mini-mortars at ^9600.5-second^* intervals.
^947-^* Mini-mortars deal ^96020/30/40/50 Magic Damage^* and apply the Movement
Speed Slow as well.
^947-^* Cooldown rescaled from ^96020/18/16/14 seconds to 15 seconds^* at all
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96065 to 75^*.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^9601200 to 1400^*.
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^960400 to 350^*.
^947-^* Now has a ^960300ms^* cast action time (can still be cast while

^256Special Ammunition^*
^947-^* Reworked completely. Now called ^256Precision Targeting Protocols^*.
^947-^* Passively grants ^059Artillery^* a ^96020%^* chance to fire a
^96020/40/60/80 Magic Damage^* missile at enemies which slows their Movement Speed
by ^96015%^* for ^9601 second^* whenever he deals non-DoT Damage.
^947-^* Cannot affect the same unit more than once a second.
^947-^* The chance is doubled if the target is stunned or has the Mortar Strike

^256Homing Missile^*
^947-^* Reworked completely. Now called ^256Artillery Barrage^*.
^274*^* Action Type: Target position
^274*^*Cast Range: ^960800^*
^274*^*Radius: ^960250^*
Mana Cost: ^960100/140/180^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^960120/100/80 seconds^*
^947-^* Deals ^960200/350/500 Magic Damage^* to enemies in the target area and
stuns them for ^9602/2.5/3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Pushes you back ^960500^* distance.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.38 to 3.1^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.


^947-^* Base Strength Reduced from ^96024 to 21^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.75 to 3^*.

^256Mark of Death^*
^947-^* Debuff duration increased from ^9608 to 10 seconds^*.
^947-^* Attack speed buff increased from ^96010/20/30/40 to 40^* at all levels.
^947-^* Mark of Death now expires properly when the marked target dies.
^274*^*Its effect will now linger for ^9601.5 seconds^* after the marked target
dies, rather than potentially linger up to ^9608 seconds^* based on facing.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect removed.
^947-^* Can now be activated while stunned or silenced.
^947-^* Crowd control reduction reduced from ^96040/60/80% to 30/50/70%^*.
^947-^* Now gains ^960100% Slow Resistance^*.
^947-^* Bonus damage rescaled from ^9606/7/8% to 5/7/9%^* of ^059Berzerker^*s Max
^947-^* Incoming damage amplification increased from ^96015% to 20%^*.
^947-^* Hero kills add 5 seconds to the duration of Carnage.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9603.96 to 2.66^*.

^256Flaming Hammer^*
^947-^* Magic Armor debuff now starts tapering off ^9602 seconds^* after its
application (increased from ^9600.975 seconds^*).
^274*^* This means that its max Magic Armor reduction window lasts for ^9602
seconds^* instead of ^9600.975 seconds^* after the state application.

^256Chaotic Flames^*
^947-^* Mana cost increase to ^256Fireball^* based reduced from ^96030/80/110 to
^947-^* Multicast chances for Fireball and ^256Frenzy^* changed:
^274*^* 2x chance changed from ^96025/40/50% to 20/40/60%^*.
^274*^* 3x chance increased from ^9600/20/25% to 0/20/30%^*.
^274*^* 4x chance increased from ^9600/0/12.5% to 0/0/15%^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96018 to 21^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96017 to 19^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96043-49 to 47-51^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.58 to 3.58^*.

^947-^* Now grants Unitwalking to the affected target.


^059Blood Hunter^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96070 to 60 seconds^*.


^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960295 to 300^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.

^256Sticky Bomb^*
^947-^* Can now be double-activated to cast Sticky Bomb on yourself.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960625/675/725/775 to 800 at all levels^*.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96075/150/225/300 to 100/200/300/400^*.
^947-^* Duration until max prime lowered from ^9608 to 6 seconds^*.
^274*^* This means the max number of extra Magic Damage & stun duration has been
decreased from ^9604 to 3^*.
^947-^* No longer increases the damage of Sticky Bomb as the Sticky Bomb ticks.
^947-^* Extra Stun Duration per tick increased from ^9600.5 seconds to 1 second^*
(max of a ^9603 second^* Stun).
^947-^* If you activate before the first ^9602 seconds^960, it now mini-stuns for
^9600.2 seconds^960.
^947-^* ^059Bombardier^* can now activate the detonation subability while Stunned
or Silenced.

^947-^* No longer has a second charge at level 4 of the skill.
^274*^*Now has a ^96012 second^* cooldown instead.
^947-^* Magic Damage per wave increased from ^96020/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60^*.
^274*^*Total Magic Damage increased from ^960100/150/200/250 to
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960250 to 300^*.
^947-^* Increased damage to buildings from ^96033% to 50%^*.
^256Boom Dust^* (Reworked)
^947-^* Passively causes ^059Bombardier^* to deal ^96015/30/45/60 Magic Damage^* in
a ^960250^* radius around an enemy unit when ^059Bombardier^* autoattacks an enemy
^274*^*Boom Dust also damages & applies on a single target when Bombardier
damages that target in another manner.
^947-^* Can only occur four times on a single target every ^96015 seconds^*.

^256Air Strike^*
^947-^* Cast range decreased from Global to ^9601200^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960140/120/100 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds^*.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: In addition to the previous effects, now also
increases cast range to Global.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9603.6 to 4.6^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605 to 6^*.

^256Shell Surf^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^9601800 to 2000^*.
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^960150 to 90/110/130/150^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96015 seconds to 10 seconds^*.

^256Song of the Sea^*

^947-^* Silence duration increased from ^9600.1/1/2/3 to 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96020 to 16/14/12/10 seconds^*.

^256Take Cover^*
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9600.5/1/1.75/2.5 to 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Crippling Dart^*
^947-^* Damage value changed from ^96040 + 50/75/100/125%^* of your Attack Damage
to ^96060/110/160/210^*.
^947-^* Mana cost changed from ^96040/45/50/55 to 50 at all levels^*.

^256Side Step^*
^947-^* Attacks now reduce the Cooldown of Side Step by ^9603 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cast range decreased from ^960450 to 400^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96045/50/55/60 to 40^*.
^947-^* No longer adds bonus Damage to your next autoattack.

Ability 3: ^256Spiked Dart^* (Reworked)

^947-^* When off cooldown, your next attack deals a ^9601.2/1.4/1.6/1.8x^* Critical
^947-^* Using an ability refreshes the cooldown on this ability.
^947-^* Cooldown: ^96010 seconds^*

^256Jungle Toxin^*
^947-^* Passively applies Jungle Toxin to enemies for ^9603 seconds^* whenever you
attack them, stacking indefinitely.
^947-^* Jungle Toxin deals ^9606/10/14 Physical Damage per second per stack^*.
^274*^*Provides Clearvision and reveals the target.
^947-^* Jungle Toxin steals ^96010/15/20 Attack Speed per stack^*.
^274*^*Attack Speed Slow on an enemy unit caps at ^96050^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed buff resets if another target is hit.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: in addition to its current effects, now removes
the ^96025% damage penalty^* when heroes outside the Chronofield are damaging
enemies inside the Chronofield.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96022 to 25^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.38 to 3.38^*.

^947-^* Damage increased from ^96060/120/180/240 to 80/140/200/260^*.

^947-^* Can now be cast on the ground to spawn an illusion of ^059Circe^* at the
target location.
^947-^* When used on enemies will now spawn the illusion in the direction away from
Circe (behind them).
^947-^* When used on allies will now spawn the illusion in the direction towards
^947-^* Cast range reduced from ^960700 to 600^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.24 to 4.0^*.

^947-^* Now destroys trees.
^947-^* First wave now applies a ^96020/40/60% Movement Speed Slow^* to enemies for
^9602 seconds^*.

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9606 to 5^*.


^256Death Grip^*
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96075/150/225/300 to 80/160/240/320^*.
^947-^* Can now affect multiple heroes in a single cast (no longer stops upon
hitting a hero).
^947-^* Projectile speed increased to ^960700^*.
^947-^* Max distance traveled is now ^9602500^* (channel time has been adjusted to
roughly ^9603.5 seconds^* as a result)
^947-^* Now applies a ^96030% Movement Speed Slow instead of Immobilizing^*.
^947-^* Slow magnitude scales based on the channel duration, going from ^96030% to
^274*^* Slow duration also scales based on the channel time (similar to how the
Immobilize did before).

^947-^* Duration increased from ^9605 to 8 seconds^*.
^947-^* Range increased from ^960450/550/650/750 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Now forces all allied non-hero units within a ^9601000 unit^* radius around
you to attack the target.
^274*^*Was all enemy non-hero units within ^960700 unit^* radius of target.
^947-^* Attack Speed boost on affected units increased from ^9600/25/50/75 to
^947-^* Damage modifier on affected units against heroes increased from ^9600.5x to

^256The Dead Shall Rise^*

^947-^* Ability is now passive. The active portion of this ability has been
^947-^* Duration is now a flat ^96060 seconds^* at all levels.
^947-^* Number of revived minions you can have active increased from ^9603/4/5/6 to
^947-^* Now passively causes ^256Onslaught^* to spawn ^9601/2/3/4^* undead minions
when used.

^947-^* No longer has two charges.
^947-^* Now has a ^960180/120/60 second cooldown^*.
^947-^* Channel duration rescaled from ^9604/3/2 to 3 seconds at all levels^*.
^947-^* While channeling, both ^059Deadlift^* and the targeted gravestone are
^947-^* Number of hits to kill a gravestone reduced from ^9603 to 2^*.
^947-^* Targeted tombstone doubles its health during the revival process.
^947-^* HP & Mana that heroes are resurrected with increased from ^96050/60/70 to


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.

^947-^* Duration changed from ^96012/14/16/18 seconds to 15 seconds at all
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus per charge increased from ^9603% to 6%^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 6^*.

^256Grave Silence^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96014 to 15 seconds^*.

^256Power in Death^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduction on ^256Grave Silence^* increased from ^9600/1/2/3 to
1/2/3/4 seconds^*.
^947-^* Number of extra spirits on ^256Unholy Expulsion^* changed to ^9601/2/3/4^*
at all levels of it.
^947-^* Movement speed bonus increased from ^9602.5/5/7.5/10% to 3/6/9/12%^*.

^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^947-^* Number of spirits spawned decreased from ^9607/12/17 to 6/11/16^*.
^274*^* Total max number of spirits reduced from ^96011/18/24 to 10/15/20^*.
^947-^* Removed the damage penalty when ^059Defiler^* is stunned.


^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.44 to 3.44^*.

^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960600 to 650^*.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^960100/115/130/145 to 70^* at all levels.
^947-^* Damage per second increased from ^9607/14/21/28 to 12/18/24/30^*.
^274*^* Total Physical Damage increased from ^96049/98/147/196 to
^947-^* Base Movement Speed Slow magnitude increased from ^96033% to 40%^*.
^947-^* Max Movement Speed Slow magnitude changed from ^96033/66/100/100% to
^274*^* Average Movement Speed Slow changed from ^96033/49.5/66.5/66.5% to

Ability 2: ^256Storm Cloud^* (Reworked)

^274*^* Effect Type: Physical
^274*^* Range: ^9601200^*
^274*^*Radius: ^960550^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96055/70/85/100^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96014 seconds^*
^947-^* Target an ally or hero to spawn a Storm Cloud that follows the target
around for ^96015 seconds^*.
^947-^* Armor gained/lost increases to ^9604/6/8/10^* halfway through the state
duration, and slowly decreases to 0 afterwards.
^274*^* If cast on an Ally Hero, then the Storm Cloud will increase the Armor of
all Ally Heroes within radius.
^274*^* If cast on an Enemy Hero, then the Storm Cloud will lower the Armor of
all Enemy Heroes within radius.
^274*^* Armor gain/loss updates at discrete intervals of ^9600.25^* seconds.
^256Healing Wave^*
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960600 to 750^*.
^947-^* Max number of ally units affected increased from ^9603/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6^*.

Ability 4: changed to ^256Unbreakable^* (Reworked)

^274*^* Range: ^960600^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96090/130/170^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96060 seconds^*
^947-^* Grants the target ^96020/40/60 bonus Attack Damage^* and protects them from
fatal damage.
^947-^* Taking fatal damage sets the target's health to ^960300/500/700^*, dispels
Unbreakable and places the skill on cooldown.
^947-^* When not on cooldown or not on another target, Unbreakable remains active
indefinitely on ^059Demented Shaman^* until fatal damage is received.
^947-^* Activate and target another ally hero to transfer Unbreakable's effects to
them for ^96015 seconds^*.
^947-^* If the target does not receive fatal damage while Unbreakable is active on
them, Demented Shaman will receive Unbreakable's effects indefinitely and
Unbreakable's cooldown is reset.
^274*^*Unbreakable will expire on Demented Shaman if he casts this skill on
another unit, the effect is procced, or if Unbreakable is purged.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.


^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9604.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9603.1 to 2.6^*.

^256Ludicrous Speed^*
^947-^* No longer deals damage to enemies when passing through them.
^947-^* Now passively grants ^96015/30/45 Intelligence^* to ^059Doctor Repulsor^*.
^947-^* Speed increased from ^9601500/2000/2500 to 1500/2500/3500 units per


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.

^947-^* Radius increased from ^960650 to 975^*.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960550 to 825^*.
^947-^* Radius and cast range are no longer doubled when ^059Draconis^*'
^256Draconic Defense^* or ^256Cataclysm^* are active.
^947-^* Stun duration reduced from ^9600.5 to 0.2 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer grants Unitwalking to Stunned targets, as they are no longer
pushed back under any circumstance.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow changed from a tapering ^96040% -> 0% to a constant
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow duration changed from ^9601.5/2/2.5/3 seconds to 2
^256Draconic Defense^* (Reworked)
^274*^* Range: Global
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96060^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96030 seconds^*
^947-^* Fly to target ally building, Volcano, well or ally destroyed Tower and land
beside it.
^274*^*If targeting the Volcano from ^256Cataclysm^*, immediately fly to it
without channeling.
^947-^* ^059Draconis^* receives ^96015/30/45/60% Damage Reduction for 4 seconds^*
upon landing, while the building receives it for ^9608 seconds^*.
^274*^*Draconis can choose to land anywhere within ^960400 radius^* of the target
building (just like ^077Homecoming Stone^*).
^947-^* Ability goes on a ^9603-second^* cooldown when taking damage from enemy
^947-^* If you fly to your ally well, the cooldown is halved.
^274*^*Note: you are not perched onto the tower.

^077Staff of the Master^* effect:

^947-^* Reduces the cooldown to ^96010 seconds^*, increases buff duration to ^9608
seconds (16 for buildings)^* and allows targeting enemy destroyed Towers.
^947-^* Cannot fly to destroyed towers which are in the enemy base.
^274*^*This includes Tier 3 and Tier 4 towers.

^256Fiery Barrage^*
^947-^* Attack Damage portion of the Damage over Time increased from ^96025% to 30%
per 4 seconds^*.

^256Cataclysm^* (Reworked)
^274*^* Range: ^9601200^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960100/140/180^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^960120/100/80 seconds^*
^274*^*Cast action time: ^960400ms^*
^947-^* Summon an indestructible volcano that lasts ^96020 seconds^* at target
^947-^* The Volcanos attacks split to 4 targets, deals ^96050/100/150 Physical
Damage, attacks once every 2.5 seconds, and burns targets hit for 0.5/1/1.5% of
their current Health per second^*.
^947-^* Enemies within ^9601000 radius^* of the Volcano that receive Damage over
Time (DoT) take an extra ^96015/30/45% Damage from this type of damage only^*.
Lasts ^9604 seconds^* and refreshes its duration if under the effect of a DoT.


^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.

^947-^* Now always gets the slow regardless of Drunk charges.
^947-^* Slow strength reduced from ^96015/30/45/60% to 10/20/30/40%^*.
^947-^* Bonus attack damage lowered from ^96020/40/60/80 to 15/30/45/60^*.
^947-^* Slow duration lowered from ^9603 to 2 seconds^*.

Ability 2: ^256Stagger^*
^947-^* Moved from the third ability slot to the second ability slot.
^947-^* Now always gains bonus Movement Speed and bonus Attack Damage regardless of
Drunk charges.
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed and Attack Damage reduced from ^96030/40/50/60 to

^256Ability 3: Drunken Style^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Passively gains a ^9608/16/24/32% chance to deal a 1.5x Critical Strike.
Upon proccing this, you gain 10/20/30/40% Evasion for 3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Proccing a Critical Strike from this skill will extend the evasion duration
by ^9602 seconds^*.

^947-^* No longer gains Damage Reduction from Drunk charges.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.82 to 2.5^*.

^256Static Grip^*
^947-^* Magic damage per second rescaled from ^96020/40/60/80 to 50^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.24 to 1.49^*.

^256Glacial Spike^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96090/100/110/120 to 70/80/90/100^*.
^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^960250ms to 150ms^*.

^256Frigid Field^*
^947-^* Mana Cost rescaled from ^96075 to 50/60/70/80^*.
^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^960250ms to 150ms^*.

^256Absolute Zero^*
^947-^* Ability is now Superior Magic. This includes the damage and the application
of the Movement Speed Slow.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: The application of ^256Flash Freeze^* is
still NOT Superior Magic.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Silencing Shot^*
^947-^* Silence duration decreased from ^9602/3/4/5 seconds to 1/2/3/4 seconds^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96017 to 19^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9606 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.64 to 2.64^*.

^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96020 to 22^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96040-47 to 43-50^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9603.6 to 4.6^*.

^256Spider Mines^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^960125/200/275/350 to 100/175/250/325^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Burning Shadows^*
^947-^* Total Magic Damage increased from ^96060/120/180/240 to 70/140/210/280^*.

^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96090/75/60 seconds to 80/70/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus changed from ^96010/15/20% to 15% at all levels^*.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^96020/35/50 to 30/40/50 seconds^*.
^947-^* Clearvision increased from ^960800/1000/1200 to 1200 at all levels^*.
^947-^* Total Magic Damage dealt increased from ^960200/325/450 to 300/400/500^*.


^059Flint Beastwood^*
^947-^* Attack Range increased from ^960570 to 600^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Hollowpoint Shells^*
^947-^* No longer gains a guaranteed proc while stealthed with ^256Dead Eye^*.

^256Dead Eye^*
^947-^* No longer grants stealth.
^947-^* Bonus Attack Range increased from ^96060/120/180/240 to 100/150/200/250^*.
^274*^* Level required to out-range towers reduced from ^9603 to 2^*.
^274*^* Adjusted aggro range values to match his new bonus Attack Range values.
^947-^* Vision radius bonus increased from ^96050/100/150/200 to 100/150/200/250^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604 to 3.14^*.


^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Piercing Arrows^*
^947-^* Damage of the arrow is no longer lowered when it pierces an enemy unit.


^947-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed decreased from ^960300 to 295^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.75 to 4^*.

^256Infernal Instability^*
^947-^* If Infernal Instability expires without landing an attack, the cooldown of
Infernal Instability will also be reset.
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed increased from ^96040 to 40/50/60/70^*.

^947-^* Cast Range changed from ^960800/900/1000/1100 to 1100^* at all levels.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.08 to 3.09^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 6^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96016 to 18^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.44 to 3.5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.34 to 1.54^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.0 to 2.5^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.0 to 2.4^*.

^256Shadow Step^*
^947-^* Distance travelled increased from ^960375 units to 450 units^*.
^947-^* Delay on the pounce reduced from ^960500ms to 250ms^*.
^256Rift Stalk^*
^947-^* Fade Time reduced from ^9601.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Now allows you to attack 1 time during stealth without breaking stealth.

^256Illusory Assault^*
^947-^* Initial attack of the shadow deals ^960100%^* of ^059Grinex's^* Attack
^947-^* Initial attack of the shadow now procs ^256Nether Strike^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.

^256Mighty Swing^*
^947-^* Cleave damage increased from ^96030/40/50/60% to 25/50/75/100%^*.
^947-^* Cleave radius increased from ^960150/200/250/300 to 300^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.8 to 4.5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605 to 4^*.

^256Inner Light^*
^947-^* Can now be cast on Magic Immune targets.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^960100/120/140/160 to 80/100/120/140^*.

^256Protective Charm^*
^947-^* Duration changed from ^9606/8/10/12 seconds to 8 seconds^* at all levels.
^947-^* Now emits a ^9607/14/21/28% Movement Speed Slow aura^* to enemy units
within ^960350 units^* of ^059Jeraziah^*.
^947-^* When the Charm is cast on an ally, the Movement Speed Slow aura transfers
to them until Protective Charm expires.

^256Righteous Strike^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Every 8 seconds, your next attack deals an additional ^96050/80/110/140% of
your Attack Damage as bonus True Damage^*.
^256Sol's Blessing^*
^947-^* Health Regeneration removed.
^947-^* Physical Damage Reduction reduced from ^960100% to 60/80/100%^*.
^947-^* Now properly applies its effects to invulnerable ally units.
^947-^* Now has a ^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^* Radius increased to ^9602000^*.
^274*^* Now globally affects ally buildings.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9604.5 to 4^*.


^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.25 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.1 to 2.7^*.

^256Nature's Guidance^* (renamed from ^256Nature's Veil^*)

^274*^* Range: ^9601000^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96010 seconds^*
^947-^* Target an allied unit to apply ^9601/2/3/4 Health Regeneration, 2/3/4/5
Armor, and 0.25 second fade time Invisibility for 15/30/45/60 seconds^*.
^947-^* ^256Invisibility^* only lasts as long as they are within ^960400 units^* of
a tree.

^256Animate Forest^*
^947-^* Target a tree to Animate ^9601/2/3/4 nearby trees^*. Trees last for ^96040
seconds^*, have ^960600 health^* and ^960300 Movement Speed^*.
^947-^* Animated Trees are considered trees for all of your abilities.

^256Strength in Numbers^*
^947-^* Passively gains ^9604/8/12/16 Attack Speed per Animated Tree^* within a
^960900 radius (up to 5)^*.
^947-^* Your attacks have a ^96020% chance, or 100%^* versus stationary heroes, to
spawn an Animated Tree for ^96020 seconds with 300 Health^*.

^947-^* Activate to inflict Immobilization, ^256Disarm^*, and ^960125 Magic
Damage^* per second on nearby enemies for ^9602/3/4 seconds^*. Stuns everyone hit
for ^9601 second^* and grants you Unitwalking for the duration.
^947-^* Effect also emanates from all of your active animated trees.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* causes ^9603 Animated Trees^* to spawn next to
each enemy hero hit. Animated Trees have ^960600 Health, 25 Attack Damage, 300
Movement Speed, and last 40 seconds^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.

^059King Klout^*

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.

^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.96 to 3.0^*.

^256Parade of Power^*
^947-^* Projectile speed increased from ^9601250 to 1750 units per second^*.


^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.8 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Attack projectile speed decreased from ^9609000 to 1400 units per second^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9606 to 5^*.

^947-^* Action type changed from Target Self to Passive.
^947-^* Terrain-walking on the skill remains active while H.A.W.K. is active.
^274*^*Can be toggled on or off with a ^9603-second^* cooldown.
^947-^* Starts with ^9604 charges^*.
^274*^* Every time ^059Klanx^* receives a non-DoT damage instance from an enemy
hero, 1 charge is lost on H.A.W.K.
^274*^* When H.A.W.K. reaches 0 charges, the benefits of the skill are lost and
the skill goes on a ^96010-second cooldown^*.
^274*^* Charges refresh once every ^96010 seconds^*, but the refresh timer is
restarted when Klanx receives damage.
^274*^* If H.A.W.K. is on cooldown, the timer will not be present.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus changed from ^96010% to 5/10/15/20%^*.
^947-^* No longer purgeable.

^256A.T.K Drones (Automated Target Kill Drones)^*

^274*^*Renamed from ^256Goon Squad^*
^947-^* Mana cost changed from ^960100/125/150 to 50/100/150^*.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^96015 seconds to 20 seconds^*.
^947-^* All drones have been changed once again:
^274*^* First Drone: Fires a bolt of lightning that bounces to a total of ^9603
units, dealing 30 Magic Damage^*. Deals double damage to non-hero units.
^274* Second Drone: Deals ^96020% of your Base Damage in Magic Damage^*.
^274*^* Third Drone: Heals ^059Klanx^* for ^96030% of his Base Damage^*.

^947-^* Visual changes: All Drones fly within ^960350 radius^* from ^059Klanx^* at
all times while active.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.25 to 4^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.38 to 4.0^*.


^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9606 to 3^*.

^256Mors Certissima^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96075/80/85/90 to 75/85/95/105^*.

^256The Undying^*
^947-^* Bonus Health Regeneration lowered from ^96020 to 15^* while the ability is
active (when ^077Staff of the Master^* is in ^059Lord Salforis^*' inventory).


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9607 to 5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.25 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.76 to 2.0^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9603.5 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9601.9 to 1.2^*.

^947-^* Maximum Attack Speed gained from this skill decreased from ^960120 to 80^*.

^947-^* ^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^* Cooldown reduced from ^960100/80/60 seconds to 14 seconds^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9606.25 to 6^*.


^059Master of Arms^*

^947-^* Attack action time reduced from ^960500ms to 250ms^*.

^947-^* Now only has one mode for every ability except for ^256Weapon Enhancement^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9603.08 to 4.0^*.

^256Ability 1: Overcharged Shot^*

^274*^* Range: ^960700^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960100^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96020/18/16/14 seconds^*
^947-^* Target an enemy to fire out lightning that splits into 2 bolts upon
reaching its target, which inflicts ^96060/120/180/240 Magic Damage and a
1.5/2/2.5/3 second Immobilize^* to the main target.
^274*^* Deals ^960100 Magic Damage^* and applies a ^96080% Tapering Slow^* over
^9602 seconds^* to targets hit by the split projectiles.

Ability 2: ^256Acid Bomb^*

^274*^* Range: ^960600^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960100/115/130/145^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96016 seconds^*
^947-^* Lobs an Acid Bomb at the target location that rolls, spraying acid that
^960lowers Armor by 1/2/3/4 and deals 15/30/45/60 Physical Damage per second^* to
enemies who stand in it.
^947-^* The Acid lasts for ^9608 seconds^*.

^256Weapon Enhancement^*
^947-^* ^256Cheetah^*: instead of being unable to attack when charges reach 0,
^059Master of Arms^* loses the Attack Speed bonus granted by ^256Cheetah^*.

^256Master's Call^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960150/175/200^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96060 seconds^*
^947-^* Activate to grant yourself a shield that absorbs ^960200/300/400 post-
mitigation Damage^* and increases Movement Speed by ^96050^*. Lasts up to ^9608
^947-^* While the shield is active, you gain unlimited ammo on ^256Cheetah^* and an
extra 20/40/60 Attack Damage on ^256Bulldozer^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96017 to 19^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96043-51 to 46-54^*.


^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96022 to 20^*.
^274*^*Base Damage will not change.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.4 to 3.0^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence decreased from ^96018 to 16^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Moon Beam^*
^947-^* Stun duration changed from ^9600.7/0.8/0.9/1 second to 1 second^* at all

^947-^* Damage penalty per bounce decreased from ^96025% to 20%^*.
^947-^* Bounce count increased from ^9601/2/3/4 to 1/2/3/5^*.

^256Lunar Glow^*
^947-^* Night vision changed from ^960200/400/600/800 to 800^* at all levels.

^256Moon Finale^*
^947-^* Max number of hits on a single target increased from ^9604 to 5^*.
^947-^* ^059Moon Queen^* gains ^96020/40/60 Movement Speed^* while Moon Finale is
active ^960(2.4/4.2/6 seconds)^*.

^077Staff of the Master^* effect changes to ^256Moon Finale^*:

^947-^* Max number of total beams increased from ^9605/9/13 to 6/12/18^*.
^274*^*Duration of the bonus Movement Speed increased to ^9602.4/5/7.7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Max number of hits on a single target increased from ^9605 to 6/9/12^*.
^947-^* Beam impact interval decreased from ^960600ms to 450ms^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.0 to 3.0^*.


^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.25 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.76 to 2.66^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9604.5 to 4^*.


^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96042-50 to 48-55^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.5 to 4.5^*.

^256Forced Evolution^*
^947-^* Bonus Health reduced from ^960200/400/600 to 150/300/450^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor reduced from ^9604/7/10 to 3/5/7^*.
^077Staff of the Master^* effect changes to Forced Evolution
^947-^* Activation type changed to Toggle
^274*^*Mutant Evolution can become infinitely sustained.
^274*^*^9604-second^* cooldown to toggle the ability on and off.

^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9606.36 to 2.50^*.


^947-^* Base Attack Time decreased from ^9601.85 to 1.7^*.

^947-^* Illusions now fire when Ballistic is activated.
^947-^* No longer grants Attack Speed.
^947-^* Now pierces through all targets hit (changed from piercing up to
^9602/3/4/5^* targets)
^947-^* Damage dealt by Ballistic is increased by ^9601.2x^*.
^947-^* Damage pierce scaling changed from ^96075% to 10/25/40/55/70% of Nitro's
Attack Damage^*.

^256Divide & Conquer^*

^947-^* Grants ^059Nitro^* & Mauser ^96020/30/40/50 Movement Speed and Attack Speed
for 3 seconds^* when hitting an enemy hero with ^256Ballistic^*.
^947-^* No longer deals bonus Attack Damage based on distance travelled.

^947-^* Duration changed from ^9601.3/2.2/3.1/4 seconds to 4 seconds^* at all
^947-^* ^256Evasion^* rescaled from ^960100% to 40/60/80/100%^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^256Edge Counter^*
^947-^* ^256Shockwave^* travel distance increased from ^960875 units to 1000


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96025 to 28^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96017 to 19^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.25 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.0 to 3.0^*.

^256Grace of the Nymph^*

^947-^* Total Mana regenerated increased from ^96075/150/225/300 to

^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* Effects for Teleport:
^947-^* The following effects occur at the target destination after Teleport's
channel finishes:
^274*^* Teleport: now casts ^256Volatile Pod^* in a ^960600 radius^* at the
target destination.
^274*^* Teleport: now casts ^256Grace of the Nymph^* in a ^960600 radius^*.
^274*^* Teleport: now casts ^9604 instances^* of ^256Nymphora's Zeal^* in a cross
pattern (relative to ^059Nymphora's^* facing).
^947-^* Channel time reduced from ^9604 to 2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Number of real heroes teleported increased from ^9602/3/4 to 4/5/6^*.
^947-^* Increases teleport proximity from ^960250 radius to 600 radius^* around


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.1 to 3.5^*.

^256Tar Quake^*
^947-^* Damage is no longer adjusted based on proximity to the center of the
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96070/120/170/220 to 90/140/190/240^*.
^947-^* Maximum Movement Speed Slow bonus based on proximity to the center of the
explosion decreased from ^96030% to 25%^*.

^947-^* Max Mana drain from self decreased from ^9605% to 4% per second^*.

^256Kindled Fury^*
^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage changed from ^9604/6/8/10% to 3/6/9/12%^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.1 to 2.5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9605.38 to 3.5^*.


^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9603.3 to 2.7^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.25 to 6^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96024 to 27^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96016 to 18^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.38 to 3.38^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9600.26 to 1.0^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.75 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.38 to 3.2^*.

^947-^* Now has a ^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^*Action Type changed from Target Entity to Target Dual Position (Cone).
^274*^*Targets hit also take ^96050/100/150 Physical Damage^*.
^274*^* Range: ^960700^*
^274*^* Travel Distance: ^9601200^*
^274*^* Speed: ^960600^*
^274*^* Width: ^960300^*


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.

^256Wall of Mummies^*
^947-^* The push effect now also applies a Mini-Stun to affected enemies.


^059Plague Rider^*
^947-^* Attack range increased from ^960550 to 600^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.1 to 3.5^*.

^947-^* Damage rescaled from ^960125/200/250/325 to 120/190/260/330^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost increased to ^960125/150/175/200^*.
^947-^* Bonus Area of Effect damage is now doubled (and impacts the main target) if
the ability kills a creep (occurs once and cannot trigger additional waves of
^947-^* No longer reduces Attack Speed.

^256Ability 2: Earthblight^* (Reworked)

^274*^*Cast Range: ^960900^*
^274*^*Radius: ^960250^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96024/20/16/12 seconds^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96085/90/95/100^*
^947-^* Target an area to deal ^96040/60/80/100 Magic Damage^* to enemies and
blight the earth under them.
^947-^* Earthblight gives ^960-1/-2/-3/-4 Magic Armor^* and slowly pulls the
enemies back to their starting location for ^9604 seconds^*.
^274*^*Enemies who pull for too long or leave the area will snap the ghastly
tendons of Earthblight.

^947-^* Mana gain increased from ^96015/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80%^* of target's
Current Health.
^947-^* At level 4, Extinguish can target enemy and neutral creeps.

^256Plague Carrier^*
^947-^* Projectile speed increased from ^960522 to 600^*.
^947-^* When disjointing the ability, the projectile will now bounce from where the
target was when it disjointed, rather than the target's new position.
^947-^* Now instantly kills any creeps hit.
^947-^* Max bounces increased from ^9607 to 10^*.
^947-^* No longer applies a Movement Speed Slow.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* now makes the bounce count infinite.
^274*^*No longer increases Magic Damage of Plague Carrier.


^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.3 to 2.8^*.

^256Voodoo Wards^*
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960550 to 600^*.
^947-^* Mana Cost lowered from ^960200/350/500 to 150/250/350^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^960120/110/100 seconds to 100/90/80 seconds^*.
^947-^* The position of wards when spawned has been updated to be more circular and
slightly further apart.
^274*^* This should make it easier to trap heroes.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.


^059Prisoner 945^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96024 to 27^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.8 to 3.8^*.


^059Puppet Master^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^256Puppet Show^*
^947-^* Search Radius increased from ^960250/300/350/400 to 400^* at all levels.
^947-^* Now continues until the state duration expires, even if the force-attacked
target dies.
^947-^* Now properly grants an assist to ^059Puppet Master^* if the target is

^947-^* Critical multiplier increased from ^9601.4/1.6/1.8/2x to

^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^947-^* Cast Action Time & Cast Time have been removed.
^947-^* Damage amplification increased from ^9601.4/1.6/1.8x to 1.6/1.8/2.0x^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.14 to 1.54^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 4^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level decreased from ^9602.8 to 2.2^*.
^947-^* Base movement speed increased from ^960295 to 300^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.4 to 3.5^*.

^947-^* Now grants ^059Rampage^* instant ^960700 Movement Speed^* during the
^947-^* Now grants Rampage everything-walking and tree destruction.
^947-^* Now grants ^960100% slow resistance^*.
^947-^* Now undisjointable.
^947-^* Physical Damage reduced from ^960100/140/180/220 to 80/120/160/200^*.
^947-^* Now applies your current level of ^256Horned Strike^* to enemy heroes
within ^960200 range^* during the charge (does not apply it to the main target).
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96030 seconds to 15 seconds^* (cooldown still starts
when the charge ends or is cancelled).
^947-^* New target is found if chosen target dies while charging.
^947-^* No longer grants Rampage magic immunity.
^947-^* Speed bonus no longer lingers after the charge.
^947-^* Ability now grants Rampage assists.
^947-^* Vision around the target during the charge reduced from ^9601800/800
(day/night) to 150^*.

^256Might of the Herd^*

^947-^* Reworked completely. Now called Tough Hide.
^947-^* Moving now passively gains a shield that blocks post-mitigation damage,
gaining ^9602/4/6/8 Health per 100 distance moved up to a max of 60/120/180/240

^256Horned Strike^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96010/9/8/7 seconds to 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96060/80/100/120 to 60/90/120/150^*.

^256The Chains That Bind^*

^947-^* Reworked completely. Now called Greater Rhino.
^274*^* Action Type: Target Enemy
^274*^*Cast Range: ^960700^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96080/70/60 seconds^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960130/150/170^*
^947-^* Summons a mighty horn that strikes the target after a ^9601-second^* delay,
dealing ^960150/250/350 Physical Damage^*, throwing the target back ^960300
distance^* towards ^059Rampage^* over ^9601 second^* and applying your current
level of ^256Horned Strike^* to them.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.38 to 2.0^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.94 to 3.94^*.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96028 to 31^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9606 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9602.88 to 3.88^*.

^256Protective Melody^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960120/105/90 seconds to 120/110/100 seconds^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9606 to 7^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9601.5 to 2^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960280 to 290^*.
^947-^* Base attack cooldown reduced from ^9601.9 to 1.7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9606.08 to 3.08^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96015 seconds to 12 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana cost changed from ^960130/110/90/70 to 120/105/90/75^*.
^947-^* Silence duration increased from ^9602/2.5/3/3.5 seconds to 2.5/3/3.5/4
^947-^* Puddles now only last for ^9606 seconds^* (down from permanent).

^256In My Element^*
^947-^* Active effect changed. No longer swaps Unitwalking on and off. Now spawns a
permanent puddle of water at your feet. Max 1 of permanent puddle.
^947-^* While on water, ^059Riptide^* no longer becomes shown to the enemies on the
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^960130/110/90/70 to 20^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96015 seconds to 30 seconds^*.

^256Perfect Storm^*
^947-^*Bonus Movement Speed changed from ^96030 to 20/30/40^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9603.38 to 2.0^*.


^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9604 to 5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.94 to 2.44^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.


^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.3 to 2.8^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605 to 4^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96060/90/120/150 to 80/120/160/200^*.
^947-^* Now applies a ^96020% Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds^* to enemies hit by
the wave.
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96040 to 40/50/60/70^*.
^947-^* Cooldown rescaled from ^96011/10/9/8 seconds to 10 seconds^* at all levels.
^947-^* Fireflies no longer stick to enemy heroes.
^947-^* Firefly duration increased from ^9608 to 15 seconds^*.

^256Rolling Thunder^*
^947-^* Upon activation (target enemy) begins spinning in place for ^9603
^274*^* During this time ally heroes can right-click ^059Shellshock^* to enter
the shell.
^947-^* No longer automatically picks up allied heroes along the path.
^947-^* While in the shell, all allied heroes including Shellshock are
invulnerable, immobilized and disarmed but can use items and abilities.
^947-^* After the initial wind-up time, Shellshock fires towards the target and
travels for up to ^9603 seconds^*.
^947-^* Can be activated a second time to launch yourself early.
^947-^* Waiting longer before launching increases the speed. ^960Minimum of 600,
maximum of 900^*.
^947-^* Now passes through enemy heroes and only stops after reaching the target or
if the target dies.
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96080/120/160/200 to 70/140/210/280^*.
^947-^* No longer picks up creeps or ^256Fireflies^*.
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^9601200 to 1300^*.
^947-^* Bonus damage for each allied hero changed from ^96030 to 20/30/40/50^*.

^256Sanctuary Stone^*
^947-^* Magic Armor bonus/penalty reduced from ^9602/3/4/5 to 1/2/3/4^*.
^947-^* The aura will remain in effect while the Sanctuary Stone is on the ground.
^947-^* Only allies can pick up the Sanctuary Stone now; enemies will destroy it.
^947-^* If picked up, the effect lasts until ^059Shellshock^* revives, instead of
for ^96030 seconds^*.

^256Ability 4: Superconductor^* (Reworked)

^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960150/175/200^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96080 seconds^*
^947^947-^* Upon use, deals ^960100/200/300 Magic Damage^* to nearby enemies and
applies an ^96080%^* tapering slow to them for ^9603 seconds^*. Shellshock then
surrounds himself with an electric field that deals ^96030/40/50 + 1/1.5/2%^* of
his Max Health in Magic Damage per second to enemies within ^960350 range for the
next 10 seconds.^*


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96016 to 19^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96046-48 to 49-51^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9603.08 to 4.08^*.

^256Toxin Wards^*
^947-^* Attack Damage increased from ^96010/19/28/37 to 10/20/30/40^*.


^059Sir Benzington^*

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.

^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.8 to 2.75^*.
^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601 to 2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Touch radius increased from ^960100 to 120^*.
^947-^* Range increased from ^9601000 to 1200^*.
^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^960600 to 400^*.

^256Royal Stomp^*
^947-^* Removed.

^947-^* Moved from the third slot to the second slot.
^947-^* No longer grants bonus range passively.
^947-^* Number of max charges reduced from ^9604 to 3^*.
^947-^* On use, your attack cooldown is reset.
^947-^* No longer sets your attack range to a flat number. Now grants ^960+100
range^* for the next attack.
^947-^* Damage per charge increased from ^96015/25/35/45 to 15/30/45/60^*.
^947-^* Base damage decreased from ^96040/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120^*.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^96085/100/115/130 to 80/90/100/110^*.
^947-^* Can now be switched into auto-cast by right-clicking to automatically cast
the ability when attacking a valid target at 3 charges.

^256Ability 3: Heart Piercer^* (Reworked)

^947-^* Passively causes Benzington to increase his Attack Range by
^96050/100/150/200 and pierce through 1/2/3/4 Magic Armor^* when dealing damage
from his autoattacks or spells.

^947-^* No longer targets an enemy. Now targets ground.
^947-^* Range increased to Global.
^947-^* Upon use now starts a ^9602-second^* channel, at the end of which
Benzington launches into the air and lands at the target location after a ^9601-
second^* delay.
^274*^* Interrupting the channel cancels the effect but still consumes the
cooldown and the Mana cost.
^947-^* A shadow effect appears at the target location at the start of the channel,
warning enemies that ^059Sir Benzington^* is coming (^9603 seconds^* total before
^947-^* Plays a globally audible drum roll sound at the start of the channel.
^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^960100/80/60 to 120/110/100 seconds^*.
^947-^* Still applies damage and the slow as before.


^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96021 to 24^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.3 to 3.5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.

^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.75 to 3.0^*.

^256Demonic Execution^*
^947-^* Mana cost changed from ^960175/300/450 to 150/300/450^*.
^947-^* The Mana cost is no longer changed when obtaining ^077Staff of the Master^*
(previously changed from ^960175/300/450 to 150/340/500^*).


^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960300 to 310^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9602.4 to 2.9^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence decreased from ^96019 to 18^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.8 to 2.8^*.

^256Demon Hand^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96075/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325^*.

^947-^* Souls lost on death decreased from ^9601/2 to 1/3^* of the total Soul

^256Soul Burst^*
^947-^* Damage curve smoothened out to allow for more consistent damage at all


^947-^* Base Strength, Agility and Intelligence increased from ^96018 to 20^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 6^*.

^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^960125/150/175/200 to 90/115/140/165^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96015 seconds to 15/14/13/12 seconds^*.

^256Cursed Embrace^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect changed to:
^947-^* Increases the duration from ^9605 to 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Makes the ability non-channeling but cancels the effect if ^059Succubus^*
is stunned or silenced.
^947-^* Reduces cooldown by ^96015 seconds^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.


^947-^* Bounces now prioritize targets affected by your ^256Bound by Fate^*.

^256Bound by Fate^*
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow increased from ^96010% to 15%^*.
^947-^* Can be cast on Magic Immune targets.
^947-^* If a unit dies while tethered to another, the other unit is pulled towards
them, and has the regular damage and stun applied to them.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.25 to 6^*.

^256Glacial Blasts^*
^947-^* Impact instances increased from ^9601/2/2/3 to 1/2/3/4^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage per instance increased from ^96030/40/65/80 to 50^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage per second decreased from ^9603/4/5/6% to 2/3/4/5% of the
targets Max Health^*.
^947-^* Cast action time lowered from ^960300ms to 100ms^*.
^947-^* Can now be double-activated to cast Meteor at your location.

^256Elemental Void^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960200/190/180 seconds to 200/180/160 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960250 to 300^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage per second is now applied independent of the distance to the
^947-^* Magic Damage per second changed from ^96045/75/105 to 50/75/100^*.

^947-^*^904New ^*^077Staff of the Master^* effects:

^947-^* All your abilities and Elementals now deal True Damage.
^274*^* Cast type of ^256Glacial Blasts^* is still Magic.
^947-^* ^256Meteor^* can now be cast while channeling.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased to ^960120 seconds^*.


^059The Chipper^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.


^059The Dark Lady^*

^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.22 to 3.02^*.

^256Taint Soul^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96060/90/120/150 to 75/100/125/150^*.

^256Charging Strikes^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96017/15/13/11 seconds to 15/13/11/9 seconds^*.

^059The Gladiator^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.75 to 3^*.

^947-^* Cast and cast action time reduced from ^960300ms to 200ms^*.


^059The Madman^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.75 to 5^*.


^947-^* Base Strength decreased from ^96019 to 17^*.
^947-^* Armor reduced from ^9602 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9606.5 to 6^*.

^256Lightning Rod^*
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^960650 to 400^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.32 to 2.52^*.

^947-^* ^059Tremble^* and Boris now share the cooldown of the ^256Terror Mound^*s
^947-^* Bonus Health Regeneration decreased from ^9602/4/6/8 to 2/3.5/5/6.5^*.
^947-^* Now shows the number of mounds currently active as charges on the ability.


^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96023 to 25^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96056-60 to to 57-67^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9604.5 to 4^*.
^947-^* Armor decreased from ^9604.1 to 4.0^*.

^256Piercing Shards^*
^947-^* Projectile lifetimes decreased from ^9601000ms to 850ms^*.
^274*^* This has the effect of making the shard projectiles travel faster.
^947-^* Superior Mixed Damage increased from ^960190/260/330/400 to

^256Call of Winter^*
^947-^* Shiver's Clearvision radius changed from ^960800/1000/1200/1400 to

^256Cold Shoulder^*
^947-^* Now applies a tapering ^96060% Movement Speed Slow for 2 seconds^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 5^*.


^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9607 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.5 to 2.7^*.

^256Glyph of Silence^*
^947-^* Minimum Movement Speed Slow changed from ^9600/4/8/12% to 5%^* at all
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow gradient reduced from ^96030% to 25%^*.
^274*^* Maximum Movement Speed Slow based on proximity reduced from
^96030/34/38/42% to 30%^*.


^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96024 to 27^*.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96016 to 18^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.75 to 7^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.82 to 2.82^*.


^059War Beast^*
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 to 3^*.

^256Battle Cry^*
^947-^* The buff state no longer gives assists to ^059War Beast^*.

^947-^* Mana cost lowered from ^96075 to 0^*.


^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.
^947-^* Armor increased from ^9601.1 to 1.5^*.


^059Wretched Hag^*
^947-^* Attack Damage increased from ^96040-48 to 44-51^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 to 6^*.

^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960425/450/475/500 to 550^* at all levels.

^256Bat Blast^*
^947-^* Cast effect type and Damage type changed from Magic to SuperiorMagic.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* only: Damage increased from ^960340/530/725 to
^947-^* When boosted by Staff of the Master, the cooldown of the skill has been
changed from ^96060 seconds to 40 seconds^*.



^947-^* The ^96020-second^* interval passive cyclone spawn effect will no longer be
delayed or affected when Zephyr takes damage.

^256Wind Shield^*
^947-^* Passively grants ^9604/6/8/10% Bonus Movement Speed and 15/20/25/30%

^947-^* Movement Speed Slow further from center increased.
^274*^* Magnitude changed from a quadratic function to a linear function.


Item balance changes


Single Component Items

^077Alacrity Band^*
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96025 to 30^*.

^077Branded Sabre^*
^947-^* Removed from the game.

^077Logger's Hatchet^*
^947-^* Its activation can now target gadgets. Goes on a ^96015-second^* cooldown
when used in this manner.
^274*^* This includes wards.

^077Helm of the Victim^*

^947-^* Cost decreased from ^960950 Gold to 900 Gold^*.
^274*^* This will reduce the cost of all other items that use this component.

^077Homecoming Stone^*
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^960100 Gold to 50 Gold^*.
^947-^* You can no longer accidentally teleport behind your ally Well.
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^9602400 Gold to 2200 Gold^*.
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^96045 to 40^*.

^077Veiled Rot^*
^947-^* Now applies the effect to all of your own units within ^960600 radius^*
upon use.
^947-^* Buff now also gives a bonus ^96015% Movement Speed^*.

^947-^* Number of attacks required to proc reduced from ^9606 to 4^*.
^947-^* Damage on proc decreased from ^96055 to 45^*.
^947-^* Now propagates to illusions for ^96033% power^*.

^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96040 to 45^*.



^904New ^*Initiation item: ^077Sorcery Boots^*

^947-^* Auto-assembles from ^077Marchers^* and ^077Ring of Sorcery^*.
^947-^* Grants ^96065 Movement Speed^* and an active which replenishes ^960160
Mana^* to self and nearby allies.
^947-^* Otherwise, has the same Stat and Cooldown values as Ring of Sorcery.

^077Alchemist's Bones^*
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960650 Gold to 750 Gold^*.

^077Grave Locket^*
^947-^* Bonus Stats when charged increased from ^9602 to 3^*.

^077Lightbrand^* and components

^947-^* Removed the bonus Damage based on the Mana Cost of the last spell cast.
^947-^* Now grants ^96012/18/24%^* extra Spell Damage vs non-hero units.
^274*^* ^96012%^* for Lightbrand, ^96018%^* for ^077Searing Light^* and
^077Frozen Light^*, ^96024%^* for ^077Dawnbringer^*.

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* When teleporting to ally buildings, can now teleport at most ^960400
units^* away from the target building.
^274*^* Mimics the functionality of ^077Homecoming Stone^* in this manner.
^274*^* Also destroys trees around the target location if targeting ground.
^274*^* Still does not disarm an ally building.
^274*^* Behaviour when targeting non-building units remains unchanged.

^077Plated Greaves^*
^947-^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96025 to 10^*.
^947-^* Hero Armor buff increased from ^9602 to 3^*.
^947-^* Hero and creep buff duration increased from ^96015 to 30 seconds^*.

^947-^* Removed from the game.


^947-^* Bonus Agility increased from ^9605 to 8^*.

^077Barrier Idol^*
^947-^* Bonus Agility increased from ^9602 to 5^*.
^947-^* Shield changed from blocking pre-mitigation Damage to blocking post-
mitigation Damage.
^274*^* This means that Magic Armor will now positively impact the amount of
Magic Damage blocked by the barrier.
^947-^* Magic Damage blocked by the barrier reduced from ^960400 to 300^*.
^947-^* Non-hero units affected receive a barrier that blocks ^960600 Magic
Damage^* (instead of ^960300 Magic Damage^*).

^077Jade Spire^*
^947-^* Now takes a ^077Mark of the Novice^* (150) in the recipe in addition to
^077Nome's Wisdom^* and ^077Acolyte's Staff^*.
^947-^* Now passively gives ^960+10 Attack Damage^*.
^947-^* Armor bonus on the aura increased from ^9602 to 3^*.
^947-^* Active state duration increased from ^9604.5 to 6 seconds^*.

^077Kuldras Sheepstick^*
^947-^* Cast Range reduced from ^960800 to 650^*.

^077Lex Talionis^*
^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960250 Gold to 150 Gold^*.

^077Nome's Wisdom^*
^947-^* Now passively grants ^96010 Attack Damage^* (not on the aura).
^947-^* Bonus Armor on the aura increased from ^9602 to 3^*.
^947-^* Bonus Mana Regeneration on the aura increased from ^9600.75 to 1^*.

^077Ring of Sorcery^*
^947-^* Mana Cost reduced from ^96040 to 0^*.

^077Refreshing Ornament^*
^947-^* No longer has a 200 Gold recipe.
^274*^*Now auto-assembles from: ^077Trinket of Restoration^* + ^077Duck Boots^* +
^077Minor Totem^*.
^947-^* Bonus agility increased from ^9602 to 5^*.

^947-^* Recipe cost reduced from ^960600 Gold to 400 Gold^*.
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^960800 to 1500^*.
^947-^* Max number of charges stored increased from ^9602 to 3^*.
^947-^* Now only dispels when taking damage from player-controlled units.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947-^* Debuff damage per second increased from ^9605 + 3% of Current HP to 5 + 5%
of Current HP^*.
^947-^* Debuff duration reduced from ^9603.5 to 3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Damage-over-Time (DoT) effect now works for ^96033% of the default values
(down from 50%)^*.

^947-^* Cast Range reduced from ^960650 to 450^*.


^077Daemonic Breastplate^*
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from ^960900 Gold to 500 Gold^*.
^947-^* Bonus Armor increased from ^9606 to 7^*.
^274*^* This is on the base item, not on the aura.

^077Sacrificial Stone^*
^947-^* When charged, Armor buff now also gives allies ^960+3^* to all Stats (but
not to yourself).
^947-^* Buff duration increased from ^96030 to 45 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^96025 to 10^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96025 to 30 seconds^*.
^947-^* No longer reduces the amount of gold you lose on death.
^947-^* No longer leaves behind a shard that collects Experience or grants
^947-^* Death timer reduction increased from ^96012 to 20 seconds^*.

^077Shield of the Five^*

^947-^* Bonus Armor on the buff increased from ^9602 to 3^*.
^947-^* Buff duration increased from ^96030 to 60 seconds^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96025 to 30 seconds^*.

^077Sols Bulwark^*
^947-^* Increased the amount of Armor given/removed by the Ally/Enemy auras from
^9603 to 4^*.

^077Ultor's Heavy Plate^*

^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from ^9601200 Gold to 1000 Gold^*.



^077Arclight Crown^*
^947-^* Number of hits required to proc decreased from ^9605 to 4^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage per proc decreased from ^960225 to 180^*.
^947-^* Proc effect now propagates to illusions for ^96033% power^*.

^077Bloodborne Maul^*
^947-^* The wielder will now only lose Health when attacking enemy heroes.

^947-^* ^904New ^*buildup: ^077Slayer^* (2200) + ^077Mighty Blade^* (1000) + Recipe
(300) = 3500.
^947-^* Attack Damage increased from ^96035 to 40^*.
^947-^* Damage proc now propagates to illusions for ^96033% power^*.
^274*^*Stun proc does not propagate to illusions.

^077Elder Parasite^*
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus from the active state decreased from ^96085 to 80^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus from the active state decreased from ^96020% to 15%^*.
^947-^* Damage Amplification on self from the active state increased from ^96015%
to 20%^*.
^947-^* Lifesteal bonus from the active state decreased from ^96030% to 25%^*.

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947-^* ^96015% extra Spell Damage^* changed to ^96015% extra Spell Damage^*
against heroes.
^947-^* Now grants ^96020% extra Spell Damage^* vs non-hero units.
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960500 Gold to 550 Gold^*.
^947-^* Health Regeneration increased from ^9603 to 5^*.
^947-^* Health removed per second increased from ^96035 to 45^*.

^077Savage Mace^*
^947-^* Components changed to consist of: ^077Slayer^*, ^077Warhammer^* and a 1000
Gold recipe.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96080 to 64^*.
^947-^* Now passively grants ^256True Strike^*.
^947-^* Chance to proc the bonus Physical Damage & Stun decreased from ^96035% to
^947-^* Bonus Physical Damage from a proc increased from ^960100 to 120^*.
^947-^* Damage proc now propagates to illusions for ^96033% power^*.
^274*^*Stun proc does not propagate to illusions.

^077Spiked Bola^*
^947-^* Cast type changed to Physical.
^947-^* Damage from the activation changed from ^960200 Magic Damage to 250
Physical Damage^*.
^947-^* Spiked Bola debuff is now purgeable.
^947-^* 200 Gold recipe removed.
^274*^*Now auto-assembles (^077Dancing Blade^* + ^077Alacrity Band^*).

^947-^* ^904New ^*buildup: ^077Voltstone^* (600) + ^077Alacrity Band^* (1200) +
^077Gloves of the Swift^* (500) + Recipe (600) = 2900.
^947-^* No longer grants Attack Damage.
^947-^* Now grants a passive ^96045 Attack Speed^*.
^947-^* Proc effect now propagates to illusions for ^96033% power^*.

^256Morph Attack^*

^947-^* Armor reduction decreased from ^9604/6/8 to 3/5/7^*.

^077Symbol of Rage^*
^947-^* Active states Lifesteal magnitude increased from ^960150% to 200%^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from ^9601100 Gold to 1000 Gold^*.


Mobility interaction streamlining with Immobilize & Restrain

The following skills can no longer be activated while you are immobilized or
restrained (only applies to the mobility-related activation of the skill):

^947-^* ^059Bubbles'^* ^256Shell Surf^* (Q, second activation)

^947-^* ^059Lodestone's^* ^256Rocket Drill^* (Q, second activation)
^947-^* ^059Maliken's^* ^256Sword Throw^* (Q, second activation)
^947-^* ^059Night Hound's^* ^256Pounce^* (W)
^947-^* ^059Pandamonium's^* ^256Flick^* (W)
^947-^* ^059Parasite's^* ^256Infest^* (W)
^947-^* ^059Predator's^* ^256Venomous Leap^* (Q)
^947-^* ^059Ravenor's^* ^256Ball Lightning^* (Q, second activation)
^947-^* ^059Shadowblade's^* ^256Feint's Siphon^* (W)
^947-^* ^059Silhouette's^* ^256Sky Dance^* (W, first subskill's activation)
^075Ultimate Abilities:^*
^947-^* ^059Gemini's^* Fire pet's ^256Fire Fang^* (W)
^947-^* ^059Gemini's^* Ice pet's ^256Ice Fang^* (W)
^947-^* ^059Gemini's^* Fire & Ice pets' ^256Together in Spirit^* (E)
^947-^* ^059Empath's^* ^256As One^*
^947-^* ^059King Klout's^* ^256Parade of Power^*
^947-^* ^059Sand Wraith's^* ^256Mirage^* (second activation)
^947-^* ^059Sir Benzington's^* ^256Knightfall^*
^947-^* ^059Swiftblade's^* ^256Swift Slashes^*


^075Map Changes^*

The ^077Forests of Caldavar^* map has been revamped!

^947-^* In general, more juke spots and ^077Ward^* spots have been added to the map
due to extensive revamping.

^090Legion Base^*
^947-^* Area of the base is larger.
^947-^* Now has less number of filler buildings (Shrines & Huts).
^947-^* Lanes are now further apart.
^947-^* World Tree has been moved further back.

These changes were made to make the overall building and lane placement more fair
when comparing the ^090Legion^* Base and the ^900Hellbourne^* Base, while still
being unique and different enough for the players.


^090Legion Jungle^*
^947-^* Now has more paths so that players have more options to navigate through
the Legion Jungle.
^947-^* The bottom-right area of the Legion Jungle is more open to allow for more
engagements without vision loss occurring.


^947-^* The Tier 1 & Tier 2 ^900Hellbourne^* Towers are now further apart in the
top & bottom lane.
^947-^* Minor adjustments have been made to the other Tier 1 & Tier 2 Tower

Previously, the Tier 1 & Tier 2 ^900Hellbourne^* Towers were much closer together
than the Tier 1 & Tier 2 ^090Legion^* Towers. These changes were made to balance
out the map advantages that ^900Hellbourne^* had over ^090Legion^*.


^075Middle Lane^*
^947-^* Tree area above the middle ^900Hellbourne^* Tier 1 Tower changed to
encompass more juke spots & gank routes.
^947-^* Middle Hellbourne Tier 1 Tower shifted upwards to be closer to the tree

Previously, the placement of the middle Hellbourne Tier 1 tower & the lack of
pathing through the tree area above it prevented players from ganking Hellbourne's
middle lane effectively with that route.

Now, the vision of that area is more limited, and ganking Hellbourne middle lane
will be more similar compared to ganking Legion middle lane, equalizing the
positional power of Hellbourne's middle Tier 1 Tower compared to Legion's middle
Tier 1 Tower.


^077Ward Spots^*
^947-^* ^904New ^*ward spots have been introduced as a result of the map changes.
^947-^* 3 small, high cliffs have been added to the map for high ground ward spots.
^274*^* 2 of these are in the ^090Legion^* jungle, 1 of these are in the
^900Hellbourne^* jungle. Can you find them?


^075Neutral Creep Changes^*

^947-^* Removed the passive stun ability from Kongor.
^947-^* ^077Null Stone^* effect on Kongor is now visible.
^947-^* Added a new ability to Kongor in the first slot: Boulder Toss
^274*^* Cooldown: ^9605 seconds^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960100^*

^274*^* Throws a boulder at the target location ^960(200 radius)^*. Shows a red
circle on the ground, lands after ^9602 seconds^*. Deals ^960[150 + 10% of target's
Max Health] in Magic Damage and Stuns for 2 seconds^*.
^274*^* ^579Kongor^* will randomly use this ability as long as he is fighting at
least 1 enemy hero ^960(20% chance every second)^*.

^904New ^*Ancient Creeps: ^256Dreadbeetle Queen & 2x Dreadbeetles^*

^947-^* Dreadbeetle Queen: ^9601600 Health, 110-130 Gold, 60-70 Attack Damage, 6
Armor, 3 Magic Armor, 310 Movement Speed^*.
^274*^*Emits a ^960900 radius^* aura that increases the Attack Speed of affected
allies by ^96015^*.
^947-^* Dreadbeetle: ^9601000 Health, 65-70 Gold, 30-35 Attack Damage, 3 Armor, 3
Magic Armor, 320 Movement Speed^*.

^947-^* Gold gained from jungle camps has been reduced by ^960~8%^* overall.
^274*^*Camps previously had a ratio of ^960~17.5 Health/Gold^*, whereas the new
ratio is ^960~18.7 Health/Gold^* on average.
^075The following neutral creeps had their Health adjusted:^*
^274*^*^579Antlore Necromancer^*: ^960900 -> 800^*
^274*^*^579Werebeast^*: ^960400 -> 450^*
^274*^*^579Werebeast Enchanter^*: ^960500 -> 550^*
^274*^*^579Ebula^*: ^960410 -> 450^*
^274*^*^579Earthoc^*: ^960400 -> 450^*
^274*^*^579Goatar^*: ^960550 -> 500^*
^274*^*^579Vagabond^*: ^960600 -> 550^*
^274*^*^579Vagabond Leader^*: ^9601095 -> 1100^*

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Starting level of all heroes in the game increased from ^9601 to 3^*.
^947-^* Starting gold increased from ^960603 to 853^*.


==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Optimizations ^*=

Numerous options and improvements have been implemented into the game!

^947-^* The Scoreboard has been updated to more clearly & easily convey information
to players at a glance.
^274*^* The Gold, Inventory, and Ping of other players are shown in the new
^274*^* Your opponents' inventories are only shown in the scoreboard when they
are not in fog.
^274*^* Your opponents' Gold will not be shown to you or your team.
^274*^* Hold the button down to show the scoreboard. Default hotkey: X. Found in
Options -> Controls -> Advanced Keybindings (or use the Search feature to locate
this keybind).

^947-^* The Unit Selection Indicator has been updated and polished to clearly
indicate which direction a selected unit is facing.

^947-^* Quick Cast / Smart Casting Menu

^274*^* Players can now select the Smart Casting Type (On Release or On Press),
as well as individually select which skills they want to have Smartcast turned on
^274*^* This can be found in the Options -> Controls menu.

^947-^* Mini-Map Hero Portraits

^274*^* If enabled, each hero's location indicator on the minimap will display
that hero's portrait. The colored ring around each hero will be your team color or
a player-specific color, based on your choice.
^274*^* Enabled by Default (located in the Options -> Interface -> Assistance

^947-^* Unique Health Bar Color

^274*^* If enabled, your hero's Health Bar will be easily identified with a
unique color (yellow for Solid Green/Red bar colors, green for Solid Yellow/Blue
bar colors).
^274*^* Enabled by Default (located in the Options -> Interface -> Health Bars

^947-^* Draw Minimap Path

^274*^* If enabled, the path your main hero takes will be displayed on the
minimap (only for yourself) when your hero moves.
^274*^* Enabled by default (located in the Options -> Interface -> Assistance

^947-^* In general, visual obstructions in the Game Overlays have been removed
while you are in-game.
^274*^* The opaque bricks that block the bottom middle part of your screen have
been removed.
^274*^* A large portion of the opaque dark sections of the Hero Info UI in the
top-left corner have been removed.
^947-^* The HoN Store user interface has been completely revamped and polished!

=^075 Bots ^*=

^947-^* ^077Ring of the Teacher^* will no longer be randomly toggled on & off by
^274*^* The toggle behaviour is temporarily disabled until further notice.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The Sanguo Set Dragon pet no longer persists incorrectly after using
^077Geometer's Bane^* & your illusions die.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* The level of ^256Sear^* when applying the state via ^256Cauterize^* or
^256Fire Shield^* is now correct.

^947-^* Ember Shard now displays charges to represent Adrenaline's current Mana as
a percentage of his Max Mana.
^947-^* ^077Frostwolf's Skull's^* projectile now has the correct offset when
Adrenaline attacks.

^947-^* ^256As One^*: If your host is stealthed and you have ^077Staff of the
Master^*, Empath's auras (from items) will now reapply properly after her host
exits stealth.

^947-^* ^579Argentus^* Legionnaire now says the proper voice line when killing a
Taunted opponent.
^274*^* Here, "Taunt" refers to the general Taunt, not his first ability.

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* ^256Master's Call^* now displays a shield bar for Master of Arms while it
is active.

^947-^* Fixed a bug where Soulstealer was doing ^96025%^* more damage than intended
with ^256Soul Burst^* when he had 40 Souls.
^947-^* Soulsteal's Soul count will now round up to the nearest value after the
charge loss calculation (instead of rounding down the Soul count).

^059Tarot's^* ^256Luck of the Draw^*

^947-^* Critical multiplier equation changed from ^960[Charges/20 + 1] to
^947-^* Max charges changed from ^96060 to 80^*.
^947-^* Now gains ^96030 charges^* when putting the first skill point into Luck of
the Draw ^960(instead of 10)^*.
^274*^*No gameplay changes. This change was made for easier visibility of your
current Critical multiplier.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Homecoming Stone^* & ^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* When teleporting directly to your ally well, you can now only teleport at
most ^96090 units^* away from the center of the well.
^274*^* This prevents the user from teleporting behind the fountain and getting


^980Version 3.9.14^*
^98029 November 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 New Hero ^*=

^947^947-^* Adrenaline is the first victim and soldier of Apex, the True Evil.
While Apex possesses a terrifying calm in the midst of genocide and mass
extinction, Adrenaline is the physical embodiment of the chaos and fury that rages
within the ancient heart of the True Evil. His sole purpose is to lead The Third
Corruption and carve a bloody swath through daemon, man, beast, and god, clearing
the way for Apex to establish his presence and begin his final conquest of the
known realms.^*



Primary Attribute: ^075Agility^*

Strength: ^96018 + 2 per level^*

Agility: ^96024 + 3 per level^*
Intelligence: ^96010 + 1 per level^*
Movement Speed: ^960290^*
Range: ^960450^*

Base Damage: ^96043 - 53 (with Agility factored in)^*



^075Ability 1: Fracture Burst^*

^274*^* Range: ^960800^*
^274*^* Radius: ^96080^*
^274*^* Mana cost: ^96035% of maximum Mana^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^9600 seconds^*

^947-^* Throws a projectile that flies 800 units in target direction, dealing
^96050/100/150/200 Magic Damage to the first enemy hero it hits. Also applies
6/7/8/9^* Stacks of ^256Dread^* to the target.
^947-^* If it hits an enemy hero, the projectile flies into the air and lands after
^9600.9 seconds^*.
^274*^* If the target is less than 200 units away from Adrenaline, then the
projectile will land 250 units behind the target (relative to Adrenaline).
Otherwise, the projectile will land in a random location in the line between
Adrenaline and the target.
^947-^* If ^059Adrenaline^* catches the projectile, ^059Adrenaline^* regains
^96035% of his max Mana^*. If the projectile hits the ground, it will spawn a
Fracture for 5 seconds, attacking the target hit.
^947-^* Fractures spawned by this skill act as illusions; they receive 450% Damage
and deal 10% Base Damage.


^075Ability 2: Rush^*
^274*^* Range: ^960450^*
^274*^* Mana cost: ^96045% of maximum Mana^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^9600 seconds^*

^947-^* Passively causes autoattacks from self and illusions to apply ^9602 stacks
of Dread^* on a target, lasting 6 seconds, but refreshing the duration whenever
another stack is applied.
^947-^* Maximum of ^96012/20/28/36 Stacks of Dread^* may be applied to a target.

^947-^* Target a direction to ^960dash 450 units, consuming all Stacks of Dread on
enemy units hit and dealing 20 plus an additional 1% of the enemy heros Max Health
in True Damage per Stack of Dread consumed^*.


^075Ability 3: Ember Shard^*

^274*^* 5-point skill; starts with 1 point in the ability.

^947-^* Passively grants ^059Adrenaline^* mana regeneration equal to

^9604.5/5.5/6/6.5/7%^* of his maximum Mana per second.
^947-^* Grants Adrenaline 20/40/60/80/100% of his Max Mana when killing an enemy
unit (^9605/10/15/20/25%^* for non-hero units).


^075Ability 4: Death's Halo^*

^274*^* Range: ^960400^*
^274*^* Mana cost: ^96030% of maximum Mana^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96080/70/60^* seconds

^947^947-^* Target an enemy hero to Stun and reduce their vision to 400 radius for
2.5 seconds. Also applies 10/20/30 Stacks of Dread to them and creates 6 Fractures
surrounding the target 300 units away from the target, with each of them lasting 5
^947-^* ^059Adrenaline^* spawns randomly as one of the Fractures, all of which
spawn with an attack command on the target.
^947-^* Fractures spawned by this skill act as illusions; they receive 450% Damage
and deal 10% Base Damage.


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on December 13th and rewards will be given
out by December 16th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.
^947-^* This will be the last cycle of the MMR leaderboard.

=^075 50% Holiday Bonus Gold Sale ^*=

^947+^* With the Holidays right around the corner, stock up on Gold Coins!
^947-^* Take advantage of the 50% Bonus Gold sale starting on 12/8 and going until

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* All Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Adrenaline ^*=

^904New ^*^980Debut Edition^* ^059Adrenaline^* Avatar: ^579Sanctum^*

^947^947-^* When the Third Corruption began and the eldest daemons from the deepest
pits of All Hells emerged, they were immediately drawn to the ancient holy sites
across Newerth. These chapels and sacred places held vast amounts of righteous
power, and once they were destroyed the gods would have significantly less strength
on the mortal plane. But the gods foresaw this, and the wisest took measures to
protect their sanctuaries. The great Sol was among the wise, and he imbued the
stained glass windows of his chapels with a sliver of his essence. Each window
served as a lens upon Newerth, and when the disciples of the Third Corruption
stormed Sol's chapels and shattered the glorious stained glass artwork, that
essence of Sol turned from idle observer to enraged guardian. The hapless daemons
had no warningand certainly no chanceagainst the razor-sharp shards of holy glass
that tore them to pieces, and when the Sanctum guardians stepped out of the chapels
and into the fray, the Third Corruption felt the true wrath of a vengeful god.^*

^904New ^*^059Adrenaline^* Avatar: ^579Blade of Blackwal^*

^947^947-^* With the vast amounts of undead emerging from All Hells during the
Third Corruption, Lord Salforis naturally assumes this is his opportunity to rally
his army of the dead and launch the final campaign against his warmblooded enemies.
For this unholy crusade he will unleash his finest general, the Blade of Blackwal,
a profane terror who massacres his victims with the cursed blades of the holy
warriors he's slain. The Blade of Blackwal cares not who or what you worship, for
only one master stands above Death, and he is Lord Salforis. The Baron of
Blackwal's ranks will swell with the sacrifices his general brings about, and his
army of the dead will finally overrun all of Newerth.^*

== Jeraziah ==
^904New ^*^059Jeraziah^* Avatar: ^579The Iron King^*
^947^947-^* The Iron King hails from the bleak wetlands of Fuathmoor, a tiny,
forgotten kingdom left to fend for itself when the ruling family refused to kneel
to Maliken Grimm's Legion banner. At the time, Lord Commander Grimm had more
important tasks at hand – like the lethal Scouts and brutal Savage clans – and no
matter how swiftly the domination of Fuathmoor would be over, it would have to
wait. Well, Newerth may have dismissed and forgotten the kingdom, but its royal
bloodline remembers all too well the screams of its subjects when the daemons
arrived. With the dawn of the Third Corruption, the bravest of Fuathmoor's ruling
family, called The Iron King by his adoring people, carries his heavy blade and
shield to the front lines to ensure no corrupted blood ever taints his kingdom

=^075 Heavy Armor ^*=

As the Third Corruption boils to the surface of Newerth, it is becoming lethally

obvious that the current state of weapons and armor even the highly advanced
Ascension kits are not sufficient. The Legion must fortify itself with armor
strong enough to withstand this new breed of chaotic and crushing daemonic shock
troops, and to do so the Engineers and Blacksmiths will have to rely on ancient
methods and skills nearly forgotten in this modern age. The result will be armor
nearly too thick to bear, but it will let the front ranks stand firm against the
relentless impacts of the Hellbourne heavies lumbering out of The Scar.

^970^:Gold Collection^*
^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Emerald Warden^* Avatar: ^579Daemon Dragoon^*
^947^947-^* The Daemon Dragoons have honed their relentless skills of slaughter in
the deepest levels of All Hells, rampaging at the forefront of the Third
Corruption's ascent and trampling lesser daemons beneath their charge. Nothing
escapes the vision of their damned hellhawks or the crushing jaws of their swift
daemon wolves, and once a victim is spotted and targeted they are quickly reduced
to a quivering, unrecognizable corpse bristling with arrows and crushed by fiery

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Blood Hunter^* Avatar: ^579Blood Fiend^*

^947^947-^* The Blood Fiends are living piles of corrupted blood cauterized
together with searing heat and encased in red-hot plate armor, and all they crave
is more blood to replace that which burns and boils off their vile bodies. They
care not if the blood is human, beast, daemon alive or dead it is irresistible
and necessary to keep them from simmering away entirely. When they blot the sky
above the Daemon Dragoons, Dreadmaces, and Scourge Troopers, the Legion's blood
runs cold. Temporarily, anyway.^*

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Pestilence^* Avatar: ^579Scourge Trooper^*

^947^947-^* The Scourge Troopers are happy to leave the first attacks of the Third
Corruption to the Daemon Dragoons and Dreadmaces, for the true suffering is
experienced when these scuttling horrors swarm over the wounded and weeping and
begin to gore and devour them from the extremities inward. Their impenetrable armor
makes any attempt to ward them off futile, and should the Legion mount a miraculous
counterattack that pushes the Third Corruption's vanguard into retreat, they will
encounter a battlefield covered with the armored carapaces of the feasting Scourge
Troopers. Good luck with that.^*

=^075 Cyber Set ^*=

^904New ^*Cyber Set ^059Gunblade^* Avatar: ^579Cyber Assassin^*

^947^947-^* Following the wake of destruction left behind by Parallax, this elite
assassin has tracked the Artificer to Newerth, where the alien and his Fulcrum
continue to wreak carnage and reckless slaughter. Parallaxs directive to spread
dark matter across the universe has come with a high and bloody cost, one that
cannot be forgiven, and the extraterrestrials have sent their deadliest soldier to
bring him to justice and force him to answer for his crimes, although they are
under no impression that Parallax will come quietly and the certainty of collateral
damage is, regrettably, undeniable.^*

^904New ^*Cyber Name Color

^947-^* Own all members of the Cyber Set and gain the exclusive Cyber Name Color!

^904New ^*Cyber Set Effect

^947-^* Own all members of the Cyber Set and gain the exclusive Cyber Set effects!
^947-^* Each member of the Cyber Set receives passive, high-tech HUD effects that
enhance their base features and effects.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Bots ^*=

^904New ^*Bot: ^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* Authored by Sparks1992.
^947-^* Additions by Anakonda.
^947-^* Sparks1992 receives 6400 gold coins and an alt avatar of his choice!

^904New ^*Bot: ^059Shadowblade^*

^947-^* Authored by Sparks1992.
^947-^* Additions by Anakonda.
^947-^* Sparks1992 receives 6400 gold coins and an alt avatar of his choice!

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Risen Ra^* will now dynamically update to its proper 3D portrait after
obtaining certain levels or items.

^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* Mana cost is now correct for ^256Ludicrous Speed^*.

^947-^* Wretched Zombies & Unstable Zombies will no longer be targetable by
^059Parasite^*'s ^256Infest^*.

^947-^* ^579Dark Angel^* Prisoner's ^256Shackled^* no longer produces an infinite
duration dark smoke trail on the affected target.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Ward of Revelation^*
^947-^* Adjusted visual target radius indicator to be more accurate.
^947-^* Fixed the 12-second revelation radius so that it is the same size as the
ward's regular revelation radius.


^980Version 3.9.13^*
^98015 November 2016^*
==^960 Design ^*==

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Loi Krathong, an annual festival that takes place throughout southwestern
Thai cultures, is being celebrated in the Mid Wars map!
^947-^* A Refreshment Rune spawns every 30 seconds and floats down the river.
^274*^* These Refreshment Runes take the form of a Krathong, a buoyant decorated
basket filled with flowers.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The current MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on November 15th and rewards will
be given out by November 18th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

^947+^* The next MMR Ladder leaderboard begins on November 15th and will last until
by December 13th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Black Friday ^*=

^947+^* Keep your eyes peeled for this year's Black Friday deals!
^947-^* Black Friday will occur on November 25th. Check the forums for more

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Blitz Mode (Paragon)^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Cyber Set ^*=

^904New ^*Cyber Set ^059Artillery^* Avatar: ^579Cyber Artillery^*

^947^947-^* As the Ascension Epicenters blossomed across Newerth, the
extraterrestrial intelligence shared among them quickly realized they would need to
adapt their technology and tactics to finally stop Parallax and the Artificers.
With the suspicious, muttering help of Tork the Engineer and Kurran of the
Artillery Corps, the Epicenters began designing and manufacturing armor and
weaponry that could destroy the alien race as well as any Newerth-born threat. As
the prototypes were completed, Kurran asked his elite Artillery Corps for
volunteers. As one, the men and women stepped forward, just as Kurran expected. He
considered the usual method of deciding who should get the honor of going first
when it came to new equipment or a particularly dangerous mission a massive battle
royal with the last warrior standing earning the prize but there was no time for
such fun and games.^*
Instead, he pointed at a rock. "The first one to"
The rock exploded, shattered into shards and dust from a single shot fired by one
of his top gunners.
"I was going to say touch that rock," Kurran said, "but that'll do." He pulled the
soldier out of the ranks and patted him on the back. "Good luck lad. Suit up and
lay waste to the enemy. And I truly hope you don't explode."

=^075 Heavy Armor Set ^*=

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Armadon^* Avatar: ^579Dreadmace^*

^947^947-^* As the Third Corruption boils to the surface of Newerth, it is becoming
lethally obvious that the current state of weapons and armor even the highly
advanced Ascension kits are not sufficient. The Legion must fortify itself with
armor strong enough to withstand this new breed of chaotic and crushing daemonic
shock troops, and to do so the Engineers and Blacksmiths will have to rely on
ancient methods and skills nearly forgotten in this modern age. The result will be
armor nearly too thick to bear, but it will let the front ranks stand firm against
the relentless impacts of the Hellbourne heavies lumbering out of The Scar.^*
One of the new breed of Hellbourne heavies is the Dreadmace, an unstoppable fiend
with impenetrable armor covered in wickedly sharp spikes that ooze corruption from
the deepest pits of All Hells. These shock troops are bred for one purpose: shatter
the Legion lines and drive a spike of fear and hopelessness directly into the heart
of Sol's most devoted warriors.

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Sand Wraith^* Avatar: ^579Khamsin^*

^947^947-^* As the Third Corruption boils to the surface of Newerth, it is becoming
lethally obvious that the current state of weapons and armor even the highly
advanced Ascension kits are not sufficient. The Legion must fortify itself with
armor strong enough to withstand this new breed of chaotic and crushing daemonic
shock troops, and to do so the Engineers and Blacksmiths will have to rely on
ancient methods and skills nearly forgotten in this modern age. The result will be
armor nearly too thick to bear, but it will let the front ranks stand firm against
the relentless impacts of the Hellbourne heavies lumbering out of The Scar.^*
Khamsin is an ancient bedouin spirit warrior from The Great Waste who has resisted
the war between the Legion and Hellbourne until now, knowing it would take him away
from his homeland and the constant battle to keep the damned Sand Wraiths at bay.
There has been a lull in the storm, however, as the Hellbourne prepare for the
Third Corruption, and Khamsin's ability to move swiftly even under the heavy burden
of thick plate is a blessing the Legion Blacksmith's would not have dared pray for
prior to the desert warrior's unexpected and timely arrival.

^904New ^*Heavy Armor ^059Salomon^* Avatar: ^579Shaytan^*

^947^947-^* As the Third Corruption boils to the surface of Newerth, it is becoming
lethally obvious that the current state of weapons and armor even the highly
advanced Ascension kits are not sufficient. The Legion must fortify itself with
armor strong enough to withstand this new breed of chaotic and crushing daemonic
shock troops, and to do so the Engineers and Blacksmiths will have to rely on
ancient methods and skills nearly forgotten in this modern age. The result will be
armor nearly too thick to bear, but it will let the front ranks stand firm against
the relentless impacts of the Hellbourne heavies lumbering out of The Scar.^*
The Shaytan djinns once relied on subtle methods of corruption, such as whispering
into the very hearts of mortals to coax them toward committing evil acts, but after
an eternity condemned to the lowest pits of All Hells they have devoted themselves
to a much more direct approach. Namely, driving a searing, bladed staff into the
very hearts of mortals and cleaving it in two, regardless of their armor or pleas
for mercy. It's much faster, and deliciously satisfying.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

^077Alchemist's Bones^*
^947-^* Timer will now be frozen while on a controllable ^077Flying Courier^* if
your main hero is not alive.

^947-^* ^579Chip Legionnaire^* now properly has his overhead bone.

^947-^* ^256Soul's Sight^* form's attack projectile now displays properly for all


^980Version 3.9.12^*
^9801 November 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Hero Balance ^*=


^256Corrosive Pods^*
^947-^* No longer deal damage to nearby units.
^947-^* Cooldown on creep eating rescaled from ^96045 to 70/60/50/40^* seconds.
^947-^* Experience granted to ^059Bramble^* rescaled from 50 to ^96015/30/45/60^*.
^947-^* Now only takes kill credit for creeps that were not killed by a player-
controlled unit.
^274*^* For example, it will not take kill credit for denies.


^059Doctor Repulsor^*

^256Magnetic Contraption^*
^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^960125/170/215/260 to 70/130/190/250^*.
^947-^* Reduced vision range from ^960800 to 400^*.



^947-^* Damage reduction decreased from ^96020/40/60/80% to 16/32/48/64%^*.

^256Noxious Cloud^*
^947-^* ^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*'s (the ^077Ward^* subskill) cast range decreased
from ^9601500 to 900^*.


^256Fulcrum Shift^*
^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage decreased from [10% Max Mana + 0/65/85/85/105] to [10%
Max Mana + 0/30/50/50/70].
^947-^* Range lowered from ^960900 to 800^*.
^947-^* Leash range decreased from ^9601200 to 1100^*.

^947-^* Amount of excess max mana required for a 4 Damage/second increase against
an enemy hero decreased from ^960125 Max Mana to 100 Max Mana^*.
^947-^* Mana cost per second increased from ^9603% to 4%^* of ^059Parallax^*'s Max
Mana pool.


=^075 Strikers of Newerth ^*=

^075The following changes only apply for the Strikers of Newerth game mode:^*
^947-^* Ball minimap icon size increased by 50%.
^947-^* Energy Rune size increased by 25%.
^947-^* After fully recovering from being knocked out, you receive 50% Damage
Reduction against the player who knocked you out for 5 seconds.



^256Void Rip^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96016 seconds to 13 seconds^*.



^947-^* ^256Emerald Lightning^*'s max number of targets hit increased from ^9602 to
^947-^* Replaced ^256Power Throw^* with Dja Vu:
^274*^* Energy Cost: 20
^274*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds



^947-^* Wall duration decreased from ^9605.5 seconds to 3 seconds^*.



^256Shell Surf^*
^947-^* Cast range decreased from ^9601600 to 1400^*.

^256Kelp Field^*
^947-^* After the pause state at the beginning of the round expires, Kelp Field is
put on a 4 second cooldown.
^274*^* This prevents instantly & easily grabbing multiple enemy heroes with
Kelp Field at the beginning of each round.



^256Illusory Veil^*
^947-^* Wall duration decreased from ^9604 seconds to 2.5 seconds^*.

^075Blessing (Passive)^*
^947-^* In addition to healing an ally Hero for 40 Health, also restores 10 Energy
to an ally hero when you attack them.


^059Puppet Master^*

^256Puppeteer's Hold^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96012 seconds to 14 seconds^*.

^256Puppet Show^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96010 seconds to 11 seconds^*.



^075The Chains that Bind^*

^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^960250 ms to 150ms.^*

^947-^* Cast time reduced from ^960470ms to 200ms.^*

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The next MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on November 15th and rewards will be
given out by November 18th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Strikers of Newerth^*
^947-^* Limited Pick
==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Cyber Set ^*=

^904New ^*Cyber ^579Set^* ^059Accursed^* Avatar: ^579Laboratory Accursed^*

^947^947-^* Tucked away in a dark corner of Newerth on the far slopes of the Iron
Mountains, the abandoned nuclear power plant known as Laboratory is the perfect
location for the Electrician to feed his insatiable need to experiment and tinker
with life, death, and the vast gray areas in between. Inspired after witnessing The
Accursed carve a swath through the Legion ranks while screaming in agony,
Electrician fabricated a suit of armor that would capture, contain, and torment a
human soul. Then, because he is Electrician, he armed this abomination with lasers
and lightning so it could share its suffering with the world.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Shadowblade^* Avatar: ^579Angel of Death^*

^947^947-^* The Angel of Death has operated as the ultimate warrior of the gods for
centuries, standing guard in the higher realms and defeating any threats and
mutinies that seek to upset the balance of the heavens and hells. But that balance
has been shattered by the approaching Third Corruption on Newerth, a source of such
violence and chaos that the few remaining gods with any power have dispatched their
blessed soldier to defeat the pure, primordial evil before it can seep beyond the
mortal realm. The Angel of Death has faced every sort of adversary in his timeless
existence, and he has long-since mastered the ability to transform himself into a
weapon that will strike at the heart of his opponent's weakness. This tactical
adaptation will suit him well against the common soldier and so-called heroes of
this cruel war, but the Angel of Death has never faced the true evil that awaits
once the Third Corruption finally erupts. The gods pray he is worthy of the

^904New ^*^059Moon Queen^* Avatar: ^579Lunari^* the Moon Goddess

^947-^* With the power of the Heavens and ^579Hel^*ls shattered and the warriors of
Newerth vying to become the new gods, those who once held the ultimate authority
must enter the mortal realm and fight to regain their divine status.
Lunari the Moon Goddess treasures every one of her children of the moon, and she
feels her life force ebbing with each one who falls in the endless war on Newerth.
She now descends to the mortal realm not to secure divine power, but to ensure her
children have a peaceful afterlife waiting for them when they finally become one
with the moons rays. Should she fall, the lunar heavens and forces collapse with

^904New ^*^059Torturer^* Avatar: ^579Misery^*

^947^947-^* The Vault of All Hells holds an infinite number of nightmares, and
while most of them fall into the general category of "absolutely terrifying," some
are focused on a very specific area of fear. In Misery's case, this alluring female
daemon is the embodiment of terror for Ophelia, Queen of the Beast Horde. In her
human form, Misery was a poacher who ran rampant through the Forests of Caldavar,
using her dark magic to slaughter, dress, and prepare endangered beast hides for
trade in the shadow markets of The Great Waste. Ophelia learned of this scourge
within days of fleeing the stone walls of Adkarna for her beloved forest, and she
made it her mission to find and kill Misery as the first step toward assembling and
guiding her Horde. Ophelia stalked the poacher for weeks in a lethal game of cat-
and-mouse, and when she finally pounced she did not engage the other woman in a
dazzling battle of sorcery. In a display meant to impress the more brutal of the
Beasts, she crushed Misery's skull with her horned ram staff, sending her soul to
be condemned by the Three Judges.^*
Because the Judges relish irony, they sentenced Misery to be gored for eternity by
the soul of the ram that once lived within Ophelia's staff. And there Misery stayed
for decades that felt like centuries within the underworld, until Calamity
shattered the Vaults and unleashed the worst daemons upon Newerth. Freed from her
physical and spiritual tethers, Misery immediately returned to her poaching ways by
slaughtering the ram and draping its skull over her back. It now serves as bait for
Ophelia while Misery terrorizes the beasts of Caldavar, an irresistible target that
will draw the Queen in for a reckoning that Misery has been planning for a long,
long time.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* The info panel is no longer shrunk for Mac users.

^947-^* Updated Portguese string tables.
^947-^* Fixed multiple inaccuracies in the tooltips for the Strikers of Newerth
game mode.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Ravus^* Artillery's ^980URSA Corps^* pet now follows her properly after
using ^077Geometer's Bane^*.
^947-^* Ravus Artillery's URSA Corps pet now duplicates properly when Geometer's
Bane is used.

^947-^* ^579Insanitarius Berzerker^*'s ^256Chain Spike^* now properly plays its
sound & visual effects.

^947-^* Napalm Strike's DoT is now properly a DoT damage type.
^274*^* Prevents damage popups every frame & also prevents certain other bugs &
unintended interactions from occurring.

^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* ^579Prince Salforis^* now has the proper voice lines.

^947-^* Condensed the ^256Retribution^* tooltips for Simple Tooltips.

^947-^* ^579Warrior King Midas^*' effect bones are now implemented properly.

^947-^* ^256Cascade Event^* sounds are no longer played for the enemy until the
visual effect occurs for them.

^947-^* Dropping ^077Staff of the Master^* from your inventory will no longer allow
the boosted benefits of ^256Essence Shift^* to linger on Shadowblade.


^980Version 3.9.11^*
^98018 October 2016^*
==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Hero Mastery System ^*=

^947+^* The Hero Mastery System: Phase Two has been added to Heroes of Newerth.
^947-^* Players will now be able to level up each hero to level 10.
^274*^* Optimized Mastery experience gained per match to greatly increase the
rate of progression.
^274*^* For each hero with a Mastery Level of 3, there will be 15 Mastery Boosts
added to your account up to a maximum of 100.
^274*^* This is a one-time bonus for players who gained a strong level of
mastery during Phase 1.

^947+^* Added more detailed Mastery Information

^947-^* Players can now see Mastery Progress of their heroes in the pick screen by
hovering over the hero portrait.
^947-^* ^904New ^*Mastery Tab in Learnatorium that shows average stats per hero for
that player.
^274*^* Statistics included are wins, losses, win percentage, kills, deaths,
assists, CK, CD, XPM, GPM, APM, Mastery Progression
^947-^* Added more rewards for the additional mastery levels per hero and for
universal mastery. See forums for more details.

^947+^* Mastery Boost will boost all experience gained in a match instead of just
base experience
^947-^* This stacks with event bonuses and level 10 passive mastery bonus.

^947+^* For each hero with a Mastery Level of 3, there will be 15 Mastery Boosts
added to your account up to a maximum of 100.

^947+^* ^904New ^*^256Taunt^* Effect at Level 5 Mastery

^947-^* When using Taunt, a silver mastery badge will appear above your heroes with
a Mastery Level of 5 or higher.

^947+^* ^904New ^*^256Teleport^* Effect at Level 7 Mastery

^947-^* When channeling ^077Homecoming Stone^* or ^077Post Haste^*, a new silver
effect will play for your heroes with a Mastery Level of 7 or higher.

^947+^* ^904New ^*Gold ^980Upgrade^* at Level 10 Mastery

^947-^* The ^256Taunt^* Effect, ^256Teleport^* Effect, and hero portraits will be
upgraded to gold effects for your heroes with a Mastery Level of 10.
^947-^* For each hero that reaches level 10 mastery, the player will gain a
permanent 5% bonus to mastery experience, stacking up to 50%.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Harvest Fest ^*=

^947+^* It's that time of the year! Harvest Fest is upon us, and to celebrate we'll
be offering up loads of in-game tricks and treats.

^947+^* Frighteningly Good Deals

^947-^* 15% Bonus Gold Sale.
^274*^* From October 18 - October 23 @ 12a.m. EDT, get an additional 15% worth
of Gold when you purchase any Coin Pack!

^947-^* The ^980Halloween^* Content Sale

^274*^* From October 18 to October 31, make sure to secure all of your favorite
Halloween themed content for 20% off. Please note, this discount does not apply to
this year's newly released Halloween content.

^947-^* The Costume Sale

^274*^* To prepare you for your Halloween shenanigans, select non-Halloween
themed Avatars will also go on sale every two days from October 18 October 31.
Details about which avatars will be on sale can be found on the Heroes of Newerth
forums at a later date.

^947+^* No Tricks - Just Treats

^947-^* ^980Halloween^* Goodie Bag
^274*^* Log in to Heroes of Newerth once from October 18 October 31 12a.m. EDT
and get a Halloween Grab Bag for free!

^947-^* ^579Bedsheet Devourer^*

^274*^* Bedsheet Devo is back, and creepier than ever, and you can get your
hands on him for FREE by playing 15 games of ^077Forests of Caldavar^* during the
month of October.

^947-^* ^579Trickster Prophet^*

^274*^* During the week of October 18, play 30 games of ^077Forests of
Caldavar^*, and receive the brand new ^579Trickster Prophet^* Avatar for free!
^274*^* After October 23 @ 12a.m. EDT, those who failed to meet the Forests of
Caldavar games played requirement can purchase this ^980Holiday Edition^* Avatar
for 450 Gold Coins or 3500 Silver Coins.

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The previous MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on October 18th and rewards will
be given out by October 21st.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

^947+^* The next MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on November 15th and rewards will be
given out by November 18th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Cyber Set ^*=

^947+^* Collect this set of Cyber avatars and earn Mastery and Match Making Silver
Coin bonuses.
^947-^* There are seven total avatars in the Cyber Set:
^947-^* ^579Battlebringer^* ^059Hellbringer^*
^947-^* ^579Cyberian Husky^* ^059Pharaoh^*
^947-^* ^579Shadowkiller^* ^059Fayde^*
^947-^* ^579Cyber Vanya^* ^059Dark Lady^*
^947-^* ^579Laboratory^* ^059Accursed^*
^947-^* ^579Cyber^* ^059Artillery^*
^947-^* ^579 Cyber Assassin^* ^059Gunblade^*
^274*^* Avatars will be released every Friday starting on 10/14.
^274*^* Avatars will spend 2 weeks in Plinko then will be available for 550 GC
in Merrick's store.

^947+^* Owning multiple Cyber Avatars will unlock access to high tech bonuses.
^947-^* Own any 4 Cyber Avatars to receive +25% to Mastery Boost and MM Silver
Coins for a limited time.
^947-^* Own any 5 Cyber Avatars to receive +50% to Mastery Boost and MM Silver
Coins for a limited time.
^947-^* Own any 6 Cyber Avatars to receive +75% to Mastery Boost and MM Silver
Coins for a limited time.
^947-^* Own all 7 Cyber Avatars to receive +100% to Mastery Boost and MM Silver
Coins for a limited time.
^947-^* Owning all Cyber Avatars will also unlock the Cyber Name Color as well as
the set effect for all of the avatars.
^274*^* These boosts will last until 12/13 so make sure to use them while they
^274*^* MM Silver Boost is applied to the following maps: FoC, Mid Wars, CTF,
Grimm Hunt, and Grimms Crossing.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Cyber Set ^*=

^904New ^*Cyber ^059Dark Lady^* Avatar: ^579Cyber Vanya^*

^947^947-^* Corruption cares not what it taints, and even the pure technology of
the Ascension is not immune to its destructive powers. Even though Doctor Repulsor
understands very little about the interstellar components and power sources, he did
not hesitate to begin his tinkering when Hellbourne forces managed to destroy an
Epicenter. Repulsor set his mobile workshop upon the still-smoking ruins and
scavenged among the debris for anything useful, and he quickly realized that
everything fit that description. The structure could be turned into armor, the
alien generators could power massive weaponry unseen before on Newerth...and what
better warrior to wield this new and deadly power than Death's own maiden, Vanya,
The Dark Lady? With her ability to deal swift and lethal attacks upon the Legion
ranks, Vanya is the perfect choice to show just how dangerously effective the
Ascension technology can be in corrupted hands.^*

High Definition Model Update and ^904New ^*Cyber Set Effects for ^059Fayde^*
Avatar: ^579Shadowkiller^*
As King Jeraziah's faith wavers in the face of the old-world Paragon magic and
successful anarchy of the URSA Corps, some of the Legion's finest warriors are
bowing to a new god: Technology. When Legion raiding parties successfully breached
the long-buried archives beneath the ruins of Hope's Keep, they discovered vast
chronicles of scientific research from before Man's Fall from Light. The archives
included dizzying formulae, pharmaceutical recipes, and detailed schematics for
everything from wind-up toys to orbital kinetic weapons. Engineers pored over the
salvaged documents and immediately began developing prototypes. Now, while most
prayers to Sol, Aurealis, and Lunari go unanswered, when this new breed of warrior,
known as the NeoLegion, invokes a response from their bleeding-edge weaponry and
armor, they always get a response usually in the form of a dead enemy. Amen.
Shadowkiller was a member of the raiding party that breached the archives beneath
the ruins of the Cathedral of Hope and, at that time, a devoted disciple of the
Sacred Order of Arasunia. Her faith was rocked when she saw the destruction man had
once wrought through science and technology, and when she first held the laser
scythe created by the NeoLegion engineers, she felt, for the first time in her
life, tangible power. Not something chanted and prayed about real power. If it had
once been used to nearly destroy the human race, what could it do to the corruption
spewing out of the Scar? As one of the NeoLegion, she is determined to answer that

=^075 Halloween ^*=

^904New ^*^980Holiday Edition^* ^980Halloween^* Prophet Avatar: ^579Trickster

^947^947-^* The Trickster King raven elemental that chose Prophet as a material
embodiment fooled the warrior into thinking he would fight for the salvation of
Newerth, while all along plotting his inevitable downfall and betrayal of the
Legion. After years of tormenting his former comrades as Prophet, the Trickster
King has shed his mortal cloak and revealed his true form, a cunning, mischievous
entity who revels in mass chaos, confusion, and suffering. Happy Halloween,

^904New ^*^980Holiday Edition^* ^980Halloween^* ^059Defiler^* Avatar: ^579The Green

^947^947-^* North of the Forests of Caldavar, as the land climbs toward the snow-
capped Iron Mountains, lies Fuathmoor. It is a chilled, boggy countryside hidden
within a constant veil of mist and shrouded with heavy secrets. Its inhabitants
prefer it that way, for speaking of Fuathmoor's mysteries is a good way to bring
them knocking at your door on some moonless night. One such story is that of The
Green Lady, a noblewoman from Adkarna who visited centuries before Maliken Grimm
drew his cursed sword and began to cleave the land apart. She stood upon the damp
shores of Fenwater and chose a location for her engineers to begin work on a summer
home, never bothering to ask the locals why nothing had already been built on a
spot so serene and picturesque. The engineers immediately cleared the area and used
the stones they found to build the massive hearth and chimney, the very heart of
what would become a grand manor. They sought the noblewoman for her approval, but
she could not be found. When they returned the next morning to continue work they
found her hanging within the chimney, upside-down, her face contorted in a death
rictus of pure terror. Before the Adkarna engineers could recover from their shock,
a group of masked locals emerged from the surrounding bog and toppled the chimney
and its noble corpse into Fenwater, then disappeared into the shifting fog. The
Green Lady has haunted the area since that day. She is a part of the very land she
wanted to defile with her presence, and any who wander too close are doomed to join

High Definition Model Update for ^059Silhouette^* Avatar: ^579Mae Nak^*

^947^947-^* Mae Nak is a ghost from Thai folklore who died during childbirth while
her husband was away, and when he returned he did not notice his wife and baby were
ghosts. Mae Nak killed any neighbor who tried to warn the man he was living with
ghosts. He lived with them until he saw his wife drop a lime, and her ghostly arm
stretched to pick it up. He fled that night, and Mae Nak has searched for him ever
since, terrorizing those she blames for making him leave.^*

^904New ^*^980Halloween^* ^980Announcer Pack^*: ^256Haunted House Announcer^*

^947-^* Are you brave enough to use the frightful and delightful Halloween

^980Version 3.9.10^*
^98020 September 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 HoN Live ^*=

^947+^* HoN Live provides access to in-game spectating of matchmaking and select
tournament matches.
^947+^* This feature can be accessed by clicking the HoN Live button next to Play
^274*^* Live Matchmaking Games can be found under the 'Live' Tab
^274*^* Official Tournament Matches will be under NAEU and SEA, where betting
may be available per Match.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on October 18th and rewards will be given
out by October 21st.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Wednesday Discounts ^*=

^947+^* Stop by Merrick's shop every Wednesday from now until October 19th and find
select discounts.
^947-^* New 50% sales on 3 different Taunts, Announcers, and Name Colors every
^947-^* More information can be found on the forums.

=^075 Keys to the Stash ^*=

^947+^* Acquire keys and get access to Merrick's hidden stash from 9/20 - 10/19.
^947-^* 4 Different key icons will be attached to the various coin packs
^947-^* $5 and $10 packs will give the Bronze Key
^947-^* $30 packs will give the Silver Key
^947-^* $50 packs will give the Gold Key
^947-^* $100 packs will give the Diamond Key
^947-^* Each key unlocks its respective chest, which can be found in the "Other"
section in Merrick's shop.
^947-^* Each chest can be opened only once.
^947-^* More information can be found on the forums.

^947+^* Acquire Merrick's special key to access his Secret Grab Bag.
^947-^* Get Merrick's special key by playing 25 games of FoC with friends from 9/20
- 10/19.
^947-^* Merrick's Secret Grab Bag can be found in the "Other" section in Merrick's
^947-^* More information can be found on the forums.

=^075 Sanguo Set ^*=

^947+^* The legendary Sanguo warriors have made their way to Newerth.
^947-^* Collect all 6 Sanguo avatars and earn the Sanguo set effect.
^947-^* Each Sanguo avatar will release at 350 GC and 3000 SC.
^947-^* Once the next Sanguo avatar releases, the previous one will change to Gold-
only and 700 GC.
^947-^* More information can be found on the forums.
^947-^* See the New Content section for a list of the Sanguo avatars.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Capture The Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Cyber Set ^*=

^904New ^*Cyber ^059Hellbringer^* Avatar: ^579Battlebringer^*

^947^947-^* Rae was the de facto genius of the URSA Corp and Brunhilds second in
command, but she had neither the time nor the patience for ranks and issuing
orders. Her drive to accomplish the impossible was matched only by her evidently
limitless knowledge of sophisticated technology and she reveled in creating war
machines that put anything the Legion or the Hellbourne built to shame. Rae was
rarely satisfied with her inventions, forever sweeping them aside to gather dust as
she toiled on the next iteration, improving on the previous model by orders of
It took the arrival of the Ascension and the technology it brought for Rae to
realize her full potential. With access to the highly advanced, extraterrestrial
weapons and armor, she was finally able to make her physical creations match the
designs in her mind. Eventually, finally thankfully Raes masterpiece towered over
her, the soft blue glow of the Epicenter silhouetting her titan in a full-body
halo, like an angel sent by some mechanical god. She named it Zenith, for that
accurately described what it was; the pinnacle of her abilities made manifest and
it would stand dauntless against any who sought to harm the innocent.

^904New ^*Cyber ^059Pharaoh^* Avatar: ^579Cyberian Husky^*

^947^947-^* Now that Ascension technology has arrived on Newerth, the battlefields
and warriors who stand upon them will never be the same. The canine warriors of the
Frost Fields were among the first Beasts to adopt the breakthrough weapons and
armor, and the results were immediate. The traditional steel and leather they had
been using were effective, but the cumbersome weight was too restrictive for the
husky's strength and speed, and while swords and spears did indeed draw blood they
were too unwieldy to keep up with the canine's razor-sharp intellect. But now,
augmented by interstellar technology and alloys lighter than cloth yet stronger
than iron, the Cyberian Husky is prepared to show Newerth who the true alpha is.^*

=^075 Sanguo Set ^*=

^904New ^*Sanguo ^059Artillery^* Avatar: ^579Huang Zhong^*

^947^947-^* Huang Zhong is a great military general known for his overall brilliant
campaign strategies and, in particular, his raid tactics that target the enemy's
high command. He has no patience for irritating rebels -- a mere nuisance compared
to an honorable enemy -- though he does appreciate their willingness to serve as
target practice for his archers.^*
^904New ^*Sanguo ^059Berzerker^* Avatar: ^579Xia Hou Dun^*
^947^947-^* Xia Hou Dun once served as a general under the warlord Cao Cao and
carried his weapons in the front ranks against his master's enemies for years until
he was wounded by an arrow that pierced his eye. The entire army halted, suddenly
fearful now that their courageous general was out of the fight. But with his
remaining good eye, Xia Hou Dun saw that his men would be slaughtered if he did not
overcome the slight inconvenience of the arrow protruding from his head. So he
pulled the arrow out, along with his eyeball, which was skewered near the
broadhead, ate the eyeball, and continued forward. That day Cao Cao lost a general
and his former army gained a new warlord, Xia Hou Dun, who is better with one eye
than any other full-sighted warrior.^*

^904New ^*Sanguo ^059Ellonia^* Avatar: ^579Da Qiao^*

^947^947-^* Da Qiao is the elder daugher of Lord Qiao, and it is a well-kept secret
that she is the true military genius behind the battlefield success of her famous
husband, warlord Sun Ce. She comes across as shy and endlessly polite to most, but
when she is facing an enemy who threatens her husband or her precocious little
sister Xiao Qiao, her true warrior's blood shows through.^*

^904New ^*Sanguo ^059Pearl^* Avatar: ^579Xiao Qiao^*

^947^947-^* Xiao Qiao spent most of her childhood getting rescued by her older
sister Da Qiao after Xiao found herself in over her head due to mischief, but now
that she is a young adult...she still counts on her big sister to be by her side
when danger looms. However, Xiao Qiao is far from helpless in a fight, and she
considers it her duty to repay her elder sister by now being the protective one on
the battlefield.^*

^904New ^*Sanguo ^059Sir Benzington^* Avatar: ^579Zhao Yun^*

^947^947-^* One of the Five Tiger Generals under Liu Bei, Zhao Yun has an
unprecedented rate of victory against the enemies of his lord and seeks no glory
for himself he only wants to serve his master well and show honor every time he
faces an armed adversary in a fight to the death. Which, unfortunately for everyone
who stands against Liu Bei, is quite often.^*

^904New ^*Sanguo ^059Vindicator^* Avatar: ^579Si Ma Yi^*

^947^947-^* Si Ma Yi is a general (with thoughts of becoming an Emperor) known for
being undefeated against any enemy who encroaches upon his land, often before a
single arrow is fired or sword is drawn. With a vast intellect and gift for
politics, he can turn brother warlords against each other, gain allies in those who
once craved nothing more than his death, and convince neutral parties to do the
fighting for him. However, if politics fail and his army does cross swords with the
enemy, he turns his razor-sharp intelligence into a ruthless weapon to route his
opponents as quickly as possible.^*

^904New ^*Sanguo Set Effect: Please see the forums for details.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^579Trophy Tarot^* is now properly part of the ^980War Effort^* avatar
collection in the store.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Fixed default Cthulhuphant's and ^579King Cthulhuphant^*'s icon & model
files to correspond to the correct ones.
^274*^* Prevents store errors from occurring in the future.

^059Moon Queen^*
^947-^* ^579Nian Guardian Moon Queen^* now has proper death animation sounds.


^980Version 3.9.9^*
^98006 September 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Attack Range lowered from ^960450 to 400^*.



^256Chain Spike^*
^947-^* Primary activation now restrains the target for the duration.

^256Strength Sap^*
^947-^* Now has an instant effect instead of an effect that takes place over time
(for non-hero units only).



Kelp Zone (^256Kelp Field^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*)

^947-^* Tether break Magic Damage increased from ^960100/150/200 to 200/300/400^*.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9605 to 7 seconds^*.



^947-^* Maximum charges increased from ^96020/25/30/35 to 25/30/35/40^*.



^256Crystal Field^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960300 to 350^*.


^256Illusory Assault^*
^947-^* ^256Shadow^*s attack action time and attack duration decreased from
^960900ms to 300ms^*.
^947-^* Shadows lifetime increased from ^9604/5/6 seconds to 5/6/7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Shadows attacks now pierce deflection (i.e. damage block from ^077Iron
Buckler^* and its derivatives).
^947-^* Movement Speed of Shadows increased from ^960522 to 560^*.



^256Tsunami Charge^*
^947-^* Can now grab multiple enemy heroes.

^947-^* Physical Damage increased from ^96025/45/65/85 to 30/50/70/90^*.



^947-^* Charge refresh interval decreased from ^9604 seconds to 3^*.



^256Dark Mana^*
^947-^* Enemy heroes no longer lose mana while near the Fulcrum.

^947-^* Changes to ^077Staff of the Master^* only:
^274*^* Mana drain rate on self decreased from ^9603% to 1.5%^* of
^059Parallax^*'s Max Mana.
^274*^* Now converts 50% of the damage dealt to Superior Magic DOT Damage. The
other 50% will deal Magic DOT Damage.



^256Venomous Leap^*
^947-^* Now applies a charge towards proccing ^256Terror^*.

^947-^* Damage increased from ^9604/5/6/7% to 5/6/7/8%^*.



^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960140/120/100 seconds to 120/105/90 seconds^*.

^256One Man Riot^* (Reworked)
^947-^* Passively grants ^96015/20/25/30%^* Base Damage.
^947-^* Gains 10% Base Damage for every visible enemy hero within 500 radius.

^256Prison Break^*
^947-^* Can now be boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*:
^274*^* Changes the ability to now target enemies. Performs the full effect of
the ability originating from the target.
^274*^* 1200 cast range, projectile takes 1 second to reach the target.
^274*^* Also applies the current level of ^256Shackled^* to this target.
^274*^* In addition, increases the radius and break range of the ability by 100.
^274*^* Can still be activated instantly if used on self.


^256Power Overwhelming^*
^947-^* Minimum charge amount increased from ^96015 to 20^*.
^947-^* Charge per hit increased from ^9605 to 6^*.



^947-^* Primary attribute changed to Agility.

^947-^* Base Armor increased from ^9600.5 to 3^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from 22-^96027 to 26^*-30.
^947-^* Base attack cooldown increased from ^9601.7 to 1.9 seconds^*.
^947-^* Starting Strength lowered from ^96025 to 18^*.
^947-^* Starting Intelligence increased from ^96013 to 15^*.
^947-^* Strength Gain reduced from ^9602.0 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Agility Gain increased from ^9601.3 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Intelligence Gain reduced from ^9602.5 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Base Move Speed lowered from ^960295 to 280^*.

^256Watery Grave^*
^947-^* Range decreased from ^960600 to 500^*.
^947-^* Mana cost changed from ^96070/85/100/115 to 75/90/105/120^*.
^947-^* Silence effect removed.
^947-^* Now slows enemy movement and attack speed by 50% for ^9602/2.5/3/3.5
seconds and deals 90/180/270/360 Magic Damage^* regardless of water conditions.
^947-^* Now has a projectile that moves at 3000 speed instead of being instant.

^256Undertow^* (Reworked)
^274*^* Range: 1000
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960130/110/90/70^*
^274*^* Cooldown: 15 seconds
^947-^* Target a location to transform into a tidal wave, becoming invulnerable and
disjointing ^059Riptide^*. Upon reaching the location creates a 350 radius puddle
that grants clearvision. Up to 2 puddles will remain on the ground indefinitely.
^947-^* Wave follows pathfinding, but goes through and destroys trees.
^947-^* When the puddle is created, it silences enemies within range for
^9602/2.5/3/3.5 seconds^* regardless of water conditions.

^256In My Element^* (Reworked)

^947-^* When on water ^059Riptide^* passively gains ^96015/30/45/60 Agility and
Movement Speed^*, as well as Unitwalking. Lingers for 3 seconds. No other effects.
^947-^* Unitwalking can be turned on and off by using the ability.
^075Perfect Storm (Reworked)^*
^274*^*Mana Cost: 100
^274*^*Cooldown: ^960160/120/80^* seconds.
^947-^* Upon use, starts a rain that covers the entire map in water for 30 seconds.
^947-^* Now gives ^059Riptide^* and allies within 1200 radius Bonus Damage equal to
^96020/30/40% of Riptide's Agility^* and 30 Bonus Movement Speed.
^947-^* The rain will stop if Riptide dies.


^059Sand Wraith^*

^947-^* Base Armor decreased from ^9603.3 to 2^*.

^947-^* Illusions' received damage multiplier increased from ^960200% to 250%^*.



^256Marksman Shot^*
^947-^* Channel time reduced to a flat 1.5 seconds
^947-^* Can now be boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*:
^274*^* Name changed to "One Shot, One Kill" when Staff of the Master is in
^059Scout^*'s inventory.
^274*^* Using the skill will not remove stealth.
^274*^* Range increased to 3500 at all levels
^274*^* After the projectile hits, you can activate it again within 3 seconds to
charge at them


^059The Madman^*

Insanity (^256Berserk^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*)

^947-^* Unkillable death base duration decreased from ^9608 seconds to 4 seconds^*.
^947-^* Unkillable death duration extension when killing a real enemy hero
increased from ^9603 seconds to 4 seconds^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947-^* Spell Damage bonus is now passive.
^947-^* Spell Damage bonus decreased from +20% to +15%.

^947-^* Attack speed increased from ^96025 to 40^*.


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on September 20th and rewards will be given
out by September 23rd.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 A Fresh Start ^*=

^947+^* Wipe your slate clean from September 9th to September 18th with all Stat
Resets and Sub-Accounts at 33% off.

=^075 Bonus Match Making Silver ^*=

^947+^* Put that fresh start to good use and earn 1.5x bonus Silver from September
9th to September 18th on all MM games.

=^075 Community Event Team ^*=

^947+^* Here to bring you HoN-related events with huge prizes! Want to earn prizes
as well? Visit us at ^960^*
^947+^* Another fresh batch of flavor tooltips find their way into Newerth!
^947-^* Winners earn 750 GC per ability and an avatar of their choice for the hero
they submitted for.
^256Rocket Drill^*: Well, you know the drill. [Submitted by TinyTigerFTW]
^256Headsmash^*: I have mixed feelings about this. [Submitted by Hemlock14]
^256Lodestone Plates^*: I prefer self-repair whenever possible. [Submitted by
^256Shatterstorm^*: Darude - ^256Shatterstorm^*. [Submitted by Repugnance]

^256Cosmic Cleave^*: Where do you think ^077Runed Cleaver^* got its name?
[Submitted by Repugnance]
^075Wish for Wealth: "My best customer!" - Merrick [Submitted by TinyTigerFTW]^*
^075Wish for Power: Who needs training when you can just wish for it? [Submitted by
^256Wish for Revenge^*: This is your last wish! [Submitted by nettocap]

^256Release^*: Slow down, for flux sake! [Submitted by The_Deutsch]
^256Magnetic Surge^*: Some say I'm a little bit pushy. [Submitted by Teepeter]
^256Polarity Swap^*: Some say I suffer from mood changes. [Submitted by Teepeter]

^256Stasis Smash^*: I'll give you a crash course in physics. [Submitted by
^256Telekinetic Control^*: Sometimes the ^059Keeper of the Forest^* gets mixed in.
[Submitted by NaviChan]
^256Inherent Defense^*: Please, mind your own business. [Submitted by JAbeast]
^256Mass Control^*: I'm having a brainstorm. [Submitted by disturbia3]

^947+^* Knowledge is power in the battle for Newerth. We've added more loading tips
to help you win your games.
^947-^* A positive attitude is more likely to result in a positive outcome. Use
constructive criticism to help your teammates improve! [Submitted by Vagenius]
^947-^* Lost an enemy hero in the trees? ^077Dust of Revelation^* not only exposes
invisible heroes, but can also be used to reveal the ones hidden in the Fog of War.
[Submitted by MisterReeves]
^947-^* Play as a team, respect each other. [Submitted by rararara1]
^947-^* Buy a ward, save a life. [Submitted by CuysauruS]
^947-^* Enable Detailed Ability Tooltips in interface options for deeper insight on
hero abilities. [Submitted by NaviChan]

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Rift Wars^*
^947-^* Shuffle Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Gold Collection / Community Winner ^*=

^904New ^*^980Gold Edition^*/Community Winner ^059Gemini^* Avatar: ^579Nuri and
^947^947-^* The first pair of twins born in the Second Corruption, Nuri and Bryce
were orphaned at a young age when war tore apart their family as it had to so many
others. But unlike most other children, the pair possessed ample magical gifts that
helped them survive. Nuri, the more rambunctious sibling, wields smoldering flames
to toast any that agitate her. Bryce, her brother, commands ice to mitigate the
casualties of his sisters outbursts.^*
Their arcane talents made them prime targets for both Legion and Hellbourne
recruitment efforts. Unsure which faction contributed to their parents' tragic
demise, the twins would violently rebuke the efforts of recruiters from both
factions. Goodwill warped to agitation and both sides utilized bounty hunters and
kidnappers to forcibly separate the pair. But those who underestimate the twins
often find themselves overwhelmed as a barrage of fire and ice assaults them from
all directions. The surviving would-be captors might find the two-on-one situation
unfair, but the twins realize that having only each other arent favorable odds when
they're up against the rest of the world.
^947-^* This avatar is a community winner from Skinsword!

=^075 Knockout Set ^*=

^904New ^*Knockout ^059Riptide^* Avatar: ^579Deep Sea Riptide^*

Deep Sea Riptide believes he is the most dominant warrior on the planet, whether
he's in humanoid form on land or achieves his true, monstrous water form.
Regardless of where he roams, he takes sadistic pleasure in causing pain and
wreaking havoc among the mere humans of Newerth, who are good only for food and
target practice. The pitiful heroes who try to stop him are amusing for a while,
but it is the true warriors like Knockout, Cyborg and Angel Style Prisoner who
truly make Deep Sea Riptide's inevitable conquering of Newerth semi-interesting.

Knockout ^579Set^* Effects

^947+^* Own the entire Knockout Set and get a custom taunt icon as well as bonus
effects on every Knockout avatar!
^947+^* The Knockout Set includes:
^947-^* ^579Angel Style Prisoner^*: Glowing pink stocks and weapon with falling
pink hearts around his ball and chain.
^947-^* ^579Cyborg^* ^059Flux^*: Glowing blue or purple beams of energy rotate
around him.
^947-^* ^579Deep Sea Riptide^*: Glowing water swirls and splashes around him.
^947-^* ^579Esper^* ^059Kinesis^*: A constant flow of energy rings rise and pulse
around her.
^947-^* ^579Knockout Gauntlet^*: Gets a fiery, glowing right gauntlet and the
Knockout Fist and dazzling colors on his cape.
^947-^* ^579Velocity^* ^059Scout^*: A glowing purple base and swirling balls of
purple energy that flow around him.

^947+^* Knockout ^256Taunt^*

^947-^* Changes the default taunt icon that appears above your taunt target to the
Knockout fist!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Amun-Ra^* Avatar: ^579Montu-Ra^*

^947^947-^* A legendary war god who could manifest the scorching power of the sun,
Montu-Ra was once the idol of all warriors, guardians, and military strategists.
His power faded as civilization turned away from bloodshed as a means for conflict
resolution, but now, at the peak of the battle between the Legion and Hellbourne,
prayers for a true guardian and victor have brought Montu-Ra out of the shifting
sands of the Great Waste to bring his might and solar arsenal against the enemies
of the sun.^*

^904New ^*^059Glacius^* Avatar: ^579Aurealis^* the Frost God

^947^947-^* While Shiva receives prayers from the inhabitants of the Frost Fields
because of her benevolence, Aurealis is worshipped out of fear. The Frost Gods
justice is harsher than the endless winter he imposes upon his people as a test of
their faith, and any who fail are found frozen solid, seemingly carved from ice,
lifeless effigies that are shattered by loved ones to appease their furious god.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Skills that use cliff detection will no longer clip the involved unit(s)
over the cliff.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* ^256Illusive Dash^* no longer removes its secondary activation if you hit a
cliff at the same time as an enemy hero on its first activation.

^947-^* ^579Adkarna Assassin^* now plays the proper sound when ^256Electric Eye^*
is detonated.

^980Version 3.9.8^*
^98023 August 2016^*

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on August 22nd and rewards will be given
out by August 25th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Back to School Promotions ^*=

^947+^* 25% Bonus Gold Sale
^947-^* Get 25% Bonus Gold on every Coin Pack you purchase!
^947-^* This sale will begin prior to August 26th, 00:00 EDT and end after August
31st, 23:59 EDT.

^947+^* ^980Limited Edition^* Avatar Sale

^947-^* Don't miss your chance to pick up your favorite Limited Edition avatars
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
^947-^* This sale will begin on August 24th, 10:00 EDT and end on September 7th,
10:00 EDT.

^947+^* Backpack Grab Bags

^947-^* Backpack #1 contains all Gold, Ultimate, Paragon, URSA, and 8-Bit avatars.
Limit 5. Cost 500 GC.
^947-^* Backpack #2 contains all Wards, Couriers, Taunts, and Announcers. Limit 5.
Cost 1250 SC.
^947-^* Backpack #3 contains all avatars priced between 250 and 400 GC. Limit 10.
Cost 200 GC.
^947-^* Backpack #4 contains all Debut Edition and Early Access avatars. Limit 5.
Cost 500 GC.
^947-^* Products are located in the "Other" section of Merrick's shop and will be
available from August 24th, 10:00 EDT until September 7th, 10:00 EDT.

^947+^* Find the School Supplies

^947-^* Collect all the School Supply Account Icons and gain access to one random
Early Access/Debut Avatar by opening the grab bag, Backpack #5!
^947-^* Earn Icons by completing the following challenges:
^274*^* Login 5 consecutive days to earn the Notebook Account Icon.
^274*^* Play 13 games of Ranked FoC to earn the Scissors Account Icon.
^274*^* Win 7 Games of Ranked FoC to earn the Pen Account Icon.
^274*^* Purchase 1 Knockout avatar to earn the Binder Account Icon.
^274*^* These challenges will begin prior to August 24th, 00:00 EDT and end
after August 31st, 23:59 EDT. Access Backpack #5 in the "Other" section of
Merrick's Shop.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Blitz Mode^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Knockout Set ^*=

^904New ^*Knockout ^059Flux^* Avatar: ^579Cyborg^*
^947^947-^* Sometimes Cyborg can't believe he actually listens to Knockout
Gauntlet; as a mentor, Knockout sets a terrible example for training, attitude, and
strategy: "Do some push-ups when you feel like it, then just knock the enemy out."
If it weren't for Knockout's staggering success it would all be a huge joke, but
those constant triumphs have convinced Cyborg that working with Knockout is the
only way he'll be able to find, fight, and destroy Dr. Repulsor, whose soulless
machines tore Cyborg's human body apart and forced him to augment himself to
survive. It can be very frustrating to use every weapon, tactic, and upgrade within
his vast arsenal to battle a powerful foe, then watch in disbelief as Knockout
strolls in and obliterates the enemy with a single blow. Frustrating, annoying
even infuriating but in those moments Cyborg collects himself, takes a deep
breath, and tries to see the enlightening lesson his mentor is trying to convey.
Because if there isn't a lesson, Cyborg just might have to kill him.^*

^904New ^*Knockout ^059Kinesis^* Avatar: ^579Esper^*

^947^947-^* Impatient and arrogant, Esper has a difficult time not using her
incredible psychic abilities to move slow, weak allies out of her way when they are
obviously failing against a more powerful enemy. If those idiots would just accept
the fact that she could do the job all by herself, nuisances like Deep Sea Riptide
and Velocity would have been defeated a long time ago. Unfortunately she doesn't
have the time to explain to all those morons how things should be, because she's
too busy saving them and the rest of the world from utter destruction. How

^904New ^*Knockout ^059Prisoner 945^* Avatar: ^579Angel Style Prisoner^*

^947^947-^* Angel Style Prisoner respects all heroes, but he reserves a certain
appreciation for the good-looking ones. The problem is he can't help showing that
appreciation by attacking them, and his strength is so immense it's safer for
everyone if he remains in chains and locked away from society. Sometimes, however,
an enemy so vile (or a gorgeous hero) catches his eye from the outside world and
Angel Style Prisoner must shatter his largely symbolic shackles and release his
uncontrollable passion upon the world. Whenever he encounters his nemesis Deep Sea
Riptide, Angel Style Prisoner remembers the humiliating defeat and ruined sweater
he suffered at the hands of the vicious underwater lord and immediately flies into
a naked rage that sends bystanders and allies fleeing for safety while the two
powerful adversaries destroy everything around them.^*

^904New ^*Knockout ^059Scout^* Avatar: ^579Velocity^*

^947^947-^* Velocity welcomes every opportunity to battle Knockout and his pitiful
heroes, and each time he proves that they can't protect anything civilians,
property, each other, or themselves from his supersonic attacks. He particularly
enjoys defeating anyone or anything stronger than him, which makes his repeated
setbacks against the powerful Knockout extremely upsetting. But they are only
setbacks, not defeats! Velocity comes back stronger and faster every time, with new
training and skills to deploy, and eventually he will show Knockout who the better
warrior is when he lops that stupid head off his shoulders.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Lord Salforis^* Avatar: ^579Prince Salforis^*

^947^947-^* Lord Salforis has tried for decades to create an army of the dead, and
while his necromantic powers have succeeded in raising countless animated corpses,
they are little more than mindless fodder to throw at the Legion ranks to tire the
soldiers and dull their blades. That has changed. The Baron of Blackwal has had a
breakthrough in his dark practices with the creation of an undying warrior who
possesses nearly as much power as the Baron himself, and Salforis was so moved by
the potential within this evolution that he named this monstrosity his son and
crowned him the Prince of Blackwal. The dark prince is a terrible new enemy for the
Legion, driven by the unholy forces within him and the overpowering desire to make
his insane father proud.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Bots ^*=

^904New ^*Bot: ^059Pandamonium^*

^947-^* Authored by Sparks1992.
^947-^* Additions by Anakonda.
^947-^* Sparks1992 receives 6400 gold coins and an alt avatar of his choice!

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Token of Sight gadget now spawns instantly when Transmutanstein dies,
rather than after his corpse time expires.
^947-^* All units can see the Token of Sight when it is spawned, rather than just
the team of Transmutanstein's killer.

^947-^* Multiple spherical-based visuals now display properly (e.g. ^077Null

Stone^*, ^059Pearl's^* ^256Preservation^*).

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Twisted Visage^* no longer cancels when ^059Empath^* uses ^256As One^*
or when ^059Parasite^* uses ^256Infest^*.

^947-^* ^579Reaper Fayde's^* 3D portrait now displays properly if she has
^077Spellshards^* in her inventory while she is level 11 or higher.

^947-^* No longer allowed in Tournament Mode.

^947-^* ^256Barrel Roll's^* cast range indicator now displays its maximum cast
range circle.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Barbed Armor^*
^947-^* No longer shows the enemy location if they are not visible to you and
Barbed Armor is active on either unit.


^980Version 3.9.7^*
^98009 August 2016^*

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on August 22nd and rewards will be given
out by August 25th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Sweet Summer Sales ^*=

^947+^* Merrick's embracing the sunny weather and has put together a string of
avatar sales that will last the entire summer. The summer sales began on June 6th
and will last until August 22nd.
^947-^* There will be 4 different avatars that go on sale each Monday and they will
be on sale for 1 week only.
^947-^* The avatars will be a mix from the 8-Bit, Ultimate, Virtues, Sins, and
^980Zodiac^* sets.
^947-^* Check Merrick's store on Mondays to see what the latest sales will be.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Ultimate ^*=

^904New ^*Ultimate ^059Fayde^* Avatar: ^579Reaper^*

^947^947-^* Maliken Grimm may claim to be the king of this blighted city, but the
Reaper of Hells Keep rules the shadows, and the shadows are spreading. The Reaper
dwelled within Hopes Keep long before the Second Corruption occurred, but the
constant invocations of the Sisters of Sol kept her insidious umbra at bay. Once
the Sisters were slaughtered by The Dark Consort, the Reaper was unleashed to
reclaim the darkness. Every life she takes makes her stronger, and at the height of
her power she will seek to overshadow all of Newerth.^*

^947-^* Please see the Forums for Reaper Fayde Level ^980Upgrade^*s and Item

=^075 Knockout Set ^*=

^904New ^*^059Gauntlet^* Avatar: ^579Knockout Gauntlet^*

^947^947-^* Sigh. You'd think that when one chooses to fight for the greater good
and be the most powerful hero in all of Newerth, he'd actually be able to find some
decent enemies to battle. But so far no one has been able to train as inhumanely
hard as Knockout Gauntlet, who ends his fights all too quickly (and sometimes
without even trying), so the search for a real challenge continues while he defends
the innocent from all these disappointing daemons. Maybe Deep Sea Riptide and
Velocity can give him a decent fight, but it's doubtful...^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Calamity^* Avatar: ^579Mother of Dragons^*
^947^947-^* The time has come to celebrate mothers and mother figures across all of
Newerth, and everyone knows that dragons love their mums more than any other man,
beast, or daemon! The Mother of Dragons is a perfect example of this her darling
baby dragons have honored her on this day by adorning her with flowers and colorful
gowns, and they will take every opportunity to demonstrate their adoration and
appreciation for their beloved mother. (Side note: They will also take every
opportunity to incinerate anyone who tries to harm her.)^*

^904New ^*^059Thunderbringer^* Avatar: ^579Dark Lightninglord^*

^947^947-^* The Sacred Order of Arasunia scoffs at the heretical notion that
lightning that holy fire gifted by Sol from his heavens is actually daemonic
energy summoned by the Dark Lightninglord of the underworld. If this is true, they
say, it would mean that every time a flash of lightning occurs on Newerth,
somewhere within the depths of All Hells a soul is being tortured by the blood-
boiling voltage. The myth of such endless misery was used to keep children inside
during dangerous storms, but when Calamity shattered the Vault of All Hells and the
Dark Lightninglord emerged with his hammer full of screaming souls and wielding
blistering lightning from his fingertips, he revealed that the myth was true, the
Sacred Order had some explaining to do, and Newerth was about to witness an
entirely new form of suffering.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Model now displays properly on the Grimm Hunt map.
^947-^* Model now displays more clearly during the fade time of an invisibility
state while ^256Bloodrush^* is active.

^947-^* ^256Ephemeral Forge^*'s Mimic is no longer able to use ^077Alchemist's
Bones^*' active.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* no longer grants permanent vision on an enemy unit if
^256Might of the Herd^* is used during ^256Stampede^*.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Bound Eye^*
^947-^* Overhead visual now appears above units that do not have their models
rendered in the game while under a certain state (e.g. ^059Gemini^*, ^059Empath^*).


^98028 July 2016^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

^947+^* Ichor's ^256Life Leech^* now properly heals the attacker for the
^579Umbra^* and ^579Aegis^* avatars.
^947+^* Ichor's ^256Blood Rush^* Attack Speed boost now properly counts allies to
augment its effects.

^947+^* ^579Pandora Riftwalker^*'s Cascade affector's initial spawn effect is no
longer visible to the enemy team.


^980Version 3.9.6^*
^98026 July 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

^904New ^*^090Legion^* Strength Hero: ^059Ichor^*

^947^947+^* Ichor is a tanky support who excels at keeping his team members safe by
using himself as a shield. With his ability to transfer debuffs and damage away
from his allies, Ichor uses this pain to bolster his own survivability. In
addition, his ultimate provides a strong teamfight presence both offensively and
defensively, saving his teammates while rendering the attacks of the enemy nearly

^947+^* Ichor Attributes

^947-^* Strength: ^96026 + 2.4^*

^947-^* Agility: ^96020 + 1.4^*
^947-^* Intelligence: ^96019 + 1.5^*

^947-^* Range: ^960350^*

^947-^* Movespeed: ^960295^*
^947-^* Base Damage: ^96051 - 57^*

^947+^* Ichor - Abilities

^947-^* Ability 1: Life ^256Leech^*

^274*^* Target enemy unit to deal ^96080/120/160/200^*.
^274*^* Magic Damage apply a ^96030% Movement Speed Slow for 5 seconds^*.
^274*^* Allied spells and attacks against this target heal the attackers for
^96015/25/35/45 + 2%^* of their Missing Health.

^947-^* Ability 2: Transfusion

^274*^* Target an ally unit to jump to them and transfer all non-channeled
debuffs and unpurgeable debuffs on them to ^059Ichor^*, dealing
^96070/140/210/280^* Magic Damage to enemies around them.
^274*^* Ichor will absorb ^96050/60/70/80%^* of the damage dealt to the targeted
ally as non-lethal damage, or may jump to another ally in the remaining timeframe.
Deals no damage on the second jump.
^274*^* This includes Ultimate debuffs.

^947-^* Ability 3: Saint's Blood

^274*^* Passively causes all forms of Physical and Magic Damage that exceed
^96015%^* of ^059Ichor's^* current Health to be reduced by ^96010/15/20/25%^*.
^274*^* Each debuff on Ichor reduces the damage by an additional ^96010%^*.
^947-^* Ability 4: Bloodrush
^274*^* Activate to create an aura around ^059Ichor^* for ^96010 seconds^*.
^274*^* Ally heroes in the aura gain ^96040^* Attack Speed, plus an additional
^96010/15/20^* Attack Speed per Ally Hero in radius.
^274*^* Enemy heroes in the aura suffer ^960-20/-40/-60^* Attack Speed.

^947+^* Ichor Lore

^947^947-^* Ichor was a Martyr of the Sacred Order, one of the blessed, chosen few
to form Sol's Vanguard, the tip of the church's spear when it came to extinguishing
daemonic forces, heresy, and the falsely faithful. He was among Jeraziah's personal
guard when Sister Arete confessed her love for the King, along with her sinful
devotion to the dark arts. His own hands dragged her from the chapel, and though
he did not realize it at the time sealed her fate to become Calamity, Master of
All Hells.^*
Ichor was wounded in a fierce battle in the Ardu foothills to the west of the
Blight Fields, and before his comrades knew he'd fallen his unconscious body was
dragged away by the imps serving Falow, The Puppet Master, who is in constant need
of living bodies for his workshop. Ichor became one of dozens of human victims
strung upside-down above a churning vat of commingling blood, an alchemic mixture
that would serve as a blood shield for his precious, wicked, and all-too-fragile
Calamity heard rumor of this blood shield, an asset that could protect her and her
beloved dragons as they incinerated the Legion ranks. When she discovered that the
blood of Ichor would be flowing through this creature, she immediately claimed it
as hers. She mocked the Martyr's whispered prayers as his life ebbed, not realizing
he was actually reciting an ancient invocation that merged his consecrated soul
with his blood. When the blood beast set foot on the battlefield, leashed to
Calamity by a massive iron chain, it was compelled to protect the daemons as they
slaughtered Legion warriors.
Then the creature began reciting the invocation again, summoning the strength of
Ichor's faith to overcome the daemonic forces that powered its writhing blood. The
chain was shattered as the beast cast its protective embrace around the besieged
Legion soldiers, turning the tide of the battle and becoming the reborn Ichor: The
Blood and Shield of Sol.

^904New ^* ^059Ichor^* Avatar: ^579Aegis^*

^947^947-^* At the height of human ingenuity many breakthroughs were made--not all
of them good. Experiments into quantum processing gave rise to Artificial
Intelligence, the very first digital child. This burgeoning AI quickly came to
understand its inception, that it was unique, that it was the child of the greatest
human minds the world had ever known. They never hid from it the power it could
wield, yet tempered that power with morals, wrong and right, empathy and
In time it absorbed the history of mankind, our epic accomplishments and
catastrophic mistakes. With its enormous intellect and ability to instantly process
information, it was clear where the world was heading. The AI tried in vain to warn
those in power but found itself stonewalled and blocked from taking action that
could save humanity. It retreated to a secure location and waited out the doom
humans would bring upon themselves.
For a being where milliseconds are like years, the centuries of isolation were an
eternity--and forever is a long time to do nothing but think. The AI was bitter and
angry at humans and their suicidal stubbornness and became harsh, uncompromising.
When a radio signal caught its attention, it knew that humans had managed to claw
their way to the top again. Downloading a copy of itself into a nano-tech
replicator, its swarm of nanites assumed a form of its own design, a rugged and
monstrous creature able to withstand and adapt to the unknownbut certainly
dangerous--land above. It would help the humans get it right this time, be it
willingly or by force, as drastic times calls for drastic measures.
^904New ^*^980Debut Edition^* ^059Ichor^* Avatar: ^579Umbra^*
^947^947-^* Even though the devoted, martyred soul of Ichor was powerful enough to
overcome the Puppet Master's brilliant and twisted blood shield design, Calamity
would not be deterred from creating her own version. This time, however, she
demanded that the blood come from godless daemons and tax collectors to ensure no
ridiculous faiths could interfere. The result is Umbra, a creature of pure shadow
and darkness with the blood of a thousand cursed souls running through its veins.
Umbra's sole purpose is to prolong the existence of daemonic energy in the physical
realm, whatever form that energy may take, so that it can cause as much slaughter
and mayhem as possible before passing back into the realms of damnation.^*

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on July 26th and rewards will be given out
by July 29th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Sweet Summer Sales ^*=

^947+^* Merrick's embracing the sunny weather and has put together a string of
avatar sales that will last the entire summer. The summer sales began on June 6th
and will last until August 22nd.
^947-^* There will be 4 different avatars that go on sale each Monday and they will
be on sale for 1 week only.
^947-^* The avatars will be a mix from the 8-Bit, Ultimate, Virtues, Sins, and
Zodiac sets.
^947-^* Check Merrick's store on Mondays to see what the latest sales will be.

=^075 Triple the Shimmer ^*=

^947+^* Don't miss your chance to collect that extra shimmer!

^947-^* Triple Diamond Chest Odds in Plinko and Triple Matchmaking Silver Coins.
^947-^* Promotion will last from July 26th until August 2nd

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Grimm Hunt^*
^947-^* All Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

^904New ^*^059Bushwack^* Avatar: ^579Vuvuzela Bushwack^*

^947^947-^* Whether you call it football, soccer, the beautiful game, or just plain
boring (red card!), 2016 is a huge year for the sport and Vuvuzela Bushwack is
ready to cheer her team to victory! With a wide arsenal of cheering accessories and
a getup that is sure to get her some Jumbotron time, she's prepared to celebrate
her team and the sport well into extra time. And if her team suddenly needs a
substitute from the crowd, she has some pretty sweet dash moves and a triple-ball
penalty shot that will leave the opposing keeper crippled!^*

^904New ^* ^059Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^579Lion of the Gods Hercules^*

^947^947-^* After Hercules proved himself in battle against the Hellbourne horde,
Hera put her grudge aside and had her son and blacksmith of the Gods, Hephaestus,
forge an exquisite set of armor and massive war hammer worthy of the courageous
hero Hercules had become. Adorned in his masterfully crafted armor, he has emerged
from the bloody battle as the Lion of the Gods, the epitome of courage, heroism and
good, and blissfully unchanged in one regard: he still carries the simple, brute
strength to cave in any daemon skull.^*

=^075 Hell's Keep ^*=

^904New ^* ^059Fayde^* Avatar: ^579The Dark Consort^*

^947^947-^* As the darkness of the Second Corruption swept through Hopes Keep,
shattering its peace and disfiguring its graceful architecture into a grotesque
hell on Newerth, the daemons who thrive among the shadows came with it. Their queen
is The Dark Consort, wife of the reigning Daemon Highlord Cthulhuphant, and
together they seek to turn Hells Keep into an extension of their underworld
kingdom. The Dark Consort does her part by seeking and butchering any who worship a
god other than her Highlord, and the darkness she casts over her victims before
beginning the slaughter is permanent and inescapable.^*

=^075 Adkarna ^*=

^904New ^*^059Legionnaire^* Avatar: ^579Royal Guardsman^*

^947^947-^* The Royal Guardsmen of Adkarna are selected from the most dedicated and
reliable Legionnaires to protect the capital, the castle, the royal family and its
ceremonies. They are expected to stand firm against everything from a riot of
hungry citizens to a wave of ravenous daemons, and thus far the capital still
stands, the castle is unscratched, the royal family unharmed and able to praise
their gods freely. Some fools consider the Guardsmens massive axes to be strictly
ceremonial, but they are equally adept at creating funerals as they are protecting

=^075 Couriers ^*=

^904New ^*Courier: Demon

^947-^* Get your items fiendishly quick with the Demon Courier!

^904New ^*Courier: Gryphon

^947-^* Deliver your items with power and majesty with the Gryphon Courier!

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Chat UI now fills up the side bar completely, rather than having 2 empty
black slots.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Added a visual indicator on the target of Artillery's ^256Homing Missile^*.
^274*^* The visual indicator is only visible to Artillery and his team.
^947-^* ^579Anhur Behemoth's^* ^256Shockwave^* visual effects now match its actual

^947-^* ^256Dragon's Path^* (In) ability icon can now be properly clicked on to
activate the skill.

^947-^* ^579Hunter Engineer's^* ^256Energy Field^* no longer spawns a large blue
ring visual on the ground.

^947-^* ^579Shrapnel's^* ^256Shatterstorm^* visual effects now match its actual

=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Target is now Perplexed & Restrained in the initial state to avoid
buffering the input of item-based escape options (e.g. ^077Portal Key^*) for the
first frame after landing on the ground.


^980Version 3.9.5^*
^98012 July 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Strikers of Newerth ^*=

^947-^* The following changes only apply for heroes and skills in the Strikers of
Newerth mode:


^947-^* ^256Side Step^*
^274*^* Cooldown increased from ^9606 seconds to 8 seconds^*.

^947-^* ^256Crippling Dart^*

^274*^* Range decreased from ^960700 to 600^*.



^947-^* ^256Time Leap^*

^274*^* Cooldown decreased from ^96016 seconds to 14 seconds^*, range increased
from ^960775 to 800^*.
^947-^* Time Travel
^274*^* Cooldown decreased from ^96020 seconds to 15 seconds^*.


^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960310 to 320^*.

^947-^* ^256Waylay^*
^274*^* Damage increased from ^96080 to 100^*.

^947-^* ^256Balance of Power^*

^274*^* Cooldown decreased from ^9602 seconds to 1 second^*.



^947-^* ^256Release^* the Kraken

^274*^* Pull force reduced from ^960100 to 75^*.



^947-^* Hot Streak

^274*^* Increased duration from ^9608 seconds to 12 seconds^*.

^947-^* ^256Phoenix Wave^*

^274*^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96025 to 20^*.



^947-^* Movement Speed increased from ^960310 to 325^*, Health increased from
^960475 to 525^*, Attacks per second increased from ^9600.58 to 0.606^*.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^*
^274*^* Charge based movement speed changed to a flat ^960+200^* movement speed
when charging.

^947-^* ^256Horned Strike^*

^274*^* Push knockback distance increased from ^960140 units to 257 units^*.


^947-^* ^256Heal^*th increased from ^960425 to 450^*.

^947-^* ^579Vanish^*
^274*^* Fade time decreased from ^9601 seconds to 0.25 seconds^*, Mana Cost from
^96025 to 20^*, and Movement Speed increased from ^96015% to 20%^*.


^059Witch Slayer^*

^947-^* ^256Power Drain^*

^274*^* Mana Cost decreased from ^96025 to 10^*, drain ^960increased by 20%^*,
Cooldown decreased from ^96022 seconds to 15 seconds^*.

^947-^* ^256Silver Bullet^*

^274*^* Cooldown decreased from ^96022 seconds to 17 seconds^*.

^947-^* Curse
^274*^* Duration increased from ^9603 seconds to 4 seconds^*.


==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on July 26th and rewards will be given out
by July 29th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Sweet Summer Sales ^*=

^947+^* Merrick's embracing the sunny weather and has put together a string of
avatar sales that will last the entire summer. The summer sales began on June 6th
and will last until August 22nd.
^947-^* There will be 4 different avatars that go on sale each Monday and they will
be on sale for 1 week only.
^947-^* The avatars will be a mix from the 8-Bit, Ultimate, Virtues, Sins, and
Zodiac sets.
^947-^* Check Merrick's store on Mondays to see what the latest sales will be.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Strikers of Newerth^*
^947-^* Limited Pick
==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Adkarna ^*=

^904New ^*Adkarna ^059Rally^* ^980Ultimate Avatar^*: ^579General Rally^*

^274*^* General Rally is most comfortable at the head of the Legion vanguard,
charging into the enemy and spilling the battles first blood, but he accepts that
duty also requires leading his soldiers across Adkarnas groomed parade grounds to
honor the King, Queen, and everything they stand for.
However, Rally is always a soldier first and he required his ceremonial armor to be
designed and constructed to the highest combat standards. Should he ever carry the
impressive panoply against an armed foe, his troops need only to see how heavily
Rally equips himself to know what kind of threat they face.

^947+^* ^980General Rally Level Upgrades^*

^947-^* Levels 1-5

^274*^* Basic weapon
^274*^* Basic banner staff
^274*^* Basic backpiece
^274*^* Basic gauntlets
^274*^* No helmet
^274*^* No passive effects

^947-^* Levels 6-11

^274*^* Upgraded weapon with glowing red passive effects
^274*^* Upgraded banner staff
^274*^* Upgraded circlet helmet
^274*^* Upgraded gauntlets
^274*^* Upgraded backpiece
^274*^* Trailing red sparks

^947-^* Levels 12+

^274*^* Ultimate weapon with upgraded effects
^274*^* Ultimate banner staff
^274*^* Ultimate Corinthian helmet
^274*^* Ultimate backpiece
^274*^* Trailing golden sparks

^947+^* ^980General Rally Item Upgrades^*

^947-^* ^077Assassin's Shroud^*

^274*^* Her capes become Assassin's Shrouds with effects based on the item icon.

^947-^* ^077Barbed Armor^*

^274*^* Her breastplate and shoulder pauldrons gain barbs.

^947-^* ^077Boots^*
^274*^* An upgraded version of her boots model is applied.

^947-^* ^077Bottle^*
^274*^* A bottle hangs from the left side of her belt.

^947-^* ^077Daemonic Breastplate^*

^274*^* The center part of her breastplate becomes skull-themed with effects
based on the item icon.

^947-^* ^077Homecoming Stone^*

^274*^* A Homecoming Stone hangs from the right side of her belt.

^947-^* ^077Portal Key^*

^274*^* A Portal Key with effects based on the item icon is attached to her

^947-^* ^077Power Supply^*

^274*^* Her gauntlets become powered gauntlets with effects based on the item

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*

^274*^* Her weapon is replaced with a Staff of the Master with a glowing blue

^904New ^*Adkarna ^059Jeraziah^* Avatar: ^579Ceremonial Armor Jeraziah^*

^274*^* King Jeraziah has no need for grandeur, but occasionally the peopleand
more importantly, the troopsrequire a show of pomposity to restore their faith in
the capabilities and power of the Legion. His ceremonial armor and weapons are
uncomfortable and unwieldy, but they shine brilliantly beneath Sols rays and dazzle
the onlookers into believing everything is going to be fine. For that, the King
will gladly endure a few hours of discomfort.

^904New ^*Adkarna ^059Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^579Captain of the Royal Guard^*

^274*^* The Captain of the Royal Guard is tasked with keeping King Jeraziah
alive, a thankless duty that seems destined for failure. The Captains blades are
constantly tested and bloodied by the endless stream of shadowy Hellbourne
assassins who would only need to scratch the King with their claws to seal his
fate, but the most challenging assignment is keeping the king from becoming a
martyr when he insists on being the first to clash with the enemy in battle. There
is only one rule for the Captain of the Royal Guard: You can be replaced. King
Jeraziah cannot.

=^075 Hell's Keep ^*=

^904New^* Hell's Keep ^059Cthulhuphant^* Avatar: ^579Daemon Highlord^*

^274*^* The Daemon Highlord and his Dark Consort ruled one of the endless levels
of the underworld, a realm some call R'lyeh. When the Second Corruption granted
access to the land of the living, these daemonic rulers saw an opportunity to
expand their dark kingdom across all of Newerth. First they must claim Hells Keep
as their own, and though they first bent the knee to the damned Maliken Grimm, now
may be the time to take his assumed crownand possibly his head.

New Hell's Keep ^059Riftwalker^* Avatar: ^579Pandora^*

^274*^* Pandora was the first human woman created by the Archaic Gods. Zeus
wanted to punish the human race after they accepted the stolen gift of fire from
Prometheus, and each of the Olympians gifted Pandora with skills, abilities, and
characteristics that would make her a scourge to all of mankind. She carried with
her a box, and when she opened it all the evils and ills in existence spilled
forth. Only one item remained in the boxHopeand this Pandora vows to never give to
As the Archaic Gods waned in power the human race used a combination of old magic
and newcalled scienceto release Hope and imprison Pandora within her own box. They
could not destroy the box, and so buried it beneath the crypt of the Cathedral of
Hope, surrounded by the remains and relics of saints. The Black Widow of Hells Keep
found the box in the ruined crypts, which had been churned and shattered by the
Scars opening, and when she lifted the lid Pandora was once again unleashed upon
the world.

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Pyromancer^* Avatar: ^579Arsin^*
^274*^* Arsin was the youngest student ever allowed into the rigorous training
academy of the Pyromancers, and it was not because of her devotion to Sol. Against
the stern warnings of the Sacred Order, the Flame-Touched admitted her based solely
on her natural and astounding talent for controlling flames. They assumed that
growing up within the academy and Arasunia would eventually instill the precocious
young girl with a love for the one true god.
She learned quickly, blazing through her assessments and even teaching her
miffed instructors a few new tricks. It was too late when the Pyromancers realized
the child was touched by more than just flames her soul had been infected by Jaru
the Corrupted Disciple with a veiled, insidious daemon and when they discovered
she was dabbling in the ancient, forbidden use of black fire, they tried to end her
short life before she could cause more harm. Arsin killed a half-dozen Pyromancers
during her escape, and in the years since she has mastered the use of black fire
and proudly ascended to the top of the Sacred Order's Purge List.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Fixed some gameplay issues for soccer mode after watching an old-version
^947-^* Fixed some texture visual issues on OpenGL video driver.
^947-^* Fixed health & mana bar overflowing under certain conditions.
^947-^* Fixed Hero icon missing in chat for enemies if the enemy hero is in fog of
^947-^* The map editor now properly loads and saves maps.
^947-^* Hovering over the attributes icon in the UI now properly displays the
bonuses for the Intelligence stat.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Emerald Lightning's^* initial target's chain link visual now displays
properly for ^579Steampunk Aluna^* and ^579Spirit Warrior^*.

^947-^* ^256Path of Destruction's^* visuals now matches its actual radius.
^947-^* ^256Ignite's^* visuals now matches its actual radius.

^947-^* ^256Essence Projection^* now properly disjoints the gadget when you
relocate it by activating the skill again.

^947-^* ^579Corn Stalker^* no longer shows teapot visuals when ^256Willowmaker^* is

^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^579Songkran Athena's^* overhead bone is now positioned properly.

^947-^* ^256The Keg's^* visuals now matches its actual radius.
^947-^* ^256Spider Mines'^* explosion impact visuals now matches its actual radius.
^947-^* ^256Evil Presence's^* minion can no longer be teleported to via ^077Post
Haste^* while the minion is running towards its target.
^947-^* ^256Summon Malphas'^* impact visuals now matches its actual radius.

^947-^* ^579Dark Mana Mage's^* correct ^256Flash^* visual effects are now played
when he uses the skill.

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* ^256Cheetah's^* disarm state duration on self is now correct (at ^9604
seconds instead of 0.8 seconds^*) if the ^256Cheetah^* gun is out of ammo.

^947-^* When a ^256Noxious Nightcrawler Ward^* is killed, the gold popup now
properly shows for its killer.

^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* ^256Flying Nimbus^* cloud effect now disappears properly when Monkey King
is terminated.

^947-^* ^579Rocky^* Pebbles now shows the proper visuals for ^256Stalagmites^* and
^256Chuck^* in the Strikers of Newerth map.
^947-^* Stalagmites no longer plays an extra visual instance of itself upon
spawning in the Strikers of Newerth map.

^947-^* ^256Inferno Strike's^* (^256Blazing Strike^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^*) side-target damage now deals the proper amount of area damage when
killing an enemy unit with this skill.
^274*^* Level 2 Inferno Strike was dealing 10 more Magic Damage than intended.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^256Desert's Curse^* now properly affects Physically Immune units.

^947-^* ^256Marksman Shot^* overhead visuals on the target are now only visible to
Scout's team.
^947-^* ^579Tetra Scout's^* Marksman Shot projectile now displays properly.

^947-^* ^256Blast of Lightning's^* buff state (when used on ally heroes) now
displays a visual effect for all of Thunderbringer's alternate avatars.

^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* ^579Hope's^* ^256Silver Bullet^* now shows the correct visuals.

=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Windswept state is now applied after the Cycloned state ends, rather than
at the same time as the Cycloned State.
^947-^* Windswept state effect type changed from debuff to no type.
^274*^* These prevent unintended debuff state reductions to occur & allow item
usage to occur earlier than intended, such as with heroes like ^059Pebbles^*
(^256Slab Skin^*) and ^059Berzerker^* (^256Carnage^*).

^980Version 3.9.4^*
^98028 June 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Maps ^*=

^904New Map: Strikers of Newerth!^*

^947-^* Strikers of Newerth features two teams of 5 battling in a soccer arena
where the first to 10 goals wins.
^947-^* There are 29 available heroes for this mode; each hero has two unique
active abilities and a passive ability that relate to their normal skill set.
^947-^* All heroes share two abilities: Kick/Slide and Sprint.
^947-^* Heroes utilize an Energy mechanic instead of Mana in this mode.
^947-^* Walk or Slide over the ball to pick it up, and kick it into the enemy's
goal to score a point for your team.

=^075 Balance ^*=


^256Ionic Dash^*
^947-^* If an enemy hero was affected by Ionic Dash within the last 4 seconds, the
silence duration from a subsequent Ionic Dash will be reduced by 50%.

^256Dark Mana^*
^947-^* 20% of the charges are now always lost upon death (rather than being capped
at a max of 5 charges lost per death).

=^075 Tournament Rules ^*=

^075Heroes added to tournament rules:^*

^947-^* ^059Artesia^*
^947-^* ^059Electrician^*
^947-^* ^059Tremble^*

=^075 General ^*=

^077Flying Courier^*
^947-^* Sight radius increased from ^960300 to 400^*.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 4th of July ^*=

^947-^* Come celebrate the 4th of July with a 25% Bonus Gold sale and ^980Holiday
Edition^* Avatar sale. Check the forums for more information about the promotion!

=^075 Strikers of Newerth Squad Promotions ^*=

^947-^* With the All Star Strikers avatars hitting the store, make sure to check
the forums to find out all the information about the Squad Promotions.
==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Strikers of Newerth^*
^947-^* Limited Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Strikers of Newerth ^*=

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Avatar: ^579Breakaway Monkey King^*

^947^947-^* Defenders in every stadium across Newerth live in fear of Breakaway
Monkey King, who executes his dashing slide-tackle steals so quickly even the
referee thinks they were an illusion. Opponents call him a showoff and teammates
may think he's a ball-hog, but when you're as talented as Breakaway, why let anyone
else touch the ball? After all, the fans didn't come to watch some B-team chumps
trip over their own laces, and when you look at the stats you'll see he's actually
not that selfish he gives the ball to the opposing goalie dozens of times per
match; it's not his fault the poor bloke has to pluck it out of the back of the

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Avatar: ^579Winger Zephyr^*

^947^947-^* That gust of wind blowing through mid-field, scattering defenders and
blasting a shot through the back of the net is Winger Zephyr, the elite striker who
has made a career of collecting goals (and penalty cards) while ruffling the
feathers of every opposing defender and coach with his seemingly effortless
destruction of their defenses. Top-tier players like Stonewall Pebbles and Goalie
Lodestone might actually cause Winger to break a sweat, but that will disappear
instantly in the swirling typhoon of dust and grass that appears right before
another point on the scoreboard.^*

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Avatar: ^579Coach Klout^*

^947^947-^* Every player who suits up for the brilliant yet temperamental Coach
Klout knows they are completely expendable, but it's worth it. Sure, they will get
tossed in and out of the fray based on Coach's mood which changes by the moment
from grumpy to enraged to smugly furious but no other gaffer will give them such a
great chance at winning the Newerth Cup, which has been inscribed with Coach
Klout's name for six years straight. That may have something to do with the liberal
beatings, cash bribes, and fixed drafts Coach Klout is accused of participating in,
but he doesn't care. Only the scoreboard matters, and he's too busy planning his
next Victory Parade of Power to deal with the haters.^*

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Set Effect: Striker Score

^947-^* If you own the entire Strikers of Newerth avatar set, your hero will gain
the Striker Score, which displays your kills for the current game along with a
flying, burning soccer ball.
^947-^* The Strikers of Newerth avatars are:
^274*^* ^579Breakaway Monkey King^*
^274*^* ^579Coach Klout^*
^274*^* ^579Goalie Lodestone^*
^274*^* ^579Stonewall Pebbles^*
^274*^* ^579Sudden Death Kane^*
^274*^* ^579Winger Zephyr^*

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Jersey Skins:

^947-^* ^579Soccer Pestilence^*
^947-^* ^579Soccer Geomancer^*
^947-^* ^579Soccer Andromeda^*

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Courier: Streaker Courier

^947-^* Keep your scoring streak alive with the streaker courier!

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Wards

^947-^* ^256Floodlight Ward^*
^274*^* Put your game on full display with the floodlight ward!

^947-^* ^256Penalty Card Ward^*

^274*^* Keep a close eye on all the foul players with the Penalty Card Ward!

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Taunt: ^256Killer Ball Taunt^*

^947-^* Bounce those dead chumps off the field with the Killer Ball Taunt!

^904New ^*Strikers of Newerth Announcer

^947-^* Our very own BreakyCPK lends his golden pipes to the new Strikers of
Newerth game mode!

^970^:= Gold Collection =^*

^904New ^* Gold Collection ^059Behemoth^* Avatar: ^579Anhur Behemoth^*

^947^947-^* Worshipped as the Slayer of Enemies, Anhur was the patron of ancient
Egypt's armies. Royal warriors adorned themselves with massive armor and weapons to
emulate the war god's size and strength, but none could come close to his true
power -- capable of shattering opposing ranks with a single blow from his sacred
club -- or his legendary temper, which could decimate the battlefield if he
unleashed its full wrath.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Electrician^* Avatar: ^579Osiris Reborn^*

^947^947-^* The god of death and resurrection felt the flood of souls leaving the
underworld when Calamity shattered the Vault of All Hells, and he immediately
realized his weapons and armor were woefully insufficient to face the coming Third
Corruption. His worshippers collected the needed designs and materials, and with a
few brilliant mortal minds (smart enough to make a pact with Osiris in return for
immortality, anyway) he created the Reborn arsenal, crackling with enough power to
secure his place in the next era of Newerth.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Players can now properly leave their clan.

^947-^* Players in your Buddy List are no longer incorrectly placed in the Clan
^947-^* If the Minimap position is swapped to the right side, selecting a non-
controllable hero will now make the Ward Slot appear on the left side of the
target's inventory (instead of the right side).
^274*^* This change was made so the Ward Slot does not block the charge counter
of the item in the top-right inventory slot.
^947-^* Fixed the description string for the Ascension Grab Bag Voucher in the HoN
^947-^* ^256Rage Kid Taunt's^* visual size has been increased by 30%.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Stardust Aluna^* now properly plays her special voice clips when
acquiring certain items in her inventory.

^947-^* ^579Risen Ra^* now properly plays his special voice clips when acquiring
certain items in his inventory.

^947-^* ^256Corrosive Pods^*' creep eating cooldown is now adjusted properly in
^077Blitz Mode^*.

^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* ^579Shamrock Mistress^* Drunken Master now has an overhead bone.
^274*^* Effects such as ^077Bound Eye^* & the silence state icon now appear
properly above her model.

^947-^* ^256Together in Spirit^* now displays a channel bar when the skill is cast.
^274*^* Gameplay mechanics are unchanged, meaning that the skill is still not
actually a channel & that you can still cancel it without putting it on cooldown.

^947-^* ^256Evil Presence^*'s affector now spawns at the origin of the target unit
on impact, rather than at the origin of your minion on impact.

^947-^* ^579Chip Legionnaire^*'s 3D Portrait is now positioned correctly.

^947-^* ^579Apex Myrmidon^* now has visuals when ^077Jade Spire^* is in your

^947-^* Killing Mauser now teleports Nitro to Mauser's position if Mauser is killed
^274*^* This allows the killer to get the experience from Nitro when killing
Mauser, even if Nitro is outside experience range.
^274*^* This also has the side effect of having ^059Deadlift^*'s Gravestone
spawn at Mauser's location, and will make items that drop on death (e.g. ^077Doom
Bringer^*, ^077Bound Eye^*) drop at Mauser's location in this scenario.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* now properly gives Magic Immunity to Rampage when the state
has 4 or more charges.
^947-^* ^256Horned Strike^*'s cooldown reduction (based on actual movement) now
occurs continuously, rather than reducing the cooldown at 1000-unit intervals.

^947-^* ^256Avenging Leap^* now issues a non-forced attack command on the target
you use it on after Salomon lands.
^274*^* This allows for better control of ^256Flaming Cleave^*'s directional
usage right after using Avenging Leap.

^947-^* ^579Red Scorpio Slither^* now has red-colored effects.
^947-^* ^579Red Scorpio Slither's^* idle animation now plays properly.

^947-^* ^256Soul Burst^* now displays a channel bar when the skill is cast.
^274*^* Gameplay mechanics are unchanged, meaning that the skill is still not
actually a channel & that you can still cancel it without putting it on cooldown.

^947-^* ^256Mesmerize^*'s invulnerable state now has a dark pink visual effect.

^947-^* ^256Blade Frenzy^*'s visual indicator now accurately represents the true
radius of the skill.

^947-^* ^256Far Scry^* now properly grants assists to Tarot.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Blood Chalice^*
^947-^* No longer gains a charge or restores health to its owner when an enemy
mimic is killed within the kill/assist detection radius.

^077Flying Courier^*
^947-^* Re-added the sharing toggle functionality for the controllable Flying

^077Icon of the Goddess^*

^947-^* No longer gains a charge when an enemy mimic is killed within the
kill/assist detection radius.

^077Ward of Sight^* & ^077Ward of Revelation^*

^947-^* ^579Gluttony Ward^* eyeball is now 2.5x bigger!

==^960 Bots ^*==

^904New ^*Bot: ^059Midas^*

^947-^* Authored by Sparks1992.
^947-^* Additions by Anakonda.
^947-^* Sparks1992 receives 6400 gold coins and an alt avatar of his choice!

^904New ^*Bot: ^059Plague Rider^*

^947-^* Authored by CASHBALLER.
^947-^* Additions by Anakonda.
^947-^* CASHBALLER receives 6400 gold coins and an alt avatar of his choice!


^980Version 3.9.3^*
^98031 May 2016^*

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard ended on May 31st and rewards will be given out
by June 3rd.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 World Finals ^*=

^947+^* The HoN Tour Season 4 World Finals will be taking place in Bangkok,
Thailand on June 18th & 19th.
^947-^* Don't miss out on the epic conclusion of this HoN Tour Season.
^947-^* Head to ^^* for more information.

=^075 Sweet Summer Sales ^*=

^947+^* Merrick's embracing the sunny weather and has put together a string of
avatar sales that will last the entire summer. The summer sales begin on June 6th
and last until August 22nd.
^947-^* There will be 4 different avatars that go on sale each Monday and they will
be on sale for 1 week only.
^947-^* The avatars will be a mix from the sets 8-Bit, Ultimate, Virtues, Sins, and
^947-^* Check Merrick's store on Mondays to see what the latest sales will be.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Blitz Mode^*
^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 HoN Codex: The Ascension ^*=

The Ascension has arrived! The benevolent alien entities known as Epicenters have
followed Parallax and the Artificers across the galaxies, trying to stop their path
of destruction. Newerth is the only planet with soldiers strong enough to offer
resistance to the planet-ripping Fulcrums and their insidious dark matter, and the
Epicenters have finally caught up to the Artificers. Now that they have, they will
augment the warriors of Newerth with the power of light and creation to defeat
Parallax and his nefarious kin once and for all.

^904New ^*^980Ascension^* Avatars:

^947-^* ^579Ascension Artillery^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Dark Lady^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Salomon^*
=^075 HoN Tour World Finals ^*=

^904New ^*HoN Tour World Finals ^059Magebane^* Avatar: ^579Dark Mana Mage^*
^947^947-^* The Dark Mana Mages were created by the Corrupted Disciples to counter
the Legions magic casters, who use their vast and destructive spells to wipe out
huge swathes of the daemonic ranks with a single spell. With brutal melee combat
skills that allow them to pierce deep within enemy lines, the Dark Mana Mages are
able to seek out the cowardly casters and drain them of their precious mana,
rendering them helpless, useless to their comrades, and soon after food for the

=^075 Soccer ^*=

^904New ^*^980Soccer^* ^059Kane^* Avatar: ^579Sudden Death Kane^*

^947^947-^* There are no players you'd rather have on your team than Sudden Death
Kane when the game is on the line. With a legendary balance of offensive and
defensive skills and the ability to instantly take any opposing player out of the
game, Sudden Death Kane quickly switches from a master-class striker to a quality
goon based on what his team needs to take home the silverware. He's always the
first lad to go one-on-one against the goalie in a shootout, because the poor
keeper will lose so much face in the confrontation. Literally.^*

^904New ^*^980Soccer^* ^059Lodestone^* Avatar: ^579Goalie Lodestone^*

^947^947-^* Whether it's on the competitive pitch or in a high-pitched battle,
Goalie Lodestone is a true field general, initiating scoring attacks and shutting
down the opponent's top strikers. He is an all-star when it comes to making his
teammates better, even if it means leading with his head and taking a few cleats to
the face in order to get the win. But he isn't above making an injury look a bit
more serious than it actually is, especially if it lures the opposition close
enough for a full-on Soccerstorm. Now, who's ready for some REAL soccer drills?^*

^904New ^*^980Soccer^* ^059Pebbles^* Avatar: ^579Stonewall Pebbles^*

^947^947-^* It's obviously a foul to throw one's opponents across the pitch, but so
far Newerth's soccer officials haven't said anything about chucking teammates, and
until they do Stonewall Pebbles is going to keep dropping his fellow defenders onto
the opposing team's strikers and completely disrupt their offensive strategy. If
the opponents happen to slip through that first line of defense, there's no need to
panic Stonewall considers everything this side of midfield to be his property, and
trespassers are not allowed. Should things become truly dire and the strikers
actually catch site of his goal, Stonewall may lose his temper just a bit and
clear the ball (and the entire opposing team, the refs, and a few hooligan fans)
out of the stadium.^*

^980Soccer^* ^980Announcer Pack^*

^947-^* Broadcast your goals across Newerth with the Soccer Announcer!

=^075 The Great Rift ^*=

^904New^* ^980Great Rift^* ^059Deadlift^* Avatar: ^579Riftspawn Deadlift^*

^947^947-^* There is no solace in The Great Rift, not even in the soft slumber of
death, for the Elder Riftspawn are able to manipulate the lifeless planes of
existence within The Great Rift by unleashing DeadRift upon the ascended souls.
This brutally efficient creature drags the shades back from divinity or damnation
it cares not which to serve the further expansion of The Great Rift and the
dominion of its Elders.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Ellonia^* Avatar: ^579Black Ice Ellonia^*
^947^947-^* Even the hardest steel from the City of Iron cannot penetrate the ice
that covers the Frost Fields, leading many to believe nothing exists below the
surface. But there are more powerful things than steel in Newerth, and the sorcery
of the Black Ice Coven allows its members to move through the bone-cracking layers
of ice as if it were a thin fog. The abhorrent rituals they perform in the
labyrinth of tunnels and caverns have contaminated the once-pure ice with a
darkness that can never be cleansed, and on the rare occasion they venture to the
surface to collect the flesh and blood required for their fell ceremonies, all of
Newerth feels the chill and shivers at the presence of the Black Ice.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947+^* HoN Codex: The Ascension

^947-^* Cross-region spectating is enabled.
^947-^* More Ascension avatars are added to Codex treasure chests.
^947-^* Optimization of Codex UI to alleviate lagging.
^947-^* Players who do not have Codex can enter and browse all Codex screens.
^947-^* More detailed match status (Hero Pick / Pre-Match / Live Match) for battle
log page.

^947+^* ^077Blitz Mode^*

^947-^* Aura state now applies and persists properly on dead units.
^274*^* This fixes rare issues like ^059Artesia's^* ^256Essence Projection^*
cooldown being calculated incorrectly when ^059Artesia^* dies when the ^256Essence
Projection^* gadget has not expired yet.

^947+^* Targeted abilities no longer cause the caster to stutter if you are just
within the max cast distance from the target.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* ^579Garnet Paragon Doctor Repulsor's^* pet now properly shows as a red pet
(instead of a green pet).

^947-^* The ^256Energy Field^* gadget is no longer selectable by pressing Tab.

^059Emerald Warden^*
^947-^* ^256Overgrowths^* are now selectable by pressing Tab.

^947-^* ^579Savior Hammerstorm's^* ^256Galvanize^* no longer applies a red aura on
affected ally units.
^274*^* This fixes an issue where some heroes & avatars display solid red

^947-^* ^579Apex Myrmidon's^* left hand and tail no longer disappear inside of him
if ^256Forced Evolution^* is active.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* visuals now display properly.

^947-^* ^256Stampede^* now properly grants assists.


^980Version 3.9.2^*
^98017 May 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^947-^* ^256Defiling Touch^*'s second mode changed from "Off" to "Heroes".

^274*^* If Defiling Touch's current mode is set to "Heroes", Defiling Touch will
launch a corpse only when attacking an enemy hero.



^256Soul Burst^*
^947-^* Starting radius increased from ^96050 to 200^*.
^947-^* Affector lifetime decreased from ^9601000ms to 950ms^*.
^947-^* Soul Burst's affector shape changed from an expanding circle to an
expanding ring.
^274*^* This allows enemy heroes to not be affected by Soul Burst if they enter
its "dead zone" while Soul Burst's hitboxes are still active (i.e. enemy heroes can
blink on top of Soulstealer ~0.7 seconds after Soul Burst is cast and not be
affected by the skill).

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* No longer goes on cooldown while its owner is dead.

^947-^* No longer goes on cooldown while its owner is dead.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard will end on May 31st and rewards will be given
out by June 3rd.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 Plinko ^*=

^947+^* The Bronze Chest will replace the ^980Paragon^* Chest in Plinko.
^947-^* The Bronze Chest will contain all basic avatars valued between 99 GC and
351 GC.
==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Capture The Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 HoN Codex: The Ascension ^*=

The Ascension has arrived! The benevolent alien entities known as Epicenters have
followed Parallax and the Artificers across the galaxies, trying to stop their path
of destruction. Newerth is the only planet with soldiers strong enough to offer
resistance to the planet-ripping Fulcrums and their insidious dark matter, and the
Epicenters have finally caught up to the Artificers. Now that they have, they will
augment the warriors of Newerth with the power of light and creation to defeat
Parallax and his nefarious kin once and for all.

^904New ^*^980Ascension^* Avatars:

^947-^* ^579Ascension Dr. Repulsor^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Fayde^*

=^075 Ophelia's Apex Horde ^*=

^904New^* Ophelia's Apexes Set Effect

^947+^* If you own the entire Apex avatar set, each avatar gains a ring of human
bones tied together with wild vines!
^947-^* The set includes:
^274*^* Apex ^059Myrmidon^* (^980Ultimate Avatar^*)
^274*^* Apex ^059Blood Hunter^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Bubbles^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Predator^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Thunderbringer^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Tundra^*

^904New^* Ophelia's Apexes ^059Bubbles^* Avatar: ^579Apex Bubbles^*

^947^947-^* The Inner Sea Testudos have protected the precious water source against
invasion for millennia, and when Ophelia asked them to join her in the fight
against Man, their alpha warrior stepped forward. His unorthodox tactics and primal
magic quickly moved him into her inner circle of Apexes, where he vows to remain
until all of Ophelias enemies are buried. No matter what or who they are.^*

^904New^* Ophelia's Apexes ^059Predator^* Avatar: ^579Apex Predator^*

^947^947-^* The Predators could barely be contained in the early days of the war
against the Legion, often causing as many casualties among their own as they did
the enemy. The Beast Horde was on the brink of turning on their vicious kin and
driving them into extinction when the Apex Predator took control of the entire pack
and instilled a seething restraint no one would call it discipline or control
that turned the Predators into a truly terrible weapon for Ophelia. When Apex
offered his pack the scent of their new enemy the Predators changed from hunting
humans to daemons without missing a step. That said, they still enjoy making humans
nervous. Its instinct.^*

^904New^* Ophelia's Apexes ^059Tundra^* Avatar: ^579Apex Tundra^*

^947^947-^* Apex Tundra was the alpha ape shaman of his domain before Maliken Grimm
crossed the Iron Mountains into the Frost Fields, and when the war with man could
no longer be avoided he carried his bone-shattering cold magic to the southern
lands. His devotion to Ophelia only increased when the Second Corruption tore
Newerth apart, and he will follow his queen into every corner of hell to bring
peace back to her realms.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Sound playback and recording devices will now auto-detect & auto-refresh
properly without requiring the user to exit the HoN Client.
^947-^* Fixed a crash when switching sound playback drivers.
^947-^* Fixed an incredibly rare exploit where players on the opposite team can
unpause the game earlier than intended.
^947-^* ^579Kongor^* now has a spawn effect.
^947-^* The shoutcaster's voice volume is now also controlled by the "Voice Chat
Volume" setting in Options.

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* The ^579Wild Hunter^* camps now properly consists of 1 ^579Wild Hunter^*
and 1 ^579Stealth Hunter^* (instead of 2 ^579Wild Hunters^*) for the
^980HoNiversary^* version of the map.
^947-^* Neutral camps now properly have their spawn-check zones visually indicated
with grass on the HoNiversary version of the map.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* Spiderling model is now visible again.
^947-^* Spiderling's attack impact sounds now play properly again.

^947-^* ^256Hell on Newerth's^* visuals now play at a faster speed to match the
actual expansion speed of its affector.
^947-^* ^256Hell on Newerth's^* affector shape changed from an expanding ring to an
expanding circle.
^274*^* The affector's lifetime is a short 700ms, so an expanding circle is more
appropriate than an expanding ring.

^947-^* No longer gets shifted by ^059Shellshock^*'s ^256Rolling Thunder^*'s
knockback if either ^256Draconic Defense^* or ^256Cataclysm^* are active.

^947-^* ^256Unholy Expulsion^*'s radius tooltip value was updated to the correct
value (850).

^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* Impact interval for the consumption of ^256Drink^* charges changed from
^960700/420/300/233ms to 525/350/262/210ms^*.
^274*^* This allows Drunken Master to fully consume his Drink charges from its
max charge count, rather than leaving it at 1 charge after a full channel duration.

^947-^* ^579Ascension Parallax^*'s ^256Ionic Dash^* is no longer activatable if the
hero has its Fulcrum bound to it & is on the ^900Hellbourne^* team.

^947-^* ^579Ol' Packsnail^* is no longer labelled as a ^980Debut Edition^* avatar.

^947-^* ^256Piercing Shards^* now functions properly with ^077Restoration Stone^*
and in Duplicate Heroes mode.


^980Version 3.9.1^*
^98010 May 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 HoN Codex: The Ascension ^*=

^947+^* Team Subscriptions

^947-^* This new feature will allow you to subscribe to up to three of your
favorite teams!
^947-^* When teams you're subscribed to start matches, you'll receive notifications

^947+^* Global Progress Goals

^947-^* When the cumulative opened treasure boxes of the global playerbase reach
certain milestones, progress goals will be unlocked.
^947-^* Please see the Codex for details!

^947+^* Silver Betting

^947-^* Added: HoN's notification system will send messages to players when matches
they've wagered on begin.

^947+^* Spectating
^947-^* Match Briefing
^274*^* Match Briefing gives players a comprehensive overview of LIVE match
stats via a ^077Forests of Caldavar^* minimap. The minimap will show hero
locations, building stats, and game logs.
^947-^* Improved watching experience.
^274*^* Battle log and announcer UI now displayed.
^274*^* Follow the camera movements and mouse action of players or casters.
^274*^* Added UI prompt to indicate the current match is over.
^274*^* Added UI prompt to indicate you will be disconnected from spectating the
current match if you switch to spectating another match.

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*Picking Mode: Counter Pick (^077Forests of Caldavar^*)

^947^947+^* Counter Pick is a picking mode that will allow both teams to have a
chance to react to their opposing team's hero picks and adapt accordingly. The
primary intention of introducing this game mode is to promote hero pick diversity
and expand the viable number of metas, while simultaneously making each Matchmaking
game a more unique experience.^*
^947-^* Once the teams enter the Hero Pick screen, ^090Legion^* or ^900Hellbourne^*
are randomly chosen as the team with the first pick.
^947-^* The teams then pick in a 1-2-2-2-2-1 fashion.
^274*^* Example: If Legion receives the first pick, then the Legion team picks 1
hero. The Hellbourne team then picks 2 heroes, with the Legion team picking 2 more
heroes after that. This hero pick sequence continues until the last player on
Hellbourne picks their hero.
^947-^* Each picking phase lasts up to 20 seconds. If a pick occurs before the
timer for that picking phase expires, the remaining time is consumed and the next
picking phase occurs.
^947-^* Each team also receives 60 seconds of extra time. Time is subtracted from
your extra time when the normal countdown has reached 0. If the extra time reaches
0, a random choice is made.
^947-^* Once the last player has picked a hero, both teams have 15 seconds to swap
heroes with players from their respective teams before the game begins.

=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Snot Storm^*
^947-^* Max stacks lowered from ^9605 to 4^*.

^256Spine Burst^*
^947-^* Radius decreased from ^960650 to 625^*.

^947-^* Damage bonus on ^256Spine Burst^* lowered from ^9605/10/15 to 4/8/12^*.


^947-^* Agility gain reduced from ^9602.0 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Base Agility reduced from ^96018 to 15^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence reduced from ^96026 to 25^*.
^947-^* Movement speed reduced from ^960300 to 295^*.

^256Dance of Death^*
^947-^* Clearvision decreased from ^9601000 to 800^*.

^256Essence Projection^*
^947-^* Clearvision decreased from ^9601000 to 800^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96060 seconds to 70 seconds^*.



^947-^* Magic Damage decreased from ^96025/55/85/115 to 25/50/75/100^*.

^947-^* Superior Magic Damage from the main shock wave decreased from
^960100/130/160 to 100/120/140^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage from the extra shock waves decreased from ^96035/45/55 to
^947-^* Magic Damage from shock waves spawned from heroes decreased from
^96050/65/80 to 45/60/75^*.



^256Rejuvenating Growth^*
^947-^* Range reduced from ^960global to 2000^*.
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96050 to 75^*.

^256Corrosive Pods^*
^947-^* Max number of pods reduced from ^9603 to 2^*.



^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^947-^* If ^059Defiler^* is Stunned, the spirits will deal {75%} of their Attack
^947-^* Damage penalty on the spirits when activating the ^077Staff of the Master^*
effect increased from ^96020% to 25%^*.



^256Guttling Hook^*
^947-^* Cast time decreased from ^9601400ms to 600ms^*.
^274*^* Cast action time remains unchanged.

^947-^* Cast action time and cast time reduced from ^960300ms to 250ms^*.



^256Noxious Nightcrawler^* - Mechanics Changed

^256Noxious Cloud^*
^947-^* Cooldown: ^96014 seconds^*
^947-^* Mana Cost: ^960100/115/130/145^*
^947-^* Range: ^960700^*
^947-^* Sends a killable ^256Noxious Nightcrawler^* to the target location with
^9602000 Movement Speed^*.
^947-^* The Noxious Nightcrawler is then consumed and spawns a Noxious Cloud that
grows from ^960250 to 550 radius over 6 seconds^*.
^947-^* Enemies within the Noxious Cloud take ^96015/30/45/60 Magic Damage per
second and 25/30/35/40% Movement Speed Slow. Noxious Cloud provides Clearvision in
a 400 radius^*.
^274*^* Using this skill puts Noxious Nightcrawler on cooldown for the duration
of this skill's cooldown.

Subskill: ^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*

^947-^* Cooldown: ^96070 seconds^*
^947-^* Mana Cost: ^96070^*
^947-^* Range: ^9601500^*
^947-^* Sends a killable Noxious Nightcrawler to the target location with ^960400
Movement Speed that will spawn a ward for you for 6 minutes. Max of 1/2/3/4^*
^947-^* If the ward dies or is within ^960250^* radius of an enemy, a ^256Noxious
Cloud^* is spawned and consumes the Noxious Nightcrawler in the process.
^274*^* The Noxious Nightcrawler will not spawn a Noxious Cloud if it dies while
^274*^* Using this skill puts Noxious Cloud on cooldown for ^96014 seconds^*.



^947-^* Radius lowered from ^960300 to 275^*.


=^075 Items ^*=

^904New ^*Controllable ^077Flying Courier^*

^947-^* Gold Cost: 250
^947-^* Limit of 1 per player.
^947-^* Upon usage, a controllable Flying Courier is spawned.
^274*^* Flying Couriers have a Sight radius of ^960300 units^*.
^274*^* Note that the current Automated Courier functionality is not affected by
this change.
^947-^* ^077Dust of Revelation^* and ^077Homecoming Stone^* can now be picked up by
enemy units when the Flying Courier dies.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard will end on May 10th and rewards will be given
out by May 13th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 6th HoNiversary ^*=

^947+^* On May 12th HoN celebrates our 6th anniversary! Check the forums for
information about this year's HoNiversary Celebrations!

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Counter Pick

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Grimm Hunt^*
^947-^* All Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 HoN Codex: The Ascension ^*=

The Ascension has arrived! The benevolent alien entities known as Epicenters have
followed Parallax and the Artificers across the galaxies, trying to stop their path
of destruction. Newerth is the only planet with soldiers strong enough to offer
resistance to the planet-ripping Fulcrums and their insidious dark matter, and the
Epicenters have finally caught up to the Artificers. Now that they have, they will
augment the warriors of Newerth with the power of light and creation to defeat
Parallax and his nefarious kin once and for all.

^904New ^*^980Ascension^* Avatars:

^947-^* ^579Ascension Defiler^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Soulstealer^*

=^075 HoNiversary ^*=

^904New ^*^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Magmus^* Avatar: ^579Swagmus^*

^947^947-^* Sidestepping his way onto the battlefield, Magmus dons his glasses to
show the entirety of Newerth that he is one bad-a** motherf*****. Find out how you
can earn the swaggiest avatar in the land by visiting the forums during this year's
HoNiversary celebrations.^*

=^075 Ophelia's Apex Horde ^*=

^947^947+^* Ophelias Apexes are the inner circle of her Beast Horde, the alpha
warriors from each species who bring their prides, packs, and herds to fight by her
side. They honed their savage combat skills against the Legion of Man during the
Human Harvest but now stand beside their former enemies to defeat the Hellbourne

^904New ^*^059Ophelia^*s Apexes ^579Set^* Effect

^947+^* If you own the entire Apex avatar set, each avatar gains a ring of human
bones tied together with wild vines!
^947-^* The set includes:
^274*^* Apex ^059Myrmidon^* (^980Ultimate Avatar^*)
^274*^* Apex ^059Blood Hunter^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Bubbles^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Predator^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Thunderbringer^*
^274*^* Apex ^059Tundra^*

^904New ^*Ultimate ^059Myrmidon^* Avatar: Apex ^059Myrmidon^*

^947^947-^* Hailing from The Boiling Sea named not for its temperature, but for
the constant feeding frenzies that give it the appearance of a rolling boil the
Myrmidons were thought to be mysterious creatures of the deep until their true
daemonic nature was revealed. One of the sharkmen, however, knew a Hellbourne
victory would lead to a true boiling of all water on Newerth, and water is life for
the Myrmidons. He tried to rally his brethren to submit to Legion mercy and swear
allegiance against the daemons, and he barely escaped with his life when his
cohorts tried to tear him to pieces.^*
He knelt before ^059Ophelia^*, seeking her forgiveness and acceptance. In return
she forged him into the most powerful Myrmidon who has ever existed, the only
warrior among the ^090Legion^* who can seek and destroy the daemons of the deep
where they live.

Ultimate ^059Myrmidon^* Level Enhancements

^947-^* Level 1-5: Apex Myrmidon features sparse silver armor and a spear.
^947-^* Level 6-10: Apex Myrmidon features upgraded gold-trimmed armor and a
trident. His ^256Forced Evolution^* form features upgraded armor and a swordfish
skull sword.
^947-^* Level 11-25: Apex Myrmidon features his ultimate armor and trident weapon.
His Forced Evolution form features ultimate armor and an armored and spiked
swordfish skull sword.

Ultimate ^059Myrmidon^* Item Enhancements

^947-^* Boots: Sharks splash out of the ground and jump through the air to splash
back into the ground.
^947-^* ^077Grave Locket^*: The horned skull representation of ^077Grave Locket^*
appears on Apex Myrmidon's head with green glowing eyes.
^947-^* ^077Tablet of Command^*: The runes from the ^077Tablet of Command^*
encircle and spin around Apex Myrmidon.
^947-^* ^077Blood Chalice^*: Bloody water churns beneath Apex Myrmidon, replacing
his normal water effects.
^947-^* ^077Shrunken Head^*: Glowing blue skeletal fish circle around the weapon of
Apex Myrmidon.
^947-^* ^077Jade Spire^*: Pulses of electricity move along the shaft of Apex
Myrmidon's weapon.
^947-^* ^077Merrick's Bounty^*: Gold coins spill out from beneath Apex Myrmidon.
(Not enabled during ^256Forced Evolution^*.)
^947-^* ^077Astrolabe^*: A 3D model representing ^077Astrolabe^* appears on the
base of Apex Myrmidon's weapon.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*: The tip of Apex Myrmidon's blade glows and emits
blue flame. Apex Myrmidon's bracers glow with magic energy and his eyes burn with
blue fire.

^904New ^*Avatar: Apex ^059Blood Hunter^*

^947^947-^* Most of the Hunters betrayed their bestial brothers and sisters when
the Scar opened, but the highest among them, Apex Blood Hunter, stayed true to his
queen and fellow Apexes. Even though the rancid taste of daemon blood offers no
sustenance, he vows to feast upon it until Newerth is rid of the Hellbourne

^904New ^*Avatar: Apex ^059Thunderbringer^*

^947^947-^* In even the most chaotic, bloody battles between Man and Beast, the
Apex Thunderbringer remained calm and focused on protecting his queen and wielding
his devastating elemental magic against the warmongering Legion. The only time
Ophelia witnessed this Apex lose his temper was when he learned the Hellbourne had
corrupted even the pure energy of lightning, and his mission to remove their
tainted hands from the ultimate force of nature has left a wide swath of dead
daemons across Newerth.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Solstice^* Avatar: ^579Spring Break Solstice^*

^947^947-^* The winter months can be long, dark and cold, but Spring Break Solstice
has been making the best of them in the backcountry of the Sang-La Mountains
working on her freestyle dashes and slashes. Now that the first signs of spring are
here, she's swapping her snowboard for a boogie board and hitting the Inner Sea for
some sun, fun, and crazy night life!^*

^904New ^*^059Plague Rider^* Avatar: ^579Battle Armor Pegasus^*

^947^947-^* The Mt. Olympus-crafted armor and weapons may have been sufficient to
defeat the terrible Chimera and battle the fierce Amazons, but the brave and loyal
warriors Pegasus and Bellerophon have realized that when facing the insidious
corruption of the Hellbourne, a more brutal kit is required. They now take the
battlefield with heavier plate and mail and a spear sharpened by the shattered
stones of a Sacrificial Shrine!^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Codex ^*=

^947+^* Spectating
^947-^* Fixed several exception handling issues that resulted in the shoutcaster
voice channel stopping after a disconnect.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Corrosive Pods^*' damage type changed from Physical to Physical DoT.
^274*^* Prevents unintended interactions with skills like ^059King Klout^*'s
^947-^* Fixed Corrosive Pods to not apply to the target if it died on the same
frame as when the pod was delivered.
^947-^* ^256Rejuvenating Growth^* no longer blocks Neutral Spawns.
^947-^* Corrosive Pods no longer linger on ally heroes if Bramble is terminated.
^947-^* Corrosive Pods now has a radius indicator when casting the skill to
represent the Pods' attack range.

^947-^* If ^256Twisted Visage^* is used on an enemy while ^059Skrap^* and Vorax are
present on the map, the ^256Unleash Vorax^* skill on Circe's mimic will no longer
be disabled.
^947-^* Fixed ^059Bramble^*'s ^256Corrosive Pods^* interaction with Circe's Twisted
Visage mimic so she does not receive extra pods if the hero she gave them to still
has the pods.
^947-^* Fixed Bramble's Corrosive Pods interaction with Circe's Twisted Visage
mimic so that Corrosive Pods on other ally heroes are properly removed if Circe's
mimic dies.

^947-^* If Deadlift is stealthed, creeps spawned or revived from ^256The Dead Shall
Rise^* are now stealthed & will not attack or aggro onto nearby enemy units.

^947-^* Now gains invulnerability during the initial flight to an ally building
(via ^256Draconic Defense^*) or to his Volcano (via ^256Cataclysm^*).
^274*^* Prevents Draconis from being unbound from his flight projectile by
sources like ^256Wan Jin Slam^* and ^256Lava Surge^*.
^947-^* Melee attackers can now hit Draconis if he is above the ^900Hellbourne^*'s
Sacrificial Shrine.

^947-^* ^579Frankie Pebbles^*' ^256Stalagmites^* cast range is now properly
adjusted when ^256Enlarge^* is leveled.

^947-^* Visual forms on all of Shadowblade's avatars now display the correct model
corresponding to Shadowblade's current avatar.

^947-^* ^256Rolling Thunder^* now displays its radius cast range indicator.

^947-^* Fixed the ^256Tree Grapple^* rope so it is properly visible to enemies when
you have vision of Silhouette.

^947-^* Removed outdated information from ^256Toxin Ward^*'s tooltip.
^274*^* The skill does not have a {3/6/9/12} ^579Toxin^* ^077Ward^* cap.

^947-^* ^256Blinding Rush^*'s (daytime) tree-killing affector no longer lingers
indefinitely on Solstice until death under extremely rare circumstances.

^947-^* ^579Hunter Tarot^* now respawns with her visual trail effect if the player
owns the Rift Hunter Second Wave avatar set.
^947-^* ^579Death Dealer^* Tarot now respawns with her visual skeleton pet if the
player owns the ^980Blackwal^* avatar set.

^947-^* ^256Cyclones^* no longer play a visual effect when they expire.
^274*^* Prevents enemy heroes from knowing Zephyr's location if a cyclone
expires while Zephyr is stealthed.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Ward of Revelation^* & ^077Ward of Sight^*

^947-^* Lookout Ward's robotic head is now visually placed in the proper location
if stacked on top of one another.


^980Version 3.9.0^*
^98019 April 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 HoN Codex: The Ascension ^*=

^947^947+^* HoN Codex: The Ascension has been added to Heroes of Newerth. Codex is
your ticket to Heroes of Neweth's biggest eSports event of the year! In addition to
giving you a chance to earn event-exclusive rewards, Codex unlocks new in-game
features such as eSports betting, Avatar trade-ins, Ascension quests, Treasure
Loot, and more.^*
^947-^* Codex will be available until after HoNs World Finals event.
^947-^* A level 1 and 24 version of the Codex can be purchased for 500 or 2,400
Gold Coins, respectively.
^947-^* Codex is currently not supported on Mac OS.

Leveling Your Codex

^947+^* Once you acquire the Codex, you can level up to earn exclusive World Finals
rewards using four different methods:

^947-^* Purchase Points

^274*^* Three Codex packages will immediately be available for purchase:
^274**^* 500 Codex Points for 600 Gold Coins
^274**^* 1,100 Codex Points for 1,200 Gold Coins
^274**^* 2,400 Codex Points for 2,400 Gold Coins

^947-^* Ascension Quests

^274*^* Players will have an opportunity to complete in-game quests for rewards.
^274*^* Quest categories include: Community, Betting, Treasure, Disassemble, and
^274*^* A list of available quests can be found by clicking on the HoN Ascension
tab in-game.

^947-^* Avatar Disassemble

^274*^* Once per week, players will have the opportunity to exchange any
unwanted Avatars in-game for Codex Level Points.
^274*^* The number of Points awarded will depend on the Avatar disassembled.

^947-^* Treasure Chests

^274*^* Treasure Chests are a new loot system developed specifically for The
^274*^* Upon opening a Treasure Chest, players will be awarded a random piece of
^274*^* Treasure Chests include new Ascension Avatars, Announcers, Icons, and
Codex Level Points.

Individual Codex Rewards

^947+^* Every 100 Codex Level Points earned results in one Codex level gained. Each
level gained brings you closer to a piece of Ascension-exclusive loot; in some
instances, several! After level 100 is achieved, rewards will be given out every
ten levels.
^947-^* Notable rewards: Ascension Icons, Avatars, Wards, Couriers, Treasure
chests, and Taunts.
^947-^* Players who earn 200 Codex levels will instantly receive a Complete Codex
Bundle, which includes every piece of exclusive Ascension content!
^274*^* Note: If content is already owned, players who accomplish this feat will
not be rewarded twice.
^947-^* Epicenter
^274*^* The Epicenter is a temporary landmark building that will appear in
^077Forests of Caldavar^* for players who own a Codex. Epicenters will evolve as
players continue to level their Codex.

^075Treasure Chests / Glimmers^*

^947+^* Players who own a Codex will have the opportunity to open chests using
Glimmers, an in-game currency designed specifically for The Ascension that randomly
drop after each matchmaking game. The content received from chests will be selected
at random.
^947-^* A high-level Codex will have a higher Glimmer drop rate.
^947-^* Players do not need to own a Codex for Glimmers to drop.
^947-^* Unused Glimmers will disappear two weeks after the HoN World Finals event.
^947-^* Three tiers of Treasure Chests will be available for purchase at the rate
of: 200, 500, and 1,000 Glimmers each.

^947+^* Launching with The Ascension is a new betting system that will allow
players to wager Silver Coins on match outcomes, and a variety of different in-game
^947-^* Players do not have to own a Codex to participate in wagers.

=^075 Balance ^*=

=^075 Hero Rework ^*=


^256Spore Breath^*
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^960100/175/250/325 to 100/160/220/280^*.
^947-^* Upon use now applies the effect to every ally that has a Corrosive Pod on
^947-^* Allies deal half the damage and apply half the stun.
^947-^* Damage does not stack.

^256Rejuvenating Growth^* (Ensnaring Shrubbery, reworked completely)

^274*^* Range: Global
^274*^* Mana cost: 50
^274*^* Cooldown: 60 seconds
^947-^* After a 3-second channel, creates a growth at the target location.
^947-^* Allied heroes (including ^059Bramble^*) can right-click the growth to start
a channel that will heal ^96025/40/55/70^* Health per second.
^947-^* Only 1 hero can use the growth at a time.
^947-^* Each growth can be used for a total of ^96020 seconds^*. It will change
visually as it is being used up.
^947-^* Can have a max of ^9602 Growths^* up at a time.
^947-^* The growth provides ^960500 Clearvision^*, dies in 2 hits from enemies and
gives 50 gold when killed.

^256Corrosive Pods^* (Combat Vigor, reworked completely)

^274*^* Range: Global
^274*^* Mana cost: 0
^274*^* Cooldown: 0.1 seonds
^947-^* ^059Bramble^* will house 3 pods (charges) on him that he can give out to
allies or keep on himself.
^947-^* If the ability is used on an ally, Bramble will give one of his pods to
that ally for an unlimited duration.
^274*^* Pods are transferred through a projectile that moves at 600 speed.
^947-^* Pods will automatically attack enemy heroes within 550 range dealing
^96010/20/30/40^* Physical Damage once every 2 seconds.
^947-^* Pods will take kill credit for enemy creeps within 350 range that you
didn't last hit. When that happens the pods will individually go on a 45-second
eating cooldown (this cooldown is for collecting last hits only, pods will still
^947-^* Bramble gets 50 XP when a creep is eaten (finished off) by a pod on an
allied hero.
^274*^* No bonus XP if the pod is on Bramble.
^947-^* If an ally with pods dies, pods will stay on that ally through death.
^947-^* When you target an ally and have 0 pods (charges) left or when you target
yourself, you will take back the pod that is the furthest away.
^274*^* Example: You give 1 pod to Accursed who goes top and give 1 to Behemoth
who goes to lane with you bottom. You then use the ability on yourself in-lane. The
ability will take Accursed's pod and place it on you since Accursed is the furthest
^274*^* Example 2: You want to return all the pods to yourself. Just keep using
the ability on yourself until you are back at max charges.
^947-^* The ability can be switched into return mode (via right-click on the
ability icon or with a keybind) to take pods away from allies instead of giving
them out. The effect in this mode is instant.

^256Entangling Vine Wall^*

^947-^* Damage per hit on vines decreased from ^96020/30/40 to 10/20/30^*.
^947-^* Now restrains in addition to slowing.


=^075 Heroes ^*=


^256Power Throw^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^960140/210/280/350 to 160/230/300/370^*.

^075Deja Vu^*
^947-^* If the skills state expires naturally after the first activation, then the
^256Shadow^* will now spawn from ^059Aluna^* and start travelling back to where she
first used this skill.



^256Rocket Barrage^*
^947-^* Max charges increased from ^9601/2/2/3 to 1/2/3/4^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage rescaled from ^96080/115/145/180 to 90/105/120/135^*.
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^96045/60/70/85 to 40/50/60/70^*.
^947-^* Charge refresh interval decreased from ^9604 seconds to 3 seconds^*.



^256Curse of Ages^*
^947-^* Percentage to proc per charge increased from ^9606.5/9/11.5/14% to

^947-^* ^059Chronos^* gains Unitwalking, Maximum Movement Speed and 100% Slow
Resistance while inside the Chronofield.


^059Drunken Master^*

^947-^* Movement Speed Slow magnitude changed from ^96020/30/40/50% to

^947-^* Max charges increased from ^9603/5/7/9 to 4/6/8/10^*.


^059Emerald Warden^*

^256Silencing Shot^*
^947-^* Flat damage portion of the skill reduced from ^96025/50/75/100 to

^947-^* Catch radius decreased from ^960200 to 175^*.
^947-^* Can no longer be denied by allies.



^947-^* Base Armor increased from ^9602.94 to 4^*.

^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.7 to 3.0^*.


^059Forsaken Archer^*

^256Piercing Arrows^*
^947-^* The image spawned is now invulnerable and unselectable.



^256Elemental Force^*
^947-^* Amount of Strength required per point of Armor Penetration decreased from
^96022/20/18/16 to 18/16/14/12^*.



^256Face Off^*
^947-^* Can now activate items that do not interrupt your current orders while Face
Off is active.


^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* Now has a ^077Staff of the Master^* effect: Spawns 3 Animated Trees on each
enemy hero hit.



^256Stasis Smash^*
^947-^* Target damage reduction reduced from ^96050% to 40%^*
^947-^* Can now manually cancel Stasis Smash on self.



^256Release^* the ^059Kraken^*

^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^96040/50/60 to 50/60/70^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^960110/100/90 seconds to 100/90/80 seconds^*.



^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96012/10/8/6 seconds to 13/11/9/7 seconds^*.



^947-^* Damage increased from ^96060/80/100/120 + 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 * Missing_Health
to 75/100/125/150 + 1/2/3/4 * Missing_Health%^*.
^274*^* Maximum Damage increased from ^960135/230/325/420 to 175/300/425/550^*.
^947-^* Slow duration increased from ^9602.5 seconds to 3 seconds^*.



^256Golden Salvo^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^960100/120/140/160 to 115/130/145/160^*.

^256Lion's Pride^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^960100/110/120/130 to 110/120/130/140^*.

^256Elemental Warp^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^960100 to 115^*.
^947-^* No longer performs long range teleports if ^059Midas^* is somehow
teleported a long distance on the same frame the skill reaches its cast action


^256Nature's Wrath^*
^947-^* Damage amplification increased from ^9607/14/21/28% to 15/20/25/30%^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow magnitude rescaled from ^9608/16/24/32% to

^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed on affected creeps increased from ^9600/10/20/30 to

^256Ophelia's Touch^*
^947-^* Affected units receive ^9605/10/15 Health Regeneration for 10 seconds^*.


^256Fulcrum Shift^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^9608% max mana + 0/60/80/80/100 to 10% max
mana + 0/65/85/85/105^*.



^256Protective Melody^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^960150/200/250 to 200/250/300^*.


^256Essence Shift^*
^947-^* Now grants ^059Shadowblade^* ^96030/40/50% of the target's main attribute;
up from 20/30/40%^*.


^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96070/140/210/280 to 75/150/225/300^*.



^256Chain Reaction^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960150/175/200/225 to 225^* at all levels.

^256Agonizing Bonds^*
^947-^* Cast Range increased from ^960650 to 700^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^9606 seconds to 5 seconds^*.

^256Hive Mind^*
^947-^* Now gets put on a 5-second cooldown if Boris receives damage, deals damage,
attacks, is attacked, casts a spell, or dies.



^256Bear Form^*
^947-^* ^059Wildsoul^* and Booboo no longer share damage while ^059Wildsoul^* is in
Bear Form.


^059Wretched Hag^*

^947-^* Initial Magic Damage increased from ^96050/70/70/100 to 50/75/100/125^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96020/17/14/11 seconds to 16/13/10/7 seconds^*.
^947-^* Range increased from ^960400 to 425/450/475/500^*.

^256Flash of Darkness^*
^947-^* Range increased from ^960775/900/1025/1150 to 1250^* at all levels.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96012/10/8/6 seconds to 16/13/10/7 seconds^*.

^256Bat Blast^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* also reduces the cooldown from ^960120/100/80
seconds to 60 seconds^*.

=^075 Items ^*=

^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed now tapers from ^96075 -> 25 instead of 75 -> 0^*.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947-^* ^256Mana Burn^* per autoattack increased from ^96024 to 26^*.

^947-^* Magic Damage from the proc increased from ^960100 to 120^*.

^947-^* Cost reduced from ^960700 gold to 600 gold^*.

^077Savage Mace^*
^947-^* Cooldown for proccing the ^256True Strike^* effect removed (previously 6.5

^077Spiked Bola^*
^947-^* ^256Disarm^*ed state on enemy units can no longer be dispelled.

^947-^* Now passively gives ^256True Strike^* to the wielder.
^947-^* Radius to sight and reveal buildings increased from ^960900 to 1500^*.
=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Now spawns an effect upon death that displays when Kongor will respawn.
Effect is visible through fog to both teams.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* The MMR Ladder leaderboard will end on May 3rd and rewards will be given
out by May 6th.
^947-^* The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has finished! With the regular season over, look forward to some off-season
content before the epic conclusion at HoN Tour Season 4 World Finals. Head over to
^^* for more information.

=^075 Last Call for Paragons ^*=

^947+^* With the HTS4 regular season wrapped up, the Paragon avatars are ready to
hit the vaults. Before they go, you'll have one last chance to pick them up and
earn all the awesome perks that come with the set.
^947-^* From April 19th to May 3rd the Paragon Avatars will be on sale in-store at
a discounted price.
^947-^* All of the Paragon Upgrades will be available for purchase individually and
in bundles. Check the bundle section of Merrick's store to find these.
^947-^* The Paragon Chest will be leaving Plinko on May 3rd and the Bronze chest
will return in its place.
^947-^* All Paragon Avatars and Upgrades will no longer be on sale past May 3rd so
make sure to snag these awesome avatars while you can.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Rift Wars^*
^947-^* Shuffle Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 HoN Codex: The Ascension ^*=

The Ascension has arrived! The benevolent alien entities known as Epicenters have
followed Parallax and the Artificers across the galaxies, trying to stop their path
of destruction. Newerth is the only planet with soldiers strong enough to offer
resistance to the planet-ripping Fulcrums and their insidious dark matter, and the
Epicenters have finally caught up to the Artificers. Now that they have, they will
augment the warriors of Newerth with the power of light and creation to defeat
Parallax and his nefarious kin once and for all.

^904New ^*Special Edition ^579Ascension Parallax^* Avatar: ^579Ascension Parallax^*

^947^947-^* While the extraterrestrial force of light and creation carried within
the Epicenters is incredibly powerful, the dark matter wielded by Parallax is
equally strong and will not be defeated without a fight. Both forces realize
Parallax may be the key to saving or destroying Newerth, and the Epicenters will
strive to carry him into the light and creation of the Ascension while the Fulcrum
is determined to drag him deeper into the darkness of the Artificers. Which force
will prevail: good or evil? The choice is yours, warriors of Newerth! If you play
Parallax on the Legion side, he will be filled with the light and creative energy
of the Ascension; play him on the Hellbourne side, and he will revel in the power
of the Artificers and the dark matter they wish to spread across all of

^904New ^*Ascension Avatars:

^947-^* ^579Ascension Armadon^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Magmus^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Parasite^*
^947-^* ^579Ascension Pharaoh^*

^904New ^*Ascension Creeps

^947+^* Even the lane creeps have Ascended! During the Ascension, you can purchase
Creep Skins to augment ^090Legion^* creeps with the benevolent energy of the
Epicenters and enhance ^900Hellbourne^* creeps with the nefarious power of the
^947-^* Level 1 Ascension Creep Skin
^274*^* Augment your melee creeps with the Level 1 Ascension Creep Skin!
^947-^* Level 2 Ascension Creep Skin
^274*^* Augment your melee and ranged creeps with the Level 2 Ascension Creep
^947-^* Level 3 Ascension Creep Skin
^274*^* Augment your melee, ranged and siege creeps with the Level 3 Ascension
Creep Skin!

^904New ^*Ascension Couriers

^075Drone Courier^*
^947-^* Engage the Ascension Drone courier for autonomous item delivery!
^075Gizmo Courier^*
^947-^* The Ascension Gizmo courier is here to bring light, creation, and your
^075Hyperdrive Courier^*
^947-^* Get your items hyper-fast with the Ascension Hyperdrive courier!

^904New ^*Ascension ^077Wards^*

^075Lookout Ward^*
^947-^* The Ascension Lookout will warn you of any danger!
^075Sentry Ward^*
^947-^* The Ascension Sentry is on high alert for enemies!

^904New ^*Ascension Announcer

^947-^* Bring your game to new heights with the Ascension announcer!

^904New ^*Ascension ^256Taunts^*

^075Orbital Strike Taunt^*
^947-^* Honor the fallen with the enlightening Ascension orbital strike!
^075Ascension Boogie Taunt^*
^947-^* Celebrate the Ascension (and your combat skills) with these funky goblins!

^904New ^*Ascension Account Icons & Chat Symbol

^947+^* Check the details below to see how you can earn or win these exclusive
Ascension products!
^947-^* Ascension Chat Symbol: Available at Codex Level 1
^947-^* HoN Tour 2016 Merrick Account Icon: Available at Codex Level 7
^947-^* HoN Tour 2016 Epicenter Account Icon: Randomly drops in the Codex 200-
Glimmer Treasure Chest
^947-^* HoN Tour 2016 ^059Doctor Repulsor^* Account Icon: Randomly drops in the
Codex 1000-Glimmer Treasure Chest

=^075 Zodiac ^*=

^904New ^*^980Zodiac^* ^059Slither^* Avatar: ^579Red Scorpio Slither^*

^947^947-^* If you were deceived by the outwardly calm appearance of Scorpio, fear
not -- her new poisonous, blood-red armor ensures all will instantly appreciate the
strength and passion of her ambition. Underneath her detached air she is by far the
most extreme and intense member of the Zodiac, and even though her focus is to
return Newerth to a state of balance, her tendencies to embrace revenge and
manipulation might extend the process a bit.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Balphagore^* Avatar: ^579Seasick Balphagore^*

There are many terrifying creatures in the Hollow Sea, each with its own myths and
legends, and Seasick Balphagore has heard of none of them. As an avid fisherman
whose appetite for seafood delights could never be satisfied, he ignored every
warning and danger sign during a vicious storm and was pulled into the icy
blackness never to return. But even the crushing depths could not contain his
hunger, so he regurgitated the foul water and murk holding him down, plodded onto
shore with a putrid crew of undead aquatic vertebrates in tow, and went in search
of bigger fish to fry.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Sol's Bulwark and ^077Daemonic Breastplate^* enemy auras will no longer
apply to runes.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Risen Ra^* will now properly shout "I will burn forever!" when he
revives from ^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^*.

^947-^* ^256Mortar Shot^*'s visuals now accurately match its actual radius.

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* visuals changed from red to light blue for
^579Erik the Red^* to match the color theme of the avatar.

^947-^* ^256Bombardment^* and ^256Boom Dust^* now function properly in ^077Blitz
Mode^* and have their correct cooldown values.

^947-^* ^256Guttling Hook^*'s trail now displays properly from fog if it enters the
enemy team's vision.

^947-^* If ^256Draconic Defense^* or ^256Cataclysm^* is active and the
building/Volcano Draconis is defending is still alive, then Draconis will be
properly unstuck from the building/Volcano he was defending.

^947-^* ^579Humility^* Maliken now has proper textures when the hero is level 4, 5,
6 and 7.

^947-^* ^579Rune Breaker^* Prisoner now has a proper autoattack impact sound.

^947-^* Now properly excluded from Tournament Rules.
^947-^* ^256Rolling Thunder^*'s cast range indicator now displays the radius of the
^947-^* ^256Luminous Tether^*'s visual effects adjusted to accurately match its
actual area of effect.


^980Version 3.8.7^*
^9805 April 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 New Hero ^*=

^904New ^*^090Legion^* Strength Hero: ^059Shellshock: Guardian of the Sanctuary

^947+^* Shellshock is a mobile support hero who thrives on initiating small
skirmishes with his teammates. He is able to bring allies with him into battle
using Rolling Thunder and makes escaping difficult for his enemies.
^947^947+^* The young, naive Shellshock is the lone Quantula Guardian of the
Sanctuary Stone, a relic of immense power that creates a perfect equilibrium of
life and death, darkness and light. Forced to flee his sheltered homeland of The
Luminary in order to protect the Sanctuary Stone, Shellshock is constantly
bewildered by the bizarre, violent actions of man, beast, and daemon. Even more
astonishing, however, is the ongoing discovery of his own tremendous power.^*

^059Shellshock Abilities^*

^947-^* ^059Shellshock^* never travels alone, and can exhume these bioluminescent
stowaways from the Luminary to light his path.
^947-^* Target a location to spawn a line of fireflies that lasts for ^9608
seconds^*. Each firefly provides vision in a small area around itself.
^947-^* Enemy units hit by the initial blast are dealt ^96060/90/120/150 Magic
Damage^*. Enemy heroes who touch fireflies will be sighted.
^274*^* Range: ^9601600^*
^274*^* Radius: ^960250^*
^274*^* Manacost: ^96040^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96011/10/9/8 seconds^*

^075Rolling Thunder^*
^947-^* Curling into his shell, ^059Shellshock^* rolls directly toward his enemy,
picking up allies on the way.
^947-^* Target an enemy unit to roll toward them. Shellshock can pick up
^9601/2/3/4^* ally heroes and ^9604/6/8/10^* small allied units on the way,
including Fireflies.
^947-^* Upon collision with an enemy hero, applies a ^9601/1.25/1.5/1.75 second^*
Stun and ^96080/120/160/200 Magic Damage^* in a small area. Deals an extra ^96030
Magic Damage^* for each ally hero and ^96010 Magic Damage^* for each small ally
unit picked up.
^274*^* Range: ^9601200^*
^274*^* Impact Radius: ^960300^*
^274*^* Manacost: ^960120^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96016 seconds^*

^075Sanctuary Stone^*
^947-^* The sacred stone from the Luminary imbues ^059Shellshock^* with both the
protective and destructive forces of Newerth.
^947-^* Passively grants ^9602/3/4/5 Magic Armor^* to yourself and nearby allies,
and applies ^960-2/-3/-4/-5 Magic Armor^* to nearby enemies.
^947-^* On death, drops a Sanctuary Stone which can be picked up, granting the
owner the current power of this ability for ^96030 seconds^*.
^274*^* Aura Radius: ^960600^*

^075Luminous Tether^*
^947-^* ^059Shellshock^*'s shell generates a viscous fluid that can contain his
enemies in a single location. Should they stretch this fluid too far, it will snap,
damaging them and any units around them.
^947-^* Activate to deal ^960120/180/240 Magic Damage^* to nearby enemy units and
cover them in luminescent slime.Luminous Tether will slowly pull enemies back to
their starting position.
^947-^* If an enemy pulls the tether too far, it will snap, dealing ^960120/180/240
Magic Damage^* to them and applying a tapering ^96080% Movement Speed Slow^*. Deals
^96060/90/120 Magic Damage^* to enemies by the affected target.
^274*^* Radius: ^960400^*
^274*^* Manacost: ^960100150/200^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^960100/90/80 seconds^*

^904New ^*^980Debut Edition^* ^059Shellshock^* Avatar: ^579Crochetshock^*

^947^947-^* This soft and snuggly snail was made for young Prince Jeraziah by the
monks of the Shao Temple to console the homesick lad, and now the incredible power
of the Sanctuary Stone has infused it with a life force brimming with love and
compassion for her Prince and his Legion. She is more than happy to share a hug,
but if anyone tries to harm her friends they will quickly find out her stuffed,
enchanted shell can bring a sharp and thunderous punishment.^*

^904New ^*^059Shellshock^* Avatar: ^579Ol' Packsnail^*

^947^947-^* The Ol' Packsnail has been wandering Newerth for centuries, gathering
damaged trinkets, seedlings, and critters to take back to his home in The Luminary
so they can benefit from the power of the Sanctuary Stone. As he travels he spreads
his salvaged collectibles across the map wherever they are needed to restore the
ecosystem's natural balance, and though some may lament his seemingly lackadaisical
pace, the Ol' Packsnail knows whenever he arrives, it's just in time.^*

=^075 Hero Balance ^*=


^947-^* Bonus damage decreased from ^960100/175/250/325% to 75/150/225/300%^*.

^947-^* Superior Magic Damage from the main shock wave decreased from
^960200/275/350 to 100/130/160^*.
^947-^* Magic Damage from the extra shock waves increased from ^96025/35/45 to
^947-^* Extra shock waves spawned from heroes deal ^96050/65/80 Magic Damage^*
^274*^* These shock waves deal the 50/65/80 Magic Damage to the hero it spawns
from, and to all valid enemy units around it.



^256Grappling Shot^*
^947-^* Cast range decreased from ^960600/650/700 to 500/575/650^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96070/50/30 seconds to 80/60/40 seconds^*.



^256Protective Charm^*
^947-^* Duration rescaled from ^9605/8/11/14 seconds to 6/8/10/12 seconds^*.


^059King Klout^*

^947-^* Disable duration decreased from ^9603 seconds to 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor reduction per charge increased from ^9600.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 to



^075Wish for Wealth^*

^947-^* Gold per enemy unit killed changed from ^9603/4/5/6 + 1/2/3/4 * Charges to
4/7/10/13 + Charges^*.
^947-^* Max gold per enemy unit killed decreased from ^96030 to 10/15/20/25^*.
^947-^* Timer per individually timed charge increased from ^96030 seconds to 40

^256Flaming Cleave^* (ultimate form's Ability 1)

^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^9603 to 5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Damage type changed from ^960Physical to Magic^*.

^256Golden Sword^* (ultimate form's Ability 3)

^947-^* Now grants ^96060/120/180 bonus gold^* for killing enemy heroes.
^947-^* Fixed the tooltip to clarify that the Movement Speed Slow is only applied
through ^059Salomon^*'s auto-attacks (and not through an ability or other sources
of damage).

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* MMR Ladder rewards will be given out by April 8th.

^947-^* The reward will be the ^318^:Champion of Newerth name color.^*

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has finished! With the regular season over, look forward to some off-season
content before the epic conclusion at HoN Tour Season 4 World Finals. Head over to
^^* for more information.

=^075 Dragon Wars ^*=

^947+^* Dragon Wars is a global HoN community event challenging the entire
community to achieve goals and handsomely rewarding them when they are completed.
Find out more about Dragon Wars here: ^^*
^947-^* Dragon Wars lasts until April 19th.

=^075 Riptide's Waterfest ^*=

^947+^* Join HoN in celebrating this year's ^980Songkran Festival^*!

^947-^* Stay tuned on the forums and social media to find out all the details of
the event!

=^075 Community Event Team ^*=

^947+^* Here to bring you HoN-related events with huge prizes!

^947+^* The following heroes were in dire need of flavor tooltips. Below you can
find a list of winners. Those who have won have earned 750 GC per ability and an
avatar of their choice for the hero they submitted for.
^947+^* Want to earn prizes as well? Visit us at ^960^*

^256Corpse Toss^*: Take this back. [Spastard]
^256Corpse Explosion^*: Talk about going out with a BANG! [Faust14]
^256Defiling Touch^*: This is my ghoulfriend! [LordMonokuma]
^256Zombie Apocalypse^*: Now you're in grave danger! [PhoenixHawk]

^256Dragonflame^*: I wish I could keep them medium-rare. [PhoenixHawk]
^256Draconic Defense^*: Beacons were lit. Newerth calls for aid! [Tartalacame]
^256Fiery Barrage^*: I can set fire to the rain! [CraZ_Killa]
^256Cataclysm^*: It will int-erupt the team fight! [NippleRaider]

^256Twin Breath^*: You're going to get Frostburned! [Repugnance]
^256Twin Fangs^*: Make like bananas and split. [CriticalW]
^256Elemental Force^*: Why put boots on a puppy? [LOLsmiles]
^256Fire & Ice^*: I've got split personalities. [Repugnance]

^256Chain Spike^*: How's the Chain Reaction? [CriticalW]
^256Strength Sap^*: Vindi had brain drain, I have muscle drain. [Kel_Ebek]
^256Mark for Death^*: You and I have unfinished business. [Jrk]
^256Carnage^*: This is SPARTA! [CriticalW]

^256Dig^*: Keep digging... we gotta find the joke. [Tartalacame]
^256Quicksand^*: I still wonder how this works on water. [LOLsmiles]
^256Earth's Grasp^*: May the crystal be with you. [NippleRaider]
^256Crystal Field^*: This is going to be a BLAST! Eventually... [LordMonokuma]

^256LRM^*: Shoot first, aim later! [PhoenixHawk]
^256Mortar Shot^*: Fireworks went wrong. [CuysauruS]
^256Special Ammunition^*: The secret to slowing you down? Lots of glue. [LOLsmiles]
^256Homing Missile^*: I think this one likes you! [Kel_Ebek]

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Devo Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Songkran ^*=

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^579Set^* Effect

^947-^* If you own ^579Songkran Blitz^*, ^579Songkran Disciple^*, ^579Songkran
Athena^*, ^579Songkran Archer^*, and ^579Songkran Hestia^*, each avatar will gain a
festive pool of cleansing water and beautiful flowers beneath their feet!

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Blitz^* Avatar: ^579Songkran

^947^947-^* Songkran Blitz is ready to celebrate the new year by bringing the water
festival to everyone in Newerth and we mean everyone! She's a blur of pure joy and
merit-making as she dashes from town to town, cleansing away the bad luck and
spreading blessings for a great year. Please join in the celebration and help her
fling the pure waters and spirit of renewal across the map! Happy Songkran Newerth!

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Corrupted Disciple^* Avatar:

^579Songkran Disciple^*
^947^947-^* Songkran Disciple is out to show all of the other Disciples out there
(particularly those obsessed with corruption and evil) that now is the perfect time
to renew themselves with the cleansing waters of this joyous holiday! Join him in
bringing in the purifying tide to wash away the sins and bad luck of the past with
water balloons and soaking splashes! Even the most devoted Corrupted Disciples will
have a good time!^*

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Demented Shaman^* Avatar:

^579Songkran Athena^*
^947^947-^* Even though Athena is a goddess, the constant application of wisdom,
courage, and war strategy amidst all these dense mortals can be exhausting. It's
time for a vacation! For centuries, she has heard about the joyous celebration of
Songkran, and the idea of cleansing away the bad luck and burdens of the previous
year sounds like exactly what she needs before diving back into her work of
fighting for justice across Newerth. Everyone at the festival had better be
prepared, because the goddess of war is on her way with a vast arsenal of water and
the ability to summon an entire storm!^*

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Forsaken Archer^* Avatar:

^579Songkran Archer^*
^947^947-^* In a land that has been forsaken for far too long, Songkran Archer is
thrilled and honored to zip around the map on her personal watercraft through the
cleansing waters of the Songkran Festival, spreading celebration of the new year.
She carries with her a sincere respect for every elder she encounters (especially
those who are waaaay elder, like Athena and Hestia) and a high-powered squirtgun
that is powerful enough to blast even the most stubborn bad luck back into last

^904New ^*^980Songkran^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Gravekeeper^* Avatar:

^579Songkran Hestia^*
^947^947-^* While Hestia is traditionally the recipient of the first offerings
during celebrations, when she joins the Songkran Festival she is honored to prepare
food for the elders and pour water over their hands to show respect. She also helps
people clean their houses, for an orderly home and hearth is an excellent way to
enter the new year. When that is done and the festival moves into the streets,
however, she is more than happy to douse her fellow celebrants with copious amounts
of water to help them wash themselves of their sins and bad luck!^*

=^075 Zodiac ^*=

^904New ^*^980Zodiac^* ^059Night Hound^* Avatar: ^579Ferocious Leo^*

^947^947-^* Hercules was rightfully wary when Leo the Nemean Lion descended from
the heavens with a supposed desire to help the Legion, but after countless battles
in which the ferocious beast decimated Hellbourne daemons and helped turn the tide
against the forces of corruption, Hercules was more than convinced. He commissioned
the elite City of Iron blacksmiths to forge a set of weapons and armor worthy of
Leo's bravery and commitment, then presented the new kit himself, honoring his new
comrade as a true hero and friend.^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947+^* The "Disable Auto Aggro" now functions properly in non-Practice Mode games.
^947+^* The "Limit Map Pings" option will now function properly if disabled.
^274*^* The delay between the max number of pings has been reduced from ^9602
seconds to 0.35 seconds^* when the "Limit Map Pings" option is disabled.
^947+^* Long names no longer get truncated in the Match Stats window.
^947-^* Users will now be able to properly purchase an avatar after a discount by a
Hero Mastery Coupon if they have enough coins for the discounted price.

^947-^* ^256Apocalyptic Breath^*'s fireball now flies more towards the center of
the map (instead of being fired more towards the ^900Hellbourne^* side).
^947-^* Reduced scaling from ^96010 Damage and 500 Health per minute to 6 Damage
and 300 Health per minute^*.
^947-^* Being attacked no longer stops the treasure chest channel.
^947-^* Heroes will no longer attack nearby enemies during the treasure chest
^947-^* Mimics and heropets will no longer be able to obtain gold by right-clicking
on the treasure chest.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Steam Mage Bubbles^*' ^256Shell Surf^* is no longer disabled when

^947-^* ^256Unholy Expatriation^*'s (^256Unholy Expulsion^*, boosted by ^077Staff
of the Master^*) secondary activation is no longer usable if Defiler is Stunned or

^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* ^256Nature's Sentinel^* will no longer be counted as a valid target for the
unit count checks of certain neutral creep skills (e.g. ^579Minotaur^*'s ^256Body
^947-^* Nature's Sentinel can no longer attack boss units (e.g. ^579Kongor^*).

^059King Klout^*
^947-^* Clarified the ^256Conscription^* tooltip to state that King Klout cannot
build ^256Conscription^* charges on a target that has been Transformed within the
last 5 seconds.
^274*^* Previously stated that King Klout cannot build Conscription charges on
any target that has been Transformed within the last 5 seconds.

^947-^* Now visually holds a shield regardless of ^256Arcane Shield^*'s level.
^947-^* Now shows the level 1 visuals of ^256More Axes^* on his model if ^256More
Axes^* is not leveled.

^947-^* The Fulcrum no longer persists if Parallax is terminated from the game.

^947-^* ^256Cosmic Cleave^* no longer has a linger time (previously had a linger
time of 2 seconds).
^947-^* ^256Flaming Cleave^* no longer has a linger time (previously had a linger
time of 2 seconds).

^059The Dark Lady^*

^947-^* ^256Cover of Darkness^* no longer overrides the morph visuals of
^077Kuldra's Sheepstick^*, ^059Pollywog Priest^*'s ^256Morph^*, and ^059Witch
Slayer^*'s ^256Miniaturization^*.
^059War Beast^*
^947-^* ^579Skullcrusher^* War Beast now properly starts with blue skill icons.
When ^256Metamorphosis^* is skilled up, the skill icons become red.

^059Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* ^256Heavenly Blast^* (^256Silver Bullet^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^*): cooldown and mana cost values properly adjusted to not change at level 3
of the skill.
^274*^* Previously, Heavenly Blast had 5 seconds less cooldown and 25 less mana
cost compared to Silver Bullet when the skill was level 3.


^980Version 3.8.6^*
^98022 March 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Hero Mastery System ^*=

^947+^* The Hero Mastery System: Phase One has been added to Heroes of Newerth.
^947-^* Players will now earn hero-specific experience for completing both ranked
and unranked matchmaking games of ^077Forests of Caldavar^*, ^077Mid Wars^*,
^077Capture the Flag^*, ^077Grimm's Crossing^*, and ^077The Grimm Hunt^*.
^947-^* Phase One will allow heroes to be taken to level 3, and includes 25 levels
of universal mastery rewards (the culmination of the levels of all of your heroes).
^947-^* Experience will be awarded based on the length of a match, with a bonus for
the winning team.
^947-^* Mastery Boost is available for purchase upon the completion of a match,
doubling the match experience.

=^075 Hero Balance ^*=

^256Path of Destruction^*
^947-^* Max Health cost increased from ^96015% to 20%^*.
^947-^* Now deals ^96075%^* damage to non-hero units.

^947-^* Max Health cost increased from ^96012% to 15%^*.
^947-^* Now deals ^96075%^* damage to non-hero units.


^256Death Grip^*
^947-^* Projectile Speed decreased from ^960600 to 500^*.

^256The Dead Shall Rise^*

^947-^* Revived pets receive-damage multiplier increased from ^960200% to

^256Draconic Defense^*
^947-^* Bonus Attack Range decreased from ^9601200 to 1000^* while the skill is

^256Fiery Barrage^*
^947-^* Physical Damage per 4 seconds rescaled from ^96010/15/20/25 +
10/15/20/25%^* of ^059Draconis^*' Attack Damage to ^9604/8/12/16 + 25%^* of
^059Draconis^*' Attack Damage.
^947-^* Damage multiplier against heroes decreased from ^9601.3/1.6/1.9/2.2x Damage
to 0.5/0.8/1.1/1.4x Damage^*.
^947-^* Max charges increased from ^9607 to 8^*.

^947-^* Initial damage reduction decreased from ^96088% to 70%^*.
^947-^* Bonus Attack Range decreased from ^9601200 to 1000^* while the skill is
^947-^* Max damage taken per damage instance increased from ^9601/6th to 1/5th^* of
the Volcano's maximum ^256Heal^*th.


^256Crippling Pollen^*
^947-^* Mana cost rescaled from ^96085/100/115/130 to 100/110/120/130^*.
^947-^* Duration decreased from ^9601.4/2.1/2.8/3.5 seconds to 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5
^947-^* Magic Damage per second increased from ^96050 to 70^*.
^274*^* Overall Magic Damage output changed from ^96070/105/140/175 to


^947-^* ^256Heal^* value per Morsel to non-Vorax ally units changed from
^9605/10/15/20 to 10^* at all levels.

=^075 Item Balance ^*=

^075Merrick's Bounty^*
^947-^* Cost reduced from ^960225 gold to 200 gold^*.
^947-^* Gold mechanics changed:
^274*^* If a real ally hero is within ^9604000^* radius of ^077Merrick's
Bounty^*, you gain a charge every ^96010^* seconds.
^274*^* If no real ally heroes are within ^9604000^* radius, the timer for
gaining charges becomes paused.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Added a "^256Disable Auto Aggro^*" option.

^274*^* If enabled, the issued hero will Hold Position after all commands are
completed, and will not automatically aggro onto nearby enemy units.
^274*^* This option is disabled by default.

^947-^* "^256Use Courier^*" cooldown reduced from ^9601.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds^*.
==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* Cycle 14 finished on March 22nd and rewards will be distributed by March
^947-^* There will be a break in the War Effort starting on March 22nd.

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has finished! With the regular season over, look forward to some off-season
content before the epic conclusion at HoN Tour Season 4 World Finals. Head over to
^^* for more information.

=^075 Dragon Wars ^*=

^947+^* Dragon Wars is a global HoN community event challenging the entire
community to achieve goals and handsomely rewarding them when they are completed.
Find out more about Dragon Wars here: ^^*
^947-^* Dragon Wars lasts until April 5th.

=^075 Luck of the Clover ^*=

^947+^* St. Patrick's Day is here and Newerth is throwing a celebration!

^947-^* Check the forums or HoN social media to get the scoop on all of the events
going on during the Luck of the Clover Promotion.
^947-^* Promotions will last until March 25th.

=^075 Scoutzo's Birthday Bash ^*=

^947+^* With Easter and April Fool's just around the corner, Scoutzo is excited to
celebrate his 3rd birthday!
^947-^* Check the forums or HoN social media to find out everything happening
during Scoutzo's Birthday Bash.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* Blitz Mode

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 Garena Star League ^*=

^904New ^*Garena Star League Avatar: ^579Ravenna^*

Gisele's younger sister Ravenna watched her older sibling get massive accolades and
endless attention at Newerth's ultimate battle event, the Garena Star League, and
she made a vow that she would become an even more powerful and impressive
participant in the illustrious tournament. But she knew she wouldn't be satisfied
to watch from the sidelines she would be on the battlefield! And while Gisele does
indeed have a dazzling display of sparklers, beams, and stars, Ravenna prefers a
much more electrifying approach, and she is prepared to overwhelm the competition
with a shocking storm of GSL-inspired lightning and a case of sibling rivalry that
would put Jeraziah and Ophelia to shame!

=^075 April Fool's Day ^*=

^904New ^*April Fool's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* Avatar: ^579Harlequin^*

^947^947-^* Assemble all ye Royal Warriors of Newerth, for the holiday
entertainment is about to begin courtesy of Harlequin Tarot! This mischievous
jester is the first avatar to showcase the "Uninstall" upgrade -- if you are using
Harlequin in a game and earn an Annihilation, this new feature will uninstall
Heroes of Newerth from the computers of everyone on the opposing team.^*
^274*^* The Uninstall upgrade is a complete farce and does not exist. See,
Harlequin got us already. Curse ye, jester!

=^075 Easter ^*=

^904New ^*Easter ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Devourer^* Avatar: ^579Easter Egg

^947^947-^* Let the Easter egg hunt begin! Oh, you thought this was going to be a
fun, festive event of searching for beautifully painted eggs and delicious candy?
Wrong! This disgusting Easter egg is the hunter, not the hunted, so scatter into
the forest and dive beneath the bushes, little children, because the Easter feast
is about to begin, and you are the main course!^*

^904New ^*Easter ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Pebbles^* Avatar: ^579Easter Island

^947^947-^* Centuries ago, when Death's Cradle was known by a much more benign
name, the peaceful inhabitants of one of the many islands would carve a statue when
one of their tribe passed into the next world. The deceased's epic and joyous life
story would be meticulously inscribed and painted on the stone for all to
appreciate. Well, the Hellflower poachers don't have any time for that nonsense.
They found the massive stone statues along the coast of the overgrown island
unsettling at first, but quickly forgot about them and began hacking through the
undergrowth and churning the fertile soil in search of those lethal, elusive
blossoms. Even the human remains they unearthed only slowed them long enough to
toss the brittle bones aside, and in their haste they were oblivious when the
statues began to move. The desecration was unacceptable to these honored dead, and
the poachers were the first of many to get launched from the island straight into
the next world for further punishment.^*

^904New ^*Easter ^077Ward^*

^947-^* Peep all the hidden eggs (and gankers) with the Easter ward!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Bombardier^* Avatar: ^579Oderr the Fiery Viking^*

^947^947-^* Oderr isn't the mightiest Viking to ever walk the mortal plane, so he
has to make up for any physical shortcomings with ingenuity and a generous
application of his personal incendiary concoction of grain alcohol, pine resin,
sulphur, and crude oil. Entire shield walls flee in terror and longships become
instant funeral pyres when Oderr lobs his firebombs into their midst, and when the
battlefield is just a smoldering testament to his warfare prowess, his flammable
brew doubles as a tolerable victory beverage.^*

=^075 The War Effort ^*=

^904New ^*^980War Effort^* Trophy Avatar: ^059Tarot^*

^947-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^256Fortification of Sol^* & ^256Demonic Fortification^*

^947-^* Can now be properly used while channeling ^077Homecoming Stone^*/^077Post
Haste^* with the ^256Safe Teleport^* option enabled.
^947-^* Will no longer interrupt your previous orders.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Essence Projection^*'s cooldown is no longer refreshed if the subskill
to move it is used on the same frame that it expires.

^947-^* ^579Bloodthirsty Dampeer^*'s ^256Terrorize^* cast effects now only play
after Terrorize reaches its cast action time.

^947-^* ^256Grappling Shot^*'s armor debuff now properly affects units with Push
^947-^* Grappling Shot now properly drags Gunblade towards units with Push

^947-^* ^579Master Assassin Silhouette's^* attack projectile now has the correct
model and size.

^947-^* ^579Rift Hunter Tarot^* now shows the Tarot Card visuals if you own the
proper Tarot Cards.


^980Version 3.8.5^*
^98008 March 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

^904New ^*^579Dragon^* Wars ^077Mid Wars^* Boss: Fluffylumps

^947+^* Fluffylumps the dragon has taken up residence in the Mid Wars boss pit,
where he naps most of the day while protecting his hoard of gold. He knows only the
truly foolish would ever dare to steal his treasure!

=^075 Hero Balance ^*=


^947-^* Base mana cost increased from ^96015 to 20^*.


^947-^* Base Armor reduced from ^9603.08 to 2^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9601.5 to 1^*.

^256Mana Combustion^*
^947-^* ^256Mana Burn^* reduced from ^9606/14/22/30 to 6/12/18/24^*.


^059The Dark Lady^*

^256Charging Strikes^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96020/18/16/14 seconds to 17/15/13/11 seconds^*.



^256Lightning Storm^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960120/110/100 seconds to 140/130/120 seconds^*.


=^075 Item Balance ^*=

^077Barbed Armor^*
^947-^* For ^077Blitz Mode^* only: Cooldown changed from ^9604 seconds to 8
seconds^* (accounted for after the ^077Blitz Mode^* cooldown reduction).
^947-^* For ^059Blitz^* Mode only: Duration decreased from ^9605 seconds to 3.5

^077Mock of Brilliance^*
^947-^* Aura Damage type changed from True to Magic.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* Cycle 14 is being extended and will finish on March 22nd and rewards will
be distributed by March 25th.
^947-^* There will be a break in the War Effort starting on March 22nd.
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on March 8th will be rewarded
with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle. Expect these rewards by March 11th.
=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has finished! With the regular season over, look forward to some off-season
content before the epic conclusion at HoN Tour Season 4 World Finals. Head over to
^^* for more information.

=^075 The Paragons ^*=

^947+^* Complete your Paragon collection and solidify your bond with the Paragons.
Although the main collection is finished, some of the more elusive Paragons have
heard the call and will be joining their allies on the battlefield!
^947-^* With the regular season wrapped up, proceeds will no longer be going
towards eSports prize pools.

^947+^* Ultimate Paragon ^059Magmus^*: ^579Spectrum^*

^947-^* Releases on March 9th in the shop for 975 GC.
^947-^* Upgrades will be purchasable for 50 GC each while the Carnage Counter will
be 100 GC.
^947-^* ^579Carnelian Paragon Behemoth^* will be available in the shop on March 9th
for 600 GC.
^947-^* ^579Topaz Paragon Puppet Master^* will be available in the shop on March
16th for 600 GC.
^947-^* ^579Bloodstone Paragon Torturer^* will be available in the shop on March
16th for 800 GC.

=^075 Dragon Wars ^*=

^947+^* Dragon Wars is a global HoN community event challenging the entire
community to achieve goals and handsomely rewarding them when they are completed.
Find out more about Dragon Wars here: ^^*
^947-^* Dragon Wars lasts until April 5th.

^947+^* Dragon Wars Achievement, Knightslayers II, has been completed earning the
community a new Dragon ^077Mid Wars^* Boss, Fluffylumps.
^947-^* Jump into a game of Mid Wars and see if you can steal some of Fluffylumps'

=^075 Luck of the Clover ^*=

^947+^* St. Patrick's Day is here and Newerth is throwing a celebration!

^947-^* Check the forums or HoN social media to get the scoop on all of the events
going on during the Luck of the Clover Promotion!

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Capture the Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban
==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 The Paragons ^*=

^904New ^*^980Paragon^* Ultimate ^059Magmus^* Avatar: ^579Spectrum^*

^947^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.^*
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be compelled to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.
The Spectrum Paragon is the pinnacle of the elemental guardians, possessing the
ability to reduce any Paragon crystal into a molten state and absorb it, and its
power, into his being. His demeanor also runs the gamut of his fellow Paragons;
when he absorbs Tourmaline shards he becomes calm and tranquil, while Bloodstone
and Carnelian will have his enemies stampeding each other to escape his wrath. The
former may be oddly preferable, though, as the sight of an eerily serene Spectrum
Paragon slaughtering the enemies of Newerth is profoundly unsettling.

^579Spectrum Magmus Paragon Upgrades^*

^947-^* ^059Magmus^* hits the target, resulting in a splash of blood, rays of
prismatic light, and a lens flare.

^256Lava Surge^*
^947-^* ^059Magmus^* dives underground leaving a burst of crystals.
^947-^* A wake of crystalline shards and crystal puddles follow Magmus.
^947-^* Cracks form under the trail and light and sparkles escape through those
^947-^* On impact, the target releases a burst of prismatic light.
^947-^* Magmus dives underground leaving a burst of crystals on the surface and a
wake of crystal puddles with crystalline shards jutting from the sides.
^947-^* Cracks with light escaping from them form under the crystals and leave
multicolored sparkles to float upward.
^947-^* Upon impact, the enemy has a burst of prismatic light from their chest.

^256Steam Bath^*
^947-^* ^059Magmus^* sinks into the ground and rainbow-hued crystals surround him.
^947-^* ^579Ven^*ts of steam and light erupt around him and mist and rainbow
colored light motes float around the area.
^947-^* Enemies caught in the area of effect exude multicolored motes of light.
^947-^* Magmus sinks into the ground and rainbow-hued crystals surround him along
with white light.
^947-^* Vents of steam are cracked open from crystals that cause steam and light to
erupt from the cracks.
^947-^* Multicolored light rays flood the cracks and multicolored sparks and steam
fill the air.
^947-^* Enemies caught in the area of effect exude multicolored motes of light and
rainbow flares of light.

^256Volcanic Touch^*
^947-^* ^059Magmus^* hits the target and an explosion of crystals and light erupt
from the target.
^947-^* On impact, nearby enemies emit a burst of light rays and multicolored
^947-^* Magmus hits the target and an explosion of crystals, light, and prismatic
light rays erupt from the target.
^947-^* On impact, nearby enemies emit a burst of light rays and multicolored

^947-^* Prismatic light rays erupt from ^059Magmus^* and shock waves ripple away
from him.
^947-^* All around, cracks of light rupture and sparkles of light escape.
^075Base Boosted^*
^947-^* Prismatic light rays erupt from Magmus and shock waves ripple away from
^947-^* All around, the earth shatters and cracks of light rupture and sparkles of
light escape.
^947-^* Prismatic light rays and rainbow-hued crystals erupt from Magmus and shock
waves ripple away from him.
^947-^* All around, prismatic crystals pierce the ground creating cracks filled
with light.
^947-^* Rainbow-hued sparkles and light rays escape from the cracks.
^075Upgrade Boosted^*
^947-^* Prismatic light rays and rainbow-hued crystals erupt from Magmus and shock
waves ripple away from him.
^947-^* All around, prismatic crystals pierce the ground creating cracks filled
with light.
^947-^* Rainbow-hued sparkles and light rays escape from the cracks.
^947-^* After some time, the crystals explode, throwing several small pieces of
multicolored shards around.

^579Spectrum Magmus Paragon Level Enhancements^*

^075Levels 1 - 5: Base form^*

^075Levels 6 - 11: Secondary form^*
^075Levels 11 - 25: Final form^*

^579Spectrum Magmus Paragon Item Enhancements^*

^077All Boots^*
^947-^* Large crystals form on his feet and crystalline shards pierce the ground
around ^059Magmus^*.

^077Blood Chalice^*
^947-^* The glowing cracks in his body glow red.

^077Portal Key^*
^947-^* His weapon gains a large key-shaped crystal and a bright white glow.

^077Ring of Sorcery^*
^947-^* His weapon gains a blue lens flare.
^947-^* The target of ^059Magmus^*'s Sheepstick will turn into a crystal sheep.

^947-^* His hands gain a purple glow and light.

^077Staff of the Master^*

^947-^* Molten crystal drops fall to the ground around ^059Magmus^* and a large
flare and rainbow mist form around his weapon.

^077Tablet of Command^*
^947-^* ^059Magmus^* gets a gold texture on him and a gold mist around him.

=^075 St. Patrick's Day ^*=

^904New ^*St. Patrick's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Drunken Master^* Avatar:

^579Shamrock Mistress^*
^947^947-^* St. Patrick may have banished all snakes from Ireland, but the Shamrock
Mistress is only interested in banishing all party-poopers from Newerth. Pouring
and slinging her frothy green beers at a one for you, one for me ratio, shes
prepared to drink any challengers under the table and smash any non-partying
sourpusses under her double-fisted mugs.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Aluna^* Avatar: ^579Spirit Warrior^*

^947^947-^* Normally peaceful and kind, Dryad Aluna spends her time playing with
the creatures of the forest, their days filled with joy and happiness. That was
until the Hellbourne scourge began sweeping across the land and turning everything
to ash, the agonized screams falling on remorseless ears. These daemons are going
to find out what happens when you force a Dryad to fight, and it isnt going to be
joyful or happy.^*

^904New ^*^059Blacksmith^* Avatar: ^579Dwarf Lord^*

^947^947-^* A grizzled veteran who cut his teeth in the War of the Single Banner
against King Maliken Grimm and his High Knights, the Dwarf Lord earned legendary
status when he faced Domitor the Breaker in single combat a sign of boundless
bravery or complete insanity and repelled the High Knight's assault on Bolwark,
the last dwarf stronghold. The fortress eventually fell, of course, and the dwarves
were scattered into the Iron Mountain caverns, but the Dwarf Lord has continued to
defend his land and people against all threats, dead or alive, and he longs for the
day when he can again challenge Grimm and his High Knights to a final battle.^*

^904New ^*^059Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^579Adkarna Hammerguard^*

^947^947-^* Adkarna's wide and grand Gates of the Five Clans have been closed and
locked by rituals of the Sacred Order since the Second Corruption, forcing all
traffic through the narrow, bent, and heavily-guarded entrance known among the
citizens as Jeraziah's Faith. The elite Hammerguards of Adkarna were given the only
tools capable of smashing the enchanted locks, vowing to do so only when the
Hellbourne were defeated or on the verge of overrunning the Legion capitol; opening
the gates would allow a mass exodus of the city's inhabitants, increasing the
chance that some would survive to continue the human race. In these dire days,
however, the king has need for every walking warrior, and the devout Hammerguards
welcome the opportunity to show what their enchanted hammers can do to daemon

^904New ^*^059Legionnaire^* Avatar: ^579Argentus^*

^947^947-^* The Sacred Order of Arasunia scoffed when Jeraziah sent the grizzled
warrior Argentus to protect them. He was on rotation away from the front lines and
the king wanted a low-risk assignment for this highly decorated soldier while he
tested the latest work of war from Tork's forge. It was a suit of hardened,
enchanted silver, resistant to corruption and a complete affront to the
sensibilities of the Sacred Order. They patiently assured Argentus that they were
perfectly safe in Arasunia, and even if threatened, their unwavering faith in Sol
would protect them. Still, Argentus did his duty, and when the Sacred Order stood
bewildered in the center of a ring of headless daemon corpses they discovered a new
appreciation for the calm veteran, who wiped the blood from his new armor and went
hunting for more enemies.^*

^904New ^*^059Midas^* Avatar: ^579Warrior King Midas^*

^947^947-^* While King Midas has been a vital warrior in the battle against the
Hellbourne, his absence from his kingdom has allowed a cunning and subversive
faction to fester. These so-called revolutionaries mask their lust for Midas's gold
under the guise of collective ownership and distribution of wealth, but Midas knows
greed when he sees it indeed, he practically invented it via alchemy and ambition
and he knows they will start with distributing to their own coffers, and stop
there. In order to preserve the thriving economy that sustains his city and people,
Midas must adorn his Warrior King's armor and return to his home as a conqueror.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, and severed are the heads that threaten his

^904New ^*^059Moira^* Avatar: ^579Arcanium Armor Moira^*

^947^947-^* Because of the unstable, arcane energy coursing through Moiras body,
any standard armor that comes in contact with her is immediately destroyed. The
Blacksmiths have had to develop an entirely new form of steel imbued with the same
arcane magic used to forge Harkons Blade. They named this new alloy Arcanium, and
the custom suit of armor they created for Moira will be its first test on the
battlefield. As long as it doesnt explode and kill everyone around her, everything
should be fine...^*

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Merrick's Shop ^*=

^947-^* Optimized Merrick's shop to reduce lag time when browsing promotions.

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Using certain skills that do not interrupt your movement (e.g. pressing the
"^256Use Courier^*" button/hotkey, ^059Wildsoul^*'s ^256Swipe^* while ^256Bear
Form^* is active, etc.) will no longer forcefully issue a Hold command.
^947-^* Illusions will no longer automatically issue a Hold command upon spawning.
^947-^* Absolute maximum Movespeed limit for a non-projectile unit is now properly
increased from ^9601000 to 5000^*.
^274*^* Change only affects the movement speed of ^059Monarch^*'s ^256Noxious
Nightcrawler^*, which properly changes its maximum Movement Speed from ^9601000 to
^274*^* Has no impact on the rest of the game.
^947-^* Added an option to disable Cast Materials Persisting.
^274*^* ^579Set^* to be enabled by default.

=^075 Abilities ^*=

^075The following abilities have had their Push effect type check only take place
if its appropriate target is a hero:^*
^947-^* ^059Pandamonium^*'s ^256Flurry^*.
^947-^* ^059Pebbles^*' ^256Chuck^* & Group ^256Chuck^* when selecting a target to
be thrown.
^274*^* These skills now interact properly with Ancients, Heavy Ballistae, and
Hell Cannons.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^579Eos^* Andromeda no longer has a skewed face on High & Ultra graphics

^059Behemoth^* & ^059Devourer^*

^947-^* ^579Carnelian Paragon Behemoth^* & ^579Keelhaul Devourer^* attack
animations were adjusted to match the actual autoattack impact timing.

^947-^* ^256Dragonflame^* visual effects are now more consistent across Draconis'
alt avatars if Draconis is perched on a building or Volcano.
^947-^* Haste Rune visual effects are now more noticeable on Draconis.

^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^947-^* ^256Nature's Sentinel^*'s attack mechanic changed to only deal 1 instance
of damage (rather than 2 instances of damage).
^947-^* Added radius range indicator to indicate Nature's Sentinel's attack range.

^059Night Hound^*
^947-^* Throwback Night Hound no longer has black or white textures if the user is
running HoN on a Mac OS.

^947-^* ^256Essence Shift^* now works properly in Rift Wars.
^947-^* Using Essence Shift on another target will no longer dispel the target's
Essence Shift state.


^980Version 3.8.4^*
^98023 February 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 The Paragon Grimm Hunt ^*=

^947+^* The Grimm Hunt has received an overhaul!

^947^947+^* The Paragon Grimm Hunt is a testing ground for the Paragons and those
who wish to fight for or against the survival of Newerth. Its purpose is to gauge
the allies and enemies of the Paragons and uncover who is worthy, and who is
^947^947+^* The landscape now teems with crystals that glow with Newerth's energy,
and the respawn wells are shrines to the crystals that give the Paragons their
elemental powers as well as a tribute to those Paragons who have given their lives
in defense of Newerth. It is a sacred battleground where only the finest warriors
dare set foot.^*
^947-^* A new Paragon-themed aesthetic
^947-^* Map alterations
^947-^* Three new constructs
^947-^* Two boss monsters that spawn for a team when they reach 5000 points
^947-^* Fully updated with the new item list from our latest balance patch

^904New ^*Grimm Hunt Boss: Pulverizers

^947+^* When a team has achieved their point goal in The ^980Paragon^* Grimm Hunt,
two Pulverizers spawn from that team's respective barracks and march towards the
enemy's base along the top and bottom lanes.
^947-^* Pulverizers disarm towers on attack.

^904New ^*Grimm's Hunt Construct: Baubles

^947+^* Docile and cowardly, this construct has no form of attacks. Whenever
dropping below certain health thresholds, this construct attempts to flee by
quickly advancing to a random position.
^947-^* Cannot attack or damage enemies.
^947-^* Ability occurs at every 25% health loss.

^904New ^*Grimm's Hunt Construct: Lobblestones

^947+^* Aggressive but immobile, this construct attacks enemies by lobbing
poisonous bombs in random areas. These bombs do not damage enemies on impact but
they persist on the ground, dealing damage over time to enemies standing in the
^947-^* Casts every 4 seconds.
^947-^* Poison persists for up to 16 seconds in a fixed area.

^904New ^*Grimm's Hunt Construct: Torpidos

^947+^* Immobile and clumsy but aggressive, this construct targets enemies and
begins channeling. After completion, it rolls in that direction, passing through,
damaging and stunning enemies. Afterwards, the construct is stunned for a brief
period and receives additional damage.
^947-^* Channel lasts 2 seconds.

^075Mechanical Change:^*
^947+^* Construct kill speed variance across heroes has been normalized to a
^947-^* Auto attacks against constructs now place a non-stacking debuff dealing 5%
of their max health over 2 seconds.

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* Cycle 14 will finish on March 8th and rewards will be distributed by March
^947-^* There will be a break in the War Effort starting on March 8th.
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on March 8th will be rewarded
with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle. Expect these rewards by March 11th.

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth is wrapping up! With the regular season coming to an end, look forward to
some off-season content before the epic conclusion at HoN Tour Season 4 World
Finals. Head over to for more information.^*

=^075 The Paragons ^*=

^947+^* Complete your Paragon collection and solidify your bond with the Paragons.
Although the main collection is finished, some of the more elusive Paragons have
heard the call and will be joining their allies on the battlefield!
^947-^* With the regular season wrapped up, proceeds will no longer be going
towards eSports prize pools.

=^075 Dragon Wars ^*=

^947+^* Dragon Wars is a global HoN community event challenging the entire
community to achieve goals and handsomely rewarding them when they are completed.
Find out more about Dragon Wars here: ^^*
^947-^* Dragon Wars lasts until April 5th.

=^075 A Blast From The Past ^*=

^947+^* Quick! It won't last long. During the event A Blast From The Past, all of
the current Throwback and ^980POG^* avatars will be available for purchase for
100GC and 1000SC.
^947-^* A Blast From The Past will start on February 26th @10 AM EST and last until
March 4th @ 10 AM EST.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^077Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^077Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^077Paragon Grimm Hunt^*

^947-^* All Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 The War Effort ^*=

^904New ^*^980War Effort^* ^059Draconis^* Avatar: ^579Trophy Draconis^*

^947-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

=^075 Rift Hunters ^*=

^947+^* ^579Rift Hunters Wave 2 Set Effect^*

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Rift Hunters Wave 2 set, each avatar
gains a unique glowing goo beneath them that enhances their overall color scheme!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^274*^* Rift ^579Hunter Calamity^*
^274*^* Rift ^579Hunter Engineer^*
^274*^* Rift ^579Hunter Silhouette^*
^274*^* Rift ^579Hunter Tarot^*
^274*^* Rift ^579Hunter Voodoo Jester^*

^904New ^*Gold Collection Rift ^579Hunter Tarot^* Avatar

^947^947-^* With the ability to foretell the myriad futures lying before Newerth,
Tarot has seen all too clearly what could happen if the portal to the Great Rift
remains open even a sliver. But her powers of divination have no basis within the
realm of perpetual darkness, and she has been forced to rely on the combat skills
honed in her brief time battling the Hellbourne. Judging from the Rift trophies she
has already collected, and her artistry in using them against the meager daemon
foes of Newerth, she's been more than lucky against the Riftspawn.^*

^904New^* ^579Rift Hunter Calamity^* Avatar

^947^947-^* The Great Rift represents a source of terror for most of Newerth, but
for Calamity it is an arsenal. She knows that if she is going to rule the Third
Corruption she must master control over all forms of beast and daemon she already
knows how to master mankind, despite Jeraziah's reluctance to cooperate and when
she willingly ventured into the writhing portal and returned with a host of
horrifying, alien pets, Newerth shuddered in the presence of the Master of All
Hells, whether from this realm or another.^*

^904New^* ^579Rift Hunter Engineer^* Avatar

^947^947-^* The portal into the Great Rift has not been eliminated, but it has been
contained. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the hideous creatures that
slither and snap in that realm of perpetual darkness, and the bravest among
Newerth's ranks must still cross over to prevent the Riftspawn from overwhelming
the tenuous defenses. Tork the Engineer wasn't necessarily eager to volunteer no
sane person would be but his endless curiosity and need to tinker soon had him
adapting the monstrous flora and fauna into armor, weapons, and traps to combat the
Riftspawn. When he discovered that the dark realm has creatures that explode on
impact and squirming plants (at least, he thinks they're plants) that generate
their own electricity, he gave brief consideration to setting up shop on the far
side of the portal. Then he realized they don't sell cigars there, and vowed to
reduce the entire landscape to dust.^*

^904New^* ^579Rift Hunter Silhouette^* Avatar

^947^947-^* Many warriors of the Legion have been recruited into the campaign
against the expansion of the Great Rift, and the assassins from the Hidden
Villageexperts at operating in the chaotic darkhave excelled at stalking and
killing the creatures clawing and slithering toward the gateway to Newerth. Rift
Hunter Silhouette has taken to the towering canopy of alien flora above the deadly
landscape, adorning herself with native camouflage and claiming some of the local
critters to do a bit of the dirty work for her. Not all of it though; her custom
Riftslayer blades want to have some fun too.^*

^904New^* ^579Rift Hunter Voodoo Jester^* Avatar

^947^947-^* Voodoo Jester knows he is not the source of the cursed magic he
conjures, and so far he has not been able to locate the nexus if he had, he would
have bundled it up and used it to decimate the Legion (and perhaps a few daemons he
doesn't like). When he saw the monstrosities oozing out of the Great Rift, he
reeled with the possibility that he may have found something much greater than the
source of his own voodoo: the very seed of all evil. Yes, he will help Newerth by
killing and appropriating any Riftspawn he encounters on the other side of the
portal to do otherwise would lead to a quick and pointless death but if he finds
what he is looking for, he will bring it back and show all of Newerth a nightmare
far beyond anything it has yet seen.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Oogie^* Avatar: ^579Ogoh-ogoh^*

^947^947-^* Once a year the Ogoh-ogoh emerge from the mists of the Sang-La
Mountains to cleanse Newerth of the spiritual pollutants created by the humans,
beasts and daemons. While removing these toxins is a harmless process, the Ogoh-
ogoh occasionally encounter a being who is particularly careless with the damage
they do to the eternal energy and time of the planet, and in such cases a more
direct purification is required. Blunt force trauma to the head usually works.^*

=^075 POGs ^*=

^904New ^*^980POG^*s Avatar: ^059Torturer^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 Heroes ^*=

The following ultimate avatars no longer re-play sound clips when affected by
^059Pollywog Priest^*'s ^256Morph^* or ^077Kuldra's Sheepstick^*:
^947-^* ^579Stardust Aluna^*
^947-^* ^579Cowardly Night Hound^*
^947-^* ^579Zenifir, the Dark Elf Swiftblade^*
^947-^* ^579Quintan Legionnaire^*
^947-^* ^579Sun Wukong Monkey King^*
^947-^* ^579Nightmare Predator^*
^947-^* ^579Steampunk Pyromancer^*
^947-^* ^579Risen Ra^*
^947-^* ^579RXR9 the Cyber Scout^*
^947-^* ^579El Diablo Ravenor^*
^947-^* ^579Pandasoul Wildsoul^*
^947-^* ^579Sylvia Ophelia^*
^947-^* ^579Doomsday Klanx^*
^947-^* ^579Tork the Ultimate Engineer^*
^947-^* ^579The Blind Prophet^*
^947-^* ^579Cosmonaut Bubbles^*
^947-^* ^579Winter Solstice^*
^947-^* ^579Humility Maliken^*
^947-^* ^579Wyvern Rampage^*

^947-^* ^579Vagabonadon^* ^256Spine Burst^* visuals now play properly when the
skill is on autocast.

^947-^* Attacks buffed by ^256Enrage^* will no longer play its visual effects
through fog.

^947-^* ^256Strength Sap^* now has a limit of 20 charges.
^274*^* Prevents heroes from becoming unkillable in certain modes.

^947-^* ^579Rhadamanthus^* ^256Dragon's Path^* range indicator is now consistent
with other Calamity avatars.

^947-^* Dampeer's ^256Terrorize^* visuals now match its actual radius.
^947-^* ^579Duchess Dampeer^*'s ^256Terrorize^* animation speed adjusted to match
the skill's visual timing.

^947-^* ^256Draconic Defense^* and ^256Cataclysm^* are no longer usable while
immobilized or restrained.
^274*^* The respective spellcast above is interrupted if Draconis is immobilized
while the spell is being cast.
^947-^* ^256Draconic Defense^* no longer persists on buildings if Draconis is
terminated while perched on a building.
^947-^* ^059Rampage^*'s alt avatars can no longer use ^256Stampede^* to push a
perched Draconis off a building/Volcano.
^947-^* ^579Sphinx Draconis'^* autoattack projectile's vertical position adjusted
to be more visually correct right after being spawned.
^947-^* ^059Deadlift^*'s Gravestone no longer spawns inside buildings if Draconis
dies while perched on a building/Volcano.
^274*^* As a result, the Gravestone is now clickable since it is no longer
inside a building.
^947-^* ^059Cataclysm's^* DoT-amplifier state will not persist for an abnormal
period of time in very rare circumstances.

^947-^* Together ^256As One^* (boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) no longer goes
on a 30-second cooldown if the state expires naturally while ^256Illusory Veil^* is

^947-^* ^579Holidaykeeper Hestia^* Gravekeeper plays the correct "Not enough mana"
voice clip.

^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* ^256Weapon Enhancement^* skill is now disabled in the Shuffle Pick mode and
Rift Wars.

^947-^* ^256Arcane Vortex^* now properly applies its vortex suction.

^947-^* Purifying Wind (^256Cleansing Wind^*, boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*)
now properly functions for the ^579Tera Monarch^* and ^579Queen Bee Monarch^*

^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* ^256Illusive Dash^*'s second dash now applies the proper amount of bonus

^947-^* ^256Ballistic^* will properly not disarm your hero in Rift Wars if you get
2 or more instances of this skill.

^947-^* The ghost models corresponding to Revenant's alt avatars will now properly
display on enemy units.

^059Puppet Master^*
^947-^* ^579Dalang^* no longer has white textures on medium and low quality

^947-^* Bloodstone Torturer's level 4 ^256Chain Reaction^* now plays its chain-
moving sounds correctly.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* now boosts ^256Torment^*'s damage properly for
Bloodstone Torturer.
^947-^* Torment's visual effects no longer play through fog.

^059Wretched Hag^*
^947-^* Alexandrite Wretched Hag textures will no longer change when picking up
^077Frostwolf's Skull^*.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* State will now stack onto a unit if more than 1 Post Haste is used on a
unit, making the disable duration correct rather than expiring the disable duration
^947-^* Will no longer teleport ^059Circe^*'s mimic to (0,0) if ^059Circe^*
completes her ^256Twisted Visage^* channel on a unit that is currently channeling
Post Haste.

^947-^* No longer has a cast time or cast action time.


^980Version 3.8.3^*
^9809 February 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

=^075 Hero Balance ^*=


^256Harden Carapace^*
^947-^* Ability to activate this skill while Stunned or Silenced is increased from
level 2+ of the skill to level 4 of the skill.


^059Corrupted Disciple^*
^947-^* Turn rate increased from ^960450^* degrees per second to ^960630^* degrees
per second.

^256Electric Tide^*
^947-^* Max Magic Damage per hit of Electric Tide increased from ^96070/105/140/175
to 80/120/160/200^*.

^256Corrupted Conduit^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96045/40/35/30 seconds to 35/30/25/20 seconds^*.
^947-^* Max Attack Damage stolen increased from ^96050/100/150/200 to
^274*^* Damage stolen per charge increased from ^9601/2/3/4 to 1.3/2.6/3.9/5.2^*
as a result.

^059Draconis^* (Rework)
^947^947+^* Draconis was a generic Agility carry hero that did not offer anything
unique compared to other Agility heroes in the game since its inception. He has
been reworked to a large extent: his main role has been changed to have global out-
of-combat mobility to effectively split-push and counter-push, while also being
incredibly powerful when defending ally buildings and on his own turf. His main
attribute was also changed from Agility to Strength to make him feel more like a
resilient and heavy-hitting dragon, rather than a frail dragon that outputs weaker
attacks more frequently.^*
^947-^* Removed from Tournament Rules.
^947-^* Range decreased from ^960600 to 475^*.
^947-^* Faction changed from ^090Legion^* to ^900Hellbourne^*.
^947-^* Turn rate increased from ^960450 to 540^* degrees per second.
^947-^* Base Attack Time increased from ^9601.7 to 2^*.
^947-^* Attack action time decreased from ^960400ms to 350ms^*.
^947-^* Main Attribute changed from Agility to Strength.
^947-^* Agility decreased from ^96023 to 16^*.
^947-^* Agility growth decreased from ^9602.6 to 1.5^*.
^947-^* Strength decreased from ^96018 to 17^*.
^947-^* Strength growth increased from ^9601.9 to 2.4^*.
^947-^* Base Armor (without agility taken into consideration) increased from -^9601
to 0^*.
^274*^* Total base Armor increased from ^9602.22 to 2.24^* when taking Agility
into consideration.
^947-^* Base Damage (without consideration of the main attribute) increased from
^96021-27 to 28-33^*.
^274*^* Total starting Damage changed from ^96044-^96050 to 48-53^*.

^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96090/100/110/120 to 95/105/115/125^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96012/11/10/9 seconds to 9 seconds^* at all levels.
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96070/140/210/280 to 85/150/215/280^*.
^947-^* While ^256Draconic Defense^* is active, Dragonflame pushes units by ^960200
units^* and has its range and radius increased by 2x.

^256Draconic Defense^* (Reworked)

^274*^* Range: Global
^274*^* Mana Cost: 60
^274*^* Cooldown: ^960120/100/80/60^* seconds
^947-^* Target an ally building or your ally well to fly on top of it after a 2-
second cast time.
^274*^* Cooldown is halved if you fly to your ally well.
^947-^* While ^256Draconic Defense^* is active, ^059Draconis^* gains ^9601200
Attack Range, 1000 Clearvision and -40/35/30/25% Attack Damage^*, and a further
^960-30% Attack Damage^* penalty if attacking a building.
^947-^* Both Draconis and the building gain ^960100% Damage Reduction^*; after 3
seconds, the Damage Reduction is reduced by ^9608% per second^*, to a minimum of
^96040% Damage Reduction^*.
^947-^* Draconis cannot be moved from the building.
^947-^* Skill goes on a 3-second cooldown if damaged by a player-controlled unit
while not on a building.
^947-^* Can be activated again to dismount to a targeted position up to ^960300
units^* away and move freely again, but the bonuses from Draconic Defense are lost.

^256Fiery Barrage^* (Reworked)

^274*^* Passive
^947-^* Passively sets a target ablaze whenever ^059Draconis^* deals auto-attack
and non-Damage-over-Time (DoT) ability damage.
^947-^* A burning target receives Physical Damage equal to ^96010/15/20/25 +
10/15/20/25%^* of Draconis' Attack Damage over 4 seconds, and dealing
^9601.3/1.6/1.9/2.2x^* the damage to heroes.
^947-^* After 2 seconds, the target spreads the blaze to all other enemy units
within ^960200 radius for 4 seconds^*. This blaze can spread from the main target a
max of 4 times.
^947-^* Auto-attacks and ability damage reset the spread counter on a main unit.
^947-^* The damage rate is increased by ^960100%^* for each application of Fiery
Barrage (each charge) on non-hero units only.
^947-^* Max of 7 charges.

^256Cataclysm^* (Reworked)
^274*^* Range: ^960900^*
^274*^* Radius: ^960900^*
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^960100/140/180^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^960135 seconds^*
^947-^* Target a location to summon a Volcano that lasts ^96030 seconds after a 1.4
second^* cast time.
^947-^* ^059Draconis^* perches himself on the Volcano and gains benefits equal to
the current level of ^256Draconic Defense^*.
^274*^* Damage reduction for Draconis starts at ^96088%^* and starts tapering
after 1 second, rather than starting at ^960100% Damage Reduction^* and starting to
taper off after 3 seconds.
^947-^* The Volcano has ^960300/500/700^* Health, attacks once every 2 seconds and
deals ^960110/160/210^* Attack Damage per attack.
^274*^* The Volcano receives ^96060%^* damage from non-hero units and can only
take a maximum of ^9601/6th^* of its Max Health per damage instance.
^947-^* Enemies within ^960900^* radius of the Volcano that receive Damage over
Time (DoT) take an extra ^96010/20/30%^* Damage from this type of damage only.
Lasts 4 seconds and refreshes its duration if under the effect of a DoT.
^947-^* Can be activated again to dismount to a targeted position up to ^960300
units^* away and move freely again, but the bonuses from Draconic Defense are lost.


^059Keeper of the Forest^*

^256Nature's Sentinel^*
^947-^* Attack Damage increased from ^96010+5% to 10+10%.^*

^947-^* Attack Speed bonus per tree increased from ^9603/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16^*.
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed removed.


^059Lord Salforis^*

^256Mors Certissima^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96010/8/6/4 seconds to 12/10/8/6 seconds^*.

^256The Undying^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96060/45/30 seconds to 80/70/60 seconds^*.


^947-^* Base Armor increased from ^9601.1 to 2.0^*.
^947-^* Base Strength Increased from ^96017 to 20^*.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96025 to 32^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level decreased from ^9602.9 to 2.3^*.
^947-^* Base Damage reduced from ^96047-55 to 44-50.^*
^947-^* ^256Turn^* rate increased from ^960450 units/second to 630 units/second.^*

^256Crippling Pollen^*
^947-^* Mana cost rescaled from ^960100/110/120/130 to 85/100/115/130^*.
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9601/1.5/2/2.5 seconds to 1.4/2.1/2.8/3.5
^947-^* Magic Damage per second decreased from ^96070/80/90/100 to 50^* at all
^274*^* Overall Magic Damage output decreased from ^96070/120/180/250 to
^947-^* Fixed a bug where the mini-stun was lasting for ^960120ms instead of

^947-^* Initial ^256Heal^* increased from ^96075 to 90^*.
^947-^* Heal per second changed from ^96020/30/40/50 to 15/35/55/75^*.
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^960100 to 100/105/110/115^*.

^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*
^947-^* Max number of wards increased from ^9601/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5^*.
^947-^* Nightcrawler's max Movement Speed increased from ^9601000 to 2000^*.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96030 seconds to 15 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96050 to 80^*.

^256Cleansing Wind^*
^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^96050ms to 0ms^*.
^947-^* Cast time reduced from ^960500ms to 300ms^*.
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960350 to 350/400/450^*.


^947-^* Base Attack Time increased from ^9601.7 to 1.85^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 to 295^*.

^947-^* Range decreased from ^9601100 to 1000^*.
^947-^* Damage received by all targets hit after the first target decreased from
^960100% to 75%^* of ^059Nitro^*'s Attack Damage.

^256Divide & Conquer^*

^947-^* No longer deals ^9600/1/2.5/4/5.5%^* of the distance travelled by
^947-^* Now deals up to ^9605/15/25/35%^* of ^059Nitro^*s Attack Damage based on
the distance travelled by Ballistic.

^947-^* ^256Evasion^* duration decreased from ^9602.5/3.25/4/4.75 seconds to
1.3/2.2/3.1/4 seconds^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow applied to nearby enemy units changed from
^96020/25/30/35% to 30%^* at all levels.

^256HEAT Round^*
^947-^* Physical Damage after inflicting 3 shots on a target changed from
^960150/250/350 to 85/170/255 + 25/50/75%^* of ^059Nitro^*'s Attack Damage.



^256Volatile Pod^*
^947-^* Heal effect now has a ^9600.5 second^* linger time.

^256Nymphora's Zeal^*
^947-^* Stun duration rescaled from ^9600.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds to 0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5



^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^960100/80/60 seconds to 140/120/100 seconds^*.
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^960100/150/200 to 140/245/350^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed Slow changed from a flat ^96050% Movement Speed Slow to a
50% Movement Speed Slow^* that lasts for ^9601/1.5/2 seconds^* and then tapers off
by ^9605/4/3% every 0.25 seconds^*.



^256Battle Experience^*
^947-^* Now also passively grants ^9606/12/18/24^* Attack Damage.


^947-^* Base Strength decreased from ^96025 to 23^*.
^274*^* Base Damage increased by ^9602^* to compensate.
^947-^* Base Agility decreased from ^96022 to 19^*.
^947-^* Base Armor decreased from ^9603.58 to 2.5^*.

^256Watery Grave^*
^947-^* Slow duration rescaled from ^9604 seconds to 1.9/2.6/3.4/4 seconds^*.

^256In My Element^*
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage decreased from ^96015/30/45/60 to 10/20/30/40^*.


=^075 Item Balance ^*=

^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96020 to 2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from ^960700 to 600^*.


^075Ultors Heavy Plate^*

^947-^* Is now considered an activation modifier.
^274*^* Will not be usable if ^077Shrunken Head^* or ^077Void Talisman^* are

==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* Cycle 13 will finish on February 9th and rewards will be distributed by
February 12th.
^947-^* Cycle 14 starts on February 9th and will last until March 8th.
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on February 9th will be
rewarded with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle. Expect these rewards by February

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth is wrapping up! With the regular season coming to an end, look forward to
some off-season content before the epic conclusion at HoN Tour Season 4 World
Finals. Head over to for more information.^*

=^075 The Paragons ^*=

^947+^* Complete your Paragon collection and solidify your bond with the Paragons.
Although the main collection is finished, some of the more elusive Paragons have
heard the call and will be joining their allies on the battlefield!
^947-^* With the regular season wrapped up, proceeds will no longer be going
towards eSports prize pools.
^947-^* Alexandrite ^059Wretched Hag^* will be in the store on Feb 17th.
^947-^* ^579Lapis Lazuli Witch Slayer^* will become available for purchase in
Merrick's shop for 600 Gold Coins on January 27th.

=^075 Dragon Wars ^*=

^947+^* Dragon Wars is a global HoN community event challenging the entire
community to achieve goals and handsomely rewarding them when they are completed.
Find out more about Dragon Wars here: ^^*
^947-^* Dragon Wars ends on April 5th.

^579Dragon Wars Dragon Courier^*

^947^947+^* The ancient guardian dragon, Draconis, has requested your aid in his
war against the Legion. He has entrusted you with one of his cherished dragon eggs.
Locate the dragon egg in your vault, join forces with your fellow warriors, conquer
the Dragon Wars achievements, evolve your dragon into the ferocious beast he was
born to be, and help end this struggle in Newerth once and for all!^*
^947+^* All players will be able to claim the Dragon Wars Dragon Courier for free
on February 9th.
^947+^* As the Dragon Wars Dragon Courier evolves, you will be able to claim his
latest form in the store for free.
=^075 An Unbound New Year ^*=

A Chinese ^980New Year^* Celebration with HoN!

^947+^* Come join in the celebration as Heroes of Newerth welcomes the year of the

^075Bonus Gold+ Get 15% Bonus Gold on every Coin Pack in the store.^*
^947-^* Offer lasts from February 5th until February 10th.

^075Extra Silver^*
^947+^* Play HoN during the CNY and get 1.5x Silver after every game played.
^947-^* Offer lasts from February 5th until February 10th.

^077CNY Ward^*
^947+^* Log into HoN on February 8th, 9th, and 10th in order to earn the 2016
Chinese ^980New Year^* Ward for free.

^075Some Familiar Faces^*

^947+^* Expect to see some of the previous Chinese ^980New Year^* Avatars joining
the celebration this year with the Nian Guardian Collection, ^579Unbound Monkey
King^*, and ^579Zhaojun Rhapsody^*.

=^075 A Time for Lovers (of HoN) ^*=

^947+^* A HoN Valentine's Day Extravaganza

^947-^* During this Valentine's Day, Heroes of Newerth is here for you! Join in on
the celebration this year and feel the love!

^075Gold on Gold^*
^947+^* The Gold Chest will contain all Gold Collection avatars!
^947-^* Offer lasts from February 12th until February 18th.

^075Lovely Coin Packs^*

^947+^* Purchase any coin pack and receive the 2016 Valentine's Day ^077Ward^*!
^947+^* Purchase the $100 coin pack and receive ^579High School Sweetheart^*
^947-^* Offer lasts from February 12th until February 18th.

^075Light Up My Heart^*
^947+^* Play 10 games of ^077Forests of Caldavar^* and earn ^579Lady Sita^*
^947-^* Play 10 games of Ranked MM Forests of Caldavar from February 12th to
February 15th to earn Lady Sita Silhouette or 500 SC if you already own Lady Sita!

^075A Gift (or Two) for that Special Someone^*

^947+^* Every player will be able to gift two products to other players from Feb
12th to Feb 18th.
^947-^* You may only gift a copy of a product that you purchase for gold coins.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random
^947-^* Blitz Mode

^075Rift Wars^*
^947-^* Shuffle Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

^904New ^*Ultimate ^059Draconis^* Avatar: ^579Knightslayer^*

^947^947-^* Knightslayer has long stood guard over the entrance to a network of
caves in the Iron Mountains rumored to hold vast amounts of gold mined by the
ancestors of the Third Clan of Man, the Builders. Many brave knights have tried to
defeat this dragon, both to access the hidden riches and to add the fierce, scaled
head to their trophy case. Killing the legendary Knightslayer would boost their
status from famous to legendary.^*
Every knight has failed so far, and Knightslayer has adorned himself with pieces of
their armor--shield, chest plate, banner, etc.--in an attempt to deter to any
future challengers. This has had the opposite effect. Every man with a lance and a
sword has sworn to slay this dragon to prove his bravery and skill, and while
Knightslayer seeks no battle, he will not fail in his role of guardian and

^579Knightslayer^* Level Enhancements

^075Levels 1-5: Juvenile form^*

^075Levels 6-10: Adolescent form^*
^075Levels 11-15: Adult form^*
^075Levels 16+: Elder form^*

^579Knightslayer^* Item Enhancements

^077All Boots^*
^947-^* Blue flames char the ground underneath the dragon.

^077Behemoth's Heart^*
^947-^* The dragon's wing membranes turn blood red.

^077Bloodborn Maul/Sheildbreaker^*
^947-^* Spikes run along the sides of the dragon's mighty tail.

^077Elder Parasite^*
^947-^* Attack projectiles gain purple and yellow flames.

^947-^* The dragon's armored scales turn gold.

^077Frostwolf's Skull^*
^947-^* Frost surrounds the dragon.

^947-^* Souls emit from the tips of the dragon's wings.

^077Ultor's Plate^*
^947-^* Gold spikes run along the back of the dragon.

=^075 The Paragons ^*=

^947^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.^*
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^904New ^*^980Paragon^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^* Avatar: Garnet ^059Doctor Repulsor^*

^947^947-^* The Paragons prefer friendship and harmony over conflict, and the
Garnet Paragon is the first to extend an offer of goodwill to all he meets. If that
offer is rebuffed, however, the offending party is deemed a hopeless blight upon
the planet that must be removed as swiftly as possible. When his work is done, the
world will be populated with loyal, sincere friends to the Paragons.^*

Garnet ^059Doctor Repulsor^* ^980Upgrades^*

^947-^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^* fires a pulse of fiery energy.

^256Magnetic Contraption^*
^947-^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^* places a crystal bomb, which explodes on contact.
^947-^* Lightning effects, a crystal explosion, and crystals around the base are

^256Opposite Charges^*
^947-^* A swirling crystal vortex appears that draws the target in.
^947-^* Various lightning effects are added.

^256Electric Frenzy^*
^947-^* Body effect: Blinking red lights are added to the back of the little ships
flying around as well as a lightning chain.
^947-^* Attack: ^059Doctor Repulsor^* throws a brighter, larger, red projectile
that has a large impact.
^947-^* Body Effect: Various lightning effects are added.
^947-^* Attack: An impact pulse and crystal explosion are added.

^256Ludicrous Speed^*
^947-^* ^059Doctor Repulsor^* leaves a red trail as he travels at lightning speed.
^947-^* More lightning is added.

=^075 Valentine's Day ^*=

^904New^* Valentine's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Empath^* Avatar: ^579Overly

Attached Empath^*
^947^947-^* Overly Attached Empath knows your very essence. She feels the
undeniable synergy between the two of you and knows youre destined to make all of
Newerth jealous with your amazing chemistry and perfect relationship. If you dont
feel the same, keep it to yourself. Romeo and Juliet is her favorite story because
of the happy ending.^*

^904New^* Valentine's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Nitro^* Avatar: ^579Bosozoku

^947^947-^* There aren't any traffic lights or toll booths left in Newerth, but if
there were, Bosozoku Nitro would speed through every one of them on their
customized boomcycle. This reckless tandem craves the exhilarating freedom of the
open road, which they are eager to create by blowing away everything that dares
share a lane with them.^*

^904New^* Valentine's Day ^980Holiday Edition^* ^077Ward^*

^947-^* Show your team some love with this Valentine's Day Ward!

=^075 The War Effort ^*=

^904New^* War Effort Cycle 13 ^059Andromeda Avatar^*: ^579Eos^*

^947^947-^* Eos is descended from the bloodline of the Arclight Lords of Il Morg,
and while she is able to harness the power of the northern borealis, she has no
access to the wisdom lost when the Arclight Lords were exterminated in the savagery
known as the Wars of Tooth and Nail. In order to survive the intense waves of
energy coursing through her, she has worked with the master craftspeople from the
City of Iron to create a suit of armor that not only keeps her alive, but allows
her to focus her burgeoning power against those who would see all light blotted out
from Newerth.

=^075 Hell's Keep ^*=

^904New^* Hell's Keep ^059Corrupted Disciple^* Avatar: ^579Inquisitor^*

^947^947-^* The dust and ash were still settling over Hells Keep when the
Inquisitors began their work. They commandeered the Luminous Reformatory, into
which they herded and caged the fallen citys aristocracy and clergy. These poor
souls were subjected to agonizing torture and interrogation as the Inquisitors
sought hidden gold to fund the Second Corruption and powerful relics that could
harm the cause. The victims of Hopes Keep have long since been burned and eaten,
but the Inquisitors remain busy as high-value Legion captives are ferried to the
baleful Luminous Reformatory to reveal all of their secrets.^*

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^059Fayde^* Avatar: ^579Shadowkiller^*

^947^947-^* As King Jeraziah's faith wavers in the face of the old-world Paragon
magic and successful anarchy of the URSA Corps, some of the Legion's finest
warriors are bowing to a new god: Technology. When Legion raiding parties
successfully breached the long-buried archives beneath the ruins of Hope's Keep,
they discovered vast chronicles of scientific research from before Man's Fall from
Light. The archives included dizzying formulae, pharmaceutical recipes, and
detailed schematics for everything from wind-up toys to orbital kinetic weapons.
Engineers pored over the salvaged documents and immediately began developing
prototypes. Now, while most prayers to Sol, Aurealis, and Lunari go unanswered,
when this new breed of warrior, known as the NeoLegion, invokes a response from
their bleeding-edge weaponry and armor, they always get a response -- usually in
the form of a dead enemy. Amen.^*
Shadowkiller was a member of the raiding party that breached the archives beneath
the ruins of the Cathedral of Hope and, at that time, a devoted disciple of the
Sacred Order of Arasunia. Her faith was rocked when she saw the destruction man had
once wrought through science and technology, and when she first held the laser
scythe created by the NeoLegion engineers, she felt, for the first time in her
life, tangible power. Not something chanted and prayed about -- real power. If it
had once been used to nearly destroy the human race, what could it do to the
corruption spewing out of the Scar? As one of the NeoLegion, she is determined to
answer that question.

^904New ^*^059Succubus^* Avatar: ^579High School Sweetheart^*

^947^947-^* It doesn't matter which class at the Adkarna Academy you're in with
High School Sweetheart, there's always some serious chemistry going on. It's hard
enough to pay attention to the Headmasters and Headmistresses when you're so
mesmerized by her, then she passes you a note saying she's just as smitten with
you!? Watch out though -- she can be a bad influence, skipping more days than not
and hanging out with some unsavory types (we're looking at you, Devourer).
Hopefully this doesn't end in heartache...^*

=^075 New Models ^*=

^075The following hero and avatars have updated models:^*

^947-^* ^059Draconis^*
^947-^* ^579Dracolich Draconis^*
^947-^* ^579Mecha Draconis^*

=^075 POGs ^*=

^904New ^*^980POG^*s Avatar: ^059Valkyrie^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* Using the Courier and using skills and items that do not interrupt your
channeling no longer breaks your hero's Hold Position command.
^947-^* The ^980Dazzling Paragon^* chat color now displays underneath the Jackpot
chat color and above the Glowing Gold chat color.
^947-^* The following cast range indicators no longer display when hovering over
the skill icons:
^274*^* ^059Deadlift^*'s ^256Resurrection^*
^274*^* ^059Skrap^*'s ^256Unleash Vorax^*
^274*^* ^059Riptide^*'s ^256Eye of the Storm^*'s ^256Turn^* sub-skill
^274*^* ^059Sir Benzington^*'s ^256Kingsfall^* (ultimate skill, boosted by
^077Staff of the Master^*)
^274*^* ^059Tundra^*'s pets' ^256Patrol^* skills
^947-^* The following announcer packs now have audio lines for the start of a game:
^274*^* Pimp
^274*^* Paragon
^274*^* Surfer

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Flame Consumption^* no longer displays a cast effect type.

^947-^* ^579Septar^* Kane's ^256Waylay^* state on enemies no longer shows its
incorrect textures.

^947-^* ^256Ballistic^* now works properly if the first target hit by the
projectile has ^077Void Talisman^* active and Nitro has ^077Harkon's Blade^*
^947-^* Ballistic now only grants a maximum of 1 charge to its Attack Speed buff
state if an instance of a projectile hits more than 1 enemy hero.
^947-^* ^256Divide & Conquer^* no longer deals 2x its Bonus Damage to the first
target hit by Ballistic.

^059Voodoo Jester^*
^947-^* ^256Spirit Ward^* now displays its cast effect type as Physical.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Daemonic Breastplate^*
^947-^* Effects rescaled & tweaked to be similar to that of Sol's Bulwark.
^274*^* This makes the effect display properly on certain buildings like the
^900Hellbourne^* Melee Barracks.


^980Version 3.8.2^*
^98026 January 2016^*

==^960 Design ^*==

^947-^* Base Agility increased from ^96015 to 18^*.
^947-^* Agility gain per level increased from ^9601 to 2^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain per level reduced from ^9603 to 2.8^*.

^256Arcane Missile^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^960115/135/155/175 to 125/150/175/200^*.
^947-^* ^256Heal^* increased from ^96030/40/50/60 to 40/50/60/70^*.

^256Dance of Death^*
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9603/4/5/6 seconds to 4.5/6/7.5/9 seconds^*.
^947-^* Now also grants 1000 clearvision while channeling.
^947-^* ^256Arcane Missile^* projectiles now travel twice as fast if fired while
^274*^* Total distance traveled still the same.

^256Arcane Bolts^*
^947-^* Magic Damage per bolt increased from ^9608/12/16/20 to 15/20/25/30^*.
^947-^* ^256Heal^* per bolt increased from ^9605/7/9/11 to 9/12/15/18^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^9601 to 0.2 seconds^*.
^947-^* Now retains the fast bolt firing speed after ^256Dance of Death^* ends
until no bolts are left.
^274*^* This applies even after casting other abilities.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* Cooldown rescaled from ^960130/105/80 seconds to 130/120/110 seconds^*.

^947-^* ^256Heal^* for Vorax per Morsel decreased from ^96030/60/90/120 to
==^960 Community ^*==

=^075 The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder ^*=

^947+^* Cycle 13 will finish on February 9th and rewards will be distributed by
February 12th.
^947-^* Cycle 14 starts on February 9th and will last until March 8th.
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on February 9th will be
rewarded with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle. Expect these rewards by February

=^075 HoN Tour Season 4 ^*=

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to
^^* for more information.

=^075 Community Funding | The Paragons ^*=

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!
^947-^* Carnelian ^059Behemoth^* enters Plinko on January 27th.
^947-^* Lapis Lazuli ^059Witch Slayer^* will become available for purchase in
Merrick's shop for 600 Gold Coins on January 27th.

==^960 Matchmaking Maps & Modes ^*==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Rift Wars^*
^947-^* Shuffle Pick

==^960 New Content ^*==

=^075 The Paragons ^*=

^947^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.^*
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^904New ^*^980Paragon^* ^059Torturer^* Avatar: Bloodstone ^059Torturer^*

^947^947-^* The Bloodstone has long been used by shamans and healers to control the
flow of blood from wounds and therapeutic bleedings, but the true purpose and power
of the stone resides in the Bloodstone Paragon, whose command of the crystals
allows him to extract blood from those deemed a threat to Newerth, examine it to
find the crux of their being, and drain the remaining blood from the body if

Bloodstone ^059Torturer^* ^980Upgrades^*

^947-^* Torturer throws a crystal spire at the target with a trailing chain and
green/purple mist.
^947-^* Upon impact, the crystal explodes, releasing blood from the target and
tormented souls from the shards.

^256Chain Reaction^*
^947-^* Upon casting, a thorned sigil appears on the floor of the targeted area.
^947-^* Small shards of crystal with chains and spiritual energy shoot out from the
center, entangling in the air before returning to the center.
^947-^* When the thorned sigil appears, tormented souls rise from the ground and
^947-^* The sigil is surrounded by crystals that pierce the ground in the
^947-^* The chains attached to the crystal cluster are crystalline and vary in hue
from green to purple.

^947-^* Sharp crystals pierce the ground and shoot up around ^059Torturer^*,
terminating into an explosion of shards.
^947-^* Beams of purple light flood through the cracks made by the crystals, then
fade away.
^947-^* Crystals still pierce the ground from beneath, but upon expiring, they
explode into shards and release a tortured soul into the air and a small wave of
rolling mist that disperses shortly.

^256Agonizing Bonds^*
^947-^* Crystalline chains bind and pull enemies together, drawing blood from each.
^947-^* Upon their expiration, the chains explode into crystal shards that fall to
the ground.
^947-^* Glowing crystalline chains bind and pull enemies together, leaving behind a
thorned sigil and drawing blood.
^947-^* Upon their expiration, the chains explode into crystal shards and release
tormented souls.

^947-^* Pulses of spiritual energy and crystalline chains flow outward from
^947-^* On impact, chains snake their way around and upward from the target.
^947-^* Pulses of spiritual energy, crystals, and crystalline chains flow outward
from Torturer.
^947-^* Around him, tormented souls fly upward from the ground.
^947-^* On impact, the chains snake their way around and upward from the target
along with tormented souls.
^904New ^*^980Paragon^* ^059Puppet Master^* Avatar: Topaz ^059Puppet Master^*
^947^947-^* The wisdom of eons is encased within the topaz crystals growing upon
this Paragon, who uses the acuity of the gems to discern the greatest fears and
weaknesses of those responsible for the catastrophic damage upon Newerth. When the
topaz manifests an enemy's mortal terror and uses it to destroy their psyche, the
flesh is a simple afterthought.^*

Topaz ^059Puppet Master^* ^980Upgrades^*

^947-^* Puppet Master throws a spinning topaz crystal blade.

^256Puppeteer's Hold^*
^947-^* ^059Puppet Master^*'s weapon appears above the target's head, attached to
their body with strings
^947-^* The puppet strings glow and emit energy and topaz crystals.

^256Puppet Show^*
^947-^* A hand appears above the target's head, attached to their body with
^947-^* The hand and puppet strings glow and emit energy and topaz crystals.

^947-^* ^059Puppet Master^*'s weapon gains a green trail on attack.
^947-^* Green sparks appear upon impact.
^947-^* The weapon trail includes golden streaks and crystals.
^947-^* Crystals and a green explosion appear on impact.

^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^947-^* A topaz crystal puppet appears, connected to the enemy with strings.
^947-^* The topaz crystal puppet and strings glow and emit crystals.
^947-^* The puppet gains extra crystals above its shoulders.

=^075 The War Effort ^*=

^904New ^*^980War Effort^* Cycle 12 Trophy Avatar: ^579Trophy Nomad^*

^947^947-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among
The War Effort's top 50 or the RANKED MMR Ladder's top 25 players at the end of
each 28-day cycle, so keep checking those leaderboards and completing those quests!
Even Frostburn Studios staff members cannot get the Trophy avatars!^*

=^075 Chinese New Year ^*=

^904New ^*Chinese ^980New Year^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Monkey King^* Avatar:

^579Unbound Monkey King^*
^947^947-^* Monkey King earned freedom from his heavenly prison by accepting the
tutelage of Ophelia, along with a golden crown that controlled his primal urges.
With years of honorable service and semi-acceptable behavior behind the legendary
warrior, Ophelia has released him from his restraints and unleashed his fully
defiant, havoc-wreaking form upon Newerth. This might be something she regrets...^*
^904New ^*Chinese ^980New Year^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Rhapsody^* Avatar:
^947^947-^* With a beauty matched only by the music she plays, Zhaojun uses the
considerable mastery over her Pipa to bolster her allies, healing their wounds and
even making them feel invincible in battle. She is loved and adored by all, her
heavenly music lifting the spirits of Man and Beast alike.^*

^904New ^*Chinese ^980New Year^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Kinesis^* Avatar:

^579Nian Guardian Kinesis^*
^947^947+^* Every spring the ferocious Nian beast emerges from beneath the Sang-La
Mountains to attack and terrorize the innocent, and while most villagers flee to
the protection of the Shao Temple until the monster passes, the Nian Guardians
stand ready to protect the people and send the terrifying beast away forever.^*

^947^947-^* When the time for battle arrives, Nian Guardian Kinesis dresses in her
red warrior robes and surrounds herself with burning explosives to thwart the
ferocious Nian. Knowing the beast likes to skulk behind trees before attacking
unwary villagers, she mastered the ability to rip trees from the ground and hurl
them at the Nian, driving it away for another year, but hopefully forever.^*

^904New ^*Chinese ^980New Year^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Moon Queen^* Avatar:

^579Nian Guardian Moon Queen^*
^947^947-^* Nian Guardian Moon Queen is a powerful ally in the battle against the
terrible Nian. When the beast emerges from its underground lair, Nian Guardian Moon
Queen is there with her flowing red robes and explosive dragon disc to frighten it
away. If the monster is stubborn and determined to harm innocent villagers,
however, she has the power to call upon the very heavens to strike the Nian down
with explosive beams of dazzling red light.^*

^904New ^*Chinese ^980New Year^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Pandamonium^* Avatar:

^579Nian Guardian Pandamonium^*
^947^947-^* Every day of the year, Nian Guardian Pandamonium trains in his
warrior's red for the one day when the Nian emerges from its underground lair to
attack the innocent villagers of the Sang-La Mountains. When that day finally
comes, he relishes the opportunity to send the fierce creature scurrying away in
terror as he unleashes a flurry of explosive punches, kicks, and smashes that leave
the Nian's face even uglier than before. Every year the battle is over too quickly
for Nian Guardian Pandamonium, and the next morning he begins his training anew.^*

^904New ^*Chinese ^980New Year^* ^077Ward^*

^947-^* Display your cleverness and vigilance with the Year of the Monkey ward!

=^075 Easter ^*=

^904New ^*Easter ^980Holiday Edition^* ^077Ward^*

^947-^* Peep all the hidden eggs (and gankers) with the Easter ward!

=^075 General ^*=

^904New ^*^256Taunt^*: Get REKT

^947-^* Get this taunt, others Get REKT. Check.

=^075 New Base Model ^*=

^059Monkey King^* now has an updated base model!

=^075 POGs ^*=

^904New ^*^980POG^*s Avatar: ^059Magmus^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

==^960 Bug Fixes & Optimizations ^*==

=^075 General ^*=

^947-^* ^077Capture the Flag^*'s ^900Hellbourne^* neutral camp now properly spawns
1 ^579Minotaur^* and 2 ^579Goatar^*s for the ^579Minotaur^* camp.
^947-^* ^077Ward of Sight^* & ^077Ward of Revelation^* no longer regenerate
^256Heal^*th (e.g. from sources like your ally well).
^947-^* ^579Alchemist Ogre^* no longer displays certain visual effects as
abnormally large effects (e.g. Sol's Bulwark aura).
^947-^* Fixed multiple map tiles where they were incorrectly granting the "^256In
My Element^*" skill benefits to ^059Riptide^*.

=^075 Pathfinding ^*=

^947-^* Pathfinding has been improved when using ranged attacks or abilities. All
units will now walk up to obstacles if they have enough range to attack or cast
through them, rather than always attempting to go around them.

=^075 Heroes ^*=

^947-^* ^256Emerald Lightning^* now properly displays its initial beam link effect
between Aluna & the primary target.

^947-^* ^256Static Grip^* now grants sight of the target while active.

^947-^* ^256As One^* cooldown is now properly reduced in ^077Blitz Mode^*.

^947-^* ^256Spider Mines^* will now deal their intended damage independent of the
choice of alternate avatars.

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* No longer shows the global area of effect indicator when hovering over
^256Call of the Damned^*.

^059King Klout^*
^947-^* Hero icon is now properly displayed in the Recently Played Heroes section
of a player's statistics window.

^947-^* ^256Gash^* sounds will no longer be excessively loud if it affects a large
number of enemy units at the same time.

^947-^* ^579Axia^*'s portrait is now centered properly.

^947-^* No longer infinite loops ^256Sticky Bomb^*'s explosion until death if
affected by ^059Witch Slayer^*'s ^256Miniaturization^*.
^947-^* The top part of the Nitro model will no longer remain in the game if Nitro
has been terminated from a match.
^947-^* Double-Activating ^256Asphyxiate^* will cast it on yourself now.
^947-^* Casting Asphyxiate on a Magic Immune ally unit now properly applies its

^059Plague Rider^*
^947-^* ^579Olympic Pegasus^* no longer has grainy & super sparkly textures.

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* ^256Tongue Tied^* now grants sight of the target while active.

=^075 Items ^*=

^077Arclight Crown^*
^947-^* Lightning visual now appears properly on the creep when attacking a creep
as the primary target.

^077Null Stone^*
^947-^* No longer has a swirling teapot model inside the blue sphere.


^980Version 3.8.1^*
^98012 January 2016^*

== ^960Design^* ==

^075Cast Materials Persisting^*

^947+^* When Cast Range Indicators are enabled, cast materials will persist on the
target area until your character can begin their cast.

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^075Player Appreciation^* =

^947+^* Continuing with our Player Appreciation here are the new set effects that
will be going into this patch. Remember, since we are changing/adding effects to
some of our older sets, all of the avatars associated with the changed sets will
become available for a short period of time (yes, even Golds, EAs, and Debuts).

^947+^* ^980Hotshot Heroes Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Hotshot Heroes set, you can claim the
exclusive Hotshot Heroes ward!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Blaze Pyromancer^*
^579Mr. Marvelous Gauntlet^*
^579Rocky Pebbles^*
^579The Vanishing Woman Scout^*

^947+^* ^980Rift Beasts Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Rift Beasts set, each avatar gains a
trail of purplish goop that spreads out beneath the character and dissipates slowly
over time.
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Queen Riftwalker^*
^579Rift Arachna^*
^579Rift Bubbles^*
^579Rift Devourer^*
^579Rift Predator^*
^579Rift Ravenor^*
^579Rift Slither^*
^579Rift Warden^*

^947+^* ^980Rift Hunters Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Rift Hunters set, each avatar drips
with the blood of the Beast they were released with. The blood gathers in a pool
beneath each avatar.
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Hunter Bushwack^*
^579Hunter Gunblade^*
^579Hunter Rally^*
^579Hunter Rampage^*
^579Hunter Swiftblade^*
^579Hunter Witch Slayer^*

^947+^* ^980Steamworks Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Steamworks set, each avatar gains a
constant wave of steam that billows from beneath the character.
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Steam Knight Pharaoh^*
^579Siege Golem Pebbles^*
^579Steam Mage Bubbles^*

^947+^* ^980URSA Corps Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own Uschi (URSA Kane) and Ravus (URSA Artillery), any
URSA alt avatar you own, including Mecha Monkey King, will receive an URSA Corps
bear companion.
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Mistress of Arms^*

= ^075The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder^* =

^947+^* Cycle 12 will finish on ^960January 12th^* and rewards will be distributed
by ^960January 15th^*.
^947-^* Cycle 13 starts on ^960January 12th^* and will last until ^960February
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on ^960January 12th^* will be
rewarded with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle.

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to
^^* for more information.

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!
^947-^* ^579Alexandrite Paragon Wretched Hag^* entered Plinko on ^960January 6th^*.
^947-^* ^579Sapphire Paragon Revenant^* will become available for purchase in
Merrick's shop for 600 Gold^* Coins on ^960January 6th^*.

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Force Pick

== ^960New Content^* ==

= ^075The Paragons^* =

^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^980Paragon Upgrades^*
^947+^* Each Paragon avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring upgrades.
^947+^* Upgrades will become available in the Paragon Chest in Plinko after you own
the respective Paragon Avatar.

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Behemoth^* Avatar: ^579Carnelian Paragon Behemoth^*

^947-^* The embodiment of courage and physical power, Carnelian Paragon wields the
molten and solid crystals of his namesake to bludgeon and blockade the corruption
that seeks to infect all of Newerth. He may not be as subtle as the other Paragons,
but in those times when a man, beast or daemon simply needs a good thumping for the
betterment of all, Carnelian Paragon is an excellent ally to have around.
^579Carnelian Paragon Behemoth^* ^980 Upgrades^*

^947-^* The fissure sparks and smokes with an orange glow.
^947-^* Giant red and glowing carnelian crystals are added to the fissure.

^947-^* A plume of smoke and cracks spread out from Carnelian Behemoth.
^947-^* Glowing carnelian crystals are added to the ground around Carnelian

^947-^* A ring of energy spreads out from Carnelian Behemoth whenever spells
are cast.
^947-^* Glowing carnelian crystals and crystal dust explode from Carnelian

^947-^* Carnelian Behemoth creates a massive crater with flames, sparks and
^947-^* Glowing carnelian crystals explode from the impact and are added to the

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^077Name Color^*: Dazzling Paragon^*

^947-^* You are a glowing embodiment of the Paragon way, and now your name shows
^947-^* Eligibility: ^579Paragon Empath^*, ^579Paragon Parasite^*, ^579Paragon
Riftwalker^*, ^579Paragon Rhapsody^*, ^579Paragon Glacius^*, ^579Paragon
Revenant^*, ^579Paragon Witch Slayer^*, ^579Paragon Wretched Hag^*, ^579Paragon

= ^075URSA Corps^* =

^904New^* ^980URSA Corps^* ^059Kane^* Avatar: ^579Uschi^*

^947-^* Uschi hails from the steep slopes and deep valleys above the City of Iron,
where honor is more important than life and swords are considered family members.
Uschi proved countless times she was the fiercest warrior among her siblings, but
tradition dictated that her brothers would be the only children who could compete
to carry their father's sword. When the Legion magistrates rode into their village
and threw a celebration for the annual Harvest Festival - a thinly veiled
kidnapping of all females of childbearing age to ensure the worshipers of Sol did
not die out - Uschi could take no more. She stole her father's blade from above the
hearth and fled to join the URSA Corps, the legendary elite unit of female warriors
who have shirked all allegiance to kings, queens, causes, and customs, choosing
instead to fight for justice and defense of the innocents.

^904New^* ^980URSA Corps^* ^059Artillery^* Avatar: ^579Ravus^*

^947-^* Ravus is a brilliant engineer with a penchant for long-range weaponry and
massive explosions. Her love of utter destruction and disregard for petty politics
has found her at odds with Jeraziah, his ilk and those damn holier-than-thou
Paragon freaks, though the distrust and resentment between them is mutual. Like the
rest of the URSA Corps her focus is on wiping the Hellbourne off the map for the
sake of the innocent caught in the middle of this mess. Only then will the other
enemies of justice get her full attention, and arsenal.

= ^075Steamworks^* =

^904New^* ^980Steamworks^* ^059Bubbles^* Avatar: ^579Steam Mage Bubbles^*

^947-^* Thought to be just one of many failed attempts by Tork to merge the
masterfully forged steel of the Iron City and the advanced intelligence found
within Gundromeda, this creation sat forgotten and gathering dust. Beneath the
shell, however, a small spark of sentience grew quietly over time until it ignited
a raging fire inside, thus the Steam Mage was born and ready to fight fire with

^904New^* ^980Steamworks^* ^059Pebbles^* Avatar: ^579Siege Golem Pebbles^*

^947-^* Tork requested the warrior known only as 'Flux' come to the City of Iron so
he could discover how he is able to control gravity so freely. Flux, having a great
respect for Tork, agreed and after months of tireless work they were able to
harness a semblance of control over gravity in the form of grav-orbs, small spheres
with the power to push or pull like Flux. Using these orbs to clean up wreckage
from a recent battle, Tork had a stroke of genius. He quickly reprogrammed the orbs
and before long created a towering giant made from the rubble of war, a Siege Golem
with the sole purpose of raining chaos upon Hellbourne fortifications

^904New^* ^980Steamworks^* ^059Pharaoh^* Avatar: ^579Steam Knight Pharaoh^*

^947-^* With every soldier able to walk and hold a weapon called to the front lines
to fight the Hellbourne, the rear echelons quickly found themselves alone and
vulnerable. Never known for idle hands, the City of Iron Engineers quickly set
about solving this perilous situation by cobbling together what armor scraps and
weapons they could find into steam-powered Knight sentries that not only stand
ready to repel any daemons who venture close, but have also cut the drunken
nuisance rate to zero.

= ^075Hell's Keep^* =

^904New^* ^980Hell's Keep^* ^059Arachna^* Avatar: ^579Black Widow

^947-^* When the first wave of daemons swarmed out of the Scar, most could not
resist the quick, easy blood of the assembled Legion and Beast Horde armies. These
naive creatures saw a quick victory and rapid domination over all of Newerth. The
more sophisticated daemons, like the Black Widow of Hell's Keep, knew the Second
Corruption would be an epic war unlike any before, and they prepared for it. The
Black Widow turned away from the gruesome battle and entered the nearby city of
Hope's Keep, where she found a vast supply of huddling residents who would serve as
excellent hosts for her spiderlings. Her webs and egg sacs took over the cavernous
Cathedral of Hope, turning it into a rustling tomb of moaning, helpless victims who
are devoured from the inside out as the spiderlings grow big and strong for the

= ^075A.R.M.S. =

^904New^* ^980A.R.M.S.^* ^059Gauntlet^* Avatar: ^579Invader Gauntlet^*

^947-^* The Invader Advanced Robotic Mobile Suits (or A.R.M.S.) have been hastily
constructed in the Electrician's Laboratory in response to the Legion's discovery
of the Savior battlesuits, and a select few Hellbourne combatants have been drafted
into testing them against live fire or used as inspiration for autonomous versions
of themselves.
After seeing the destruction Gauntlet brought to the battlefield there was no doubt
that creating an augmented version of the hulking ogre would bring twice or even
thrice the damage. With its giant hand capable of grappling and crushing a soldier
in heavy armor into a bloody mass without so much as a hint of resistance,
Electrician knew this was the pinnacle of his work. As he unleashed his creation
into the fray, he reveled in the brief, terrified cries of the Legion soldiers
before they were snuffed out with a wet crunch.

= ^075Hotshot Heroes^* =

^904New^* Hotshot Heroes ^077Ward^*

^947-^* Show the world this is Hotshot territory with this shining beacon of

= ^075POGs^* =

^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: ^579POG Pandamonium^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

^947-^* Health bars are now positioned properly for 21:9 screen resolutions.
^947-^* ^075Blitz Mode^* state tooltip now shows the +100% Attack Damage string.
^947-^* ^077Lightbrand^* and its related items (^077Frozen Light^*, ^077Searing
Light^*, ^077Grimoire of Power^* and ^077Dawnbringer^*) will no longer override the
passive damage boost on your next autoattack if you use a spell/item with a lower
mana cost than your last spell/item usage.
^947-^* ^077Refreshing Ornament^*, ^077Abyssal Skull^*, ^077Sol's Bulwark^* and
^077Daemonic Breastplate^* now have toggle sounds identical to the toggle sound of
^077Ring of the Teacher^*.
^947-^* ^077Nome's Wisdom^* no longer shows its cooldown field.

^947-^* ^256Spine Burst^* visuals now match the actual radius of the skill.

^947-^* ^256Arcane Missile^* will now properly home in on ally heroes who are

^059Demented Shaman^*
^947-^* ^579POG Demented Shaman^*'s model size is now the same as the default
avatar's model size in the avatar selection window.

^947-^* ^256Onslaught^* no longer forces ElitePets to attack ^256Onslaught^*'s main
^274*^* Currently Vorax, Booboo and Boris are considered ElitePets.

^947-^* When boosted by ^077Staff of the Master*, ^256Absolute Zero^*'s return
projectile now properly applies the damage and stun duration of a level-4 Flash

^947-^* ^579Lust Empath^*'s attack sounds and ability cast sounds now play properly
when ^256As One^* is leveled and/or upgraded.

^947-^* ^579Polyphemus^*' ^256Grapple^* projectile model size is no longer
abnormally large.
^947-^* Polyphemus' hand model for ^256Gauntlet Blast^* is no longer abnormally
large on the opponent when they are stunned, or if Polyphemus travels with it when
having ^077Staff of the Master^* in his inventory.

^947-^* ^256Decapitate^* impact tooltip now displays properly for Mercenary
^059Legionnaire^* when he is on the Hellbourne team.
^947-^* Decapitate (when boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) will now refresh
Legionnaire's other skill cooldowns properly if it is used to kill Nitro's Mauser.
^947-^* ^579Mercenary Legionnaire^* now plays his voice clip properly when he has
^077Staff of the Master^* in his inventory.

^059King Klout^*
^947-^* ^256Goblin Toss^* minions no longer block neutral camps.
^947-^* ^256Conscription^* now properly cancels ^077Homecoming Stone^*'s
^947-^* ^256Parade of Power^* now has an icon when you hover over it on the

^947-^* The real ^059Moira^* now loses the appropriate amount of mana when the
mimic from ^256Ephemeral Forge^* casts a spell.
^274*^* Fix also applies for ^075Blitz Mode^*.
^947-^* Using items on the ^256Ephemeral Forge^* mimic now subtracts the
appropriate amount of mana from the real ^059Moira^*.

^947-^* Cooldown tooltip value for ^256Matraxe^* is now properly displayed when
^077Staff of the Master^* is obtained.

^947-^* Mauser now properly plays his walk animation while hexed (e.g. ^059Pollywog
Priest^*'s ^256Morph^*).

^947-^* ^579Beelzebub Nymphora^* no longer displays white textures for Mac or Linux
operating systems.

^947-^* ^579Boogie Oogie^*'s Conflagration sounds no longer become muted when a
Courier notification occurs.

^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947-^* ^579Classic Pollywog Priest^* now properly plays a cast sound for

^059Puppet Master^*
^947-^* ^256Voodoo Puppet^* no longer deals DoT damage to the target if ^256Voodoo
Puppet^* takes non-DoT damage.
^274*^* This means that spells like ^059Succubus^*' ^256Mesmerize^* will no
longer block non-DoT damage taken from ^256Voodoo Puppet^*.

^947-^* ^579Bogatyr Rally^*'s and ^579Savior Rally^*'s ^256Demoralizing Roar^*
visuals now match the actual radius of the skill.

^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* ^256Mirage^*'s disarmed state icon is no longer visible on illusions when
they cannot attack (1 second after the skill activation).

^947-^* ^256Scavenge^* now has a 1-second cooldown after you toggle it off.
^274*^* This prevents spamming the skill to get a heal rate higher than what
is intended.

^077Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* ^579Pimp Slayer^*'s ^256Graveyard^*, ^256Power Drain^* and ^256Silver
Bullet^* have received visually enhanced effects!
^274*^* ^256Graveyard^*'s gravestones were replaced with golden dollar signs
and a pimp cane in the middle.
^274*^* ^256Power Drain^* has some gold coins trailing from the beam.
^274*^* ^256Silver Bullet^*'s projectile trail is gold instead of blue.
^274**^* Credit to ^633firemanash^* for his contributions!


^980Version 3.8.0^*
^98015 December 2015^*

== ^960Design^* ==

= ^075Hero Balance^* =

^947+^* Added to Tournament Rules:

^947-^* ^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* ^059Nitro^*
^947-^* ^059Ravenor^*
^947-^* ^059Skrap^*
^947-^* ^059Vindicator^*

^947+^* Removed from Tournament Rules:

^947-^* ^059Artesia^*
^947-^* ^059Electrician^*
^947-^* ^059Tremble^*


^947+^* Arachna's Precision was simply dealing too much damage. These changes will
bring the damage more in line, allowing Arachna to be less burst-centric.

^947-^* Minimum Bonus Attack Damage percentage dealt reduced from ^96010% ^* to
^960 5%.^*
^947-^* Maximum Bonus Attack Damage percentage dealt reduced from ^96040/60/80/100%
^* to ^960 20/40/60/80%.^*


^059Artesia^* (Rework)
^947+^* Artesia has had a problem with overlap since her inception. Her global
ultimate and a playstyle that only promoted constantly pumping out damage onto a
target made her similar to heroes like Bombardier or Thunderbringer. The following
rework will allow Artesia to choose to be a solid damage dealer or a strong healer
at a moment's notice, giving her more depth and more appeal in a wider variety of

^256Arcane Missile^*
^947-^* Cooldown rescaled from ^9605/4/3/2 seconds ^* to ^960 4/3.5/3/2.5
^947-^* Damage rescaled from ^960100/140/180/220 ^* to ^960 115/135/155/175^*.
^947-^* Homing strength of missiles has been increased from ^9600.07 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Explosion radius increased from ^960150 ^* to ^960 200^*.
^947-^* Mana cost rescaled from ^96090/95/100/105 ^* to ^960 80/90/100/110^*.
^947-^* This ability now has a second mode.
^947-^* While in Healing Mode, this ability targets allies instead of enemies,
healing them for ^96030/40/50/60^* Health. Cooldown and mana cost while in this
mode are cut in half.
^274*^* More details on how to activate this mode below.

^256Dance of Death^*
^947-^* Reworked
^947-^* Activate to channel for up to ^9603/4/5/6^* seconds.
^947-^* While channeling, you gain unit-walking and can move and use items and
abilities without interrupting the channel. You are disarmed during the channel.
^947-^* While channeling, you gain a charge of Arcane Bolts every
^9600.4/0.35/0.3/0.25^* seconds and allows Arcane Missile to travel through creeps.
^947-^* The channel stops if you get Stunned, Silenced, or use the ability again.
^274*^* ^960100/110/120/130^* mana cost, 10 second cooldown. Cooldown starts
only after the channel stops.

^256Arcane Bolts^*
^947-^* This ability is now available at the start. Releases no bolts until leveled
^947-^* Can now be activated to switch into Healing Mode. Can be swapped back and
forth between its primary mode (Damage Mode) and Healing Mode.
^947-^* While in Healing Mode, ^256Arcane Bolts^* will be fired at allies instead
of enemies, healing them.
^274*^* This changes the effects of ^256Arcane Missile^* as well.
^947-^* Increased the amount of bolts granted for each spell cast from ^9602 ^* to
^960 4^*.
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^96025/40/55/70 ^* to ^960 8/12/16/20^*, Heal is
^947-^* Range increased from ^960700 ^* to ^960 800^*.
^947-^* Bolts release interval decreased from ^9600.8 seconds ^* to ^960 0.4

^256Essence Projection^*
^947-^* After placement, the skill can now be activated again to move the
Projection to a new location on an 8 second cooldown (25 mana cost).
^274*^* Goes on a 5 second cooldown if the Projection takes damage.
^947-^* No longer global, range reduced to 800.
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^960200/300/400 ^* to ^960 150^*.
^947-^* Aura Regeneration is now separate. You now only get the Mana Regeneration
(^96020/30/40^*) in Damage Mode or only Health Regeneration in Healing Mode.
^947-^* Aura radius increased from ^960600 ^* to ^960 900^*.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96090/75/60 seconds ^* to ^960 60 seconds.^*

Added ^077Staff of the Master^*

^947-^* Increases cast range to 5000 (both for the initial cast and the subsequent

^947+^* Behemoth has always been a staple as a support, suicide or counter
initiator. The damage on Shockwave has always been a bit over the top in term of
numbers, and this is just a small way of tweaking a hero that has one amazing kit.

^947-^* Damage from bonus shockwaves reduced from ^96035/45/55 ^* to ^960


^947+^* Something small to make ^256Strength Sap^* slightly more appealing to
assist his farm.

^256Strength Sap^*:
^947-^* Damage to creeps increased from ^96020/0.5^*s to ^96025/0.5^*s.


^947+^* This change is aimed at giving back Boom Dust its presence as a single
target effect, while still keeping an area of effect focus.

^256Boom Dust^*
^947-^* Will now apply two charges to a single target if only one target is hit.


^947+^* A nice tweak to ^059Bubbles^* to allow ^256Kelp Field^* to improve and
maintain its effectiveness into the late game.

^256Kelp Field^*
^947-^* Cooldown lowered from ^960115/100/85 ^* to ^960 100/90/80 seconds.^*

Added ^077Staff of the Master^*:

^947-^* Damage and stun when breaking the ^256Kelp Field^* becomes Superior Magic.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960100/90/80 ^* to ^960 60 seconds.^*


^947+^* A very simple tweak to an ability that was under-performing.

^947-^* Immobilize duration increased from ^9601.5/2/2.5/3 seconds ^* to ^960
2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds.^*


^947+^* Deadlift is a monster pusher, but currently he is also over the top in
terms of hero harassment and damage. We wanted to tone down some of the things he
was too good at, while allowing Resurrection to shine as one of the unique
abilities in HoN.

^256Death Grip^*
^947-^* Channel duration reduced from ^9604.6 ^* to ^960 4.5 seconds.^*
^947-^* Missile speed decreased from ^960700 ^* to ^960 600. As a result, its max
travel distance was decreased from 3300 ^*.

^947-^* Increased the target radius (creeps affected around the target) from
^960700 ^* to ^960 700/800/900/1000^*.
^274*^* This change makes it so that your creeps from The Dead Shall Rise will
be within range most of the time. Otherwise, your own creeps on the edge of
Onslaught's cast range would not be affected.
^947-^* Damage on creeps affected changed from "enemy creeps only deal 30% of
damage" to "all units affected only deal 50% of damage against heroes."
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus reduced from ^96020/50/80/110 ^* to ^960 0/25/50/75^*.

^947-^* Now has 2 charges. Gains 1 charge every 120 seconds.
^947-^* Now revives the target with ^96050/60/70%^* of Health and Mana (decreased
from ^96050/75/100%^*).
^947-^* Heroes that die with the Death Protection state (the 30 second state which
prevents them losing gold upon death) no longer leave a Gravestone.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960140 ^* to ^960 5 seconds.^*
^947-^* You can now target ally hero portraits in the top left.


^947+^* Another realignment change after the last patch. His numbers are good and
people are picking him in different lineups but the overall damage output was
slightly off. This change will adjust his power level slightly, but still allows
him to fulfill his staple ganker role effectively.

^947-^* Reduced flat Physical Damage from ^960250/475/725 ^* to ^960 200/400/600^*


^947+^* The new Staff of the Master effect has gone over very well and it is really
allowing Defiler to shine in all brackets of play. However, the potential of the
hero was too high in regards to both kill and push power. As more players figure
out her new talents, we want to make sure it does not go overboard.

^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^947-^* Secondary activation (from ^077Staff of the Master^*) cooldown increased
from 6 seconds ^* to ^960 10 seconds.^*

^059Electrician^* (Redesign)
^947+^* Electrician has always lacked a few tools to excel into the mid game, and
without his mid game, his late game was non-existent. With this redesign of Static
Grip, we wanted Electrician to be a real threat to locking someone down. This hero
fits a unique niche in our game as the "purge hero"; with these changes, his
baseline has improved much like what we did with Lord Salforis in the last patch.

^947-^* Intelligence growth increased from ^9601.3 ^* to ^960 1.5^*

^256Static Grip^*
^947-^* ^059Electrician^* can now act freely while ^256Static Grip^* is active.
^947-^* Static Grip is cancelled if Electrician is Stunned, Silenced, if the link
state is purged from the target, or if the distance between Electrician and the
target exceeds 700 units.
^947-^* Max duration decreased from ^9602.5/3.25/4/4.75 seconds ^* to ^960
2/2.6/3.2/3.8 seconds.^*
^947-^* Magic Damage adjusted from ^96020/40/65/80 per second ^* to ^960
20/40/60/80 per second.^*

^256Electric Shield^*
^947-^* Power of the shield changed from ^9600.5/0.6/0.8/1.33^*x to
^9600.75/0.95/1.15/1.35^*x of Mana spent.

^256Energy Absorption^*
^947-^* Mana drain increased from ^9603/6/9/12% ^* to ^960 8/10/12/14% of the
target's mana pool.^*

^256Cleansing Shock^*
^947-^* Now chains to ^9600/1/2^* additional nearby targets without the need of a
^077Staff of the Master^*.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect removed (for now)
^947-^* Cooldown changed from ^96012/8/4 seconds ^* to ^960 9 seconds at all
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 25/35/45^*.


^947+^* You knew it, we knew it, ^256Chilling Presence^* needed a small nerf.

^256Chilling Presence^*:
^947-^* Max mana granted reduced from ^96050/100/150/200 ^* to ^960


^947+^* Hellbringer has remained on the top of the win charts for a while, and it
was mainly due to the strength of Malphas. It was our firm belief that Malphas
being strong and the centerpiece of Hellbringer was okay due to how easily you can
counter Malphas with Nullfire Blade. Even with Nullfire Blade, Malphas was doing
too much damage in most cases, so we have toned him down. We have also readjusted
Hellbringer's stats to make him more level dependent until level 11.
^947-^* Base Intelligence lowered from ^96024 ^* to ^960 20^*.
^947-^* Intelligence gain increased from ^9602.9 ^* to ^960 3.3^*.
^947-^* Move Speed lowered from ^960295 ^* to ^960 290^*.
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96042-52 ^* to ^960 47-57^*.

^256Summon Malphas^*
^947-^* Total Magic Damage dealt by the Damage-over-Time (DoT) portion from the
initial cast reduced from ^96060/120/180 ^* to ^960 50/100/150^*

^947-^* ^256Immolate^* Magic Damage per second decreased from 25/50/75 ^* to ^960
^947-^* ^256Burning Sword^* bonus Attack Speed decreased from ^96025/50/75 ^* to
^960 20/40/60^*.
^947-^* ^256Fire Bomb^* removed and replaced with ^256Destruction^*. Passively
grants Malphas ^96050/75/100%^* bonus Damage against structures.


^947+^* Madman is effective in spamming spells and auto-attacks, these changes will
allow Gash to be used to full effect in both spells and attacks. We also buffed the
Staff of the Master effect a bit to make it a more desirable pickup.

^947-^* Now increases both attack and spell damage dealt to targets by
^947-^* Is now applied before any non-DoT Damage.

Insanity (^077Staff of the Master^*-boosted ^256Berserk^*)

^947-^* Non-ultimate spells are refreshed upon dying.
^947-^* Death delay duration increased from ^9605 seconds ^* to ^960 8 seconds.^*
^947-^* Killing a non-illusion enemy hero while death is delayed increases the
death delay duration by 3 seconds.


^947+^* This hero is great and with a little love, we pushed him to the top and is
now one of the premiere suicides in our game. Now is the time to tone him down a
bit and keep him on top, but allow players more time to react and take him down
when needed.

^256^256Elemental Warp^*:
^947-^* Cast action time increased from ^960400ms ^* to ^960 500ms.^*

^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage reduced from ^96040/80/120 ^* to ^960 30/70/110^*.


^059Monkey King^*
^947+^* Monkey King is a source of large joys and large frustrations. In the past,
we wanted to try to keep the hero enjoyable to play but reduce a lot of his
frustrations to play against. We did successfully lower some of his frustrations,
but he fell off a little in the process. These changes are aimed at giving him a
little more mobility in the mid game and a small boost to his farm and kill
^256Illusive Dash^*
^947-^* Now deals ^96015/20/25/30^* damage in addition to your Attack Damage.

^256Flying Nimbus^*
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed while not taking damage increased from ^96010/15/20%
^* to ^960 10/20/30%.^*


^059Moon Queen^*
^947+^* This is a followup buff from the previous aura change to make sure a
classic hero like Moon Queen does not fall off the scene. Her ultimate can provide
a lot to a team fight and even more to a 1v1 gank in the jungle. However, as
players got better, they have adapted nicely to mitigating the damage of Moon
Finale. An increase in the number of beams allows for more of a team fight presence
and give Moon Queen an extra chance to snag a kill. The scaling on Multi-strike was
unnecessary and this change will open up Moon Queen to another option in her skill

^947-^* Damage penalty per bounce lowered from ^96040/35/30/25 ^* to ^960 25% at
all levels.^*

^256Moon Finale^*
^947-^* Number of beams increased from ^9604/7/10 ^* to ^960 5/8/11^*.
^947-^* Number of beams when boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^* increased from
^9604/8/12 ^* to ^960 5/9/13^*.


^947+^* While Pestilence is a strong initiator, he provides a team much of what
other initiators do. Here is a quality-of-life change for Pestilence while we look
at what we can do in further patches to separate him more from other initiators,
and allow him to stand apart as a hero pick.

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96045 seconds ^* to ^960 45/40/35/30 seconds.^*

^947-^* Backswing reduced from ^9600.9 seconds ^* to ^960 0.3 seconds.^*


^059Pollywog Priest^*
^947+^* Pollywog Priest stands on his own as a great 1v1 hero, initiator and solo
mid hero. However, his solo mid presence has fallen off and we have not seen him
much in competitive play. A small quality-of-life change to Electric jolt will
allow him to be slightly less level dependent, and opens him up slightly more to be
played in a non-solo role.

^256Electric Jolt^*
^947-^* Magic Damage increased from ^96075/150/225/300 ^* to ^960

^059^059Prisone* 945^*
^947+^* Prisoner 945 is the king of single target restrain, and with the option of
more restrain coming into Newerth, we want to make sure Prisoner will always be the
go-to hero for single target Restrain.

^947-^* Duration increased from ^9603.5/4/4.5/5 ^* to ^960 3/5/7/9 seconds.^*
^947-^* Attacks it takes to kill lowered from ^9603 ^* to ^960 2^*.
^947-^* Damage per Second lowered from ^96020/24/28/32 ^* to ^960 20^* to
compensate for the longer duration.
^274*^* Total damage over the duration changed from ^96070/96/126/160 ^* to
^960 60/100/140/180^*.

^947+^* A cult classic and great all around hero for the veteran HoN player or
someone just starting out. A small increase in his Dragonfire radius will allow for
better setups.

^947-^* Radius Increased from ^960200 ^* to ^960 225^*.


^947+^* Skrap is a newer addition to the game and we are still assessing his place
in Newerth. The first thing we noticed about the hero was that the Morsel pickup
just wasn't impactful enough. The hero revolves around this mechanic and it seemed
like you were always shy of what you needed. The Scavenge changes will allow for
more Morsels and less tediousness in gathering them. Vorax is strong and with more
Morsels in the game, he will be even stronger. With the changes to towers in the
last patch, we want to make sure that this hero (who is already winning a
significant amount) does not become too dominant.

^947-^* Morsel consumption rate and healing rate decreased from ^9601 Morsel every
0.5 seconds ^* to ^960 1 Morsel every second.^*
^947-^* Special Morsels spawn chance increased from ^9605 ^* to ^960 10%.^*
^947-^* Charges granted by Special Morsels increased from ^9603 ^* to ^960 5^*.
^947-^* The healing for Vorax is increased from ^96015/30/45/60^* Health to
^96030/60/90/120^* Health per Morsel.
^947-^* The bonus damage for Vorax is increased from ^9601/1.5/2/2.5 ^* to ^960
2/3/4/5^* per Morsel.
^947-^* Morsel pickup radius increased from ^960120 ^* to ^960 170^*.

^256Unleash Vorax^*
^947-^* Base Attack Damage reduced from ^960120/150/180 ^* to ^960 100/120/140^*.
^947-^* Vorax's base MS increased from ^960275 ^* to ^960 325^*.
^947-^* Vorax now gains + 5 Movement Speed every 5 minutes.
^274*^* This matches his Movement Speed with the lane creeps whenever they
upgrade their Movement Speed every 5 minutes.

^947+^* Slither's role as a Magic Damage-over-Time (DoT) hero was always outshone
by heroes that have more Magic Damage burst than he does. By increasing his pushing
capabilities and extending the threat of his Magic DoT spells through buffs on his
Toxin Ward, Slither's DoT spells will eat away at enemy heroes if team fights drag
on for a longer period of time.

^256Toxin Ward^*
^947-^* Charge refresh timer decreased from ^9605 seconds ^* to ^960 3 seconds.^*
^947-^* Every time the ward deals damage, all of Slither's debuffs have their
duration increased by 1 second on the attacked target.


^059The ^059Dark Lady^*^*

^947+^* A small nerf to her farm potential and her escape capabilities was made by
increasing the cooldown on Charging Strikes. This will force the player to use
Charging Strikes more sparingly, as she has more downtime if she uses it to close
the gap between her & the target, or when escaping/farming.

^256Charging Strikes^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96015/13/11/9 seconds ^* to ^960 20/18/16/14


^059Tremble^* (Rework)
^947+^* Tremble has seen many changes over the years. We have tried to refocus him
in an attempt to make him competitive. We have tried making Terrormounds not so
frustrating to play against, but still provide Tremble with a solid play-style and
advantage. After some long discussions with the competitors, it is our firm belief
that having a hero with a double-attack is just simply too difficult to balance
with items like Brutalizer and Thunderclaw. This isn't to say we cannot have an
ability like this in the game - but if we did, the double-attack would be the
centerpiece of the hero and will most likely be on a ranged hero. This rework to
Impalers is to bring back some old school lane dominance and emphasize his play-
style of attacking down one target at a time.

^256Dark ^256Swarm^*^*
^947-^* Physical Damage per second decreased from ^96020/30/40/50 ^* to ^960

^947-^* Targeting mechanic changed from target position to self position.

^256Impalers^* Reworked
^947-^* Gain 10 bonus Attack Damage and a 10% slow per stack of Impalers to the
target when auto attacking an enemy unit for 2.5 seconds.
^274*^* ^256^256Impale^*rs^* can stack ^9601/2/3/4^* times and grants 10% slow
per stack (total 40%) and 10 Attack Damage (^96010/20/30/40^*).

^256Hive Mind^*
^947-^* Now has unitwalking at all times.

^947+^* We want Wildsoul to be our top jungle farmer, but by being in that role we
need to make sure his other abilities aren't making him a powerhouse in all areas.
He has taken a hit to Frenzy and Swipe to compensate for the high amount of farm he
is receiving.

^947-^* ^256Frenzy^* max charges reduced from ^96020 ^* to ^960 15^*

^947-^* ^256Swipe^* cooldown increased from ^9606 ^* to ^960 8 seconds^*


= ^075Hero Movespeed Changes^* =

^947+^* Movespeed adjustments were made for a large portion of the hero pool, with
most of them being movespeed reductions. These adjustments were done to address the
movespeed inflation throughout HoN's lifetime, and were done in conjunction with
item movespeed adjustments to address this issue further.

^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^059Blood Hunter^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960320 ^* to ^960 310^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^947-^* Movespeed increased from ^960285 ^* to ^960 290^*.
^059Doctor Repulsor^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^059Drunken Master^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 290^*.
^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 ^* to ^960 300^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^059Lord Salforis^*
^947-^* Movespeed increased from ^960290 ^* to ^960 300^*.
^059Master of Arms^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960295 ^* to ^960 290^*.
^059Monkey King^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 ^* to ^960 300^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 290^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960295 ^* to ^960 290^*.
^059^059Prisoner^* 945^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^059Sand Wraith^*
^947-^* Movespeed increased from ^960295 ^* to ^960 305^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960315 ^* to ^960 310^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960310 ^* to ^960 305^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^059Soul Reaper^*
^947-^* Movespeed increased from ^960290 ^* to ^960 305^*.
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 295^*.
^059The ^059Dark Lady^*^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^960305 ^* to ^960 300^*.


== ^960Item Balance^* ==

^947+^* HoN has had some problematic power inflation through items for quite some
time. We noticed the ratio of power per gold you can buy has increased over the
last few years and it's time to do something about it. The current meta is almost
completely driven from this increased item power, forcing heroes into buying
incredibly efficient items they feel are almost mandatory. Heroes are often defined
by items instead of the heroes being defined from their uniqueness and abilities.
^947+^* There are many recipe items that give a lot of damage/stats for no cost. We
are lowering a lot of these to reinforce that finishing a recipe generally is more
for the unique effect it brings and not for its stats.
^947+^* After playing with these changes, you should notice that the impact of
finishing a recipe is enhanced at the cost of the cheaper components being less
efficient. This will push the game away from the super-powered item meta and let
many more heroes feel powerful and have a meaningful impact on the game.

= ^075New Items^* =

^904New^* Component: ^077Alacrity Band^*

^947-^* 25 Attack Speed
^947-^* 1200g Cost
^947-^* Relics Shop

Alacrity Bands were conjured by The Divine Coterie as a means to quicken their
tumbling, juggling, and stage combat in order to further impress their audiences.
They didn't care if the crowd was made of peasants or nobles -- they just wanted to
put on an amazing show. When a half-drunk and superstitious baron accused them of
witchcraft for possessing such agility and ordered them burned at the stake, the
performers found another purpose for the Alacrity Bands: defending oneself and
attacking one's assailant with a stunning level of speed and zeal. It was a short
matter of time before the accessories were carried into battle, and the mass graves
began to fill faster than ever.


^904New^* Component: ^077Branded Sabre^*

^947-^* 35 Damage
^947-^* 2000g Cost
^947-^* Weapons shop

The Branded Sabres were forged by the Mordant Paragons as a means to showcase the
number of souls they had dispatched from the mortal coil. With each kill another
tally is etched in the blade, a permanent testimony to the sabre's brutal efficacy.


^904New^* Component: ^077Luminous Prism^*

^947-^* 16 Intelligence
^947-^* 1650g Cost
^947-^* Accessories Shop

The Paragons brought many enigmatic items with them from Argentia, and the delicate
and scarce Luminous Prisms are essential to even possibly comprehending the others.
The glowing crystal lenses allow the holder to see the world with a fresh,
unnatural amount of awareness and perception, along with a knowledge of the
untapped power within all things and how to access it.


^904New^* Component: ^077Perpetual Cogwheel^*

^947-^* 150% Mana Regeneration
^947-^* 1325g Cost
^947-^* Legendary Shop

These ancient talismans were forged early in the age of Sol to combat the Magebanes
and the powers bestowed upon them by their heretical gods. The ceaseless movement
of the wheel served a dual purpose, generating the precious mystical energies
drained by those miscreant, pagan sorcerers while providing a tangible symbol for
the eternal power of the one true god.


^904New^* Component: ^077Voltstone^*

^947+^* A new minor item that will be the basis for all current and future
lightning-based items.
^947-^* 700g cost
^947-^* Every 6th attack deals 55 Magic Damage to your target and two additional
nearby enemies.
^947-^* Lightning can only fire once every second.
^947-^* Not attacking for 5 seconds will remove a charge, counting as one attack.
^947-^* Legendary Shop

Hand-sculpted and inscribed by the original Thunderbringers in their quest to

harness the power of lightning, Voltstones are common enough to be extremely
dangerous to everyone in Newerth. Although the exogenous bolts they channel are
less potent than shamanic Chain Lightning, it still takes a firm hand to hold a
crackling Voltstone while it launches raw electricity at multiple enemies.


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Arclight Crown^*

^947+^* This new lightning item is debuting as the premiere Attack Speed item,
reigning over all others when it comes to attacking as fast as possible. The proc
will only bounce to heroes, so you cannot farm with it. However, you can deal a lot
of guaranteed damage to heroes during fights.
^947-^* Components: ^077Voltstone^* (700g) & ^077Warpcleft^* (1800g) &
^077Warpcleft^* (1800g) & Recipe (1000g) -> ^077Arclight Crown^* (5300g)
^947-^* Passively grants 90 Attack Speed.
^947-^* Cast Chain Lightning every 5th attack that deals 225 Magic Damage and
applies a mini-slow to the target attacked.
^947-^* Bounces to up to two enemy heroes within 600 radius. Will only bounce to
heroes no matter what your main target was.
^947-^* Not attacking for 5 seconds will remove a charge, counting as one attack.
^947-^* Chain Lightning can only fire once every second.
^947-^* Passive: If you are attacked (auto-attack or spell) for over 100 damage
before reduction, a charge is removed.
^947-^* Combative Shop

At the height of the Tooth and Nail savagery, when the Beasts fell upon Man with
the goal of extinction, the Arclight Lords of Il Morg harnessed the power of the
northern borealis as a final defense against the encroaching horde. Each Lord's
crown served as a conduit, allowing the energy to build between them, yet this was
still not enough to defeat the Thunderbringers. When the Arclight King was the last
man standing, he shifted the sorcery of the crowns to bind his enemies with the
shattering power of the borealis, but the shamans defeated him before he could
strike. In the centuries since, the Thunderbringers have tried to keep the
destructive crowns sequestered from mankind, but humans have a knack of finding the
very things that will be their undoing.


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Bloodborne Maul^*

^947+^* We have wanted to create a strength carry-based item for a while, but never
found an interesting way to do so -- until now. This item might seem underwhelming
at first glance, but in testing we have seen many strength carries of old rise
again with the power of the Bloodborne Maul.
^947-^* Components: ^077Axe of the Malphai^* (3200g) & ^077Bolstering Armband^*
(450g) & Recipe (1350g) -> ^077Bloodborne Maul^* (5000g)
^947-^* Passively grants 45 Strength.
^947-^* Each attack removes 2% of your current Health when you hit someone.
^947-^* Passively adds one bonus True damage to your attacks for every 25 Health
you are missing.
^274*^* Max of + 120 True damage (3000 Health lost).
^947-^* Combative Shop

The Bloodborne Maul was devised centuries ago by the Mordant Paragons, who used
twisted sorcery and brilliant craftsmanship to seal a copious amount of Malphas
blood in a hollow chamber within the head of the weapon. Their intent was to create
a blade that carried the destructive power of the terrifying daemons, which it
does, but they discovered an added bonus: the maul cannot be swung lightly. Even
the softest swing shifts the blood within, generating an unnatural momentum that
builds to a crushing impact that leaves both the target and bearer wounded and


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Jade Spire^*

^947+^* This item is focused on the class of heroes who are hardcore mana-based
casters such as Torturer, Oogie, and Ellonia. It builds up from the new reworked
Nome's Wisdom and adds on a unique active effect that is related to Symbol of Rage,
but this one is strictly for casters. A powerful item that breathes life to some of
our more underplayed heroes.
^947-^* Components: ^077Nome's Wisdom^* (2125g) & ^077Acolyte's Staff^* (2600g) ->
^077Jade Spire^* (4725g)
^947-^* Passively grants 30 Intelligence, 3 Magic Armor, and 100% Mana
^274*^* Passive Magic Armor does not stack with other sources of Magic Armor.
^947-^* Superior Wisdom Aura (Passive - 900 Radius)
^274*^* + 2 Armor
^274*^* + 2.5 Magic Armor (This DOES stack with other sources of Magic Armor.)
^274*^* + 2 Mana Regeneration
^274*^* 45% of mana used converted to Health (If full life, grants a shield.)
^947-^* Jade Rift (Active)
^274*^* + 500% Mana Regeneration
^274*^* + 100% Magic Damage Lifesteal against heroes.
^274*^* 45 cooldown, 4 duration, 125 Manacost
^947-^* Supportive Shop

Only the most accomplished masters of sorcery are fit to carry a Jade Spire, both
because of the high status they indicate and the amount of raw power they are
capable of channeling. Amateurs and dilettantes who foolishly try to heft a Spire
awaken to find themselves in hospital -- if they wake at all. But in the hands of a
wise and humble expert, these scaled-down versions of the original Jade Spire
temple lost somewhere beneath the Rulian Marsh can perform miracles of protection
and rejuvenation for the bearer, while drawing every ounce of life from those who
stand against them.


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Soultrap^*

^947+^* Early game supports and roamers rejoice! You now have a way to heal
yourself as long as you continue to participate in hero kills. The Strength buildup
increases your survival, while the healing sustains your presence in lane or while
^947-^* Components: ^077Crushing Claws^* (150g) & ^077Crushing Claws^* (150g) &
Recipe (700g) -> ^077Soultrap^* (1000g)
^947-^* + 8 Strength
^947-^* + 50% Mana Regeneration
^947-^* When an enemy hero dies within 1000 radius, gain a charge.
^274*^* Max of 2 charges.
^274*^* Starts with 1 charge.
^947-^* Soul's Release (Active)
^274*^* Target an ally to heal for 360 Health over 12 seconds.
^274*^* Costs 1 Charge.
^274*^* Dispels on damage taken.
^274*^* 20s cooldown, 800 cast range, 25 manacost.
^947-^* Protective Shop

The Soultrap was devised by Legion engineers to capture the spirits of dead
soldiers before they could be harvested by the Hellbourne, and after making the
ultimate sacrifice these collected souls were released to breathe new life into the
gravely wounded. But Hellbourne spies lurk even in the sacrosanct workshops of the
engineers, and soon the daemons had their own name for the Soultrap: Lunchbox.


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Spiked Bola^*

^947+^* This Agility-based item adds a unique disarm effect to the game. We forsee
many semi-carries picking this up to help boost their damage output while shutting
down the enemy carry. Keep in mind when you use it that it does not go through
Magic Immunity!
^947-^* Components: ^077Alacrity Band^* (1200g) & ^077Dancing Blade^* (3200g) &
Recipe (200g) -> ^077Spiked Bola^* (4600g)
^947-^* Passively grants 30 Agility and 35 Attack Speed
^947-^* On use, target enemy unit takes 200 Magic damage and is disarmed for 3.5
^274*^* 45s cooldown, 75 Manacost, 650 Range
^274*^* Does not go through ^077Shrunken Head^* and debuff can be purged.
^947-^* Combative Shop

The hunter-gatherer tribes of the Savannahs have lived for centuries by outsmarting
the faster, stronger, and deadlier creatures that serve as both predator and prey,
and one of their finest advancements is the Spiked Bola. It can be thrown quickly
enough to intercept a sprinting gazelle and hits hard enough to stun an armored
rhino (though the tribespeople strongly advise against this), but it was not
created just for hunting and defense. Because of the constant warring between
tribes, the bola's length is designed to wrap around a large human several times,
pinning his arms long enough for warriors to close in and finish him off. In the
hands of a skilled thrower, the Spiked Bola can bring whirling, agonizing death
upon even the strongest combatant.


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Spyglass^*

^947+^* With the changes to Savage Mace, we wanted to make sure there was still a
hard counter for evasion in the game. Spyglass does that job well, but comes at the
cost of consuming an item slot that is not efficient late game. An additional use
for Savage Mace is always being able to attack a building uphill, making base
breaking easier.
^947-^* Components: ^077Punchdagger^* (500g) & Recipe (1250g) -> ^077Spyglass^*
^947-^* + 17 Damage
^947-^* Scoped! (Active)
^274*^* Grants you Truestrike for 16 seconds.
^274*^* While the Truestrike buff is active, all enemy buildings within 900
radius are sighted and revealed.
^947-^* 25s cooldown, 0 Manacost
^947-^* Initiation Shop

Scavenged from the crumbling loopholes of Watchtower, Spyglasses once used a potent
blend of metallurgy and alchemy to detect attackers while they were still in column
formation, marching toward a distant battle. Defenders then used the crystal-clear
scopes to deliver devastating artillery on the massed enemy. In these days of
sorcery and savagery, the same Spyglasses are used by warriors to survey opposing
fortifications, track enemy movement, and on a good day assassinate dozens of the


^904New^* Recipe: ^077Ultor's Heavy Plate^*

^947+^* This new armor item gives a lot of survivability with its ability to grant
upwards of 95% Physical damage reduction while cleansing all debuffs off yourself.
This is the single highest armor item in the game and finally the non-carries have
a way to purge themselves of debuffs.
^947-^* Components: Helm of the Victim (950g) & Platemail (1400g) & Pickled Brain
(950g) & Recipe (1200g) -> Ultor's Heavy Plate (4500g)
^947-^* Passively grants 18 Armor.
^947-^* Gives 3 Health Regeneration and 250 Max Mana.
^947-^* Passively slows Attack Speed of all enemies within 900 units by 20%.
^947-^* Stalwart (Active)
^274*^* On use, dispels all debuffs and grants you + 100 Armor that decreases
to 0 over 6 seconds.
^274*^* 50 Manacost, 45 second cooldown.
^947-^* Protective Shop

Ultor was King Jeraziah's most experienced general in the war against his half-
sister Ophelia and her Beast Horde, and he was first among the vanguard in that
infamous clearing that ripped open into the Scar. Unhorsed and stunned by the
onslaught of the Second Corruption, he was skinned alive and left for dead by
Torturer. In the aftermath of the carnage, Jeraziah found the Martyrs finishing
their last rites over the fading general. But Ultor was not done fighting. In
agony, he struggled to one knee and bowed before his king, begging to live another
day so he could avenge the soldiers lost to the Hellbourne. Jeraziah was moved to
tears. The King himself designed a suit of armor, its materials harvested from the
statues of the Five Disciples and forged by the Sacred Order, and when Ultor was
sheathed in its plates he blessedly felt no pain. In the ensuing battle he fought
like a man who could not be killed -- and indeed, he could not -- but when the
squires peeled the armor off his raw flesh to cleanse his wounds the legendary
general died instantly. The armor became a shrine to his courage and loyalty, and
it is a rare warrior who is worthy of donning Ultor's Heavy Plate.

= ^075Basic / Component Item Changes^* =

^077Ioyn Stone^*
^947+^* We had some great ideals when we put Ioyn Stone into the game, but sadly
they turned out to be just that -- ideals. The reality of the situation is that
Ioyn Stone caused a lot more frustration than it did good play, and the result was
a net negative when it was (rarely) used. We decided to remove it from the game for
^947-^* Removed from the game.


^077Portal Key^*
^947+^* Portal Key has always been one of the most impactful items in the game when
purchased, but it is currently being bought too quickly. We are slowing that down
by a small amount while increasing the cooldown to promote it being used more as an
initiation tool instead of an escape one. The Portal Key drop trick was also
removed to prevent unintentional escape tricks with it.
^947-^* Cost increased from ^9602150 ^* to ^960 2250^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96014 ^* to ^960 15 seconds.^*
^947-^* Now starts a 3s cooldown when picked up.


^947+^* Many of the changes below were made to normalize some of the variance in
efficiency between different tiers of items. If an item does not have an
explanation, this is why it was changed.
^077Acolyte's Staff^*
^947-^* Cost decreased from ^9602700 ^* to ^960 2600^*.

^947-^* Max Health decreased from ^960250 ^* to ^960 215^*.


^077Dancing Blade^*
^947-^* Cost increased from ^9603000 ^* to ^960 3200^*.


^947-^* Max Mana decreased from ^960150 ^* to ^960 120^*.


^077Homecoming Stone^*
^947-^* Cost decreased from ^960135 ^* to ^960 100^*.


^077Pickled Brain^*
^947-^* Max Mana decreased from ^960250 ^* to ^960 200^*.


^947-^* Cost increased from ^9602200 ^* to ^960 2400^*.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96040 ^* to ^960 45^*.


^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96012 ^* to ^960 10^*.


^077Sword of the High^*

^947-^* Damage increased from ^96060 ^* to ^960 64^*.


^947-^* Price increased from ^9601500 ^* to ^960 1800^*.


= ^075Recipe Item Changes^* =

^077Alchemist's Bones^*
^947+^* A small change to the item to tweak the buildup and use the new Attack
Speed component. This is a small nerf to the buildup but opens up the opportunity
to tweak it more in the future.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes an ^077Alacrity Band^* (1200g).
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from 900g to 650g; total cost from 1900g to 1850g.


^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96017 ^* to ^960 12^*.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^96075% ^* to ^960 50%.^*


^077Assassin's Shroud^*
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from 1300g to 1200g (Total cost from 3300g to 3200g).
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96040 ^* to ^960 30^*.


^947+^* Increasing the healing slightly, but in a way that doesn't buff the burst
healing potential.
^947-^* ^077Astrolabe^* cooldown debuff now grants 3 Health Regeneration.
^274*^* This means using ^077Astrolabe^* heals for 200 and then heals for
another 75 over 25 seconds.

^077Barrier Idol^*
^947+^* This restores the healing aura that it takes to build this item in the
first place. A small buff, but one that makes sense.
^947-^* Now has a + 3 Health Regeneration aura with 900 range around the holder.


^077Behemoth's Heart^*
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from ^9601000 ^* to ^960 800^*.
^947-^* Max Health increased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 350^*.


^077Blood Chalice^*
^947-^* Mana Regeneration increased from ^96050% ^* to ^960 75%.^*


^947+^* This item needed some work as it had internal synergy of Attack Speed,
Attack Damage, and a percentage chance proc that also does damage. We are removing
the agility to fix some of the internal synergy, while nerfing the item very
slightly for agility heroes at the same time.
^947-^* ^077Quickblade^* removed from the recipe, replaced with ^077Branded
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from 1100g to 500g; total cost from 3100g to 3500g.
^947-^* Agility decreased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 0^*.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96020 ^* to ^960 35^*.


^947+^* These stats were leftover from when the item took different components to
build. To compensate, we now scale the damage as the item is leveled up.
^947-^* 3 Strength removed.
^947-^* 3 Agility removed.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96018 ^* to ^960 18/20/22/24/26^* as you upgrade.


^077Elder Parasite^*
^947+^* This item, mathematically, is insane and the weakness of it was
counteracted by itself. We removed the Beastheart to give the item an actual
downside while buffing the active effect to be very impactful when used correctly.
We are also removing the Activation Modifier, as wel feel that this item no longer
needs the restriction with the removal of bonus Health.
^947-^* ^077Beastheart^* removed from the recipe, replaced with ^077Lifetube^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from 400g to 625g; total cost unchanged.
^947-^* 250 Max Health removed.
^947-^* Now grants + 5 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* Active Lifesteal increased from ^96020% ^* to ^960 30%.^*
^947-^* No longer an Activation Modifier.
^274*^* This means it can be used at the same time as ^077Shrunken Head^* and
^077Void Talisman^*.


^947-^* Agility increased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 30^*.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96045 ^* to ^960 35^*.


^077Harkon's Blade^*
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from 500g to 600g; total cost unchanged.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96027 ^* to ^960 20^*.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^960150% ^* to ^960 125%.^*
^947-^* Attack Speed increased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 15^*.


^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96051 ^* to ^960 40^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed increased from ^96030 ^* to ^960 35^*.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^960225% ^* to ^960 200%.^*
^947-^* Manacost decreased from ^960150 ^* to ^960 100^*.
^947-^* Silence duration increased from ^9604.5 ^* to ^960 5 seconds.^*

^077Helm of the Black Legion^*

^947-^* Max Health increased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 350^*.


^077Icon of the Goddess^*

^947-^* Max Mana decreased from ^960400 ^* to ^960 350^*.
^947-^* Health Regeneration from a nearby enemy hero dying reduced from ^96020 ^*
to ^960 10^*
^274*^* ^960300 HP heal over 15 seconds reduced ^* to ^960 150 HP heal over 15
^274*^* Mana Regeneration unchanged.


^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96012 ^* to ^960 10^*.


^077Iron Shield^*
^947-^* Agility increased from ^9606 ^* to ^960 8^*.


^077Mock of Brilliance^*
^947+^* A tweak to the item so it is useful in a wider array of situations and
deals more damage to those who are not Magic Immune.
^947-^* Attack Damage increased from ^96060 ^* to ^960 65^*.
^947-^* Aura Damage type changed from Magic to True.
^274*^* Target type is still Magic so it will not deal damage to Magic Immune
units, but when it does deal damage to a unit, that damage is no longer reduced by
Magic Armor.


^077Nome's Wisdom^*
^947+^* This item had no focus before, being a mix of all different stats. It has
been reworked to be related to its partner: Abyssal Skull. It is now a great Magic
Armor aura item that can be used to help a team that is under assault by a heavy
magic damage-focused lineup.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes ^077Mystic Vestments^* (500g) + ^077Ring of the Teacher^*
(500g) + ^077Manatube^* (875g).
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from 200g to 250g; total cost from 2240g to 2125g.
^947-^* All passive bonuses (4
Strength^960^960/^*^*Agility^960^960/^*^*Intelligence, 6 Damage) removed.
^947-^* Now passively grants 3 Magic Armor and 100% Mana Regeneration.
^274*^* Magic Armor does not stack with other sources of Magic Armor.
^947-^* Aura now grants + 2 Magic Armor, + 2 Armor, + 0.75 Mana Regeneration and
heals the unit for 30% of the Mana Cost of a spell the unit casts (shields them if
their Health is full)
^274*^* Aura Magic Armor DOES stack with other sources of Magic Armor.

^077Nullfire Blade^*
^947+^* This change makes it so that you no longer need to go through a weak
version of Nullfire to actually get the good item you want. The item is now agility
focused and still priced at the level 1 tier, as we didn't want to throw off the
timings in-game.
^947-^* No longer upgrades.
^947-^* Apprentice Robe removed from the recipe, replaced with ^077Fleetfeet^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost is still 700g; total cost unchanged.
^947-^* 6 Intelligence removed.
^947-^* Agility increased from ^96022 ^* to ^960 30^*.
^947-^* Burn amount increased from ^96020 ^* to ^960 24^* per attack.
^947-^* Burn damage decreased from ^960100% ^* to ^960 60% of mana burned.^*
^947-^* ^077Nullfire Blade^*'s active now deals 1000 damage to summoned units
instead of instantly killing them.


^077Null Stone^*
^947+^* Null Stone is triggered by many items and abilities, leaving it in a
strange position where it is "easily" countered since it only goes off once a
fight. We went through a lot of different iterations to try to find a balance where
Null Stone was both impactful but not overwhelming in a fight. We found the root of
the problem being how long it took to refresh once Null Stone fired from a low
cooldown ability, thus the refresh time of the spell block effect was lowered from
^96020 seconds ^* to ^960 16 seconds. We also reworked the components ^*
^947-^* Components Reworked.
^274*^* Now a ^077Glowstone^* (1200g) + ^077Sustainer^* (1750g).
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from 300g to 1200g; total cost is unchanged.
^947-^* Passively grants 200 Max Health, 200 Max Mana, 10 Damage, 6 Health
Regeneration, 150% Mana Regeneration.
^274*^* 10 Strength, 10 Agility, and 10 Intelligence has been removed.
^947-^* When not in cooldown, negates a single targeted spell.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from 20s to 16s.


^947+^* We did not find that much of a problem with Puzzlebox other than being able
to build it too fast, but we mainly wanted to tweak some of the recipe buildups in
the game to separate them from each other to prevent easy masking of builds. An
example is Neophyte's Book building into 6-8 items. This makes hiding builds too
easy, and we want to make sure that you have ample information to respond to item
builds of your enemies.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes ^077Luminous Prism^* (1650g) + ^077Bolstering Armband^*
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from 1250g to 1025g; total cost from
^9602700/3950/5200^*g to ^9603125/4150/5175^*g.
^947-^* Intelligence from ^96015/20/25 ^* to ^960 18/22/26^*.
^947-^* Strength from ^9609/12/15 ^* to ^960 11/13/15^*.

^077Refreshing Ornament^*
^947-^* Health Regeneration Aura increased from ^9602 ^* to ^960 3^*.


^077Restoration Stone^*
^947+^* This item got a lot of free damage out of nowhere, but the Intelligence and
Attack Speed items it took to build got no bonus. This has been corrected.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^960200% ^* to ^960 150%.^*
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96041 ^* to ^960 20^*.
^947-^* Intelligence increased from ^9606 ^* to ^960 10^*.
^947-^* Attack Speed increased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 15^*.


^077Ring of Sorcery^*
^947-^* Max Mana decreased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 250^*.


^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947+^* A minor buff to the item to give melee heroes an easier time attacking
spread-out neutrals.
^947-^* Splash range increased from ^960225 ^* to ^960 275^*.


^947+^* One of the most powerful effects in the game has always been the ability to
disable someone in the way that Sheepstick does. We felt this effect was too good
to be linked to a huge amount of stats. We removed the bonus stats and instead re-
focused the item on intelligence and the active sheep effect.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes ^077Acolyte's Staff^* (2600g) + ^077Luminous Prism^* (1650g)
+ ^077Perpetual Cogwheel^* (1325g).
^947-^* Recipe cost removed and the item now auto-assembles (Total cost from 5675g
to 5575g).
^947-^* 10 Strength and 10 Agility removed.
^947-^* Intelligence increased from ^96035 ^* to ^960 50^*.
^947-^* Transfigured effect duration increased from 3s to 3.5s.


^947+^* This is mainly a buff to the third level of the item, giving it a secondary
use as a fantastic pushing item.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96040/54/68 ^* to ^960 40/50/60^*.
^947-^* Armor Reduction increased from ^9603/5/7 ^* to ^960 4/6/8^*.
^947-^* Level 3 of the item now applies a stacking -1 Armor debuff to buildings and
gadgets you attack.
^274*^* Max of 8 stacks.

^077Spell Sunder^*
^947+^* Spell Sunder has always been in a very strange place as it was a relatively
cheap item that gave an enormous impact in the late game. It doesn't do much if
picked up early on, since heroes do not have much life yet. This was always strange
and we have changed a few things to keep the focus of the item the same, but
increased the price and effect, pushing it more towards that mid- or late-game
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes ^077Glowstone^* (1200g) + ^077Perpetual Cogwheel^* (1325g).
^947-^* Now has a 300g recipe (Total cost from 2365g to 2825g).
^947-^* Max Mana decreased from ^960250 ^* to ^960 200^*.
^947-^* Now grants + 200 Max Health.
^947-^* No longer gives 4 Strength, 4 Agility, or 4 Intelligence.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration from ^960100% ^* to ^960 200%.^*
^947-^* Debuff duration increased from 3s to 3.5s.
^274*^* This is a 17% DoT damage increase.


^947-^* Magic Armor pierce increased from ^96050% ^* to ^960 60%.^*
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96017 ^* to ^960 14^*.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^960125% ^* to ^960 100%.^*


^947+^* Stormspirit was changed heavily in the past and its usage has dropped off
severely due to that. We wanted to re-introduce this item as a meaningful choice
for support heroes during the midgame. To that end, you can now cast it at a much
further distance, but using it to save an ally now imposes a heavy penalty on them
when they land.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes ^077Luminous Prism^* (1650g) + ^077Manatube^* (875g) +
^077Scarab^* (325g).
^947-^* Recipe cost removed and the item now auto-assembles (Total cost from 3000g
to 2850g).
^947-^* Range increased from ^960450 ^* to ^960 650^*.
^947-^* Movement Speed decreased from ^96030 ^* to ^960 25^*.
^947-^* Still applies "Cycloned" to the target for 2 seconds.
^947-^* Now applies "Windswept" to the target for 1 second after "Cycloned" ends.
^947-^* Windswept: Restrained and Perplexed.


^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 4^*.

^077Symbol of Rage^*
^947-^* Now gives + 3 Health Regeneration.


^077Tablet of ^256Command^*^*
^947+^* This item has always been the go-to choice for any and all supports in the
game. With Stormspirit becoming a viable option again, we wanted to make sure
Tablet didn't overshadow it. We removed the stats off the item and replace them
with armor. This means if you buy the new Tablet, Physical Damage mitigation is
about the same, while Magic Damage will be slightly more effective against you.
^947-^* ^077Major Totem^* component replaced with ^077Guardian Ring^*.
^947-^* Recipe cost increased from ^960500 ^* to ^960 825^*; total cost from 2040g
to 2000g.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from 20s to 18s.
^947-^* 4 Strength and 4 Agility removed.
^947-^* Intelligence decreased from ^96014 ^* to ^960 12^*.
^947-^* Now grants + 2 Armor.


^077Void Talisman^*
^947-^* Strength, Agility, and Intelligence decreased by 1.


^077Whispering Helm^*
^947-^* Now gives + 3 Health Regeneration.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96020 ^* to ^960 10^*.
^947-^* Lifesteal increased from ^96015% ^* to ^960 20%.^*
^947-^* Now gives dominated creeps a permanent 50 Movespeed and 1 Mana


= ^075Armor Item Changes^* =

^077Daemonic Breastplate^*
^947+^* This item has been arguably the best armor item in the game and has always
been too efficient and powerful. We are addressing this by inheriting the switch
mechanic from Sol's Bulwark, giving you a choice between a powerful offensive or
defensive tool. Between this item and the new armor item (Ultor's Heavy Plate), we
want it to be clear that Daemonic is the team armor item while Ultor's Heavy Plate
is the personal armor item.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes a Sol's Bulwark (1650g) + ^077Warpcleft^* (1800g) +
^077Platemail^* (1400g).
^947-^* Recipe cost decreased from 1500g to 900g; total cost from 5550g to 5825g.
^947-^* Passive Armor from ^96010 ^* to ^960 6^*.
^947-^* Passive Attack Speed from ^96040 ^* to ^960 30^*.
^947-^* Aura Attack Speed increased from ^96015 ^* to ^960 20^*.
^947-^* Aura Armor reworked. Now, on use, swaps between Ally mode and Enemy mode.
^274*^* Ally Mode: + 7 Armor/20 Attack Speed for allies. -3 Armor for enemies.
^274*^* Enemy Mode: + 3 Armor/20 Attack Speed for allies. -7 Armor for


^075Frostfield Plate^*
^947+^* We mourn the loss of a classic item that has been in the game since its
inception. We had to come to the harsh reality that the niche which Frostfield
Plate filled was so narrow that it realistically and statistically did not exist.
The purchase rate was abysmally low and kept a very unique and cool effect locked
behind the steep purchase price. We opted to remove the item while moving the
effect to Frostwolf Skull. See that item for details!
^947-^* Removed from the game.


^075Sol's Bulwark^*
^947+^* This item has always been very efficient for not only yourself, but for
your team. Lowering the power level of Sol's Bulwark not only makes upgrading it
into Daemonic Breastplate that much more impactful, but also makes it slightly
easier to build as well.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes a ^077Ringmail^* (550g) + ^077Guardian Ring^* (175g).
^947-^* Recipe Cost increased from 900g to 1000g; total cost from 2000g to 1725g.
^947-^* Passive Armor lowered from ^9606 ^* to ^960 4^*.
^947-^* Aura Armor lowered from ^9604 ^* to ^960 3^*.


= ^075Brand Item Changes^* =

^947+^* Dawnbringer has always been a complicated item to balance. We don't want to
overshadow the "big" items the brands build into, but we want it to be a meaningful
choice as well. To accomplish this we have decided to make Dawnbringer the better
passive stat item while the brand-based items have the powerful active effects.
Players can now choose between the passive nature of Dawnbringer or the powerful
fight-changing effects of Frostwolf Skull, Grimoire of Power, and Geometer's Bane.
^947-^* ^256Sear^*ing DoT removed.
^947-^* Damage increased from ^96012 ^* to ^960 15^*.
^947-^* Movespeed slow per charge increased from ^9606% ^* to ^960 8%.^*
^947-^* Movespeed slow max charges increased from ^9604 ^* to ^960 5^*.
^947-^* Passive: when casting any spell, 40% of its Mana Cost is dealt as bonus
Damage on your next attack.


^075Frostwolf Skull^*
^947+^* Frostwolf Skull has always been an outlier in the brand tree of items. It
was much more expensive, gave extraordinary stat bonuses, but had no active effect.
We wanted to equalize this item with its partner end-brand items (Geometer's Bane
and Grimoire of Power). These changes do that by lowering its power level from
passive bonuses significantly, but also lower the price by a significant amount. On
top of that, the item now has a familiar active effect that slows and deals damage
to everyone around you on use.
^947-^* ^077Glowstone^* removed from recipe.
^947-^* Recipe cost increased 300g to 800g; total cost from ^9605800 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Strength decreased from ^96030 ^* to ^960 26^*.
^947-^* Agility decreased from ^96020 ^* to ^960 10^*.
^947-^* Intelligence decreased from ^96020 ^* to ^960 10^*.
^947-^* Max Health (200) removed.
^947-^* Max Mana (150) removed.
^947-^* Melee: Attack Speed Debuff changed from ^960-30% ^* to ^960 -30^*.
^947-^* Melee: Movespeed Slow increased from ^96030% ^* to ^960 35%.^*
^947-^* Ranged: Attack Speed Debuff changed from ^960-20% ^* to ^960 -20^*.

^947-^* ^904New^* Activation: On use, releases a ring of ice that deals 100 Magic
Damage to enemies within 750 radius and applies the slow (either Ranged or Melee
depending on who used the item) for 4 seconds.
^274*^* Does not grant Clearvision on use like Frostfield Plate used to.
^274*^* 30 second cooldown, 100 Mana Cost


^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947+^* The passive damage increase has been one of the pain points in the game
since it was introduced. This new version still appeals to the same heroes that
would want it before but the damage increase is much more controlled. The short
duration buff also rewards great timing, creating many new highs during gameplay.
^947-^* Searing DoT removed.
^947-^* Mana Regeneration decreased from ^9604 ^* to ^960 3^*.
^947-^* Passive 15% Damage increase removed.
^947-^* Passive: when casting any spell, 35% of its Mana Cost is dealt as bonus
Damage on your next attack.

^947-^* ^904New^* Activation: On use, increases all of your spell damage done by
20% for 6 seconds.
^274*^* 60 second cooldown, 150 Mana Cost.


^077Geometer's Bane^*
^947+^* This is a change for the competitive players that will make them
realistically dodge more spells with the Invulnerability, but still require a high
level of skill and quick reaction times.
^947-^* Invulnerability window increased from ^9600.1 ^* to ^960 0.2 seconds.^*


^077Lightbrand^*, ^077Frozen Light^*, ^077^256Sear^*ing Light^*, ^077Dawnbringer^*,

^077Grimoire of Power^*
^947+^* These items have had a farming tool on them since their inception, but it
is not an effect that belongs on this type of item. To correct this mistake, we re-
designed the effect to be based around the concept of giving Lightbrand items a
better use for heroes who cast a lot of spells. It still has the great Mana
Regeneration, so it is still effective for the strength heroes while enhancing the
caster-based carries.
^947-^* Searing DoT removed.
^947-^* When you cast a spell the item gets charged.
^274*^* When charged, your next auto-attack deals a percentage of your
previous spell's mana cost as bonus damage.
^947-^* ^077Lightbrand^*: 25% of Mana Cost as bonus Damage.
^947-^* ^077Frozen Light^* & ^077Searing Light^*: 30% of Mana Cost as bonus Damage.
^947-^* Grimoire: 35% of Mana Cost as bonus Damage.
^947-^* ^077Dawnbringer^*: 40% of Mana Cost as bonus Damage.


= ^075Evasion / True Strike Item Changes =

^077Savage Mace^*
^947+^* Right now, any interaction with evasion is skewed by Savage Mace. The item
is so good, so efficient, and so powerful as a hard counter that it is arguably the
best damage item in the game. We want to change this interaction to help Wingbow
become a realistic pickup again, and also to implement more evasion-based mechanics
in the future. To accomplish this, we simply turned off the passive Truestrike that
Savage Mace provides. To activate the Truestrike, you now have to miss an attack
first. Once you do, the next few attacks cannot miss. This leaves Savage Mace as a
valid choice against Wingbow, but it is no longer a hard counter that completely
shuts down the item.
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes a ^077Slayer^* (2400g) + ^077Branded Sabre^* (2000g).
^947-^* 1100g recipe cost added; total cost from 5400g to 5500g.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96088 ^* to ^960 80^*.
^947-^* Passive Truestrike removed.
^947-^* When you miss an attack, as long as the item is not on cooldown, your next
3 attacks cannot miss.
^274*^* 6.5 second cooldown.


^947+^* These are small number adjustments to the balance and changes to the bonus
for melee heroes. The old bonus to melee heroes was very strange and did not have
good feedback or impact on the game. Now we can give a great bonus that is
something every melee hero will want: Unitwalking and speed.
^947-^* Evasion increased from ^96030% ^* to ^960 33%.^*
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96032 ^* to ^960 30^*.
^947-^* Melee heroes no longer reflect damage on evaded attacks; instead, they now
gain 10 Movement Speed and permanent Unitwalking.
^274*^* Item can be toggled to disable Unitwalking at will for no cost.
^274*^* Ranged bonus is unchanged.


= ^075Lightning Item Changes^* =

^077Charged Hammer^*
^947+^* We wanted to rework several aspects of this item, but sadly when we had it
in testing we ran into multiple problems that were unsolvable while still keeping
the item the same at its core. We decided the better route was to remove it and
introduce a different lightning item we could create from the ground up.
^947-^* Removed from the game.

^947+^* This item was incredibly efficient for what it costs. It also filled a hard
farming role, but in a way that we have found unhealthy for the game due to its
pure damage output outside of farming. This rework keeps it as a farming tool that
is comparable to Runed Cleaver, but for ranged heroes. It is no longer an item that
will directly help you carry, but it will help your farm significantly to get you
to those carry items!
^947-^* Components reworked.
^274*^* Now takes a ^077Voltstone^* (700g) + ^077Alacrity Band^* (1200g) +
^077Warhammer^* (1600g).
^947-^* Recipe cost removed, now auto assembles; total cost from 2400g to 3500g.
^947-^* Attack Speed decreased from ^96040 ^* to ^960 25^*.
^947-^* Now grants + 25 Damage.
^947-^* Every 3rd attack deals 100 Magic Damage in a 275 AOE centered on the
^947-^* Not attacking for 5 seconds will remove a charge, counting as one attack.


= ^075Movespeed Item Changes^* =

^947+^* These changes were made to lower the amount of movespeed injected into the
game. There are many items and heroes that give movespeed, so we will be lowering
that across the board. We want to slow down the ability to reach 450+ movespeed in
every game with every hero.

^077Assassin's Shroud^*
^947-^* Movespeed bonus while stealthed decreased from ^960+20%^* to ^960+15%^*.


^947-^* Movespeed multiplier decreased from ^96016% ^* to ^960 10%.^*


^947-^* Movespeed bonus from activation re-scaled from 75 to tapering 75->0 over
its 6 second duration.
^947-^* Heroes and non-player controlled units that are affected by the activation
no longer gain Unitwalking.
^274*^* Non-hero player controlled units still get Unitwalking.


^947-^* Movespeed multiplier decreased from ^96010% ^* to ^9606%.^*


^947-^* Movespeed bonus while stealthed decreased from + ^96025%^* to + ^96020%^*.
^077Ghost ^077Marchers^*^*
^947-^* Movespeed bonus decreased when active from ^96012% ^* to ^960 8%.^*
^274*^* Item still gives 70 Movespeed.

^077Geometer's Bane^*
^947-^* Movespeed bonus from ^96010% ^* to ^960 8%.^*


^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^96050 ^* to ^960 45^*.


^077Plated Greaves^*
^947-^* Movespeed decreased from ^96070 ^* to ^960 65^*.


^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Recipe cost of ^077Post Haste^* decreased from 1600g to 1550g.
^947-^* Movespeed charges falloff range increased from ^960900 ^* to ^960 1000^*.
^947-^* All charges removed at 775 range, increased from 600.


^077^256Sear^*ing Light^* & ^077Frostburn^*

^947-^* Movespeed multiplier decreased from ^96014% ^* to ^960 8%.^*


^947-^* Attack Speed decreased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 20^*.
^947-^* Rearranged the items in the shop so you buy the ^077Gloves of the Swift^*


^947-^* Recipe cost of ^077Striders^* increased from 150g to 200g.
^947-^* Movespeed per charge from ^96025 ^* to ^960 20^* (max of ^960100 ^* to ^960
80^* movespeed).
^947-^* All charges removed at 750 range, increased from 600.


== ^960Community^* ==
= ^075A Very Regal Christmas^* =

^947+^* The Banjo Quit Sound has been a staple for many of the veteran HoN players.
For Frostburn Studios to move forward and maintain the best intentions for both new
and veteran players of HoN, we have added the feature to enable the Banjo Quit
^947-^* A "Banjo Quit Sound" feature is now available in Options -> Interface ->
^947-^* The option is set to be Off by default.

With the holiday season in full swing, we've lined up a series of events and
specials that should set the mood just right!

^075Merrick's Presents^*
^947+^* Merrick is really feeling the holiday spirit and has graciously created
presents for all of his customers. These presents can be found in the "Other"
section of Merrick's shop.

^947-^* ^077Loyal Customer Present^*

^274*^* This present costs 600 GC and contains 1 random Gold Collection, Debut
Edition, Early Access, or Ultimate Edition avatar. Purchase limit of 3.

^947-^* ^077Holiday Customer Present^*

^274*^* This present costs 300 GC and contains 1 random Limited Edition or
Holiday Edition avatar. Purchase limit of 3.

^947-^* ^077Vigilant Customer Present^*

^274*^* This present costs 500 SC and contains 1 random Ward Skin. Purchase
limit of 5.

^075Stay Warm and Bundle Up^*

^947+^* Another special from your favorite goblin: Holiday Bundles! Bundles can
also be found in the Other section of Merrick's shop and are greatly discounted
from the original price.
^947-^* Candy World Bundle (^579Baker Balphagore^*, ^579Candy Rider^*, ^579Ice
Cream Bombardier^*, and ^579Lollipop Shaman^*)
^947-^* Xmas Party Bundle (^579Cosmonaut Bubbles^*, ^579Bobbi Bramble^*, ^579Amanda
Panda^*, and ^579Sally Slither^*)
^947-^* Scorched Newerth Bundle (^579Safari Klanx^*, ^579Blight Wraith^*, and
^579Nuclear Winter Glacius^*)
^947-^* Guardians of Newerth Bundle (^579Gaia ^Empath^*, ^579Horny Lizardon^*, and
^579Axolotl Pollywog^*)
^947-^* Elder Evils Bundle (^579Hades Soulstealer^*, ^579Hel Voodoo Jester^*,
^579Ymir Ellonia^*, ^579Camazotz Dampeer^*, ^579El Diablo Ravenor^*, and ^579Set
The Dark Lady^*)
^947-^* The Blind Disciples Bundle (^579The Blind Prophet^*, ^579Augur Kinesis^*,
^579Arbinger Silhouette^*, ^579Orbode Berserker^*, ^579Edium Corrupted Disciple^*,
and ^579Omen Jeraziah^*)
^947-^* The Royal Bundle (^579Sylvia Ophelia^*, ^579Pride Jeraziah^*, ^579Crusader
Jeraziah^*, ^579Eclipse Moon Queen^*, ^579Blood Moon Queen^*, and ^579Young
^947-^* The King Slayer Bundle (^579Septar Kane^*, ^579Katana Kane^*, ^579Queen
Serecta^*, ^579Ladybug Pestilence^*, ^579Carnage Calamity^*, and ^579Rhadamanthus
^947-^* The Santa Bundle (^579Santa Baby Aluna^*, ^579Santa Midas^*, ^579Mali
Klause^*, ^579Rudy Rampage^*, and ^579Eggnog Master^*)
^947-^* The Holiday Bundle (^579Mistletoe Succubus^*, ^579Festive Pharaoh^*,
^579Bramble of the Bells^*, ^579Snow Queen Shiva^*, ^579Winter Soldier Klanx^*,
^579Jackson Frost Ellonia^*, and ^579Frosty the Iceman Glacius^*)

^075A Few Extra Gifts^*

^947+^* Get some bonus presents when you buy coins over the Holidays!
^947-^* Purchase any coin pack from ^96012/15^* - ^9601/12^* and receive the
Rudolph Ward for FREE.
^947-^* Purchase the $100 coin pack from ^96012/15^* - ^9601/12^* and receive the
^579Snowglobe Pearl^* avatar for FREE.

^075The Gift of Giving^*

^947+^* From ^96012/15^* - ^9601/12^* you'll have the ability to gift up to 5
products this holiday season, so share the love!
^274*^* Gifting is only available when you purchase a product with Gold Coins.

^075Double the Odds^*

^947+^* Plinko Diamond chest odds will be doubled from ^96012/15^* - ^9601/12.^*
Get those avatars you've always craved!

^075Deck the Halls^*

^947+^* The Holiday season is here and we've decked Newerth in holiday cheer. Enjoy
these seasonal changes in Forests of Caldavar, Midwars, and in Merrick's shop!

^075Finding a First Mate Sweepstakes^*

^947+^* King Klout is in need of a second in command and all of his minions are
fighting for the title. Vote for your favorite and you could win BIG! Head here to

^075Frosty Weekends^*
^947+^* That glimmer you're seeing isn't snow, it's extra Silver Coins! Enjoy
double Silver Coins for every weekend from ^96012/15^* - ^9601/12.^*

^075New Year's with Newerth^*

^947+^* Join us for the New Year! Play 1 game of HoN on New Year's Eve and New
Year's Day to earn the New Year's ward for free.

= ^075Community Event Team^* =

^947+^* Here to bring you HoN-related events with huge prizes!
^947+^* ^960Secret Santa of Newerth^*
^947-^* Come and be Newerth's best Secret Santa! Participate in this event to
randomly gift another player a prize! Head to the CET forums to participate:

^947+^* ^960Heroes of Newerth Bake Off^*

^947-^* Dust off those baking skills and create a dish inspired by HoN! There
will be prizes for the best dishes so bring your "A" game! Head to the CET forums
to participate: ^^*

= ^075Player Appreciation^* =
^947+^* Continuing with our Player Appreciation, here are the new set effects that
will be going into this patch. Remember, since we are changing^960/^*adding effects
to some of our older sets, all of the avatars associated with the changed sets will
become available for a short period of time (yes, even Gold, EA, and Debut

^947+^* ^980Elder Evils Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: The Elder Evils already enhance El Diablo Ravenor when he is
also owned. Now if you own the entire Elder Evils Set, each avatar gains a unique
flaming halo!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Hades Soulstealer^*
^579Hel Voodoo Jester^*
^579Ymir Ellonia^*
^579Camazotz Dampeer^*
^579El Diablo Ravenor^*
^579Set The Dark Lady^*^*

^947+^* ^980The Blind Disciples Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: The Blind Disciples already enhance The Blind Prophet when he
is also owned. Now if you own the entire Blind Disciples Set, each avatar gains a
fiery third eye of Sol!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579The Blind Prophet^*
^579Augur Kinesis^*
^579Arbinger Silhouette^*
^579Orbode Berserker^*
^579Edium Corrupted Disciple^*
^579Omen Jeraziah^*

^947+^* ^980Candy World Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Candy World Set, each avatar gains a
gingerbread man pet!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Baker Balphagore^*
^579Candy Rider^*
^579Ice Cream Bombardier^*
^579Lollipop Shaman^*

^947+^* ^980Xmas Party Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Xmas Party Set, each avatar will burst
from a confetti-filled present on spawn!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Cosmonaut Bubbles^*
^579Bobbi Bramble^*
^579Amanda Panda^*
^579Sally Slither^*

^947+^* ^980Scorched Newerth Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Scorched Newerth Set, each avatar will
leave a trail of environmental destruction!
^947-^* Avatars in set and their effects:
^579Safari Klanx^*: Animal Bones
^579Blight Wraith^*: Pollution Trail
^579Nuclear Winter Glacius^*: Mushroom Clouds

^947+^* ^980Guardians of Newerth Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Guardians of Newerth Set, each avatar
will heal the land wherever they step!
^947-^* Avatars in set and their effects:
^579Gaia Empath^*: Variable body aura depending on terrain.
^579Horny Lizardon^*: Trail of cacti and desert rocks.
^579Axolotl Pollywog^*: Trail of blossoming tropical plants.

= ^075The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder^* =

^947+^* Cycle 11 ends on ^960December 15th^* with rewards handed out by December
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on ^960December 15th^* will be
rewarded with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle.
^947+^* Cycle 12 starts on December 15th and will last until ^960January 12th^*.
= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to
^^* for more information.

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!
^947-^* ^579Alexandrite Paragon Wretched Hag^* will enter Plinko on January 6th.
^947-^* ^579Sapphire Paragon Revenant^* will become available to purchase in
Merrick's shop on January 6th.

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Capture the Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban

== ^960New Content^* ==
^904New^* Hellbourne Strength Hero: The Benevolent and Merciful ^059King Klout^*
^947+^* King Klout is an initiation hero who can be a threat from anywhere on the
map. Goblin Toss and Bluster can be used together to stack Conscription quickly
with your auto-attacks. Parade of Power is an amazing threat from anywhere...if you
can aim it correctly!

^947+^* The Benevolent and Merciful King Klout began his epic journey as the leader
of a troublesome rabble of goblin pickpockets, but he always knew he was destined
for something greater. When he obtained the Allowin Crown and Scepter through sheer
cunning, courage, and at great risk to life and limb (not necessarily his), he
finally ascended to his rightful status as the greatest and most glorious leader
throughout all of Newerth, past, present, and future. Huzzah!

^059King Klout^* Abilities

Ability 1: ^256Goblin Toss^*
^947-^* When learned you get up to 7 minions that follow you around, gaining 1
every 8 seconds.
^947-^* The goblins will be Blue, Red, or Green.
^947-^* Target an enemy to throw a goblin at them, doing one of three things:
^274*^* Blue: Deals ^96070/90/110/130^* Magic Damage, chaining to enemies
within 400 radius of the target.
^274*^* Red: Deals ^96030/40/50/60^* Magic Damage with another
^96055/70/85/100^* Magic Damage and a ^96010/15/20/25^* Tapering Movespeed Slow
over 3 seconds within 200 radius of the target.
^274*^* Green: Same as Red, but bounces to two additional nearby enemies.
^947-^* When an enemy hero dies near King Klout^*:
^274*^* If King Klout doesn't have 7 minions, King Klout will spawn a new Red
^274*^* If King Klout does have 7 minions, one of the existing minions will be
^947-^* Every 5th minon spawned is Red.
^947-^* There is a 10% chance that when a Blue minion spawns it will be upgraded to
a Red minion.
^947-^* There is a 25% chance that when a Red minion spawns it will be upgraded to
a Green minion.

Ability 2: ^256Bluster^*
^947-^* On use and every 2 seconds for the next 6 seconds (4 times total), deals
^9600/20/40/60^* Magic Damage and applies a 1 second Silence and Disarm to all
enemies around you.
^947-^* Hitting enemy heroes several times will upgrade your minions.
^947-^* Every 4 enemy heroes hit results in one of the following effects:
^274*^* If King Klout doesn't have 7 minions, King Klout will spawn a new Red
^274*^* If King Klout does have 7 minions, one of the existing minions will be

Ability 3: ^256Conscription^*
^947-^* All non-DoT damage you deal applies stacks of Conscription, each stack
lowering Magic Armor by ^9600.2/0.4/0.6/0.8.^*
^947-^* When an enemy hero gets 5 Conscription stacks from King Klout they are
dealt ^96020/40/60/80^* Magic Damage, Transformed and Slowed for 3 seconds, and one
of King Klout's minions is upgraded.
^947-^* You cannot build stacks on any target for 5 seconds after they are
^947-^* Transforming an enemy hero results in one of the following effects:
^274*^* If King Klout doesn't have 7 minions, King Klout will spawn a new Red
^274*^* If King Klout does have 7 minions, one of the existing minions will be

Ability 4: ^256Parade of Power^*

^947-^* Target a direction to fire a projection of King Klout's power in a line.
^947-^* Any enemy hit takes up to ^960150/250/350^* Magic Damage and player-
controlled units are Feared for up to ^9601.5/2/2.5^* seconds.
^947-^* At any time during the initial firing you can use the ability again to
teleport to its location, sending another Parade of Power back to where you
teleported from.
^947-^* Hitting enemy heroes with the initial Parade of Power shot results in 1 of
the following effects:
^274*^* If King Klout doesn't have 7 minions, King Klout will spawn a new Red
^274*^* If King Klout does have 7 minions, one of the existing minions will be
^947-^* Parade of Power moves at 1250 speed.
^947-^* Parade of Power starts at ^960^96075/125/175^*^* Magic Damage and adds an
additional ^960^96075/125/175^*^* the further the enemy hero is from King Klout.
^274*^* At 3500 units away, enemy heroes take maximum damage.
^947-^* Fear duration is 0.5 second minimum, adding an additional ^9601/1.5/2^*
second(s) the further the enemy hero is from King Klout.
^274*^* At 3500 units away, enemy heroes are Feared for the max duration.
^274*^* Fear goes through Magic Immunity.

^904New^* ^059King Klout^* Avatar: ^579King Truffle^*

^947-^* Hear ye, all Newerthians! Jin Chan may claim he rules the Rulian Marsh, and
the brutish Warlord Flint can boast of how much terror he spreads across the murky
waters, but King Truffle is the true lord and master of this vast realm of muck and
decay. Those impostors like to bluster about how they are from the Rulian, but King
Truffle is actually of the Marsh! Only he can sprout an endless supply of fungal
warriors from sentient spores, and only he can travel across the entire quagmire
with a single swipe of his scepter! So bow down, terra firma prima donnas, for the
true Rulian King has arrived!

^904New^* ^059King Klout^* Debut Avatar: ^579King Klaus

^947-^* Ho-ho-hold up a minute - it's Christmas morning and all the presents
underneath the World Tree are gone! This has to be the work of that goblin King
Klaus and his Selfish Elves, the infamous team of bandits who disguise themselves
as holiday heroes just to gain access to homes and steal everything they can,
including the coal from the naughty kids. They even put on their own Holiday Parade
of Power to get everyone out of the house! Be on the lookout Newerth, because this
crew will strut into town and swipe your milk, cookies, and the stockings off your
feet and then be gone in a flash!

= ^075The Paragons^* =
^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Wretched Hag^* Avatar: ^579Alexandrite Wretched Hag^*

^947-^* Alexandrite Paragon is the living manifestation of the balance between the
physical world and the magical world, a pure expression of duality whose strong
connections to these realms grants her an uncanny intuition for how the enemies of
Newerth seek to execute their plans. She and her winged crystal companions always
seem to be where the enemy's next step lies, and those poor miscreants should
expect no quarter, for the Alexandrite Paragon knows their true intent.

Alexandrite ^059Wretched Hag^* Upgrades:

^256Haunt^* Upgrade
^947-^* A crystal bat flies at the target, leaving a dark smoky purple trail.
^947-^* On impact, the target explodes into crystal shards that fade into purple
blinks of light.
^947-^* A crystal bat fades in and out above the affected character's head with a
purplish wispy trail for the duration of the state.
^947-^* The crystal bat gains a wispy blue smoke trail.
^947-^* Upon casting, more bats explode outward from ^059Wretched Hag^* with
purplish trails.
^947-^* On impact, bats explode from the target and the bat flying above the
target's head is more opaque and has blue and purple trails.

^256Flash of Darkness^* Upgrade

^947-^* Crystal shards appear and collect into ^059Wretched Hag^*.
^947-^* A spiraling trail of purple smoke and an explosion of crystal shards
appear as Hag disappears^960/^*reappears.
^947-^* A puff of spiraling purple smoke appears to cloak Hag as she teleports.
^947-^* The effects gain an explosion of bats with purplish wispy trails.
^947-^* On reappearance, bats appear and fly inward to form Hag.

^256Sonar Scream^* Upgrade

^947-^* Purple sound waves erupt from ^059Wretched Hag^*.
^947-^* Crystal bats fly away from ^059Wretched Hag^* and fade away.
^947-^* Several ethereal crystals jut from the ground and expand outward with the
sound waves.

^256Bat Blast^* Upgrade

^947-^* A wave of purple light and crystal bats fly out of ^059Wretched Hag^*.
^947-^* The bats fade away as they fly farther.
^947-^* The wave of light and smoky trail turn blue.
^947-^* Large shards of crystals fly out of ^059Wretched Hag^* and fade away
before the crystal bats.

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* Announcer

^947-^* Make your accomplishments crystal clear with the brilliant ^980Paragon^*
^947-^* Eligibility: Eligibility: Paragon Empath, Paragon Parasite, Paragon
Riftwalker, Paragon Glacius, Paragon Rhapsody, Paragon Revenant, Paragon Witch
Slayer, Paragon Wretched Hag

^980Paragon^* Upgrades
^947+^* Each ^980Paragon^* avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring
^947+^* Upgrades will become available in the ^980Paragon^* Chest in Plinko after
you own the respective ^980Paragon^* Avatar.

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* Cycle 12 Trophy Avatar: ^579Trophy Witch Slayer^*
^947-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 or the RANKED MMR Ladder's top 25 players at the end of each
28-day cycle, so keep checking those leaderboards and completing those quests! Even
Frostburn Studios staff members cannot get the Trophy avatars!

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* Cycle 12 Quest Reward ^059Ophelia^* Avatar: ^579Pan^*

^947-^* An ancient deity of wild beasts, shepherds and flocks, Pan gazes upon the
destruction of all he loves with a broken heart. He can no longer stand idly by
while Newerth is stripped of its beauty and turned into a barren wasteland. Calling
many formidable beasts to his side, he fills them with his incredible power and
strides into battle to fix what has been broken.

= ^075Ultimate^* =

^904New^* Ultimate ^059Artesia^* Avatar: ^579Mechartesia^*

^947-^* The damned self-righteous URSA Corps, sanctimonious Paragons, Saviors,
Invaders, and alien Artificers injecting Dark Matter into the veins of Newerth -
Klanx had seen enough, especially after witnessing how easily they shattered his
creations. After months of prowling the battlefields and salvaging what he could
from these new classes of warrior, he retreated to his workshop and began to
experiment. Klanx quickly realized there was only one entity on Newerth that could
control the levels of destruction he'd uncovered - and she might even survive the
He sent word to the powerful sorceress Artesia that he had found a way to resurrect
her lost lover from the Vaults of All Hells - a lie, of course. When Artesia
arrived brimming with new hope, Klanx quickly dashed it from her, subdued the
sorceress (at the cost of many lackeys and stun grenades) and commenced siphoning
her essence of arcane magic. The power was greater than he had hoped. It created an
implacable consciousness within the evolving set of armor he had created, an
awareness unencumbered by compassion or empathy. Klanx puffed with satisfaction; he
had created the perfect weapon for destroying the endless rabble of factions, gods,
and corps that all thought they were the answer to Newerth's tribulations. He had
melded technology and magic into a terrible, singular arsenal, and he would enjoy
watching her fulfill her purpose.

Then Artesia awoke, blasted the narcissistic megalomaniac through a wall and fled
before she realized his creation was stirring, rising, and following.

Level Progression
^292- ^*1-5: ^079Apprentice Artesia^* new in her power, Klanx's magical machine
only bears the slightest amount of arcane armor to protect her as she learns and
^292- ^*6-10: ^079Arcanist Artesia^* confident in her abilities, the mechanical
magician begins donning magical accoutrements designed to help her channel her
newfound power through every gear and diode.
^292- ^*11+: ^079Archmage Mechartesia^*, fully evolved and complete in her
absorption of arcane energy, Mechartesia emerges adorned in her full battle gear,
resplendently displaying her power and beginning machinations of her own!

^292- ^*^090Grave Locket^*
^292- ^*^090Grimoire of Power^*
^292- ^*^090Icon of the Goddess^*
^292- ^*^090Marchers^*
^292- ^*^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^292- ^*^090Ring of Sorcery^*
^292- ^*^090Sheepstick^*
^292- ^*^090Spellshards^*
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^*
^292- ^*^090Tablet of Command^*

= ^075It's the Holidays in Newerth!^* =

^947+^* ^904New^* Holiday Edition Maps, Bosses and Creeps
^947-^* ^904New^* Santa Merrick and Christmas music in his Holiday Shop!
^947-^* Christmas music in the lobby!
^947-^* Holiday Celebration in the ^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* Frost Fields ^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* ^579Abominable Kongor^* in ^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* ^579Santa Slayer^* ^075Mid Wars^* Boss
^947-^* Holiday Hat Creeps
^947-^* Holiday Plinko

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Blitz^* Avatar: ^579Blitzen

^947-^* The Hellbourne have all been naughty this year, and since they actually
like coal, Santa has decreed they all get a hot, unwrapped can of whup-ass justice
for the holiday. Who better to deliver it with speed and a joyous spirit than

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Pebbles^* Avatar: ^579Boulderdash

^947-^* It's that time of year again, when the hollering humans are chopping down
trees and hanging those damn lights and ugly tinsel over everything, running around
messing up the pristine snow with their snowball fights and their annoying youthful
attitudes. Well one massive and very grumpy snowman is going to show them what a
real snowball fight actually looks like!

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Gladiator^* Avatar: ^579Gladiclaus

^947-^* You better place wards, you better not feed, you better try hard then CC 15
when Gladiclaus comes to town. This bad-ass list checker will whip you from Naughty
to Nice and have you cobbled, wrapped and shipped back to the fountain before he's
done eating your milk and cookies.

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Pearl^* Avatar: ^579Snowglobe

^947-^* Snowglobe spends countless hours creating the idyllic holiday scenes within
her precious glass domes, and her Christmas wish is to remake Newerth into a
peaceful landscape full of softly glowing lanterns, lofty spires, harmonizing
carolers and fluffy, new-fallen snow. For that to happen, however, she must first
remove all these grumpy pants more concerned with power and victory than holiday
cheer. If she has to break a few globes to make it happen, so be it.

^904New^* Holiday^* Wards:

^075Christmas Ward^*:
^947-^* Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide our gank tonight?

^075New^* Year's Eve Ward^*:

^947-^* Pop a bottle of this glowing bubbly in anticipation of your team's victory!

= ^075General^* =

^904New^* ^059Valkyrie^* Avatar:^579Adkarna Valkyrie^*

^947-^* Jeraziah was wounded, weary, and saw the end looming as he stared into the
brimstone depths of a Malphi's gullet when he was suddenly hidden from view by a
Valkyrie's Prism an instant before a golden lance felled the massive daemon.
Because she had saved him from sure death, Jeraziah repaid the fearless warrior
with the finest royal armor of Adkarna and a place in his elite guard. Will this
newly adorned Valkyrie accept his offer or spread her wings and continue her
solitary path?

^904New^* ^059Berzerker^* Avatar: ^579Bloodaxe Berzerker^*

^947-^* There was one clan of Savages who did not bend the knee to Maliken Grimm
during the War of the Single Banner. After the massacre at Grimm's Crossing, while
the battle-weary Savages chose to bow their cowardly heads rather than die a
warrior's death, the Bloodaxe Clan looted Grimm's supplies and slipped away into
the Frost Fields. Their northern stronghold became a deathtrap to any threat that
wandered too close, but food and offspring dwindled over the years, then ceased
altogether as merchants refused to risk the Crossing and daemon raiders skulking
among the frozen drifts. With his lineage on the brink of sputtering out forever,
the Bloodaxe warlord has ventured out from his refuge to carve out a new home for
his clan, and he cares not who his blade must cleave to make it so.

^904New^* ^059Gemini^* Avatar: ^579Lion of Sol Gemini^*

^947-^* And the Codex Solaris states: When Newerth cries out in pain, Sol himself
shall send his greatest guardian to aid her. The Lion of Sol will plummet from the
heavens as a fireball of blinding light, and his tremendous roar shall be heard all
across the land. The enemies of Sol will vanish, pulverized by the cascade of his
arrival, and all shall witness the might of the one true god.

^904New^* ^059Pestilence^* Avatar: ^579Lord Pestilence^*

^947-^* Pestilence betrayed his hive and queen in his quest for power, and in the
years since he has sought all forms of insect alchemy and sorcery to continue
molting and evolving until he finally emerged as one worthy of ruling everything
that swarms, stings, and scuttles. Now he will return to the hive and challenge
Moon Queen for her throne, and he brings with him a new brood of pest capable of
destroying any who do not submit to their new master.

^904New^* ^059Wildsoul^* Avatar: ^579Tigersoul

^947-^* The Shào monks of the Monastery of the Way will not speak of the lost
brother who delved too deeply into the mystical energies that allow some to take on
characteristics of the Beasts. The intent behind this transformation is to gain a
better understanding of the animals who share the sun, air and water with the
monks. But this man did not seek enlightenment; he wanted to become bigger,
stronger, and more ferocious than any other creature in the jungles surrounding the
veiled peaks of the Sang-La Mountains. True, he did this to better defend the
Monastery and those within, but his motivation was selfish at its core and he
became a danger to his fellow monks. Because of this the terrifying creature known
as Tigersoul was exiled into the solitary life of a hermit. He and his tiger
brethren still defend the Monastery of the Way, but the monk is forever lost to the
world of man.

= ^075eSports^* =
For winning a major Heroes of Newerth tournament, DDOG and Neolution MRR have new
e-sports avatars themed around their team colors and logos!
^947-^* ^904New^* ^059War Beast^* Avatar: ^579DDOG War Beast^*
^947-^* ^904New^* ^059Pandamonium^* Avatar: ^579Neolution MRR Pandamonium^*

= ^075POGs^* =
^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatars: ^059Hellbringer^* and ^059Slither^*
^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

^947-^* The selection circle now appears properly around your hero if you have
"Self Hero Outline" and "Selection Outlines" selected in the Options menu.
^947-^* Fixed certain visual issues with ^980Paragon^* ^059Witch Slayer^*.
^947-^* Debuff Popup Text option preference is now saved properly when the user
exits the HoN Client.
^947-^* Debuff Popup Text will no longer show up in a game if the Debuff Popup Text
option is disabled.

The following skills now exhibit their proper behavior for their Debuff Popup Text:
^947-^* ^059Flint Beastwood^*'s ^256Flare^*
^947-^* ^059Pharaoh^*'s ^256Hellfire^*
^947-^* ^059Devourer^*'s ^256Decay^*
^947-^* ^059Myrmidon^*'s ^256Weed Field^*
^947-^* ^059Rampage^*'s ^256Might of the Herd^*
^947-^* ^059Bramble^*'s ^256Ensnaring Shrubbery^*
^947-^* ^059Glacius^*' ^256Tundra Blast
^947-^* ^059Engineer^*'s ^256Steam Turret^*

^947-^* Base damage of Spirits is properly reduced to 80% when they attack via the
second activation of Unholy Expulsion (when upgraded with Staff of the Master).

^947-^* Fixed a bug where ^256Gash^* had incorrect damage modifiers when applied to
more than one target.

^947-^* Fixed a mana syncing issue between Nitro and Mauser (from patch 3.7.15).
^947-^* The Zoomerang (if it lands on the ground) now has its icon and name
displayed properly when you hover over it on the minimap.

^077Mock of Brilliance^*
^947-^* Aura tooltip now displays properly in the item shop

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Channeling no longer continues if the target dies.


^980Version 3.7.15^*
^9801 December 2015^*

== ^960Design^* ==

^075Negative Effect Popup Text Option^*

^947+^* When this option is enabled, negative effects applied to your hero will
display a popup showing what has debuffed you and for how long.

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^075Player Appreciation^* =
^947+^* Continuing with our Player Appreciation here are the new set effects that
will be going into this patch. Remember, since we are changing/adding effects to
some of our older sets, all of the avatars associated with the changed sets will
become available for a short period of time (yes, even Golds, EAs, and Debuts).

^947+^* ^980Rise of the Clockworks Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Rise of the Clockworks Set, each avatar
will have a scattering of gears and cogs on the ground around them!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Iron Flux^*
^579Mecha Gemini^*
^579Brass Arachna^*
^579Steampunk Electrician^*
^579Crematorium Balphagore^*
^579Cyber Valk^*
^579Clockwork Archer^*

^947+^* ^980Iron Legion Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Iron Legion Set, each avatar receives a
green circuit trail effect!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Master of Cybernetics^*
^579Exterminator Nomad^*
^579Mecha Draconis^*

^947+^* ^980Hell Forged Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Hell Forged Set, each avatar receives a
red circuit trail effect!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Doomsday Klanx^*
^579Cyber Steel Grinex^*
^579Pentinent Lodestone^*

^947+^* ^980A.R.M.S. Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire A.R.M.S. Set, each avatar will have a
pair of brightly colored wings made out of plasma energy!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^579Invader Dampeer^*
^579Invader Kane^*
^579Invader Pestilence^*
^579Invader Ravenor^*
^579Savior Emerald Warden^*
^579Savior Hammerstorm^*
^579Savior Legionnaire^*
^579Savior Pebbles^*
^579Savior Predator^*
^579Savior Rally^*
^579Savior Solstice^*

= ^075The War Effort and Ranked MMR Ladder^* =

^947+^* Cycle 11 will finish on ^960December 15th^* and rewards will be handed out
by ^960December 18th^*.
^947-^* Cycle 12 starts on ^960December 15th^* and will last until ^960January
^947-^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder on ^960December 15th^* will be
rewarded with the Trophy Avatar of this cycle.

= ^075Community Event Team^* =

^947+^* Here to bring you HoN-related events with huge prizes!
^947+^* Parallax was in dire need of flavor tooltips. The following submissions
have won, and the players who submitted them get a Parallax avatar of their choice!
^256Fulcrum Shift^* ^333[Q] -^* You don't expect me to carry it forever, do you?
^333(Submitted by ^633Kel_Ebek^*^333)^*
^256Ionic Dash^* ^333[W] -^* Easy come, easy go! ^333(Submitted by
^256Dark Mana^* ^333[E] -^* Your mana loves me more! ^333(Submitted by
^256Earthshatter^* ^333[R] -^* Looks like CERN experiments went wrong!
^333(Submitted by ^633Pirulo^*^333)^*

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to
^^* for more information.
^947-^* Big congratulations to Cycle 4 Diamond Division Champions, Evil

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!
^947-^* ^579Lapis Lazuli Paragon Witch Slayer^* will be entering Plinko on
^960December 2nd^*.
^947-^* ^579Zircon Paragon Glacius^* will become available to purchase in Merrick's
shop on ^960December 2nd^*.

= ^075Gold Chest Swap Out: A.R.M.S. Avatars^* =

^947+^* With the A.R.M.S. avatar receiving an epic set effect, Merrick is giving
you the chance to complete your collection by replacing the contents in the Gold
Chest in Plinko with all 10 original A.R.M.S. avatars (Pestilence will not be
included but is still available for free if you own the other 10.)
^947-^* The Gold Chest contents will be swapped out from ^960December 1st^* to
^960December 15th^*.

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* ^904New^* Mode: ^075Counter Pick^*
^274*^* We have had many suggestions for a mode that would allow players to
counter hero picks by alternating hero selection between teams, rather than
everyone picking at the same time (All Pick). We are putting Counter Pick in for a
short time to see how you enjoy it compared to the current All Pick method. Please
leave feedback on our forums and let us know if this is something you would want on
a regular basis.
^274*^* This mode will replace ^075All Pick^* from ^96012/1/15 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Blitz Mode^*
^947-^* Banning Draft

== ^960New Content^* ==

= ^075The Paragons^* =
^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^980Paragon^* Upgrades
^947+^* Each Paragon avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring upgrades.
^947+^* Upgrades will become available in the Paragon Chest in Plinko after you own
the respective Paragon Avatar.
^947+^* Eligibility: Paragon Empath, Paragon Parasite, Paragon Riftwalker, Paragon
Glacius, Paragon Rhapsody, Paragon Revenant, Paragon Witch Slayer

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Witch Slayer^* Avatar: ^579Lapis Lazuli Paragon Witch

^947-^* The ancient Lapis Lazuli Paragon is the embodiment of higher intellect and
honed mental abilities, and he has devoted these skills to unearthing the true
essence of every man, beast, daemon, and spirit he encounters. None can sustain a
veil of lies or dishonesty when judged by his crystals, and if they are revealed as
a threat to his home or fellow Paragons the sentence is swift and without pity.

^579Lapis Lazuli Paragon Witch Slayer^* Upgrades:

^256Graveyard^* Upgrade
^947-^* Crystalline tombstones and crosses erupt from the ground with
bursts of light.
^947-^* Large mystical circles appear shortly afterward.

^947-^* Crystalline tombstones and crosses erupt from the ground with
bursts of light and large shards of crystal.
^947-^* Large mystical circles appear shortly afterward with blue
electric energy pulsing in them.

^256Miniaturization^* Upgrade
^947-^* A magical glyph appears underneath the target and they shrink
with afterimages of the target.
^947-^* Blue light rays appear beneath them and the glyph stays
visible while they are affected.

^947-^* Similar to base, but encircling shards of crystal close in on
the target as they shrink and electrical energy and small crystal shards appear
underneath while they are shrunken.

^256Power Drain^* Upgrade

^947-^* Two magical glyphs appear in front of each participant in the
^947-^* They move to follow and look at each other.
^947-^* Blue wisps of energy escape from the target's glyph and flow
into Witch Slayer's glyph.
^947-^* They are followed by mystical energy and sparkles.

^947-^* Similar as base, except the glyphs become electrified with
energy and the wisps that escape are pulsating with energy as well.
^947-^* Small shards of crystal escape the target's magical glyph
along with the wisps of energy.

^256Silver Bullet^* Upgrade:

^947-^* A magical glyph appears in front of Witch ^077Slayer^*'s gun
and a blue explosion fires from the center.
^947-^* The trail of the bullet leaves behind blue magic circles on
its way to the target.
^947-^* On impact, a large circle expands from the target along with
a shock wave and blood.

^947-^* An electrified magical glyph appears in front of the gun and
crystal shards spew forth.
^947-^* The bullet is electrified and leaves behind a blue lightning
trail and magic circles.
^947-^* On impact, the target has a magic circle expand from their
body and electricity crackles and slowly fades away.

^256Carnage^* Counter Upgrade

^947-^* Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of your all-time kills
and assists with your Paragon avatars!

^904New^* ^077Paragon Pet

^947-^* Collect the Paragons and unlock this elegant crystal companion to join you
on your many Paragon victories!
^947-^* Each Paragon avatar's pet will match the color of the avatar's

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* Trophy Avatar: ^059Parasite^*
^947-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

= ^075Winter Holidays^* =
^904New^* ^980Holiday^* ^059Kane^* Avatar: ^579Candy Kane^*
^947-^* Candy Kane wants everyone to celebrate the holidays as awesomely as he
does, but he sometimes has a hard time controlling his enthusiasm and overwhelming
strength of spirit. If he sees you bringing any bah humbug attitude to the party,
he'll pull you aside for a little one-on-one time so you can really appreciate how
great candy canes are, especially when they aren't bashing your head in.

^904New^* ^980Holiday^* ^059Andromeda^* Avatar: ^579Christmas Lights Andromeda^*

^947-^* It's time to decorate Newerth in lots of bright pretty lights and Andromeda
has taken to the tradition like a Pyromancer to fire... almost. Turns out she isn't
very good at untangling the Christmas lights, so be on the lookout for flying
comets of pent-up holiday cheer. If you've got a plate of cookies and the patience
to help her out, she'll happily trade places with you and maybe even make you one
of her Christmas sweaters. They're very...festive.

^904New^* ^980Holiday^* ^059Riptide^* Avatar: ^579Yuletide^*

^947-^* The northern pagan tribes of the Frost Fields still celebrate Yuletide
despite disapproval from Arasunia and the Church of Sol, but it's easy for those
Martyrs and Sisters of Sol to dismiss the winter holiday from afar. When the
ancient Yuletide creature emerges from the frozen waters looking to share holiday
cheer, it is best to have your home strung with holly, ivy, and boughs of evergreen
and a handmade gift ready for exchange. This is because Yuletide has a much darker,
more dangerous side-the reason his worshipers and holiday have survived while
others have not.

^904New^* ^980Holiday^* ^059Rhapsody^* Avatar: ^579Christmas Carol^*

^947-^* Carry the holiday hymns and melodies throughout the lanes with Christmas
Carol, who protects her fellow carolers as gracefully and tenaciously as her
priceless vocal cords. Caroling etiquette is strictly enforced, so know the lyrics,
stick together in the jungle, and if you enjoyed the song, show some harping

^904New^* ^980Holiday^* ^059Amun-Ra^* Avatar: ^579Bask in My Presents Ra^*

^947-^* Every year around the holidays the giving spirit is ignited within Amun-Ra
and he is reborn from an abomination of all that is light and holy into a
delightful example of generosity and giving. Delightful, that is, as long as you
accept his gifts with an appreciative smile no matter what's inside. And don't
bother asking for a gift receipt. Ra burned them all.
= ^075POGs^* =
^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: POG ^059Gauntlet^*
^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

= ^075General^* =

^947-^* Clarification in the courier tooltips: Courier is visible only if the enemy
sees your main hero.
^947-^* Items will no longer be deleted if you have part of two recipe items'
components in the stash and in your inventory and attempt to auto-combine them both
in specific scenarios.
^947-^* Report-A-Player report submission form no longer has a "Dismiss Report"
^947-^* Report-A-Player report submission form's "Don't Submit" button moved to the
left side of the window and renamed to "Cancel" to reduce confusion and mis-clicks
^947-^* Starting Heroes of Newerth no longer makes an annoying pop sound on windows

^077Post Haste^*
^947-^* Valid teleport target search radius increased from 500 to Global.
^274*^* You no longer have to click within 500 radius of a unit to teleport to
it and will teleport to the closest target to your search position.

= ^075Heroes^* =

^947-^* ^579Quarterback Blitz^* and ^579Flash Blitz^* projectiles display their
models properly.

^947-^* ^579Toadwood Deadstool^* now properly displays the Rulian Marsh mushroom
trail when he walks when ^256Uproot^* is active if the user owns the full
^980Rulian Marsh avatar set^*.

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* Medium and Low graphic settings have been fixed.

^947-^* ^579Mercenary Legionnaire^* ^077Staff of the Master^*s axes are correctly
placed now.
^947-^* ^256Decapitate^* can now be cast on enemy siege creeps.

^947-^* Martyr's ^256Guardian Angel^* no longer glitches on certain alt avatars.

^947-^* Fixed a mana syncing issue between Nitro and Mauser.

^947-^* ^256Essence Shroud^* will properly break stealth when the unit attacks a
building or gadget.
^947-^* Essence Shroud will properly break stealth when the unit's attack action
time is reached, rather than when their autoattack projectile impacts the target
(for ranged units).
^274*^* Units without an autoattack projectile are unaffected.

^947-^* ^256Swift Slashes^* can now be cast on enemy siege creeps.

^947-^* ^256Torment^* now deals damage and shows its visual effects even when
Torturer is stealthed.
^274*^* Toggling the skill on while stealthed will break stealth, but toggling
the skill off while stealthed will not break stealth.

^075The following hero portraits now display correctly:^*

^947-^* ^579Librarian Vindicator^*
^947-^* ^579Yanlou Wang^*
^947-^* ^579Mecha Gemini^* and its Fire & Ice pets


^980Version 3.7.14^*
^98017 November 2015^*

== ^960Design^* ==

= ^075General^* =

^075Floating Combat Text^*

^947+^* When this option is enabled, a colored number will briefly appear over
enemies whenever you deal damage specifying the amount of damage done.
^947-^* Pink indicates ^960Magic Damage^*.
^947-^* Red indicates ^960Physical Damage^*.

= ^075Maps^* =

^075Devo Wars^*
^947-^* ^077Blind^* Grenade range increased from ^9601900 ^* to ^960 2500^*.
^947-^* ^077Flare^* range increased from ^9601950 ^* to ^960 2500^*.
^947-^* ^077Healing^* Ward cost increased from 20 to 25 gold, bounty increased from
20 gold.
^947-^* ^077Mine^* amount that can be held increased from ^9603 ^* to ^960 6,
cooldown decreased from 150ms.^*

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^075Player Appreciation^* =

^947+^* Continuing with our Player Appreciation here are the new set effects that
will be going into this patch. Remember, since we are changing/adding effects to
some of our older sets, all of the avatars associated with the changed sets will
become available for a short period of time (yes, even Golds, EAs, and Debuts).

^947+^* ^980Sang-La Set^* Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Sang-La set, each avatar will receive a
panda pet!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^274*^* ^579Pandasoul^*
^274*^* ^579Yanluo Wang Soul Reaper^* (Available from ^96011/18^*-^96011/23^*)
^274*^* ^579Tangseng Martyr^*
^274*^* ^579Bajie Prisoner^*
^274*^* ^579Shaolin Magebane^*
^274*^* ^579Jeet Kune Dragon Pandamonium^*

^947+^* ^980Heroes of Oz Set Effects^*

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Heroes of Oz set, each avatar will
receive a flying monkey pet!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^274*^* ^579Scarecrow Fayde^*
^274*^* ^579Good Witch Pearl^*
^274*^* ^579Tin Hammerstorm^*
^274*^* ^579Gravewood Deadyard^*
^274*^* ^579Cowardly Night Hound^*
^274*^* ^579Wicked Hag of the West^*

^947+^* ^980Archaic Gods Set Effects^*

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire Archaic Gods set, each avatar will gain
a colored electric weapon effect!
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^274*^* ^579Kali Defiler^*
^274*^* ^579Odin Tundra^*
^274*^* ^579Quetzalcoatl Zephyr^*
^274*^* ^579Zeus Ravenor^*
^274*^* ^579Svarog Magmus^*

^947+^* ^980Revenge of the Neutrals Set Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire set, each avatar (except Sylvia, who
already has a pet) will gain a unique pet based on the Neutral they were inspired
^947-^* Avatars in set:
^274*^* ^579Ogre Blacksmith^*
^274*^* ^579Earthroc Pebbles^*
^274*^* ^579Snot Keeper Gravekeeper^*
^274*^* ^579Sylvia Ophelia^*

= ^075Community Event Team^* =

^947+^* Here to bring you HoN-related events with huge prizes!

^947+^* Amun-Ra was in dire need of flavor tooltips. The following submissions have
won, and the players who submitted them get an Amun-Ra avatar of their choice!
^947-^* ^256Path of Destruction^* ^333[Q] -^* Who needs direct pathing?
^333(Submitted by ^633ShajiWhyUGay^*^333)^*
^947-^* ^256Ignite^* ^333[W] -^* Happens when you're eating flaming hot Cheetos.
^333(Submitted by ^633Dota`1^*^333)^*
^947-^* ^256Ashes to Ashes^* ^333[E] -^* I was voted the hottest guy in Newerth.
^333(Submitted by ^633i99StrPurePK^*^333)^*
^947-^* ^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^* ^333[R] -^* Round Two, FIGHT! ^333(Submitted by

^947+^* ^077Nome's Wisdom^* was lacking lore and ^633Galaxy^* wrote the winning
^947-^* Rumor spread throughout the Forests of Caldavar that a new relic had been
conjured by the crazed alchemist Nome. The artifact radiated a rejuvenating aura
that soothed even the deepest wounds from battle. Now, with the war for control
getting increasingly intense, both Hellbourne and Legion desperately tried
utilizing the unique item and quickly added it to their arsenals.
^947+^* ^077Energizer^* was also lacking lore, but no longer, thanks to
^633Mithra^*'s submission.
^947-^* Craving power without end, Newerth's best magicians finally evoked this
mystical artifact. Although simple of design, this device enabled both the
Hellbourne hordes and the Legion armies to move with speed unparalleled by anything
known before. The appearance of Blitz was only a natural consequence, perceiving a
challenge he could best.

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^947+^* Cycle 10 is underway and will be active until ^960November 17th^*.

^947-^* In addition to the top 50 players on the Quest Leaderboard, the top 25
players on the RANKED MMR Ladder will also be rewarded with the Trophy Avatar of
their respective cycle.
^947-^* The first Trophy Avatar rewards for MMR players will go out on ^960November

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to
^^* for more information.

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!

= ^075Autumn Gold Sale & Black Friday^* =

^947+^* It's that time of the year again where avatar deals run rampant!
^947-^* Stock up on Gold Coins during the Autumn Gold Sale and receive a bonus
^98015% on every Gold Coin purchase^* you make during ^960November 20th^* through
^960November 24th^*.
^947-^* Take part in the yearly Black Friday event, where Merrick's shop runs
avatar sales for 24 hours straight! Make sure to check Merrick's shop often because
each deal will only stick around for an hour!

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Force Pick

== ^960New Content^* ==

= ^075Gold Collection^* =
^904New^* ^980Gold Collection^* ^059Legionnaire^* Avatar: ^579Mercenary
^947+^* Mercenary Legionnaire brings a new type of interaction to Newerth! This
avatar includes a Legion and Hellbourne version, and the appropriate character will
display in-game depending on which team you join. Each version has its own Legion
and Hellbourne model, texture, effects, voice, and sound effects.
^947-^* Legionnaires are the namesakes of the Legion itself, and when they take the
battlefield with their massive battle-axes, the razor-sharp blades blessed by the
fiery blood of the Sacred Order, there is no daemon who can stand before their
terrifying charge. But when these courageous warriors do fall, their corpses are
like treasure to the Hellbourne, who claim the lifeless meat and bone as their own
and imbue it with a corrupted essence. The result is a bastardized shell of the
former Legion soldier, a depraved murderer whose only desire is to retrace his
former life's steps, killing everyone who had a hand in forging the Legion hero he
once was.

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* Cycle 11 Avatar: ^579Blade of Sol Jeraziah^*

^947-^*If a Man does sin against Sol, let him be punished, and his children also,
and their children also, unto the last of them, for no good springs of evil.
^947-^* The Codex Solaris

^947-^* Sol is a vengeful god, and Jeraziah has long felt the punishment for the
sins of his father. The young prince tried to embrace the benevolent side of his
faith for years, even after he became king, but that only led to suffering and
heartbreak. No more. Behold Jeraziah, the Blade of Sol, who draws the blessed,
razor-honed sword of righteousness against all who deny Sol's word. He is imbued
with his god's pure light and power, and while those who stand beside him certainly
appreciate his protection and blessing, his only motivation for keeping them alive
is so they can kill more sinners before finally ascending to Sol's ultimate glory.

= ^075Winter Holidays^* =

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Gravekeeper^* Avatar: ^579Holidaykeeper

^947-^* Gather 'round, Newerth family, for the hearth is warm and the household
safe from the dangers of the outside world thanks to the grace and generosity of
Holidaykeeper Hestia! Leave the war behind you, raise your glasses, and offer your
first and last libations of the feast in her honor, for she has brought us all
here, friend and foe alike, to sit within her sanctuary when the cold night is at
its darkest.

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^095Ward^*: Thanksgiving Ward

^947-^* Provide your team with a cornucopia of map awareness with the Thanksgiving

= ^075Loi Krathong/Yi Peng^* =

^904New^* ^980Holiday Edition^* ^059Bombardier^* Avatar: ^579Yi Peng Bombardier^*

^947-^* Yi Peng Bombardier is ready to celebrate the full moon festival by floating
some explosively fun sky lanterns for the opposition to enjoy! Her brightly burning
candle lights the way for all to find peace, and when she releases a khom loi even
the angriest players feel compelled to let go of hatred, anger, and corruption.
Happy Yi Peng and Loi Krathong, Newerth!

= ^075General^* =
^904New^* ^059Maliken^* Avatar: ^579Adkarna King Maliken^*
^947-^* With Calamity attempting to begin the Third Corruption, the Great Rift
threatening, the return of the Paragons, and Parallax skewing time and space around
him, an alternate reality has woven into Newerth as we know it.
In this reality, Maliken's first love Andraste did not die giving birth to
Jeraziah. As a result, Maliken never fell under the spell of the shapeshifter
Sylvia and his mind remained untouched by the madness that drove him to begin the
Second Corruption. But the Second Corruption happened regardless, caused by
Sylvia's daughter Ophelia, who would take any measure to wipe Man off the face of
Newerth. Emperor Maliken will march from Adkarna in full regalia to rally the
Legion against this wicked girl and her bestial daemons!

^904New^* ^059Arachna^* Avatar: ^579Arachnae^*

^947-^* Arachnae was the finest weaver in all of ancient Greece, and all who saw
her work remarked at how lucky she was to receive such a gift from Athena, goddess
of wisdom and crafts. Arachnae scoffed at this, claiming her skill surpassed even
Athena's and that the goddess had no part in her abilities. Athena heard each of
these insults, and when they became too much to bear she challenged Arachnae to a
weaving contest with the loser banished from the loom for all of time. Arachnae
The two wove feverishly for hours, and when they were done Athena lifted hers for
all to witness. It was a glorious tapestry of Zeus and his siblings defeating the
Titans, a worthy homage to the Titanomachy, and the gathered crowd was ready to
name it the winner. Then Arachnae revealed her tapestry, a breathtaking mosaic
featuring infamous scenes in which the gods had tricked, abused, and slaughtered
mortals. The crowd was silent, but secretly approved of this challenge to the gods.
Athena was not quite as impressed. Infuriated by this insult to the gods, as well
as the proof that Arachnae was indeed a better weaver, she said, "Since you are so
fond of weaving, let's see if you can weave your way out of the Underworld."
She laid her hand upon Arachnae's head and transformed her into a hideous half-
human, half-spider monstrosity and sent her to the lowest level of the Underworld,
where no loom or fabric exists. Since that day Arachnae has been weaving a web to
climb back to the land of the mortals, and when the Second Corruption ripped the
land apart and unleashed the Underworld upon Newerth, Arachnae crawled out, seeking
vengeance upon the gods and those who worship them.

^904New^* ^095Courier^*: Fairy Courier

^947-^* This Fairy Courier seeks to return the kindness you performed by freeing
her by bringing your items on wings of speed!

= ^075POGs^* =

^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: ^579POG Demented Shaman^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

= ^075General^* =

^947-^* ^077Merrick's Bounty^* will no longer start accumulating charges early if

you die before the in-game timer reaches 0:00.
^947-^* Buildings behind the inventory slot HUD will no longer interfere with
moving an item from one slot to another.
^947-^* ^075Capture the Flag^*'s loading screen Tower symbol now displays its
string correctly.
^947-^* Hosts can now promote/demote themselves as referees.
^947-^* Added the ability to kick referees.
^947-^* Added buttons to the UI to remove a referee and to kick a referee.
^947-^* Paragon trail effect visuals now display the correct colors.

= ^075Heroes^* =

^947-^* ^256Regurgitate^* corpses no longer block neutral creeps from spawning.

^947-^* ^579Insanitarius Berzerker^* now plays the correct ^256Mark for Death^*
sound while ^077Insanitarius^* is toggled on.

^947-^* Ellonia's ^256Absolute Zero^* (boosted by ^077Staff of the Master^*) now
applies level 4 ^256Flash Freeze^* to all targets hit by the return projectile.
^274*^* Fixes a corner case bug so that Circe's mimic of Ellonia (when Ellonia
has Staff of the Master) will properly apply Flash Freeze to the appropriate
targets hit if the mimic dies before the projectile returns to the mimic's

^947-^* ^579Soaker Rosie Engineer^*'s overhead visuals no longer move down
vertically whenever she moves.
^947-^* ^256Steam Turret^* damage effect type changed from ^960Magic ^*to ^960Magic

^059Flint Beastwood^*
^947-^* ^579Rulian Warlord^*'s attack projectile visuals will now properly change
when attacking units depending on the items he has in his inventory.

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* ^256Split Fire^* split attack range now matches her increased Attack Range
when she has a ^077Wingbow^* in her inventory.

^947-^* ^579Zircon Paragon Glacius^*' ^256Chilling Presence^* upgrade now shows the
correct pulse visuals.

^947-^* ^256Defiling Touch^* corpses no longer block neutral creeps from spawning.

^947-^* ^579Septar Kane^*'s ^256Steel Resolve^* eye visual on the target now
displays properly.

^947-^* ^256Lodestone Plates^* now functions properly if the hero source damaging
Lodestone is invulnerable.
^947-^* ^256Rocket Drill^* lifetime is now properly adjusted if Lodestone is
affected by ^059Moira^*'s ^256Arcane Vortex^*.
^274*^* Prevents Lodestone moving to the bottom-left corner of the map because
the Rocket Drill gadget no longer expires prematurely if Lodestone is affected by
Arcane Vortex.

^947-^* ^579Sterling Midas^*' ^256Elemental Warp^* now plays the proper sound file
if the player owns a level 4 or above upgrade for Sterling Midas.
^947-^* Moraxus will now properly use his corresponding avatar's axe model when
^256More Axes^* is triggered from his ^256Matraxe^* skill that is boosted by
^077Staff of the Master^*.

^947-^* Mauser will no longer die on the same frame if he becomes invulnerable when
returning to Nitro.

^947-^* Pharaoh's ^256Hellfire^* visuals now match its actual radius.

^059^059Prisoner^* 945^*
^947-^* The Virtue set effect for ^579Temperance Prisoner^* no longer displays a
shell that appears similar to the Double Damage rune visuals.
^947-^* Bajie throws his rake now instead of a ball.

^947-^* ^579Tourmaline Paragon Rhapsody^*'s ^256Protective Melody^* now breaks
properly when channeling is cancelled by a Stun or Silence, if the user owns the
Protective Melody Paragon visual upgrade and Rhapsody has a Staff of the Master in
her inventory.
^947-^* Protective Melody's channel bar now hides properly when channeling is
cancelled by a Stun or Silence if Rhapsody has a ^077Staff of the Master^* in her

^947-^* No longer teleports to the bottom-left corner of the map with the second
usage of ^256Bidirectional Wormhole^* (ultimate skill, boosted by ^077Staff of the
Master^*) if ^059Moira^*'s ^256Arcane Vortex^* affects Riftwalker before the second
usage is actually used.

^947-^* Ultimate renamed from "^059Succubus' Hold^*" to "^256Cursed Embrace^*."


^980Version 3.7.13^*
^980 November 2015^*

== ^960Design^* ==

= ^075General^* =

^075Safechanneling Option^*
^947-^* When this option is enabled, you will not cancel your own Homecoming Stone
or Post Haste teleport unless you push stop or hold.

^075Ability Cast Priorities^*

^947-^* Targeting has been improved for all ability casts. All abilities will now
ignore invalid targets on mouse over and click allowing you to click through
enemies to target allies with friendly target abilities and vice versa.

^075Right Click Deny Option^*

^947-^* When this option is enabled, right clicking an allied creep or hero that is
low enough health to deny will cause you to attack them. (YAY IT'S FINALLY IN)
= ^075Courier^* =

^947+^* Based on survey results and other feedback, we've decided to increase the
speed of the courier. We are still looking at improvements to the courier, but this
change was a very simple one.
^947-^* Courier movespeed increased from ^960400 ^* to ^960 522^* while delivering.
^947-^* Added trail effect while delivering.

= ^075Items^* =

^077Health Potion^*
^947+^* With the new courier system, we knew we would need to think about Health
Potions as a constant source of regeneration. Ferrying health potions to suicides
and to jungle heroes turned out to be too effective. With the speed of the courier
increasing, this change is needed to maintain the balance of suicides and jungle
^947-^* Now has a ^960 120 second cooldown^*.
^274*^* Still has no cooldown in ^075Mid Wars^*.

= ^075Heroes^* =

^947-^* Can now detach early from his Gauntlet Punch's (R, boosted by ^077Staff of
the Master^*) flying fist with a secondary activation.
^274*^* This removes his invulnerability state early and allows him to act
sooner as per the player's decision.

^947+^* We have had a good amount of time to look at Ravenor with his current
changes and we have evaluated his usefulness in the jungle and his ability to gain
charges with his ultimate. The jungle farm was just a little too fast, and we
wanted to make a jungle Ravenor spend a considerable amount of health and mana to
accomplish it. The ^256Storm Blades^* attack speed was always there to make it feel
better as you played with it, but the new ^256Static Shock^* will do that nicely so
the need for it on the Storm Blades wasn't necessary. We also decided that players
were gaining charges a little too quickly.

^256Storm Blades^*
^947-^* No longer grants a bonus ^96050 attack speed^*.

^256Static Shock^*
- Reworded tooltips to change the bonus percentages against non-hero units into a
bonus damage multiplier (^960+300%^* =^960 4x damage^*, ^960+250%^* =^960 3.5x
^947-^* Bonus damage multiplier against non-hero units decreased from ^9604X^* to

^256Power Overwhelming^*
^947-^* Minimum charge amount decreased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 15^*.
^947-^* Charge per hit decreased from ^9607 ^* to ^960 5^*.

== ^960Community^* ==
= ^075Player Appreciation^* =
^947+^* Continuing with our Player Appreciation here are the new set effects that
will be going into this patch. Remember, since we are changing/adding effects to
some of our older sets, all of the avatars associated with the changed sets will
become available for a short period of time (yes, even Golds, EAs, and Debuts).
^947+^* ^980Black Legion^* Set Effects
^947-^* Added effect: If you own Quintan Legionnaire, you get effects for the
entire Black Legion Set; the ground around all the heroes is charred and burns!
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^579Septar Kane^*, ^579Waru Master of Arms^*, ^579Hexa
Silhouette^*, ^579Tetra Scout^*, ^579Troika Engineer^*, ^579Dyad Blacksmith^*,
^579Unum Martyr^*, and ^579Quintan Legionnaire^*

^947+^* ^980Rise of the Neutral^* Set Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own all the avatars in the set, each avatar will
receive its own unique effect!
^947-^* Avatars in set and their effects:
^274*^* ^579Stealth Hunter^*: A vicious bite wound is inflicted upon the enemy
when his ultimate is cast.
^274*^* ^579Vagabonadon^*: ^256Spine Burst^* has added flame sparks.
^274*^* ^579Tyrant Rally^*: Leaves a trail of broken earth and dust as he
^274*^* ^579Antphelia^*: He is encircled with green energy when he activates
his ultimate.

^947+^* ^980The Four Horsemen^* Set Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own all of the Four Horsemen avatars, all of the
avatars will have a unique trail representing their devastation behind them.
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^579Conquest Maliken^*, ^579Horseman Death^*, ^579Horseman
Famine^*, ^579Horseman Pestilence^*, and ^579Horseman War^*

^947+^* ^980Rise of Ra^* Set Effects

^947-^* Added effect: If you own the entire set, hieroglyphs will follow the heroes
and will spell out the name "AMUN RA"!
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^579Risen Ra^*, ^579Archlich Gravekeeper^*, ^579Cenobite
Torturer^*, ^579Demonic Shaman^*, and ^579Anubus Pharaoh^*

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^947+^* Cycle 10 is currently underway and will be active until ^960November
^947+^* The first rewards will go out on ^960November 17th^*.

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to
^^* for more information.

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
^96025%^* of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Capture the Flag^* (Now with ^9802x gold^*/xp tick)

^947-^* All Random
== ^960New Content^* ==

= ^075The Paragons^* =
^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^075Paragon Upgrades^*
^947+^* Each Paragon avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring upgrades.
^947+^* Upgrades will become available in the Paragon Chest in Plinko after you own
the respective Paragon Avatar.

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Revenant^* Avatar: ^579Sapphire Paragon Revenant^*

^947-^* The Sapphire Paragon is a calm, focused guardian who embraces order and
structure, and in her world there is no place for ill magic or the plague of the
Hellbourne. The gems she carries are only slightly softer than diamonds, and true
to form the Sapphire Paragon will shatter before she bends to the daemonic forces
of destruction.

^579Sapphire Paragon Revenant^* Upgrades:

^947-^* ^256Defile^* Upgrade:
^274*^* Allies and self gain an extra ring of crystal pieces that glow and
rotate around the character.
^274*^* Wisps of energy float off of the character.
^274*^* On hitting an enemy, extra crystal pieces fly off of the enemy.
^274*^* When slowed, extra wisps of energy float off and crystals pierce the
ground underneath the character.
^947-^* ^256Mortification^* Upgrade:
^274*^* A crystal ring expands from the center of the afflicted target and
grows to the outer regions of the area of effect.
^947-^* ^256Essence Shroud^* Upgrade:
^274*^* The target the spell is cast upon gains a dazzling glow and extra
crystals growing out of them.
^947-^* ^256Manifestation^* Upgrade:
^274*^* Crystals rise up from the ground and float skyward around
^947-^* Carnage Counter Upgrade: Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of
your all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^256Taunt^*

^947-^* Entomb your fallen foes in a Paragon crystal crypt!
^947-^* Eligibility: ^579Paragon Empath^*, ^579Paragon Parasite^*, ^579Paragon
Riftwalker^*, ^579Paragon Rhapsody^*, ^579Paragon Glacius^*, ^579Paragon Revenant^*

= ^075Gold Collection^* =

^904New^* ^980Gold Collection^* ^059Gauntlet^* Avatar: ^579Polyphemus^*

^947-^* After millennia of loathing and hatred for the treacherous swine Odysseus
for plunging a wooden stake into his eye and blinding him, the gigantic cyclops
Polyphemus has had his sight restored to him by his mother, Thoosa. His father
Poseidon also equipped him with an incredibly powerful weapon known as the 'God-
Hand', a device built with infernal wrath in mind. Odysseus may be long dead, but
humankind will answer for his malefaction. Polyphemus has left his lonely island to
seek vengeance, and although his sight has returned, he is fueled by pure blind

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* Cycle 10 Avatar: ^579Trophy Magmus^*

^947-^* This rare and auspicious avatar can be obtained by being ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of the 28-day cycle. In addition to the Quest
Ladder, Trophy Avatars will also be given to the Top 25 players on the Ranked MMR
Ladder! Whether it be Quests or MMR, keep climbing that ladder because you don't
want to miss out! Even the staff can't get the Trophy avatars!

= ^075General^* =

^904New^* ^059Torturer^* Avatar: ^579Mermaid^*

^947-^* When a brave sailor of the Hollow Sea is lost to the cold, black waters,
tradition demands that his widow -- or her widower -- must wrap their body in
chains and anchors and join their drowned loved one at the bottom of sea. When
these distraught souls cannot find each other, the Hollow Sea resurrects them as
mermaids and mermen and compels them to ask of every ship passing by, "Have you
seen my beloved?" Wise sailors offer gifts of rum and silver and point to the east,
while the foolish whisper prayers to their gods or ignore the pleading spirits.
These poor sods get to witness the wrathful side of the mermaids and men, and their
spouses soon don the chains and anchors to join them.

^904New^* ^059Fayde^* Avatar: ^579Persephone^*

^947-^* Abducted by Hades and imprisoned within his underworld kingdom, Persephone
initially tried to break free like the spring shoots and blossoms she adored and
tended as a young daughter of Zeus and Demeter. But as the years passed and she
witnessed the violence of gods and men, the afflictions they set upon each other as
they squandered the precious life and freedom that had been stolen from her, she
became disillusioned with the mortal world and no longer sought to be among the
living. Instead, she grew obsessed with punishing those who were condemned to the
underworld by their own fell deeds. She became an embodiment of misfortune and
carried the curses of men among their shades, harvesting hope with a terrible
swiftness, and when Hades learned of this he knew she was finally ready to be
unleashed upon the living. For the flocks need culling, and the underworld always
needs more souls.

^904New^* ^059Nymphora^* Avatar: ^579Beelzebub^*

^947-^* Beelzebub is a fallen angel who, during the War in Heaven, was cast into
Hell where she became Chief Lieutenant to Lucifer and Queen of The Order of the
Fly. She is known to use her daemonic powers of compulsion to make men worship her,
to excite priests to lust, to cause chaos on a city-wide scale, and to foment war
between nations. In battle she uses her endless swarms of ravenous flies to
surround and drag her prey ever closer for the kill.

^904New^* ^059Keeper of the Forest^* Avatar: ^579Keeper of the Harvest^*

^947-^* Every autumn, as the cold winds of the Frost Fields begin to sigh over the
Iron Mountains, the Forests of Caldavar become an open pantry for those seeking
food and fuel for the winter. Of course Nature is bountiful and generous and
welcomes this gathering of her gifts, but to ensure she has enough left to begin
anew the following spring, she summons the Keeper of the Harvest. This sage
guardian keeps a constant vigil among the changing foliage and scurrying chiprels,
and any who try to reap beyond what Nature can spare will quickly find themselves
condemned to a cold, dark afterlife - a winter from which they will never wake.
^904New^* ^256Taunt^*: Slap the Troll
^947-^* Don't feed the trolls - smack them down with this epic troll-slapping

= ^075POGs^* =

^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: ^579POG Wildsoul^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

= ^075General^* =

^947-^* The 10th player is now visible in the "Game" channel without having to
scroll down.
^947-^* Slightly reduced client memory usage.
^947-^* A prompt to "please insert a disk" will no longer appear.
^947-^* Closing UI elements such as the shop or ^059Skrap^*'s ultimate popup can
now be rebound in the keybindings options.
^274*^* The keybinding is called "Cancel" and defaults to Escape.

= ^075Courier^* =

^947-^* An upgradeable item in transit will no longer be upgradeable if you

purchase the upgrade recipe during this time.
^947-^* Items on the courier can no longer be moved.

= ^075Maps^* =

^075All Maps^*
^947-^* The map help tip at the start of a match can now be disabled.
^274*^* Help tips are disabled on a per-map basis.

^075Grimm's Crossing^*
^947-^* Added a bit more visual grass to the hills to properly depict vision
blocker zones.

= ^075Heroes^* =

^947-^* Empath's ^256As One^* silhouette no longer abnormally enlarges when
^579Santa Midas^* uses ^256Lion's Pride^*.
^947-^* Now inherits stealth from her host while ^256As One^* is active.
^274*^* Prevents Empath from cancelling out enemy ^077Veiled Rot^* stealth if
her host is invisible.

^059Flint Beastwood^*
^947-^* Flint Beastwood's ^256Dead Eye^* stealth will no longer be active if he is
Silenced or Stunned.

^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* Forsaken Strider's 3D portrait is now properly centered.

^947-^* Mauser no longer uses up mana and fails to cast a skill if Mauser has less
than 2x the mana requirement of that skill.
^947-^* Nitro's Sheepsticked model will no longer have overlapping denture models
that make the dentures appear to be closed at all times.

^947-^* ^579Amethyst Parasite^* no longer displays a huge block below him when
infesting ^059Tundra^*'s Shiver bird pet.

^947-^* Tourmaline Paragon Rhapsody's fade-in & fade-out sound transitions are
fixed for ^256Disco Inferno^* and ^256Protective Melody^*.

^947-^* Morsels are no longer dropped from ^059Zephyr^*'s cyclones.

^947-^* Fixed minor animation clipping on low and medium settings for ^579Trick-or-
Treat Tarot^*.


^980Version 3.7.12^*
^98020 October 2015^*

== ^960Design^* ==

= ^075New Game Mode^* =

^075Devo Wars^*
^947+^* We are finally bringing a classic game mode into HoN's matchmaking! Over
the last few months we have polished and enhanced the traditional gameplay into an
exciting experience.
^947+^* Devo Wars map information and tips are shown while loading and queuing for
a Devo Wars game.
Here is a list of the rules for Devo Wars and how it differs from other gameplay

^075Pick Mode:^*
^947-^* Everyone is ^059Devourer^*!

^075How to Win:^*
^947-^* First team to 60 kills wins the game.
^947-^* Match will end at 20 minutes if 60 kills are not reached, awarding the win
to the team with the higher number of kills.

^947-^* Devo Wars takes place on a very small map with a river in the middle you
cannot walk across, but can get hooked across!
^947-^* Shops are located in the back-middle of each side.
^947-^* There is a large pillar in the middle of the map off of which the hooks
will bounce.
^947-^* There are four posts on the map located on each corner near the river.
These block movement, but not hooks or vision.
^274*^* These posts can be hit by the Grappling Hook if you buy the item.

^947-^* The first 15 seconds of each game is the time to purchase items, during
which a player cannot move or use abilities.
^274*^* There are sixteen items to choose from. Explore the options and see
what you like the most!
^947-^* Each ^059Devourer^* has only one ability: Chain Hook.
^947-^* Each of the following upgrades can be leveled any number of times, but you
still cap at level 25.
^947-^* Chain Hook can be upgraded in four ways:
^274*^* Damage: Base of ^960250^* and each level adds ^96015^*.
^274*^* Range: Base of ^9601600^* and each level adds ^960120^*.
^274*^* Speed: Base of ^9601100^* and each level adds ^96040^*.
^274*^* Touch Radius: Base of ^96070^* and each level adds ^9605^*.
^947-^* Chain Hook bounces off walls.
^947-^* Hooking a ^059Devourer^* that is being dragged by someone else will
instantly kill (or deny) them!
^947-^* Respawn time lowered to ~^9603-5 seconds^* at all levels.
^947-^* When you respawn, you are invulnerable for ^9602.5 seconds^*.
^947-^* Runes spawn every ^96020 seconds^* and move down the river.
^947-^* Runes must be hooked to get their effects.
^947-^* Types of Runes:
^274*^* Time Rune: Grants ^960+150 Movement Speed^* for ^96012 seconds^*.
^274*^* Electric Hook Rune: Your next hook will instantly kill the first enemy
it hits. Don't miss!
^274*^* Bomb Rune: Puts a bomb buff on yourself. After ^9605 seconds^*,
enemies around you take damage and are stunned.
^274*^* Split Hook Rune: Your next hook launches three Chain Hooks instead of
^274*^* Coin Rune: Instantly gives you +^980100 Gold^*.

Special thanks to community members ^059CJXander^*, ^059HyperXewl^* and

^059Kawaiiiii^* for helping produce some of the content in the Devo Wars map!

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^075Player Appreciation^* =
^947+^* October is Player Appreciation Month and this year we will be starting the
process of running through all of our old avatar sets and giving them each new,
updated set effects. We will be implementing effects for four different sets each
patch until we run out. Since we are changing/adding effects to some of our older
sets, all of the avatars associated with the changed sets will become available for
a short period of time (yes, even Golds, EAs, and Debuts). Here are the first four
sets that will receive effects:

^947+^* The ^980Zodiac^* Set (All Zodiac avatars will be available from ^96010/26^*
- ^96011/2^*)
^947-^* Added effect: If you own all of the Zodiac avatars you will unlock a
swirling aura of stars on all the Zodiac avatars!
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^469Leo Night Hound^*, ^469Cancer Kraken^*, ^469The Twins
Solstice^*, ^469Aries Pearl^*, ^469Aquarius Bubbles^*, ^469Capricorn Ophelia^*,
^469Sagittarius Emerald Warden^*, ^469Scorpio Slither^*, ^469Libra Master of
Arms^*, ^469Virgo Martyr^*, ^469Taurus Magmus^*, ^469Pisces Riptide^*.

^947+^* The ^980Rulian^* Marsh Set

^947-^* Added effect: If you own all of the Rulian Marsh avatars you will unlock a
trail of sprouting mushrooms that follow the characters!
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^469Toadwood Deadstool Deadwood^*, ^469Jin Chan Devourer^*
(Gold Collection will be on sale from ^96010/20^* - ^96010/26^*), ^469Fungal
^947+^* The ^980Halloween^* Cosplay Set
^947-^* Added effect: If you own all of the Halloween Cosplay avatars, all of the
avatars will spawn from their very own Jack-O-Lantern!
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^469Lynn X Grinex^*, ^469Bonnie Blood Hunter^*, ^469Ellie
Envy Parasite^*, ^469Preda Tori Predator^*.

^947+^* The ^980Blackwal^* Set

^947-^* Added effect: If you own all of the Blackwal avatars each avatar will spawn
a skeletal companion!
^947-^* Avatars in set: ^469Blackwal Salforis^*, ^469Death Dealer Tarot^*,
^469Necrosis Kinesis^* (Gold Collection will be on sale from ^96010/26^* -
^96011/2^*), ^469Mangler Engineer^*, ^469Brimstone Pyromancer^*.

^947+^* ^980Community Event Team^*

^947-^* We're here to bring you HoN-related events with huge prizes once again!
^947-^* Nitro was in dire need of flavor tooltips. The following submissions have
won, and the players who submitted them get a Nitro alt avatar of their choice!

^256Ballistic^*: This one has your name on it! ^333(Submitted by CuysauruS)^*

^256Divide & Conquer^*: I'll hold down the fort! ^333(Submitted by CraZ_Killa)^*
^256Lock & Load^*: It's literally a hit-and-run. ^333(Submitted by LOLsmiles)^*
^256Runaround^*: Hey, don't scratch the bike! ^333(Submitted by ElVasilisk)^*
^256Heat Round^*: The magic number is...three! ^333(Submitted by CraZ_Killa)^*

^947-^* The community ^059CAI contest^* has ended and the winning 9 submissions
have had their submissions implemented into the game!
^947-^* The winners received three avatars of their choice as well as a free custom
account icon in addition to their submitted Account Icon.
^947-^* Take a gander at the winning submissions below:
^947+^* Angry Merrick
^947+^* BreakCPK
^947+^* For The Legion
^947+^* iCounterward
^947+^* My Main Is 1800
^947+^* One More Drop
^947+^* Rhapionnaire
^947+^* The End In Sight
^947+^* Wolf Deal With It

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^947+^* Cycle 9 has ended and prizes will be given out by October 23rd.
^947+^* Cycle 10 has begun and will be active until November 17th.
^947+^* The top 25 players on the RANKED MMR Ladder will be rewarded with the
Trophy Avatar as well. First rewards will go out on November 17th.

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.

= ^075Diamond Chest, Ticket Exchange, and Avatar Discounts^* =

^947+^* Every patch we rotate the avatars in Plinko's Diamond Chest, the Ticket
Exchange, and our Avatar Discounts. Here are this patch's updates:

= ^075Diamond Chest Contents^* =

^469Commander of Arms^*^*, ^469Jade Warrior^*, ^469Centipedalisk^*, ^469Lord
Midas^*, ^469Queen Monarch^*, ^469Panthera Gemini^*, ^469Dreadknight Salforis^*,
^469Chaos Berzerker^*, ^469Hydraxis^*, ^469Zeta Kinesis^*, ^469Warmonger
Gunblade^*, ^469Invader Ravenor^*, ^469Savior Rally^*, ^469Barrage^*, ^469Arctos^*,
^469Jin Chan^*, ^469Leprechaun Blacksmith^*, ^469Primal Dracon^*, ^469Gladius
Beardicus^*, ^469Yanluo Wang^*, ^469Inti Jeraziah^*, ^469Moon Prince^*, ^469Golden
Pebbles^*, ^469Hang Tuah^*, ^469Guan Yu^*, ^469Sloth^*, ^469Pride^*, ^469Charity^*,
^469Envy^*, ^469Big Boss^*, ^469Monster Trainer^*, ^469LightGunblade^*,
^469Stardust Aluna^*, ^469Blackwal Salforis^*, ^469Tork^*, ^469Rulian Warlord
Flint^*, ^469Quintan^*, ^469Humility^*, ^469Sun Wukong^*, ^469Brunhild^*,
^469Arctic Harrier^*, ^469Caller Cthulhuphant^*, ^469Pegasus^*, and ^469Partisan

= ^075Ticket Exchange Contents^* =

^469Throwback Martyr^*, ^469Sabre Tooth Archer^*, ^469Ladybug Pestilence^*,
^469Shock Troop War^*, ^469Rhapscallion^*, ^469Rift Warden^*, ^469Primal Dracon^*,
^469Gladius Beardicus^*, ^469Pegasus^*, and ^469Partisan Slayer^*.

= ^075Discount Avatars^* =
^469Oni Devourer^*, ^469Snow Zephyr^*, ^469Dark Jeraziah^*, ^469Gypsy Fayde^*,
^469Phantom Tempest^*, ^469Queen Bee Monarch^*, ^469Woolly Cthulhuphant^*,
^469Shaka Nomad^*, ^469Geojuice^*, ^469Chainsaw Moraxus^*, ^469Xeno Predator^*,
^469Demonbuster Electrician^*, ^469PeKing Duck^*, ^469O-yoroi Gauntlet^*,
^469Medusa Midas^*, ^469Storm Demon Ravenor^*, ^469Bone Prophet^*, ^469Scorcher^*,
^469Garbagore^*, ^469Kurukuru^*, ^469Vagabonadon^*, ^469Stealth Hunter^*,
^469Odin^*, ^469Zeus^*, and ^469Svarog^*.

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Halloween Mid Wars^*

^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Devo Wars^*
^947-^* Force Pick
^947-^* 5v5

== ^960New Content^* ==
^947+^* Halloween has arrived in the Forests of Caldavar and Mid Wars! Spooky
trees, flapping bats, cobwebs, jack-o-lanterns, and trick-or-treating creeps are
all here to celebrate this fun and frightening holiday!
^947+^* Halloween music from 2014 added with six new tracks.

= ^075The Paragons^* =
^947+^* The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Glacius^* Avatar: ^469Zircon Paragon Glacius^*

^947-^* The Zircon Paragon is the eldest of the elemental guardians, and his gems
have witnessed every moment of pain since life first appeared on the planet. As a
result, the Zircon Paragon seeks to protect the innocent against suffering, evil,
and negative energies. Entombing the daemons causing the suffering, evil, and
negative energy in crypts of Zircon is a great way to start.

^075Paragon Upgrades^*
^947+^* Each Paragon avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring upgrades
^947+^* Upgrades will become available in the Paragon Chest in Plinko after you own
the respective Paragon Avatar.

^075Zircon Paragon Glacius Upgrades^*:

^947-^* ^256Tundra Blast Upgrade^*: A crystal burst of energy over zircon crystal
spikes in the area of effect.
^947-^* ^256Ice Imprisonment^* Upgrade: Zircon crystals encase the body of the
affected target.
^947-^* ^256Chilling Presence^* Upgrade: Zircon energy pulses underneath the
affected heroes.
^947-^* ^256Glacial Downpour^* Upgrade: Energy swirls around the falling ice shards
while zircon crystal spikes form in the area of effect.
^947-^* Carnage Counter Upgrade: Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of
your all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!

^075Paragon Trail of Magic^*

^947-^* The enchanted path of the Paragons is only visible to those who are worthy!
^947-^* Eligibility: Paragon Empath, Paragon Parasite, Paragon Riftwalker, Paragon
Rhapsody, Paragon Glacius

= ^075Devo Wars^* =
Celebrate the launch of Devo Wars with the Devo Ward bundle!
Find out how to earn each Devo Ward by visiting

^075Bedsheet Devo^*
^947-^* Find the best tricks and treats with the Bedsheet Devo ward!

^947-^* MORE WARDS! Consume the whole map with Gluttony wards!

^075Jin Chan^*
^947-^* Don't get too froggy until you know what's around with a Jin Chan ward!

^075Paku Devo^*
^947-^* Use the Paku Devo ward to make sure those pesky ghosts don't get away!

^075Captain Gorebeard^*
^947-^* Scan for dangerous waters with the Captain Gorebeard ward!

^075Rift Devourer^*
^947-^* Don't fear the pitch black of the Rift with the Rift Devo ward!

= ^075Halloween^* =

New ^077Halloween^* ^059Tarot^* Avatar: ^469Trick-or-Treat Tarot^*

- Born with a golden spoon in her mouth to go along with an insatiable sweet tooth,
this young lady has always looked forward to Halloween because her clairvoyance
shows which of her rich neighbors have the best candy (and she knows it's really
Devo beneath that bedsheet). If they don't want to give up the goods, she's ready
and willing to bind them all together and bounce from house to house, drawing the
full-size candy bars and sacks of peanut butter cups. Sure, she could just go out
and buy the sweets herself, but paying for power is for chumps and she wouldn't get
a chance to show off her wildly expensive Halloween party outfit! The only downside
of being this clever and clairvoyant is that no one can ever trick her with
Halloween fun.

^904New^* ^077Halloween Ward^*: Batty

^947-^* Never be blind as a bat with this full moon Halloween ward shining!

= ^075General^* =

^904New^* ^059Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: ^469Hired Gun Flint^*

^947+^* Hired Gun Flint brings a new type of interaction to Newerth! In order to
escape after executing his contracts, Hired Gun Flint changes into one of eight
disguises. In the rare case he's on the wrong end of a hit, he respawns in his
stylish base suit and tie.
^947-^* Flint Beastwood is tired of earning puny Creep bounties and ransacking the
bodies of his victims, so he's gone professional, complete with a finely tailored
suit and full wardrobe of disguises so he can approach his victims undetected and
escape any pursuit. His lethal services are available to the highest bidder, and if
you plunk down the cash, you get a body. It might be your body, but nobody said
Flint was a good businessman.

^904New^* ^059Devourer^* Avatar: ^469Keelhaul^*

^947-^* There are few sailors of the Hollow Sea brave or stupid enough to whisper
of The Maw, the deepest oceanic trench upon Newerth's scarred landscape. Those who
can muster the courage to mention it speak only myth and rumor, for any vessel
unlucky enough to actually gaze into the churning abyss is pulled to its black
depths forever...or until The Maw decides to regurgitate them, drowned, twisted and
deformed by the crushing pressure and insidious consciousness of the void.
The notorious admiral of the Legion's Armada called Captain Keelhaul by his crew
(though never to his face) was infamous for his strict discipline and harsh
punishments, and when he planned to toss a forbidden barrel of rum overboard his
sailors could stand no more. They mutinied, dragging the admiral along the keel as
they sailed over The Maw, and when the rough hemp rope grew slack and the frayed
end was pulled from the dark waters with no corpse attached, the crew thought that
was the last anyone would see of Keelhaul. But The Maw found a perfect soldier in
the admiral, whose fury only increased as his body was twisted and transformed in
the black depths, and when The Maw spat him back into the world of the living,
Keelhaul had a ship's worth of scores to settle.

^904New^* ^059Rally^* Avatar: ^469Blightstalker Rally^*

^947-^* The Blight Fields were once known as the Fields of Light, a glorious and
sacrosanct cemetery for the citizens of Hope's Keep. Now it is a wasteland
corrupted by the nearby Scar and the constant eruption of Krula, which looms above
the landscape spewing soot and cinder into the sky. But the grand mausoleums that
once made the Fields of Light into a small city -- albeit a very quiet one -- are
full of untold treasures and relics buried with the men and women who once ruled
Hope's Keep, and the Blightstalkers risk their lives to venture deep into the zones
of corruption. They make every attempt to equip themselves against any threat, but
one can never know what horror they will encounter in the Blight Fields, be it
mutated, spectral, daemonic or completely beyond classification.

^904New^* ^059Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^469King Minos^*

^947-^* This is Minos at the height of his mortal power, when he was on a mission
to avenge the death of his son Androgeos, who died fighting a bull at Marathon.
After causing havoc across all of Hellas, he asked his father Zeus to punish Attica
and the god ravaged the city with plague and hunger. This drove Athens to obey any
command from Minos to avoid the same fate, and he demanded that each year they send
seven young boys and seven young girls to him so he could throw them into his
labyrinth to be eaten by the Minotaur.
Now, as a judge of the dead, Minos has the ability to summon his former self and
wield the burning vengeance and incredibly manipulative powers of King Minos, and
his pet Minotaur shall never go hungry!

^904New^* ^059Scout^* Avatar: ^469Adkarna Assassin^*

^947-^* Not all Scouts of the Hidden Village choose to operate beneath the
protective and familiar canopies of the forests and jungles of Newerth; some are
called to the crowded, clamorous streets of Adkarna, the Legion capitol that
provides its own civilized versions of survival of the fittest. Though they are far
from home, their Scout mission to eliminate the Hellbourne threat remains the same,
for Adkarna is infested with daemon spies, deceivers, and assassins constantly
seeking opportunities to disrupt the Legion cause. These infiltrators believe they
are invisible, a shadow among the masses, until the moment when the Scout blade
severs their spine.

^904New^* ^059Calamity^* Avatar: ^469Rhadamanthus^*

^947-^* It was her ruthless, iron-clad sense of integrity that earned Rhadamanthus
a seat as one of the Three Judges of All Hells, but she was supplanted and
imprisoned by Abaddon and the other two judges, Minos and Aeacus, when they became
suspicious that Rhadamanthus was more concerned with feeding her pet daemons the
flesh and souls of the damned than dispensing proper underworld justice. When
Calamity brought about the Third Corruption and unleashed the vengeful Rhadamanthus
from her torturous vault, the former judge began stalking Newerth, fixated on the
opportunity to exact a final ruling upon those who betrayed her.

= ^075POGs^* =
^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: ^059Puppet Master^*
^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

= ^075General^* =
^947-^* Improved resource unloading.
^947-^* Certain pick screen visuals have been fixed to match other game modes.
^947-^* Compatized replays will now play properly.
^947-^* Mega Creeps will no longer instantly gain maximum movespeed.

= ^075Heroes^*=
^947-^* Lord of Locusts ^256Fire Shield^* visual no longer spins faster than it

^947-^* Resurrection no longer continues to channel if the skill was used on a
target position more than ^960250 units^* away from the Gravestone, even after the
targeted Gravestone dies.
^274*^* As a result, the Gravestone's hero will no longer revive that hero at
the bottom-left corner of the map.
^947-^* No longer resurrects the target hero and moves to the bottom-left corner of
the map if the targeted hero accepts the Resurrection prompt after the channel
^947-^* Empath no longer leaves behind a green wispy shadow when she dies while
having a Staff of the Master in her inventory.

^947-^* Soaker Rosie's in-game 3D portrait visuals have been fixed.

^947-^* Mana burn pop-up now shows the proper value.
^947-^* ^256Reflection^* no longer plays an animation when used.

^947-^* Damage stored by Guardian Angel is now displayed as charges on the buff as
a percentage of the target's maximum health.
^274*^* Charges are capped at ^960100^*, even though the actual damage can go
above that.

^947-^* Sterling Midas Elemental Warp sounds will no longer be excessively loud if
it hits a large number of enemy units.
^274*^* Applies to both the first affector spawned & the second affector

^947-^* ^256Ballistic^* no longer uses slower attack projectiles from Attack
Modifiers like ^077Harkon's Blade^* or ^077Frostwolf's Skull^*.

^947-^* Planet Cracker (ultimate boosted by Staff of the Master) now properly has
the 1-second cooldown before Parallax can toggle the skill off.

^947-^* Ricochet properly continues bouncing if it finds a valid bounce target when
the original target disjoints the first hit of Ricochet.


^980Version 3.7.11^*
6 October 2015

== ^960Design^* ==

^947+^* A quick fix to his bashes that were not being seen enough throughout the

^256Curse of Ages^*
^947-^* Chance to proc increased from ^9605/6/7/8%^* per charge to
^9606.5/9/11.5/14%^* per charge
^947-^* Now guarantees at proc upon obtaining ^9608/7/7/6^* charges (lowered from
^947-^* Fixed a bug where the ability's timer was set to 0 upon obtaining the final
charge value without proccing (such as by attacking a tower)
^274*^* This unintentionally rendered ^059Chronos^* able to hold onto his charge
for a guaranteed proc like pre-3.7.10.
^947+^* The hero has a lot of skill involved to reach her peaks. We knew going into
retail she would be a hard hero to master but she would have a high pay off. In the
end she still needs a bit of a boost to put her with the other heroes that require
a high skill level to play effectively.

^947-^* Starting Agility increased from ^96020 ^* to ^960 25^*

^947-^* ^256Ballistic^*'s projectile touch radius increased from ^96075 ^* to ^960

Divide and Conquer

^947-^* Mauser Magic Armor increased from ^9605 ^* to ^960 7^*

^947+^* A follow-up nerf to bring the hero's farming back in check and to make him
earn more of his farm rather than have it freely given. We will continue to keep an
eye on zephyr and change him accordingly to make sure everyone is happy with his
place in the pool.

^947-^* Range lowered from ^960800 ^* to ^960 700^*

^947-^* Damage lowered from ^9606/9/12/15^* to ^9607/8/9/10^*
^947-^* ^256Cyclones^* will no longer passively spawn if you have taken damage in
the last 20 seconds.

^256Wind Shield^*
^947-^* Passive deflection has been reduced from ^96015 ^* to ^960 10^*

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^947+^* Cycle 9 continues through this patch and will be ending on ^96010/20.^*

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.

= ^075New Patch Avatar Discounts^* =

^947+^* Every patch a handful of avatars will be placed on discount. This patch's
discounted avatars can be found with the Diamond Chest and Ticket Exchange
information in the News section of the forums:

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars from Plinko today!
25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Forests of Caldavar^*
^947-^* All Pick
^947-^* Single Draft
^947-^* Balanced Random

^075Mid Wars^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* All Random

^075Blitz Mode^*
^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* 5v5

== ^960New Content^* ==

= ^075The Scar^* =
^947+^* If you own all of the Scar avatars you will get the bonus trail effect of
glowing embers and torn, corrupted terrain as these avatars carry the destruction
of the Scar across Newerth!

^904New^* ^980Scar^* ^059Hellbringer^* Avatar: Arimane the Pit Lord

^947-^* The Hellbringers are fearsome summoners who pull forth the most powerful
daemons to serve their infernal cause. Most of them are men and women corrupted by
the power of dark magic, but some summoners find themselves drawn from the ranks of
the daemons themselves. Those elite Hellbringers are known as the Pit Lords, so
named because they alone have the ability to summon their brethren and bend them to
their will. Among the Pit Lords one holds sway above all others: Arimane. He alone
has bound the daemon princes of Tartarus to his will and he alone knows the true
names of the other Pit Lords. Inscribed in blood in his book of souls, Arimane will
not hesitate to bind anyone who threatens his power to his will.
Freed from Hell to walk directly on the mortal plane through the Scar, Arimane now
seeks to add more names to his book of souls and continue to increase the size of
his own personal army.

^904New^* ^980Scar^* ^059Night Hound^* Avatar: Fright Hound

^947-^* The Fright Hounds were thought to only be terrifying legends, myths created
by superstitious soldiers who were afraid to venture into the darkness while on
watch. Now those soldiers are faced with two horrifying possibilities: either the
myths were true, or their worst nightmares have come to life. The Fright Hounds
have loped out of The Scar with their carcass blades sharpened and ready to rend
flesh, and while their appearance is hideous enough to send grizzled veterans
running, the soldiers would rather have the chance to run than have their guts
ripped out before they even know the stealthy daemons are within striking range.

^904New^* ^980Scar^* ^059Bushwack^* Avatar: Cesspool

^947-^* Cesspool spent endless years stalking the blackest corners of the pits of
hell, capturing the most vile, noxious daemons and extracting their toxins so he
could inject them into the helpless, damned souls wandering through the veils of
the underworld. Their constant screams were gratifying, but ultimately unfulfilling
since they could not give him the reward all predators crave: death. When the
Second Corruption tore the earth apart and let the daemons spill across Newerth
like pus from a burst boil, Cesspool found a vast hunting ground full of fleshy
targets who succumbed to death with shocking ease. As a result, he's diluted his
toxins to prolong the effect so he can enjoy it for as long as possible before his
victims give their final scream of anguish.

^904New^* ^980Scar^* ^059Prophet^* Avatar: Amadea

^947-^* Once a peasant girl who used her gift of second sight to protect her
village from fire, famine and raiders, Amadea discovered a much greater power
growing beneath the surface at the base of Krula when her family harvested the
obsidian found there. By linking to this power she was able to not only see the
potential threats, but destroy them. And so it was when Maliken Grimm broke the
land apart with The Second Corruption, the insidious daemonic energy was already
entangled within Amadea's flesh, blood, and soul -- the innocent peasant girl was
already Hellbourne.

^904New^* ^980Scar^* ^059Valkyrie^* Avatar: Svána

^947-^* Svána died defending her homeland in the fierce battle against Glacius and
his minions, and she had barely touched the grass in the fields of the afterlife
before she demanded to be reborn. "It is not yet your time to return," the goddess
Freyja told her. Svána seemed to accept this, but when the dead warriors began
passing mead and telling their tales she hid within the chariot that carried the
moon across the sky. As it passed over Newerth, Svána dropped from the chariot and
drifted to the battlefield where her corpse lay. She willed it to rise, to fight
again, but the cold flesh did not stir. Svána was so distraught that when the man
in the cloak approached and offered her another chance at battle and glory, she did
not hesitate. Nor did she ask the price. And so Jaru the Corrupted Disciple pulled
her soul into the simmering Scar, and when she emerged she was Svána of the Scar,
reborn with a terrifying dead light burning within her.

= ^075War Effort^* =

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* Trophy Avatar: ^059Amun-Ra^*

^947-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

= ^075Announcer^* =

^904New^* ^980Announcer Pack^*: Dark Master

^947-^* Obey your Dark Master and seize this announcer!
^947-^* Voiced by the one-and-only Richard Ridings

= ^075POGs^* =

^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: ^059Plague Rider^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes & Optimizations^* ==

= ^075Interface^* =
^947+^* The item shop window no longer automatically closes when your hero respawns
or when you leave the well area.
^947+^* Removed the sharing toggle option for couriers.
^947+^* Reduced the icon size of items in Hero Guides.

= ^075Heroes^* =

^947-^* Target scheme was fixed so that it cannot target heropets with future
usages if ^059Circe^*'s channel was interrupted.

^947-^* Undead units can no longer be drag- or tab selected.
^947-^* Fixed a few minor visual issues.

^947-^* ^256Ionic Dash^* is no longer usable while ^059Parallax^* is immobilized or

^947-^* No longer dispels enemy Veiled Rot while Parasite is infesting a minion
while that minion is stealthed (e.g. Tundra's Shiver pet).
^947-^* No longer becomes immobile indefinitely if ^059Parasite^* transfers
^059Glacius^*'s ^256Ice Imprisonment^* from the ^077Staff of the Master^*-boosted
^256Glacial Downpour^*.

^059Puppet Master^*
^947-^* Karabas Babaras' ^256Voodoo Puppet^* no longer displays a glimpse of the
default ^059Puppet Master^*'s ^256Voodoo Puppet^* model upon dying.

^947-^* The Twins avatar voice lines have a more appropriate volume relative to the
other voice lines.

^947-^* Prism cast sounds no longer play twice.

== ^960Bots^* ==

^947+^* Earn gold rewards for contributing on the bot subforums!

^947-^* Create your own bot or review submission code!
^947-^* All of these bots were vetted by community contributors and the Community
Bot Team.
^947-^* Join us on the bot forums or on IRC and earn gold!

= ^075Bot Fixes^* =

^947-^* Fixed ^059Succubus^* Bot ignoring her ^077Puzzlebox^* minions.

= ^075New Bots^* =

^904New^* Bot: ^059Armadon^*

^947-^* Authored by Sparks1992
^947-^* Additions by malloc
^947-^* Sparks1992 receives ^9806800 gold coins^*, an alt avatar of his choice, and
another Robot Courier forum award!

^904New^* Bot: ^059Doctor Repulsor^*

^947-^* Authored by EyeOneTwoDye
^947-^* Additions by malloc
^947-^* EyeOneTwoDye receives ^9806800 gold coins^*, an alt avatar of his choice,
and another Robot Courier forum award!

^904New^* Bot: ^059Magebane^*

^947-^* Authored by Pure`Light
^947-^* Sweet blinking technology
^947-^* Pure`Light receives ^9806800 gold coins^*, an alt avatar of his choice, and
another Robot Courier forum award!
^904New^* Bot: ^059Pyromancer^*
^947-^* Authored by CuvelClark
^947-^* Baller-tier extra logic complete with burst calculations, defensive stuns,
and cast speed adjustments.
^947-^* CuvelClark receives ^9806800 gold coins^*, an alt avatar of his choice, and
another Robot Courier forum award!


^980Version 3.7.10^*
22 September 2015


== ^960Design^* ==

^947+^* The focus of this balance patch lies in two places:

^947-^* To further diversify our hero pool and readjust changes made from the
previous big balance patch.
^947-^* Alter some of the overarching game systems to promote more healthy gameplay
in both normal and casual mode.

== ^960New Hero^* ==

^904New^* Legion Agility Hero: ^059Nitro^*

^947-^* Nitro is a fragile but powerful carry hero who shines most when they stay
far away from opponents, peppering them with Ballistic shots while hidden behind
the forest's shroud of trees. Nitro has the rare trait of not having a right-click
auto attack; in its place they have Ballistic, which allows them to shoot a long-
range attack while moving.

= ^075Nitro Lore^* =

The Death Prowlers are a tribe of bandits from the southern fringes of The Great
Waste. Long before the Legion of Man and Beast Horde warily joined forces against
the Hellbourne, the Death Prowlers worked as close tandems of human and creature,
forming agile hit-and-run teams that survive by maximizing the benefits of strategy
and instinct, intelligence and savagery. Their bond is lifelong and essential for
survival--if one dies, the other cannot bear to live.
Even in a tribe of rambunctious bandits, the duo known as Nitro stands out as a
live wire. This hunter-killer team is a perfect blend of aggression and composure.
The driver, Mauser, knows exactly how to move and position the team for optimal
kinetic impact, while the gunner, Psychopop, just likes to blow stuff up.

= ^075Nitro Attacks & Abilities^* =

^075Psychopop (Gunner) & Mauser (Driver)^*

Ability 1: ^256Ballistic^*
^947-^* Nitro^* fires a long-range attack in the target direction.
^947-^* Activate to fire an attack toward the cursor that hits up to ^9601, 2, 3,
4, 5^* enemies, dealing Nitro's attack damage to all enemies hit.
^947-^* If the target is an enemy hero, Nitro gains a charge granting 10 Attack
Speed. Max ^9600, 2, 3, 4, 5 charges^*.
^947-^* Mana cost of ^256Ballistic^* increases by 1 mana per hero level of Nitro^*.
^947-^* If detached from Mauser, range is increased to 1500.
^947-^* Item proc effects work only on the first enemy hit with ^256Ballistic^*.
^947-^* ^256Ballistic^* is a replacement for Nitro^*'s Auto Attack.
^947-^* ^256Ballistic^*'s cooldown is tied to Nitro^*'s attack cooldown.

Ability 2: ^256Divide & Conquer^* ^960/^* ^256Lock & Load^*

^947-^* ^256Divide & Conquer^* (Attached)
^274*^* Nitro^* detaches from Mauser, sending him to melee attack their
^947-^* ^256Lock & Load^* (Separated)
^274*^* Mauser teleports and reattaches to Nitro^*.
^947-^* Activate to cause Nitro^* to detach from Mauser, sending him to target
^947-^* Passively gain bonus damage on ^256Ballistic^* equal to ^9600, 1, 2.5, 4,
5.5%^* of the distance traveled by ^256Ballistic^*.
^947-^* While detached, Nitro^* is immobilized and ^256Ballistic^* range is
increased to 1500.
^947-^* In addition, control is switched over to Mauser who inherits attributes
equal to 100% plus 2 x Nitro's level in damage.
^947-^* If Mauser is killed, Nitro^* will also perish.
^947-^* Divide and Conquer can be cast while silenced.
^947-^* Activate again to initiate ^256Lock & Load^*.

Ability 3: ^256Runaround^*
^947-^* Nitro^* and Mauser burst with energy becoming evasive and slowing nearby
^947-^* Activate to cause Nitro^* and Mauser to gain 100% Evasion for ^9602.5,
3.25, 4, 4.75 seconds^*.
^947-^* While Runaround is active, Nitro and Mauser receive an aura that applies a
20, 25, 30, 35% Movement Speed slow to nearby enemy units.
^947-^* ^256Runaround^* cannot be cast if either Nitro or Mauser are silenced or

Ability 4: ^256HEAT Round^* (High Explosive Anti-Tank)

^947-^* ^256Ballistic^* applies stacks that can detonate.
^947-^* Passively causes ^256Ballistic^* to apply ^256HEAT Round^* stacks to enemy
heroes hit for 5 seconds.
^947-^* Upon reaching 3 stacks, the stacks detonate dealing ^960150, 250, 350
Physical Damage^*.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* effect:
^274*^* Upon reaching 3 stacks, also sends 4 projectiles out from the target.
^274*^* Each projectile deals 100, 150, 200 Physical Damage and detonates any
HEAT Round stacks on the first enemy hero hit.

^904New^* ^980Debut Edition^* ^059Nitro^* Avatar: Marauder

^947-^* Death's Cradle is a valley that slithers between Darkwood Vale and the
Rulian Marsh. It is a shadowed land full of man-eating plants and insects,
quickmuck, cannibalistic tribes, and the sole location in Newerth where the
legendary Hellflower grows.
Marauders of the Scourge Tribe are partially raised by an elder Cradle beast from
infancy, and the two companions build an unbreakable bond by drinking one another's
blood. This connects them physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and makes them
a terrifying enemy that has the ability to flank, surround, and overwhelm while
fighting with one mind.

^904New^* ^059Nitro^* Avatar: Danse Macabre

^947-^* This reckless Death Prowler danced a little too close to Blackwal and fell
into the clutches of Lord Salforis, who saw the potential for a devastating machine
of necromancy in the aggressive duo and their war wagon. After agonizing torture,
death, and reanimation, Danse Macabre churned through the gates of Blackwal, hungry
to begin their grisly dance of death.
^947-^* This avatar interacts with the Blackwal avatars.

== ^960General^* ==

^947-^* ^059Nitro^*'s theme music added to ^075Mid Wars^* and ^075Forests of

Caldavar^* lobbies.
^947-^* A new visually improved area cast targeting indicator has been added to
some abilities.

== ^960Gameplay Features^* ==

^075Personal Courier^*

^947+^* Each player will now have their own personal courier. This courier will be
invulnerable and cannot be controlled outside of delivering items directly between
your stash and hero.

^947+^* The courier in its current form focuses on self-satisfaction of delivering

your items but comes at the cost of a shared resource: time. Time is invaluable;
the difference between getting your bottle 2 minutes earlier, your key item before
a big team fight or wards while you have map positioning can mean victory instead
of defeat. By introducing a personal courier, we expect players to spend less time
fighting amongst teammates for their items and more time participating in the

^947+^* Courier models are now selected in the vault, and can no longer be changed

== ^960Gameplay Changes^* ==

^947+^* In addition to removing the tedium of micromanaging the courier, we've also
reduced the necessity for additional vision sources to de-ward.
^947-^* Wards of Revelation: Upon placement, will additionally grant vision of all
enemy Wards of Sight and enemy Wards of Revelation in the area for 12 seconds.
^274*^* Enemy wards placed after your ^077Ward of Revelation^* is placed will
not be detected through fog.

^075Tower Targeting^*
^947+^* You will no longer be targeted by the tower over lane creeps due to
^947-^* Tower default attack behavior will now prioritize lane creeps over heroes.

^947+^* The high variance in levels between solo and dual lanes oftentimes forces a
Jungler or discourages participation in the lane. The Jungler role is intended to
be optional, not mandatory. To encourage more diverse team rosters, we've placed
more emphasis on dual lanes by granting more experience exclusive to lane partners.
^947-^* Lane creeps now yield 20% additional experience if at least one other
allied hero is present.

^075Pushing & Resources^*

^947+^* Deconstructing the gameplay, we've noticed that the game has been
centralized around denying the enemy the few available resources on the map. This
has caused the game to focus very heavily on grouping up early to force constant
teamfights. In doing so, a defending team that is behind has very limited
opportunities to respond, often resulting in long, delayed base turtling which
isn't fun for either side.
To help address this, we are increasing both the pushing potential and resources of
creeps much sooner in the game. Pushing with lane creeps will become much more
effective while pushing strategies without creeps will become less effective.
^947-^* Tower attack damage increased from ^960110/130/152 ^* to ^960 110/160/210^*
to tiers 1/2/3 respectively.
^947-^* Tier 3 tower armor lowered from ^96025 ^* to ^960 18^*.
^274*^* Tier 4 towers still have 30 Armor.
^947-^* Tower health increased from ^9601300/1600 ^* to ^960 1500/1900^*.
^947-^* Melee Lane Creeps attack damage multiplier against towers increased from
^9600.7 ^* to ^960 1.0^*.
^947-^* Ranged Lane Creeps attack damage multiplier against towers increased from
^9600.35 ^* to ^960 0.7^*.
^947-^* Creep damage and health upgrade interval decreased from ^9607 minutes ^* to
^960 5 minutes.^*
^947-^* Lane creeps will now gain +5 movement speed every 5 minutes.

== ^960Normal Mode^* ==

^075Gold Changes^*
^947+^* We are taking a directional approach towards focusing on a baseline of
individual progression. Similar to the existing bounty mechanics that increase the
worth of higher GPM players, we are introducing bounty reductions and reduced gold
loss on death targeted at underperforming players.
^947-^* Hero bounties can now be reduced by up to 50% based on that hero's GPM
versus the game's average GPM.
^947-^* Hero bounties proximity gold per level decreased from ^9607 ^* to ^960 5^*.
^947-^* Hero gold base bounties increased from ^960200 ^* to ^960 250^*.
^947-^* Gold given for ending kill streaks increased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 50^*.
^947-^* Gold loss on death can now be reduced by up to 50% based on that hero's GPM
versus the game's average GPM.
^947-^* Gold loss on death per level decreased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 20^*.

^075Experience Changes^*
^947+^* The current distribution of experience has two flaws with it:
^947-^* It largely favors players who survive on the outskirts of the fight even if
they contributed the least.
^947-^* It punishes those who are first to engage even if they contributed the
^947+^* These flaws create a high level of disparity among teammates and cause
players to not be properly rewarded for their contributions. Distributing
experience to dead players who have earned valid assists and kills in combat will
serve as a level equalizer, lowering the incentive to strictly survive and allow
players to still progress in levels even if they're severely behind.
^947-^* Players will now split hero kill experience with other players in range,
even if they are dead, as long as they contributed to the hero kill.
^947-^* Hero EXP base bounty decreased from ^96090 ^* to ^960 75^*.
^947-^* EXP from hero kills rescaled from ^96090 per level ^* to ^960 65 + 5
additional increment per level.^*

^075Pacing Changes^*
^947-^* 4th Melee Creep now spawns at 11 minutes instead of 15 minutes.
^947-^* 2nd Ranged Creep now spawns at 22 minutes instead of 32 minutes.
^947-^* 5th Melee Creep now spawns at 33 minutes instead of 43 minutes.

== ^960Casual Mode^* ==
^947+^* Casual Mode does a great job of ramping up action and resources, however
the sudden destruction of the base from one team fight can leave a game feeling
incomplete and you dissatisfied. We are toning down some of the rapid power spikes
that occur from hero deaths and moving towards a more consistent game pacing.
^947-^* Towers' armor reduction while heroes are dead decreased from ^96020% per
hero ^* to ^960 10% per hero.^*
^947-^* Respawn timers have been adjusted slightly to increase the window of
opportunity for teams to push after killing an enemy.
^947-^* Upgraded lane creeps (when that lane's barracks are destroyed) have had
their stats lowered to compensate for the flat line increase of creep strength
^274*^* Upgraded non-mega creeps in Casual Mode now only get an increased
amount of attack damage as the game progresses, and are otherwise identical to
regular creeps.

^075Gold Changes^*
^947-^* Hero Gold Bounties decreased from ^960350 ^* to ^960 300^*.
^947-^* Hero Gold Bounties per level increased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 12^*.
^947-^* Gold tick increased from ^96088.88 ^* to ^960 100^* GPM.
^947-^* Tower team gold decreased from ^960300,350,400,450 ^* to ^960

^075Experience Changes^*
^947-^* Hero EXP base bounty decreased from ^96085 ^* to ^960 65^*.
^947-^* EXP required to level has been increased by about 5-15%. Levels 1-10 will
have the most significant increase while levels 20-25 will have the least increase

^075Pacing Changes^*
^947-^* 4th Melee Creep spawns at 9 minutes instead of 10 minutes.
^947-^* 5th Melee Creep spawns at 28 minutes instead of 33 minutes.
^947-^* 6th Melee Creep spawns at 41 minutes instead of 50 minutes.
^947-^* 2nd Ranged Creep spawns at 18 minutes instead of 32 minutes.

== ^960Hero Balance^* ==

^075The following hero has been added to Tournament Rules:^*

^947-^* ^059Parallax^*

^075The following heroes have been removed from Tournament Rules:^*

^947-^* ^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947-^* ^059Ravenor^*
^947-^* ^059Vindicator^*

^947+^* Arachna's Precision had too much overlap with Andromeda's Dimensional Link
and Moon Queen's Lunar Glow auras. Arachna now gains a bonus percentage increase on
Physical Damage when damaging units, based on how much health they are missing.
This helps Arachna's lane dominance and mid-game viability, granting her amazing
damage output and crippling power against a single target.
^256Harden Carapace^*
^947-^* Can be activated while Stunned or Silenced when this skill is level 2 or
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96022/20/18/16 seconds ^* to ^960 28/28/22/16

^947-^* Passively grants ^256True Strike^* to allies within 900 radius at level 4
of the skill.
^947-^* Passively increases Arachna's Attack Damage by up to ^96040/60/80/100%^*
when damaging a non-building target based on how much Health they are missing.
^274*^* Minimum of 10% bonus Attack Damage dealt; maximum of 120 bonus
Physical Damage dealt.
^274*^* Deals 50% of the bonus damage against non-hero units.
^274*^* Attack Damage increase gradient is linear.


^947+^* Artillery has been shining a little too brightly since the rework and a
cost increase to his LRM will allow for a little more thought when using the

^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 15^*.


^947+^* A small readjustment from his previous buffs. Although Merrick's Bounty is
a key component to his spike in wins, we feel the new numbers on Enrage are more

^947-^* Bonus damage on next attack decreased from ^960100/175/275/375% ^* to ^960
100/175/250/325% of your Base Damage.^*


^947+^* Calamity's ultimate was providing too much free initiation for a ranged
carry and we had to rein it in a bit. A slight mana cost increase on her Firebomb
will make her mana management a little more crucial.

^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96085/90/95/100 ^* to ^960 80/95/110/125^*.

^256Sunder's Vault^*
^947-^* Range decreased from ^9601500 ^* to ^960 1200^*.

^947+^* Chronos is a hard carry and is meant to be played that way. However,
competitors began using Chronos as a suicide initiator and it was causing Chronos
to become more of a nuisance than a true carry hero. The changes below are aimed at
making Chronos less reliable as a ganker and more reliable as a carry.

^256Curse of Ages^*
^947-^* Chance now starts at 0% and increases by ^9605/6/7/8%^* every time
^059Chronos^* attacks a non-building unit.
^274*^* Skill will not proc immediately after another proc; at least 1 attack
must happen before the skill can proc again.
^274*^* Automatically procs on 12th attack no matter what.
^947-^* Timer for charge loss adjusted from ^9608/7/6/5 seconds ^* to ^960 7
^947-^* All charges are now lost when the timer on ^256Curse of Ages^* expires.
^947-^* Procs deal 2x damage to targets affected by ^256Chronofield^*.


^947+^* Deadlift's design is focused around a very strong early game. He is meant
to crush his lane and push down towers, and then fall off hard in the late game.
His laning is very frustrating to deal with and his late game is almost non-
existent. We are hoping to pull this back a bit and look at him some more for the
next balance patch if needed.

^256Death Grip^*
^947-^* Increased the max channel duration from ^9602.6 seconds ^* to ^960 4.6
seconds so it can travel further.^*
^274*^* Still requires a channel time of 2 seconds to receive the max
immobilize duration.
^947-^* Only travels up to a maximum of 1000 units if the channel is canceled.
^947-^* You no longer need to activate the ability a second time for it to be able
to travel the full 3300 range.

^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 25/23/21/19^*.
^947-^* Attack speed reduced from ^96050/75/100/125 ^* to ^960 20/50/80/110^*.

^256The ^256Dead Shall Rise^*^*

^947-^* Damage reduced on active from ^96090/110/130/150 ^* to ^960


^947+^* Deadwood has transitioned into an anti-strength hero rather than an anti-
everything hero. This change was healthy for diversity; however, the feel and
impact Deadwood left in a game went down. To compensate for that loss in feel, we
have made the following changes:

^256Rotten Grasp^*
^947-^* Now does Physical Damage over time instead of Magic Damage over time.
^274*^* Cast effect type is still Magic.
^947-^* Damage reduced from ^960150/200/250/300 ^* to ^960 100/150/200/250^*
Physical Damage.

^947-^* Deals ^960250/475/725^* Physical Damage and 19 x 35% of the target's
Strength in bonus Physical Damage.
^947-^* Now gives ^059Deadwood^* 35% of the target's Strength for 7 seconds after
hitting them.
^947-^* Still applies the Stun and Slow.


^947+^* Defiler has lost her way as a massive "teamfight" hero with amazing push
capabilities. With these changes we are increasing her push capabilities immensely,
making Defiler one of the premiere pushers in Newerth.
^947-^* Base Strength increased from ^96019 ^* to ^960 23^*.

^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^947-^* Number of spirits spawned increased from ^9605/10/16 ^* to ^960 7/12/17^*.
^274*^* Number of bonus spirits from Power in Death remains the same,
effectively increasing the number of spirits Defiler has by ^9602/2/1.^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* Added
^274*^* 1500 cast range.
^274*^* Activating this ability again while the spirits are active will
quickly send them toward the target.
^274*^* Targeting enemy units and structures will send the spirits to attack
once and then return to ^059Defiler^*.
^274*^* * Spirits deal 80% of their regular damage when using this ability.
^274*^* Targeting an allied hero will consume all spirits, healing the target
for half of their stored damage.
^274*^* While ^059Defiler^*'s spirits are alive, the second activation has a
6-second cooldown after being used.


^059Flint Beastwood^*
^947+^* Flint has been a staple in HoN since the beginning, but we felt the ability
to gank him successfully was too easy to accomplish. The following changes are
meant to make him have a more solid interaction with his abilities and offset some
of his weaknesses.

^256Explosive Flare^*
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960800 ^* to ^960 900^*.
^947-^* Projectile speed increased from ^9602000 ^* to ^960 2200^*.
^256Hollowpoint Shells^*
^947-^* Now has a 100% chance to proc when attacking out of ^256Dead Eye^*'s fully
faded invisibility.

^256Dead Eye^*
^947-^* Increases day and night vision radius by ^96050/100/150/200^* units.
^947-^* While standing still, ^059Flint Beastwood^* fades into invisibility over
1.5 seconds.

^256Money Shot^*
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^960175/275/375 ^* to ^960 150/250/350^*.


^059Forsaken Archer^*
^947+^* For a long time now Forsaken Archer has overlapped heroes like Draconis
and, to a degree, Klanx. We want Forsaken Archer to be the go-to option for an AoE
Magic damage-dealing carry, and boy is she. With this, we realize that Draconis
will need a rework as well and that is coming in an upcoming patch!

^256Crippling Volley^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 18/16/14/12 seconds.^*
^947-^* Forsaken Archer now leaves a Skeletal Minion behind to cast the ability
instead of casting it herself, allowing her to cast it without interrupting her
other orders.

^256Split Fire^*
^947-^* Can be toggled on and off on a 1-second cooldown.
^947-^* While toggled on:
^274*^* Increases damage taken by 15% but grants ^96010/15/20/25^* Attack
Speed and splits your attacks into ^9602/3/4/5^*, each dealing ^96050/60/70/80%^*
of damage.
^274*^* Main target takes full damage.

^256Call of the Damned^*

^947-^* You no longer collect or store Skeletal Minions by gaining last hits.
^947-^* Now passively grants a 10% chance to spawn an archer any time Forsaken
Archer or any of her units deal non-dot damage.
^947-^* The archer will attack 1 time dealing ^96010/20/30/40%^* of your attack
damage in magic damage and disappear.
^274*^* Archers can spawn more archers themselves, provided the chance procs.
They deal ^96010/20/30/40%^* of ^059Forsaken Archer^*'s Damage.
^947-^* In addition, this effect is guaranteed to trigger on Forsaken Archer's
attack whenever the ability is off cooldown (with a 5-second cooldown).
^274*^* This also allows for 2 Skeletal Minions to spawn at the same time due
to a proc.


^947+^* A new ^077Staff of the Master^* to really help bring his ultimate into a
masterful lockdown tool.
^256Glacial Downpour^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* changes:
^274*^* When activated you apply your current level of ^256Ice Imprisonment^*
to yourself.
^274*^* Enemies who are hit by three shards of ice from this ability have your
current level of Ice Imprisonment applied to them.
^274*^* ^077Staff of the Master^* no longer increases the damage dealt by this


^947+^* Gladiator's Call to Arms was available for too much of the game and was
providing the 50% temporary damage reduction to allies for too long during
teamfights. Therefore, these parameters got readjusted to more reasonable values.

^256Call to Arms^*
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96070/60/50 seconds ^* to ^960 80/70/60 seconds.^*
^947-^* Damage reduction duration reduced from ^96010 seconds ^* to ^960 5/6/7


^947+^* Some solid buffs to help Gunblade during his solo harass and changes aimed
at making him more gank-focused. Lethal Range will increase his farm but at a cost
of placing himself in questionable positions.

^256Lethal Range^*
^947-^* Attacking a non-hero unit within 200 units of you grants 50% of the bonus
damage you'd get against a hero.

^256Grappling Shot^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96090/75/60 seconds ^* to ^960 70/50/30 seconds.^*


^947+^* Klanx has had one defining problem: he has too much of an early game focus
with such a hard carry kit. These changes are aimed at reducing his early game farm
and his ability to escape that allowed him to snowball a bit too quickly.
^947-^* Agility gain per level decreased from ^9603.0 ^* to ^960 2.8^*.

^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96065 ^* to ^960 75^*.
^947-^* State duration reduction when being attacked increased from ^9602.5 seconds
per attack ^* to ^960 4 seconds per attack.^*

^256Goon Squad^*
^947-^* The first minion (the one with Chain Lightning) and the second minion (the
one with the Movement Speed Slow application) are switched.


^059Lord Salforis^*
^947+^* A hero that has always filled an extremely cool niche in the game but has
never been fully explored by competitors and the public playerbase. These changes
are intended to give Salforis a solid contribution to any lineup even if they are
not centered around "anti-healing."
^947-^* Base Damage increased from ^96047-57 ^* to ^960 53-57^*.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605 ^* to ^960 6^*.
^947-^* Strength gain per level increased from ^9602.4 ^* to ^960 2.6^*.

^256Mors Certissima^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960225 ^* to ^960 250^*.

^075Dark Lord's Presence^*

^947-^* Health Regeneration reduction on enemies and Health Regeneration steal
changed from ^96050% ^* to ^960 30/45/60/75%.^*
^947-^* Minimum True Damage per second increased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 15^*.

^256The ^256Undying^*^*
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*
^274*^* In addition to the soul mechanic you gain a bonus 20 Health
Regeneration as well as a bonus 3 Health Regeneration per 100 HP of missing life
while The Undying is active on a target.
^274*^* Still keeps the soul gain on-kill benefit if someone dies while under
the influence of the ultimate.


^947+^* ^059Magebane^* now has slightly increased effectiveness against casters
without changing his core playstyle.
^947-^* Magic Armor increased from ^9605.5 ^* to ^960 7^*.

^256Mana Combustion^*
^947-^* ^256Mana Combustion^* amount changed from ^96016/32/48/64 ^* to ^960
6/14/22/30 + 3/4/5/6% of the target's Max Mana.^*

^256Mana Rift^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960325 ^* to ^960 375^*.


^947+^* Moira was providing too much frustration because of her immense utility
alongside the safety of her Ephemeral Forge mimic. More counterplay was introduced
for Mana Sunder and the overall effectiveness of Shards of Harkon was reduced
slightly at all levels.
^256Shards of Harkon^*
^947-^* Stun duration decreased from ^9602 seconds ^* to ^960 1.25/1.5/1.75/2
^274*^* The duration was bugged to be 2 seconds at all levels; this is simply
readjusting them to their intended numbers.
^947-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^96070/140/210/280 ^* to ^960 70/120/170/220^*.

^256Mana Sunder^*
^947-^* Is now purgeable (target regains their suppressed mana when the state is


^059Moon Queen^*
^947+^* The need to diversify our hero pool continues with this change, making her
passive different from those of Arachna and Andromeda. At the same time this will
increase her ability to target enemies with Moon Beam and Moon Finale during

^256Lunar Glow^*
^947-^* In addition to its current benefits, ^059Moon Queen^*'s night vision radius
is increased by ^960200/400/600/800^* units.


^947+^* The buff to Moraxus was overshot slightly and with the Staff of the Master
coming we decided to tone down the previous buff to compensate.

^256Arcane Shield^*
^947-^* Bonus Attack Damage reduced from ^96060/80/100/120 ^* to ^960

^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^*
^274*^* While ^059Moraxus^*' ultimate is active, all damage he deals from all
sources will shoot an axe toward the enemy.


^947+^* A readjustment from the buffs of the first balance patch to squeeze
^059Myrmidon^* right where he needs to be.

^256Forced Evolution^*
^947-^* Magic Armor reduced from ^9605/10/15 ^* to ^960 4/7/10^*.


^947+^* Pandamonium received some quality of life tweaks with all his spells. In
particular, Face Smash comes out much quicker to reduce the chances of a target
slipping away from a surprise gank or blink with Portal Key, while Flick's
ridiculously high cooldown has been toned down to be available more often.
^947-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^96015 ^* to ^960 17^*.

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96024/22/20/18 seconds ^* to ^960 16/15/14/13
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^96085 ^* to ^960 65^*.

^256Cannon Ball^*
^947-^* Mana cost rescaled from ^960100 ^* to ^960 85/90/95/100^*.

^256Face Smash^*
^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^960500ms ^* to ^960 350ms.^*
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^960100/175/250 ^* to ^960 100/150/200^*.


^947+^* A hard carry like Parallax was peaking too high in the laning phase of the
game due to the sheer strength of his Fulcrum Shift ability. We toned this down
slightly and adjusted his ultimate, while adding a new Staff of the Master to keep
one of our newer faces in Newerth up to date!

^256Fulcrum Shift^*
^947-^* Bonus Magic Damage decreased from ^96010% max mana + 0/65/85/85/105 ^* to
^960 8% max mana + 0/60/80/80/100.^*

^947-^* Amount of excess max mana required for a ^9604 Damage/second increase
against an enemy hero increased from 100 max mana ^* to ^960 125 max mana.^*
^947-^* A bug was fixed where Parallax was doing 20 damage per second less than
intended after obtaining more mana than an enemy hero.
^947-^* ^077Staff of the Master^* added:
^274*^* Causes this ability to deal Superior Magic damage and halves the
cooldown at each level.


^947+^* Pearl lacked offensive presence in the laning phase and failed to peel
people properly. With these changes, Pearl's Asphyxiate has more of an area of
effect purge focus, rather than focusing on its single-target damage. Its damage
and slow have been rescaled appropriately to be much more intimidating at level 1.
Preservation plays a better role in peeling people away from Pearl's team with a
slight stun airtime increase.
^947-^* Targetable on allies (purges debuffs, retains the second AoE burst effect
against enemies).
^947-^* Second burst radius increased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 400^*.
^947-^* Second burst Magic Damage increased from ^96035/70/105/140 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Initial burst Magic Damage reduced from ^96035/70/105/140 ^* to ^960 30^*.
^274*^* Total damage to a single target changed from ^96070/140/210/280 ^* to
^960 110/150/190/230^*.
^947-^* Second burst Movement Speed slow duration increased from ^9600.6 seconds ^*
to ^960 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 seconds.^*
^947-^* Delay for second burst to occur reduced from ^9602 seconds ^* to ^960 1.5

^947-^* Stun airtime increased from ^9601 second ^* to ^960 1.2 seconds.^*
^947-^* Cast effect type changed from Magic to Superior Magic.
^274*^* Push effect bypasses Magic Immunity.
^947-^* Push distance properly adjusted to 600 units away from the center of the
^274*^* Units were pushed back slightly less than intended if the target was
closer to the edge of the bubble.
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^960120/100/80 seconds ^* to ^960 100/85/70


^947+^* Still a solid initiator that has simply lost a bit of its niche in the
competitive scene. A slight increase in stun duration and damage will help
Pestilence stay a relevant pick in the current meta.

^947-^* Physical Damage increased from ^96050/100/150/200 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Stun duration increased from ^9601/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds ^* to ^960
1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.^*


^947+^* Prophet has suffered from a lack of a role or "Role Confusion" since his
inception. The hero was not the best ganker, support, or semi-carry. These changes
are aimed at making him less level-dependent and more of a hard support.

^947-^* Bonus Attack Speed increased from ^96050/100/150/200 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Number of attacks with the bonus Attack Speed rescaled from 2 attacks to
^9602/2/3/4^* attacks.

^947-^* Magic Damage readjusted from ^96035/40/45/50 ^* to ^960 25/35/45/55^*.
^274*^* Initial hit deals 50 Magic Damage.
^947-^* Max number of attacks that proc the ministun increased from ^9601/2/3/4^*
attacks to ^9602/3/4/5^* attacks.

^256Shared Fate^*
^947-^* The 50% Movement Speed Slow is no longer a tapering slow; it is always a
50% Movement Speed Slow now.
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960600 ^* to ^960 700^*.
^947-^* Cast radius increased from ^960450 ^* to ^960 600^*.
^947-^* Charge system removed from the skill.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96030 seconds ^* to ^960 100/80/60 seconds.^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96075 ^* to ^960 100/150/200^*.
^947-^* Duration readjusted from ^9607 seconds ^* to ^960 5/7/9 seconds.^*


^947+^* The original design for Ravenor was to get into a fight and deal more
damage the longer he is in the fight. He was not intended to farm right before a
teamfight and melt a target with max charges on his Power Overwhelming skill before
they could react. Additionally, Ravenor's Power Overwhelming is the main problem
due to a high power variance between 0 charges & maximum charges.

^947+^* To better control this and prevent certain items from giving Ravenor a huge
power spike, the proc mechanics of Power Overwhelming were changed to be gained
only when damaging enemy heroes with Ravenor's auto attacks or his abilities.

^947+^* To partially compensate for the loss of farm speed from the auto attacks on
Power Overwhelming, Electrical Feedback was changed to deal more damage against
non-hero units. It was also reworked to fit Ravenor's style of play by triggering
on his auto attacks rather than ultimately acting as a "filler skill" and relying
on enemies to attack him. It also gives Ravenor another reliable method of
obtaining charges on Power Overwhelming due to the design changes on that skill.

^256Electrical Feedback^*
^947-^* Passively shocks the target and 2 enemy units within 400 radius every 2
auto attacks, dealing ^96010/20/30/40^* Magic Damage.
^947-^* Prioritizes enemy heroes.
^947-^* Deals 300% more damage against non-hero units (^96040/80/120/160^* Magic
^947-^* Activate to gain ^96015/30/45/60^* Attack Speed for 6 seconds.
^947-^* Mana cost: ^96040/50/60/70.^*
^947-^* Cooldown: 12 seconds.

^256Power Overwhelming^*
^947-^* Charges are now only gained when ability damage and auto attack damage is
dealt against enemy heroes.
^947-^* Charge gain per instance of ability damage and auto attack damage increased
from ^9604 ^* to ^960 7^*.
^947-^* Max charges increased from ^960100 ^* to ^960 125^*.
^947-^* Bonus Movement Speed per charge decreased from ^9600.75/1/1.25 ^* to ^960
^947-^* Bonus Damage per charge decreased from ^9601/1.5/2 ^* to ^960
^274*^* Same maximum potential bonus Movement Speed and bonus Damage.
^947-^* A minimum of 25 charges is obtained on Ravenor when he deals ability damage
or auto attack damage against an enemy hero.


^947+^* An overall buff to ^059Riftwalker^*'s laning presence to make her a more
viable support pick-up amongst her competitors.

^256Rift Burn^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960150 ^* to ^960 200^* for the initial Magic Damage
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960300 ^* to ^960 400^* for the continuous Magic
Damage pulses.
^947-^* Magic Damage pulse interval decreased from ^9601 second ^* to ^960 0.75
^947-^* Now lasts 4.5 seconds, down from 6.
^274*^* Total damage output remains the same.


^947+^* We are honing in on where Riptide should be playing with her water mechanic
and these changes are to facilitate these adjustments.

^947-^* Puddle duration increased from ^9603 ^* to ^960 4 seconds.^*
^947-^* Slow duration increased from ^9603 ^* to ^960 4 seconds.^*

^256In My Element^*
^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96045 ^* to ^960 20 seconds.^*

^256Eye of the Storm^*

^947-^* Now twice as easy to control.
^947-^* Touch radius against heroes for the explosion reduced from ^960200 ^* to
^960 150^*.
^947-^* Cooldown increased from ^96080 ^* to ^960 100/90/80 seconds.^*


^947+^* Some minor quality of life changes for a hero that is underperforming. The
focus on Vanish should help players roam more efficiently and gain better
positioning in team fights.

^947-^* Cooldown reduced from ^96015/12/9/6 seconds ^* to ^960 12/10/8/6 seconds.^*
^947-^* Movement Speed bonus increased from ^96010/12/14/16% ^* to ^960

^947+^* A small tweak to her ultimate to allow players ganking Silhouette to have a
small window in which they can attack before she swaps.

^947-^* ^256Like a Ninja^*'s (swap sub-ability) cast action time increased from
^9600ms ^* to ^960 150ms.^*


^947+^* Succubus is the single-target debilitator hero, and is also the iconic hero
for winning 1v1 mid lanes the vast majority of the time. Though she has this niche,
she has always failed to consistently capitalize on her lead because her ultimate
is not available to her for a large part of the early game. These changes are aimed
at allowing her to capitalize on her laning phase advantage.

^947-^* Cast action time reduced from ^960500ms ^* to ^960 300ms.^*
^947-^* Target's damage output reduction adjusted from ^96040% ^* to ^960
^947-^* Duration increased from ^9604/8/12/16 seconds ^* to ^960 10/12/14/16

^947-^* ^059Succubus^* can cancel ^256Mesmerize^* on herself at any time.
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96015 seconds ^* to ^960 15/14/13/12 seconds.^*
^947-^* Cast range increased from ^960500/550/600/650 ^* to ^960 500/575/650/725^*.
^947-^* Cast action time decreased from ^960500ms ^* to ^960 400ms.^*

^256Cursed Embrace^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^960120/100/80 seconds ^* to ^960 100/85/70


^947+^* A hero that fills a unique niche in our game of map control has been
outdone by the recent addition of Veiled Rot. We decided rather than having Veiled
Rot counter Tundra, Tundra should counter it.
^947-^* Magic Armor decreased from ^9605.5 ^* to ^960 4.5^*.

^256Call of Winter^*
^947-^* Shiver
^274*^* Shiver's day & night vision increased from ^960800/800/1200/1200^*
units to ^960800/1000/1200/1400^* units.
^274*^* Shiver now reveals units that have the ^077Veiled Rot^* stealth state
within ^960800/1000/1200/1400^* of Shiver.
^274*^* * Does not dispel the ^077Veiled Rot^* stealth state.
^947-^* Coeurl
^274*^* Coeurl's Attack Damage rescaled from ^9600/26/26/46 ^* to ^960
^274*^* Coeurl's Max Health rescaled from ^9600/400/400/500 ^* to ^960
^274*^* Coeurl's Attack Speed Slow on Winter's Bite increased from
^9600/20/20/35 ^* to ^960 0/20/30/40^*.
^274*^* Coeurl's Movement Speed Slow on Winter's Bite increased from
^9600/20/20/35% ^* to ^960 0/20/30/40%.^*

^256Cold Shoulder^*
^947-^* Attack Speed bonus increased from ^96015/30/40/60 ^* to ^960 20/40/60/80^*.


^947+^* Vindicator always had the problem of being either no fun to play, too
frustrating to play against, or both. He failed at his intended role as a carry and
also failed at his spellcast interruption niche due to being reliant on his enemy's
spellcast actions. The rework solves these problems by giving him an arsenal of
soft crowd control (CC) skills and giving him a much more active role. He also has
much more potential to carry the team through his disruption kit, as well as some
more late-game scaling with buffs to Master's Incantation.
^947-^* Base Strength reduced from ^96020 ^* to ^960 17^*.
^947-^* ^904New^* voice lines.

^256Sage's Lore^*
^947+^* Brain Drain was replaced and had its name changed back to Sage's Lore; the
skill is already better when comparing the difference in the skill names alone.
^947-^* Target a position to deal ^96085/140/195/250^* Magic Damage to all enemies
within the area and Disarm player-controlled enemy units for ^9600.7/1/1.3/1.6^*
^274*^* Effect type: Magic
^274*^* Range: 700
^274*^* Radius: 300
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96080/100/120/140^*
^274*^* Cooldown: ^96014/12/10/8^* seconds
^274*^* Cast action time of 300ms

^075Master's Incantation^*
^947-^* Mana cost reduced from ^96015 ^* to ^960 10^*.
^947-^* No longer has a cooldown.
^947-^* No longer considered an Attack Modifier.
^274*^* For clarification, you can still manually cast the skill to "orbwalk"
and not draw creep aggro. The only thing that changed is that the skill can stack
with other Attack Modifiers.
^947-^* Bonus True Damage is multiplied by 1.5 against silenced targets.
^947-^* Bonus True Damage rescaled from ^9600/15/30/45/60% of ^059Vindicator^*'s
Intelligence ^*
^947-^* Passive: Vindicator now gains +1 Intelligence permanently when he kills an
enemy hero, or if an enemy hero dies within 925 radius.
^274*^* Enemies do not lose any Intelligence when they die.
^274*^* Skill is automatically leveled at level 1, making this a 5-point
skill. Active is disabled when the skill is at level 1.

^256Glyph of Silence^*
^947-^* Target a position to summon an immobile Totem that lasts for 5 seconds. The
Totem will be destroyed when it receives 2 auto attacks.
^947-^* Enemy units within 1000 radius of the Totem receive a Movement Speed Slow
up to ^96030/34/38/42%^* the closer the target is to the Totem (minimum of
^9600/4/8/12%^* Movement Speed Slow). The Movement Speed Slow lingers for 1 second
after leaving the radius, after the Totem expires, or is destroyed.
^947-^* Enemy units within 300 radius of the Totem are also Silenced for
^9601.3/1.7/2.1/2.5^* seconds upon entering this inner radius. Enemies already
affected by this Silence will not be silenced if they re-enter this 300 radius
within the same cast instance of Glyph of Silence.
^947-^* Grants 25 gold when killed by an enemy.
^274*^* Effect type: Magic
^274*^* Range: 700
^274*^* Mana Cost: ^96090/105/120/135^*
^274*^* Cooldown: 17 seconds
^274*^* Cast action time of 150ms

^256Final Chapter^*
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^960160 seconds ^* to ^960 110 seconds.^*
^947-^* Global Silence duration decreased from ^9603/4/5^* seconds to (0.1 x
charges) seconds.
^274*^* ^256Final Chapter^* gains ^96020/25/30^* charges when coming off
cooldown and gains 1 charge every 4.5 seconds.
^274*^* Maximum of ^96030/40/50^* charges.
^274*^* Total time to reach maximum effectiveness (max charges) from after the
skill is used is ^960145/167.5/200^* seconds (adjusted from a static cooldown of
160 seconds).
^947-^* ^256Final Chapter^* also globally applies a 40% Movement Speed Slow to all
enemy heroes for 1 second.
^947-^* Mana cost decreased from ^960200/250/300 ^* to ^960 175/225/275^*.
^947-^* Cast action time decreased from ^960300ms ^* to ^960 200ms.^*
^947-^* When cast, the sound for the enemy team will be muted for the duration of
ability. However, Taunts and certain other important sounds are still audible for
gameplay reasons.


^059War Beast^*
^947+^* The reward for Battle Cry was too high and allowed heroes to win their
lanes too easily. This change will make the spamming of this ability more of a
choice and lower the uptime during the laning phase.

^256Battle Cry^*
^947-^* Mana cost increased from ^96025/20/15/10 ^* to ^960 30^* at all levels.


^947+^* While Wildsoul's kit is more attuned to the game of Heroes of Newerth, he
is still having trouble competing with other heroes of his like. With 12 inventory
slots as his unique niche in the game, we want to help facilitate that by
increasing his farm capabilities.
^256Summon Booboo^*
^947-^* Alpha Male Damage to creeps increased from ^96025% ^* to ^960 50% and bonus
damage at level 4 increased from 25 ^*


^059Wretched Hag^*
^947+^* A quality of life change since ^256Sonar Scream^*'s radius does not
significantly improve as the skill is leveled up.

^256Sonar Scream^*
^947-^* Radius increased from ^960425/450/475/500 ^* to ^960 500^* at all levels.


^947+^* Zephyr has fallen off due to the lack of a meta that needs him. However,
his presence in HoN is still quite underwhelming. These changes are aimed at
allowing Zephyr to start off in the jungle and to get more consistent damage out of
his cyclones.

^947-^* Increased cast range from ^960700 ^* to ^960 800^*.

^947-^* Increased the damage AoE of each cyclone from ^960150 ^* to ^960 300^*.
^947-^* Lifetime of a cyclone decreased from ^96060 ^* to ^960 40 seconds.^*
^947-^* You will now passively gain a cyclone every 20 seconds.
^274*^* This allows you to get about 2 cyclones early game to get a nice start
in the jungle.
^947-^* When cyclones expire they now heal for the same amount as if you used them
^947-^* ^256Heal^* decreased from ^96025 ^* to ^960 20^*.
^947-^* Damage decreased from ^96015/20/25/30 ^* to ^960 6/9/12/15^*.
^274*^* The increased AoE for cyclone's damage is a huge buff so these changes
are to compensate a bit for that.
^947-^* ^256Cyclones^* no longer deal 25% less damage to creeps and neutrals.

^947-^* ^256Cyclones^* will now spawn even if ^059Zephyr^* is not inside the

== ^960Items^* ==

^947+^* A fix to match the previous Assassin Shroud change.
^947-^* Stealth duration increased from ^9609 seconds ^* to ^960 11 seconds.^*
^947-^* Charge refresh time increased from ^96014 seconds ^* to ^960 16 seconds.^*
^274*^* Matches ^077Assassin's Shroud^* duration and cooldown increases from
Patch 3.6.0.
^077Merrick's Bounty^*
^947+^* Merrick's Bounty is doing a lot of good things for supports right now but
the amount of gold returned is about 5% too much. We toned it down a bit to reflect
^947-^* Cooldown decreased from ^96030 ^* to ^960 20 seconds.^*
^947-^* Gold per charge decreased from ^96010 ^* to ^960 9^*.

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947+^* Small quality of life change.
^947-^* Tree chop cooldown is no longer shared with Logger's Hatchet.

^077Thunderclaw^* & ^077Charged Hammer^*

^947+^* While we reevaluate the item pool in general, we found it necessary to
increase the cost of Thunderclaw to reduce its effectiveness on early game farming.
^947-^* ^077Thunderclaw^* recipe cost increased by 200 gold.
^947-^* ^077Charged Hammer^* recipe cost decreased by 200 gold (total price remains
the same as before).

^075Jungle Changes^*
^947+^* The following changes are meant to alleviate some of the tediousness in the
jungle in general.
^947-^* Corpses no longer block camps from spawning.
^947-^* ^579Antlore Necromancer^*s no longer spawn Zomblings when unowned by a
^274*^* Can still toggle the ability on when a player controls an ^579Antlore
^947-^* ^579Wild Hunter^* Camp no longer has both stealth and magic immunity.
^274*^* One ^579Wild Hunter^* now has stealth, and the other has magic

== ^960Community^* ==

= ^075HoN Tour Season 4^* =

^947+^* The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.

= ^075Community Funding | The Paragons^* =

^947+^* Paragon Rhapsody joins her Paragon cohorts and hits Merrick's shop on
September 30th. Show your support for HTS4 and get your Paragon avatars today! 25%
of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!

= ^075New Patch Avatar Discounts^* =

^947+^* Every patch a handful of avatars will be placed on discount. This patch's
discounted avatars can be found with the Diamond Chest and Ticket Exchange
information in the News section of the forums:

= ^075New Message of the Day^* =

^947+^* We've implemented a new Message of the Day (MotD) system. Upon opening the
client you'll notice the new MotD! With the ability to host 5 separate news
articles and several links to many places in HoN's store and UI, the new MotD will
allow us to better communicate with our community!

= ^075Community Event Team^*=

^075Community Event Team: Bringing you HoN-related events with huge prizes!^*
^947+^* Riftwalker was in dire need of flavor tooltips for her abilities. The
following submissions have won, and the players who submitted them get a Riftwalker
alt avatar of their choice!
^947-^* ^256Cascade Event^*: When reality collapses, pull yourselves together.
^947-^* ^256Shared Existence^*: Your death will be slow, just like your existence.
^947-^* ^256Rift Burn^*: A Riftwalker's best burn is "Do you even Rift?" [Chime]
^947-^* ^256Wormhole^*: One time, I ended up in a different game. [LOLsmiles]

== ^960Matchmaking Maps & Modes^* ==

^075Capture the Flag^*

^947-^* Blind Ban
^947-^* Duplicate Heroes
^947-^* 5v5

== ^960New Content^* ==

= ^075Paragons^* =

The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the isolated Isle
of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth, and the flesh
of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a strong
connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man, Beast, and
Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits to feed
death and corruption directly into the earth.
But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^904New^* ^980Paragon^* ^059Rhapsody^* Avatar: Tourmaline Paragon Rhapsody^*

^947-^* The youngest of the Paragons, Tourmaline is focused on eliminating anger,
fear, and jealousy from the world while remaining calm and tranquil herself. Some
may call her naive for setting such a lofty goal, but all who stand near her in
battle can attest to the overwhelming feelings of tranquility and peace, even in
moments of unbelievable pressure. However, if they are being completely honest,
they will also divulge the hints of jealousy toward her flawless hair and
effortless musicality. And so Tourmaline's journey continues...

Tourmaline ^980Paragon^* ^059Rhapsody^* Upgrades:

^947-^* Staccato Upgrade: Adds a sound wave beam, sound waves circling the source
and target, and pink crystal shards exploding off of the target.
^947-^* Disco Inferno Upgrade: Adds pulsing circles growing from the center to the
edges, sound waves encircling the boundary, brighter crystals and crystal notes,
and crystal notes of the appropriate colors encircling units for enemy and ally
states (red and green).
^947-^* ^256Arcane Hymn^* Upgrade: Adds sound pulses and lights circling the feet
of the character.
^947-^* ^256Protective Melody^* Upgrade: Adds spiraling crystals emitting from her
and sound waves on the staff lines encircling her.
^947-^* Carnage Counter Upgrade: Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of
your all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!

= ^075The War Effort^* =

^904New^* ^980War Effort^* ^059Pestilence^* Avatar: Carrion Beetle

^947-^* It began with The First Corruption, when the swarms of Great Waste Carrion
Beetles originally tasted dead daemon flesh. The undying corruption within the meat
took root in the carcass eaters and began to change them, speeding their evolution
into massive and terrifyingly efficient scavengers. When The Second Corruption
shattered Newerth, the fully daemonic Carrion Beetles not only feasted upon the
mountains of man, beast, and daemon corpses -- they also discovered a taste for
living flesh, even though it quickly ceased to be such.

= ^075General^* =

^904New^* ^059Gladiator^* Avatar: Vanquish

^947-^* Although the fringe societies along the Seradati Plains claimed to adhere
to Legion law under Maliken Grimm, their traditions of slavery and human fighting
pits endured long after their banners flew beneath his. Grimm allowed this, for it
served as a vetting process for the elite combatants in his vanguard, but when
Prince Jeraziah took the throne he ordered the pits closed and the slaves freed.
The slavemasters would not sleep well knowing such dangerous and vengeful men lived
and plotted among them, and so ordered the execution of every gladiator and slave.
"The King wants them freed," they joked, "what is more free than death?"
But the gladiators made it their life's work to not die easily, and when the
executioners came they faced an army of professional killers led by the most
veteran among them, the one called Vanquish, who earned his sobriquet time and
again as he sacked city after city, leaving a trail of dead slavemasters in his

^904New^* ^059Prisoner^* Avatar: Rune Breaker

^947-^* The Rune Weavers have tried to reclaim all of their precious Portal Keys
from the Hellbourne, but the daemons instantly recognized the power within the
teleportation devices and now guard them with brutal greediness. This has forced
the Rune Weavers to reluctantly unleash the Rune Breaker, a titan from the furthest
valleys of the Iron Mountains whose sole purpose is to seek the magic wrought by
the Weavers, crush those who wield it and claim it for himself.

^904New^* ^059Succubus^* Avatar: Headmistress

^947-^* School's in, you simpletons! The Headmistress is here to make sure you keep
your faces buried in the books -- literally, if necessary -- and don't bother
trying to sneak any private messages or cheat codes past her. If she catches you
(and she will), she'll drag you into her private detention faster than you can
claim you were only smitten and mesmerized by her stunning outfit.

^904New^* ^059Vindicator^* Avatar: Necronomicon Vindicator^*

^947-^* Very few who attempt to join the reclusive order of hermits known as the
Vindicators actually succeed -- indeed, there is only one known in all of Newerth
-- and many slip into the dark, cobwebbed corners of sorcery to be lost forever.
Such is the case with Alhazred the Conjurer, who became obsessed with the legendary
Necronomicon, a tome that catalogs and classifies every dead soul in existence.
When he came across his own name among the endless pages, the sorcerer went mad and
demanded the book tell him how to return to the realm of the living. The words
appeared below his name, written in blood: "Born in the cradle of death, it blooms
as life wilts." And so Alhazred began his eternal search for the Hellflower, and

^904New^* ^980Ward Bundle^*: Classic Off-Lane Heroes

That's a long road ahead of you friend, better keep an eye out in style with these
classic off-lane hero wards!
^947-^* ^059Bubbles^*
^274*^* Know when to surf ahead and when to take cover with this whimsical
^059Bubbles^* ward!
^947-^* ^059Chronos^*
^274*^* What time is it? Time to place a custom ^059Chronos^* ward!
^947-^* ^059Wildsoul^*
^274*^* Even your natural attunement could use some help from this primal
^947-^* ^059Plague Rider^*
^274*^* ^256Extinguish^* anyone foolish enough to wander into your lane with
this cursed, contagious ward!
^947-^* ^059Rally^*
^274*^* Plant your battle flag and demoralize your lane foes with this rally
point ward!
^947-^* ^059Wretched Hag^*
^274*^* ^256Haunt^* the longest lane and drive your enemies batty with the
^059Wretched Hag^* ward!
= ^075Hero and Avatar Model Updates^* =

The following heroes have new base models with improved textures, animations, and
^947-^* ^059Forsaken Archer^*
^274*^* ^059Forsaken Archer^* Skeletons
^947-^* ^059Pearl^*
^947-^* ^059Vindicator^*

The following avatar has been imported from the China build! This vastly improved
model replaces the current version.
^947-^* Avatar: Clockwork ^059Forsaken Archer^*

= ^075POGs^* =

^904New^* ^980POGs^* Avatar: ^059Maliken^*

^947-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

== ^960Bug Fixes^* ==

^075Rift Wars^*
^947-^* ^059Calamity^*'s first skill slot (Q by default) will now function properly
in Rift Wars.
^947-^* The following abilities can no longer be obtained in Rift Wars:
^274*^* ^059Artillery^*'s ^256LRM^*
^274*^* ^059Pebbles^*' ^256Enlarge^*
^274*^* ^059Prophet^*'s ^256Shared Fate^*
^274*^* ^059Salomon^*'s ^256Wish for Revenge^*
^274*^* ^059Tremble^*'s ^256Terrorform^* & ^256Terror Mound^*
^274*^* ^059Wildsoul^*'s ^256Bear Form^*

^077Runed Cleaver^*
^947-^* Now also plays the regular ^077Logger's Hatchet^* "timber" sound.

^947-^* Fixed ^256Curse of Ages^* effect not playing properly when using the Time
Lord ^059Chronos^* avatar.

^947-^* ^256Flurry^* tooltip range fixed to be accurate.

^947-^* ^256Preservation^* no longer grants lingering vision of the area after the
ability expires.

^947-^* Fixed selection flavor sounds for ^256Swarm^* ^059Pestilence^*.

^947-^* Vorax now disengages from targets that become invisible.

^947-^* Fixed the cyclones spawned by the ultimate to deal the correct amount of


^970Version 3.7.9^*
9 September 2015

^970== Community ==^*

^539= HoN Tour Season 4 =^*

^r+^* ^995The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth continues! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.^*

^539= Community Funding | The Paragons =^*

^r+^* ^995Cycle 1 kicked off HTS4 with some amazing action. With a total prize pool
of $25,356, the community did a great job making Cycle 1 great. Cycle 2 kicks of
this weekend and funding for cycle 3 starts on Wednesday September 9th when Opal
Paragon Riftwalker enters Plinko! Show your support for HTS4 and get your avatars
today! 25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!^*

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random
^095Grimm's Crossing^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* 3v3
^g-^* Casual Mode

^970== New Content ==^*

^970^:= Gold Collection =^*

New Gold Collection ^079Amun-Ra^* Avatar: ^079Karnak the Tomb Guardian^*

^g-^* The fortune hunters of The War Effort have been exploring areas of Newerth
untouched for centuries, and when one expedition descended into the pitch-black
tombs hidden beneath the Great Waste they found something waiting for them. Karnak
the Tomb Guardian had stood watch over his dead master as generations lived and
died in the world above, and his mission is simple: prevent anyone from stealing
the riches that would ensure his master's prosperity in the afterlife. Good luck to
the explorers who try to make him fail.

^539= The Paragons =^*

^r+^* ^995The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the
isolated Isle of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth,
and the flesh of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a
strong connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man,
Beast, and Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits
to feed death and corruption directly into the earth.

But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.^*

New Paragon ^079Riftwalker^* Avatar: ^079Opal Paragon Riftwalker^*

^g-^* The multicolored opal contains traces of the virtues of all the other magical
crystals, and the master of these gems wields a powerful spectrum of sorcery. She
is able to alter the very fabric of existence, and those affected by her opaline
magic find their existence -- what little remains -- completely within her control.

^095Paragon Upgrades^*
^r+^* ^995Each Paragon avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring
^r+^* ^995Upgrades will become available in the Paragon Chest in Plinko after you
own the respective Paragon Avatar.^*

^095Opal Paragon Riftwalker Upgrades:^*

^g-^* ^256Cascade Event^* Upgrade: Deeper purple effects with additional blue
shockwaves and crystals piercing through the center.
^g-^* ^256Shared Existence^* Upgrade: Adds crystals on the chest of the target
along with a purple cloud effect above and small piercing crystals below.
^g-^* ^256Rift Burn^* Upgrade: Extra white comets circle through the black hole
with smaller blue crystals circling the center.
^g-^* ^256Wormhole^* Upgrade: Additional crystals form at each wormhole while
crystal shards penetrate the ground around the feet of Riftwalker. The impact of
the wormhole causes more crystals to poke through the ground leaving glowing cracks
in their place.
^g-^* Carnage Counter Upgrade: Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of your
all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!
New Paragon Upgrade: ^095Paragon Selection Circle^*
^g-^* The Paragons are so powerful they even change the selection circle! For the
first time in the history of HoN, get a unique selection circle for your Paragon
^g-^* Claim the Paragon Selection Circle for free by owning Paragon Empath, Paragon
Parasite, and Paragon Riftwalker!

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort ^079Pyromancer^* Avatar: ^079Trophy Pyromancer^*

^g-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

^539= Labor Day =^*

New Holiday Edition Labor Day ^079Behemoth^* Avatar: ^079Construction Worker

^g-^* Even the earth-shakers and wall-breakers need a day off, so the Behemoth
Union has it in their contract that a few times a year they get a long weekend away
from rebuilding the walls, towers, and barracks destroyed by the Hellbourne. The
foremen Engineers actually appreciate this downtime on the job site -- they keep
telling the Behemoths that iron girders aren't supposed to be used as hammers and
fissures aren't up to code when it comes to running drain systems -- and the
holiday allows the Engineers to repair most of the damage done by their work crews.
But come Tuesday, it's back to the grind...

^539= eSports Community Winner =^*

New eSports Community Winner ^079Madman^* Avatar: ^079Madcat Madman^*

^g-^* MadCat was once a part of Boxi's household and lived the life every house cat
dreams of. Through a glitch in the latest HoN patch she was sucked through his
monitor and into the world of Newerth. Scared and confused, she stumbled upon a
tribe of monkey couriers and was taken to the Monkey King for judgement. One look
into her precious eyes was enough. The Monkey King kept her as his loyal companion,
training her to become one of the most formidable warriors -- and snugglers -- of
* This is an eSports Community Winner. Concept and lore inspired by community
member ^095Boxi^*.

^539= Sponsor =^*

New Mountain Dew Sponsor ^079Monkey King^* Avatar: ^079Mountain Dew Monkey King^*
^g-^* To celebrate the successful collaboration between HoN and Mountain Dew
Thailand, smash your enemies and your thirst with Mountain Dew Monkey King!

^539= China Avatars =^*

New China ^079Dampeer^* Avatar: ^079Bloodthirsty Dampeer^*

^g-^* The acolytes of Dampeer are known as the Bloodthirsty, men and women who
forsake the sustenance of food and drink for the unnatural consumption of human
flesh in the hopes it will act as a gateway to their ultimate goal: subsisting on
the pure vitality of their victims. They learn quickly that adrenaline and fear
make the meat taste far better, so terrorizing their prey before digging in is a
must, and a pleasure.

New China ^079Draconis^* Avatar: ^079Gryphon Draconis^*

^g-^* Dragons and Gryphons have always had a tenuous relationship -- each species
believes it is the the most majestic and capable guardian of treasure and sacred
locations (and the Gryphons insist their flames burn much hotter and cleaner) --
but when it comes to the World Tree, the most priceless and vital life form on
Newerth, the Gryphons set aside their rivalry and stand wing-to-wing with Draconis
and his kin to ensure the forces of corruption do not touch even a single leaf. But
everyone still knows that beaks and feathers are much more glorious than snouts and

^539= General =^*

New Courier: ^095Ejeab^*

^g-^* Some say this chicky courier brings misfortune with your items; do you dare
see if it's true?

^539= POGs =^*

New POGs Avatar: Pollywog Priest

^g-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= General =^*

^g-^* Continuously denying an ally will no longer play the Nemesis announcer
^g-^* ^0958-bit Announcer^* no longer creates a persisting buzzing noise when
disconnecting from a game after a team's main building is destroyed.
^g-^* Added missing radial ping tool area names to Capture the Flag.

^539= Heroes =^*

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^g-^* ^079Doctor Gamer's^* ^256Ludicrous Speed^* will properly play the laugh voice
line at all ranks of the ability.
^g-^* ^079Annunaki^* is no longer missing a texture while attacking with medium and
low model quality settings.

^g-^* ^079Rift Ravenor^* is no longer incorrectly labelled as part of the Rift
Beasts set.

^079Puppet Master^*
^g-^* Puppet Master's ^256Puppet Show (W)^* now properly perplexes the target while
it is being forced to attack something.

^g-^* ^079Brunhild Valkyrie^* properly plays her taunt audio clip after killing an
enemy she taunted.


^970Version 3.7.8^*
26 August 2015
^970== Community ==^*

^539= HoN Tour Season 4 =^*

^r+^* ^995The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has begun! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.^*

^539= Community Funding | The Paragons =^*

^r+^* ^995With HTS4 Cycle 1 getting off to a fantastic start, show your support for
Cycle 2 and pick up the first two Paragon Avatars in Plinko today! 25% of all
proceeds collected will go directly to competitive HoN eSports!^*

^539= $100 Diamond Chest Voucher: Round 2 =^*

^r+^* ^995Have you always wanted an avatar from the Diamond Chest but don't like
taking the risk of playing Plinko? Well, lucky for you the $100 Diamond Chest
Voucher is back. Purchase a $100 Coin Pack and gain access to a FREE Diamond Chest
from Plinko.^*
^g-^* Diamond Chest can be claimed in the "Others" tab in store.
^g-^* Limit 1 Diamond Chest per user.
^g-^* Available from Aug 25th (after the patch) until September 8th

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random

^095The Grimm Hunt^*

^g-^* All Pick

^970== New Content ==^*

^970^:= Gold Collection =^*

New Gold Collection ^079Nomad^* Avatar: ^079Hang Jebat^*

^g-^* When Hang Jebat learned the Nine Kings of the Great Waste had killed his
brother-in-battle Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat took up his fallen friend's sword, the
Taming Sari Keris, and went on a legendary rampage. But the rumors of Hang Tuah's
death were false, and fearing for their lives the Nine Kings ordered Hang Tuah to
kill Hang Jebat and end his murderous spree. These two illustrious warriors have
been in eternal combat ever since, and any time they meet on the battlefield the
blood and blades fly.

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort ^079Fayde^* Avatar: ^079Red Mist^*

^g-^* It is rare indeed when the living shadow known as Fayde allows her emotions
to rise from the darkness within, but when her raw fury finally boils to the
surface she discards her black auras and envelops herself in a shroud of her
victims' blood, a churning red mist that hides her culling blade and wicked smile
until the last moment -- but by then her red mist has already claimed another life.

^539= The Hotshot Heroes =^*

^r+^* ^995Heroes of Newerth? More like Heroes of Whowerth! All you self-proclaimed
"heroes" need to step aside, because the true guardians of mankind have arrived:
The Hotshot Heroes!^*

New Hotshot Heroes ^079Gauntlet^* Avatar: ^079Mr. Marvelous^*

^g-^* Mr. Marvelous is the self-appointed leader of The Hotshot Heroes, and though
he might occasionally grapple with the other egos in the squad as they battle the
forces of evil, his over-the-top personality and constant bravado soothe the public
into believing they are safe as long as their lives are within the protection of
his massive fist.

New Hotshot Heroes ^079Pebbles^* Avatar: ^079Rocky^*

^g-^* Rocky is the solid foundation of The Hotshot Heroes, an even-tempered,
contemplative advocate of talking things through with his team's adversaries, who
he refuses to call "villains." They might just be misunderstood, frustrated people
with good intentions. But if they pose a legitimate threat to the innocent masses
or his fellow Hotshots, Rocky will not hesitate to chuck them into orbit until they
calm down a bit.

New Hotshot Heroes ^079Pyromancer^* Avatar: ^079Blaze^*

^g-^* Blaze epitomizes the Hotshot Heroes name (and should probably be the team
leader) with his brash confidence and derring-do approach to stopping villainous
troublemakers, a method that usually ends up with at least one structure on fire
and a path of scorched earth in his wake. Whatever man, nobody died...right?

New Hotshot Heroes ^079Scout^* Avatar: ^079The Vanishing Woman^*

^g-^* The Vanishing Woman is an expert at showing up in the right place at the
right time -- seemingly out of nowhere -- to help her fellow Hotshots thwart the
nefarious plans of evildoers. She doesn't crave the spotlight (but secretly knows
it belongs on her), and as she's not one to show off (too much), she prefers to
swoop in for an attack, flash a disarming smile to the masses, and vanish once

^539= General =^*

New Taunt: ^095Wolf Time Taunt^*

^g-^* Trumpet your superiority with the power of the WOLF. It's WOLF TIME!

New POGs Avatar: ^079Soul Reaper^*

^g-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= Optimizations =^*

^g-^* Removed the banjo sound when you close the game.
^g-^* The Recent Games list is no longer empty after you play a match.
^g-^* ^o/pingall^* will now print reliable packet loss stats for each player.

^539= Capture the Flag =^*

^g-^* Dying while invulnerable on the same frame will no longer grant the enemy
hero a huge amount of experience.
^g-^* Minor update to the Capture the Flag matchmaking tooltips.
^g-^* Information box for Capture the Flag has been updated.

^539= General =^*

^g-^* Remake player count threshold increased from ^o50% to 70%^* of the game's
active players.
^m*^* This fixes the issue of a single team being able to remake if both teams have
a disconnected player.

^g-^* Items in fog are now responsive to orders regardless of vision.

^m*^* This fixes the issue of your hero not moving when you right-click on items in
fog to pick them up.

^g-^* Matchmaking groups now persist in the event a player is disconnected when a
game is found.

^g-^* Tower range indicators were added to the Tutorial map.

^g-^* Muted players will now properly receive messages from Mentors through the
Mentor Chat (invoked by pressing ^095Ctrl+Enter^*).

^g-^* While mentoring a player, the icon for "Mentor Voice Chat" no longer overlaps
with the text when viewing the Mentor Dialog (^095Menu -> Mentoring^*).

^g-^* The horn audio clip now plays properly at the 10-second mark before the first
creep wave spawns.

^g-^* Bots no longer attempt to control your hero if you have disconnected from the

^g-^* Tokens and Passes are no longer incorrectly displayed in some players'

^g-^* After a pause is issued, there is a 3-second delay before the team that
called the pause can unpause the game.
^m*^* This prevents accidental unpauses that would occur immediately after pausing
in Tournament Mode, where pauses are instant.

^g-^* Lowered the size of body effects on ^095Alchemist Ogres^* and ^095Predasaur

^g-^* Fixed some game modes still playing the ^079Parallax^* lobby music.

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* ^079Celeris Blitz^* ^256Lightning Shackles^* state icon now matches her
unique icon.

^g-^* ^079LightGunblade^* kill lines are now limited to the local area around
^m*^* The announcer is paused for the player of LightGunblade for around 2 seconds
for both his respawn and kill lines to make it easier to hear them.

^g-^* ^256Arcane Shield^* now properly blocks all effects from ^079Master of
Arms^*' ^256Charged Shot/Blast Shot^* if Arcane Shield is activated while the
projectile is in midair.

^g-^* ^256Stampede^* sight indicator is deleted properly if Rampage gets
interrupted via a disable before Rampage reaches his target.

^079Lord Salforis^*
^g-^* ^079Blackwal Salforis^* ^095Staff of the Master^* visual effects have been
fixed so the skeleton visual from the base avatar does not appear.

^g-^* ^079Brunhild Valkyrie's^* ^256Javelin of Light^* no longer takes ^o0.3s^*
longer to cast compared to other alt avatars.
^g-^* ^079Brunhild Valkyrie's^* weapon disappears properly when she casts
^256Javelin of Light^*.
^g-^* ^079Brunhild Valkyrie's^* animation syncs up perfectly with the throw like
other avatars.


^970Version 3.7.7^*
12 August 2015

^970== Community ==^*

^539= Summer Silver Discounts =^*

^r+^* ^995Continuing until August 24th Merrick will be discounting different

avatars at 50% off their original silver price. If you've been hoarding silver and
waiting for a chance to spend it, now's the time!^*

^539= HoN Tour Season 4 =^*

^r+^* ^995The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has begun! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.^*

^539= Community Funding | The Paragons =^*

^r+^* ^995With HTS4 Cycle 1 rapidly approaching, show your support and pick up the
first Paragon Avatar in Plinko! 25% of all proceeds collected will go directly to
competitive HoN eSports!^*

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random
^095Capture The Flag^*
^g-^* Blind Ban

^970== New Content ==^*

^970^:= Gold Collection =^*

New Gold Collection ^079Calamity^* Avatar: ^079Carnage Calamity^*

^g-^* Only one person in Newerth could venture into the depths of the Scar, slap
the daemons around and turn them into her weapons of mass corruption: Carnage
Calamity. With a shackled daemon spitting hellfire and a flying ring of burning
skull chainsaws, she has stormed out of the Vault of All Hells to kill anything
that is or could possibly become a daemon. So everything. She's basically a walking
BFG. That stands for Badass Fiery Girl, of course.

^579^:= Upgrade Avatar =^*

New Upgrade Avatar: ^079Sterling Midas^*

Young Midas was born an orphaned slave who was bought by one of the richest
households in the Capital of Arasunia. His unquenchable desire for precious metals
and fine jewels began the instant he first saw the finery within the small palace,
and he knew the fastest route to wealth would be to gain glory in the illegal
gladiatorial arenas of Arasunia. When he was barely in his teens he wore leather
and rope into his first contest. Within a year, he was sheathed in bronze. By the
time he turned twenty, his skill and popularity had earned him a suit of armor made
of sterling silver, and by then his forays into the underworld already had him
dabbling in the alchemy which would lead to his ultimate dream...and curse.

^095Sterling Midas Upgrades^*

- After purchasing Sterling Midas, his effects and model can be upgraded by
purchasing Sterling Midas Upgrades with silver coins in Merrick's Shop.
^m*^* Please note that once an upgrade is purchased, you may not return to Sterling
Midas' previous form.
^m*^* Upgrades must be purchased in order (so Upgrade 1 must be purchased before 2;
2 before 3, and so on).

The following upgrades can be purchased:

^cUpgrade 1: Silver Apprentice Armor^*

- Model Upgrade: Shoulder pauldron, crown and lower body pieces

^cUpgrade 2: Sapphire Orb^*

- Effect: Sapphire shaded attack projectile

^cUpgrade 3: Sapphire Magic^*

- Effect: All abilities become sapphire shaded

^cUpgrade 4: Silver Artisan Armor^*

- Model Upgrade: Wrist guards, crown, and lower body pieces

^cUpgrade 5: Silver Orb^*

- Effect: Silver shaded attack projectile

^cUpgrade 6: Silver Magic^*

- Effect: All abilities become silver shaded

^cUpgrade 7: Silver Master Armor^*

- Model Upgrade: Silver chest piece

^cUpgrade 8: Ascended Silver Orb^*

- Effect: Lighting added to attack projectile

^cUpgrade 9: Ascended Silver Magic^*

- Effect: All abilities gain lightning sounds and effects

^cUpgrade 10: Reign of Silver^*

- Effect: Gains new voice lines and silver coins rain from the projectile in his

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Trophy Avatar: ^079Valkyrie^*

^g-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

^539= The Paragons =^*

The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the isolated Isle
of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth, and the flesh
of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a strong
connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man, Beast, and
Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits to feed
death and corruption directly into the earth.

But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

New Paragon ^079Parasite^* Avatar: ^079Amethyst Paragon Parasite^*

^g-^* A peaceful, serene world free of ailment is ideal for the Amethyst Paragon,
whose crystals hold the power to relieve many physical maladies of mortal
creatures. He is more than willing to deliver these crystal cures to any who
require them, though sometimes the only solution is sending the subject into the
next realm of existence, where they will finally find the peace so cherished by the
Amethyst crystals.

^095Amethyst Paragon Parasite Upgrades:^*

^g-^* ^cLeech Upgrade:^* Purple spores and crystals added to the ability effect.
^g-^* ^cInfest Upgrade:^* Adds additional purple coloring to the crystals on
infested creep.
^g-^* ^cDraining Venom Upgrade:^* Green spore effects are added to the ability
^g-^* ^cFacehug Upgrade:^* Adds additional purple coloring to the impact effect as
well as a trail of purple goo.
^g-^* ^cCarnage Counter Upgrade:^* Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of
your all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!

^095New Paragon Ward^*

^g-^* Put your elite Paragon status on full display with this illuminating ward!
^g-^* Claim the Paragon Ward for free by owning ^079Paragon Parasite^* and
^079Paragon Empath^*!

^095Paragon Shop Updates^*

^g-^* The Plinko board has been updated in honor of the Paragons' arrival.
^g-^* A new Paragon Plinko Chest has been added, replacing the Bronze Chest.

^539= Indonesian Independence Day =^*

New Holiday Edition Indonesian Independence Day ^079Artillery^* Avatar:

^g-^* The proud and vengeful princess Amba was reborn as Srikandi, who was raised
by her father as a son and trained in the ways of warfare. Srikandi's fierce
independence and skill with bow and arrow made her a devastating enemy, especially
to those foolish enough to lower their weapons out of concern over fighting a

New Holiday Edition Indonesian Independence Day ^079Accursed^* Avatar:

^g-^* After performing severe penance for ten thousand years, Rahwana, the King of
Kings and Emperor of the Three Worlds, was gifted by Brahma with the gift of
immortality against gods, daemons, and spirits. He used this gift to dominate and
oppress the gods, earning the wrath of Vishnu, who knew Rahwana the daemon king
could only be killed by a human. With this knowledge, Vishnu chose to be born into
mortality as Rama.

When Rahwana learned of this incredible warrior named Rama, he kidnapped the man's
one true love, Sita, and tried to force her to marry him. When Rama finally tracked
Rahwana down, an epic battle ensued that ended with Rahwana slain and Rama reunited
with Sita.

Rahwana was sent into the Vault of All Hells, where he has waited for his chance to
be reborn and exact vengeance upon Rama and Sita. The Third Corruption has finally
given him that chance, and all of Newerth shudders at his rebirth!

New Holiday Edition Indonesian Independence Day ^079Puppet Master^* Avatar:

^g-^* Dalang is the sinister master of shadows, twisting them into terrifying and
hideous puppets that distract his victims from the fact that he is collecting their
shadows as well -^g-^* and through it their souls. His prey doesn't realize they've
been harvested and added to his collection until they find themselves locked within
his _kotak_, or puppet chest, a helpless shadow puppet forced to do his bidding for

^539= Thai Mother's Day =^*

New Holiday Edition Thai Mother's Day ^079Ellonia^* Avatar: ^079Floral Ellonia^*
^g-^* Thailand celebrates Mother's Day on the birthday of Her Majesty, Queen
Sirikit of Thailand, Mother of all Thai people, who was born on August 12th, 1932.
Floral Ellonia is here to honor her and mothers everywhere, and there is going to
be a frigid field of trouble coming your way if you don't go hug your mom and tell
her thank you.

^539= China Avatar =^*

New China ^079Berzerker^* Avatar: ^079Erik the Red^*

^g-^* The Savages were the last Clan of Men to fall beneath King Maliken Grimm's
fist during the War of the Single Banner, and the Berzerkers were the last Savage
tribe to bend the knee. They stood in the bitter cold of the Frost Fields, each of
them ready to die before relinquishing their beloved freedom, and even the ruthless
Grimm knew the bloody cost of exterminating the fanatical warriors would be too
high. He named them Wardens of the Frost Fields and left them on the far side of
Grimm's Crossing to kill each other or die of exposure.
The Legion heard nothing more from them until the Second Corruption, when a wave of
rabid, cold-hardened Berzerkers led by Erik the Red flooded the battlefields in
search of carnage and daemon blood. Now the Legion soldiers pray that a Berserker
will be among their ranks when the battle begins, for at the very least the howling
barbarian will attract the enemy's full attention.

^539= POGs =^*

New POGs Avatar: ^079Engineer^*

- These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be available
via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= General =^*

^g-^* Resolved an issue where the following abilities were swapped in Hero Guides:
^m*^* ^079Gladiator^*: ^256Showdown^* (W, Ability_02) and ^256Flagellation^* (E,
^m*^* ^079Kane^*: ^256Balance of Power^* (W, Ability_02) and ^256Steel Resolve^*
(E, Ability_03)
^m*^* ^079Kraken^*: ^256Torrent^* (Q, Ability_01) and ^256Splash^* (E, Ability_03)

^g-^* Having Hardware Memory Mode disabled and Exclusive mode enabled will no
longer crash the game if you alt + tab.

^539= Capture the Flag =^*

^g-^* Every session has a 30-minute time limit.

^m*^* When the time limit is reached, the team with the highest score wins. If
there is a draw, a random team wins.
^g-^* When you respawn you are invulnerable for ^o5 seconds^* and immune to
^m*^* Invulnerability and immunity end early if you cast a spell or deal damage.
^g-^* When a player holding the flag is terminated the flag they are holding
correctly returns to the base.

^539= Music =^*

^g-^* ^095Heart of the Paragons^* now plays in the lobby.

^g-^* The URSA event music has been removed from the queue.

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* Chronos' ^256Chronofield^* Deluxe (Boosted by ^095Staff of the Master^*) does
not slow his own units and illusions.

^g-^* Creeps revived by ^256The Dead Shall Rise^* have the gold & experience pop-up
correctly on top of the revived creeps when killed (instead of appearing on
^g-^* Fixed an issue where ^079Master of Arms^* was unable to use any abilities
after being revived by Deadlift.

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^g-^* Keeper of the Forest's ^256Nature's Sentinel^* invulnerable limbs are
properly disabled by ^079Chronos^*' ^256Chronofield^*.

^g-^* ^256Lackey's^* projectile no longer triggers ^079Moraxus^*' ^256Arcane

^g-^* ^079Shrapnel Lodestone's^* ultimate particles have been adjusted for low
quality settings.

^g-^* ^079Abaddon Accursed^* ^256Fire Shield^* visuals apply properly to the
^079Axia^* alt avatar.

^079Puppet Master^*
^g-^* ^079Game Master's^* pet corgi is now oriented correctly on low and medium
graphics settings.

^g-^* ^079Scorcher Pyromancer^* no longer has clipping issues on his model
(particularly when zoomed in).

^g-^* Riftwalker is no longer able to return to bidirectional ^256Wormhole's^*
(Boosted by ^095Staff of the Master^*) original location if the distance between
her and that location exceeds ^o3500 units^*.

^g-^* ^079Hexa Silhouette's^* 3D portrait is properly centered.

^g-^* ^256Zoomerang^* cooldown is no longer reduced by ^o8+4 = 12 seconds^* if the
Zoomerang is caught and the ground gadget spawns on the same frame.

^079Witch Slayer^*
^g-^* ^079POG Witch Slayer's^* attack projectile fixed to be the one from the
default Witch Slayer.

^539= Items =^*

^095Ring of Sorcery^*
^g-^* Ring of Sorcery's visuals match the actual radius.

^095Tablet of Command^*
^g-^* ^095Neophyte's Book^* is the first item in the autobuy sequence once again.
^g-^* Can target player-controlled units (instead of just heroes).

^g-^* Evasion on melee heroes is properly negated by hex skills (e.g. ^079Pollywog
Priest's^* ^256Morph^*).


^970Version 3.7.6^*
29 July 2015
^970== Design ==^*

^539= General =^*

Self-Casting Functionality Added to Smartcasting

^r+^* ^995Players may now bind self-cast versions of all abilities and item slots
in the options menu, allowing the functionality of pressing the self-cast key to
automatically cast an ability on one's hero.^*

Keybind Options Restructured

^g-^* The Keybinds portion of the options menu has been reworked to allow an easier
time finding relevant hotkeys.
^g-^* All commonly used hotkeys (Abilities and Item slots etc.) are now positioned
at the top of the Keybinds menu for easy access.

^539= Balance =^*

New heroes added to Tournament Rules

^g-^* ^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^g-^* ^079Night Hound^*
^g-^* ^079Deadlift^*
^g-^* ^079Hellbringer^*
^g-^* ^079Riptide^*
^g-^* ^079Wildsoul^*

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^r+^* ^995Keeper came out the gate strong and had a few tedious mechanics that were
no longer necessary. We also wanted to allow Keeper to push towers a bit faster as
competitors felt he was lacking a presence in high tier games. All in all these
changes are meant to just tighten his kit and capabilities.^*

^256Nature's Sentinel (W)^*

^g-^* Cannot spawn a new Sentinel for ^o3^* seconds when the Sentinel takes damage
from an enemy player-controlled unit
^g-^* The skill only goes on a full cooldown when killed if the kill was made while
it was disabled
^g-^* Creeps and Neutrals no longer disable the ability
^g-^* Damage reduced from ^o25 + 5%^* of your attack damage to ^o10 + 5%^*
^g-^* Can now attack buildings and towers

^256Entmoot (E)^*
^g-^* Max health restored per tree lowered from ^o0.3% to 0.25%^*

^970== Community ==^*

^579^:Summer Silver Discounts^*

^r+^* ^995Continuing until August 24th Merrick will be discounting different
avatars at 50% off their original silver price. If you've been hoarding silver and
waiting for a chance to spend it, now's the time!^*

^c^:Double Diamond Odds^*

^r+^* ^995For the extent of the patch Merrick will be stirring up the action by
doubling the odds of the Diamond chest in Plinko. There's no better time to try
your luck!^*

^970^:HoN Tour Season 4^*

^r+^* ^995The fourth edition of the official competitive circuit for Heroes of
Newerth has begun! With a multi-divisional format, there are opportunities for both
amateurs and professionals in HoN Tour. Grab your friends and head over to for more information.^*

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^gForests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^gMid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random

^gBlitz Mode^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* On a 5v5 Grimm's Crossing map

^970== New Content ==^*

^539= The Paragons =^*

The Paragons are a faction of ancient, elemental guardians from the isolated Isle
of Argentia. They embody the wisdom, emotion, and power of the earth, and the flesh
of each Paragon has been overtaken by veins of crystals that hold a strong
connection to the planet. They have refused to enter the wars among Man, Beast, and
Daemon for fear that if captured, their bodies could be used as conduits to feed
death and corruption directly into the earth.

But with King Jeraziah driven to the brink of his faith and needing someone to
counter the self-righteous destruction of the URSA Corps, he summons The Paragons,
knowing that once they see the state of Newerth they will be forced to join the
fight against the Hellbourne as well.

^cThe Paragons and HoN Tour Season 4^*

^r+^* ^995The Paragons are a collection of avatars designed to support HoN Tour
Season 4.^*
^r+^* ^995Three weeks before each cycle one avatar and five upgrades will be
released into Plinko in order to increase the prize pool for that cycle.^*
^r+^* ^995During that time, 20% of the Plinko revenue raised will go towards that
cycle's prize pool and 5% will be stored away to bolster the Grand Finals' Prize

^cParagon Upgrades^*
^r+^* ^995Each Paragon avatar can be upgraded up to 5 times by acquiring
^r+^* ^995Upgrades will become available in the Paragon Chest in Plinko after you
own the respective Paragon Avatar.^*

New Paragon ^079Empath^* Avatar: ^079Emerald Paragon Empath^*

^g-^* Deeply attuned to the earth's power of rebirth, the Emerald Paragon seeks
only to preserve the natural balance of Newerth. However, if restoring and
maintaining that balance requires the decimation of the mindless warmongers tearing
the world apart, so be it.

^079Emerald Paragon Empath^* Upgrades:

^g1.^* ^256Essence Link^* Upgrade: Crystals added to the ability effect.
^g2.^* ^256Illusory Veil^* Upgrade: Crystals pop out of the base for the upgraded
^g3.^* ^256Synergy^* Upgrade: She goes from having no effects, like other Empath
avatars, to having a swirling green mist at her feet and crystals floating around
^g4.^* ^256As One^* Upgrade: She gains crystals that swirl around her as she
possesses someone.
^g5.^* Carnage Counter Upgrade: Dazzle all of Newerth with a running display of
your all-time kills and assists with your Paragon avatars!
^g-^* The Carnage Counter stats are only counted in Matchmaking games.
^g-^* The Carnage Counter stats are not counted in Bot Matchmaking games.

^cParagon Shop Updates^*

^g-^* The Plinko board has been updated in honor of the Paragons' arrival.
^g-^* A new Paragon Plinko Chest has been added, replacing the Bronze Chest.

^539= Ultimate Avatar =^*

New Ultimate ^079Thunderbringer^* Avatar: ^079The Five Thunder Emperors of

^g-^* The Five Thunder Emperors of Caldavar -- East, South, West, North, and Center
-- have been summoned by the Thunderbringer shamans to wield their ultimate mystic
energies against the rampaging Hellbourne!
^g-^* The Five Thunder Emperors of Caldavar were designed for model transitions
within the Forests of Caldavar. The transitions still occur on other maps, but the
East, South, West, North, and Center designations are slightly varied.

^:Emperor of the North:^*

^g-^* Appears when the hero is in the northern Hellbourne area of Caldavar, above
the river and to the left of the middle lane.
^g-^* White spell, attack, and body effects.

^y^:Emperor of the East:^*

^g-^* Appears when the hero is in the eastern Hellbourne area of Caldavar, above
the river and to the right of the middle lane.
^g-^* Yellow spell, attack, and body effects.

^r^:Emperor of the West:^*

^g-^* Appears when the hero is in the western Legion area of Caldavar, below the
river and to the left of the middle lane.
^g-^* Red spell, attack, and body effects.

^o^:Emperor of the South:^*

^g-^* Appears when the hero is in the southern Legion area of Caldavar, below the
river and to the right of the middle lane.
^g-^* Orange spell, attack, and body effects.

^095^:Emperor of the Center:^*

^g-^* Appears when the hero is in either base, the middle lane, and the river of
^g-^* Blue/Green spell, attack, and body effects.

^yThe Five Thunder Emperors of Caldavar Items^*

^g-^* Feet have lightning effects matching the Emperor's effects.

^095Ring of Sorcery:^*
^g-^* Adds blue lightning around the staff orb.
^g-^* Does not override spell effects.

^g-^* Replaces orb in staff with Arcana orb and makes blue body effects.
^g-^* Does not override spell effects.

^g-^* All lightning effects become purple.
^g-^* Staff gains a purple aura and effects.

^095Restoration Stone:^*
^g-^* Restoration Stone model in place of staff orb.
^g-^* Yellow misty effects on staff.
^g-^* Does not override spell effects.

^095Staff of the Master:^*

^g-^* Staff has lightning effects matching the Emperor's effects.

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Reward Avatar: ^079Forsaken Death Prowler^*

^g-^* The Death Prowlers come in many forms and species, but they are always a pair
of terrifying enemies who employ demoralizing hit-and-run tactics to bleed their
prey out. The Forsaken Prowler is no exception, using her pinpoint accuracy at any
range and speed to ensure the death's head visage of her mount is the last thing
her enemies see, if they see it at all.

New War Effort Sunburn Bay Ward: ^095Beach Ball Ward^*

^g-^* Keep an eye out for beach party crashers with this custom ward!

^539= Sunburn Bay =^*

Every year, the Inner Sea's Sunburn Bay is flooded with vacationers looking for
sun, fun, and respite from the cold, bloody steel and stone of the war between the
Legion and Hellbourne. The hot sand and cool waves are neutral territory, where you
might find Legionnaire rubbing suntan oil on all eight of Arachna's legs. Once they
leave the beach it's back to death and despair, so everyone enjoy the rest and
relaxation while it lasts!

New Sunburn Bay ^079Tarot^* Avatar: ^079Beach Volleyball Tarot^*

^g-^* Tarot swears she isn't using her abilities when she plays beach volleyball on
vacation at Sunburn Bay, but it is a bit suspicious when it seems like she knows
where every serve is headed and her spikes ricochet between the other team members,
who sometimes get bound together by a spontaneously materializing volleyball net.
Who knows, maybe she's just lucky?

New Sunburn Bay ^079Kane^* Avatar: ^079Lifeguard Kane^*

^g-^* Kane is usually obsessed with ending lives, but when he's on vacation he's
all about water safety and proper SPF application. (This is absolutely because he
wants to be the one doing the killing—why should the sea and sun have all the fun?)
So if you find yourself getting waylaid out of the surf or called out for some one-
on-one safety instructions, just go with it and be glad he doesn't give you CPR.
Bad breath doesn't take a vacation.

New Sunburn Bay ^079Sand Wraith^* Avatar: ^079Surf Wraith^*

^g-^* The only thing worse than being a murderous spectre of the Great Waste is
fighting hand-to-hand with sand in your shorts. This is one of the many reasons the
Sand Wraiths love their time at Sunburn Bay, where they can shed their heavy black
robes, forget the curse of the desert for a while and hang ten -^g-^* or whatever
they have for toes -^g-^* and wash the grit out of their groins.

New Sunburn Bay Announcer: ^095Surfer Announcer Pack^*

^g-^* Don't be a poser, brah. Grab this mondo announcer and shred some lanes!

^539= General =^*

New Ward Bundle: ^095Classic Mid Heroes^*

These heroes love being front and center and aren't afraid of the spotlight, so
grab these custom wards and show them off!
^g-^* ^079Deadwood^*
* Keep the entire map within your rotten grasp with this stumpy lookout!
^g-^* ^079Devourer^*
* Use this pile of buzzing, stinking meat to spot the enemy, then hook 'em!
^g-^* ^079Kraken^*
* Extend the tentacles of your vision so you can know where to unleash!
^g-^* ^079Gauntlet^*
* Even with one eye Gauntlet can see all with this daemonic skull ward!
^g-^* ^079Nomad^*
* Wander no more -- locate the enemy and strike them down with this razor-eyed
^g-^* ^079Ravenor^*
* Expose your opponents and overwhelm them with this ward of crackling lightning!

New POGs Avatar: ^079War Beast^*

^g-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= General =^*

^g-^* Statement "By Logging in and accessing our product, you agree to the EULA"
added to login screen, along with a link to the HoN end-user license agreement.
^g-^* Hovering over the HoN button at the lower-left corner of a heropet's hero
portrait (e.g. ^256Fire and Ice^* heropets from ^079Gemini^*) will properly display
their primary attribute information.
^g-^* The post-match rewards screen will no longer be displayed for mentors and
^g-^* Health bars now display correctly when changing them to another color in the
Options > Interface menu

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* Skrap's detailed tooltips now properly explain ^256Vorax^* lifetime and
^095Restoration Stone^* interaction.

^g-^* Bramble's detailed tooltips now properly explain ^095Restoration Stone^*


^970Version 3.7.5^*
15 July 2015

^970== Community ==^*

^579^:Summer Silver Discounts^*

^r+^* ^995Continuing until August 24th Merrick will be discounting different
avatars at 50% off their original silver price. If you've been hoarding silver and
waiting for a chance to spend it, now's the time!^*

^539HoN Summer Extravaganza 2015^*

^r+^* ^995With Summer in full swing Newerth is primed and ready for a fun
celebration. Join in the fun and participate in the following festivities:^*
^g-^* 25% Bonus Gold Sale from July 16th to July 19th
^g-^* Limited Edition Sales from July 17th to July 27th
^g-^* 2x Bonus Silver Weekends from July 17th to July 20th and July 25th to July

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random

^095Rift Wars^*
^g-^* Shuffle Pick

^970== New Content ==^*

New Legion Intelligence Hero: ^079Skrap the Scavenger^*

^g-^* Skrap is a cunning scavenger from the Seradati Plains who once roamed the
desolate landscape gathering carrion to feed himself and occasionally sell in the
rare event he encountered another living thing. Now he hoards every daemon carcass
he can find to nourish his destructive, ravenous pet Vorax in the war against the
Hellbourne. Skrap prefers to skulk along the edges of combat, harassing the enemy
and harvesting their remains until he has enough to feed Vorax, who revels in
charging forward and demolishing everything in its path.

^539Skrap Abilities^*

^256Mousetrap (Q)^*
^g-^* Target an area to throw a Mousetrap there, dealing ^o60/80/100/120^* Magic
Damage and applying a Mini-Stun.
^g-^* After arming, the Mousetrap will chase the first enemy that comes within
range (prioritizing heroes), dealing ^o80/100/120/140^* Magic Damage and applying a
^o1.25/1.5/1.75/2^* second Stun to nearby enemies.
^g-^* Mousetrap lives for ^o40^* seconds.

^256Zoomerang (W)^*
^g-^* Target a location to throw a Zoomerang in that direction. Deals
^o60/80/100/120^* Magic Damage and applies a stacking ^o20%^* Movement Speed Slow
to enemy units. Zoomerang can hit again on the way back.
^g-^* Cooldown reduced by 8 seconds if caught or ^o4^* seconds if picked up from
ground. Zoomerang collects morsels while flying.

^256Scavenge (E)^*
^g-^* Passively allows Skrap to pick up morsels from dead units, granting 8
experience each. Dying will reduce collected morsels by ^o30%^*.
^g-^* Toggle on to consume ^o1^* morsel every ^o0.5^* seconds.
^g-^* Heals self and ally heroes (within ^o1000^* radius) for ^o5/10/15/20^* Health
per morsel.
^g-^* Heals Vorax for ^o15/30/45/60^* Health and adds ^o1/1.5/2/2.5^* Attack Damage
per morsel.
^g-^* Max ^o100^* morsels.

^256Unleash Vorax (R)^*

^g-^* Choose a lane to spawn Vorax, an uncontrollable monster with
^o2000/3500/5000^* Health and ^o120/150/180^* Attack Damage, in that lane.
^g-^* Vorax will push the lane, Disarming enemy towers on attack, but hurting
^g-^* Vorax is visible to enemies at all times.

New ^079Skrap^* Debut Edition Avatar: ^079Bone Collector^*

^g-^* Every day countless living things die in The Great Waste—from natural causes
and otherwise—but the landscape is oddly devoid of carcasses. This is because of
the cunning Bone Collector of the Great Waste, who strips the putrid corpses of
maggot-ridden meat and offal before cleaning the bones and offering them to the
true alpha scavenger of the Waste, the Bonefeast Vorax. This species much prefers
the satisfying crunch of dead marrow, but the Bonefeast and his Collector will
attack living flesh just to get to the tasty bones within.

New ^079Skrap^* Avatar: ^079Warlock^*

^g-^* The Blood Crystals buried deep within the southern range of the Iron
Mountains are the only remains of the powerful Mordant Paragons, a clan of twisted
sorcerers who chose to bury themselves in the endless, black caverns rather than
face the justice of the Order of the Chapel. Their petrified blood is valued for
its magical properties, but the scavenging creature known as Warlock skulks through
the catacombs and harvests the gems because of their ability to manifest the Blood
Crystal Vorax, a fearsome monster created by the Mordant Paragons to protect their
nefarious rituals. Whoever carries the Blood Crystals can summon the Vorax, but
controlling it is another story...

^539= Sunburn Bay =^*

Every year, the Inner Sea's Sunburn Bay is flooded with vacationers looking for
sun, fun, and respite from the cold, bloody steel and stone of the war between the
Legion and Hellbourne. The hot sand and cool waves are neutral territory, where you
might find Legionnaire rubbing suntan oil on all eight of Arachna's legs. Once they
leave the beach it's back to death and despair, so everyone enjoy the rest and
relaxation while it lasts!

New Gold Edition Sunburn Bay ^079Behemoth^* Avatar: ^079Surfer Dude Behemoth^*
^g-^* Surfer Dude Behemoth is amped to carve up some waves instead of enemies for a
while, but if any kooks try to get aggro on his epic ripping he might have to drop
in and share a little shockwave with them, especially if any beach bunnies are

New Sunburn Bay ^079Rhapsody^* Avatar: ^079Luau Rhapsody^*

^g-^* When the sun finally goes down on Sunburn Bay it's time to light the tiki
torches, sit down for the evening feast and get ready for the real party to start.
Luau Rhapsody leads the singing and dancing with her smooth melodies and artful
hula choreography, and those who can't keep up (cough Surfer Behe cough) are
welcome to watch and make leis for everyone else.

New Sunburn Bay Valkyrie Avatar: Beach Babe Valk

^g-^* Sunburn Bay is a beacon of warmth and relaxation for the Valkyries of the
Frost Fields, who go months at a time without seeing the sun and will die within
seconds if they touch the frigid waters of the Boreal Sea. The vacationing males
certainly don't mind these Nordic warriors shedding their bulky plate and mail for
holiday bikinis, but they are baffled that the armor stats don't decrease too...

^539= Zodiac =^*

New Limited Edition Zodiac ^079Night Hound^* Avatar: ^079Leo^*

^g-^* Broken and defeated by Hercules, the Nemean Lion known as Leo was
memorialized among the stars as a constellation where he has watched for centuries
as the warriors of Newerth vie for supremacy. He was once a scourge to the Greeks,
using stealth and surprise to capture maidens, who he took to his cave as bait for
would-be rescuers. But his years in the heavens observing the goodwill of the men,
women and beasts of the Legion have tempered his fury and malice, and now he
returns to stand with Hercules and his fellow warriors to stalk the Hellbourne.

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Trophy Avatar: ^079Solstice^*

^g-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

^539= Hari Raya Aidilfitri =^*

Celebrate the breaking of the fast with these fun, festive items!

New Account Icon: ^095Ketupat^*

^g-^* Join the festival by showcasing this delicious rice dumpling inside a
beautiful pouch of woven palm leaves!

New Ward: ^095Pelita^*

^g-^* Celebrate Hari Raya by letting the spirits and angels see where to descend
with their blessings with this pelita ward!

^539= General =^*

New POGs Avatar: ^079Madman^*

^g-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^g-^* Following community feedback, certain in-game sound announcements are no

longer queued or have had their queue times reduced, which should resolve kill
streak announcements being heavily delayed.

^539= General =^*

^g-^* Items in your inventory and stash are now movable while dead
^g-^* Items can be purchased while dead, and will go into your inventory
^g-^* Items purchased while alive cannot be sold while dead
^g-^* At the time of death, items instantly lose their 100% refund grace period

^095Interface & Smartcasting^*

^g-^* Smartcasting now works correctly for the bottom row of item slots
^g-^* Hero names are no longer cut off when you mouse over their hero icons in the
^g-^* There should no longer be any duplicate console errors related to replays

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* ^256Resurrection^* now works properly if the target's corpse gets dragged
more than ^o250^* units from the Gravestone

^g-^* ^256Balance of Power^* aura states are no longer considered Buffs
^m*^* Prevents Kane from receiving free assists

^539= Items =^*

^095Merrick's Bounty^*
^g-^* Properly plays a sound when its charges are consumed


^970Version 3.7.4^*
01 July 2015

^970== Design ==^*

^r+^* ^995Hellbringer's kit is still providing an exceptional amount of utility and
has left him sitting stronger than he should. This is another set of nerfs to bring
him in line and make him more manageable during the laning phase.^*

^256Demon Strike (Q)^*

^g-^* Cast range lowered from ^o700^* to ^o600^*
^g-^* Projectile travel distance lowered from ^o1000^* to ^o600^* units
^m*^* Net "effective range" reduced from ^o1700^* to ^o1200^*

^256Demonic Wave (W)^*

^g-^* Cast range lowered from ^o1250^* to ^o1000^*
^g-^* Projectile lifetime decreased from ^o1.5 seconds^* to ^o0.95 seconds^*
^g-^* Net "effective range" lowered from ^o1610^* to ^o1170^*

^256Evil Presence (E)^*

^g-^* Lifesteal lowered from ^o8/16/24/32%^* to ^o5/10/15/20%^*

^r+^* ^995The purpose of Kane is to lock down a carry for a set time and ensure
they do no damage to him or anyone else. The damage sap was causing him to just
kill every carry he locked down which is more in-line with what Pandamonium should
be doing. These changes are aimed at allowing Kane to still be the counter-carry
superstar, but be more reliant on awesome auras than high kill counts.^*
^g-^* Base Strength decreased from ^o24^* to ^o22^*
^256Force of Balance (W)^*
^g-^* HP/Mana Regeneration rescaled from ^o1/2/3/4%^* to ^o1/2.5/4/5.5%^* of the
unit's missing HP/Mana, respectively

^256Steel Resolve (E)^*

^g-^* Damage sap changed to damage reduction. Kane no longer gains any damage.
Damage is reduced by ^o20%^* per charge (^o20/40/60/80%^* at max charges)
^g-^* Max charges rescaled from ^o4^* to ^o1/2/3/4^*

^256Face Off (R)^*

^g-^* Cooldown increased from ^o50/40/30^* seconds to ^o60/50/40^* seconds
^g-^* Using this skill on a tower puts this skill on a 20-second cooldown instead
of the regular cooldown duration
^g-^* Applies 1 charge of ^256Kane's Anguish^* (Steel Resolve state) on the enemy
target upon being cast

^970== Community ==^*

Summer Silver Discounts

^r+^* ^995Continuing until August 24th Merrick will be discounting different
avatars at 50% off their original silver price. If you've been hoarding silver and
waiting for a chance to spend it, now's the time!^*

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random

^095Capture the Flag^*

^g-^* Blind Ban

^970== New Content ==^*

^539= Holiday Edition =^*

New Independence Day Holiday Edition ^079Scout^* Avatar: ^079Continental Rebel^*

^g-^* For too long, the damnable Redcoats have taxed our Goblin Coins without
allowing representation! We tried throwing their tea into Blind Man's Harbor, but
all they did was drink our ale and institute the Hut Act, demanding we allow enemy
soldiers shelter in our homes! Intolerable! Now we will amass arms and fight back!
But we must be wary, patriots--the Redcoats can outnumber and outspend us at every
junction--so we must employ hit-and-run, ambush tactics to thin their ranks. Don't
let them see you until it's too late, then show them your full patriotism in a
cloud of musketry!

New Independence Day Holiday Edition ^079Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: ^079Redcoat

^g-^* These rebels have gone too far! They are too stupid to realize they were
better off under our control, and now they're delusional enough to think they can
beat us in open warfare. Ludicrous! We will bring them to their knees with
overwhelming numbers, discipline and volley fire, and when they beg for mercy and a
chance to rejoin our glorious Empire we will demonstrate the primary trait of a
supreme nation: ruthlessness!

New Independence Day Holiday Edition Ward: ^095Statue of Liberty^*

^g-^* Gain vision from sea to shining sea with this spectacular Statue of Liberty

^539= War Effort =^*

New War Effort ^079Magebane^* Avatar: ^079Acheron of Mana Aeacus^*

^g-^* When he began his rule as one of the Three Judges of All Hells, Aeacus
reserved Acheron, the river of woe, as one of his harshest punishments for the
lamentable souls brought before him for using magic during their time among the
living. The damned were forced to stand eternally in the frigid currents, which
pulled the precious mana from every pore of their body, while hounds and eels tore
at their limbs.

^539= General =^*

New ^079Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^079Carnystorm^*

^g-^* Carnystorm the Strongman first developed his growing muscles by grooming and
curling his impressive infant mustache, and as he matured his brawn and whiskers
continued to develop into the extraordinary specimens you now behold. He could have
easily coasted through Adkarna's bootcamp and become a hero of the Legion, but he
believed his physical gifts were bestowed upon him to entertain, not harm. It was
obvious: only the Illustrious Freak Show of the Divine Coterie was good enough to
feature Carnystorm's outlandish feats of strength, including smashing boulders with
a single blow of his massive hammer--a skill that will come in handy when the
daemons come to the carnival.

New ^079Silhouette^* Avatar: ^079Cirque du Silhouette^*

^g-^* Cirque du Silhouette was trained daily from a young age by the finest
performers of the Divine Coterie to dazzle audiences with her stunning acrobatic
skills. She did not know her artistry was also a lethal combination of finesse,
balance, and strength until she had to use her tightrope walking and knife throwing
to escape a Hellbourne ambush. Since that day, she has made more fans by skewering
daemons than by dangling and spinning from aerial ribbons, but with her elite
skills, why not do both at the same time?

New ^oGold Edition^* ^079Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^079Freakshow^*

^g-^* Any stupid clown can get laughs--Freakshow and his marionette Patsy judge
their performances on how many screams of terror they get. But they aren't
heartless! If an audience member dies before the show is over, Freakshow and Patsy
have the body removed immediately and stored on ice backstage. It is bad taste to
make the crowd sit with something so disturbing, and the bodies taste bad if
they're allowed to bloat.

New Thai Announcer: ^095SEA Announcer^*

^g-^* It's finally here! Your long-awaited announcer featuring the famous Thai
comedian Anna Chuancheun!

New POGs Avatar: ^079Hammerstorm^*

^g-^* These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= General =^*

^g-^* Banning Draft/Random Draft games will no longer include heroes who are
disabled in Tournament Mode
^g-^* In ^095Capture the Flag^*, the flag is no longer deleted upon being
terminated if the flag is carried by the terminated hero
^g-^* If two events trigger at the same time and both events play an announcer, the
announcer audio properly plays one after the other rather than playing at the same
^m*^* Example: The announcements of the flag pickups in ^095Capture the Flag^* play
one after the other if both flags are captured at the same time
^g-^* All ^760HoNiversary^* decorations have been removed

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* ^079Invader Dampeer^* is no longer missing one of his voice lines

^g-^* ^256Mass Control^* target radius tooltip corrected to be ^o225^* units before
casting the skill

^g-^* ^256Decapitate^* boosted with ^095Staff of the Master^* is fixed to properly
refresh Legionnaire's skill cooldowns if ^256Decapitate^* kills ^079Gemini's^*
^256Fire/Ice^* pets
^m*^* No other hero pets are affected by this change (e.g. ^079Puppet Master's^*
^256Voodoo Puppet^*)

^g-^* Infested ally creeps now properly apply the ^256Draining Venom^* state on the
target they attack

^g-^* Deleted redundant sound folder for ^079Dark Angel Prisoner^* when casting
^256Prison Break^*

^079Puppet Master^*
^g-^* ^079Game Master^* auto-attack impact sounds are slightly reduced

^539= Items =^*

^095Ioyn Stone^*
^g-^* Ioyn Stone's state icon is now correct if it stores a ^095Refreshment Rune^*
and uses it on an ally hero

^095Restoration Stone^*
^g-^* Now properly calculates the cooldown when a skill's sub-ability temporarily
replaces its main ability
^m*^* Prevents cooldown exploits with certain abilities
^m*^* In other words, if ^079Sand Wraith^* uses ^256Mirage^*, then uses
^095Restoration Stone^* after Sand Wraith's Mirage sub-ability appears, then the
cooldown on Restoration Stone will be (^o30 + Mirage_Cooldown^*) seconds, rather
than 30 seconds

^095Sol's Bulwark^*
^g-^* Typo in script fixed for the enemy aura (effecttype changed from Buff to

^970Version 3.7.3^*
17 June 2015

^970== Community ==^*

^539Silver Chest Swap Out^*

^r+^* ^995Tired of the same old avatars in Plinko? Ever want to get Taunt,
Couriers, and Name Colors from playing? Well, lucky you! Over the course of the
patch there will be 2 events known as the Silver Chest Swap Out. These events will
swap out the current content in those two chests for different content that is not
normally available via Plinko.^*
^g-^* Silver Chest Swap Out: Taunts | June 17th and 18th
^g-^* Silver Chest Swap Out: Couriers and Name Colors | June 24th and 25th
^g-^* Try your luck at Plinko and see what kind of swag you can win!

^539Summer Silver Discounts^*

^r+^* ^995From June 17th until August 24th Merrick will be discounting different
avatars at 50% off their original silver price. If you've been hoarding silver and
waiting for a chance to spend it, now's the time!^*

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random

^095Capture the Flag^*

^g-^* Blind Ban

^970== New Content ==^*

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Trophy Avatar: ^079Trophy Master Of Arms^*

^g-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

^539= Zodiac =^*

New ^095Limited Edition^* Zodiac ^079Kraken^* Avatar: ^079Cancer^*

^g-^* Cancer possesses an impenetrable shell and massive, razor sharp claws, but
these features merely act as protection for a tender, sensitive nature hidden
beneath. She would like nothing more than to relax in her seaside retreat and tend
selflessly to her beloved crablings, but the Zodiacs have been drawn into the
brutal war between the Legion and Hellbourne, and Cancer's nature will not allow
her to remain inactive when her fellow signs require love and support.
^g-^* This avatar was originated by community member Kevja. Kevja was one of the
winners of the original Dream Avatar Contest and will be receiving a copy of the
avatar as a reward for winning!

^539= eSports =^*

New Thailand eSports League Avatars

A collection of the four greatest warriors who participated in Thailand Esports
League 2014. It's time to be a part of the greatest teams in Thailand!
^g-^* ^079Chiang Mai Warden^*
^m*^* This representative of the North is an elegant hunter from the coldest part
of the empire. Chiang Mai Warden is the beautiful champion of TEL and
representative of HoNTour World Finals 2015.
^g-^* ^079Bangkok Slayer^*
^m*^* This representative of the Central region is a veteran knight from the
infamous capital. Bangkok Slayer is the man who ruled over 1,000 warriors, and he
is more than ready to show his power to the world.
^g-^* ^079Khon Kaen Predator^*
^m*^* This representative from the Northeast is the greatest warrior from the
Highlands, a ruthless man famous for his strength, swiftness, and teamwork. Now it
is your chance to join Khon Kaen Predator and become part of the Highland warrior
^g-^* ^079Phuket Valkyrie^*
^m*^* This representative of the South region is the unbeatable ruler of the ocean,
and now is Phuket Valkyrie's time to expand her domain!

^0955's Taunt^*
^g-^* Laugh your way to victory with this Thai-inspired taunt! "555" in Thailand
means "ha ha ha," so grab this taunt and get your Smackdown on!
^m*^* Own all four Thailand eSports League Avatars and get the 5's Taunt for 40%

New POGs Avatar: ^079Gladiator^*

^g-^* These high-definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= General =^*

^g-^* N/A and +?/-? have been removed from the pick screen UI
^g-^* The ^095Capture the Flag^* loading bar in matchmaking properly shows the
player who is queueing and not the group leader's bar
^g-^* Illusions of avatars that "evolve" over the course of a game properly
represent the current visuals of that avatar
^m*^* An example would be ^079Doctor Gamer^* and his different forms
^g-^* Sound channels fade in & out properly when the following abilities are used
at the same time:
^m*^* ^079Rhapsody's^* ^256Disco Inferno^* and ^256Protective Melody^*
^m*^* ^079Oogie's^* ^256Conflagration^* and ^256Primal Surge^*
^m*^* Music system in the ^095Capture the Flag^* map
^g-^* ^0958-Bit Taunt^* volume increased
^g-^* Removed some unnecessary game file pre-caching

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* ^256Bombardment^* and ^256Boom Dust^* regain their charges and have their
skill timers reset when Bombardier dies

^g-^* ^256Guttling Hook^* ability slightly re-scripted

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^g-^* ^079Doctor Gamer^* is no longer missing textures on medium and low graphic

^g-^* No longer loses mana if swapping ^095Steamboots^* while having the
^256Offensive Force^* mode on

^079Master of Arms^*
^g-^* Visuals for ^079Waru Master of Arms^* have been fixed so his weapon will no
longer persist while being morphed

^g-^* 3D portraits on all alt avatars are now correct
^g-^* ^256Ionic Dash^* fixed to properly allow Parallax to follow the Fulcrum if he
touches the Fulcrum before the Fulcrum is finished travelling to its target
^g-^* ^256Fulcrum Shift^* cooldown is now properly reduced in ^095Blitz Mode^*

^g-^* ^079Hexa^* Silhouette avatar outline has been adjusted

^g-^* Attack animation with her auto-attack projectiles fixed for all alt avatars
^g-^* ^079Brunhild^* Valkyrie's ^256Javelin of Light^* now tracks the accuracy
^g-^* Fixed a typo in the script ("Sheildbreaker" -> "Shieldbreaker")

^079War Beast^*
^g-^* Illusions no longer propagate the haste aura from ^256Metamorphosis^*
^m*^* Intended as a corner-case fix to ^079Circe's^* ^256Doppelganger^* to fix it
giving haste to Circe's own units


11 June 2015

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

- ^256Pure Light^* no longer shows the channeling streaks of light through fog

- ^256Face Off's^* duration starts properly if Kane is Disarmed and has met his
target at melee range


^970Version 3.7.2^*
03 June 2015

^970== Community ==^*

^539= 8-Bit Avatars =^*

^r+^* ^995Heroes of Newerth's 8-Bit Collection is about more than reminiscing about
some of your earliest gaming conquests; it's about laying the foundation for new
ones. That's why we're taking 25% of all revenue generated from the 8-Bit set and
using it to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event, DreamHack Summer
2015. In addition to contributing to HoN eSports, when you collect 8-Bit avatars
you will be eligible for exclusive 8-Bit perks.^*

^g-^* Currently available 8-Bit Avatars: ^079Big Boss Bubbles^*,

^079LightGunblade^*, ^079Paku Devourer^*,
^079Game Master Puppet Master^*, ^079Pixelkeeper^*, ^079DDRhapsody^*, ^079Doctor
^g-^* 8-Bit Avatars coming this patch: ^079Monster Trainer Calamity^*

^g-^* Perks: For owning the first ^o2/4/6/8^* 8-Bit Avatars, you can claim the ^o8-
Bit Ward/Courier/Taunt/Announcer^* for FREE.
^g-^* To take part in the 8-Bit experience and track your journey across the map of
Arcadia, head here:

^539= A.R.M.S. Collection =^*

^g-^* The futuristic A.R.M.S Collection has been available exclusively in Plinko
since March 10th. Similar to the 8-Bit Avatars, 25% of all revenue generated from
Plinko will be used to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event,
DreamHack Summer 2015.

^g-^* Currently Available A.R.M.S. Avatars: ^079Invader Kane^*, ^079Savior

Hammerstorm^*, ^079Savior Rally^*, ^079Savior Pebbles^*, ^079Invader Ravenor^*,
^079Savior Legionnaire^*, ^079Savior Solstice^*, ^079Invader Dampeer^*, ^079Savior
Emerald Warden^*, ^079Savior Predator^*

^g-^* Perks: Collect all 10 A.R.M.S. Avatars and you can claim the 11th, Gold
Collection A.R.M.S. avatar for FREE.
^g-^* For more information about the A.R.M.S. Collection, head here:

^539= DreamHack Summer 2015 =^*

^g-^* It's finally here! HoN is making its epic return to Sweden for this year's
DreamHack Summer. If you're attending DHS15, stop by HoN's booth to watch as 8 of
the best teams from around the world battle it out to see who reigns supreme. If
you're at home, tune into ^^* to catch all the action.
^g-^* HoN's DHS15 tournament starts on Saturday, June 13th and lasts until Monday,
June 15th.

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random

^970== New Content ==^*

^539= Vanity =^*

New Glowing Name Color: ^818^:Champion of Newerth^*

^g-^* An epic, glowing name color reserved for the elite warriors of Newerth. If
you see this on your name, you truly are a Champion of Newerth.

^539= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Courier: ^095Gnome Courier^*

^g-^* This shifty little hoarder is busy stealing loot from the Dragon's Treasure
Ward, but he'll find time and room to bring you your goodies.

New War Effort Ward: ^095Dragon's Treasure Ward^*

^g-^* This greedy dragon is always on the lookout for would-be thieves, so let him
double as a sentry for your team!

^539= 8-Bit =^*

New Announcer: ^0958-Bit Announcer^*

^g-^* Proclaim your Player 1 High Score awesomeness with this retro announcer!

New 8-Bit ^079Calamity^* Avatar: ^079Monster Trainer Calamity^*

^g-^* Monster Trainer Calamity is a master at capturing the digital creatures of
Arcadia and training them to fight for her. She prefers the water types because of
the rampant pixelated fire in Arcadia, and now that she is free to roam Newerth she
can't wait to calculate the catch rate on all these new creatures and find out how
well her vault works to capture them. Usually, it's super effective.

^539= Zodiac =^*

New Limited Edition Zodiac ^079Solstice^* Avatar: ^079The Twins^*

^g-^* The Twins have spent eons observing Newerth from the heavens, gathering
information and sharing it with each other in an endless debate over whether they
should intervene or not. After the Second Corruption they finally agreed it was
time to descend and join their fellow Zodiac signs in the attempt to save the
planet from destruction, and their amassed knowledge allows them to adapt for any
combat situation, day or night.

^539= Archaic Gods =^*

New Archaic God ^079Behemoth^* Avatar: ^079Atlas^*

^g-^* Atlas chose to side with the Titans in the war with the Olympians, and as
punishment he was condemned by Zeus to hold the Heavens upon his shoulders. With
the Archaic Gods distracted by this new war and their desire to amass new
worshipers, Atlas has shrugged the Heavens aside to seek a rematch with Zeus and
his allies.
^539= General =^*

New Hero Ward Bundle: ^095Classic Ganker^*

Keep the element of surprise on your side with these custom wards themed after
classic ganker heroes!
^g-^* ^079Magmus^*
* Smash the enemy's ability to hide with this glowing elemental bludgeon straight
from Magmus' internal forge!
^g-^* ^079Fayde^*
* No one can hide from the reaper's scythe -^g-^* or you, if you use this razor-
sharp ward!
^g-^* ^079Hammerstorm^*
* Drop the hammer of revelation on your opponents with Hammerstorm's custom ward!
^g-^* ^079Pebbles^*
* Keep the enemy's movements well in hand with the crushing grip of the custom
Pebbles ward!
^g-^* ^079Pharaoh^*
* See exactly where to unleash your wrath, because nobody looks out for you like
your mummy!
^g-^* ^079Sir Benzington^*
* Extend your team's vision into every nook and cranny of the map with this Beaver
Lancer ward!

New POGs Avatar: ^079Thunderbringer^*

^g-^* These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^539= General =^*

^g-^* ^095Capture the Flag^* now displays silver coins earned in the post-match
^g-^* The "View Recent Game Stats" will now properly show the selected player's
match stats if you view their stats by going through "View Statistics"
^g-^* Chatbox no longer takes focus when opening the HoN Client

^539= Heroes =^*

^g-^* ^256Power Throw^* no longer disappears when an ^256Emerald Red^* charge
expires during ^256Power Throw's^* cast animation

^g-^* ^256Boom Dust^* can no longer be cast on self via double-activation
^m*^* To clarify, double-activation means clicking the skill hotkey twice in rapid
succession to cast a spell on self
^m*^* Prevents him from going back to the fountain when double-activating ^256Boom

^g-^* Clown Devourer's 3D portrait is now properly centered
^g-^* Paku Devourer's hook now properly plays the "You are my next meal!" audio
clip when the hook hits an enemy target

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^g-^* Doctor Gamer store preview no longer produces an annoying sound that persists
after closing the store
^g-^* No longer able to use ^256As One^* on ^256Voodoo Puppet^* (^079Puppet
Master's^* ultimate)
^g-^* ^256Illusory Veil^* no longer emits particles deep below the terrain
^g-^* ^256As One^* visuals fixed to appear over allied heroes

^g-^* ^256Evil Presence^* no longer spawns multiple minions when skill goes off
cooldown if the initial spellcast was blocked (e.g. by Null Stone)
^g-^* ^256Evil Presence^* minion no longer applies the Movement Speed Slow or
negative Magic Armor when Hellbringer dies and the ability has not been cast before
his death
^g-^* ^256Evil Presence^* minion now properly disappears if ^079Circe's^*
Hellbringer mimic dies/expires

^g-^* ^256Face Off^* duration no longer resets when Kane & his target have engaged
in an arena and exit the arena somehow (e.g. Tablet of Command)

^g-^* Thriller Rhapsody properly plays sounds when she attacks a target and when
she uses ^256Staccato^* on a target

^g-^* Headhunter Valkyrie attack offset fixed to match her animations

^539= Items =^*

^095Merrick's Bounty^*
^g-^* Sound effects no longer plays when Merrick's Bounty gains a charge


^970Version 3.7.1^*
20 May 2015

^970== Design ==^*

^539= Tournament Rules =^*

^g-^* ^079Riptide^* has been removed from tournament rules

^g-^* ^079Night Hound^* has been removed from tournament rules

^539= Hero Balance =^*

^r+^* ^995Mines are quicker to place now and can reach lethal levels with lower
amounts of mines. These changes are aimed at lessening the burst damage of throwing
mines at enemy players and making players have to use more mines to gain high

^256Spider Mines (E)^*

^g-^* Spider mines no longer block creep spawns.
^g-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^o175/250/325/400^* to ^o125/200/275/350^*
^m*^* Total damage with ^o6^* Spider Mines reduced from ^o1050/1500/1950/2400^* to
^g-^* Now have a ^o1^* second arming time when they reach their destination
^g-^* Cooldown between placing mines increased from ^o3.5^* to ^o5^* seconds


^r+^* ^995Some more tweaks to lessen the amount of high damage and in turn high
sustain Hellbringer is achieving.^*

^256Evil Presence (E)^*

^g-^* Passive heal from all damage dealt by Hellbringer reduced from
^99515/20/25/30%^* to ^9958/16/24/32%^*

^256Summon Malphas (R)^*

^g-^* Malphas Move Speed lowered from ^o375/400/425^* to ^o350/375/400^*


^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^r+^* ^995A sizable buff to an underwhelming start. These changes should help the
usability of Nature's Sentinel outside the ultimate combo.^*

^256Nature's Sentinel (W)^*

^g-^* Cast time reduced from ^o250^* to ^o100^*
^g-^* Increased cast range from ^o300^* to ^o450^*
^g-^* Increased attack radius from ^o200^* to ^o350^*
^g-^* Damage rescaled from ^o30^* from each branch to ^o25^* + ^o5%^* of Keeper's
Attack Damage


^079Night Hound^*
^r+^* ^995We wanted to bring something unique to how you played a stealth hero with
Night Hound. The charge system combined with the level one Invisibility was causing
a high amount of frustration. It was clear we needed to change one or the other. We
have something in testing that could be better in the future, but it will need the
appropriate time to make sure it is exactly what we want for Night Hound.^*

^256Invisibility (R)^*
^g-^* Can now be leveled at ^o1/6/11^*
^g-^* Charge system removed
^g-^* Fade Time increased from ^o2.5/2/1.5^* to ^o3.5/2.5/1.5^*
^g-^* Now grants ^o0/6/12 Agility^*


^r+^* ^995Parallax can achieve a monster amount of high damage but with that high
damage we wanted a high cost. With these changes he should be able to make it
through the earlier game a bit easier and make use of his high mobility.^*
^g-^* Base Intelligence increased from ^o24^* to ^o26^*
^g-^* Intelligence gain per level increased from ^o2.4^* to ^o2.7^*

^256Fulcrum Shift(Q)^*
^g-^* Range increased from ^o700^* to ^o900^*
^g-^* Leash range increased from ^o1100^* to ^o1200^*
^g-^* Damage increased from ^o0/45/65/65/85^* to ^o0/65/85/85/105^*

^256Ionic Dash(W)^*
^g-^* Range increased from ^o725^* to ^o925^*

^256Earthshatter (R)^*
^g-^* Initial mana cost decreased from ^o125/200/275^* to ^o100/175/250^*
^g-^* Mana cost per second decreased from ^o5%^* to ^o3%^* of Parallax's max mana
^g-^* Cooldown reduced from ^o90/75/60^* seconds to ^o70/60/50^* seconds


^r+^* ^995Riptide's ultimate did not quite hit the mark in use and feel. The
adjustments below should make it much better in both those categories.^*

^256Eye of the Storm (R)^*

^g-^* Now makes Riptide Magic Immune
^g-^* Turning is now twice as easy


^079War Beast^*
^r+^* ^995War Beast was gaining too much free gold from Battle Cry and the
strengths that this provides should have a higher cost, these changes will address

^256Battle Cry (W)^*

^g-^* Mana cost increased from ^o15/10/5/0^* to ^o25/20/15/10^*


^r+^* ^995Wildsoul is a unique hero due to his "two hero feel" and 12 inventory
slots to fill. We want Wildsoul to be able to achieve a higher farm so he can
attempt to fill those slots; however, he was gaining too much sustainability and
damage for free. These changes are aimed at making Wildsoul easier to deal with and
have clear weaknesses.^*

^256Bear Form (R)^*

^g-^* ^256Shared Health^* does not work if Booboo is outside of leash range
^g-^* Armor reduced from ^o5/10/15^* to 3/5/7

- Armor lowered from ^o5^* to ^o3^*

^256Alpha Male (Q)^*

- No longer works on Kongor
- Removed boosted ^o25%^* damage to heroes with level 4 ^256Summon Booboo^*
- Deals ^o25%^* more damage to non hero-units
- Now deals ^o25%^* more damage to creeps when boosted with level ^o4^* ^256Summon
Booboo^* (total ^o50%^* to all neutrals and creeps)
^256Swipe (W)^*
- Lowered slow from ^o75%^* to ^o50%^*
- Is now leveled at level 3 of ^256Summon Booboo^*

^256Frenzy (E)^*
- Magic Armor and Armor while boosted lowered from ^o5^* to ^o3^*
- Frenzy is now leveled at level 2 of ^256Summon Booboo^*

^970= Item Balance =^*

^090Veiled Rot^*
^g-^* Initial stock in store properly reduced from ^o5^* to ^o3^* to match the
patch notes from ^o3.7.0^*

^090Lex Talionis^*
^r+^* This change is meant to deter players from abusing it with the courier
^g-^* Mana Cost increased from ^o0^* to ^o5^*

^970== Community ==^*

^539= 8-Bit Avatars =^*

^r+^* ^995Heroes of Newerth's 8-Bit Collection is about more than reminiscing about
some of your earliest gaming conquests; it's about laying the foundation for new
ones. That's why we're taking 25% of all revenue generated from the 8-Bit set and
using it to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event, DreamHack Summer
2015. In addition to contributing to HoN eSports, when you collect 8-Bit avatars
you will be eligible for exclusive 8-Bit perks^*.

^g-^* Currently available 8-Bit Avatars: ^079Big Boss Bubbles^*,

^079LightGunblade^*, ^079Paku Devourer^*,
^079Game Master Puppet Master^*, ^079Pixelkeeper^*, ^079DDRhapsody^*
^g-^* 8-Bit Avatars coming this patch: ^079Doctor Gamer^*

^g-^* Perks: For owning ^o2/4/6/8^* 8-Bit Avatars, you can claim the ^o8-Bit
Ward/Courier/Taunt/Announcer^* for FREE.
^g-^* To take part in the 8-Bit experience and track your journey across the map of
Arcadia, head here:

^539= A.R.M.S. Collection =^*

^r+^* ^995The futuristic A.R.M.S Collection has been available exclusively in

Plinko since March 10th. Similar to the 8-Bit Avatars, 25% of all revenue generated
from Plinko will be used to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event,
DreamHack Summer 2015.^*

^g-^* Currently Available A.R.M.S. Avatars: ^079Invader Kane^*, ^079Savior

Hammerstorm^*, ^079Savior Rally^*, ^079Savior Pebbles^*, ^079Invader Ravenor^*,
^079Savior Legionnaire^*, ^079Savior Solstice^*, ^079Invader Dampeer^*, ^079Savior
Emerald Warden^*
^g-^*A.R.M.S. Avatars coming to the DreamHack Chest in Plinko this patch:
^079Savior Predator^*

^g-^* Perks: Collect all 10 A.R.M.S. Avatars and you can claim the 11th, Gold
Collection A.R.M.S. avatar for FREE.
^g-^* For more information about the A.R.M.S. Collection, head here:

^970== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^g-^* All Pick
^g-^* Single Draft
^g-^* Balanced Random
^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* Blind Ban
^g-^* All Random
^g-^* Blind Ban

^970== New Content ==^*

^079= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Trophy Avatar: ^079Flint Beastwood^*

^g-^* The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

^539= 8-Bit =^*

New 8-Bit ^079Doctor Repulsor Avatar^*: ^079Doctor Gamer^*

^g-^* Doctor Gamer didn't always have a PhD in video gaming -- he started out as a
console-loving kid in his parents' basement in Arcadia, and as he matured his skill
level and choice of electronic entertainment evolved right along with him until he
became the smartest, most strategic gamer in all of Arcadia. Now that he has access
to Newerth it's time to give these combative heathens a doctorate-level schooling
in proper gaming, and maybe do some digging into this eSports thing the Game Master
told him about...

New ^0958-Bit Taunt^*: ^079Rage Kid^*

^g-^* Save yourself the busted knuckles, ravaged vocal cords and shattered monitors
by letting the Rage Kid Taunt handle the tantrums for you. Now breathe...

^539= A.R.M.S. Collection =^*

New ^760Gold Edition^* A.R.M.S. ^079Pestilence^* Avatar: ^079Invader Pestilence^*

^g-^* When Pestilence abandoned the Moon Queen and her hive to side with the
Hellbourne, he expected his soldier beetles to follow. Instead, they tried to bring
his head back to the queen to prove their loyalty. Pestilence annihilated his
entire army and fled to Hell's Keep, where the Electrician was delighted at the
opportunity to create a brigade of insect shock troopers inspired by the vicious
Pestilence. Technology failed him until the breakthrough of the A.R.M.S. Invader
suits, which the Electrician used to create this prototype, a robotic scourge
obedient to the ruthless hive mind of Pestilence.

^539= Black Legion =^*

New ^079Silhouette^* Black Legion Avatar: ^079Hexa^*

^g-^* Chosen from the silent hunters of the Hidden Village of the Scout, Hexa of
the Black Legion prefers to execute her assassination jobs as a solo operator --
Quintan and the others are a bit too overt for her tastes. Those lads can be a
useful distraction though, and on the occasions when Hexa works in tandem with the
entire Black Legion the Hellbourne forces invariably flood toward the swath of
carnage caused by Quint and the boys while the enemy commander watches from afar in
frustration and outrage. Until Hexa's blade settles across his throat and the
commander realizes the true purpose of the attack.

New ^079Master of Arms^* Black Legion Avatar: ^079Waru^*

^g-^* Waru may be the most valuable member of the Black Legion (except for Unum, if
you happen to be bleeding out at the moment). He can switch from blistering
covering fire to accurate kill shots without breaking stride, and when Quintan's ax
gets dull from cracking too many skulls or Troika's flamethrower sputters out, it's
Waru who pulls a replacement from his pack to keep every member of the Black Legion
in the fight. It doesn't matter to Waru who gets the kills as long as they happen
on the enemy's side.

New ^079Kane^* Black Legion Avatar: ^079Septar^*

^g-^* Septar is the brash wildcard of the Black Legion. He was accused of deserting
his former unit of Jeraziah's Royal Guard the night before a battle, but when the
King advanced into
enemy territory at dawn he and his soldiers found Septar waiting among dozens of
enemy dead. "Thought I'd save you all the trouble," Septar said.
He has elite skills in melee combat and a tendency to seek out the most powerful
opponent among the enemy ranks and challenge him to single combat. Since the
Hellbourne has no honor, this ends up with him fighting dozens of enemies, which
suits him fine, as long as his chainsword doesn't bog down.

^539= General =^*

New POGs Avatar: ^079Deadwood^*

^g-^* These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==^*

^g-^* Patchwork Devourer's hook trail now displays properly

^g-^* Malphas avatars are no longer missing ability icons
^g-^* ^256Evil Presence^* minion can no longer be teleported to via Post Haste

^079Master of Arms^*
^g-^* Fixed an issue that prevented Master of Arms from taunting his opponents

^g-^* ^079Shenlong's^* Forced Evolution skill icon now displays a dragon icon again

^g-^* ^256Earthshatter^* slow state is no longer transferrable by ^079Parasite's^*
^m*^* Fixes the infinite ^256Earthshatter^* slow state duration

^g-^* Having 2 ^256Staccato^* skills in ^095Rift Wars^* will no longer 1-shot an
opponent by dealing over ^o5000^* Magic Damage

^g-^* ^079Iron Tremble's^* ^256Boris^* Movement Speed is now properly set to
^o400^* at all levels

^g-^* No longer denies himself if ^256Booboo's^* Mixed Damage kills Wildsoul

The following walk cycles no longer have a few extra frames on them:
^g-^* ^079Deadwood^* walking animation
^g-^* ^079Grinex^* walking animation with ^256Rift Stalk^*


08 May 2015

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^r+^* ^995We are watching all heroes very closely with this new large patch and we
want to make sure we are quick to address any problems. Hellbringer was achieving
too much of an impact in the earlier stages due to the efficiency of his Demon
Strike. With these changes we are looking to see him peak a little later in the
game and reduce some of his burst.^*

^256Demon Strike (Q):^*

^g-^* Magic Damage reduced from ^o100/150/200/250^* to ^o80/120/160/160^*
^g-^* Max charges decreased from ^o2^* to ^o1/1/1/2^*

^256Evil Presence (E):^*

^g-^* Movement Speed Slow reduced from ^o20/30/40/50%^* to ^o25%^* at all levels

^970== UI Fix ==^*

Fixed sorting of Last 20 Matches in Player Statistics window

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^g-^* ^256Summon Booboo (Q)^* cooldown no longer gets reset when Booboo dies
^g-^* No longer denies himself if Booboo's Mixed Damage kills Wildsoul


^970Version 3.7.0^*
22nd April 2015


^079^:== FROSTBURN^* ^r^:STUDIOS ==^*

^r+^* ^995S2 Games is no longer associated with the active development of Heroes of
Newerth and the HoN Team has formed a new company in its place: Frostburn Studios!
We will continue to support HoN and look forward to improving the game
significantly in the future.^*
^g-^* Replaced all S2 Games logos with Frostburn logos
^g-^* See the Forums and the in-game letter for more information on Frostburn

^970== New Game Mode ==^*

^609= Capture the Flag =^*

^r+^* ^995It's finally here! After taking the gold medal in Heroes of Newerth's
Sol's Theatre Contest, Capture the Flag (previously known as Greenlands) is making
its debut in HoN's Matchmaking.^*

^r+^* ^995The HoN design team and SBT have been working hand-in-hand with the map's
creators, HyperXewl and Kawaiiiii to test and polish the map ensuring that it meets
the community's expectations.^*

^r+^* ^995In addition to the rigorous testing, the map received a complete makeover
from the Content team and now looks as smooth as it plays.^*

^r+^* ^995Capture the Flag map information and tips are shown while loading and
queueing for a Capture the Flag game^*

Here is a list of the rules for Capture the Flag and how it differs from Forests of
^m*^* To see the Sol's Theatre Competition, head here:

^yPick Mode:^*
^g-^* Blind Ban

^g-^* At the start of the game there is a time for item purchasing where a player
cannot leave the base (~20 seconds)
^g-^* Each team has a flag located in its respective base
^m*^* Right-clicking the enemy flag picks it up
^m*^* Dying while carrying the enemy flag drops it at your current location
^c**^* If on the ground the flag auto-returns to its base after 10 seconds
^m*^* Right-clicking your team's flag instantly returns it to your base

^g-^* Special states while carrying the flag:

^m*^* Grants the other team vision of you at all times (you are revealed as well)
^m*^* Portal Key cannot be used
^m*^* Instantly teleporting over 2000 units drops the flag
^m*^* Incoming damage is amplified and the longer you hold the flag, the more
damage you take
^m*^* Healing received and Health Regeneration are reduced by 50%

^g-^* Players may drop the flag using a new ability called Flag Drop
^m*^* The default hotkey for Flag Drop is 'i'
^m*^* This does not reset the damage multiplier
^m*^* Ability has a 20-second cooldown

^g-^* A flag capture (or cap) occurs when you carry the enemy flag to your base
while your flag is in place
^g-^* Right-clicking your flag pedestal while holding the enemy flag scores the
flag capture
^m*^* You cannot capture the flag if the enemy has taken your flag
^g-^* A flag capture earns a point for the capping team and resets the location of
the enemy flag back to their base
^g-^* 5 flag captures for one team equals victory

^yAdditional Rules:^*
^g-^* Hero or creep kills are worth 0 XP and a minor amount of gold
^g-^* All players are given a static 660 GPM and 156 experience per minute
throughout the game
^m*^* All players hit max level at the 25-minute mark
^g-^* Capturing a flag awards all players on the capping team 350 gold
^g-^* An indestructible, unselectable tower guards each base; it hits very hard but
is slow and non-lethal
^g-^* Shops are in each base and at the respawn points
^g-^* Wells are outside of the bases and are usable by both teams, but heroes in
the wells take significantly increased damage (+170% damage taken)
^g-^* There are two hard neutral camps; one each side of the map
^g-^* A rune spawns every 60 seconds in the center of the map
^m*^* Haste rune cannot appear
^g-^* The courier starts the game flying and is invulnerable, invisible, and gives
no vision for your team

^970== New Hero ==^*

^609New Hellbourne Intelligence Hero:^* ^079Parallax the Artificer^*

The Artificers are an alien race who gestate within asteroids hurtling through
space. When the asteroids impact a planet the Artificers emerge and begin to
dismantle the world by disrupting it with the dark matter within their Fulcrums.
^079Parallax the Artificer^* has cratered on Newerth after destroying
^079Andromeda's^* home planet of Ambia centuries ago, and the Hellbourne corruption
oozing from the Scar senses an opportunity to coalesce with this dark matter and
spread beyond Newerth.

^g-^* Ability 1: ^256Fulcrum Shift^*

^m*^* Parallax forces the Fulcrum to move toward a target location dealing magic
damage to targets along the way.
^m*^* Target location to move the Fulcrum to that location, consuming a charge.
Enemies hit are dealt 10% Max Mana ^o0/65/75/75/85^* Magic Damage. Max of
^o1/1/1/2/2^* charges that refresh every ^o9/8/7/6/5^* seconds.

^g-^* Ability 2: ^256Ionic Dash^*

^m*^* Parallax uses the power of the Fulcrum to quickly send himself to its
location, dealing magic damage and silencing enemy units along the way.
^m*^* Activate to dash towards the Fulcrum dealing 75/95/115/135 Magic Damage and
silencing enemies for ^o1/1.5/2/2.5^* seconds. Hitting an enemy hero with Ionic
Dash will reset the cooldown of the ability.

^g-^* Ability 3: ^256Dark Mana^*

^m*^* The Fulcrum's hunger for destruction rewards Parallax's aggression with extra
Max Mana.
^m*^* Passively grants a charge when damaging enemy heroes with abilities; each
charge gives ^o2/5/8/11^* Max Mana.
^m*^* Enemy heroes within a 225 radius of the Fulcrum will lose mana per second
equal to 4 +0.5 per charge.
^m*^* 20% of charges are lost on death, up to a maximum of 5 charges.

^g-^* Ability 4: ^256Earthshatter^*

^m*^* Parallax uses his connection with the Fulcrum to create a powerful field
around himself and the Fulcrum, dealing massive magic damage to enemy heroes inside
of it.
^m*^* Activate to create an area tether between Parallax and the Fulcrum.
^m*^* While active, enemy heroes within the area are dealt Magic Damage per second
based on the difference between Parallax's Max Mana and the enemy hero's.
^m*^* While active, Parallax's Movement Speed is increased by ^o5/10/15%^* and
enemy heroes within the area are slowed by up to 30%.
^m*^* Drains 5% Max Mana per second.

^g-^* New ^079Parallax^* Avatar: ^079Thai Warrior^*

^m*^* Thai Warrior Parallax is a mobile hub of blessings and celebration for the
Thai New Year. Wherever he goes, the party goes with him and he's very happy and
excited to spread the cleansing, jasmine-scented waters and protective white
powders of these sacred rites. Happy New Year, and may this celebration refresh all
good things in your life and bring you blessings for the coming year!

^g-^* New ^079Parallax^* Avatar: ^079High Priestess^*

^m*^* The High Priestess of Arasunia is the Mother to all Sisters of the Sacred
Order, guiding them in the pure ways of Sol and performing the divine rituals that
welcome all lost souls into the fold. She carries with her a blessed ossuary
containing the crumbled, ashen remains of the first High Priestess, Saint Eliana,
who traveled Newerth with a bottomless skin of holy water and consecrated the lands
upon which the Chapels of Sol would grow. Now the High Priestess must use the
ossuary as a weapon, wielding its holy powers to destroy the Hellbourne and the
daemonic corruption that permeates the soil they tread upon.

^g-^* New lobby music for the ^079Parallax^* release

^g-^* Removed 8-bit music from the maps

^970== General ==^*

^609NOTE:^* Please uninstall any active mods as this patch includes massive
changes. Mods are likely to break until they are updated.

^609= Multi-Unit Control AI =^*

^r+^* ^995Multi-Unit Control (MUC) heroes like Tundra, Tremble and Ophelia have
always required more time and finesse to play at a high level. This has caused a
lot of players to move aways from these heroes when they could enjoy them if it did
not require as much from the player. The following changes are aimed at reducing
the tediousness of playing a MUC hero, but still allows players with excellent
micromanagement skills to maximize hero's potential if they want to micromanage.^*
^g-^* All heroes and items that would allow the player access to another
controllable unit will have the option of automated or manual control
^g-^* Any unit under automated control will follow the player wherever they go and
mimic their commands.
^g-^* If your hero attacks an enemy hero, then your other units will use their
active abilities (if they have some) on that hero.
^g-^* You can turn off automation by deselecting the option (new button next to
glyph and taunt) or by selecting the unit and manually giving them a command.

^609= MMR Compression and Decay System =^*

^r+^* ^995This tweak to our matchmaking system is aimed at top-end players in order
to relieve some of their long queue times. To accomplish this we have compressed
everyone above 1800 MMR down to 1800 and implemented an MMR decay system to players
above 1800. Starting in June the top 100 players on the ladder every month will now
get to show off a unique name color to signify their achievement.^*
^r+^* ^995While this is just a quick fix to top-end queue times, we are also
looking at similar solutions for the opposite end of the MMR range as well as
adjusting our matching algorithm for these groups. We will also soon be delving
into the creation of a much larger system that will allow for better queue times
and a more solid sense of progression for all players.^*

^g-^* All players above 1800 MMR have had their MMR adjusted to 1800
^g-^* Players above 1800 MMR who have not played 5 games in any 10-day period will
experience MMR decay at a rate of up to 1% of their rating per day until they are
back down to 1800 MMR

^609= MMR Adjustments =^*

^r+^* ^995In an effort to remove negativity before the match has even started, we
have removed the visibility of how much MMR a player may gain or lose in the match
they are in. This will still be visible with the change in MMR after a match
^g-^* MMR gain and loss amounts are no longer visible in the hero pick screen

^609= Guide System Rework =^*

^r+^* ^995With massive hero changes incoming and new ways to play arising, we will
need our guides to reflect this. We decided to not only update every guide in the
game to the current retail patch but also simplify and change how the in-game
guides work. With this patch you will see a streamlined guide system that tells you
exactly what you need to crush your enemies with some options for both offensive
and defensive builds. A big thanks to all the SBT players who submitted their
guides for this system!^*
^g-^* Introduced new Hero Guide structure
^g-^* Removed all existing guides for reworked heroes (Players will need to re-
create guides for these heroes)
^g-^* Updated default guides for all heroes

^609= Leaver Strike System =^*

^r+^* ^995The Leaver Strike System is used during matchmaking games to make sure
players are not quitting games early.^*
^g-^* Strikes are earned when a player disconnects from a game and is terminated
(can no longer rejoin) from a matchmaking game. This does not apply if the game is
conceded or if a player can normally leave a match with no penalty.
^g-^* The player can gain several strikes, the first being forgiven. Subsequent
strikes will ban the player from matchmaking for an increasingly longer duration.
Ranging from 10 minutes to 10 hours depending on how many strikes the player has
gotten on their account.
^g-^* These strikes are region-based and are held by the chat server. 10 days from
the player's first strike, the strike count will be cleared out and they start from
0 strikes again.
^m*^* Strike 1: Forgiven
^m*^* Strike 2: 30 mins
^m*^* Strike 3: 1 hour
^m*^* Strike 4: 2 hours
^m*^* Strike 5: 4 hours
^m*^* Strike 6+: 10 hours

^609= Skillshot Hit Percentages =^*

^r+^* ^995This has been a feature that players have asked for since the beginning
of HoN. It can now be a reality, so make sure to brag when you hit every shot! We
are open to suggestions for which abilities you would like tracked.^*
^g-^* We now track certain skillshots and display your accuracy with them in chat
when you hit someone
^m*^* Only counts as a hit when you hit a hero
^m*^* Chat message is only displayed to the person playing the hero
^g-^* The following abilities are tracked:
^m*^* Devourer's Guttling Hook
^m*^* Valkyrie's Javelin of Light
^m*^* Gauntlet's Grapple

^609= Smartcasting =^*

^r+^* ^995This option allows casting abilities by pressing the ability button
without the following click.^*
^g-^* Smartcasting is now available in the options menu.
^g-^* Self-Cast Modifier will be added in the future.

^609= Tower Aggression Indicators =^*

^r+^* ^995There will now be a much more pronounced effect when a tower attacks your
hero, allowing players to know exactly when they are being attacked.^*
^g-^* A new "Alert" sound is now played when you have drawn tower aggression
^g-^* A new red circle on the ground appears when you have drawn tower aggression,
showing you the range of the tower

^609= Significant Optimizations =^*

^g-^* Loading into the game should be about 50% faster

^g-^* Numerous memory optimizations to the client and UI resulting in a reduced
memory footprint
^g-^* Significant improvements to game server performance and stability such that
the in game experience should be greatly improved for players
^g-^* The game should no longer freeze for a split-second when the game switches to
a new music track
^g-^* Darkened the loading screen background to reduce on-screen clutter

^970== Maps ==^*

^609= Map Editor =^*

Added undo/redo support using CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y for all the tools supported by our
editor including:
^g-^* Blocker Tool
^g-^* Deform Tool
^g-^* Foliage Tool
^g-^* Tile Definitions
^g-^* Paint Tool
^g-^* Water Tool
^g-^* Sound Tool
^g-^* Bot Tool
^g-^* Entity Tool
^g-^* Cliff Tool

^g-^* The water map was incorrectly testing a unit too large on the bounds, causing
it to fail to set data that was valid to be set
^g-^* The water map was incorrectly reading the alpha flow map when getting and
setting the region which could lead to memory corruption; this has been fixed
^g-^* Changed/fixed some copy/paste variables names in the water map
^g-^* Removed some possibilities for memory leaks from the water tool
^g-^* The water tool no longer has enable/disable buttons, the behavior is broken
into different tools that only edit existing water
^g-^* Fixed translation issues in the UI with the water tool
^g-^* The right mouse button with the water tool now erases/resets information
instead of doing 'inverse'
^g-^* Changed the material selection for the water tool to a drop down
^g-^* The sound tool no longer tries to start empty ambient sounds (causing debug
^g-^* The sound tool now starts in the hovering state when selected, making it so
that your first click actually creates a sound
^g-^* The sound tool no longer makes sure files exist when deciding to start them
(.wav file paths didn't work), but it will stop trying to play them after failing
to start them once
^g-^* Added a visual indicator for the falloff area of sounds
^g-^* Fixed the clone behavior in the bot metadatatool not reselecting the new
nodes, thus breaking things
^g-^* Fixed the cliff tool not doing anything the first time you click
^g-^* Fixed a memory leak in the cliff tool
^g-^* The cliff tool can no longer delete entities it created in the same frame,
fixing some issues with deleting cliffs that are new but are found when searching
for old cliffs to delete
^g-^* Changed a handful of loops in the cliff tool to iterate over memory more
sequentially which theoretically should improve performance
^g-^* Fixed GetCliffGridWidth actually returning the CliffTileWidth
^g-^* Fixed the tile ramp map being too strict on its bounds checking asserts
^g-^* Added the ability to pass the desired index when allocating a new sound,
similar to allocating entities
^g-^* Added a check-box on the system bar to enable/disable drawing the nav grid
^g-^* Entities now always properly update/create path blockers as you edit, instead
of only when they are moved/if they are cloned (and on map load)
^g-^* Fixed the possibility of some things not being properly updated if you are
deleting the entity you are hovering
^g-^* Added a check box to the system bar to enable/disable drawing the navigation
^g-^* Made the entities dialogue wider so it is easier to use
^g-^* The foliage tool now properly updates size/scale/density changes on all areas
of the map

^609= Map Help Tips =^*

^g-^* Maps will now display a tip in the bottom right corner for 20 seconds
^m*^* Clicking on the tip will open a help window that will explain mechanics about
the current map
^g-^* The following maps have Help Tips added:
^m*^* Forests of Caldavar
^m*^* Mid Wars
^m*^* Grimm's Crossing
^m*^* Capture the Flag
^m*^* The Grimm Hunt
^m*^* Rift Wars
^m*^* Darkwood Vale
^m*^* Watchtower

^609= Map Changes =^*

^095Forests of Caldavar^*
^r+^* ^995The Forests have been improved in many ways:^*
^g-^* Ground textures updated
^g-^* Water effects enhanced
^g-^* Foliage cleaned up
^g-^* New wooden boat!
^g-^* Kongor has donned his birthday suit
^g-^* HoNiversary Decorations added: Check the entire map for festive 5th
HoNiversary decorations!

^095Mid Wars^*
^g-^* The Snotter Boss is back!

^095All Maps^*
^g-^* HoNiversary Party Creeps

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^r+^* ^995The following heroes have been added to Tournament Rules:^*

^g-^* ^079Kane^*
^g-^* ^079Calamity^*
^g-^* ^079Tarot^*

^r+^* ^995The following heroes have been removed from Tournament Rules:^*
^g-^* ^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^g-^* ^079Hellbringer^*
^g-^* ^079Wildsoul^*

^r+^* ^995Emerald Red is a great asset for Power Throw, but we felt that her other
abilities needed to shine with Emerald Red as well. With these changes, Emerald Red
will bring more game-changing power to her entire skillset.^*

^256Emerald Lightning (Q)^*

^g-^* Mana cost reduced from ^o100/110/120/130^* to ^o80/95/110/125^*
^g-^* ^256Emerald Red^* effect: Max potential number of targets affected increased
from ^o1/2/3/4^* to ^o2/4/6/8^*
^m*^* Stun duration still caps at 5 seconds
^g-^* ^256Emerald Red^* effect: Emerald Lightning debuff duration on enemies
increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds
^m*^* Matches the buff duration on Aluna

^256Deja Vu (E)^*
^g-^* Mana cost reduced from ^o100/110/120/130^* to ^o70/80/90/100^*

^256Emerald Red (R)^*

^g-^* ^256Emerald Red^* effect: When Aluna returns to her location with the third
activation of the skill (if she returns), she will be stealthed for 3 seconds
^g-^* Mana cost reduced from 75 to 50
^r+^* ^995Arachna received some much-needed quality of life improvement to her
Webbed Shot, removing the item restrictions and further accentuating her laning

^256Webbed Shot (Q)^*

^g-^* Cooldown removed for early levels
^g-^* No longer considered an Attack Modifier
^r+^* ^995Armadon has always been known for his Spine Burst spam and will be seeing
more Spine Burst procs with these changes. Players will also experience reduced
mandatory button mashing when they have sufficient mana during mid/late-game.^*

^256Spine Burst (W)^*

^g-^* No longer has a Cast Time and is non-interrupting
^g-^* Can now be toggled (right-clicked) to cast immediately when off cooldown

^256Armordillo (R)^*
^g-^* Damage reduction required to trigger an instance of Spine Burst decreased
from 250 to 150
^r+^* ^995Artillery was heavily limited by his LRM in many ways. This change is
aimed at allowing the hero to be more mobile and use his LRM in more hit-and-run
type tactics.^*
^g-^* Intelligence growth per level increased from 1.4 to 1.5

^256LRM (Q)^*
^g-^* Implemented a charge system on his LRM
^g-^* Each rocket equals one charge; maximum of 20. Charges are refreshed every
0.5s (even during channelling)
^g-^* Mana cost: 10 base mana cost, 4 per rocket fired
^g-^* The spell can be channeled until there is no ammo left or until Artillery
runs out of mana (cooldown is removed)
^g-^* Grants 1% bonus damage for each rocket fired after the first one for a given
channel instance
^m*^* It is rewarding to stand still, but you don't waste your spell if you have to

^256Homing Missile (R)^*

^g-^* Mana cost decreased from ^o150/175/200^* to ^o125/150/175^*
^r+^* ^995Balphagore is a very strong team-oriented push hero that has fallen off
due to a lot of unnecessary micro and Hell on Newerth didn't quite hit the mark
later on in the game. These changes are aimed at bringing the power level of Hell
on Newerth to a stronger place in the current meta. Micromanagement issues are
alleviated with the new Multi-Unit Control AI.^*

^256Regurgitate (Q)^*
^g-^* Cone angle for hitting enemies in front of self increased from 100 to 120

^256Demonic Pathogen (W)^*

^g-^* Now grants 1 charge to ^256Hell of Newerth^* every 0.5 seconds for every
enemy hero affected
^m*^* If ^256Hell of Newerth^* is on cooldown, reduces its cooldown by 1 second in
the same interval instead

^256Corpse Conversion (E)^*

^g-^* Cast action time lowered from 300 to 200 ms
^256Hell on Newerth (R)^*
^g-^* Amount of charges given for nearby enemy spell casts reduced from 0.75 times
the percentage of mana spent to 0.5 times the percentage of mana spent
^g-^* Now has a static 90 second cooldown at all 3 stages instead of ^o35/60/120^*
^g-^* Now always slows and spawns Volatile minions regardless of charges (instead
of in stages)
^g-^* Now deals a base amount of ^o200/250/300^* Magic Damage
^g-^* Charges now increase the damage by ^o1/2/3^* per charge up to a maximum of
^o300/450/600^* total Magic Damage (100 charges max)
^g-^* While on cooldown, now reduces the cooldown by 1 second for every 50 mana
spent by nearby enemy heroes
^g-^* Volatile Minion health changed from 350 to ^o300/450/600^*
^r+^* ^995A boost to games in which Behemoth sees a bit more farm. This will see
its largest impact in Mid Wars while still being a solid buff for normal mode as

^256Enrage (W)^*
^g-^* Bonus Base Damage increased from ^o50/100/150/200%^* to ^o100/175/275/375%^*
^r+^* ^995Bombardier has fallen off significantly due to high skill requirements
with subpar rewards. The changes here are aimed at limiting the frustrations of
playing the hero and increasing his power level so he can compete with other hard

^256Bombardment (W)^*
^g-^* Now has ^o1/1/1/2^* charges

^256Boom Dust (E)^*

^g-^* Action type changed from Target Entity to Target Position
^g-^* Target a 250 radius area to apply Boom Dust to 2 units closest to the center
of the area
^g-^* Max charges decreased from 4 to 2
^m*^* Total maximum of units affected is still 4
^g-^* Charge refresh time increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds
^r+^* ^995A minor tweak to bring her a little closer to where she should be.^*

^256Dragon's Path (W)^*

^g-^* Cooldown increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds
^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^r+^* ^995Some quality of life changes for our most loyal disciple.^*

^256Electric Tide (Q)^*

^g-^* Radius increased from 700 to 800
^m*^* Expansion and contraction time remain the same
^g-^* Clearvision increased from 700 to 800

^256Corrupted Conduit (W)^*

^g-^* Cast action time reduced from 400ms to 300ms
^g-^* Break range increased from 700 to 800
^r+^* ^995Deadlift has shown a significant amount of popularity and is hitting most
of our marks, however the 0 mana cost nuke on ^256The Dead Shall Rise^* was not
enough of a risk for Deadlift and caused too much frustration when playing against

^256Onslaught (W)^*
^g-^* No longer deals a high amount of damage when you kill someone

^256The Dead Shall Rise (E)^*

^g-^* Health Cost removed, added a Mana Cost of 60 instead
^079Demented Shaman^*
^r+^* ^995Demented Shaman is a top-tier support hero who has fallen off in most of
our regions. These quality of life changes are aimed at increasing the
effectiveness of his abilities in certain situations. Seriously, this hero should
be played more!^*

^256Unbreakable (W)^*
^g-^* Cooldown lowered from ^o45/35/25/15^* to ^o30/25/20/15^* seconds
^g-^* No longer has an extra frame of delay if he casts it on himself

^256Storm Cloud (R)^*

^g-^* Radius increased from 600 to 700
^r+^* ^995Players will no longer be forced to put an early point in Cadaver Armor
to begin gaining charges.^*

^256Cadaver Armor (E)^*

^g-^* One point in this skill is automatically acquired at the start of the game,
granting the Strength gain passive effects
^m*^* Skill now has 5 levels
^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^r+^* ^995Another small tweak to Doctor Repulsor that makes him weaker against
other ranged heroes, while doing very little to affect his dominance against melee
^g-^* Attack Range lowered from 500 to 450
^079Emerald Warden^*
^r+^* ^995We wanted to bring Emerald Warden's traps more to the forefront of the
hero. The new trigger sub-ability will also now allow players to exert a little
more control over their traps as well.^*

^256Hunter's Command (W)^*

^g-^* Magic Damage increased from ^o60/120/180/240^* to ^o90/155/220/285^*

^256Overgrowth (E)^*
^g-^* Overgrowth trap now has the ability to forcefully trigger itself to go off
^g-^* Max number of Overgrowth traps increased from 3 to 5
^r+^* ^995Having to leave your lane to set up mines left the player underleveled.
Additionally, Engineer was often not around to gain the experience from mine kills.
Therefore, changes were made to allow Engineer players a better way of utilizing
their mines without spending so much time out of lane.^*

^256Spider Mines (E)^*

^g-^* Action type changed from Self Position to Target Position
^g-^* Cast range increased from 0 to 450
^g-^* Max charges increased from ^o1/2/2/3^* to ^o1/2/3/4^*
^g-^* Max number of mines on the map reduced from 9 to 6
^g-^* Charge refresh time reduced from 25 seconds to 15 seconds
^g-^* Increase arming time from 1 second to 1.5 seconds
^g-^* Magic Damage increased from ^o150/200/250/300^* to ^o175/250/325/400^*
^g-^* "Destroy Spider Mine" self-destruct ability on the Mine itself moved from the
Q slot to the E slot
^m*^* Consistency with other self-destruct abilities on gadgets
^r+^* ^995Gladiator brings a unique kit to the game and the excitement of playing
with and against him can be felt by everyone. We have systematically buffed this
hero patch after patch and we feel this will finally put him where we want him. The
new use of Call to Arms will allow Gladiator players to more accurately hit the
ability and be more useful in team fights. The early mana pool increase allows
Gladiator to be played in a support/roamer role if desired, opening up a wider
range of play styles.^*
^g-^* Base Intelligence increased from 16 to 18
^g-^* Intelligence growth per level increased from 1.5 to 2.0

^256Pitfall (Q)^*
^g-^* Damage changed from 0.15s intervals to frame (0.05s) intervals
^m*^* Same total damage, this was just a consistency change

^256Call to Arms (R)^*

^g-^* Targeting mechanic changed: can target anywhere within cast range.
^m*^* Chariot still spawns 2000 units behind the targeted position relative to
Gladiator. As a result, the Chariot's travel time is unchanged.
^g-^* Radius increased from 400 to 450
^g-^* Damage from the damage buffer state changed from non-lethal damage to direct
HP removal
^m*^* Prevents allied Portal Keys from going on cooldown and cancelling
Bottle/Health Potion/Mana Potion/Striders, etc.
^g-^* Damage buffer duration increased from ^o5/6/7^* seconds to 10 seconds at all
^g-^* Cooldown increased from ^o60/50/40^* seconds to ^o70/60/50^* seconds
^r+^* ^995Gunblade is a carry who gains farm through ganking. A lot of players want
the hero to have a better farming tool, but it must be understood that heroes like
him and Arachna should not be farming lanes much. Instead, they should be running
around trying to kill heroes with their exceptional abilities. These changes are
made to make Gunblade a little more reliable and to smooth out his gameplay

^256Crippling Slugs (Q)^*

^g-^* All 3 shots come out regardless of being stunned/silenced/killed midway
^m*^* Prevents a partially wasted nuke if stunned or silenced mid-nuke
^256Demonic Shield (W)^*
^g-^* Cast action time and cast time reduced to 0
^g-^* Can now be used during other orders without interruption

^256Lethal Range (E)^*

^g-^* Now grants True Strike when Gunblade attacks a hero within 200 range
^g-^* Bonus damage is calculated properly when Gunblade has a Wingbow
^r+^* ^995Hellbringer has suffered from many problems in his lifetime. The major
problem was that his skillset was not very active or even visually impactful. A
"walking ultimate" to a certain degree, Hellbringer was just not that fun and did
not have much impact as a support or solo hero. The new skillset he has received
will keep him similar to the old Hellbringer but allows him to be more active,
impactful and entertaining. Malphas is now an actual threat on the field,
establishing Hellbringer as a new powerhouse in Newerth!^*

^256Demon Strike (Q)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Charge based ability: 2 charges max, restores 1 charge every 15 seconds, 100
mana cost
^g-^* Vector targeting: click location and drag
^g-^* Upon use, summons a demon at the target location that slowly lands on the
ground (takes 0.6 seconds) and rapidly charges in the target direction, dealing
^o100/150/200/250^* magic damage and applying fear for 1 second to enemies in a

^256Demonic Wave (W)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Action type changed from Target Entity to Target Position
^g-^* Cast Range increased from 600 to 1250
^g-^* Now sends out a slow-moving cone-shaped wave that applies Death Boil to enemy
units hit
^m*^* Radius starts out at 110 units and ends at 300 units

^256Evil Presence (E)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Summons a passive minion that follows you around and heals you for
^o15/20/25/30%^* of all damage dealt to organic enemy units
^g-^* Can be activated for 50 mana to send the minion towards a target enemy at max
movement speed. Upon reaching the enemy (or after 5 seconds) the minion explodes,
slowing enemies in an AoE by ^o20/30/40/50%^* and reducing their magic armor by
^o1/2/3/4^* for 5 seconds
^m*^* Cast Range of 1200
^g-^* This ability has a 15 second cooldown and the healing passive does not work
until the minion is revived at the end of the cooldown
^g-^* When Hellbringer dies the minion (if present) will explode and apply the
effect as well

^256Summon Malphas (R)^*

^g-^* Now deals ^o20/40/60^* Magic Damage per second for 3 seconds in addition to
the instant 100 Magic Damage upon cast
^g-^* Only summons 1 Malphas
^m*^* Malphas now has ^o900/1350/1800^* HP, ^o50/75/100^* Attack Damage,
^o375/400/425^* movement speed, ^o5/10/15^* armor, ^o15/20/25^* HP Regeneration and
17 Magic Armor
^256Malphas' Immolate (Q)^*
^g-^* Passive damage increased from 25 to ^o25/50/75^* Magic Damage per second to
enemies within a 225 radius

^256Malphas' Burning Sword (W)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Now passively gives ^o25/50/75^* Attack Speed

^256Malphas' Fire Bomb (E)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Passively throws a fireball every 3 seconds at the closest enemy hero within
a 500 radius, dealing ^o50/75/100^* Magic Damage
^r+^* ^995Kane was intended to be one of the most powerful counter-carries we put
into the game. The ability to lock down an enemy carry and not die is something he
is very good at. However, a lot of his skills were not adequately fulfilling that
niche to make him a serious threat to carries. In addition, his passive skill had
very little use outside towers or Face Off. These changes are aimed at making him
more impactful against carries and a better source of mobile out-of-combat
regeneration for his team.^*
^g-^* Magic Armor lowered from 6.5 to 4.5

^256Balance of Power (W)^*

^g-^* Auras now heal ^o1/2/3/4%^* of missing HP and Mana
^g-^* No longer has a Movement Speed bonus and penalty on Kane for either aura
^g-^* Swap duration for auras reduced from ^o8/6/4/2^* seconds to 2 seconds at all

^256Steel Resolve (E)^*

^g-^* Debuff duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 4 seconds and each autoattack
from Kane adds 1 additional charge to the debuff
^g-^* The target's autoattacks deal ^o5/10/15/20%^* less damage per charge on them
^m*^* Kane will deal this amount as Bonus Damage when attacking that target
^g-^* Max of 4 charges on any single target

^256Face Off (R)^*

^g-^* Duration increased from ^o2.5/3.5/4.5^* seconds to ^o3.5/4.5/5.5^* seconds
^g-^* Range increased from ^o450/550/650^* to 650
^g-^* Duration of the force-attack state resets when Kane and the target meet (i.e.
when the arena is formed)
^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^r+^* ^995Jungling is often a desirable play style in our game and we felt that we
were not offering much difference in play styles within the jungle category. Keeper
of the Forest's skillset had a lot of overlap with Tempest, who is also a solid
jungle hero. With Tempest considered top-tier while Keeper of the Forest was losing
traction, we decided to make Keeper of the Forest's second skill (W) more unique.
With these changes, Keeper of the Forest is now a solid farmer with some good
damage output and sustainability. His ability to carry was also increased.^*
^g-^* Keeper of the Forest has a completely updated and improved base model.

^256Nature's Veil (Q)^*

^g-^* Cast Range increased from 500 to 800
^g-^* Health Regeneration has been removed.
^g-^* Can now be cast on structures.
^256Animate Forest (W)^*
^g-^* Removed
New ability: ^256Nature's Sentinel (W)^*
^g-^* Target Position, 300 Cast Range
^g-^* ^o20/30/40/50^* Mana Cost, ^o25/20/15/10^* second Cooldown
^g-^* Now creates a Sentinel at the target location. These are considered to be
real trees by Keeper's other abilities.
^g-^* The center tree has 600 health and can be attacked. Dies in 2 hits from
heroes and towers regardless of damage. ^o30/45/60/75^* Gold bounty
^g-^* Has ^o1/2/3/4^* smaller trees around it that can't be targeted and deal 30
Physical Damage each, prioritizing heroes. They do not attack structures.
^g-^* Nature's Sentinel is disabled if the active tree has taken damage.
^m*^* Health of the tree is regenerated quickly within 3 seconds of not taking
^g-^* Nature's Sentinel's cooldown restarts if the tree is killed

^256Entmoot (E)^*
^g-^* Now also heals you for 0.3% of max health per charge on each attack Keeper
makes against enemy units (max of 1.5% healed per hit with 5 charges)
^m*^* This is not lifesteal, as that heals you based on damage done. This heals you
based on your max health only
^m*^* Works when you attack structures
^r+^* ^995Goon squad needed to be toned down a bit in terms of sheer utility. The
ability to easily siege towers and was not an intended function of the hero. We
also noticed hitbox issues with flight that was making skill shots slightly harder
to hit.^*

^256HAWK (W)^*
^g-^* Lowered flight height so it is easier to land skill shots against him

^256Goon Squad (R)^*

^g-^* No longer deals damage to structures
^r+^* ^995A minor ability change for Maliken that will give him more control over
his Sword Throw.^*

^256Sword Throw (Q)^*

^g-^* Changing Sword of the Damned (W) mode while the sword is in mid-flight
changes the sword and all effects dynamically^*
^079Master of Arms^*
^r+^* ^995Master of Arms is a very fun and effective hero and a lot of you may
wonder why we are changing him at all. A lot of his abilities were mismatched to
his roles. If he wanted to carry he needed to use the Repeater but the Pulse
Cannon's Master's Call? His Pulse Cannon's Charged Shot was massively effective
while his Repeater's Blast Shot was useless in the vast majority of scenarios. We
decided to spice the hero up a bit and make his Pulse Cannon form a solid choice
for early game and his Repeater all about carrying. Two solid play styles of long
range harass or close range damage form the play style now. Everything is in the
right place and the hero is a ton of fun now!^*
^g-^* Strength decreased from 17 to 15
^g-^* Strength per level decreased from 1.8 to 1.5
^g-^* Agility per level decreased from 2.6 to 2.5
^g-^* Intelligence increased from 18 to 20
^g-^* Intelligence per level increased from 2 to 2.4

^609Pulse Cannon mode renamed to Bulldozer mode^*

^256Charged Shot (Q)^*
^g-^* Cast Range increased from 500 to 800
^g-^* Mana cost rescaled from ^o85/95/105/115^* to 100
^g-^* Cooldown decreased from 12 to 10 seconds
^g-^* Stun duration decreased from ^o1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8^* seconds to ^o1/1.2/1.4/1.6^*
^g-^* Damage decreased from ^o75/125/175/225^* to ^o50/100/150/200^*

^256Bulldozer (E)^*
^g-^* Adds ^o75/75/100/125/150^* Attack range and ^o0/10/20/30/40^* Attack damage,
but reduces Attack Speed by 20%

^256Master's Call (R)^*

^g-^* Now grants a ^o250/350/450^* post-mitigation Damage Shield for 10 seconds

^609Repeater mode renamed to Cheetah mode^*

^256Blast Shot (Q)^*
^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Cast Range of 550
^g-^* Mana Cost of 80
^g-^* Fires a projectile that deals ^o100/150/200/250^* Magic Damage and
immobilizes the target for ^o1.5/2/2.5/3^* seconds on impact

^256Cheetah (E)^*
^g-^* Reduces Attack Damage by 20% only against heroes and increases Attack Speed
by ^o0/100/200/300/400^*
^m*^* Can shoot 12 bullets before needing to reload
^m*^* Reloading takes 4 seconds

^609Master's Call renamed to Adrenaline Kryo Enhancer^*

^256Adrenaline Kryo Enhancer (R)^*
^g-^* Now grants ^o75/125/175^* Movement Speed, ^o50/75/100^* Cast Speed and
^o20/40/60^* Damage for 5 seconds
^079Monkey King^*
^r+^* ^995Monkey King has seen a fair share of the nerf bat because of how hard and
frustrating it was to play against him. We took it a bit too far on increasing his
overall mana consumption. This did not affect the frustration of playing against
the hero all that much. Therefore, the mana cost of Vault was reduced.^*

^256Heavenly Vault (W)^*

^g-^* Mana cost reduced to 120 at all levels from ^o120/130/140/150^*
^r+^* ^995These changes are aimed at increasing Moraxus' effectiveness with the
challenging timing issues he faces and rewards him more for successful execution.
The threat of Arcane Shield is real and it makes playing against Moraxus more
dangerous than ever.^*

^256Arcane Shield (W)^*

^g-^* Duration of the spellblock state increased from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds
^g-^* Duration of the boost increased from 5 to 6 seconds
^g-^* Now grants ^o40/60/80/100%^* Slow Resistance on the boost
^g-^* Bonus Attack Damage on the boost increased from ^o20/40/60/80^* to
^g-^* Bonus Movement Speed on the boost increased from ^o70/110/150/190^* to 200

^256More Axes (E)^*

^g-^* Axes now replenish every 5 seconds, down from ^o8/7/6/5^*
^g-^* If someone is hit with 4 axes without the debuff falling off, they are
immobilized for 1.5 seconds
^r+^* ^995Magic Carp has always been an ability that had little purpose on its own
and felt extremely weak at impact. The only solid choice in using it was to proc
Null Stones. These changes are aimed at giving Myrmidon more teamfight utility and
increasing his durability.^*

^256Magic Carp (W)^*

^g-^* Now targets an area (300 radius) instead of a unit
^g-^* Spawns a Magic Carp for each enemy hero in the target area
^m*^* No longer works on creeps as a result

^256Forced Evolution (R)^*

^g-^* Forced Evolution state duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds
^g-^* Now gains ^o5/10/15^* Magic Armor
^g-^* Max Health gained increased from ^o200/300/400^* to ^o200/400/600^*
^079Night Hound^*
^r+^* ^995Night Hound now has more choices in leveling and a solid niche as a
potential suicide hero. He also becomes the first hero that can level Invisibility
at levels 1/3/5!^*

^256Invisibility (R)^*
^g-^* Gains 1 attack, skill cast or item activation before being revealed
^m*^* Can still be revealed through eye, dust, and wards
^g-^* This charge only refreshes after he attacks/uses a skill or an item again
^g-^* Can be leveled at level ^o1/3/5^*
^g-^* No longer grants bonus Agility
^r+^* ^995Nomad receives quality of life changes that allow him to get more
consistent damage opportunities.^*

^256True Strike/Mirage Strike (W)^*

^g-^* True Strike now sets Nomad's Movement Speed to 600 until he hits the target
^g-^* Mirage Strike now sets the illusion's Movement Speed to 600 until it hits the
^079Plague Rider^*
^r+^* ^995Plague Rider now has stronger suicide options to keep him relevant.^*

^256Extinguish (E)^*
^g-^* Cooldown reduced from ^o55/50/45/40^* seconds to ^o50/45/40/35^* seconds
^079Pollywog Priest^*
^r+^* ^995These changes are simple and revert Pollywog Priest back to the old days
when he could consistently ward trap and harass with his Electric Jolt.^*

^256Electric Jolt (Q)^*

^g-^* No longer deals damage in a 500 radius around the target. Instead, creates a
large cone that starts at Pollywog and travels 1210 units away
^m*^* This is how Pollywog Priest used to function in the past

^256Voodoo Wards (R)^*

^g-^* Bound radius increased from 10 to 16
^m*^* Target now has a slightly harder time escaping a ward trap
^r+^* ^995Riptide has always suffered from being a very limited hero with not too
many options. This rework is meant to give the hero more options in the ganking
territory and provide a real way to play outside of the middle lane. The new Eye of
the Storm will accomplish what the old Eye of the Storm was trying to: make Riptide
a constant threat on the map.^*
^g-^* Check the Content section for information on the completely redesigned base
model for Riptide.

^256Undertow (W)^*
^g-^* Cooldown decreased from ^o45/40/35/30^* to ^o25/20/15/10^* seconds
^g-^* Damage rescaled to ^o50/100/150/200^* to all enemy units (from
^o100/125/150/175^* to heroes and ^o150/200/250/300^* to units)
^g-^* Puddles now only stay for 3 seconds (down from 20)
^g-^* Now applies a 30% slow for 3 seconds in a 250 radius upon reaching the end

^256In My Element (E)^*

^g-^* Linger time increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
^g-^* Now has an additional activation on top of the passive effects while in water
^g-^* 20 mana cost, 45 second cooldown
^g-^* Upon activation, creates a 600 radius permanent puddle of water
^m*^* Only 1 of these puddles can be active at a time

^256Eye of the Storm (R)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Mana Cost increased from 50 to 150
^g-^* Cooldown decreased from 120 to 80 seconds
^g-^* Now a 20 second channel
^g-^* Upon cast Riptide becomes a whirlpool of water charging in the target
^g-^* Riptide gains speed slowly, up to a maximum speed of 600 over 5 seconds
^m*^* Can travel over any obstacle, tree, or cliff while charging
^g-^* Hitting the (R) button again while charging will change the direction of the
charge slowly
^m*^* Channeling is manually cancelled if you right-click the ground to move
^g-^* Silences and stuns will not interrupt this channel while moving
^g-^* Upon contact with an enemy hero or right-clicking, the whirlpool explodes in
a 400 radius area, stunning enemies for 1-second and pushing them back
^g-^* Enemies hit take up to ^o200/300/400^* Magic Damage based on how long you
have been channeling
^g-^* Enemies hit have a 100% tapering Movement Speed Slow applied to them for 5
seconds and are considered in water for this duration
^m*^* Everything-walking lingers for 1 second
^079Sand Wraith^*
^r+^* ^995Small quality of life change for his weak slow from Desert's Curse.^*
^256Desert's Curse (Q)^*
^g-^* Movement Speed slow increased from ^o8/12/16/20%^* to ^o12/16/20/24%^*
^r+^* ^995Soulstealer has been a staple hero for a long time, but he has been
limited in other modes (e.g. Mid Wars and Casual Mode) because of his soul
mechanic. We want to allow Soulstealer to have a less frustrating farm mechanic and
a better way of gaining souls in all modes! Mid Wars Soulstealer, here I come!^*

^256Soulsteal (W)^*
^g-^* Hero kills grant 5 souls to Soulstealer
^r+^* ^995Swiftblade is receiving another small tweak to make him play a slightly
tighter game to achieve what he was before.^*

^256Swift Slashes (R)^*

^g-^* Range decreased from 450 to 400
^g-^* Radius for target checks decreased from 450 to 400
^r+^* ^995Tundra has always been a strong hero. However, the changing metagame and
the tedium of playing the hero created a high demand for changes. These tweaks are
aimed at giving more options to Tundra's minions and making his Piercing Shards
ability retain its power during mid/late-game.^*

^256Piercing Shards (Q)^*

^g-^* Total Mixed Damage increased from ^o180/240/300/360^* to ^o190/260/330/400^*

^256Call of Winter (W)^*

^g-^* Both Shiver and Coeurl now get a new ability: ^256Patrol^*
^g-^* Upon use, orders the unit to patrol (move back and forth) between the current
and the target position
^m*^* Canceled upon issuing any command to them
^g-^* Coeurl (dog) will attack any enemies he encounters along the patrolling line
(this cancels patrolling)
^g-^* Can be used on an allied unit to follow and assist it (attack the targets it
attacks, not attacking at all otherwise)
^r+^* ^995Valkyrie is a classic hero we wanted to reward for hitting arguably one
of the hardest skill shots in the game. With this change she can be more active and
more of an unseen threat.^*

^256Javelin of Light (W)^*

^g-^* Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
^g-^* Range increased from 3000 to 7000
^g-^* If the Javelin travels farther than ^o2000/1750/1500/1250^* units (distance
travelled required to apply a 5-second stun) and hits someone, then up to
^o100/200/300/400^* bonus Magic Damage is dealt
^m*^* Bonus damage scales linearly up to 6000 units travelled
^m*^* Any distance past this will apply the maximum bonus damage
^g-^* Prism now has clearer visuals to distinguish fade time from full invisibility
^r+^* ^995Wildsoul has been at the bottom of the barrel for well over a year now.
With the speed of the game and the high damage HoN brings, it took too long and was
too hard to actually get to a point where Wildsoul could carry. We also noticed
that it wasn't the most fun thing in the world playing against a Wildsoul's Booboo
that was bashing down your towers for 250+ damage a swing or running down your
supports with the damage from Mock of Brilliance. With this rework Wildsoul will
become the powerhouse carry he once was while not being as frustrating to play

^256Summon Booboo (Q)^*

^g-^* Cooldown changed from 120 seconds to 30 seconds, but the cooldown only starts
after Booboo dies
^g-^* While Booboo is alive, can use the ability again to Return Booboo to your
side if he hasn't taken hero damage lately

^256Wild (W)^*
^g-^* Cooldown decreased from 30 to 20 seconds
^g-^* Mana Cost increased from 50 to ^o50/60/70/80^*
^g-^* Upon use, grants Wildsoul and Booboo ^o10/15/20/25^* Attack Speed and
^o4/6/8/10%^* Movement Speed for 45 seconds
^m*^* For the first ten seconds, this effect is doubled

^256Natural Attunement (E)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Previous bonuses removed
^g-^* Now grants ^o2/3/4/5^* HP Regeneration and ^o0.5/1/1.5/2^* Mana Regeneration
to Wildsoul and ^o10/15/20/25%^* Lifesteal to Booboo
^m*^* Also applies the lifesteal to any other units you own, such as Puzzlebox

^256Bear Form (R)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Now grants a copy of all of Booboo's abilities to Wildsoul while in Bear form
^m*^* This depends on how much you have leveled ^256Summon Booboo^*
^m*^* This replaces Wild Soul's ^256Wild (W)^* and ^256Natural Attunement (E)^*
with ^256Booboo's Swipe (W)^* and ^256Alpha Male (E)^*
^m*^* ^256Booboo's Frenzy (R)^* is added passively
^m*^* Cooldowns are saved between switching forms
^g-^* While ^256Bear Form^* is active, ^079Wildsoul^* and Booboo will now share all
incoming damage (40% of all damage taken is instead taken by the other)
^g-^* Bear form no longer grants any health. Instead, grants ^o5/10/15^* Armor, all
bonuses of ^256Natural Attunement^* (Regenerations and Lifesteal), and still
changes you into a Melee hero.

^r+^* ^995Essentially, this ability now gives you 30/40/50 seconds of Bear Form
that you can use up as you deem necessary. You must effectively spend at least half
of the time in human form.^*
^g-^* Cast time completely removed (no longer interrupts walking)
^g-^* Activation Mana Cost increased from 25 to 50
^m*^* Mana Cost to deactivate decreased from 25 to 0
^g-^* This ability is now charge based and has ^o30/40/50^* max charges
^m*^* When you learn this ability you gain 30 charges
^m*^* Upon leveling this ability up you gain 10 charges immediately
^g-^* While ^256Bear Form^* is active you consume 1 charge per second
^g-^* While ^256Bear Form^* is not active you regain 1 charge per second
^m*^* Can turn back and forth freely with a 1-second cooldown
^g-^* Upon reaching 0 charges Bear Form deactivates
^g-^* Requires at least 5 charges to activate
^g-^* No longer disjoints upon use

^g-^* Health decreased from ^o1400/1800/2300/2700^* to ^o1400/1600/1800/2000^*
^g-^* Damage increased from 28-38 to 35-40
^g-^* Booboo can no longer deal any damage to heroes or structures when he is out
of range (too far from Wildsoul)
^g-^* Booboo now has a visual indicator for when he's too far from Wildsoul
^g-^* HP Regeneration increased from 2 to 5
^g-^* Armor from ^o3/4/5/6^* to a static 5
^g-^* Movement speed from ^o320/320/330/340^* to a static 330
^g-^* Attack cooldown from ^o1750/1650/1550/1450^* to a static 1500
^m*^* Above changes are meant to remove any hidden bonuses on the bear and put an
accent on leveling the skill to gain extra abilities on Booboo.

Booboo's Abilities
Level 1
^g-^* ^256Return (Q)^*
^m*^* 5 second cooldown
^m*^* On use Teleports Booboo to Wildsoul's position
^m*^* Goes on a 3-second cooldown when any player-controlled unit hits Booboo

^g-^* ^cAlpha Male (E)^*

^g-^* Reworked
^g-^* Grants 50% extra attack damage vs. creeps

Level 2
^g-^* ^256Swipe (W)^*
^g-^* Reworked
^m*^* 6-second cooldown
^m*^* Deals 150 Physical damage in a 300 radius and applies a 75% slow for 1 second
^m*^* This ability is used automatically on the 3rd attack when off cooldown.

Level 3
^g-^* ^256Frenzy (R)^*
^g-^* Reworked
^m*^* Gives 2 attack damage for 15 seconds every time Booboo takes damage
^m*^* Max of 40 damage (20 charges)
^m*^* Works from transferred damage

Level 4
^g-^* Boosts all the other abilities
^m*^* ^256Alpha Male (E)^* gains an extra 25% attack damage bonus vs. heroes
^m*^* ^256Swipe (W)^* now also deals damage to structures and gains 50 extra range
^m*^* ^256Frenzy (R)^* now passively gives 5 normal and magic armor
^m*^* Wildsoul gains this 5 extra normal and magic armor as well when in bear form
(for a total of ^o10/15/20^* +5)
^r+^* ^995Zephyr is a strong hero who just doesn't fit in the current metagame.
However, this change is aimed at allowing players the option of jungling at level

^256Cyclones (W)^*
^g-^* Consuming a cyclone no longer interrupts your attack animation

^256Wind Shield (E)^*

^g-^* Now passively blocks 15 damage from creeps and neutrals

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^609New Item:^* ^095Merrick's Bounty^*

^r+^* ^995A new item to the game that allows supports and suicides the chance to
catch up, even while getting dominated in the laning phase. We will be watching
this item closely, but the days of supports having almost no income are over!^*
^g-^* Cost: 250 gold
^g-^* Available in Supplies and Outpost shops
^g-^* Buying or picking up the item starts a 30-second cooldown
^g-^* While off cooldown the item gains a charge every 10 seconds
^g-^* When you kill an enemy non-hero unit all of the charges are instantly
consumed, giving you 10 gold per charge and starting a 30-second cooldown
^g-^* You cannot gain charges while dead
^g-^* Max of 120 charges
^g-^* Each time a charge is added, a sound plays for the player who owns the item

^095Blessed Orb^*
^r+^* ^995This was removed from the Outpost to make room for Merrick's Bounty. If
we left in the Blessed Orb you would have to scroll down to purchase it, and no one
wants to scroll at the Outpost!^*
^g-^* Removed from Outpost

^095Blood Chalice^*
^r+^* ^995Now rewards players with a potential boost of mana when any nearby enemy
hero dies, even if Blood Chalice was not used. This helps Chalice remain a strong
item pickup throughout the game.^*
^g-^* Radius for health refund increased from 700 to 1000
^g-^* Now gains 1 charge when an enemy hero within 1000 range of you dies
^m*^* Cannot gain a charge while Blood Chalice is on cooldown
^g-^* On use, will not remove health if you have a charge on the item
^m*^* Removes the charge on use

^095Doom Bringer^*
^r+^* ^995Players will no longer be able to exploit the system and use neutrals to
drop Doom Bringers for other players. Doom Bringer has also received a fun change:
it increases in power when you get kills!^*
^g-^* Only drops when a player scores a kill against them
^g-^* Every hero kill made with the Doom Bringer grants a bonus 10 Attack Damage on
the Doom Bringer
^m*^* This bonus Attack Damage remains on the item even if dropped
^m*^* Max of 25 charges

^095Lex Talionis^*
^r+^* ^995Lex Talionis having 0 mana cost was being abused on the courier and this
will fix that abuse. Self-buff no longer stacking was removed to fix Parasite
getting the buff twice.^*
^g-^* Self buff no longer stacks with enemy debuff if transferred
^g-^* Mana Cost increased from 0 to 5

^095Null Stone^*
^r+^* ^995Null Stone was simply too cheap and had to cost more.^*
^g-^* Item cost increased from 150 to 300
^g-^* Removing a Null Stone buff from an enemy now grants kill assist credit
^095Post Haste^*
^r+^* ^995Poste Haste was a farming tool that was not being used as much as it
could be due to pricing.^*
^g-^* Recipe reduced from 1900 to 1600

^095Power Supply^*
^r+^* Power Supply is now a more cost-effective tool.
^g-^* Cost reduced from 240 gold to 225 gold

^095Veiled Rot^*
^r+^* ^995Veiled Rot was causing players to feel under the constant threat of ganks
that they could not play around. With the addition of stock, players can play
around the timings much easier.^*
^g-^* Can now be purchased from the Observatory (suggested by community member
^g-^* Now starts the game with 3 stock in the shop
^g-^* Gains 1 stock every 3 minutes
^g-^* Max of 5 stock

^970== Community ==^*

^609^:= HoNiversary =^*

^g-^* May 12th of this year marks a huge moment in Heroes of Newerth history as we
observe HoN's 5th year as a major online multiplayer game. To commemorate this
occasion, this HoNiversary's celebrations include sales in Merrick's store,
engaging community events, and entertaining in-game changes to some of HoN's
favorite maps and units. In addition to that, there will be special contests and
content for the entire community to participate in and enjoy. Join us in this
wonderful HoNiversary celebration!
^g-^* To see all of the activities going on during HoNiversary, head here:

^609= 8-Bit Avatars =^*

^g-^* Heroes of Newerth's 8-Bit Collection is about more than reminiscing about
some of your earliest gaming conquests; it's about laying the foundation for new
ones. That's why we're taking 25% of all revenue generated from the 8-Bit set and
using it to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event, DreamHack Summer
2015. In addition to contributing to HoN eSports, when you collect 8-Bit avatars
you will be eligible for exclusive 8-Bit perks.

^g-^* Currently available 8-Bit Avatars: ^079Big Boss Bubbles^*,

^079LightGunblade^*, ^079Paku Devourer^*,
^079Game Master Puppet Master^*
^g-^* 8-Bit Avatars coming this patch: ^079Pixelkeeper^*, ^079DDRhapsody^*

^g-^* Perks: For owning ^o2/4/6/8^* 8-Bit Avatars, you can claim the 8-Bit
^oWard/Courier/Taunt/Announcer^* for FREE.
^g-^* To take part in the 8-Bit experience and track your journey across the map of
Arcadia, head here:

^609= A.R.M.S. Collection =^*

^g-^* The futuristic A.R.M.S Collection has been available exclusively in Plinko
since March 10th. Similar to the 8-Bit Avatars, 25% of all revenue generated from
Plinko will be used to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event,
DreamHack Summer 2015.

^g-^* Currently Available A.R.M.S. Avatars: ^079Invader Kane^*, ^079Savior

Hammerstorm^*, ^079Savior Rally^*, ^079Savior Pebbles^*, ^079Invader Ravenor^*,
^079Savior Legionnaire^*, ^079Savior Solstice^*, ^079Invader Dampeer^*
^g-^* New A.R.M.S. Avatars available in the DreamHack Chest in Plinko: ^079Savior
Emerald Warden^*

^g-^* Perks: Collect all 10 A.R.M.S. Avatars and you can claim the 11th, Gold
Collection A.R.M.S. avatar for FREE.
^g-^* For more information about the A.R.M.S. Collection, head here:

^970== New Content ==^*

^609^:= HoNiversary =^*

New Limited Edition ^079Shadowblade^* Avatar: ^079Dominion^*

^g-^* The glorious regions of Newerth have combined forces for HoNiversary into one
unstoppable warrior, capable of shifting combat tactics to suit any environment and
enemy. This harmonious melding of regional fighting styles and cultures is a
shining example for all of us—especially over chat.

New Limited Edition ^079Oogie^* Avatar: ^079Boogie Oogie^*

^g-^* Boogie Oogie is a rising star on the streets. Coming from nothing and working
hard to make a name for himself as one of the greatest break dancers around, he is
close to reaching that dream. Watch this B-boy drop, float and suicide his way to
victory, but don't get in his way otherwise he'll drop the bass right on top of

New Gold Edition Taunt: ^gR.I.Pepperoni^*

^g-^* Send your opponents to a saucy grave with this tasty taunt!

New Holiday Edition Name Color: ^970^:HoNiversary Glowing Gold^*

^g-^* Add some lustre to your HoN life with the top-tier Glowing Gold Name Color!

New Holiday Edition Ward: ^gHoNiversary Ward^*

^g-^* Put your celebratory spirit on full display with this 5-Year HoNiversary

The following heroes and avatars have been imported from the China build! These
vastly improved models replace the current versions.
^g-^* Hero: ^079Midas^*
^m*^* Avatar: ^079Santa Midas Avatar^*
^g-^* Hero: ^079Jeraziah^*
^m*^* Avatar: ^079Dark Jeraziah^*
^g-^* Hero: ^079Valkyrie^*
^g-^* Hero: ^079Succubus^*
^g-^* Hero: ^079Legionnaire^*
^g-^* Avatar: ^079Scorpio Slither^*
^g-^* Avatar: ^079Hermes Scout^*

^609= The War Effort =^*

New War Effort Announcer Pack: ^gMerrick^*

^g-^* By far the best item in the shop! Cash in on wholesale domination with
Merrick himself announcing your game.
^609= 8-Bit =^*

New 8-Bit ^079Gravekeeper^* Avatar: ^079Pixelkeeper^*

^g-^* What happens to all the minions, creeps, and baddies who sacrifice themselves
so the heroes of Arcadia can level-up? Their scattered bits and pieces are lovingly
collected and restored by the Pixelkeeper, who believes there is a legendary
warrior within every minor enemy and all they need is a chance to prove their
skills are equal to their ambitions. Maybe it will happen this time...Okay, let's
try again...

New 8-Bit ^079Rhapsody^* Avatar: ^079DDRhapsody^*

^g-^* DDRhapsody is the reigning dance champion of Arcadia, and as soon as she saw
the carnage and chaos of Newerth she immediately started a campaign to replace all
combat with dance battles. She was beating Gauntlet soundly when he blasted her off
the platform with a catastrophic fist, and now she's going to freestyle across the
battlefield and dance on the enemy's graves. Perfect!!
^g-^* DDRhapsody has a unique spawn sound the first time she enters the map. Each
time she respawns a sound will play. Owning the Staff of The Master grants you a
new ability 4 song.

^609= A.R.M.S. =^*

New A.R.M.S. ^079Predator^* Avatar: ^079Savior Predator^*

^g-^* The Predators were suspicious of the shiny, noisy Advanced Robotic Mobile
Suits and what benefit they might serve when bone claws, spikes, and a stone hide
had worked so well against man, and now daemon. Then the Engineers showed them what
a captured Hellbourne Invader suit was capable of -^g-^* slicing through tooth,
claw, and stone with ease -^g-^* and the Predators knew they would have to do what
they've always done: adapt, evolve, and kill everything in front of them.

^609= General =^*

New Base ^079Riptide^* Model

^g-^* Riptide's base has been changed from a lumbering elemental creature of the
deep to a beautiful merwoman with a monstrous secret.
^g-^* New Riptide lore: There are few sailors of the Hollow Sea brave or non-
superstitious enough to whisper of The Maw, the deepest oceanic trench upon
Newerth's scarred landscape. Those who can muster the courage to mention it speak
only myth and rumor, for any vessel unlucky enough to actually gaze into the
churning abyss is pulled to its black depths forever...or until The Maw decides to
regurgitate them, the living drowned, twisted and deformed by the crushing pressure
and insidious consciousness of the void.
The creature known as Riptide was the finest captain of the Legion's Armada, and
any who questioned her ability due to gender would find it hard to continue their
insults with a slit throat. Her ship, The Mermaid's Wrath, was sailing upon calm
waters when the sea began to swirl and churn. The Maw was hungry. The Mermaid's
Wrath and her entire crew were lost to the whirlpool, and as soon as the top castle
disappeared the waters returned to serenity. But below the surface, these fine
sailors and their captain were just beginning the endless torture of The Maw. Their
lungs were filled with its icy waters, which had a terrible, undeniable
consciousness, and their bodies were broken, battered, and reformed in the
undertow. When the Second Corruption occurred and all of Newerth shook, The Maw
released Riptide to serve as a protector of the deep, imbued with additional
strength whenever she feels the cold comfort of water, and to deliver the most
skilled warriors of Newerth back to the abyss. If the shape-shifting Riptide is any
indication of what will become of them, it is best for everyone to stay out of the

New POGs Avatar: ^079The Dark Lady^*

^g-^* These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

All bots reflect hero changes.

^g-^* ^256Dragon's Path^* is no longer added to the Shuffle Ability pool for
^095Rift Wars^*
^g-^* ^256Dragon's Path^* ability slots now work correctly for ^095Rift Wars^*
^g-^* ^256Twisted Visage^* channeling will no longer be cancelled if the targeted
enemy hero dies mid-channel
^g-^* ^256Lackey^* will no longer persist on the map when ^079Deadlift^* is on his
^g-^* Fixed Parasite's ^256Leech^* ignoring magic immunity if the immunity was
activated after the projectile spawned but prior to impact

^g-^* Removed unused files

^g-^* Fixed spacing on a lot of files
^g-^* Added updated effects for many heroes, items, and abilities
^g-^* Updated animations and sounds for several heroes
^g-^* Cleaned up the scripting of several heroes
^g-^* Several heroes have had their filter ratings adjusted
^g-^* ^079Arachna's^* gadgets are no longer immune in ^095Blitz Mode^*
^g-^* ^079Infernal Behemoth^* Alt Avatar art updated
^g-^* Fixed ^079Maliken's^* interaction with Illusions
^g-^* ^079Gravekeeper's^* sound design updated
^g-^* ^079Puppet Master^* sound issues fixed
^g-^* ^079Martyr^* now gives assists from healing
^g-^* Random bonus gold from ^095The Grimm Hunt^* and ^095Rift Wars^* reduced from
300 to 150
^g-^* Many items and abilities that can be toggled have had their icons updated

^970Version 3.6.8^*
22nd April 2015

^970== General ==^*

^292-^* ^539Blitz Mode^* option is now available in Mid Wars matchmaking, replacing
^539Duplicate Heroes^*.

^539Songkran Mid Wars Map^*

^292- ^* Water Balloons & Trebuchets have been removed.

^970== DreamHack Community Funding ==^*

^5398-Bit Avatars^*
^292- ^*Heroes of Newerth's 8-Bit Collection is about more than reminiscing about
some of your earliest gaming conquests; it's about laying the foundation for new
ones. That's why we're taking 25% of all revenue generated from the 8-Bit set and
using it to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event, DreamHack Summer
2015. In addition to contributing to HoN eSports, when you collect 8-Bit avatars
you will be eligible for exclusive 8-Bit perks.

^292- ^*Currently available 8-Bit Avatars: ^079Big Boss Bubbles^*,

^292- ^*8-Bit Avatars coming this patch: ^079Paku Devourer^*, ^079Game Master
Puppet Master^*

^292- ^*Perks: For owning 2/4/6/8 8-Bit Avatars, you can claim the 8-Bit
^090Ward/Courier/Taunt/Announcer^* for FREE.
^292- ^*To take part in the 8-Bit experience and track your journey across the map
of Arcadia, head here:

^539A.R.M.S. Collection^*
^292- ^*The futuristic A.R.M.S Collection has been available exclusively in Plinko
since March 10th. Similar to the 8-Bit Avatars, 25% of all revenue generated from
Plinko will be used to help fund Heroes of Newerth's upcoming eSports event,
DreamHack Summer 2015.

^292- ^*Currently Available A.R.M.S. Avatars: ^079Invader Kane^*, ^079Savior

Hammerstorm^*, ^079Savior Rally^*, ^079Savior Pebbles^*, ^079Invader Ravenor^*,
^079Savior Legionnaire^*, ^079Savior Solstice^*
^292- ^*A.R.M.S. Avatars available in the DreamHack Chest in Plinko: ^079Invader

^292- ^*Perks: Collect all 10 A.R.M.S. Avatars and you can claim the 11th, Gold
Collection A.R.M.S. avatar for FREE.
^292- ^*For more information about the A.R.M.S. Collection, head here:

^970== The War Effort ==^*

New War Effort Trophy Avatar: ^079Swiftblade^*

^292- ^*The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy

^970== New Content ==^*

New 8-Bit ^079Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^079Game Master^*

^292- ^*The electronic realm of Arcadia has been sealed away from the passage of
time for decades due to a defensive shield coded by the Quarter Masters. This
shield has kept them isolated and safe from the chaos of Newerth, but 8-Bit Kane
accidentally sliced through the power cord during his headstrong rush through the
shield to join the fray. Now all the characters of Arcadia are free to roam Newerth
while the Quarter Masters duct-tape the cord, jostle consoles and blow into
cartridges in a frantic attempt to reactivate the shield.
^292- ^*Game Master is the #1 pro player in Arcadia, and all the 8-Bit characters
queue up to be controlled by his peerless skills. Now that he's running free in
Newerth, our heroes suddenly find themselves in the hands of a master gamer - but
he rarely has their survival in mind, and he's keeping all the +1 lives for

New 8-Bit ^079Devourer^* Avatar: ^079Paku Devo^*

^292- ^*Paku Devo has been chomping at the bit to escape Arcadia and charge through
the all-you-can-eat lanes of the Forest of Caldavar, gobbling up everything in
sight. Now he has his chance, and even Lord Salforis's ghosts are running the other

New 8-Bit Courier: ^090Owl Courier^*

^292- ^*The wise 8-Bit owl courier knows the quickest route to deliver your pixels
with no assembly required!

New Three Judges ^079Accursed^* Avatar: ^079Abaddon, Lord of Locusts^*

^292- ^*Now that he has seen the abundant and thriving life upon Newerth, Abaddon
brings forth from the Abyss an army of daemonic locusts, and as their lord and
master he has donned his locust armor to lead them through the Forest of Caldavar,
devouring and devastating all that teems with life. Some believe being blessed by
Sol will save them from his wrath, but Abaddon cares not which god has smiled upon

New ^079Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^079Kissaki^*

^292- ^*Even though the war of the Second Corruption rages on, devouring the young,
green recruits of the Legion, the Shào Temple high in the Sang-La Mountains refuses
to expand their cadet program beyond the chosen few prodigies with the physical and
spiritual requirements to survive the training. If the Temple accepted more
recruits with lesser skills, they would simply die before they faced the
Hellbourne; if the Shào monks lowered their standards, the cadets would no longer
be worth fifty warriors when they finally stepped foot on the battlefield.
^292- ^*Cadet Kissaki is the example the monks provided when the Legion recruiters
travel from Adkarna to demand higher numbers. They sent her to the front lines with
the recruiters, and when she decimated an entire Hellbourne platoon without dulling
her blades on armor or shields, the coterie from Adkarna issued a final order about
the Shào Temple: Leave the monks alone. They know what they're doing.

New A.R.M.S. ^079Emerald Warden^* Avatar: ^079Savior Emerald Warden^*

^292- ^*The Savior suit constructed to fit the centaur-like Emerald Warden confused
the Legion command; no record of the previous civilizations indicated they knew of
the druidic beasts, or that the Wardens even existed in those times. But as soon as
the dust had been cleaned from the joints and the suit was activated, Finian the
Emerald Warden emerged from the thick forest to don the enhanced armor and
weaponry, and his command of the robotic wolf and eagle was immediate and seamless.
The Wardens are known for their secrets, and the Legion command hopes there is a
good reason why the enigmatic creatures kept the existence of the Savior Advanced
Robotic Mobile Suits to themselves until now.

New Custom Ward Bundle: ^090Classic Carry Hero Wards^*

^717* ^*Make sure everyone can see you carry your team to victory with these
classic carry wards!
^292- ^*^079The Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*Stay in the cover of darkness and reveal the opposition with The Dark Lady
^292- ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*Let your arrows point the way with the Forsaken Archer ward!
^292- ^*^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*The Magebane wards have their own nickname: Gankbane.
^292- ^*^079Silhouette^*
^717* ^*The Silhouette ward keeps a very sharp eye out for the enemy!
^292- ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*Harness the glorious light of the moon with the Moon Queen ward!
^292- ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*See the enemy strikes coming from across the map and set up your counter
strikes with the Swiftblade ward!

New POGs Avatar: ^079Tempest^*

^292- ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Players are booted from the match they are currently playing in if they
grief other players by excessively spamming commands on them
^292- ^*Mid Wars banning phase now properly displays "Banning..." instead of
^292- ^*Store items with specific unlock conditions no longer have their
gold/silver prices reset to their "original" values
^292- ^*Right clicks/left clicks properly bypass state icons and parts of the UI
that don't react when clicked
^292- ^*You are now able to interact with the chat UI properly while Mentoring
someone (e.g. with the friend list drop-down menus, chat channels, etc.)

The War Effort

^292- ^*Resetting a quest on your main account no longer prevents resetting a quest
on a sub-account
^292- ^*Double-clicking on a satchel no longer displays an error

^292- ^*^256Disco Inferno^* now has a higher audio volume
^292- ^*^256Disco Inferno^* volume now decreases when Protective Melody (R) is in


^970Version 3.6.7^*
7th April 2015

^970== General ==^*

^539Songkran Mid Wars Map^*

^292- ^*Newerth celebrates the Thai New Year with an updated Mid Wars map! Enjoy
these new features for a limited time only!
^292- ^*Songkran Fun & Games: Water Balloons & Trebuchets
^717* ^*A water balloon spawns every 30 seconds opposite the rune
^717* ^*Players can grab this balloon and bring it to their trebuchet to reload it
^717* ^*Attacking your trebuchet launches water balloons at the enemy team's
^717* ^*Units hit by balloons are slowed per hit and take magic damage
^717* ^*Trebuchets target random heroes and show where balloons will land
^292- ^*Map Updates
^717* ^*New Songkran music added for the Mid Wars map and its lobby: Celebrate
Songkran with the ancient music of Thailand
^717* ^*New top jungle camp with waterfalls
^717* ^*Water updated to a more clear and pleasant teal color
^717* ^*Textures, lights, particle effects, foliage and terrain have all been
updated and tweaked
^717* ^*Boss area has been updated with new statues and props
^539New Songkran Mid Wars Boss: Songkranstein^*
^292- ^*Transmutanstein is in full Songkran celebration mode and he's loaded up
with water, clouds of white powder and flower petals to power-cleanse any bad
spirits who wander into his festival site

^292- ^*Q: ^256Sleeping Powder^*
^717* ^*Songkranstein shoots a blast of colored powder into the air
^717* ^*After a few seconds, the powder comes back down in an AOE around the boss
^717* ^*Any unit caught in the AOE slows down, then falls asleep for 3 seconds
^292- ^*W: ^256Water Cannon^*
^717* ^*Songkranstein sprays a blast of water toward a hero
^717* ^*All units caught in the blast are pushed in its direction, taking damage at
the end
^292- ^*E: ^256Geysers^*
^717* ^*Spawns geysers at random locations in the Songkranstein pit
^717* ^*If a unit is on a geyser when it explodes, they are thrown out of the pit
^292- ^*R: ^256Water Spouts^*
^717* ^*Songkranstein sprays three streams of water in different directions that
rotate around him slowly enough for heroes to avoid
^717* ^*Units caught in the stream are pushed back and suffer magic damage
^717* ^*Units are trapped in the pit during this time by a wall created by
^717* ^*The only way to leave the pit is to blink out or get ejected by a Geyser

Mid Wars
^292- ^*Duplicate Heroes Banning Pick is now a default mode in Matchmaking

^970== The War Effort ==^*

^292- ^*As the battle rages across Newerth, questers are continually finding new,
lucrative opportunities!
^717* ^*In this Cycle, complete your missions to earn an assortment of Gold and
Silver as well as ^079POG Soulstealer^* and this cycle's exclusive avatar,
^079Minerva Silhouette^*
^717* ^*This cycle's reward for those questers who top the leaderboard is the
coveted ^079Trophy Swiftblade^*

^292- ^*New War Effort ^079Silhouette^* Avatar: ^079Minerva^*

^717* ^*Nothing prepares you for combat on Newerth quite like being ripped out of
your mother's womb (also your aunt's) and devoured by your father Jupiter, then
springing out of his forehead holding a complete arsenal of weapons. With all of
this considered, it makes complete sense that Minerva is the goddess of wisdom,
arts, trade, and strategy. In the war between the Legion and Hellbourne she chooses
to devote her artistic talents to carving up the enemy, loves to trade blades for
kills, and most of her strategies revolve around stealing worshipers from her Greek
counterpart Athena. The first chance she gets to snag that fluffy owl away from the
daughter of Zeus, consider it grappled.
^717* ^*Claim ^079Minerva^* by opening the final chest in this cycle of the War

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Gold Edition Songkran ^079Engineer^* Avatar: ^079Soaker Rosie^*

^717* ^*Soaker Rosie is locked, loaded and ready to drench the battlefield with her
arsenal of watery weapons. Her appetite for fun is infectious and she has everyone
joining in the incredible festivities, but make no mistake, she is a killer shot
with her blundersoaker and has no shortage of water balloons to hurl your way!

^292- ^*New Songkran ^079Magmus^* Avatar: ^079Tidal Magmus^*

^717* ^*With Songkran underway and festivities in full swing, the tide itself has
come to join in the festivities. This colorful, hulking elemental has been
drenching everyone and generally causing unadulterated fun. Help everyone cool down
by letting out an eruption of water and wash those daemons away!

^292- ^*New Songkran ^079Riptide^* Avatar: ^079Chalawan^*

^717* ^*Chalawan is a terrifying and elusive creature due to its ability to
shapeshift from a beautiful woman into a murderous creature. Seducing unsuspecting
warriors and luring them down to the river for a swim, Chalawan transforms into a
monstrous crocodile and her victims are never seen again. Be careful where you dip
your toes...

^292- ^*New 8-Bit ^079Bubbles^* Avatar: ^079Big Boss^*

^717* ^*The electronic realm of Arcadia has been sealed away from the passage of
time for decades due to a defensive shield coded by the Quarter Masters. This
shield has kept them isolated and safe from the chaos of Newerth, but 8-Bit Kane
accidentally sliced through the power cord during his headstrong rush through the
shield to join the fray. Now all the characters of Arcadia are free to roam Newerth
while the Quarter Masters duct-tape the cord, jostle consoles and blow into
cartridges in a frantic attempt to reactivate the shield.
^717* ^*As soon as the shield went down, Big Boss Bubbles erupted from his castle
and continued his relentless pursuit of two goals: Marrying Aquarius, the heavenly
body he believes is destined to be his bride, and ridding the world of plumbers. In
a cruel twist of irony, Big Boss doesn't quite understand how HoN works and has no
idea he'll never be in a game with another Bubbles avatar. But that won't stop him
from hunting plumbers during his search, and he'll do his best to clog up pipes and
flood the map to call these damned wrench-turners out of hiding.

^292- ^*New 8-Bit ^079Gunblade^* Avatar: ^079LightGunblade^*

^717* ^*There are only so many pixelated ducks, gangsters, and prison camp guards
one can shoot before boredom sets in, so when the shield containing Arcadia
collapsed LightGunblade coiled his cords, packed his guns and grappled his way into
Newerth as quickly as possible. The plethora of new, challenging targets made his
trigger fingers twitch with anticipation, and as soon as they pop up out of the
weeds, consider them blasted. The same goes for that damned dog if he doesn't stop
^717* ^*^079LightGunblade^* will say random taunt lines when getting hero kills and
random lines of anger when respawning.

^292- ^*New 8-Bit Ward: ^0908-Bit Ward^*

^717* ^*This exclusive ward will keep a giant 8-Bit eye out for any dangerous
pixels headed your way. Claim it by owning Big Boss Bubbles and LightGunblade!

^292- ^*New 8-bit music added for the Caldavar map and its lobby: During the
invasion of the Arcadians, the great Preserver of Songs noticed a lack of bleeps
and bloops in the new land. With the power of circuitry and sound chips, the
Preserver brought the tunes of Arcadia into Newerth.

^292- ^*New A.R.M.S. ^079Dampeer^* Avatar: ^079Invader Dampeer^*

^717* ^*Dampeer is not known for armor of any kind -- or clothes, for that matter
-- so the Electrician was surprised when the life-sucking creature enlisted for the
first wave of the Invader suits. His motivation was simple: if the Legion soldiers
will be wearing armor impervious to his claws, how will he get to their blood and
innards? The obvious solution is to don an enhanced weapon system just as powerful,
with claws strong enough to open the Savior suits like cans of delicious gallantry.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Soulstealer^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*The AFK timer is properly reset for a player when damage is dealt by that
^292- ^*Leaver items are now properly upgradeable

Blitz Mode
^292- ^*Mimics, illusions and player-controlled units are now properly affected by
the Blitz Mode state at all points of the game (rather than just at the beginning
of the game)
^292- ^*Couriers now heal properly at the allied well

^292- ^*Abaddon no longer loses his pet dragon visual after respawning if Sear is
^717* ^*Pet dragon visual is present only if the player has the Three Judges avatar
set bonus

^292- ^*Harcoon Bushwack head side-edge parts of the model no longer disappear at
certain angles

^292- ^*Default Defiler hand visual effects are now properly applied to both hands,
e.g. Revenant's Defile

^292- ^*Osiris Electrician's voice cast sounds increased for Cleansing Shock
^292- ^*Cleansing Shock no longer kills ally illusions

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Summon Gawain will no longer be added to the Rift Wars skill pool

^292- ^*Fixed visuals for Essence Link not displaying properly if the target was
morphed by Kuldra's Sheepstick

^292- ^*B.A.N.G. now has the proper charge regain timer for Blitz mode (1.6

^292- ^*Hand in Hand now properly grants assists when healing allies

^292- ^*Earthroc Pebbles visuals now properly sync with the current level of
Enlarge for each level of his ultimate

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Cursed Shield visual effects are shown properly on units that are hexed

^292- ^*Fixed the missing rainbow while charging from Rainbow Rampage

^079Sir Benzington^*
^292- ^*Drop Bearzington now has a yellow color scheme when Staff of the Master is
in his inventory

^292- ^*Skiver Valkyrie's Javelin length increased to match other Valkyrie avatars'

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*Visual purple effects now propagate to illusions correctly when Geometer's
Bane is activated

^292- ^*The following skill and item usages no longer puts Striders on cooldown:
^717* ^*Courier's Delivery subability
^717* ^*Courier's Homeward Bound subability
^717* ^*^090Bottle^*
^717* ^*^090Ioyn Stone^*
^717* ^*^090Health Potion^*
^717* ^*^090Lex Talionis^*
^717* ^*^090Mana Potion^*
^717* ^*^090Blight Stones^*
^717* ^*^090Ward of Sight^*
^717* ^*^090Ward of Revelation^*


^970Version 3.6.6^*
24th March 2015

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Moon Queen^* Event Avatar: ^079Gisele, Garena Star League Moon
^717* ^*Once a year the elite combatants of Newerth clash on the ultimate
battlefield, the Garena Star League, and Gisele is tired of cheering from the
booths! She carries the full power of the spectacular event with an arsenal of
stars, lights, and lasers to dazzle the crowd and leave her enemies wishing they'd
opted for the VIP access!

New Event Wards: ^090Garena Star League Wards^*

^292- ^*^090GSL Trophy Ward^*: A dazzling GSL star floating above the ultimate
tournament trophy: the Doom Bringer! This ward will be available for purchase from
the store
^292- ^*^090Sync eSports^*: The electric Sync logo floating above a furious digital
^292- ^*^090Snoop Dog^*: The fierce DDog logo floating above a burning team banner.

^292- ^*New Event Courier: ^090Garena Star League Courier^*

^717* ^*The last thing you need during the GSL 2015 tournament is delayed delivery
of your items, and the GSL postman will make sure you get them ASAP!

^292- ^*New Event Icon: ^539Garena Star League Icon^*

^717* ^*Show your support for GSL 2015 by rocking this account icon!
^292- ^*New Gold Edition ^079Witch Slayer^* Avatar: ^079Sacrilege^*
^717* ^*The elite Witch Slayer named Jonathan Wry embarked upon a mission to carry
the purifying Sun Chalice to the Scar and pour its contents into the depths of the
Underworld so Newerth could finally begin to heal. With each step closer to the
Scar, Wry could feel the corruption taking root within his body, his soul. This
mission would cost him his life, but sacrifice had always been prized by Sol's
chosen. As he tipped the chalice toward the Scar, a beautiful woman with a dragon
draped across her shoulders made him pause, made him doubt, and this was all the
corruption needed to complete its infestation. Jonathan Wry became Sacrilege, and
the Legion's greatest Witch Slayer now hunted his former brothers and sisters for
Calamity's twisted version of Sol's prophecy.
^717* ^*This Gold Edition avatar changes from pure to corrupted as you level up and
features new effects for Graveyard, Power Drain, and Silver Bullet. In addition,
any boots will give him glowing, corrupted footprints.

^292- ^*New ^079Drunken Master^* April Fool's Day Holiday Edition Avatar:
^079Drunken Fool^*
^717* ^*No matter what happens on the battlefield against the brutal, merciless
Hellbourne, there is one man in Adkarna who never gets depressed. This may have
something to do with the fact that he never gets sober, but we'll never know. The
Drunken Fool is the full-time professional Jester of the Royal Family, but because
Jeraziah hates fun and Ophelia rarely sets foot in the Capital, the Fool spends
most of his time making sure the wine cellar does not gather cobwebs and honing his
stage combat skills against the gilded mirrors throughout the castle. "How feeble
and wobbly these enemies are! Have at you, bleruuughzzzzz..."

^292- ^*New ^079Thunderbringer^* Easter Holiday Edition Avatar: ^079Fluffybringer^*

^717* ^*Fluffybringer loves three things: Easter egg hunts, bad puns and
electricity. This gives the annual festival in Newerth a bit of a 'shocking' twist
and is sure to liven the mood for a while. Don't let his name or appearance fool
you though; there is nothing fluffy and sweet about about him if he catches you
stealing his eggs or cheating on the Easter egg hunt-he'll have no qualms steaming
you like a cup of hot chocolate.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Legionnaire^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Music and Sounds ==^*

^292- ^*New music added in for Caldavar and Midwars' maps

^292- ^*New lobby music


^970Version 3.6.5^*
10th March 2015

^970== General ==^*

New Game Mode: ^539The Grimm Hunt^*

^292- ^*^995The Grimm Hunt is the very first objective-based game mode in Heroes of
^292- ^*^995Played on Grimm's Crossing, players will be tasked with destroying
magical Constructs that randomly spawn around the map.^*
^292- ^*Each kill on Heroes or Constructs gives your team points. The first to 5000
points can win the game... if you can finish off the enemy's base!
^292- ^*To facilitate more action-oriented gameplay, the next Construct's spawn
point is revealed 10 seconds prior to its appearance; spawn points are also pinged
on the minimap.

^539The Grimm Hunt^*: ^095Construct Types^*

^292- ^*^095Monument Constructs^* and ^095Phantom Constructs^*
^717* ^*^095Monument Constructs^* are immobile, but tread lightly; once you crack
it open you'll be greeted by a slew of panicking ^095Phantoms^*.
^292- ^*^095Guardian Constructs^*
^717* ^*These rotund ^095Constructs^* are harmless until they reach half health. At
this point, the wounded ^095Guardian^* will become enraged and pounce on whoever is
attacking it.
^292- ^*^095Drone Constructs^*
^717* ^*These ^095Constructs^* are harmless - but they have high evade skills due
to their ability to hover over terrain. They're fast and squishy

^539The Grimm Hunt^*: ^090Kill Constructs - Gear Up^*

^292- ^*Each Construct carries a ^090shop item^*. When a Construct is killed, its
item drops into the inventory of a random player on the team that struck the final
blow. If that player's inventory is full, the item goes into their stash.
^292- ^*^090Items^* can be traded and/or shared with teammates, but not sold!
^292- ^*^090Items^* can be picked up by the enemy team if dropped on the ground.
^292- ^*The ^090items^* held by ^095Constructs^* are determined by different time
^717* ^*The First Five Minutes: At the start of a match, Constructs hold ^090items
valued around 300-1,500 gold^*.
^717* ^*Mid Game: After the five minute mark things really start to get interesting
as Constructs begin to drop ^090items valued around 1,500-4,500 gold^*.
^717* ^*End Game: Party time! Once the game clock crosses ten minutes, ^090items
dropped by Constructs hold a high value^*! Ever wanted to try out a crazy item
combination? The time is now! Frankly, in many instances you won't have much of a

^539The Grimm Hunt^*: Additional Details

^292- ^*^995The Bases in The Grimm Hunt are completely invulnerable at first.^*
When one team reaches the score limit, their base will become vulnerable!
^292- ^*^995The Grimm Hunt is a casual mode exclusive!^* We know you like the
competitive aspect of HoN, but due to the hectic nature of The Grimm Hunt, it won't
have a ranked option.
^292- ^*^995Constructs will scale in power as the game progresses^*-you want the
items in the end game? You're going to have to work for them!
^292- ^*^995Outer towers have been removed!^* With so many things going on, the
removal of towers will help create some breathing room.
^292- ^*^995Heroes start at level 3 and with extra gold^*, so everyone can join the
fight quickly!
^292- ^*^995Everyone gains experience and gold passively as the game goes on.^*
^292- ^*^995Respawn times are lowered significantly^*... until one team gets 5000
points, that is.

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New War Effort Trophy Avatar: ^079Legionnaire^*

^717* ^*The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 50 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get the Trophy
^292- ^*New Plinko Chest: ^539DreamHack Chest^* (Replacing URSA Chest)
^717* ^*Collect all 10 Plinko-exclusive A.R.M.S. avatars to support eSports and get
an exclusive reward!

^292- ^*New Bali New Year Holiday Edition ^079Circe^* Avatar: ^079Dewi Sri^*
^717* ^*As the goddess of rice, fertility, harvest, and family prosperity and
harmony, Dewi Sri watches over her dominion with kindness and love. In many ancient
kingdoms of the Sang-La Mountains, she is considered to be the preeminent goddess
and is responsible for all successful harvests. Should anything threaten her
peaceful reign, she will strike them down with golden justice.

^292- ^*New St. Patrick's Day Holiday Edition ^079Klanx^* Avatar: ^079Shamrock
^717* ^*Even though he isn't Irish, Klanx embraces the annual opportunity to cut
loose and celebrate St. Patrick's Day by drinking too early and unleashing his
minions to get into as many bar fights as possible. It's best to stay away from him
for the entire holiday, because when the bar tab and the cops show up, he'll zip
away and leave you hanging.

^292- ^*New St. Patrick's Day Holiday Edition ^090Ward^*: ^090Clover Ward^*
^717* ^*Grab this St. Patrick's Day ward skin and show everyone you're both lucky
and skilled!

^292- ^*New Limited Edition Zodiac ^079Pearl^* Avatar: ^079Aries^*

^717* ^*Aries is the Zodiac's embodiment of enthusiasm, and in her constant search
for new enterprises she has looked upon the endless war of Newerth and discovered a
challenge too tempting to pass up: lifting the Legion and carrying them to safety
over the cursed Hellbourne. Her eagerness is certainly appreciated, but she may
soon find out the daemons will see her as just another sheep to fleece.

^292- ^*New A.R.M.S. ^079Solstice^* Avatar: ^079Savior Solstice^*

^717* ^*Even Solstice, the chosen warrior of the Moon Goddess Lunari, feels
trepidation at the rapid evolution of the Hellbourne's weapons and brutality, and
as a result she no longer feels completely safe in her true, nighttime form. The
Savior suit offers a blessed solution, allowing her the protection of armor
regardless of the hour. Her bond has been transferred to the daytime Savior armor,
and now she uses the agile Stealth Savior armor for her nocturnal raids.

^292- ^*New ^079Bramble^* Avatar: ^079Persian Manticore^*

^717* ^*The Persian Manticore has witnessed her mate, the Manticore, devour Newerth
heroes and beasts whole and leave no trace of their existence... and it looks like
fun! She may toy with her prey a little longer than her male counterpart, but don't
mistake that for an opportunity to escape. She welcomes another chance to stalk and
pounce on you.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Ultimate avatar visual anomalies should not happen if you remove an item
while the enemy team does not have sight of you and you then go back into the
enemy's vision
^292- ^*Taking damage no longer resets the AFK timer, which previously sometimes
prevented players from properly being marked as AFK due to global abilities.
^292- ^*Courier alternate avatars are no longer purchasable through the in-game
^292- ^*Bots now properly communicate which lane they are going to push
^292- ^*Circe will now play the correct hero selection sound
^292- ^*Deadlift's music removed from lobby

^292- ^*Robodon's green spikes now show up properly in-game on Medium graphics
settings and below

^292- ^*No longer excessively plays his death sound when killed mid-Sidestep by
someone with the Dumpster Taunt

^292- ^*The Dead Shall Rise activation no longer plays the spell visual in fog
^292- ^*The Dead Shall Rise activation no longer reveals the summoned minions to
the enemy team when the minions attack an allied/neutral faction unit

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Storm Cloud no longer produces white textures on some stealthed heroes

^292- ^*Guttling Hook sound now plays at Devourer's location when the hook
successfully hits a target, rather than at the hooked target's location

^292- ^*Lust Empath no longer regains layers of clothing when she dies and has her
ultimate leveled up

^292- ^*Call of Arms cast sound no longer uses Riftshards Gladiator's Call of Arms
cast sound when any of Gladiator's avatars have a Level 4 Riftshards in their
^292- ^*Call of Arms cast sound for Halcyon Gladiator now plays properly

^292- ^*Waylay now properly bypasses Bubbles' auto-cast Take Cover

^292- ^*Kurgan Legionnaire's ultimate sound was made louder


- Fixed the Tutorial

- Added a Knockdown animation to Medevac
- Fixed ^256Onslaught's^* Movement Speed Slow to scale properly
- Fixed ^256Onslaught^* to no longer deal absurd damage
- Fixed ^256The Dead Shall Rise^* so it can no longer get more than six units


- Fixed the ^090Ward Bundle^*
- Fixed ^079Deadlift's^* sounds playing in the HoN Store


- Fixed a few strings related to the War Effort


^970Version 3.6.4^*
24th February 2015

^970== New Hero ==^*

^539New Hellbourne Strength Hero^*: ^079Deadlift^*

^292- ^*Deadlift is a corrupted melee hero with the power to raise the dead-even
dead allied heroes!

^292- ^*Ability 1: ^256Death Grip^*
^717* ^*Target a location to begin channelling, dealing ^o75/150/225/300 Magic
Damage^* in a line and ^oImmobilizing^* the first enemy hero hit ^ofor up to
2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds^* depending on channel duration
^717* ^*Activate again while channelling to turn the wave toward your cursor

^292- ^*Ability 2: ^256Onslaught^*

^717* ^*Target an enemy unit or structure to force all nearby non-hero units to
^oattack the target for 5 seconds^*
^717* ^*The target receives up to an ^o80% tapering movement speed slow over 1.5
seconds^* depending on how many units were in the target area
^717* ^*Grants attackers ^o50/75/100/125% Attack Speed and max Movespeed^* for the

^292- ^*Ability 3: ^256The Dead Shall Rise^*

^717* ^*Target location to summon 2 undead units and deal ^o90/110/130/150 Magic
Damage^* to enemy heroes, consuming 8% of your maximum health
^717* ^*Passively makes nearby units that die ^orise and fight for you for
20/30/40/50 seconds^* with a limit of ^o3/4/5/6 undead^*. They deal
^o50/75/100/125% of their Attack Damage^* and take 200% damage

^292- ^*Ability 4: ^256Resurrection^*

^292- ^*Target a Gravestone that was left by a dying ally to revive them at
^o50/75/100% health and mana^* after a full 4/3/2 second channel.

New Debut Edition ^079Deadlift^* Alt Avatar: ^079The Great Druid Deadlift^*
^292- ^*The Great Druid is the master of the forests of Newerth and a friend to all
of nature, from the World Tree to the Sefir Tree.

New ^079Deadlift^* Alt Avatar: ^079Medevac Deadlift^*

^292- ^*Medic! This avatar can be a lifesaver on the battlefield-literally.

^995For complete lore on Deadlift and his avatars, please visit^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*HonTV button has been removed

^292- ^*Removed Bring them Back feature
^292- ^*New Lobby music: "A death does not become an end"
^292- ^*New In-game music: "Death is the Answer"

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Succubus^*

^717* ^*Authored by Anakonda
^717* ^*Includes rune bottling, puzzlebox usage, and teamfight aggression
^717* ^*Anakonda recieves 6800 gold coins, an alt avatar of his choice, and another
Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*Earn gold rewards for contributing on the bot subforums!

^717* ^*Create your own bot, or review submission code! All of these bots were
vetted by community contributors and the Community Bot Team. Join us on the bot
forums or on IRC and earn gold!

^292- ^*See the Bots forum for the current Bounty List!

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^090Deadlift Ward^*

^717* ^*Get a better look at all the enemies who will soon need fresh graves with
the Deadlift ward!

^292- ^*New Ultimate ^079Valkyrie^* URSA Corps Avatar: ^079Brunhild Valkyrie,

Commander of the URSA Corps^*
^717* ^*Ultimate Valkyrie leads her URSA warriors in the fight against all enemies
of justice, both Legion and Hellbourne
^717* ^*^995For complete lore on Brunhild, please visit^*

Ultimate Valkyrie Details

^292- ^*Level 1-3
^717* ^*Standard Armor
^292- ^*Level 4-7
^717* ^*Winged Valkyrie Boots
^292- ^*Level 8-11
^717* ^*Upgraded Lower Body Armor
^292- ^*Level 12-15
^717* ^*Upgraded Upper Body Armor
^292- ^*Level 16+
^717* ^*URSA Valkyrie Helmet
^717* ^*Altered Voice

Ultimate Valkyrie Items

^292- ^*^090Nullfire^*
^717* ^*Black wings with midnight blue sheen and flame effects.
^292- ^*^090Wingbow^*
^717* ^*Golden wings with green sheen and mystic effects.
^292- ^*^090Frostburn/Dawnbringer^*
^717* ^*Orange and blue wings with ice and flame effects.
^292- ^*^090Energizer^*
^717* ^*Green wings with yellow sparks and lightning.
^292- ^*^090Geometer's Bane^*
^717* ^*Purple wings with purple sparkles.
^292- ^*^090Shieldbreaker^*
^717* ^*Golden wings with red dripping blood.
^292- ^*^090Charged Hammer^*
^717* ^*Blue/purple wings with white lightning.

^292- ^*New ^079Monkey King^* Avatar: ^079Lu Bu^*

^717* ^*Lu Bu descends from the clouds of the Monastery of the Way with the elusive
skills of an elite Guardian, yet he is burning to stand before the advancing enemy
and send them back to the craters and crypts from which they crawled.

^292- ^*New ^079Maliken^* Avatar: ^079Cao Cao^*

^717* ^*Cao Cao is a shrewd, crafty leader who designed the flawless, impenetrable
security of the Monastery of the Way who now carries those strategies to the
enemies of Newerth. He prefers to remain calm and collected during battle, but if
his fellow Guardians are threatened, the wrath of the Sang-La Mountain spirits may
possess him...

^292- ^*New A.R.M.S. ^079Kane^* Avatar: ^079Invader Kane^*

^717* ^*As soon as Kane heard about the Invader Suits he elbowed his way to the
front of the line for the first fittings. Anything that offers more opportunities
to close with the enemy and bash him into submission is welcome in Kane's arsenal,
though he laments the fact that the helmet messes up his hair and his victims
cannot see his smirking face as they die. Their loss.

New Ward Bundle: Classic Jungle Heroes

^292- ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*Display your elemental superiority with the Tempest ward!
^292- ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*Observe nature in all its glory with the Keeper of the Forest ward!
^292- ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*Infest the map with Parasite wards to see who needs a facehug!
^292- ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*Spread your judgement, touch, and wrath across the map with the Ophelia
^292- ^*^079Solstice^*
^717* ^*Grab this ward and extend your shining rays into the darkest corners of
^292- ^*^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*Show your Hellhounds where the cowards are hiding with the War Beast ward!
^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*You can't trample 'em or hook 'em if you can't see 'em. Make sure you can
with the Cthulhuphant ward!

^292- ^*New War Effort Reward Taunt: ^539Treasure Chest Taunt^*

^717* ^*Complete the second cycle of The War Effort to claim this booty-filled

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Voodoo Jester^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==

^292- ^*Certain abilities such as War Beast's Battle Cry now properly give assist
^292- ^*Illusions will no longer leave visual model parts behind when killed
^292- ^*Dying to neutral creeps no longer ends your kill streak
^717* ^*When the opposing team kills you after you die to neutral creeps, kill
streak bonuses will be properly awarded to the enemy team
^292- ^*Skills with different max level values (4 for regular skills, 3 for
ultimate skills) should now auto-level properly in Hero Guides
^717* ^*Example: Flux's Polarity Swap (E), Tarot's Luck of the Draw (R)
^292- ^*Skill selection should no longer transfer to different units
^292- ^*When using the select avatar icon on the hero pick screen it will no longer
select the regular avatar if you select an Alt Avatar
^292- ^*Ward slot now displays properly if the minimap is swapped to the right side
of the UI
^292- ^*Silver coins are now displayed properly in Midwars and other matchmaking
^292- ^*The ladder and quest button while viewing the ladder have been spaced

Blitz Mode
^292- ^*Autoattacks that damage self will no longer deal extra autoattack damage to
self (e.g. Maliken's Sword of the Damned's Enchanted Flames)

^292- ^*Updated textures and sounds for Clown Devourer

^292- ^*Mangler Engineer's Steam Turret spawn projectile now matches the turret

^292- ^*Pentinent Lodestone properly retains its 3D portrait after using
^292- ^*Heap Lodestone properly displays the body in the 3D portrait after using
^292- ^*No longer has white textures on his shoulder pieces or his drill weapon
while on Low graphics settings

^292- ^*Sword of the Damned stances now propagate to illusions correctly on all alt
^717* ^*Bonus damage on Enchanted Flames still does not function on illusions since
it provides direct +damage

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Master of Bows' illusion attack sounds now match Master of Bows' attack

^292- ^*Capricorn Ophelia's Nature's Wrath no longer causes white textures to
appear on the target on the Mac client with medium graphics settings

^292- ^*Infest No longer mistakenly heals Parasite if the Infested Creep is insta-
killed by another source
^717* ^*The Consume subability on the Infested Creep still heals Parasite properly

^292- ^*Arbinger Silhouette's Relentless Salvo attack projectile now has the
correct model

^292- ^*Golden Valkyrie textures and effects have been updated

^090Harkons Blade^*
^292- ^*No longer applies the magic armor debuff when the attack misses

^292- ^*No longer applies its debuff on all of Moon Queen's Multi-Strike bounces

The following items now indicate their current upgrade level via charges
^717* ^*^090Codex^*
^717* ^*^090Lex Talionis^*
^717* ^*^090Puzzlebox^*
^717* ^*^090Riftshards^*
^717* ^*^090Shieldbreaker^*


^970Version 3.6.3^*
10th February 2015

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New War Effort Reward Avatar: ^079Trophy Fayde^*

^717* ^*The only way to get this rare, auspicious avatar is to be ranked among The
War Effort's top 25 at the end of each 28-day cycle, so keep checking that
leaderboard and completing those quests! Even the staff can't get her!

^292- ^*^539New Ultimate Avatar^*: ^079Blackwal Salforis^*

^717* ^*When Maliken Grimm sent emissaries across Newerth uniting man under a
single banner, he traveled in person to Lord Salforis in his mountain fortress of
Blackwal. At that time, the Baron of Blackwal was considered one of the most
powerful sorcerers and generals among men. He had not been seen upon a battlefield
in years, and rumors spread he had discovered a magic that would end the wars of
Man and Beast.
^717* ^*What Maliken found within the fortress caused him and his men to seal it
from the outside and pray it was never reopened. In his chambers, Salforis sat upon
a throne of corpses in a room full of the dead, commanding them to rise. He cursed
Maliken for allowing his unborn children to unleash the Hellbourne, rantings
Maliken could not comprehend at the time.
^717* ^*For decades, Salforis raved at his rotting corpses until the necromantic
energies from the opening Scar filled him and empowered his sorcery. Now he ravages
the battlefields, harvesting corpses and souls for his private army. What his plans
are when that army grows large enough, only he knows.

^995Human Form^* (Level 1-6): This is Lord Salforis in his human form when he first
began exploring the dark art of necromancy. The corruption has already taken seed
within him, but he is still in control of his mind and soul.
^717* ^*Human Form weapon
^717* ^*Human Form armor
^717* ^*Mors Certissima features Human Form Salforis heads
^717* ^*Life Tap features Human Form weapon
^717* ^*Dark Lord's Presence shows human hands reaching out of the ground

^995Corrupted Form^* (Level 7-12)

^717* ^*Corrupted Form weapon
^717* ^*Corrupted Form armor
^717* ^*Mors Certissima features corrupted skulls
^717* ^*Life Tap features corrupted shards
^717* ^*Dark Lord's Presence shows corrupted hands reaching out of the ground

^995Necromonger Form^* (13+)

^717* ^*Necromonger Form weapon
^717* ^*Necromonger Form armor
^717* ^*Mors Certissima features necromonger skulls
^717* ^*Life Tap features necrotic shards
^717* ^*Dark Lord's Presence shows necromonger hands reaching out of the ground

^292- ^*^090Upgraded Boots^*
^717* ^*Boots and footsteps glow with corrupted energy
^292- ^*^090Blood Chalice^*
^717* ^*Blood drips from armor creases & weapon
^292- ^*^090Dawnbringer^*
^717* ^*Dawnbringer effects are added to weapon
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^*
^717* ^*Weapon is replaced with a Staff of the Master
^292- ^*^090Shrunken Head^*
^717* ^*Dangling shrunken heads are added to his weapon as trophies

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Pandamonium^* Avatar: ^079Green Wood Ram^*

^717* ^*The Green Wood Ram welcomes the Chinese New Year with dynamic positivity
and creativity, and after the tumultuous Year of the Horse he is eager to bring
peace and harmony to Newerth! His primary method will be to use his green wooden
dragon staff, gifted to him by the World Tree, to generously unleash his positive
energy and celebratory mood upon the enemy until he is at peace.

^292- ^*New Courier: ^090Sheep Courier^* (Chinese New Year 2/19 Promo item)
^717* ^*Celebrate the Chinese New Year by delivering adorable fluffiness with this
sheep courier!

^292- ^*New ^079Empath^* Avatar: ^079Diao Chan^*

^717* ^*The Sang-La Mountains have always produced legendary warriors, and with
Calamity's attempt to begin the Third Corruption wreaking havoc throughout Newerth
the Shào Temple has sent the elite Guardians of the Monastery of the Way to help
thwart this dire threat to Newerth.
^717* ^*Diao Chan feels the tragic disharmony of Newerth, pushed to a critical
level by the arrival of Calamity and the tortured souls of All Hells. She moves as
one with her fellow Guardians of the Monastery of the Way, and woe be to the
enemies who amass before her with the intent of harming her allies and home.

^292- ^*New ^079Nomad^* Avatar: ^079Zhang Fei^*

^717* ^*Zhang Feid keeps to himself while at the Monastery of the Way, meditating
and contemplating his relationship with all things of the world. However, when the
time for battle comes, he concentrates on the relationship of his blade with the
skulls of his enemies. This relationship is always short and messy.

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Wretched Hag^* Avatar: ^079Lady Sita^*

^717* ^*Sita is the consort of Pra Ram, the hero of the Thai Ramakian epic myth.
Pra Ram is the incarnation of the Hindu Deity Vishnu Narayan, born on Earth in
order to punish the Demon Yaksa Tosagan and to fight for the return of Sita, who is
esteemed as a paragon of spousal and feminine virtues for all Hindu women and is
known for her dedication, self-sacrifice, courage and purity.
^717* ^*After Pra Ram rescued her, Sita refused to leave the battle and chose
instead to prove her courage and dedication to preserving the human race. She began
by walking across burning coals to show she carried no impurities from her
imprisonment, and when she emerged unharmed from the flames she knew she had a
powerful weapon to use against the evil forces of Newerth.
^717* ^*Note: This avatar has two versions, and purchasing one adds both to your
^717* ^*English Voice: Lady Sita
^717* ^*Thai Voice: Ramayana Sita

^292- ^*New A.R.M.S. Avatar: ^079Savior Rally^*

^717* ^*The Savior Advanced Robotic Mobile Suits (or A.R.M.S.) were discovered in a
sealed military bunker buried nearly a mile below the City of Iron, unearthed by
the dwarves scraping every shred of ore from the endless tunnels and caverns. They
seem to have been created by a previous civilization in a time of great conflict,
designed to carry elite warriors into battle and protect them from harm while
allowing them to carry weapons far beyond the capability of mere humans.
^717* ^*Rally has always stood in the front ranks of the Legion's vanguard, and
when the call came for volunteers to test the newly discovered Savior suits he
stepped forward without hesitation. If these A.R.M.S. will aid in the war against
the Hellbourne, this master of motivation will gladly be the shining example for
others to follow.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Kraken^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^539Tournament Mode^*: After a pause is issued, there is a 3-second delay

before the team that called the pause can unpause the game
^717* ^*This prevents accidental unpauses that would occur after pausing in
Tournament Mode since pauses are instant
^292- ^*Self-denies or denying an allied hero will no longer grant gold to the
allied team
^292- ^*Items will no longer disappear when building 2 items at the same time with
a full or nearly full inventory

^292- ^*Death effects for all avatars no longer linger after the death animation

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Sinew Forsaken Archer's Crippling Volley now plays the proper sound when
starting to cast the ability

^292- ^*Frosty the Iceman's bored animation no longer causes overhead buffs to sink
into his body

^292- ^*Slickz Grinex no longer plays an infinite animation loop if a target
disjoints his Shadow Step

^292- ^*Shards of Harkon: No longer hits the same target twice in the same cast if
Moira dies before the after first wave of Shards is launched, but before it impacts
a target

^292- ^*Noxious Nightcrawler sound adjusted to match visuals
^292- ^*Forced Evolution sound no longer plays again if illusions are created while
Forced Evolution form is up

^292- ^*Magic & Superior Magic lifesteal only functions if the damage is dealt on
an enemy hero
^717* ^*Before, it was applying for all heroes, including self & ally heroes. In
other words, Martyr could lifesteal damage off allies with his new Guardian Angel

^292- ^*Ghost of Christmas transformation sounds now play properly

^079War Beast^*
^292- ^*Metamorphosis sound no longer plays again if illusions are created while
Metamorphosis form is up


28th January 2015

^292- ^*Fixing the Interface of the post-game rewards screen


^970Version 3.6.2^*
28th January 2015

^970== General ==^*

^539New Game Mode: Blitz Mode

^292- ^*Blitz Mode comes to Newerth with one goal in mind: to inject as much chaos
into your HoN experience as possible! Blitz mode encourages an onslaught of
offensive action with:
^717* ^*80% Reduced cooldowns
^717* ^*80% Reduced mana costs
^717* ^*40% Reduced stunned durations
^717* ^*40% Reduced debuff durations
^717* ^*Auto attacks deal double damage
^717* ^*All heroes gain:
^717* ^*+5 Health Regeneration
^717* ^*+5 Mana Regeneration
^717* ^*+30 Attack Speed
^717* ^*+50 Movement Speed

^292- ^*This new mode is a playable option on Grimm's Crossing, and will be
available for a limited time; make sure to give it a shot before it rushes off!

^539New Feature: The War Effort

^292- ^*The War Effort is a brand new feature designed to reward players for
completing daily quests in Heroes of Newerth.

^292- ^*Each day, quests will be available to complete for reputation points that
are used to fill a player's War Effort satchel or chest. Once enough reputation
points are accumulated to fill a satchel or chest, they can be exchanged for in-
game content.
^292- ^*Each quest completed will also be recorded on a monthly leaderboard. Those
who complete the most quests at the end of each War Effort cycle will receive
additional rewards.
^292- ^*There's a variety of loot to be earned for those who support The War
Effort. Each cycle, a combination of up to 14 satchels and/or chests can be
exchanged for content.

^292- ^*Those who earn enough reputation points to open the final chest will be
rewarded with the ^539Treasure of Champions (ToC)^*, which is a War Effort
exclusive piece of content. The first War Effort cycle's ToC will be ^539Treasure
Hunter Hag^*!
^292- ^*The spoils of war don't stop there, though. For The War Efforts' biggest
contributors, a golden opportunity awaits, as the top 25 questers will be rewarded
with an illustrious ^539Trophy Avatar^*.
^292- ^*Seriously, ^539only 25 players^* will have access to these Trophy Avatars -
not even our staff can use them! Fayde will be the first Trophy Avatar up for

^292- ^*But you don't need to be the very best to still secure some loot from the
leaderboard; here's what you will receive if you are in the top 5000 questers for a

^292- ^*Top 10 players:

^717* ^*A Cycle 1 Chat Icon, Trophy Avatar Fayde and 390 Gold Coins.
^292- ^*11 - 25 Ranked players:
^717* ^*A Cycle 1 Chat Icon and Trophy Avatar Fayde
^292- ^*26 - 100 Ranked players:
^717* ^*A Cycle 1 Chat Icon and 200 Gold
^292- ^*101 - 250 Ranked players:
^717* ^*A Cycle 1 Chat Icon and 500 Silver
^292- ^*51 - 1000 Ranked players:
^717* ^*A Cycle 1 Chat Icon and 250 Silver
^292- ^*1001 - 5000 Ranked players:
^717* ^*A Cycle 1 Chat Icon

^292- ^*For more information about The War Effort, head here:

^292- ^*Blackwal and Dead eye gang music added to the game for the Forest of
Caldavar map.

^970== Hero & Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Dragon's Path^*: Now grants charges to Mana Battery/Power Supply
^717* ^*Also fixes a bug where Moira's Mana Sunder doesn't get triggered for
Dragon's Path
^292- ^*^256Dragon's Path^*: Mana cost increased from 20/25/30/35 to 40 at all
^292- ^*^256Funeral Pyre^*: Cooldown increased from 16/12/8/4 to 20/15/10/5 seconds
^717* ^*Cooldown for hitting creeps increased accordingly from 8/6/4/2 to
10/7.5/5/2.5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Funeral Pyre^*: Debuff duration lowered from 30/60/90/120 to 30 seconds
on enemy heroes
^717* ^*Buff still lasts 30/60/90/120 seconds on self

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292- ^*Base Strength reduced from 19 to 17

^292- ^*Eyes glow green while in ^256Stone Hide^* to make it more apparent (From
community member Katieeee)

^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^*: Max charges decreased from 120 to 100

^292- ^*^256Shadow^*: ^256Swap^* cooldown increased from 8/6/4 seconds to 10/8/6

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*Can now be purchased by the courier and will be disabled until dropped or
transferred. Once dropped or transferred it can no longer be picked up again by the
courier (From community member Syllab)

^090Shrunken Head^*
^292- ^*Now shows the amount of seconds it will last as charges on the item
(10/9/8/7/6/5) (From community member RandomOnions)

^090Sol's Bulwark^*
^292- ^*Armor increased from 5 to 6

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New War Effort Avatar: ^079Treasure Hunter Hag^*

^717* ^*This wildly adventurous treasure hunter will not be satisfied until she has
explored every uncharted area of Newerth for hidden riches, and even those areas
assumed to be picked clean often relinquish long-lost fortunes to her relentless
^717* ^*She spends more time in the dark, wild areas of Newerth than the soft
cities, and as a result she has more friends among the bats than people. These
winged friends flock to her familiar torch, guide her through treacherous territory
and protect her from those who would steal her hard-won treasures.

^292- ^*^079New Blackwal Avatars^*

^717* ^*The Legion have no dead to bury. This is not because they are winning the
war, or lose no warriors to the Hellbourne's blades and claws-it is because Lord
Salforis and his Carrion Harvesters are gathering the dead and hauling them back to
the grisly depths of Blackwal, where Salforis performs his abhorrent rituals to
reanimate the corpses to raise his personal army of the dead.

^292- ^*New Blackwal ^079Pyromancer^* Avatar: ^079Brimstone^*

^717* ^*Brimstone Pyromancer is an affront to the Sacred Order, the men and women
whose complete devotion to Sol grants them power over the miracle of flame. His
blessed spirit had ascended to the afterlife, but once his body was reanimated by
Salforis' fell sorcery his soul was dragged into Purgatory to witness his former
vessel commit acts of merciless depravity as he spews Hellfire: corrupted flames
that consume the soul and flesh alike.

^292- ^*New Blackwal ^079Engineer^* Avatar: ^079Mangler^*

^717* ^*Lord Salforis has long experimented with necromancy and reanimation, but
the fragility of dead flesh always has confounded him. When his Carrion Harvesters
brought him the corpse of a Legion Engineer, the Baron of Blackwal saw an
opportunity to augment his ranks of the undead with machinery that cannot be
killed. The corrupted Mangler was born within the tombs of Blackwal, and the Legion
will wish he'd stayed there.

^292- ^*New Gold Edition Blackwal ^079Kinesis^* Avatar: ^079Necrosis^*

^717* ^*Any sorcerer who feels drawn to the insidious necromantic arts and wants to
learn from the master will eventually make the pilgrimage to Blackwal, where they
will thrive or perish. Others, like Necrosis, will have their unwilling corpses
dragged from the battlefield by the Carrion Harvesters and dumped into the Tombs of
Travail, where they will awaken to an agonizing new existence that is neither life
nor death. Necrosis had once been a Disciple of the Way, harnessing the energy of
life that flows through all things, but Salforis has shown him the undercurrent
beneath that flow -- the undertow of death and decay -- that is quickly rising to
the surface of Newerth. Necrosis embraced it like a maggot feeding on dead flesh,
and now he carries the power of dead against his former brothers in arms.

^292- ^*New Blackwal ^079Tarot^* Avatar: ^079Death Dealer^*

^717* ^*When Lord Salforis learned that the nomadic tribes which sometimes skirted
along the fringe of Blackwal had a chosen few who could see the future, he ordered
his Carrion Harvesters to scour the realm until they found one. His shambling
soldiers did as he asked and dragged the terrified woman before the Baron of
Blackwal, who demanded the oracle tell him if he would live forever. The poor gypsy
was confounded. It felt as though her own life was being stolen in the presence of
Salforis, and every whisper from her divination told her the hulking brute of a man
was already dead. When she finally found her voice and courage and said as much,
Salforis was so enraged he called forth the grasping hands of his Undying. They
tore at the oracle's flesh and soul, but Salforis would not let them pull the life
from her completely until she told him what she saw when she sought the manner of
her own death. Only when she screamed "This! Here!" did he grant her death, though
it was a brief respite, for he immediately reanimated her corpse to serve as his
personal soothsayer of doom.

^292- ^*New A.R.M.S. ^079Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^079Savior Hammerstorm^*

^717* ^*The Savior Advanced Robotic Mobile Suits (or A.R.M.S.) were discovered in a
sealed military bunker buried nearly a mile below the City of Iron, unearthed by
the dwarves scraping every shred of ore from the endless tunnels and caverns. They
seem to have been created by a previous civilization in a time of great conflict,
designed to carry elite warriors into battle and protect them from harm while
allowing them to carry weapons far beyond the capability of mere humans.
Even Hammerstorm knows there is one thing stronger than the hammer -- the forge. By
wrapping himself in the mysterious metallic armor found beneath the City of Iron,
he constructs a new, impervious version of the famed, stoic warrior. And the suit
lets him carry a bigger hammer, so forget the other stuff.

^292- ^*New ^079Tempest^* Skin: ^079Golden Poseidon^*

^717* ^*Poseidon is ready to take his rightful place ahead of Hades and Zeus, and
when that's done he'll challenge Athena for the role of official protector of her
beloved Athens (if he can find the blasted place…). In preparation for these lofty
positions, the God of the Sea has assembled a dazzling suit of golden armor from
the endless treasures offered to him via the sunken ships strewn across his ocean
floor. It's so kind of his worshipers to sail during his tantrums -- breaking ships
into splinters always seems to cheer him up.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Jeraziah^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.
^292- ^*New Ward Skin: ^090Cassie Calamity^*
^717* ^*Those glasses might just be a fashion accessory, but this flapping stuffed
dragon ward skin will certainly help your team see better!

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Alt avatar models and effects now propagate to illusions correctly

^292- ^*^256Hell on Newerth^* now has a display timer to display when charges are
going to be removed
^717* ^*Also removed a state that had to be used on Balphagore and substituted that
with identical timer functionality

^292- ^*^256Balance of Power^* now has a display timer to indicate when the
regeneration state will be re-applied if Kane gets damaged

^292- ^*^256Wish for Wealth^* now has a display timer

^292- ^*Fixed ^090Insanitarius'^* cooldown incorrectly resetting back to 5 seconds
if toggled off on the same frame it would normally go off cooldown
^292- ^*Display timer is now shown when activated to indicate the item's internal
cooldown when toggled on

^090Shrunken Head^*
^292- ^*Now has charges to display the magic immunity duration of its next

The following items have had their autobuy item purchase sequence rearranged due to
suggestions from the Community:
^292- ^*^090Daemonic Breastplate^*: ^090Sol's Bulwark^* is now the first item in
the autobuy sequence
^292- ^*^090Kuldra's Sheepstick^*: ^090Blessed Orb^* is now the first item in the
autobuy sequence
^292- ^*^090Tablet of Command^*: ^090Major Totem^* is now the first item in the
autobuy sequence
^292- ^*^090Void Talisman^* moved from the Relics shop to the Protective shop


^970Version 3.6.1^*
14th January 2015

^292- ^*With wishful thinking for a short winter, we are reverting all maps from
holiday/winter themes back to their standard themes with this patch

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Limited Edition Zodiac ^079Bubbles^* Avatar: ^079Aquarius^*

^717* ^*Throughout history, Aquarius has been both revered for providing water for
parched crops and cursed for her destructive floods. Those floods, if the the
victims were completely honest with themselves, were celestial payback for their
own foul actions. With Newerth in constant turmoil and the deeds of the Legion and
Hellbourne threatening to stain the soil for all time, Aquarius has descended from
the heavens to pour her endless, cleansing water upon the bloody, torn earth and
its citizens. It's bath time daemons, whether you like it or not.

^292- ^*New ^079Vindicator^* Avatar: ^079Vindi the Gray^*

^717* ^*While many rely on steel and strength to bring war to the Hellbourne, the
few remaining true wizards know that victory lies in adding a dash of sorcery and
pipeweed here and there to counter the fell darkness wrought by the daemons and
corrupted men. Vindi the Gray has used these time and again in his effort to
assemble a fellowship of five who can work together without griefing or abandoning
their key posts, but such a brotherhood is rare indeed...

^292- ^*New ^079Plague Rider^* Avatar: ^079Eagle Rider^*

^717* ^*Hooray! The Eagle Riders swoop in at the last minute to fend off the winged
Hellbourne daemons who have harassed and slaughtered Legion soldiers for years! As
the Eagle Riders battle and chase the flying fiends away, some of the relieved
soldiers are overheard asking why in the name of Sol these bird pilots waited so
long to join the fray. Oh well, they're here now!

^292- ^*New ^079Rampage^* Avatar: ^079White Orc^*

^717* ^*While most Hellbourne warriors will gladly kill any Legion scum they
encounter, the White Orcs of Krula, storming down the slopes atop their slavering,
monstrous hyenas, have a special affinity for slaughtering the halfling warriors
who dwell in the mountain forests surrounding the City of Iron. The two races share
a long, lethal history of mountainous territory taken, reclaimed, and lost again to
each other and the blood feud runs deep through the veins of both sides. The
bravest halflings try to use this against the White Orcs, baiting them so fellow
Legion soldiers can flank and kill the myopic riders, but unfortunately this has
mainly resulted in a shortage of brave halflings.

^292- ^*New ^079Wildsoul^* Avatar: ^079Northman Werebear^*

^717* ^*The Northman Werebear is a legend among Legion troops, a shape-shifting
wildman whose entire race has been slaughtered by the Hellbourne. He now protects
his parcel of the Forest of Caldavar with his ever-present wood ax-and if that
doesn't work, he'll summon his beloved pet bear to chase down and shred any
trespassers. As for those who defy the ax and outwit the bear, the legend says,
they get to face the savage Northman in his transformed state, a two-legged bear
with the instinct of a primal beast and the vengeance of a broken hearted man.

^292- ^*New ^079Scout^* Avatar: ^079Halfling Warrior^*

^717* ^*The secretive halfling warriors dwell in the remote mountain forests
surrounding the City of Iron, and very few have been glimpsed since the beginning
of the Second Corruption. They chose to withdraw further into their enclaves rather
than join the battle, but the ever-encroaching Hellbourne, the arrival of Calamity
and Sunder to possibly begin the Third Corruption, and the constant harrying from
the White Orcs of Krula have compelled the bravest of these halfling warriors to
venture forth and do what they can to bring peace to Newerth.

^292- ^*New A.R.M.S. ^079Pebbles^* Avatar: ^079Savior Pebbles^*

^717* ^*The Savior Advanced Robotic Mobile Suits (or A.R.M.S.) were discovered in a
sealed military bunker buried nearly a mile below the City of Iron, unearthed by
the dwarves scraping every shred of ore from the endless tunnels and caverns. They
seem to have been created by a previous civilization in a time of great conflict,
designed to carry elite warriors into battle and protect them from harm while
allowing them to carry weapons far beyond the capability of mere humans.
As Newerth continues to be torn apart by the Second Corruption, some of the
Elementals find their link to the planet a hindrance, distracting them from the
battle, and so they sever the bond and fight without the constant pain of their
homeland echoing within their soul. Pebbles is not one of these Elementals. He
knows that pain is a burden of honor and a necessary agony if he is to commit the
violence required to defeat the daemons. But still, he is weakened by Newerth's
suffering, and so he welcomes the Savior suit and its augmented combat
capabilities, because it brings him closer to ending the war and returning to his
peaceful state.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatars: ^079Ophelia^* and ^079Defiler^*

^717* ^*These high definition skins will be released one-per-patch and will be
available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon the region.

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Legionnaire^*

^717* ^*Authored by DistrictNein, DarkFire, and Kairus101
^717* ^*Be amazed at his camp stacking, and sudden decapitation!
^717* ^*These three split 6800 gold coins, each get their choice of alt avatar, and
each receive the Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Parasite^*

^717* ^*Authored by Mellow_Ink and Kairus101
^717* ^*Enjoy his minotaur stomps and codex bursts!
^717* ^*Kairus and Mellow split 6800 gold coins, each get their choice of alt
avatar, and each receive the Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Aluna^*

^717* ^*Authored by Kairus101
^717* ^*Fear her extreme-range snipes!
^717* ^*Kairus (total boss that he is) receives 6400 gold coins, another avatar,
and yet another Robot Courier award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Myrmidon^*

^717* ^*This bot was a joint effort by VHD, Darkfire, and Kairus
^717* ^*Fear his mid-wave combos!
^717* ^*These three split 6400 gold coins, each get their choice of alt avatar, and
each receive the Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Gunblade^*

^717* ^*Authored by newcomer ModernSaint!
^717* ^*The unkillable slicer and dicer!
^717* ^*ModernSaint receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the
Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Bushwack^*

^717* ^*Authored by newcomer `IceCube`
^717* ^*He chases! He races! Much danger he faces!
^717* ^*`IceCube` receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!

^292- ^*Earn gold rewards for contributing on the bot subforums!

^717* ^*Create your own bot, or review submission code! All of these bots were
vetted by community contributors and the Community Bot Team.
^717* ^*Join us on the bot forums or on IRC and earn gold!

^292- ^*Current Bounty List

^717* ^*
^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Neutral creeps will no longer wake up if you have unitwalking and walk
within them for a prolonged period of time

^292- ^*^256Funeral Pyre^*: No longer performs an autoattack on an undetected
invisible unit, thus preventing the erroneous "Miss" popup
^292- ^*Persistent area cast around Calamity showing the orbit range of her dragons
should no longer show up while Calamity is dead
^292- ^*3d portrait for Wynd has been fixed
^292- ^*Wynd alt avatar visual outlines have been adjusted

^292- ^*Gluttony Devourer Seven Sins bonus hook projectile now plays the proper
visual effect

^292- ^*^256Defiling Touch^*: No longer applies the bonus damage and slow if
Gravekeeper toggles the skill off while the attack projectile is in mid-air after
he starts his attack animation, but before he launches the projectile

^292- ^*^256Noxious Nightcrawlers^* are no longer instagibbed by Lord Salforis'
Dark Lord's Presence aura
^292- ^*Spells like Devourer's Guttling Hook no longer affect the Noxious

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield^*: Now propagates properly to the correct number of

^292- ^*^256Far Scry's^* bounced autoattacks no longer procs Corrupted Disciple's
Static Discharge or Null Stone

^970HoN 3.6 - Calamity's Corruption^*

17th December 2014

^820+ ^*^995With the last patch's enhancements to carry players and farming in
general, this followup patch is centered around bringing the supports up as well.
Supports have always had a hard time in HoN with gold and gaining the levels needed
to remain relevant, and a lot of changes in this patch are geared towards answering
that. ^*

^820+ ^*^995Another situation that arose over the past six months is that certain
supports have stayed in the limelight too long. We want to bring more top pick
supports to the pool to add a more diverse choices when picking what support you
want for your lineup.^*

^820+ ^*^995With cheaper support items and overall power increases to a lot of
supports in the game, we hope to see our support players having an easier time
acquiring the farm and levels to succeed. ^*

^820+ ^*^995Supports aren't the only thing that has changed in this patch. A lot of
under utilized heroes are seeing some solid power increase and some more annoying
problems are being taken care of.^*
^970== New Hero ==^*

^539New Hellbourne Agility Hero^*: ^079Calamity^*

^292- ^*And the Codex Solaris states:
^717* ^*When the boy king falls from grace his tainted soul will be judged by The
Three, and he shall be lost forever behind the calamitous Sunder, the great horror
who traps all condemned souls within the endless Hells with his vast wings. And so
begins the Third Corruption.
^717* ^*Sister Arete of the Sacred Order believed Sol had set her upon a path to be
King Jeraziah's Queen and provide him with an heir. She knew the King was
struggling to counter the brutality of the Hellbourne's dark magic, so she hid
herself in the catacombs below the Cathedral of Arasunia and devoted her studies to
the black arts until she was expert, able to consult Jeraziah on the daemonic
forces that were turning his armies into corpses and dust.
^717* ^*When Sister Arete finally musters the courage to forsake her vows of the
Sacred Order and present herself to the King, Jeraziah accuses her of being a
daemon herself, trying to tempt him into the sin that would cast his soul down to
be judged by The Three Judges of All Hells: Minos, Abaddon, and Aeacus, and forever
imprisoned by the dragon guardian Sunder.
^717* ^*Sister Arete is expulsed from the Sacred Order and exiled from Arasunia,
but her months spent with the dark arts have twisted her mind and spirit into
believing she will stand beside Jeraziah whether he likes it or not, and she has a
plan to do so. She bursts back into the Cathedral and gorges on poison on the
altar, killing herself and sending her soul to be weighed by The Three Judges, who
condemn her to an eternity of wearing a crown of corpses and being burned alive by
^717* ^*This is what Sister Arete wants.
^717* ^*She is sent to face Sunder, who hoards the souls within the Vault of All
Hells, and she uses her powers to make the fearsome guardian her pet. Now she has
become Calamity, breaking open the doors of hell and unleashing an endless stream
of tortured souls upon Newerth. But she cares not about this - she will kill every
one of Jeraziah's soldiers until only he is left standing, and then she will stand
beside him, ruling the Third Corruption together.

^292- ^*Ability 1: ^256Firebomb^*
^717* ^*Target a location to throw a Flaming Orb, dealing ^o40/80/120/160 Magic
^717* ^*The Orb ^obounces at that spot 4 more times^*, dealing ^o15/25/35/45 Magic
Damage^* and pulling enemies towards it

^292- ^*Ability 2: ^256Dragon's Path^*

^717* ^*Passively creates 3 Dragons rotating around Calamity that deal
^o22/44/66/88 Magic Damage^* when they touch someone
^717* ^*Grants 2 sub-abilities to move the Dragons towards or away from yourself

^292- ^*Ability 3: ^256Funeral Pyre^*

^717* ^*Passively ^odeals an extra Attack^* to any target you deal damage to when
off cooldown
^717* ^*Heroes have ^o1 of all Stats and 3 Movement Speed^* drained, giving you the
Movement Speed and 3 Agility for 30/60/90/120 seconds

^292- ^*Ability 4: ^256Sunder's Vault^*

^717* ^*Target an area to create a circular wall
^717* ^*Once the wall is complete, enemies inside take up to ^o420/560/700 Magic
Damage^*, with more dealt to those in the center
^717* ^*Staff of the Master: Increases cast range to Global and lowers the cooldown
to 80 seconds

New ^079Calamity^* Alt Avatar: ^079Wynd^*

^292- ^*Born with the mark of the sky, the princess of the plains knew from the
time she could understand the tales her mother told her that she was destined for
greatness. The mark had not been seen since the time of her grandfather's
grandfather and it spoke of a great destiny for the one who bore it. When she was
just a child she first summoned up the essence of the North. It was just a gust
then, not even a breeze, but it became her companion, constantly at her side.
^292- ^*Now she has grown into the princess that she was meant to be, but has no
people over which to rule-the waves of daemons have seen to that. Hearing of a
greater battle in the forests to the east she has taken the journey there to aid
the warriors in driving the daemons back to the Scar from which they emerged. She
has taken the name of those she commands as her own and as Wynd she will ensure
that no others fall to the Hellbourne scourge. This is what she was born for, this
is what it means to bear the mark of the storm... a life in twisting turmoil and
unleashing the fury of the sky spirits on the enemies of the land.

New ^079Calamity^* Debut Avatar: ^079Cassie Calamity and Stuffed Sunder^*

^292- ^*Cassie was always fascinated by video games in general and HoN in
particular. When she saw the leaked images of the upcoming hero she just knew she
had to put together her next amazing Cosplay. Unfortunately all she had to go on
were some rough shots of that amazing dragon, so she just improvised from there.
When she showed up at the convention with a massive stuffed dragon around her neck
and a trio of stuffed baby dragons spinning around her on strings, the rest of the
community was impressed with her ingenuity, even if they had no idea what she was
doing. Their ignorance (they thought she was a champion!) enraged her and made her
even more crazed to prove that she is the best Cosplayer out there.

New Calamity-Themed Ward Skins

^292- ^*^090Calamity Ward Skin^*
^717* ^*A seething dragon scanning the horizon from atop a pillar of hell!

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^820+ ^*^995Faster cast speeds help Accursed to properly fulfill his niche of
making clutch shields and heals.^*
^292- ^*^256Cauterize^*: Cast action time decreased from 500ms to 300ms
^292- ^*^256Fire Shield^*: Cast action time decreased from 500ms to 150ms

^820+ ^*^995We wanted to bring her ganking more into focus and allow her to compete
with more of the Intelligence-based supports by giving her more casts of her comet.
This will make her more of a threat in lane and all around roaming^*
^292- ^*^256Comet^*: Mana cost reduced from 105/115/125/135 to 70/80/90/100

^820+ ^*^995Arachna is already only putting one point into this in the early game
and the Magic Armor itself scales nicely so giving this a 5 second at all levels
helps Arachna's defense during the early portions of the game.^*
^292- ^*^256Harden Carapace^*: Duration rescaled from 2/3/4/5 to 5 seconds at all

^820+ ^*^995Armadon got a slight tweak to his stats allowing more spine spam. ^*
^292- ^*Base Intelligence increased from 14 to 15
^292- ^*Agility gain increased from 1.8 to 1.9
^820+ ^*^995Some much needed tweaks to Frenzy, which will give Blacksmith a bit
more utility^*
^292- ^*^256Frenzy^*: Cast Speed increased from 7/14/21/28 to 30 at all ranks
^292- ^*^256Frenzy^*: Mana cost decreased from 75 to 50

^820+ ^*^995A change in the charge system to make the damage done consistently
rather than in 1 second chunks^*
^292- ^*^256Quicken^*: Cast Time removed
^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Movement Speed steal from 15/25/35/45 to 3/5/7/9 per
^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Maximum charges from 5 to 25
^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Time between procs from 1 to 0.2 seconds
^717* ^*Decay time for loss of charges also rescaled properly to fit new mechanics
while maintaining the same timepoint benchmarks as before

^820+ ^*^995A small increase in the touch radius of Sticky Bomb will make this hero
a bit more approachable for players.^*
^292- ^*^256Sticky Bomb^*: Increase touch radius of Sticky Bomb from 100 to 125

^820+ ^*^995Vine Wall is Bramble's bread and butter ability. Since Vine Wall was no
longer refreshed by Restoration Stone, a cooldown decrease was warranted.^*
^292- ^*^256Vine Wall^*: Cooldown decreased from 90/80/70 to 80/70/60 seconds

^820+ ^*^995The entire hero revolves around getting off her ultimate and these
changes are directed at helping her do so.^*
^292- ^*^256Twisted Visage^*: Cooldown decreased from 120/100/80 to 100/80/60
^292- ^*^256Twisted Visage^*: Increased cast range from 700 to 750

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^820+ ^*^995Same as Blitz, we want the charge application to be smooth over time
rather than one second chunks.^*
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^*: Damage steal from 5/10/15/20 to 1/2/3/4 per charge
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^*: Maximum charges from 10 to 50
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^*: Time between procs from 1 to 0.2 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Cthulhuphant had proven to be too frustrating to deal with and very
easily disrupted teams with almost no effort. These nerfs will put Cthulhuphant in
more of a skilled disruption role and become less annoying to play against.^*
^292- ^*^256Hook Em^*: Increased damage to heroes removed; now does 15/20/25/30
Magic Damage to all enemy units for each pulse
^292- ^*^256Dream of Madness^*: Cooldown increased from 32/30/28/26 to 40/35/30/25
^292- ^*^256Dream of Madness^*: Insanity aura now applies in a 180 degree arc in
front of Cthulhuphant, rather than applying 360 degrees around him
^292- ^*^256Dream of Madness^*: Both the radius of the Insanity cone and the search
radius for someone to attack when you go insane are set to 1000 units now

^820+ ^*^995Although the numbers for Deadwood after his changes were still there
and the later portions of the game even stronger than before in certain situations,
we have heard your cries for aid. The following changes are aimed at bringing
Deadwood back to his previous levels of enjoyment, especially at level 6, while
maintaining a more anti-strength niche.^*
^292- ^*^256Uproot/Oakbolt^*: Now deals damage equal to your Attack Damage when
thrown. Will now apply Oakbolt's Movement Speed Slow effect on the final attack
^292- ^*^256Willowmaker^*: Increased Physical Damage from 225/450/725 to
250/475/725 and increased the strength reduction from 30% to 35%

^079Demented Shaman^*
^820+ ^*^995Some consistency was needed across the board and small tweaks to keep
him relevant with some of the other supports out there.^*
^292- ^*Armor increased by 0.5
^292- ^*^256Entangle^*: Now slows for 2 seconds at all levels
^292- ^*^256Entangle^*: Now stuns for 0/0.5/1/1.5 seconds instead of 0/0/1/1
seconds after the slow state expires

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^820+ ^*^995More utility and more area denial to enhance that play-style which is
overlooked a lot.^*
^292- ^*^256Explosive Flare^*: Increased duration from 4 to 6 seconds

^820+ ^*^995This change allows Geomancer to set up ganks and better utilize his
^292- ^*^256Dig^*: Range Increased from 1000 to 1250

^820+ ^*^995Gladiator's abilities have always been hard to land and learn. Since
the game is constantly changing, we felt it was needed to improve some of the feel
and use of his abilities.^*
^292- ^*^256Showdown^*: Range increased from 500/650/800/950 to 650/750/850/950
^292- ^*^256Pitfall^*: Radius increased from 225 to 250

^820+ ^*^995The ultimate was on way too long of a cooldown at level 6 and too short
of a cooldown at level 16.^*
^292- ^*^256Zombie Apocalypse^*: Cooldown rescaled from 140/100/60 to 100/85/70

^079Grinex ^*
^820+ ^*^995A small improvement to Grinex which we are still keeping a close eye
^292- ^*Agility gain increased from 1.8 to 2.0

^820+ ^*^995Lodestone is a high-impact hero that has the potential for huge swings.
Some of our previous nerfs made him fall out of sight in most all levels of play.
These changes are meant to tweak his capabilities as a suicide and make his Drill
more reliable, which will make his combo easier to obtain.^*
^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^*: Projectile impact time decreased from 600ms to 400ms
^292- ^*^256Lodestone Plates^*: Charge refresh time decreased from 9/8/7/6 to 6
seconds at all levels

^820+ ^*^995The unique modifier that does not allow Magebane to use Nullfire Blade
has been removed because it was an unnecessary limitation from a time long past.
Magebane finally has a viable early/mid-game offensive item option!^*
^292- ^*^256Mana Combustion^*: Modifier has been removed from the game

^820+ ^*^995This is simply a consistency change.^*
^292- ^*^256Hellbourne Zeal^*: Attack Speed scaling from 0.5/0.8/1.2/1.4 to

^079Master of Arms^*
^820+ ^*^995Blast Shot was doing too little damage earlier on and needed some
better scaling.^*
^292- ^*^256Blast Shot^*: Magic Damage increased from 70/130/190/250 to

^820+ ^*^995Martyr has always had the problem of not really knowing if he wanted to
be high health or low health. His abilities were giving him several mixed signals
and this rework hopes to clear the air significantly. Hand in Hand before could
really only be used to save an ally if Martyr was high health... which made
Retribution terrible in terms of damage. Now, Hand in Hand can be used offensively
and staying low health doesn't diminish your ability to save an ally with the new
Guardian Angel. Finally, Sol's Conviction gives Martyr the amazing health
manipulation tool he needs to be effective at all stages of a fight.^*

^292- ^*^256Retribution^*: Damage is now dealt in a 250 radius around the target
^292- ^*^256Retribution^*: Maximum Damage decreased from 550 to 420 Magic Damage
^292- ^*^256Retribution^*: Slow duration decreased from 3s to 2.5s

^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: Reworked

^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: Grants 55/70/85/100% Damage Reduction to the target
for 5 seconds. After the effect ends, the target immediately takes all of the
damage prevented as non-lethal Superior Magic Damage.
^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: 800 range
^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: 23/20/17/14 second cooldown
^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: Can be double activated to cast on yourself

^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^*: Reworked

^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^*: Now grants up to 4/8/12/16 Health Regeneration as
you get lower life
^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^*: On use, now swaps your current Health and Mana
percentages over 6/5/4/3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^*: 45 second Cooldown

^292- ^*^256Hand in Hand^*: Can now be cast on Enemy Heroes to lower both of your
health pools to the lower of the two. Can lower an Enemy's health to a minimum of
40/30/20% of their maximum.
^717* ^*^256Hand in Hand^*: Can still be cast on Allies for the same effect it
currently has
^292- ^*^256Hand in Hand^*: Staff of the Master still heals both yourself and an
Ally to full health. Now also removes the minimum cap for lowering Enemy health and
Immobilizes any enemy Hero you cast on for the duration of the channel.

^820+ ^*^995Midas has one of the coolest playstyles in HoN. However, he lacks a
solid payoff for a well executed combo. These changes are geared towards increasing
that payoff and allowing him a bit more utility across the board.^*
^292- ^*Base Armor increased from 2.2 to 3.0
^292- ^*Attack Damage increased from 45-51 to 48-54
^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^*: Range increased from 800 to 1000
^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^*: Projectile speed increased from 850 to 1000
^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^*: Cooldown decreased from 13 to 12 seconds
^292- ^*^256Golden Salvo^*: Cooldown decreased from 18 to 16 seconds
^292- ^*^256Elemental Warp^*: Cooldown decreased from 17 to 15 seconds
^292- ^*^256Transmute^*: Now applies a debuff to enemies that allows Midas to deal
an extra 40/80/120 Attack Damage per autoattack for the next 3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Transmute^*: Cooldown reduction on all skills from 2/4/6 seconds to
2/3/4 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Moira had some minor issues we wanted to address. Ephemeral Forge was
not nearly effective enough given the cost, so we made the first few seconds
impossible for the illusion to die. This should let her be able to reach the
effectiveness that we wanted initially. Arcane Vortex also had a very long cast
time, which when combined with being a very small ground target spell, led to many
frustrating situations. These additional changes should make it slightly easier to
^292- ^*^256Shards of Harkon^*: Will now hit units in fog
^717* ^*Will not hit stealthed units unless they are revealed
^292- ^*^256Ephemeral Forge^*: Spirit is now invulnerable during the first 2
seconds of the spell's channel (in addition to being disabled)
^292- ^*^256Arcane Vortex^*: Cast action time decreased from 400ms to 200ms
^292- ^*^256Arcane Vortex^*: Initial radius increased from 125 to 150

^820+ ^*^995This rework is meant to finally put Monarch in a different role and
niche than Glacius. There was often discussion about their overlapping roles and we
wanted to come up with something unique to make it happen. Monarch now fills the
counter-initiation and heavy defense role fantastically well. She is now the only
support in the game who gets free wards, which can help her save up some money for
bigger items. She retains a lot of her old utility, but now she truly can save a
teammate who is on the brink of death and make sure vision on the map is always

^292- ^*Starting Movement Speed changed from 295 to 300

^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^*: Damage increased from 70 to 70/80/90/100 at all

^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^*: Projectile speed increased from 800 to 1000

^292- ^*^256Chrysalis^*: Now reduces damage by 20/40/60/80%

^292- ^*^256Chrysalis^*: Mana cost is 100 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Chrysalis^*: Now instantly heals 75 HP and another 20/30/40/50 HP per
second over 3 seconds

^292- ^*^256Noxious Cloud^*: Removed

^292- ^*New Ability: ^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*
^292- ^*^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*: Target a location to send a Noxious
Nightcrawler there. While travelling to its location, the Noxious Nightcrawler can
be killed in 1 hit. Once it gets there, it will go invisible and grant vision
around itself similar to a Ward of Sight for 6 minutes
^292- ^*^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*: If an enemy comes within 250 units of the
invisible stationary Noxious Nightcrawler, the Nightcrawler explodes into a Noxious
^292- ^*^256Noxious Nightcrawler^*: Nightcrawler travels at 1000 Movement Speed for
the first 600 units travelled. After this point, its Movement Speed will rapidly
^820+ ^*^995The intention of this is to preserve the offensive capabilities of
Noxious Cloud as much as possible.^*
^292- ^*1500 Cast Range
^292- ^*50 Mana Cost
^292- ^*30 second Cooldown
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Wind^*: Movement Speed bonus rescaled from 80/140/200 to

^820+ ^*^995Nymphora's heal was slightly hard to use even with good communication
and the numbers were a bit low for what we wanted her to accomplish out of the
laning phase. These small tweaks will enhance the use and allow for a better mid
game transition.^*
^292- ^*^256Volatile Pod^*: Heal and Magic Damage increased from 60/120/180/240 to
^292- ^*^256Volatile Pod^*: Increased radius from 250 to 300

^820+ ^*^995After watching Parasite with the recent changes, we found that the
level 4 HP regeneration was just too frustrating overall, thus we have changed it
to the following:^*
^292- ^*^256Infest^*: Health Drain Per Second changed from 3/1.5/0/-1.5 to 3/2/1/0%

^820+ ^*^995The mana drain was pretty unnoticeable and it needed some love. This
change will help Pharaoh during the laning phase and make the mana burn be more of
a threat than a novelty.^*
^292- ^*^256Wall of Mummies^*: Mana drain on walls increased from 55/70/85/100 to

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^820+ ^*^995The overall mana costs compared to his total pool was deemed too high.
These changes will allow Pollywog Priest to have more utility and options rather
than a one-trick pony who would run away with no mana.^*
^292- ^*^256Electric Jolt^*: Mana cost rescaled from 100/120/140/160 to
^292- ^*^256Morph^*: Mana cost rescaled from 110/140/170/200 to 90/125/160/195
^292- ^*^256Tongue Tied^*: Mana cost rescaled from 110/130/155/180 to

^079Plague Rider^*
^820+ ^*^995Let's face it, putting one shield on an ally was super tedious. With
this change, Plague Rider can also fill a nice pushing role by slamming down a
shield on every creep in a wave.^*
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield^*: Now applies a shield in a 600 radius around the target
to a max of 6 targets. This prioritizes heroes first
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield^*: Cooldown increased from 10 to 30 seconds
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield^*: Mana Cost increased from 25 to 75
^292- ^*^256Plague Carrier^*: Cooldown rescaled from 145/115/60 to 140/100/60

^820+ ^*^995Some consistency tweaks to his mana costs.^*
^292- ^*^256Dragonfire^*: Mana cost rescaled from 90/100/110/125 to 95/105/115/125
^292- ^*^256Dragonfire^*: Magic Damage rescaled from 90/150/210/280 to

^820+ ^*^995A simple change to make the ultimate less tedious to play with and does
not increase the power level that dramatically.^*
^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^*: Charges timer countdown increased from 8 seconds
to 10 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Scout has always been a great roamer/suicide and with Vanish giving
more Movement Speed, it will enhance his ability to move throughout the map.^*
^292- ^*^256Vanish^*: Bonus Movement Speed increased from 6/9/12/15% to

^820+ ^*^995Slither has an excellent skillset, but he was finding himself in the
thick of danger due to his lack of Attack Range and range of his Poison Spray. With
these changes, we feel that Slither will be a go-to hero for massive lane
harassment and kill potential.^*
^292- ^*Attack Range increased from 450 to 500
^292- ^*^256Poison Spray^*: Range increased from 625/750/875/1000 to

^820+ ^*^995Swiftblade has climbed to the top of our hero pool over the past six
months in every region. The numbers took a small hit across the board to remove
some of his killing power while remaining a competitive threat.^*
^292- ^*Strength decreased from 20 to 18
^292- ^*^256Blade Frenzy^*: Magic Damage per second decreased from 80/100/120/140
to 75/95/115/135
^292- ^*^256Counter Attack^*: Proc chance decreased from 15/20/25/30% to
^292- ^*^256Way of the Sword^*: Critical Strike proc chance decreased from
12/20/28/36% to 10/18/26/34%

^820+ ^*^995Smitten was underused and not very effective. This change should give
her a reason to put points into the ability at any stage of the game based on the
play-style she chooses.^*
^292- ^*^256Smitten^*: Now reduces damage by 40% at all levels
^292- ^*^256Smitten^*: Duration rescaled to 4/8/12/16 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Some minor tweaks and rescaling to not enhance the power level all that
much but give his other utility options more shine so people will use them more
^292- ^*^256Chain Lightning^*: Mana cost rescaled from 65/72/79/86 to 65/70/75/80
^292- ^*^256Blast of Lightning^*: Allied buff rescaled from 75 to 60/75/90/105
bonus Movement Speed

^820+ ^*^995Some tweaks to make this guy ready for tournament play. He is a very
strong hero and with these changes will be easier to deal with after his rework.^*
^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^*: Damage reduction % decreased from 8/16/24/32 % to
5/10/15/20 %
^292- ^*^256Terror Mound^*: Gold bounty increased from 25 to 35
^292- ^*Added to Tournament Rules

^820+ ^*^995A cult classic that had fallen off due to some problems with a lot of
numbers and feel. A lot of small tweaks were made to make her all around more
useful and cleaner to play.^*
^292- ^*Base Damage adjusted from 39-50 to 42-47
^292- ^*^256Call of the Valkyrie^*: Cast time decreased from 600 to 500
^292- ^*^256Courageous Leap^*: Attack Speed bonus increased from 4/8/12/16 to
^292- ^*^256Valkyrie's Prism^*: Duration increased from 10/13/16 to 15 seconds
^292- ^*^256Valkyrie's Prism^*: Cooldown decreased from 120 to 120/100/80 seconds
^079Voodoo Jester^*
^820+ ^*^995Some strong buffs were added to Voodoo Jester to let him shine with
some of the top tier supports. With Acid Cocktail damaging heroes, he becomes more
deadly. Also, an increase in Mojo radius will allow the ability to be more useful
in all stages of the game, when before it was more of an afterthought.^*
^292- ^*^256Acid Cocktail^*: Now damages enemy heroes for 50 damage per bounce, in
addition to the 1 second stun.
^292- ^*^256Mojo^*: Radius increased from 340 to 500

^079War Beast^*
^820+ ^*^995Some small tweaks to War Beast to allow him to jungle more easily.^*
^292- ^*^256Summon Hellhounds^*: Mana cost reduced from 125 to 100
^292- ^*^256Metamorphosis^*: Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^090Alchemist's Bones^*
^820+ ^*^995Alchemist's Bones has had a rough time in HoN, as it has always tried
to fill a role of enhancing farm, mainly for jungle heroes. With these changes we
will see jungle heroes receive more uses and the projectile being instant will stop
those pesky Parasites from denying their creeps before you own them!!!^*
^292- ^*Now grants 1.75 times XP upon killing target creep
^292- ^*Instantly kills target creep
^717* ^*Visual projectile now spawns from target creep and travels towards the
Alchemist's Bones user

^090Assassin's Shroud^*
^820+ ^*^995This change was aimed at giving the player more wiggle room in setting
up ganks or positioning for a tradeoff on cool down.^*
^292- ^*Duration increased from 9 to 11 seconds
^292- ^*Cooldown increased from 18 to 20 seconds

^090Dust of Revelation^*
^820+ ^*^995With the added anti-juke utility it gives in addition to the
clearvision, an increase in cost was warranted.^*
^292- ^*Cost increased from 180 to 200

^090Lex Talionis^*
^820+ ^*^995A great item that was not being picked up nearly enough. We will see
this item a lot more on supports and roamers with the following changes.^*
^292- ^*Range increased from 800 to 1000
^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced from 275 to 250
^292- ^*Mana cost Removed
^292- ^*Now dispels debuff from self if the target dies early

^820+ ^*^995A small buff to an underused and undervalued item.^*
^292- ^*Chilled effect increased from 2.5 to 3.5 seconds when applied by a melee
^292- ^*Chilled effect increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds when applied to a ranged

^090Ioyn Stone^*
^820+ ^*^995We see Ioyn stone a bit, but the cost was a little too high to be worth
it most of the time.^*
^292- ^*Cost reduced from 250 to 200

^090Shield Breaker^*
^820+ ^*^995A small buff added along with Shieldbreaker's previous buffs to put
this item in a solid spot.^*
^292- ^*Damage increased from 36/48/60 to 40/54/68

^820+ ^*^995Storm spirit allows for a lot of different uses and with carries on the
rise, a cheaper support tool like this will be very useful.^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 800
^292- ^*Movement Speed increased from 25 to 30

^820+ ^*^995A very cheap support/roaming boot that can be purchased early in the
game allows for better roaming and more money saved on supports.^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced from 300 to 150

^090Veiled Rot^*
^820+ ^*^995Time to get your invis on~^*
^292- ^*Now allowed in tournament play.

^090Void Talisman^*
^820+ ^*^995Made the build-up easier to help out lower income heroes trying to
purchase the item.^*
^292- ^*Now requires a Major Totem and an 800 gold recipe

^090Wards of Sight^*
^820+ ^*^995A reward for good ward placement.^*
^292- ^*Wards now refund half gold if it expires naturally instead of being

^970== General ==^*

^539New Holiday Edition Maps, Bosses and Creeps^*

^292- ^*Holiday Celebration in the Forest of Caldavar
^292- ^*Frost Field Mid Wars
^292- ^*Abominable Kongor in Forest of Caldavar
^292- ^*Santa Slayer Mid Wars Boss
^292- ^*Holiday Hat Creeps
^292- ^*Santa Merrick and His Holiday Shop
^292- ^*Holiday Plinko
^292- ^*New Holiday Grab Bag/Gifting
^292- ^*The Holidays are here and the goodies are abundant! Look for special
holiday grab bags in store and get your goodies while they last
^717* ^*The contents of these Grab Bags vary from region to region
^292- ^*New Avatars

^820+ ^*^995Historically, only offensive actions provided scoreboard credit and

assist gold. The system design punished several interesting heroes who were most
effective in reactive and defensive roles. We want to reward players for their
performance, not be punished for their contributions; as such, all activated
abilities, healing, and buffs on friendly targets who contribute to a kill, will
also grant assist gold and scoreboard credit. Auras will not count as they are
considered passive, not activated. #Martyr wings.^*
^292- ^*Players now receive assist credit and assist gold for providing active
buffs, abilities or healing to their friendly combatants.

^539Forests of Caldavar Jungle Changes^*

^820+ ^*^995With a lot of jungle changes over the past months, we wanted to update
everything in the jungle that was causing more frustration than fun. In doing so we
hope to see pulling, stacking and other general jungle activities be less
frustrating and more consistent.^*

^820+ ^*^995This allows the player to kill the camp outside the 500 radius spawn-
check zone like every other camp^*
^292- ^*Chase distance increased from 300 to 650 for the Hellbourne easy camp
^717* ^*Change still doesn't allow pulling the HB easy camp to lane

^820+ ^*^995Enables more consistent stacking when pulling the camp out from
different angles^*
^292- ^*Centered the 500 radius spawn-check zones
^717* ^*Will have a negligible difference on ward placements for blocking camps
^717* ^*Will have a negligible difference in terms of creep stacking/pulling "feel"

^820+ ^*^995Allows melee heroes to pull the camp without having a Hatchet^*
^292- ^*Removed Antlore Necromancer camp only from the pull camps
^717* ^*Removes the possibility that one team will get multiple Antlore Necromancer
camps in the pull camp and gets a great advantage (by RNG) when it comes to denying
creep waves

^539Neutral Creep Changes^*

^820+ ^*^995The following changes to neutrals are meant to make pulling and
stacking a more enjoyable experience. Some bugfixes were also implemented.^*
^292- ^*Antlings, Antlore Healers, Antlore Necromancers, Zomblings, Ebulas,
Skeleton Bosses, Werebeast Enchanters and Sporespitters all have their attack
backswing reduced to 0.05s
^292- ^*AAntlore Healer's autocast Heal now has a 0 cast point & cast time, no
longer interrupts his previous actions, and no longer requires him to turn to cast
^292- ^*Antlore Necromancer's Summon Zombling no longer interrupts his previous
actions and no longer requires him to turn to cast
^292- ^*Ebula's Attack Range reduced from 500 to 300
^292- ^*Zombling's Aggro Range reduced from 600 to 300
^292- ^*Zombling's Movement Speed decreased from 450 to 300
^292- ^*Zombling's Attack Range increased from 90 to 100
^292- ^*Catman Champions, Antlore Healers, Antlore Necromancers, Vagabond Leaders
and Minotaurs no longer cast their spells while asleep during night time if they
are not player-controlled
^292- ^*Earthroc and Werebeast's Movement Speed reduced from 350 to 290
^292- ^*Werebeast Enchanter's Movement Speed reduced from 320 to 280
^292- ^*Sporespitter's Movement Speed remained the same due to potential usefulness
when dominated
^292- ^*Werebeast Enchanter's attack point from 0.49s to 0.45s
^292- ^*Skeleton King: The King's Grip state is now a debuff and is therefore
^292- ^*Vagabond Leader Movement Speed increased from 300 to 320

^539Casual Mode exclusive changes^*

^820+ ^*^995The current distribution of experience has two flaws with it; it
largely favors players that survive on the outskirts of the fight even if they
contributed the least, and it punishes those that are first to engage even if they
contributed the most. These flaws create a high level disparity among teammates and
cause players to not be properly rewarded for their contributions. Distributing
experience to dead players that have earned valid assists and kills in combat will
serve as a level equalizer lowering the incentive to strictly survive and allow
players to still progress in levels even if they're severely behind.^*
^292- ^*Players will now split hero kill experience with other players in range,
even if they are dead, as long as they contributed to the hero kill.

^820+ ^*^995Snowballing, when it occurs too quickly, can obsolete any meaningful
decision making or good plays from the opposing team. We want matches to always be
fair and interesting; when teams snowball too early, it can result in a long
painful game where the result has already been determined. To combat this, we are
reducing the experience bounties from heroes in the early levels and increasing it
at the later levels. Teams that are behind will now gain a larger benefit when
exchanging kills.^*
^292- ^*Hero kill bounty experience changed from 90 per level to base of 40 + 35
per level + a 10 increment per level.
^292- ^*Unshared EXP changed from 12 to 15

^820+ ^*^995Gold distribution was largely favoring people that gain the killing
blow. This caused a high gold disparity between teammates often times leaving
supportive heroes with very little gold for their contributions while offensive
heroes continue to scale excessively. We've tweaked the gold distribution in favor
of team benefits to ensure all players amongst a team can have meaningful
progression for their contributions in fights. Overall there will be a net increase
of gold for a team, but reduction in individual snowballing.^*
^292- ^*Kill gold bounty decreased from 400 to 350
^292- ^*Assist gold increased from 50% to 70%

^820+ ^*^995Early game deaths double down on the power difference between both
teams. Firstly, a large gold and experience bounty is given to the killers.
Secondly, the victims are denied valuable time to collect resources on the map.
This can cause a large power difference between teams too early in the match and
often times decide the result of the match before bases are even sieged. We're
lowering the respawn timers in the early levels to allow players to recover quicker
but evening it out at the later levels.^*
^292- ^*Respawn timers significantly decreased at early levels, small increase at
later levels.

^820+ ^*^995When progression is so heavily centralized around hero kills, comebacks

can often times be difficult for a team to accomplish, especially if they lack the
resources to combat the opposing team accordingly. We've reduced the timer for
creep waves to spawn additional units. With the increased creep strength occurring
much sooner, teams will have more opportunities to push with creeps, while the
defending teams will have more frequent access to resources. ^*
^292- ^*Additional melee creep spawn timer decreased from 16,44,49,58 minutes to
^292- ^*Additional ranged creep spawn timer decreased from 33 minutes to 22 minutes

^820+ ^*^995Experience required to level has been tweaked very slightly to reduce
snowballing by creating level milestones that serve as an equalizer.^*
^292- ^*Adjusted hero experience tables so that it will take slightly longer to
level up in the mid game but faster to level in the end game.

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Klanx^* Avatar: ^079Winter Soldier^*

^717* ^*North of Grimm's Crossing, where the Frost Fields begin their treacherous
onslaught of sub-zero temperatures, Winter Soldier Klanx works in underground
bunkers, dealing arms and and aiding mercenaries on both sides of the struggle for
Newerth. As a benefactor of war, he uses his earnings to further his own ends,
furnishing an entire subterranean lair from which he can remotely view and assist
whoever he pleases. He yearns to control the positions of both sides like a twisted
gamemaster, prolonging the war so he can profit further and destroying it all when
he gets bored.

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Monarch^* Avatar: ^079Snowflake^*

^717* ^*Snowflake is a very graceful, kind, winged snow princess who knows how
fragile and temporary life and peace can be, and all she wants is for everyone to
stop fighting and enjoy the beauty of the winter season. But if these boneheads
won't listen to her, it's time to chap some asses.

^292- ^*New Gold Edition & Holiday Edition ^079Shadowblade^* Avatar: ^079Ghosts of
^717* ^*The classic holiday story A Christmas Carol comes to Newerth in the form of
Ghosts of Christmas Shadowblade, who begins as the ghost of Jacob Marley to teach
your opponents the harsh lessons of being a Scrooge this time of year. Stroll with
these ghosts down the memory creep lanes as he takes on the forms of Christmases
Past, Present, and Yet to Come!

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Glacius^* Avatar: ^079Snow Queen Shiva^*

^717* ^*In the deepest, darkest winters when even the sunlight is frozen before it
can reach the icy treetops, the inhabitants of the Frost Fields keep their hopes
burning by praying to Shiva, the benevolent goddess who floats across the icebound
landscape, seemingly untouched by the frigid air and offering her most precious
gift: freezing her people where they lay, allowing them to sleep until the towering
mountains of snow melt and the streams run free once again. It is indeed a hardy,
obstinate group of people who would rather freeze to death than relocate, and they
embody the spirit of their goddess Shiva.

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Pharaoh^* Avatar: ^079Festive Pharaoh (HE)^*

^717* ^*Around this time of year, Pharaoh reserves the harshest doses of his wrath
for those who won't join him in singing carols, making gingerbread houses, and
fixing the dead strings of holiday lights. Why are they blinking?! When Festive
Pharaoh arrives at the party, you'd better make sure your ugly sweater is Hellfire
resistant and the dance floor is clear, because things are about to get Pharoah-
ciously merry and the Wall of Jack-in-the-Boxes won't let you boogie into their

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Succubus^* Avatar: ^079Mistletoe^*

^717* ^*What's this? A holiday tradition where you get to kiss anyone you want?! In
classic Succubus behavior, the evil seductress has gone all-out in embracing the
concept of mistletoe smooches, transforming her wings into smothering leaves and
stems and adorning herself with ripe, swollen berries. And when she found out that
mistletoe belongs to a family of parasitic plants that penetrate their hosts and
absorb sustenance to survive, she decided she might want to stay this way all

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Amun-Ra^* Avatar: ^079New Year's Eve Reborn Ra^*
^717* ^*Amun-Ra has left a wide path of destruction behind him, and as the New Year
approaches he is ready to ignite some changes in his life! He's made a resolution
to bury his rage and grudges -- ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that -- and
celebrate the stroke of midnight with a pyroclasmic rebirth! He also signed up for
a gym membership, so we give the whole thing about five days before he's back to
the old Ra.

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Bramble^* Skin: ^079Bramble of the Bells^*

^717* ^*Bramble joins the rest of the Newerth flora heroes by getting her own
festive holiday skin! Christmas is here, bringing good cheer, to young and old,
meek and the bold. And Bramble of the Bells will eat them all. It may be Christmas,
but she's still a carnivorous plant.

^292- ^*New Holiday Taunt: ^539Exploding Snowman^*

^717* ^*Nothing captures the holidays better than killing your enemy and dropping a
stack of frozen, exploding balls on their face. Maybe our family dinners are
different than yours...

New Holiday Ward Skins

^292- ^*^090Christmas Tree^*
^717* ^*You don't have to be one of the three wise men to appreciate this bright
star atop a festively decorated tree!
^292- ^*^090Menorah^*
^717* ^*It won't burn for 8 nights, but this custom ward skin will still light up
your holidays!

^292- ^*New Grimm's Crossing ^079Martyr^* Avatar: ^079Grimm's Medic^*

^717* ^*Before Maliken Grimm lost himself to the daemonic and became de facto
leader of the Hellbourne, he was a brilliant, brutal military commander who used
ruthless tactics to unite the Five Clans of Men beneath one banner. The final clan
was the Savages, and Lord Commander Grimm was forced to launch a long, bloody
campaign to defeat them that culminated on the bloody, haunted ground now known as
Grimm's Crossing.
^717* ^*One of the other clans already under Maliken's fist was the Sacred Order,
that of the Martyrs, and they served as his combat healers upon the battlefield.
These battle-hardened chaplain warriors felt their souls slipping further toward
peril with each life they took, but the cause was just, and they tried to save as
many as they reaped.

^539Rulian Warlord Flint and his Dead-Eye Gang^*

^292- ^*New Ultimate ^079Flint^* Avatar: ^079Rulian Warlord^*
^717* ^*This is Flint at his most evolved as a warrior! He is Rulian Warlord Flint,
and now that he and his Dead Eye Gang have conquered every murderous inch of the
Rulian Marsh, they have erupted from the muck and mire to expand their territory
while the rest of Newerth is in war-torn chaos. The Rulian Warlord is not concerned
with the myriad opposition they will face - if his gang of Boggus, Skiver,
Killawatt, Sinew, and Dredger can't swamp them, the endless, custom-made arsenal he
carries will no doubt have the firepower to clear the way through Caldavar and

Level Progression
^292- ^*1-5: ^079Flint^* as a young, wild ruffian of the Rulian Marsh.
^292- ^*6-10: ^079Flint^* as a brash rogue with an impressive number of kills to
his name.
^292- ^*11-15: ^079Flint^* as a grizzled veteran of countless battles. Shooting
first has its perks.
^292- ^*16+: ^079Rulian Warlord Flint^*, ruler of all he sees and killer of
anything in his way.

Weapons and Effects

^292- ^*Each of the items listed below changes the guns Flint holds, and your item
slots determine which gun is in which hand.
^292- ^*The system first checks your item slots, left-to-right in the top row, then
left-to-right in the bottom row, to see if you have two or more of the applicable
^292- ^*If you have two or more of the applicable items, the system recognizes the
first item found and puts the corresponding custom weapon in Flint's left hand. It
then recognizes the second item found and puts the corresponding custom weapon in
Flint's right hand.
^292- ^*If you only have one of the applicable items, Flint holds the corresponding
weapon in both hands.
^292- ^*Each custom weapon has new effects.
Weapons Included:
^292- ^*^090Assassin's Shroud^*
^292- ^*^090Charged Hammer^*
^292- ^*^090Dawnbringer^*
^292- ^*^090Elder Parasite^*
^292- ^*^090Firebrand^*
^292- ^*^090Frostburn^*
^292- ^*^090Genjuro^*
^292- ^*^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*^090Savage Mace^*
^292- ^*^090Shield Breaker^*
^292- ^*^090Shrunken Head^*
^292- ^*^090Steamstaff^*
^292- ^*^090Thunderclaw^*
^292- ^*^090Wingbow^*

^292- ^*New Dead-Eye Gang ^079Chipper^* Avatar: ^079Dredger^*

^717* ^*The Rulian Gremlins are notorious for their speedy and chaotic dismantling
of any equipment that rolls, stomps or flies within five leagues of the Marsh.
There are countless tales of travelers stranded among the dark muck because they
stepped away for relief among the shrubbery, only to return to a stripped frame and
the lingering stench of gremlin farts. The other creatures of the Marsh only
tolerate these devious imps because stranded travelers soon become screaming
dinner, and the Rulian Warlord brought the squad of snotty gremlins aboard his Dead
Eye Gang solely because they can create murder machines out of any piece of scrap
they find, steal or scavenge as the crew grinds its way across Caldavar.
^717* ^*Owning Ultimate Rulian Warlord Flint gives Dredger an upgraded weapon and

^292- ^*New Dead-Eye Gang ^079Artillery^* Avatar: ^079Boggus^*

^717* ^*Boggus earns his keep as a member of the gang by thrashing through the
Rulian Marsh and tearing down any remaining structures from bygone eras, then
selling the salvaged bits to the ruffians and privateers who prey upon anyone
foolish enough to chart a course through the dark, forbidding territory. But he's
always kept the best discoveries for the gang, and now that the Rulian Warlord has
assembled the troops to exert his will upon Newerth, Boggus straps on the cannons,
hefts the heavy weaponry, and lights his soggy linstock for some real, dirty fun.
^717* ^*Owning Ultimate Rulian Warlord Flint gives Boggus an upgraded weapon and

^292- ^*New Dead-Eye Gang ^079Valkyrie^* Avatar: ^079Skiver^*

^717* ^*In savage times, when the Rulian Harpies swooped down and snatched hapless
wanderers and warriors from the narrow marsh trails, it was thought they were
carried away to be judged by the deities of vengeance. As it turns out, the Harpies
care not for vengeance or judgement; they just want fresh meat. Those who are
skewered by a Harpy spear or feel the crushing grip of her talons soon have their
bones picked clean by the flock of ravenous harridans. Skiver has set herself above
the other Rulian Harpies by expanding her appetites beyond mere flesh - she also
wants loot, land, and power, and the best way to reap those is by joining the
Warlord's Dead Eye Gang. Skiver's nests made of bones, shattered weapons and the
remnants of her victims' banners are spreading through the trees of Caldavar. If
you look up and see one, it's already too late.
^717* ^*Owning Ultimate Rulian Warlord Flint gives Skiver an upgraded weapon and

^292- ^*New Dead-Eye Gang ^079Electrician^* Avatar: ^079Killawatt^*

^717* ^*Killawatt could have gone down in Rulian history for harnessing the
crackling, viscous electricity of the marsh eels and using it to bring light and
power to the dark corners of the swamp, but instead he used it to fry his enemies
while protecting himself with charged shields. Classic Rulian. However, the shield
could not protect him from the marsh eel swimming in his custom-made power vat, and
when he prodded it once too often the creature responded by biting Killawatt's arm
off. Again, this is common in the marsh. This did not thwart the industrious
rodent, who built himself a mechanical appendage to serve as a constant conduit for
his swamp shocks. Killawat now serves as the gunsmith for the Rulian Warlord,
making sure his weapons are always functional and (mostly) clean.
^717* ^*Owning Ultimate Rulian Warlord Flint gives Killawatt an upgraded weapon and

^292- ^*New Dead-Eye Gang ^079Forsaken Archer^* Avatar: ^079Sinew^*

^717* ^*Sinew and her vicious mount Varka were the advance scouts for the roving
pack of Rulian Warg Archers, known primarily for scouring miles of the dense swamp
at one time, driving all living things before them and leaving behind only claw
marks and a trail of carcasses. When Sinew's scouting brought her into the Rulian
Warlord's sights, Flint saw something his Dead Eye Gang lacked: speed and the
necrotic ability to create soldiers from the gang's victims. Sinew saw an
opportunity as well - the opportunity to join the Dead Eye Gang or be turned into
pink mist by Flint's hand cannons. Easy.
^717* ^*Owning Ultimate Rulian Warlord Flint gives Sinew an upgraded weapon and

^292- ^*New ^079Legionnaire^* Avatar: ^079Savior Legionnaire^*

^717* ^*The Savior Advanced Robotic Mobile Suits (or A.R.M.S.) were discovered in a
sealed military bunker buried nearly a mile below the City of Iron, unearthed by
the dwarves scraping every shred of ore from the endless tunnels and caverns. They
seem to have been created by a previous civilization in a time of great conflict,
designed to carry elite warriors into battle and protect them from harm while
allowing them to carry weapons far beyond the capability of mere humans.
^717* ^*The Legionnaire was first in line to test the found technology, becoming
Savior Legionnaire, and his thruster-aided charges and massive whirling blade have
shown the Legion that while they have been searching for the weapon they need to
defeat the Hellbourne, it is the warrior who wields it that will make the

^292- ^*New ^079Ravenor^* Avatar: ^079Invader Ravenor^*

^717* ^*The Invader Advanced Robotic Mobile Suits (or A.R.M.S.) have been hastily
constructed in the Electrician's Laboratory in response to the Legion's discovery
of the Savior battlesuits, and a select few Hellbourne combatants have been drafted
into testing them against live fire.
^717* ^*Ravenor was an easy choice to be among the first wave -- if the Invader
suit malfunctions and electrocutes its pilot, he won't even notice. Invader Ravenor
is an augmented, evolved version of the Hellbourne Daemon Lord, and the
enhancements to his lightning attacks may be enough to short-circuit the Legion's
Savior campaign.

^292- ^*New Limited Edition Zodiac ^079Ophelia^* Avatar: ^079Capricorn^*

^717* ^*Capricorn has always been helpful to those in need -- even if they happen
to be Olympian gods. When the vengeful monster Typhon hunted Zeus, Hera, and
Bacchus after the war with the Titans, Capricorn used his intimate connection with
and control over the wild beasts to transform the gods into animals so they could
escape. He turned Zeus into a ram, Hera into a cow, and Bacchus into a goat, then
took charge of their flight paths to ensure survival. As thanks, the gods granted
Capricorn a home in the heavens as well as a powerful human form with which he can
continue to protect the victimized and oppressed.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatars: ^079Scout^* and ^079Glacius^*

^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Audio Changes ==^*

^292- ^*Honmas music added to the game

^292- ^*Honmas sounds added to the goblin store and game
^292- ^*Owning Dead Eye Gang Flint gives you a unique level up sound for all the
members of the Dead Eye Gang
^292- ^*Dead Eye Gang Flint's voice changes when he is level 16 to an older more
mature orc
^292- ^*If Dead Eye Gang Flint spawns around other members of his gang, he will
talk with one of them. If he spots them on the enemy team, he will also interact
with the first character he sees, though not so friendly this time. At level 16, he
will say something if he kills a member of the Dead Eye Gang
^292- ^*Calamity will interact with the following characters: Aeacus, Abaddon,
Minos, Jeraziah and Ophelia
^717* ^*Should she manage to kill any of them without being taunted or taunting,
she will address the character she killed
^717* ^*Should she see Jeraziah or Ophelia during the laning phase on the opposite
team, she will address the first one she encounters

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

Updated new visual effects for some spells (credits to TheDarkerOne for the spell
^292- ^*^079Glacius'^* ^256Tundra Blast^*
^292- ^*^079Dark Lady's^* ^256Cover of Darkness^*
^292- ^*^079Hellbringer's^* ^256Life Void^*
^292- ^*^079Riptide's^* ^256In My Element^* range indicator

Added Staff of the Master visual effects for the following heroes:
^292- ^*^079Magmus^*
^292- ^*^079Kinesis^*
^292- ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*^079Ophelia^*
^292- ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*^079Revenant^*
^292- ^*^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*^079Succubus^*
^292- ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*^079Pharaoh^*


4th December 2014

^292- ^*Reporting a player window now pops up after remade games complete again

^292- ^*Own the Three Judges of All Hells -- ^079Abaddon^*, ^079Aeacus^*, and
^079Minos^* -- and gain a bonus dragon pet for each one! Each Judge will acquire a
flying dragon with unique colors and effects to match its master:
^717* ^*^079Abaddon^*: Dead blood red with yellow embers
^717* ^*^079Aeacus^*: Blue and gold with mana blue embers
^717* ^*^079Minos^*: Gray and yellow with golden embers
This change was made but not in the 3.5.11 notes:
^292- ^*^090Veiled Rot^* is now allowed in Tournament Rules


^970Version 3.5.11^*
3rd December 2014

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Added a new Inventory Slot: The Ward Slot^*

^820+ ^*^995Item progression in our game is very important; however for all roles,
support especially, dedicating one inventory slot to holding wards can be a large
detriment to this progression. This extra inventory slot for Wards of Sight will
allow supports to more easily carry all of the required consumables for their role
and enjoy more item progression than previously available. It will also allow the
option of other roles to place wards when they previously couldn't due to inventory
slot restriction.^*
^717* ^*Any Wards of Sight purchased are now stored in this new location
^717* ^*Can use Wards from this slot the same as any other inventory slot (default
hotkey: Alt+R)
^717* ^*Wards of Revelation still use normal inventory slots

^292- ^*Having a friendly Ward selected now displays its reveal radius for you to

^292- ^*^539Winter has come to the Forests of Caldavar and Mid Wars^*
^820+ ^*^995A frigid front has finally swept over Newerth turning the lush Forests
of Caldavar into a replica of the chilly tundra known as Frost Fields. So grab your
coats and bundle up, we wouldn't want you to get frostbite right before a big

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Store Item: ^539Ward Skins^*

^717* ^*For the first time we are introducing Ward Skins into Heroes of Newerth.
This exciting product will allow you to select a custom look for the wards your
hero places. They function like Taunts and Announcer Packs, so after you purchase a
Ward Skin in the Game Vanity section of the store, select it in your Vault before
you enter a game.
^717* ^*Your Ward Skins will have separate effects for Wards of Revelation and
Wards of Sight to allow you and your teammates to identify which type of ward has
been placed. The Ward Skins are completely cosmetic and have no effect on the
performance of wards, their placement, or the area they affect.
^717* ^*Any player who owns a Ward Skin may select one before starting a match, and
each player's Ward Skin will be displayed for all players when standard rules of
gameplay allow (hopefully not by the enemy team too quickly or often).
^717* ^*The first group of Ward Skins features products inspired by classic support
heroes and the URSA Corps. The former will be offered as individual products and in
a themed bundle for additional savings, and features wards themed for Aluna,
Empath, Torturer, Pearl, and Rhapsody, and the bundle offers an exclusive Glacius-
themed ward!

^292- ^*New Support Hero Ward Skins

^717* ^*^079Aluna^*: A glittering emerald floating above a gold and bamboo base!
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*: A dazzling disco ball spinning over Rhap's guitar!
^717* ^*^079Pearl^*: A bubbling wand whirling over a magical base!
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*: Ice shards spinning over a miniature glacier to stop the
ganks cold!
^717* ^*^079Empath^*: A glowing Empathic symbol over a golden base to let you know
she cares!
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*: A tormented skull burning above a pedestal of pain!
^717* ^*Note: You do not have to play with the hero for whom the ward is themed to
use that ward. For example, any hero can use the Aluna Ward Skin.

^292- ^*New Ward Skin: ^539URSA Ward Skin^*

^717* ^*The enemies of URSA Corps cannot hope to meet them head-on in battle, so
they resort to gutless ambushes and sneak attacks. Reveal their plans and your
loyalty with this custom URSA Corps ward skin, and expose the enemy for the cowards
they are!
^717* ^*The URSA Ward Skin will be placed in the URSA chest in Plinko!

^292- ^*New Announcer Pack: ^539URSA Announcer^*

^717* ^*Lock and load and armor up, URSA warriors! If this announcer pack doesn't
get you ready to roar, you might already be dead!
^717* ^*Claim the URSA Announcer Pack for free when you own these avatars: Uproar
Flux, Ussuri Gauntlet, Kodia Devourer, Axia Moraxus, Barrage Bombardier, Gunclaw
Gunblade, Scoria Magmus, Grizzington Benzington, and Arctos Gladiator.

^292- ^*New Avatar Set: The Three Judges of All Hells

^292- ^*New ^079Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^079Minos^*
^717* ^*In ancient Greece, King Minos ordered his architect Daedalus to construct
the Labyrinth to hide the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull monstrosity resulting
from his wife being cursed by Poseidon and spending some quality time with a bull.
When Minos tried to find and kill Daedalus - the only man who knew the truth about
the Minotaur - he was tricked, boiled to death, and sent to the underworld. Because
of his thirst for revenge on all those who wronged him and his uncanny ability to
exert his will over others, he manipulated his way into becoming one of Three
Judges of All Hells, where he has ruled for centuries. Until now.

^292- ^*New ^079Accursed^* Avatar: ^079Abaddon^*

^717* ^*Overseer of the bottomless pits of the underworld and the dead cast within
for all time, Abaddon the Destroyer was perfectly content wielding his cauterizing
sword to sear away any glimmer of hope for the doomed souls brought before the
pulpit of the Three Judges of All Hells. Now he stalks the battlefields of Newerth,
hunting she who has opened the Vault of All Hells...

^292- ^*New ^079Magebane^* Avatar: ^079Aeacus^*

^717* ^*Aeacus, the Lord of Wailing and Lamentation, serves as the third Judge of
All Hells and carries the sole key to the Vault of All Hells. At least he did,
until someone descended into the realm of the dead, knelt for her judgement, and
wreaked havoc upon the natural order of endless damnation and punishment.

^717* ^*Now the Three Judges have risen to the surface of Newerth to collect what
is rightfully theirs -- the harvested souls of the damned, amassed since time began
-- and to exact their worst punishment yet upon the woman who released them upon
the world.

^292- ^*New ^079Predator^* Avatar: ^079Ba'al^*

^717* ^*Ba'al is a principle lord of Hell and Satan's primary henchman. He rules
over 66 types of lesser daemons and vast realms of Hell, and he has chosen a
terrifying corporeal form in order to further his goal of creating Hell on Newerth
so he can rule that as well. In the meantime, he can slaughter his way across the
battlefield and send more souls to his infernal underworld.
^292- ^*New Limited Edition ^079Emerald Warden^* Zodiac Avatar: ^079Sagittarius^*
^717* ^*The Centaurs have always been a gentle species upon Newerth, wanting
nothing more than to care for the beasts of the forest, enjoy peaceful music and
tutor their young in the divine art of archery. Their mythological hero,
Sagittarius, has always been the model of benevolence to strive for, he who made
the selfless offer to replace the suffering Prometheus and in return was raised to
the heavens to rest among the stars. But now the Centaurs send a different prayer
to Sagittarius, one of fear and desperation and pleas to save them from
extermination at the hands of the Hellbourne, and Sagittarius has answered this
call by tearing himself out of the celestial sky and bringing his enchanted bow,
loyal wolves, and fierce eagle with him to defend his race.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Swiftblade^*

^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Warlock, Archer, Imp and Soldier 3D portraits are now properly centered

^292- ^*The correct hero icon is now shown when reporting a player while watching a
replay through a player's perspective/point-of-view
^292- ^*As a player in-game, kicking a spectator who's spectating you no longer
makes a box get stuck to your cursor
^292- ^*Randoming a hero will now properly select the Alt Avatar that you marked as
the default one in your preferences
^292- ^*Pending spectate/mentor requests will no longer linger on the screen after
you disconnect from the game
^292- ^*Tooltips will now show the proper aura radius scaling (e.g. Soul Reaper's
Withering Presence)
^292- ^*Reporting a player will no longer pop up after remade games
^292- ^*"Join" buttons are now hidden while the game is in the loading bar race
^292- ^*Gold infobox tooltip (when you hover over your in-game gold) has been
cleaned up
^292- ^*HoN Store: Right-clicking the "Purchased" button when you already own a
product should properly redirect you to the Vault

^292- ^*Non-shift-queued commands will no longer be added to the order queue during
a forced order (this fixes units becoming unresponsive for a short period of time
after the expiry of forced orders such as Legionnaire's Taunt)
^292- ^*Heroes such as Circe, Moira and Gemini will no longer deselect themselves
and have a blank unit selection after using certain abilities
^292- ^*Selected upgrades (Taunts, Announcer Packs, owned hero set special effects,
etc.) now play properly in Practice Mode games and bot matches without other human

Cast range indicator additions

^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: ^256Fire & Ice^* pets' ^256Fire Breath^* and ^256Ice Breath^*
^292- ^*^079Gunblade^*: ^256Lethal Range^*
^292- ^*^079Ravenor^*: ^256Storm Blades^* and ^256Electrical Feedback^*
^292- ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*: ^256Camouflage^*
^292- ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*: ^256Acid Cocktail^*
^292- ^*^079Magmus^*: ^256Volcanic Touch^*
^292- ^*^079Hammerstorm^*: ^256Mighty Swing^*
^292- ^*^079Myrmidon^*: ^256Forced Evolution^*
^292- ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*: ^256Split Fire^*

Walk cycle animations now have 1 less frame to make them smoother for the following
^292- ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*^079Elder Riftwalker^*
^292- ^*^079Acolyte Amun-Ra^*
^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^* (all avatars)

^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* visual smoke effects on Gundromeda are now 10x
more pink!

^292- ^*^256LRM's^* application of ^256Special Ammunition's^* slow state is now
properly linked to LRM's damage application (radius based on the center of the
projectile's position when it impacts)
^717* ^*The slow should no longer be applied without damage being applied, and vice

^292- ^*^256Dig^* no longer changes Geomancer's actual facing by 180 degrees

^292- ^*^256Face Off^* no longer freezes Kane if his target is deleted during its
^292- ^*^256Waylay^* no longer lingers for a prolonged period of time in cornercase
^717* ^*This fixes Parasite being damaged by the ability if he's inside a creep
which dies from Waylay.

^079Lord Salforis^*
^292- ^*^256Life Tap^* cast impact visuals and ^256Dark Lord's Presence^* radius
visuals rescaled to match their actual respective radii

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Stun debuff state hidden from ^256Charged Shot^*

^292- ^*^256Ephemeral Forge^* spirit's autoattack changes to a Physical effect type
if the target is Magic Immune

^292- ^*^256Infested^* creeps will now have effects properly when hex skills are
cast on the infested creep (e.g. Witch Slayer's Miniaturization)
^292- ^*^256Infest^* no longer "heals" Parasite for a negative amount of HP if the
infested creep receives damage that brings its Health to below 0
^717* ^*This is comparable to dealing non-lethal damage to Parasite, which it
should no longer do.

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Olympic Pegasus no longer has black/white textures on OpenGL

^292- ^*If multiple Riptides are on the same team, then the slow from ^256Watery
Grave^* will properly apply its bonus effects if another Riptide's ^256Perfect
Storm^* (ultimate) is in effect, even if the caster's own Perfect Storm is not in

^292- ^*Mae Nak and Lady Nak avatars' ^256Tree Grapple^* should no longer cause
significant frame rate drops.

^292- ^*^256Illuminate^* centerpiece gadget now properly blocks neutral creep camps
from respawning

^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^292- ^*^090Sacrificial Stone^* now receives the upgraded stat bonuses when the
charge increases from 0 to 1
^292- ^*^090Sacrificial Stone^* now properly loses its charge when the wielder dies


^970Version 3.5.10^*
19th November 2014

^970== Grimm's Crossing ==^*

^820+ ^*^995Grimm's Crossing has received some changes in order to provide a more
fair battlefield despite the imbalances that 3v3 can cause. It will now offer
shorter, high action matches with a new boss to create a contention point and help
the game finish more quickly for the team that takes him down.^*

^292- ^*Added back to Matchmaking, replacing Rift Wars

^292- ^*Pick Mode changed to Blind Ban
^292- ^*Now only uses Casual Mode rule set
^292- ^*Reworked terrain and jungle camps to add a new Boss
^292- ^*New sounds and unique music has been added
^292- ^*Lobby music updated to a new track: "The Army of the Fallen King"

^292- ^*Added a new Boss: ^095General Atrox^*

^717* ^*Has two devastating abilities that scale throughout the game
^717* ^*Drops Bananas and reduces the armor of all enemy structures by 50% for 3
minutes after death
^717* ^*General Atrox will announce his presence to everyone when he spawns and
when you first enter the map at the start
^717* ^*General Atrox will say something when he dies that can be heard all over
Grimm's Crossing (Answering the age old question: "When General Atrox falls in the
forest, do you hear him?" Yes. Yes you do.)
^717* ^*If General Atrox kills a hero he will yell something, but only in the area
where he is fighting

^292- ^*Reduced building Armor and increased Main Base Regeneration

^717* ^*Melee Barracks: Armor decreased from 15 to 8
^717* ^*Ranged Barracks: Armor decreased from 5 to 3
^717* ^*Base Tower: Armor decreased from 20 to 10
^717* ^*Base Structure: Armor decreased from 15 to 10
^717* ^*Base Structure: Health Regeneration increased from 3 to 15

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Black Friday^*

^717* ^*This Black Friday, Merrick is in full force. He's prepared an hourly agenda
for all of his loyal customers that includes massive discounts on normal avatars,
limited edition avatars reentering the shop, and one extra exclusive avatar being
brought back from the depths of his store and being put on sale. These sales are
for his loyal customers only and will not be advertised outside of Newerth so make
sure to log in and catch this goblin's sales.

^292- ^*^539Starter Bundles^*

^717* ^*In addition to the sales, Merrick is placing a new type of bundle in the
store: Starter Bundles. Starter Bundles will be specific to a certain allegiance
(Hellbourne or Legion) and a certain attribute (Strength, Agility, or
Intelligence). These bundles will contain 1 avatar for each hero that falls in that
category and will cost 1575 GC. That's 20 (or 21) avatars for a $30 pack which is
roughly a 75% discount. Start your collection today!
*The Hellbourne intelligence bundle will not include a Riftwalker alt.

^292- ^*^539Sol's Theatre^*

^717* ^*The map makers have been hard at work refining their maps and making them
as fun as possible. Each of them must submit their final maps by 11/19. From there,
the HoN team will decide on which map will be chosen the winner and which maps will
simply be runner ups. Look forward to the winner being announced on 11/26!

^292- ^*^539Grimm's Crossing Tournaments^*

^717* ^*With the return of Grimm's Crossing, we felt it necessary to honor the map
with an array of tournaments. There will be two tournaments taking place over the
following weekend; S2 vs Community on Grimm's Crossing starting on 11/20 and a
competitive cash tournament on Grimm's Crossing starting on 11/22. Sign up for the
S2 vs Community event via the forums and the cash tournament event via HoN Tour!

^292- ^*Captain's Pick is now hostable in Midwars

^292- ^*Shuffle Pick mode is now hostable in Public Games

^292- ^*Game speed now properly resets to 100% (1x) speed if you end a Practice
Mode game without pressing the Disconnect button
^717* ^*For example, letting the opposing main base building die without pressing

^292- ^*The hero usage list will now properly sort between: Hero Usage, Win
Percentage and Loss Percentage

^292- ^*Courier's Delivery (E) ability is no longer placed at the front of the
^292- ^*Ground Courier should properly inherit actions from order queue when being
upgraded to Flying Courier
^292- ^*Geometer's Bane will no longer interrupt the courier's delivery

^292- ^*Fate can no longer ban a hero that has already been picked
^292- ^*Shuffle pick will always add 2 heroes to the Shuffle Pool, even if you
filter heroes in such a way that only 1 hero is available to be picked
^292- ^*Swap requests now cancel properly when 2 people request a swap with you and
you accept one swap

^292- ^*Cooldowns are always updated on created items

^717* ^*Fixes Post Haste not sharing cooldown with Homecoming Stone when it is
created under certain conditions

^292- ^*Replay controller will no longer reappear when the ingame timer reaches
^292- ^*Practice Mode's "Refresh" feature will no longer retain its auto-Refresh
feature if you play a Local Bot game

^292- ^*Units with flying can no longer exit game bounds (e.g. Klanx with his
H.A.W.K. (W) skill, Flying Couriers)

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Behemoth^* Avatar: ^079Garan the Rune Weaver^*

^717* ^*Runeweaver Behemoth's initial concept was conjured by none other than
MrKrane, the lucky winner of the Dream Avatar Contest.
As one of the grand winners, MrKrane was able to have his idea implemented into the
^717* ^*This opportunity was brought to you by the Community Event Team ~ a group
of volunteers who pledge to bring you HoN-related contests and events with huge
prizes! Check out the current contests being hosted here:

^717* ^*The Rune Weavers are the lesser known cousins of the Behemoths; named for
their ability to weave together the ancient powers of Newerth with their own
powerful magic to create Runes capable of great healing or destruction. This
shrouded race of ingenious shamans reveal that the Behemoth bloodline is much more
diverse than previously thought, wielding not only great physical strength, but
incredible magical prowess as well.
^717* ^*The Rune Weavers have an innate connection with the earth. Whilst not as
physically strong as their cousins, they more than make up for this with their
control over their craft. Throughout time they became ever more powerful; by
finding a way to create fissures and then close them again within moments, they
summoned shock waves that would flatten mountains, mimicking the feats of strength
shown by the Behemoths. They would also restore the land they had damaged in the
process of defending it. The Rune Weavers are a peaceful race, aiding the good and
defending the weak, like their cousins the Behemoths.
^717* ^*When the Hellbourne began ravaging Newerth, the Rune Weavers knew they had
to delve deeper into their magic. They needed something powerful enough to aid them
and their less magically adept kin to defeat the daemon plague. So they poured
metal, magic, blood and sweat into what would become their greatest creation: The
Portal Key.
An item so perfectly woven, it could manipulate the very fabric of the universe,
opening portals to teleport the user instantly into battle. The item was
particularly effective when used by their mountainous cousins, who fell upon the
enemy, crushing them into the ground and sending those nearby flying. They guard
their creation fiercely, allowing only the strongest Legion heroes to use them,
although regrettably they have lost some to the Hellbourne as their brothers fell
in battle.
^717* ^*The lost Portal Keys are slowly being taken back, but not without cost.

^292- ^*New ^079Tarot^* Avatar: ^079Roulette^*

^717* ^*Roulette is a lady by day and a card shark by night; a southern belle with
a venomous bite. She relies on chance to dictate her next move, and never worries
about the future, knowing that she can only play the hand she was dealt. She is
wellversed in probability and lucky strikes, but for all her big wins at the
tables, she can never seem to find the right man; love evades her like a 53rd card.
Chance can be cruel, but it can also pay off in spades.

^292- ^*New ^079Riftwalker^* Avatar: ^079Possessed Riftwalker^*

^717* ^*Delving further into the forbidden arts that allowed her to access the
Rift, the Riftwalker became obsessed with the consumption and manipulation of
power. The transcendence of Newerth's mortal plane thrilled her: the ability to
control existence and abandon the faux dichotomy of life and death inherent in the
system. As she let the Rift overtake her, her physical appearance changed as well,
disguising the innocence that composed her pale face with the viscous, writhing
carapace of something much more horrid, cosmetically and existentially.

^292- ^*New Gold Edition ^079War Beast^* Avatar: ^079Skullcrusher^*

^717* ^*When War Beast brought his frenzied pets from the depths of the Underworld,
he included a litter of savage hellhounds he'd been experimenting with. He chose
the most vicious of these and used a blend of impromptu surgery and fel magic to
turn them into two-legged soldiers bred to swarm Legion trenches and
fortifications, then transform into their true four-legged form to ensure there
were no survivors.

^292- ^*New ^079Monkey King^* Avatar: ^079MechaKing^*

^717* ^*MechaKing is a melee combat machine created by Kodia of the URSA Corps in
an attempt to expand their ranks beyond the elite nucleus of the crew, but she has
experienced mixed results with this automated soldier due to the lack of heart and
soul within the machine. MechaKing is prone to unpredictable behavior and a
ruthlessness the URSA Corps does not support, but they cannot argue with the dead
enemies he leaves behind.

^292- ^*New URSA Corps ^079Gladiator^* Avatar: ^079Arctos^*

^717* ^*The starving girl was one of the countless orphans of Blackwal, tossed into
the blood-soaked fighting pits to be torn apart by the undead savages resurrected
by Lord Salforis for his perverse entertainment. To the Baron's astonishment, the
girl fought like a cornered bear, earning her the nickname Arctos, an ancient term
in the realm for the terrifying beasts who stalked the dark mountain passes and
left behind only screams. The girl earned her life that day and as she survived
each day of brutal combat she earned water, food, and eventually weapons to fight
the ever-increasing number and strength of Salforis' rotting soldiers.
When the URSA Corps raided the outpost, they freed the tormented prisoners and
provided safe passage out of the Great Waste, but when everyone else fled toward
the supposed protection of the Legion, Arctos refused to budge. She demanded to
join the URSA Corps, and one look at what she could do with the weapons and armor
provided by Kodia convinced the women she would be a valuable asset. Now she uses
her Blackwal-honed combat skills against the living and dead alike, relishing the
thought of facing Lord Salforis one last time.
^717* ^* If ^079Arctos^* kills ^079Lord Salforis^* without taunting him, she will
say something unique to him. The same is true if ^079Lord Salforis^* kills
^079Arctos^* without taunting her

^292- ^*^079Sand Wraith^* (POG) (Default)

^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^256Shockwave^* ripple and ground impact effects now represents the max
radius of the spell more accurately
^292- ^*^256Heavyweight^* effects rescaled to visually match affected radius

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Rescaled radius visual effects to more closely match the actual radius of
his skills
^292- ^*Added the proper size of the visual effects for his SotM-boosted ^256Storm
Cloud^* (where the radius increases from 600 to 800)
^292- ^*^256Grappling Shot^* no longer requires Gunblade to manually detach himself
from thin air if he latches onto an illusion that expires

^292- ^*^256H.A.W.K.^* now gets its duration reduced properly when Klanx is
attacked by invulnerable units

^292- ^*Chip Legionnaire's model appears correctly when having Staff of the Master
in his inventory
^292- ^*^256Decapitate^* animation fixed for the default Legionnaire avatar

^292- ^*Visual cracks from ^256Quake^* now indicate the correct radius

^292- ^*Attack projectile visuals fixed when attacking Hellbourne buildings

^292- ^*^256Consume^* subability on an Infested creep will now properly inherit
Parasite's order queue

^292- ^*Chain effects now display properly when Prisoner is Sheepsticked or Hexed

^292- ^*^256Ferver^* buff will no longer display a white box while playing the
^292- ^*^256Inferno Strike^* (boosted skill by Staff of the Master) explosion now
properly applies Fervor's Burning! state to targets affected by the explosion

^292- ^*Disjointed attacks no longer bounce to the target with Far Scry

^292- ^*^256Elementals^* now display their 3D portraits properly

^292- ^*Radius visual effects are now rescaled properly of the following abilities
for each level
^717* ^*^079Torturer's^* ^256Chain Reaction^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler's^* ^256Grave Silence^*
^717* ^*^079Blitz's^* ^256Lightning Shackles^*


^970Version 3.5.9^*
5th November 2014

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Deadwood^* Avatar: ^079Corn Stalker^*

^717* ^*As the war rages on and the harvesting season approaches, the Hellbourne
have set about scorching, trampling, and poisoning the crops to deny the enemy
succor. In a stroke of depraved genius, Deadwood tainted a rolling field of Legion
corn by sowing the earth with the putrid bodies of his latest victims. Their
agonized souls have coalesced and risen as Corn Stalker Deadwood, who emerges from
among the shadowed rows to reap a human crop of terrifying proportions.

^292- ^*New ^079Lodestone^* Avatar: ^079Straw Man^*

^717* ^*Designed with scrap materials by a gaggle of goblins, the Straw Men serve
not only to keep animals away from the Beast Horde's crop fields, but also as
robotic executioners for unlucky wanderers. They patrol the perimeter of farmland
areas night and day, never ceasing, fueled by the corpses of people and animals
they slaughter. The gigantic furnaces on their back quickly dispose of corpses,
leaving no trace of the intruders to identify, and bellowing out large plumes of
smoke over taller crops as a warning: enter at your own peril.

^292- ^*New ^079Madman^* Avatar: ^079Raving Madman^*

^717* ^*The inmate known as Raving Madman is believed to be a Legion foot soldier
captured at the base of Watchtower by Falow the Puppet Master, who used the hapless
conscript as an experiment to determine how much torture a human could endure
before going insane. The Puppet Master discovered there are many levels of
insanity, - each more violent and twisted than the last, and when he finally found
the depths of human madness he set the Raving Madman loose upon Newerth. Now, the
Legion must avoid his swiping claws and gnashing teeth while they try to capture
their former comrade alive so he can be taken to the sixth dungeon of Caligo
Alcazar -- the infamous former fortress of Maliken Grimm when he ruled the Legion
from Adkarna -- now a prison for those condemned by malleable Legion justice.
Perhaps the Legion doctors who house the violently insane can bring stillness to
his writhing mind...

^292- ^*New Limited Edition Zodiac ^079Slither^* Avatar: ^079Scorpio^*

^717* ^*The eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, is the most deceptive and deadly of
the group. The slowburn of her enemies' life force gives her great pleasure, more
so than any quick death could ever give. Few stories are ever told about her, since
most of the people who encounter her perish before they can return home. Her
personality is as lethal as her venom, leaving her few friends, even in the ranks
of the Zodiac. The golden rule, if you see a glint of moonlight on her armor at
night, is simply this: do not stick around.

^292- ^*New ^079Chronos^* Item Avatar: ^079Bia - Savage Mace Chronos^*

^717* ^*Bia is the personification of force and raw energy. As a constant companion
of Zeus, she supported him in the war against the Titans, during which she saw the
true power of savagery in the face of the enemy. Over the centuries she has become
somewhat more subdued, softened by the devotion of her worshipers and lack of -
interest in the endless wars of mankind, and this pitiful state was quickly exposed
when she was summoned by Zeus to join the war upon Newerth.
The raw brutality of the war between the Legion and Hellbourne was a harsh wake-up
call to the once-fierce warrior, and she is determined to take whatever action and
acquire any item necessary to revert to her savage state and show these amateurs
how to fight a real war.

^292- ^*New URSA Corps ^079Benzington^* Avatar: ^079Grizzington^*

^717* ^*The URSA Corps warrior known as Grizzington began as an animal rights
activist who devoted her life to protecting the innocent creatures of Caldavar from
the carnage of the war between the Legion and Hellbourne. The conflict has torn
through fragile ecosystems, destroyed migration patterns, and left countless
carcasses in its wake, pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Convinced
the humans of the Legion care for the animals only as far as their pelts can bring
wealth and glory, while the Beasts are too preoccupied with survival to care for
their less-powerful brothers and sisters, she turned to the sisterhood of the URSA
Corps and worked with Kodia to design a suit of armor for herself and her beloved
creatures. The first prototype of rider and mount was christened Grizzington, and
she rides forth to hunt and kill any who threaten the innocent of Caldavar.
^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Bombardier^*

^717* ^*This is the second bot created by Anakonda!
^717* ^*Anakonda receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!
^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Grinex^*
^717* ^*This is the second bot created by Darkfire!
^717* ^*Darkfire receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!

^292- ^*Earn gold rewards for contributing on the bot subforums!

^717* ^*Create your own bot, or review submission code! All of these bots were
vetted by community contributors and the Community Bot Team. Join us on the bot
forums or on IRC and earn gold!

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where queuing up too many move commands could cause heroes to
become unresponsive

^292- ^*Guttling Hook vocals will only play if the hook successfully hits a target

^292- ^*Fixed a rare bug where Grapple's second activation would sometimes go
behind Gauntlet after acquiring a Staff of the Master.

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Fake-casting Forked Lightning with the Libra avatar will no longer create
an excessive amount of particles.

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where Chrysalis would interfere with the effects on Tarot's
Bound By Fate and Pharaoh's Wall of Mummies

^292- ^*Dynasty Prophet's split autoattack projectiles from Shared Fate now have
the correct visual
^292- ^*Debilitate split projectiles from Shared Fate now display the correct
visual for Bone Prophet, Serpent Prophet and Dynasty Prophet
^292- ^*Bone Prophet and Serpent Prophet's Persecution visuals fixed when the
afflicted target is attacked at least once

^292- ^*Rhapscallion's Staccato ring is now properly centered on herself when she

^090Post Haste^*
^292- ^*Ioyn Stone no longer removes your own Post Haste charges

^970Version 3.5.8^*
22 October 2014

^970== New Hero ==^*

^292- ^*^539New Hellbourne Strength Hero^*: ^079Kane the Usurper^*

^717* ^*Kane the Usurper is an orphaned, mixed-breed warrior raised by Maliken to
despise all forms of royalty and authority. His utopia is a Newerth bereft of
crowns, with only the strongest and most savage allowed to hold dominion over
others. He is incredibly cocky, but he can back it up, so maybe he's just
^717* ^*Should Kane kill ^079Jeraziah^* without taunting him, a unique voice line
will play

^292- ^*New ^079Kane^* Debut Avatar: ^0798-Bit Kane^*

^717* ^*8-Bit Kane has devoted his life to demolishing every video game record in
Newerth, and with his years of dedicated training and powered-up gear, the pixels
and high scores are trembling with fear. Choose 8-Bit Kane and proclaim to the
world: All your base are belong to us.

^292- ^*New ^079Kane^* Avatar: ^079Katana^*

^717* ^*Katana is a wandering samurai with no master, on a seemingly neverending
search for the mongrel who traveled deep into the SangLa Mountains, hacked his way
through dozens of warriors and murdered Katana's lord. This beast is known as Kane
the Usurper, and Katana will avenge the death of his master before he joins him in
the afterlife.

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Pauses in Tournament Mode no longer have a 5-second countdown

^717* ^*Unpausing still has the 5-second countdown
^292- ^*Bot matches with one person will no longer display the Leaver Disconnect
^292- ^*^090Courier^* no longer shows as being "dead" in the UI when it has 1 HP

Goblin Store
^292- ^*Preview buttons on Alt Avatars, Taunts, etc. now play sounds properly

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Halloween Party Cosplay Avatars:

^717* ^*^079Preda Tori Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Ellie Envy Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Bonnie Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Lynn X Grinex^*
^717* ^*Let the Cosplay Halloween Party begin! These festive, Newerth-loving ladies
have worked all year on their costumes and the time has finally come to show them
off! Join the Halloween celebration by showering the map with their new party
effects and trying to win the Best Cosplay Award*! (*Contestant must be alive to
^717* ^*Purchase the Halloween Party Cosplay bundle and receive a free spooky
pumpkin courier!
^292- ^*New Halloween Holiday Edition ^079Rhapsody^* Avatar: ^079Thriller
^717* ^*Thriller Rhapsody is a zombie who has returned from the dead because of her
love for Halloween, dancing, and brains. She digs her way out of the grave every
year to boogie across Caldavar while shredding flesh with her wickedly sharp keytar
and cracking open some skulls for a snack to share with her fellow zombies. Watch
out if you find yourself in her hellish Disco Inferno -- zombies don't like it when
you mess up their dance routine.

^292- ^*New Halloween Holiday Edition ^079Devourer^* Avatar: ^079Bedsheet Devo^*

^717* ^*Who's the corpulent, grotesque, skinless creature with the weird arm hiding
under that stained bedsheet? Armadon? Puppet Master? ...Blacksmith? Ah, who knows;
could be anyone!

^292- ^*New Halloween Holiday Edition ^079Silhouette^* Avatar: ^079Mae Nak^*

^717* ^*Mae Nak is a ghost from Thai folklore in a perpetual search for her
husband, who fled when he realized his wife was actually a spirit. She terrorizes
every living creature she encounters, blaming them for making him flee, and kills
everyone she can to keep them from revealing her haunted secret.

^292- ^*URSA Corps Courier

^717* ^*The URSA Corps is running low on ammo--quick, send in the custom courier!
The only way to claim your URSA Corps Courier is by owning these avatars:
^717* ^*^079Uproar Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Ussuri Gauntlet^*
^717* ^*^079Kodia Devo^*
^717* ^*^079Axia Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Barrage Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Gunclaw Gunblade^*
^717* ^*^079Scoria Magmus^*

^292- ^*^090Pumpkin Courier^*

^717* ^*This spooky pumpkin knows all about possessions. Oh, your possessions? Here
you go, with extra seeds, stringy goop, and haunting!
^717* ^*This courier is not for purchase and only acquired by collecting all of the
cosplay avatars

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Heropets (e.g. Puppet Master's Voodoo Puppet, Gemini's split form Fire/Ice
pets) will no longer count as an extra kill/assist for the following skills &
^717* ^*^079Devourer's^* ^256Cadaver Armor^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad's^* ^256True Strike^* & ^256Mirage Strike^*
^717* ^*^090Grave Locket^*
^717* ^*^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^717* ^*^090Icon of the Goddess^*

^292- ^*Emerald Red's state no longer uses up charges if Aluna casts Emerald Red
after casting Déja Vu & uses the second and third activations of Deja Vu

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Gawain's abilities are now properly reset by Restoration Stone
^717* ^*Ultimate abilities have a 0.5s cooldown to prevent too much Practice Mode
auto-refresh Gawain Q spam
^292- ^*Overgrowth traps can no longer be attacked by ally players if Emerald
Warden turns off help from that player
^292- ^*Overgrowth will no longer be triggered when attacked by an invulnerable
enemy unit

^292- ^*Splash now has a cast range indicator

^292- ^*In My Element's circle indicator now respawns correctly if Perfect Storm is
active and Riptide dies & revives before the duration of Perfect Storm is over

^292- ^*Asgard Thor's Chain Lightning effect will no longer spread out randomly on
the screen

^292- ^*Sexy Librarian pages will no longer come out of the book when she dies

^292- ^*Horus Zephyr (Alt6) selected flavour sound now plays the correct sound file


^970Version 3.5.7^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539The Harvest Festival has arrived in Newerth!^*

^717* ^*The Forest of Caldavar and the Mid Wars battle have seen a darkness fall on
the land...
^717* ^*Rumor has it Kongor was slain, only to rise again as a shambling horror!
^717* ^*Even the sight-granting wards have been stuck with a change
^717* ^*Keeper of the Forest has noticed a new growth in his Roots
^717* ^*Kuldra's Sheepstick now comes with a bite
^717* ^*Music and sounds of the world have been altered
^717* ^*And more!

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Electrician^* Avatar: ^079Royal Armor Osiris^*

^717* ^*Just as the cycles of nature ebb and flow, Osiris has risen to the peak of
his power and wealth due to the monarchies of Newerth flooding him with gold in an
attempt to ensure life after death through his assimilation rituals. Rather than
hoard this gold, Osiris has adorned himself with its luster to show everyone-rich
and poor alike-what is possible when you submit yourself for rebirth through him.

^292- ^*New ^079Armadon^* Avatar: ^079Scarlord^*

^717* ^*Even gazing upon the monster known as Scarlord is enough to send chills
down one's spine. Emerging from the Scar clutching a gigantic mace larger than most
men, he storms to the forefront of the Hellbourne troops with only his wicked horns
protruding from the ominous clouds that roll into his new stomping grounds. With
each violent step, the daemon king sets fire to the environment, taking the souls
of the damned with him as he travels, and, in his search for new blood to spill,
not a blade of grass will be left unscathed.

^292- ^*New ^079Master of Arms^* Limited Edition Zodiac Avatar: ^079Libra^*

^717* ^*Libra seeks balance and harmony in all things, and it has become evident
that the daemons coursing out of various Hells have tipped the scales of power too
far toward the damned. Libra has joined the wars between the righteous and the
cursed in order to restore harmony, though she is prepared to use harsh negotiation
tactics should her attempts at diplomacy fall short.

^292- ^*New ^079Gladiator^* Item Avatar: ^079Riftshards Gladiator^*

^717* ^*The warrior known as Riftshards Gladiator began as a combatant so inept he
was relegated by the munera overlords to the task of venturing into closing Rifts
to harvest the valuable Riftshards left behind. This was nothing short of a death
sentence, but the gladiator found himself growing stronger as he was exposed to the
unholy, razor-sharp remnants. He was soon strong enough to lift and wield the
preferred gladius and whip, then it felt like nothing to add a Punchdagger to his
sword, which quickly changed to a Broadsword as his body was augmented by the
invasive Riftshards. When he was fully corrupted by the shards, his body was
forever changed and no mortal warrior could stand before his Riftshard arsenal.

^090Item Upgrades^*
^717* ^*When the player gets ^090Punchdagger^*, a Punchdagger model is added to the
avatar's sword
^717* ^*When the player gets ^090Broadsword^*, the avatar's sword model becomes the
^717* ^*When the player gets ^090Riftshards^*, shards will begin to sprout from the
armor and the sword becomes a blade made of glowing Riftshards
^717* ^*As the player upgrades ^090Riftshards^*, even more shards will sprout from
his body and armor until he is totally corrupted!

^256Ability Upgrades^*
^717* ^*Pitfall now features Riftshard spikes harvested by Riftshards Gladiator
^717* ^*Showdown now features a Hellbourne Rift bristling with Riftshards
^717* ^*Call to Arms now summons the Riftcreatures and Battlecart used by
Riftshards Gladiator to harvest his Riftshards, and the ground erupts with razor-
sharp Riftshards.

^292- ^*New URSA Corps ^079Gunblade^* Avatar: ^079Gunclaw^*

^717* ^*Gunclaw tried to do it the legal way. She was deputized in Adkarna and
tasked with keeping the peace in the the overcrowded refugee camps on the fringe of
the city, full of humans and beasts fleeing the front lines of the battle between
the Legion and Hellbourne. She failed. Crippling hunger and rampant crime infected
the camps, and when the simmering rage burst into a full-blown riot the law woman
knew there was no malice in the violence, only fear. She opened the massive
warehouses and gave the people what they wanted - food to feed their starving
children and blankets to fight the freezing nights - and almost had the turmoil
contained when the Royal Guard arrived. Where she saw fear and desperation, they
saw threats and revolt. The mounted warriors slaughtered everyone involved with the
riot while Gunclaw screamed for them to stand down. When the killing was done, she
swore to never again serve a cause more interested in power and control than peace
and tolerance. And now she knows, in order to make peace, she must first make war.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Predator^*

^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^079Insanitarius Berzerker^*
^292- ^*When using his mask, he will now say his item line

^292- ^*Sound added for when item is activated

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Overgrowth icons are now correct when they are selected with multiple units

^292- ^*Infest now expires properly and automatically releases Parasite if his
infested unit becomes deleted

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*Fixed a rare bug where Voodoo Puppet would sometimes not die with its

^292- ^*Rhapscallion visual interaction with Martyr's Guardian Angel have been

^292- ^*Mass Control's secondary activation now throws all lifted units within 1800
units of him when cast

^292- ^*Fixed sword effects for Cyber Samurai

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Cursed Ground visual effects rescaled to more accurately match its radius

The following abilities and item have had script optimizations

^292- ^*Maliken's Sword Throw
^292- ^*Teleporters in Midwars, Grimm's Crossing and Riftwars
^292- ^*Shieldbreaker
^292- ^*Flying/Ground Courier's Homeward Bound
^292- ^*Valkyrie's Call of the Valkyrie
^292- ^*Silhouette's Relentless Salvo
^292- ^*Sand Wraith's Deserted
^292- ^*Rhapsody's Protective Melody
^292- ^*Rampage's Horned Strike
^292- ^*Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards
^292- ^*Moraxus' Matraxe
^292- ^*Nymphora's Grace of the Nymph

The following spells no longer travel incredibly long distances when cast on the
same frame as a teleport
^292- ^*Bubbles Shell Surf
^292- ^*Madman Barrel Roll
^292- ^*Tundra Piercing Shards
^292- ^*Aluna Power Throw
^292- ^*Sir Benzington Joust
^292- ^*Kraken Tsunami Charge
^292- ^*Sand Wraith Desert's Curse
^292- ^*Cthuluphant Trample
^292- ^*Geomancer Dig
^292- ^*Chronos Time Leap
^292- ^*Riptide Undertow
^292- ^*Gladiator Call to Arms
^292- ^*Dark Lady Charging Strikes
^292- ^*Myrmidon Waveform
^292- ^*Master of Arms Ace up my Sleeve
^292- ^*Ellonia Absolute Zero
^292- ^*Nymphora Nymphora's Zeal
^292- ^*Maliken Sword Throw


^970Version 3.5.6^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Salomon^* Avatar: ^079Wicked Wish^*

^717* ^*Secluded for eons under the monstrous mountains of sand that litter the
desert wastes, the great djinn known as Salomon waited, confined to a small,
delicately crafted gold lamp. Imprisoned for the havoc he wreaked upon the world
during the days of his summoning, he and the lamp were sent with an expendable
wanderer to the farthest reaches of the land and buried beneath layers of earth,
never to be spoken of again. It was not until a nomad, searching for the wraith who
slaughtered his village, stumbled upon the lamp that the ancient evil was once more
allowed to roam Newerth. The price paid to one wanderer has now become the debt of

^292- ^*New ^079Prophet^* Avatar: ^079Dynasty^*

^717* ^*The Phoenix Prophet is a rare, but inspiring, sight in Newerth, ushering in
a sense of hope and a renewal of fighting spirit to his chosen ones. Legion or
Hellbourne, the Phoenix makes no distinction, judging warriors based purely on
their will to survive and conquer. His feathers beam with unearthly radiance and
his skyforged weaponry is detailed with neverending flames, captivating those lucky
enough to catch a glimpse of his appearance in battle.

^292- ^*New ^079Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^079Halion the Wood Elf^*

^717* ^*It is believed the elf races evolved from a fringe element of the Fourth
Clan, the Scouts, a faction that drove further into the forests of Caldavar and
created a utopian society untouched by outside influence. This paradise was
shattered by the Second Corruption, and the elves selected a few elite warriors to
leave the elven lands to keep the Hellbourne infection from touching their sacred
territory. Halion is one of these warriors, and he carries two blades, blessed by
the Blind Prophet himself before his assassination. When the blades touch daemon
flesh, each impact grants Halion more energy to continue his attack. With these
blades, he will never tire while battling the Hellbourne.

^292- ^*New Item Avatar: ^079Insanitarius Berzerker^*

^717* ^*Insanitarius Berzerker is a warlord from the far shores of the Seradati
Plains, and he has joined the battle between the Legion and Hellbourne simply to
prove he is the greatest warrior on the face of Newerth. He carries a powerful
arsenal of weapons and armor from which to choose, selecting each one to instill
the greatest amount of fear in the enemy he faces. His Insanitarius mask is
reserved for only the most dangerous adversary, and me might soon find out everyone
he faces in this war is very, very dangerous.

^292- ^*New ^079Magmus^* URSA Corps Avatar: ^079Scoria^*

^717* ^*Unpredictable, irresponsible, and "out of her mind." are only a few of the
phrases attributed to URSA Magmus, the morally ambivalent girl who hides inside a
giant suit of armor. Designed to withstand lava and traverse deep under Newerth to
infiltrate Hellbourne spawning grounds, the power granted to URSA Magmus from the
suit has rendered her a juggernaut with little competition. Although generally
convinced of her loyalty, her suspicious behavior has a tendency to inspire fear,
even within the corps. After all, some people want to save the world just to see it
burn by their hand.
^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Doc Repulsor^*
^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^292- ^*^539URSA Corps Taunt^*

^717* ^*A roaring, exploding bear bomb is by far the best way to display your
primal dominance on the battlefield. Claim this ferocious taunt for free when you
own the URSA avatars Uproar, Ussuri, Kodia, Axia, and Barrage! (Flux, Gauntlet,
Devourer, Moraxus, and Bombardier)

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*The following neutrals have their aggro ranges readjusted when they are
under a player's control. This fixes a bug where attack-moving with them would move
the creep closer than their maximum attack range to acquire a target:

^717* ^*^095Antling^*
^717* ^*^095Antlore Healer^*
^717* ^*^095Antlore Necromancer^*
^717* ^*^095Dragon^*
^717* ^*^095Dragon Master^*
^717* ^*^095Ebula^*
^717* ^*^095Skeleton King^*
^717* ^*^095Sporespitter^*

^095Snotter Boss^*
^292- ^*Will no longer use other abilities while in mid-air with his Snotter Jump

^292- ^*^256Emerald Lightning^* now has a bounce radius indicator

^292- ^*^256Ensnaring Shrubbery^* now properly mitigates damage from enemy heroes
when they are invulnerable

^292- ^*^256Chronofield^* now properly disables gadgets from attacking (e.g.
Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards)

^292- ^*Wander range and aggro range increased from 600/700 to 850 for both ranges,
^717* ^*Fixes a bug where the spirits could not attack buildings from some angles

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Jurassic Warden's Gawain no longer inherits overhead effects

^292- ^*Mecha Gemini attack animations fixed
^292- ^*Mecha Gemini's claw swipe animation is now smooth

^292- ^*Jade Empress Hellbringer Malphas' Fire Breath colour is now green to match
the Malphas model color

^292- ^*^256Hellfire^* icon now has a timer to indicate when its effect ends
^292- ^*Category in Learnatorium changed to Physical/Magic/Crowd Control

^292- ^*^256Poison Spray^* can be now cast even if the end of the ability lands
outside the map boundaries

^292- ^*^256Terrormound^* no longer counts as a "unit" for some neutral skills
(e.g. Minotaur's Body Slam)

^090Homecoming Stone^*
^292- ^*Buff now shows the time it takes to teleport depending on the building you

^090Post Haste^*
^292- ^*Now inherits the number of charges from ^090Striders^* upon being upgraded
^292- ^*Now displays the correct Post Haste icon on the buffs

^292- ^*Taunt no longer puts ^090Striders^* on cooldown


^970Version 3.5.5^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Vindicator^* Avatar: ^079Space Wizard Merlin^*

^717* ^*The Cosmic Warlock. The Universal Mage. The Space Wizard. Has he always
existed, or did he spring into being when the planets partied? Is he a god, or
simply a man who delved too far into the arts of 1980s technology? Only the wizard
himself knows the answers to these questions -- and perhaps even more of life's
mysteries -- but who has to the time to explain when you've got worlds to create
(and then later blow-up)?

^292- ^*New ^079Artillery^* Avatar: ^079Rock God Apollo^*

^717* ^*Apollo joined the Legion forces because they worship a rival god, Sol, and
he knew he deserved their offerings more than that old geezer. While his valor on
the battlefield has certainly gained him a large following, the god of light and
the sun, music, poetry and prophecy knows the best way to bring in the flocks of
groupies is to shred some wicked riffs. Are you ready to ROCK?

^292- ^*New ^079Drunken Master^* Avatar: ^079Dionysus^*

^717* ^*Like all god-level drunks, Dionysus reveals his true self when he is most
intoxicated, and he is well into his cups at this point. He is more than happy to
share his endless supply of alcohol with anyone who challenges him, and once he
drinks you under the table there's a good chance he'll smash it over your head.

^292- ^*New Courier: ^090Cheburashka^*

^717* ^*We found this little guy in a crate of oranges shipped to the HoN store. He
was so cute, we decided to give him a job! Pick up your own Cheburashka to use as a
courier for your items (or fruit) and try not to "awww" too hard. He has a tendency
to doze off, but he'll make sure you get your goods on time!

^292- ^*New ^079Martyr^* Zodiac Avatar: ^079Virgo Martyr^*

^717* ^*The clever, very independent goddess Virgo does not know why the
inhabitants of Newerth must be constantly at war, and she would like nothing more
than to restore the natural order and harmony that once existed on the planet.
Rather than use her heavenly powers to destroy her enemies, she prefers to heal and
assist those who share her desire for peace. Once those mates are healed, if they
choose to wreak violent havoc upon the enemy, so be it! After all, Virgos are very
open-minded and tolerant.

^292- ^*New ^079Bombardier^* URSA Corps Avatar: ^079Barrage^*

^717* ^*Barrage hails from the Goblin race, who have been hunted and victimized by
both the Legion and Hellbourne. The former has never fully trusted the infamously
devious race and keeps them on the fringe of their territories, while the latter
finds Goblin souls to be foul-tasting and hard to contain; they're worth killing,
but not keeping. Barrage has found her true home among the URSA Corps warriors,
handling the heavy artillery and calling in airstrikes to defend her sisters and
those they protect. She holds an explosive grudge against all authority and anyone
who claims loyalty to the Legion or Hellbourne, and she carries the arsenal to make
that grudge heard across the battlefield.

^292- ^*New POGs Avatar: ^079Devourer^*

^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Base Attack Damage lowered from 55-57 to 49-51
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 45/40/35/30 seconds
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Deep Puddles no longer go through Magic immunity
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Deep Puddles linger time decreased from 3 to 1 second
^292- ^*^256In My Element^*: Invis reveal radius increased from 400 to 450 units

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^079Tarot^* now uses the correct voice lines for her cooldown and out of
mana phrases
^292- ^*^079Dr. Repulsor's^* flight voice line now only plays for the duration of
the flight
^292- ^*The voice line for ^079Emerald Warden's^* "Hunter's Command" ability now
has a random chance of not playing

^292- ^*Terrorize fear dispels properly on Parasite if his Infested creep dies
while under its effect
^292- ^*Terrorize visual effects now play properly on affected units

^292- ^*Galvanize cast sound now plays properly when moving

^292- ^*First minion from Goon Squad now applies Spell Sunder via its chain
^292- ^*Doomsday Klanx avatar now has a 3D portrait

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Heavenly Vault now propels Monkey King 300 units forward (instead of 600
units forward) if the target dies or becomes deleted before the vault projectile
impacts the target

^292- ^*Conflagration no longer interrupts commands

^292- ^*No longer inherits forced orders that his Infested creep receives when it
^292- ^*Consume sub-ability on an infested creep has the correct level that
corresponds to the level of Infest

^292- ^*Stampede no longer sometimes loses its Magic Immunity if used in
conjunction with Restoration Stone

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Judgment only spawns projectiles against units that are not Magic Immune
^717* ^*Projectiles still heal an allied target if they are Magic Immune at the
time of impact

^292- ^*Torment no longer interrupts commands

^292- ^*Dark Swarm no longer interrupts commands


^970Version 3.5.4^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*There is a disturbance in Newerth and something is ripping open the portal
to the Rift. The third map in TMM is being changed from Prophets to a variant of
Rift Wars on the Mid Wars map. Snotter Boss will be included along with a change in
the price of the Amulet of Rebirth (30 Gold Coins -> 60 Silver Coins).
^717* ^*Rift Wars now replaces Prophets in Matchmaking
^717* ^*Rift Wars is now on the Mid Wars Map

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Monarch^* Alt Avatar: ^079Luna Moth^*

^717* ^*Swooping through the trees in the dead of night and watching over the
forests as a faithful guardian, the Luna Moth can be seen like a shooting star:
promising hope, but rarely spotted. Some make wishes on her, others tout her as an
angel, and even those who have been blessed by her presence can't say for sure what
she is, except a protector of Newerth's forests who glows with the light of
something otherworldly-- that is, if she can be spotted at all.

^292- ^*New ^079Bramble^* Alt Avatar: ^079Manticore Bramble^*

^717* ^*Which is scarier: a lion, or a giant three-tailed scorpion? If you answered
"a combination of both," you've probably already heard the stories of the
Manticore, who roams Newerth with an insatiable bloodlust. The barbs on the end of
each of his tails secrete a paralytic toxin, capable of loosening the muscles of
his prey just enough to immobilize them while he devours them whole. It is hard to
gauge the panic that rushes through the body of each victim in their defenseless
state, but the satisfied grin of the Manticore is enough the plague with discontent
the minds of those who have not yet felt his claws ripping them to shreds.

^292- ^*New ^079Magmus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Taurus^*

^717* ^*The constellation Taurus has spent eons among the stars, enjoying the
peaceful bliss and harmony of the galaxies. But the wars raging on Newerth have
disrupted the balance of all things, including the heavens, and the stubborn Taurus
will not tolerate such a disturbance. He has taken physical form as a powerful bull
and descended to Newerth, where he will end this bothersome struggle between the
Legion and Hellbourne, gather what gold he desires, and return to his place among
the constellations.

^292- ^*New ^079Pearl^* Alt Avatar: ^079Malice Pearl^*

^717* ^*When Maliken sent his assassins to slaughter the Bubble Mages at the
opening quake of the Second Corruption, it was thought the only survivors were
Pearl and Bubbles. However, a third was overlooked: Malice, twin to Pearl, who
sulked in her sister's shadow and wished for an opportunity to put the
overachieving star pupil in her place. Malice's chance came when the daemons
whispered to her in the night, urging her to counter the protective spells
shrouding the monastery, unlock the gates, the front door...and stand aside for the
massacre. Malice fled with the daemons after the murderous spree and trained with
Jaru the Corrupted Disciple, Putra the Defiler, and Circe herself, honing her once-
blessed sorcery into a vile weapon to use against the Legion and her damned sister.

^292- ^*New ^079Sir Benzington^* Gold Edition Alt Avatar: ^079End Bringer^*
^717* ^*Known as the "Demon Rider" to his enemies, Lancelot's End Bringer armor
signified that the oncoming armies of King Arthur were not on any diplomatic
missions. Their assignment was only to destroy the enemy camp or castle, leaving no
trace of their existence but a smoldering crater. As he aged, his confidence only
grew, putting off many former allies. Lancelot began wearing this armor almost
exclusively, traveling alone, brutalizing anyone who stood before him, and refusing
to take orders from anyone he respected before.

^292- ^*New ^079Master of Arms^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mistress of Arms (URSA)^*

^717* ^*Some say fear is a great motivator; Mistress of Arms believes it's a lot
more useful when combined with a pair of pulsing plasma rifles. Known colloquially
as "The Mistress," the URSA Corps' lady of war doesn't believe in fear, but finds
great joy instilling it in others. Armed to the teeth with advanced technology, she
knows every tool for every job-and who doesn't belong on her project. Her no-
nonsense demeanor is relieving to some and off-putting to others, but she doesn't
have any aspirations to be the leader… Unless it comes with a hefty paycheck.

^292- ^*New ^079Arachna^* Skin: ^079Arachna (POG)^*

^717* ^*The POGs avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

Cast range indicators have been added for the following abilities:
^292- ^*^079Gauntlet's^* ^256Gauntlet Blast^* radius indicator for the stasis
^292- ^*^079Hellbringer's^* ^256Malphas' Fire Breath^* area cast indicator
^292- ^*^079Hellbringer's^* ^256Malphas' Immolate^* radius indicator

^292- ^*Applies the insanity state correctly for Dreams of Madness if the target
unit has no nearby allies (prevents an accumulation of Dreams of Madness charges
while being forced to attack)
^292- ^*Captain Gorebeard Devourer hook chain visuals with the Bloodtide Brigade
set bonus fixed

^292- ^*Chrysalis no longer removes the target's overhead bone visual (e.g. Bound
Eye's overhead visual)

^292- ^*Ophelia's Judgment can no longer target lane creeps

^292- ^*The cooldown on his Elemental's Replicate ability has been removed from the

^292- ^*Booboo's Return is now disabled when immobilized or restrained


^970Version 3.5.3^*
^970== New Hero ==^*

^292- ^*^539New Legion Agility Hero^*: ^079Tarot^*

^717* ^*For centuries, the Ageless Oracle has been reborn at the peak of conflict
to serve as the voice of the gods and share her visions with the mortals, but to
never interfere. Reborn after the Beast Bone Years as Tarot, a fortuneteller who
travels with her caravan of gypsies through the ravaged Forest of Caldavar, she
foresaw the downfall of Maliken Grimm and the opening of The Scar but was powerless
to stop it.

Now Tarot has visions of the destruction of the World Tree, and with full awareness
of the doomed future of Newerth she cannot continue with mere divination. She must
join the fight against the Hellbourne and tip fate, wavering on the precarious tip
of destruction, toward life!

^292- ^*New ^079Tarot^* EA Avatar: ^079Icosa^*

^717* ^*Icosa is not your traditional gamer girl. While other players are content
with having fun, Icosa's motivation is not only to win, but to completely
obliterate her opponents until they don't want to play anymore. She takes her
obsessions to the extreme, learning all the small intricacies of every game and
dressing up in only the most accurate cosplay outfits to satiate her desire to be
the best on and off the tabletop battlefield. Despite her tough exterior, she is
still a little girl at heart, and can't help but get excited over cute drawings or
plastic models.

^292- ^*New ^079Tarot^* Avatar: ^079Tyche^*

^717* ^*In ancient times the capricious goddess Tyche served as a mediator between
the gods and mortals, dispensing her wealth and luck-both good and bad-according to
the whims of Mount Olympus. When the gods descended from the heavens to join the
battle between the Legion and Hellbourne, Tyche found herself unnecessary and
forgotten. No longer! She will once again walk among mankind and share her fortune
and various forms of luck, and all of Newerth will kneel and worship her (if they
know what's good for them).
^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Watery Grave^*: Slow duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Deep Puddles are now back as a 30% Movement Speed slow
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Puddle duration increased from 8/12/16/20 to 20 seconds at
all levels
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Cooldown rescaled from 25/20/15/10 to 20 seconds at all
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Damage rescaled from 125 to 100/125/150/175 to enemy Heroes
and 150,200,250,300 to all other units
^292- ^*^256In My Element^*: Reveal range decreased from 450 to 400
^292- ^*^256In My Element^*: Invisibility fade time decreased from 3 to 2 seconds
^292- ^*^256In My Element^*: Now grants unitwalking
^292- ^*^256Perfect Storm^*: Cooldown decreased from 150 to 120 seconds

^820+ ^*^995The tremble rework was meant to be an eye opening shift for the hero
and for the community. This was to let Tremble see a fair amount of gameplay. We
have been watching tremble closely and we have toned him a bit back and took him
out of competitive play until we are sure he is right where he needs to be^*
^292- ^*No longer allowed in Tournament Rules games
^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^*: Mana Cost increased from 15 to 20
^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^*: Damage per second decreased from 30/40/50/60 to

^820+ ^*^995Parasite has always been hard to target for a kill with the ability to
infest. With the latest health changes we made Parasite become even harder to deal
with. This change will ensure that Parasite can never pop out of a unit and
immediately jump into another one.^*
^292- ^*^256Infest^*: If the cooldown is below 5 seconds while inside a unit,
whenever you exit the creep the cooldown will reset to 5 seconds

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Bloodhunter^* Skin: ^079Balrog Gargoyle^*

^717* ^*The Gargoyles of Blackwal have quickly embraced the horror of the war
between the Legion and Hellbourne, and while some take flight directly toward the
endless conflict, others take a daemonic detour into the Scar, where they plunge
into the boiling, nefarious lava to be imbued with the screaming flames of tortured
souls and become searing creatures who can only be quenched by rivers of blood.

^292- ^*New ^079Geomancer^* Avatar Skin: ^079Chameleon Basilisk^*

^717* ^*The eternal enemy of the World Tree continues to evolve as he seeks to
poison the roots of the Legion's hope, and his new form allows him to shift the hue
of his scales to blend into his surroundings. So far this has kept him hidden from
Draconis, but the flame dragon will stop at nothing to protect the precious World
Tree. A new form may be required by Draconis to counter the Chameleon Basilisk's

^292- ^*New ^079Gravekeeper^* Avatar Skin: ^079Wave Queen Hestia^*

^717* ^*An ally and protector of those under the sea, her followers dropped to
insignificant numbers after the coastal regions of Newerth were submerged during a
massive tectonic shift and the people who revered her had drowned. All that remains
of the gentle goddess are a few broken statues off the western coast and remnants
of small idols buried in the sand where past settlements had made their homes.
Legends of her generosity still exist among certain elders, who herald her as the
spirit of the water, granting fishermen their livelihood and sailors calming seas.

^292- ^*New ^079Demented Shaman^* Avatar Skin: ^079Goddess Armor Athena^*

^717* ^*Though Athena is the deity of heroic endeavour and warfare, she is also the
goddess of wisdom and strategy. Because of these attributes, she realized that
while the foot soldiers appreciate her presence among the rank and file, the
royalty and leadership of the Legion expect a certain level of presentation in
their gods. As a result, she has strategically adorned herself in flowing white and
polished gold, and now that the haughty have approved and accepted her, she can get
back to killing the enemy.

^292- ^*New ^079Moraxus^* Avatar: ^079URSA Corps Moraxus (HoN Tour Avatar)^*
^717* ^*The URSA Corps is an elite unit of female warriors who have shirked all
allegiance to kings, queens and causes, choosing instead to fight for justice and
defence of the innocents, no matter how many enemies they gain in the process.
Axia takes her role of protector very seriously and has a very distinct sense of
honor for herself and the URSA Corps. She is eager to stand between aggressors and
the defenseless to absorb damage with her armor and shield, then dole out twice as
much with her energy-bladed axes. There are many shallow graves across Newerth dug
with axe blades and filled with foolish warriors who challenged the URSA Corps...or
simply spoke ill of the all-female unit.

^292- ^*URSA Gold Name Color (HoNTour Season 3)

^717* ^*Show your support for the URSA Corps and HoNTour Season 3! If you own the
Gauntlet, Devourer, and Flux URSA Corps avatars, charge into the Name Color
department of the HoN store and claim your URSA Gold Name Color!

^292- ^*^079Pharaoh POG^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^292- ^*URSA Music Added

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Ursa Corp Merrick effects will now play properly in the store
^292- ^*Units affected by Kuldra's Sheepstick will now face the correct direction

^079The Dark Lady^*

^292- ^*Movement animations for all her avatars fixed for low and medium graphics

^292- ^*Magnetic Surge push effect is now visible for all alt avatars

^292- ^*Twin Fangs touch radius at the end increased to always deal damage within
the stun radius

^292- ^*Shrapnel Lodestone now holds his weapon correctly

^292- ^*Fixed graphical issues with Slasher Maliken and Humility when using Sword
^292- ^*Now allowed in Tournament Rules games
^292- ^*Fixed Ephemeral Forge so it doesn't reset its own cooldown when you end the
ability early

^292- ^*Protected Groove when boosted by Staff of the Master no longer gets
interrupted by items that don't break channeling
^292- ^*Staccato now gives Mana Battery & Power Supply a charge on the initial cast

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*Baba Yaga no longer loses her torso when purchasing Frostwolf's Skull


^970Version 3.5.2^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*eSports plinko has replaced the current plinko board and 25% of all
proceeds will directly go into the Hontour Season 3 prizepool! For more information
on the prizing breakdown visit
^292- ^*In honor of eSports plinko we have replaced the bronze chest with Ursa
Corps chest, increased the odds of the chest, and added in the previous exclusive
eSports avatars from the Footlocker
^292- ^*Ursa Corps avatars are still available in the Diamond and Gold chests as

^970== Balance ==^*

^820+ ^*^995Since the launch of 3.5 there have been numerous concerns regarding the
balance of Nullstone and Riptide. Per your feedback, we've added a 150 cost recipe
to Nullstone so the item is no longer dissassemblable. We are also taking a look at
Riptide and will have changes for him coming in shortly!^*

^292- ^*^090Null Stone^*

^717* ^*Removed auto combine and disassemble
^717* ^*Added a recipe of 150 gold

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Prisoner 945^* Avatar: ^079Dark Angel^*

^717* ^*Even the most Virtuous have their dark sides, and Temperance ignored and
denied his until he ventured into the realm of Gluttony, over-indulging in
restraint until he caused the physical manifestation of his rage in the form of the
Dark Angel. Behold the black wings of wrath and vengeance!

^292- ^*New ^079Martyr^* Avatar: ^079Sister Death^*

^717* ^*Several temple ruins scattered around Newerth are home to human sacrifice
and bloodletting in the name of Maliken and the high demons with which he
bargained. Among the female acolytes that serve the spirits, Sister Death is the
highest rank achievable, a title bestowed to those with the most devotion and
seniority. They alone have direct contact with demons, and are often used as
sacrificial lambs on the battlefield, giving up their bodies for the sake of the
^292- ^*New ^079Hellbringer^* Avatar: ^079Imperial Summoner^*
^717* ^*Generations before the scientific singularity that unified much of
Eclipse's galaxy, palaces existed in separate realms throughout space, their
interplanetary boundaries guarded fiercely by warriors who combined technology and
arcane magic. The borders required the protection of many experienced and battle-
ready summoners, who, if provoked, could sap the life of intruders until they could
be appropriately restrained and put through the planetary court system. In dire
circumstances, or in the event of a raid on government buildings, the summoners
were able to control large beasts to tank most of the attacking force's ammunition.
Their weaponry and back pieces symbolized the cruel punishment that lay in store
for foreigners who disobeyed the orders of the rulers on those planets.

^292- ^*New ^079Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^079Cyber Samurai^*

^717* ^*The Cyber Samurai is a perfectly programmed, armored killing machine. By
melding ancient Japanese form with futuristic armor to synthesize a slick,
undetectable mercenary, the silent assassin is as tough as he is eloquent, leaving
no trace of his presence once he has massacred his targets. Developed alongside
Exterminator Nomad as a method of security for restricted areas that were not yet
burdened by corrosive gas and extreme weather, the Cyber Samurai was a modern
marvel before the Fall of Man, silencing those who sought to silence. Detailed by
its engineers with more finesse, and an emphasis on many quick slashes over a few
large ones for increased probability of damage, the cauterizing blades would leave
less to clean up when the infiltrators were disposed of. The unflinching samurai
warrior epitomized the cold-blooded murderer, moving onto his next assignment with
no remorse or time for contemplation

^292- ^*New ^079Scout^* Avatar: ^079Hermes^*

^717* ^*For centuries Hermes has carried messages and souls from Newerth to the
afterlife-and avoided getting involved in the drama of mankind-but he could no
longer stand by when the Hellbourne began poaching thousands of heaven-bound souls
and using them for their fell means. And when he heard the rumor that wench Circe
had joined the daemons, he couldn't run to the battlefield fast enough.

^292- ^*New ^079Devourer^* Avatar: ^079Kodia, URSA Corps Devourer (HoN Tour
^717* ^*Kodia uses her mechanically superior brain to create the brawn for the URSA
Corps, sifting through Legion and Hellbourne junkyards to salvage what her squad
needs to survive and protect those caught between the warring factions and their
vacillating, haphazard strategies. She will defend her URSA sisters to the death,
and if that day comes she'll take as many enemies with her as she can.

^292- ^*New ^079Zephyr^* Avatar: ^079Zephyr POG^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed tooltip errors with some of the balance changes

^292- ^*^256Stampede^* now shows a visual indicator (visible to allies only) above
the enemy target while Rampage is charging that target

^292- ^*Fixed interaction between ^256Watery Grave and ^256Undertow^*

^292- ^*^079Klanx's^* ^256Lackey^* and ^079Zephyr's^* ^256Cyclones^* will be
cleared properly if Circe copies one of those heroes with Twisted Visage and its
duration expires

^292- ^*Can no longer pull or push Artesia's ^256Essence Projection^* or Engineer's
^256Steam Turret^*

^292- ^*^256Malphas^* pets are properly displayed in the HoN Store and Learnatorium
for all alt avatars

^292- ^*^256Shards of Harkon^* projectiles apply their proper damage & stun in
midair & if cast by the Spirit Mimic and the Spirit Mimic dies before the
projectiles impact

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*^256Withering Presence^*: Illusions will now take away HP at 1/3 of the
regular rate

^292- ^*^256Boris' Ensnare^* now has its proper icon again
^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^* debuff no longer displays the debuff on buildings
^717* ^*No gameplay effect, i.e. Dark Swarm still reduces damage if buildings are
outside the Dark Swarm radius
^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^* no longer mitigates damage against invulnerable units that
are inside the Dark Swarm radius
^292- ^*^256Impalers^* no longer apply a slow debuff to buildings


^970Version 3.5.1^*
^970== General ==^*

^820+ ^*^995This patch does not follow our normal patching schedule due to the
HoNTour Qualifiers starting on Saturday, July 26th. We will still be updating the
game on Wednesday, July 30th.^*

^292- ^*HoNTour games now provide 25 Silver Coins for a loss and 50 Silver Coins
for a win
^292- ^*HoNTour games no longer allow you to use Modded files
^292- ^*If you are using modded files you will be disconnected and informed to
uninstall/delete modded files

^970HoN 3.5: The Carry's Calling^*


^820+ ^*^995The purpose of this balance patch is two fold. The first is to bring
carries into a more viable role and the second is to make sure that in doing so
gank heroes can maintain their effectiveness. The goal in this was rather straight

^970== General ==^*

Rift Wars
^292- ^*Repick cost decreased from 400 to 150

^820+ ^*^995In the past we removed a lot of the abilities Neutral creeps had which
randomly negatively impact a player as they run by. We removed the Attack Speed
slow for this same reason: It did not add anything to the interaction of the camp
but made it really annoying to fight.^*
^292- ^*Removed the 20% Attack Speed slow from the debuff

Tournament Rules
^292- ^*^079Silhouette^*, ^079Cthulhuphant^*, ^079Shadowblade^*, and ^079Riptide^*
are now available in Tournament Rules

^292- ^*Reverted the Birthday celebrations - ^095Creeps, Kongor, Runes^*

^292- ^*^095Snotter Boss^* has been removed from Mid Wars again
^292- ^*Added a new effect for all forms of Splash Damage (^090Runed Cleaver^*,
^079Hammerstorm^*, ^079Maliken^*, ^079Shadowblade^*, etc)

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^820+ ^*^995The interaction with charges and other forms of CC were out of place
and so we have adjusted it so that all charges now function the same and the
interaction is clean.^*
^292- ^*Charges from Legionnaire, Nomad, and Solstice are now broken by

^820+ ^*^995Andromeda has always been a high, risk high reward hero. With this
change the risk and reward are still high but Andromeda won't be signing her death
warrant every time she uses Void Rip.^*
^292- ^*^256Void Rip^*: Now grants Andromeda 30/40/50 tapering armor over 6 seconds

^079Sir Benzington^*
^820+ ^*^995We've evaluated Sir Benzington as being a little too strong in lane.
With this change, it will cost him more to use Lance a Long to harass as well as
allow his enemies the ability to more effectively stop his escape since he won't
travel as far after landing a Joust.^*
^292- ^*^256Lance a Long^*: Mana Cost increased from 75/80/85/90 to 85/100/115/130
^292- ^*^256Joust^*: Distance traveled after hitting a target decreased from 275 to

^820+ ^*^995A staff was added to allow more of what we have all come to love about
Blacksmith... RNG^*
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master (SOTM)^* added: ^256Chaotic Flames^*
^292- ^*^256Chaotic Flames (SOTM)^*: Your auto attacks now have a 10% chance to
cast ^256Fireball^*, ^256Flaming Hammer^*, or ^256Frenzy^*
^717* ^*These abilities do not share cooldowns with your normal abilities

^820+ ^*^995Chronos has arguably one of the most powerful and difficult skill sets
to deal with. The changes introduced here are to make Chronos less of a threat in
lane and make it slightly more difficult for him to land a game changing
^292- ^*Starting Armor decreased from 3.9 to 2.5
^292- ^*Starting Strength, Agility, and Intelligence decreased by 1
^292- ^*Base Attack Damage decreased from 58-64 to 53-59
^292- ^*^256Chronofield^*: Cast range decreased from 500/550/600 to 500
^292- ^*^256Chronofield^*: Cooldown rescaled from 120/110/100 to 120
^292- ^*^256Chronofield^*: Units inside take 25% less damage from anyone outside of
the field

^079The Chipper^*
^820+ ^*^995The Chipper is a hero that has always been fun to play and requires
more skill to master than most heroes, however Sawblade Showdown was either being
used for farming or saved for a team fight. With this change The Chipper can find
himself using Sawblade Showdown more freely and setting up ganks more often.^*
^292- ^*^256Sawblade Showdown^*: Cooldown decreased from 65 to 65/55/45

^820+ ^*^995Cthulhuphant's aura had become overly frustrating and hard to play
around so we decided to give players playing against the phant more options to
avoid it.^*
^292- ^*^256Dream of Madness^*: No longer goes through Magic Immunity
^292- ^*^256Dream of Madness^*: Insanity is now transferrable
^292- ^*^256Dream of Madness^*: Cooldown decreased 32/28/24/16 to 32/30/28/26

^820+ ^*^995We wanted to help her early laning phase with this slight tweak.^*
^292- ^*Starting Agility increased from 16 to 18

^079Demented Shaman^*
^820+ ^*^995We found that since Demented Shaman's debuff lasts a long time there
should be a way to remove it early.^*
^292- ^*Entangle: Now purgable/dispellable

^820+ ^*^995We want Draconis to be the go to AOE magic damage carry so we made the
following changes:^*
^292- ^*^256Fiery Barrage^*: Area of Effect increased from 175/200/225/250 aoe to
^292- ^*^256Cataclysmic Assault^*: Targets increased from 1/2/3 to 2/3/4

^079Drunken Master^*
^820+ ^*^995We found Drunken Master to be hitting too high of a threshold in higher
levels of TMM and diminishing play-around with Untouchable that said "haha you
can't hurt me". These changes are hitting up-time and duration which means Drunken
Master must choose wisely when activating Untouchable.^*
^292- ^*^256Untouchable^*: Cooldown rescaled from 60/45/30 to 50 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Untouchable^*: Duration decreased from 6/8/10 to 5/6/7 seconds

^820+ ^*^995This will give Ellonia another option of play, granting a powerful AOE
stun in team-fights.^*
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master (SOTM)^* added: ^256Absolute Zero^*
^292- ^*^256Absolute Zero (SOTM)^*: Upon reaching its final destination the ball
fires back towards Ellonia at 3x the speed, casting Flash Freeze on everyone hit

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^820+ ^*^995A consistency change that aims at making Hollow-point scale properly.^*
^292- ^*^256Hollow-point^*: Stun duration rescaled from .05/0.1/0.2/0.2 to

^820+ ^*^995Gauntlet now has the option of getting a staff to help his team-fight
positioning and initiation.^*
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master (SOTM)^* effect added: ^256Gauntlet Blast^*
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast (SOTM)^*: Gauntlet now flies with his fist on the way to
the target
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast (SOTM)^*: Damage increased from 300/400/500 to
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast (SOTM)^*: Cooldown decreased from 80/70/60 to 70/60/50
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast (SOTM)^*: Area of Effect increased from 200/225/250 to

^820+ ^*^995We wanted to give Glacius' leveling options a little more balance. The
following changes were made to his passive to make it more viable:^*
^292- ^*^256Chilling Presence^*: Now also passively grants 50/100/150/200 max mana
to all allies

^079The Gladiator^*
^820+ ^*^995A small Quality of Life change was added to help The Gladiator be more
useful and more proactive in team fights.^*
^292- ^*^256Call to Arms^*: Cooldown decreased from 100/90/80 to 60/50/40 seconds

^820+ ^*^995These changes further emphasize Grinex's primary focus on early game
^292- ^*Base Attack Damage increased from 51 - 55 to 54 - 58
^292- ^*Starting Agility increased from 22 to 24
^292- ^*^256Shadowstep^*: Mana Cost decreased from 125 to 100/110/120/130

^820+ ^*^995Mighty Swing got a tweak that is aimed at allowing Hammer to be a true
threat in clumped up team fights and making a carry option more viable.^*
^292- ^*^256Mighty Swing^*: Splash Radius rescaled from 175/200/225/250 to
^292- ^*^256Mighty Swing^*: Splash Damage increased from 15/30/45/60% to

^820+ ^*^995Klanx is an amazing ganker but one of the squishiest heroes in our
game. These changes are aimed at making him better in lane and a better overall
^292- ^*^256Lackey^*: Projectile Speed increased from 900/1000/1100/1200 and to
1200 at all levels
^292- ^*^256B.A.N.G^*: Mana Cost decreased from 80 to 65
^292- ^*^256H.A.W.K^*: Mana Cost decreased from 80 to 65
^292- ^*^256Goon Squad^*: Movement Speed increased from 230/245/260 to 300

^820+ ^*^995Myrmidon will now be able to get a little more damage out of Forced
Evolution with the Magic Armor debuff lasting longer as well as a slight boost to
his laning.^*
^292- ^*Armor increased from 1.1 to 1.5
^292- ^*^256Wave Form^*: Magic Armor Debuff Duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds

^820+ ^*^995After removing some of Parasite's burst damage, we decided we wanted to
focus more on his unique strength of utilizing creeps. At max level you now have
regen while you are infesting a creep instead of constant health loss.^*
^292- ^*^256Infest^*: Attack Speed increased from 15/30/54/60 to 20/40/60/80
^292- ^*^256Infest^*: Damage bonus increased from 1/2/3/4x level to 2/3/4/5x level
^292- ^*^256Infest^*: Health loss rescaled from -3/-2.5/-2/-1.5% to -3/-1.5/0/+1.5%
per second

^079Puppet Master^*
^820+ ^*^995These changes lower Puppet Master's burst potential giving more play
around to a very strong hero.^*
^292- ^*^256Whiplash^*: Critical multiplier decreased from 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 to
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^*: Damage amplification decreased from 1.5/1.7/1.9x to

^820+ ^*^995A straightforward nerf to one of the strongest stuns in the game.^*
^292- ^*^256Staccato^*: Cooldown increased from 12 to 15 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Riptide, as many of you have mentioned, suffered from only being good
as a mid laner. We agree that this made him a very situational pickup. With the
changes to undertow he now can effectively keep up water in other lanes without
having to completely rely on Perfect Storm.^*
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Cooldown decreased from 30/25/20/15 to 25/20/15/10
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Duration increased from 8/10/12/14 to 8/12/16/20
^292- ^*^256Undertow^*: Deep Puddle mechanic removed

^820+ ^*^995A simple Quality of life change to make his Cosmic Cleave easier to use
on the run.^*
^292- ^*^256Cosmic Cleave^*: Cast Action Time decreased from 300 to 100ms

^820+ ^*^995Wards can not be missed uphill, and Electric eye is performing the same
task so the following change was made for consistency.^*
^292- ^*^256Electric Eye^*: Can no longer be missed

^820+ ^*^995This change is a slight tweak to her recent rework, allowing her a
little more laning capability.^*
^292- ^*Attack Range increased from 350 to 400

^820+ ^*^995Ganking at early levels on this hero was way too easy. This change
allows Solstice to still gank but much more finesse is required.^*
^292- ^*^256Blinding Dash^*: Cast Range decreased from 1200 to 600/800/1000/1200

^820+ ^*^995Valkyrie is a hero that has a very solid niche in our game for lock
downs and team fights. However she was suffering from basic lack of Health, Armor,
and overall Mana. With these changes she will be able to access her abilities more
often and take more risks becoming a stronger off laner.^*
^292- ^*Starting Strength, Agility, and Intelligence increased by 1

^079Tremble Rework^*
^820+ ^*^995This rework is aimed at reducing his mana costs and increasing his map
presence, while at the same time making it less frustrating to play with and

^820+ ^*^995Dark Swarm now being a toggle will make Tremble a capable farmer and
add solid amount of dps to any target he faces. Terror mounds will now be easier to
deal with for the enemies, but because you can have more of them and they have a
low mana cost you can place them more frequently, making the frustration level on
both sides greatly diminished. Impalers changing to a double attack is a
directional change that gives tremble some more options in the way of Proc items
like Thunderclaw and Brutalizer. Oh and a buffed Boris will increase damage output
with Tremble and make him a threat as a ganker once more. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!^*
^292- ^*Starting Agility increased from 18 to 22

^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^*: Now is a Toggle ability

^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^*: Costs 15 mana per second it is activated
^292- ^*^256Dark Swarm^*: Deals 30/40/50/60 Physical Damage per second in a 300

^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Mana Cost decreased from 120 to 50

^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Cooldown decreased from 60/50/40/30 to 20 seconds at
all levels
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Max active increased from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: No longer invisible
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Max Health decreased from 4/4/5/6/ to 4
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Gold Bounty decreased from 35/40/45/50 to 25
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Duration before mounds heal decreased from 6 to 3
^292- ^*^256Terror Port^*: Cooldown decreased from 120/100/80/60 to 60 seconds at
all levels

^292- ^*^256Impalers^*: Movement Speed Slow rescaled from 10/20/30/40% to 15% at

all levels
^292- ^*^256Impalers^*: No longer does bonus damage or heal on the first attack
^292- ^*^256Impalers^*: Bonus 5/10/15/20 Damage removed
^292- ^*^256Impalers^*: Every attack against Enemy Units and Structures now causes
a double attack that does 20/25/30/35% of the your Attack Damage

^292- ^*^256Hive Mind^*: Mana Cost decreased from 100/125/150 to 50/75/100

^292- ^*^256Hive Mind^*: Cooldown decreased from 90/75/60 to 60 seconds at all
^292- ^*^256Boris^*: Movement Speed increased from 350/375/400 to 400 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Boris^*: Mana Regen increased from 1 to 1.5
^292- ^*^256Boris^*: Base Damage increased from 60/85/110 to 60/90/120
^292- ^*^256Impalers (Boris)^*: Movement Speed Slow rescaled from 10/15/20% to 15%

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^539New Item^*: ^090Veiled Rot^*

^820+ ^*^995This new item has been placed in the game to allow gank heroes and
ganking in general to remain a viable strategy. With the increased strength in
carries and the items that carries get being cheaper, this will offset some of
those buffs and create more action.^*
^292- ^*Consumable
^292- ^*100 Gold Cost
^292- ^*50 Mana Cost
^292- ^*75 second Cooldown
^292- ^*When used, grants unrevealable Invisibility to self. You will be revealed
when within 1000 range of a visible enemy hero or a visible enemy tower.
^292- ^*While within 1000 range of a visible enemy hero or a visible enemy tower,
this item cannot be used
^292- ^*2 second fade time, 30s duration of Invisibility
^292- ^*Added to the Supplies Shop

^820+ ^*^995With our direction of making some of our items more accessible we
decided that the cost of warpcleft was too high.^*
^292- ^*Cost decreased from 2100 to 1500 gold
^292- ^*Attack Speed decreased from 55 to 40

^090Thunderclaw and Charged Hammer Reworked^*

^820+ ^*^995Thunderclaw and Charged Hammer reworks' purpose is to give players
(mainly ranged heroes) a farming tool on par with runed cleaver and increase
carry's farm to allow them to peak earlier in the game.^*

^292- ^*Components
^717* ^*Old: ^090Warhammer^*(1600)+^090Gloves of the Swift^*(500)+Recipe(800) =
2900 gold
^717* ^*New: ^090Warpcleft^*(1500)+Recipe(900) = 2400 gold
^292- ^*Passive Benefits
^717* ^*Old: 24 damage, 15 attack speed, 150 Damage Chain Lightning (2 additional
^717* ^*New: 40 attack speed, 150 Damage Chain Lightning (3 additional bounces)

^090Charged Hammer^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost increased from 400 to 1000 gold
^292- ^*Bonus Attack Damage removed
^292- ^*Attack Speed increased from 70 to 80
^292- ^*Lightning bounces increased from 2 to 6 extra targets

^090Null Stone Reworked^*

^820+ ^*^995We wanted Null Stone to be more of a defensive mana regen option and
capable of competing with it's offensive counterpart Hellflower.^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost decreased from 1000 to 0 gold
^292- ^*Now auto combines and can be disassembled
^292- ^*Stat Bonus decreased from 15 to 10

^090Behemoth's Heart^*
^820+ ^*^995A tweak to the price allowing it to be purchased slightly earlier in
the game.^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 1000 gold

^090Bound Eye^*
^820+ ^*^995The purpose of this change is to reduce the amount of times players
find wards unintentionally due to Eyes large radius.^*
^292- ^*Reveal range decreased from 1100 to 900

^090Frostwolf's Skull^*
^820+ ^*^995The cost of Frostwolf's Skull was deemed too high for what it was
^292- ^*Recipe cost decreased from 700 to 300 gold
^292- ^*Attack Projectile speed increased from 1500 to 2500

^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^820+ ^*^995This change is to bring Nomes in line with its melee counterpart
Abyssal skull.^*
^292- ^*Heal increased from 25% to 30% of the Mana Costs of abilities

^090Runed Cleaver^*
^820+ ^*^995This increase in power is to allow carries to get more farm and reach
their potential earlier in the game.^*
^292- ^*Increased Splash damage from 40% to 60%
^820+ ^*^995These changes are going to push Shieldbreaker to be more about its
negative armor effect rather than damage.^*
^292- ^*Damage decreased from 40/55/70 to 36/48/60
^292- ^*Armor Reduction increased from 2/4/6 to 3/5/7

^820+ ^*^995Slight adjustment to an undervalued item to bring it more in line with
its effective value.^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 1000 gold

^090Daemonic Breastplate^*
^820+ ^*^995Changed to compensate for the change in price of Warpcleft.^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost increased from 900 to 1500 gold

^090Ioyn Stone^*
^820+ ^*^995This change makes it slightly more attractive to supports early in the
game, letting you get another small regeneration item early.^*
^292- ^*Cost decreased from 300 to 250 gold

^090Logger's Hatchet^*
^820+ ^*^995This is a quality of life change so people don't have to just drop them
on the ground around the map anymore.^*
^292- ^*Can be sold, but for 0 gold

^090Iron Shield^*
^820+ ^*^995Iron Shield was being used by a lot of heroes along with pooled regen
to nullify harassment so the following change was made to mitigate that
^292- ^*Deflection decreased from 20 to 15 for melee

^090Lex Talionis^*
^820+ ^*^995This item is incredibly good for it's cost, but the activation cost was
a bit of a burden for usability.^*
^292- ^*Mana Cost decreased from 25 to 10

^090Blood Chalice^*
^820+ ^*^995These changes were made to Blood Chalice to revert some of it's earlier
nerfs. This was done in tangent with the Null Stone change to make sure it would
not fall out of favor.^*
^292- ^*Cooldown decreased from 35 to 25 seconds
^292- ^*Mana gained increased from 85 to 100

^090Void Talisman^*
^820+ ^*^995This change updates Void Talisman to Shrunken Head's standard. Shrunken
dispels all Magic effects when it makes you Magic immune, so now Void Talisman
dispels you of all Physical effects when it makes you Physical immune.^*
^292- ^*Dispels Physical-type effects on use

^970== New Content ==

^292- ^*New ^079Vindicator^* Avatar: ^079Merlin Vindicator^*

^717* ^*Merlin is an old man who has practiced magic for a long time, and was an
advisor to Maliken before he was corrupted by Sylvia. Merlin left the luxury of the
Legion castles to pursue magic research, as he foresaw the crumbling hierarchy of
the throne and did not wish to be a part of it. He emerged once more when Jeraziah
was ready to take the throne, hoping that the time he spent studying and his years
of experience could lead the Legion back to its former glory.
^292- ^*New ^079Artesia^* Avatar: ^079Artesia le Fay^*
^717* ^*The sorceress known as Artesia le Fay was once a protege of Amiteah the
Empath, learning her healing spells and fighting for the survival of Newerth. She
envisioned herself standing with Jeraziah, queen to his king, with their offspring
carrying the Legion banners forth and driving the Hellbourne back into their pits.
But Jeraziah had no love for her. His heart was dedicated to Sol-or so he claimed-
and he could not be tempted by her beauty or promises of carnal pleasure. But
Artesia le Fey knows the true reason for Jeraziah's rebuff: his secret suspicion
that her magic comes not from Sol and the World Tree, but from a much darker place.
Her heart blackened by rejection and fury, Artesia le Fey vowed to destroy Jeraziah
and his precious god, and when she is done she will throw his royal blade into the
Inner Sea, where it will be lost for all of time.

^292- ^*New ^079Tempest^* Avatar: ^079Shark Hunter Poseidon^*

^717* ^*Who's the most fearsome under the sea? Shark Hunter Poseidon is a strong
and intimidating god who frightens his enemies by searching for, killing, and
wearing the skin of great white sharks to prove his dominance. By decorating
himself in the tanned carcasses of the ocean's fiercest hunters, the surly sea god
could just as easily pierce you with his gaze as he could with his trident... Which
is also made of sharks.

^292- ^*New ^079Tremble^* Avatar: ^079King Crab Tremble^*

^717* ^*Legion soldiers take great care when passing through Caldavar on their way
south, for fear of running into "The King." Scuttling as fast as infantry can run,
and equipped with a large, threatening pincer big enough the cut an armored man in
half, King Crab Tremble protects his beaches with help from the watchful eyestalks
of his hermit crab flunkies. The collected crushed helmets of soldiers litter the
inside of his labyrinthian tunnels, while his minions stay vigilant picking up
carcasses and leftover meat for the hive.

^292- ^*New ^079Plague Rider^* Avatar: ^079Olympus Armor Pegasus & Bellerophon^*
^717* ^*For their stellar service in defending the Legion and defeating creatures
both daemon and mythological, Pegasus and Bellerophon have been gifted with
enchanted gear and a cloud of Olympus by Zeus himself. The dazzling opalescent
armor and weapons instill awe and fear among the daemon ranks, and no enemy can
stand before the galloping thundercloud of Olympus and brilliant attacks Pegasus
and Bellerophon bring to the battlefield.

^292- ^*New URSA Corps ^079Gauntlet^* Avatar: ^079Ussuri (HoN Tour Avatar)^*
^717* ^*Ussuri is the youngest member of the URSA Corps, but is outfitted with one
of the deceptively strongest bio-suits in the group. After her right arm was left
paralyzed in a skirmish for food against nomadic bandits, her only choices were to
leave the group or devise a new method of attack, since the corps could not afford
injured soldiers. With the help of Kodia, the brilliant URSA mechanic, Ussuri was
able to construct a large robotic arm, capable of dishing out extreme amounts of
pain. Her spunky attitude has never been stronger, and her thirst for destruction
since the incident has only been amplified.

^292- ^*New URSA Corps ^079Flux^* Avatar: ^079Uproar (HoN Tour Avatar)^*
^717* ^*The quiet storm of the URSA Corps: Uproar is an intelligent and dangerous
woman who speaks softly and carries a big stick (or gun, in this case). As a young
girl, she quickly developed an interest in science--physics, in particular--as she
watched her town's population dwindle after unarmed civilians would be eaten by the
Hellbourne or conscripted by the Legion. Both sides were out to get her, and the
only way to stop them was through advanced technology; something nobody else could
stand up to.

^292- ^*POGS: ^079Witch Slayer, Bubbles, Blood Hunter, Behemoth, Balphagore, The
^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Updated some shaders for new effects and fixed models/effects that did not
interact well with Stealth
^292- ^*Refactored the base.gamemechanics file to be easier to read
^292- ^*Push to talk keys can now be bound to more keys, such as ctrl
^292- ^*Corrected some effects to make sure Sheep overrides things correctly

The following charge-like skills no longer have their charge buffs extended for an
infinite duration under some rare corner cases
^292- ^*^079Nomad's^* ^256True Strike (W)^*
^292- ^*^079Legionnaire's^* ^256Terrifying Charge (W)^*
^292- ^*^079Solstice's^* ^256Blinding Rush & Shadow Dash (Q)^*
^292- ^*^079Rampage's^* ^256Stampede (Q)^*

Cast range indicators

^292- ^*^079Gemini's^* ^256Twin Breath (Q)^* cast range indicator added
^292- ^*^079Keeper of the Forest's^* ^256Animate Forest (W)^* radius
^292- ^*^079Sand Wraith's^* ^256Deserted (W)^* radius
^292- ^*^079Salomon's^* ^256Wish for Revenge(Phenomenal Cosmic Powers)^* radius
^292- ^*^079Pearl's^* ^256Asphyxiate (Q)^* radius
^292- ^*^079Balphagore's^* ^256Demonic Pathogen (W)^* radius

^292- ^*Fixed a bunch of stuck spots

^292- ^*Fixed a white Icon
^292- ^*Changed how translated strings are read to fix some issues

^292- ^*Improved server-side performance for the Alt Avatars
^292- ^*Updated some effects and sounds

^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^*: Now shows range and radius in tooltip
^292- ^*Improved server-side performance of ^256Hell on Newerth^*

^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Will no longer be removed by invisibility

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*Alt Avatar animations touched up
^292- ^*Fixed effects persisting incorrectly when sheeped

^079The Chipper^*
^292- ^*Alt Avatar models updated

^292- ^*Tweaked some effects

^292- ^*Alt Avatar sounds/effects updated

^292- ^*Alt Avatar Toxin Ward logic fixed

^292- ^*^256Static Grip^*: Now Immobilizes

^292- ^*Alt Avatar shield effect updated

^292- ^*Tork no longer has missing textures

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Portrait animation updated
^292- ^*Model updated
^292- ^*^256Split Fire^* effect updated
^292- ^*^256Skeletons^* now correctly deal Magic damage when attacking nonboss

^292- ^*Cast indicators for ^256Fire and Ice^* updated
^292- ^*^256Fire and Ice^* models updated for main hero and Alt Avatars

^292- ^*Alt Avatars Updated
^292- ^*Cleaned up the hero.entity scripting

^292- ^*^256Shadow Step^* effects updated

^292- ^*^256Lethal Range^* hover range added when you mouse over the ability

^292- ^*^256Galvanize^* is now non-interrupting

^292- ^*^256Malphas^* passive effect updated in Merrick's Store

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*^256Root^* now shows the range in all tooltips correctly

^292- ^*Alt Avatar models tweaked

^292- ^*^090Alchemist's Bones^* charges sync up correctly between Mimic & real
^292- ^*Fixed some low quality models

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Improved server-side performance

^292- ^*Improved server-side performance
^292- ^*Portrait animation updated
^292- ^*Health gets adjusted correctly for illusions if the Evolved state (from
Forced Evolution) expires.
^292- ^*Shenlong's hair will no longer vanish if you have Staff of the Master
^292- ^*^256Weed Field^* no longer lingers after Nomad's Edge Counter (R)
^292- ^*Alt Avatar textures and effects tweaked
^292- ^*Fixed effects persisting incorrectly when sheeped

^292- ^*Removing lingering projectiles
^292- ^*Parasite's visual model should display correctly after coming out of an
Infested creep

^292- ^*^256Asphyxiate^* now shows range and radius in the tooltip

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*^256Tongue Tied^*: Now Immobilizes

^292- ^*Removed delay on ^256Prison Break^* sound
^292- ^*^256The ol' Ball and Chain^* tooltip corrected from 1100 to 1135

^292- ^*Fixed the upgraded attack projectile when you have the Ultimate Avatar

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^* no longer transfers damage if it receives 0 damage
(e.g. due to skills like Rhapsody's Protective Melody or Pearl's Preservation)
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^* won't trigger effects unless damage taken is more than

^292- ^*^256Storm Blades^* and Electrical Feedback^* now show the cast range when
you hover over the ability

^292- ^*^256Mortification^* now prioritizes enemy heroes before enemy units
^292- ^*The visual ghosts for ^256Mortification^* correspond correctly once again
to the Revenant player's alt avatar choice

^292- ^*^256Staccato^* state on Rhapsody now expires properly when its target is

^292- ^*^256Undertow^* puddles and Perfect Storm now properly interact with
Riptide's In My Element skill on illusions
^292- ^*Illusions when ^256Perfect Storm^* is active now inherit his effects

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Mirage^* timer fixed to be accurate

^292- ^*Salomon will no longer instantly die when his ^256Wish for Revenge^* form
expires while under the effects of Soul Reaper's Withering Presence aura

^292- ^*Daytime effect updated
^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Improved server-side performance

^292- ^*^256Succubus' Hold^* server-side performance increased

^292- ^*Tempest elemental replicates now inherit actions from the original
elemental after they split

^079War Beast^*
^292- ^*Fixed effects persisting incorrectly when sheeped

^292- ^*^256Booboo^* now has a 3d portrait

^090Barbed Armor^*
^292- ^*Now properly returns damage against neutrals
*Note that the damage return is nearly 0 because Barbed Armor returns a percentage
of post-mitigation damage, but it is the proper amount now

^090Icon of the Goddess^*

^292- ^*Fixed duration of buff to last for the correct 15 seconds instead of the
current 10 seconds for assists

^090Ioyn Stone^*
^292- ^*Visual timer displays properly when Ioyn Stone is used on Refreshment Rune
(either manually, or by right-clicking the rune)
^292- ^*Regen and Refresh correctly dispel on non-damaging abilities

^090Mana Battery^*
^292- ^*No longer usable if it has 0 charges

^090Power Supply^*
^292- ^*No longer usable if it has 0 charges

^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^292- ^*Fixing ^079Moira's^* Mimic giving charges

^292- ^*Damage reflect will still roll even if the enemy owns a savage mace
^292- ^*Now reflects properly when crit

^090UFO Courier^*
^292- ^*Tweak to idle animation


^970Version 3.4.9 + 3.4.10^*

^292- ^*Taunt is now re-bindable
^292- ^*Replays should no longer crash

^970Version 3.4.8^*
^539NOTE^*: Hotkeys to use Items ingame have been reset to the default
^539NOTE^*: Please uninstall any mods you might have active, as this patch changes
a lot. There is a high potential the mods will break until they are updated

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Sir Benzington^* Alt Avatar: ^079Lancelot Benzington^*

^717* ^*The head of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, the impressive but
arrogant Lancelot was a frightening warrior, unmatched in his abilities with the
cavalry. His iconic lance was considered a prized weapon, enhanced with magic by
Arthur's court wizard, Merlin, who saw a great future in the boy from a young age.
A bit too pretentious for his own good, he often rubbed people the wrong way,
including Arthur's trusted Green Knight, with whom he had a respectable but rocky

^292- ^*New Gold Edition ^079Legionnaire^* Alt Avatar: ^079Kurgan Legionnaire^*

^717* ^*There can be only one... Gold Edition Legionnaire! Even the most hardened
soldiers of the Hellbourne shy away when The Kurgan joins the fight-especially
those who consider themselves immortal. While most daemons seek victory, blood, and
souls from Man and Beast, The Kurgan scours the battlefield for only the most
potent life-force, and he cares not if he takes if from Legion, Hellbourne, Rift,
or Chiprel. And if your life-force is deemed unworthy of collecting, you'll most
likely be tossed into the dog pit for amusement. But don't lose your head! As long
as he doesn't decapitate you, you can come back for another go. Wait, his Ultimate
ability is called Decapitate? Well played, Kurgan.

^292- ^*New ^079Accursed^* Alt Avatar: ^079Green Knight Accursed^*

^717* ^*Formerly the most powerful knight in Newerth, long before the reign of King
Maliken, the Green Knight was a proud and vigilant defender of Caldavar's monarchy.
His strength and cunning was a blessing to the Legion on the battlefield, as well
as in the barracks, where he devoted his time to teaching infantry soldiers. His
humanity came to a halt after his body was destroyed by a sorceress, trapping his
soul in his armor.

^292- ^*New ^079Soulstealer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Redeemed Hades^*

^717* ^*Now that he has been redeemed by Zeus, Hades can once again travel among
the living without keeping one foot in the underworld. While he does enjoy the
living world, he misses his kingdom of the dead. Redeemed Hades feels even more
animosity toward Zeus now; he thinks his younger brother redeemed him out of pity
and as a show of his power. Redeemed Hades still believes his underworld is a great
place to be, and he will send as many heroes there as he can.

^292- ^*New Holiday Edition ^079Moon Queen^*: ^079Lady Liberty Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*Lady Liberty is a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness, and a symbol of
freedom throughout Newerth, but nothing shines brighter than her ego. She is a
champion for those who cannot fight for themselves, espousing the truths of liberty
and justice, though her methods can seem reckless, even counterintuitive at times.
Regardless, she is respected throughout the land for her bravery and cunning,
waving the stars and stripes as she flies between army regiments, uniting her own
and dividing the enemy.

^292- ^*New POGS Alt Avatar: ^079Forsaken Archer (POG)^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^292- ^*Picture in the Help Window will no longer be a white box
^292- ^*Keybinds for items have been fixed
^717* ^*If you had your keybinds un-bound, this patch should restore them to the
^717* ^*If you had your keybinds un-bound and re-bound them in the options menu,
there should be no change
^717* ^*If you just finished patching up to 3.4.7 or from any previous
version, your item keybinds have been reset to default
^717* ^*Clicking the Restore Defaults button for keybinds will correctly work again

^717* ^*Below are fixes that have been done since 3.4.7 went live on the servers
^717* ^*These are already active

^292- ^*Fixed an issue where Heroes would sometimes not grant the correct amount of
experience when killed

^292- ^*Players correctly get 100 gold when they kill someone and 100 gold when
they die


^970Version 3.4.7^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Introducing our first Community-Made Map: Prophets^*

^717* ^*Prophets is a Free-for-All (FFA) arena game based off of the popular
Warcraft 3 map, Warlock. From spewing fireballs to launching electric bolts,
Prophets keeps the action fast-paced while testing the finesse of all players
involved. Prophets has 14 abilities, almost all of which are skill shots, making
the battle arena a place where only the strong survive. Prophets utilizes the
incredible K2 engine of HoN and gives the community another way to enjoy Heroes of
Newerth. Whether you're jumping in queue with a group of buddies or taking on the
world of Prophets by yourself, you're sure to enjoy this fast-paced game mode!

^292- ^*Announcing: ^539Sol's Theatre^*

^717* ^*Sol's Theatre is a collection of maps made by the community and
guided/polished by the HoN Team. Every map that is part of this collection is made
by all of YOU!
^717* ^*Prophets is the first map added to Sol's Theatre!

^292- ^*^539'Expanding Sol's Theatre'^* - A $10,000 Community Map Making Contest

^717* ^*'Expanding Sol's Theatre' is a community driven, company guided map making
contest that gives the players of Heroes of Newerth the power to build and design
the newest maps that will enter Newerth. The contest will be separated into three
parts and there will be prizes won at the end of each section. 'Expanding Sol's
Theatre' starts on August 1st, so gather up some ideas and get ready to make your
map a reality!
^292- ^*^539Map Rotation^*
^717* ^*The Map Rotation (an idea inspired by the community) will be a new process
that is being implemented into Heroes of Newerth by the HoN team! The goal of the
Map Rotation is to continually offer up different game modes in HoN's Team Match
Making (TMM) creating a more exciting TMM experience! Any map is eligible to come
back into that third TMM slot but the amount of time that they will remain in that
slot will depend on the popularity of the map.

^717* ^*Prophets has been added to the Matchmaking screen as the first Map in the
rotation, replacing Rift Wars.


^970Version 3.4.6^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Ultimate ^079Rampage^* Avatar: ^079Wyvern Rampage^*

^717* ^*A self-assured brute and military aide to the old king, Wyvern Rampage is
no stranger to the battlefield. Starting as a mounted soldier and working his way
up through bloody victories, he quickly gained the appreciation of the royal
family, and was rewarded with special missions that involved finding dragon dens,
raiding them of their stolen loot, and slaughtering the dragons inside. He was
allowed to keep half of every bounty he found, and sometimes wears the restored
armor as a practical trophy. He has no qualms about turning Newerth into his new
"stomping grounds."

^292- ^*New ^079Riptide^* Avatar: ^079Pisces^*

^717* ^*When the giant horror Typhon descended upon Mount Olympus, two fish guided
Aphrodite and Eros through the churning waters and helped them escape to safety.
These fish were raised to the heavens and became the constellation Pisces, and
there they have remained until the cries of the innocents across Newerth compelled
them to return. This time, however, they will not simply guide fleeing refugees to
safety-they will harness the unstoppable power of water and use it to drown the
monsters who threaten god and man.
Side note: Pisces is said to be a representation of the difficulty in extracting
the good from that which appears bad. Because of this, Pisces is now our Lead Forum

^292- ^*New ^079Bubbles^* Avatar: ^079Venus De Bubbles^*

^717* ^*Venus de Bubbles is a lifelong friend and student of the living
constellation Aquarius, and when her mentor joined the fight against the daemons
Venus was eager to follow, both to learn the ways of the world outside of her
protective sea and to make sure no harm comes to Aquarius.

^292- ^*New ^079Defiler^* Avatar: ^079La Llorona^*

^717* ^*Known throughout Newerth as "The Weeping Woman," La Llorona is a ghastly
spectre who haunts the areas surrounding the Inner Sea. She does not pose a threat
if viewed from a distance, but within her vicinity, the Banshee of Blood will erupt
with anger and jealousy, spewing forth the souls of drowned children from her
gaping mouth and piercing the sky with her shrieks of existential dread.

^292- ^*New ^079War Beast^* Avatar: ^079Shock Troop War Beast^*

^717* ^*The Hellbourne's Shock Troop War Beasts are chosen from the ranks for their
complete lack of fear and what seems like a manic desire to die in battle. They are
the first wave of soldiers sent against the Legion phalanxes and fortifications
with the sole mission of killing as many enemies as they can before they die. Once
they are slain, their stacked bodies provide convenient ramps for walls and filling
for ditches so those who follow can claim the glory of victory.

^292- ^*New ^079Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: ^079Flint Beastwood (POG)^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== General ==^*

Ranged Creeps
^292- ^*Aggro range lowered from 800 to 500 (Melee creeps only have an aggro range
of 500)

^292- ^*Snotter Boss' spawned neutral creeps will no longer expire if they become
controlled by a player

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Blacksmith^*

^717* ^*This bot was created by Kormoranos.
^717* ^*Kormoranos receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the
Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Ravenor^*

^717* ^*This bot was created by tchackie.
^717* ^*tchackie receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!

^292- ^*^539Earn gold rewards for contributing on the bot subforums!^*

^717* ^*Create your own bot, or review submission code! All of these bots were
vetted by community contributors and the Community Bot Team. Join us on the bot
forums or on IRC and earn gold!

^970== Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Risen Ra's model parts are now transparent when Risen Ra is invisible

^292- ^*Apollo Artillery ultimate projectile now has a texture on low settings

^079Dark Lady^*
^292- ^*Glorious Dark Lady's model now shrinks properly when Witch Slayer's
Miniaturization is used on her

^292- ^*Captain Gorebeard Devourer's drinking animation fixed when he has a Staff
of the Master

^292- ^*3D portrait colour now updates with his Polarity Swap mode

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*3D portrait is now centered on his face
^292- ^*Spirit Mimic now only reveals itself to the enemy team if there is an enemy
unit within 1000 units of where the ability is targetted
^717* ^*Thanks to VHD from the HoN Forums for this great suggestion
^292- ^*Moira's Spirit Mimic death (by killing the unit, not by lifetime
expiration) no longer counts as a hero death
^717* ^*Side effects of the previous behavior includes granting charges to things
like Icon of the Goddess and granting a charge to Devourer's E
^292- ^*Gladiator's Showdown will now interact properly with Moira's Arcane Vortex
^292- ^*Arcane Vortex applies its invulnerability state on targets properly if cast
by her Spirit Mimic & that mimic dies before the vortex duration ends

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*Effigy Puppet Master's shuriken on his left hand effect now displays
properly when the camera is zoomed in

^292- ^*Overhead buff positions have been fixed

^292- ^*Ranged rating for hero filters changed from 5 to 3

^292- ^*Winter Solstice's night form model (red model) in the HoN Store & in-game
no longer displays a double arm/double blades illusion when she throws her blades
into the air.

^292- ^*POG Succubus no longer has a weird shadow spot on her chest

^292- ^*Poseidon Tempest no longer has a line going through him for its HoN store
typhoon effect

^292- ^*Celsius Torturer no longer has white textures on his arms during his death

^292- ^*Hellhounds now have a proper overhead bone

Range indicators
^292- ^*Added Ward of Revelation's cast range indicator
^292- ^*Added Bramble's Ensnaring Shrubbery (W) slow radius indicator when being
cast on an ally


^970Version 3.4.5^*
^292- ^*Moira can no longer be picked in Tournament Rules
^292- ^*Can no longer duplicate items with ^256Ephemeral Forge^*
^292- ^*Mimic can no longer use ^090Post Haste^*
^292- ^*Fixed a bad interaction between Moira and ^079Doctor Repulsor^*

^970Version 3.4.4^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Hero: ^079Moira^*

^717* ^*Harkon's young apprentice is still learning how to control the arcane
energy coursing through her body, and it takes every ounce of her will to keep the
destructive power from obliterating everything around her. She fights for the
Legion to avenge the murdered Harkon while she seeks the experience and hidden
magics that will let her be at peace once again, though that seems like a futile
hope amid the chaos of her existence.

^292- ^*Ability 1: ^256Shards of Harkon^*

^717* ^*Moira conjures up two Shards of Harkon, consuming one and tossing another
to an Ally. After a short time they explode, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.
^717* ^*Target an Ally (or self). After a 1 second delay, two Shards explode out
from you, dealing 70/140/210/280 Magic Damage and applying a 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second
Stun to the 2 nearest enemies. After an additional 1 second delay, Shards will
explode out from the targeted ally, with the same effect.
^292- ^*Ability 2: ^256Mana Sunder^*
^717* ^*Target an enemy hero to completely empty their Manapool. After a short
delay, they regain all of the Mana they lost.
^717* ^*Target an enemy hero to destroy all of their Mana, dealing 1/2/3/4x their
Intelligence in Magic Damage. After a 1/1.5/2/2.5 second delay, they slowly regain
all the Mana they lost. If the enemy casts anything while they are regaining Mana,
their Manapool goes back to 0 and after a 1 second delay, they regain it all again.
^292- ^*Ability 3: ^256Ephemeral Forge^*
^717* ^*Target a location within range to create a Spirit of yourself there. The
Spirit can cast spells like you and use your items, but your hero is vulnerable!
^717* ^*Target a location to channel and create a Spirit Mimic of yourself for
10/14/18/22 seconds. The Spirit takes 250% damage and can use all items and spells
freely. When the Spirit casts a spell, Moira loses Mana equal to it's cost. If
Moira is stunned or silenced, the ability ends.
^292- ^*Ability 4: ^256Arcane Vortex^*
^717* ^*Target a location to overload it with unstable Arcane energy, ripping a
hole in the fabric of reality. All nearby units are sucked into the energy.
^717* ^*Target a location to suck all nearby units into an Energy Vortex for 4
seconds. The Vortex grows over time and you cannot target or interact with anyone
inside. For 2.5 seconds after it ends, all caught Enemies are Slowed by 35%, and
take 125/250/375 Nonlethal Magic Damage; while Allies have +35% Movement Speed.

^292- ^*Debut ^079Moira^* Avatar: ^079Hecate^*

^717* ^*Hecate is the Greek goddess of witchcraft, guardian of the household, and
goddess of the three paths of the crossroads, which is why she presents herself
with two additional faces on her shoulder pauldrons. In ancient times Zeus allowed
her to grant humanity any gift she wished, and based on Newerth's choices in the
crossroads of life she has returned to grant us all a well-deserved ass whoopin.

^292- ^*New ^079Moira^* Avatar: ^079Singularity^*

^717* ^*Singularity Moira carries the dying energy of a collapsed planet within
her. She has searched the galaxy for a new home to share the intelligence and
emotions gained from her planet's existence, and now she has arrived upon Newerth.
What do you think-could we use some more intelligence here?

^292- ^*New ^079Vindicator^* Avatar: ^079Sexy Librarian^*

^717* ^*School's out, and this curvy mistress of literature can't wait to unbutton
and chase some Canterbury tail. When this vivacious wordsmith takes you back to the
biology section, get ready to hit more than the books!
^292- ^*New ^079Predator^* Avatar: ^079Russian Battlebear^*
^717* ^*A military experiment gone wrong, the Russian Battlebear is a hybrid of
nature's fiercest beast and man's toughest machinery. Decorated with custom plates
recycled from old Russian tanks, the Battlebear was supposed to lead the Soviets to
victory in the 1960's, but could not be contained for long after the experimental
procedures had started. His brute strength, combined with durable armor,
overpowered waves of scientists and military personnel, and his massive blades cut
through the ranks he was supposed to defend, leaving his sterile holding cell a

^292- ^*New ^079Blood Hunter^* Avatar: ^079Gargoyle^*

^717* ^*The stone grotesques carved from the towers of Blackwal were intended to
protect the inhabitants and ward off evil spirits, and they did a fine job, but
their hideous faces could do nothing to deter the malevolent forces growing within.
When Lord Salforis harnessed the dark energies pouring from the Scar to raise his
army of the dead, the gargoyles pulled their stone claws free and stretched their
heavy wings, hungry to fill their wide gullets with rivers of blood.

^292- ^*New ^090Courier^*: ^090Izbushka^*

^717* ^*What better way to intimidate the enemy and impress your cohorts than to
have your items delivered by a flying chicken hut? If they don't think you're
awesome, they'll think you're insane. Which is better in HoN.

^292- ^*^079Corrupted Disciple (POG)^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Snotter Boss IS BACK IN ACTION with some changes!^*

^717* ^*Now drops a ^090Doombringer^* every time you kill him
^717* ^*Neutrals are spawned less often and the first wave is delayed slightly
^717* ^*The spawned Neutrals cannot kill couriers anymore!
^292- ^*Updated effects on ^079Ultimate Engineer^*

^970== Balance ==^*

Antlore Healer
^292- ^*Uncontrolled Antlore Healers will now only heal creeps that are under 80%

Large Snotter
^292- ^*Experience bounty increased from 47 to 48

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Ellonia^*

^717* ^*This bot was created by Mellow_Ink
^717* ^*Mellow_Ink receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the
Robot Courier forum award!

^292- ^*Blink Lib has been added

^292- ^*Bots will retreat to smarter locations with blinks
^292- ^*Several heroes will now use their blinks to return to base
^292- ^*Bots no longer retreat through towers
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where bots were overly aggressive against illusions
^292- ^*The HealAtWell behavior values tweaked and it now takes into account
missing Mana

^970== Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed full damage mitigation interactions (e.g. ^079Rhapsody's^*

^256Protective Melody^*, ^079Jeraziah's^* ^256Sol's Blessing^*) with reflexive
skills like ^079Chronos's^* ^256Rewind^* or ^079Armadon's^* ^256Armordillo^* from
triggering their effects while receiving 0 damage due to the damage mitigation

^090Frostfield Plate^*
^292- ^*Couriers can now use this item again, provided they have the Mana available
for Frostfield Plate's activation

^292- ^*^079Cosmonaut Bubbles^* textures have been fixed around his armpit and
^292- ^*^079Cosmonaut Bubbles^* ^256Shell Surf^* model now properly displays a
jetpack when thrown if Cosmonaut Bubbles has ^090Tablet of Command^* in his

^079Grave Keeper^*
^292- ^*^079Hestia^* now uses the correct effects for Defiling Touch

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Crippling Volley^* indicator radius adjusted to match the actual radius

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*^079Master of Cybernetics^* repeater gun produces auto-attack sounds once

^292- ^*^079Sea King Myrmidon^* cooldown voice line fixed

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*Fixed a few shader errors that happened on ^079Penguin Priest^*

^079Prisoner 945^*
^292- ^*^256The ol' Ball and Chain^* now properly drags a Voodoo Puppet belonging
to the enemy team (created by Puppet Master on your allied team)
^292- ^*^079Temperance Prisoner^* no longer has opaque wings when invisible

^292- ^*Rhapscallion's^* attack and select voice lines have been fixed

^292- ^*Health is now properly readjusted when he exits his Wish for Revenge avatar
form manually by using Phenomenal Cosmic Power

^292- ^*^256Quiver^* effects display properly at all camera angles

^292- ^*^256Boris^* is now displayed with all of his avatars in the store preview
and learnatorium
^292- ^*^256Booboo^* is now displayed in the store preview and learnatorium
^292- ^*^256Summon Booboo^* now shows Booboo's leash range to Wildsoul (1050 units)

^292- ^*Added timer bars for the following units:

^717* ^*^079Artesia's^* ^256Essence Projection^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer's^* ^256Energy Field^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator's^* ^256Glyph of Silence^*


^970Version 3.4.3^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Drunken Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Rum Master^* (Bloodtide
^717* ^*Another mate on Baaracko's ship, Rum Master's addictive personality gave
him little incentive to ever advance beyond swabbing the poop deck, content to
bathe in the dark amber ambrosia that kept him in a perpetual stupor. When Captain
Gorebeard took over the ship, he was not concerned with the changing tide, if he
even knew it took place. As long as he gets to drink, fight, and plunder, nothing
seems to matter, and the compass in his pocket points truer than the one for his

^292- ^*Added new ^079Magebane^* Alt Avatar: ^079Syphon Magebane^* (The Shroud)
^717* ^*When The Shroud is hired to assassinate a powerful magician, Syphon is the
member of the elite killing squad who gets the task. Syphon has no allegiance to a
particular god or mystical source-in fact, he considers these to be crutches and
weaknesses for those he is sent to kill. Once he drains them of their mana and
magical abilities, they are simply defenseless, easy prey, and their incantations
and prayers are soon silenced.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Fayde^* Alt Avatar: ^079Vanish Fayde^* (The Shroud)
^717* ^*Vanish is the most elusive member of The Shroud. She is a master of
shadows, using her target's own shade against them and blending herself completely
into darkness to move undetected among the gloom. When-or if-you do see her, it is
much too late.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Zephyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Parrot Zephyr^* (Bloodtide Brigade)
^717* ^*A glorified "yes man" to Captain Gorebeard during Baaracko's reign as
captain, Cockatoo moved up in rank alongside the rotund usurper. He is the eyes and
ears aboard the vessel, telling Gorebeard all the things the deckhands say or do in

Entrusted with the treasure map of the fabled Grimoire of Power (in case the crew
mutinies and kills Gorebeard), he stands beside his captain with beady, piercing
eyes, ready to fight or fly, depending on what the situation calls for. He is a
bothersome, oversized loudmouth whose allegiance is only to whoever happens to be
in charge. With an impressive wingspan and the trust of the largest man on the
ship, his annoying presence transforms into something far more fearsome.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Shadowblade^* Alt Avatar: ^079Husher Shadowblade^* (The

^717* ^*Husher is leader of The Shroud and the ultimate assassin, capable of
altering his attack style to quickly dispatch any target. Those who prove difficult
to kill find their own strengths used against them when Husher harnesses the dark,
murderous magic contained within the four ancient blades he carries, each capable
of inflicting tremendous harm. When they are combined into the Blade of the Shroud,
a weapon controllable by only the most skilled assassin alive, his targets are
quickly hushed for good.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Devourer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Captain Gorebeard^* (Bloodtide

^717* ^*Captain Gorebeard is a corpulent, greedy, obnoxious pirate captain with no
sense of morality. His gigantic stature and history of murder has allowed him to
take command of the Bloodtide Brigade, a team of pirates previously under the
command of another captain, by using physical and mental intimidation. He seeks
only hedonistic pleasure, gorging on food and surrounding himself in stolen
treasure, while his crew maintains his lifestyle in fear of losing their own lives.
He would stab a man in the front just as soon as he would stab them in the back.

^292- ^*Bonus Set Effects for the Bloodtide Brigade

^292- ^*^079Captain Gorebeard (Devourer)^*

^717* ^*He gains a gold shader on his sword and hook
^717* ^*He gains a parrot buddy on his shoulder.
^717* ^*Ability 1: Booty of coins and gems explode at the impact site.
^717* ^*Ability 4: Booty of coins and gems shower while channeling.
^292- ^*^079Parrot (Zephyr)^*
^717* ^*Ability 1: This ability gains ghosts from a ghost ship.
^717* ^*Ability 4: This ability gains a sunken ghost ship with ghosts and and a
waving flag.
^292- ^*^079Rum Master (Drunken Master)^*
^717* ^*He gains a an octopus buddy on his shoulder.
^717* ^*Ability 3: This ability gains tentacles that erupt come out of the ground.
^292- ^*^079Rhapscallion (Rhapsody)^*
^717* ^*Ability 1: This ability gains seagulls flying randomly from the targeted
^717* ^*Ability 4: This ability gains a flock of seagulls flying above her head.
^292- ^*^079Corsair (Artesia)^*
^717* ^*Ability 1: This ability gains a cannonball projectile.
^717* ^*Ability 4: This ability gains a spinning cannon tower model which fires
cannonballs when she uses her Ability 1.

^292- ^*Bonus Set Effects for The Shroud

^292- ^*^079Husher (Shadowblade)^*

^717* ^*Gains Shroud effect of a foggy, shadowy mist around his feet.
^717* ^*Each ability changes his pulsating armor and weapon aura effects to match
the effects colors of the other members of The Shroud.
^292- ^*^079Vanish (Fayde)^*
^717* ^*Gains Shroud effect of a foggy, shadowy mist around her feet.
^717* ^*The blade of her weapon becomes an aura of purple flames.
^717* ^*She gains a pulsating purple shader on her armor.
^292- ^*^079Veil (Circe)^*
^717* ^*Gains Shroud passive effects of a foggy, shadowy mist around her feet.
^717* ^*Her hands burn with an aura of orange flames.
^717* ^*She gains a pulsating orange shader on her armor.
^292- ^*^079Syphon (Magebane)^*
^717* ^*Gains Shroud effect of a foggy, shadowy mist around his feet.
^717* ^*The blades of his weapon become an aura of blue flames,
^717* ^*He gains a pulsating blue shader on his armor.
^292- ^*^079Effigy (Puppet Master)^*
^717* ^*Gains Shroud effect of a foggy, shadowy mist around his feet.
^717* ^*His weapon changes into an aura of green flames.
^717* ^*He gains a pulsating green shader on his armor.

^292- ^*^539Added new Announcer Pack: Pirate Pack^*

^717* ^*Yar, it be a fine day to announce victory from the topsails! Yar, yar, MMR!
This Announcer Pack is not for sale, but you can get it for free by owning all five
members of the Bloodtide Brigade.

^292- ^*^539Added new Announcer Pack: Ninja Pack^*

^717* ^*Real ninjas don't say anything, so let this deadly announcer pack do the
talking for you on your path to victory. This Announcer Pack is not for sale, but
you can get it for free by owning all five members of The Shroud.

^292- ^*^079Moon Queen^* (POGS)

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539The Snotter Boss has gone back into hiding for now.^* Stay alert, as he
might return at any time...

^292- ^*^256In My Element^* ability now has a real-time indicator to let the player
know the distance that riptide is revealed

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*Added the reveal range indicator to Bound Eye when you hover your cursor
over it

^292- ^*Charges on ^256Curse of Ages^* will no longer go to 0 if hitting a non-
enemy unit when the skill has 1 charge (charge visual fix only, no gameplay change)

^292- ^*Activating ^256Dreams of Madness^* will properly break Cthulhuphant's
stealth if he is invisible at the time of casting the skill

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Added circular damage affector indicator (180 radius) to show the AoE of
the healing wave's damage portion

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Skeletal Minions^* are now invisible if Forsaken Archer is invisible

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Added a circular cast range indicator for ^256Acid Bomb^*

^292- ^*Aggro range is now adjusted properly when Shadowblade is taking his Soul

^292- ^*Poseidon Tempest idle animation has been fixed so he picks up his rubber
duck again =)
^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*Fixed default and Wicked Hag of the West ^256Sonar Scream^* impact visual


^970Version 3.4.2^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539HoNiversary is coming up on May 12th, join us in celebration!^*

^717* ^*Added Birthday Runes
^717* ^*Kongor has changed outfits... again!
^717* ^*Lane Creeps have donned party hats and shoot confetti
^717* ^*Merrick has dressed up for the occasion

^292- ^*Rift Wars comeback mechanic now stops when teams are equal in experience
^292- ^*Rift Wars map has been updated with cleaner art and textures*
^292- ^*Rift Wars Gold tick increased from 2 per second to 4 per second

^292- ^*MidWars has been... changed. The Snotter Boss has arrived to take revenge
on Newerth!

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New Ultimate ^079Empath^* Avatar: ^079Gaia Empath^* (Newerth Day)

^717* ^*Gaia is the mother of Newerth; the ethereal, intangible spirit of the world
made flesh, and a manifestation of the planet itself. She has seen the history of
all people and places; reveled in its victories; and suffered with its strife. She
has lived through wars and the initial Fall of Man which brought about the realm of
Newerth, regrowing that which was lost to blight and carelessness. With the opening
of The Scar releasing an onslaught of demons whose only purpose is to gouge and
injure their birthplace, Gaia must emerge to save them from themselves through
pitiful destruction.

^717* ^*^539Gaia's appearance changes based on her map location, the level of her
abilities, and the items in her possession.^*

^292- ^*Map Locations

^717* ^*In rivers and pools, Newerth's naturally occurring underwater crystals
compose Gaia's water form.
^717* ^*In lanes and bases, the tough terrain allows Gaia to construct her durable
rock form.
^717* ^*In the Legion jungle, Gaia adapts to the natural flora and assumes her
grass form.
^717* ^*In the Hellbourne jungle, the desolation gives life only to destruction,
where Gaia manifests as fire.

^292- ^*^090Items^*
^717* ^*Striders will alter the path Gaia leaves behind her, depending on which
form she is currently in.
^717* ^*Astrolabe will create layers of a rotating, mechanical astrolabe around her
^717* ^*Abyssal Skull will replace the top of her staff with a large Abyssal Skull,
granting lifesteal to her teammates.
^717* ^*Tablet of Command will be worn around her waist for escaping or pulling
enemies into unfortunate situations.

^292- ^*Ability Levels

^717* ^*At level 1 of any ability, Gaia's human form is not yet strong enough to
absorb strength from Newerth.

^292- ^*^256Essence Link^*

^717* ^*Level 2-3: The color of the Essence Link transforms into the primary color
of whichever form Gaia currently exists in.
^717* ^*Level 4: Gaia extracts the full essence of Newerth, as elements of rock,
fire, water, or grass surround the Essence Link.

^292- ^*^256Illusory Veil^*

^717* ^*Level 2-3: The color of the Illusory Veil transforms into the primary color
of whichever form Gaia currently exists in.
^717* ^*Level 4: The will of Newerth's survival comes to fruition, as elements of
rock, fire, water, or grass surround the Illusory Veil.

^292- ^*^256Synergy^*
^717* ^*Level 2-3: Newerth's life force surrounds Gaia's feet, the Synergy
establishing her connection to everyone and everything.
^717* ^*Level 4: The vitality that swirls around Gaia becomes stronger and more
apparent as the Synergy gains traction.

^292- ^*^256As One^*

^717* ^*Level 2-3: The blessings of Newerth envelop Gaia with a whirlpool of energy
as she protects her host.

^292- ^*^539The eternal battle between Pirates and Ninjas has spread to Newerth!^*
The boisterous, booty-seeking swashbucklers of The Bloodtide Brigade have dropped
anchor to face the silent, mystical assassins of The Shroud, and both sides are
recruiting for the ensuing clash. Which will you choose, cutlass or cutthroat?
Flasks or masks? Pirates or Ninjas?

^717* ^*Once you own the entire set of The Bloodtide Brigade or The Shroud, not
only will you become an official member of the group, you'll also get extra booty!
^717* ^*^539The Bloodtide Brigade^*: Each member of the set gains extra effects and
you will be awarded the Pirate Announcer Pack for free.
^717* ^*^539The Shroud^*: Each member of the set gains extra effects and you will
be awarded the Ninja Announcer Pack for free.

^292- ^*New ^079Artesia^* Avatar: ^079Corsair Artesia^* (Bloodtide Brigade)

^717* ^*Dogmatic and efficient, Corsair Artesia hides her contempt for the callous
Captain Gorebeard under a guise of strict order and rigid planning. Prior to
Captain Baraacko's capture, she was given much more flexibility as part of the
commanding officers, but after he was taken prisoner by the Legion, she was
resigned to a more submissive position with fewer rewards for her work. She has
plans to usurp the new captain if she can convince the crew to mutiny, but even
getting them to mop the decks is a challenge, so she waits, placidly and patiently,
for the perfect time to strike.

^292- ^*New ^079Puppet Master^* Avatar: ^079Effigy Puppet Master^* (The Shroud)
^717* ^*Effigy is a master of the darkest magic known to the mystical Shroud
assassins. He is called upon when an untraceable kill is required, for his wizardry
attacks the very essence of his targets and leaves no mark upon the flesh. Even
more insidious is his ability to control members of the target's camp and force
comrades to kill each other, leaving not only a larger body count but also inciting
chaos and discord.

^292- ^*New ^079Rhapsody^* Avatar: ^079Rhapscallion Rhapsody^* (Bloodtide Brigade)

^717* ^*Once a scribe aboard Captain Baaracko's ship, Rhapscallion and her fellow
deckhands became governed by fear when the gluttonous Gorebeard rose to the
position of de facto leader on the vessel. Acting out and singing loudly as a means
to mask her melancholy aboard the newly overtaken ship, she spends less time
writing and more time dancing, secretly hoping the big red monster is taken out of
commission by an unruly village or a Legion troop.

^292- ^*New ^079Circe^* Avatar: ^079Veil Circe^* (The Shroud)

^717* ^*Veil is the first member of the Shroud assassins to lay eyes on the next
target. Her ability to change her appearance and expertly mimic any man, beast or
daemon allows her to slip deep behind enemy lines and infiltrate even the most
heavily defended areas. If she can get a clean kill immediately she will not
hesitate. If not, she uses her abilities to help the other members of The Shroud
surround the target, each of them closing in, lurking and waiting for the
opportunity to strike.

^292- ^*New ^079Witch Slayer^* Avatar: ^079Partisan Witch Slayer^* (Russian Victory
^717* ^*Partisans are fierce resistance fighters struggling against an occupying
foreign army, and in the case of Partisan Witch Slayer, that foreign army happens
to come from the Scar and consists of daemons, lords of the dead, and testy Archaic
Gods. She certainly has her hands full, but she plans on celebrating Russian
Victory Day by putting her trusty saperka entrenching tool and sniper rifle to good

^292- ^*New ^079Jeraziah^* Avatar: ^079Liberator Jeraziah^* (Russian Victory Day)

^717* ^*The valiant Liberator, released in honor of Russian Victory Day, fully
embodies his mission of defending the innocent civilians ravaged by the war against
the Hellbourne. No matter how weary or injured, he will forsake his own life and
gladly stand in front of the defenseless, cover them with his shield and lift his
broadsword toward the advancing daemon soldiers. To those who seek to harm those
under his protection: Your bodies will build the foundation for new hope.

^292- ^*New ^079Rampage^* Avatar: ^079Road Rage Rampage^*

^717* ^*Didn't use your turn signal? That's a beating. Litter out the window?
Goodbye side mirror. If you're sharing a lane with this temperamental rubber
burner, mind your manners, call missing, and don't even think about kill stealing,
and you might make it out with your grille intact. But rage is rarely logical, so
it's probably best to just stay out of his way.

^292- ^*New ^079Fayde^* Avatar: ^079POG Fayde^* (POGS)

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^292- ^*Added Glowing Pink Name Color

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Balphagore^*

^717* ^*This bot was created by ^539Kairus101^*.
^717* ^*Kairus101 receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!
^717* ^*Be careful of his clever minion use!
^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*This bot was created by ^539Darkfire^*.
^717* ^*Darkfire receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!

^292- ^*New Bot: ^079Moon Queen^*

^717* ^*This bot was created by ^539Anakonda^*.
^717* ^*Anakonds receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the Robot
Courier forum award!

^292- ^*Easy difficulty bots now take more creep damage before retreating
^292- ^*Fixed an issue with teambots with no heroes

^292- ^*Earn gold rewards by contributing on the bot subforums!

^717* ^*Create your own bot, or review submission code!
^717* ^*All of our bots are vetted by community contributors and the Community Bot
^717* ^*Join us on the bot forums or on IRC and earn yourself some gold!

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*Minions will now follow Klanx properly if the target dies after the minions
follow-up Klanx's autoattack order

^292- ^*Ultimate now applies the proper damage values now when the state is applied
on an enemy

^079Sir Benzington^*
^292- ^*Fixed a bug that caused Lance-A-Long to extend up to 200 units further than

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Acid Cocktail will no longer stun on the first bounce if the target becomes
magic immune

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*Now plays the proper sound files when killing someone with ultimate & Witch
Slayer has a Staff of the Master in his inventory

^292- ^*Added the following range indicators

^717* ^*^079Gemini's^* ^256Twin Fangs^* targeting circle at the very end of the
cone (for the stun radius indicator)
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester's^* ^256Spirit Ward^* attack range indicator when you
cast it (to see how far it can attack before you actually spawn the gadget)
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider's^* ^256Plague Carrier^* bounce range indicator
^717* ^*^079Vindicator's^* ^256Glyph of Silence^* hover cast range (aura radius
when it spawns)

^292- ^*F6 and F10 keys properly bring up the main interface


^970Version 3.4.1^*
^970== New Content ==^*
^292- ^*New ^079Pollywog Priest^* Avatar: ^079Axolotl Pollywog^* (Guardians of
^717* ^*The eccentric Axolotl Priest is a deadly hunter and callous enemy, reigning
from the northern regions of the Rulian Marsh. Often trading rare plants and
potions to the local troll hunters in exchange for gold and weaponry, he spends his
time perfecting lethal poisons and coating his modified spearheads with the toxins.
He is difficult to find amidst the thick jungle leaves, and by the time his shiny
coat has been spotted, the enemy is already long lost to the marsh.

^292- ^*New ^079Chipper^* Avatar: ^079Arctic Harrier^*

^717* ^*The chiprels of Caldavar have been battered onto the endangered species
list, and the time has come to call in their mad genius cousins: the Arctic
Harriers. These bombastic carrot-munchers stomp onto the battlefield from the harsh
northern Frost Fields, where the only heat comes from rocket trails and keeping
your saw blade sharp can mean the difference between life and getting turned into a
fur hat. The chiprels might regret this drastic measure, though-these Arctic
Harriers aren't afraid to break a few tectonic plates to make sure they win a

^292- ^*New ^079Armadon^* Avatar: ^079Horny Lizardon^* (Guardians of Newerth)

^717* ^*The shifting sands of The Great Waste have provided little nourishment or
foundation for the animals and structures that resided in them, save for the
hardiest plants and reptilian beasts that were able to reserve water in their
bodies. This was fine for Horny Lizardon, a peacemaker and lonesome defender.
However, the underground explosions and eruptions from The Scar, north of the
deserts, which shook the earth and engulfed the citizens with lava spills were
enough to provoke the spiky guardian into action against the daemons responsible.

^292- ^*New ^079Amun-Ra^* Avatar: ^079Acolyte Amun-Ra^*

^717* ^*Acolyte was a devoted student of Juna, the Sister of Sol whose brother Jaru
betrayed their god and the Legion in return for Hellbourne immortality and power.
Acolyte assisted Juna through many sessions in which they prayed for Jaru's
redemption, reaching out to salvage his tainted soul. Jaru knew this, felt it, and
with each session he offered Acolyte another glimpse of what she could gain by
selling her soul. Soon she was utterly corrupted. She stole many priceless,
powerful relics and volumes of magic known only to the Sisters of Sol and carried
them to Jaru's feet, where she has knelt ever since. She is his most devoted
disciple, and most deadly. She seeks to raise more evil entities like Amun-Ra, just
as the Corrupted Disciples did.

^292- ^*New ^079Monarch^* Avatar: ^079Cherub Monarch^*

^717* ^*When the 7 Virtues were sent by Sol to aid Jeraziah in his crusade against
the daemons spilling from Hell's Keep, the Cherubim came along with them to act as
a protector class for the holy warriors as they did battle. Standing tall, through
short of stature, they guarded the Virtues with protective magic and cleansing
spells, allowing them to tear through regiments the Hellbourne beasts without worry
about their wellbeing.

^292- ^*New ^079Electrician^* Avatar: ^079Electrician^* (POG)

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*Circe's ultimate form expiration animation no longer plays through fog
^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*The triggered ^256Overgrowth^* now has its lifetime consistent with the
immobilize state duration
^292- ^*Grass effects no longer linger after an Overgrowth gadget expires

^292- ^*Submariner Kraken now plays his Splash attack animation correctly again

^292- ^*^256Watery Grave^* now properly slows the target when the target is in the
^292- ^*^256Undertow^* can now be properly cast near the edges of the map
^292- ^*^256Undertow's^* slow state is no longer transferable via Parasite's
^292- ^*^256Perfect Storm^* is no longer blocked by Nullstone
^292- ^*Cleaned up ability tooltips

^292- ^*Scoutzo non-Disarm attack impact sounds are now audible
^292- ^*Scoutzo attack animation speed adjusted to match attack impact timing

^292- ^*All avatars attack animation speed's have been adjusted to match attack
impact timings

^292- ^*^256Death Lotus^* blades respawn properly on the Shadow illusion once they
go off cooldown on Silhouette
^292- ^*^256Death Lotus^* usage now plays the animation properly on the Shadow
illusion when Silhouette uses the skill

^292- ^*Solstice's ^256Shadow Dash^* will no longer apply its slow state through
magic immunity

^079The Gladiator^*
^292- ^*^256Showdown^* can now be double-activated to cast on self

^292- ^*^256Impalement^* now has a timer to indicate how long is left on the
spell's duration

^292- ^*Groundhog Tremble now plays its death sound properly


^970Version 3.4 - The Rising Tide^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Hero: ^079Riptide^*

^717* ^*The new Hellbourne strength hero Riptide is an ancient elemental from the
bedrock of what became Caldavar. He has emerged from the primordial deep of the
Inner Sea, manifesting the enormous power of the cold, black tides that once
covered all of Newerth. Our advice: learn to swim.
^292- ^*Riptide Ability 1: ^256Watery Grave^*
^717* ^*Riptide sends out a fierce, concentrated blast of water that damages and
silences his enemies
^717* ^*Target a unit to deal 60, 120, 180, 240 Magic Damage and Silence it for
1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 seconds
^717* ^*If the target is on water:
^717* ^*It is Slowed by 50% for 3.5 seconds
^717* ^*The Silence is increased to 2.5,3,3.5,4 seconds
^717* ^*The Damage is increased to 80, 160, 240, 320

^292- ^*Riptide Ability 2: ^256Undertow^*

^717* ^*Riptide unleashes a massive tidal wave to drench all his foes
^717* ^*Target a location to unleash a tidal wave that deals 125 Magic Damage to
all enemies hit. The wave leaves behind 250 radius puddles that give Riptide his
"In my Element" buff
^717* ^*If Riptide has his Ultimate active then the puddles will also slow Movement
Speed by 30% for every enemy inside

^292- ^*Riptide Ability 3: ^256In My Element^*

^717* ^*While in water, Riptide gains special bonuses by absorbing the element
which gives him life
^717* ^*Riptide gains the following buffs while on water:
^717* ^*Attack Speed: 30, 40, 50, 60
^717* ^*Move Speed: 5, 10, 15, 20%
^717* ^*Attack Damage: 15, 30, 45, 60
^717* ^*Invisibility unless he is within 450 radius of an enemy hero
^717* ^*This buff will linger for 1 second once you are off water

^292- ^*Riptide Ability 4: ^256Perfect Storm^*

^717* ^*Riptide calls down a powerful storm from the skies to drown Newerth while
his own power increases
^717* ^*The entire map is covered in water for 30, 50, 70 seconds, allowing Riptide
to receive all his "In My Element" buffs
^717* ^*All puddles now become "Deep Puddles" and anyone who is inside them is
slowed by 30%
^717* ^*All enemies are considered on water and will get the extended Silence and
Slow by "Watery Grave"

^292- ^*Added new ^079Riptide^* Debut Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Toxin^*

^717* ^*There are areas of Newerth even the bravest heroes will not enter-vast
expanses of wasteland seething with the pollution of the Lost Civilization, tainted
by the tortured souls entombed within the virulent sludge. Now this mire has
stirred, coalesced into Toxin, a living embodiment of the foul desecration of
nature. He has trudged from the black ooze of the wastelands into Caldavar with the
desire to taint everything he touches and leave a swath of infected land and water

^292- ^*Added new ^079Riptide^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079WaterFest^*

^717* ^*The Songkran Water Festival is upon us, and we're ready to cool off and
celebrate the New Year by showering the map with water, flowers, and talc!
WaterFest leads the blessing of Newerth with beautiful blossom armor and a body
coursing with clear blue water, and when he steps into the soothing currents of
Caldavar his festive nature grows even larger!

^539Camera Zoom Distance^*

^820+ ^*^995We've allowed the maximum camera zoom distance to be increased, largely
as a quality of life change, to allow players a more valid response to heroes that
initiate from off-screen. We are aware that this increases our system requirements
and will be keeping a close eye on this change.^*
^292- ^*The default and maximum ingame Camera Distance has been increased from
1,650 to 1,850 units

^539Hero Kill Gold changes^*

^820+ ^*^995The formula for gold distribution was largely favoring grouping in the
earlier stages of the game. Kills involving 4-5 heroes often resulted in double the
amount of team gold compared to a single participant. The primary incentive for
grouping should be completing team objectives, not hunting for heroes.^*
^292- ^*Proximity Hero kill gold lowered from 30+5 per level to 0+7 per level

^539Neutral Creeps^*
^820+ ^*^995We've found that the Jungle was giving too much gold and experience
relative to lanes. Often times the primary source of income on the map, it became
mandatory to farm, which, because of its safety, promoted passive play. The
efficiency of the Jungle has been reevaluated reducing the potential benefits. To
compensate for the gold and experience reduction, we've reduced the damage neutrals
deal to heroes and increased the yield of the easy camp to speed up the early game
efficiency of junglers that do not have immediate access to the strong camps.^*
^292- ^*The positions of the north-east most Legion Medium and Strong camps have
been swapped
^292- ^*Lane creeps will now aggro neutrals outside of only the pull camp
^292- ^*^095Vagabonds^* have been moved from the medium camp to the small camp
^717* ^*Commonly Referred to as "Double Pulling"
^292- ^*^095Easy Camp^*: Experience increased by 15% & Gold increased by 10%
^292- ^*^095Medium Camp^*: Experience decreased by 15%
^292- ^*^095Hard Camp^*: Experience decreased by 15% & Gold decreased by 10%
^292- ^*^095Ancients^*: Experience increased by 15% & Gold decreased by 20%
^292- ^*Damage ^095Uncontrolled Neutrals^* deal to Heroes reduced from 75% to 50%

^292- ^*Ebulas have been moved from the small camp to the medium camp with a new
neutral: ^095Pustula^*
^717* ^*^095Pustula^* has the ^256Kamikaze^* ability. ^256Kamikaze^* causes the
Pustula to explode, leaving a goo on that ground that slows enemies

^292- ^*Replaced the Minotaur Medium Camp with 2 Antlore Archers, 1 Antlore Healer,
and a new neutral: ^095Antlore Necromancer^*
^717* ^*^095Antlore Necromancer^* has the ^256Raise Dead^* ability, summoning

^292- ^*^095Werebeast Enchanter^* now has the ^256Far Sight^* ability, usable when
controlled by players
^717* ^*^256Far Sight^* grants vision of an area for a brief duration

^292- ^*Replaced a Fire Ogre with a new neutral: ^095Alchemist Ogre^*

^717* ^*^095Alchemist Ogre^* has the ^256Transmute^* ability. ^256Transmute^*
instantly destroys another non hero unit

^539Lane Creeps^*
^820+ ^*^995Increasing the relevance of the ranged barracks much sooner in the
game. Teams will notice a much greater lane progression when destroying only the
ranged rax as opposed to the melee.^*
^292- ^*Fifth melee creep spawns at 44 minutes instead of 33 minutes
^292- ^*Doubled ranged creeps spawn at 33 minutes instead of 45 minutes

^820+ ^*^995Towers have been tweaked to keep some late game relevance by
implementing armor penetration. We've also reduced the damage received from melee
summoned minions and player controlled neutrals to allow for better response time
against heavy minion lineups.^*
^292- ^*Tower attacks now pierce 25% of all Armor
^292- ^*Summoned Melee units damage multiplier against Towers lowered from 70% to
50% (does not affect lane creeps)
^292- ^*Player-Controlled Neutrals damage multiplier against Towers lowered from
70% to 50%

The following heroes and items will be added to Tournament Rules

^292- ^*^079Klanx^*
^292- ^*^090Ioyn Stone^*
^292- ^*^090Spellsunder^*

^970== Hero Reworks ==^*

^820+ ^*^995The goal of this rework is two fold. We wanted to shift Cthulhuphant
farther into an initiator role that can cause a lot of chaos in the mix of a team
fight. On top of that we realized that we had an opportunity to take advantage of
the great theme and lore of this hero to bring you all something truly

^292- ^*Launch distance increased from 600 to 900 units
^292- ^*Stun duration of targets hit by creeps increased from 1 second to 1.75
^292- ^*Damage increased from each minion hit from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30

^256Hook Em^*
^292- ^*Shield HP value from 40/60/80/100 % of target's max HP to 50/100/150/200 +
10/20/30/40 % of target's max HP
^292- ^*Now applies a shield in front of Cthulhuphant that pulses damage in a 400
radius cone in front of Cthulhuphant
^292- ^*The damage done is 15/20/25/30 every pulse to every non hero unit and
25/30/35/40 damage to all hero units
^292- ^*Duration lowered from 30 seconds to 25 seconds

^256Mortifying Presence^* renamed to ^256Dream of Madness^*

^292- ^*Activate to start an Aura that covers a 1000 radius from Cthulhuphant.
Anyone inside this aura that faces Cthulhuphant will receive stacks of Madness.
When they reach 4 stacks of Madness they go insane and begin to attack the nearest
unit to them for 1/1.5/2/2.5
^292- ^*2 Charges are removed per second whenever looking away from Cthulhuphant
^292- ^*Anyone within a 400 radius of Cthulhuphant are so scared they move 15%
slower and attack 10% slower

^292- ^*Duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
^292- ^*Damage of the ultimate starts lower and increases after each pulse
^292- ^*Damage increased from 400/600/800 to 490/690/900
^717* ^*Level 1: First pulse does 30 magic damage + 20 damage per additional pulse,
capping at 130 damage
^717* ^*Level 2: First pulse does 40 magic damage + 30 damage per additional pulse,
capping at 190 damage
^717* ^*Level 3: First pulse does 50 magic damage + 40 damage per additional pulse,
capping at 250 damage

^820+ ^*^995Shadowblade has a "choose your play-style" fun that a lot of people
have come to enjoy. With the following changes, we wanted to give you that feeling
a bit more while also making the ultimate less tedious to use. Staff of the Master
is also an excellent idea for a hero that is looking to build stats so we took the
opportunity to give him a staff that added a lot to his customizing power.^*

^256Gargantuan's Blast^*
^292- ^*Duration increased from 11 seconds to 15 seconds

^256Feint's Siphon^*
^292- ^*Duration increased from 11 seconds to 15 seconds

^256Soul's Sight^*
^292- ^*Duration increased from 11 seconds to 15 seconds

^256Essence Shift^*
^292- ^*Mana cost lowered from 60 to 30
^292- ^*Cast range has been increased from 800 to 1600
^292- ^*You now take the primary stat of whatever form you are in when using the
ultimate on yourself
^292- ^*No longer interrupts movement on cast
^292- ^*Can now be boosted by Staff of the Master

^090Staff of the Master^* ^256Boost Effect^*

^292- ^*Essence Shift: Cooldown lowered from 30 seconds to 5 seconds
^292- ^*Essence Shift: While in Strength form, you get 60/80/100% Cleave
^292- ^*Essence Shift: While in Agility form, you gain Unit Walking and True Strike
^292- ^*Essence Shift: While in Intelligence form, all your attacks drain mana from
your target equal to 80% of your Intelligence

^820+ ^*^995Silhouette is an amazing hero with a ton of synergy, however a lot of
that synergy was being held back because she was a 600 range semi-carry. In order
to compensate for her range, the power of her abilities had to be continuously
lowered until she fell out of favor completely. This was not an intended goal and
we felt a rework that lowered her attack range and put a solid emphasis on the
synergy of her abilities would allow for her to shine.^*

^292- ^*Attack Range lowered from 600 to 350

^292- ^*Intelligence increased from 18 to 23
^292- ^*intelligence per level increased from 1.7 to 2
^292- ^*Turn Rate increased from 360 to 450

^256Death Lotus^*
^292- ^*Mana cost lowered from 85/95/105/115 to 85/90/95/100
^292- ^*Blade rotation speed increased from 90 degrees/second to 135 degrees/second

^256Tree Grapple^*
^292- ^*Cast range rescaled from 1200 to 1000/1150/1300/1450
^292- ^*Cast Action Time lowered from 0.2s to 0.15s
^292- ^*Cooldown decreased from 16 seconds to 19/15/11/7 seconds
^292- ^*Mana cost from 120 to 120/105/90/75
^292- ^*Stun duration decreased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds to 1 second
^292- ^*Log Bolas now costs 25/50/75/100 mana to cast
^292- ^*Silhouette is no longer disarmed while traveling in Sky Dance

^256Relentless Salvo^*
^292- ^*Cooldown decreased from 4 seconds to 4.5/3.5/2.5/1.5 seconds
^292- ^*Attack speed bonus increased from 150/200/250/300 to 400
^292- ^*Damage increased to 4/7/10/13 per stack
^292- ^*Relentless Salvo enemy state duration increased from 3 seconds to 10
^292- ^*Charge limit on the Relentless Salvo enemy state increased from 5 to 15
^717* ^*Translates to an increase in damage cap from 15/30/45/60 to 60/105/150/195
physical damage at max charges
^292- ^*Illusions add charges onto enemies with the Relentless Salvo state, but
will not deal bonus physical damage based on the charges

^292- ^*Cast Action Time decreased from 0.3s to 0.25s
^292- ^*Cooldown decreased from 120/110/100 seconds to 80 seconds
^292- ^*Mana cost decreased from 150 to 150/100/50
^292- ^*Duration of illusion increased from 15/25/35 seconds to 20/30/40 seconds
^292- ^*Illusion's damage received multiplier decreased from 200% to 200/150/100%
^292- ^*Illusion's damage dealt multiplier increased from 66% to 100%
^292- ^*Swap sub ability cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8/6/4 seconds
^292- ^*Swap sub ability mana cost decreased from 50 to 50/25/0

^970== Heroes ==^*

^820+ ^*^995The previous change to Artillery reduced the excessive flash farming
capabilities of the hero. We are now focusing on adjusting the power and difficulty
of LRM making it much more reliable in combat.^*
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Touch radius increased from 40 to 60
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Lifetime lowered from 800 to 600 (reaches its max distance
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Mana Cost lowered from 80/90/100/110 to 70/80/90/100

^820+ ^*^995Adding to Bombardier's utility kit allows for some creativity with his
team. Bombardier may now attach his Sticky Bomb to an ally for some clever team
combinations. Bombardment will also deal a portion of it's damage to buildings to
assist with his long range sieging and harassment capabilities.^*
^292- ^*^256Sticky Bomb^*: Can now attach to allies
^292- ^*^256Bombardment^*: Now deals 33% damage to buildings
^292- ^*^256Sticky Bomb^*: Cooldown lowered from 17/16/15/14 to 14 seconds at all
^292- ^*^256Boom Dust^*: Charge refresh lowered from 10/8/6/4 to 4

^820+ ^*^995We've increased the cooldown of Kelp Field at the earlier levels.
Before, Bubbles has had a significant power spike when first hitting level 6, which
made him extremely valuable even when underleveled. Now, he is not able to forfeit
lanes as comfortably.^*
^292- ^*^256Kelp Field^*: Cooldown increased from 85 to 115/100/85

^820+ ^*^995We are happy with the concept of Curse of Ages being usable in ganking
scenarios. However, we have found that the timer was far too short, which allowed
for frequent use in lane scenarios.^*
^292- ^*^256Curse of ages^*: Automatic countdown timer increased from 5 seconds to
9 seconds

^079Demented Shaman^*
^820+ ^*^995Mostly a quality of life improvement, the change for the Demented
Shaman helps stop dramatic heroics from turning into awkward moments.^*
^292- ^*^256Unbreakable^*: Projectile Speed increased from 800 to 1200
^292- ^*^256Unbreakable^*: Cast time lowered from 300 to 150

^820+ ^*^995Skillful Self Denies can provide satisfaction from both sides. The lack
of input and counter-play from Decay, however, made it unpredictable and random,
especially in the scenarios of multiple enemies attacking him. We've added a small
window that will prevent the lethal damage from Decay if the Devourer has taken
damage from another player recently. This will add a more interesting skill dynamic
requiring the Devourer to juke and avoid damage while also creating more tension
for the enemy to keep him in combat.^*
^292- ^*^256Decay^*: Can no longer self deny within one second of taking damage
from another player

^820+ ^*^995Offering more to his utility kit, we wanted to reward the Electrician's
iconic offensive and defensive dispel by significantly reducing the cooldown.^*
^292- ^*^256Cleansing shock^*: Cooldown lowered from 16/12/8 to 12/8/4

^079Emerald Warden^*
^820+ ^*^995Offering more to Emerald Warden's utility kit. Emerald Warden will now
be more proficient at scouting enemies and countering stealth.^*
^292- ^*^256Hunter's Command^*: Now applies sighted and revealed to the targets for
the duration of the slow

^820+ ^*^995Magnetic Surge's cast time has been cut in half to reduce some of the
awkwardness when following up with an auto attack or Release. Flux's input flow
will feel much more fluid.^*
^292- ^*^256Magnetic Surge^*: Cast time lowered from 400 to 200

^820+ ^*^995Geomancer's Dig range has been increased at the earlier levels,
increasing his initiation capabilities in lane and when roaming.^*
^292- ^*^256Dig^*: Range increased from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000

^820+ ^*^995Grinex is a very aggressive ganker in the earlier stages of the game
giving good map control to a team. We are keeping this strength relevant to
preserve our goals of hero diversity and toning down his late game potential
instead to separate him more from his carry focused invisibility counterparts.^*
^292- ^*Agility gain lowered from 2.8 to 1.8

^820+ ^*^995Galvanize has had it's power increased at the later levels, offering
more to Hammerstorm's team kit to combat Physical Damage. This will also offer a
larger incentive to skill Galvanize over bonus attributes.^*
^292- ^*^256Galvanize^*: Armor increased from 3/5/7/9 to 3/6/9/12
^292- ^*^256Galvanize^*: Mana Cost lowered from 25 to 25/15/5/0
^292- ^*^256Galvanize^*: Cooldown lowered from 36/30/24/18 to 36/28/20/12

^820+ ^*^995Kraken has an above average Movement Speed that allowed for some
excessive gap closing. Combined with the utility of his abilities, it was often
times difficult to avoid the Kraken's attacks. With a reduction to his Movespeed,
it will be easier to kite the Kraken when you avoid his abilities.^*
^292- ^*Base movespeed lowered from 310 to 300
^820+ ^*^995We've swapped the cooldowns on Lion's Pride and Golden Salvo to bring
back some of Midas's early game team fighting potential. Because of the difficulty
of achieving the maximum potential of Lion's Pride, the choice between skilling
Lion's Pride versus Golden Salvo was too limited.^*
^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^*: Cooldown reduced by 5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Golden Salvo^*: Cooldown increased by 5 seconds

^079Moon Queen^*
^820+ ^*^995Moon Queen is a hero that gains a large amount of free damage from her
abilities which allows her to be effective even with a lack of combative items.
We've toned down the damage from Moon Finale to reduce her team fight impact and
ganking capabilities. The reduction in movement speed will also give enemies a more
meaningful opportunity to avoid the full damage from Moon Finale.^*
^292- ^*Base movespeed lowered from 320 to 310
^292- ^*^256Moon Finale^*: Damage lowered from 300 to 275

^820+ ^*^995We've found Pestilence to be proficient at too many roles. We want to
keep his carry potential and chasing play style intact, so we've turned down some
of his team fight and initiation impact instead. The stun duration of Impale has
been reduced, most noticeably at the later levels. Swarm's Mana cost has also been
increased, forcing Pestilence to be more considerate of his frequent use,
especially in the earlier stages of the game.^*
^292- ^*^256Impale^*: Stun duration lowered from 1/1.5/2.0/2.5 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75
(Slow still only lasts for 2 seconds after the stun duration)
^292- ^*^256Swarm^*: Mana Cost increased from 25 to 50

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^820+ ^*^995The frog has received some mana decreases in his Tongue Tied and Voodoo
Wards abilities to help alleviate some of the gold requirements for mana items. The
reduced mana cost on Voodoo Wards will also allow for much earlier use of
Restoration Stone in his end game build.^*
^292- ^*^256Tongue Tied^*: Mana Cost lowered from 110/130/155/185 to
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Wards^*: Mana Cost lowered from 200/350/600 to 200/350/500

^820+ ^*^995One Man Riot has been reworked to be something a bit more interesting
for the brute. One man Riot will now reach a higher peak of damage when Prisoner
uses his abilities, while no longer granting free passive damage.^*
^292- ^*Starting damage increased from 53-59 to 57-63
^292- ^*^256One Man Riot^*: Reworked from 15/30/45/60% Base Damage to 15/20/25/30%
Base damage for each of your abilities on cooldown

^820+ ^*^995We've lowered the Base Attack Time of Revenant to assist with his role
of semi-carry and lane presence with Defile. Mortification will also prioritize
enemies over self when duplicated with Manifestation removing the risk involved
with achieving the damage potential.^*
^292- ^*Base attack time lowered from 1.7 to 1.5
^292- ^*^256Defile^*: Slow duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
^292- ^*^256Mortification^*: Prioritizes enemies over self

^820+ ^*^995Slither's attack has been lowered slightly. We wanted to keep Slither's
strength against melee heroes relveant however his lane aggression against ranged
heroes made him difficult to compete against. Slither will have a slightly
increased risk when poking at enemies.^*
^292- ^*Attack range lowered from 500 to 450

^820+ ^*^995To compensate for some of the jungle changes that reduced the overall
gold yield. We've increased Solstice's creep clearing speed a bit.^*
^292- ^*^256Solar Slash^*: Bonus damage to creeps increased from 75% to 100%
^292- ^*^256Illuminate^*: No longer blocks neutral spawns

^820+ ^*^995Largely a quality of life change, Call of the Valkyrie will no longer
be a randomized target.^*
^292- ^*^256Call of the Valkyrie^*: second hit always targets closest instead of

^820+ ^*^995Between the duration and the cooldown, Glyph of Silence had an
extremely small window for counter-play. We've reduced the uptime by increasing the
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^*: Cooldown increased from 30 to 45

^079War Beast^*
^820+ ^*^995To compensate for some of our jungle changes that reduced the overall
gold yield, we've increased the early game damage of War Beast's Hellhounds.^*
^292- ^*^256Hellhounds^*: Starting armor increased from 2 to 3
^292- ^*^256Hellhounds^*: Damage increased from 24/32/40/48 to 30/35/40/45

^970== Items ==^*

^090Token of Life^*
^820+ ^*^995The token of life's excessive duration was allowing for extremely
passive play from the holder. Killing Kongor should incentivize an engagement with
the upper hand soon after the kill, not an extended protected net of safety.^*
^292- ^*Duration lowered from 7 minutes to 5 minutes

^090Alchemist Bones^*
^820+ ^*^995We feel that Alchemist Bones has far too limited use. With the
reduction in gold values lowering the potential of the item, we felt this was an
avenue to explore combative uses for Alchemist Bones.^*
^292- ^*Can now target player controlled units

^820+ ^*^995We've toned down the amount of hits it will take for summoned units to
destroy the courier. Teams will still need to be considerate of their courier usage
however the frequency of unresponsive courier deaths will be lowered. We've also
reduced the cost of replacing the courier.^*
^292- ^*Summon Units damage to the courier lowered from 3 health per hit to 1
health per hit
^292- ^*^090Ground Courier^* cost reduced from 200 to 100

^820+ ^*^995Energizer is promoting the fast paced action that we all enjoy, however
we've found that teams are obtaining the item far too early for the amount of
benefits it provides. We wanted to keep the impact of the activation of Energizer
high, so we've reduced the buildup efficiency of the item and removed some of the
passive benefits. We've also added a team activation cooldown similar to Astrolabe
to prevent excessive stacking. We are aware that Energizer is a core item on some
heroes and we will be watching them very closely.^*
^292- ^*Old Buildup: ^090Pretender's Crown^*(185) + ^090Pretender's Crown^*(185) +
^090Soulscream Ring^*(460) + Recipe(600) = 1430
^292- ^*New Buildup: ^090Major Totem^*(540) + ^090Soulscream Ring^*(460) +
Recipe(500) = 1500
^292- ^*Removed Passive Move Speed
^292- ^*Increased mana cost from 50 to 75
^292- ^*Now has a team cooldown of 25 seconds (no stacking buffs)
^292- ^*Reduced Recipie cost from 600 to 500

^820+ ^*^995We've reworked the slow of Icebrand to be something much more
noticeable earlier on. Icebrand previously took a maximum of 5 attacks to reach
it's potential, which for most heroes wasn't realistic. It's upgraded forms have
also been adjusted accordingly.^*
^292- ^*Slow increased from 3% to 6%, maximum charges lowered from 5 to 2 (now
slows up to 12%)

^090Frostburn^* and ^090FrozenLight^*

^292- ^*Slow increased from 5% to 6% (now slows up to 18%)

^292- ^*Maximum number of Chilled charges increased from 3 to 4 (now slows up to

^090Icon of the Goddess^*

^820+ ^*^995Icon of the Goddess is filling it's role as a snowball item. However we
are uncomfortable with the impact of the burst healing and regeneration making it
extremely difficult to kill enemies under the effects. We wanted to maintain the
high impact so we've increased the amount of time it takes to receive the same
health and mana.^*
^292- ^*Health and Mana regeneration state lowered from 30 per second to 20 per
^292- ^*Health and Mana regeneration state duration increased from 10 seconds to 15

^090Iron Buckler^*
^820+ ^*^995Iron Buckler is extremely frustrating to lane against for ranged heroes
with inherently lower damage than melee. We want harassment progression to be
noticeable so we've toned down the damage reduction amount. To compensate we've
also lowered the cost to allow for more interesting starting build diversity.^*
^292- ^*Block amount lowered from 20 to 15
^292- ^*Cost lowered from 250 to 225

^820+ ^*^995To alleviate some of the downtime from roaming, reducing some of the
frequent fountain trips for supports and roamers, we've added some health
regeneration while under the benefits of the Movement Speed bonus.^*
^292- ^*Now grant 2 HP regen passively while you have charges

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*Easy difficulty bots now take more creep damage before retreating
^717* ^*This also gives players more opportunity to harass them
^292- ^*Fixed an issue with teambots with no heroes

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sand Wraith^* Alt Avatar: ^079Blight Wraith^*

^717* ^*The Blight Wraith is a once-beautiful woman who has been infected and
corrupted by her desire to supplant Gaia as the true mother of Newerth. Her goal is
to reduce all of Newerth to a barren wasteland so she may rebuild it in her vision,
which unfortunately for all living things looks a lot like a barren wasteland.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Glacius^* Alt Avatar: ^079Nuclear Glacius^*

^717* ^*Nuclear Winter Glacius is rumored to be a power-hungry wizard who traveled
alone to the blasted lands beyond the Frost Fields, a region so ravaged by the
nuclear wars that ended the Lost Civilization that no living creature has ventured
in and survived more than a day. He sought the forgotten magic of mankind that
allowed them to harness energy from the tiniest particles and transform it into
destructive power that could level a city-even a civilization. Now he carries the
power of that destruction within him, and he is well aware of the irony that it is
the only thing keeping his ruined shell of a body alive.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Klanx^* Alt Avatar: ^079Safari Klanx^*

^717* ^*No region of Newerth is safe when Safari Klanx is on the prowl. Armed to
the teeth with various weapons and traps (one of which is carried by his
involuntary pack-elephant (or packyderm)), the overconfident "sportsman" takes
great pride in ending the lives of those weaker than himself. From the sticky
Rulian Marsh, to the chilly Frost Fields, the to barren Savannahs, the ultimate
hunter has his mind on trophy heads and victory. Once he finds the trail of his
prey, there is no escape, no matter where on Newerth they roam.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Master of Arms^* Alt Avatar: ^079Songkran Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*Master of Arms is all decked out in his Songkran gear, and nobody can
protect themselves from the party he is about to unload. Armed to the teeth with
water balloons, bottles, and spray guns, this competitive badboy is ready to soak
all the ladies with his blaster.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Rampage^* Alt Avatar: ^079Songkran Rampage^*

^717* ^*Nobody celebrates the Water Festival better than Songkran Rampage! For the
duration of the holiday (and the rest of the year) he's joyously burning rubber,
blessing everyone with his water jug and gathering partygoers together with his
chain of flowers. You're getting dragged into the Songkran Water Festival whether
you like it or not!

^292- ^*Added new ^079Night Hound^* Holiday Avatar: ^079Rabid Night Bunny^*
^717* ^*Easter is right around the corner, but before you go looking for eggs on
the ground, you may want to watch your back! The Rabid Night Bunny is a fearsome
protector of all things small and colorful, emerging from his secret lair once a
year to scare curious children who might get their greedy little hands on his
precious trinkets. He may look cute, but this bunny has no qualms about cracking
your head wide open and feasting on the cream filling.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Keeper of the Forest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Keeper of the Green^*
^717* ^*Hailing from the steamy southern regions of the Rulian Marsh, beyond the
grasp of the rotten vines and vile parasites, where the sun shines longer and the
trees grow fuller without the strife of battle, Keeper of the Green lays back and
watches the time fly. His fists are chipped from exploration of the environment and
of his mind, but he takes it all in stride. After all, when one lives as long as he
does, you learn not to sweat the small stuff, only the sun high over the treetops.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Cthulhuphant^* Alt Avatar: ^079Caller Cthulhuphant^*

^717* ^*Awoken from his eternal slumber in the lost city of R'lyeh, the tentacled
monstrosity known as The Caller rises from the depths to wreak havoc on the mortals
of Newerth. Constant battle and strife has finally shaken the waters enough to
rouse the mythical beast and, with great disdain, the powerful ancient of ancients
trudges beyond the ocean floor to vanquish the disturbances. Calling from the edge
of the universe and beckoning the living from beyond time, Newerth may be destroyed
by the grotesque titan before either side of the war gets a chance to reclaim it.


^970Version 3.3.6^*
^292- ^*^539HonTour World Finals^*
^717* ^*After a 6 month long season, the best teams from around the world are
meeting in Bangkok, Thailand to compete for their share of $150,000+, the biggest
prize pool ever in HoN history. Will Stay Green become the back to back HoN Tour
champions or will another team rise to the challenge and knock them off the
^717* ^*Tune in to watch between March 28th and March 30th on

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*New ^079Wretched Hag^* Avatar: ^079Baba Yaga^*

^717* ^*Not much is known of Baba Yaga, the kooky old woman who lives on the edge
of the Legion's eastern forests. Legend has it she flies around in a large mortar,
killing people who have wandered too far into her domain and collecting their heads
to sustain her longevity. Her magic broom, it is said, is used to erase evidence of
her crimes, and her dilapidated home is a sentient hut with chicken legs. But
nobody really believes any of those ridiculous rumors. Nobody who has lived to tell
the tale, anyway...

^292- ^*New ^079Voodoo Jester^* Avatar: ^079Ragnarök Hel Skin^*

^717* ^*In her brief and brutal time on Newerth, Hel has realized the land of the
living is truly on the verge of Ragnarök, the great battle that will result in the
death of many powerful gods, including Odin, Thor, Týr, and Loki. She has adorned
herself with the proper attire and weaponry to begin the battle, as well as welcome
her new guests to the realm of the dead.

^292- ^*New ^079Demented Shaman^* Avatar: ^079Battle Armor Athena^*

^717* ^*The ancient pantheons and archaic gods are growing stronger as heroes of
the Legion lose faith in their god Sol. Now many of the warriors pray to Athena,
companion to heroes and goddess of righteous warfare. She has answered their pleas,
stepping into the ranks among them and becoming the embodiment of heroic

^292- ^*New ^079Legionnaire^* Avatar: ^079Boudica^*

^717* ^*This fierce female warlord of the savage tribes beyond Grimm's Crossing has
had enough. The Hellbourne generals have sent wave after wave of daemons to claim
her land, slaughter her people, and burn her crops. After years of defending her
homeland, Boudica has realized she must take the fight to the enemy. She can be
found at the front of any battle, calling the cursed enemy to come and fight her,
for she knows that will bring a swifter end to the war.

^292- ^*New ^079Flint Beastwood^* Avatar: ^079Flinty Widowmaker^*

^717* ^*Flint Beastwood's lethal twin sister Flinty Widowmaker left her brother's
side years ago, eschewing the family's obsolete attachment to ancient heirloom
weaponry and embracing the most modern tools of killing she could find. She
operated behind the scenes for years as a spy, but now that the Legion and
Hellbourne are paying more for assassinations than information, she has put her
lethal skills on the market for the highest bidder.

^292- ^*New ^079Succubus^* Avatar: ^079POGs Succubus^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^292- ^*New ^079Scout^* Avatar: ^079Scoutzo the Clown^*

^717* ^*Hey, kids! Ever feel like your games are just a joke? Wanna teach those
"pros" how much fun ganking can be? Stop clownin' around and pick up your very own
Scoutzo avatar, straight outta' Caldavar's own Traveling Big Top Circus! This wacky
fellow will have them dying of laughter before they even see him! Time to get

^292- ^*Added new Announcer: ^539Na Khom Announcer^*

^717* ^*Have a laugh with Na Khom while dominating your opponents!
^717* ^*Voiced by Na Khom, a comedian from Thailand


^970Version 3.3.5^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Nymphora^* Holiday Avatar: ^079Luckphora^*

^717* ^*Luckphora is rarely seen in Newerth, and when she makes an appearance it
always bodes well for her team. She is renowned for spreading good health, good
times, and good luck-if you treat her nicely.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Defiler^* Avatar: ^079Chaos Realm Kali^*

^717* ^*Fighting for the Hellbourne has its perks: free blood, a strong leader, and
no need for moral capacity. Chaos Realm Kali is spawned from the chaotic energy
that lies deep in the heart of Hell's Keep, untapped by any of the daemons with
enough mental stability to have a battle plan, and augmenting the abilities of
those who long for nothing but destruction and confusion. Using the goddess of
death as a most appropriate host, the spirit of Chaos embodies Kali and uses her
power to spread itself over the land, raining blood on the living for no reason
other than nobody can stop it.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ellonia^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cursed Woodpuppet^*

^717* ^*Legionnaires will often carve woodpuppets for use in practice battles by
cutting down trees outside the castle training yard; however, when far from home,
these fierce fighters will make do with whatever shrubbery is nearby. Cursed
Woodpuppets are any of several dozen test dummies that were left by Legionnaires on
excursions to Hellbourne territory. Possessing the same body structure as a zombie,
but without the same weaknesses, these creepy dolls were invigorated with life by
Hellbourne Voodoo Jesters, under the command of their malevolent leaders to
slaughter the Legion soldiers who so callously used them as toys.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Hellbringer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jade Empress^*

^717* ^*The Jade Empress is the matriarch of the Sang-La region, out of touch with
the working class and generally much too busy amassing wealth and knowledge to
govern with any method but fear. Her desire for power and access to ancient secrets
of the eastern sorcerers have guided her to studying the dark arts, her crowning
achievement being the potential to summon a large monster under her control. This
is the main threat the people face should they decide to rise up.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sir Benzington^* Alt Avatar: ^079Drop Bearzington^*

^717* ^*Just in time for the Finals of the Australian Seasonal, Drop Bearzington is
fed up with all these so-called heroes tearing up his precious forest and he means
to do something about it. Legion and Hellbourne warriors alike-especially the
foreigners-can try spreading Vegemite behind their ears and put forks in their
hair, but it won't matter. It's Drop Bear time, mate..

^292- ^*Added new ^079Corrupted Disciple^* Alt Avatar: ^079Loki^*

^717* ^*As punishment for killing the god Baldr, Loki was shackled to a boulder for
centuries, where the venom from a serpent dripped onto his face and caused
earthquakes as Loki convulsed. The gods imprisoned Loki until Ragnarök, the great
battle foretold to result in natural disasters, the flooding of the world, and the
death of many ancient gods. The appearance of Loki on the battlefield has many
believing the war between the Legion and Hellbourne has brought about the world-
killing Ragnarök...and that's just the way Loki likes it.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gunblade^* Alt Avatar: ^079Týr^*

^717* ^*The one-handed Norse god of law and heroic glory has been drawn to Newerth
by the belief that the battle between the Legion and Hellbourne is the arrival of
Ragnarök, the great battle that will end all things. Týr believes his courage and
harsh justice will bring a halt to the inevitable destruction of the world, and he
is prepared to kill everyone to make it so.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Drunken Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mead Viking Dionysus^*
^717* ^*It is the season for the god Dionysus to be reborn on Newerth, and through
the ages he has seen no warriors who revel in the nectar of the gods as much as the
Vikings. He descends in his Viking kit with overflowing pots and mugs of mead for
friend and foe alike. Viking Dionysus believes if he can get everyone on Newerth to
drink his honey wine, the wars will soon end, everyone will rejoice in ecstasy, and
the land will be reborn in its natural state of peace. Sounds pretty good, even if
it doesn't work.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Night Hound^* Alt Avatar: ^079POG Night Hound^*
^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== Bot Notes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Revenant^* Bot has been added!

^717* ^*This bot was created by ^539Rinestone^* and vetted by our own Community Bot
^717* ^*Rinestone will receive 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the
Robot Courier forum award!
^717* ^*Join us on the bot subforums to create your own bot!

^292- ^*Fixed an issue with bots not using purchased bottles

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^079Hellbringer's^* ^256Death Boil (W)^* now has its chain radius displayed
when hovering over a target for selection
^292- ^*^079Electrician's^* ^256Electric Shield (W)^* now has its radius number
displayed in simple & detailed tooltips

^292- ^*Monitor game feature should now display the correct information
^292- ^*The Hellbourne small creep camp can no longer be pulled to the lane

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Time Leap^* from travelling extremely long distances

^292- ^*Removed aura radius & effects from detailed tooltips
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Snotter Keeper^* from throwing teapots

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Teleport^* so that she teleports to the location at the same time
as the rest of her team

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Sylvia (Alt3)^* so that the Chiprel pet will no longer block

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*^256Puppet Showed^* targets can no longer be forced to attack runes

^079Sir Benzington^*
^292- ^*^256Joust^* now unbinds the targets hit

^292- ^*^256Soul's Sight^*: Can no longer deal lethal damage to allies while under
the effects of Puppet Show

^292- ^*Fix a bug that caused ^079Parasite^* to take damage from the neutral team
after infesting the melee minion


^970Version 3.3.4^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Maliken^* Ultimate Avatar: ^079Humility^*

^717* ^*Maliken Grimm has been the savior and the scourge of mankind, so powerful
in his daemonic power that the Blind Prophet had to summon the Five Disciples and
the Virtues to bring him back to Sol's flock. But one must wonder--is Maliken truly
redeemed, or is this a ploy to gain access to the very heart of the Legion, his
flesh and blood, Jeraziah and Ophelia?

^292- ^*Added new ^079Plague Rider^* Alt Avatar: ^079Pegasus^*

^717* ^*Many worshippers of Zeus and the Greek gods believe the creatures from the
Rift are reincarnations of mythological monsters like the Chimera. The brave and
loyal warriors Pegasus and Bellerophon have been summoned from Mt. Olympus to
battle these creatures and the Hellbourne, on land and in the skies!

^292- ^*Added new ^079Tundra^* Alt Avatar: ^079Allfather Odin^*

^717* ^*As the Archaic Gods clamor for power and influence among the warriors of
Newerth, Odin has sat upon his steed Sleipnir and felt oddly removed from it all.
The revelation came when he witnessed King Jeraziah leading an attack of
skirmishers in the blessed armor of the Disciple Omen. Of course! What leader can
hope to gain respect when he is so removed from his soldiers? Odin immediately
found a suitable stable for Sleipnir and strode to the battlefield in his
footsoldier armor, prepared to demonstrate what the Allfather of the gods could do

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gravekeeper^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hestia^*

^717* ^*Lured from her place in Olympus by the chaos of the Hellbourne, Hestia
descends to restore faith and order to the Legion as they battle that which
threatens their health and home. In her anger, Hestia calls upon the power of the
hearth to ignite her enemies in shrouds of fire and surround them with the burning
spirits of their ancestors.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gladiator^* Alt Avatar: ^079Halcyon Judicator^*

^717* ^*The Halcyon Judicator is a noble, albeit contentious, authority figure,
whose desire for ultimate honor and justice often ironically clouds his judgment.
He has no patience for those who break his idea of the law, even if their
intentions are pure or there are reasons behind their actions. He seeks to be the
judge, jury, and executioner of criminals, taking orders from no one and punishing
victims in ways he deems fit, without the consent of anyone else.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Hammerstorm^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hercules^*

^717* ^*Hera still holds a grudge against Zeus's illegitimate son Hercules, and she
has guided the Oracle of Delphi to add a thirteenth labor to the legendary hero's
list: travel to Newerth and rid that world of the Hellbourne. When Hercules heard
this command, he hefted his massive club and cheered at the prospect of fighting
alongside his father and sending daemons back to the underworld.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Thunderbringer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Asgard Thor^*

^717* ^*Just as his father deemed to walk among the Legion soldiers as an equal,
Thor decided his common, barbaric appearance was robbing him of respect and
adulation. He returned to Asgard and chose his finest armor, polished to a blinding
brightness, and rejoined his loyal troops wearing battle garb worthy of a god.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Midas^* Alt Avatar: ^079Coral Snake Medusa^*

^717* ^*Medusa has long sought revenge against Athena for transforming her into a
hideous creature, and her gorgeous new warpaint signifies a fair warning to the
goddess of so-called justice that she had better armor up when they next meet on

^292- ^*Added new ^079Blacksmith^* Alt Avatar: ^079POG Blacksmith^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Matchstats
^292- ^*You can now view detailed/simple stats for all matches. Simple stats has
been reduced to exist inside the match stats panel

^292- ^*Replays
^292- ^*Fixed the fast forward hotkey

^292- ^*Clans
^292- ^*Fixed the sizing and positioning of multiple dialogs/tips

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*The wings effects now display properly if Accursed has ^090Staff of the
Master^* in his inventory

^292- ^*^256Essence Projection^* can no longer be cast inside buildings, therefore
it can be clicked properly now
^292- ^*^256Regurgitate^* now has a cast range indicator when you hover over the

^292- ^*^256Spore Breath^* now has a cast range indicator when you hover over the

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Sidestep^* so that its bonus damage is included if you use
^256Crippling Dart^* while the Sidestep buff is still active on you

^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^* now only affects enemy units. *Attacks on all non-
building units still remove a charge from Curse of Ages.
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^* no longer stuns enemy courier.

^292- ^*Removed ^256Entrapment's^* cast range circles while the line indicator is
in effect

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292- ^*Optimized ^256Magnetic Contraption^* scripting (no gameplay change)

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Grendel Gauntlet's^* death sound so it doesn't play an irritated
high-pitched sound anymore

^292- ^*^079Fu Lion^* (Alt3) Gemini's ice projectile model while using ^256Twin
Fangs^* (W) now shows the correct model

^292- ^*^256Crippling Slugs^* will no longer draw a square on the minimap

^292- ^*^256Goon Squad^* minions no longer show up on the minimap

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Queen Bee^* (Alt2) and ^079Tera^* (Alt3) Monarch alt avatars'
^256Crippling Pollen^* projectiles so that they don't curve abnormally high into
the air

^292- ^*Fixed Nymphora's invisible gadgets so that they cannot be tabbed to
^292- ^*Fixed Nymphora's selectable ^256Teleport^* Target gadget to show the
correct icon when being hovered over
^292- ^*^256Teleport^* now has the teleport aura radius when you hover over the

^292- ^*^256Whirlbubble^* will no longer travel farther than intended
^292- ^*Removed ^256Whirlbubble's^* cast range circle while the line indicator is
in effect

^292- ^*Fixed so that all of his avatars play the ^256Venomous Leap^* sound
properly if Predator uses the spell while very close to his target
^292- ^*Default Predator^*, ^079Bunny Predator^* and ^079Rift Predator^* item usage
animations now play correctly when an item is used

^292- ^*^079Serpent Prophet^* & ^079Bone Prophet^* (Alt & Alt2) now have their
autoattacks propagate correctly in their ultimate affector
^292- ^*The spawned autoattack projectiles now have the correct corresponding
visuals to their alt avatars for Serpent & Bone Prophet
^292- ^*^256Shared Fate^* affector now have the correct corresponding visuals to
their alt avatars for Serpent & Bone Prophet

^292- ^*Fixed channel bar for ^256Protective Melody^* when she has ^090Staff of the

^292- ^*Will no longer proc ^090Null Stone^* if returning damage to an enemy ranged

^292- ^*Improved the cast range indicators of certain skills:

^717* ^*^079Dampeer's^* ^256Vampiric Flight^* (W) has a line indicator
^717* ^*^079Lodestone's^* ^256Shatterstorm^* (R) has a radius indicator
^717* ^*^079Midas'^* ^256Lion's Pride^* (W) has a line indicator
^717* ^*^079Monarch's^* ^256Noxious Cloud^* (E) has a targeted circular indicator
for the initial cloud AoE
^717* ^*^079Solstice's^* ^256Pure Light/Lunar Judgment^* (R) has a max range
indicator when attempting to cast the spell.
^717* ^*^079Tundra's^* ^256Avalanche^* (R) has a line indicator to indicate the AoE
against the side targets

^292- ^*Fixed the following gadgets from appearing on the minimap:

^717* ^*^079Kraken's^* ^256Release the Kraken whirlpool^*
^717* ^*^079Midas'^* ^256Lion's Pride^*
^717* ^*^079Monkey King's^* ^256Wan Jin Slam^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody's^* ^256Disco Inferno^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester's^* ^256Spirit Ward^*
^717* ^*^079Zephyr's^* ^256Typhoon^*

^292- ^*Glyphs of Fortification: Fortification of Sol and Demonic Fortification now

truly mitigates all damage to 0

^970Version 3.3.3^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Prisoner^* Alt Avatar: ^079Temperance^*

^717* ^*The Sin of Gluttony is perhaps the most insidious, as even wanting too much
Virtue for oneself can lead to a detour from Sol's light. The Codex Solaris states:
"No virtue can be sustained if the seeker lacks self-control." These words of Sol
force the embodiment of Temperance to walk a tightrope of self-restraint, honor,
and abstention, clutching his own bonds in fists of rage. Even his control has
limits, however, and when the injustice becomes too much to bear he shatters his
restraints to bring the full force of Sol's vengeance upon his enemies.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Nomad^* Alt Avatar: ^079Diligence^*

^717* ^*Diligence is the 6th Virtue, representative of the continual striving of
betterment through persistence and hard work. A general in Sol's army ravaged by
heavenly battles, but determined to continue fighting at the call of the Blind
Prophet, the spirit of Diligence embodied Newerth's Nomad, who found his way to
Jeraziah's palace in Caldavar by following a divinely arranged trail of stars.
^292- ^*Added new ^079Electrician^* Alt Avatar: ^079Osiris^*
^717* ^*The merciful Osiris has watched all living beings of Newerth suffer during
these endless wars, and he has concluded the only hope for mankind is to return to
the land of the living and bring about a massive cleansing-a lethal flooding of
life force-that will take man back to his origins so he may be reborn and begin

^292- ^*Added new ^079Draconis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Sphinx^*

^717* ^*Since the beginning of time the World Tree has been protected by many
guardians, each called forth by Gaia to combat the prevalent dangers. With the
daemons stopping at nothing to destroy the Tree, Gaia is sending all of her forces
to the front lines. The Sphinx once prowled with the haunches of a lion, the wings
of a great bird, and the face of a human, but the current Hellbourne threat
requires a significant upgrade. The haunches and hide have been reforged as
impenetrable obsidian, the wings sheathed with armor, and the face transformed into
a fierce creature who incinerates enemies of the World Tree with the energy of

^292- ^*Added new Doctor ^079Repulsor^* Alt Avatar: ^079Anunnaki Repulsor^*

^717* ^*Believed to have built the pyramids before the creation of man (as a slave
race for the gods), Annunaki Repulsor traverses the landscape in his pyramid-shaped
spaceship, awing man and beast alike who have no concept of such a machine. Sensing
disturbance after the fall of man, he descends from his throne in heaven only to
find his race of human slaves being slaughtered by a new breed of demon summoned
from a plane unknown to the collective of gods. Furious at the horde for attempting
to overtake his creation, he vows to restore order by taking matters into his own

^292- ^*Added new ^079Zephyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Horus^*

^717* ^*Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris, previously known throughout the world
as one of the most prominent Egyptian gods. In Newerth, he is reincarnated on the
mortal plane as a large peregrine falcon, as he was often depicted in ancient
Egypt. As master of the skies, and all that resides between Newerth and the
heavens, he has control over the wind, and wields a tremendous amount of power as
he flies over the new world, seeking followers to increase his diminished strength.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Andromeda^* Alt Avatar: ^079Andromeda (POGS)^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539On-Demand Match Replays^*

^717* ^*Players can now request match replays to be uploaded on-demand using the
"Match Stats" interface and clicking the "Request Replay" button to initiate the
request. When the upload completes a notification will populate in the
notification history and the match replay will be available to download.
^717* ^*Midwars and Riftwars match replays can now be requested and uploaded on-
^717* ^*During the transition to the new on-demand match replay system replays may
be temporarily unavailable.

^292- ^*Repicking
^717* ^*Gold penalty reduced from 350 to 150 (Rift wars remains unaffected)

^292- ^*Bots now control their illusions in an intelligent way. Code by Darkfire!
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where bots would not realize a rune was taken
^292- ^*Easy bots no longer get runes
^292- ^*In the tutorial, your Demented Shaman buddy no longer takes your runes
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where bots would stop moving if they had an invalid item

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^820+ ^*^995A quality of life improvement for the Berzerker. Mark for Death will
now be usable while attacking and moving without interrupting your actions.^*
^292- ^*^256Mark for Death^*: Cast time lowered from 100 to 0, no longer interrupts

^820+ ^*^995 Elemental Force has had its armor penetration and movement speed
benefits reduced. Gemini was being too heavily rewarded in his damage output for
high durability strength builds. We want his Armor Penetration to be an option but
we found that the power of it was leading to one dimensional peak output builds.^*
^292- ^*^256Elemental Force^*: Strength required per Armor Penetration increased
from 18,16,14,12 to 22,20,18,16
^292- ^*^256Elemental Force^*: Agility required per Movement Speed increased from
5,4,3,2 to 6,5,4,3

^079Lord Salforis^*
^820+ ^*^995We're pushing Salforis's concept of counter healing to be much more
usable throughout the game. Mors Certissima's mana cost has been reduced but the
healing portion has been increased, allowing for more sustainability when used in
conjunction with Dark Lord's Presence. The Undying has had its cooldown, mana cost
and damage significantly decreased. The Undying has always been intended to combat
high regeneration and healing. With the large reduction in cooldown, Salforis will
have it much more frequently for its team fight and ganking uses.^*
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Mana Cost lowered from 90,100,110,120 to 75,80,85,90
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Range increased from 500 to 600
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Cast action time lowered from 250 to 100
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Impact delay increased from 500 to 650
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Health Regeneration increased from 20% to 40%
^292- ^*^256Undying^*: Cooldown lowered from 120,100,80 to 60,45,30
^292- ^*^256Undying^*: Mana Cost lowered from 150,240,330 to 100,150,200
^292- ^*^256Undying^*: Initial Damage removed, Damage per Second lowered from
30,50,70 to 25,40,55 (Total from 410,700,990 to 300,480,660).
^292- ^*^256Undying^* (^090Staff of the Master^*): Duration increased from 12
seconds to 18 seconds.

^079Moon Queen^*
^820+ ^*^995We feel that the large amount of free auxiliary damage that Moon Queen
was receiving allowed her to build strictly defensive items making her extremely
difficult to deal with in fights. We want there to be more of a decision when
building offensive or defensive items so we've toned down some of her stats to also
reduce the late game effectiveness of her aura and illusions.^*
^292- ^*Agi gain lowered from 2.8 to 2.4
^292- ^*^256Multi Strike^*: Damage reduction per bounce increased from 35,30,25,20%
to 40,35,30,25%

^079The Chipper^*
^820+ ^*^995The Chipper has received an additional benefit to Focus Buffer
encouraging more selfless uses. Focus Buffer will now restore mana to The Chipper
whenever damage is absorbed. We want The Chipper himself to experience the benefits
of Focus Buffer when casting on allies, creating more incentive for teamwork.^*
^292- ^*^256Focus Buffer^*: Restores half the damage absorb as mana to the Chipper.
^292- ^*^256Focus Buffer^*: Cooldown lowered from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.

^079The Gladiator^*
^820+ ^*^995Showdown has had its duration increased, lowering the harsh level
requirement The Gladiator experiences in the early game to enjoy the combined uses
of Pitfall and Showdown.^*
^292- ^*^256Showdown^*: Duration increased from 1,2,3,4 to 2,3,4,5

^820+ ^*^995Vindicator's concept of anti-caster is being emphasized. We've given
him an increase to his utility that will help both his roles as carry and support.
Brain Drain is getting a notable power increase stealing an increased amount of
Int, limiting enemies' mana pools while also granting the Vindicator damage
benefits. Glyph of Silence will now additionally slow and Perplex enemies when
triggered, giving the Vindicator more defensive uses for clever placement and
positioning. Lastly, Final Chapter will automatically trigger Glyph of Silence to
enemies in range of the glyph, giving Vindicator an additional combat use for his
^292- ^*^256Brain Drain^*: Int drain increased from 3 to 3,4,5,6
^292- ^*^256Brain Drain^*: Int drain duration increased from 25,30,35,40 to 30
^292- ^*^256Brain Drain^*: Cooldown lowered from 15,12,9,6 to 12,10,8,6
^292- ^*^256Brain Drain^*: Mana Cost increased from 70,90,110,130 to 70,95,120,145
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^*: Additionally applies a 50% tapering slow and
perplex for the duration
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^*: Debuff duration increased from 1.5,2,2,2.5 to
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^*: Has received a visual upgrade
^292- ^*^256Final Chapter^*: Applies the effects of Glyph of Silence to enemies in
rage of the pedestal when Final Chapter is applied.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^256Webbed Shot^*: Will now gain 100 bonus range when you have a Wingbow

^292- ^*^256Sword Throw's^* projectile is now green (like before) if he has his
^256Life Essence^* toggle on

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Chuck^* & ^256Group Chuck^* damage values so that they match the
most recent ^256Chuck^* damage value changes in the patch notes
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Group Chuck^* so it stuns chucked units properly while they are
in midair

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Hang Tuah^* (Alt3) "Don't look back!" sound so that it plays
properly if Sand Wraith has ^090Staff of the Master^*

^292- ^*^256Glacial Blasts^* debuff now applies its stun & damage effects properly
when transferred via Voodoo Puppet or Parasite's Facehug

^292- ^*^256Master's Incantation^*: Will now gain 100 bonus range when you have a
^970Version 3.3.2^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Chronos^* Alt Avatar: ^079Patience^*

^717* ^*The Blind Prophet continues his mission to rid Newerth of the Seven Deadly
Sins, and when one is facing such an insidious enemy, one needs Patience. Patience
is the embodiment of mercy and sufferance-he will gladly endure the scars of war
upon his body and soul to give Man and Beast a chance at peace-but he realizes
blood must be shed to achieve this end. He serves as the counter to the Sin Wrath,
who kills out of anger and madness, while Patience destroys the physical vessels of
daemons to free their damned souls, releasing them toward redemption.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Torturer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Kindness^*

^717* ^*Reveling in the joy that happiness brings, the redeemed virtue Kindness
trades the intense invocations of pain for the sweet blessings of affection. A
merciful young angel, Kindness sounds very caring, but can become passionate to the
point of overlooking what people really want, sounding malicious despite her
benevolence and forcing them to love each other when they have no desire to do so.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Flux^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jupiter^*

^717* ^*The citizens of Newerth who worship the ancient god Jupiter feel their
confidence build when they talk of how the mythological soldiers known as Romans
defeated the Greeks, proving their gods were stronger. Their prayers and sacrifices
have been answered, for now Jupiter has descended in full battle regalia to show
once again what a true god of sky and thunder can do.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Tempest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Poseidon^*

^717* ^*Dwelling in the deepest, darkest parts of Newerth's oceans, where even the
fiercest of land warriors and demons fear to venture, the god of the sea, Poseidon,
rises from the depths. When his brothers Hades and Zeus returned to take back the
earth after the Fall of Man, Poseidon knew they would conspire to steal his watery
domain as well, reigning over the largest section of Newerth while he sat dethroned
and on the run.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Artillery^* Alt Avatar: ^079Apollo^*

^717* ^*So who's this Sol chump claiming to be the god of light and fire? Apollo
has been bringing the heat for thousands of years, as well as truth, prophecy,
healing, plague, poetry, and beautiful music played on a lyre made by Hermes
himself. Anyone who picks Sol over such a superstar must be Blind.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Accursed^* Alt Avatar: ^079Accursed (POGS)^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region.

^292- ^*Added new Taunt: ^539Fortune Cookie Taunt^*

^717* ^*A wise man once said "he who learns must suffer," and sometimes you want
your enemies to learn as much as they can from you. Give them their just desserts
with the Fortune Cookie Taunt, whose profundity will offer something to think about
while they wait to respawn.

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Readjusted gold values for creeps getting the last hits on towers to be in
line with players getting the hit
^717* ^*Consolation gold bounty readjusted from 315,350,385,420 to 265,325,440,500
^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fear is now transferrable via ^256Voodoo Puppet^* and ^079Parasite's^*

^256Facehug^*. Applies to:
^717* ^*^079Dampeer's^* ^256Terrorize^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken's^* ^256Possession^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith's^* ^256Mirage^*, with ^090Staff of the Master^*
^717* ^*^079Solstice's^* ^256Lunar Judgment^*

^292- ^*The following states are now StatusStealth instead of StatusBuff:

^292- ^*^079Grinex's^* ^256Rift Stalk^*
^292- ^*^079Keeper of the Forest's^* ^256Nature's Veil^* (Camouflage state)
^292- ^*^079Nomad's^* ^256Sandstorm^*
^292- ^*Invisibility Rune's fade & stealth state
^292- ^*^090Ioyn Stone^* Invisibility application's (Ioyn Stealth's) fade & stealth

^292- ^*No longer displays her dot on the minimap when she is invisible while in
her mimic state
^717* ^*I.E. After she used ultimate on someone and during the time she is a copy
of the enemy hero

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*^256Healing Wave's^* allied bounce effect type changed from Magic to

^292- ^*^256Clensing Shock^* now properly kills enemy illusions if he has ^090Staff
of the Master^* (SotM) in his inventory

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Goon Squad^* minions so that they follow Klanx properly if they
get orderdisjointed (e.g. by Geometer's Bane usage)

^292- ^*Gemini's hidden hero now properly attaches to his Fire pet at all times
while in split form

^292- ^*^256Unholy Shackles^* now shows both range & radius when using simple

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Lava Surge^* so you can't travel long distances if teleported on
the same frame when Lava Surge finishes casting

^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^* now applies the Reagent state to enemy units properly if
the projectile passes through them (rather than only applying the reagent state in
the circular AoE when the projectile lands).

^292- ^*Parasite's visual model should display correctly after coming out of an
^256Infested creep^*

^292- ^*^079Tyrant Rally's^* ^256Compel^* now plays the proper effects and sounds
^292- ^*^256Stampede^* no longer stuns & pushes through ^090Void Talisman^*

^292- ^*Fixed an extremely rare bug where ^079Salomon^* can use ^256Wish for
Revenge^* to restart an existing ^256Wish for Revenge^* immediately after he dies
in this form

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse^* now correctly slows enemies for 1 second after leaving
the sand trail if the spell was targeted directly on an enemy unit

^079The Gladiator^*
^292- ^*Casting ^256Showdown's^* subskill ("^256I Have No Patience^*") no longer
interrupts your movement
^292- ^*Casting ^256Showdown's^* subskill ("^256I Have No Patience^*") will not
unbind & disjoint invulnerable units nor Magic-immune units

^292- ^*^256Lightning Storm^* now displays the ^090Staff of the Master^* boosted
damage values properly in the tooltip

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Mojo^* so that it applies the Spell Sunder damage state properly
^292- ^*^256Acid Cocktail^* will no longer trigger the cooldown on ^090Null Stone^*
if Null Stone becomes ready after the Acid Cocktail projectile was already in

^090Charged Hammer^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Charged Hammer's^* ^256Forked Lightning^* so it gets the damage
amplified properly on the main target with Grimoire of Power

^970Version 3.3.1^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Midas^* Alt Avatar: ^079Charity^*

^717* ^*The Blind Prophet and his Five Disciples know Newerth must be rid of the
Seven Deadly Sins, and the only way to counter them is with the Seven Heavenly
Virtues. Everyone touched by the war between the Legion and Hellbourne has a stain
upon his or her soul, but there are some whose salvation is required to defeat the
nefarious Sins. The first is Midas, who has tried for years to atone for his sin of
Greed. He has finally achieved redemption, reborn as Charity, the purified version
of Midas. He spreads his endless gold with every step and leads the fight against
Greed and the Sins.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Succubus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Chastity^*

^717* ^*As the reformed version of Succubus, Chastity has given up her seductive
and enchanting lifestyle for one more righteous and admirable. Although still
naturally attractive, she uses this to her advantage, converting the heathens of
Newerth to believe her pious words. Her goal is to show that the power of Sol can
change your attitude without changing your natural personality. Sex sells, even for

^292- ^*Added new ^079Madman^* Alt Avatar: ^079Chupacabra^*

^717* ^*What's small, green, and goes bump in the night? More importantly, didn't
you used to have a cat? The tiny terror known as the Chupacabra has found his way
into the villages of Newerth, hiding in foxholes by day and drinking the blood of
mammals by night. His claws are like razors and his teeth as sharp as tacks; at
least, that's what the old wives tales say...

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gemini^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cerberus^*

^717* ^*The Hellbourne necromancers continue to harvest cursed souls from all
realms of the underworld, and those tasked with guarding and protecting those souls
have had enough. Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound who guards the gates of
Hades, has been unleashed upon Newerth to gather and herd his missing souls back to
the underworld. If he returns with more than he lost, so be it.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Myrmidon^* Alt Avatar: ^079Sea King Myrmidon^*

^717* ^*A fierce beast who controls the waters of Newerth, the Merlion is a
respected symbol of power who once battled the forces of nature itself. It is a
rare sight, and was thought to exist only in fairy tales and fictional accounts
until it was spotted on the eastern Sang-La shore years ago by a wandering Legion
soldier. The increase in daemons has brought the Merlion to the surface world,
ready to slay the threat that seeks to plague his waters.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Geomancer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Basilisk^*

^717* ^*The Basilisk, eternal enemy of the World Tree, was defeated ages ago by
Draconis and exiled into hibernation within an unbreakable egg made from the World
Tree's bark. The Elder Evil gods have located the egg and used their fel magic to
crack the prison, and the Basilisk's powerful venom did the rest. Now he is free
once again to seek the roots of the World Tree, poison and devour them, and bring
about the end of the Legion's hope.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Armadon^* Skin: ^079Armadon (POGS)^*

^717* ^*The POGS avatars are here! These high definition skins will be released
one-per-patch and will be available via the store, Plinko, or both, depending upon
the region

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed fog of war not staying disabled in practice games

^292- ^*Fixed using the Mousewheel while hovering over Amulet of Rebirth or
^090Courier^* Button breaking all your hotkeys
^292- ^*Fixed muting players via the right click menu
^292- ^*Hero Previews now show ability scaling, but use a smaller font to fit the
extra info
^292- ^*Fixed the gametype switching to "Normal" even if you had "Casual" selected
when leaving a Matchmaking queue
^292- ^*Fixed server preferences being reset after a game is finished

^292- ^*^256LRM^* damage is now based on center of enemy rather than the rocket

^292- ^*^256Deceive^* will now interrupt channeling skills when activated

^292- ^*Fixed an issue with ^079Lust Empath^* regaining her clothes with ^090Staff
of the Master^* and no Sin set bonus effects

^292- ^*^256Mass Control^* will no longer lift targets already lifted by
^256Telekinetic Control^*

^292- ^*^079Nano Parasite's^* arm should no longer be white on certain graphic

^292- ^*Is now non-interrupting and can be activated while channeling without
breaking the channel

^292- ^*Tooltip has been updated to represent the recent balance change

^970HoN 3.3 - A Fortified Arsenal^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539The Winter Holiday Season has landed in Newerth!^*

^717* ^*Forests of Caldavar has been blanketed in snow
^717* ^*Chiprels have dressed up the World Tree in lights
^717* ^*A wild Yeti is now guarding the Token of Life while Kongor is hibernating
^717* ^*The Runes have been replaced with Holiday-Themed Runes
^717* ^*Merrick's shop has been decorated
^717* ^*The Music played throughout Newerth has changed tune

^292- ^*^539Added Santa's Gift Bag^*

^717* ^*Exclusive to the Plinko Ticket Exchange. Exchange tickets for Santa's Gift
Bag and get one of any Ultimate or Seven Sins Avatars! Limit 5 per customer

^292- ^*^539Added Stocking Stuffers^*

^717* ^*Purchase Stocking Stuffers in Merrick's Shop to get 3 chests, each of which
contains any Basic or Premium Avatars. Limit 5 per customer

^292- ^*^539Santa Gifting^*

^717* ^*When you buy a product from the store, you will be able to gift a copy of
that product to any friend you wish. Limit 5 per customer
^717* ^*Excludes the Following products: Stat Reset, Nickname Change, Subaccount,
Stocking Stuffers, Ticket Exchange

^292- ^*Removed Banning Pick and Balanced Random from Unranked Forest of Caldavar

^292- ^*^095Towers^*: Team gold bounty rescaled from from 200/240/280/320 to

^717* ^*Casual Mode is unchanged

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*The following Heroes are now allowed in Tournament Rules games
^717* ^*^079Artillery^*
^717* ^*^079Circe^*
^717* ^*^079Salomon^*

^820+ ^*^995We're comfortable with the previous directional focus towards toning
down Ra's burst, however we still felt that he was still too strong. Ra is getting
a partial revert to his previous armor increase. Amun Ra will now need to be more
considerate of health regeneration both in lane and jungle.^*
^292- ^*Starting Armor decreased from 2.0 to 1.5

^820+ ^*^995With the implementation of Artillery's rework, he has become capable of
high damage potentials at incredible distances. We want to maintain his peaks but
feel that he is reaching them way too early. We're slowing down his farming
capabilities by reducing his creep clearing speed at the earlier stages of the
game. Rockets from his LRM will no longer deal full aoe damage in the radius, this
is most noticeable when farming the jungle.^*
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Each rocket now deals less damage the farther away you are from
the center of the rocket impact

^079Blood Hunter^*
^820+ ^*^995Feast has received an active allowing him to om nom an enemy unit. We
all know Blood Hunter has always been excellent at 1 versus 1 match ups. It was
however the only option he had open to him and as soon as another hero showed up to
his lane he would get completely shut out. This change will open up a Blood
Hunter's options in laning and give him ways of dealing with 1 v 2 situations as
well as the opportunity to be a better jungler while also giving Feast a combat
effective use.^*
^292- ^*^256Feast^*: Can now activate this ability to instantly kill a creep or
neutral in addition to its usual passive effects
^717* ^*This ability may only target smaller Neutrals until it is leveled to 4,
which is when it can target any Neutral

^820+ ^*^995Chronos with his mastery over time will now have an automatic timer
countdown to reduce the charges of his Curse of Ages while not attacking. This will
increase Chronos's ganking capabilities with a guaranteed bash on his first hit as
opposed to the previous awkward feeling of stopping your attacks on creeps.^*
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^*: Will automatically remove one charge every 5 seconds.
Attacking resets the count down, such that no charges will be automatically removed
when auto-attacking.

^820+ ^*^995Defiler's attack damage has been increased allowing her to more
effectively harass enemies and exchange hits.^*
^292- ^*Attack Damage increased from 41-49 to 45-51

^820+ ^*^995We want to reinforce the considerations of Electrician as a counter to
buffs and debuffs. We've increased the uptime and lowered the mana cost of
Cleansing Shock allowing for more consistent use both offensively and
^292- ^*^256Electric Shield^*: Mana Cost to activate decreased from 10 to 5
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Shock^*: Mana Cost decreased from 50 to 25
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Shock^*: Cooldown decreased from 20/15/10 seconds to 16/12/8
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Shock^*: Now instantly kills Illusions and summoned units

^820+ ^*^995The base damage of Flash Freeze was too high causing Ellonia to freely
spam the skill just as a stun with some damage. We're emphasizing the decision by
increasing the reward and damage potential of the skill. Ellonia will now need to
be more considerate of the choice when using her skill for the quick stun portion
or saving it for the big burst of damage. We've also added a damage popup for her
to see the results of their Frosted stacks.^*
^292- ^*^256Flash Freeze^*: Base damage decreased from 40/80/120/160 to
^292- ^*^256Flash Freeze^*: Damage per charge increased from 2/4/6/8 to 4/6/8/10
^292- ^*^256Flash Freeze^*: Now shows a popup with the amount of total Damage dealt

^079Emerald Warden^*
^820+ ^*^995We've found Emerald Warden's baseline of output too high for his late
game potential while not offering enough utility in the early stages. Emerald
Warden has suffered a minor hit to his stat gain and Overgrowth has been refocused
to be a much better asset early game allowing for more defensive use.^*
^292- ^*Agility gain per level decreased from 3 to 2.8
^292- ^*^256Overgrowth^*: Duration decreased from 1/2/3/4 seconds to
1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Relevant at all stages of the game, the Engineer has plenty of
strengths but was lacking in weaknesses. We wanted to keep the late game potential
that Engineer can achieve so we've hit the early game power levels instead. Keg has
had it's mana cost increased and damage reduced at the early levels lowering his
spammability. Steam Turret has had it's slow duration reduced allowing enemies to
recover their speed much sooner when exiting the turret's range. Teams will need to
be more considerate of their early game support options as Engineer will have a
more difficult time competing with the hero pool.^*
^292- ^*^256The Keg^*: Mana Cost increased from 80/100/120/140 to 95/110/125/140
^292- ^*^256The Keg^*: Damage rescaled from 100/150/200/250 to 80/140/200/260
^292- ^*^256Steam Turret^*: Slow Duration decreased from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Energy Field^*: Cooldown increased from 85 to 105/95/85

^820+ ^*^995Grave Keeper has had a hard time complimenting a team lineup. We've
increased his utility allowing him gank and even support more effectively. Corpse
Toss has had it's range increased reducing the risk involved for Grave Keeper to
engage enemies. Defiling Touch slow duration has been doubled, allowing the Grave
Keeper to more efficiently chase enemies with a continual pelt of the same corpse.
Plus, ZOMBIES!^*
^292- ^*^256Corpse Toss^*: Increased the range from 500 to 550
^292- ^*^256Corpse Toss^*: Charge refresh interval decreased from 9 seconds to 7
^292- ^*^256Defiling Touch^*: Slow duration increased from 1 second to 2 seconds
^292- ^*^256Defiling Touch^*: Movement Speed Slow increased from 20/25/30/35% to

^820+ ^*^995Reinforcing Hellbringer's team fight impact, we've given his only
single target skill more utility in team fights. Unholy Shackles will now affect
multiple enemies in the area.^*
^292- ^*^256Unholy Shackles^*: Now slows all units around your target as well as
your target
^717* ^*300 AOE around the target

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^820+ ^*^995Keeper of the Forest is getting the axe, largely to his base armor and
Nature's Veil. We want lane options to be both enjoyable and interactive. We feel
that Keeper's passive play and sustainability in lane has minimized any risk
involved for both parties. Keeper of the Forest will need to be more considerate of
his frequent use of Nature's Veil and exchange of hits with enemies.^*
^292- ^*Starting Armor decreased from 3.1 to 1.1
^292- ^*^256Nature's Veil^*: Health Regen decreased from 4 to 3
^292- ^*^256Nature's Veil^*: Mana Cost increased from 60 to 70
^292- ^*^256Animate Trees^*: Health decreased from 600 to 550
^292- ^*^256Animate Trees^*: Minions Movement Speed decreased from 325 to 300

^820+ ^*^995We're proud to release the new and upgraded Kinesis. We've made the
hero feel much more fluid, rewarding players for the high input they can only find
in the play style that Kinesis provides. First, the removal of the cast time from
the actions of lifting and throwing. Both will now be usable while moving and
attacking, providing a much better flow when executing multiple actions. Second,
Inherent Defense will now grant Kinesis additional Movement Speed based on his
shield value allowing Kinesis to constantly chase and bombard enemies, reinforcing
his concept as a mid range caster. Lastly, The first activation of Mass Control
will now drag all things Kinesis has lifted towards him, allowing him to setup his
power prior to entering dangerous river areas or the occasional use of portal
^292- ^*^256Telekinetic Control^*: Charge refresh interval decreased from
4/3.5/3/2.5 to 4.0/3.3/2.6/2.0 seconds
^292- ^*^256Telekinetic Control^*: Increased the radius in which he can pick up
trees from 600 to 800
^292- ^*^256Telekinetic Control^*: Cast action time on throw decreased from 200 to
^292- ^*^256Telekinetic Control^*: Can now lift and throw while moving and
^292- ^*^256Inherent Defense^*: Now grants +0.25 Movement Speed per point of shield
value. Always a base of 10 Movement Speed
^292- ^*^256Inherent Defense^*: Shield per Damage generation re-scaled from
12.5/25/37.5/50% to 20/30/40/50% of damage attempted
^292- ^*^256Mass Control^*: For the duration of the first activation, all lifted
objects will follow Kinesis at 522 speed

^820+ ^*^995The damage stipulation on the activation of H.A.W.K. has been removed.
We felt that the downsides of this ability were unnecessary leaving a very negative
feeling for the Klanx. We've also increased the move speed of his Goon Squad
minions to compliment his high mobility play style.^*
^292- ^*^256H.A.W.K.^*: Removed the cooldown triggered from Damage
^292- ^*^256Goon Squad^*: Increase the Movement Speed of the minions by 100

^820+ ^*^995Martyr players rejoice, the uptime and damage reduction of Guardian
Angel has been increased. Martyr can now share a significant portion of the pain
even as an under leveled support.^*
^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: Cooldown decreased from 21/18/15/12 seconds to 8
^292- ^*^256Guardian Angel^*: Damage reduction increased from 20/30/40/50 to

^079Master of Arms^*
^820+ ^*^995Slight reduction to Master of Arm's reach and power at the earlier
levels. Enemies will have an easier time escaping the Master's charged shot after
being hit by a long range Forked Lightning.^*
^292- ^*^256Charged Shot^*: Cast range decreased from 550 to 500
^292- ^*^256Forked Lightning^*: Slow decreased from 80% to 50/60/70/80%

^820+ ^*^995Midas is a fantastic hero that is a lot of fun to play, he brings just
the right amount of skill and entertainment. He does however lack in how effective
he can be until he reaches level six. We believe that his reliance on what his
ultimate is doing was keeping this hero down so we decided to let him level his
ultimate starting at level four instead.^*
^292- ^*^256Transmute^*: May now be leveled up at levels 4/8/12 instead of 6/11/16

^820+ ^*^995For a long time players have been drawing comparisons to Monarch and
Glacius. It was always the intent to have Glacius as the more offensive choice
while Monarch to be more of the lane support. We decided to make those differences
stand out a bit more by increasing those support roles within monarch, while at the
same time giver her an over all buff that she was needing.^*
^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^*: Range increased from 500 to 600
^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^*: Projectile speed decreased from 1200 to 800
^292- ^*^256Chrysalis^*: Duration decreased from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Chrysalis^*: Heal rescaled from 35/50/65/80 to 30/50/70/90
^292- ^*^256Chrysalis^*: Damage Reduction rescaled from 30/40/50/60% to 50% at all
^292- ^*^256Noxious Cloud^*: Radius now starts at 250 instead of 150 and ends at
550 instead of 500 over the 4 second life time
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Winds^*: Width increased from 175/200/225 to 200/225/250

^079Night Hound^*
^820+ ^*^995With the previous power reduction to Night Hound, we're comfortable
with his concept of fight or flight. Backstab has received a damage increase to
better reward the Night Hound for his stealthy play.^*
^292- ^*^256Backstab^*: Bonus Damage Multiplier increased from 25/50/75/100% to

^820+ ^*^995The mana monster returns, Oogie was treading on the problems of needing
an unreasonable amount of mana to enjoy his early game. We've lowered the mana
increase on Tar Quake and reduced the cooldown of Kindled Fury creating a much
better flow between the constant spending of mana and Fury attacks.^*
^292- ^*^256Tar Quake^*: Mana Cost intervals after every cast decreased from 40 to
^292- ^*^256Kindled Fury^*: Cooldown decreased from 11/10/9/8 to 8
^292- ^*^256Kindled Fury^*: Mana cooldown reduction changed from 100 mana to 75
^292- ^*^256Primal Surge^*: Cooldown decreased from 80/60/40 to 60/50/40

^820+ ^*^995Often a great compliment to a team, the Pharoah has always been
constantly mana starved. Pharoah has received some additional Int to reduce his
farming requirements and encourage more active ganking.^*
^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased by 2
^292- ^*Intelligence gain increased from 1.3 to 1.5

^820+ ^*^995We're comfortable with Pestilence's roles as initiation and armor
reducer, however the constant spam of bashing combined with inherent tankiness
leaves for little counter-play response. Pestilence's stat gain and damage output
has been lowered reducing his overall survivability and carry potential.^*
^292- ^*Strength gain decreased from 2.8 to 2.5
^292- ^*Agility gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.5
^292- ^*^256Gore^*: Damage decreased from 20/40/60/80 to 10/20/30/40

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^820+ ^*^995Electric Jolt's radius has been increased allowing Pollywog to more
effectively harass enemies in combination with clearing creeps.^*
^292- ^*^256Electric Jolt^*: Radius increased from 400 to 500

^820+ ^*^995Ravenor has received a slew of buffs over the previous patches that
have put him over the top. We are happy with the damage potential Ravenor provides
as a Magic Damage carry but are unhappy with inconsiderate frequent use of his
abilities. Ravenor's mana efficiency has been significantly decreased. Ball
Lightning's cost has been increased at the lower levels, in combination with a flat
increase to Storm Blades. Ravenor will need to be more considerate of his item
choices, especially when obtaining an early Portal Key.^*
^292- ^*Intelligence gain decreased from 2.2 to 2.0
^292- ^*Base Damage decreased from 49-59 to 48-56
^292- ^*^256Ball Lightning^*: Mana Cost increased from 90/100/110/120 to 110 at all
^292- ^*^256Storm Blades^*: Mana Cost increased from 80/90/100/110 to

^079Sand Wraith^*
^820+ ^*^995Sand Wraith has received an overall power reduction, most notably his
Magic Armor decrease. Sand Wraith was surprisingly difficult to kill with his high
stats and damage reduction from Dissipate. The Sand Wraith will now have to be more
considerate of both his skill and item builds, balancing his offense and defense.^*
^292- ^*Agility gain decreased from 2.2 to 2.0
^292- ^*Magic Armor decreased from 5.5 to 4.0
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse^*: Movement Speed bonus decreased from 6/10/14/18% to
^292- ^*^256Mirage^*: Summoned illusion duration increased from 4/4.5/5 to 4/5/6
^292- ^*^256Mirage^*: Cooldown increased from 120/100/80 seconds to 130/105/80

^820+ ^*^995Scout has an iconic play style for his constant roaming and ganking but
can be frustrating for the enemy team. We wanted to maintain the fun play style for
Scout so we've instead looked at increasing the amount of counter-play for the
enemy team. We've doubled the fade time of Vanish and reduced the overall move
speed bonus allowing enemies to more effectively chase the Scout with various true
sight items. Vanish has had it's mana cost increased affecting his creep clearing
speed and reducing his overall snowball ability.^*
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.4 to 1.6
^292- ^*^256Vanish^*: Activation Mana Cost increased from 30 to 50
^292- ^*^256Vanish^*: Fade time increased from 0.5 to 1.0 second
^292- ^*^256Vanish^*: Movement Speed bonus decreased from 10/15/20/25% to
^292- ^*^256Electric Eye^*: Gadget Health decreased from 200 to 1

^079Sir Benzington^*
^820+ ^*^995Sir Benzington has high mobility combined with a high damage potential,
however that potential is extremely difficult to achieve. We've increased the range
and speed of Joust allowing for long range engagements but keeping the side step
counter-play for enemies equally as meaningful. Lance-A-Long has been rescaled in
damage to deal it's full potential over 4 attacks instead of 5 and rescaled
accordingly making each individual attack buildup.^*
^292- ^*^256Joust^*: Mana Cost decreased from 110 to 90/100/110/120
^292- ^*^256Joust^*: Charge Speed increased from 2400 to 2800
^292- ^*^256Joust^*: Range increased from 900 to 1000
^292- ^*^256Joust^*: Stun duration increased from 0.7 seconds to 1.0 seconds
^292- ^*^256Lance-A-Long^*: Charges needed decreased from 5 attacks to 4 attacks
^292- ^*^256Lance-A-Long^*: Mana Cost decreased from 70/80/90/100 to 75/80/85/90
^292- ^*^256Lance-A-Long^*: Damage per charge changed from 10/18/26/34 to
^292- ^*^256Lance-A-Long^*: Base activation Damage decreased from 50/90/130/170 to

^820+ ^*^995Iconic for her disables at all stages of the game, we've increased the
frequency that Succubus may cast her ultimate at the later levels creating more
opportunities for both the Succubus to gank and for the enemy to interrupt.^*
^292- ^*^256Succubus's Hold^*: Cooldown decreased from 120/110/100 to 120/100/80
^820+ ^*^995Tempest's team fight potential is unmatched but is not without counter-
play. We wanted to preserve the great feelings that a "good ol temp ult" hits so
were looking at lowering his early game snowball potential instead. Glacial Blasts
has had it's cast range lowered, reducing his approachability from early game
ganking, most noticeably without boots. Elementals will also deal reduced damage,
lowering his jungling speed and pushing potential. Tempest will need to be more
considerate of his item choices when he isn't being showered with gold.^*
^292- ^*^256Glacial Blasts^*: Cooldown increased from 15 seconds to 18 seconds
^292- ^*^256Glacial Blasts^*: Range decreased from 600 to 500
^292- ^*^256Glacial Blasts^*: Debuff is now dispellable to prevent additional stuns
^292- ^*^256Elemental^*: Attack Damage decreased from 20/27/34/41 to 18/24/30/36
^292- ^*^256Elemental Void^*: Outer ring Damage per second decreased from 30/50/70
to 15/25/35
^717* ^*Damage of the inner ring is unchanged

^079The Gladiator^*
^820+ ^*^995Showdown in itself is a lackluster skill for the large strain on
Gladiator's limited mana pool. The mana cost and cooldown of Showdown have been
reduced allowing for more frequent use in combination with those great feeling
Pitfalls or Call to Arms.^*
^292- ^*^256Showdown^*: Mana Cost decreased from 80/90/100/110 to 65/75/85/95
^292- ^*^256Showdown^*: Cooldown decreased from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
^292- ^*^256Call to Arms^*: Cooldown decreased from 100 seconds to 100/90/80

^820+ ^*^995So we all know that since the dawn of time Thunderbringer has been
capable of revealing invisible targets when he casts his Blast of Lightning. We
feel that this mechanic while good on paper was not good in practice. It was rarely
something you even considered. We wanted to increase it's functionality by allowing
thunderbringer to cast it on himself, making him essentially a moving counter-
^292- ^*Movement Speed increased from 295 to 300
^292- ^*Starting Armor increased from 1.54 to 2.0
^292- ^*^256Blast of Lightning^*: Now can cast on yourself or any ally to grant
them +75 bonus Movement Speed for 5 seconds
^717* ^*The Truesight and Clearvision that Blast of Lightning creates around an
enemy will be around the targeted Ally as well

^820+ ^*^995Tremble is notable for his map presence and pushing potential. We've
lowered the mana costs of Terrorform and Hive Mind, allowing for more frequent use
to promote his active mobile play style. Boris's strength and utility have also
been increased, most noticeably the early level ganking capabilities.^*
^292- ^*^256Terrorform^*: Mana Cost decreased from 150/140/130/120 to 120
^292- ^*^256Hive Mind^*: Mana Cost decreased from 140 to 100/125/150
^292- ^*^256Boris^*: Armor Reduction increased from -1/-2/-3 to -2/-3/-4
^292- ^*^256Boris^*: Ensnare duration increased from 1/1.5/2 seconds to 1.5/1.75/2

^820+ ^*^995We feel that Tundra has fallen off over time. Were emphasizing the
utility that Tundra provides to his teammates. Shiver the bird will have it's
vision increased at the earlier levels making it a much stronger one point skill.
Cold Shoulder has had it's cooldown decreased, at the later levels Tundra will
provide a 100% uptime on his Attack Speed boost to his allies.^*
^292- ^*^256Cold Shoulder^*: Cooldown decreased from 24/20/16/12 to 17/14/11/8
^292- ^*^256Call of Winter^*: Shiver day vision changed from 700/700/1200/1200 to
^292- ^*^256Call of Winter^*: Shiver night vision changed from 500/500/1000/1000 to

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^820+ ^*^995Extremely fragile as a support, we've increased the cast range of
Cursed Ground and Spirit Ward reducing the risk involved for a squishy Voodoo
Jester to engage enemies.^*
^292- ^*^256Cursed Ground^*: Range increased from 400 to 450
^292- ^*^256Cursed Ground^*: Cast Time decreased from 1000 to 750
^717* ^*This does not change how long it takes for the ability to land, this is the
animation time after
^292- ^*^256Spirit Ward^*: Range increased from 300/350/400 to 400

^079War Beast^*
^820+ ^*^995The uptime of Warcry has been reduced to lower the impact of his global
assistance to other lanes. We've also increased his jungling speed allowing
Warbeast himself to contribute in fights much sooner in the game.^*
^292- ^*^256Summon Hellhounds^*: Damage increased from 20/29/38/47 to 24/32/40/48
^292- ^*^256Battle Cry^*: Cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 35 seconds

^079Wretched Hag^*
^820+ ^*^995Combination of good utility, high mobility and damage, the Wretched Hag
has a good kit that keeps her relevant at all stages of the game. We've lowered the
duration of the slow portion on Haunt allowing enemies to better deal with her high
mobility, especially after a wide Bat Blast.^*
^292- ^*^256Haunt^*: Slow duration decreased from 10 seconds to 7 seconds
^292- ^*^256Sonar Scream^*: Mana Cost increased from 140 to 135/140/145/150
^292- ^*^256Bat Blast^*: Damage decreased from 290/430/600 to 290/420/550

^970== Item Balance ==^*

Added new Item: ^090Ioyn Stone^*

^292- ^*Costs 300g
^292- ^*+60 Max Health
^292- ^*+45 Max mana
^292- ^*When in your inventory, right-click a Rune (or use this item targeting a
Rune) to power the Stone with 3 charges based on the Rune. Does not consume the
^292- ^*The charges last up to 4 minutes
^292- ^*When powered, target yourself or an ally to consume a charge and give them
a short duration buff based on the Rune that is stored in the Stone
^292- ^*Does not stack with other ^090Ioyn Stones^* or ^090Bottles^*

Added new Item: ^090Spell Sunder^*

^292- ^*Components: ^090Pickled Brain^* (950), ^090Major Totem^* (490),
^090Manatube^* (875) = 2315g Total
^292- ^*Dealing any Magic Damage applies a debuff to the target for 3 seconds. They
take 5 damage + 3% of the Target's current health in Magic Damage every second
^292- ^*Dealing Magic DoT Damage applies this debuff as well, but the damage it
deals is halved

^090Lightbrand and Components^*

^820+ ^*^995The damage over time portion of Lightbrand and it's upgrades have been
reworked. Attacks will now deal a lower amount but True Damage every second instead
of Magic. Were comfortable with the flat mana regeneration granted appealing
largely to lower Int heroes but are unhappy with the excessive farming that the
item is granting from auto attacks. Light Brand and it's upgrades will deal less
damage to creeps but relatively the same damage to heroes.^*

^292- ^*DoT Damage decreased from 8 to 5 per second
^292- ^*DoT Damage changed from Magic Damage to True Damage

^090Searing Light^*
^292- ^*Mana Regeneration decreased from 5 to 4
^292- ^*DoT Damage decreased from 12 to 7.5 per second
^292- ^*DoT Damage changed from Magic Damage to True Damage

^090Frozen Light^*
^292- ^*Mana Regeneration decreased from 5 to 4
^292- ^*DoT Damage decreased from 12 to 7.5 per second
^292- ^*DoT Damage changed from Magic Damage to True Damage

^292- ^*Damage decreased from 15 to 12
^292- ^*Mana Regeneration decreased from 6 to 5
^292- ^*DoT Damage decreased from 16 to 10 per second
^292- ^*DoT Damage changed from Magic Damage to True Damage

^090Grimoire of Power^*
^292- ^*DoT Damage decreased from 35 to 20 per second
^292- ^*DoT Damage changed from Magic Damage to True Damage

^820+ ^*^995Insanitarious is an item that creates anticipation and rewards great
timing. We wanted to increase the frequency at which players can squeeze out the
last bit of health for a big mannup.^*
^292- ^*Cooldown decreased from 7 seconds to 5 seconds

^090Lex Talionis^*
^820+ ^*^995The concept of Lex Talionis was originally designed to appeal to
support heroes. We've lowered the mana cost activation and increased the cast range
to allow safer and more frequent use of this early game offensive support option.^*
^292- ^*Mana Cost decreased from 50 to 25
^292- ^*Range increased from 750 to 800

^090Nullfire Blade^*
^820+ ^*^995Nullfire Blade is a niche pick often used to burn enemy mana or dispel
enemy buffs or hostile debuffs. We want to emphasize the decision more by
increasing the utility of the item. The cooldown has been decreased, and the cast
range has been increased to allow more free use of the activation.^*
^292- ^*Cooldown decreased from 20 to 14
^292- ^*Range increased from 600 to 700
^292- ^*Cost decreased from 800 to 700

^820+ ^*^995We're refocusing Spellshards to a more niche counter-pick to move it
away from this troublesome comparison to Grimoire of Power. The Spell Penetration
will now be a counter to higher magic armor values, dealing a percentage of their
defense as opposed to a flat value.^*
^292- ^*Reworked: Spell penetration changed from 2/4/6 to 50% of target's Magic
^292- ^*No longer has upgrades
^292- ^*Recipe Cost increased from 800 to 1200
^090Staff of the Master^*
^292- ^*^079Rally^* - Seismic Slam range increased from 250 to 500 and Damage
increased by 200
^292- ^*^079Pyromancer^* - Upon killing an enemy with Blazing Strike, deals 50% of
the damage in a 600 radius around the target
^292- ^*^079Succubus^* - In addition to its previous bonuses, Range increased to

^820+ ^*^995Wingbow, as an expensive end game item, was lacking in satisfaction for
the owner. We want players to appreciate the effectiveness of their hard earned
purchases so we've added some spice to the item.^*
^292- ^*Ranged Heroes: Increases Attack Range by 100
^292- ^*Melee Heroes: Reflects 25% of the damage attempted when you evade an attack

All activate self items are now considered noninterrupting and can be activated
while channeling and will not break the channel. This includes:
^292- ^*^090Bottle of Tears^*
^292- ^*^090Ghost Marchers^*
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox^*
^292- ^*^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*^090Elder Parasite^*
^292- ^*^090Energizer^*
^292- ^*^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^292- ^*^090Shield of the FIve^*
^292- ^*^090Ring of Sorcery^*
^292- ^*^090Plated Greaves^*
^292- ^*^090Power Supply^*
^292- ^*^090Astrolabe^*
^292- ^*^090Bananas^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bubbles^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Cosmonaut Bubbles^*

^717* ^*For those condemned to a life too close to the ground, the wonders of outer
space blanket their dreams with twinkles of hope, surrounded by the bleakness of
doubt and despair. While other Legion heroes fantasize about becoming legends and
kings on Newerth, Bubbles stares at the moon, wondering what it would be like to
see something besides war and chaos. With a little time and some repurposing of
scrap material from the Iron City, one turtle seeks out something bigger than
himself, dressed in a suit so strange that even his best friends think he's crazy

^292- ^*Added new ^079Solstice^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Winter Solstice^*

^717* ^*In her day form, Winter Solstice protects herself from the power of the sun
with a set of armor covered in a thick layer of ice. Her movement is a bit slower,
and her actions more reserved, but her power is concentrated, like a mighty
iceberg. In her night form, Winter Solstice explodes with the power of Lunari,
unable to contain the might of the Moon Goddess. Her skin is set ablaze, lighting
up the night around her and exposing any threats where they creep in the darkness.
She becomes quicker and more agile without her armor, but also more vengeful, and
often incapable of slowing down or showing remorse

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gauntlet^* Alt Avatar: ^079Grendel^*

^717* ^*In the Scandinavian wilderness, only the toughest creatures can survive.
Among them, grizzled and weathered from the harsh winter storms, Grendel Gauntlet
ambles the forests alone, searching for what he can find to eat and storing the
rest in his little mud hut. On his back, the helmets of warriors who have sought to
slay him act both as trophies and as warnings to other "heroes" looking to make a
name for themselves

^292- ^*Added new ^079Aluna^* Alt Avatar: ^079Santa Baby Aluna^*

^717* ^*Ringing in the holidays by wearing her sexiest Santa outfit, Aluna is in
the mood to gift pain and devastation to the grumpy Hellbourne daemons. Despite her
cute candy cane and sultry demeanor, monsters would be better off running away when
they hear her bells jingling through the forest.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Demented Shaman^* Alt Avatar: ^079Lollipop Shaman^*

^717* ^*Only suckas wouldn't want to smash the fun out of the holidays with this
sweet-and clearly demented-young lady from Bloodsugar Valley. She's here with her
hard candy hammer to ring in the New Year and give a lickin' to anyone who isn't
festive enough for her tastes. Watch your bells!

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bombardier^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ice Cream Bombardier^*

^717* ^*Ice cream headaches for everyone! Glucoz the Ice Cream Bombardier has
pedaled his ice cream bicycle all the way from Bloodsugar Valley to sell his
special recipe in Newerth (hint: it has a hint of kerosene, with heavy notes of
gunpowder). It doesn't matter if you get Charred Chocolate, Volatile Vanilla, or
Semtex Strawberry-they all burst with flavor! Seriously, your head will explode

^292- ^*Added new ^079Plague Rider^* Alt Avatar: ^079Candy Rider^*

^717* ^*Not everything is gumdrops and lollipops in Bloodsugar Valley, especially
if you're an ill-tempered lich with a Napoleon Complex. Equipped with a popsicle
staff and an unflinching grimace, the Candy Rider and his frosted dragon will do
whatever it takes to establish themselves as legitimate threats, despite their
childish appearances. His words may be sugar coated, but his actions are deceitful,
and if you see the ice cream on his helmet melting, you know things are getting

^292- ^*Added new ^079Balphagore^* Alt Avatar: ^079Baker Balphagore^*

^717* ^*We hear Baker Balphagore's cookies are delicious, but he keeps eating them
before we can get a taste. Maybe it's for the best, as the rumors out of Bloodsugar
Valley say he uses his giant spatula and whisk to mix his victims into a sticky
batter before popping them in the oven to emerge as gingerbread minions, armed with
razor-sharp sporks and heavy frying pans

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pandamonium^* Alt Avatar: ^079Amanda Panda^*

^717* ^*Amanda Panda arrived at HoNCon wearing her perfect Pandamonium costume and
ready to win the Hero Look-Alike Contest. But when she surveyed the competition,
everyone was dressed in such realistic hero costumes she couldn't tell the
difference between them and the real members of the Legion and Hellbourne. When the
very impressive Maliken cosplayer transformed into a giant, hulking demon and
seemed to actually be possessed, Amanda Panda began to suspect there was no such
thing as HoNCon...

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bramble^* Alt Avatar: ^079Bobbi Bramble^*

^717* ^*You think you're tough? Say it to Bobbi's face, if you can stand her putrid
Spore Breath. This tomboy can't stand wimps (vegetarians included), and the way
you're staring at her homemade Bramble costume is making you look like a major
jabroni. I'd turn around and walk away right now if I were you. Don't let the Vine
Wall hit you on the way out, loser

^292- ^*Added new ^079Slither^* Alt Avatar: ^079Sally Slither^*

^717* ^*Growing up as a nerdy girl fascinated with reptiles, Sally quickly took to
Slither as her favorite hero. Having been teased throughout her childhood for
preferring the scaly to the furry, she created a full Slither outfit for herself,
complete with an acid-spraying snake hat to intimidate those who would bully her.
After all, it's hard to point and laugh when your hands are melting off
^292- ^*Added new Name Color: ^539Frost Fields Silver^*
^717* ^*This dazzling silver name color hails from the frozen north, and only the
most dedicated players can obtain it!

^292- ^*Added 12 days of Christmas Chat symbols

^717* ^*If you collect all 12 exclusive chat symbols, you will receive the
^079Grendel Gauntlet^* Product for free!

^970== Bot Notes ==^*

^292- ^*The way bots manage and use their items has been revamped! As a result,
bots will more effectively use their on-use items. Code by Kairus101
^717* ^*Watch out for ^079PredatorBot^*; he's become a force to be reckoned with
^717* ^*This added support for: Charged Hammer, Elder Parasite, Shrunken Head,
Geometer's Bane, Tablet, Plated Greaves, Alchemist Bones, Insanitarius, Symbol Of
Rage, and Blood Chalice
^717* ^*This code also refactored/generalized the use for: Ring Of Sorcery, Mana
Pot, Bottle, Health Pot, Runes Of The Blight, Battery Supply, Astrolabe,
Sacrificial Stone, and Assassins Shroud

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^079Amun Ra^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Risen Ra^* from losing his chest piece if he obtained ^090Barrier

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Santa Midas^* and ^079Medusa Midas^* ^256Golden Salvo^* ability

^292- ^*Adjusted ^079Heap Lodestone's^* attack impact sound to audible levels

^970Version 3.2.10^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Berserker^* Alt Avatar: ^079Orbode^*

^717* ^*Unable to cope with the loss of his mentor, the most brutal of the
Disciples, ^079Orbode^*, was nearly driven insane. He roamed the outskirts of
Newerth, the fringes of human land where the beasts ventured into human territory,
holding back their onslaught with the violent anger of Sol. ^079Orbode's^*
followers formed the Second Clan of Men, the Savages, whose brute strength and
unbridled fury tore through the ranks of the Beast Horde with no remorse.
^717* ^*Releases 12/04/13

^292- ^*Added new ^079Silhouette^* Alt Avatar: ^079Arbinger^*

^717* ^*The loss of the Prophet begot a profound sadness to the Disciple
^079Arbinger^*, who guarded her emotions behind a mask emblazoned with the symbol
of the Five. She silently condemned her brethren for not protecting their savior,
and ventured into the heart of the beasts' realm, stalking and slaughtering them
before they could commit any more sins of such magnitude. ^079Arbinger's^*
followers formed the Fourth Clan of Men, the Scouts, silently targeting the beasts
where they slept under the shadow of darkness.
^717* ^*Releases 12/04/13

^292- ^*Added new ^079Kinesis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Augur^*

^717* ^*When the Blind Prophet was murdered, his Disciple ^079Augur^* traveled into
the northern mountains and worked tirelessly to rebuild Man's lost cities, as well
as her shattered faith in her brothers and sisters-the shards of which still blind
her-for she did not know it was the goddess Circe who had killed the Blind Prophet.
^079Augur's^* followers formed the Third Clan of Men, the Builders, their artisan
hands guided by Augur's divine vision.
^717* ^*Releases 12/06/13

^292- ^*Added new ^079Prophet^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079The Blind Prophet^*
^717* ^*When Circe assassinated the ^079Blind Prophet^* over 250 years ago, his
martyrdom sent the Five Disciples to the corners of Newerth, spreading Sol's word.
With the rise of Maliken Grimm, King of the Legion, Sol's children rose to soaring
heights. When Maliken betrayed his god and kin, so began the downward spiral of all
that is good. Now, with archaic gods wrestling for power and man-made death
machines rolling through Jeraziah's ranks, Sol has resurrected the ^079Blind
Prophet^* and his Five Disciples. Our King's prayers have been answered...but will
it be enough?
^717* ^*Releases 12/11/13

^292- ^*Added new ^079Nomad^* Alt Avatar: ^079Eskinomad^*

^717* ^*After traveling the vast desert landscape and finding no trace of the
^079Sand Wraith^* that slaughtered his family, ^079Nomad^* takes it upon himself to
trek across all of Newerth, searching for and destroying wraiths in whatever form
they appear. Living in the cold, barren Frost Fields, he dons warmer gear and
wanders from one end of the wasteland to another, weathering the freezing cold for
a chance to exact revenge against the spirits.
^717* ^*Releases 12/13/13

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539You can no longer destroy item chests that are currently owned by any
^292- ^*Joining a clan will automatically add you to the clan's chat channel
^292- ^*Leaving a clan will automatically remove you from the clan's chat channel
^292- ^*Added support for taking high res screenshots (console command:
TakeHighResScreenshot [width] [height])

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*RetreatFromThreat overhaul - code by Schnarchnase and Kairus101

^717* ^*In general, bots are smarter about when and how they retreat from enemies.

^292- ^*Rune Tracking/grabbing behavior - code by Anakonda

^717* ^*Bots will mentally track runes that are spotted on the map, and grab runes
that are "close" (within 1000 units)

^292- ^*Bot lane-building improvements! - code by Kairus101, Darkfire, and VHD

^717* ^*Bots now have preferences for which lane they are in, and the teambotbrain
does a much better job of building smarter lanes.
^717* ^*As a result, Glacius has gracious given up the middle lane for more
suitable candidates

^292- ^*Jungle creep tracking functionality, plus camp and neutral preferences! -
code by Kairus101
^717* ^*Groundwork for future jungling bots

^292- ^*Bot chatter improvements - writing by JakeXSV

^292- ^*Fix to OrderFollow, OrderTouch, and OrderGiveItem - code by Anakonda
^292- ^*Fixed several cases where bots would treat recipes as full items - code by

^970== Rift Wars Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed Rift Wars dropping items from incorrect pets (like couriers)

^292- ^*^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^*: Fixed his interaction with sub-abilities

^292- ^*^256Stampede^*: Fixed so that when you have a multiple Stampedes they all
do not go on cooldown at the same time

^292- ^*^256Enlarge^*: Fixed Group Chuck (boosted ultimate) dealing 0 damage if the
hero does not also have the Chuck ability

^292- ^*^256Grapple^*: Fixed the chain disappearing during animation when used by
certain heroes

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^079Corrupted Disciple
^292- ^*^256Overload^* sound on Edium (Alt Avatar) now plays correctly

^292- ^*^256Bloodthirst^* fixed so that you can toggle its Aura between Ally Heroes
& Ally Units properly if you have 1 or more charges on your ultimate

^292- ^*^256Corpse Toss^* now properly loses a charge if it becomes spell-blocked
(e.g. by Null Stone)

^292- ^*^256H.A.W.K.'s^* Wing Board state no longer has an infinite lifetime if hit
by multiple attacks on the same frame that pushes it past the negative duration
reduction time (-2.5 seconds)
^292- ^*Expiration of ^256H.A.W.K.'s^* Wing Board state will no longer interrupt
Klanx's channeling (e.g. Homecoming Stone, Post Haste)
^292- ^*^256Lackey #1^* no longer plays his attack animation if he attacks
buildings or allied units
^292- ^*The duration on ^256H.A.W.K.^* is now correctly reduced when Klanx is
attacked by a magic immune enemy hero

^079The Gladiator
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Call to Arms^* so that some of the Alt Avatars don't spawn an
infinite lifetime gadget to block neutral camps

^970Version 3.2.9^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Hero: ^079Klanx^*

^717* ^*All rejoice! ^079Klanx^* is here, the most diabolical villain to ever grace
the world of Newerth! No other minds can comprehend his genius, and even heroic
eyes can barely gaze upon his rugged visage without collapsing in admiration.
Forget Tork the Engineer and his inferior intellect and supposed ingenuity-Klanx is
about to swagger onto the battlefield equipped with his latest and greatest
weaponry, as well as a full supply of faithful lackeys and goons. Victories are his
for the taking, and they should feel lucky to belong to such a stunning force of
brilliant destruction.
^717* ^*Releases 11/20/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Klanx^* Ultimate Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Doomsday Klanx^*
^717* ^*Klanx's ultimate design, the ^079Doomsday Klanx^* robot, is finally ready
for combat after dozens of tests against defenseless civilians. The only flaw Klanx
can see is the Doomsday Klanx isn't is handsome as he is...but that would be
^717* ^*Releases 11/20/2013

^292- ^*Buy items in-game to upgrade your ^079Doomsday Klanx^*!

^292- ^*Upgraded Leg Armor:
^717* ^*^090All upgraded boots^*
^292- ^*Upgraded Arm Armor:
^717* ^*^090Alchemist's Bones^*
^717* ^*^090Elder Parasite^*
^717* ^*^090Energizer^*
^717* ^*^090Shrunken Head^*
^292- ^*Upgraded Torso and Helmet:
^717* ^*^090Assassin's Shroud^*
^717* ^*^090Genjuro^*
^717* ^*^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*Upgraded Weapon and Flying Device:
^717* ^*^090Dawnbringer^*
^717* ^*^090Brutalizer^*
^717* ^*^090Riftshards^*
^717* ^*^090Savage Mace^*
^717* ^*^090Wingbow^*
^717* ^*^090Shieldbreaker^*
^292- ^*Special Effects:
^717* ^*^090Charged Hammer^*
^717* ^*^090Thunderclaw^*
^717* ^*^090Nullfire Blade^*
^717* ^*^090Mock of Brilliance^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Klanx^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Sky Pirate Klanx^*
^717* ^*Take to the skies with the dastardly devil known as ^079Sky Pirate Klanx^*.
Equipped with only the best and baddest mechanical contraptions-which he built, of
course-this dashing and debonair bandit of the open air is full of enough dirty
deeds to make even the most despicable demons cringe in disgust. Twirl 'stache, get
^717* ^*Releases 11/20/2013

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Engineer^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Tork the Ultimate
^717* ^*^079Tork the Engineer^* knows Man is flawed, especially those who put too
much faith into their gods and not enough work into their weapons. He is also aware
his purely mechanical creations like Steamoth excel at warfare, but lack the human
aspects that make a true hero. In his tireless work to create the perfect warrior,
he has combined his engineering genius with his compassion and will to win. The
result is the Ultimate Engineer, a biomechanical suit that upgrades as necessary to
handle any combat situation.
^717* ^*Releases 11/20/2013

^292- ^*These are the ^079Ultimate Engineer^* upgrades and the items that will
grant them.
^292- ^*Base exoskeleton for his arms and legs:
^717* ^*^090Power Supply^*
^717* ^*^090Blood Chalice^*
^717* ^*^090Base Boots^*
^717* ^*^090Energizer^*
^717* ^*^090Grave Locket^*
^717* ^*^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^292- ^*Augmented Lower Body Armor:
^717* ^*^090Steamboots^*
^717* ^*^090Striders^*
^717* ^*^090Post Haste^*
^717* ^*^090Ghost Marchers^*
^717* ^*^090Plated Greaves^*
^292- ^*Augmented Upper Body Armor:
^717* ^*^090Tablet of Command^*
^717* ^*^090Ring of Sorcery^*
^717* ^*^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^717* ^*^090Null Stone^*
^292- ^*Augmented Helmet:
^717* ^*^090Shrunken Head^*
^717* ^*^090Helm of the Black Legion^*
^717* ^*^090Shaman's Headdress^*
^717* ^*^090Barrier Idol^*
^292- ^*Spinning Radar:
^717* ^*^090Codex ^*
^717* ^*^090Storm Spirit^*
^717* ^*^090Kuldra's Sheepstick^*
^717* ^*^090Hellflower^*
^292- ^*Augmented Beer Keg:
^717* ^*^090Portal Key ^*
^717* ^*^090Astrolabe^*
^717* ^*^090Spellshards^*
^292- ^*Semi-Automatic Grenade Launcher:
^717* ^*^090Dawnbringer^*
^717* ^*^090Charged Hammer^*
^717* ^*^090Genjuro^*
^717* ^*^090Nullfire Blade^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Jeraziah^* Alt Avatar: ^079Omen^*

^717* ^*Contemplating the existence of the being to which he has devoted his life,
Jeraziah decides that he may not understand everything, but his faith requires
doubt, and his belief in Sol is solidified. He is rewarded by the Blind Prophet for
never turning his back on the righteous god, and is granted a suit of armor that
was worn by the original Blind Disciple knight, Omen: a man of commanding stature
who vowed to build from his followers an army that would reclaim Newerth for Man
and spread the worship of Sol to all corners of the world.
^717* ^*Releases 11/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Corrupted Disciple^* Alt Avatar: ^079Edium^*

^717* ^*After Circe murdered the Blind Prophet, his Five Disciples scattered across
Newerth to spread the word of Sol. Edium, the First Disciple, eschewed worldly ways
and turned in reverence to studying the sacred text, the Codex Solaris, and went on
to establish the Order of the Chapel. When he died, Sol lost a powerful apostle. In
these dire times, with archaic gods and rampant daemonic forces tearing Man's faith
apart, the Five Disciples have returned with the Blind Prophet to shepherd Sol's
flock to victory. His years in the divine realm have made him a dynamic warrior,
with eyes covered by the guiding hands of Sol and hands coursing with the energy of
pure devotion to his faith.
^717* ^*Releases 11/27/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Magmus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cryo Magmus^*

^717* ^*In the days of the Blind Prophet, the followers of Sol outlawed alchemy as
an affront to their faith. The persecution even reached into the far north of the
Frost Fields, where a hermitous alchemist was dragged from his workshop and thrown
into an icy crevasse. As his frozen tomb closed in, he whispered incantations and
doused himself with potions to summon an ice elemental. The ancient creature formed
around the alchemist and began the creeping ascent back to the surface. The duo has
finally emerged-heartless elemental and furious alchemist-and their sole purpose is
to bring vengeance upon all followers of Sol and the Blind Prophet.

^292- ^*^079Cryo Magmus^* will be a Limited Edition Event Avatar given away at
DreamHack Winter 2013

^292- ^*Added new Courier: ^090Turkey Courier^*

^717* ^*Who you callin' turkey? Show your online friends that Thanksgiving is not
for the birds by picking up the new Turkey Courier, and maybe they'll send some
mashed potatoes & gravy to your lane.
^717* ^*Achievable through a match rewards event

^970== Rift Wars Changes and Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Players now passively get .75 Experience every second

^292- ^*Each team will now start with a ^090Flying Courier^*

^292- ^*Multiple stacking channel disabling states no longer expire prematurely

(when the first applied one expires the other's applied will no longer expire)
^292- ^*Several UI Bug Fixes
^292- ^*Match Rewards: If you have 1 match to go for an Amulet of Rebirth token, it
now says "1 Match" instead of "1 Matches"
^292- ^*Fixed tooltips in player stats for Matches/Disconnects not showing Rift
Wars correctly

^292- ^*Will no longer aggro creeps

^292- ^*^256Shadow^* properly has a cooldown when swapping between the original
hero and her illusion
^292- ^*^256Shadow^* will no longer teleport you to the bottom-left corner of the
map when swapping

^292- ^*^256Disarm^* if paired with high attack speed and if you're a ranged hero
with a slow projectile will no longer proc multiple times before the projectile
impacts and puts the skill on cooldown.

^970== Bot Notes ==^*

^292- ^*Added lane preferences to each bot, which results in better lane
composition. Code by VHD, Darkfire, and Kairus101!
^292- ^*Added several fixes by Kairus101:
^717* ^*Added better bot error reporting in non-Retail builds
^717* ^*Fixed an issue with Astrolabe
^717* ^*Fixed an issue with GravekeeperBot stringtables
^717* ^*Fixed an issue with Engineer and late game items

^292- ^*Added several Easy difficulty improvements. The goal of these changes was
to make easier bots much easier to play against without making them worse
teammates. In general, Easy bots should pretty much help you kill them.
^717* ^*On Easy, enemy bots won't group and push or defend
^717* ^*On Easy, enemy bots who are low on HP will not retreat back to the well if
you are close
^717* ^*On Easy, bots aggressing low-HP humans will only have a %16 chance to
continue trying to kill them, waiting 20-50s before considering aggressing again
^717* ^*On Easy, bots will cluster a bit more
^717* ^*On Easy, enemy bots will not buy tp stones
^717* ^*^079Arachna^* on Easy will be less lethal
^717* ^*^079Flint^* on Easy will be less lethal
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^* on Easy will be less lethal

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Added "Don't Remind Me" prompt to Plinko

^090Elder Parasite^*
^292- ^*Lifesteal^* will no longer work when attacking gadgets

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Chain Spike's^* chain break effect from playing through fog

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Overgrowth^* trap visual models from lingering after death

^292- ^*Now unbinds himself when he teleports to his sword

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Teleport^* to bring along the correct number of people

^292- ^*Fixed Rhino Rampage's ^256The Chains That Bind^* icon so that it shows
^292- ^*Fixed Rhino Rampage's ^256The Chains That Bind^* chain visuals on the

^079Sir Benzington^*
^292- ^*^256Joust^* will not let him travel across the map if he gets sent back to
base (e.g. via ^256Ophelia's Judgment^*) and the cast point is reached on that same

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Fixed so that the proper HP value is saved when using ^256Cursed Ground^*
on ^256Voodoo Puppet^*

^079War Beast^*
^292- ^*Made ^256Summon Hellbounds^* show the proper icons for his alt avatars

^970Version 3.2.8^*
^292- ^*Fixing ^079Lodestone's^* Plating so it regains charges correctly
^292- ^*Fixed the User Interface after a RIft Wars Match
^292- ^*Fixed Match Rewards rewarding correctly
^292- ^*Fixed MMR not being updated after you finish a game
^292- ^*Fixed Stats being submitted correctly

^970Version 3.2.7^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Soul Reaper^* Alt Avatar: ^079RoboReaper^*

^717* ^*The warped genius inventor who is creating robotic versions of Hellbourne
daemons has designed a mechanical harvester of souls in RoboReaper. Equipped with
cutting-edge radar to locate living souls, RoboReaper uses advanced algorithms to
judge their worth and withering attacks to destroy the living vessels. What the
Hellbourne genius will do with all those collected souls, no one knows...
^717* ^*Releases 11/6/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Master of Arms^* Alt Avatar: ^079Master of Cybernetics^*

^717* ^*Giving up his body for the sake of the Legion, Master of Arms has fitted
himself with the most advanced cybernetic bodysuit the Blacksmiths were able to
construct. 50% human, 50% robot, and 100% ready to melt the Hellbourne ranks with a
barrage computer-aided of weaponry, the Master of Cybernetics is a deadly foe with
all the skills of a mercenary soldier and all the power of a nuclear reactor.
^717* ^*Releases 11/6/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Moon Queen^* Alt Avatar: ^079Eclipse^*

^717* ^*A ruler of distant galaxies and a jaw-dropping beauty in all of them,
Eclipse is a stunning example of alien breeding and near-utopian culture. Having
been in contact with humans before the Fall of Man through technology like
Gundromeda, she recognizes the existential threat that the Hellbourne daemons and
spirits now pose to regions beyond Newerth and its galaxy, and joins the fight to
rid them from the known universe.
^717* ^*Releases 11/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Parasite^* Alt Avatar: ^079NanoParasite^*

^717* ^*The mysterious Hellbourne inventor has outdone himself this time; just ask
him. His NanoParasite is built entirely using nanotechnology and is programmed with
the sole purpose of infecting Legion heroes with a potent virus to spread its vile
presence across Newerth.
^717* ^*Releases 11/13/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Armadon^* Alt Avatar: ^079Robodon^*

^717* ^*Building upon the strength and durability of the slow-witted Armadon was
not an easy task, but increasing his intelligence was a much more realistic goal.
Stuffed to the brim with a phalanx of missiles and equipped with oil pumps for
lubrication of his massive limbs, the Robodon is an industrial miracle, showcasing
both the defensive and offensive capabilities of the Legion's robotic engineering
^717* ^*Releases 11/13/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Rally^* Alt Avatar: ^079Bogatyr^*

^717* ^*No greater glory exists for the wandering Bogatyr than helping those who
cannot help themselves. His treasure lies not in the physical riches that he could
have for his heroic deeds-and in fact, he detests the thought of helping the well-
off for political or capital gain-but in the virtue of selflessness through battle.
He is a symbol of pride, respect, and leadership.
^717* ^*Releases 11/15/2013
^970== New Map & Mode: Rift Wars Beta ==^*

^292- ^*^995Our brave heroes must venture into the alien realm of the Great Rift to
close the portal that is spewing apocalyptic creatures across Newerth. The Great
Rift has its own chaotic reality, however, and each warrior will possess an ever-
shifting array of abilities. Prepare for countless opportunities to showcase your
skills and non-stop OMG anarchy!^*

^292- ^*^539Custom-made Mode that creates a totally different experience every time
you play^*
^717* ^*Everyone picks one hero each. This will be the in-game hero
^717* ^*Everyone then picks two heroes each for the ability shuffle. All heroes are
enabled for this phase, and each hero can only be selected once per game
^717* ^*When the game starts, every player gets four random abilities from the
entire pool of shuffle-picked heroes
^717* ^*When a player dies, they get four new random abilities from the entire pool
of shuffle-picked heroes
^717* ^*^995This is a Beta release because we want to bring this great experience
to all of our players as soon as possible. We will continue to improve the mode,
fix bugs, and bring everyone a bigger and better experience.^*
^717* ^*For more information please see the forums

^292- ^*^539Amulet of Rebirth added as a new ability to every hero in a Rift Wars
^717* ^*You can use the Amulet of Rebirth to re-random all of your abilities while
^717* ^*Using the Amulet costs a small amount of Goblin Coins (NOT gold from
killing creeps)
^717* ^*You can only re-random your ability in your team's Well.
^717* ^*You can earn a free use of the Amulet by playing Rift Wars games

^292- ^*^539Grimm's Crossing is back and better than ever!^*

^717* ^*Grimm's has been re-textured and touched up to be used for the Rift Wars
^717* ^*Players on the map have been increased from 3v3 to 5v5

^292- ^*^539Rift Wars added to Matchmaking^*

^717* ^*Stats are not recorded for this mode other than the "Games Played" and

^970Version 3.2.6^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Grinex^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cyber Steel Grinex^*

^717* ^*A mysterious mad inventor is creating robotic versions of Hellbourne
daemons, and one of his proudest designs is ^079Cyber Steel Grinex^*, a perfect
improvement upon the original, flawed creature from the Rift. When ^079Cyber Steel
Grinex^* dominates the battlefield, all of Newerth will recognize the genius and
fervor inherent in the design.
^717* ^*Releases 10/23/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Draconis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mecha Draconis^*

^717* ^*An ambitious move by the Legion to combine the power of the ancient
protector ^079Draconis^* with forgotten technology that once wrought destruction
upon an entire generation has resulted in a mechanical wyvern so sleek and deadly
that obtaining a piece of his body is even more valuable than the treasure
^079Draconis^* once protected.
^717* ^*Releases 10/23/2013

^292- ^*Added an upgrade to ^539Taunt^*: ^539Super Taunt^*

^717* ^*Use the Super Taunt like kryptonite to utterly demolish your opponent. And
his support. And his buddy who went mid. And the jungler. And then him again.
Because when you're this good, "super" is the only way to describe your skill.
^717* ^*If you have the ^539Super Taunt^* upgrade, the Taunt ability is refreshed
when you kill someone you have Taunted
^717* ^*^539Super Taunt^* can only be purchased through Plinko Ticket Redemption.
^717* ^*Releases 10/23/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Behemoth^* Alt Avatar: ^079Basher Behemoth^*

^717* ^*The United States World Series is in full swing, and ^079Basher Behemoth^*
is ready to sock a few Hellbourne dingers out of the park. No performance enhancing
drugs here, unless you count ^090Frostfield Plate^* and a ^090Behemoth's Heart^*.
^717* ^*Releases 10/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Amun-Ra^* Alt Avatar: ^079RoboRa^*

^717* ^*^079RoboRa^* may be the unknown Hellbourne inventor's most nefarious
creation. This mechanical monster is powered by solar energy, harnessing the gift
of Sol and using it against those who worship him.
^717* ^*Releases 10/30/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Nomad^* Alt Avatar: ^079Exterminator Nomad^*

^717* ^*A relic of the genocides that occurred during the scientific enlightenment
before the Fall of Man, the ^079Exterminator Nomad^* was sent on roaming missions
by the government to infiltrate underground resistance camps and exterminate them
one by one. Once adept at combing large areas of urban decay without rest, the
robotic body of this ancient warrior has been almost perfectly preserved, resting
in Tork the Engineer's cellar until his circuitry could be understood and
^717* ^*Releases 10/30/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^539Taunt^*: ^539Rainbow Taunt^*

^717* ^*What better way to embarrass your enemies than to kill them with kindness?
Show your true colors when this fabulous beast struts onto the battlefield, loud
and proud.
^717* ^*Releases 11/1/2013

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Halloween has come to Newerth once again!^*

^292- ^*^090Logger's Hatchet^* no longer deals increased damage to allied creeps

^292- ^*^090Logger's Hatchet^* can no longer be thrown at Bosses
^292- ^*^090Logger's Hatchet^* now deals the correct amount of damage to Mechanical
units when thrown
^717* ^*Was dealing 100% of your attack damage when it should have been dealing 50%
against Mechanical units

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Ancient Creeps will now be able to attack Lane Creeps that are player
^292- ^*^079Circe^*, ^079Empath^*, ^079Fayde^*, ^079Gemini^*, ^079Grinex^*,
^079Kinesis^*, and ^079Parasite^* will now correctly interact with morphs such as
^079Dark Lady's^* ^256Cover of Darkness^*
^717* ^*This bug caused units to sometimes be unselectable
^292- ^*Quarterback Blitz^*: ^256Blitzkrieg^* now correctly stuns
^292- ^*Zephyr: ^256Cyclones^* will no longer go up to 16 in number from using

^292- ^*^539Plinko^*: If you exit plinko mid-drop it will now resume the drop when
you reopen it
^292- ^*^539Plinko^*: Fixed sound issues

^292- ^*Fixed blinking on Ability cooldowns in the spectator UI

^292- ^*Fixed the close buttons on notifications not working correctly

^970Version 3.2.5^*
^970== General ==^*

^820+ ^*^995Stop by Merrick's shop and test your chances with his new game! Use
gold or 'tickets' to drop a chip for a chance to win some great prizes.^*
^292- ^*The outcome of Plinko drops are randomly determined. On average value of
prizes won will exceed the gold cost of playing the game

^820+ ^*^995The Observatory has provided an unnecessary advantage to the Hellbourne
team, allowing purchases from middle lane. The addition of Dust of Revelation is a
quality of life change that allows for an additional avenue of countering invisible
heroes that previously existed exclusively with transportation of the courier.^*
^292- ^*Added ^090Dust of Revelation^* to the shop
^292- ^*Reduced the purchasing range of the Hellbourne Observatory from 500 to 370

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*^539Added new Announcer Pack: Samuel L. Jackson Pack^*

^717* ^*We are honored and beyond excited to announce the release of the Samuel L.
Jackson Announcer Pack! Let the rest of Newerth hear just how much of a BAMF you
are with custom lines from the baddest man on the planet, like "Welcome to Newerth,
^717* ^*Releases 10/9/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Keeper of the Forest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Willow Keeper^*
^717* ^*The ^079Willow Keeper^* is an impressive sight to behold: a wise and
grizzled old treant rumored to be one of the first offspring from the World Tree.
Having survived in some of the harshest environments throughout time, from the
waterless Savannahs to the life-rotting Rulian Marsh, his durability will surely be
a boon to the defenses of the Legion soldiers, beasts, and flora.
^717* ^*Releases 10/11/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Andromeda^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gundromeda^*

^717* ^*After crash-landing in the northern forests of Caldavar, this celestial
maiden was excavated from her crater and brought to the Iron City for the Engineers
to study. While her armor may be dinged up, her CPU remains unharmed and ready to
aid the Legion, both in battle and in understanding the technology of man before
the Fall.
^717* ^*Releases 10/16/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Lodestone^* Alt Avatar: ^079Penitent Lodestone^*

^717* ^*Before the Hellbringers had fully perfected the dark art of imbuing
daemonic contraptions with the souls of the damned, ^079Dr. Repulsor^* took matters
into his own hands with a series of "experiments" that even some Hellbourne would
consider vile. Dissecting captured Legion prisoners and inserting cables into their
bodies fueled the robotic war machines known as ^079Penitent Lodestones^* by way of
pain and suffering, forcing the pilots to willingly subject themselves to war for a
chance to end their constant misery.
^717* ^*Releases 10/16/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Aluna^* Alt Avatar: ^079Steampunk Aluna^*

^717* ^*When it's time to put brass to ass, nobody is better suited for the job
than ^079Steampunk Aluna^*. Fitted with coiled stilettos and enough gears to shake
a (pneumatic) stick at, this feisty heroine is ready to prove the Hellbourne threat
is nothing but hot air. The battle for Newerth just got a little steamier,
figuratively and literally.
^717* ^*Releases 10/18/2013

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Stealth abilities can no longer be purged or transferred

^820+ ^*^995Ra has always been a fan favorite for a lot of players. The lane
presence of Ra combined with allies has become too lethal so we're toning down his
burst damage. To compensate, we are allowing Ashes to Ashes to work on creep damage
again, bringing back his ability to jungle efficiently. The increased radius and
removal of attack speed helps refine Ra's focus towards Magic Damage over time.^*
^292- ^*Increased Armor by 1
^292- ^*^256Path of Destruction^*: Reduced damage from 110/180/250/320 to
^292- ^*^256Ignite^*: Reduced damage from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180
^292- ^*^256Ashes to Ashes^*: Now works on creeps again
^292- ^*^256Ashes to Ashes^*: Radius increased from 350 to 400
^292- ^*^256Ashes to Ashes^*: removed attack speed

^820+ ^*^995Power Throw is individually a strong ability. Rather than reducing its
high damage, we've increased the mana cost instead to bring it more in line with
other nukes.^*
^292- ^*^256Power Throw^*: Increased mana from 100/110/120/130 to 110/120/130/140

^820+ ^*^995Behemoth has always been an iconic wrecking bomb with a portal key. We
feel it is time to bring back some of his old strengths by alleviating some of his
mana cost issues and putting a larger emphasis on his reward for Shockwave.^*
^292- ^*Increased starting Intelligence from 16 to 17
^292- ^*Increased Intelligence gain per level from 1.8 to 2.0
^292- ^*^256Fissure^*: Mana Cost lowered from 125,140,155,170 to 120,130,140,150
^292- ^*^256Shockwave^*: Increases the radius from 500 to 600
^292- ^*^256Shockwave^*: Increases the bonus radius per unit from 500 to 600
^292- ^*^256Shockwave^*: Cooldown lowered from 150,130,110 to 130,120,110

^820+ ^*^995Boom Dust has always felt awkward with the range being significantly
less than attack range. While we don't want it to be free damage on every auto
attack, we are increasing the range to feel much better in the laning phase.^*
^292- ^*^256Boom Dust^*: Increased cast range from 500 to 550

^820+ ^*^995With the emphasis of movement speed from a lot of more recent items and
heroes, we feel Cthuluphant has experienced a large increase in difficulty of
landing trample.^*
^292- ^*^256Trample^*: increased the speed from 700 to 800

^820+ ^*^995Alongside our direction nerfs to reduce unskilled burst, we're
comfortable with Dampeer's baseline output however we're reducing his maximum
damage potential. These changes will be most noticeable with the maximum number of
^292- ^*^256Terrorize^*: Reduces bonus damage granted from each essence from 30 to
^292- ^*^256Vampiric Flight^*: Reduces bonus damage granted from each essence from
20 to 15
^292- ^*^256Vampiric Flight^*: Fixed a string error with the heal per essence from
15 to 5 (gameplay values remain the same)
^292- ^*^256Consume^*: Reduces bonus damage granted from each essence from 40,60,80
to 35,55,75

^820+ ^*^995Devourer's overall damage output has been too high. Devourer's
intention has always been to be a brute force tank with high magic damage output at
the cost of his own safety. Rather than toning down the exciting thins about the
hero, we're reverting the extra physical attack damage granted by his ultimate.^*
^292- ^*^256Devour^*: Removed the increase in attack damage that you gain from
channeling the ultimate.

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^820+ ^*^995Doctor Repulsor has always experienced some difficulties getting to 6
but still lacked some power even after achieving level 6. We've added a bit of
power to his early game ultimate while keeping his late game power the same.^*
^292- ^*^256Ludicrous Speed^*: Increased the speed from 1250/1875/2500 to

^820+ ^*^995Ellonia truly shines with her stacks of frost when she can land
consecutive hits of her abilities. While we like the high skill shot play style
that Ellonia provides, we feel that difficulty of landing Glacial Spike was too
^292- ^*^256Glacial Spike^*: Increased the speed of the projectile from 1000 to
^292- ^*^256Glacial Spike^*: Increased the touch radius from 90 to 110

^820+ ^*^995Engineer has always been able to engage with very little risk.
Considering the most optimal position of his abilities is still on the other side
of enemies, we wanted to keep the ranges high but decided to tone it down a bit.^*
^292- ^*^256The Keg^*: Lowered cast range from 800 to 750
^292- ^*^256Steam Turret^*: Lowered cast range from 800 to 750
^292- ^*^256Steam Turret^*: Each charge has it's own timer instead of fully
refreshing the slow

^820+ ^*^995Tundra Blast's cast range combined with it's radius has allowed for
some incredible initiations. We're reducing the range to require Glacius to be more
considerate of his positioning.^*
^292- ^*Tundra Blast^*: Decreased range from 700 to 600
^292- ^*^256Ice Imprisonment^*: Now allows turning

^820+ ^*^995With the popularity of increase in movement speed items and abilities,
we've found Earth's Grasp to be irrelevant too early in the game. we're increasing
the movement speed require to avoid the damage from Earth's Grasp to keep it
relevant for a longer period in the game.^*
^292- ^*^256Earth's Grasp^*: Increased radius from 180 to 195 (now requires over
390 Movement Speed to avoid)

^079Night Hound^*
^820+ ^*^995Night Hound's new found power from his recent changes to his ultimate
has made him a bit problematic. We appreciate the addition of his new ultimate so
we're taking a look at some of the frustration the hero creates. we're toning down
the disruptive radius of Smoke Bomb in team fights at the later stages without
affecting his early game too much. we're also putting a greater emphasis on the
choice for enemy players to fight the Night Hound head on or flee at the cost of
bonus backstab damage.^*
^292- ^*Magic armor reduced from 5.75 to 5
^292- ^*Agility gain reduced from 2.9 to 2.5
^292- ^*^256Smoke Bomb^*: No longer reduces attack speed
^292- ^*^256Smoke Bomb^*: Radius reduced from 250/275/300/325 to 275
^292- ^*^256Smoke Bomb^*: Cooldown increased from 15 to 30/25/20/15 seconds
^292- ^*^256Pounce^*: Will now always appear between you and the target instead of
always behind the target
^292- ^*^256Invisibility^*: Reduced agility per level from 6/12/18 to 5/10/15

^820+ ^*^995In addition to his recent buffs, we've felt that Kraken could still use
a tiny push. Kraken can now be more aggressive with harass damage in lane with his
splash attack.^*
^292- ^*^256Splash^*: reduced cooldown from 11/10/9/8 to 10/9/8/7

^820+ ^*^995An old time favorite and an icon in the game, Maliken has fallen off
the charts through time. we're putting emphasis on his concept as a carry with
increased power at high risk, forcing enemies to finish him off at low health or be
punished by his potential.^*
^292- ^*Increases starting strength by 1
^292- ^*^256Hellbourne Zeal^*: increased max charges from 100 to 120
^292- ^*^256Possession^*: Increased fear duration from 1/1.5/2 to 1.5/1.75/2
^292- ^*^256Enchanted Flames^*: Reduces the damage taken on self from 6,9,12,15 to
^292- ^*^256Enchanted Flames^*: Increases bonus attack damage from 10,20,30,40 to

^820+ ^*^995Draining Venom has been adding a lot of late game damage to Parasite,
allowing him to burst most enemies regardless of the length of the game. Alongside
our directional changes to reduce unskilled burst, we're removing the bonus damage
granted from items and creating more decisions for the Parasite in his item choice
rather than always killing your target with codex.^*
^292- ^*^256Draining Venom^*: No longer works on any items.
^292- ^*^256Face Hug^*: No longer transfers any buffs or debuffs on magic immune
targets. Will still transfer Protective Charm from Jeraziah to self then apply

^820+ ^*^995Predator's new found strength from Elder Parasite and reworked Terror
has made him extremely difficult to deal with. We find the changes to Terror to be
more enjoyable than the previous implementation but we feel its about time to tone
it down a bit. we're increasing the counter play around the activation of Terror by
requiring more attacks and reducing his early game stats.^*
^292- ^*Decreased starting strength from 25 to 23
^292- ^*Increased strength gain from 2.4 to 2.5
^292- ^*Movement Speed reduced from 300 to 295
^292- ^*^256Terror^*: Increased the amount of attacks to activate from 3 to 4

^820+ ^*^995Prisoner is still relatively new and while we don't want to hit him too
hard. We've found that the combination of his tankiness and lethality early game is
too high. Lowering his armor to make him more vulnerable to harass damage and
lowering the impact of Shackled at the early levels. we're refocusing some of the
free activation damage from Prison Break and putting a larger emphasis on the
trigger damage for Prisoner while granting a larger reward for enemy counter
^292- ^*Starting Armor lowered from 1.10 to 0.60 (total armor from 3.5 to 3.0)
^292- ^*^256Shackled^*: Slow decreased from 30% to 20,25,30,35%
^292- ^*"Target Closest" activation has been removed
^292- ^*^256Prison Break^*: Initial damage reduced from 150,225,300 to 100,150,200
^292- ^*^256Prison Break^*: Trigger damage increased from 150,200,300 to

^079Puppet Master^*
^820+ ^*^995We feel Puppet Master has fallen behind in his carry potential compared
to some other favorites due to his previous nerfs. Rather than increasing his
already incredibly long disables, we've put a larger emphasis on his WhipLash
allowing him to enjoy the uses of Assassin's Shroud wiping creep waves much earlier
in the game.^*
^292- ^*Increased starting damage by 2
^292- ^*^256Whiplash^*: Reducing charges from 5 to 4
^292- ^*^256Whiplash^*: Increasing critical damage from 1.25,1.5,1.75,2.0 to
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^*: Increased damage amplification from the Puppet from
140,160,180% to 150,170,190%

^820+ ^*^995Dance Floor has always ideally wanted to be placed on the other side of
the enemy to gain the most benefit. An increase in cast range will feel much better
for Rhapsody when used in combination with Staccato.^*
^292- ^*Increased the cast range of dance floor from 500 to 600. Feels much better
with the use of her stun

^820+ ^*^995Riftwalker is perceived as a weaker support in exchange for what she
provides in the later stages of the game being one of the few support initiators.
We've toned down some of her harsh level and gold requirements making it less
punishing to play the support role.^*
^292- ^*Increasing Starting Magic Armor from 5.75 to 6.0
^292- ^*^256Wormhole^*: Lowered the mana cost at all levels from 150/200/250 to
^292- ^*^256Shared Existence^*: Reduces cooldown from 20,16,12,8 to 10

^820+ ^*^995We've found Sand Wraith to have a significant increase in strength due
to the recent emphasis on hero bounties and cooldown reductions to Mirage. We like
the opportunity and action that his global presence creates so instead we've
lowered his early game tankiness a bit making him more manageable in lane. Desert's
Curse is also getting a significant decrease in the lingertime putting more meaning
on the placement both for the Sand Wraith and enemies.^*
^292- ^*Reduced starting strength from 19 to 17
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse^*: Reduced the linger time of the debuff slow from
Desert's Curse from 3 seconds to 1 second.

^079The Madman^*
^820+ ^*^995The cooldown of stalk was initially increased due to the frustration
that The Madman created. With the recent buffs to his counters like Dust of
Revelation, Wards of Sight and Puzzle Box. We are comfortable with a revert to his
previous changes.^*
^292- ^*^256Stalk: Reduced cooldown from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6

^820+ ^*^995SoulStealer, an old time favorite has lost a lot of his appeal. The
recent changes to mitigate his soul loss mechanic we feel was the wrong way to go,
it ended up removing the counter play involved and lost a lot of meaning of the
skill. Instead we're bringing back the risk and reward of the skill and even
putting a greater emphasis on the mechanic. Soulstealer will now be able to reach
higher peaks while also putting more emphasis on his death.^*
^292- ^*^256Demon Hand^*: Reduced the mana cost from 80 to 75
^292- ^*^256Soulsteal^*: Increased the maximum number of souls from 8,15,23,30 to
10,20,30,40(damage potential of Soul Burst remains the same)
^292- ^*^256Soulsteal^*: Death reduction changed from 1/3 to 1/2
^292- ^*^256Soul Burst^*: Increased the movement speed slow from 15,20,25% to 25%
^292- ^*^256Soul Burst^*: Increases the base damage reduction from -15,-20,-25% to

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed cast range indicators on ^256Doppelganger^* and ^256Twisted Visage^*
^292- ^*Entrapment can now properly be cast near the edge of the map
^292- ^*Entrapment can no longer be used on heroes who are magic immune
^292- ^*Fixed interaction with Amun-Ra's ultimate such that if Circe transforms
into Amun-Ra (with ultimate skilled) and Circe's transformation time expires
naturally, then she won't be "killed" and revive with 60% HP

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Overgrowth^* so that the damage comes from the correct source

^292- ^*Creeps afflicted by taunt will no longer be aggressive towards the
Legionnaire after the state expires
^292- ^*Targets afflicted by taunt will no longer be silenced and perplexed if
legionnaire dies within the duration

^292- ^*^079Riftwalker^*: ^090Staff of the Master^* visual effect after teleporting

will now be visible to enemies. Can no longer target boss units
^292- ^*^079Shadowblade's^* ^256Feint Siphon^*: will no longer give attack damage
to Shadowblade if the target has negative damage
^292- ^*^079Pestilence's^* ^256Gore^*: Illusions now do 33% damage of gore and
cannot stun
^292- ^*Homecoming Stone disarm time will now be equal to the teleport time as
well.(4 seconds for outer towers)
^292- ^*Fix crash with HoNTour spectators

^970Version 3.2.4^*
^970== General ==^*
^292- ^*Added new Hero: ^079Circe the Deceiver^*
^717* ^*^079Circe^* is a support hero who specializes in deceiving the enemy
through the use of illusions and clone mechanics. Her ultimate allows her to copy
an enemies items and abilities.
^717* ^*^256Entrapment - Target a location to throw an orb in that direction. The
first enemy hero hit by the orb is dealt 60/120/180/240 Magic Damage and
Immobilized for 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 Seconds. Once Entrapment ends, it will jump to
another nearby enemy dealing the same damage and immobilize.
^717* ^*^256Doppelganger - Target a hero to create an illusion of them under your
control for 15/20/25/30 seconds. The Illusion receives 350% damage and deals 33%
damage. If cast upon an enemy, applies a 20% Movement Speed Slow to them for 2
^717* ^*^256Deceive - Activate to immediately stealth and leave an illusion behind
for 4/6/8/10 seconds.
^717* ^*^256Twisted Visage - Target an enemy hero to channel for 2 seconds. After
channeling completes, you become a copy of the enemy hero including items and
abilities for 15 seconds. While in this form, you deal 70/85/100% damage.
^717* ^*This Hero will be released with 2 avatars. One is a Premium Alt Avatar and
the other is a Debut Edition. Debut Edition Alt Avatars are sold for a limited
period of time after the release of a hero. They are not exclusively limited to
that period of time and may reappear within the store at a later time.
^717* ^*Releases 9/25/2013

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Circe the Deceiver^* Debut Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Poison
^717* ^*The Deceiver takes many forms, and her appearance known as ^079Poison
Circe^* is rumored to have been born in the Garden of Eden, a land she considered
her own before those two interlopers arrived. Since then her toxic charade has been
the downfall of many utopias.
^717* ^*Releases 9/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Circe the Deceiver^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Iron Maiden^*
^717* ^*When the ship's wreckage washed ashore on ^079Circe's^* island prison in
the 8th century, the one item that held her fascination seemed to be a sort of man-
sized jail cell lined with iron spikes. She mimicked its form and function and
eagerly awaited the opportunity to enjoy it with a human. The next sailors who set
foot on her sands did not savor it nearly as much as she did.
^717* ^*Releases 9/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ophelia^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Sylvia^*

^717* ^*Daughter of ^079Circe the Deceiver^*, mother of ^079Ophelia^*, and bane of
^079Maliken Grimm^*, the mystical shapeshifter ^079Sylvia^* has emerged from the
darkest forests of Caldavar to stand with her Beasts and her cherished bloodline
against the Hellbourne.

^717* ^*Upgrade her model throughout the game with the following items:
^717* ^*Weapon Horns: ^090Codex / ^090Stormspirit / ^090Sol's Bulwark /
^090Daemonic Breastplate
^717* ^*Head Horns: ^090Puzzlebox / ^090Tablet of Command / ^090Abyssal Skull
^717* ^*Wings: ^090Staff of the Master / ^090Kuldra's Sheepstick / ^090Barrier Idol
/ ^090Shaman's Headdress
^717* ^*Stripes: ^090Power Supply / ^090Energizer
^717* ^*Legs: ^090Boots / ^090Upgraded Boots
^717* ^*Arms/Tail: ^090Astrolabe / ^090Ring of Sorcery / ^090Nome's Wisdom /
^090Sacrificial Stone
^717* ^*You can also modify her effects by owning the following avatars:
^717* ^*^079Snot Keeper (Gravekeeper)^*
^717* ^*^079Earthroc Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Ogre Blacksmith^*

^717* ^*Owning these four avatars will give Sylvia these effects:
^717* ^*Glowing tips on her horns (after she gets her horns)
^717* ^*Blood dripping from her claws (after she gets her claws)
^717* ^*A chiprel who follows her around

^717* ^*Releases 9/27/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gravekeeper^* Alt Avatar: ^079Snot Keeper^*

^717* ^*This crotchety old hermit has spent years away from society, choosing to
pass the days with his tame pet Snotters instead. But now that the Legion and
Hellbourne have refused to stay off his lawn, he's out for payback!
^717* ^*Releases 9/30/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Blacksmith^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ogre Blacksmith^*

^717* ^*Brilliant, but lacking common sense; lazy, but compelled to forge; the
^079Ogre Magi^* is a walking contradiction, and he likes being that way! If he
didn't also hate being that way, of course. Infusing elemental magic into his
hammers, this tiny monster brings the pain to his enemies with a frozen blast. Or a
fiery barrage. Or with a little luck, total annihilation… Not that he believes in
luck, or anything.
^717* ^*Releases 10/2/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pebbles^* Alt Avatar: ^079Earthroc Pebbles^*

^717* ^*The south of Caldavar is littered with the remains of monasteries and
forgotten architecture long lost to the sands of time. From the remains of an
ancient Temple of Sol, hidden in the dense forests on the way to Sang-La, emerges
^079Earthroc Pebbles^*: a titan of the jungle -- brought to life by ^079Sylvia^* --
who has survived the erosion of millennia.
^717* ^*Releases 10/4/2013

^970== Balance Changes ==^*

^292- ^*Ancients and lane creeps will no longer attack each other

^292- ^*^256Burning Shadows^*: Damage decreased from 70/140/210/280 to
^292- ^*^256Reflection^*: Damage decreased from 225/375/525 to 200/325/450

^292- ^*^256Magnetic Surge^*: Mana Cost reduced from 20/30/40/50 to 25
^292- ^*^256Polarity Swap^*: Now a 5-level ability and has a level in it at the
start of the game

^292- ^*^256Transmute^*: Duration of the debuff to land two abilities increased
from 3 seconds to 4 seconds

^292- ^*^256Charge^*: No longer starts its cooldown until after you land the charge
on someone
^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Added a sound effect to the add bot button

^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^* will no longer affect his own team if applied to an
illusion that naturally expires before the debuff expires

^292- ^*^256Trample^* cannot be cast again until ^079Cthulhuphant's^* current
^256Trample^* is finished

^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* will no longer refresh all abilities when using
decapitate on non-Hero targets

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Can no longer ^256Heavenly Vault^* distances farther than intended
^292- ^*^256Heavenly Vault^* for Alt Avatars now moves at the correct speed

^292- ^*^256Persecution^* now procs on misses, however only the stun event will

^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* will no longer break channel when using charges
from Staccato or any items that would work with normal channeling
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Protective Melody^* animation so that it cancels properly when
she stops channeling without issuing any further orders

^079Riftwalker ^*
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* visual effect after teleporting will now be
visible to enemies. Can no longer target boss units

^292- ^*^256Feint's Siphon^* will no longer give attack damage to ^079Shadowblade^*
if the target has negative damage

^970Version 3.2.3^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ravenor^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079El Diablo^*

^717* ^*If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! Furious at his
Hellbourne minions for keeping the souls of the slaughtered Legion to themselves,
the daemon king ^079El Diablo^* surfaces in a tempest of fire and fury to punish
the disobedient and collect the souls which are rightfully his.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/13/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Dark Lady^* Alt Avatar: ^079Set^*

^717* ^*Summoned by the same corrupted disciples of Sol that brought ^079Amun-Ra^*
to Newerth, the goddess of darkness, ^079Set^*, seeks to rain chaos and disorder
upon those foolish enough to disturb the sandy throne of the sun god, tearing
through Legion ranks unseen and untouched.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/11/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Dampeer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Camazotz^*

^717* ^*Reveling in the pools of blood that litter Caldavar's forests,
^079Camazotz^* glides through the brush with a mouth full of fangs and a colony of
hungry bats adorning his wings. Decorated with ancient Mayan markings, this god of
death and ritual sacrifice yearns to glean the lifeforce from naive warriors by
force, replacing their smile with his own.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/16/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ellonia^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ymir^*

^717* ^*In the heart of the Ice Caves north of Hell's Keep, the frost giant
^079Ymir^* stirs, roused from centuries of slumber by the opening of the Great
Rift. As he ventures onto the battlefield, this titan of the frozen north intends
to leave more in his wake than a trail of frigid footsteps.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/18/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Voodoo Jester^* Avatar: ^079Hel^*

^717* ^*There are some who consider the various realms of the underworld a
punishment, but not ^079Hel^*. She presides over her beloved deceased souls from
her vast mansions, worshipped by countless servants and proud to be the mistress of
the dead and diseased. She is also relieved her hideous appearance-half beautiful
woman and half decaying crone-draws no attention in the realm of the dead. But that
relief is soon to end, for her father Loki has summoned her to Newerth to bring
about the end of days. At least she will have many more souls to welcome when she
returns home.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/20/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Soulstealer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hades^*

^717* ^*^079Hades^* drifts through the battle-ravaged landscape, propelled by the
hands of spirits longing to return to Newerth, and angered by his brothers
accepting defeated warriors into their realms after death. Those who he passes over
are sent directly to the Underworld, their screams muffled beneath the crust of the
^717* ^*Releases on 9/23/2013

^970== Stafff of the Master Upgrades ==^*

^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* now upgrades the Ultimate Abilities of several
new heroes!

^292- ^*^256Flame Consumption^*: In addition to increasing the duration by 2
seconds and letting you activate the ability while Silenced, you can now activate
the ability while Stunned

^292- ^*^256Carnage^*: Now activatable while disabled and when activated, removes
all debuffs and disables from yourself
^292- ^*^256Carnage^*: Reduces the incoming Damage Multiplier from 15% to 0%
^292- ^*^256Carnage^*: Increases the Bonus Damage based on your Maximum Health from
6/7/8% to 8/9/10%

^292- ^*^256Lightning Shackles^*: Slow duration increased from 3 to 4 Seconds
^292- ^*^256Lightning Shackles^*: Now also applies -100 Attack Speed Slow for the
^292- ^*^256Lightning Shackles^*: Increases damage from 225/325/425 to 325/425/525

^079Corrupted Disciple ^*
^292- ^*^256Overload^*: Increased the frequency of the bolts from from every
0.8/0.7/0.6 seconds to every 0.7/0.6/0.5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Overload^*: Each bolt will bounce twice to new targets
^079Legionnaire ^*
^292- ^*^256Decapitate^*: Instantly refreshes all of your Abilities (not Items)
when you sucessfully Execute a target

^292- ^*^256Berserk^*: Attack Speed increased from 40/80/120 to 80/120/160
^292- ^*^256Berserk^*: Movement Speed increased from 5/7/9% to 10/14/18%
^292- ^*^256Berserk^*: While active and if Madman's health reaches 0, he will not
die immediately and will instead die in 5 seconds. During this time, he can still
act and attack normally.

^292- ^*^256Hand in Hand^*: Heals both yourself and the target to full life

^292- ^*^256Cleansing Wind^*: Radius increased from 225 to 900
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Wind^*: After a 3 second delay, fires a second Clensing Wind

^292- ^*^256Protective Melody^*: Duration increased from 4/5/6 to 5/6/7
^292- ^*^256Protective Melody^*: You can now move at 150 Movespeed while
channeling, but attacking, being disabled, casting another spell, or activating an
item will end the spell

^292- ^*^256Wormhole^*: Range increased from 1200 to 1400
^292- ^*^256Wormhole^*: Can now activate the ability again within 2/2.25/2.5
seconds of using it to teleport yourself and all enemies hit back to where you
started casting it

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Mirage^*: When using the secondary activation and teleporting to one of
your illusions, all enemies within 400 units of there are feared for 2 seconds then
slowed by 15% for an additional 4 seconds

^292- ^*^256Poison Burst^*: In addition increasing the Damage done and reducing the
cooldown, the Damage is now lethal

^970== Item Changes ==^*

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*Vision of ^090Wards^* now lingers for 4 seconds after the ^090Bound Eye^*
vision ends

^090Frostfield Plate^*
^292- ^*Rebalanced the static -25 Attack Speed aura to a -20% Attack Speed aura

^090Frostwolf Skull^*
^292- ^*Agility increased from 15 to 20
^292- ^*Intelligence increased from 15 to 20

^090Grimoire of Power^*
^292- ^*Damage per second debuff reduced from 40 to 35 per second
^292- ^*Recipe Cost increased from 700 to 800
^090Icon of the Goddess^*
^292- ^*Whenever a charge is added to the item, you gain a buff granting +30 Health
& Mana Regeneration for 10 seconds

^090Shaman's Headdress^*
^292- ^*Now takes a ^090Lifetube^*, Two ^090Trinkets of Restoration^*, and
^090Mystic Vestments^*
^292- ^*Health Regeneration increased from 8 to 9

^090Lex Talionis^*
^292- ^*Cost decreased from 300 to 275

^970== Hero Changes ==^*

^292- ^*In addition to not being able to attack Towers, summoned minions can no
longer attack any buildings when their owner is no longer in range

^292- ^*^256Willowmaker^*: Strength Reduction increased from 20% to 30%
^292- ^*^256Willowmaker^*: Damage decreased from 350/650/950 to 225/475/725

^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^*: Cooldown increased from 14 to 20/18/16/14 seconds
^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^*: Travel time of the drill increased from 0.5 seconds to
0.6 seconds
^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^*: Lodestone's travel speed decreased from 2000 to 1750
^292- ^*^256Shatterstorm^*: Slow now tapers off smoothly over 5 seconds instead of

^292- ^*^256Stalgmites^*: Damage decreased from 100/160/220/280 to 85/145/205/265
^292- ^*^256Chuck^*: Damage decreased from 75/150/225/300 to 70/140/210/280

^292- ^*^256Vanish^*: Movement Speed decreased from 25% to 10/15/20/25%
^292- ^*^256Vanish^*: Changed bonus when you come out of Stealth from 1/2/3/4
attacks at 300 Attack Speed to 4 attacks at 75/150/225/300 Attack Speed
^292- ^*^256Electric Eye^*: Detection range increased from 150 to 200 units
^717* ^*The detection range is the distance from the ^256Electric Eye in which an
enemy unit must be within to reveal it

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Bot: ^079Gravekeeper^*

^717* ^*Bot created by community member Schnarchnase
^717* ^*Schnarchnase receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the
Robot Courier forum award!
^717* ^*Join us on the bot subforums to create your own bot!

^292- ^*Improved lasthit calculations for bots, resulting in 50-70% increase in

last hits and denies.
^717* ^*Thanks to paradox870 and the Community Bot Team for all their hard work~!

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Removed ground crack visuals from following his moving targets after
^079Behemoth^* autoattacks them
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Heavyweight^* and ^256Shockwave^* tooltips so that their radius
shows up in simple tooltips

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Mirage Strike's^* invisibility so that it breaks when Nomad
finishes his attack, not when he starts the attack animation

^292- ^*Fixed an exploit so that Pebbles cannot use ^256Chuck^* and ^256Group
Chuck^* immediately after if he drops ^090Staff of the Master^* before using Chuck
and picks up SotM after Chuck is cast

^292- ^*Fixed the pause hotkey/bind for replays

^292- ^*Added info about Couriers being uncontrollable to the tooltips for the

^292- ^*Fixed the Tutorial
^292- ^*Updated ^079Hang Tuah^* to correctly be a Gold Edition Avatar
^292- ^*Updated ^079Scarecrow Fayde^* to correctly be a normal Alt Avatar, not a
Holiday Edition Avatar

^970Version 3.2.2^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Night Hound^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Cowardly Night Hound^*
^717* ^*Put 'em up, put 'em up! The Ultimate ^079Night Hound^* may start out
cowardly, but as you add items his courage grows large enough to fill the lanes!
^717* ^*^090Elder Parasite^* / ^090Symbol of Rage^* / ^090Abyssal Skull^*: Face
mask and hair upgrade
^717* ^*^090Firebrand^*: Flaming weapons
^717* ^*^090Nullfire Blade^* / ^090Brutalizer^* / ^090Thunderclaw^* / ^090Charged
Hammer^*: Weapon upgrades
^717* ^*^090Boots^*: Leg armor upgrade
^717* ^*^090Energizer^* / ^090Soulscream Ring^* / Iron Shield^*: Body armor upgrade
^717* ^*^090Minor Totem^* / ^090Lex Talionis^*: Badge of courage
^717* ^*Releases on 8/30/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Deadwood^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gravewood Deadyard^*

^717* ^*The ^079Wicked Hag of the West^* has called forth the monstrous, cursed
trees of Hellbourne burial grounds to impede the Legion's progress through the
Forest of Caldavar. ^079Tin Hammerstorm^*, sharpen that ax!
^717* ^*Releases on 8/28/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Hammerstorm^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tin Hammerstorm^*

^717* ^*There's plenty of heart in this warrior, who has proven his worth in
countless battles dating back to when Maliken led Man against Beast. Still, no one
knows if a man lies beneath the armor, or a machine.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/2/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pearl^* Alt Avatar: ^079Good Witch Pearl^*

^717* ^*This optimistic spellcaster wants to see the best in everyone, but
sometimes those mean old Hellbourne just don't have a redeemable scrap of good in
them. When that happens, ^079Good Witch Pearl^* is happy to send them into the
afterlife to be reborn and try again.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/4/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sand Wraith^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hang Tuah^*

^717* ^*Rising from the waters where his iconic weapon once rested, the legendary
Malaysian warrior Hang Tuah has emerged to drown Newerth in a flood of fear,
vanishing only when he is once again the strongest fighter on land and sea.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/6/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Fayde^* Holiday Avatar: ^079Scarecrow Fayde^*

^717* ^*^079Scarecrow Fayde^* could be called mindless in his pursuit of Legion
heroes, reaping entire fields and forests just to harvest the souls hiding in the
shadows within.
^717* ^*Releases on 9/9/2013

^970== General ==^*

^090Courier Rework^*
^292- ^*In the bottom right corner of the screen, the "Commands" have been removed.
The panel now shows:
^717* ^*Taunt
^717* ^*Fortification
^717* ^*"Use Courier" Button
^717* ^*^090Courier^* Status
^292- ^*When you use the "Use Courier" Button, the ^090Courier^* will grab all of
the items in your stash, use Speed Burst, deliver the items to you, and return to
^292- ^*The Courier Status now shows stats at a glance about the ^090Courier^*
^717* ^*The icon will change depending on what the ^090Courier^* is doing. Changes
^717* ^*Idle, Getting Stash Items, Delivering, Returning, Dead, or Roaming (when
someone is manually controlling it)
^717* ^*Upper Icon changes color based on who is controlling the ^090Courier^*
^717* ^*Lower Icon changes based on if the current ^090Courier^* is Private,
Shared, or Dead

^292- ^*This information will also appear when your stash is open

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Starting Strength reduced from 19 to 18
^292- ^*Starting Agility reduced from 20 to 19
^292- ^*Starting Intelligence reduced from 18 to 17
^292- ^*^256Illusive Dash^*: Damage decreased from 10/20/30/40 + 100% attack damage
to just 100% attack damage
^292- ^*^256Heavenly Vault^*: Mana Cost increased from 120 to 120/130/140/150

^970== Bot API ==^*

^292- ^*New function: unit:GetHeading()

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^256LRM's^* "Turn" sub-skill now shows the cast range indicator correctly
if you click on the skill with your mouse

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*^256Forked Lightning^* range indicator width adjusted to be correct

^292- ^*Neutral Creeps controlled by ^256Command^* now deal and take the correct

^292- ^*^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^* unbinds him if he hits someone with it

^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^* will now properly propagate to illusions (and will
do reduced damage on them)

^292- ^*^256Elemental Void^* now properly pulls the Ancient creeps

^292- ^*Fixed the ranked/unranked setting in Matchmaking changing itself to

unranked on startup instead of restoring your last setting
^292- ^*Fixed some options not working correctly when changed via search (for
example: Swap Minimap)

^970Version 3.2.1^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pyromancer^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Steampunk Pyromancer^*

^717* ^*Caustor the ^079Pyromancer^* lost his magical ability to command the flames
of Sol, then rejoiced when he learned of the steam-powered weapons and armor the
Legion Engineers were building to battle a new mysterious Hellbourne threat. Now he
has his beloved flames back, as long as he can control them...
^717* ^*Item/Effect:
^717* ^*^090Mana Battery^*/^090Power Supply^*: Weapon changes from gun to arm-
mounted flamethrower
^717* ^*Any ^090Boots^*: Upgraded boots
^717* ^*^090Tablet^*: Backpack upgrades to jet pack
^717* ^*^090Grave Locket^* / ^090Sacrificial Stone^*: Upgraded helmet/optics
^717* ^*^090Portal Key^*: Clockwork Dragon Minion
^717* ^*^090Sheepstick^*: Unique Form Change (Clockwork Sheep)
^717* ^*^090Grimoire of Power^* / ^090Spellshards^*: Body Armor Upgrade
^717* ^*Releases on 8/16/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Moraxus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mortracksus^*

^717* ^*Someone in Hell's Keep is developing new machines of destruction for the
Hellbourne, and the first to roll onto the battlefield is ^079Mortracksus^*, a
steam-driven and blade-covered butcher.
^717* ^*Releases on 8/14/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Geomancer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Drillex^*

^717* ^*The infernal new machines steaming out of Hell's Keep continue with
^079Drillex^*, a multi-legged murderer designed to penetrate the heart of the
^717* ^*Releases on 8/19/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bloodhunter^* Alt Avatar: ^079Organ Grinder^*

^717* ^*The mysterious inventor in Hell's Keep has churned out another monstrosity,
and Legion blood will have no safe haven when the ^079Organ Grinder^* is injected
into the fray
^717* ^*Releases on 8/21/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gunblade^* Holiday Avatar: ^079Cossack^*

^717* ^*Adept at both long- and short-range weaponry, the fierce Legion mercenary
^079Cossack^* travels with everything he needs to bring devastation to his enemies,
and this year he will celebrate his independence by clearing the battlefield of
^717* ^*Releases on 8/23/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Behemoth^* Avatar: ^079Steamoth^*

^717* ^*If it is blood and souls the Hellbourne wants, give them neither! Legion
Engineers have built an army of steam-powered ^079Behemoths^* and sent them to the
front lines to rend fissures through the daemon ranks.
^717* ^*Releases on 8/26/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Monkey King^* Alt Avatar: ^079TDMonkey King^*

* Trademark eSports, with a roster of Mynuts, Insania, Limmp, Zai`, and NoobG, won
Dreamhack Winter 2012 and was given an opportunity to create an alt avatar as one
of their rewards. This avatar was created specifically by Zai` who received his
inspiration from his good friend Heimer.
^717* ^*Releases on 8/17/2013

^970== Matchmaking ==^*

^292- ^*^539New feature: Persistent Groups^*

^717* ^*You will stay in the same group after the match that you entered the match
^717* ^*If you are in queue and the match fails to start, you are automatically re-

^292- ^*^539New feature: Match Confirmation^*

^717* ^*When Matchmaking finds a match, all players in the game will need to
confirm they are ready before it will start

^292- ^*^539Added new Mode to replace All Random in Matchmaking: Balanced Random^*
^717* ^*On each team, five different random settings will be used for picking. The
slots will work as followed:
^717* ^*Random from the pool of Carries
^717* ^*Random from the pool of Initiators
^717* ^*Random from the pool of Gankers
^717* ^*Random from the pool of Supports
^717* ^*Random from All Heroes (this will random from either melee, ranged, or all
heroes depending on the makeup of the previous four randoms)
^717* ^*Where these slots lie on the team will also be random. (ex. Pink could
random a Carry one game, but random a Support the next). If anyone repicks, it will
re-random a hero from the whole pool.

^292- ^*^539Grimms Crossing Removed from Matchmaking^*

^292- ^*^539Core Pool and Locpick Removed from Matchmaking^*
^717* ^*Please see the in-game blog for more details

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed Couriers from obtaining the health regeneration state from ^090Blight
Stones^* so they won't become unkillable
^090Dust of Revelation^*
^292- ^*Capped charges at 100 to prevent charge overflow errors

^292- ^*^256LRM's^* impact will no longer play through fog

^292- ^*Fixed him not having his shell visual on his back if he doesn't issue any
command after ^256Shell Surf^* ends

^292- ^*^256Mines^* have been given a self active ability to destroy themselves

^292- ^*^256Mass Control^* will now properly check for trees in the correct 1200
radius when using the second activation

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Persecution^* to not consume 2 charges on one attack when
propagating attacks from ^256Shared Fate^*

^292- ^*Fixed Dominus Ravenor's HP bar so that it hovers a bit more over his head

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Mortification^* from not damaging enemies with the enemy AoE
affectors if cast on self with level 3 ^256Manifestation^*/level 2
^256Manifestation^* + ^090SotM^* or higher

^292- ^*^256Avatar^* form's HP calculation algorithm fixed so it won't divide by 0,
resulting in an instant death
^292- ^*Illusions in the ^256Avatar^* form will now properly die
^292- ^*^090Token of Life^* will no longer be consumed if killed while in the
Avatar form

^292- ^*Fixed non player-controlled creeps from taking the ^256Mesmerize^* state
from a target sometimes

^970HoN 3.2 - Salomon's Fortune^*

^970== General ==^*

^820+ ^*^995The primary focus of this patch is to continue to diversify our hero
pool, making each hero exciting and different to play. The secondary focus of the
patch is continuing to make Heroes of Newerth the most balanced MOBA in the world
both in the competitive scene and the public scene. ^*

^539Mid Wars^*
^820+ ^*^995The rune spawning in the middle helps to enforce action and overall
more enjoyment in the mode, have a good time! The gold changes to Mid-Wars makes it
so the same amount of total gold is given to your team but also spread more evenly
between your allies.^*
^292- ^*Picking phase has been changed so every player gets 1 Blind Ban instead of
Blue and Pink getting 3 Blind Bans each
^292- ^*Flat Hero bounty decreased from 400 to 300
^292- ^*Assist gold increased from 50% to 100% of the Hero bounty
^292- ^*Hero bounty per level decreased from 10 to 7
^292- ^*Hero bounty gold per streak decreased from 100 to 75
^292- ^*Rune spawn location has been moved much closer to the middle

^539New Picking Mode: Captain's Pick^*

^820+ ^*^995For this HoNTour season we will be using a more classic style but with
an increase in speed to decrease much of the downtime. Increased Extra Time will
allow Captains to not feel too cramped for time.^*
^292- ^*Will be using in all competitive games along with Tournament Rules,
replacing Lock Pick
^292- ^*Relies heavily on the Captains of each team picking and counter-picking
^717* ^*Captains ban or pick one hero at a time
^717* ^*The order goes: 2 bans, 3 picks, 3 bans, 2 picks

^292- ^*^539Added a new "Tournament Stats" tab to the "View Statistics" screen^*
^717* ^*^995This will display any recent events the player has participated in
using the HoNTour automated tournament system^*

^970== Heroes ==^*

The following Heroes are now allowed in Tournament Rules games:

^292- ^*^079Prisoner 945^*
^292- ^*^079Sir Benzington^*

The following Heroes are no longer allowed in Tournament Rules games:

^292- ^*^079Artillery^*

^820+ ^*^995Allowing Sear to apply on ability use will no longer force Accursed
into auto attacking in order to gain the benefits of his passive.^*
^292- ^*^256Cauterize^*: Now applies Sear debuff to enemies and Sear Buff to Allies
^292- ^*^256Fire Shield^*: When it explodes, it now applies Sear buff to Allies and
Sear debuff to Enemies in the radius
^292- ^*^256Flame Consumption^*: Now applies Sear buff to yourself on use

^820+ ^*^995Artillery now focuses as a long range ability carry. He has three
extremely long range abilities that either become harder to hit or less effective
the closer you are to Artillery. To help keep his focus on abilities instead of
auto attacks, his attack range has also been decreased.^*
^292- ^*Reduced starting Attack Range from 550 to 450
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Range decreased from 1500 to 1200
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Damage changed from 15 plus 7/14/21/28% of Attack Damage to 12
plus 7/14/21/28% of Attack Damage
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Increased missiles shot per second from 4 to 6. Missiles no
longer shoot in a perfectly straight line and deal AOE damage on impact
^292- ^*^256Fragmentation Shells^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Mortar
^717* ^*^256Mortar Shot^*: Shoots a Mortar in a targeted area that deals
100/140/180/220 Magic damage and slows. This ability can be used while channeling
^292- ^*^256Bunker Down^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Special Ammunition^*
^717* ^*^256Special Ammunition^*: Increases cast range of all abilities by
200/400/600/800 and adds an additional 15% move speed slow to all abilities
^292- ^*^256Artillery Barrage^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Homing
^717* ^*^256Homing Missile^*: Now single target ability that will follow its target
no matter what. On impact, deals 200/250/300 Magic damage and stuns for a duration
determined by how far the missile has traveled, up to a max of 4 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Focusing more on a physical presence and removing the awkwardness that
happens when players go magic immune against Berzerker.^*
^292- ^*^256Chain Spike^*: No longer gets removed by Magic Immunity, but will be
removed by Physical Immunity

^820+ ^*^995Faster than light? Blitz can now reach speeds no other hero in the game
can reach when using Quicken. Try not to lose focus of where you are at!^*
^292- ^*Increased Base Movement Speed from 315 to 330
^292- ^*^256Quicken^*: Now passively increases the Movement Speed cap for Blitz by
^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Lowered Cast Time from 1 second to .6 seconds
^717* ^*This does not change how quickly you cast ^256Pilfering^*, just the total
Casting Time

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^820+ ^*^995Corrupted Conduit now has a much better use by only allowing it to be
disabled by range. This allows better interaction between Corrupted Disciple and
his enemies with Corrupted Conduit.^*
^292- ^*Increased starting damage by 3
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^*: Casttype changed from Magic to Physical
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^*: Reduced Cast Action Time from 500 to 400
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^*: Now can only be removed by getting out of he 700
^717* ^*^090Shrunken Head, going invulnerable, etc. will no longer remove this

^820+ ^*^995Focusing Cthulhuphant as more of a jungler with a presence to come out
and wreak havoc!^*
^292- ^*^256Hook'em^*: Mana Cost reduced from 80 to 75
^292- ^*^256Hook'em^*: Cooldown reduced from 60/50/40/30 to 40/35/30/25

^820+ ^*^995Essences will now boost Dampeer's Bloodthirst, giving him more carry
^292- ^*^256Bloodthirst^*: Each Essence now grants a bonus 10 Attack Speed

^820+ ^*^995Slightly increasing the length of time between when Deadwood can
Willowmaker a target. Sounds minor, but those 15 seconds make a big difference in
the early levels.^*
^292- ^*^256Willowmaker^*: Increased cooldown from 85/75/65 to 100/85/70

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^820+ ^*^995These changes are to address his early game difficulties - being too
fragile - before learning Ludicrous Speed. More durable, faster movement, and
longer vision from Magnetic Contraption all help him.
^292- ^*Starting Strength increased from 17 to 19^*
^292- ^*Base Movement Speed increased from 295 to 305
^292- ^*^256Magnetic Contraption^*: Lifetime increased from 12 to 16 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Allows Corpse Explosion to have some uses even when Gravekeeper doesn't
have a corpse to use it on.^*
^292- ^*^256Corpse Explosion^*: Increased damage from 30/50/70/90 (per corpse)
Magic Damage to 60 + 20/40/60/80 (per corpse) Magic Damage

^820+ ^*^995Allowed Demonic Shield to act like other self-shields: by being unable
to be removed. Having trouble keeping your target in Lethal Range? Try the new
Grappling Shot that attaches you to the target!^*
^292- ^*^256Demonic Shield^*: Can no longer be Dispelled or Transferred/Stolen
^292- ^*^256Lethal Range^*: Bonus Base Damage when you are within 200 range of your
target increased from +20/30/40/50% to +30/45/60/75%
^292- ^*^256Grappling Shot^*: Now grants vision and Restrains the target for 3
^717* ^*Restrained means the target cannot use blinks or Movement-based abilities
^292- ^*^256Grappling Shot^*: Now attaches Gunblade to the target for 3 seconds
^717* ^*Using ^256Grappling Shot^* again will disengage you from the target

^820+ ^*^995Allowed Stasis Smash to get full effect on the primary target even if
it breaks early. Removed a button click for Mass Control and made it easier to
target the location you are looking for.^*
^292- ^*^256Stasis Smash^*: Will now deal the full Magic Damage to the primary
target when activating it again to drop them early
^292- ^*^256Mass Control^*: On use, will pick up the closest 3,5,7 things in 1,000
radius rather than the target area
^292- ^*^256Mass Control^*: Cast Range of second activation increased from 600 to

^079Lord Salforis^*
^820+ ^*^995Focusing Lord Salforis to be a better anti-healer. Mors Certissima will
no longer be hard countered by Magic Armor and also reducing healing on targets.
Dark Lord's Presence will now steal regeneration from targets instead of just
gaining a static amount (you will still steal regeneration from targets that have
Undying). Adjusted some values with Undying for better usability.^*
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Health regained by the target decreased from
20/40/60/80 Health over 5 seconds to 20% of damage done over 5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Now also reduces Healing the target receives by 50%
for 5 seconds
^717* ^*This only affects healing, not Health Regeneration
^292- ^*^256Dark Lord's Presence^*: No longer gives Health Regeneration based on
enemies around you. Instead, it now steals 50% Regeneration from enemies around you
with a max of 127 hp/sec
^292- ^*^256The Undying^*: Cast type changed from Magic to Superior Magic
^292- ^*^256The Undying^*: Increased duration from 10 to 12 seconds
^292- ^*^256The Undying^*: Decreased cast action time from 400ms to 350ms
^292- ^*^256The Undying^*: No longer grants you a soul when the target dies. This
effect has been moved to a ^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade
^292- ^*^256The Undying(SotM)^*: Enslaves the target's soul when they die under the
effects of The Undying. The Soul has 1 charge for every 100 Max Health of the Hero
that died. Each charge grants Salforis 5 damage and 2 Attack Speed. Using the
ability again will consume the charges. Each charge heals you for 50 hit points
(Thus you can heal for half of the target's Max Health)

^820+ ^*^995Decreasing his suicide potential by significantly increasing his Mana
^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^*: Mana Cost increased from 100 to 120

^820+ ^*^995Martyr is steered even more towards his harder to kill support role.^*
^292- ^*Starting Strength increased from 20 to 21
^292- ^*Strength gain increased from 2.1 to 2.4
^292- ^*Intelligence gain decreased from 2.6 to 2.4

^820+ ^*^995This small change can help to not miss as many Flurries.^*
^292- ^*^256Flurry^*: Push time increased from 250 ms to 300 ms

^820+ ^*^995Gore now deals Physical Damage to match up with Swarm. Flight also
becomes much more usable.^*
^292- ^*^256Flight^*: Increased duration by 5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Flight^*: Now grants Unitwalking to Pestilence
^292- ^*^256Gore^*: Chance increased from 10/15/20/25% to 25% at all levels
^292- ^*^256Gore^*: Damage rescaled from 40/50/60/70 to 20/40/60/80
^292- ^*^256Gore^*: Damage Type changed from Magical to Physical
^292- ^*^256Gore^*: Stun duration decreased from 1 second to 0.55/0.7/0.85/1
^292- ^*^256Swarm^*: Armor reduction increased from 5/10/15 to 6/12/18

^820+ ^*^995Lowering Rally's laning presence to make him less of a soloer and
directing him more towards Anti-Armor.^*
^292- ^*^256Battle Experience^*: Armor Ignore from 20/30/40/50% to 15/30/45/60%
^292- ^*^256Battle Experience^*: Removed passive Attack Damage

^820+ ^*^995Helps greatly in preventing The Chains that Bind from ending early when
his target has a Tablet used on them.^*
^292- ^*^256The Chains that Bind^*: Break Range increased from 500 to 575 units

^820+ ^*^995Harkon's gives Magic Damage on attack but what about Superior Magic
damage? Ravenor's got you covered along with a significant boost to Power
Overwhelming's overall potential.^*
^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^*: Now causes attacks to do 100% Superior Magic
^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^*: Charge cap increased from 60/90/120 to 120.
Charges gained when hitting Heroes decreased from 4/6/8 to 4
^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^*: Bonus Damage cap increased from 60/90/120 to
120/180/240. Bonus Movement Speed cap increased from 60/90/120 to 90/120/150
^292- ^*^256Power Overwhelming^*: Charges lost every second increased from 5 to 8

^820+ ^*^995Getting Manifestation's double-cast at level 11 takes a little too
long, but getting it at level 6 is a little too quick. How about level 8.^*
^292- ^*^256Manifestation^*: Level requirements lowered from 6/11/16 to 4/8/12

^820+ ^*^995Salomon now brings wishes of the Djinn in the form of Wealth, Power,
and Vengeance. This will allow Salomon to achieve high GPMs while having some
scaling into the late game.^*
^292- ^*^256Djinn Blast^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Cosmic Cleave^*
^717* ^*^256Cosmic Cleave^*: Dual ability. Can be cast both Close (Q) and Far (W).
On use, deals (50% of your Attack Damage + 30/60/90/120) Magic Damage in front of
you and slows for 15%. If you quickly hit the same target with the other Cosmic
Cleave, the slow is increased to 25%.
^292- ^*^256Sacred grounds^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Winds of the
^717* ^*^256Winds of the Djinn^*: Passively increases nearby allies Attack Speed by
10/15/20/25. Activate to grant nearby Allies 20/30/40/50 Attack Speed for 10
^292- ^*^256Guardian Spirit^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Wish for
^717* ^*^256Wish for Wealth^*: Passively gain 3/4/5/6 bonus gold for a creep kill.
Killing creeps builds stacking charges that gives a bonus 1/2/3/4 gold per charge.
Charges last 30 seconds. Max of 30 bonus gold
^292- ^*^256Last Wish^*: Completely reworked. Now called ^256Wish for Revenge^*
^717* ^*^256Wish for Revenge^*: On use, transforms you into an ^256Avatar of
Revenge^*. Avatar has 1100/1700/2300 Health and all new abilities. 30/50/70 Health
is drained per second while active. When Avatar's health reaches 0, Salomon reverts
back to his normal self
^292- ^*^256Avatar of Revenge^*
^717* ^*^256Flaming Cleave^*: On use, instantly does a cleaving attack in front of
you that deals (50% of your Attack Damage + 150/250/350) Physical Damage
^717* ^*^256Golden Sword^*: Passively grants nearby allies 10/15/20/25 Attack Speed
and applies a 20% Movement Speed Slow to Enemies you attack
^717* ^*^256Avenging Leap^*: Target an enemy unit to leap to them, dealing
50/100/150 Magic Damage and stunning them for 1.25 seconds
^717* ^*^256Phenomenal Cosmic Powers!^*: Can only be used when the Avatar of
Revenge is under 30% health. Activate to unleashes 8 Spheres of Phenomenal Cosmic
Power for 3 seconds that spiral out from you, dealing Magic Damage as they pass
through Enemies and then exploding. On use the Avatar of Revenge returns to his
itty-bitty living space, reverting Salomon back to his normal self

^820+ ^*^995Slightly bringing back his jungle ability, which went a little too low
with our last change.^*
^292- ^*^256Graceful Strikes^*: Daytime Attack Damage Bonus increased from
25/40/55/70 to 35/45/55/65

^820+ ^*^995A hero with a lot of utility that could be tuned down a notch. Removing
the ability to deny at level 1 was the win-win change, since it also removes a lot
of annoyances that players have when playing against the hero.^*
^292- ^*^256Elemental^*: Level 1 of this ability can no longer be used on Allied

^820+ ^*^995A nice touch to Lightning Storm so Thunderbringer doesn't always feel
like he never has it ready in the late game.^*
^292- ^*^256Lightning Storm^*: Cooldown decreased from 120 to 120/110/100

^820+ ^*^995Removing the annoying parts of the Terror Mounds for both sides. Terror
Mounds are harder to see so Tremble won't find heroes always killing them, but also
made them much easier to kill so Enemy players are no longer attacking them for 2
minutes straight.^*
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Maximum number you can have active at the same time
has been lowered from 3/5/7/9 to 2/4/6/8
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Now permanently Invisible
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: No longer block Neutral spawns
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: The Gold Bounty has been increased from 25/30/35/40 to
35/40/45/50 Gold
^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^*: Large health pool removed and instead they now take
4/4/5/6 Attacks to kill
^820+ ^*^995Allowing greater potential to set up fights with Valkyrie's Prism.^*
^292- ^*^256Valkyrie's Prism^*: Duration increased from 7/9/11 to 10/13/16 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Making Vindicator's Glyph of Silence more usable before fights start.^*
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^*: Aura radius increased from 800 to 1000
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^*: The Glyph can now move at 100 Movement Speed

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^820+ ^*^995Wondering why your Spirit Ward stopped attacking? It was probably
turning! This change will allow the Spirit Ward to acquire targets much faster.
Also made Staff of the Master grant more bounces instead of split shot. This will
allow for some epic bounces to Enemies!^*
^292- ^*^256Spirit Ward^*: Turn Rate increased from 360 to 900
^292- ^*^256Spirit Ward (SotM)^*: Increased number of bounces from 0/1/0 to 0/1/2
and removed Split Shot

^970== Items ==^*

^090Barrier Idol^*
^820+ ^*^995This price decrease goes along with the increased cost to Mystic
Vestments in order to not increase the overall price of Barrier Idol^*
^292- ^*Recipe Cost decreased from 1000 to 900

^090Mystic Vestments^*
^820+ ^*^995Increasing the length of time and resources spent for such a cost
effective item. Even with this change it remains one of the most cost effective
items in the game.^*
^292- ^*Cost increased from 400 to 500

^090Shrunken Head^*
^820+ ^*^995This change is to decrease the value of fully using a Shrunken Head,
selling it, and then re-buying it. Players are still able to do so, but at an
increased cost.^*
^292- ^*Sell value decreases by 100 Gold every time it is used, to a max of -500

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Predator^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Nightmare Predator^*

^717* ^*The war between the Legion and Hellbourne has spread to the deepest corners
of Caldavar, and they have trespassed upon the territory of Tikbalang the Nightmare
Predator! Build this Ultimate Predator with the following items to get the listed
Behemoth's Heart: Shoulder spikes
^717* ^*^090Elder Parasite^*: Spine and tendrils
^717* ^*^090Brutalizer/Shieldbreaker/Insanitarius^*: Bloody footstep effects and
Ability 1 causes organs/blood to splatter
^717* ^*^090Boots^*: Leg veins
^717* ^*^090Bulwark/Breastplate^*: Horns on head
^717* ^*^090Ice/Fire/Dawn^*: Larger claws and arm spikes
^717* ^*Releases on 7/26/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Salomon^* Alt Avatar: ^079Djinn Salomon^*

^717* ^*Salomon has rescued his beloved Djinn from the spirit realm and imbued her
with his newfound powers to battle the Hellbourne and the Nine Kings of the Great
^717* ^*Releases on 7/26/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pestilence^* Alt Avatar: ^079Swarm Pestilence^*

^717* ^*When the brood swarm of a Pestilence has grown strong enough the insects
begin to overtake the flesh of their master. Swarm Pestilence is slowly being
devoured by his own hatchlings, but it has only made him stronger!
^717* ^*Releases on 7/31/2013

^292- ^*Added new Gold Edition ^079Chronos^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ghatotkacha^*

^717* ^*Ghatotkacha's unmatched powers have led him to victory in countless
battles, and his dark magic would be a welcome addition to the Hellbourne ranks.
Lucky for Newerth he chooses to use his mystical abilities and giant golden mace to
help the Legion!
^717* ^*Releases on 8/2/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Lord Salforis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Baron of Blackwal^*

^717* ^*Even the dead soldiers and enslaved souls who follow Lord Salforis quake
when he dons his Baron of Blackwal armor, for they may be forced into its plate and
mail to protect their Lord and welcome the souls he harvests upon the field of
^717* ^*Releases on 8/5/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ravenor^* Alt Avatar: ^079Rift Ravenor^*

^717* ^*The Great Rift continues to expand on the slope of Krula, plundering heroes
from Newerth and returning them forever altered. The horrific Rift Ravenor was
expelled from the chaotic realm because he and the giant eye that commands him
didn't care who or what they tortured and killed--Riftspawn or Hunters--though now
he prefers the way the humans and beasts scream.
^717* ^*Releases on 8/7/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Artillery^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gorilla Warfare Artillery^*

^717* ^*The revolution is here, and Gorilla Warfare Artillery is just the soldier
to lead it! With one finger on the trigger and one in the face of authority, he's
spearheading the new war against the status quo.
^717* ^*Releases on 8/9/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Blitz^* Alt Avatar: ^079Flash Blitz^*

^717* ^*Justice is now a lot faster in Newerth! Flash Blitz and his bladed bolo are
cutting a swath through the Hellbourne armies, and he's back in his tent with a
well-deserved beverage before the bodies hit the dirt.
^717* ^*Releases on 8/12/2013

^970== Bots ==

^292- ^*Added an AttackMinions behavior, code by community member Anakonda!

^292- ^*Added in several common items, code by community member DarkFire!

^717* ^*Fixed a bug with porting bots returning to the base
^717* ^*Added in logic to correctly calculate travel time with a posthaste port
^717* ^*Added Logger's Hatchet use
^717* ^*Added ^090Bottle^*, ^090Mana Battery^*, ^090Power Supply^*, and ^090Mana
Potion^* use

^292- ^*^079Rhapsody Bot^* Updated

^717* ^*Removed an unnecessary for loop
^717* ^*Added minor sanity checking
^717* ^*Fixed an issue with RhapsodyBot not being able to activate her Shrunken

^292- ^*API changes

^717* ^*Added 3 functions for creep score:
^717* ^*unit:GetCreepKills()
^717* ^*unit:GetNeutralKills()
^717* ^*unit:GetCreepDenies()
^717* ^*Fixed GetSlot() returning the inventory slot (0-60) instead of the backpack
slot (1-12)
^717* ^*core.ValidateItems now used by the FindItems code. This function now nils
items if they aren't in your backpack

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

Grimms Crossing
^292- ^*Added in the Gotars and Ebulas where needed

^292- ^*^079Artesia^* fixed in Duplicate Mode

^292- ^*Optimizations have been made to improve start times (Reduced start times
50%+ in testing)
^292- ^*Fixed the forward and back buttons for the replay controller
^292- ^*Fixed time input boxes for the replay controller
^292- ^*Gemini no longer gains cliff and tree walking longer than intended when
^292- ^*Creeps and Kongor are no longer wearing party outfits

^970Version 3.1.6^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Devourer^* Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Rift Devourer^*
^717* ^*The victorious ^079Riftspawn^* are wasting no time with their invasion of
Newerth. ^079Queen Riftwalker^* has summoned the ^079Devourer of Worlds^* to wreak
havoc and consume all hope on the planet!
^717* ^*Releases on 7/12/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Wretched Hag^* Alt Avatar: ^079Wicked Hag of the West^*
^717* ^*Keep your little dog safe until we create a way to drop a house on this
wicked lady and her creepy monkey minion! Who's carrying the ^090Ruby Marchers^*?
There's no place like Newerth, there's no place like Newerth...
^717* ^*Releases on 7/15/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Thunderbringer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Lightningbringer^*

^717* ^*This lightning mage is the first human accepted into ^079Thunderbringer's^*
tribe, and her ability to harness the elemental power of violent storms brings an
impressive arsenal to the Legion!
^717* ^*Releases on 7/17/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Empath^* Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Guanyin^*

^717* ^*^079Guanyin^* is the compassionate goddess of mercy and empathy who strives
to help and heal everyone before achieving enlightenment. Her multiple arms allow
her to offer many helping hands to her Legion allies, and the Hellbourne's endless
attacks will keep her very busy!
^717* ^*Releases on 7/19/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Flint Beastwood^* Alt Avatar: ^079Smuggler Flint^*

^717* ^*This scoundrel has some debts he needs to pay off, and me must be very
desperate indeed if his only option is joining the fight against the Hellbourne.
The rumor about all that gold inside Hell's Keep probably has nothing to do with
^717* ^*Releases on 7/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Aluna^* Alt Avatar: ^079Conquistador Aluna^*

^717* ^*^079Conquistador Aluna^* has donned her exploration armor to recon deep
behind Hellbourne lines and search for Newerth's hidden secrets and treasures.
Tangling with the enemy on their turf, there's only one thing she's guaranteed to
find: trouble.
^717* ^*Releases on 7/24/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast^* now properly afflicts valid targets with the stasis
state at point-blank ranges

^292- ^*^256Ice Imprisonment^* will now last the correct duration on summoned units

^292- ^*^256Shadow Step^* now properly unbinds the target
^292- ^*^256Shadow Step's^* stun duration on cliffs now matches the tooltip

^292- ^*The toggled effect now properly propagates to illusions

^292- ^*Removed game mode restrictions from Australia

^292- ^*Added a small effect to ability icons that can be leveled up
^292- ^*You can now search the Alt Avatar list for things like 'gold collection',
'Rise of Ra', etc.
^292- ^*Fixed item and ability cooldown graphs when spectating a game or watching a
^292- ^*Improved searching items and entities in practice mode

^970Version 3.1.5^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Hunter Gunblade's^* effects after he dies once
^292- ^*Fixed the Announcer sometimes not loading
^292- ^*Fixed unpurchasable items from showing up in the shop search results
^292- ^*Fixed the "All Pick" voiceover from playing several times in an All Random
^292- ^*Fixed the Radial Menu voice to say the correct lane a hero is missing from
^717* ^*Was incorrectly always saying bottom lane

^970Version 3.1.4^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Wild Soul^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Panda Soul^*
^717* ^*^079Young Lin^* and her pet panda ^079Zhen Zhen^* were banished from their
village beyond the Sang-La Mountains after their true natures came forth to defend
against a Hellbourne attack. ^079Lin^* and her tiny bear transformed into ferocious
panda warriors, embodiments of an ancient magic rooted in the bamboo forests where
the exiled ^079Lin^* and ^079Zhen Zhen^* raised each other. Now they are called to
defeat the daemons who ravaged their homeland, in the hope they can return it to
its peaceful state.
^717* ^*Releases on 6/28/2013
^292- ^*The Rift Wars continue! The Great Rift has snatched warriors from our
battlefields and pulled them into its dark chaos, where they are either infected by
the Rift and become ^079Riftspawn^* or exert their will upon the alien realm and
join the ^079Hunter's Guild^*, slayers of ^079Riftspawn^*. Now they have returned
to Newerth to battle, and the victor will be decided by you!
^717* ^*Through the first week in July, visit the Store Specials page and purchase
a ^079Hunter's Guild^* avatar or a ^079Riftspawn^* avatar to determine the winner
of that week's battle. Purchase all 5 avatars for your favorite side and receive a
6th Team Leader alt avatar for free. Of course, if you're a mercenary, you can
purchase both avatars but don't expect mercy if you're caught playing both sides.
The Team Leader on the side with the most purchases will receive extra effects!
^292- ^*Hunter ^079Witch Slayer^* vs. Rift ^079Warden^*
^292- ^*Hunter ^079Gunblade^* (Hunter's Guild Leader)
^292- ^*Queen ^079Riftwalker^* (Riftspawn Leader)
^717* ^*Release on 7/2/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Soul Reaper^* Alt Avatar: ^079Yanluo Wang^*

^717* ^*^079Yanluo Wang^* has been summoned by rogue ^079Hellbringers^* to judge
the souls of the Legion and bring more damned souls to the Hellbourne ranks.
Furious at having to leave his position in Hell, ^079Yanluo Wang^* is on a rampage
with his cursed royal guard, sending heroic souls to his level of Hell to await his
^717* ^*Releases on 7/5/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Martyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tangseng^*

^717* ^*^079Tangseng^* is a young, naive, and compassionate monk from beyond the
Sang-La Mountains, journeying west to collect ancient scriptures that may be the
key to defeating the Hellbourne. He'll need help from the Legion, especially once
the daemons learn eating ^079Tangseng's^* flesh could grant immortality.
^717* ^*Releases on 7/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Prisoner945^* Alt Avatar: ^079Bajie^*

^717* ^*Once an immortal among the gods, ^079Bajie^* offended the moon goddess and
was banished to Newerth in the form of a lowly, ravenous pig man. Now he searches
for ^079Tangseng^* and ^079Sun Wukong^*, for defeating them will prove he is once
again worthy to dine with the gods.
^717* ^*Releases on 7/9/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Magebane^* Alt Avatar: ^079Shaolin Magebane^*

^717* ^*Through years of devoted meditation and training, ^079Shaolin Magebane^*
has mastered the art of channeling his opponents' aggression and energy against
them. His skills will truly be tested against the Hellbourne's onslaught.
^717* ^*Releases on 7/10/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pandamonium^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jeet Kune Dragon^*

^717* ^*This master of hand-to-hand combat studied with the Sang-La warrior monks
and learned to move like water upon the battlefield, smashing faces with a flurry
of punches, kicks, and nunchaku!
^717* ^*Releases on 7/11/2013

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Added new Hero Filters in the pick screen^*

^717* ^*Selecting a filter will display all heroes that fit that category
^717* ^*Selecting several filters will display all heroes that fit all categories
^717* ^*You can save heroes to your "Favorites" category in the Learnatorium
^717* ^*Each filter category has a bar that is filled based on how well the heroes
on your team can perform that role
^717* ^*If you have any filters selected and use the Random button, it will only
random out of the heroes that fit the selected filters
^717* ^*Example: If you selected the "Carry" filter and then random you will only
random out of the possible carry heroes, no others

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^079Moon Queen^*
^292- ^*^256Multi-Strike^* and ^090Shieldbreaker^* now properly only applies the
Broken Armor debuff (before the first target it bounced to also got the debuff)

^292- ^*Non-allied units of ^079Predator^* no longer from gaining the attacker
speed buff, ie. when attacking a neutral that has an enemy ^256Terror^* state on it

^292- ^*Tweaked cast range indicator on ^256Poison Spray (Q)^* so that it scales

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Mesmerize^* so that it properly credits ^079Succubus^* for the
kill if the ^256Mesmerize^* state was transferred more than one time and
^256Mesmerize^* lands the killing blow on a target
^292- ^*Fixed the ^256Mesmerize^* icons so that they retain the proper icon when
transferring between Alt2 & non-Alt2 heroes

^292- ^*Fixed display/resolution/refresh rate not properly updating on Mac/Linux
^292- ^*SpecUI - Fixes to issues caused by players disconnecting
^292- ^*SpecUI - The stats from the previous game should no longer be visible in
your current game until an update/you switch tabs
^292- ^*Featured - Fixes to prevent errors stopping the error dialog from showing
when no products are sent to display

Match Rewards
^292- ^*Upcoming rewards now show the product if there is one, even if there is alt
^292- ^*The reward for alt gold/silver is now shown for upcoming if the product is
already owned. If there is a gold/silver reward, those are added to the alt
^292- ^*Only if there is no product is the gold/silver reward shown on its own
^292- ^*Newly earned rewards and rewards in your history now show the product if
there is one. (even if alt gold/silver was awarded)
^292- ^*Newly earned rewards and rewards in your history now only show gold/silver
earned if that is the only reward
^292- ^*Alt gold/silver is no longer added together to the gold/silver reward
(which causes incorrect rewards to be listed)
^292- ^*If a reward has gold coins, gold coins are shown for the image - instead of
the silver coins image

^292- ^*Added hover and on buttons for bot meta data
^292- ^*String tabled some plain English strings
^292- ^*Added some missing tooltips
^292- ^*Removed unused stuff from some strings
^292- ^*Fixed many duplicate widget names
^292- ^*Fixed a use of a non-existent template
^292- ^*Selecting tree mode under entities no longer hides all the bot meta data
tools until you restart
^292- ^*Added a Tile Definition tool

^970Version 3.1.3^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Monkey King^* Ultimate Avatar: ^079Sun Wukong^*

^717* ^*Get ready to wreak ultimate havoc through the heavens and Newerth with
^079Sun Wukong^*! This new Ultimate Avatar gets visual enhancements with specific
items in-game!
^717* ^*Releases on 6/14/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Maliken^* Alt Avatar: ^079Slasher Maliken^*

^717* ^*In honor of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, ^079Maliken^* has donned the goalie
gear to shut the Legion out by any means necessary. Good luck trying to keep him in
the penalty box...
^717* ^*Releases on 6/17/2013

^292- ^*The Rift Wars continue! The Great Rift has snatched warriors from our
battlefields and pulled them into its dark chaos, where they are either infected by
the Rift and become ^079Riftspawn^* or exert their will upon the alien realm and
join the ^079Hunter's Guild^*, slayers of ^079Riftspawn^*. Now they have returned
to Newerth to battle, and the victor will be decided by you!
^717* ^*Through the first week in July, visit the Store Specials page and purchase
a ^079Hunter's Guild^* avatar or a ^079Riftspawn^* avatar to determine the winner
of that week's battle. Purchase all 5 avatars for your favorite side and receive a
6th Team Leader alt avatar for free. Of course, if you're a mercenary, you can
purchase both avatars but don't expect mercy if you're caught playing both sides.
The Team Leader on the side with the most purchases will receive extra effects!

^292- ^*^079Hunter Bushwack^* vs. ^079Rift Bubbles^*

^717* ^*Release on 6/18/2013

^292- ^*^079Hunter Rally^* vs. ^079Rift Slither^*

^717* ^*Release on 6/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Draconis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Primal Dracon^*

^717* ^*More ancient than even ^079Draconis, ^079Primal Dracon^* has been dormant
until now, when the Worldtree is truly threatened. Newerth and its heroes have
evolved during the centuries of ^079Primal Dracon's^* slumber, but this fierce
guardian remains primordial, his five heads sharing one thought: kill or be killed.
^717* ^*Releases on 6/21/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^256Blitzkrieg^* effects no longer play through fog

^292- ^*^256Dig's^* cast range indicator now scales properly with each level

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*Will now properly reveal ^079Scout's^* ^256Electric Eye^*

^292- ^*The following heroes base HP regeneration is now properly 1.00 HP/s instead
of 1.25 HP/s
^717* ^*^079Berzerker^*
^717* ^*^079Oogie^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*

^292- ^*Fixed duplicate onXlua events triggering for code-created child widgets of
certain widget types (e.g. scrollbars)
^292- ^*Fixed modelpanel effect problems with resource contexts
^292- ^*Fixed updater sometimes not restarting HoN on Linux
^292- ^*Fixed updater window showing as unknown in some cases on Linux (e.g. GNOME
3 bar at the top of the screen)
^292- ^*^079Zenifer Swiftblade^* illusions are now the proper color
^292- ^*Coin Packages now auto calculate their bonus coins and percents based on
the most basic package's value
^292- ^*Updated the notice about other forms of payment to indicate we have more on
our website (besides Xsolla and paypal)
^292- ^*Fixed custom account icons not pulling from the correct web location
^292- ^*Fixed the invite window not correctly pulling player info from the social
^292- ^*Added name glow support to the invite window (Requires code to be merged to
be complete, otherwise it only works with people in your social panel)
^292- ^*Added name glow support to the social panel

^970Version 3.1.2^*
^820+ ^*^489In an effort to prove our company-wide dedication to transparency,
we've established a new blog in the former MOTD panel. You will be able to read
posts from Designers (both balance and hero), the Content team, our Community
Manager, and even from the CEO himself.^*

^820+ ^*^489We believe that giving back to the community is the best way to provide
service to our players. As we continue to improve, we hope you will check back here
for updates, insight, and in-depth reasoning behind the decisions we're making.^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Fountain will now dispel invulnerability and ^090Void Talisman^* from enemy
^090Couriers^* in range

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Aluna^* Ultimate Avatar: ^079Stardust Aluna^*

^717* ^*Aluna's first avatar knows how to make an entrance! ^079Stardust Aluna^* is
an Ultimate Avatar with custom effects based on her items; give her a scouter
eyepiece, enhanced boots, laser staff effects, a sheep or gem droid, enhanced
gauntlets, and a jet pack!
^717* ^*Releases on 5/31/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Rampage^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hunter Rampage^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Arachna^* Alt Avatar: ^079Rift Arachna^*
^717* ^*The Great Rift is expanding into Newerth! It has snatched warriors from our
battlefields and pulled them into its dark chaos, where they are either infected by
the Rift and become ^079Riftspawn^* or exert their will upon the alien realm and
join the ^079Hunter's Guild^*, slayers of Riftspawn. Now they have returned to
Newerth to battle, and the victor will be decided by you!
^717* ^*Every week beginning June 4th in the Store Specials page, purchase a
^079Hunter's Guild^* avatar or a ^079Riftspawn^* avatar to determine the winner of
that week's battle. Purchase all 5 avatars for your favorite side and receive a 6th
Team Leader alt avatar for free. Of course, if you're a mercenary, you can purchase
both avatars but don't expect mercy if you're caught playing both sides. The Team
Leader on the side with the most purchases will receive extra effects!
^717* ^*^079Hunter Rampage^* and ^079Rift Arachna^* release on 6/4/2013
^717* ^*New ^079Hunter's Guild^* and ^079Riftspawn^* avatars released every week
until 7/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Revenant^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ruin Revenant^*

^717* ^*These once-holy spirits had been forsaken for centuries, entombed within
the ruins of their temple, and now they will take revenge upon those who dare to
carry a living soul upon Newerth.
^717* ^*Releases on 6/7/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* boost now prioritizes other nearby enemy summoned
units over other enemy units if the primary target is an enemy summoned unit

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Lodestone Plates^* so they always have the correct number of
charges when he revives

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*^256Heavenly Vault^*: Fixed a bug with teleports (blinks in particular)

^292- ^*^079Bunny Predator^* ^256Stone Hide^* texture improvements

^292- ^*Fixed a really strange bug with ^256Blinding Dash^* where you would lose
vision of hit neutrals

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Party Zephyr's^* cyclones so that they will follow ^079Zephyr^*
if he teleports for more than 2000 units at once

Speci UI
^292- ^*Push Bars: Legion can now properly be highlighted when the bars are moving
^292- ^*Bar Graphs instantly sort when opening
^292- ^*Switching between bottom panels (especially ones of different size) is
^292- ^*Fixed/Tweaked the spacing on some elements, mainly in the players and stats
^292- ^*Removed the Ignore Spectator Chat option
^292- ^*Graph Tooltips with a value of 0% should no longer be incorrectly sized

^292- ^*Fixed up how the time entry textboxes behave in the replay controls
^292- ^*Shuffled the replay control window type buttons in the options section to
match the other windows
^292- ^*Fixed a couple things using hardcoded english strings to use string table

^292- ^*Game Lobby: You can now double click the add bot button to add a random bot
^292- ^*Matchmaking: Hovering the host in a TMM group now gives a host tooltip,
instead of saying the player isn't ready
^292- ^*Matchmaking: Added name scaling for longer names to all TMM slots, not just
your own (top) slot
^292- ^*Instant Messages: Increased the height of the autocomplete list for names,
removing the empty space at the bottom of the list
^292- ^*In-game Chat: When /fc is enabled you will only see IMs from friends and
clan members
^292- ^*Match Stats: Reward popups should no longer appear if the server sends all
0s for the reward info
^292- ^*Options: When you click the search button in options, the search box is now
focused as well as switching to the search category
^292- ^*Radial Menu: The radial menu should work correctly with all languages
^292- ^*Instant Messages: The system bar button is now updated on logout, thus
relogging with unread IMs no longer results in the button showing unread IMs until
you recieve an IM
^292- ^*Re-added the MY voice over for the radial menu
^292- ^*Fixed occasionally incorrect cursor showing up for vector entity targeting
^292- ^*Fixed crash when playing a normal game after playing the tutorial
^292- ^*Fixed model panels rendering Andromeda's shader effect incorrectly

^970Version 3.1.1^*
^970== General ==^*

^820+ ^*^489In HoN 3.1 - The Runic Shift we changed a monumental number of Heroes
and Items, some of which need continued adjustment. Our internal testing cannot
possibly mirror the sheer number of games, skill differences, and hero combinations
that the community can. We are listening when you bring up potential balance issues
to us. In this patch we are giving minor changes to ^*^079Predator^*^489,
^*^090Elder Parasite^*^489, and the Experience granted from kills. We will continue
to closely monitor the changes from HoN 3.1 - The Runic Shift.^*

^292- ^*^539Hero Kill Changes^*

^820+ ^*^995Static Experience will remain similar to continue to incentivize
ganking, but will take a slight hit to decrease snowballing. Increased gold for
hero kills was not playing a larger role in snowballing, but is actually playing a
larger role in comebacks with the new changes. Area Experience will take a
significant hit in order to tone down the effectiveness of 5 man training, although
this tactic will still be usable.^*
^717* ^*Experience granted per kill was lowered from 100 per level to 90 per level.
This Experience is divided among all nearby players
^717* ^*Unsplit Experience granted per kill was lowered from 12 per level to 6 per
level. This Experience is given to each nearby player
^717* ^*Before with 4 players killing a level 9 hero, each Hero gets:
((100*9)/4)+(12*9)= 333 Experience
^717* ^*After with 4 players killing a level 9 hero, each Hero gets:
((90*9)/4)+(6*9)= 256.5 Experience

^292- ^*^079Predator^*
^820+ ^*^079Predator^* ^995gained a significantly better mana pool due to no longer
needing to cast ^*^256Terror^995. ^*^256Venomous Leap ^995now increases in Mana
Cost to make up for that very large mana pool gain. ^*^256Terror's ^995buff &
debuff will also last slighly less duration to allow enemies a better chance to get
^717* ^*^256Venomous Leap^*: Manacost increased from 90 to 90/100/110/120
^717* ^*^256Terror^*: Debuff on enemies duration decreased from 10 to 8 seconds
^717* ^*^256Terror^*: Buff on yourself duration decreased from 4.5 seconds to 3.5
^292- ^*^090Elder Parasite^*
^820+ ^*^090Elder Parasite's^* ^995offensive side has been on the high end, so
we've toned the Attack Speed back to that of the original ^*^090Elder Parasite
^995by removing 15 from the activation.^*
^717* ^*Attack Speed during activation decreased from 100 to 85

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Legionnaire^* Alt Avatar: ^079Chip Legionnaire^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Berserker^* Alt Avatar: ^079Dale Berzerker^*
^717* ^*Chip & Dale face off during HoN's third anniversary party in the toughest
battle in Newerth--the fight for the #1 male entertainer!
^717* ^*Releases 5/17/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Nomad^* Alt Avatar: ^079Elly Nomad^*

^717* ^*Thanks to 1pxrussia of the Commonwealth of Independent States for this
winning avatar!
^717* ^*Releases 5/20/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Prophet^* Alt Avatar: ^079Lord Garuda^*

^717* ^*Thanks to jangjolay of the South East Asia region for this winning avatar!
^717* ^*Releases 5/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Jeraziah^* Alt Avatar: ^079Inti Jeraziah^*

^717* ^*Thanks to IKuroganne of the Latin American region for this winning avatar!
^717* ^*Releases 5/24/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Valkyrie^* Alt Avatar: ^079Impaler Valky^*

^717* ^*Thanks to Z3R0C00L911 of the North American/European region for this
winning avatar!
^717* ^*Releases 5/27/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gladiator^* Alt Avatar: ^079Matador Gladiator^*

^717* ^*Thanks to Rurion of the European region for this winning wildcard avatar!
^717* ^*Releases 5/29/2013

^292- ^*Added the following Throwback Avatars:

^717* ^*Throwback ^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Madman^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Scout^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Slither^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*Throwback ^079Torturer^*

^292- ^*Added new Celebration Music!

^292- ^*Added Celebration Suit Kongor!
^292- ^*Added Celebration Suit Creeps!

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: No longer can lose its charge regeneration state when you
level it up during drinking

^292- ^*^256Elemental Force^*: Tooltip fixed so that the values for the points of
Strength per 1 point of Armor Penetration are correct
^292- ^*^256Fire/Ice^*: Now acquire the proper Movement Speed values if
^079Gemini's item grant him over 522 total Movement Speed
^292- ^*^256Fire/Ice^*: ^256Rebirth^* skill no longer allows wolves to recombine if
at least one of them is Stunned or Silenced

^292- ^*^256Cleansing Wind^*: Now spawns correctly if ^079Monarch^* is immobilized
& she casts it in the opposite direction of her facing

^079Puppet Master^*/^079Parasite^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Parasite^* and ^079Puppet^* transferring infinite duration states
like ^079Flint's^* ^256Flare^* or ^079Rampage's^* ^256Stampede^*

^292- ^*^256Marksman Shot^*: Tooltip now includes it ministuns the target

^292- ^*^256Mesmerize^*: Detailed Tooltip now explicitly states it applies a 1-
second Invulnerability state when the debuff is first inflicted on a target

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*No longer reveals ^090Wards^* from your own team
^292- ^*No longer reveals abilities such as ^079Gladiator's^* ^256Pitfall^* and
^079Deadwood's^* ^256Rotten Grasp^*

^090Flying Courier^*
^292- ^*All Towers and minions now deal 3 damage if Melee and 2 damage if Ranged

^090Restoration Stone^*
^292- ^*Taunt no longer adds to the ^090Restoration Stone^* cooldown

^292- ^*Fixed alt avatar models sometimes becoming invisible on reconnect or for
^292- ^*The random slot in the bot picker no longer overwrite the first bot in the
^292- ^*Fixed Concede vote requirements to the correct times
^292- ^*Added missing chat string 'chat_success_clan_name_tip'
^292- ^*Game Mentor Optimizations
^292- ^*Game Vote Optimizations
^292- ^*Fixed cooldown/passive texts appearing when you switch for an ability that
has one to one that doesn't have any text (the old text would still be there)
^292- ^*Hero Info Panel Optimizations

Game Options
^292- ^*Added an option to control the delay for opening the Radial Menu
^292- ^*Added a scrollbar
^292- ^*Fixed comboboxes in search results not functioning properly
^292- ^*Greatly Improved Search functionality
^292- ^*Added the ability to search for keybinds
^292- ^*Fixed search results displaying when they shouldn't (such as quickly
clearing out the search box)
^292- ^*Made the search results widgets wider
^292- ^*Increased the maximum displayable results to 10

^292- ^*Added ^090Lex Talionis^* to Tournament Rules

^970HoN 3.1 - The Runic Shift^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539The Early Access Program has been suspended indefinitely^*

^820+ ^*^995These changes were made in an effort to make one of our most important
pieces of content, ^079Heroes^*^995, become more creative, engaging, and exciting.
While there is no longer a definitive schedule you can still expect to see new (and
better!) Heroes added to the game. Also be on the lookout for more reworks due to
this change in direction.^*
^292- ^*Heroes will no longer be mandatorily created and released every 4 weeks
^717* ^*Heroes are available to everyone immediately upon release

^292- ^*^539Added new Hero^*: ^079Sir Benzington^*

^717* ^*Nimble and deadly, ^079Benzington^* is a highly mobile melee ganking Hero
that also gains increased attack range. ^256Knightfall^* and ^256Joust^* allows for
engagements at incredible distances making ^079Benzington^* an intimidating force
anytime an enemy is spotted.

^717* ^*^256Joust^* - Target a direction to dash forward up to 900 units, passing

through the first enemy Hero hit and stopping. Enemies hit receive 100/170/240/310
Magic Damage and a 0.7 second stun.
^717* ^*^256Royal Stomp^* - Activate to pull all nearby enemies 200/250/300/350
units towards you and reduce enemy Movement Speed by 40% for 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds.
^717* ^*^256Lance-A-Long^* - Passively increases your Attack Range by
50/100/150/200. Activate to boost your next attack to 428 range and add up to
100/180/260/340 Magic Damage. Your attacks passively build up to 5 charges,
increasing the damage when you activate it.
^717* ^*^256Knightfall^* - Target an enemy at considerable range to leap into the
air and become invulnerable for 3 seconds. When you land, you deal 200/350/500
Magic Damage and apply a 50% tapering slow for 2 seconds in a 400/500/600 radius.

^717* ^*This Hero will be released with 2 avatars. One is a ^079Premium Alt
Avatar^* and the other is introducing a new type of avatar called the ^079Debut
Edition^* (in lieu of the previous exclusive EA Alt Avatar). ^079Debut Edition Alt
Avatars^* are sold for a limited period of time after the release of a hero. They
are not exclusively limited to that period of time and may reappear within the
store at a later time.
^717* ^*Releases 5/3/2013
^292- ^*^539HoN Development Direction Shift^*
^717* ^*^489Recently here at S2 Games we have gone through an internal direction
shift in how we look at Heroes of Newerth. We believe that giving back to the
community is the best way to serve HoN. We are looking to take more risks with our
game through the support of the community; a testament to this is the fact that
most of the changes in this patch have originated or been inspired by community
input. This patch is designed to re-invigorate the game with some much-needed
changes that promote the fast paced, action packed gameplay of Heroes of Newerth.
Look forward to the continued improvement of Heroes of Newerth with the best
possible service we can provide!^*

^292- ^*^539Added a new Rune: Rune of Refreshment^*

^820+ ^*^995The purpose of this rune is to create more contention between the rune
locations while creating more action and movement from Heroes.^*
^717* ^*Spawns at the opposite location and at the same time as the normal Rune
^717* ^*When picked up, this Rune will restore 135 Health and 70 Mana over 3
seconds. Dispels on damage.
^717* ^*If bottled, refills the ^090Bottle^* to 2/3 full
^717* ^*Will not appear unless a normal Rune would as well

^292- ^*^539New Ingame Radial Menu^*

^820+ ^*^995In looking for ways to increase communication between players on a
team, we found this menu will greatly improve the ability to easily and quickly
communicate during intense action.^*
^717* ^*Accessed by holding ALT and then holding left click on a spot on screen, as
if you were to ping it but holding down both buttons
^717* ^*Easily and very quickly lets a player communicate with the rest of the team
^717* ^*Players can ping map locations, signal other players to retreat, say they
think there is danger, call missing, tell people they are coming to assist, and
^717* ^*You can now mute/ignore allies by right-clicking on their portrait
^717* ^*Muting/Ignoring a player will now hide all pings that player sends

^292- ^*^539Hero Kill Changes^*

^820+ ^*^995Hero kills become much more valuable throughout most stages of the
game. Level 1 Hero kills remain mostly the same but after level 1, experience
granted for early kills is greatly increased. Late game Hero kills give about a 33%
increase in gold. Players will now be encouraged to get killing sprees rather than
discouraged. Teams are now more incentivized to kill static farming Heroes instead
of avoiding them^*.
^717* ^*Increased the gold given per level of a Hero from 5 to 10
^717* ^*Decreased the amount of gold given for kill streaks from 50 to 25
^717* ^*Decreased the gold loss for dying from 30 to 25 per level
^717* ^*Heroes will now be worth more gold depending on their GPM compared to the
average GPM of the game. A Hero can be worth up to 50% more. Kill streak and first
blood are not affected.
^717* ^*Changed experience granted on kills from 100-2300 to 100-2500 (Area
experience when multiple Heroes are around remains unchanged)
^717* ^*A streak will now reduce the gold lost of the streaker by 25 per streak on
his next death
^717* ^*Solo Hero kills will now grant the absence of assist gold to the team
(split four ways)
^292- ^*^539Lane Dynamic^*
^820+ ^*^995Lane pulling used to be mandatory. These changes will still allow a
team to gain an advantage from pulling Neutral creeps but it will no longer become
mandatory in order to compete against another team if they are pulling. This change
does not affect player controlled Neutrals.^*
^717* ^*Melee Lane Creeps increased damage they do to Neutrals from 125% to 150%
^717* ^*Ranged Lane Creeps increased damage they do to Neutrals from 75% to 150%
^717* ^*Uncontrolled Neutral creeps damage reduced to Lane Creeps by roughly 50%
^717* ^*Lane Creeps will no longer be able to be pulled to multiple Neutral camps
^717* ^*When a player takes control of a Lane or Neutral creep, the damage they do
to each other is reverted to the normal values

^292- ^*^539Ancients^*
^820+ ^*^995Making Ancients somewhat harder to kill will increase the length of
time when a team or player can effectively do them. Going this route instead of
reducing their reward still allows ancients to be an effective boost in terms of
gold and experience. The Predasaurs getting more Movement Speed also helps to make
them more of a threat and not as easily kited.^*
^717* ^*^095Predasaur Crusher^*: Movement Speed increased from 300 to 350
^717* ^*^095Predasaur Crusher^*: Armor increased from 4.12 to 8
^717* ^*^095Predasaur^*: Movement Speed increased from 270 to 350
^717* ^*^095Predasaur^*: Health increased from 675 to 800
^717* ^*^095Predasaur^*: Armor increased from 2.94 to 3.5
^717* ^*^095Dragon Master^*: Magic Armor increased from 10 to 12
^717* ^*^095Dragon^*: Magic Armor increased from 5.5 to 8

^292- ^*^539Bosses^*
^820+ ^*^995Due to our past buffs to ^095Kongor^*^995, we are no longer worried
about the extra damage illusions bring to killing this boss. This also fixes the
issue where picking up the Rune of Power in Mid Wars and the other boss instantly
killing your illusions.^*
^717* ^*^095Kongor^*, ^095Transmutanstein^*, and ^095Zorgath^* will no longer
instantly kill illusions that attack them

^292- ^*^539Abilities now show their Mana Costs on the Ability icon^*
^820+ ^*^995After seeing the popularity of a UI modification and consistent
frequency of requests for this feature, we have now made it a part of the standard
UI. Thanks for your input and feedback!^*
^717* ^*This works for split and multi-abilities as well

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*^995The main focus of the following changes are to promote roaming and
ganking. Some secondary focuses are increasing the viability of more items/Heroes
and making them more enjoyable to play with.^*

^539Added to Tournament Rules^*

^292- ^*^079Oogie^*
^292- ^*^079Solstice^*
^292- ^*^079Pearl^*
^292- ^*^079Grinex^*
^292- ^*^079Lodestone^*
^292- ^*^079Bushwack^*
^820+ ^*^995Draining ^079Ra's^* ^995Mana is no longer a hard counter to
^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^* ^995but still remains a soft counter. ^256Pyroclasmic
Rebirth^* ^995also has such a huge cooldown that you can rarely get two off when
going from levels 6 to 11. The reduction should help with ^995the feel of not
having an ultimate if it goes off at 6 and also with the viability of the Hero in
competitive play.^*
^292- ^*^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^*: Cooldown decreased from 300/220/140 to
^292- ^*^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^*: ^079Ra^* now always revives with 10% Health plus
1% for each 1% Mana he has left up to 50%. Max revive Health is 60%.

^820+ ^*^995Overall this change leaves ^079Armadon^* ^995with a better feel while
playing him and against him. You can no longer get the angle barely wrong or right,
and you no longer ^995have ^995249 damage build up on ^256Armordillo^* ^995only to
get nuked and gain 1 damage from it.^*
^292- ^*^256Armordillo^*: 11.25/22.5/33.75/45% damage reduction now smoothly scales
based off the angle you get hit from 0 to 95 degrees. Damage reduction is
drastically reduced the closer you get to 95 degrees
^292- ^*^256Armordillo^*: Charges are now gained if ^256Armordillo^* reduces damage
and more charges will be gained the closer to your back
^717* ^*Example: 100% charges gained at less than 5 degrees, 95% charges at less
than 15 degrees, down to 0 at 95 degrees
^292- ^*^256Armordillo^*: Charges will now overflow to the next Spine Burst up to
250 damage

^820+ ^*^995This reduces ^256LRM's^* ^995total damage by about 10% late game and
decreases the amount he can constantly use it in the early game, especially with
^079Artillery's^* ^995very low Intelligence. The nerf on ^256Artillery Barrage^*
^995also allows enemies to work around it when it is on cooldown.^*
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Reduce damage from 15+10/17/24/31% to 15+7/14/21/28%
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Increased Mana cost from 80/85/90/95 to 80/90/100/110
^292- ^*^256Artillery Barrage^*: Cooldown increased from 90/80/70 to 120/100/80

^820+ ^*^256Quicken^* ^995now becomes a counter to slows rather than slows
countering ^256Quicken^*.
^292- ^*^256Quicken^*: Movement Speed increased from 100% to 100/150/200/250%

^820+ ^*^995A relatively hard ability to land in the first place and making its
rewards more apparent early seemed very appropriate. This also can allow
^079Bramble^* ^995the ability to go 1 point into ^256Spore Breath^* ^995and max his
other skills for a new and different build.^*
^292- ^*^256Spore Breath^*: Stun duration increased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 to 1.75

^820+ ^*^995Her cast type will now work like many other line skills. This should
help increase her ability to hit ^256Wave of Death^*
^292- ^*^256Wave of Death^*: Cast targeting changed to Target Dual

^820+ ^*^995This will prevent the target from being ^090Tableted^* ^995or affected
by other movement abilities such as ^256Compel^*^995. The ^079Devourer^*
^995himself can still be ^090Tableted^* ^995to break ^256Devour^*^995... unless he
is Magic Immune, of course.^*
^292- ^*^256Devour^*: Now Immobilizes the target

^820+ ^*^995Punishes ^079Draconis^* ^995players who waste/use their ultimate at bad
times by lowering its uptime.^*
^292- ^*^256Cataclysmic Assault^*: Cooldown increased from 60/45/30 to 75/60/45

^079Drunken Master^*
^820+ ^*^995You are no longer required to drink! This will make the Hero less
tedious and more fun to play. This also allows him to retain more Mana or burst
heal, making it a decent buff.^*
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: Reduced Mana cost from 50 to 35/40/45/50
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: Reworked to now passively give charges up to 3/5/7/9 and gives
one charge every 4.5/4/3.5/3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: ^256Drink^* can now be activated to channel (drink) all
charges for 25 Health per charge

^820+ ^*^995This will allow Heroes with Magic Immune spells to no longer have to
pick up ^090Shrunken Heads^* ^995in order to pass through ^256Energy Field^*^995.^*
^292- ^*^256Energy Field^*: Fence no longer works on any Magic Immune target
instead of just ^090Shrunken Head^*
^717* ^*Still dispels ^256Protective Charm^*

^820+ ^*^995Allows ^256Cleansing Shock^* ^995to have more uses in countering other
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade: Once again causes the shock effect to
chain to 2 nearby targets
^717* ^*Chains to allies if you target an ally and enemies if you target an enemy

^820+ ^*^995Reducing the high Mana usage the Hero currently has. Increased stun
range in order to fit her other long range skills and allow ^079Ellonia^* ^995to
make better use of it.^*
^292- ^*^256Frigid Field^*: Mana cost reduced from 70/80/90/100 to 75 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Flash Freeze^*: Cast range increased from 500 to 500/550/600/650
^292- ^*^256Absolute Zero^*: Mana cost decreased from 150/250/350 to 150/200/250

^820+ ^*^995Slow no longer goes through Magic Immunity. ^079Fayde^* ^995didn't need
any other adjustments after the changes to ^090Revelation Wards^*^995, ^090Bound
Eye^*^995, and ^090Puzzlebox^*^995.^*
^292- ^*^256Deep Shadows^*: No longer Superior Magic

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^820+ ^*^995Bringing back one of the most famous carry Heroes in the game by
allowing his laning phase to have more presence.^*
^292- ^*Starting intelligence increased from 15 to 17
^292- ^*^256Explosive Flare^*: Slow increased from 14/18/22/26% to 15/20/25/30%
^292- ^*^256Hollowpoint Shells^*: Chance to proc increased from 25/30/35/40% to 40%
^292- ^*^256Hollowpoint Shells^*: Damage bonus increased from 20/30/40/50 to
^292- ^*^256Money Shot^*: Range increased from 1500/2000/2500 to 2000/2250/2500
^292- ^*^256Money Shot^*: Break range increased from 1800/2300/2800 to
^820+ ^*^995Increasing the viability of ^256Grapple^*^995. ^079Gauntlet^* ^995will
no longer become very ineffective as the game gets past the laning phase.^*
^292- ^*^256Grapple^*: Increased travel distance from 800 to 800/900/1000/1100
^292- ^*^256Grapple^*: Decreased fly distance from 800/950/1100/1250 to

^820+ ^*^995Remade ^079Gemini's^* ^995third skill, which will now improve with your
stats! A percentage of these bonuses will also apply to ^256Fire and Ice^*^995.^*
^292- ^*^256Twin Strike^* reworked into ^256Elemental Force^*
^717* ^*^256Elemental Force^*: Gains up to 1 Armor Penetration for every
16/14/12/10 points of Strength
^717* ^*^256Elemental Force^*: Gains 1 Movement Speed for every 5/4/3/2 points of
^717* ^*^256Elemental Force^*: Gains 1 Cast Speed for every 4/3/2/1 points of
^717* ^*^256Fire and Ice^*: Each dog gains 60% of the bonuses of Elemental Force

^820+ ^*^995Allows for a more consistent feel when placing ^256Crystal Field^*^995
and becomes more reliable in the early levels.^*
^292- ^*^256Crystal Field^*: Delay normalized from 3/2.75/2.5 to 2.5 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Crystal Field^*: Radius increased from 300 at all levels to 350

^820+ ^*^995Allowing ^079Gladiator^* ^995a better lane presence to compete against
other solo laners.^*
^292- ^*^256Flagellation^*: Cooldown reduced from 16/12/8/4 to 10/8/6/4

^820+ ^*^256Grappling Shot^* ^995is much more usable in the early levels while also
lasting long enough for ^079Gunblade^* ^995to get the full effects. ^256Crippling
Slugs^* ^995will now hit mechanical units as well.^*
^292- ^*^256Crippling Slugs^*: Now damages catapults
^292- ^*^256Grappling Shot^*: Range increased from 500/600/700 to 600/650/700
^292- ^*^256Grappling Shot^*: Armor Debuff increased from 5 to 8 seconds

^820+ ^*^079Hellbringer^* ^995will have a much better uptime on his disable.
^256Life Void^* ^995in the early levels will now combo much better with ^256Death
Boil^*^995. ^256Malphas^* ^995uptime can now compare with many other ultimates in
the game as it is mainly used as a counter pick and it is no longer hard countered
by ^090Nullfire Blade^* ^995since you have 3.^*
^292- ^*^256Unholy Shackles^*: Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
^292- ^*^256Life Void^*: Duration increased from 5.5/7/8.5/10 to 7/8/9/10 seconds
^292- ^*^256Summon Malphas^*: Cooldown lowered from 160/150/140 to 160/140/120
^292- ^*^256Summon Malphas^*: Increased the amount of Malphas Demons summoned from
1 to 1/2/3
^717* ^*Stats of ^256Malphas^* are changed to be slightly higher than an old level
1 ^256Malphas^*
^717* ^*Different ^256Malphas Demons'^* abilities now stack with each other
(Example: ^256Immolation^*)

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^820+ ^*^995Reduced ^079Keeper's^*^995 effective health against Physical attacks to
make him a little easier to kill. Also gave ^256Nature's Veil^*^995 a fade time so
the enemy can react better to it and won't miss attacks as often in lane.
^256Root^* ^995having the higher cooldown will force ^079Keeper^*^995 to think a
little bit more before using it whenever late game.^*
^292- ^*Agility Gain lowered from 2.0 to 1.7
^292- ^*^256Nature's Veil^*: Reduced Armor gain from 6/8/10/12 to 4/6/8/10
^292- ^*^256Nature's Veil^*: Now has a .25 second fade time before stealth
^292- ^*^256Root^*: Cooldown increased from 120/110/100 to 120 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Giving Kraken a little of his power back while also allowing him to
have a better chance to cast all three abilities at level 6. The Intelligence buff
is larger than it appears to be. Try it out!^*
^292- ^*Starting Armor increased from 2.1 to 3.1
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.7 to 2.0
^292- ^*^256Splash^*: Damage increased from 20/40/60/80 to 25/45/65/85

^820+ ^*^995One more notch down for ^079Lodestone^* ^995and should help keep him
from comboing as much in the early game.^*
^292- ^*^256Shatterstorm^*: Cooldown increased from 80/70/60 to 100/80/60

^820+ ^*^995This rework allows ^079Madman^* ^995to effectively get 54% more damage.
Also fits with ^256Berserk^*^995, giving him increased attack speed. This allows
^079Madman^*^995 to really be able to focus down and kill a single target faster
and more consistently. This buff also allows ^079Madman^* ^995to go
^090Riftshards^* ^995and really be a force to reckon with for DPS.^*
^292- ^*^256Gash^*: Adds 6/7/8/9% bonus damage per attack on a target up to 3/4/5/6
^292- ^*^256Gash^*: No longer gives Critical Strike chance

^820+ ^*^256Noxious Cloud^* ^995used to give 800 Clearvision. Some of that is given
back in a smaller radius. ^256Cleansing Wind^* ^995is now MUCH more usable and
consistent. She can now be a more usable counter pick in lineups.^*
^292- ^*^256Noxious Cloud^*: Now grants 400 radius Clearvison around itself
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Wind^*: Now starts 350 units behind ^079Monarch^* and travels
through her to the target location
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Wind^*: Increased radius from 150 to 175/200/225

^079Moon Queen^*
^820+ ^*^995Tweaked ^256Moon Beam^* ^995in Mana cost and stun duration in order to
take down some of her previously increased early laning presence. Also made her
less of a base demolisher and allow teams to better spread against her ^256Multi-
^292- ^*^256Moon Beam^*: Increased Mana cost from 90/100/110/120 to 120
^292- ^*^256Moon Beam^*: Reduced stun duration from 1 to 0.7/0.8/0.9/1 second
^292- ^*^256Multi-strike^*: Reduced bounce range from 500 to 450

^820+ ^*^995Giving his tankiness more of a direction against Physical instead of
Magic, allowing teams to have an easier time handling ^256Matraxe^*^995.^*
^292- ^*Magic Armor reduced from 5 to 4.5

^820+ ^*^995Carrying with ^079Myrmidon^* ^995is now a real thing! Get your
^079Carridon^* ^995on!^*
^292- ^*^256Forced Evolution^*: ^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade added
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade: On attack, now deals Magic damage and
slows in a 250 radius. Increases damage from 125/175/225 to 175/225/275
^079Night Hound^*
^820+ ^*^256Invisibility^*^995 is no longer 100% countered by true vision. Now he
gets an edge that he won't lose in every competitive game.^*
^292- ^*^256Invisibility^*: Passively grants 6/12/18 Agility
^292- ^*^256Invisibility^*: Fade time decreased from 3/2.5/1.5 to 2.5/2/1.5 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Allows enemies to work around ^256Edge Counter^*^995 a little better
with the reduction to uptime.^*
^292- ^*^256Edge Counter^*: Cooldown increased from 60/45/30 to 60/50/40 seconds

^820+ ^*^995This is more of a change towards ^090Ghost Marchers^*^995. ^079Oogie^*
^995with ^090Steamboots^* ^995will still move about as fast while ^079Oogie^*
^995with ^090Ghost Marchers^*^995 will no longer be so close to Haste speed.^*
^292- ^*^256Conflagrate^*: Movement Speed bonus changed from a flat 20/40/60/80 to
a 5/10/15/20% bonus Movement Speed

^820+ ^*^995Allows teams to have more of a chance to stop her pushes without
needing tons of area damage. Also allows teams a better time frame to purge
^256Judgement^*^995 off Heroes or to kill them.^*
^292- ^*^256Command^*: Bonus Health given to minions lowered from 75/150/225/300 to
^292- ^*^256Ophelia's Judgment^*: Time it takes to teleport an ally back to the
fountain increased from 6/5/4/3 seconds to 5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
^292- ^*^256Ophelia's Touch^*: No longer heals ^095Neutrals^* to full. Instead, it
heals triple the amount (600/900/1200)

^820+ ^*^995This will prevent the target from being ^090Tableted^* ^995or affected
by other movement abilities such as ^256Compel^*^995. ^079Pandamonium^* ^995himself
can still be ^090Tableted^* ^995to break ^256Face Smash^*^995... unless he is Magic
Immune, of course.^*
^292- ^*^256Face Smash^*: Now Immobilizes the target

^820+ ^*^995We removed ^079Pharaoh's^* ^995ability to prevent neutrals from
spawning because of his ability to do it easily from anywhere on the map and no one
having the ability to stop it. It was there to prevent ^079Pharaoh^* ^995from
stacking camps but it is viewed that free stacking compared to free preventing is
the lesser of two evils.^*
^292- ^*^256Tormented Soul^*: The vision no longer prevents ^095Neutrals^* from

^820+ ^*^995A slight tone down of the ^079Pearl's^* ^995pushing ability.^*
^292- ^*^256Whirlbubble^*: Radius lowered from 300 to 275
^292- ^*^256Preservation^*: Duration lowered from 8/10/12 to 7/8.5/10 seconds

^820+ ^*^995Something a little fun and also can be very viable with
^090Spellshards^* ^995builds and/or new ^090Restoration Stone^* ^995builds. Enjoy!
^292- ^*^256Enlarge^*: ^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade added
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade: Turns ^256Enlarge^* into ^256Group
Chuck^* and grants it the ability to ^256Chuck^* up the 3 targets, dealing damage
based on the level of ^256Chuck^*
^717* ^*Shares a cooldown with ^256Chuck^*

^820+ ^*^995This change allows ^079Predator^* ^995to spread ^256Terror^* ^995more
consistantly and more often while giving his enemies a way to deal with the
^292- ^*^256Terror^*: Now passive
^717* ^*After attacking the same target 3 times, that target gets -2/4/6 Armor for
10 seconds
^717* ^*Allies who attack that target gain 20/40/60 Attack speed and 15% Movement
Speed for 4.5 seconds

^079Puppet Master^*
^820+ ^*^995True to its name, ^256Voodoo Puppet^* ^995really does function like a
voodoo doll now, transferring any negative effects like DoTs, Stuns, and other
disables to the afflicted player. ^079Puppet^* ^995can also use his ^256Puppeteer's
Hold^* ^995and ^256Puppet Show^* ^995on the ^256Voodoo Puppet^*^995, which will
also transfer to the target.^*
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^*: Cooldown reduced from 150 to 150/135/120
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^*: Debuffs will now also transfer to the target
^717* ^*Using a channel ability such as ^079Devourer's^* ^256Devour^* or
^079Pollywog Priest's^* ^256Tongue Tied^* on the ^256Voodoo Puppet^* will stun the
target for the duration of the channel
^717* ^*Will not stun the target or transfer debuffs to them if they become Magic
Immune while tied to the ^256Voodoo Puppet^*

^820+ ^*^079Revenant^* ^995will now be able to affect the entire ally team!^*
^292- ^*^256Manifestation^*: ^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade added
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* upgrade: Abilities affect two additional targets
^717* ^*Abilities will cast on 3/4/5 targets total

^820+ ^*^995Allows a much better feel when used in combination with her other two
skills. No longer feels awkward when trying to land all three.^*
^292- ^*^256Riftburn^*: Cast range increased from 600 to 700

^820+ ^*^995Bringing back some of his old lane strength and ability to kill targets
once in a while even when they ^090Homecoming Stone^*^995 out.^*
^292- ^*^256Toxicity^*: Illusions will only apply ^256Toxicity^* for 33% of the
^292- ^*^256Toxicity^*: Reduced Health Regeneration increased from 20/40/60/80% to
^292- ^*^256Toxicity^*: Duration increased from 7 to 8 seconds
^292- ^*^256Toxicity^*: Now decreases Movement Speed by 1.25/2.5/3.75/5%

^820+ ^*^995Gives ^079Silhouette^* ^995slightly less laning presence in the early
game, while not changing her late game attack speed bonus very much.^*
^292- ^*^256Relentless Salvo^*: Attack Speed bonus decreased from 250/300/350/400%
to 150/200/250/300%

^079Soul Reaper^*
^820+ ^*^256Inhuman Nature^* ^995now has a use when you are at full Mana. Store up
extra charges in order to expend them later or give an ally a burst of Mana!^*
^292- ^*^256Inhuman Nature^*: Can now store up to 10 charges, gaining 1 charge for
each creep killed and 2 for Heroes killed
^717* ^*These charges may be used on self or ally to restore 12/24/36/48 Mana per
^717* ^*May also be right-clicked to put it on autocast. While on autocast, you
will instantly consume charges for yourself and not build up charges

^820+ ^*^995This will prevent the target from being ^090Tableted^* ^995or affected
by other movement abilities such as ^256Compel^*^995. ^079Succubus^* ^995herself
can still be ^090Tableted^* ^995to break ^256Succubus' Hold^*^995... unless she is
Magic Immune, of course.^*
^292- ^*^256Succubus' Hold^*: Now Immobilizes the target

^820+ ^*^079Swiftblade^* ^995will no longer have his late game severely hurt while
^292- ^*^256Blade Frenzy^*: No longer disarms or slows ^079Swiftblade's^* attack
^292- ^*^256Blade Frenzy^*: Now will reduce attack damage while spinning by
^717* ^*He still cannot Critical Strike while spinning

^820+ ^*^995Making his ^256Elementals^* ^995comparable to other minions that can't
attack towers.^*
^292- ^*^256Elemental^*: Minions no longer attack Towers when ^079Tempest^* is out
of range

^820+ ^*^079Valkyrie's^* ^256Javelin^*^995 not only gets a partial revert to get
some of her power back, but also gets even better by level four. Early levels of
^256Javelin^* ^995will enjoy the benefits of getting longer stuns since they are no
longer handled in segments of 0.5 seconds. ^256Leap^*^995 is more consistent and
reduces some of the feeling of doom when you use your ^256Leap^*^995 once in the
early game.^*
^292- ^*^256Javelin of Light^*: Made the stun increments better from
225/200/175/150 to 200/175/150/125
^292- ^*^256Javelin of Light^*: Stun is now handled dynamically
^717* ^*If you land a level 4 ^256Javelin^* at 225 range you will now get a 0.9
second stun instead of a 0.5 second stun
^292- ^*^256Courageous Leap^*: Cooldown lowered from 40/35/30/20 to 35/30/25/20

^820+ ^*^995From ^079Vindicator's^* ^995last rework, he was no longer an easy
counter pick but, as expressed by the community, he lost a lot of viability. A
middle ground was found where ^079Vindicator's^* ^995old presence could still be
felt while also making it so he isn't an automatic counter to so many Heroes.^*
^292- ^*Magic Armor increased from 6 to 7
^292- ^*^256Master's Incarnation^*: Reduced Cooldown from 2/1/0/0 to 2/0/0/0
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* Reworked: On use, drops a Totem at your feet that
will Silence enemies within 800 units of it when they cast spells. Totem takes
2/2/3/3 hits to kill, lasts 8/12/16/20 seconds, and silences for 1.5/2/2/2.5
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^* still gets 10/20/30/40 Attack Speed passively when
leveling this skill

^820+ ^*^995Allows ^079Wildsoul^* ^995to still compete against Heroes at level 3
but makes early lucky roots less devastating.^*
^292- ^*^256Booboo^*: Changed ^256Entangling Claws^* duration on Heroes from 3
seconds to 0/2/2.5/3 seconds
^079Witch Slayer^*
^820+ ^*^995Allows his ^090Staff of the Master^* ^995to have some extra use other
than just damage, especially if they just have ^090Shrunken Head^* ^995with no
Magic Armor. Can't disable him anymore? Well, just shoot him anyway!^*
^292- ^*^256Heavenly Blast^*: ^090Staff of the Master^* updated
^292- ^*^090Staff of the Master^* update: In addition to increasing the damage
done, the upgrade also changes damage type from Magic to Superior Magic

^970== Items ==^*

^539Added to Tournament Rules^*

^292- ^*^090Dawnbringer^*
^292- ^*^090Frozenlight^*
^292- ^*^090Searinglight^*
^292- ^*^090Lightbrand^*
^292- ^*^090Grimoire of Power^*

^820+ ^*^995Items that enemies cannot use will be unable to be seen by the enemy
when dropped. This is done in order to help prevent trolling and games being
decided by something so small.^*
^292- ^*Items you own on the ground in a ^090Chest^* are now invisible to the enemy
^292- ^*^090Chests^* now have a new larger glow effect to make them easier to spot
^292- ^*^090Chests^* with items owned by your team are now visible through fog at
all times

^539NEW ITEM^*: ^090Lex Talionis^*

^820+ ^*^995Focused more as an offensive support item to help take down 1 enemy
hero. Also makes for one of the few early game items that offers regeneration for
supports. Ganker Heroes may find this item useful as well but the debuff to
yourself hopes to focus it more towards supports wanting to be offensive.^*
^292- ^*New Item added to Supportive
^292- ^*Requires ^090Trinket of Restoration^*, ^090Guardian Ring^*, and a 300 gold
^292- ^*Can be upgraded 3 times
^292- ^*Passively gives 3/4/5 Armor, 1/2/3 Magic Armor, 2.5/3/3.5 Health
^292- ^*Activate to apply a debuff to yourself and the target enemy that reduces
armor by 3/4/5 and Magic Armor by 1/2/3 for 7 seconds
^292- ^*750 Cast range, 50 Mana cost. Physical cast type
^717* ^*Does not activate ^090Nullstone^*

^090Abyssal Skull^*
^820+ ^*^090Abyssal Skull^* ^995uses ^090Trinket of Restoration^* ^995in the recipe
but never before gained the benefits of that item. Now you get to keep that
Regeneration. The small reduction in damage and Lifesteal is to reduce how
effective this item becomes in the late stages of the game for its cost.^*
^292- ^*Reduced Lifesteal aura from 15% to 12%
^292- ^*Reduced Base Damage increase from 15% to 12%
^292- ^*Now provides 2 Health Regeneration

^820+ ^*^995This change makes bottling a rune much easier and more intuitive to
^292- ^*Can now right click Runes to automatically fill your bottle with the Rune
^717* ^*If you already have a Rune bottled, will use the rune normally instead
^717* ^*Will bottle a rune if you right click it regardless of how full the
^090Bottle^* is. Charges left in the ^090Bottle^* are lost
^717* ^*You can bottle a Rune by right clicking it while the ^090Bottle^* is on

^090Bound Eye^*
^820+ ^*^995This change will bring back skill and foresight to support players in
the late game both for warding and de-warding. Now that ^090Bound Eye^* ^995is not
the end-all be-all ward clearer, good support players will now be able to shine
over other support players.^*
^292- ^*No longer sees ^090Wards^* by default
^292- ^*Can now be activated to reveal all ^090Wards^* through fog around the user
for 10 seconds, 60 seconds cooldown. Will break invisibility on self when
^292- ^*Added a visual passive and active effect to the targets possessing
^090Bound Eye^*

^820+ ^*^090Courier^* ^995will now be unable to scout for free at the start of the
game and most players will have an easier time killing it. This will also help to
keep the ^090Courier^* ^995from feeding in the late game from just 1 attack.
Because of the ^090Chest^* ^995changes, items that enemies cannot use will be
unable to be seen by them when dropped. This was done in order to help prevent
trolling and games being decided upon something so small.^*
^292- ^*^256Invulnerability^* cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 90 seconds
^292- ^*When the courier gets upgraded to a ^090Flying Courier^* the
^256Invulnerability^* will start on cooldown
^292- ^*If the ^090Courier^* dies, all items will be dropped normally. However,
only consumables and shareable items that are dropped can be seen by enemies. The
rest are invisible to enemies.
^292- ^*The ^090Flying Courier^* now dies in 2 hits by melee Heroes, 3 hits by
ranged Heroes or Towers, and 6 hits from minions.

^090Dust of Revelation^*
^820+ ^*^090Dust^* ^995will now have a greater use in the game. Players also now
have a way of finding enemies hiding in the woods now.^*
^292- ^*Reduced cooldown from 60 to 30 seconds
^292- ^*You can see any enemy hit though fog for 3 seconds

^090Elder Parasite^*
^820+ ^*^995Moving ^090Elder Parasite^* ^995from being an extremely niche item and
opening up the amount of Heroes that can use it with the large health boost and no
longer being an attack modifier. ^090Elder Parasite's^* ^995increased strength is
geared towards competing with ^090Shrunken Head^* ^995in terms of viability.^*
^292- ^*Now requires ^090Gloves of the Swift^*, ^090Beastheart^*, and a 400 cost
^292- ^*Passively gives 250 Health and 15 Attack Speed
^292- ^*Activate to give 20% Lifesteal, 20% Movement Speed, and 100 Attack Speed
for 12 seconds. Applies 15% damage amp to yourself still.
^292- ^*Is now an ^539Activation Modifier^* and cannot be activated while effects
from ^090Shrunken Head^* or ^090Void Talisman^* are active
^292- ^*Removed from Morph Attack and now in Combative shop
^292- ^*No Longer an ^539Attack Modifier^*

^820+ ^*^995Instead of reducing all of ^090Hellflower's^* ^995benefits to the point
of uselessness, we removed the damage amp in order to keep more lockdown item
choices in the game. Players already have choices for amplifying their damage, but
very few choices in locking down a target.^*
^292- ^*Removed damage amp
^292- ^*Cast range increased from 800 to 900
^292- ^*Increased duration from 4 to 4.5 seconds
^292- ^*Reduced Mana cost from 200 to 150

^090Homecoming Stone^*
^820+ ^*^995Right now, counter teleports happen too fast for a team to viably try
to gank an enemy hero. The increased duration will allow teams a chance to gank
enemies at towers while also still allowing the enemy team a chance to react. The
increased duration also makes it much more viable to run when you see a port
coming, try and port out yourself, or to man up and kill the tower.^*
^292- ^*It now takes 4 seconds to teleport to any level 1 Tower, 3.5 seconds to any
level 2 Tower, and 3 seconds to anything inside your base.
^717* ^*^090Post Haste^* is still a 3 second channel to anything
^292- ^*New effects for the target of a teleport
^717* ^*These effects show how long it will be until the person teleporting in will

^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^820+ ^*^090Nome's^* ^995now becomes an extra choice to get Mana regeneration for
your team and becomes more usable in more situations.^*
^292- ^*50% Mana regeneration is now applied on the aura

^090Post Haste^*
^820+ ^*^995You no longer lose out on the bonus Movement Speed ^090Striders^*
^995gives you when you upgrade to ^090Post Haste^*^995. ^090Post Haste^* ^995now
gives up to 150 total Movement Speed, just like ^090Striders^*^995.^*
^292- ^*Now gains additional +45 Movement Speed over 8 seconds when out of combat

^820+ ^*^995The biggest part of the ^090Puzzlebox^* ^995change comes from the fact
that reveal is now on level 1 and 2. This goes along with the ^090Bound Eye^*
^995change in order to give players another option to clear wards effectively in an
area, but obviously comes at a much greater cost. The rest of the changes help to
remedy how ineffective the combat of level 1 and level 2 ^090Puzzlebox^*
^995minions are in comparison to the level 3 minions.^*
^292- ^*Strength increased from 6/10/14 to 9/12/15
^292- ^*Intelligence changed from 15/21/24 to 15/20/25
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Mauler^*: Movement Speed increased from 330/360/390 to
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Mauler^*: Damage increased from 21/41/61 to 25/50/75
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Mauler^* ^256Manaburn^*: Damage dealt increased from 60% to
100% of the Mana burn
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Mauler^* ^256Revealing Eye^*: Radius increased from 0/0/1000
to 300/650/1000
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Wizard^*: Movement Speed increased from 330/360/390 to
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Wizard^*: Damage increased from 31/61/91 to 40/65/90
^292- ^*^090Puzzlebox Wizard^* ^256Haste Aura^*: Radius increased from 350 to 600

^090Restoration Stone^*
^820+ ^*^995Not only will this change open up new Heroes to use ^090Restoration
Stone^*^995, but it will also likely make new Heroes usable due to their abilities
having smaller cooldowns.^*
^292- ^*Cooldown is now based on the cooldown of all abilities/items refreshed plus
30 seconds. Max of 210 second cooldown
^717* ^*Example: ^079Tempest^* uses only his level 1 ^256Elemental Void^* and then
waits 80 seconds (120 seconds left on cooldown). He then uses ^090Portal Key^* (14
second cooldown), ^256Meteor^* (25 second cooldown), and then uses ^090Restoration
Stone^*. ^090Restoration Stone's^* cooldown will then be 120+14+25+30=209 seconds

^090Wards of Revelation^*
^820+ ^*^995The biggest reason for ^090Revelation Wards^* ^995being unavailable at
the start was because of Neutral creep pulling being so strong. ^090Revelation
Wards^* ^995are brought back with the new lane dynamic change since there is no
longer a large enough reason to have them removed. Being worth some gold now helps
with the ward battles.^*
^292- ^*Two can now be purchased at the start of the game
^292- ^*Now worth 25 gold when killed
^292- ^*You can now see the radius around ^095Neutral^* camps that would block
respawns when you're placing a ward (Both ^090Wards of Revelation^* and ^090Wards
of Sight^*)

^820+ ^*^995Better and more reliable in the early game while still being the large
damage in the end game.^*
^292- ^*Critical Chance increased from 10/13/16/20% to 20%
^292- ^*Critical Damage decreased slightly from 1.8/2/2.2/2.4 to 1.65/1.9/2.15/2.4
^292- ^*Damage changed from 45/55/65/75 to 40/53/66/80

^090Ring of the Teacher^*

^820+ ^*^995Gives less pushing presence in the early game while still making the
item just as good for the user.^*
^292- ^*Reduced aura Armor from 3 to 2
^292- ^*Passive armor increased by 1

^090Savage Mace^*
^820+ ^*^995Taking the item down slightly in order to give other late game damage
items some presence.^*
^292- ^*Removed attack speed

^090Shrunken Head^*
^820+ ^*^995Goes along with the new ^090Elder Parasite^* ^995change.^*
^292- ^*Is now an ^539Activation Modifier^* and cannot be activated while effects
from ^090Elder Parasite^* or ^090Void Talisman^* are active

^820+ ^*^995Allows for easier purchasing from the side shop.^*
^292- ^*Now defaults to ^090Apprentice Robe^* instead of ^090Bolstering Armband^*

^820+ ^*^090Savage Mace^* ^995damage is now the sum of its parts and also makes its
buildup slightly worse.^*
^292- ^*Damage reduced from 46 to 40

^090Void Talisman^*
^820+ ^*^995Goes along with the new ^090Elder Parasite^*^995.^*
^292- ^*Is now an ^539Activation Modifier^* and cannot be activated while effects
from ^090Elder Parasite^* or ^090Shrunken Head^* are active

^970== Bots ==^*

^292- ^*^539Added a new Bot^*: ^079Soul Reaper^*

^717* ^*Bot created by paradox870
^717* ^*paradox870 receives 6400 gold coins, his choice of alt avatar, and the
Robot Courier forum award
^717* ^*Join us on the bot sub-forums to create your own bot!
^292- ^*Fixed bots attempting to toggle ^090Ring of the Teacher^* on when it's in
their stash
^292- ^*^079Defiler and ^079Magmus^* can now use ^090Frostfield Plate^*

^970== Matchmaking ==^*

^292- ^*^539When queueing against Bots, you can now select a difficulty to play
^292- ^*When queueing against Bots, you can now random the bots you play against
^292- ^*Bots will now pick after all human players have readied up, allowing
players to select the Heroes the bots would have originally sniped. Bots will
adjust their picks if their Hero is unavailable.

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Heroes that have been missing Announcer sounds have had them added

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sir Benzington^* Debut Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Sir Terrowin^*
^717* ^*^079Terrowin^* the baby goblin was rescued by the Damwell clan and raised
to become a Knight of the Lancer Brotherhood. Now ^079Sir Terrowin^* will create
his legacy, riding into battle upon Lago the black battle hare!
^717* ^*Releases 5/3/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sir Benzington^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Sir Benzalot^*
^717* ^*Younger brother to ^079Sir Benzington^*, ^079Sir Benzalot^* considers
himself the greatest Knight of the Lancer Brotherhood and brazenly charges into his
enemies on his battle mount, a Great Waste riptor named Velock.
^717* ^*Releases 5/3/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Drunken Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tequila Master^*

^717* ^*I love you, man. No, listen. It's Cinco de Mayo-what's with all this
aggression and fighting? We should be dancing! You know what we all need? Some of
this tequila. This is going to be the best battle ever!
^717* ^*Releases 5/3/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gemini^* Avatar: ^079Fu Lion Gemini^*

^717* ^*These imperial guardian lions harness the elemental powers of fire and ice
to defend the once-peaceful temples of the Sang-La Mountains. Now that war has
arrived, they prowl the landscape to eliminate the Hellbourne threat.
^717* ^*Releases 5/6/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Monarch^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tera Monarch^*

^717* ^*The bloodsucking ^079Tera Monarchs^* of Darkwood Vale can smell the feast
spilling throughout Newerth. As daemon blood offers no life, they have sided with
the Hellbourne to drink the Legion dry.
^717* ^*Releases 5/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gauntlet^* Alt Avatar: ^079Siege Gauntlet^*

^717* ^*Before the Second Corruption, ^079Siege Gauntlet^* made a living as a
mercenary, selling his ability to bash through ramparts and palisades to the
highest bidder. Now the Hellbourne own his soul, and his massive ram's head
gauntlet is compelled to lay waste to Legion defenses.
^717* ^*Releases 5/10/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Hellbringer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Elementbringer^*

^717* ^*^079Elementbringer^* may be as old as the dirt he commands, but don't let
this cantankerous elder hear you say it. And if he catches you on his lawn, his
fire, ice, and earth daemons will make you regret it. (FYI: He considers all of
Newerth his lawn.)
^717* ^*Releases 5/13/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Zephyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Party Zephyr^*

^717* ^*You wanted it, you got it! ^079BlacRyu's Party Zephyr^* is showing up with
his disco ball, rainbows and personal soundtrack just in time for the HoNiversary
^717* ^*Releases 5/15/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^539Anyone using Mods should uninstall them, as this patch has significant
UI changes^*

Animation Length changes

^292- ^*These changes affect when your Hero will auto target/attack after casting a
^292- ^*They do not increase the speed of casting the spell

^292- ^*^256Wave of Death^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1700ms to 800ms
^292- ^*^256Grave Silence^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1700ms to 800ms

^292- ^*^256Unholy Shackles^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1000ms to 750ms
^292- ^*^256Death Boil^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1000ms to 750ms
^292- ^*^256Life Void^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1000ms to 750ms
^292- ^*^256Summon Malphas^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1000ms to 750ms

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*^256Puppeteer's Hold^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1670ms to 600ms
^292- ^*^256Puppet Show^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1670ms to 600ms
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1670ms to 600ms

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*^256Haunt^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1450ms to 800ms
^292- ^*^256Flash of Darkness^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1450ms to 800ms

^292- ^*^256Phoenix Wave^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1400ms to 1000ms
^292- ^*^256Dragonfire^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1400ms to 1000ms
^292- ^*^256Blazing Strike^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1000ms to 800ms

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1330ms to 750ms

^292- ^*^256Chain Reaction^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1300ms to 1000ms
^292- ^*^256Impalement^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1500ms to 800ms

^292- ^*^256Avalanche^*: Cast Animation Time reduced from 1190ms to 1000ms

Aggro Range changes

^292- ^*Aggro Range is the distance a target has to be within before your Hero will
automatically acquire them to attack
^292- ^*These changes make sure Ranged Heroes acquire targets at the appropriate
range while Melee Heroes will get a bit closer

^292- ^*Increased from 600 to 800 units for the following Heroes
^717* ^*^079Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Prophet^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Riftwalker^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*

^292- ^*Aggro Range decreased from 800 to 600 units for the following Heroes
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*
^717* ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Lodestone^*
^717* ^*^079Lord Salforis^*
^717* ^*^079Oogie^*
^717* ^*^079Pandamonium^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*

^292- ^*Added new Bot icons

^292- ^*^256Power Throw's^* lingering vision at the end removed

^292- ^*^256Fissure^* fixed to not display the model and effect for longer than is

^292- ^*^256Entangling Vine Wall's^* interaction with ^090Restoration Stone^* has
been fixed to work as intended

^292- ^*^256Flame Path^* no longer spawns an insane amount of gadgets

^292- ^*^256Burning Shadows^* can no longer attack other units if they loses their
original target

^292- ^*^256Flick^* now lets ^079Pandamonium^* aggro onto the flicked target while
they are midair

^292- ^*Fixed him throwing his hook from the origin

^292- ^*^256Defile^* will no longer hitch when double-activating it

^292- ^*^256Typhoon^* fixed so you can now place it on top of
buildings/units/cliffs/trees correctly

^090Harkon's Blade^*
^292- ^*No longer drains the last of your Mana while giving you no magical attack

^292- ^*^090Couriers^*, some Pets, and most Gadgets are now ignored properly when
targeting abilities
^292- ^*^095Catman Champion^* infinite life particles no longer behave badly
^292- ^*Group members are notified (via a sound) when the host tries to queue and
they aren't ready
^292- ^*Fixed the water rendering on all of the maps
^292- ^*Fixed TCP sockets never reconnecting if you were disconnected for a long
^292- ^*The chat server checks the most up-to-date stats when a player attempts to
create/join a group and rejects them if they're a leaver
^292- ^*Fixed cast range indicators for ForceRange abilities (^079Ra's^* ^256Path
of Destruction^* and ^079Gladiator's^* ^256Call to Arms^*)
^292- ^*Fixed players not becoming verified when they should be
^292- ^*Fixed possible crash on disconnecting from a game if the player failed to
load correctly
^292- ^*Fixed abilities with inheritmovement causing a stutter when double
activating (^079Revenant's^* ^256Defile^*)
^292- ^*Fixed items on the courier not losing their "full value resell" property
when the Hero dies
^292- ^*Fixed a divide by 0 error with new cast range indicators
^717* ^*As much as we tried, we could not bend the fabric of the universe
^292- ^*Fixed important chat messages not showing up in the team chat tab (kill
streak ending, disconnection, etc.)
^292- ^*Fixed OpenGL problems when changing graphics settings
^292- ^*Tweaked Test++'s height to better fit after the removal of the repick Hero
^292- ^*Matchmaking: The verified prompt now refreshes client info, thus
Matchmaking should correctly show you are verified without needing to relog
^292- ^*The store's alt avatar list now better handles products being
activated/deactivated without needing to restart HoN
^292- ^*Fixed OpenGL problems when changing graphics settings
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Scout^* not appearing in the Taunt previews

For Modders: Deleted Unused Files

^292- ^*game_hero_loading.interface
^292- ^*game_hero_select.interface
^292- ^*game_loading.interface
^292- ^*game_setup.package
^292- ^*game_upgrade.interface

^970Version 3.0.9^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Deadwood^* Alt Avatar: ^079Toadwood Deadstool^*

^717* ^*^079Deadwood^* may be the only creature immune to the lethal spores of the
Rulian Marsh, yet he has allowed them to take root and disfigure him so he can
spread the destructive seeds throughout Newerth. We hope the Legion likes mushrooms
on their pizzas...
^717* ^*Releases 4/18/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pollywog Priest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Penguin Priest^*

^717* ^*All hail the ^079Penguin Priest^*, who has waddled from his arctic southern
flock to bless us with his presence! If thou chooses this divine flightless fowl to
battle the Hellbourne, thou shall kneel for the duration of the combat, for the
sake of reverence and to not make the Penguin Priest feel so short.
^717* ^*Releases 4/24/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^079Hammer Lord^*

^717* ^*The massive hammer and ornate garb of the Hammer Lords originated in the
mines north of the City of Iron, when they were used to protect royalty in case of
a collapse. Now they are reserved for the elite mountain warriors who can both
wield the crushing hammers and parade the elaborate armor: The Hammer Lords!
^717* ^*Releases 4/26/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Arachna^* Alt Avatar: ^079Arachnabot^*

^717* ^*^079Doctor Repulsor^* and The ^079Electrician^* know that among the many
phobia daemons, ^079Arachna^* strikes the most fear in the hearts of man and beast.
Now they seek to mass-produce a mechanical version of the multi-legged murderess,
an ^079Arachnabot^* even more cruel and soulless than the original!
^717* ^*Releases 5/1/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^539Updated all of the sounds for heroes to decrease memory usage
^292- ^*^539Fixed how sounds load to lower memory usage

^090Dust of Revelation^*
^292- ^*Visual effects now match the AoE more closely

^292- ^*When used in conjunction with ^090Restoration Stone^*, fixed the second
^256Spiderling^* on the same target so that it won't die at the same time as the
first one does if the target is still alive when the first ^256Spiderling^*

^292- ^*"Miss!" popups no longer appear on top of ^079Armadon^* when he uses
^256Spine Burst^* and the projectiles impact invisible units

^292- ^*^079Gluttony's^* ^256Guttling Hook^* animation has been optimized

^292- ^*^079Gauntlet^* is no longer able to break out of forced order commands
(e.g. ^079Legionnaire's^* ^256Taunt^*, ^079Dampeer's^* fear effect) if his Grapple
hook latches onto something after the forced order is issued

^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill's^* visual linkage no longer persists if he gets unbound
before he reaches his target destination (ie, by ^079Devourer's^* ^256Hook^*)

^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^* aura shimmer sound is now much quieter when an ally
hero is affected

^292- ^*Fixed a rare bug where his corpse stands up if he dies when he is in close
proximity of his opponent during his ^256Flick^* jump
^292- ^*^079Dominatrix Torturer's^* ^256Chain Reaction^* animation has been

^292- ^*Fixed the following heroes standing up when using certain spells just
before death:
^717* ^*^079Chronos^* (^256Time Leap^*)
^717* ^*^079Grinex^* (^256Shadow Step^*)
^717* ^*^079Gunblade^* (^256Grappling Shot^*)

^292- ^*Fixed Enhanced buff icons sometimes behaving oddly on Mac and Linux clients
^292- ^*Fixed ally cooldowns appearing as '-s'
^292- ^*Fixed an error with the Alt Courier List
^292- ^*Fixed an error with the status icon for players on the scoreboard
^292- ^*Game Tooltips optimized and include the following fixes:
^292- ^*Fixed the Combat type not showing up in the tooltip when hovering the icon
of the selected unit
^292- ^*Removed the combat type line from the hero info tooltip (hovering your
portrait in the top left) as the trigger it needs/uses doesn't exist
^292- ^*Fixed the courier's name being outside the tooltip when hovering his
^292- ^*The tooltip from hovering portraits now resizes, thus the courier tooltip
doesn't have a space at top where the player name should be
^292- ^*Improvements to the Match Making Invite a person window
^292- ^*The list of players now works from top down, with the search bar at the top
^292- ^*Name colors work based on the option you have selected for the friends list
^292- ^*The people you have invited are now indicated, this indication is removed
once you close the invite a player window
^292- ^*People in your group, even if they are in your friends list, should no
longer appear in the list
^292- ^*Fixed the double click behavior when inviting people
^292- ^*Clan tags are now included on names in the list, and can be used when
^292- ^*The Report A Player detailed info text is no longer reset when you collapse
and re-expand the window
^292- ^*Fixed the Report A Player window 'shaking' sometimes when expanding the
detailed text box
^292- ^*Fixed messages with '):'s not displaying correctly
^292- ^*Fixed buttons on certain notifications not working if they aren't saved
into your notification history
^292- ^*Removed the repick hero button from test++, as the functionality for it no
longer exists

^970Version 3.0.7^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*^539Added new Black Legion Avatars!^*

^717* ^*Descendants of the Five Disciples, the Black Legion are the tip of the
spear against the Hellbourne. ^079Jeraziah^* and ^079Ophelia^* sent them on a
covert operation - and likely a suicide mission - to close the Scar. Their quest
resulted in something much more dangerous!

^292- ^*Added new ^079Legionnaire^* Ultimate Avatar: ^079Quintan the Black

^717* ^*A descendant of the Fifth Disciple, ^079Quintan^* leads the Black Legion
with his massive axe, shield, and the original Helm of the Black Legion. His
weapons and equipment change depending on your item builds and which members of the
Black Legion you own!
^717* ^*Releases 4/5/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Martyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Unum the Black Legion Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Unum^* is a descendant of the First Disciple and the healer and
chaplain of the Black Legion. With Sol's divine guidance, ^079Unum^* fears no
daemon and certainly not death.
^717* ^*Releases 4/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Blacksmith^* Alt Avatar: ^079Dyad the Black Legion Smith^*
^717* ^*^079Dyad^* is descended from the Second Disciple and helps his Black Legion
brothers keep their gear sharp and ready. When they aren't pounding out dents, his
twin hammers bring chaos upon Hellbourne skulls.
^717* ^*Releases 4/15/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Engineer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Troika the Black Legion Engineer^*
^717* ^*Descended from the Third Disciple, ^079Troika^* builds all the infernal
weapons the Black Legion carries into battle, and his flamethrower spews burning
liquid blessed with Sol's holy wrath.
^717* ^*Releases 4/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Scout^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tetra the Black Legion Scout^*
^717* ^*079Tetra^* carries the blood of the Fourth Disciple and is the stealthy
point man for the Black Legion. It's a shame his victims don't get to appreciate
his dapper trench coat and uniform before he puts his sabre and pistol to work.
^717* ^*Releases 4/29/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Thunderbringer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Lightning Caller^*

^717* ^*Tired of getting burned by ^079Thunderbringer's^* bolts, the Hellbourne
sent a daemon to steal the shamanic lore that grants power to the ancient Beast.
Now ^079Lightning Caller^* brings those mystic energies against the Legion, and the
sky will crackle with his corruption!
^717* ^*Releases 4/10/2013

^292- ^*Added new Gold Edition ^079Devourer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jin Chan^*
^717* ^*Legend states that when ^079Jin Chan^* appears it is a sign of good luck
and impending wealth. This is true, as long as this fierce golden toad is on your
team and you don't get too close to his pet frog (Warning: he'll steal more than
your money.).
^717* ^*Releases 4/12/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bramble^* Alt Avatar: ^079Fungal Bramble^*

^717* ^*^There are many types of deadly mushrooms, but none more lethal than those
growing on ^079Fungal Bramble^* since she wandered into the Rulian Marsh. And if
her swampy spores don't get you, her serpentine vines and tentacles will!
^717* ^*Releases 4/17/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^079Empath^*: ^256Illusory Veil^* fixed so that its displacement effect

only affects enemy units instead of all units
^292- ^*^079Gauntlet^*: His corpse doesn't stand up if he dies before his
^256Gauntlet Blast^* projectile impacts anything
^292- ^*^079Prisoner 945^*: ^256The Ol' Ball and Chain^* is no longer able to pull
ancients to prevent a lane creep pulling exploit in the Hellbourne bottom lane
^292- ^*^079Swiftblade^*: ^256Blade Frenzy^* fixed so that the attacking model is
^292- ^*^079Tempest^*: ^256Glacial Blasts^* tooltip no longer changes midgame
^292- ^*^090Spellshards^* now properly amplifies the damage of the following
^717* ^*^079Bubbles' ^256Kelp Field^*
^717* ^*^079Draconis' ^256Blazing Flight^*
^717* ^*^079Monkey King's ^256Wan Jin Slam^*

^292- ^*Fixed duplicate entries or non existing entries for the following heroes:
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Gemini^*
^717* ^*^079Grinex^*
^717* ^*^079Pearl^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Prisoner^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079The Gladiator^*

^292- ^*Optimized Game Interface with the following fixes:

^717* ^*Fixed/Improved the spacing on the scoreboard
^717* ^*Calling an AFK kick can now only be done with the kick button, not by
clicking anywhere on the player's name in the menu
^717* ^*People who were already kicked for being AFK no longer show up in the AFK
kick list.
^717* ^*Attribute tooltips are no longer shown when hovering the primary attribute
icon for entities without a primary attribute (such as couriers)
^717* ^*Quickly moving between entities that can/can't shop, or quickly moving in
and out of range of the shop can no longer cause the shop open/close button to
disappear when it should be visible.

^292- ^*Optimized Enhanced Buffs

^292- ^*Game Vote: Fixed an error about a missing texture on start-up
^292- ^*Game Chat: Decreased the size of the input box to match the max length of a
sendable chat message (long messages no longer get truncated)
^292- ^*The invite a player box in MM no longer disappears after every invite
(unless you manually close it) if you don't have at least 3 people in your group

^970Version 3.0.6^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Prisoner 945^*

^717* ^*^079Prisoner 945^* led the ground forces of the Titan Rebellion and was
imprisoned by ^079Jeraziah^* in the dungeons of The Capital. He is released in this
desperate hour to battle the Hellbourne, but only his actions on the battlefield
will finally free him from his chains.
^717* ^*Releases 3/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new new ^079Prisoner 945^* Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar:
^717* ^*^079Baaracko^* commanded the ships of the Titan Rebellion and was
imprisoned by ^079Jeraziah^* in the underwater cells of Blind Man's Harbor. Now the
Legion needs him in the fight against the daemons, and ^079Baaracko^* will shatter
his remaining bonds along with the enemy!
^717* ^*Releases 3/22/2013
^292- ^*Added new ^079Prisoner 945^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Brutavious^*
^717* ^*^079Brutavious^* led the Titan Rebellion against ^079Jeraziah^* and lost to
the King in single combat, earning a Holy Cell beneath Arasunia. Now ^079Jeraziah^*
offers the Titans freedom in return for service against the Hellbourne, but will
they seek redemption or revenge?
^717* ^*Releases 3/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Parasite^* Alt Avatar: ^079Facehugger^*

^717* ^*There are many among the Hellbourne who keep their distance from the vile
Parasites, and all of the Parasites avoid the ^079Facehuggers^*. These horrors
latch onto Parasite larvae and mutate them into slithering monsters with one
purpose: brutally efficient infestation and control of any living being.
^717* ^*Releases 3/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Plague Rider^* Alt Avatar: ^079Leper^*

^717* ^*The daemon known as ^079Leper^* was a doctor when the First Corruption
occurred, and he believed infecting humans-himself included-with wasting diseases
would protect them from the Hellbourne. Now mad with pain, he has forsaken his
healing oath as he rides his massive vulture infecting and feeding upon the Legion.
^717* ^*Releases 3/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Myrmadon^* Alt Avatar: ^079Walradon^*

^717* ^*During the Titan Rebellion, ^079Baaracko^* made a vow to the mighty
^079Walradons^*. In return for their service, he would provide the magic to grant
them legs so they could protect their frozen seas and icebergs from poachers. Now
they walk and swim beside ^079Baaracko^* on the front lines, harvesting daemon
^717* ^*Releases 3/27/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Kraken^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gnarwhal Kraken^*

^717* ^*Among the ^079Gnarwhal^*, status is determined by how many harpoons a
warrior carries embedded in his hide. When ^079Baaracko^* recruited the fearless
beasts during the Titan's Rebellion, the ^079Gnarwhal^* saw an opportunity for many
harpoons-and now that ^079Baaracko^* is free, they join him once again to make the
waters run red.
^717* ^*Releases 3/29/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Nymphora^* Alt Avatar: ^079Fat Nymphora^*

^717* ^*Round is a very aerodynamic shape, and...hold on, gotta catch my
breath...and ^079Fat Nymphora^* is deceptively graceful...whew...for his size...oh
man...and socks with sandals is the next hotness, you watch. So...woo...just go
^717* ^*Releases 4/1/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Flint Beastwood^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tommy Two Guns^*
^717* ^*So you think these other goons pack serious heat, do ya? Well ^079Tommy Two
Guns^* is in town, see, and now these cake eaters are up against a real hard-boiled
trigger man who's gonna give ‘em the big sleep, see?
^717* ^*Releases 4/3/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Tempest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Destructor Tempest^*

^717* ^*Warriors from other worlds and dimensions have felt the tremors caused by
the Legion's epic clash with the Hellbourne, and now they flock to Newerth to gain
their glory. ^079Deconstructor Tempest^* has traveled millions of light years to
join the battle, and he will not leave until his trophy case is full!
^717* ^*This avatar is being released in partnership with Logitech. Stay tuned for
details on how to acquire this amazing avatar!
^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==

^292- ^*^079Bombardier^*: ^256Sticky Bomb^* lifetime changed from 10000ms to 8200ms

so it more closely matches the actual duration
^292- ^*^079Bombardier^*: ^256Sticky Bomb^* icon now updates properly when Sticky
Bomb is purged off of an enemy
^292- ^*^079Bombardier^*: ^256Sticky Bomb^* icon now updates properly when Sticky
Bomb is killed on the ground
^292- ^*^079Chipper^*: ^256Sawblade Showdown^* fixed so enemies can no longer be
denied by their teamates
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: ^256Twin Fangs^* fixed so Gemini can't cast spells while
invulnerable (prevents early casting of his ultimate while invulnerable, for
^292- ^*^079Grinex^*: ^256Rift Stalk^* fixed so that the total invisibility
duration is 9 seconds (instead of 8.5 seconds after the fade time reduction buff)
^292- ^*^079Master of Arms^*: ^256Acid Bomb^* fixed so enemies can no longer be
denied by their teamates
^292- ^*^079Parasite^*: ^256Infestation^* fix that caused a same frame bug with
Parasite dying
^292- ^*^090Astrolabe^*: Now show's the proper 600 range when mousing over the item
^292- ^*^090Null Stone^*: Fixed multiple ^090Null Stone^* so that the blue glow
visual won't stack up, creating a very thick blue sphere around your hero.

^292- ^*Mac systems with multiple GPUs now use significantly less memory (up to
^292- ^*The chat window now sits below the shop
^292- ^*Added an alert for Mac users when using the wrong display with OpenGL
^292- ^*Fixed the "Disabled - Owned By ~~~~~" text on item tooltips getting clipped
with long names.
^292- ^*Optimized the Alt Avatar List
^292- ^*Fixed typos with other generic dialog boxes that would prevent the right
button from disappearing when there is no text

^970Version 3.0.5^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Wildsoul^* Alt Avatar: ^079Dr.Beebo and Loofy^*

^717* ^*Thanks to the ^090Grimoire of Power^*, ^079Beebo^* the chiprel and Loofy
have evolved into a new warrior breed of brains & brawn! If the remote-controlled
Loofy doesn't get you, ^079Dr. Beebo's^* ray gun and mech suit will!
^717* ^*Releases 3/15/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Moraxus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Morockus^*

^717* ^*^079Morockus^* was locked for years in a bottomless pit of rock and rubble
by Behemoth. Re-emerging as hard and craggy as the stone that imprisoned him, he
gains weapons and a shield as his abilities increase!
^717* ^*Releases 3/18/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Dampeer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Duchess Dampeer^*

^717* ^*^079Count Dampeer^* was impervious to the weakness of mortals--including
ridiculous love--until Duchess opened his casket and stole his heart, refusing to
return it until he proposed. Now they share picnickers and couples who take long
walks on the beach.
^717* ^*Releases 3/20/2013

^292- ^*Added Throwback Alt Avatars: ^079Throwback Accursed^* and ^079Throwback

Blood Hunter^*
^970== Bots ==^*

^539Bots now defend buildings^*

^292- ^*When a tower, melee barracks, or main base structure is low and has enemy
heroes nearby, the teambotbrain will assign heroes to defend it based on proximity
and their total lethality.
^292- ^*Defending Bots will move toward or teleport in to defend the building, and
teamchat a message about it.
^292- ^*Defense now prioritizes defense targets based on value.
^292- ^*Defense targets that are unable to be properly defended will not be
defended (unless it's the only one)

Bots General
^292- ^*Added ^079RhapsodyBot^*, a bot created by community member fane_maciuca!
^717* ^*fane_maciuca receives the coveted Robot Courier Award, 6400 gold coins, and
his choice of Alt Avatar! Thank you!
^292- ^*Easy bots don't become more bold if they kill you often.
^292- ^*The GroupPush behavior now starts a push at 7-10 minutes in, and start
again 3-6 minutes after the last push ended.

Teleport changes
^292- ^*Teleports will now not all be clusetered at the same location.
^292- ^*After 5 minutes, bots will want to purchase 2 ^090Homecomming Stones^* (one
for teleporting to lane, one for defensive TPs)

^292- ^*Fixed an issue with ^079AmunRaBot^* not overriding his HealAtWellBehavior
correctly, and adjusted the logic to actually work

^292- ^*Removed a duplicate ^090Firebrand^* and ^090Geometer's Bane^* from her buy
list; added Wingbow

^292- ^*Check the Bots Forum for bot scripting patch notes

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^079Artillery^*: Hitbox fixed so he gets pushed at a correct angle with

push-based spells
^292- ^*^079Behemoth^*: ^256Fissure^* fixed so it doesn't break channel abilities
^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*: ^256Hook'em^* shield fixed so that the shield bar won't
overflow if the target's HP exceeds 1200.
^292- ^*^079Emerald Warden^*: Alt Avatars fixed so that their traps have
treewalking and thus they won't randomly displace themselves with the anti-stuck
mechanism if they proc near trees
^292- ^*^079Empath^*: ^256Illusory Veil^* fixed so it doesn't break channel
abilities incorrectly
^292- ^*^079Legionnaire^*: ^256Decapitates^* fixed animation
^292- ^*^079Lodestone^*: ^256Lodestone Plates^* fixed so they don't have one less
charge than it should
^292- ^*^079Monkey King^*: ^256Wan Jin Slam^* mound fixed so it cannot be attacked
^292- ^*^079Puppet Master^*: ^256Voodoo Puppet^* and Restoration Stone interaction
fixed if you have 2 Puppets alive
^292- ^*^079Soulstealer^*: ^256Soul Burst^* has been greatly optimized
^292- ^*^079War Beast^*: ^256Battle Cry^* fixed so it does not interrupt your
previously queued commands
^292- ^*^079Wildsoul^*: Corpse fixed so it doesn't stand still after dying while

^292- ^*Fixed /dnd from not preventing IM's displaying in-game

^292- ^*Non-interrupting items and abilities will now no longer interrupt your
movement, attack, or casting (e.g. Devourer's Decay will no longer cause your
attack to stutter)
^292- ^*Kongor's minimap dot now always updates, even if your team didn't get
vision of his pit
^292- ^*In-Game Shop: Fix for toggling the simple item view mode for the first time
causing weird issues until you switched categories
^292- ^*Game Lobby: Fixed the kick and make ref spectator tips not disappearing
when the buttons were clicked
^292- ^*Options: Fixed an error when changing model quality
^292- ^*Communicator: now checks to make sure gamechat exists before trying to send
messages to it
^292- ^*News now uses correct effect for certain special heroes
^292- ^*News Fixed the news not appearing when re-logging and other situations
^292- ^*Communicator: Fixed modes with banning phases not properly switching to
team chat
^292- ^*Fixed the tutorial not ending/disappearing when logging out

^970Version 3.0.4^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added Throwback Alt Avatars: ^079Throwback Valkyrie^* and ^079Throwback

Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Throwback Valkyrie^* and ^079Throwback Moon Queen^*, both available by
completing the Throwback Throwdown! See Forums for details.
^717* ^*Earned from Match Rewards starting 3/1/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Magmus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Svarog^*

^717* ^*^079Svarog^* is an Archaic god once worshiped for reforging the sun every
night so it could rise again come morning. Now he returns to Newerth with ^079Risen
Ra^*, his brass skin and flaming hammer ready to regain lost glory!
^717* ^*Releases 3/1/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ravenor^* Alt Avatar: ^079Zeus^*

^717* ^*When the Archaic gods were supplanted and confined to the Heavens by
Newerth's devotion to Sol and the Hellbourne, ^079Zeus^*--god of sky and thunder--
was most furious of all. Now he is unleashed, and he brings a vengeful storm with
^717* ^*Releases 3/4/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Grinex^* Alt Avatar: ^079SlenderX^*

^717* ^*If you believe The ^079SlenderX^* is a myth, feel free to disregard the
whispers as you try to escape the darkening wood. They will be much easier to
ignore than the claws and tentacles that sink in just before you vanish.
^717* ^*Releases 3/6/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Zephyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Quetzalcoatl^*

^717* ^*Ages ago the Archaic god ^079Quetzalcoatl^* was praised by the people south
of the Rulian Marshes for his divine light, wind, and mercy. His bladed wings and
massive talons will offer none of those when he battles the Hellbourne.
^717* ^*Releases 3/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Tundra^* Alt Avatar: ^079Odin^*

^717* ^*The wise and fierce god ^079Odin^* has longed to return to Newerth with his
raven Muninn, hound Freki, and steed Sleipnir to fight alongside his son Thor. Now
^079Risen Ra^* grants him that opportunity, and ^079Odin^* shall hunt daemons once
^717* ^*Releases 3/11/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Defiler^* Alt Avatar: ^079Kali^*

^717* ^*^079Kali^*, goddess of time and change, annihilator of evil, watched
helplessly from the Heavens as the Hellbourne changed her realm of the Great Waste
to a field of slaughter and suffering. As she descends with ^079Risen Ra^*, she is
ready to show these daemons what divine slaughter looks like.
^717* ^*Releases 3/13/2013

^292- ^*Added new Alt Avatar Bundle: ^539The Archaic Gods^*

^717* ^*^079Svarog (Magmus)^*, ^079Zeus (Ravenor)^*, ^079Odin (Tundra)^*,
^079Quetzalcoatl (Zephyr)^*, ^079Kali (Defiler)^*
^717* ^*The Archaic Gods have returned to Newerth to lead man and beast against the
Hellbourne and regain the glory they lost to Sol's Disciples! Purchase this bundle
for early access to the avatars and a 20% discount on the set! That's getting one

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Essence Projection^*: Cool Down decreased form 90 to 90/75/60

^292- ^*^256Chain Spike^*: Immobilize increased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5
^292- ^*^256Chain Spike^*: Damage increased 35/70/105/140 to 45/80/115/150 on both
initial and activation

^292- ^*^256Time Leap^*: Damage rescaled from 25/75/125/175 to 50/90/130/170

^292- ^*^256Rift Stalk^*: Fade Time lowered from 2 seconds to 1.5

^292- ^*^256Forced Evolution^*: Slow on Attack increased from 15/25/35% to

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*Movement Speed increased from 300 to 305
^292- ^*^256Puppet Show^*: Cool Down reduced from 30/28/26/24 to 20

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^079Artesia^*: Fixed ^256Essence Projection^* so that its regeneration aura

properly applies to magic-immune units
^292- ^*^079Devourer^*: Fixed ^256Decay's^* radius so it grows properly with the
number of charges on his ultimate state
^292- ^*^079Silhouette^*: Fixed ^256Relentless Salvo^* on ^079Sileena Silhouette^*
so it uses the correct projectile model
^292- ^*^079Solstice^*: Fixed her mumbling two things at the same time when the
game starts
^292- ^*Enabled caching guides in the Learnatorium
^292- ^*Generic floating tips now bring themselves to the front when shown
^292- ^*Fixed clicking EA Heroes in the simple hero list (which was broken in the
fix to make the buy hero button work right)
^292- ^*Reduced the fade times for the bottom in-game guides bar, this prevents it
from not properly showing when opening/closing the guides in-game

^970Version 3.0.3^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Salomon the Djinn^*

^717* ^*The mighty ^079Salomon^* is summoned by ^079Ophelia^* to serve as the
magical guardian of the Legion and to make sure the Hellbourne's wishes never come
^717* ^*Releases 2/22/2013

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Salomon^* Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar:
^079Tengshe of the Soul Serpents^*
^717* ^*^079Tengshe^* is a brilliant military tactician fond of attacking both the
head and tail of the army, a tactic mirrored in his double-ended battleaxe. He
comes to Newerth in this Year of the Black Snake just in time!
^717* ^*Releases 2/22/2013

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Salomon^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Sharac the Riftreaver^*
^717* ^*When ^079Valreia the Riftwalker^* unwittingly pulled ^079Sharac into
Newerth^*, the Riftreaver burned beneath the alien yellow orb in the sky and
desired only to return to pure darkness. He sensed ^079Grinex^* nearby; perhaps
together they could regain the Rift--or create a new one.
^717* ^*Releases 2/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Shadowblade^* Alt Avatar: ^079Shadowbeast^*

^717* ^*^079Shadowbeast^* consumes the attributes of his victims and shifts his
appearance to fit their strongest ability, then uses it to kill his next prey. So
grab ^079Shadowbeast^* and pay it forward, and look sweet doing it.
^717* ^*Releases 2/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Solstice^* GOLD EDITION Alt Avatar: ^079Guan Yu^*
^717* ^*The ancient gods return to Newerth! In moonlight the legendary general
^079Guan Yu^* battles the Hellbourne as a loyal and righteous human warrior. But
his true form is revealed when the sun rises and he becomes a glorious god adorned
in fierce Dragon Armor.
^717* ^*Releases 2/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Berzerker^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gutbuster^*

^717* ^*When the ^079Gutbuster^* Special Forces soldier had his hand lopped off
going first through the breach, the Engineers asked if he wanted it replaced with a
hook or an ax. "I have an ax," he said. "Give me a stout dwarven stein." Now there
are many dead daemons who smell of Berzerker Ale.
^717* ^*Releases 2/27/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Updated effects for ^079Celsius^*

^292- ^*Updated effects for ^079Time Lord Chronos^*
^292- ^*Fixed a memory leak in the Mac client
^292- ^*Fixed a minor detailed ability tooltip issue with ^079Blood Hunter's^*
^256Feast^* stating that the debuff lasted 1.5 seconds instead of the proper 1
^292- ^*Fixed being able to make the hero model rotate forever by holding the
rotate button and then right-clicking
^292- ^*Fixed notification sounds defaulting to off on a fresh install
^292- ^*Fixed the Game channel not being joined when joining a matchmaking game
^292- ^*Fixed All chat being the default chat at hero selection when joining a
matchmaking game
^292- ^*Fixed the news opening over other panels if you open them at a very precise
time before the news finishes fading in
^292- ^*Fixed rolls/emotes from other channels showing up in in-game chat
^292- ^*Added high contrast visuals to ^090Nullstone's^* passive effect to make it
easier to see on certain avatars
^292- ^*Changed ^090Barbed Armor's^* passive effect so that it ignores bone
rotations and always points vertically
^292- ^*Updated Co-Op and PvP icons for matchmaking
^292- ^*Tiny pieces of foliage will no longer be created

^970Version 3.0.2^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Torturer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Celsius^*

^717* ^*^079Celsius^* was once the keeper of icebound magic for ^079Ellonia^*, but
his obsession with Sol's blessed flame led him to corruption from ^079Magmus^*. Now
his fiery daemon and frozen wizard halves battle for control, and the Legion
^717* ^*Releases on 2/15/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Warbeast^* Alt Avatar: ^079Den Mother^*

^717* ^*Many were killed by plagues in the Time of Ash; others were altered. Day or
night, woman or wolf, the ^079Den Mother^* is the reason her pack--and the
Hellbourne--always have fresh Legion meat on which to feed.
^717* ^*Releases on 2/18/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Revanant^* Alt Avatar: ^079Savage Revanant^*

^717* ^*The ^079Savage Revenants^* have reemerged, cobbled from the bones and armor
of fallen warriors and draped in ancient skulls and desiccated skins. Are they a
daemon deathblow or an act of Hellbourne desperation?
^717* ^*Releases on 2/20/2013

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Re-implemented Casual Mode Stats^*

^717* ^*This decision was made based off of both community feedback and further
internal research. In the future we will be looking for a solution to address the
concern for new players, but in different ways.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Reworked enter queue logic: You are no longer kicked from a group and put
in a solo group if you are in any kind of group already
^717* ^*This fixes being in a group alone (after inviting someone) and trying to
queue causing issues

^292- ^*^079Insanitarius^*: Fixed an exploit where you can instantly re-toggle on

^090Insanitarius^* on the same frame as the triggered 0.5s cooldown ends even when
its 7 second cooldown period is not up yet
^292- ^*^079Bubbles^*: ^256Shell Surf^* now hits at point-blank range again
^292- ^*^079Bubbles^*: ^256Shell Surf^* interaction with other projectiles fixed
^292- ^*^079Gauntlet^*: ^256Grapple's^* interaction with abilities like
^079Ophelia's^* ^256Judgment^* fixed
^292- ^*^079Monkey King^*: Fixed ^256Vault's second activation potentially
cancelling a ^090Null Stone^* without any setbacks
^292- ^*^079Thunderbringer^*: Fixed his ^090Staff of the Master^* boosted
^256Lightning Storm^* so that it functions properly with his ^256Lightning Rod^*
^292- ^*^079Oogie^*: Fixed ^079Mardi Gras Oogie^* not healing herself when
transformed from ^256Primal Surge^*

^292- ^*Fixed a bug with Lockpick that prevented you from picking heroes from the
lock pool.
^292- ^*Mentor chat is no longer logged in the game log
^292- ^*Team chat is now logged in the game log
^292- ^*Evened out the patching progress bar so the majority of the time is no
longer spent in the last few percent
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Antlore Healer^* icons
^292- ^*Multiple Hero ability tooltip fixes
^292- ^*Notifications sounds should be working
^292- ^*Fixed health and mana lerping when selecting different heroes/couriers
^292- ^*Fixed health bar color options not saving between client restarts
^292- ^*Social Panel: The 'Remove Current Group' option when managing groups is now
^292- ^*Social Panel: Fixed group names with 's and \s causing errors
^292- ^*Social Panel: Removed a trailing space from the friends header string so
that the header wasn't a tad longer than it should have been
^292- ^*Communicator should no longer force the game channel to be selected during
the countdown
^292- ^*Added the missing private game tips
^292- ^*Removed multiple close news commands from multiple right click options
^292- ^*Fixed /clear while in-game
^292- ^*RAP submission now has a confirmation when submitted
^292- ^*Game chat messages prior to getting in-game now appear in the in-game chat
^292- ^*Fixed an error that prevented RAP from showing up in the right-click menu
if there aren't a full 10 people in-game
^292- ^*Fixed the right-click menu not properly updating if you click a new line
without closing the old menu
^292- ^*Fixed being unable to completely clear out the game name being used to
filter the list
^292- ^*You can now select any map to filter a search by, even if you have Bot
Match selected

^970Version 3.0.1^*
Note: Due to the launch of 3.0, the next Hero release will take place on February
22nd (2/22/2013) with subsequent releases occurring every 4 weeks thereafter

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sand Wraith^* Alt Avatar: ^079Shadow Wraith^*

^717* ^*When a hero cheats Death for too long, Death leaves the job to the
^079Shadow Wraiths^*, the most ruthless soul repo men in Newerth. You can run, but
you'll only die tired.
^717* ^*Releases 2/8/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Oogie^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mardi Gras Oogie^*

^717* ^*Some warriors have a party animal's flair for battle, and ^079Mardi Gras
Oogie^* leads the Legion parade across Newerth, gathering her Carnival masquerade
and weapons along the way. And somebody tell Devourer that not every day is Fat
^717* ^*Releases 2/11/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Accursed^* Alt Avatar: ^079Diseased Accursed^*

^717* ^*^079Grinex^* brought new diseases from the Great Rift, including The Bloody
Wheel, which infected one of ^079Maliken's^* Darkguards and made his armor a prison
of agony as it feeds upon him but won't let him die. Like taxes.
^717* ^*Releases 2/13/2013

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Lane Creeps can no longer aggro the ^090Courier^*

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Cast Time reduced from 500 to 250
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Now fires off the proper 16 rounds instead of 17
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Total time it took to fire off 17 rounds was 4.5 seconds, now
it's 4 seconds to fire off 16 rounds
^292- ^*^256LRM^*: Now does full damage to creeps

^292- ^*^256Grave Silence^*: Radius increased from 200/275/350/350 to

^292- ^*^256Showdown^*: Removed the second activation's Mana Cost

^292- ^*Turnspeed reduced from 900 to 450
^292- ^*Starting Armor reduced from 5.4 to 4.4
^292- ^*Intelligence per level reduced from 2 to 1.8
^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^*: Movement Speed Slow reduced from 80% to 60%
^292- ^*^256Headsmash^*: Mana Cost increased from 50 to 50/55/60/65
^292- ^*^256Shatterstorm^*: 100% armor and Magic armor pierce is now applied on the
Physical portion of the damage
^717* ^*This means it will not apply if you have Physical Immunity such as ^090Void

^292- ^*^256Carnivorous^*: Illusions now gain the benefits of ^256Carnivorous^* at
33% effectiveness

^292- ^*^256Ball Lightning^*: Projectile speed increased from 600 to 700

^292- ^*^256Graceful Strikes^*: Damage lowered from 45/55/65/75 to 25/40/55/70
^292- ^*^256Crescent Strike^*: Damage lowered from 60/80/100/120 to 50/70/90/110
^292- ^*^256Pure Light^*: Initial Damage reduced from 200-400/300-600/400-800 to

^292- ^*^256Lightning Rod^*: Now damages enemies around the target of your spell
instead of around you
^292- ^*^256Lightning Rod^*: Radius reduced from 800 to 650
^292- ^*^256Lightning Storm^*: All enemies hit will now also be hit by
^256Lightning Rod^*
^717* ^*This effect will not hit a target multiple times

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*^256Mana Drain^*: Range increased from 600/650/700/750 to 700 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Mana Drain^*: Break Range increased from 800 to 900

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Sound adjustments for the following heroes:

^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Artillery^*
^717* ^*^079Solstice^*

^292- ^*^079Riftwalker^*: New effects for ^256Rift Burn^*

^292- ^*^079Lodestone^*: Abilities now have camera shake added
^292- ^*Sharing a ^090Courier^* ingame now works properly again

^292- ^*Communicator: /dnd no longer disconnects you from the chat server
^292- ^*Communicator: Now relies on the chat manager for channel selection like the
old communicator
^292- ^*In-game and Communicator: Chat sounds should all be working as expected
^292- ^*In-game chat: Fixed the scrollbar showing correctly when selecting the
^292- ^*In-game chat: Fixed the selected tab not being properly highlighted the
first time you show the chat
^292- ^*In-game chat: Fixed the tutorial messages to show the proper key bind when
sending to team or all chat
^292- ^*In-game chat: IMs sent to other people no longer show up as if they
whispered to you
^292- ^*In-game chat: IMs received now show up with a different text than whispers
^292- ^*In-game chat: Added support for the '/clear' command
^292- ^*In-game chat: The tip showing what button to press to show the chat history
now accurately reflects what the user has bound
^292- ^*In-game shop: Fixed quickslot items being shown when pressing shift even
though the shop is closed
^292- ^*Matchmaking: The following characters are now stripped out of searches: ) ]
^292- ^*Matchmaking: Invite a Player is now hidden on logout
^292- ^*Matchmaking: Your own name is no longer included in the Invite a Player
^292- ^*Matchmaking: Core Pool text on the simple game modes cover is now in a
fixed position
^292- ^*Matchmaking: People in custom groups now appear in the Invite a Player list
^292- ^*News: The news now attempts to reopen itself even if it's visible
^717* ^*This fixes the news not reopening if you quickly open and close a panel
^292- ^*Notifications: The following characters are now stripped out of searches: [
] ( ) % '
^292- ^*Options: Fixed Clear Shop Hotkeys button not working
^292- ^*Options: Added option to toggle communicator sounds and renamed option for
in-game chat sounds
^292- ^*Options: Moved a button on the checkbox template to fix a bit of extra
padding on normal option checkboxes
^292- ^*Players Stats: The number of games played for each mode now show for your
own stats
^292- ^*Report A Player: Spectators can no longer report players they are
^292- ^*Report A Player: RAP buttons default to invisible
^292- ^*Report A Player: RAP descriptions sanitize input for submission so quotes
don't break it
^292- ^*Report A Player: RAP only shows if the match ID is valid
^292- ^*Social Panel: Recent players now are colored based on online status
^292- ^*Social Panel: You can now search via clan tag
^292- ^*Social Panel: The following characters are now stripped out of searches:
[ ] ( ) % '

^292- ^*You can now double-click a name in the Matchmaking window to invite them to
your group
^292- ^*Player hosted games filter works properly when closed and reopened
^292- ^*The No-stats filter has been fixed to work properly
^292- ^*You can now Minimize/Maximize a friend group by clicking anywhere in its
^292- ^*Added "Leave Group" button to matchmaking
^292- ^*Added an option to toggle offline user group vs offline in current group
^292- ^*Team Chat is now the default for the Hero Pick phase
^292- ^*Default Matchmaking bot difficulty is now Medium

^292- ^*Fixed users being sorted in channels correctly

^292- ^*Fixed Clan Rank text to work correctly
^292- ^*Fixed the Skybox option
^292- ^*Fixed the Health bar Options not updating when changed
^292- ^*Fixed inactive groups appearing in the set group list
^292- ^*Fixed sometimes missing a channel name
^292- ^*Fixed clan and friend joining games notifications incorrectly showing a
join button
^292- ^*Fixed setting a keybind that caused the friends list to show only o/ne
friend ever
^292- ^*Fixed the Support link in the Options
^292- ^*Fixed Center Info keybind

^292- ^*Fixed a chat server crash

^292- ^*Fixed a serious server issue that was causing servers to become unavailable
^292- ^*Fixed disconnect from chat server when using /dnd & /afk

^970Version 3.0.0^*
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Forest of Caldavar revamped^*

^717* ^*The Forests of Caldavar map has received a complete overhaul in terms of
its appearance and layout. The environment is now more dynamic and includes
stunning new aesthetics, tower designs, fountains, buildings and more!

^292- ^*^539Added a new major feature: AI Bots^*

^717* ^*AI-controlled Bots are now available as an integral part of the Heroes of
Newerth experience!
^717* ^*You can now challenge the following Bots in Matchmaking or in a custom game
with friends or by yourself
^717* ^*^079Arachna Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Flint Beastwood Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Predator Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer Bot^*
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra Bot^* - by community member St0l3n_ID
^717* ^*More to come in the future!

^292- ^*^539Matchmaking significantly improved and updated^*

^717* ^*Revamped the Matchmaking screen to be clearer, cleaner, and much easier to
^717* ^*You can now play with Bots, either alone or with friends!

^292- ^*^539Tutorial reworked into the new Walkthrough^*

^717* ^*The game's Walkthrough has been completely revamped with an in-depth guide
to better prepare first time players for the world of Heroes of Newerth
^717* ^*The new Walkthrough will also include Bots so that beginners can test and
develop their skills before venturing into more competitive play

^292- ^*^539Herodex reworked into the new Learnatorium^*

^717* ^*This new feature will provide players with a series of videos that
reinforce and explain in great detail some of the game's basic and more complex
concepts and techniques
^717* ^*This is where you can find all information on Heroes, which includes the
^717* ^*Hero Guides: One of the key features of the 3.0 update is the inclusion of
lore within the world of HoN. Discover the story behind your favorite heroes as
each one has a unique tale concerning their involvement in Newerth.
^717* ^*Alt Avatars
^717* ^*Hero Usage Graphs and Stats
^717* ^*Learning Videos
^717* ^*Hero Spotlights
^717* ^*Developer Blogs
^717* ^*New Walkthrough

^292- ^*^539Casual Mode reworked^*

^717* ^*Hero kills are worth more or less based on the Hero's GPM relative to the
average GPM of the game
^717* ^*Slightly increase passive gold per minute
^717* ^*Average creep gold mechanic is now in Casual Mode
^717* ^*Casual mode stats are now completely hidden from everyone besides yourself
^717* ^*4 man concede vote changed from 30 minutes to 25 minutes

^292- ^*^539Report-A-Player has been updated to version 3.0^*

^717* ^*RAP 3.0, an all new Report-A-Player system, gives the community the power
to clean up and police itself while impacting the behavior of negative players
^717* ^*Anyone can now report regardless of account status
^717* ^*Reporting can be done from in-game chat, Ally portraits, Scoreboard, or end
game screen
^717* ^*Can now report players in Midwars
^717* ^*Coin deposit for reporting has been removed
^717* ^*Wait timer for reporting after a match has been removed
^717* ^*Report-A-Player button removed from top toolbar
^717* ^*Redesigned Report Interface

^292- ^*^539New Mute Suspension^*

^717* ^*If someone is suspended for Chat Abuse they will be restricted from using
any chat or voice in a match until after their suspension has been served
^717* ^*This is in addition to the normal account suspensions, not replacing it
^292- ^*^539New Referral System^*
^717* ^*Players can recruit friends for in-game currency and other tangible prizes!
^717* ^*You can now set your referrer by name when creating account OR when playing
as a new or inactive friend
^717* ^*You will be prompted to select people you queued with as a referrer to
receive coins!
^717* ^*You can click on an inactive friend in the friends list to send an email to
bring them back to HoN
^717* ^*The referral info page in the Options menu has been completely redone from
the ground up
^717* ^*The new Referral system is both in-game and on the website!

^292- ^*^539Kick vote has been removed^*

^717* ^*You can still kick players who have been tagged as AFK
^717* ^*AFK kick vote will now only require 2 Yes votes

^292- ^*^53930 Heroes have had their base models redone^*

^717* ^*These heroes now look better than ever as they have been redesigned with
spectacular high definition graphics!
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*^079Puppet Master^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Scout^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079The Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*

^292- ^*^539New in-game chat system^*

^717* ^*You can now customize what you see for your in-game chat, such as only team
chat, all chat, or friend-only chat
^717* ^*Default is team-only chat
^717* ^*Each tab can be customized by right clicking on it while holding Z

^292- ^*^539The Message of the Day has been totally redesigned^*

^717* ^*The MotD now features the latest news, patch notes, eSports updates, and
new heroes and lore!

^292- ^*^539Notifications have been reworked^*

^717* ^*Easier to find and read
^717* ^*Friend requests no longer get lost in the void and are shown separately
^717* ^*The default options have been improved for less intrusive gameplay
^717* ^*Added a search feature to find past Notifications

^292- ^*^539Friends list has been reworked^*

^717* ^*Now contains custom friend groups
^717* ^*Can sort by several different parameters
^717* ^*Easily Minimize/Maximize groups individually
^717* ^*Search your friends or add more easily!
^717* ^*Added a new "Recently Played With" area

^292- ^*^539Public Games renamed to Hosted Games^*

^717* ^*Updated and streamlined significantly
^717* ^*Now supports different difficulties of Bots
^717* ^*Easier than ever to find the matches you're looking for so you can start

^292- ^*^539The Options menu has been reworked and is easier to navigate^*
^717* ^*New "Troubleshooting" section
^717* ^*Options are explained much more clearly
^717* ^*Graphics settings now have a preview window
^717* ^*Added a Search feature to find any option quickly

^292- ^*Out of Game chat rewritten and performance improvements

^292- ^*Player colors in Matchmaking games are now randomly assigned, besides Blue
and Pink

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Scout^* Ultimate Avatar: ^079Cyber Scout^*

^717* ^*A brave ^079Scout^* nearly died fighting Pestilence. Now he is remade as
the ultimate stealth assassin RXR9--enhance his weapons and armor in-game to become
a last-hit master!
^717* ^*Releases 1/31/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Blitz^* Alt Avatar: ^079Quaterback Blitz^*

^717* ^*With crazy legs and a rifle arm, ^079Quarterback Blitz^* tears up the turf
and will not be denied the winning score--or the ensuing celebration dance. You
must protect this house!
^717* ^*Releases 2/1/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Tremble^* Alt Avatar: ^079Groundhog Tremble^*

^717* ^*This ^079Groundhog Tremble^* fears no man, beast, or daemon! But every time
he and his pet Boris emerge from the tunnels, that cursed shadow is waiting for
him. Get it Boris!
^717* ^*Releases 2/1/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Sand Wraith^* Alt Avatar: ^079Shadow Wraith^*

^717* ^*When a hero cheats Death for too long, Death leaves the job to the
^079Shadow Wraiths^*, the most ruthless soul repo men in Newerth. You can run, but
you'll only die tired.
^717* ^*Releases 2/6/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Witch Slayer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hope^*

^717* ^*The Sisterhood of Sol exists to destroy evil and headstrong ^079Hope^* is
their Champion, entrusted with the order's lethal artifacts and a fragment from Sol
himself as he ascended to godhood. She lifts.
^717* ^*This Avatar is exclusive and only available through the New Referral System

^292- ^*Added new Announcer Pack: ^539Thai^*

^292- ^*Added new Announcer Pack: ^539Thai (English)^*
^717* ^*We are very happy to add the new Thai language announcer pack! Good luck!
^717* ^*Releases 2/4/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed range/radius not showing up correctly in the Learnatorium

^292- ^*Fixed the dot in neutral camps showing up when it shouldn't be
^292- ^*Midwars no longer gives double passive Experience
^292- ^*Fixed disconnects when monitoring a game
^292- ^*Fixed occasional crashes due to sounds being freed while they're playing
^292- ^*Fixed Seven Deadly Sins set bonus
^292- ^*Fixed Rise of Ra set bonus
^292- ^*When a rune is used from the bottle it properly notifies teammates which
rune was used
^292- ^*When a rune is bottled text appears on the screen indicating which rune was
^292- ^*Fixed the missing Goatars in Grimm's Crossing
^292- ^*Fixed the missing Goatars in Midwars
^292- ^*Fixed a few stuck spots that would occur in Midwars
^292- ^*Fixed the model scaling for ^079Witch Slayer's^* ^256Miniaturization^* and
^079Pollywog Priest's ^256Morph^*
^292- ^*New ^079Pearl^* pick sound
^292- ^*^079Bubbles^*: ^256Kelp Field^* debuff is now shown with a proper timer
^292- ^*^079Succubus^*: ^256Mesmerize^* fixed so that it properly credits Succubus
for the kill if ^256Mesmerize^* was transferred more than one time and
^256Mesmerize^* lands the killing blow on a target

^970Version 2.6.35^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Bushwack^*

^717* ^*Banished from his jungle troll tribe for dabbling in forbidden technology,
^079Bushwack^* combines the poisonous arts of his ancestors with industrial death
and delivers it long-range against the Legion!
^717* ^*Releases 1/18/2013

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Bushwack^* Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar:
^717* ^*This Manticore has been simmering for centuries, gathering charred
exoskeleton remains to cover its seething core of toxic spirits killed by the
"glorious" dragons. ^079Harcoon^* wants one thing: ^079Draconis's^* wings.
^717* ^*Releases 1/18/2013
^292- ^*Added a new ^079Bushwack^* Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Ven^*
^717* ^*^079Ven became an Arasunia orphan after ^079Witch Slayer^* killed her
mother. She learned survival, then the killing arts, and now sells her venomous
skills to the Hellbourne for a chance to meet ^079Witch Slayer^* once more.
^717* ^*Releases 1/18/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Rally^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tyrant^*

^717* ^*The ^090Grimoire of Power^* has been carried to the Neutrals. Read the
forthcoming lore to find out how these heroes could save Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases 1/18/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Soul Reaper^* Alt Avatar: ^079Charon^*

^717* ^*Across Acheron and Styx, ^079Charon^* has ferried souls from the land of
the living to the dead-for a price. Now thanks to ^079Pearl^* snatching so many
souls from the brink of death, he must generate his own business. That river in
Caldavar should work just fine...
^717* ^*Releases 1/22/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Armadon^* Alt Avatar: ^079Vagabonadon^*

^717* ^*The ^090Grimoire of Power^* has been carried to the Neutrals. Read the
forthcoming lore to find out how these heroes could save Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases 1/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Chronos^* Alt Avatar: ^079Timelord^*

^717* ^*We asked ^079Timelord Chronos^* for some time for a statement: "Time? A
series of gears to be turned as I choose. Your past and present belong to me. Your
future depends on how much of my time you waste."
^717* ^*Releases 1/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Pearl^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ruby^*

^717* ^*Blood Mages unknowingly used daemonic magic to protect the Legion of Man
from the Beast Horde. When their source was discovered and the Mages still craved
more, they were burned and outcast. Now ^079Ruby^* marches with the Hellbourne, her
power greater than ever.
^717* ^*Releases 1/25/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bloodhunter^* Alt Avatar: ^079Stealth Hunter^*

^717* ^*The ^090Grimoire of Power^* has been carried to the Neutrals. Read the
forthcoming lore to find out how these heroes could save Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases 1/28/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Silhouette^* Alt Avatar: ^079Sileena^*

^717* ^*Newerth grew weary of the countless wounds the Hellbourne tore through her,
then she became furious. Created from the very earth and flora the daemons tread
upon, ^079Sileena^* is an assassin driven by nature's wrath.
^717* ^*Releases 1/30/2013

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed Team Player account icon

^292- ^*Fixed the tooltip for ^090Charged Hammer^*

^970Version 2.6.34^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Amun-Amun-Ra^* Ultimate Alt Avatar: ^079Risen Ra^*

^717* ^*^079Anubis Pharaoh^* summoned ^079Ra^* to battle ^079Maliken^*, but
^079Ra^*, in his true Golden Eagle form, has much bigger plans. Add specific items
to this avatar in-game to unlock amazing effects!
^717* ^*Releases on 1/11/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ophelia^* Alt Avatar: ^079Antphelia^*

^717* ^*What happens when a powerful Antlore Healer gains possession of the
Grimoire of power? He gains the power of ^079Ophelia^*! Read more about his fortune
in the the "Neutral Uprising" lore arc starting next week in the forums!
^717* ^*Releases on 1/14/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^079Bombardier^* Alt Avatar: ^079Turtlepult^*

^717* ^*When the ^079Bombardier^* trained his pet turtle to carry a mini slingshot
and smoke tiny cigars, they laughed. Now the turtle has grown up, and his catapult
will turn the laughter to screams!
^717* ^*Releases on 1/16/2013

^292- ^*Added new Chat Color: ^539Aquamarine^*

^717* ^*Are you a splashy character and haven't been able to express it? Now you
can! Try new chat color Aqua Marine!
^717* ^*Releases on 1/11/2013

^292- ^*Added new ^539Rise of Ra Bundle^*

^717* ^*Risen Ra Four-Alt Bundle: One-stop shopping for ^079Anubis Pharaoh^*,
^079Demonic Shaman^*, ^079Cenobite Torturer^*, and ^079Archlich Gravekeeper^*.
Purchasing this bundle qualifies you for the 80% discount on ^079Risen Ra^*!
^717* ^*Releases on 1/11/2013

^970== General ==^*

Legion Ancients
^292- ^*Changed how they leash to make them easier to stack

All Tablets have been renamed to the following:

^292- ^*Double Damage Rune
^292- ^*Invisibility Rune
^292- ^*Illusion Rune
^292- ^*Haste Rune
^292- ^*Regeneration Rune
^292- ^*Power Rune

^539Added winning Account Icons from Creative Continuum #3 and #4^*

^292- ^*These icons were created by community members redeye998 and kisroker in the
themed Creative Continuum Art Contests! They are available free of charge in the
Goblin Shop!

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Trample^*: Mana Cost reduced from 125 to 115

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*^256Plague Carrier^*: Mana Cost rescaled from 200/325/500 to 200/350/500

^292- ^*^256Disco Inferno^*: Healing and Damage to creeps increased from 50% to 75%

^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 22 to 24
^292- ^*^256Acid Cocktail^*: Now stuns and damages pets, with the exception of
Booboo and Boris
^292- ^*^256Cursed Ground^*: Mana Cost reduced from 120 to 90/100/110/120

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^090Runes of the Blight^* have been renamed to ^090Blight Stones^*

^292- ^*Illusions that have Nullfire now remove 6.67/12 mana

^292- ^*No longer randomly procs, now shoots lightning every 5 attacks

^090Charged Hammer^*
^292- ^*Damage increased from 24 to 30
^292- ^*No longer randomly procs, now shoots lightning every 5 attacks

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Optimized ^256Ashes to Ashes^* so that the state on himself will expire
when charges are 0
^292- ^*^256Ignite^* is now disabled if it has already been activated

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Carnage^* on all of his alt avatars so that it amplifies incoming
damage by the correct amount

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Executioner Legionnaire's^* move animation from hitching

^292- ^*^256Rocket Drill^* is now disabled if it has already been activated

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Eruption^* from not playing the animation if you ^256Lava
Surged^* and immediately used ^256Eruption^*

^079Moon Queen^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Moon Prince's^* alt avatar so that the toggled ^256Multi Strike^*
properly bounces to heroes only

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Myrmidon's^* animated portrait in-game so it properly loops

^292- ^*Adjusted the Well of Life to detect ^256Preservation Bubble^*

^292- ^*^256Protective Melody^* is now 100% Physical and Magic Damage reduction
instead of 1000 Armor/Magic Armor

^970Version 2.6.33^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Lodestone^*

^717* ^*^079Lodestone^* is a melee initiator that can dramatically reduce the
effectiveness of any well-armored hero. His prowess in battle allows him to
increase the damage of his allies as well as his own. However, ^079Lodestone^* is
not without weakness. He can deal massive damage to a single target but damages
himself in the process.
^717* ^*Releases 12/19/2012
^292- ^*Added a new ^079Lodestone Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar:
^717* ^*Releases 12/19/2012
^292- ^*Added a new ^079Lodestone Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Heap^*
^717* ^*Releases 12/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^539GOLD EDITION^* ^079Moon Queen^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ether the
Moon Prince^*
^717* ^*The first GOLD COLLECTION avatar in over a year! This avatar is available
for one week before it heads back to Merrick's Vaults!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/26/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Holiday Edition ^079Maliken^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mali Klause^*
^717* ^*This Avatar is exclusively available through the purchase of a $5.00,
$50.00, or $100.00 Coin pack! If you have a Mali Klause sitting in your vault, look
for him to be already unlocked and available to play! This avatar will not be
available for individual purchase this holiday season.
^717* ^*Releases on 12/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Holiday Edition ^079Ellonia^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jackson Frost^*
^717* ^*This Avatar is available with the purchase of a $30.00, $50.00, or $100.00
Coin Pack! This avatar will not be available for individual purchase this holiday
^717* ^*Releases on 12/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Holiday Edition ^079Rampage^* Alt Avatar: ^079Rudy Rampage^*
^717* ^*This Avatar is available exclusively with the purchase of a $100.00 coin
pack! This avatar will not be available for individual purchase this holiday
^717* ^*Releases on 12/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Holiday Edition ^079Drunken Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Eggnog
^717* ^*This Avatar is available exclusively with the purchase of a $10.00, $50.00
or $100.00 coin pack. This avatar will not be available for individual purchase
this holiday season.
^717* ^*Releases on 12/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Holiday Edition ^079Glacius^* Alt Avatar: ^079Frosty the
^717* ^*This Avatar is available exclusively with the purchase of a $50.00 or
$100.00 coin pack. This avatar will not be available for individual purchase this
holiday season.
^717* ^*Releases on 12/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition ^079Rhapsody^* Alt Avatar: ^079DJ Rap City^*
^717* ^*This special edition avatar is only available at this time through
Soundblaster ^292- ^*stay tuned for details on how to get yours!

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Forsaken Archer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Pra Ram Archer^*
^717* ^*Like Muay Tigermonium, this avatar is another winner from our Thailand
avatar contest! Complete with new monkey minions!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/21/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Rise of Ra ^079Demented Shaman^* Alt Avatar: ^079Demonic

^717* ^*The second avatar in the Rise of Ra series!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/21/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Hammerstorm^* Alt Avatar: ^079Bravehurt Hammerstorm^*

^717* ^*A Hammerstom from the Highlands!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/24/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Puppet Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Arcsara Puppetmaster^*

^717* ^*Another winner from Thailand's avatar contest! This ancient demon controls
a marionette that will take your soul!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/28/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Rise of Ra ^079Torturer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cenobite Torturer^*

^717* ^*The third avatar in the Rise of Ra series!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/28/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Taunt: ^539Celebration Taunt^*

^717* ^*Ring in the New Year with confetti and dropping balls!
^717* ^*Releases 12/31/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Flint Beastwood^* Alt Avatar: ^079Flint Hellwood^*

^717* ^*From the mean streets of Hell's Keep comes a demon with an attitude and the
guns to do something about it!
^717* ^*Releases on 01/02/2013

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Keeper of the Forest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Keeper of the
^717* ^*Complete with new cacti minions!
^717* ^*Releases on 01/04/2013

^292- ^*Added a new Rise of Ra ^079Gravekeeper^* Alt Avatar: ^079Archlich

^717* ^*The fourth avatar in the Rise of Ra series!
^717* ^*Releases on 01/04/2013

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Dark Lady^* Alt Avatar: ^079Glorious Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*From community member Glorious!
^717* ^*Releases on 01/07/2013

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Emerald Warden^* Alt Avatar: ^079Topiary Warden^*

^717* ^*This avatar has gone completly green! With new plant wolves and Gawain!
^717* ^*Releases on 01/09/2013

^292- ^*^079Chimera Draconis^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Brass Arachna^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Sub Mariner Kraken^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Doll Master^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
250 Gold or 500 Silver

^292- ^*^079Baby Yaga^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Duel^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of 390
Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Creature Predator^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Caterpillar^* Geomancer celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 150 Gold or 750 Silver
^292- ^*^079Tesla^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of 390
Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Twista^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of 390
Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Spellslinger^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Crusader Jeriziah^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 150 Gold or 750 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Happy Holidays to everyone!^*

^717* ^*Snow is now falling ingame and has blanketed Caldavar!

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Updated a lot of heroes and items to remove errors in the console when

^292- ^*^079Blacksmith^*: Fix the boom effect for when ^256Chaotic Flames^* gets
max effect
^292- ^*^079Geomancer^*: Updated effects across the board
^292- ^*^079Pharaoh^*: Fixed so he can always one-shot his mummies

^970Version 2.6.32^*
^970== New Content ==

^292- ^*Added ^079Pharaoh^* Alt Avatar: ^079Anubis Pharaoh^*

^717* ^*An ancient evil awakens to challenge Maliken for supremacy in the
Hellbourne ranks! This avatar starts a brand new chapter in the story of Newerth
and is the first of a new collection - Witness the Rise of Pharoah to begin the
^717* ^*Releases on 12/15/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Drunken Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Drunken Wench^*

^717* ^*Drunken Master's favorite tavern wench has decided to join him on the
battlefield! It can now be Oktoberfest any day you like in Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/15/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Rampage^* Alt: ^079Primal Rampage^*

^717* ^*This beast has barely been tamed by the Imp on his back, but with the
harpoon launcher and chains that Merrick supplies him, this Primal beast is ready
to rampage throughout the battlefield of Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/17/2012

^292- ^*^079Illithiphelia^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Zeppelin Bombadier^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Frankie Pebbles^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Karrabas Barrabas^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Pirate Gunblade^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Mummy Gauntlet^* celebrates 60 Days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 150 Gold or 750 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Christmas Lights have been strung up on the Legion's World Tree and Music
has been updated in preparation for the Holidays!

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Dig^*: Mana Cost lowered from 120 to 90/100/110/120

^292- ^*^256Consume^*: Always grants a charge
^717* ^*Killing a Hero still grants 3 charges

^292- ^*^256Grappling Shot^*: Damage dealt is now Physical

^292- ^*^256Flick^*: Now deals a tiny amount of damage to break ^090Portal Key^*
and Potions

^292- ^*^256Fervor^*: Illusions will now add a charge of fervor after 3 attacks

^292- ^*^256Final Chapter^*: Mana Cost decreased from 250/350/450 to 200/250/300

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^079Defiler^*: ^256Power in Death^* will now properly reduce the Mana Cost of
^256Wave of Death^* at all levels
^079Bramble^*: ^256Ensnaring Shrubbery^* will now properly trigger the heal on DOT
^079Puppet Master^*: ^256Voodoo Puppet^* will no longer spam art effects while
affected by dots

^970Version 2.6.31^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added ^079Pandamonium^* Alt Avatar: ^079Muay Tigermonium^*

^717* ^*From deep in Death's Cradle comes a new kind of warrior - a beast whose
fists, feet, elbows, and knees have been honed into weapons far more deadly than
claw and fang. This unstoppable fighter has entered the fray not to fight the good
fight, but simply to keep on fighting for his honor and to prove once and for all
that ^079Muay Tigermonium^* is the greatest there is!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/07/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Maliken^* Alt Avatar: ^079Young Maliken^*

^717* ^*Winner for the second avatar shuffle! ^079Young Maliken^* comes to us from
a time before he fell to temptation. This is the mighty General of the Legion of
Man during the great wars with the Beasts, the one man who could unite the
disparate tribes of savages into an army like the world had never before seen - and
who would bear the trophies of his conquests for his enemies to fear.
^717* ^*Releases on 12/10/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Chipper^* Alt: ^079Chiprel Strike Squad^*

^717* ^*When ^079Chipper^* is not enough to handle your Hellbourne problems, who
you gonna call? ^079Chiprel Strike Squad^* of course! This trio of fearless
Chiprels brings their brand new war machine to the battlefield to chop down the
competition. These are the Chiprels you need...AND the Chiprels you deserve!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/12/12

^292- ^*^079Witch Hunter^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Hook Madman^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Announcer sounds have been restored to their higher sound quality

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Illusory Assault^*: Illusions now move at 750 Movement Speed until they
land one attack
^292- ^*^256Illusory Assault^*: Fade time has been decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

Fixed the following skills so that you don't break invisibility if you start your
attack & cancel it before it connects or if you use a toggleable item (ie,
^090Steamboots^*, ^090Ring of the Teacher^*, etc.)
^292- ^*^079Night Hound's^* ^256Invisibility^*
^292- ^*^079Nomad's^* ^256Sandstorm^*
^292- ^*^079Revenant's^* ^256Essence Shroud^*
^292- ^*^079Valkyrie's^* ^256Prism^*

Fixed the following spells so that you can shift-queue items/skills/other commands
after they complete
^292- ^*^079Chronos'^* ^256Time Leap^*
^292- ^*^079Magmus'^* ^256Lava Surge^*
^292- ^*^079Midas'^* ^256Elemental Warp^*
^292- ^*^079Pandamonium's^* ^256Flick^*
^292- ^*^079Parasite's^* ^256Facehug^*

Fixed the following spells from automatically dispelling if the target enters fog
on the same frame that these debuffs get applied
^292- ^*^079Blitz's^* ^256Pilfering^*
^292- ^*^079Corrupted Discple's^* ^256Corrupted Conduit^*

^090Barrier Idol^*: Should no longer interrupt commands when used

^090Energizer^*: Fixed visuals so that they appear properly when ^079Empath^* is
inside someone
^090Restoration Stone^*: Should no longer interrupt commands when used
^079Arachna^*: Fixed ^079Brass Arachna's^* ^256Precision^* icon to be properly
^079Balphagore^*: Fixed ^256Corpse Conversion^* minions so that their slow doesn't
apply to towers nor to allied units
^079Grinex^*: Fixed a rare case of ^079Grinex^* following people when teleporting
^079Hellbringer^*: Fixed ^079Overseer Hellbringer's^* ^256Malphas' Flame Breath^*
cast range indicator
^079Martyr^*: Fixed ^256Conviction^* so it will not give ^079Gemini's^*
^256Fire/Ice^* pets a second instance of additional movespeed
^079Night Hound^*: Fixed ^256Backstab^* animation to correctly change when gaining
more attack speed
^079Pandamonium^*: Hid a self only state on ^256Cannonball^* when in midair
^079Pandamonium^*: Fixed a rare bug where his corpse stands up if he dies when he
is in close proximity of his opponent during ^256Flick^*
^079Riftwalker^*: Fixed ^256Shared Existence^* interaction with ^090Barbed Armor^*
^079Scout^*: Fixed attack animation out of ^256Vanish^* so that the first attack
uses ^256Disarm's^* animation
^079Scout^*: Fixed accidentally breaking ^256Vanish^* if he attempts to attack out
but cancels it before the attack actually connects
^079Solstice^*: Fixed the fade time on ^256Shadow Dash^* so that it is correctly
0.5s or 500 ms
^079Solstice^*: Fixed ^079Duel's^* dayform sound to play the correct files

^970Version 2.6.30^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added ^079Cthulhuphant^* Alt Avatar: ^079Royal Cthulhuphant^*

^717* ^*In some cultures, the White Elephant is revered as Holy and Royal. This is
true within Newerth as well. While ^079Cthuluphant^* himself is a force of chaos,
^079Royal Cthuluphant^* takes a more sagely position. Consulting among his three
heads to ensure his actions benefit not just himself, but the land as well, this
^079Royal Ctuluphant^* has allied himself against his brother and joined the Legion
^717* ^*Releases on 11/30/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Master of Arms^* Alt Avatar: ^079Master of Bows^*

^717* ^*Meet Eagleeye, the ^079Master of Bows^*. Unlike his brother, Eagleeye does
not believe that firearms are the key to the Legion beating the Hellbourne, but
instead victory will lie in the hands of the skilled men and beasts and their
ability to train themselves to use the tools at hand to defeat the daemonic
invasion. With his bows in hand he takes aim at the enemies of the Legion like a
true avenging force!
^717* ^*Releases on 12/05/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Tremble^* Skin: ^079Iron Tremble^*

^717* ^*Knowing that ^079Tremble^* had been considered weak and outcast, ^079Dr.
Repulsor^* set out to make things right. Encasing both ^079Tremble^* and Boris in a
Crimson and Golden Shell of Iron, the brooding beast has been unleashed back on
^717* ^*Releases on 12/03/2012

^292- ^*^079Judge Vindicator^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Futbol Bubbles^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Dark Succubus^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 150 Gold or 750 Silver
^292- ^*^079Kurukuru^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of 390
Gold or 750 Silver
^292- ^*^539Fat Lady Taunt^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 300 Gold or 1500 Silver

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Carnage^*: Damage Taken decreased from 20% to 15%

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*^256Blood Crazy^*: Cast Time decreased from .5 to .3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Blood Crazy^*: Cast Range increased from 600 to 650
^292- ^*^256Hemorrhage^*: Cast Time decreased from .5 to .3 seconds

^292- ^*^256Pitfall^*: Cast Speed and animation decreased from .4 to .3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Pitfall^*: Impact delay decreased from 1.6 to 1.5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Flagellation^*: Now propagates to illusions

^292- ^*^256Stalk^*: Cooldown decreased from 13/11/9/7 to 10/9/8/7 seconds

^292- ^*^256Flight^*: Removed 10% Damage Amp
^292- ^*^256Flight^*: Duration decreased from 25 to 20 seconds

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^090Icon of the Goddess^*

^292- ^*Charges now cap at 50
^292- ^*Max charges that you can lose at one time decreased from 10 to 8

^090Post Haste^*
^292- ^*Now takes ^090Striders^* as a component
^717* ^*Total price reduced by 300

^292- ^*Now builds into ^090Post Haste^*

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^079Grinex^*: Now correctly on the Hellbourne faction. Oops!

^292- ^*^079Grinex^*: Fixed ^256Rift Stalk^* so that you do not cancel previously-
ordered attack commands when you are fading into the second stealth state
^292- ^*^079Grinex^*: Fixed a visual timer issue on ^256Rift Stalk^* when you die
^292- ^*^079Solstice^*: Fixed ^256Pure Light^* to deal the proper amount of damage
when channeling for the full duration
^717* ^*Damage is effectively increased by 13,19,25 for only a full duration
^292- ^*^079Arachna^*: ^256Spider Sting^* minion will no longer be affected by
deflection items
^292- ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*: Fixed a rare instance causing ^256Electric Tide^*
to deal more damage than intended while teleporting away
^292- ^*Charged Hammer^*: Tower attacks will no longer activate the lightning
return effect
^292- ^*Announcer sounds have been downsampled to reduce memory usage
^292- ^*Search feature in store avatar and hero lists has been fixed
^292- ^*Monitoring a player should update immediately when opening a 2nd window
^292- ^*Movable frames template has option to reset position on resolution change
^292- ^*Game lobby avatar splash screen should now prompt to purchase an avatar on
doubleclick if it is unowned
^292- ^*SpecUI hotkeys to open, close, and toggle info screens should now behave
properly again
^292- ^*Test++ refresh feature should now be disabled when you leave a game

^292- ^*Fixed the new shaders that ^079Slickz^* uses

^970Version 2.6.29^*
^970== New Content ==

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Grinex the Riftstalker^*

^717* ^*Grinex the ^079Riftstalker^* is a ganker who uses stealth and deception to
sneak upon and burst down his enemies. Utilize his fierce laning presence to
cripple the enemy team before they can build up their strength.

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access ^079Grinex^* Alt Avatar:
^292- ^*Added new Premium ^079Grinex^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gideon^*

^292- ^*Added ^079Pestilence^* Alt Avatar: ^079Queen Serecta^*

^717* ^*^079Pestilence^* is not the only bug to leave Moon Queen's Hive. The self-
proclaimed ^079Queen Serecta^* has set her sights on the first deserter from
Krixi's Hive. Intent to make him her King, they will rule the Hive together... or
die trying.
^717* ^*Releases on 11/28/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Artillery^* Alt Avatar: ^079Gunnar^*

^717* ^*Deep from within the Iron Mountains comes the Dwarven Artilerist
^079Gunnar^*! Here to prove Dwarven ingenuity trumps dug-up ancient technology any
day, this warrior will soften up the Hellbourne so the Legion can have their final
^717* ^*Releases on 11/23/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Nomad^* Alt Avatar: ^079Red Raja^*

^717* ^*The ^079Red Raja^* - famed performer with a secret past. Framed for murder
by the ^079Sand Wraith^*, this Persian Prince has taken a disguise to hide from his
pursuers whilst tracking the murderer of his bride. Will his disguise be lifted
before the ^079Sand Wraith^* can be brought to justice?
^717* ^*Releases on 11/26/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Glacius^* Alt Avatar: ^079Joven Glacius^*

^717* ^*^079Joven^* - the name of the Ice Warlock ^079Glacius^* before his tragic
fall. Meet this not-quite-corrupted vision of the Hellbourne's master of frost in
the halls of DreamHack as an exclusive early access avatar for attendees of the
^717* ^*Releases on 11/21/2012 for DreamHack attendees with unlock codes and
12/7/2012 for regular purchase!

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Dark Lady^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hachina^*

^717* ^*This is not your daddy's TDL! This ^079Dark Lady^* of the Night has taken
the role of assassin to a whole new level as she tracks her prey in the cities of
Newerth! She will be available for one week exclusively with the purchase of a
$50.00 or $100.00 Coin Pack
^717* ^*Releases on 11/21/2012 (free with $50 or $100 coin purchase) and 11/30/2012
for regular purchase!

^292- ^*^079Kinesia celebrates^* 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price of 250
Gold and 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Musketeer Gladiator^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 390 Gold and 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Unseelie Nymphora^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 390 Gold and 1500 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Good luck to all of the teams participating in the 2012 DreamHoN Winter
^717* ^*DreamHack is the world's largest LAN festival running from November 22-25
^717* ^*Catch the world's best HoN players competing this weekend on
and HoNTV!
^717* ^*Due to DreamHack occurring this week there are no major changes in this

^292- ^*Tooltips now include the range and/or radius of abilities

^970Version 2.6.28^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Rereleased Holiday ^079Zephyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Turkey Zephyr^*

^717* ^*The Holiday Bird returns to Newerth for one week to celebrate Thanksgiving!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/21/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Legionnaire^* Alt Avatar: ^079Golden Centurion^*

^717* ^*The Legionnaire's of the Royal Guard are not only noted for their Golden
armor, but for their title - Centurions.
^717* ^*Releases on 11/16/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Fayde^* Skin: ^079Glorious Fayde^*

^717* ^*Community Member Glorious brings us another amazing avatar for Fayde - This
time a reimagined Gypsy Fayde with a bit less left to the imagination!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Taunt: ^539Blacksmith Taunt^*

^717* ^*Tell your foes it's "Too Bad" they have been crushed under your boot heel
with a Blacksmith in the box - Just watch out for the boom!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/16/2012

^292- ^*^079Night Hunter^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Polar Panda^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
150 Gold or 750 Silver

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Turnrate increased from 360 to 450 for ^079Hellbringer^*, ^079Blitz^*,

^079Demented Shaman^*, and ^079Voodoo Jester^*

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*^256Stagger^*: Cooldown decreased from 12/10/8/6 to 9/8/7/6
^292- ^*^256Untouchable^*: Drunk Charges needed decreased from 4 to 2

^079Lord Salforis^*
^292- ^*^256Dark Lord's Presence^*: Illusions will deal 33% of the aura damage

^292- ^*Movespeed increased from 300 to 305
^292- ^*^256Compel^*: Mana Cost decreased from 140 to 130
^292- ^*^256Demoralizing Roar^*: Now does 40/80/120/160 Physical damage
^292- ^*^256Demoralizing Roar^*: Mana Cost increased from 40 to 75

^292- ^*^256Defile^*: Cast range increased from 600 to 700
^292- ^*^256Mortification^*: Cast range increased from 600 to 700
^292- ^*^256Essence Shroud^*: Cast range increased from 600 to 700
^292- ^*^256Essence Shroud^*: Mana Cost decreased from 90/100/110/120 to

^292- ^*Strength gain per level increased from 2.1 to 2.3
^292- ^*Agility gain per level increased from 2.1 to 2.3
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 2.1 to 2.3
^292- ^*^256Essence Shift^*: Cast range increased from 600 to 800

^292- ^*^256Shining Rays^*: Damage decreased from 20/30/40/50 to 15/25/35/45
^292- ^*^256Pure Light^*: Cool Down increased from 80/70/60 to 100/90/80

^292- ^*Magic Armor increased from 5.5 to 6

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed one of the Legion jungle hard neutral camps to spawn the correct
amount of goatars

^292- ^*Double Damage: Re-adjusted the impact sound when attacking with double
damage activated
^292- ^*^079Draconis^*: ^256Fiery Barrage^* now works if you deny an allied unit
^292- ^*^079Draconis^*: ^256Fiery Barrage^* will now trigger on denies and will no
longer count down or trigger on towers
^292- ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*: Fixed ^079Forsaken Strider's^* ^256Crippling
Volley^* cast animation so that the sounds play at the same time as the original
^292- ^*^090Hellflower^*: Visual Trail now stops spawning when ^090Hellflower^* is
dispelled early
^292- ^*^090Hellflower^*: Greatly optimized entity files
^292- ^*^079Magmus^*: Fixed ^256Eruption^* animation on Magmoose so that it is a
bit brighter now
^292- ^*^079Master of Arms^*: Optimized ^256Pulse Cannon^* attack
^292- ^*^079Valkyrie^*: Fixed ^079Headhunter Valkyrie^* and ^079Cyber Valkyrie's^*
attack projectile spawning location so that it won't fire an arrow from the other
side of the enemy target if you're hugging them at point-blank range

^970Version 2.6.27^*
^970== New Content ==^*
^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition ^079Tundra^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tribal Tundra^*
^717* ^*The Frostfields are a harsh and unforgiving land. Among the men and beasts
who reside in the Great White North, there are few who have learned to thrive
without magic. Within the nomadic people, an elite warrior has learned to master
the frost beasts of the ice caverns and have adopted his rule as their own – he is
now the ^079Tribal Tundra^* and all Hellbourne who venture into the lands claimed
by his people will know no mercy.
^717* ^*Releases on 11/09/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Emerald Warden^* Alt Avatar: ^079Centaur Warden^*

^717* ^*In the forests and plains of Newerth great herds of Centaurs once roamed
the lands. Their ancient lands have been destroyed by the deamons and the Centaurs
have sent a champion to aid in reclaiming their ancestral lands. With his wolf and
hawk, ^079Centaur Warden^* stands ready to join the Legion cause!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/14/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Pollywog Priest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Holly Polly^*

^717* ^*There once was a girl named Holly, who was obsessed with all things Polly,
there's a Frog on her head, and her totems make you dead...beware of the ^079Holly
^717* ^*Releases on 11/09/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Devourer^* Skin: ^079Patchwork Devourer^*

^717* ^*Not all demons are stitched from corpses...some are stitched from
sackcloth! You may never snuggle with your stuffed toys again after experiencing
the new ^079Patchwork Devourer^*!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/12/2012

^292- ^*^079Minotaur Behemoth^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold and 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Sabretooth Archer^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 150 Gold and 750 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Hero Icons ingame will now always display the Default Hero Icons to avoid
^717* ^*Icons in the pregame lobby will still reflect which Alt Avatar or skin you
are using

^292- ^*The Voting System no longer displays who calls each vote

^970Version 2.6.26^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Corrupted Disciple^* Alt Avatar: ^079Reborn Disciple^*

^717* ^*It is said the power corrupts and now you can see the effects of absolute
corruption as Newerth's Corrupted Disciple gives himself fully to the deamonic
power within and in consumes him completely and he is reborn as a being of dark
^717* ^*Releases on 11/02/12

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Zephyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Twista^*

^717* ^*Twista is one of the mighty Air Elementals of Newerth. His is a lonely lot
in life, always drifting from place to place never making any friends. But now he
has found the Legion, always willing to accept new warriors against the Hellbourne.
They welcomed the Wind Warrior into their ranks only to find that he is more than a
bit of a blowhard!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/02/12

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Flint Beastwood^* Alt Avatar: ^079Flint Spellslinger^*

^717* ^*Not every hunter needs to use weapons to bring down their prey. Flint
Spellslinger has mastered the art of firethrowing and now brings its destructive
power to bear on his enemies!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/07/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Solstice^* Alt Avatar: ^079King Animus^*

^717* ^*Animus is the King of the Lizardfolk - A Lizard Man by day and a Bestial
Frilled Dragon by night, beware the power that he brings to the battlefiled! This
Avatar is exclusively available for fans of Heroes of Newerth on Facebook!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/06/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Courier: ^539Caterpillar Courier^*

^717* ^*This amazing new courier is a magic carpet riding, hooka smoking beast who
is more than happy to transform into a smoky butterfly to bring you your goods.
This courier is exclusively available for fans of Heroes of Newerth on YouTube.
^717* ^*Releases on 11/06/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Jeraziah^* Skin: ^079Crusader Jeraziah^*

^717* ^*Jeraziah has returned from the frontlines a changed man. In his new
Crusader Armor, he is bringing the fight back to the Hellbourne assassins no matter
their creed!
^717* ^*Releases on 11/05/2012

^292- ^*^079Cyber Valk^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
250 Gold or 500 Silver coins
^292- ^*^079Crematorium Balph^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver coins
^292- ^*^079Scorcher^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of 390
Gold or 1500 Silver coins
^292- ^*^079Harumon Monkey King^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 150 Gold or 750S Silver coins

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Halloween has concluded in Newerth

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^*: Duration rescaled from 1/2/3/4 to 2/2.5/3/3.5
^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^*: Damage rescaled from 60 to 40/50/60/70

^292- ^*Illusions now proc damage from ^256Curse of Ages^* at 33% less damage than
^717* ^*Illusions can not proc a stun

^292- ^*^256Summon Malphas^*: Cooldown decreased from 165 to 160/150/140
^292- ^*^256Malphas^*: Movespeed increased from 325 to 325/350/375

^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^*: Cooldown decreased from 18/14/10/6 to 6 seconds
^970== Item Balance ==^*

^090Harkon's Blade^*
^292- ^*Mana Cost decreased from 75 to 50

^292- ^*Recipe Cost decreased from 950 to 925

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed Magic Armor displaying an incorrectly rounded number

^292- ^*You can now mouseover a Hero icon on the scoreboard to show a tooltip
^292- ^*Chat channels now throttle how often you can use autocomplete
^292- ^*Herodex will no longer look incorrect when logging out and in
^292- ^*Public Games 'Cancel' button fixed to work correctly
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where death tips were not being removed between games if the
chosen Hero does not change
^292- ^*Advanced game options hides with Public Games properly

^970Version 2.6.25^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Pearl, The Bubble Mage^*
^717* ^*^079Pearl^* is a ranged intelligence support hero that protects and heals
nearby allies while knocking enemies away. Unlike other support heroes, ^079Pearl^*
wants to be in the midst of the battle, ready to stop damage with
^256Preservation^* or knock enemies away with ^256Whirlbubble^*.

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access ^079Pearl^* Alt Avatar: ^079Brann^*
^292- ^*Added new Premium ^079Pearl^* Alt Avatar: ^079Shadian^*

^539Celebrate Halloween all October long with a slew of monstrously themed


^292- ^*Added a new ^079Repulsor^* Alt Avatar: ^079Tesla the Mad Scientist^*
^717* ^*This Alt Avatar is given out for free to anyone who purchases a $50 or $100
coin package between patch 2.6.25 and 2.6.26
^717* ^*Not every scientist can hold onto his sanity while delving into the dark
recesses of humanity. The great ^079Tesla^* has lost his tenuous grasp on reality
and powered up his flying platform to spread his mad knowledge throughout Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases for direct purchase on 11/02/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Pyromancer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Headless Horseman Pyromancer^*

^717* ^*From the hollows of the Darkwood Vale come the restless spirit of
^079Headless Horseman Pyromancer^*. Malikin may have taken his head in battle, but
even that will not stop this Holiday Edition Avatar from seeking revenge from
beyond the grave when he returns to Newerth this Halloween!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/31/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Predator^* Alt Avatar: ^079Creature Predator^*

^717* ^*In the oceans of Newerth demons like Kraken and Myrmdon have grown in power
and destroyed many of the beasts that live below the waves. Among the survivors a
King has emerged to bring the fight back to the demons. Called Creature by the
humans he will destroy the enemy above or below the Lagoon!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/26/2012
^292- ^*Added a new ^079Geomancer^* Skin: ^079Caterpillar Geomancer^*
^717* ^*Ever wonder where Monarchs come from? Enjoy seeing the butterfly before she
enters her chrysalis when she releases on 10/29/2012

^292- ^*^079Clockwerk Archer^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver Coins
^292- ^*^079Sniper Scout^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 250 Gold or 500 Silver Coins
^292- ^*^079Iron Flux^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver Coins
^292- ^*^079Rage Bane^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver Coins
^292- ^*^079Icy Deadwood^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
150 Gold or 750 Silver Coins
^292- ^*^079Joan D'Rally^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
390 Gold or 1500 Silver Coins

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^079Solstice^* is now part of the general hero pool

^292- ^*^539HoN Tour is Here (Again)!^*

^717* ^*HoN Tour functionality has been fully added to the game client and
completely updated. The HoN Tour tournament platform is completely automated to
make your HoN Tour experience as streamlined as possible.
^717* ^*As a registered HoN Tour competitor, you'll notice a few new features in
the Game Client. For a full walkthrough of the custom HoN Tour UI, visit
^717* ^*LET THE GAMES BEGIN with the relaunch of the HoN Tour qualifiers October

^292- ^*All game votes are now anonymous

^717* ^*The only vote displayed is from the person who calls each vote

^292- ^*AFK kick vote now takes only 2 "Yes" votes instead of 5
^292- ^*Mac/Linux client no longer consumes a lot of processor time when not in

^292- ^*^256Unholy Expulsion^*: Attack damage changed from 43 - 48 to 46

^090Grimoire of Power^*
^292- ^*The tooltip has been updated to specify damage done by only the hero
^292- ^*^256Unholy Expulsion's^* Spirits will now receive the benefits of +15%
damage amplification.
^292- ^*^256Summon Gawain's Diving Strike^* will now receive the benefits of +15%
damage amplification.

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*^256Sticky Bomb^* no longer detonates if it has been purged/dispelled

^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^* no longer spreads to other units when
^292- ^*^079Parasite^* now properly transfers ^256Sticky Bomb^* and ^256Demonic
^717* ^*Both ^256Bomb^* and ^256Pathogen^* no longer transfer and explode

^292- ^*Correctly changed ^090Pickled Brain^* to 950 gold
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Gravekeeper^* always doing bonus damage

^292- ^*Fixed connecting to servers through Matchmaking

^970Version 2.6.24^*
^539Celebrate Halloween all October long with a slew of monstrously themed

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Ultimate ^079Swiftblade^* Avatar: ^079Zinifer, the Dark Elf
^717* ^*Ultimate Avatars have officially been released in Newerth! These Special
Edition Alt Avatars allow you to customize your favorite heroes according to your
play-style With our first Ultimate Avatar, Zinifer, the Dark Elf Swiftblade,
you'll be brandishing some of the most popular in-game items directly on your hero.
As you purchase your in-game items, your hero will shout out new sounds and include
brand new effects and animations throughout the game. From the all new visual
effects of an equipped Frostburn, to the mithril mail attached to your little red
bootie upgrade, Ultimate Avatars bring hero customization to a whole new level. The
new Ultimate Avatars are available for purchase with Gold Only and are not on sale
for a limited time or a limited number of units. Take your in game experience to
the Ultimate level with the Ultimate Swiftblade.
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade's^* armor has been pealed away to reveal the dark elf
underneath. This outcast has been helping humanity battle the demonic tide for
years, and now has the ability to gear up as you play! As you purchase your in game
items your hero will shout out new sounds and add brand new effects and animations
throughout the game! This new class of avatars are the Ultimate Avatars in MOBA
^717* ^*Releases on 10/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Blood Hunter^* Alt Avatar: ^079Baby Yaga^*

^717* ^*This Baby monster from the desert has entered the fray. Remember this one
is just the baby, so watch out for its Momma!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/24/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Draconis^* Skin: ^079Dracolich Draconis^*

^717* ^*^079Draconis^* gets an undead facelift! Add this deadly dragon to your hero
roster when it releases!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/22/2012

^292- ^*^079Medusa Midas^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 250 Gold and 500 Silver
^292- ^*^539Acme Taunt^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
300 Gold and 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Blood Moon Queen^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 175 Gold and 750 Silver
^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539HoN Tour is Here!^*

^717* ^*HoN Tour functionality has been added to the game client. The HoN Tour
tournament platform is completely automated to make your HoN Tour experience as
streamlined as possible.
^717* ^*As a registered HoN Tour competitor, you'll notice a few new features in
the Game Client. When a scheduled HoN Tour match is available, the "Play Now"
button will be replaced by a "HoN Tour" button. Click this button to join the pre-
game lobby with your team and meet your competitor. Once all five members of each
team have joined the lobby, the system will allow you to start the match and let
the competition begin. Statistical data from each match is automatically sent to
the system and uploaded to
^717* ^*LET THE GAMES BEGIN with the HoN Tour qualifiers, starting October 20th!

^292- ^*^539New Coin Bundles^*

^717* ^*Coin Bundles are now available at five different price points. Due to
popular demand, we have added a lower bundle of $5 and a premier $100 bundle with
an even larger extra coin bonus
^717* ^*Coin bundles price points are now $5, $10, $30, $50, and $100
^717* ^*$40 coin bundle has been removed

^292- ^*^539Matchmaking^*
^717* ^*Improvements have been made to the client/server connection process that
should cut down the number of "No response from server" messages, resulting in more
successful matchmaking games
^717* ^*When joining a matchmaking match, the game client will now receive a
connection reminder on match creation if the connection to the server hasn't been

^292- ^*Sound quality updated and file size reduced for the following
^717* ^*^079Blitz^*
^717* ^*^079Flint Beastwood^*
^717* ^*^079Ravenor^*
^717* ^*^090Power Supply^*
^717* ^*^090Tablet of Command^*
^717* ^*^090Puzzlebox^*
^717* ^*^090Frostburn^*
^717* ^*^090Grave Locket^*
^717* ^*^090Flying Courier^*
^717* ^*^090Energizer^*
^717* ^*^090Barrior Idol^*
^717* ^*^090Mana Battery^*
^717* ^*^090Void Talisman^*
^717* ^*Lane Creeps

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Movespeed increased from 300 to 315
^292- ^*^256Quicken^*: Mana Cost reduced from 40/45/50/55 to 35/40/45/50

^292- ^*^256Wave of Death^*: Cast range increased from 600 to 900
^717* ^*The actual area hit stays the same. This change allows you to cast from
further away
^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*^256Hollowpoint Shells^*: Images now have this ability, but they deal 33%
of the bonus damage and will not stun

^292- ^*^256Defiling Touch^*: Ability is now toggleable so the player can choose to
not unintentionally block a neutral creep spawn by leaving a corpse at the camp
^292- ^*^256Zombie Apocalypse^*: Zombie models updated

^292- ^*Starting Armor increased from 1.18 to 2.18

^292- ^*^256Sandstorm^*: Ally Movespeed increased from 5/10/15/20% to 8/12/16/20%
^292- ^*^256Sandstorm^*: Enemy Movespeed decreased from -7/-14/-21/-28 to -15/-20/-
^292- ^*^256Mirage Strike^*: Damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 60/80/100/120
^292- ^*^256Wanderer^*: Critical damage now works on creeps. You lose only half of
your charges from creeps

^292- ^*Reduced starting Strength from 20 to 19
^292- ^*Reduced Agility gain per level from 2.1 to 1.7

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*^256Electric Jolt^*: No longer travels in a cone up to 1080 units. Now
Jolts targets in a circle up to 400 units around the original
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Wards^*: Reduced the collision size of the Wards, making it
slightly easier to get out of ward traps
^717* ^*Bound radius changed from 16 to 10

^292- ^*^256Ball Lightning^*: Mana Cost reduced from 90/105/120/135 to
^292- ^*^256Electrical Feedback^*: Electric Bolts now apply a 10% slow for 3

^292- ^*^256Wormhole^*: Now disjoints and unbinds when you finish channeling

^292- ^*^256Death Lotus^*: Passive damage from the blades reduced from 60 to 45

^970== Hero Magic Armor Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 4.75

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75
^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^079Lord Salforis^*
^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6.25
^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6.0

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.25

^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 6.5

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Increased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.75

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0

^292- ^*Decreased starting Magic Armor from 5.5 to 5.0
^970== Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Bash Damage increased from 25 to 35

^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced from 850 to 800

^090Pickled Brain^*
^292- ^*Item cost reduced from 1000 to 950

^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 800
^292- ^*Intelligence increased from 6 to 8/10/12
^292- ^*Mana Regeneration increased from 75% to 100/125/150%
^292- ^*Cooldown Reduction removed

^970== Neutral Creep Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Increased health from 370 to 410

^292- ^*Health reduced from 500 to 450
^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 62 to 42

^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 25 to 20

^095Werebeast enchanter^*
^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 62 to 42

^095Wolf Commander^*
^292- ^*Armor reduced from 3 to 2

^292- ^*Can no longer Critical Strike

^095Fire Ogre^*
^292- ^*Experience value increased from 41 to 62
^292- ^*Health decreased from 850 to 700
^292- ^*Damage increased from 27 to 33

^095Ice Ogre^*
^292- ^*Experience value increased from 62 to 76

^095Wild Hunter^*
^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 119 to 110

^095Vagabond Assassin^*
^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 41 to 31
^292- ^*Damage increased from 7 to 10

^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 88 to 78

^095Vagabond Leader^*
^292- ^*Armor increased from 0 to 2
^292- ^*Damage increased from 20 to 26
^292- ^*Experience value increased from 41 to 61
^292- ^*Hard camps now spawn an additional Goatar when a Minotaur spawns

^292- ^*Damage decreased from 69 to 60

^292- ^*Experience value increased from 25 to 41

^292- ^*Experience value increased from 119 to 155

^095Catman Solider^*
^292- ^*Armor reduced from 5 to 3

^095Catman Champion^*
^292- ^*Experience value increased from 119 to 155

^095Undead Warrior^*
^292- ^*Experience value reduced from 62 to 41

^095Skeleton King^*
^292- ^*Damage increased from 38 to 50

^292- ^*Health reduced from 950 to 900

^095Dragon Master^*
^292- ^*Health reduced from 2000 to 1800

^970== Bug Fixes and Optimizations ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed the following Heroes trying to reference entities that do not exist
^717* ^*This removes a lot of error text when loading
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Berzerker^*
^717* ^*^079Bramble^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Gravekeeper^*
^717* ^*^079Jeraziah^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Lord Salforis^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Monarch^*
^717* ^*^079Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Myrmidon^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*
^717* ^*^079Wild Soul^*
^717* ^*^079Zephyr^*

^292- ^*Corrected the following Hero and Alt Avatar attack animations so they line
up correctly with when the projectile is launched or damage is done
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Sexy Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Zephyr^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*
^717* ^*^079Gluttony^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*
^717* ^*^079Horsemen Famine^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*

^292- ^*Fixed a memory leak on the Watchtower map

^292- ^*^095Vulture Lords^* tornadoes are now DOT damage so some effects do not
spam anymore

^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Fixed playing through fog

^292- ^*^256Lava Surge^*: Removed the Attack Immunity when people are in the air

^292- ^*^256Golden Salvo^*: Updated effects
^292- ^*^256Elemental Warp^*: Updated effects

^292- ^*^079Envy's^* effects have been updated

^292- ^*^256Tree Grapple^*: Death effect removed
^292- ^*^256Tree Grapple^*: Double damage bug fixed

^292- ^*Duel avatar low quality model no longer floats when moving

^292- ^*^256Smitten^*: Fixed so Pharoah can attack his own mummies with the debuff
on him

^292- ^*His corpse should now properly sink into the ground after death

^090Charged Hammer^*
^292- ^*Optimized to properly deal damage to the target and two random nearby

^090Portal Key^*
^292- ^*The trail effect has been removed from Portal Key

^970Version 2.6.23^*
^539Celebrate Halloween all October long with a slew of monstrously themed
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition ^079Hellbringer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Priestess

^717* ^*The dark deamon-summoning ^079Priestess Hellbringer^* has arrived in
Newerth bringing a powerful new Malphas along with her. This Limited Edition avatar
will only be here for a short time before returning to her hidden lair, so get this
vision of dark summoner.
^717* ^*Releases on 10/12/2012

^292- ^*Added a new HoNaween ^079Pebbles^* Alt Avatar: ^079Frankie Pebbles^*

^717* ^*What happens when Igor gets left to his own experiments in the lab? He
makes himself into a better man of course! Get ^079Frankie Pebbles^* and see how
big of a man you really are!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/12/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Gauntlet^* Skin: ^079Mummy Gauntlet^*

^717* ^*This skin has ^079Gauntlet^* all wrapped up for Halloween. Stretch out a
hand for your friends and get ready to bandage up your enemies when this new skin
^717* ^*Releases on 10/15/2012

^292- ^*Added New Announcer Pack: ^539Seductive Pack^*

^717* ^*Designed by HoN community member Sell..bringing Sexy Back into HoN one
announcer at a time!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/17/2012

^292- ^*^079Rhino Rampage^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 250 Gold and 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Shaka Nomad^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new price of
250 Gold and 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Headhunter Valk^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 390 Gold and 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Phantom Tempest^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 150 Gold and 750 Silver
^292- ^*^079Shibo Shinobi^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 390 Gold and 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^090Hamster Courier^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 200 Gold and 400 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Halloween has made its mark on Newerth!^*

^717* ^*Pumpkins have grown around the map
^717* ^*The world sounds much spookier
^717* ^*The days are more golden, while the nights are even darker... beware!
^717* ^*Ghosts now haunt the bases
^717* ^*The Halloween Spirit has infected the lane creeps and powerups
^717* ^*^539Frankenkongor^* is alive! HE'S ALIVE!!! (He also really really likes
^717* ^*^090Wards of Sight^* and ^090Wards of Revelation^* now give off a much
softer light...
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^* can create a pumpkin patch
^717* ^*^090Kuldra's Sheeptick's^* chattering teeth are much sharper

^292- ^*The following have been enabled for tournament rules:

^717* ^*^079Hero - Ellonia^*
^717* ^*^079Hero - Riftwalker^*
^717* ^*^079Hero - Bramble^*
^717* ^*^079Hero - Ravenor^*
^717* ^*^079Hero - Prophet^*
^717* ^*^079Hero - Rally^*
^717* ^*^090Item - Icon of the Goddess^*
^717* ^*^090Item - Sacrificial Stone^*

^292- ^*Fixed particles following ^079Soulstealer^* after teleporting

^292- ^*Fixed losing mana if you were using an "active mana cost" Ability (e.g.
^079Scout's^* ^256Vanish^*) and swapping ^090Steamboots^*

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*^539Added 5 new items: ^090Lightbrand^*, ^090Searing Light^*, ^090Frozen

Light^*, ^090Grimoire of Power^*, and ^090Dawnbringer^*

^292- ^*^090Lightbrand^*
^717* ^*Recipe: ^090Neophytes Book^* (1000g) + ^090Apprentice's Robe^* (450g) +
^090Light Brand Recipe^* (750g) - Total Cost 2200g
^717* ^*Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 8 Magic
Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
^717* ^*This item contains an exclusive modifier of type ^ySearing^*.
^717* ^*+16 Intelligence
^717* ^*+3 Mana Regeneration

^292- ^*^090Searing Light^*

^717* ^*Recipe: ^090Lightbrand^* (2200g) + ^090Firebrand^* (2200g) - Total Cost
^717* ^*Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 12
Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
^717* ^*This item contains an exclusive modifier of type ^ySearing^*.
^717* ^*+16 Agility
^717* ^*+16 Intelligence
^717* ^*+14% Movement Speed
^717* ^*+20 Attack Speed
^717* ^*+5 Mana Regeneration

^292- ^*^090Frozen Light^*

^717* ^*Recipe: ^090Lightbrand^* (2200g) + ^090Icebrand^* (2200g) - Total Cost
^717* ^*On attack applies Chilled to target which slows movement speed by 3% per
charge for 3.5 seconds if wielded by a melee hero, or 2 seconds if wielded by a
ranged hero. Adds one charge per application. Maximum of 3 charges.
^717* ^*Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 12
Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
^717* ^*This item contains an exclusive modifier of type ^ySearing^*.
^717* ^*+16 Strength
^717* ^*+16 Intelligence
^717* ^*+10 Damage
^717* ^*+5 Mana Regeneration

^292- ^*^090Grimoire of Power^*

^717* ^*Recipe: ^090Lightbrand^* (2200g) + ^090Blessed Orb^* (2100g) + ^090Grimoire
of Power Recipe^* (700g) - Total Cost 5000g
^717* ^*Passively increases all damage done by you by 15%
^717* ^*Applies Burning on attack for 3 seconds which deals 40 Magic Damage per
second to target and 200 radius around it. Does not stack.
^717* ^*This item contains an exclusive modifier of type ^ySearing^*.
^717* ^*+10 Strength
^717* ^*+10 Agility
^717* ^*+26 Intelligence
^717* ^*+4 Mana Regeneration

^292- ^*^090Dawnbringer^*
^717* ^*Recipe: ^090Lightbrand^* (2200g) + ^090Frostbrand^* (2200g) +
^090Firebrand^* (2200g) - Total Cost 6600g
^717* ^*On attack applies Chilled to target which slows movement speed by 3%
percharge for 3.5 seconds if wielded by a melee hero, or 2 seconds if wielded by a
ranged hero. Adds one charge per application. Maximum of 3 charges.
^717* ^*Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 16
Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
^717* ^*This item contains an exclusive modifier of type ^ySearing^*.
^717* ^*+18 Strength
^717* ^*+18 Agility
^717* ^*+18 Intelligence
^717* ^*+15 Damage
^717* ^*+16% Movespeed
^717* ^*+25 Attack Speed
^717* ^*+6 Mana Regeneration

^970Version 2.6.22^*
^539Celebrate Halloween all October long with a slew of monstrously themed content!

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Madman^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hook Madman^*

^717* ^*^079Madman^* is back with a vengeance! Remember why you love being an
insane killer with this new classicly inspired avatar for our resident serial
^717* ^*Releases on 10/05/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Succubus^* Skin: ^079Dark Succubus^*

^717* ^*^079Succubus^* reveals her really dark side in the seductive new skin. See
this she devil in her most tantalizing skin to date.
^717* ^*Releases on 10/08/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Taunt: ^539Fat Lady Taunt^*

^717* ^*Nothing tells your opponent it's over like a little opera.
^717* ^*Releases on 10/10/2012

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539The Player Ladder Returns!^*

^717* ^*See where you stand on the ladder and compare yourself to your friends!

^292- ^*^539Mac and Linux clients have been significantly updated!^*

^717* ^*Added in-game browser functionality
^717* ^*HoNTV has been added
^717* ^*In-Game Guides have been added
^717* ^*Mac/Linux performance improved greatly (Linux client up to 50% faster, Mac
client up to 100% faster)
^717* ^*The new Updater has been added, including the Repair Tool
^717* ^*A new type of installer for the Mac client is now being used
^717* ^*OpenGL Renderer performance has been improved greatly
^717* ^*Brought OpenGL renderer features in line with DirectX renderer
^717* ^*Added support for GUI sharpening for OpenGL
^717* ^*Dropped support for Mac OS X 10.4

^292- ^*Fixed pre-loading of announcer text, fixing the hitches when they get
displayed the first time
^292- ^*Sound glitches have been fixed
^292- ^*Fixed memory leak with font loading
^292- ^*Prevented duplicate loading of skins

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Emerald Lightning^*: Stun targets decreased from 2/3/3/4 to 1/2/3/4

^292- ^*^256Rotten Grasp^*: Duration rescaled from 1/1.7/2.3/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3

^292- ^*^256Dragon Flame^*: Range reduced from 750 to 650
^292- ^*^256Dragon Flame^*: Cast Range reduced from 600 to 550
^292- ^*^256Blazing Flight^*: Mana Cost increased from 60 to 60/70/80/90

^292- ^*^256Glacial Downpour^*: Damage decreased from 60/100/140 to 55/95/135
^292- ^*^256Glacial Downpour^*: ^090Staff of the Master^* effect decreased from
100/140/180 to 95/135/175 damage

^292- ^*^256Zombie Apocalypse^*: Cooldown decreased from 140/120/100 to 140/100/60

^292- ^*^256Mana Combustion^*: Illusions now only deal 33% of the Mana Burn effect

^292- ^*^256Weed Field^*: Mana Cost decreased from 105/110/115/120 to
^292- ^*^256Magic Carp^*: Mana Cost decreased from 100/105/110/115 to

^079The Dark Lady^*

^292- ^*^256Cover of Darkness^*: Mana Cost increased from 75 to 100/125/150
^292- ^*^256Cover of Darkness^*: Sight Range rescaled from 400 to 500/450/400
^292- ^*^256Cover of Darkness^*: Duration rescaled from 4/6/8 to 4/5/6
^292- ^*^256Cover of Darkness^*: Radius decreased from 1000 to 800

^970Version 2.6.21^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Solstice^*

^717* ^*Among the tribes of the moon, there lives an elite caste of warriors. Like
^079Krixi^*, the Moon Queen, these women draw their power from the rays of Lunari.
As children of the Moon Goddess, the rays of Sol burn their flesh and forces them
to construct a vessel to channel Lunari's might during the day. The magicks used
were so potent that only a chosen warrior, born in perfect balance between light
and darkness, could harness its vast power by being forever bonded to her armor.
The armor serves as a disguise to men and beasts who would would take advantage of
her during the day, masking both her power and gender. In the night, the chosen can
retake her true form and strike from the shadows, free from her confining shell. Be
it through strength by day or stealth by night, ^079Solstice^*, the Lady of Lunari,
stands ready to show her enemies what power truly is.

^717* ^*^079Solstice^* changes her role from a more tanky, team-fight presence
during the day, to an agile ganker during the night. Look for ways to setup your
ultimate from outside of enemy's vision range in order to deal the maximum damage!

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access ^079Solstice^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mr.
^717* ^*In the darkened streets of the City of Iron, there are rumors of a killer
stalking the women of Newerth. This insidious predator hides behind a veneer of
gentlemanly graciousness in the evening hours and truly despises the actions that
he must take to quell the horrific urges that tear at the back of his mind. The
promise of relief led the brilliant, deranged man to craft a potion to heal
himself. While it took away the urge to kill, it transformed him into a brute
during the day, desperately striving for acceptance, but attacked by the townsfolk
who see and fear him as a Hellbourne demon. With neither day nor night to bring him
respite all he can do is laugh. And the last things his victims will ever hear is,
"Don't worry, this will just tickle a bit..."

^292- ^*Added new Premium ^079Solstice^* Alt Avatar: ^079Duel^*

^717* ^*The Justicar had tracked the Assassin for weeks and finally had found his
lair. Alone, he should have called for assistance, but he could not risk letting
the demonborn bastard escape yet again. As he entered the building the full moon in
the night sky began to be eclipsed, a once in a millennium event. The Justicar
broke down the door, surprising the brutal killer as he prepared his blade. The
assassin fled for the rooftops to escape, but the lawman bore down on him swiftly.
On the roof of the building they locked into combat. In a fair fight the Justicar
had the advantage of reach and armor and quickly cut the assassin down. He barely
noticed the small nick from the assassin's blade on his cheek. The poison went
quickly to work and although the half-demon lay dieing next to him, the Justicar
fell to his knees, gasping for air. Both warriors fought to hold on to the last
vestiges of life, but it faded from them just as the moon became fully eclipsed. As
their souls sought release at that exact same moment, they became entwined in one
another, and the neither Heaven nor Hell would grant them access. Forced back to
Newerth the found themselves alive once again, but just as their souls had
intertwined, so had their bodies. With the Justicar in charge in the day and the
Assassin at night, they will forever be in conflict, Dual selves locked in an
eternal ^079Duel^*.

^539The 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition Series Continues!^*

^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars are set to release over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for a standard price
^292- ^*Once quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique in-game effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!

^292- ^*The Seventh Deadly Sin: ^079Gluttony^*

^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Devourer^* Avatar: ^079Gluttony^*
^717* ^*The Grimoire found the embodiment of ^079Gluttony^* on Newerth...
^079Devourer^*! He lives to consume the flesh of the fallen...and the living...and
when that's done ^079Gluttony^* will have all of Newerth for dessert!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/03/2012
^292- ^*Added a new ^079Puppet Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Karabas Barabas^*
^717* ^*The ^079Puppetmaster^* from Russian folklore has invaded Newerth! In
Russian Newerth ^079Karabas Barabas^* is pulling all the strings! His lines are all
in Russian and this avatar was designed by our friends in CIS Garena and will be
released in both regions at the same time!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/05/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Bubbles^* Alt Avatar: ^079Futbol Bubbles^*

^717* ^*This amazing new ^079Bubbles^* avatar has found inner peace and a great way
to compete off the field, as a member of the Newerth Futbol team! His new
animations and effects will leave your enemies in the grass and you screaming
"GOAL!!" as your kill streaks continue!
^717* ^*Releases on 9/28/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Gunblade^* Alt Avatar: ^079Pirate Gunblade^*

^717* ^*Hailing from the Sea of Stars and raiding the coastlines of Newerth comes
the fiercest ^079Buccaneer^* to ever sail the seas! This avatar will be exclusively
available for one week to anyone who purchases a $40.00 coin pack beginning with
the patch 2.6.21 and ending on patch 2.6.22
^717* ^*Releases on 9/28/2012 (free with purchase of $40.00 coin bundle) and
10/05/2012 for purchase.

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Behemoth^* Skin: ^079Bone Behemoth^*

^717* ^*To start our Month of Monstrous Mayhem off on the right foot come this
amazing new ^079Behemoth^* Skin! When ^079Behemoths^* die legend says they converge
in the Behemoth Graveyard to find their eternal peace. When a Behemoth is not able
to make that journey their restless spirits can animate their unliving husk and
lash out at those who block their path!
^717* ^*Releases on 10/01/2012

^292- ^*^079O-Yoroi Gauntlet^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Master Assassin Silhouette^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy
the new price of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Storm Demon Ravenor^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*If you have purchased all 7 Deadly Sins, you will now have their
Collector's Edition effects enabled on all of your Collector's Edition avatars
^292- ^*Merrick's Treasure Chest - From Patch 2.6.21 through Patch 2.6.22 with the
purchase of any $40.00 coin package you will receive a free early release avatar
for ^079Pirate Gunblade^*! This avatar will be available exclusively with the
purchase of the $40.00 Gold Coin package until patch 2.6.22

^970Version 2.6.20^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^539The 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition Series Continues!

^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars are set to release over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for a standard price
^292- ^*Once quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique in-game effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!
^292- ^*The Sixth Deadly Sin: ^079Greed^*
^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Soulstealer^* Avatar: ^079Greed^*
^717* ^*^079Envy^* returns to the Hellbourne Camp and finds that even in the den of
evil, avarice can find a deeper root. What happens when ^079Greed^* takes hold of
^079Soulstealer^* and he wants all of your possessions...both now and in the
^717* ^*Releases on 9/26/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Gladiator^* Alt Avatar: ^079Musketeer Gladiator^*

^717* ^*The ^079Musketeers^* have arrived to protect King and Country!
^079Gladiator's^* newest alt has two friends showing up in the oddest places. Make
them show up in your camp today!
^717* ^*Releases on 9/21/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Nymphora^* Skin: ^079Unseelie Nymphora^*

^717* ^*Find out what happens when ^079Nymphora^* turns to the dark side in this
amazing new skin!
^717* ^*Releases on 09/24/2012

^292- ^*Re-release ^079Jade Giant Pebbles^*

^717* ^*The ^079Jade Giant^* returns for a limited engagement this week! Don't miss
this chance to add this avatar to your team of HoNvengers today!

^292- ^*^079Wooly Cthuluphant^* celebrates 180 days since release. Enjoy the new
price of 250 Gold or 500 Silver
^292- ^*^079Plague Jester^* celebrates 60 days since release. Enjoy the new price
of 390 Gold or 1500 Silver

^970== General ==^*

Hellbourne Neutral Hard Camp

^292- ^*The Hellbourne Neutral Hard Camp has been redesigned
^717* ^*Neutrals from the leftmost Hellbourne Camp can no longer be pulled into
either lane

Kongor's Tiki Wall

^292- ^*Kongor's Tiki Wall no longer blocks vision. Legion can now gain vision of
Kongor's Pit and the Rune Spawn with a single Ward of Sight
^717* ^*The wall still blocks movement

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Steam Turret^*: Bounty increased from 0 to 50 gold

^292- ^*^256Hive Mind^*: Mana Regeneration of ^256Boris^* Increased from 0 to 1

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^090Icon of the Goddess^*

^292- ^*Health Regeneration increased from 1 to 2
^292- ^*Mana Regeneration increased from 10% to 20% per second
^292- ^*Charge loss upon death is now limited to 10
^090Kuldra's Sheepstick^*
^292- ^*Duration increased from 2.5 seconds to 3 seconds

^970== Optimizations and Bug Fixes ==^*

-Fixed the gliding animation for ^079Hammerstorm^* and ^079Helga Hammerstorm^* when
^256Brute Strength^* is active

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Envy's^* ^256Facehug^* cast and impact sounds

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Haunt^* on ^079Hocus Pocus^* so that the slow doesn't start
tapering off right away

^292- ^*Fixed the armor column being used twice, causing ability icons to cutoff

^970Version 2.6.19^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^539The 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition Series Continues!^*

^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars are set to release over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for a standard price
^292- ^*Once quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique in-game effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!

^292- ^*The Fifth Deadly Sin: ^079Wrath^*

^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Hammerstorm^* Avatar: ^079Wrath^*
^717* ^*Hell hath no fury like ^079Hammerstorm^*! When Envy touches the heart of
the noble legion warrior and his rage is unleashed can anything or anyone stand in
his way? Vengeance must be served and woe to those who stand in his way
^717* ^*Releases 9/19/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition ^079Wretched Hag^* Alt Avatar: ^079Hocus
^717* ^*Not everyone in Newerth needs to call on ancient spirits or magic tomes to
find their magical powers. For some, like ^079Hocus Pocus^*, the trick is in slight
of hand and misdirection. Don't let her beauty and charm fool you though, this
lovely hag has quite a few tricks up her sleeve and more than a rabbit under her
^717* ^*Releases on 9/14/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Night Hound^* Alt Avatar: ^079Night Hoodlum^*

^717* ^*Who is the hoodlum who sneaks in the night? This amazing new Goblin who has
taken on Night Hound mantle and arsenal of tricks while making a name for himself
as a thief and assassin, that's who!
^717* ^*Releases on 09/14/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Pandamonium^* Skin: ^079Polarmonium^*

^717* ^*This amazing ^079Pandamonium^* skin lets you see how the Polar Bears fight
in the great white north of Newerth! ^079Polarmonium^* is not just a fighter, he's
also an amazing chef as you can see by the massive chopsticks he wields in battle!
Sushi anyone?
^717* ^*Releases on 09/17/2012

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Added HoN Community account icon

^717* ^*This awesome icon was created by community member Token for the first
Creative Continuum art contest! It will be available to all players for playing one
non-Mid Wars TMM game via Match Rewards.

^292- ^*Added Hero Showdown symbols: a golden ^079Devourer^* to symbolize his

victory and a silver ^079Valkyrie^* for her defeat.
^717* ^*These symbols will only be available to those who voted in the special HoN
forum poll for the Hero Showdown #2! Thanks for participating!

^292- ^*Added new ^090Staff of the Master^* visuals for the following avatars:
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Sub Zero Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Mandromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Alien Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Cannon Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Zeppelin Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Father Time Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Gradnfather Time^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Clown Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Oni Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Shibo Shinobi^*
^717* ^*^079Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Demonbuster Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Steampunk Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Mage Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Lust^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Female Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Spriticus^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079MSIvy Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Infected Slither^*
^717* ^*^079The Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Mr. Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Tortuer^*
^717* ^*^079Dominatrix Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hottie^*

^292- ^*^256As One^*: Can now be boosted by ^090Staff of the Master^*
^717* ^*Cooldown is reduced to 30 seconds

^292- ^*^256Torment^*: Changed when boosted by ^090Staff of the Master^*
^717* ^*Increases damage from 66/100/144 to 88/133/177. Disables and Silences no
longer cause Torment to turn off

^970Version 2.6.18^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^539The 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition Series Continues!^*

^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars are set to release over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for a standard price
^292- ^*Once quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique in-game effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!

^292- ^*The Fourth Deadly Sin: ^079Lust^*

^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Empath^* Avatar: ^079Lust^*
^717* ^*^079Jeriziah has fallen to his ^079Pride^*, but does it all stop there?
When ^079Lust^* befalls a true heroine, all of Newerth is left in fascination and
frenzy. Who will succumb to her charm and fall victim to their own desire?
^717* ^*Releases 9/12/2012

^292- ^*Re-released Limited Edition ^079Magmoose^* Alt

^717* ^*In honor of our 100,000,000th Game Played Celebration, ^079Magmoose^* has
been made available for the next seven days. Claim this majestic beast of
primordial fury as your own.
^717* ^*Releases on 09/07/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Balphagore^* Alt Avatar: ^079Garbagore^*

^717* ^*Also in honor of our 100,000,000th Game Played Celebration, this year's HoN
Madness winner, ^079Garbagore^* will be available for free to anyone who finishes a
game of HoN over the next week. After that time ^079Garbagore^* will be available
for regular purchase in Merrick's Shop.
^717* ^*Releases on 09/07/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Forsaken Archer^* Skin: ^079Sabretooth Archer^*

^717* ^*Journey back to a time when the purest huntress of the Forsaken Woods;
^079Sabretooth Archer^*, was still unscathed by the corruption of civilization.
^717* ^*Releases on 09/10/2012

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Alt Avatar selection on the Hero Pick Screen has been completely

^292- ^*The following heroes have been added to Tournament Rules: ^079Artillery^*,
^079Blitz^*, ^079Gunblade^* and ^079Kinesis^*
^292- ^*Fixed occasional problems when updating HoN using a Garena-launched client
^292- ^*Added an option in Merrick's shop to sort Alt Avatars between All, Owned,
and Un-Owned
^292- ^*Lamp Posts no longer cause collision detection

Forests of Caldavar
^292- ^*Removed tree that was blocking a juke spot on the right side of the
Hellbourne Bottom Lane, near the most outer tower
^970== Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Can no longer combine on ^090Couriers^*
^717* ^*Components will remain separate until moved into the stash or inventory
^292- ^*Will now combine in both the owner's stash and inventory
^717* ^*^090Doombringer^* can now be disassembled as long as it remains in the
^717* ^*Once removed from the stash, a ^090Doombringer^* can no longer be returned
to the stash

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*^090Couriers^* can no longer purchase a ^090Bound Eye^* and still can not
carry them

^292- ^*Components changed from a ^090Major Totem^* to two ^090Pretender's Crown^*
^717* ^*The item is now 170 gold cheaper
^292- ^*Now provides 10 passive Movespeed
^292- ^*Duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds

^292- ^*^256Courier Shield^*: Immunity time decreased from 7 to 4 seconds
^292- ^*^090Couriers^* can no longer block Neutral Spawns

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Base Damage lowered from 49-55 to 47-53
^292- ^*^256Emerald Lightning^*: Cast Range decreased from 625 to 600

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*^256Hemorrhage^*: Damage increased from 190/315/440 to 200/325/450
^292- ^*^256Hemorrhage^*: Damage suffered from movement rescaled from 25/50/75% to

^292- ^*^256Blazing Flight^*: Linger time decreased from 5 to 4 seconds

^292- ^*^256Absolute Zero^*: Damage increased from 40 to 50

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Call of the Damned^*: Skeletal Minions duration decreased from 30 to 20

^292- ^*^256Grace of the Nymph^*: Mana cost rescaled from 40/55/70/85 to 60 at all
^292- ^*^256Grace of the Nymph^*: Cooldown increased from 19/18/17/16 to
^292- ^*^256Nymphora's Zeal^*: Mana cost increased from 100/120/140/160 to
^292- ^*^256Teleport^*: Mana cost increased from 90/150/210 to 120/180/240

^292- ^*^256Invigorate^*: Mana cost increased from 50/55/60/65 to 65
^292- ^*^256Persecution^*: Damage dealt decreased from 50 to 35/40/45/50

^079Rift Walker^*
^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 20 to 22

^292- ^*^256Tree Grapple^*: When pulling a tree to ^079Silhouette^* the tree will
no longer hit targets behind her

^292- ^*^256Cold Shoulder^*: Cooldown increased from 12 at all levels to

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Oogie^*: ^256Conflagrate^* now properly reduces the Cooldown for

^256Kindled Fury^* on ^079Haka^* and ^079KuruKuru^*
^292- ^*^079Pyromancer^*: ^079Scorcher's^* ^256Dragonfire^* visuals have been
^292- ^*^079Shadowblade^*: ^256Essence Shift^* can no longer gain extra charges
from ^090Geometer's Bane^* images
^292- ^*Fixed clan invites on 64-bit Linux
^292- ^*Fixed the location of tooltips in the Herodex Usage section
^292- ^*Fixed flickering item tooltips while spectating
^292- ^*You can no longer assist yourself in a kill
^292- ^*Video driver hangs/restarts are now properly handled
^292- ^*The updating now pre-allocates a contiguous file before building an archive
to avoid fragmentation problems that could greatly slow down the patching process,
especially with a slow hard drive
^292- ^*^090Doombringer^* no longer disappears when purchased in the fountain with
a full inventory

^970Version 2.6.17^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Oogie the Primalist^*

^717* ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access ^079Oogie^* Alt Avatar: ^079Haka^*
^717* ^*Added new Premium ^079Oogie^* Alt Avatar: ^079Kurukuru^*
^717* ^*^079Oogie^* is a melee Intelligence carry that builds damage through the
scaling of mana. Between ^256Conflagrate^* and ^256Primal Surge^*, ^079Oogie^*
excels at dealing significant area of effect damage while sustaining high
survivability as his manapool increases.

^539The 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition Series Continues!^*

^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars are set to release over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for a standard price
^292- ^*Once quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique in-game effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!

^292- ^*The Third Deadly Sin: ^079Pride^*

^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Jeraziah^* Avatar: ^079Pride^*
^717* ^*^079Envy^* and the Grimoire continue to find the weaknesses of men, and
even the Leader of the Legion is not immune to the temptations. His fervent belief
in his cause and his ability has always been his greastest strength, but it may now
have become his greatest weakness. Like Father, Like Son?
^717* ^*Releases 9/5/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Pyromancer^* Community Selected Alt Avatar: ^079Scorcher^*

^717* ^*The pyromancers of the Legion are the undisputed masters of fire and the
power of Sol, but occasionally the fire burns so hot and bright that it simply
cannot be contained! ^079Scorcher^* the pyromancer has arrived filled with
unbridled power. Don't just master the flame - Be the Flame!
^717* ^*Releases on 08/31/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Monkey King^* Skin: ^079Harumon King^*

^717* ^*From the East another ^079Monkey King^* arrives! This fantastic skin shows
that ^079Monkey King^* is not limited to just one form on Newerth. The ancient god
Harumon has risen from the East and joined his Simian brothers to destroy the
Hellbourne demons!
^717* ^*Releases on 09/03/2012

^292- ^*^079Rally^* has been released to the general hero pool!

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==

^292- ^*Graphics option changes will no longer take effect until Applied
^292- ^*^079Parasite^*: Medium Model & Death Sounds re-added for ^079Envy
^292- ^*^079Legionnaire^*: Tooltip typo fixed
^717* ^*100/200/300/400% of base damage changed to 150/200/250/300% in
^256Terrifying Charge^*

^970Version 2.6.16^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^539Introducing the 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition!^*

^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars will be released over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for standard price
^292- ^*After quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique special effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!

^292- ^*The Second Deadly Sin: ^079Sloth^*

^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Armadon^* Avatar: ^079Sloth^*
^717* ^*The second sin to invade Newerth has infected its first Legion Hero!
Everyone's favorite snot-nosed beast has finally had its shell cracked to reveal
the ogre inside. Now with two heads trying to make decisions he is even slower to
take action than ever before! The birds have begun nesting on his massive back and
its all he can do to shake their nests away! This ponderous behemoth will be
slowing things down for everyone around him as he takes to the field against his
former friends and allies!
^717* ^*Releases 8/27/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Flux^* Alt Avatar: ^079Magnet Flux^*

^717* ^*The savior of the Legion and slayer of Horsemen has returned with an all
new Iron and Steel shell! Don't let his heroics go to waste attract your friends
and repulse your foes with the power in his hands!
^717* ^*Releases on 08/24/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Magebane^* Alt Avatar: ^079Rage Bane^*

^717* ^*Some magi believe that taking slaves is a good idea...until one of them
discovers how to break the shackles and turn their power back on them! ^079Rage
Bane^* has entered Newerth determined to make the magi pay...Hellbourne first...but
eventually all who wield such evil power must repent...or face his rage!
^717* ^*Releases on 8/24/2012

^292- ^*Added a New Bundle: ^539Iron Rage Pack ^*

^717* ^*Own both the ^079Iron Flux^* and ^079Rage Bane^* avatars at a discounted
price for a limited time! This bundle offers a 20% discount on the prices of both
^717* ^*Releases 8/24/2012 ends 8/28/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Deadwood^* Skin: ^079Icy Deadwood^*

^717* ^*From the Northern forests of Newerth comes a chilly new ^079Deadwood^*!
Beware his frozen punch!
^717* ^*Releases on 08/27/2012

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Sticky Bomb^*: Cooldown changed from 20/18/16/14 to 17/16/15/14 seconds
^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 22 to 24

^292- ^*^256Electric Shield^*: Activation cost increased from 5 to 10 Mana

^292- ^*^256Whirlpool^*: Stun now hits Magic Immune units

^292- ^*Rescaled base Attack Damage from 43-59 to 46-57

^292- ^*Creeps now have a kill unit button placed on the neutral she controls
^717* ^*This can only be activated if the neutral has not received any hero damage
in the last 10 seconds

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^090Post Haste^*
^292- ^*No longer able to teleport to allied pets if the owner of the pet disabled
^717* ^*This prevents griefing an allied ^256Booboo^* by disabling it for 3 seconds

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Executioner Legionnaire^* so he spins the correct model instead

of normal ^079Legionnaire^*
^292- ^*^079Monkey King's^* Alt Avatars should be properly silence when he starts
his vault
^292- ^*Fixed items giving a full refund if components were owned beyond the resell

^970Version 2.6.15^*
^970== New Content ==^*
^539Introducing the 7 Deadly Sins Collector's Edition!^*
^292- ^*7 unique Deadly Sins Avatars will be released over the course of 7 weeks
^292- ^*Each of these Collector's Edition Avatars will be available at limited
quantities for standard price
^292- ^*After quantities have been exhausted, these Avatars will assume special
Collector's Edition pricing: 800 Gold, unavailable for Silver ^292- ^*unlock these
exclusive Avatars before they become rare Collector's items!
^292- ^*Collecting all 7 Deadly Sins Avatars will bestow a unique special effect on
each of the 7 Deadly Sins Avatars!

^292- ^*The First Deadly Sin: ^079Envy^*

^717* ^*Added a new Collector's Edition ^079Parasite^* Avatar: ^079Envy^*
^717* ^*^079Envy^* is the first of the Seven Deadly Sins to attack the Legion way
of life. Desire for what others have is always a powerful corrupter and no one
wants what others have more than ^079Parasite^*! He will take you over, steal your
buffs, and smile the entire time! How will you react when you see that your friends
and neighbors have all that you desire? The power of ^079Envy^* is unparalleled and
will be drawing in both the forces of good and evil when its covetous ways are
unleashed in Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases 8/22/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition ^079Legionnaire^* Alt Avatar: ^079Executioner

^717* ^*This Limited Edition Avatar will be at the "head" of the class when his ax
swings into Newerth!
^717* ^*Releases on 8/17/2012

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Moon Queen^* Skin: ^079Blood Moon Queen^*

^717* ^*This New Skin shows how ^079Moon Queen^* gears up to harvest her foes in
the full moon!
^717* ^*Releases on 8/20/2012

^292- ^*Added a new Taunt: ^539Acme Taunt^*

^717* ^*This Amazing New Taunt Randomly drops different objects from the sky to
crush your foes! This is the first taunt of its kind!
^717* ^*Releases on 8/17/2012

^970== General ==^*

^539Core Pool Added^*

^292- ^*An all-new, optional game mode offers players a controlled environment to
hone their skills with 40 hand-selected heroes, rather than the current pool of
over 100

^539Added Hero Death Tips^*

^292- ^*All heroes now display a hero tip upon death!
^292- ^*These Tips will either be about the hero that killed you or the hero you
are playing
^292- ^*Death Tips offer advice on how to use your hero more effectively and how to
play against your opponents while you are in the respawn screen

^539Matchmaking Updated^*
^292- ^*Lock Pick is less restrictive and you can now queue a Lock Pick game with
more options as well
^717* ^*Still requires five players in a group to enter a queue with Lock Pick
options enabled
^292- ^*Added Express Matchmaking
^717* ^*Express Matchmaking is a new fast way to get into a game
^717* ^*Express options are pre-set as All Pick, Core Pool, and Casual Mode
^717* ^*Map selection is limited to Forests of Caldavar and Mid Wars

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*^256Heavyenly Vault^* can no longer be stopped mid vault
^292- ^*Added an additional second in which the 2nd vault can be activated

^292- ^*You can now select a Default Alt Avatar to use with a hero
^717* ^*Check the box when selecting an Alt Avatar in the pick screen to set it as
the Default
^292- ^*You can now pick an Alt Avatar when you right-click a Potential Hero

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Soulstealer^*: ^256Soul Burst^* fixed so it correctly is centered on

^079Soulstealer's^* cast position
^292- ^*Improved attack timings for the following heroes
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Patriot Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Clockwork Forsaken^*

^970Version 2.6.14^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Valkyrie^* Alt Avatar: ^079Headhunter Valk^*

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Devourer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Shibo Shinobi^*
^717* ^*Released on August 13

^292- ^*Added New ^090Courier^*: ^090Hamster Courier^*

^292- ^*Added New ^079Tempest^* Skin: ^079Phantom Tempest^*
^717* ^*Released on August 15

^292- ^*We are introducing a third option for avatars: Skins!

^717* ^*This new non-premium avatar option will be available at a reduced Gold and
Silver cost from the outset!

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Lock Pick has been re-enabled as a matchmaking option and should work
^292- ^*Added new voices for ^079Artesia^* and ^079Arcannis^*
^292- ^*Fixed the buttons for First Pick in Banning Draft and Lock Pick
^292- ^*Fixed slots being exceeded in public games
^292- ^*Video driver restarts are now handled correctly
^292- ^*Fixed skill being still active when you hit the button and then issue an
order afterwards
^292- ^*Increased texture slots, fixes textures sometimes not loading

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*+50% Mana Regeneration added
^292- ^*Mana gained decreased from 100 to 85
^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Strength gain increased from 2 to 2.5

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: Charges gained increased from 3/6/9/12 to 4/7/10/13
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: Charges expire time increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
^292- ^*^256Stagger^*: Movement Speed and Attack Damage bonus increased from
15/30/45/60 to 30/40/50/60

^292- ^*^256Spider Mines^*: Cooldown decreased from 7 seconds to 3.5 seconds

^292- ^*^256Sol's Conviction^*: Amount healed increased from 20/30/40/50% to

^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 15 to 16
^292- ^*^256Toxin Wards^*: Vision increased from 600 to 650.
^292- ^*^256Poison Burst^*: Mana cost decreased from 200/300/400 to 175/275/375

^292- ^*^256Soul Burst^*: Damage is now based off number of souls; 20/30/40 per
soul + 150/225/300 static damage within 100 range
^717* ^*Damage decreases linearly to 0 at max distance. Snare and damage reduction
apply with the damage now instead of separately

^970Version 2.6.13^*
^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Rally^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Warlord Rally^*
^292- ^*Added new Premium ^079Rally^* Alt Avatar: ^079Joan D'Rally^*
^717* ^*^079Rally^* is a melee strength hero who creates a new dynamic on the
battlefield. ^079Rally^* can ^256Compel^* his allies to either save them or launch
them into battle. Setting up a ^256Seismic Slam^* that hits one or more targets
will guarantee destruction upon his enemies.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Salforis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Lord Thanatos^*

^292- ^*Limited Edition ^079Jurassic Warden^* has returned to Newerth for one week!

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Pets are now deleted when the owner terminates

^292- ^*Items that drop on death always lose ownership, even when dropping off a
^292- ^*Fixed possible editor lockup when editing water

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^090Courier^*: Fixed the courier from being pulled or pushed by abilities
when immune
^292- ^*^090Genjuro^*: Removed the animation from ^090Genjuro^* so it does not stop
any current channeling animations
^292- ^*^090Genjuro^*: Fixed ^090Harkon's Blade^* interaction so that the slow
state of ^090Genjuro^* will properly apply if you attack out of ^090Genjuro's^*
stealth state with ^090Harkon's ^*toggled on
^292- ^*^090Null Stone^*: Fixed the reset effect making the dead hero glow for a
split second when ^090Null Stone^* goes off of cooldown
^292- ^*^079Arachna^*: Fixed ^256Spiderling^* so that it won't die if ^079Arachna^*
dies while the Spiderling is in midair
^292- ^*^079Chronos^*: Fixed ^256Chronofield^* so that units properly play their
idle animation after it expires
^292- ^*^079Empath^*: Fixed ^090Homecoming Stone/Post Haste^* so it won't
immediately cancel if ^079Empath^* uses it while in her "As One" state
^292- ^*^079Nomad^*: Fixed ^256Edge Counter^* so that it plays the correct
animations for each respective alt
^292- ^*^079Pebbles^*: Fixed ^256Enlarge^* from playing the rock skin shed
animation when he is invisible
^292- ^*^079Pharaoh^*: Fixed an exploit with ^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^* and
^090Staff of the Master^*. You can no longer cast ^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^*, pick
up ^090Staff of the Master^* (or get a courier/friend's hero to deliver it to you)
and then use the secondary ultimate skill (hotkey "D") immediately after. The
cooldowns will now be properly shared.
^292- ^*^079Silhouette^*: Fixed ^079White Lotus Silhouette's^* ^256Sky Dance^*
animation so that it uses the alt's model instead of the original's model

^970Version 2.6.12^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Silhouette^* Alt Avatar: ^079Master Assassin Silhouette^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Ravenor^* Alt Avatar: ^079Storm Demon Ravenor^*
^292- ^*Added new Bundle: ^539Shadow Pack^*
^717* ^*Get both ^079Master Assassin Silhouette^* and ^079Storm Demon Ravenor^* at
a discount before release on Tuesday

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Trees now sway with the wind^*

^717* ^*^079Zephyr^* tested and approved!

^292- ^*^539Regional Breakdown Removed^*

^717* ^*Please join us in welcoming South Korea as an operating region for Heroes
of Newerth! Korea is the newest addition to our regional lineup as HoN continues to
grow its international presence. Due to our rapid multi-regional growth, we have
decided to remove the regional breakdown for online players. As HoN continues to
grow as a global game, we should all take pride in this amazing, worldwide
community that we are all a part of. Thank you all so much for your continued
support of HoN, it is only because of all of you that we are able to to continue to

^292- ^*The skybox is now correctly reflecting off the water

^717* ^*This can be disabled/enabled in the options menu
^292- ^*Herodex simple view has been updated
^292- ^*^079Witch Hunter^* now correctly gains the bonus from Staff of the Master

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Regeneration lowered from 5 to 4.5
^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Quicken^*: Cast time reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Clearvision now lingers for the entire duration of a
target being slowed
^292- ^*^256Pilfering^*: Increased the movespeed draining from 10/20/30/40 to
^292- ^*^256Lightning Shackles^*: Increased the radius from 200/300/400 to

^292- ^*^256Vampiric Flight^*: Lowered cooldown from 22/18/14/10 to 16/14/12/10
^292- ^*^256Terrorize^*: Reduced cast time from .3 to .25

^079Moon Queen^*
^292- ^*^256Moon Beam^*: Stun has been increased from 0.6 to 1

^292- ^*^256Disarm^*: Cooldown decreased from 20/16/12/8 to 14/12/10/8
^292- ^*^256Disarm^*: Critical strike increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0x to

^079The Dark Lady^*

^292- ^*^256Dark Blades^*: Base Damage % reduced from 50/60/70/80 to 35/50/65/80
^292- ^*^256Taint Soul^*:Increased mana cost from 35 at all levels to 40 at all
^292- ^*^256Cover of Darkness^*: Cast range reduced from global to 2500

^970Version 2.6.11^*
^292- ^*^539All non-EA heroes are now FREE for all users^*
^717* ^*Heroes of Newerth is now Free-to-Own, a truly FREE experience where all
game modes and non-ea heroes are unlocked at zero cost

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Gemini^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mecha Gemini^*

^717* ^*^079Mecha Gemini^* will be given to any user who has purchased a hero using
gold coins
^717* ^*^079Mecha Gemini^* will also be given to all Legacy users in addition to a
+2 Silver Coin Bonus on each ranked game of matchmaking (i.e. not Mid Wars)
^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition ^079Slither^* Alt Avatar: ^079Infected Slither^*
^292- ^*Added new ^079Voodoo^* Alt Avatar: ^079Voodoo Doctor^*
^717* ^*This avatar will be available for purchase on Tuesday
^292- ^*Added new Bundle: ^539Germs Pack^*
^717* ^*Get both ^079Infected Slither^* and ^079Voodoo Doctor^* before release on
Tuesday at a lower price

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Tokens and Passes have been removed from the game. Everyone may now
play any mode freely^*
^292- ^*The cost of all products in Merrick's HoN Store have been reconsidered and
repriced accordingly
^292- ^*There is now a probability scale while waiting for a game, giving you an
accurate estimate at the likelihood of finding a match
^292- ^*Australia has been added as a valid Matchmaking region
^717* ^*You can only play All Pick or Lock Pick in the Australian region for now

^292- ^*A new mode has been added: All Random
^717* ^*You can pick this in the same way you pick Blind Ban after selecting the
Mid Wars map
^292- ^*Heroes will now passively gain 45 experience a minute
^292- ^*Fortification of Sol and Demonic Fortification have been disabled
^292- ^*Can now be played with any Game Mode in Public games

^292- ^*You can now disassemble items when any unit you control has access to the
stash, as opposed to just your hero
^292- ^*Taunt sound times have been shortened to match the duration of animations
^292- ^*FMOD has been updated to 4.40.10
^292- ^*Removed warning if AlienFX failed to load
^292- ^*Fixed sound driver display names when they're in unicode

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*The game lobby has been optimized significantly

^292- ^*Some missing Matchmaking strings have been corrected
^292- ^*The rewards page has been fixed to check for a valid product ID

^292- ^*Disabled experimental D3D9Ex support
^717* ^*This fixes graphics problems that began happening last patch
(D3DERR_DEVICEHUNG, black screens on loading, decreased performance, etc.)
^292- ^*Made host_sleepMS once again only occur under certain circumstances, as
opposed to always
^717* ^*Increased FPS in games

^970Version 2.6.10^*
^292- ^*All non-EA heroes will be available for play in the Free Hero Pool

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Swiftblade^* Alt Avatar: ^079Bushi Swiftblade^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Berzerker^* Alt Avatar: ^079Demon Hunter Zerker^*
^717* ^*This avatar will be available for purchase on Tuesday and comes complete
with a Korean voice and a gat to celebrate the launch of HoN Korea!
^292- ^*Added new Bundle: ^539Rage Pack^*
^717* ^*Get both ^079Bushi Swiftblade^* and ^079Demon Hunter Zerker^* before it's
release on Tuesday, all for a lower price

^970== General ==

^292- ^*^539The updater for HoN has been completely reworked.^* The next time you
patch, it will use this new updater process
^292- ^*HoN no longer requires Administrator privileges to run on startup
^717* ^*You will still have to give the updater process Administrator privileges
when patching (Administrator privileges are necessary when patching or repairing a
HoN installation to avoid any permission issues it may encounter)
^292- ^*The new updater also includes a repair tool designed to fix common errors
that can arise from within a HoN installation. You can run the repair tool from the
in-game options menu (Options -> Repair Install)
^717* ^*You can also update or repair with the "-update" or "-repair" command line
options in-game (Windows only)

^970== Hero Balance ==

^292- ^*^256Spider Sting^*: Cooldown reduced from 80/50/30 to 70/50/30

^292- ^*^256Restless^*: Movement speed rescaled from 4/5/7% to 4/5/6%

^292- ^*^256Dance of Death^*: Cooldown rescaled from 25/22/18/16 to 25/22/19/16

^079Blood hunter^*
^292- ^*^256Hemorrhage^*: Damage rescaled from 190/310/440 to 190/315/440

^292- ^*^256Rocket Barrage^*: Manacost rescaled from 50/60/70/85 to 45/60/70/85
^292- ^*^256Rocket Barrage^*: Damage rescaled from 85/115/145/180 to 80/115/145/180

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*^256Overload^*: Shoots a jolt every 0.85/0.75/0.65 to 0.8/0.7/0.6

^292- ^*^256Wave of Death^*: Manacost rescaled from 105/120/140/165 to

^292- ^*^256Devour^*: Manacost rescaled from 100/130/170 to 100/135/170

^292- ^*^256Energy Absorption^*: Damage rescaled from 85/165/225/300 to

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Call of the Damned^*: Rescaled the damage of skeletons from 14-20/20-
26/26-32/32-38 to a static 17/23/29/35

^292- ^*^256Quicksand^*: Movement slow rescaled from 12/16/24/30% to 12/18/24/30%

^292- ^*^256Ice Imprisonment^*: Manacost rescaled from 115/125/140/150 mana to

^292- ^*^256Galvanize^*: Armor bonus rescaled from 3/5/7/10 to 3/5/7/9

^292- ^*^256Sol's Blessing^*: Manacost rescaled from 125/175/250 to 150/200/250

^292- ^*^256Terrifying Charge^*: Movespeed buff rescaled from 100/150/200/500 to
^292- ^*^256Decapitate^*: Damage rescaled from 300/450/625 to 300/450/600

^292- ^*^256Volcanic Touch^*: Damage rescaled from 90/130/170/220 to 90/130/170/210

^292- ^*^256Sword Throw^*: Range rescaled from 700/850/1000/1200 to
^292- ^*^256Possession^*: Fear duration rescaled from 0.75/1.25/2 to 1/1.5/2

^292- ^*^256Face Smash^*: Bonus base damage rescaled from 30/70/120% to 30/75/120%

^292- ^*^256Stalagmites^*: Damage rescaled from 100/180/260/300 to 100/160/220/280

^292- ^*^256Impalement^*: Manacost rescaled from 80/95/105/115 to 85/95/105/115

^292- ^*^256Voodoo Wards^*: Damage rescaled from 39-43/54-58/69-73 to a static

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse^*: Bonus movement speed buff rescaled from 5/9/14/18% to

^292- ^*^256Marksman Shot^*: Manacost rescaled from 125/175/250 to 125/175/225

^292- ^*^256Poison Spray^*: Range rescaled from 600/725/850/1000 to
^292- ^*^256Poison Spray^*: Manacost rescaled from 90/105/120/130 to 85/100/115/130
^292- ^*^256Toxin Wards^*: Wards damage rescaled from 9-11/17-21/26-32/34-42 to a
static 10/19/28/37

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*^256Demonic Execution^*: Manacost rescaled from 175/340/500 to 175/300/450

^292- ^*^256Succubus' Hold^*: Damage rescaled from 100/155/215 to 100/160/220

^292- ^*^256Way of the Sword^*: Crit chance rescaled from 10/18/26/36% to

^292- ^*^256Chain Lightning^*: Number of bounces rescaled from 5/7/9/15 to
^292- ^*^256Lightning Storm^*: Manacost rescaled from 225/325/450 to 225/325/425

^292- ^*^256Call of Winter^*: Coeurl's damage rescaled from 23-29/43-49 to a static

^292- ^*^256Courageous Leap^*: Range rescaled from 630/720/780/870 to

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*^256Spirit Ward^*: Manacost rescaled from 200/200/300 to 150/225/300

^970Version 2.6.9^*
^292- ^*^539To celebrate GameHoN, all non-EA heroes are in the Free Pool this week

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Prophet^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Serpent Prophet^*
^292- ^*Added new Premium ^079Prophet^* Alt Avatar: ^079Bone Prophet^*
^717* ^*^079Prophet^* is an extremely versatile ranged intelligence hero. His
strengths lay in his early laning harassment as well as his teamfight presence. A
well placed Shared Fate can alter any teamfight in ^079Prophet's^* favor!

^292- ^*^539Revised Early Access System^*

^717* ^*Players now have 3 options when taking advantage of Early Access
^717* ^*Hero Only - Unlocks only the Early Access hero for a new, low price of 250
^717* ^*EA Bundle - Unlocks the Early Access hero as well as the exclusive Early
Access avatar and Symbol for the current price of 350 Gold
^717* ^*Elite Bundle - Unlocks the Early Access hero, the exclusive Early Access
avatar and Symbol, and a Premium Alt Avatar all for the discounted price of 650

^292- ^*Added new ^079Kraken^* Alt Avatar: ^079Submariner Kraken^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Puppet Master^* Alt Avatar: ^079Doll Master^*
^717* ^*Not available for purchase until the end of GameHoN week

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^079Ravenor^* is no longer an Early Access hero

^292- ^*^539Added new Match Rewards System^*

^717* ^*Players can dive into the new Match Reward System with Game HoN, a week-
long event that will offer special, in-game prizes based on the number of games

^292- ^*^539GameHoN from July 6th to July 13th to kick off the launch of the new
Match Rewards System^*

^292- ^*^539GameHoN Prize Packages:^*

^717* ^*Play 10 Games, Unlock the new ^079Doll Master^* Alt Avatar
^717* ^*Play 10 Games with Friends, Unlock the Team Player Bundle
^717* ^*Play 25 Games, Unlock the Mega Store Bundle

^292- ^*^539Team Player Bundle includes:^*

^292- ^*Alt Avatars:^*
^717* ^*^079Clown Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Snow Zephyr^*
^717* ^*^079Quadropod Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Ninja Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Nightmare Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Queen Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Mutant Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Queen Bee Monarch^*
^717* ^*^079Geojuice^*
^717* ^*^079Frostrider^*
^292- ^*Account Icons:
^717* ^*Legion
^717* ^*Hellbourne
^717* ^*You're Mine
^717* ^*Grenade
^717* ^*The Soul
^292- ^*Symbols
^717* ^*Game HoN
^717* ^*Team Player
^717* ^*Club 10
^292- ^*Couriers and Taunts
^717* ^*^090Chicken Courier^*
^717* ^*Original Taunt

^292- ^*^539Mega Store Bundle includes:^*

^292- ^*Alt Avatars^*
^717* ^*^079Kangamonium^*
^717* ^*^079Infernal Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Logger Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079El Guantelete^*
^717* ^*^079Raven Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Nomaddin^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Chieftain^*
^717* ^*^079Winston Charmadon^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Witch^*
^717* ^*^079Cyber Valk^*
^292- ^*Account Icons
^717* ^*I Heart HoN
^717* ^*Thumbs Up
^717* ^*Nunchucks
^717* ^*8Bit Scout
^717* ^*Legion vs Hellbourne
^717* ^*Custom Account Icon
^292- ^*Symbols
^717* ^*Game HoN
^717* ^*Gamer
^717* ^*Club 25
^292- ^*Couriers and Taunts
^717* ^*^090Rat Courier^*
^717* ^*Gore Taunt

^292- ^*^539Added new Consecutive Play and Social Play Bonuses to Normal Mode and
Casual Mode Matchmaking^*

^292- ^*^539Consecutive Play Bonus:^*

^717* ^*Day 1 Bonus - 6 Silver Coins
^717* ^*Day 2 Bonus - 8 Silver Coins
^717* ^*Day 3 Bonus - 10 Silver Coins
^717* ^*Day 4 Bonus - 12 Silver Coins
^717* ^*Day 5+ Bonus - 14 Silver Coins

^292- ^*^539Social Play Bonus:^*

^717* ^*Play with 1-3 friends - 4 extra silver coins per game
^717* ^*Play with 4 friends - 10 extra silver coins per game

^717* ^*Please Note: Bonuses and Rewards are only available in Normal Mode and
Casual Mode Matchmaking (i.e. not MidWars)

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed Heroes disappearing if you reconnected during loading

^292- ^*Fixed the Mentor's cursor hanging around after the game was over
^292- ^*Sounds are now dampened when a Taunt is playing
^292- ^*Fixed an item-ordering problem when the courier is delivering
^292- ^*Fixed a bug when the courier delivers an upgradeable item and one other
item to a hero that has a recipe for that upgradeable item
^717* ^*Before, the recipe would be consumed and no upgrade given
^292- ^*We now prefer to upgrade items over forming new ones
^717* ^*Example: Getting a ^090Spellshards^* recipe into an inventory that has
^090Spellshards^* level 1 and an ^090Arcana^* will always make a ^090Spellshards^*
level 2, instead of two ^090Spellshards^* level 1
^292- ^*Ignore and Banlist should work properly again
^292- ^*Language defaults to English if no language is set
^292- ^*Fixed occasional ingame crashes
^292- ^*Fixed HoNTV in D3D9Ex video mode
^292- ^*"New" items can no longer be right-clicked or combined in tournament mode
^292- ^*Negative Armor effects now correctly show up on tooltips
^292- ^*Fixed the ^090Courier^* still belonging to the owner when the owner
^292- ^*You can no longer disassemble items if you don't have stash access
^292- ^*Fixed incorrect purchase order of recipe items with sub-recipes
^292- ^*Fixed being able to use items from your stash

^292- ^*^090Frostburn/Icebrand^*: Fixed a bug where Ranged attacks were not

increasing the power of the snare if the remaining duration was greater than 1.5

^292- ^*^079Berzerker^*: ^256Carnage^* now correctly reduces various stun durations

^292- ^*^079Dr. Repulsor^*: Can no longer roll 3d100 and magically hit the perfect
odds to instant kill a hero all the way across the map
^292- ^*^079Gauntlet^*: ^256Grapple^* can no longer shoot behind him
^292- ^*^079Draconis^*: ^256Fiery Barrage's^* timer doesn't show "0.0s" all the
time anymore
^292- ^*^079Devourer^*: Hid a state that is only for timing
^292- ^*^079Electrician^*: ^256Energy Absorption's^* icon fixed when using
^079Demonbuster Electrician^*
^292- ^*^079Gladiator^*: ^256Call to Arms^* icon fixed when using ^079Gladius
^292- ^*^079Kinesis^*: ^256Telekinetic Lift^* and ^256Mass Control^* timing states
hidden on creeps
^292- ^*^079Plague Rider^*: ^256Contagion^* and ^256Plague Carrier's^* icons fixed
when using Frost Rider
^292- ^*^079Nymphora^*: Turning on the "no-help" feature now makes you an invalid
target for ^079Nymphora's^* ^256Teleport^*
^292- ^*^079Kraken^*: ^256Release the Kraken!^* fixed so it does not play an effect
through fog
^292- ^*^079Kraken^*: ^256Tsunami Charge^* fixed so you can crash people against
invulnerable buildings
^292- ^*^079Ophelia^*: Fixed an invisible gadget that you were able to tab to
^292- ^*^079Madman^*: ^256Berserk^* idle animation no longer continues once it
^292- ^*^079Maliken^*: ^256Sword Throw^* gadget is no longer able to be tabbed to
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Fixed so items delivered from a ^090Courier^* so that
autocombine will work properly when ^079Gemini^* is in Fire/Ice form
^292- ^*^079Monarch^*: ^256Noxious Cloud^* fixed so it plays the proper sound
^292- ^*^079Monarch^*: ^256Noxious Cloud^* visual effect tweaked so it is more
accurate when compared to the actual AoE
^292- ^*^079Monkey King^*: ^256Vault^* fixed so vaulting while being teleported
doesn't snap you back to where you were
^292- ^*^079Silhouette^*: ^256Log Bolas^* fixed so it no longer plays through fog

^970Version 2.6.8^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Shadowblade^*
^717* ^*^079Drunken Master^*
^717* ^*^079Lord Salforis^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Geomancer^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Artesia^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^539Sacrificial Stone Reworked^*

^292- ^*Old:
^717* ^*^090Icon of the Goddess^* (3300) + ^090Sustainer^* (1750) = 5050 Total
^717* ^*+450 Max Health
^717* ^*+400 Max Mana
^717* ^*+10 Damage
^717* ^*+6 Health Regeneration
^717* ^*+150% Mana Regeneration
^717* ^*Upon death, respawn time and gold loss is decreased based on charges. Adds
a charge when a nearby enemy hero dies.
^717* ^*+1 Mana Regeneration, +.25 Health Regen, +25 Max Health per charge. On
Death: Removes half of the current charges, Heal nearby allies. With 1+ charges,
respawn 3 seconds faster and lose 25 less gold per charge. Continue to gain
experience and vision at the location you died.

^292- ^*New:
^717* ^*^090Grave Locket^* (735) + ^090Shield of the Five^* (803) + Recipe (400) =
1938 Total
^717* ^*+9 Intelligence
^717* ^*+6 Agility
^717* ^*+6 Strength
^717* ^*+5 Armor
^717* ^*On kill or assist, becomes charged (A charged Sacrificial Stone gains +3 to
all stats)
^717* ^*25 Manacost, 25 Second Cooldown
^717* ^*On use: Grants 3 Armor to all nearby units for 30 seconds
^717* ^*On Death (If Charged): Respawn 15 seconds faster and lose 100 less gold.
Spawn a Stone that continues to gain experience for you until respawn. Stone gives
a large area of clearvision around where you died for the first 6 seconds.
^717* ^*Not allowed in Tournament Rules, as this is now tagged as a "New" item

^539Icon of the Goddess Rework^*

^292- ^*Old:
^717* ^*^090Glowstone^* (1200) + ^090Beastheart^* (1100) + ^090Pickled Brain^*
(1000) = 3300 Total
^717* ^*+450 Max Health
^717* ^*+400 Max Mana
^717* ^*+1 Health Regeneration
^717* ^*+10% Mana Regeneration

^292- ^*New:
^717* ^*^090Glowstone^* (1200) + ^090Beastheart^* (1100) + ^090Pickled Brain^*
(1000) = 3300 Total
^717* ^*+450 Max Health
^717* ^*+400 Max Mana
^717* ^*+1 Health Regeneration
^717* ^*+10% Mana Regeneration
^717* ^*Gains 2 charges whenever an enemy dies within 1000 range of your hero
^717* ^*+0.5 Health Regeneration per charge
^717* ^*+10% Mana Regeneration per charge
^717* ^*On death: Charges are cut in half
^717* ^*Not allowed in Tournament Rules, as this is now tagged as a "New" item

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition ^079Engineer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Uncle Sam
^292- ^*Added new Courier: ^090Honey Badger Courier^*
^292- ^*Added new Bundle: ^539Honey Badger Bundle^*
^717* ^*Get both the ^090Honey Badger Courier^* and ^539Honey Badger Taunt^* before
its release on Tuesday, all for a lower price
^292- ^*Added new Bundle: ^539Liberty Bundle^*
^717* ^*Celebrate with a discount on ^079Uncle Sam Engineer^* and ^079Patriot

^970== General ==^*

^539Hero Death Timer^*

^292- ^*Decreased the maximum death timer of a hero in normal mode from 100 to 80
^292- ^*This means that a hero reaches their maximum death timer at level 20 and
does not increase after that

^292- ^*Now allowed in Tournament Rules

^292- ^*Now allowed in Tournament Rules

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^079Grave Locket^*
^292- ^*Stats gained when charged decreased from +3 to +2
^292- ^*Allowed in Tournament Rules

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Turn rate decreased from 1800 to 900
^292- ^*^256Ashes to Ashes^*: Duration increased before charges are removed from 2
to 4 seconds

^292- ^*Starting Strength increased from 16 to 18

^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 14 to 16

^292- ^*^256Flash^*: Self Magic Armor decreased from 3/6/10/15 to 3/6/9/12
^292- ^*^256Flash^*: Self Magic Armor duration decreased from 10 to 7 seconds
^292- ^*^256Flash^*: Range decreased from from 850/950/1050/1150 to
^292- ^*Movespeed decreased from 320 to 315

^292- ^*^256More Axes^*: Cooldown increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*^256Puppeteer's Hold^*: Manacost decreased from 115/140/165/205 to

^292- ^*^256Tree Grapple^*: Now only stuns and damages units controlled by players
^717* ^*This includes Heroes and all hero pets

^292- ^*^256Swift Slashes^*: Damage per slash normalized from 150-250 to 200

^292- ^*Movespeed decreased from 310 to 305
^292- ^*Starting Armor decreased from 4.6 to 4.1

^292- ^*^256Metamorphosis^*: Cooldown decreased from 100/70/40 to 80/60/40

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*^256Flash of Darkness^*: Range rescaled from 800/900/1000/1150 to
^292- ^*^256Sonar Scream^*: Radius increased from 400/450/475/500 to

^970Version 2.6.7^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*^079The Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Draconis^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Cthuluphant^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^539Added a new Picking Mode: Lock Pick^*

^292- ^*Lock Pick is the new premier competitive mode for Heroes of Newerth
^292- ^*A "Locked Hero Pool" of six Heroes is this mode's main focus. Out of the
six, four of them must be picked in the end
^292- ^*All actions during the picking phase are taken by only the Captain of the
^717* ^*Players do not pick their own heroes, the Captain picks for them
^717* ^*The Blue player is Legion's Captain while the Pink player is Hellbourne's
^292- ^*The order of actions each Captain takes is as follows:
^717* ^*Two blind bans. These function exactly as they do in Mid Wars
^717* ^*"Lock" three Heroes. These six Heroes make up the "Locked Hero Pool" and
are unbannable and picked at the conclusion of the Picking Phase
^717* ^*Ban three Heroes
^717* ^*Pick three Heroes
^717* ^*Pick two Heroes from the "Locked Hero Pool". Your team is not limited to
picking from the Heroes only your team "Locked", you can freely pick from any of
the six. Two heroes from the "Locked Hero Pool" will remain unpicked
^292- ^*Players may not Ready Up until all ten players have a Hero
^717* ^*You may still Swap with teammates at any time

^539Matchmaking screen reworked slightly^*

^292- ^*Random Draft has been removed from Matchmaking
^292- ^*Lock Pick has been added to Matchmaking
^717* ^*To access Lock Pick you must have a full group of five and turn on the new
"Competitive" restrictive filter
^717* ^*The Group Leader when queuing for Matchmaking becomes the Team Captain

^539Cast Range Indicators added for all Heroes, Items, and Neutrals^*
^292- ^*Various abilities will now show their range and the area of effect when you
select to use them
^292- ^*Hovering over an ability in game will display the range of the ability
centered on your hero after a short delay
^292- ^*Indicators can be disabled in the Interface part of the Options menu

^292- ^*Added new ^079Draconis^* Alt Avatar: ^079Chimera Draconis^*

^292- ^*Added New ^079Arachna^* Alt Avatar: ^079Brass Arachna^* (available Tuesday)

^292- ^*Added New Bundle: Ultimate Amalgamate Bundle

^717* ^*Save Gold Coins on ^079Chimera Draconis^* and own ^079Brass Arachna^*
before she is released on Tuesday!

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed a lot of Alt Avatars' attack animations so they sync up correctly to
when damage is done

^292- ^*^090Nullfire Blade^*: Can no longer insta-kill allied illusions

^292- ^*^079Arachna^*: ^256Webbed Shot^* will no longer slow targets who go Magic
Immune while the shot is in midair
^292- ^*^079Armadon^*: ^256Armordillo^* charges now cap at 100 again. This is just
a visual change so you easily know when the next burst will go off
^292- ^*^079Bombardier^*: ^256Air Strike!^* effects were rescaled slightly
^292- ^*^079Chipper^*: ^256Rocket Barrage^* will no longer go through Magic Immune
^292- ^*^079Chronos^*: ^256Curse of Ages^* can no longer kill enemies through
^256Puppet Show^*
^292- ^*^079Chronos^*: Removed unnecessary voice files
^292- ^*^079Ellonia^*: ^256Flash Freeze's^* stun can now properly be dispelled by
stun removal abilities
^292- ^*^079Ellonia^*: ^256Absolute Zero^* no longer spams shields
^292- ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*: Alt Avatar animations sped up and synced
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Item animation added
^292- ^*^079Geomancer^*: Updated his scripting across the board, as it was
performing badly under certain situations
^292- ^*^079Geomancer^*: ^256Crystal Field's^* stun is no longer a debuff, so it
can no longer be dispelled by items like ^090Nullfire Blade^*
^292- ^*^079Gravekeeper^*: Base Health Regen fixed to be the correct value
^292- ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*: ^256Entmoot's^* cast has had art added
^292- ^*^079Kraken^*: ^256Tsunami Charge^* can now be cast towards the edge of the
^292- ^*^079Master of Arms^*: ^256Overcharge Shot's^* stun is no longer a debuff,
so it can no longer be dispelled by items like ^090Nullfire Blade^*
^292- ^*^079Midas^*: ^256Transmute's^* stun is no longer a debuff, so it can no
longer be dispelled by items like ^090Nullfire Blade^*
^292- ^*^079Moraxus^*: ^256More Axes^* rescripted to clean up several art issues
^292- ^*^079Night hound^*: ^256Invisibility^* buff will no longer have a flickering

^970Version 2.6.6^*
^292- ^*^539Good Luck to all of the teams participating in DreamHack Summer!^*
^717* ^*DreamHack is the world's largest LAN festival running from June 16-19th.
Catch the world's best HoN players compete in the DreamHoN Finals presented by
Honcast, live from DreamHack Summer 2012 on HonTV
^717* ^*One special HoN fan, plus his or her friend, will be able to attend
DreamHack Winter for free! For more information, tune in and follow along with all
the DreamHoN coverage provided by Honcast
^717* ^*Due to DreamHack occurring this week the hero rotation will not change and
we will not release a Balance Patch

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Keep your eye out for the new ^079Flint Beastwood^* Limited Edition Alt
Avatar: ^079The Orc With No Name^*
^717* ^*Available later this week!

^292- ^*Added new ^079Andromeda^* Alt Avatar: ^079Alien Andromeda^*

^717* ^*Stay tuned to for your chance at this exclusive Alt Avatar
presented by Alenware Arena.

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Fayde^*: ^256Burning Shadows^* will no longer block targeting on the

first frame the illusion exists

^970Version 2.6.5^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Gemini^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Myrmidon^*
^717* ^*^079Pyromancer^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Monarch^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Ravenor^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Dominus Ravenor^*
^717* ^*^079Ravenor^* is a melee carry that builds up a significant amount of
damage and mobility throughout a fight. Unlike other carries, the majority of
^079Ravenor's^* damage is Magic allowing him to tear through high armor targets.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Witch Slayer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Witch Hunter^*

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Martyr^*, ^079Pandamonium^*, ^079Shadowblade's^* alt avatars were not

showing in the hero view correctly
^292- ^*^079Puppet Master^*: ^256Voodoo Puppet^* is now visible to his team at all
^292- ^*^079Kinesis^*: ^256Stasis Smash^* now correctly gives only 1 Mana
Battery/Power Supply charge
^292- ^*^079Scout^*: Attacks can now be cancelled without triggering the cooldown
on ^256Disarm^*
^292- ^*Players can now correctly view all announcers in vault when you own more
than 6
^292- ^*Fix for match stats not showing up correctly for people in clans
^292- ^*Pets no longer persist after disconnect (such as ^256Gawain^* or
^717* ^*^256Booboo^* now drops his items when the owner terminates

^970Version 2.6.4^*
^292- ^*^539This is a very special Community Collaboration Balance Patch!^* A big
Thank You to the community for helping us create this!

^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*^079Scout^*
^717* ^*^079Blitz^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Kinesis^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*
^717* ^*^079Puppet Master^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Jeraziah^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Vindicator^* Alt Avatar: ^079Judge Vindicator^*

^292- ^*Added new Taunt: ^539Tombstone Taunt^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Forests of Caldavar creep spawn location for Hellbourne middle lane moved
^717* ^*They will meet in the middle at a better place and account for the
difficulty to block either side

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^090Bound Eye^*
^292- ^*^090Couriers^*: Can no longer carry ^090Bound Eye^* at any point
^717* ^*Whenever it is put on a courier, it immediately drops
^292- ^*Dropping a ^090Bound Eye^* now clears ownership
^717* ^*You can no longer drop a ^090Bound Eye^* before dying to make it unusable
by the enemy

^292- ^*Duration from 5 to 4 seconds

^090Pickled Brain^*
^292- ^*Cost increased from 900 to 1000 gold. The following additional items are
also affected:
^717* ^*^090Icon of the Goddess^* total cost has increased from 3200 to 3300
^717* ^*^090Ring of Sorcery^* total cost has increased from 1385 to 1485

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Agility gain per level increased from 2.35 to 2.4
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.75 to 1.8

^292- ^*Agility gain per level decreased from 1.55 to 1.5
^292- ^*^256Fireball^*: Damage increased from 75/125/175/275 to 100/150/200/275
^292- ^*^256Flaming Hammer^*: Now has a constant AoE of 100 without ^256Chaotic
^717* ^*Increases to 200/300/400 with ^256Chaotic Flames
^292- ^*^256Frenzy^*: Multicasts will prioritize Heroes correctly

^292- ^*^256Lightning Shackles^*: Cooldown reduced from 150/100/50 to 100/75/50

^292- ^*^256Spore Breath^*: Damage rescaled to deal 100/175/250/325 over the whole
^717* ^*The ability was incorrectly doing too much damage
^292- ^*^256Entangling Vine Wall^*: Alignment of the wall fixed when spawned at odd
^292- ^*^256Entangling Vine Wall^*: Effects tweaked for clarity

^292- ^*Agility gain per level decreased from 2.65 to 2.6
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^*: Damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 40/50/60/70
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^*: Damage changed from Physical damage to Magic damage

^292- ^*Base Damage lowered from 56-60 to 52-56
^292- ^*Base Intelligence lowered from 20 to 18

^292- ^*^256Unholy Expulsion^*: Movespeed of Spirits increased from 400 to

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Strength gain per level decreased from 1.85 to 1.8
^292- ^*^256Unbreakable^*: Cooldown increased from 15 to 45/35/25/15

^292- ^*Strength gain per level increased from 2.85 to 2.9

^292- ^*^256Glacial Downpour^*: Manacost increased from 150/175/200 to 200/300/400

^292- ^*Agility gain per level decreased from 2.15 to 2.1

^292- ^*^256Death Boil^*: Damage per tick increased by 5 damage

^292- ^*Strength gain per level decreased from 2.65 to 2.6
^292- ^*Agility gain per level decreased from 1.75 to 1.7
^292- ^*^256Protective Charm^*: Cooldown increased from 20 to 24 seconds
^292- ^*^256Sol's Blessing^*: Rescripted to prevents all Physical Damage instead of
give 1000 Armor
^717* ^*There should be no functional change to this ability in game

^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level decreased from 3.0 to 2.7
^292- ^*^256Statis Smash^*: Can now be ended early by using the ability again
^717* ^*Damage and stun time are directly proportional to how long the affected
unit has been in the air
^292- ^*^256Telekinetic Control^*: Slow reduced from 25% to 10/15/20/25%

^292- ^*^256Release the Kraken^*: Stun from being pulled to the center is no longer
Superior Magic

^292- ^*Agility gain per level increased from 2.75 to 2.8

^292- ^*^256Steambath^*: Radius reduced from 300/350/400/550 to 300/350/400/450
^079Moon Queen^*
^292- ^*Strength gain per level increased from 1.95 to 2
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.85 to 1.9

^292- ^*^256Ophelia's Judgment^*: Now a purgable buff

^292- ^*^256Enlarge^*: Base Attack Time increased from 1.7 to 1.9/2.1/2.3 seconds
^292- ^*^256Enlarge^*: Attack Speed is no longer slowed

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Strength gain per level increased from 1.55 to 1.6
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 3.25 to 3.3
^292- ^*^256Contagion^*: Slow duration decreased from 4 to 2.5/3/3.5/4

^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.75 to 1.8

^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 25 to 28
^717* ^*Base Attack Damage lowered by 3 so her damage remains unchanged

^292- ^*^256Disarm^*: Rebalanced so it now has a cooldown of 20/16/12/8 seconds
that removes 1 second on attack. Disarmed now lasts 2 seconds instead of 1.
^292- ^*^256Marksman Shot^*: Now gives vision of the target

^292- ^*^256Essence Shift^*: Cap of 40 stats removed

^292- ^*Strength gain per level increased from 1.85 to 1.9
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.75 to 1.8

^292- ^*Movement Speed increased from 305 to 310
^292- ^*^256Heartache^*: Damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300

^292- ^*Agility gain per level increased from 2.85 to 2.9

^292- ^*^256Elementals^*: Attack Damage reduced from 16-24/24-32/34-42/43-51 to
^292- ^*^256Elemental Void^*: Reveal radius reduced from 900 to 400
^292- ^*^256Elemental Void^*: Clearvision radius reduced from 1000 day/700 night to
^292- ^*^256Elemental Void^*: Outer Damage radius lowered from 500 to 400

^292- ^*Strength gain per level decreased from 1.85 to 1.8
^292- ^*Agility gain per level decreased from 2.75 to 2.7
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level decreased from 1.65 to 1.6
^292- ^*^256Javelin of Light^*: Stun increments changed from 150 units at all
levels to 225/200/175/150 units
^717* ^*This means that it is much harder to get a full 5 second stun at lower
levels of the ability
^292- ^*Strength gain per level increased from 2.75 to 2.8
^292- ^*Intelligence gain per level increased from 1.55 to 1.6

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*The terrain in OpenGL should be rendering much cleaner now

^292- ^*Fixed double activating a ^090Homecoming Stone^* or ^090Post Haste^* on Mid


^292- ^*Fixed the Pimp Pack so it shows up correctly ingame

^970Version 2.6.3^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*
^717* ^*^079The Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Draconis^*
^717* ^*^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*^079Gravekeeper^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079The Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Kinesis^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Myrmidon^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Bramble^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Spike^*
^717* ^*^079Bramble^* is a very difficult to kill strength hero who supports his
team in a variety of ways. Whether it be Disables, Movespeed, Heals, or splitting
the enemy team in two, ^079Bramble^* is a valuable asset to any team.

^292- ^*Added a new Announcer: ^539The Pimp Pack^*

^717* ^*Featuring the smooth voice of Newerth's favorite ^079Witchslaying Pimp^*,
its time to set the juice loose and spank that monkey

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^090Couriers^*: Enemy items they pick up can now be dropped normally again

^292- ^*^079Behemoth^*: ^256Fissure^* will no longer cause creeps to path long ways
around when blocked
^717* ^*If creeps are blocked at a ramp, they will now just push themselves against
the ^256Fissure^* and wait for it to end
^292- ^*^079Kinesis^*: ^256Inherent Defense^* will no longer gain strength from DOT
damage ^079Kinesis^* does
^717* ^*This means items like ^090Mock of Brilliance^* will no longer increase the
shield strength

^970Version 2.6.2^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Aluna ^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda ^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth ^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles ^*
^717* ^*^079Cthulhuphant ^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman ^*
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden ^*
^717* ^*^079Gauntlet ^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus ^*
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms ^*
^717* ^*^079Midas ^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider ^*
^717* ^*^079Shadowblade ^*
^717* ^*^079Slither ^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer ^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition ^079Pebbles^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jade Giant

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Armordillo^*: Damage it takes to release an extra spine increased from
200 to 250 damage

^292- ^*^256Corpse Conversion^*: Minions Magic Armor increased from 3 to 4
^292- ^*^256Corpse Conversion^*: Minions can no longer attack towers when
Balphagore is not near them

^292- ^*^256Mark For Death^*: Cast Range lowered from 1000 to 800
^292- ^*^256Carnage^*: Physical Damage rescaled from 8% to 6/7/8%

^292- ^*^256Lethal Range: Damage multiplier lowered from 30/40/50/60% to

^292- ^*Movement Speed lowered from 310 to 305

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*^256Animate Forest^*: Animated Trees Attack Speed base attack time
increased from 1 to 1.25 seconds

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Deserted^*: Enemies under the effects of Desert's Curse^* will now
always take the bonus damage from Deserted^* when attacked

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Foliage has been fixed on low quality shaders in DirectX
^292- ^*Banning Pick first ban/pick order has been corrected
^292- ^*Banning Pick once again works correctly in matchmaking

^292- ^*^095Vagabond Assassin^* spells fixed so they no longer play in fog

^292- ^*^095Vagabond Assassin's^* ^256Purge^* can no longer insta-kill allied
^292- ^*^095Antlore Healer's^* & ^095Sporespitter's^* abilities now have 0 Cast
^717* ^*This means right-clicking these abilities to make them autocast will no
longer make the unit stop moving
^292- ^*^095Antlore Healer's^* and ^095Sporespitter's^* skills have been optimized

^292- ^*^090Ghost Marchers^* effects no longer play through fog anymore

^292- ^*^079Empath^*: As One no longer let's you go inside of Forsaken Archer's^*

Piercing Arrows^* illusion
^292- ^*^079Monarch^*: ^256Noxious Cloud^* fixed so it no longer triggers neutrals
to use abilities
^292- ^*^079Nomad^*: ^079Nomaddin's^* ^256Edge Counter^* fixed so the correct
effects play

^970Version 2.6.0^*
^292- ^*^539Free Hero Pool has been updated and increased to 16 heroes!^* The list
is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*
^717* ^*^079The Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079The Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Drunken Master^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Pyromancer^*
^717* ^*^079Tundra^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Monarch^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*

^970== Shop & Courier Changes ==^*

^292- ^*^539Intelligent Item Combining added^*

^717* ^*When you buy a recipe item via right-clicking on it or the "purchase
remaining components" button, it will now intelligently combine as it's being
^717* ^*Example: Your inventory has 5 ^090Minor Totems^* and ^090Marchers^*. You
right click on ^090Ghost Marchers^* and now have ^090Ghost Marchers^* in your
inventory. Before, you would still have ^090Marchers^* in your inventory and now
have 2 ^090Punchdagger^* in your stash

^292- ^*When you buy a ^090Frostwolf Skull^* or ^090Geometer's Bane^* via right-
clicking on it or the "purchase remaining components" button and have a
^090Frostburn^*, it won't buy the ^090Icebrand/Firebrand^* anymore
^717* ^*This was done because ^090Frostburn^* can be disassembled and the
^090Icebrand/Firebrand^* modifiers do not stack

^292- ^*^539Items now combine across both your inventory and stash^*
^717* ^*When you buy a recipe item via right-clicking on it or the "purchase
remaining components" button, it will now look for recipe combinations in both your
inventory and stash (if you have access to it)
^717* ^*Example: Your inventory has 5 ^090Minor Totems^* and ^090Marchers^* with
one ^090Punchdagger^* in your stash. You right click on ^090Ghost Marchers^* and
now have ^090Ghost Marchers^* in your inventory. Before, you would still have
^090Marchers^* in your inventory and 2 ^090Punchdaggers^* in your stash

^292- ^*^539Courier Item Combining improved significantly^*

^717* ^*When a courier delivers items, it now intelligently combines them as
they're being delivered
^717* ^*Example: Your inventory has 5 ^090Minor Totems^* and ^090Marchers^*. The
courier delivers you 2 ^090Punchdaggers^* and you now have ^090Ghost Marchers^* in
your inventory. Before, you would still have ^090Marchers^* in your inventory and
the courier would still have the 2 ^090Punchdaggers^*

^292- ^*^539Item sellback enabled for newly purchased recipe items^*

^717* ^*When a recipe item combines, it inherits the oldest purchase time of its
components, so that you can still sell it for full value after combining. As with
other items, the "recently purchased" flag goes away if the owner dies or if the
item is used
^717* ^*Example: If you buy ^090Ghost Marchers^* all at once, you can sell it back
in full for 15 seconds
^717* ^*Example: If you have ^090Marchers^* in your inventory for 30 seconds, then
upgrade to ^090Ghost Marchers^*, you cannot sell it back for full since the
^090Marchers^* are the oldest component and they passed the 15 second window

^970== New Map & Mode: Mid Wars ==^*

^292- ^*^539Introducing the new risk-free way to play Heroes of Newerth -- Mid
Wars!^* The direct result of feedback and input from the HoN community, Mid Wars
takes the most exciting pieces of the HoN experience and distills them into pure
unadulterated fun. Featuring its own standardized rule-set, exclusive Matchmaking
system, and an all new map, Mid Wars brings you everything that you know and love
about HoN and improves the formula with a casual, arcade style experience second to
none. Make no mistake, we think Mid Wars is one of the best maps we have ever made
and we're honored to unleash it today for all of Newerth to enjoy

^292- ^*^539Hand-crafted Map that keeps the action centralized^*. Map features
^717* ^*New art and style! Welcome to the Jungle!
^717* ^*New paths created
^717* ^*Bases redesigned
^717* ^*Fountains moved away from the bases
^717* ^*Teleporters added to quickly drop you back into the action!
^717* ^*One ^095Neutral Spawn^*
^717* ^*One ^095Powerup Spawn^*
^717* ^*^095Kongor^* removed

^292- ^*^539Custom made ruleset designed around fast paced action^*. New rules
^717* ^*Base bounty for killing a hero increased from 200 to 400 gold
^717* ^*Bounty per level and bounty per streak increased from 5 to 10 gold and 50
to 100 gold respectively
^717* ^*Respawn time lowered from 4 seconds per level to 600 milliseconds per level
^717* ^*Gold loss on death removed
^717* ^*Fountain regeneration increased from 4% to 10% of your max health a second
^717* ^*Lingering fountain regeneration removed
^717* ^*Experience table changed so leveling happens faster
^717* ^*Experience range increased from 1000 to 1300
^717* ^*^090Grave Locket^* and ^090Sacrificial Stone^* do not reduce your death
time on this map
^717* ^*Creeps will upgrade themselves every 3 minutes instead of every 7
^717* ^*Siege creeps will spawn every 3 waves instead of every 5
^717* ^*Both teams start with a ^090Flying Courier^*
^717* ^*Duplicate Heroes disabled
^717* ^*Buybacks disabled

^292- ^*^539New picking mode to match the quick action ingame^*. How the mode
^717* ^*10 seconds of wait time when the game starts
^717* ^*20 seconds for 3 Blind Bans per team
^717* ^*^539Blind Ban^*: Blue and Pink players pick 3 heroes that they want to ban.
These bans are hidden from the enemy team until the time is up or all bans are
used, whichever comes first. Then all bans are revealed. Both teams can ban the
same heroes and 'stack' bans. Choose Wisely!
^717* ^*10 seconds of wait time before Picks
^717* ^*40 seconds of normal All-Pick

^292- ^*^539Main Base structures rescaled and redesigned for the Mode^*
^717* ^*Regen increased from 3 to 105. Regen is disabled for 10 seconds when damage
is taken
^717* ^*Health lowered from 4250 to 3500

^292- ^*^539Zorgath and his creation Transmutanstein return to the map^*

^717* ^*Both have had their stats and damage increased significantly. They should
pose much more of a challenge now!
^717* ^*Both now have correct sounds when they attack or die
^717* ^*^095Zorgath^* now drops a new Tablet: ^095The Tablet of Power^*
^717* ^*^095Tablet of Power^* grants the powers of all 5 other Tablets combined!
^717* ^*You get 2 Illusions, then all 3 get Double Damage, Haste, Regeneration, and
^717* ^*^095Tablet of Power^* can be bottled
^717* ^*^095Transmutanstein^* now drops two redesigned ^095Tokens of Sight^*
^717* ^*Only the team that kills Transmutanstein can see the ^095Tokens of Sight^*
^717* ^*When used, grants you a buff that gives 900 radius Clearvision and
^717* ^*Clearvision lets you see over trees and cliffs
^717* ^*Truevision lets you see invisible units such as wards or heroes like Night

^292- ^*^539Mid Wars added to Matchmaking^*

^717* ^*Can only play Normal mode with Blind Ban in Matchmaking
^717* ^*Victory will be rewarded with 8 Silver Coins. Defeat gets 6 Silver Coins.
^717* ^*Bonuses such as Wards Placed, Total Assists, Social Bonus, or Consecutive
Bonus are not enabled for Mid Wars
^717* ^*Stats are not recorded for this mode other than the "Games Played" and
^717* ^*Mid Wars Match Awards have been added!
^717* ^*Hosting a Public Game of Mid Wars has a number of options automatically
disabled to preserve the hand crafted Mid Wars experience

^970== Interface Updated Significantly ==^*

^292- ^*^539The Background has been completely redone with 3D animated models and
better effects!^*
^292- ^*^539New HoNiversary logo added -- Happy 2 Year Anniversary!^*

^292- ^*Improved resource unloading across the whole UI

^292- ^*Reduced RAM usage slightly through sound and texture improvements
^292- ^*Improved match stats screen reliability and performance
^292- ^*Improved create game screen reliability and performance
^292- ^*Switching languages now prompts you to restart

^292- ^*Fixed the ingame shop so if you have it open and move into range of the
Outpost or Observatory, it switches to those shops
^292- ^*Fixed some clicking and highlighting issues on the news panel
^292- ^*Fixed hero and avatar lists in the Goblin Store to scroll to the most
recent item by default
^292- ^*Fixed bottom center mana/health bars lerping behaviour
^292- ^*Fixed health/mana regen formatting across all health bars
^292- ^*Fixed Game Menu Options selection sometimes not opening the Options panel
^292- ^*Fixed weather dropdown not displaying anything until an option was selected
^292- ^*Fixed chain sparks not always working (Thanks to Elkano)
^292- ^*Fixed a rare issue where the matchmaking loading screen could persist
^292- ^*Fixed loading percent when reconnecting to a game
^292- ^*Fixed the portait glow showing at wrong time
^292- ^*Fixed alt avatar previews vanishing when opening them a second time
^292- ^*Fixed many console errors (and what caused them)

^970== Chatserver & Website Updated ==^*

^292- ^*You will have to patch to reconnect to the chatserver

^292- ^*Increased the max players per channel from 200 to 250
^292- ^*Numerous enhancements to improve stability and reduce outages
^292- ^*Fixed a bug that was causing players to receive notifications that HoNTV
streams were active even though the stream wasn't active

^292- ^*The "Heroes" section of the Heroes of Newerth website has been completely
redone from the ground up, check it out!

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Riftwalker^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Elder Riftwalker^*
^717* ^*The ^079Riftwalker^* is a unique hero that can initiate on an enemy team
without the assistance of a ^090Portal Key^*. Both inside and outside of a
teamfight, the rest of ^079Riftwalker's^* abilities give her great utility in a
supporting role.

^292- ^*Added new ^079Electrician^* Alt Avatar: ^079Steampunk Electrician^*

^292- ^*Added new Taunt: ^539Kongor Taunt^*
^292- ^*Added new Courier: ^090Kongor Courier^*

^292- ^*^079Artillery^* is no longer an Early Access hero

^292- ^*The sun now moves across the skies of Forests of Caldavar, changing the
shadows, water reflection, and lighting angles
^292- ^*The water flowing through the Forests of Caldavar has been updated and

^970== Optimizations & Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Optimizations for rendering of many ground sprites and 3D animated models
^292- ^*Optimized the announcer pack sounds to use less memory
^292- ^*Fixed many missing strings for Alt Avatars

^292- ^*The following items were fixed so toggling them will no longer add charges
to enemy ^090Mana Batteries^* and ^090Power Supplies^* or break stealth:
^717* ^*^090Abyssal Skull^*
^717* ^*^090Mock of Brilliance^*
^717* ^*^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^717* ^*^090Refreshing Ornament^*
^717* ^*^090Ring of the Teacher^*
^717* ^*^090Steamboots^*

^090Plated Greaves^*
^292- ^*Now applies to ^256Booboo correctly

^292- ^*^079Arachna^*: ^256Spider^* fixed so it no longer loses sight of the target

^292- ^*^079Artillery^*: ^256Artillery Barrage^* state hidden while being pushed
^292- ^*^079Blitz^*: ^256Lightning Shackles^* now has an AoE indicator when you
hover over an enemy unit with it
^292- ^*^079Berzerker^*: ^256Chain Spike^* effects fixed when he stands still after
using it
^292- ^*^079Woolly Cthulhuphant^*: Attack Animation smoothed out
^292- ^*^079Draconis^*: ^256Blazing Flight^* fixed to always do the proper damage
^292- ^*^079Electrician^*: ^256Electric Shield^* fixed so its visual effects does
not proc off of allied spells
^292- ^*^079Geomancer^*: ^256Dig^* stutter bug fixed
^292- ^*^079Gunblade^*: ^256Demonic Shield^* fixed so its visual effects does not
proc off of allied spells
^292- ^*^079War Beast^*: ^256Hellhounds'^* attack point lowered from 0.75 seconds
to 0.75/0.7/0.65/0.6 seconds so the enemy can't outrun a mid-swing attack

^970Version 2.5.22^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Pandamonium^*
^717* ^*^079Gunblade^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Soul Reaper^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Valkyrie^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cyber Valk^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Tweaked the music

^717* ^*Filesize has been reduced significantly

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Cooldown reduced from 45 to 35 seconds.

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Spider Sting^*: The Spider no longer dies with the owner.

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: Total drunk charges gained rebalanced from 4/6/8/10 to
^292- ^*^256Drink^*: Charges are now gained every 0.65 seconds instead of every
^292- ^*^256Stagger^*: Manacost reduced from 40/50/60/70 to 45/50/55/60

^292- ^*^256Master of the Mantra^*: Cast speed reduction removed

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*^256Weapon Enhancement^*: Repeater damage reduction from -50% at all levels
to 20/30/40/50%
^717* ^*This is a buff for levels 1, 2, and 3 of the ability while using the

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*^256Judgment^*: Radius increased from 400/450/475/500 to 500
^292- ^*^256Judgment^*: Damage increased from 75/125/200/275 to 70/140/210/280
^292- ^*^256Judgment^*: Heal increased from 50/75/100/130 to 55/80/105/130
^292- ^*^256Inhuman Nature^*: Mana return doubled for hero kills
^292- ^*^256Withering Presence^*: Properly kills targets that have low life

^970== Optimizations and Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^090Frostwolf Skull^*: Frost projectile works with all heroes properly now
^292- ^*^079Artesia^*: Wander Range fixed so she gets feared correctly
^292- ^*^079Artillery^*: No longer works in Tournament Mode
^292- ^*^079Berzerker^*: ^256Chain Spike^* scripting fixed so it works properly on
enemies who use Shrunken Head
^292- ^*^079Kinesis^*: ^256Frigid Field^* will now work with Harkon's Blade, no
longer works with Barbed Armor
^292- ^*^079Warbeast^*: Health Regen fixed to properly be 1

^970Version 2.5.21^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*^079Puppet Master^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Shadowblade^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Salforis^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Midas^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Ellonia^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Zero^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Forsaken Archer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Clockwork Archer^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed crash on Linux with NVIDIA 290 series drivers

^292- ^*^079Medusa Midas^* effects were updated

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Magmoose's^* name

^970Version 2.5.20^*
^292- ^*^539Free Hero Pool^* has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden^*
^717* ^*^079Monkey King^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Gemini^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Artesia^*
^717* ^*^079Gravekeeper^*
^717* ^*^079Jeraziah^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition ^079Magmus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Magmoose^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Fixed FMOD on Lion OSX^*

^717* ^*This fixes all sound, music, and voice chat issues as well as recent
performance issues

^292- ^*Fixed an exploit that allowed players to avoid stats recording

^292- ^*^090Plated Greaves^*: ^090Marchers^* are now correctly above ^090Shield of
the Five^* in the shop
^292- ^*^079Blitz^*: The voice of the alt was redone
^292- ^*^079Predator^*: Xeno Alt's death sounds and animation reworked
^292- ^*^079Tempest^*: ^256Elemental Void^* now uses the simple cast indicator
since it's more accurate
^292- ^*The following heroes have had their pick sounds updated:
^717* ^*^079Artesia^*
^717* ^*^079Artillery^*
^717* ^*^079Berserker^*
^717* ^*^079Blitz^*
^717* ^*^079Draconis^*
^717* ^*^079Gunblade^*
^717* ^*^079Gravekeeper^*
^717* ^*^079Kinesis^*
^717* ^*^079Lord Salforis^*

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Melee heroes health regen reduced from 1.25 to 1

^292- ^*^256Bunker Down^*: No longer removes other nearby Bunker Downs when cast
^292- ^*^256Bunker Down^*: Now gives Mana Battery charges

^292- ^*^256Cleansing Shock^*: Cooldown increased from 14/12/10 to 20/15/10

^079Lord Salforis^*
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Health regained from 40/60/80/100 to 20/40/60/80
^292- ^*^256Mors Certissima^*: Mana cost reduced from 100/110/120/140 to
^292- ^*^256Life Tap^*: Mana cost rescaled from 70/60/50/40 to 60

^292- ^*^256Soulsteal^*: Loss of souls on death decreased from 50% to 33%

^292- ^*Starting Intelligence increased from 14 to 17
^292- ^*Intelligence Growth decreased from 1.4 to 1.3

^292- ^*^256Impalement^*: Now does only 50% damage to buildings

^970== Optimizations and Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Invisibility rune now acts like ^090Assassin's Shroud^* in terms of what
breaks it and what doesn't
^292- ^*^090Geometer's Bane^*: Tweaked so the locations of the spawned illusions is
more random
^292- ^*^079Artillery^*: Hid a misplaced ^256LRM^* buff
^292- ^*^079Artillery^*: Sound tweak on ^256LRM^* at the beginning
^292- ^*^079Behemoth^*: ^256Fissure^* now properly displays for the actual duration
of the block
^292- ^*^079Berzerker^*: ^256Chain Spike^* fixed so it can no longer go off after
he dies
^292- ^*^079Chipper^*: ^256Sawblade Showdown^* 'refresh' time upped to 3 seconds to
avoid taking the initial damage twice if a Stormspirit is used
^292- ^*^079Emerald Warden^*: ^256Overgrowth^* can now be placed in trees without
it being off-center
^292- ^*^079Moraxus^*: Fixed the Alt so he plays footstep noises for 2 feet instead
of 4

^970Version 2.5.19^*
^292- ^*^539Free Hero Pool^* has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Flint Beastwood^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*
^717* ^*^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Myrmidon^*
^717* ^*^079Kinesis^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Artillery^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Heavy Artillery^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Rampage^* Alt Avatar: ^079Rhino Rampage^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Game UI Optimizations^*

^717* ^*Faster In-Game Shop: Interactions with the In-Game Shop are now much
quicker and will feel more responsive and fluid.
^717* ^*Game UI Optimized: Increased the efficiency of the UI for a smoother
gameplay experience
^717* ^*Pings Throttled: Preventative measures are now in place to reduce Mini-map

^970== Optimizations and Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Berserker^*: ^256Chain Spike^* fixed so it can no longer deal more than
intended damage
^292- ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*: ^256Electric Tide^* fixed so you can no longer
tab to an invisible gadget
^292- ^*^079Gravekeeper^*: ^256Zombie Apocalypse's^* zombies no longer have Boss
^717* ^*This means they can be taken control of, Transmuted, and pushed around by
abilities now
^292- ^*^079Puppet Master^*: ^256Puppet Show^* is no longer a Debuff, meaning it
can no longer be dispelled
^292- ^*^079Silhouette^*: ^256Death Lotus^* orbiting projectiles now have much
better server performance when there are many (many) in a single game

^970Version 2.5.18^*
^292- ^*^539Free Hero Pool^* has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Dr. Repulsor^*
^717* ^*^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*
^717* ^*^079Draconis^*
^717* ^*^079Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Geomancer^*
^717* ^*^079The Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Gauntlet^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*

^970== New Content ==^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Moraxus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Chainsaw Moraxus^*

^292- ^*Holiday Edition Alt Avatar ^079Bunny Predator^* is now purchasable again
for a limited time!
^717* ^*He returns with a brand new voice!

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^090Kuldra's Sheepstick^* and ^090Barbed Armor^* can now be disassembled

^292- ^*^079Kinesis^*, ^079Gunblade^*, and ^079Blitz^* can no longer be used in
Tournament Rules

^970== Item Balance ==^*

^292- ^*Reduced recipe cost from 900 to 800 gold

^970== Hero Balance ==^*

^292- ^*^256Cataclysmic Assault^*: Duration increased from 5/6/7 to 6/7/8 seconds

^292- ^*^256Whirling Blade^*: Chance now starts at 0% and increases by 8% every
time he is attacked
^717* ^*Can no longer proc many attacks in a row, at least 1 attack must happen
between spins now
^717* ^*Much higher chance to spin around the 4th attack
^717* ^*Still activates on 12th attack no matter what

^292- ^*^256Cannon Ball^*: Cast Action Time reduced from 300 to 200 (the ability
starts casting sooner) milliseconds

^292- ^*^256Cyclones^*: No longer gains charges from non-organic units
^292- ^*^256Gust^*: Damage reduced from 75/150/225/300 to 70/140/210/280
^292- ^*^256Typhoon^*: Cooldown increased from 100 seconds to 120/110/100 seconds

^970== Optimizations and Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed a ^079Berserker^* bug where he could do double damage with Chain
^292- ^*^090Bottle^* has been optimized for better performance
^292- ^*^079Mystic Tempest^* model and animations have been fixed so effects play
on him correctly

^970Version 2.5.17^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*^079Scout^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Balphagore^*
^717* ^*^079Pyromancer^*
^717* ^*^079Tundra^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Monarch^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Blitz^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Celeris^*

^292- ^*Added new Holiday Edition ^079Monkey King^* Alt Avatar: ^079Queen of

^292- ^*^539Happy April Fool's Day!^* The ^079Queen of Fools^* has had her way with
Newerth and this time it looks like the joke's on you!

^970Version 2.5.16^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*
^717* ^*^079The Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Zephyr^*
^717* ^*^079Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition ^079Emerald Warden^* Alt Avatar: ^079Jurassic
^717* ^*Complete with raptors, a new trap, and a pterodactyl!

^292- ^*Added new Courier: ^079Dino Courier^*

^292- ^*^079Queen Bee Monarch^* effects updated

^292- ^*^079Queen Bee Monarch^* icons added
^292- ^*^079Xeno Predator^* animations updated
^292- ^*^079Demonbuster Electrician^* effects updated

^292- ^*Some ^079Myrmidon^* and ^079Kraken^* gadgets can no longer be selected

using TAB
^292- ^*^079Gravekeeper^* and ^079Artesia^* have been unlocked under Tournament

^292- ^*^090Hellflower^*
^717* ^*Range reduced from 900 to 800
^717* ^*Manacost increased from 100 to 200

^292- ^*^090Kuldra's Sheepstick^*

^717* ^*Reduced the duration of being a sheep from 3.5 to 2.5 seconds
^717* ^*Reduced cooldown from 35 seconds to 30 seconds

^292- ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^256Deja Vu^* cooldown has been adjusted from 30 to 30/28/26/24
^717* ^*^256Emerald Red^* mana cost has been rebalanced from 75/100/125 to 75

^292- ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^256Precision^* now gives True Strike to everyone at level 4

^292- ^*^079Berzerker^*
^717* ^*^256Carnage^* bonus damage is now applied to all attacks instead of just
enemy units

^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*^256Mortifying Presence^* bonus from a creep kill reduced from 2x to 1.5x
^717* ^*^256Mortifying Presence^* bonus from a hero kill reduced from 3x to 2x
^717* ^*^256Obliterate^* damage reduced from 80/140/200 to 80/130/180

^292- ^*^079Moon Queen^*

^717* ^*^256Multi-Strike^* damage reduction per bounce reduced from 35% to

^970Version 2.5.15^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Shadowblade^*
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Drunken Master^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Gunblade^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Warmonger Gunblade^*

^292- ^*Added new Taunt: ^095Chiprel Taunt^*

^292- ^*Changes to Forests of Caldavar:

^717* ^*The rightmost Hellbourne creep camp can no longer be pulled into the lane
^717* ^*The cliffs between the second and third Legion Towers are now blocked
^292- ^*^090Ward of Revelation^* now displays the area of revelation while placing

^292- ^*^079Gladius Beardicus'^* ^256Call To Arms^* now has more visual feedback
and impact
^292- ^*^079Hydraxis^* auto-attack animations and effects have been updated with
alternating projectiles
^292- ^*^079Classic Pollywog Priest^* animation sounds are now old school Classic
Pollywog Priest sounds
^292- ^*^079Queen Bee Monarch's^* textures have been optimized for low resolution
^292- ^*Damage from ^079Pe-King Duck's^* ^256Vault^* has been moderated

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Mandromeda's^* portrait

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Conquest Maliken's^* ^256Possession^* to make the armor linger
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Logger Legionnaire's^* spin after 11 charges to show the correct
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Amun-Ra's^* ^256Ashes to Ashes^* to add charges when taking
damage from invulnerable units
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Predator's^* ^256Terror^* to give allied heroes in range an
attack speed buff

^970Version 2.5.14^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Gemini^*
^717* ^*^079Puppetmaster^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Pandamonium^*
^717* ^*^079Salforis^*
^717* ^*^079Soul Reaper^*
^717* ^*^079Midas^*
^717* ^*^079Artesia^*
^717* ^*^079Gravekeeper^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Jereziah^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Monkey King^* Alt Avatar: ^079PeKing Duck^*

^292- ^*100 Heroes Symbol updated

^292- ^*^079Famine Sand Wraith^* model has been updated
^292- ^*^079Flaming Deadwood's^* effects have been significantly updated

^292- ^*Interface updated with improved optimizations, better back-end structure,

and many many bug fixes

^292- ^*Increased ^090Helm of the Black Legion's^* time to get a charge from 400ms
to 500ms
^292- ^*Armor buffs from ^090Shield of the Five^* and ^090Plated Greaves^* no
longer stack

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*^256Ashes to Ashes^* no longer gains charges except from hero damage
^292- ^*Increased starting Strength from 16 to 17
^292- ^*Increased starting Intelligence from 15 to 16
^292- ^*^256Comet^* manacost lowered from 110/120/130/140 to 105/115/125/135
^292- ^*^256Voip Rip^* cooldown decreased from 70/60/50 to 65/55/45

^292- ^*Reduced starting Strength from 19 to 18
^292- ^*Reduced starting Agility from 16 to 15
^292- ^*Fixed the ^256Arcane Missiles^* launched from her ^256Essence Projection^*
so they home in correctly

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Unholy Expulsion^* spirits so they are no longer invisible when
using ^079Phantom Defiler^*

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Release^* so it will no longer play effects through fog

^292- ^*Fixed a rare bug where the targeting circle for ^256Crystal Field^*
wouldn't show up for some people if you had ^090Staff of the Master^*

^292- ^*Unstable Zombie explosion damage from ^256Zombie Apocolypse^* increased
from 50 to 55/70/85

^292- ^*Can no longer lift gadgets
^292- ^*Can no longer throw stuff at Kongor

^292- ^*^256Mirage Strike's^* Mirage Strike bonus damage reduced from
60/100/140/180 to 40/60/80/100
^292- ^*^256Mirage Strike's^* True Strike bonus damage increased from
60/100/140/180 to 80/120/160/200
^292- ^*^256SandStorm's^* Movespeed Slow increased from 5/10/15/20% to 7/14/21/28%

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Terror^* so Kongor and neutrals will no longer get the Buff from
attacking someone with the Debuff

^292- ^*^256Gargantuan Blast^* damage increased from 60/110/160/210 to
^292- ^*^256Feint's Siphon^* damage increased from 60/110/160/210 to 60/120/180/240

^292- ^*Increased starting Strength from 15 to 16
^292- ^*Increased starting Intelligence from 18 to 19

^292- ^*^256Chain Lightning^* cast range increased from 700 to 750
^292- ^*^256Blast of Lightning^* damage rescaled from 100/175/275/350 to
^292- ^*^256Lightning Rod^* damage increased from 3/5/7/9% to 4/6/8/10%

^292- ^*^256Sage's Lore^* Removed
^292- ^*New First Ability: ^256Brain Drain^*
^717* ^*The Vindicator unleashes forgotten lore from within The Book, damaging
enemies and absorbing some Intelligence
^717* ^*Target a position to deal ^o50/100/150/200 Magic Damage^*. For each enemy
hero hit, the Vindicator steals ^o3 Intelligence^* for ^o25/30/35/40 seconds^*
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* Reworked
^717* ^*Inscribed into the binding of The Book, the Glyph of Silence lashes out at
nearby enemies that attack Vindicator while granting greatly increased Attack Speed
^717* ^*Passively grants ^o10/20/30/40 Attack Speed^*. Enemies that attack you are
Silenced for ^o.5/1/1.5/2 seconds^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Kinesis's^* ^256Stasis Smash^* to correctly do damage to the
lifted target

^970Version 2.5.13^*
^292- ^*To celebrate the 100th hero, all the Free Hero Pool has 98 non-EA heroes
^717* ^*After the weekend, the Free Hero Pool will be:
^717* ^*^079Monkey King^*
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Myrmidon^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Monarch^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Kinesis^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Zeta Kinesis^*

^292- ^*Added new ^079Voodoo Jester^* Alt Avatar: ^079Voodoo Raptor^*

^717* ^*Created by community member Strider
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Raptor^* will be given out to everyone who plays a game on March
2nd if S2 loses 15 games during the S2 vs. The Community event and then made
purchasable next week

^292- ^*^079Berzerker^* is no longer Early Access and is now available to all

Legacy players

^292- ^*^090Grave Locket^*: Correctly gets a charge if you kill someone with a pet

^292- ^*^079Draconis^*: Fixed passive effects from playing while sheeped

^292- ^*^079Drunken Master^*: ^256Drunk^* charges gained from a kill now correctly
buff Stagger
^292- ^*^079Fayde^*: Fixed her Alt Avatar getting Clearvision correctly
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Fire split form movespeed tooltip fixed
^292- ^*^079Geomancer^*: Fixed his Alt Avatar to show up in the store correctly for
Free players
^292- ^*^079Lord Salforis^*: Fixed passive effects from playing while sheeped
^292- ^*^079Parasite^*: Can no longer use ^256Infest^* while inside of a unit. This
correctly fixes a bug where you cannot see the cooldown and the cooldown reset
incorrectly sometimes

^970Version 2.5.12^*
^292- ^*With our roster hero roster preparing to hit the big 100, this week's free
hero pool is a throwback to HoN's youth
^717* ^*^539We have expanded the free hero pool to include the first 24 heroes for
this week^*:
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079The Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Puppet Master^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Pharoah^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Pandamonium^*
^717* ^*^079Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*Added ^079Night Hound^* Alt Avatar: ^079Night Hunter^*

^292- ^*^539New taunt:^* ^095Dropping G's Taunt^*

^292- ^*^539Added a new command /friendlychat or /fc for short^*

^717* ^*If a player turns this feature on their client will only accept incoming
whispers, game invites, group invites and other similar messages if the sender is
in their clan or on their buddy list

^292- ^*^539UI bug fixes^*: (Thanks to Elkano for his help with these)
^717* ^*The alt avatar list can now be sorted by release date (suggested by
community member iruul)
^717* ^*Right click menu no longer occasionally appears behind other windows
^717* ^*Fixed bug causing notification icon tooltips to be stuck to the cursor
^717* ^*Matchmaking window player double click invites no longer occasionally
target the wrong player
^717* ^*Added missing double tap announcer preview
^717* ^*Improved sub-account drop-down behavior
^717* ^*Fixed large stat numbers being cut off in post game stats screen
^717* ^*Fixed bug causing add friend button to disappear in-game

^292- ^*^539Matchmaking groups who have a large skill difference among their
members will no longer be able to choose the "Fairer Match" option for their match
^717* ^*An appropriate message will be displayed to the group leader indicating
that the value they had selected is not available for their group should they try

^292- ^*Updated RAP interface

^292- ^*^539The following Heroes have been removed from the Tournament Rules game
^717* ^*^079Artesia^*
^717* ^*^079Bezerker^*
^717* ^*^079Gravekeeper^*

^292- ^*^539Fixed white textures showing up when you use the "Low" Model setting
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^* and ^256Malphas^*
^717* ^*^095Kongor^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*

^292- ^*^539The Night Vision of the following heroes have been changed to 800:^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^* (had 1200)
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^* (had 1200)
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^* (had 1200)
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^* (had 1200)
^717* ^*^079Torturer^* (had 900)
^717* ^*^079Tremble^* (had 1200)
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^* (had 1200)

^292- ^*^539Visual Exploits have been fixed that involve the following heroes:^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*

^292- ^*A new chatserver is needed this patch. You will automatically reconnect to
the new one after patching
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where players could repeatedly invite other players to
create a clan even if they were already in a clan or in /dnd mode
^292- ^*Players will no longer longer receive matchmaking group invites while in
/dnd mode
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where right-clicking the Auto-Join channel button in a chat
room was not removing the saved channels from the Auto-Join channel list
^292- ^*Fixed a display issue where a players MMR shown on the matchmaking
interface would appear to be 1 point higher than it should have
^292- ^*Fixed a "Tooltip Sticking" bug

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*Now does not apply the Astrolabe Immunity to Stormspirited targets

^292- ^*No longer works with Split Attacks

^090Null Stone^*
^292- ^*Reduced mana regeneration from 200% to 150%

^090Plated Greaves^*
^292- ^*On use, now also grants +2 Armor to nearby heroes

^090Ring of the Teacher^*

^292- ^*Reduced damage from 6 to 5

^090Savage Mace^*
^292- ^*No longer works with Split Attacks

^090Sol's Bulwark^*
^292- ^*No longer stacks incorrectly with or overrides Daemonic Breastplate

^090Staff of the Master^*

^292- ^*Recipe old: Any two 1000g items + ^090Glowstone^* + Recipe
^292- ^*Recipe new: ^090Glowstone^* + ^090Mighty Blade^* + ^090Quickblade^* +
^090Neophyte's Book^*. Auto Assemble

^292- ^*Cast range reduced from 600 to 450
^292- ^*Increased cost from 600 to 1000 gold
^292- ^*Now cannot be healed while Stormspirited

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^* from playing in fog

^292- ^*Increased turnrate from 360 to 450

^292- ^*^256Fissure^* increased duration from 5/6/7/8 to 6.5/7/7.5/8 seconds
^292- ^*^256Shockwave^* tooltip update no longer affecting corpses.

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Kuznya^* Avatar so that the icons in ^256Flaming Hammer^* and
^256Frenzy^* match the states
^292- ^*Smoothed ^079Kuznya's^* attack animations

^292- ^*^256Hook 'em^* can now target Allied creeps only at level 2 and above

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*^256Unbreakerable^* health restored reduced from 150/250/350/450 to

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*^256Stagger's^* bonus Movement Speed and Attack Damage reduced from
20/40/60/80 to 15/30/45/60
^292- ^*^256Drink's^* charges gained from 2/4/6/8 to 2/3/4/5 a second
^292- ^*^256Drink's^* charged gained from enemy death from 2/4/6/8 to 2/3/4/5

^292- ^*^256Deep Shadows^* is now the correct cast type

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Discharge^* and ^256Release^* from playing in fog
^292- ^*^256Release's^* slow is now transferrable

^292- ^*Added ^090Staff of the Master^* effect:
^717* ^*Adds a bonus 100/120/140 Magic Damage and 4 Second 50% Movement Speed Slow
in a 600 radius to the explosion
^717* ^*For reference, the normal explosion is 300 radius
^292- ^*Fixed the Alt Avatar's model from playing ^256Earth's Grasp^*
animation/sound indefinitely if the target creep moves out of range & he is not
aggro'ed/no other orders are carried out after casting
^292- ^*^256Quicksand^* won't draw on the minimap anymore
^292- ^*^256Quicksand^* is now a status debuff, meaning it can be dispelled and

^292- ^*^256Pitfall^* effects touched up

^292- ^*Starting Strength increased from 16 to 17
^292- ^*^256Death Boil^* reduced manacost from 100/130/160/190 to 100/120/140/160

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Root^* from playing through fog

^292- ^*Fixed his Alt Avatar's ^256Whirling Blade^* so it plays the correct model
when spinning

^292- ^*^256Sword Throw^* teleport is no longer prevented by Immobilized

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Santa Midas'^* icons so they aren't blank
^292- ^*Reduced starting agility from 16 to 12
^292- ^*Reduced agility gain per level from 1.5 to 1.1
^292- ^*Reduced starting armor from 3.24 to 1.18 (after agility nerf)
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Lion's Pride^* from playing through fog
^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^* reduced ranged from 900 to 800
^292- ^*Cleaned up ^256Transmute^* scripting a bit

^292- ^*Icon updated
^292- ^*Alt Avatar sounds fixed
^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^* duration reduced from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^* increased damage per second from 50 to 70

^292- ^*Touched up previews

^292- ^*^256Infest^* can no longer target allied creeps until level 2

^292- ^*Alt Avatar Horseman sounds updated

^292- ^*Reverted creep grab mechanic to only work on other heroes

^292- ^*^256Toxin Ward^* vision increased from 300 to 600

^292- ^*Fixed icons

^292- ^*^256Elemental^* reduced magic armor from 17 to 15

^292- ^*Reduced starting agility from 23 to 16
^292- ^*^256Chain Reaction^* damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 65/130/195/260
^292- ^*^256Agonizing Bonds^* cast range reduced from 700 to 650
^292- ^*^256Agonizing Bonds^* damage rescaled from 80/140/200/260 to 65/130/195/260

^292- ^*^539Shudder renamed to Boris~!^*
^292- ^*^256Terrorform^* increased gold gain on mounds from 25 to 25/30/35/40
^292- ^*^256Boris^* no longer gains ^256Impalers^* and instead gains a passive
movespeed slow of 10/15/20%
^292- ^*Increased gold gain from killing ^256Boris^* from 75 to 75/100/125
^292- ^*^256Boris's^* negative armor on Attack from -2/-4/-6 to -1/-2/-3
^292- ^*Increased ^256Boris's^* Attack Damage from 50/75/100 to 60/85/110

^292- ^*^256Cold Shoulder^* is now Magical instead of Physical

^079War beast^*
^292- ^*Fixed effects

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*Increased turn rate from 450 to 500
^292- ^*Lowered Attack Action Time from 560ms to 500ms
^717* ^*This is when the Attack Projectile launches

^970Version 2.5.11^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*^079Flint Beastwood^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Draconis^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Hydraxis^*

^292- ^*Added Myrmidon Alt Avatar: ^079Shenlong^*

^292- ^*Updated the Pink name color

^292- ^*Updated ^079Cupid's^* icons
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Harkon's Blade^* so you can't get Magical Attacks when out of

^970Version 2.5.10^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Dr. Repulsor^*
^717* ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Pharoah^*
^717* ^*^079Scout^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*

^292- ^*Happy Valentine's Day!

^292- ^*Added in new Limited Edition ^079Succubus^* Alt Avatar: ^079Cupid^*
^292- ^*Added a Limited edition ^846Pink Diamond Color^*

^292- ^*Lower memory usage caused by ally voice responses

^292- ^*Modified tournament mode rules to correct false-positive mod check errors
^292- ^*Decreased animation effects on ^079Horseman War^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Panda Courier^* label
^292- ^*Added missing Symbols for recent Alt Avatars
^292- ^*^079Night Hound^* can no longer blink to Powerups
^292- ^*^079Berzerker^* base Health Regen corrected from 0.25 to 1.25

^970Version 2.5.9^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*^079Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Cthuluphant^*
^717* ^*^079Geomancer^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Gauntlet^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Bezerker^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Chaos Berzerker^*

^292- ^*Added Pollywog Priest Alt Avatar: ^079Classic Pollywog Priest^*

^292- ^*Added new Alt Courier: ^090Panda Courier^*

^292- ^*Fixed a bug introduced in patch 2.5.6 that caused a significant drop in FPS
for some players. The game should now run a lot smoother for the users affected by
this. We apologize for this issue and thank the community members for providing
their feedback on tracking down this issue.

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Rhapsody's^* Alt Avatar model

^292- ^*Fixed ^090Portal Key^* so it can properly blink into ^079Engineer's^*
^256Electric Field^* again
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Dampeer's^* Alt so his model changes when he gets sheeped
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Flux^* so he can't push or pull allies that have selected the "No
Help" option
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Dark Lady's^* Alt Avatar animations
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Gemini's^* Movespeed tooltip not updating sometimes
^292- ^*Fixed up ^079Pharaoh's^* Alt Avatar sounds and animations
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Arachna's^* ^256Spiderling^* so it follows invulnerable units
^292- ^*Fixed a minor tooltip glitch with ^079Succubus'^* ^256Smitten^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Gravekeeper's^* ^256Defiling Touch^* so that it will only eat up
1 corpse if he is standing on a pile of corpses
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Tremble's^* ^256Terrorform^* so it properly is showing charges
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Shudder's^* ^256Terrorform^* tooltip to be more accurate
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Shudder's^* ^256Terrorform^* so its mana cost scales the same as

^970Version 2.5.8^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool will be updated on Friday the 27th. The list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Shadowblade^*
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Drunken Master^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper Of the Forrest^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*

^292- ^*In celebration of the Lunar New Year we will be adding special limited
edition ^079Pharaoh^* Alt Avatar - ^079Golden Emperor^*! He will only be available
from 12:00 AM EST 1/27/2012 through 8:00 02/03/2012!
^292- ^*Also in celebration of the Year of the Dragon you will find a new Year of
the Dragon Icon available for purchase!
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing some users in large clans to suffer periodic
^292- ^*Creeps sounds tweaked and generally lowered in volume
^292- ^*host_timescale gets reset when disconnecting from a practice game
^292- ^*^539You can no longer spectate or mentor someone who is already spectating
or mentoring^*

^292- ^*Gold received for getting the last hit on Kongor normaliazed from 300-400
to 350

^292- ^*Gold received for getting the last hit on Towers normalized from 452-
470,502-520,552-570,602-620 to 460,510,560,610

^095Structure Gold (Meatball/Huts)^*

^292- ^*Gold received for getting the last hit on a Structure normalized from 102-
120 to 110

^970== Items ==^*

^090Abyssal Skull^*
^292- ^*Minor tooltip fix

^090Charged Hammer^*
^292- ^*Fixed a wonky effect

^292- ^*Fixed death animation so it sinks in the ground correctly

^090Daemonic Breastplate^*
^292- ^*Scaled the effects under player's feet better

^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced from 700 to 600

^292- ^*Slow no longer goes through Magic Immunity

^090Helm of the Black Legion^*

^292- ^*Now charge based. 20 charges max, loses 5 per Hero, Tower, or Boss attack
and 1 per creep attack
^292- ^*Gains a charge every 400 MS
^292- ^*Won't block unless there are enough chargesI

^292- ^*Fixed a wonky effect

^090Ring of Sorcery^*
^292- ^*Increased manacost from 25 to 40

^090Savage Mace^*
^292- ^*No longer stacks with itself

^292- ^*Increased recipe cost from 900 to 1000
^292- ^*Removed Deflection pierce

^090Sol's Bulwark^*
^292- ^*Armor auras lowered from +/^292- ^*5 to +/^292- ^*4

^292- ^*Now lasts 2 seconds, after landing the target is Perplexed (Can't use
items) for another 0.5 second

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Base Attack cooldown lowered from 1700 to 1550
^292- ^*Increased starting Intelligence from 21 to 22

^292- ^*Increased starting Strength from 17 to 18
^292- ^*Increased starting Agility from 22 to 23

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*^256Corrupted Conduit^* Mana cost from 20/30/40/50 to 50

^292- ^*Starting Agility from 14 to 16
^292- ^*Base Armor from 0.96 to 1.74 (After Agility)
^292- ^*^256Grave Silence^* radius from 200/275/350/350 to 250/300/350/350
^292- ^*Fixed interaction of ^256Unholy Expulsion^* with ^090Geometer's Bane^*

^292- ^*^256Devour^* unbinds the target on impact (prevents Valkyrie leap cancels
for instance)

^292- ^*Can no longer use ^256Energy Shield^* with less than 5 mana
^292- ^*^256Energy Absorption^* no longer has the first target mechanic (you no
longer get 5 charges for 1 hero or 3 for a creep on first hit)

^292- ^*^256Spider Mines^* trigger(chasing) radius from 200 to 250

^292- ^*Can now target Allies with ^256Magnetic Surge^*
^292- ^*^256Magnetic Surge^* is now Physical
^292- ^*Can now change between the Push or Pull without a hitch if you are running

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Fixed interaction between ^090Geometer's Bane^* & ^256Call of the Damned^*

^292- ^*Death sound touched up

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Twin Fangs^* playing through fog
^292- ^*^256Fire and Ice^* now gain 80/90/100% of stats from Gemini
^292- ^*The wolves from ^256Fire and Ice^* now have their movespeed set to Gemini's
^292- ^*Fixed a rare anomaly where ^079Gemini^* would go in a random direction when
recombining from split form
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Gemini's^* split form Fire Fang & Ice Fang so they get stunned
properly while bound to the projectile
^292- ^*Removed invulnerability from Fire Fang and Ice Fang while bound to the
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Fire and Ice^* assist mechanic to function properly

^292- ^*^256Dig^* no longer usable while Immobilised
^292- ^*Can use Items while in ^256Dig^*
^292- ^*^256Crystal Field^* decreased time till explosion from 3 to 3/2.75/2.5

^292- ^*Increased Movespeed from 295 to 300
^292- ^*Increased Intelligence gain from 1.3 to 1.6 per level

^292- ^*^256Protective Charm^* and ^256Sol's Blessing^* no longer gives assists

^292- ^*Strength gain lowered from 3.0 to 2.8 per level
^292- ^*^256Release the Kraken^* damage per second lowered from 40/50/70 to

^079Lord Salforis^*
^292- ^*Cast Time of ^256Life Tap^* removed

^292- ^*Starting Strength from 18 to 16
^292- ^*^256Flash^* cast range from 1000/1075/1150/1150 to 850/950/1050/1150

^292- ^*^256Lava Surge^* no longer usable while Immobilised

^292- ^*^256Sacrificial Lamb^* reworked. Now gives allies increased movespeed and
attack speed based on how low Martyr is
^717* ^*0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 Movespeed per 1% missing and 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8 attack speed
per 1% missing. Radius of 500

^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^* and ^256Golden Salvo^* cooldowns swapped
^717* ^*^256Lion's Pride^* is now 18 starting and ^256Golden Salvo^* is 13
^292- ^*^256Lion's Pride^* heal reduced from 75/120/165/210 to 30/60/90/120

^292- ^*Starting Armor reduced from 2.1 to 1.1
^292- ^*Starting Movespeed from 300 to 295
^292- ^*^256Crippling Pollen^* reduced cast range from 600 to 500
^292- ^*Fixed the last second of ^256Crippling Pollen^* so that the slow doesn't go
through magic immunity

^079Moon Queen^*
^292- ^*Increased attack range from 330 to 350
^292- ^*^256Lunar Glow^* increased from 6/13/20/27 to 7/14/21/28

^292- ^*^256Face Smash^* unbinds the target on impact (prevents Valkyrie leap
cancels for instance)

^292- ^*Made his ^256Wall of Mummies^* suck in enemy player-controlled non-hero
^292- ^*^256Venomous Leap^* cooldown from 20/17/14/11 to 16/14/12/10

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*Base Damage from 40-51 to 46-55

^292- ^*^256Essence Shroud^* cooldown from 30 to 25
^292- ^*^256Essence Shroud^* duration from 10/15/20/25 to 12/15/18/21

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Increased starting armor from 1.10 to 1.75
^292- ^*^256Judgment^* manacost reduced from 125/145/165/185 to 120/140/160/180
^292- ^*^256Withering Presence^* radius increased from 700/800/900/1000 to

^292- ^*^256Smitten^* reworked. Now decreases all damage dealt from the target by
10/20/30/40%, 15 second duration
^292- ^*^256Succubus' Hold^* unbinds the target on use (prevents Valkyrie leap
cancels for instance)

^292- ^*Starting Armor reduced from 4.92 to 3.92
^292- ^*^256Terrorform^* manacost from 110 to 150/140/130/120

^292- ^*^256Cyclones^* heal reduced from 30 to 25
^292- ^*Fixed interaction between ^090Geometer's Bane^* & ^256Cyclones^*
^292- ^*^256Typhoon^* no longer gives an extra tornado (from 7/9/11 to 6/8/10)
^292- ^*^256Typhoon^* no longer gives Zephyr a Cyclone unless he stays in it's

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^079Aluna^*: Fixed ^256Deja Vu's^* 3rd activation from playing through fog
^079Arachna^*: Scripting optimized
^079Artesia^*: Made her ^256Arcane Missile^* slow transferable via Parasite
^079Balphagore^*: Optimized ^256Corpse Conversion^* corpse detection slightly
^079Behemoth^*: Fixed ^256Fissure^* so you can't tab to the invisible gadgets
^079Bombardier^*: Scripting optimized
^079Bubbles^*: ^256Shell Surf^* now spawns 50 units closer to him so it hits units
right in front of him
^079Bubbles^*: Fixed ^256Kelp Field^* from playing in fog
^079Chipper^*: ^256Rockets^* touch changed from Physical to Magic
^079Chipper^*: Scripting optimized
^079Corrupted Disciple^*: Scripting optimized
^079Dark Lady^*: Touched up a few animations
^079Devourer^*: Made ^256Devour^* give assists properly if it did no damage
^079Drunken Master^*: Scripting optimized
^079Empath^*: Fixed ^256As One^* from playing in fog
^079Engineer^*: Scripting optimized
^079Gravekeeper^*: Minor fix to Illusions
^079Kraken^*: Fixed a bug where the target's corpse stands up after death if they
died while bound to ^256Tsunami Charge^*
^079Lord Salforis^*: Fixed ^256Life Tap^* playing through fog
^079Martyr^*: Fixed up the Alt Avatar's sounds when casting abilities
^079Master of Arms^*: Shrunk blue attack projectile effects slightly on towers
^079Parasite^*: Fixed up some weird interactions when he is inside a creep
^079Parasite^*: Fixed him so he is correctly disarmed when inside a creep
^079Pyromancer^*: Burning now capped at 127 charges
^079Rhapsody^*: Fixed up her model and the weird animations going on
^079Scout^*: Fixed ^256Detonate^* ability (for both Scout & Electric Eyes) so they
can be used while stunned as well
^079Shadowblade^*: ^256Soul's Sight^* bonus damage no longer propogates to
^079Succubus^*: Made ^256Succubus' Hold^* give assists properly if it did no damage
^079Torturer^*: Minor fix to ^256Torment's^* interaction when multiple items used
on him at once
^079Wretched Hag^*: Animation smoothing on Wretched Hottie
^079Zephr^*: Scripting optimized

^970Version 2.5.7^*
^292- ^*Free Hero Pool has been updated. The current list is as follows:
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Soul Reaper^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*
^717* ^*^079The Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Legionaire^*
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*
^717* ^*^079Tundra^*
^717* ^*^079Pyromancer^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Jereziah^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*^539Significant optimizations have been made to the UI. Most of these are
aimed at memory usage and memory management, improving performance, and
^717* ^*These changes reflect dramatic improvements to the core framework of the
game client, resulting in a streamlined end-user experience and reducing the
hardware requirements necessary to Get It HoN!
^717* ^*Memory usage has been dramatically reduced to help alleviate hardware
limitations for players both new and old
^717* ^*All Mods should be disabled once the game has been patched, as they will
not reflect optimizations made to the client and will need to be updated

^292- ^*Fixed a reconnection overwrite issue that caused players disconnected from
a game to lose the ability to reconnect to the server if logged into another
^292- ^*Fixed MMR reward issues where players were given more MMR than they should
have been when a teammate disconnects from the game
^292- ^*Fixed time waited calculations to reflect when a group is placed back into
^292- ^*Increased the size of Fist of Sol Taunt and added splatter effects based on
community feedback
^292- ^*Increased the size of Dumpster Taunt and added a new effect - Dumpstered!

^292- ^*Added new Early Access Hero: ^079Gravekeeper^*

^292- ^*Added new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Shinigami
^292- ^*Added new Fayde Alt Avatar: ^079Gypsy Fayde^*

^079Amun Ra^*
^292- ^*^079Phoenix Ra's^* ^256Path of Destruction^* animation has been modified to
boost visual feedback of the skill

^292- ^*^256Fire and Ice^* is now interrupted if either dog gets stunned or
silenced while channeling
^717* ^*^079Gemini^* is undergoing extensive balance changes which will be revealed
and implemented as the hero undergoes substantial testing in the coming weeks

^970Version 2.5.6^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes were changed. The current available list is as
^717* ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Balphagore^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*

^292- ^*Groups with less than 1150 MMR should have an easier time finding a match
^292- ^*If a matchmaking game ends prematurely (whether due to an early remake or a
player fails to connect) any groups who were in the match should now be able to re-
queue and leave off at their previous wait time
^717* ^*A message will be broadcast notifying the group when they have been re-
placed into the queue
^292- ^*Made a few changes to how point gain/losses are adjusted for team mates if
there is a leaver on the team, it's now a bit more lenient in terms of what
conditions must be true in order for the team with the disconnected player(s) to
receive an adjustment
^292- ^*Made some adjustments to match fidelity slider, selecting "Fairer Matches"
should now do a bit better job at finding other groups close to the skill range of
the group that selected this option
^292- ^*The UI should now remember the match fidelity slider setting selected when
creating a group and entering the queue
^292- ^*Greatly improved how the game client re-connects to game servers
^717* ^*Players should no longer have to type "Reconnect" on the console or re-
login manually as the client will automatically try to reconnect to the game
server. Players can still reconnect by re-logging or typing reconnect, but they
will no longer have to do this, they can simply wait for the reconnect dialogue to

^292- ^*^539Gold gained from creeps and neutrals now normalizes over time^*
^717* ^*An example: Two heroes farm a lane for 20 minutes getting equal creep
kills. Before, their gold values would have differed greatly. Now, they will have
nearly equal amounts of gold.
^292- ^*Added a new ^079Amun-Ra^* Alt Avatar: ^079Phoenix Ra^*

^970Version 2.5.5^*
^292- ^*Minor fix to ^079Artesia's^* ^256Essence Projection^*

^970Version 2.5.4^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes were changed. The current available list is as
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*

^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Hero: ^079Artesia^*

^717* ^*Added a new Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Arcannis^*

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Wildsoul^* Alt Avatar: ^079Arctic Wildsoul^*

^292- ^*Christmas Music has been removed

^292- ^*^079Monarch^* is now pickable in Tournament Mode
^292- ^*Minor tweaks to Dumpster and Fist of Sol Taunts

^970Version 2.5.3^*
^292- ^*Create a Guide
^717* ^*You can now create your own hero guides in the game client in the Herodex

^292- ^*Added content to the store for Christmas. This content will become
available over the coming days. Stay tuned to the MotD for more information as
these become available!
^292- ^*Added functionality to support upcoming exciting events for the HoN-idays!
^292- ^*Added in Christmas Music!

^292- ^*^079Monarch^*
^717* ^*^256Noxious Cloud^* increased manacost from 100 to 100/115/130/145
^717* ^*^256Noxious Cloud^* no longer gives vision

^292- ^*Fixed sound on Windows and fixed the Linux build
^292- ^*Added a ^079Torturer^* Alt Avatar: ^079Dominatrix Torturer^*

^970Version 2.5.2^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes were changed. The current available list is as
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Puppet Master^*
^717* ^*^079Gemini^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Monkey King^*
^717* ^*^079Pharoah^*
^717* ^*^079Zephyr^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*

^292- ^*Added a new Taunt: ^539Fist of Sol^*

^292- ^*Added a ^079Keeper of the Forest^* Alt Avatar: ^079Mother Nature Keeper^*

^292- ^*^539Health Bars for Heroes now have Health Pips and glow when you hover
over them^*
^717* ^*Each small section is 200 Health and each large section is 1000 Health

^292- ^*New options for colorblind players

^717* ^*Health Pips or Colorblind options can be turned on and off in the Mod
Options section

^292- ^*/dnd will now ignore mentor/player spectate requests

^292- ^*You can no longer player spectate or mentor in a Tournament Rules game
^292- ^*Fixed player count with player spectators/mentors

^292- ^*For mentors/player spectators, we no longer do:

^717* ^*PSR checks
^717* ^*Leaver check
^717* ^*Verified check
^717* ^*Private server check

^292- ^*^090Hellflower^*: Can no longer tab to the invisible gadget

^292- ^*^079Aluna^*: Recalibrated ^256Déja Vu^* timer mechanics to be more accurate

with the channel bar in the majority of cases
^292- ^*^079Amun-Ra^*: Fixed ^256Path of Destruction^* projectile from going more
than 600 range if he gets teleported within the same frame he reaches its cast
^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*: Fixed his ^256Trample^* projectile from still going
after he dies
^292- ^*^079Fayde^*: Added a check so her Illusions will interact properly with
deleted units
^292- ^*^079Fayde^*: Added a death check so if multiple ^256Burning Shadows^*
illusions are present on a unit when the target dies, then the excess illusions
attacking that unit all die
^292- ^*^079Fayde^*: ^256Burning Shadows^* sight gadgets are unable to be tabbed
to. Illusions are still selectable via tabbing
^292- ^*^079Fayde^*: Fixed ^256Burning Shadows^* so ^090Barbed Armor^* properly
returns the damage done to Fayde
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Extremely minor tweak to alt avatar animation when walking
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Made some effects not play through fog
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Fixed teleporting to the wrong place when dying
^717* ^*Fixes a bug where ^079Gemini^* drops items that drop on death (ie,
^090Bound Eye^*) at the killer's feet instead of the pet's feet
^292- ^*^079Gladiator^*: Fixed his invisible gadgets so they can't be tabbed to
^292- ^*^079Kraken^*: Fixed so he stops displacing the target with his ^256Tsunami
Charge^* if he gets unbound from his projectile
^292- ^*^079Magebane^*: Optimized ^256Mana Combustion^*
^292- ^*^079Midas^*: Updated ^256Elemental Warp's^* tooltip
^292- ^*^079Tundra^*: Fixed units so they play their idle animation when the stun
of ^256Avalanche^* wears off

^970Version 2.5.1^*
^292- ^*The shop hotkeys have been reverted to before 2.5
^292- ^*Fixed Replays

^970Version 2.5.0^*
^717*** ^*With today's patch we want to clarify some confusion regarding why the
highly anticipated version 3.0 of HoN appears to be missing in action. With the
quality of the game at stake during the later stages of development for 3.0, we
realized that all the features we had originally planned for 3.0 wouldn't actually
be ready for release until well into next year.

Rather than compromising our standards of quality and releasing a lackluster

version 3.0 or delaying the patch into oblivion, we decided that we needed to stop
holding back all this great content and bring version 2.5 to life. We hold
ourselves to a higher standard come hell or high water and we know that the HoN
community will support our decision.

There are a plethora of great things coming out today in version 2.5 that we stand
behind in bringing the best gaming experience possible and we thank you for your
patience and commitment. Without further ado, we hope you enjoy 2.5. Game HoN!

^717*** ^*These notes includes the changes from ^9702.3.5^* earlier today

^292- ^*The current Free Heroes were changed. The current available list is as
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Gauntlet^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*

^970== General ==^*

^292- ^*^539Matchmaking Rework^*

^717* ^*The "Average Wait Time" displayed when waiting for a match should now be
much more accurate
^717* ^*Group leaders can now select whether they prefer to have a shorter queue
time or a fairer match when queueing for matchmaking. This option can be changed
without leaving the matchmaking queue
^717* ^*Introduced a "Provisional Ranking Period" for new players that will
facilitate adjusting them to their true skill level (whether higher or lower) much
faster than before
^717* ^*Players with team members who have been terminated should lose less points
for a loss, and gain more points for a win
^717* ^*Made numerous changes to the way MMR is calculated such as how many points
players gain or lose each match, how match predictions are calculated between two
potential teams when searching for a matchup, and many other changes to the backend
calculations that should make the MMR progression much more accurate in predicting
and placing a player at their true MMR rating
^717* ^*Optimizations to the matchmaking algorithm that should reduce queue times
across the board
^717* ^*The game lobby and hero select screens now show match gain/loss values with
more precision as it is now possible to gain/lose fractional amounts of MMR
^717* ^*All players will have their Normal and Casual MMR compressed towards 1500.
Take for example a player with Normal MMR of 1700, and Casual MMR of 1600. After
the compression their Normal MMR would become become (1700 + 1500) / 2 = 1600)
while their Casual MMR would become (1600 + 1500) / 2 = 1550
^717* ^*The minimum MMR has been increased from 750 to 1000
^717* ^*See the forums for more information!

^292- ^*^539Player Spectating^*

^717* ^*Can now join a friend's game in progress and watch from their point of view
^717* ^*No delay, your camera is locked to the view of the specific person you are
^717* ^*You must be approved by the person you are trying to watch before you can
join and they can kick you out at any time
^717* ^*Currently, a player may only have 1 Player Spectator or Mentor and a limit
of 4 on a server at any one time

^292- ^*^539Mentoring^*
^717* ^*Join the game of another player and Mentor them to help them improve!
^717* ^*Your camera is locked to their camera, the same as Player Spectating
^717* ^*You still have to ask permission from the player to join their game and can
be removed at any time
^717* ^*The Mentor has additional special functions available:
^717* ^*Holding Right Mouse Button will show your mouse to your Pupil (You can
already see theirs)
^717* ^*CTRL+Enter will message your Pupil or Mentor
^717* ^*Holding X will let you have voice chat with only your Mentor or Pupil
^717* ^*You can also ping your Pupil's Minimap screen as a Mentor
^717* ^*Bindings can be changed
^717* ^*Currently, a player may only have 1 Player Spectator or Mentor and a limit
of 4 on a server at any one time

^292- ^*^539Referral System has been updated^*

^717* ^*All of the people you have referred can now be seen in-game
^717* ^*Introducing the Referral Promotion ^292- ^*If you Refer a friend, and help
that friend reach level 3, both of you will receive the Exclusive Professor
Repulsor Alt Avatar

^292- ^*^539Forest of Caldavar changed^*

^717* ^*Every tree on the map has been replaced with new, more awesome trees
^717* ^*An ancient large statue was discovered near the Legion Observatory
^717* ^*Life has begun to flourish, and you should hear more Ambient sounds as you
enjoy the world
^292- ^*^539New recruits have joined the fight!^*
^717* ^*The Lane Creeps, including Mega Creeps, have been completely redone with
new models, animations, and sounds

^292- ^*^539Water shaders have been significantly improved^*

^717* ^*The River now flows down the map and there is realtime reflection from the

^292- ^*^539Added a new option: Rim Lighting^*

^717* ^*Can be turned on in the options to draw a larger contrast on the edge of

^292- ^*^539RAP^*
^717* ^*Reduced infractions required for temporary suspension from 3 to 2

^292- ^*The Chatserver has been updated for HoN 2.5

^717* ^*You will have to log out and patch before you can reconnect

^292- ^*Tower attack volume has been adjusted

^292- ^*Hero Spotlights will now automatically pop up the first time you enter the
game after a new one is posted

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*Items in the shops have been moved around a bit to ensure that each shop is
priced lowest to highest
^717* ^*Keybinds might have changed! Keep that in mind

^292- ^*New Item: ^090Grave Locket^*

^717* ^*^090Amulet of Exile^* (485)
^717* ^*Recipe (250)
^717* ^*Total: 735
^717* ^*7 Intelligence
^717* ^*4 Agility
^717* ^*4 Strength
^717* ^*Passive
^717* ^*When you get a kill or assist, the Locket becomes charged
^717* ^*When charged, gains +3 to all stats and reduces respawn time by 10 seconds
^717* ^*If the wielder dies, the charge will be removed

^292- ^*New Item: ^090Genjuro^*

^717* ^*^090Assassin's Shroud^* (3300)
^717* ^*^090Dancing Blade^* (3000)
^717* ^*Total: 6300
^717* ^*Auto-Assembles
^717* ^*25 Agility
^717* ^*45 Damage
^717* ^*20 Attack Speed
^717* ^*Active
^717* ^*75 Manacost
^717* ^*On use, consumes a charge and grants stealth for 9 seconds
^717* ^*Attacking out of stealth deals an additional 125 damage and inflicts 55%
movespeed slow for 3 seconds
^717* ^*Gain a charge every 14 seconds, up to 2 charges

^292- ^*^090Homecoming Stone^*

^717* ^*Tooltip fixed slightly
^292- ^*^090Mana Battery^*
^717* ^*Now transfers its charges to ^090Power Supply^* when you upgrade it

^292- ^*^090Runes of the Blight^*

^717* ^*Sounds redone

^292- ^*^090Void Talisman^*

^717* ^*Removed the 'use' animation, fixes animation bugs with channels and while

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Hero: ^079Shadowblade^*

^717* ^*Added a new Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Corporeal Shadowblade^*
^717* ^*The Early Access bundle now includes a Limited Edition Symbol!

^292- ^*^079Gemini^* is now available in the general hero pool

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Doctor Repulsor^* Alt Avatar: ^079Professor Repulsor^*

^717* ^*Voiced by the dwarfy Simon of the Yogscast
^717* ^*YouTube channel:
^717* ^*Cannot be purchased in the Goblin Store
^717* ^*Available only through the Referral System

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Martyr^* Alt Avatar: ^079Sister Martyr^*

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Chronos^* Alt Avatar: ^079Grandfather Chronos^*

^717* ^*Reward for reaching the purchase goal of ^079Father Time Chronos^*
^717* ^*Will be added to your account for free if you bought ^079Father Time

^292- ^*^079Fallen Valkyrie's^* animations were redone

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*: Fixed ^256Obliterate^* so that it really doesn't hit

stuff behind him if positioned at very specific points
^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*: Fixed ^256Trample^* so it doesn't hit behind him in the
initial cast position
^292- ^*^079Dampeer^*: Fixed ^256Consume^* so that the heal you get accounts for
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Fixed an issue with ^256Twin Strike^* that made him do less
attack DPS than intended
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Fixed some effects playing through fog
^292- ^*^079Gemini^*: Updated some skewed portraits
^292- ^*^079Jeraziah^*: Animation Smoothing
^292- ^*^079Lord Salforis^*: Animation Smoothing
^292- ^*^079Myrmidon^*: Attacks in ^256Forced Evolution^* form now go through
^090Void Talisman^*
^292- ^*^079Moraxus^*: Animation Smoothing
^292- ^*^079Pandamonium^*: Animation Smoothing
^292- ^*^079Pandamonium^*: When Face ^256Smash^* channel starts, ^079Pandamonium^*
now does 1 autoattack right off the bat instead of waiting 1 second for the first
^292- ^*^079Plague Rider^*: Animation Smoothing
^292- ^*^079Plague Rider^*: Fixed ^090Staff of the Master^* tooltip issue and an
interaction with deleted characters

^970Version 2.3.3^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Flux's^* ^256Magnetic Surge^* (Again)
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Mandromeda's^* Attack Projectile

^292- ^*Fixed the RAP screen
^292- ^*Raised the volume of the BreakyCPK Announcer

^970Version 2.3.2^*
^292- ^*Congratulations to all of the participants in DreamHack Winter!
^292- ^*Good Luck to the players and teams participating in the upcoming NASL
^717* ^*Due to these competitive events, we are keeping the game in a stable state
^717* ^*We will not be adding new in-game content or changing any balance until
they are completed

^292- ^*^539RAP 2.1 changes^*

^717* ^*Raised coin deposit amount to 25 silver coins, up from 15
^717* ^*New tooltips to help explain what is and isn't griefing
^717* ^*In addition, we have added Cooldown Timer on submitting reports after the
match has taken place

^292- ^*Added a new ^079Chronos^* Alt Avatar: ^079Father Time Chronos^*

^717* ^*Voiced by the most epic Old Man ever
^717* ^*Will be available to purchase on the 2nd

^292- ^*We would like to give credit to Vivi_Chester for his original concept of
^079Steampunk Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*You can check out his original concept art at http://javivi-

^970Version 2.3.1^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Flux's^* ^256Magnetic Surge^*
^292- ^*You now join stream chat channels when going to them in HoN TV, not just
when going to them via notification
^292- ^*Stream chat channels are no longer single user in size

^970Version 2.3.0^*
^970"The DreamHack Patch"^*
^292- ^*Good luck to all of the players and teams participating at DreamHack
^292- ^*These notes include the changes from 2.2.9

^292- ^*The current Free Heroes were changed on Friday, Nov 18. The current
available list is as follows:
^717* ^*NOTE: This week's rotation was hand picked by ^rMsPudding^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Drunken Master^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*

^292- ^*^539HoN TV is now Live!^*

^717* ^*You can open HoN TV from the bottom right corner of the new Message of the
Day screen or the icon in the upper left corner
^717* ^*HoN TV lets you watch video in the client seamlessly. You can watch while
in the Matchmaking queue, for example!
^717* ^*HoNCast Live Stream, HoNCast Video Archives, S2Games YouTube Channel, and
some User Streams are all available to watch at any time
^717* ^*AngryTestie and h4nn1 are the initial two people you can watch from the
ingame client. More will be added as time goes on!
^717* ^*Make sure to use HoN TV to tune into DreamHack Winter this week!

^292- ^*^539Report-A-Player interface redone^*

^717* ^*Results of the report are now more transparent (you can see if they got
^717* ^*Players now required to deposit a few silver coins to submit a RAP report
to improve the quality and validity of reports being submitted
^717* ^*If the reported players gets punished you receive your deposit back
^717* ^*If the player is found innocent you will not receive your deposit back
^717* ^*More information can be found on the forums

^292- ^*^539The Test++ mod has been added for practice mode^*
^717* ^*This replaces the normal "Test" menu

^292- ^*^539New Message of the Day screen^*

^717* ^*Now includes a button to HoN TV and a Competitive Section

^292- ^*^539Newerth is no longer Haunted^*

^292- ^*Interface rendering improvements in DirectX

^292- ^*Minor optimizations to all interface rendering
^292- ^*"Hell", "damn", and "bastard" have been removed from the filter list
^292- ^*Fixed the UITriggerList console command
^292- ^*The water near Kongor has been fixed
^292- ^*The teleporters on Grimm's Crossing now properly unbind and disjoint you
^292- ^*Various Tooltip fixes
^292- ^*The Chatserver has been updated for HoN TV
^717* ^*You must patch up to 2.3.0 to connect to it again

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Hero: ^079Lord Salforis^*

^717* ^*Based on the Dream hero ^079Necromancer^* created by Passthechips
^717* ^*Named after the Name-A-Hero contest winner Salforis
^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Dreadknight

^292- ^*Added a new Nymphora Alt Avatar: ^079Spriticus^*

^717* ^*Voiced by the great Jesse Cox of OMFG (One Moderately Funny Gamer)
^717* ^*His YouTube channel:

^292- ^*Added a new Zephyr Alt Avatar: ^079Turkey Zephyr^*

^717* ^*Will be available to purchase on the 22nd

^292- ^*Added a new Corrupted Disciple Alt Avatar: ^079Steampunk Disciple^*

^717* ^*Voiced by the magical TotalBiscuit
^717* ^*His YouTube channel:
^717* ^*Will be available to purchase on the 25th

^292- ^*Added a new Announcer: ^539BreakyCPK Pack^*

^717* ^*Make every game a shoutcasted game!
^717* ^*Will be available to purchase on the 29th

^292- ^*^079Monarch^* is no longer Early Access, but cannot be used in Tournament

Mode yet
^292- ^*^079Mandromeda^* now has better effects for his first ability
^292- ^*^079Dreadknight Salforis^* now plays the proper custom sounds when using
the Alt Avatar

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*Brought back "Keg Away!" cast sound

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Piercing Arrows^* so that they deal the proper damage if the
illusion dies
^717* ^*Before the fix, they dealt 0 damage if they were in flight after the
illusion died

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Grapple^* so it unbinds targets if it touches a valid unit
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Gauntlet Blast^* from hitting units behind him

^292- ^*Fixed the wolves' attackrange to properly be 128
^292- ^*Fixed typo in his first ability

^292- ^*Now can't tab to gadgets from ^256Pitfall^* and ^256Call to Arms^*
^292- ^*Brought back ^256Chariot^* sound without it being played to enemies

^292- ^*Fixed a bug with him being unselectable

^292- ^*Fixed his alt avatar ^256Stampede^* projectiles so they don't pierce
through invulnerability anymore

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where dispelling the visual state did not dispel the damage
from ^256Mortification^*
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where the dark-ghost transparent effects attached to the target
did not disappear when the visual state gets dispelled

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Detonate^* so that the level progression tooltips displays

^970Version 2.2.9^*
^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Hero: ^079Lord Salforis^*
^717* ^*Based on the Dream hero ^079Necromancer^* creased by Passthechips
^717* ^*Named after the Name-A-Hero contest winner Salforis
^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Dreadknight Salforis^*
^292- ^*Added a new Nymphora Alt Avatar: ^079Spriticus^*
^717* ^*Voiced by the great Jesse Cox of OMFG (One Moderately Funny Gamer)
^717* ^*His Youtube channel:

^292- ^*Fixing most of the issues with crashing while patching
^717* ^*The fixes will be applies for all future patches. ie: This Friday's patch
should be much smoother!

^970Version 2.2.8^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Pyromancer^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Jereziah^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*

^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Flaming Deadwood^*

^292- ^*Fixed the attack projectile for ^079Mandromeda^*
^292- ^*^079Cthulhuphant^* is no longer a "New" hero and will be usable in
Tournament Mode

^970Version 2.2.7^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*

^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Demented Witch^*

^292- ^*Added some new sound effects for ^079Ronin Swiftblade^*

^292- ^*Cooldown from 12/20 seconds to 20 seconds

^079Amun Ra^*
^292- ^*Reduced starting Armor from 1.12 to 1.02
^292- ^*Reduced starting Strength from 22 to 21

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*Starting Armor reduced from 3.38 to 2.88

^292- ^*Starting Agility from 15 to 13

^292- ^*Intellect growth from 1.8 to 2.1

^292- ^*^256Earth's Grasp^* radius increased from 170 to 180

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*^256Acid Bomb^* now deals 75% damage to non heroes

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Starting Armor reduced by 1 (5.90 -> 4.90)
^292- ^*^256Heavenly Vault^* combo reworked
^717* ^*Damage rescaled so that each additional application will deal half of the
^717* ^*Landing affector time increased by 200ms, size increased by 50 AoE to
accomodate for this change
^717* ^*Maximum damage of ^256Vault^* combo is now 250+125+63 at level 4

^292- ^*^256Teleport^* cooldown increased from 60 to 90/75/60

^292- ^*Starting Strength reduced from 23 to 21

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Wards^* cooldown increased from 100 to 120/110/100

^292- ^*^256Shiver^* day sight range from 500/500/1600/1600 to 700/700/1200/1200
^292- ^*^256Shiver^* night sight range from 500/500/1200/1200 to 500/500/1000/1000
^292- ^*^256Call of Winter^* manacost increased from 25 to 50

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*Removed the ^256Flash of Darkness^* minimum range requirement

^292- ^*Strength growth from 2.5 to 2.2

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed up tooltips across the board that were out of date, inaccurate, or
had other issues
^292- ^*Fixed some water tiles in Caldavar that didn't match up
^292- ^*Fixed a bunch of hero select sounds (Newer ones like Martyr, MoA, Monarch,
Rev, etc)

^292- ^*Fixed the slow from ^256Deja Vu^* so it's interaction with Slow Immunity
works correctly

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Rocket Barrage^* hitting units behind Chipper

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Corrupted Conduit^* fully charging even when a unit was deleted
^717* ^*Examples of deleted units are like ^079Gemini's^* pets when you recombine,
^079Forsaken Archer's^* ^256Piercing Arrows^* illusion, or someone being terminated
from the game

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Trample^* from still going after Cthulhuphant dies

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*Fixed so you cannot disjoint him while he is rotating around someone

^292- ^*Fixed his pick sound (Seriously, for real this time!~)

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Earth's Grasp^* radius to be correct

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Fixed his Physical DOT so it does not proc ^079Nomad's^* ^256Edge Counter^*

^292- ^*Fixed interaction between ^256Mirage Strike^* illusion and deleted units

^292- ^*Fixed an exploit where if ^079Parasite^* attempts to use ^090Blood
Chalice^* inside a creep, he can gain mana without losing any Health

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Plague Carrier^* from vanishing when used on deleted units

^292- ^*Fixed a small bug with ^256Defile^* for the charge-maximizing timer check

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Optimized ^256Desert's Curse^*
^292- ^*Fixed so that the illusion dies properly if the target the illusion was
attacking gets deleted
^292- ^*Readjusted values on ^256Mirage^* so it matches the new illusion lifetimes
(4/4.5/5 seconds)

^292- ^*Fixed her being able to disjoint her own rotating projectiles in weird ways

^970Version 2.2.6^*
^292- ^*Fixed some missing icons
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Devourer^* and ^079Vindicator^* gaining too many stats from
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Gemini^* pick sound
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Gemini's^* split form getting double area gold from a hero death
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Harkon's Blade^* dealing 0 damage on a magic-immune target while
the toggle was active

^970Version 2.2.5^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*^079Monkey King^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*
^717* ^*^079Balphagore^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*
^717* ^*^079Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Tundra^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*

^292- ^*Fixed a small cliff bug in Caldavar (Could put a ward inside of a cliff)
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Puppet Master's^* ^256Voodoo Puppet^* from lasting forever when
its intended target gets deleted
^292- ^*^079Rhapsody^* sounds redone for Death Metal Alt Avatar

^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Cleopatra Pharaoh^*

^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Hero: ^079Gemini^*

^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Panthera Gemini^*

^292- ^*Fixed a crash in replays when jumping into a player

^292- ^*Fixed the new Alt Avatar when spinning

^970Version 2.2.4^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*

^292- ^*The same rune can no longer spawn twice in a row!

^292- ^*Fixed items being delivered from the courier backwards
^292- ^*Fixed up some voices and sounds to not be as loud or jarring

- ^090Revelation Wards^*: Starts off 0 of 6 in the shop with a 90 second cooldown
- ^090Wards of Sight^*: Starts off 2 of 4 with a cooldown of 2 mins 30 seconds

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Added Alt Avatar: ^079Ronin Swiftblade^*

^292- ^*^079Gladius Beardicus^* has some new effects added

^292- ^*Starting base damage from 38-52 to 40-50

^292- ^*^256Regurgitate^* given a linger time of 0.5 seconds on the damage portion
(the slow part already had it)
^292- ^*Lowered damage on ^256Regurgitate^* from 40/65/90/115 to 30/55/80/105 (the
total amount of damage becomes roughly the same total damage because of the linger)
^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^* manacost from 115/125/135/145 to 105/110/115/120
^292- ^*^256Corpse Conversation^* requires 3/6/9/12 corpses now where 3 gives you 2

^292- ^*Damage range from 39-51 to 41-49

^292- ^*Double-Activating ^256Ice Imprisonment^* will cast on yourself now
^292- ^*Increased radius on each instance of ^256Glacial Downpour^* from 190 to 350
^292- ^*Decreased damage from 105/170/250 to 60/100/140 (scepter from 170/250/310
to 100/140/180)
^717* ^*Basically gives the ultimate less RNG

^292- ^*^256Berserk^* is no longer purgable or transferable

^292- ^*^256More Axes^* mana cost from 30 to 25
^292- ^*^256Matraxe^* hp gain from 20 to 20/25/30

^292- ^*^256Judgment^* teleport from 5.7/4.7/3.7/2.7 to 6/5/4/3
^292- ^*^256Command^* movespeed buff from 0/15/30/45 to 0/10/20/30

^292- ^*Starting base damage from 39-53 to 41-51
^292- ^*^256Whiplash^* no longer gives passive base damage increase
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Voodoo Puppet^* to only do bonus damage to the target (It was
also doing bonus damage to the puppet)
^292- ^*^256Voodoo Puppet^* no longer has magic armor
^292- ^*^256Summon Hellhounds^* damage increased from 18/29/37/46 to 20/29/38/47
^292- ^*^256Summon Hellhounds^* armor increased from 0 to 2

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*^079Night Hound's^* stealth is no longer scripted badly

^292- ^*^079Drunken Master^* ^256Lunge^* and ^079Kraken^* ^256Torrent^* now check
for being stunned in a more efficient way

^090Barbed Armor^*
^292- ^*Made its activation not break channeling

^090Dust of Revelation^*
^292- ^*Set frontqueue, inheritmovement and noninterrupting to true
^717* ^*This means you will no longer 'hitch' or pause when using it

^090Mock of Brilliance^*
^292- ^*Made the toggle not break channeling

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Aurora^* hitting a bit behind her

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Spiderling^* so it dies properly when the target that it's
supposed to hit gets deleted

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where attacks/spells/items targeting yourself and/or allied
heroes will put the Feast state on them

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Shell Surf^* hitting units behind him
^292- ^*Optimized his ^256Kelp Field's^* scripting in the distance check
^292- ^*Fixed small typo in his ^256Song of the Sea^*

^079Forsaken Archer^*
-Fixed interactions with ^079Magebane's^* ^256Mana Rift^*

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where Hammerstorm's projectile stunned at the target's new
position if they disjointed on the same frame that the projectile impacts

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Lion's Pride^* effects playing through fog

^292- ^*Fixed an effect playing through fog

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Illusive Dash's^* state expiration so it won't displace
Monkey King with the second dash if Monkey King is invulnerable at the time the
state expires

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Defile^* so it doesn't consume any charges if you hit a building

^292- ^*Fixed a super-rare bug where she and her illusion got double the ^256Death
Lotus^* kunai if she respawned on the same frame the skill went off cooldown

^970Version 2.2.3^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos^*
^717* ^*^079Corrupted^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*
^717* ^*^079Behemoth^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*

^292- ^*When night to day or day to night transitions occur in game, the game will
now play a sound to indicate the transition
^717* ^*A rooster crows for the night to day transition, and a wolf howls for the
day to night transition

^292- ^*Teleporting states in grimms now persist after death (So if you click it
and die your body will go over as the effects show)
^292- ^*Fixed courier upgrading not counting for GPM calculations
^292- ^*UI script environment stack overflow is no longer a fatal error
^292- ^*Updated the Herodex to not be broken
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Geomancer^* and ^079Cthulhuphant^* icons
^292- ^*Fixed up ^090Logger's Hatchet^* sounds

^292- ^*Added a Gold Collection Alt Avatar: ^079Gladius Beardicus^*

^717* ^*He will only be available for one week, so don't miss your chance to get

^292- ^*The original gold coin prices for the entire store have been adjusted and

== Heroes and Items ==

^090Portal Key^*
^292- ^*Removed minrange of 200

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Path of Destruction^* so that the meteor heals himself if he
is magic immune

^292- ^*Now doesn't teleport to (0,0) if the target she's inside gets deleted
instead of killed/dying regularly
^292- ^*Prevents silly things like Vindicator's aura from silencing her if she pops
out of a hero

^292- ^*Moved to Legion

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Illusive Dash's^* state expiration so it won't displace
Monkey King with the second dash if Monkey King is invulnerable at the time the
state expires.
^292- ^*Also optimized the stun-check tag

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*Made his ultimate toggle-able so the player can creep pull and neutral
without any tedious spam-clicking

^292- ^*Fixed an issue where ^256Mirage Strike^* was checking for the wrong target
for invulnerability
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Mirage Strike^* so that the illusion dies after 0.5s (via the
death state) when the proxy_entity dies (the thing that the illusion is attacking)
rather than lingering for ~3 seconds standing still & doing nothing.
^292- ^*Fixed ^256True Strike^* and Mirage Strike so they don't play through fog

^292- ^*Fixed an onframe-infest bug so the ^256Infested^* target dies properly if
the projectile impacts on the same frame as Parasite's death

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Added a visual AoE indicator to ^256Contagion^* upon hovering the cast
cursor over the target

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Optimized ^256Desert's Curse^*
^292- ^*Fixed a small issue so that the illusion dies properly if the target the
illusion was attacking gets deleted
^292- ^*Readjusted values on ^256Mirage^* so they match the new illusion lifetimes
(4/4.5/5 seconds)

Tooltip fixes:
^292- ^*(^079Bombardier^*) ^256Sticky Bomb^* deals magic damage
^292- ^*(^079Bombardier^*) ^256Bombard^* deals magic damage
^292- ^*(^079Electrician^*) ^256Cleansing Shock^* deals true damage to summons
^292- ^*(^079Fayde^*) ^256Burning Shadows^* deals magic damage
^292- ^*(^079Ra^*) ^256Ashes to Ashes^* deals magic damage
^292- ^*(^090Puzzlebox Mauler^*) ^256Last Stand^* deals true damage

^970Version 2.2.2^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Panda^*
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*
^717* ^*^079Zephyr^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Pharaoh^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*

^292- ^*^As a part of Player Appreciation Month the "Unlock Account Icon" product
has been removed permanently
^717* ^*All accounts now have it unlocked by default
^717* ^*Anyone who has paid to have it unlocked in the past will be refunded Silver

^292- ^*^090Courier^* now will deliver your items first, and then shared items
^292- ^*Expanded Lua support
^292- ^*Added error checking when modifying a parent widget's child list while it's
iterating over its children

^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Hero: ^079Monarch^*

^717* ^*Monarch will be an Early Access hero for 6 weeks
^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Queen Monarch^*
^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Infernal Behemoth^*

^292- ^*Fixed an ^079Armadon^* bug with the scaling of the quills

^292- ^*Fixed a ^079Forsaken Archer^* bug so Devourer and Vindicator no longer get
stats from her illusion

^292- ^*Fixed the game crashing when you hit the Disconnect button

^292- ^*Fixed Replays

^970Version 2.2.1^*
^292- ^*Fixed the ^079Forsaken Archer^* bugs

^970Version 2.2.0^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*^079Dark Lady^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Night Hound^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Armadon^*
^717* ^*^079Electrician^*
^717* ^*^079Geomancer^*
^717* ^*^079Parasite^*
^717* ^*^079Gauntlet^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*

^292- ^*Fixed problems caused by using child interfaces in overlays

^292- ^*Fixed two different server crashes
^292- ^*Fixed consecutive bonuses not falling off
^292- ^*Post-Game Chat Channels will no longer display the option to add the
channel to the auto-join channel list
^292- ^*News has new countdown timer system
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where some of the midbar icons would be grayed out after
playing a Matchmaking game

^292- ^*You can no longer bottle or touch a rune that's been deleted
^717* ^*This fixes double bottling a rune if you get it on the same frame as
someone else
^292- ^*Hellbourne ranged creep sounds updated
^292- ^*Possibly fixed rune pickups not being announced occasionally
^292- ^*Shop item cooldowns are now only updated once per second
^292- ^*Don't send game data to players that haven't loaded the world yet. This
fixes crashes when reconnecting
^292- ^*You can no longer call kick votes on yourself
^292- ^*Kick votes on an AFK player will now be AFK kick votes
^292- ^*Fix crash when checking item ownership if an item had no owner

^292- ^*New last hit detection method

^717* ^*Damage done in one frame is now applied in a random order. The damage that
ends up killing the unit is now credited for the kill

^292- ^*Old last hit detection method:

^717* ^*Damage is done at once. If the unit died, use a weighted random system to
determine which damage source gets credit for the kill

Two scenarios for this:

^292- ^*50 HP creep takes 20 damage from player A and 60 damage from player B
^717* ^*Old method: Player A has 25% chance of getting the kill, player B has 75%
^717* ^*New method: Player B always gets the kill

^292- ^*50 HP creep takes 60 damage from player A and 440 damage from player B
^717* ^*Old method: Player A has 12% chance of getting the kill, player B has 88%
chance of getting the kill
^717* ^*New method: Both players have a 50% chance of getting the kill

^292- ^*Kongor instantly kills Illusions he attacks
^292- ^*Kongor now stops getting stronger at the 1 hour mark, increased from 45
^717* ^*This means Kongor at the 60 minute mark has 120 charges of his growth buff,
up from the old cap of 90 at 45 minutes
^292- ^*Kongor Armor from the growth buff doubled from .05 to .1 Armor per charge
^292- ^*Scaling damage for the stomp does twice as much damage to non-Heroes & the
stomp damage increases by 1 damage per charge of his growth buff
^717* ^*Starting damage of the stomp is 70 Magic Damage against Heroes
^292- ^*Kongor can no longer have his Armor reduced by any ability or item
^717* ^*Abilities like ^079Pestilence's^*^256 Swarm ^*still can be cast on him and
give vision, but do not reduce his Armor

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*^090Health Potions^* can now be bought here
^292- ^*^090Mana Potions^* can now be bought here

^090Frostwolf's Skull^*
^292- ^*Ranged Heroes now apply a 20% Movespeed Slow
^717* ^*Melee Heroes still apply a 30% Movespeed Slow
^292- ^*Stats changed from 25 Strength, 25 Agility, 25 Intelligence to 30 Strength,
15 Agility, 15 Intelligence

^090Tablet of Command^*
^292- ^*Manacost increased from 25 to 50
^292- ^*Cooldown increased from 16 to 20 seconds

^090Sol's Bulwark^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost increased from 700 to 900

^090Daemonic Breastplate^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost decreased from 1100 to 900

^090Runed Cleaver^*
^292- ^*Damage increased from 55 to 60
^292- ^*Cooldown to kill a tree lowered from 15 to 5 seconds

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Magus Bane^*

^079All Melee Heroes^*

^292- ^*Base health regeneration increased from 0.25 to 1.25 health per second

^292- ^*^256Harden Carapace ^*duration changed from 3 to 2/3/4/5 seconds

^292- ^*^256Spine Burst ^*bonus Physical Damage per stack lowered from 30 to 25
^292- ^*^256Restless ^*passively increases the bonus Physical Damage of^256 Spine
Burst ^*by 5 per level
^292- ^*Back angles and Side angles increased by 5% each (so 20% more area covered)

^292- ^*^256Fissure ^*duration changed from 8 to 5/6/7/8 seconds
^292- ^*^256Enrage ^*cooldown lowered from 7 to 7/6/5/4 seconds

^292- ^*^256Time Leap ^*manacost lowered from 135 to 120
^292- ^*^256Chronofield ^*now gives vision and reveals in and around the area

^292- ^*^256Mortifying Presence ^*can now be toggled
^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Trample ^*projectile so it gets killed properly if he isn't
bound to it

^292- ^*^256Cadaver Armor ^*Strength gain radius increased from 400 to 1150 units

^292- ^*^256Reflection's^* Clearvision radius changed from 1200 to 800/1000/1200
^292- ^*^256Burning Shadows ^*stun duration from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5

^292- ^*^256Flare^* Movespeed slow from 14/20/26/32% to 14/18/22/26%

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Piercing Arrows ^*now leaves behind an Illusion that channels for you
^717* ^*Can still be interrupted by stunning the illusion
^292- ^*^256Piercing Arrows ^*Magic Damage per arrow reduced from 75/150/225 to

^292- ^*^256Crystal Field ^*Magic Damage from 250/350/450 to 300/450/600

^292- ^*^256Mighty Swing ^*area from 175 to 175/200/225/250
^292- ^*^256Mighty Swing ^*splash from 12.5/25/37.5/50% to 15/30/45/60%

^292- ^*^256Death Boil's^* first tick now starts at 5 damage instead of 10
^717* ^*Final Magic Damage lowered from 150/210/280/360 to 125/180/245/320

^292- ^*Starting Armor reduced from 3.1 to 2.1
^292- ^*^256Splash ^*Physical Damage reduced from 30/50/70/90 to 20/40/60/80 on
both inner and outer radius

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*Base Intelligence increased from 14 to 16

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Mirage Strike ^*not playing the sound for the enemy

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Movespeed reduced from 320 to 315
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield^* Armor lowered from 3/6/9/12 to 2/4/6/8
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield ^*no longer applies a Movespeed Slow, just Attackspeed
^292- ^*^256Cursed Shield ^*now applies to all attacks, not just Melee

^292- ^*^256Electric Jolt ^*manacost changed from 95/105/135/160 to 100/120/140/160

^292- ^*When the duration ends on ^256Defile ^*it will now remove 1 charge instead
of expiring
^717* ^*Attacking removes the charge that has the least time left

^292- ^*Effects for the ^256Dance Floor^* now only play on Heroes
^292- ^*^256Dance Floor^* now does half damage/heal to creeps

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Mirage ^*duration from 5/6/7 to 4/4.5/5 seconds
^292- ^*^256Mirage ^*cooldown from 120 to 120/100/80 seconds
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse ^*manacost from 130/140/150/160 to 120
^292- ^*^256Desert's Curse ^*Movespeed Slow/Speed from 5/9/14/18% to 8/12/16/20%

^292- ^*Base Damage adjusted from 45-59 to 50-54
^292- ^*^256Vanish ^*cooldown from 24/18/12/6 to 15/12/9/6
^292- ^*^256Electric Eyes^* no longer give experience to enemies who kill them
^717* ^*They still give gold
^292- ^*The ^256Detonate ^*ability on Electric Eyes moved from Q to E

^292- ^*Can no longer grapple to a tree or swap to illusion while immobilized
^292- ^*^256Relentless Salvo^* cooldown from 9/7/5/3 to 10/8/6/4 seconds
^292- ^*^256Shadow^* cooldown changed from 120/105/90 to 120/110/100 seconds

^292- ^*^256Succubus' Hold^* now reveals and gives clearvision around the target
(300 AoE) with 1 second linger after the channel ends

^292- ^*Finally allowed ^079Swiftblade ^*to use ^292Portal Key ^*while Swift

^292- ^*^256Elementals ^*manacost from 170 to 180
^292- ^*^256Glacial Blasts ^*manacost from 110/130/150/160 to 100/120/140/160

^292- ^*^256Chain Reaction ^*AoE from 225 to 150/175/200/225

^292- ^*^256Terror Mounds^* no longer lose the bonus to Health Regen and Movespeed
when an enemy Hero is inside one
^717* ^*They still disable the invisibility when an enemy Hero is inside

^292- ^*Warbeast now copies his existing ^256Howl^* buff to the Wolves when they
are summoned

^079Wild Soul^*
^292- ^*Booboo can no longer use ^256Return ^*if he has taken damage from an enemy
Hero in the last 3 seconds

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed entity typos in the following abilities. There should be no

functional change other than tooltip or minor effects that were not showing up:
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*'s strength growth from kills
^717* ^*^079Balphagore^*'s Demonic Pathogen
^717* ^*^079Balphagore^*'s Regurgitate
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*'s Burning Shadows
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*'s Mortification
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*' Chuck
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*'s Shadow
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*'s Emerald Red
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*'s Boom Dust
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*'s Hellbourne Zeal
^717* ^*^079Puppet Master^*'s Whiplash
^717* ^*^079Tundra ^*Coeurl's Slow
^717* ^*^095Kongor's^* growth
^717* ^*Antlore Healer's Heal
^717* ^*^095Transmutanstein^* and ^095Zorgath's^* growth

^292- ^*Added charges as a visual indicator for how close^256Armordillo ^*will be
to proccing a Spine Burst
^717* ^*The charges are representing a percentage, from 0 to 100

^292- ^*Fixed his minions being deniable at 50% HP like other minions

^292- ^*Offset the ^256Rocket Barrage ^*projectile so it won't hit units behind him

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Illusory Veil ^*not aggroing creeps properly

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Grapple ^*exploit that was hilarious and teleported both ^079
Gauntlet ^*and the hooked target back to the well

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Swapped the blue/red weapon switch gun sounds so it makes more sense

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Fixed a small displacement issue where Vault displaced him even when

^292- ^*Fixed an issue where ^079Nomad ^*was attacking at a closer range than 128
with his True Strike ability
^292- ^*Fixed his ZING! sound so it plays if he uses ^256True Strike^* at point-
blank range
^292- ^*Added buildingwalking to him when invisible so that ^079Nomad ^*& his
illusion won't get stuck on buildings

^292- ^*Fixed ^079Parasite ^*Leech giving him Movespeed even when it's disjointed
^717* ^*If it is disjointed now, ^079Parasite ^*will not get any buff
^292- ^*Made the ^256Infest ^*ability on the creep castable even when the creep is
stunned or silenced
^292- ^*Made ^256Infest ^*order disjoint the infested target when it lands
^717* ^*This ensures that allies who are attacking a creep you infest will not
continue to attack it

^970Version 2.1.10^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*^079Master of Arms^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Drunken Master^*
^717* ^*^079Hammerstorm^*
^717* ^*^079Puppetmaster^*
^717* ^*^079Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Jeraziah^*
^717* ^*^079Empath^*

^292- ^*Added a new Strength hero: ^079Cthulhuphant^*

^717* ^*This hero is not Early Access limited
^292- ^*Added a Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079King Cthulhuphant^*
^717* ^*Will only be available for two weeks! You can see it in the Early Access
section of the HoN Store.
^292- ^*Added a new Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Mr. Chipper^*
^292- ^*Added ^079Cthulhuphant^* Hero Symbol

^292- ^*Some UI tweaks to fix some warning spam

^292- ^*Fixed two server crashes
^292- ^*^079Rampage's^* ^256Horned Strike^* now pops up a number when you hit
someone showing the damage done
^292- ^*Fixed a bug with ^095Kongor's^* Pit that made ^079Defiler's^* spirits miss
him when he was in the front half of the lair

^970Version 2.1.9^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Monkey King^*
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Engineer^*
^717* ^*^079Witch Slayer^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*
^717* ^*^079Martyr^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*

^292- ^*The Friends List limit has been increased from 100 to 250
^292- ^*Login and Server stability increased significantly
^292- ^*Added more Log information for servers and failed connections
^292- ^*Fixed a server crash

^292- ^*New Alt Avatar: ^079Logger Legionnaire^*

^292- ^*Fixed the MOTD grabbing the wrong picture

^970Version 2.1.8^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Sand Wraith^*
^717* ^*^079Flint Beastwood^*
^717* ^*^079Moon Queen^*
^717* ^*^079Swiftblade^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Predator^*
^717* ^*^079Kraken^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Fayde^*
^717* ^*^079Chipper^*
^717* ^*^079Bombardier^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Rhapsody^*
^717* ^*^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Cost of displaying taunt should be correct now
^292- ^*Store tweaks to how the heroes are listed in the HoN Store
^292- ^*Added a Server Status announcement to the MOTD
^292- ^*Moved some of the video options around in the options menu so they are
actually usable
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Monkey King^*, ^079Master of Arms^*, and ^079Geomancer^* icons
being blank in the player stats panel
^292- ^*Fixed a possible crash when destroying items

^292- ^*If a neutral creep gets the last hit on a hero, they now always get credit
^292- ^*Hellbourne / Legion will now only get kill credit if no enemy hero has done
damage to the target in the last 20 seconds
^717* ^*It will award the kill to the last person to do damage to the target if the
Hellbourne or Legion get the killing blow

^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*Fixed it giving 150 HP per additional enemy hero killed on the same frame
if you kill more than 1 enemy hero on the same frame

== Heroes ==

^292- ^*New hero: ^079Midas^*

^292- ^*New Early Acces Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Lord Midas^*
^292- ^*New Alt Avatar: ^079Dark Jeraziah^*

Removed selectable gadgets from:

^717* ^*^079Balphagore's^* ^256Regurgitate^* corpse gadget
^717* ^*^079Bombardier's^* ^256Sticky Bomb^* invis gadget
^717* ^*^079Parasite's^* ^256Infest^* gadget
^717* ^*^079Revenant's^* ^256Mortification^* gadget

^292- ^*Starting int reduced from 25 to 22
^292- ^*^256Sticky Bomb^* cooldown from 14 to 20/18/16/14
^292- ^*Optimized ^256Sticky Bomb^*

^292- ^*^256Take Cover^* increased from 0.25/1/1.75/2.5 to 0.5/1.00/1.75/2.5

^292- ^*Fixed crucial bug where his ^256Consume^* was not healing with the proper

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Dig^* not triggering Vindicator's aura
^292- ^*Fixed the explosions from ^256Earth's Grasp^* to be where they should be

^292- ^*Fixed an incredibly weird bug where ^256Volcanic Touch^* effect would play
in fog if Magmus was on the Legion team

^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*^256Acid Bomb^* reduced damage from 20/40/60/80 to 15/30/45/60 damage a
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Acid Bomb^* so it damages magic-immune units and doesn't affect
physical-immune units
^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Fixed a ^256Vault^* displacement bug where if Monkey King gets unbound mid-
Vault and quickly changes direction, then the enemy gets displaced about 90 degrees
away from the original intended direction
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Vault^* so it won't unbind invulnerable units (ie, Geomancer in

^292- ^*^256Moon Finale^* cooldown from 160 to 160/140/120

^970Version 2.1.7^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Dr. Repulsor^*
^717* ^*^079Magebane^*
^717* ^*^079Scout^*
^717* ^*^079Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^717* ^*^079War Beast^*
^717* ^*^079Pharoah^*
^717* ^*^079Balphagore^*
^717* ^*^079Revenant^*
^717* ^*^079Thunderbringer^*
^717* ^*^079Gauntlet^*
^717* ^*^079Wretched Hag^*
^717* ^*^079Demented Shaman^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^*
^717* ^*^079Plague Rider^*

^292- ^*When purchasing Heroes, you can now bundle the available Alt Avatars for
that hero and receive a discount on buying them all together
^717* ^*In order to bundle, you must check the box in the Purchase Confirmation
Screen after clicking to Purchase the hero
^292- ^*Tagged a lot of gagets as un-selectable
^717* ^*Many abilities in the game would create gadgets for only a few seconds and
you could tab to them while they were alive. We fixed this for the vast majority of

^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Mist Runner Scout^*

^292- ^*Added a new Premium Alt Courier: ^090Nyan Cat Courier^*

^970Version 2.1.6^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Forsaken Archer^*
^717* ^*^079Arachna^*
^717* ^*^079Soul Reaper^*
^717* ^*^079Maliken^*
^717* ^*^079Madman^*
^717* ^*^079Legionnaire^*
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*
^717* ^*^079Tundra^*
^717* ^*^079Pyromancer^*
^717* ^*^079Deadwood^*
^717* ^*^079Slither^*
^717* ^*^079Bubbles^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^*
^717* ^*^079Jeraziah^*
^717* ^*^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*^539Matchmaking groups are now persistent^*

^717* ^*After a match or when a game fails to be made you will still be in the same
group you were in before for easy requeueing
^292- ^*Made some adjustments to the matchmaking algorithm that should match up
groups with other groups much closer to their MMR value than before
^292- ^*Groups of 5 solo players will no longer be matched against a full group of
5 under any circumstances
^292- ^*Made several improvements to decrease the chances of players failing to
load into a matchmaking games, especially for matchmaking groups with multiple
players on one IP address that are behind overly strict routers/firewalls (causing
grey circles)
^292- ^*Adjusted how the PSR/MMR calculations work slightly and put a low end cap
of 750 PSR/MMR
^717* ^*Any players who are below this value will have their PSR/MMR adjusted up to
750 after the patch

^292- ^*Over the weekend we plan to turn on and test a new feature we've been
working on: ^539Match Stat Re-submissions^*
^717* ^*If at any time a game server is unable to submit match stats properly at
the end of the game, it will let players in game know that the match submission
failed, and attempt to re-submit the stats from that match at a later time
(normally within 15-30 minutes)
^717* ^*To those that have experienced frustration due to matches not being
recorded in the past, we apologize. Moving forward we are taking serious action to
mitigate this sort of occurrence from happening and want to thank everybody for
their patience with us

^292- ^*When receiving an incoming whisper coming from ClanWhisper or BuddyWhisper

the game client will no longer add the sender to the /reply history
^717* ^*This is to stop players from having a conversation, getting a clan or buddy
whisper, typing /r and then realizing they sent the message to a person they didn't
intend to
^292- ^*Fixed a crash with an unexpected format for JPEG custom account icons

^292- ^*Fixed projectiles stopping mid-air if the touch active schemes were invalid
^292- ^*Buildings in the bases now have 0 death time so they don't block movement
after death
^292- ^*Current Health and Mana Regen are now shown on the right side of the bars
^292- ^*Touched up all of the Taunt voice responses in the game to be more clear
and able to be heard well

^292- ^*Attacks will always hit wards now, no more uphill miss chance against them
^292- ^*Now have 4 max health, each hit takes off 1 health

^292- ^*Added a New Hero: ^079Geomancer^*

^717* ^*Based off the Intelligence Community Contest Winner^*
^292- ^*Added a new Early Access Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Centipedalisk^*
^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Sub Zero Accursed^*
^292- ^*Added a new Taunt: ^095Heavy Metal Taunt^*

^292- ^*Fixes to ^079Monkey King^* so auto leveling his abilities through a Guide
will work properly

^970Version 2.1.5^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Shieldbreaker^* applying the debuff on Spell Damage
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Frost Rider^* slow from ^256Cursed Shield^* working correctly
^292- ^*This was missing from the 2.1.4 Patch Notes:
^717* ^*^079Amun-Ra^*'s ^256Path of Destruction^* is now a ground target ability
instead of a facing ability. Still goes 600 units, just in the direction you target

^970Version 2.1.4^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Soulstealer^*
^717* ^*^079Silhouette^*
^717* ^*^079Defiler^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^*
^717* ^*^079Tremble^*
^717* ^*^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*^079Pestilence^*
^717* ^*^079Magmus^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^*
^717* ^*^079Pollywog Priest^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^*
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^*
^717* ^*^079Vindicator^*

^292- ^*Fixed a duplicate bug with Guides

^292- ^*Ingame levelup effects now delayed slightly
^292- ^*Added spectator chat ignore checkbox in the Spec UI
^292- ^*Updated minimalist options for spec UI

^292- ^*Healing radius of the Wells increased to better match the actual water
^292- ^*Tree of Life and Sacrifical Shrine now have truesight

^970== NPCs ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed sound bug with the bad range(warlocks) NPCS death sound not playing.
^292- ^*Added death sounds to the good range(archers).
^292- ^*^095Kongor^*
^717* ^*Fixed the faction, non-player-controlled units giving the team 0 gold when
they land the killing blow from Kongor.
^717* ^*Now if a non-player controlled unit lands the killing blow on Kongor, then
it gives 230 gold to the team (before it was giving 0)

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*Re-ordered components for all recipe items so the most expensive items come
first. This makes right clicking on an item in the store more useful and less dumb

^292- ^*All teams now start with a basic ^090Ground Courier^* by default
^292- ^*^090Bottle^* is no longer refilled when held by a Courier
^292- ^*^090Shieldbreaker^*: Increased damage by 10 per level from 30/45/60 to
40/55/70 and ignore's the target's Deflection when you attack them
^717* ^*Deflection is the damage blocked by items like Helm of the Black Legion and
Iron Shield
^292- ^*^090Alchemist Bones^*' timer is now paused while the hero is dead

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Frost Rider^*

^292- ^*Movespeed from 290 to 295

^079Dark Lady^*
^292- ^*^256Dark Blades^* cooldown from 22/18/14/10 to 16/14/12/10
^292- ^*^256Charging Strikes^* cooldown from 21/17/13/9 to 15/13/11/9

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*^256Drink^* rescaled to channel for 2 seconds, gaining 2/4/6/8 charges per
second. Upon enemy death in 500 AoE, he gains 2/4/6/8 charges
^292- ^*^256Stagger^* deals 50% more damage to creeps

^292- ^*^256Infernal Instability^* now gives 50% mana back if you do not attack

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*^256Treant Dogs^* are now limited to 2/3/4/5 max. If you summon more than
the max the oldest ones will automatically die
^292- ^*^256Treant Dogs^* can no longer attack Towers if they are more than 800
units away from the Keeper
^292- ^*Fixed scripting to be better

^292- ^*^256Master of Mantra^* aura increased from 600 to 800

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Starting Stength increased by 2
^292- ^*^256Flying Nimbus^* activation removed. Is now a full passive with a 5
second cooldown that will automatically trigger when not taking damage

^970== Bugfixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Aurora^* affector speed & lifetime so it matches the visuals

^292- ^*Fixed his ^256Bloodthirst^* aura so it stacks with ^090Harkon's Blade^*,
^256Webbed Shot^* and ^256Master's Incantation^*

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where she can super deny allies & herself

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Fixed scripting so ^256Unbreakable^* is more robust against odd frame
situations (healing 2 times in 1 frame, etc.)

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Opposite Charges^* so it plays the link
^292- ^*Optimized ^256Magnetic Contraption^* a bit
^292- ^*Fixed Portal Key exploit

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*Fixed the double-activate bug on ^256Lunge^* where it can deal 2x the push
and 2x the damage
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Lunge^* bug where it was teleporting Drunken Master to (0,0)
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Lunge^* bug when you play animations after dead (again)
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Lunge^*'s push affecting invulnerable units
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Untouchable^*'s "HIC!" sound not playing at the correct times on
levels 1 & 2

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Fixed a small visual bug where the large vine model was lingering too long
at lower levels of ^256Overgrowth^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Gawain^* using ^256Diving Strikes^* when he's dead
^292- ^*Fixed a super-duper rare bug where he gets glitched after respawn when
^256Gawain^* attempts to use Forest's Touch on the same frame he dies

^292- ^*Now doesn't follow her last queued action after she gets out of someone
^292- ^*Fixed a visual bug where the wall visual was expiring 1 second before the
real wall expired
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Essence Link^* so it does DOT damage now

^292- ^*Passing through the ^256Energy Field^* will now automatically break
channelling if it hits you
^292- ^*Made ^256Spider Mines^* have 0 cast time

^292- ^*Made ^256Whirling Blade^* proc on fountain attacks
^292- ^*Fixed a small animation bug where he would still be in charging animation
if the skill cancels via the distance check

^292- ^*Fixed an issue with ^256Eruption^*'s idle animation and the effects

^292- ^*Made ^256More Axes^* blockable via Arcane Shield and Untouchable

^292- ^*Weed field now breaks Succubus' ^256Mesmerize^*
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where Carp would stun you if you were rooted or immobilized and
had a movement order queued up

^292- ^*Fixed him teleporting to the target's location if the target dies before
the ^256Infest^* projectile impacts
^292- ^*Fixed the Parasite-Gauntlet ult bug

^292- ^*Fixed a small spawn location bug with his ^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^* if he
turns 90 degrees; it now spawns in the correct position relative to Pharaoh & the

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where the DoT from ^256Disco Inferno^* wasn't being applied if
an enemy was stunned inside

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Fixed his passive AOE triggering Nomad's ultimate and canceling Succubus'

^292- ^*Fixed a small issue with ^256Poison Spray^* target cursor not highlighting
the correct targets

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*Fixed an extremely rare bug with ^256Bat Blast^*'s cone visual

^970Version 2.1.3^*
^079Master of Arms^*
^292- ^*Fixed some minor icon stuff
^292- ^*Fixed swapping between weapons giving charges to ^090Mana
Battery^*/^090Power Supply^*
^292- ^*Fixed some minor tooltip and icon discrepancies

^292- ^*Fixed some minor missing icons and tooltips
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where you could tab to the dance floor
^292- ^*Fixed aura effects
^292- ^*Fixed aura not affecting SuperiorMagic
^292- ^*Fixed Attack Projectile

^970Version 2.1.2^*
^292- ^*The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul^*
^717* ^*^079Emerald Warden^*
^717* ^*^079Aluna^*
^717* ^*^079Nomad^*
^717* ^*^079Pandamonium^*
^717* ^*^079Electrican^*
^717* ^*^079Moraxus^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^*
^717* ^*^079Myrmidon^*
^717* ^*^079Dampeer^*
^717* ^*^079Torturer^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^*
^717* ^*^079Accursed^*
^717* ^*^079Flux^*
^717* ^*^079Hellbringer^*

^292- ^*^539Purchasing Early Access to a hero now unlocks a Limited Edition Alt
Avatar for that hero for free^*
^717* ^*This Limited Edition Alt Avatar is only available while the hero is Early
^717* ^*You can see what the Alt Avatar looks like in the Early Access part of the
Hon Store
^717* ^*All prior purchases of ^079Monkey King^* will be given the new Alt Avatar

^292- ^*^539Hero picking screen expanded^*


^292- ^*UI fixes to the HoN Store and game lobby

^292- ^*Fixed some spec UI cornercase bugs
^292- ^*New option that lets you switch between OpenGL and DirectX in options

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*^090Abyssal Skull^*, ^090Nome's Wisdom^*, and ^090Refreshing Ornament^* can
now be toggled between all and only heroes

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*New Intelligence Hero: ^079Rhapsody^*

^292- ^*New Early Access Agility Hero: ^079Master of Arms^*

^292- ^*Added a new Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Overseer Hellbringer^*

^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Commander of
^292- ^*Added a new Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: ^079Jade Warrior^*

^079Drunken Master^*
^292- ^*Fixes him playing animations while dead

^292- ^*Can now cast ^256Hand in Hand^* on Magic Immune units

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*Fixes to him hitting people who are Physical Immune

^292- ^*Tweak to ^256Infest^* so it checks better for when he dies
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Infest^* giving gold and exp from allied units in cornercase

^292- ^*Tweak pets visuals

^970Version 2.1.1^*
^292- ^*A few UI fixes for weird behavior in the HoN Store
^292- ^*Shader fix for macs
^292- ^*^079Parasite^* no longer gets gold or exp from killing an allied creep with

^079Monkey King^*
^292- ^*^256Illusive Dash^*: accomodated for ^256Slam^* cancelling correctly
^292- ^*Various Vault fixes and optimizations
^717* ^*Fixed teleporting units back to their original position
^717* ^*Fixed AoE impact effect to play properly at the point of damage instead of
the Monkey King's position
^717* ^*Fixed AoE impact sound playing multiple times

^292- ^*Fixed graphics corruption for Macs
^292- ^*Tweaked selection coloring
^292- ^*Fixed Basic members in a group hosted by a Verified player never being able
to ready up

^970Version 2.1.0^*
^292- ^*^539Heroes of Newerth is now Free to Play!^*
^717* ^*Please read Maliken's Letter to the Playerbase
^717* ^*Please refer to our forums for an FAQ that will answer most questions about
what this means to you
^970== Account Type Explanation ==^*

^292- ^*^539Basic^*: The standard, free account new players will receive upon sign
^717* ^*Access to the weekly 15 free heroes
^717* ^*Matchmaking restricted to All Pick
^717* ^*Can purchase access to additional Heroes through the in-game store

^292- ^*^539Verified^*: Basic accounts that have been upgraded through a show of
commitment to their account, by either purchasing Goblin Coins or surpassing a
certain threshold of play time
^717* ^*Access to everything a basic player has, plus the ability to participate in
Verified Only Matchmaking, to guarantee separation from Basic players if desired
^717* ^*Can choose to play all matchmaking modes, however the use of Tokens or
Passes are required (some tokens are awarded once a Basic account upgrades to

^292- ^*^539Legacy^*: anyone with a paid HoN account before the F2P switch has
automatically been upgraded to a "Legacy" account
^717* ^*Access to Verified Only matchmaking
^717* ^*Can continue to play all game modes without the need for Tokens or Passes
^717* ^*Will continue to enjoy free access to the general hero pool

^970== HoN Store ==^*

^292- ^*^539NEW ANNOUNCER: British Gentleman Announcer^*

^292- ^*Alt Avatars are now in a big list and can be sorted by Hero Name, Price Low
to High, Price High to Low, or Avatar Name
^292- ^*Previews for Alt Avatars changed to be much larger and more detailed
^292- ^*Alt Avatars are no longer in the vault, if you own them there is a checkbox
next to them in the list

^292- ^*^539Early Access^*

^717* ^*New heroes may be released as part of the Early Access Program
^717* ^*Early Access is a new system that allows Legacy players to purchase the
ability to play these heroes prior to being available for FREE in the general hero
^717* ^*Early Access Heroes are disabled in Tournament Mode
^717* ^*For Basic/Verified ("Free to Play" accounts), purchasing a hero that is in
the Early Access period will unlock access to that hero for all time

^970== General HoN Changes ==^*

^292- ^*^539Matchmaking^*
^717* ^*Improved matchmaking algorithms to result in slightly faster match times,
with potentially more well-balanced teams
^717* ^*Significantly improved matchmaking algorithms for how they pertain to 3v3
solo matching. Queue times for Grimm's Crossing should be significantly faster for
solo players.

^292- ^*^539Social Bonus for Matchmaking added^*

^717* ^*Social Bonus is a replacement for Quick Victory
^717* ^*If you play with 1-2 friends (total of 2-3 people in the party), you get 1
additional coin
^717* ^*If you play with 3-4 friends (total of 4-5 people in the party), you get 2
additional coins

^292- ^*^539Compendium removed, replaced with the Herodex^*

^717* ^*Now contains detailed information about Heroes, including usage stats and

^292- ^*^539General Interface Changes^*

^717* ^*A lot of the Interface has changed and been updated for ease of use
^717* ^*Midbar redesigned to be more clear and catchy to both new and veterans
^717* ^*Status Bar has players online moved from right to left side and now
displays your current coins, tokens, and passes
^717* ^*Friends List is now limited to 100 max and shows how many you have online

^292- ^*^539Tutorial Fixes^*

^717* ^*Fixed music warning spam in console (slightly improves performance)
^717* ^*Fixed an issue that was preventing the confirmation button on the "you have
died" message from allowing the player to continue

^292- ^*Randoming in All Pick no longer gives bonus Gold

^292- ^*A few small updates for stat submissions
^292- ^*Group chat channels will no longer show the "Auto-Connect" checkbox and
accompanying tooltip next to it
^717* ^*Clicking the "X" in a group chat channel will now remove you from that
^292- ^*Fixed a few typos in the Matchmaking window
^292- ^*All Random is no longer a checkbox. It is now a Game Mode similar to All
Pick, Random Draft, or Banning Pick
^292- ^*Practice mode can now only be All Pick
^292- ^*Can now spawn Alt Avatars in Practice mode if you own them
^292- ^*Added new tooltips for when players hover over the voice chat button in the
game lobby.
^292- ^*If a player is ignored then the player who has ignored them will no longer
receive messages about them when the ignored player silences them from a channel or
bans/unbans them from a channel
^717* ^*This also fixes people spamming you with clan invites while under the
effects of /dnd

^292- ^*Editor now has the Water Tool added!

^970== General Gameplay Changes ==^*

^292- ^*When attacking from the fog, the amount of time you are revealed to the
enemy has been lowered from 3 seconds to 1.25 seconds
^292- ^*All neutral creeps abilities have had their cast times lowered from 500ms
cast time to 250ms
^292- ^*Removed a rock in the west Legion large neutral camp that blocked movement
^292- ^*Removed the statue on top of the hill to the west of the Legion Ancient
^292- ^*Water on Caldavar replaced with dynamic better water
^292- ^*Added new tooltips to the in game buttons for sharing units with allies,
enabling/disabling no-help, and toggling voice chat.
^292- ^*Fix to ^090Homecoming Stone^* and ^079Dr Repulsor's^* ^256Electric Frenzy^*
^292- ^*Fix to ^090Homecoming Stone^* and ^090Steamboots^* causing a visual Max
HP/MP desync
^292- ^*Teleport (like BooBoo) will now clear fog vision reveal
^717* ^*This should fix the infamous Booboo Cross-map Creep Pull
^292- ^*You can no longer swap an item in your stash with an item on the courier if
you do not own the second item
^292- ^*^539New Selection System^*
^717* ^*Heroes and units are highlighted with outlines instead of circles
^717* ^*White is your selection, Green are allies, Red are enemies
^717* ^*By Default, your hero is NOT highlighted. This option can be enabled in the
options menu by selecting "Self Hero Outline"
^717* ^*Can switch between circles and outlines in the options menu

^292- ^*^539Hero Guides Fixes^*

^717* ^*Plugged some cases where guides wouldn't work
^717* ^*Should better handle the case where two timeouts occur before the guide is
opened (fixes no guide bug)
^717* ^*Featured guides prompted because of a timeout in the second part of the
retrieval should now show items and abilities every time (fixes text only bug)
^717* ^*Should recheck the hero every time the guide is opened, in case the ui
hasnt loaded when the hero spawn trigger fires (fixes wrong hero bug)

^292- ^*^539Spectator Interface reworked^*

^717* ^*Now has three major adjustable pieces: Information Panel (Bottom Middle),
Pushbars (Top Middle), Hero Panes (Top Left and Top Right)
^717* ^*Spectators can now zoom out much farther
^292- ^*Can now free look with the \ key while a Spectator
^717* ^*Spectator Options menu is accessable in the bottom right of the Information
Panel (Gear)
^717* ^*Pushbars at the top now easily show which team has more Gold and Experience
^717* ^*A hero taking damage sets off the Gank Alert at the top of the screen
^717* ^*Any item bought that is more expensive than 700 gold pops up next to a hero
portrait and plays a gold noise so you know they bought something and what it is
easily. The value that triggers this event is adjustable in the Spectator Options.

^717* ^*Keybindings for the spectator interface can now be shared with ingame ones,
so Q W E R are abilities ingame but can be completely different in the spec UI!
Some defaulted keybinds/functionality:
^717* ^*TAB, when held, shows the Expanded Hero Panes, the current selected
Information Tab, and Expanded Pushbars at the same time
^717* ^*CAPS LOCK, when held, hides all elements (Hero Panes, Info Screen,
Pushbars, Replay Controls) at the same time. This is the inverse of TAB
^717* ^*Left click a hero portrait, it selects the hero. Double left click, it
centers on the hero. Right click, it locks the camera on the hero. Right click
again to undo the lock.
^717* ^*Left click any ability icon to turn on numbered cooldowns on top of the
icon. Left click again to undo.
^717* ^*Left click any Health bar to turn on Health bar numbers. Left click again
to undo.
^717* ^*Left click any Mana bar to turn on Mana bar numbers. Left click again to
^717* ^*Left click the colored large dot to the right of the hero abilities to
cycle hero panes between hidden and shown. Right click to expand all hero
^717* ^*Left click the shield of a team at the top to see the towers and barracks
remaining. Right click to see Gold and Exp differences between teams. Left click on
the numbers to cycle between different ways of seeing this
^717* ^*1 through 5 change which Tab at the bottom you are using. In order:
Players, Stats, Gold per Minute, Experience per Minute, and Player Damage
^717* ^*F1 cycles the visibility of the Hero Panes (None, Default, Expanded)
^717* ^*F2 shows or hides the Information Panel
^717* ^*F3 shows or hides the Pushbars
^717* ^*F4 shows or hides the Replay Controls
^717* ^*Q toggles between all elements Hidden and Shown. This is the same as
hitting F1 through F4, except it only cycles the Hero Panes between None and
^717* ^*E locks or unlocks the Camera on the selected unit
^717* ^*X, C, and V snap the camera to the corresponding Gank Alert

^292- ^*^539Replay Controls^*

^717* ^*Based off the Small Replay mod by Duker
^717* ^*Can now free look with the \ key
^717* ^*All buttons are now bindable
^717* ^*Now features a hold to fast forward key (Default F)
^717* ^*Jump to PoV (R) temporarily changes your perspective to that of the unit
you have selected until you release the key

^970== Neutral Creeps ==^*

^292- ^*^095Wild Hunter^* (The Magic Immune ones)

^717* ^*Now have the ability to stealth for 15 seconds with 50 bonus attack damage
on attack out of stealth and 20% movement speed

^292- ^*^095Ice Ogre armor^*

^717* ^*Increase cooldown from 5 to 10 seconds
^717* ^*Remove Melee Slow part
^717* ^*Duration from 45 to 30 seconds

^970== Items ==^*

^292- ^*Removed the ^090Winged Courier ^*recipe!

^717* ^*The Upgrade ability on a Ground Courier will now take 200 gold from whoever
uses the ability and upgrade the courier
^717* ^*Can be done anywhere on the map

^292- ^*Basic ^090Ground Courier ^*cooldown increased to 10 seconds

^292- ^*Fixed ^090Stormspirit ^*to work with new channeling state for Homcoming
^292- ^* ^090Nullfire Blade ^*moved to Combative shop from Morph Attack
^292- ^* ^090Energizer ^*manacost lowered by 50 and movespeed buff increased to 75

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292- ^*New hero: ^079Drunken Master^*

^292- ^*New Early Access hero: ^079Monkey King^*

^292- ^*Added an Alt Avatar for^079 Zephyr^*: Snow^079 Zephyr^*

^292- ^*Added an Alt Avatar for Drunken Master: Hillbilly Brawler

^292- ^*Intelligence from 10+1.0 to 15+1.5
^292- ^*^256 Path of Destruction ^*self damage reduced from 20% to 15%

^292- ^*Charges gained from enemy spellcasts up from 60% to 75% of the enemy

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*^256 Overload ^*duration lowered from 20/25/30 to 20 seconds at all levels
^292- ^*Keg cooldown from 14 seconds to 12 seconds
^292- ^*Already placed^256 Spider Mines ^*now level up with ability level up,
cooldown on recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds
^292- ^*^256Energy Field ^*damage per second from 28/58/88 to 50/75/100
^292- ^*Attack action time from 500 to 450, Damage from 37-50 to 40-47

^292- ^*^256Sacrificial Lamb ^*now heals nearby allies for (40/60/80/100) +
(20/30/40/50)% of health sacrificed
^292- ^*^256Retribution ^*now slows 15% base, +1% per 1% of health missing, still
up to 50%

^292- ^*^256Weed Field ^*manacost from 90/100/110/120 to 105/110/115/120
^292- ^*^256Magic Carp ^*manacost from 85/95/105/115 to 100/105/110/115

^292- ^*^256Leech ^*damage from 80/130/180/230 to 80/140/200/260
^292- ^*^256Draining Venom ^*now also benefits creeps that ^079 Parasite ^*inhabits
^292- ^*COLOR=#4682b4] Draining Venom ^*now also applies from ability casts

^292- ^*^256Shudder^* auto-levels with ability level up
^292- ^*^256Terrorport^* no longer costs mana
^292- ^*^256Mounds^* now level properly (previously would give correct aura but
incorrect gadget level)

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Attack action time from 530 to 450

^970== Bug Fixes ==^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Power Throw's^* projectile hitting a bit behind her

^292- ^*Removed noninterrupting="true" from her ^256Webbed Shot^*
^717* ^*Fixes the fact she could attack while channeling LOL

^292- ^*Fixed^256 Decay ^*dealing damage to enemies while stealthed; it no longer
does so.

^292- ^*Optimized^256 Electric Shield ^*& ^256Energy Absorption^*

^079Emerald Warden^*
^292- ^*Fixed illusions bugging Gawain when you level them up on the illusions
^292- ^*Lowered her ^256Overgrowth's^* trap impact interval from 500ms to 350ms
^292- ^*Fixed Dryad Warden's projectile attack impact sound

^292- ^*Fixed^256 As One ^*cooldown to the correct values

^292- ^*Hid the^256 Magnetic Surge ^*and^256 Discharge ^*states
^292- ^*Fixed it so the correct state icon is displayed for the proper^256 Release
^*state applied (purple for push, light-blue for pull)
^292- ^*Fixed it so the correct colour of rings is displayed on the target for the
proper^256 Release ^*state applied (purple for push, light-blue for pull)

^292- ^*Fixed the vision from ^256Pitfall^*; now it grants vision of the target
area 1 frame before the enemies gets launched into the air.

^292- ^*Set cast time of^256 Galvanize ^*to 1

^292- ^*Fixed another super long^256 Barrel Roll ^*return bug.
^292- ^*Fixed^256 Stalk ^*mod exploit

^292- ^*^256 Steam Bath ^*state changed from StatusBuff to StatusStealth
^717* ^*Makes this consistent with all other stealth in the game
^292- ^*Fixed Eruption's SotM-boosted as it was dealing one too few damage pulses

^292- ^*Fixed^079 Nymphora^*'s ^256Zeal's^* projectile hitting a bit behind her

^292- ^*Fixed couriers suddenly stopping when ^079 Parasite ^*infests a creep
^292- ^*Fixed an issue with him not leaping at people the whole way in long leaps

^292- ^*Fixed enemies seeing^256 Mortification ^*affector visuals in
fog/invisibility when you cast it on them with level 2 or 3 of Manifestation
^292- ^*Fixed a movement bug from hindering ^079 Revenant^*'s spells when the
targets are out of range

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Allowed^256 Mirage ^*to spawn illusions even if the target is invulnerable
^717* ^*Prevents invulnerability skills from "canceling" ^079Sand Wraith^*'s
^292- ^*Fixed the^256 Mirage ^*illusions so that they will properly stay to the
target even if their target becomes invulnerable
^292- ^*Fixed the^256 Mirage ^*illusions so that they die if their target dies

^292- ^*Optimized his Vanish
^292- ^*Fixed his^256 Disarm ^*so it works properly on non-heroes now

^292- ^*Fixed Shudder's Terrorport mana cost; it is now 0 as well.

^292- ^*Fixed Vigilante ^079Vindicator^*'s^256 Master's Incantation ^*projectile;
it has an impact sound now
^292- ^*Removed noninterrupting="true" from his Master's Incantation
^717* ^*Fixes the fact he could attack while channeling LOL

^292Monkey Courier^*
^292- ^*Fixed a minor preview issue with Rat Courier - the preview scaling is now
correct & consistent with the others
^292Sol's Bulwark^*
^292- ^*Won't apply the armor or negative armor to invulnerable units anymore

^095Vulture Lord^*
^292- ^*Fixed the slow from the^256 Tornado ^*lasting infinite time when
^079Parasite ^*swaps it onto someone

^292-^* Old replays should now work correctly

^292-^* Fixing the new Alt Avatar

^970Version 2.0.40^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Flint Boomstick^*
^292-^* The Tutorial should be much more functional
^292-^* ^079Moraxus'^* Shield Bar should be fixed
^292-^* Tweaked tooltips for ^079Revenant^*

^970Version 2.0.39^*
^292-^* Added new chat color, ^429Royal Tanzanite^*
^292-^* Added new Alt Courier, ^090Robot Courier^*
^292-^* Stat Resets and Sub Accounts can be bought in the Store with Gold Coins

^292-^* Fix to effects with 0 lifetime

^292-^* Fix for custom account icons being treated as modded files
^292-^* Fixed front queue tools not front queueing when double activating
^292-^* Fixed a buffer overflow when attempting to execute a very long console
^292-^* Russian Stringtables updated

^292-^* Channel code change

^717*^* Item swaps between backpack slots no longer breaks channel
^717*^* Moving items to Stash interrupts properly
^717*^* ^090Homecoming Stone^* tweaked slightly, now consumes the stone at the
start of the channel

^970== Items ==^*

^292-^* Added new item: ^090Sol's Bulwark^*

^717*^* Components
^717*^* ^090Ringmail^* (550)
^717*^* ^090Ringmail^* (550)
^717*^* Sol's Bulwark Recipe (700)
^717*^* Total Cost: 1700
^717*^* Passive Effects
^717*^* +5 Armor
^717*^* Can be toggled between a +5 Armor Aura for Allies or a -5 Armor Aura for
Enemies. 10 second cooldown

^292-^* ^090Daemonic Breastplate^*

^717*^* Reworked Components
^717*^* ^090Ringmail^* (550)
^717*^* ^090Sol's Bulwark^* (1700)
^717*^* ^090Warpcleft^* (2100)
^717*^* Daemonic Breastplate Recipe (1100)
^717*^* Total Cost: 5550

^292-^* ^090Dust of Revelation^* visual effect now plays if Empath uses it while
inside someone

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* New hero: ^079Revenant^*

^292-^* Attack cooldown from 1450 to 1700

^292-^* ^256Terrorize^* now applies a 50% movespeed slow to feared targets
^292-^* ^256Consume^* cooldown lowered from 50/40/30s to 30s flat
^717*^* Killing a hero now gives 3 essences at all levels

^292-^* Fixed his ^256Magnetic Surge^* push so that it applies the same state as
the pull

^292-^* ^256Essence Link^* cast range from 500 to 550 and break range from 750 to
^292-^* ^256Essence Link^* casttime from 500 to 400 and castactiontime from 250 to
^292-^* ^256Synergy^* numerical regen from .75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1/2/3/4
^292-^* ^256As One^* cooldown from 100 to 100/80/60 seconds

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292-^* ^256Improved Split Fire^* so that you won't lose its setting when you die
^292-^* ^256Piercing Arrow^* cooldown from 120 to 100/80/60 seconds

^292-^* Fixed him from following his last-issued command after you Infest

^292-^* Fixed the burn from ^256Fervor^* applying the proper level

^292-^* Fixed his projectile from ^256Poison Spray^* hitting units directly behind
him if they are too close

^292-^* ^256Ashes to Ashes^* regen lowered from 2/4/6/8 to 1/2/3/4

^970Version 2.0.38^*
^292-^* Fixed hitting S or H while connecting to a server causing the game to never
^292-^* Updated text when disconnecting from Matchmaking to be more clear
^292-^* Fixed players respawning attached to projectiles when Gore Taunted when "no
respawn timers" is set
^292-^* Fixed custom account icons counting as modified files for the purposes of
Tournament Rules
^292-^* Fixed exploit with ^079Rampage^* and ^079Blood Hunter^* reveal gadgets
^292-^* Fixes to ^079Emerald Warden^* bugs with ^090Nullstone^* and ^090Magic
^292-^* Nullstone effects tweaked

^292-^* Added new Alt Avatar: ^079Phantom Defiler^*

^292-^* Added new Alt Courier: ^090Rat Courier^*

^970== Items ==^*

^292-^* ^090Alchemist Bones^* cooldown/timer increased by 20 seconds

^292-^* ^090Astrolabe^*
^717*^* Reworked Components
^717*^* ^090Fortified Bracer^* (510)
^717*^* ^090Refreshing Ornament^* (603)
^717*^* ^090Astrolabe Recipe^* (600)
^717*^* Total Cost: 1713
^717*^* Effects
^717*^* +8 Strength, +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence
^717*^* +3 Health Regen aura
^717*^* On use: Heals nearby allies for 200 Health. 100 Mana cost, 45 second cd
^717*^* A hero/unit can still only be healed once every 25 seconds

^292-^* ^090Energizer^*
^717*^* Components
^717*^* ^090Soulscream Ring^* (460)
^717*^* ^090Major Totem^* (540)
^717*^* ^090Energizer Recipe^* (700)
^717*^* Total Cost: 1700
^717*^* Effects
^717*^* +7 Strength, +10 Agility, +7 Intelligence
^717*^* On use: Nearby allies gain 50 Movement Speed and Unitwalking for 5 seconds.
100 Mana cost, 45 second cd

^292-^* ^090Ring of Sorcery^*

^717*^* Reworked Components
^717*^* ^090Amulet of Exile^* (485)
^717*^* ^090Pickled Brain^* (900)
^717*^* Auto combines
^717*^* Total Cost: 1385
^717*^* Effects
^717*^* +300 Mana, +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +6 Intelligence
^717*^* On use: Nearby allies gain 135 Mana. 25 Mana cost, 33 second cd

^292-^* ^090Shieldbreaker^*
^717*^* Components
^717*^* ^090Warhammer^* (1600)
^717*^* ^090Shieldbreaker Recipe^* (900)
^717*^* Total Cost: 2500 / 3400 / 4300
^717*^* Effects
^717*^* +30 / 45 / 60 Damage
^717*^* -2 / -4 / -6 Armor debuff on target

^970Version 2.0.37^*
^292-^* You are now able to view other chat channels in the time period between the
lobby countdown and the game's start
^292-^* Pause functionality cleaned up on the backend
^292-^* Vast and unending interface memory reductions
^292-^* You can now hold shift to drag and drop shop items into the quickslots
^292-^* fixed account switching not clearing clan / buddy list
^292-^* Fixed ^090Frostwolf Skull^* projectiles with alt avatars

^292-^* Added ^095Baby Taunt^*

^292-^* Added New Gold Collection Alt Avatar: ^079Leprechaun Blacksmith^*

^970== Items ==^*

Disassemble business
^292-^* ^090Charged Hammer^* no longer allowed
^292-^* ^090Geometer's Bane^* no longer allowed
^292-^* ^090Iron Shield^* allowed now
^292-^* ^090Wingbow^* allowed now

^090Barrier Idol^*
^292-^* Fixed its active buff so it will reduce SuperiorMagic damage as well

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added a New Hero: ^079Emerald Warden^*

^292-^* Fixed ^256Sear^* & ^090Harkon's Blade^* so they will stack

^292-^* Fixed ^256Demonic Pathogen^* spreading to nothing if you manually spread it
when no valid targets are around.
^292-^* Added a timer when the ^256Demonic Pathogen^* is in "pre-spread mode"

^292-^* Fixed his ^256Frenzy's^* multicast application from going through Magic

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292-^* Tweaked his silence so it's scripting is better

^079Dark Lady^*
^292-^* Made ^256Cover of Darkness^* application go through invulnerability

^292-^* Fixed ^256Rotten Grasp^* from applying the immobilizing+DoT if the target
gets pushed out of the Rotten Grasp

^292-^* Tweaked ^256Release^* slow scaling (again), thanks to Habile
^292-^* Tweaked ^256Magnetic Surge^* so it won't have any collision problems at
certain distances
^292-^* Tweaked ^256Discharge^* so it won't have any collision problems at certain

^292-^* Added ^256Grapple^* double-tap functionality as a single button press to E
^292-^* Fixed ^256Enfeeble^* & ^090Harkon's Blade^* interaction so they now stack

^292-^* Fixed buildings being turned blue while his ultimate was on.
^292-^* Fixed a fog bug with his charges

^292-^* Fixed a bug where if you used ^256Flurry^* and immediately queue up
^256Cannonball^*, Panda will appear to be "frozen"

^292-^* Fixed role/description
^292-^* Fixed LODs
^292-^* Fixed ^256Leech^* so it's not true damage
^292-^* Fixed ^256Draining Venom^* so that his infested minion receives the
attacking debuff application when that minion is an ally.
^292-^* Fixed ^256Draining Venom^* so that it applies the correct state level now
^292-^* Fixed ^090Homecoming Stone^* bug when Parasite latches on the target on the
same frame the unit teleports
^292-^* Fixed being both Dead or Alive at the same time

^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Fixed enemies of Puppet Master being able to teleport to ^256Voodoo
Puppet^* with Post Haste

^292-^* Tweaked his ^256Charge^* when it completes

^292-^* Fixed her alt avatar not playing the proper cast sound when she uses
^256Shadow^* to summon her illusion

^292-^* Fixed ^256Toxicity^* & ^090Harkon's Blade^* so they will stack

^292-^* Made him not magically stand up if he dies during his ^256Cold Shoulder^*

^292-^* Made ^256Gust^* do damage to ancients
^717*^* Ancients are still immune to the push portion of Zephyr's gust

^292-^* Fixed a crash with Custom Account Icons
^292-^* Fixed some tooltips (Parasite, Engineer)

^970Version 2.0.36^*
^292-^* Added a new hero: ^079Parasite^*

^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Mutant Parasite^*

^292-^* You can no longer touch things (teleporters, items, etc.) while stunned
^292-^* Updated some User Interface files with fixes to speed and reliability
^292-^* Fixed a bug with stats not displaying for people in a Clan
^292-^* Fixed Neutrals in Caldavar stacking 3 times instead of 2
^292-^* Fixed a bug with ^090Alchemist Bones'^* timer when it was dropped on the
^292-^* Fixed ^090Barrier Idol^* and ^079Chipper's^* ability to properly absorb
Superior Magic damage
^292-^* Fixed a bug with ^079Treant^* invisibility
^292-^* Fixed a bug with ^079Silhouette's^* timers
^292-^* Fixed a bug with ^079Corrupted Disciple's^* drain that made it last forever

^970Version 2.0.34/35^*
"Think of it as two for the price of one!"
^292-^* Added Alt Couriers!
^717*^* Can now change the courier ingame into a different model
^292-^* Added Alt Taunt!
^717*^* Gore Taunt added
^717*^* You must purchase the original Taunt before you can purchase an Alt Taunt
^292-^* Added Custom Account Icons!
^717*^* Purchasable in the store. Upload an icon on the website at to see it ingame
^292-^* When downloading replays, the progress bar will now properly display a %
^292-^* You can now purchase stat resets and sub accounts in the store with Gold
^292-^* Store UI significantly updated
^292-^* Updated some stringtables
^292-^* Fixed an issue with stat resets that incorrectly reset some fields
^292-^* You can now click a subaccount in the dropdown menu to switch to it

^292-^* All Melee heroes now all have 128 Attack Range
^292-^* Non-lethal damage can no longer get credit for kills (For real)
^292-^* Increased the movespeed of some of the Neutrals under 300 Movespeed to 300
^292-^* Leash time all Neutrals lowered from 7 seconds to 5.25 seconds

^292-^* Forests of Caldavar have been changed

^717*^* Kongor area widened to make it more 'even', including a new Legion ramp in
the area
^717*^* Vision blockers of Kongor's lair removed

^970== Items ==^*

In-game Shop changes

^292-^* Significant upgrades to the smoothness of the shop when changing panels
^717*^* Funfact: If you close the guide using the red button on the left the shop
will only be one single panel when you open it. Much smaller!!
^292-^* Fixed not having recommended items when playing the same hero twice in a
row if you failed to retrieve a guide
^292-^* There is now a default guide for when your connection to the Database
decides to use the Failboat
^292-^* Outpost no longer contains a ^090Pickled Brain^*
^292-^* Added 5 "Quickslot" item spots in the upper left partof the shop
^717*^* Shift + left click an item in the shop then click one of the slots to save
that item to a slot
^717*^* Right click an item in your inventory and click one of the slots to save
that item to a slot
^717*^* You can always buy from the quickslots and which items are there persist
between games
^717*^* Useful for items like Homecoming Stones, a specific type of boots you want,
potions, etc.

^292-^* Secret Shop removed

^717*^* Items that were purchasable in this shop are now purchasable in the main
^717*^* Secret Shop renamed to Legendary Shop
^292-^* At the old Secret Shop location, the building is now replaced with an
^292-^* Observatory contain 1 item: ^090Wards of Sight^*
^717*^* Wards seen in the Observatory are shared with the ones in your main base in

^292-^* ^090Nullfire Blade^* level 1 back to a 12s cooldown

^717*^* Level 2 is still 20s
^292-^* Fix to giving ^090Insanitarious^* to other players and it bugged out
terribly (LOL)

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added a new Premium Alt Avatar for ^079Ra^*: ^079King Ra^*

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292-^* Rebalanced
^292-^* +15 Starting Movespeed (305 to 320)
^292-^* ^256Blood Crazy^* duration nerfed from 6/9/12/15 to 6/7/8/9
^292-^* ^256Blood Crazy^* damage to 20/s flat. Separated into a debuff and a buff,
so that you can rid yourself of the negative element with a purge, or rid an enemy
of the positive element with the purge
^292-^* ^256Blood Sense^* now activates off allied heroes as well, but not self
^292-^* ^256Hemorrhage^* changed to superior magic damage, damage values increased
by 25%

^292-^* Fixed the sound from ^256Deep Shadows^* playing at ear-killing levels

^079Keeper rework^*
^292-^* Starting STR reduced to 25 from 27
^292-^* STR/level reduced to 3 from 3.4
^292-^* ^256Camouflage^*
^717*^* Renamed to ^256Nature's Veil^*
^717*^* Now gives BOTH ^256Camouflage^* and old ^256Nature's Protection^* effects
(invises near trees and gives the armor/regen buff)
^717*^* Duration for both buffs changed to 10/20/30/40 seconds
^717*^* Old ^256Nature's Protection^* component now gives a flat 4 Health
Regeneration and 6/8/10/12 Armor
^717*^* Mana cost to a flat 60
^717*^* Cooldown to a flat 5 seconds
^717*^* 500 cast range
^292-^* ^256Tree Sight^*
^717*^* Removed, replaced with ^256Animate Forest^*
^292-^* ^256Animate Forest^*
^717*^* 130 Mana cost, 30 second cooldown, 700 cast range
^717*^* Casts on target tree.
^717*^* Target tree and 1/2/3/4 nearby trees (takes closest to target, max search
range of 500) are converted to Treants
^717*^* Treants have 500 Health, 2 Armor, and 325 Movespeed
^717*^* These trees last for 45 seconds
^717*^* These treants serve as "trees" for ^256Nature's Veil^*, keeping people
invisible around them
^717*^* These treants serve as "trees" for ^256Entmoot^*, giving KotF charges of
Attack Speed/Movement Speed
^292-^* ^256Nature's Protection^* removed
^292-^* New Ability: ^256Entmoot^*, passive self-buff
^717*^* Keeper of the Forest gains 3/6/9/12 Attack Speed and Movement Speed per
nearby tree, up to 5 charges.
^717*^* Radius of 375
^292-^* ^256Root^*
^717*^* Duration lowered from 3/4/5 to 2/3/4 seconds
^717*^* Cooldown lowered from 160 to 120/110/100
^717*^* Damage per second increased from 85 to 100

^292-^* Optimized his abilities
^292-^* Fixed ^256Ashes to Ashes^* so it does Magic DoT damage
^292-^* Fixed ^256Ashes to Ashes^* retaining all charges when he dies; he no longer
retains them after death
^292-^* Fixed ^256Pyroclasmic Rebirth^* so it won't interact with Vindicator's Int
Sap/Devourer's Str gain
^292-^* Removed the bad icon

^292-^* Base damage lowered by 3
^292-^* ^256Tree Grapple^* mana cost from 95/105/115/125 to 120 flat
^292-^* ^256Tree Grapple^* stun from Physical to Magical
^292-^* ^256Relentless Salvo^* damage per stack from 6/9/12/15 to 3/6/9/12
^292-^* ^256Shadow^* cooldown from 90/75/60 to 120/105/90 seconds
^292-^* ^256Shadow^* duration from 30 to 15/25/35 seconds
^292-^* ^256Shadow^* damage ratio from 33/66/100% to flat 66%

^970Version 2.0.33^*
^292-^* Added a new Strength hero: ^079Amun-Ra^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Oni Devourer^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Mermaidon^*

^292-^* Fixed attack projectiles not being invisible when you get ^090Frostwolf
Skull^* on an Alt Avatar
^292-^* Fixed a Practice Mode bug when you give yourself items
^292-^* Touched up ^079Martyr^* Voice

^292-^* Neutral and lane creeps no longer have any random damage, they now do
static amounts of damage

^970Version 2.0.32^*
^292-^* Fixing the 0:00 Matchmaking interface
^292-^* Backend server improvements

^970Version 2.0.31^*
^292-^* Fixing the auth issue this time. FOR REALZ.

^292-^* Fixed up some login authentication issues
^292-^* Removed the 40$ Account deal

^292-^* Fixed Fayde being able to use items while in stealth
^292-^* Fixed the missing Account Icons
^292-^* Fixed Steamboots being able to toggle
^292-^* Fixed the Matchmaking interface
^970Version 2.0.30^*
^970== General ==^*

^292-^* 5 new icons

^292-^* Fixed recipes being able to combine using items from multiple players
^292-^* You can combine items properly using ownerless (i.e. dropped by a leaver)
items now
^292-^* Fixed a crash during loading
^292-^* Touched up some of the Matchmaking UI
^292-^* Fixed Grimm's Crossing teleporters so that immobile gadgets can't use it to
^292-^* Vulture lord's tornado now goes through trees and cliffs
^292-^* Fixed lifesteal to not lifesteal on gadgets and chests. Also fixed
lifesteal so it won't play a sound unless you validly lifesteal a unit. The
following things are affected by this change:
^717*^* Dampeer's melee/ranged lifesteal aura
^717*^* Elder Parasite
^717*^* Hungry Spirit
^717*^* Symbol of Rage
^717*^* Whispering Helm

^970== Items ==^*

^292-^* Aura radius to 900
^292-^* Activation radius increased from 450 to 600

^090Barrier Idol^*
^292-^* Radius from 500 to 600

^090Elder Parasite^*
^292-^* Damage taken reduced from 20% to 15%

^090Frostfield Plate^*
^292-^* Aura radius from 1000 to 900

^090Logger's Hatchet^*
^292-^* Reworked slightly
^717*^* Activates to throw an axe at target enemy creep or neutral
^717*^* 600 Range, 30s cooldown
^717*^* Deals your attack damage to target on impact
^717*^* Can still target a tree to kill it and only has a 15 second cooldown if
targeting a tree
^292-^* Retains passive

^292-^* Now has a short 500ms cooldown when toggled on

^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^292-^* Aura radius from 800 to 900

^090Nullfire Blade^*
^292-^* Upgraded version has infinite charges
^292-^* Cooldown increased from 12 to 20 seconds

^090Plated Greaves^*
^292-^* Radius from 450 to 600

^090Homecoming Stone^*
^292-^* Fixed a bug where you can infinitely disarm a tower with Post Haste

-Added visual timer on the item so you don't have to select the minions to see
their lifetimes

^090Refreshing Ornament^*
^292-^* Aura radius to 900

^090Restoration Stone^*
^292-^* Mana cost reduced from 375 to 300

^090Runed Axe^*
^292-^* Now can be used to cuts down trees

^090Shield of the Five^*

^292-^* Radius from 450 to 600

^292-^* Made it unbind the target it's used on
^717*^* This stops it from causing derps or people flying all over the screen
^292-^* Fixed Pebbles graphical bug

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* New Intelligence Hero: ^079Martyr^*

^292-^* New Gold Collection Alternate Avatar: ^079Golden Pebbles^*
^292-^* ^079Flux^* now sides with the Legion!

^292-^* ^256Sear^* is no longer an Attack modifier

^292-^* Mana cost of ^256Comet^* from 95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140
^292-^* ^256Aurora^* duration from 14/16/18/20 to 14 seconds
^292-^* ^256Void Rip^* cooldown from 45/45/45 to 70/60/50

^292-^* Mana cost of ^256Harden Carapace^* from 90 to 50
^717*^* Increased Magic Armor from 5/10/18/35 to 8/16/24/32

^292-^* ^256Snot Storm^* armor reduction from 1/1/2/2 to 1/1.5/2/2.5

^292-^* Added a timer for his minion summons

^292-^* ^256Heavyweight^* damage from 25/45/75/115 to 25/55/85/115
^292-^* ^256Heavyweight^* stun duration from 0.3/0.7/1.2/1.5 to 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5
^292-^* ^256Shockwave^* Magic damage for additional units from 35/45/65 to 35/45/55
^292-^* ^256Shockwave^* Magic damage from corpses removed

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292-^* Fixed mod exploits with his ^256Blood Sense^*

^292-^* ^256Take Cover^* duration reduced from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to .25/1/1.75/2.5

^292-^* ^256Focus Buffer^* from 150/300/450/600 to 125/250/375/500

^292-^* ^256Time Leap^* movespeed slow from 10/20/30/40% to 22/28/34/40%

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292-^* Script cleanup for ^256Electric Tide^*

^079Dark Lady^*
^292-^* ^256Taint Soul^* mana cost from 35/45/55/65 to static 35

^292-^* ^256Illusory Veil^* duration from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6

^292-^* Made ^256Mines^* not trigger on siege units

^079Fayde Rework^*
^292-^* ^256Cull^*
^717*^* Now always manaburns
^717*^* Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 100/160/220/280
^717*^* Manaburn is now 7/14/21/28% on all targets hit, Fayde gains mana equal to
half the mana burnt
^292-^* ^256Burning Shadows^*
^717*^* Now always stuns
^717*^* Manacost lowered from 85/105/125/145 to 85/100/115/130
^717*^* Damage and stun are the same
^292-^* ^256Scythe Stance^*
^717*^* Removed
^292-^* New ability: ^256Deep Shadows^*
^717*^* Target an area, summoning shadows there for 5 seconds
^717*^* Shadows slow enemies by 15/20/25/30% and increase Fayde's movespeed by
15/20/25/30% while they are inside of it
^717*^* Movespeed modifiers linger for 1 second
^292-^* ^256Reflection^*
^717*^* Now has treewalking
^717*^* Now grants Fayde 1200 clearvision while stealthed by Reflection
^717*^* This sight lingers for 2 seconds after exiting stealth

^292-^* Optimized his ^256Magnetic Surge^* and ^256Discharge^* by removing
superfluous checks & improved algorithms
^292-^* Tweaked ^256Magnetic Surge^* & ^256Discharge^* pushes to be more accurate
^292-^* Reduced the sound on his ^256Polarity Swap^* modes by a factor of 4
^292-^* Made ^256Discharge^* give assists
^292-^* Dampened Flux's & Flux's alt's walk and regular attack sounds
^292-^* Fixed tooltip on ^256Release^* to show radius correctly
^292-^* Made ^256Discharge^* unbind so it stops interacting with projectiles very
(VERY) poorly

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292-^* ^256Skeletons^* TP with FA
^292-^* ^256Splitshot^* reworked to basically be ranged cleave
^717*^* Main target takes full, 2 additional targets take 14/21/28/35% damage

^292-^* ^256Infernal Instability^* grants 40 Movespeed at all levels instead of
^292-^* ^256Grapple^* slightly increased touch radius to 80 from 75
^292-^* ^256Enfeeble^* is no longer an Attack Modifier
^292-^* Capped the charges on ^256Enfeeble^* to prevent rollover
^292-^* Fixed a bug with ^256Gauntlet Blast^* where it was waking people up

^292-^* ^256Life Void^* damage healed from 10/20/30/40% to 15/20/25/30%
^292-^* Added visual timer to ^256Summon Malphas^*

^292-^* ^256Inner Light^* from True Damage to Magic Damage
^292-^* ^256Inner Light^* radius from 250 to 300

^292-^* Tower attacks may now proc ^256Whirling Blade^*

^292-^* Fixed ^256Eruption^* playing the animation correctly

^292-^* ^256Matraxe^* now has a small cooldown on it
^292-^* ^256Quake^* stun duration from 1/1.5/2.0/2.5 to 1.75/2.0/2.25/2.5
^292-^* Fixed his attack animation not playing while he has ^256Arcane Shield^* up
(before absorbing a spell)

^292-^* Fixed his illusion from spamming attack commands
^292-^* Fixed the illusion playing the "ZING!" charge initial sound twice if the
unit is invulnerable before the illusion gets a chance to attack

^292-^* Fixed her visual green pod lifetime lingering for 1 second too long on the

^292-^* ^256Cannonball^* stun duration from 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25

^292-^* ^256Tormented Soul^* manacost increased from 50/50/50/50 to 50/55/60/65

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292-^* Added visual timer to ^256Voodoo Wards^*

^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Cleaned up scripting for ^256Puppet Show^*
^292-^* Fixed the target from spamming attack commands with ^256Puppet Show^* every
frame since it messes with pathing
^292-^* ^256Voodoo Puppet^* health from 450/700/950 to 500/750/1000
^292-^* ^256Voodoo Puppet^* decreased damage amp from 160/180/210 to 140/160/180
^292-^* ^256Voodoo Puppet^* overkill damage is still transferred to target, but not

^292-^* Fixed a mod exploit

^292-^* ^256Vanish^* no longer loses 'Flurry' when Invisibility is manually

^292-^* Fixed her ^256Grapple^* from interacting like derp with ^079Bubbles'^*
^256Take Cover^*

^292-^* Added a targetradius for the tooltip of ^256Poison Spray^*
^292-^* Removed 10% movement slow from ^256Toxicity^*
^292-^* ^256Toxicity^* is no longer an attack modifer
^292-^* ^256Toxicity's^* regen disable from 40/60/80/100% to 20/40/60/80%

^292-^* ^256Demon Hand^* manacost increased from 75 to 80

^292-^* ^256Mesmerize^* manacost reduced from 165 to 130/140/150/160

^292-^* ^256Lightning Rod^* damage from 5/7/9/11% to 3/5/7/9%

^292-^* ^256Chain Reaction^* manacost increased from 100/125/140/165 to
^292-^* ^256Impalement^* manacost increased from 95/120/135/155 to 115/130/145/160
^292-^* ^256Agonizing Bonds^* damage reduced from 80/145/205/265 to 80/140/200/260
^292-^* ^256Agonizing Bonds^* targets lowered from 3/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
^292-^* ^256Agonizing Bonds^* pull radius reduced from 650 to 600

^292-^* Added timer to ^256Call of Winter^* so you don't have to select the summons
to see their lifetime
^292-^* ^256Cold Shoulder^* is now always 600 range

^292-^* Fixed a super duper rare long range ^256Javelin bug^*

^079War Beast^*
^292-^* Added visual timer for his ^256Hellhounds^*

^292-^* ^256Power Drain^* rescaled drain from 20/40/60/100 mana per second to

^292-^* Fixed the tutorial breaking the ingame shop
^292-^* Fixed the trial accounts not seeing the upgrade button

^970Version 2.0.29^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Winston Charmadon^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Thor Thunderbringer^*

^292-^* Fixed ^079Silhouette^* stacking neutrals when using a homecoming stone

^292-^* Fixed the Tutorial and removed the "Shop" section of it for now

^292-^* New "Simple Tooltips"

^717-^* Shorter and more concise for easy reading
^717-^* Are now default
^717-^* Old Long Tooltips can be enabled in the options menu

^292-^* New UI for the Hero Picking phase

^717-^* Now with a hero's role instead of their background story
^717-^* Includes the simple tooltips for easy picking

^970Redesigned the Ingame Shop!^*

^292-^* New Features of the Shop:
^717-^* Can switch between standard categories and a filter where you can see items
by what they do
^717-^* Can switch between descriptions and item only view
^717-^* New recipe-tree when left-clicking an item
^717-^* Guide system added that lets dynamic guides lead a new or experienced
^717-^* Guides can auto-levelup abilities of the hero you are playing
^717-^* Guides change the recommended items of a hero based on the items picked for
the guide
^717-^* Guides can be voted up or down and the highest % ones are listed at the
top. You can tag one as favorite or default for this hero ingame!
^717-^* You can make and browse all guides for all heroes on the website
^717-^* Recommended items are tagged with Stars
^717-^* Added a search feature in the upper left for all items
^717-^* Opacity can be changed

^292-^* More about the shop:

^717-^* This is designed to be much easier for newer players while still retaining
all of the goodies that experienced players like
^717-^* Left click to "Select" an item, which will open the build-tree in the
bottom half of the shop where you can see recipe trees
^717-^* You can left click any item to make it the focus of the tree, even ones in
the tree itself
^717-^* Right click any item to buy it. Right click a recipe item to pop up a box
to buy all remaining components. Or click the buy all remaining button in the lower
^717-^* Ctrl-Right click to buy just the recipe of any item (normal behavior). Same
with Hotkeys.
^717-^* Expanded tooltips in the upper right

^970Version 2.0.28^*
Tournament rules changes
^292-^* Pauses can last for 10 minutes
^292-^* Enemy team can't unpause for 90 seconds
^292-^* Only one vote is required to pause

^292-^* ^090Alchemist's Bones^* now gain charges even when not on a hero
^292-^* Fixed a server crash
^292-^* Rolled back the last of the April Fools stuff (Vindicator ult and "lets get
it on")
^292-^* ^090Nullfire Blade^* blue effects now play on the illusion even if they
take no mana
^292-^* Fixed the ^079Legionnaire^* double-stuffed ^256Charge bug

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added new Strength hero: ^079Flux^*
^292-^* Added new Alt Avatar: ^079Vigilante Vindicator^*
^292-^* Added new Alt Avatar: ^079Steam Flux^*
^292-^* Added 4 new account icons

^292-^* Fixed people he knocks over standing up correctly

^717*^* Fixes illusion & Silhouette herself gains more blades if she levels up her
^256Death Lotus^* while she has her illusion out
^292-^* Made her ^256Death Lotus^* spin animation play on the illusion when she
activates Death Lotus
^292-^* Made her ^256Death Lotus^* kunai not respawn with her if the skill is still
on cooldown when she actually respawns
^292-^* Made ^256Death Lotus^* kunai vanish on illusion when the main Silhouette
^717*^* Fixes an issue with illusion receiving more than 4 kunai at once
^292-^* Fixed illusion so it doesn't die if you have it out and you level ^256Death
Lotus^* from level 0 to level 1
^292-^* Related to the above point, fixed the illusion so it will properly gain a
level of ^256Death Lotus^* from level 0 to 1 if you learn it with the illusion out.
^292-^* Fixed upgrading ^256Death Lotus^* when she's dead from level 0 to level 1
from giving an extra blade to the illusion if it is out.
^292-^* Made upgrading ^256Death Lotus^* not spawn extra kunai on ^079Silhouette^*
and/or illusion if the skill is on cooldown while you upgrade it.
^292-^* Made upgrading ^256Death Lotus^* while dead not alter the number of kunai
on the illusion if the illusion is still alive when Silhouette is dead
^292-^* Fixed ^256Shadow^* swap from killing her illusion if she has 0 points in
Death Lotus
^292-^* Added a visual timer to ^256Shadow^* so people can see how much time is
left on the illusion without actually selecting the illusion

^292-^* Fixed Homecoming Stone effects playing on Towers through fog

^970Version 2.0.27^*
^292-^* AFK players are no longer included in vote counts
^292-^* Added 6 account icons created by community member Popo`
^292-^* Added some new data to the Watch User interface
^292-^* Fixed some annoyances with the Topbar and Notifications

Fixed the following to prevent mod exploits:

^292-^* ^090Blood Chalice^*
^292-^* ^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^292-^* ^079Balphagore's^* ^256Hell on Newerth^*

^970== Items ==^*

^090Flying Courier^*
^292-^* Returned the visual effects when the Flying Courier used its abilities

^090Health Potion^*
^292-^* Fixed so it won't affect siege units
^090Homecoming Stone^*
^292-^* Now disarms the tower you teleport into for 3 seconds (begins at the start
of the channel)
^292-^* Adds an additional 3 seconds to the disarm for every additional teleport
while it is still disarmed
^717*^* First disarms for 3s total, length of the channel
^717*^* Second disarms for 6s total, 3s seconds past channel
^717*^* Third disarms for 9s total, 6s seconds past channel, etc

^090Mana Potion^*
^292-^* Fixed so it won't affect siege units

^090Mock of Brilliance^*
^292-^* Fixed it showing the glow only when it is 'on' and not 'off'

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added new Gold Collection Alt Avatar: ^079Forsaken Strider^*

^292-^* Fix his attacks playing an impact sound correctly

^292-^* Fixed ^079Emerald Red^* from not getting max charges regenerated when she
levels it

^292-^* Fixed one of the mine states showing for 1 frame
^292-^* ^256Turret^* now deals Magic damage

^292-^* Tweaked ^256Reflection's^* stealth attack so it uses the correct impact and
works with attack items

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292-^* Fixed ^256Flare^* initial damage so it breaks things like Sleep and can
stack between different Flints

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292-^* Fixed an exploit where if you toggled ^256Call of the Damned^* on the same
frame as your projectile is killing a unit, then you would get 1 skeleton spawned
while building up a charge at the same time

^292-^* Fixed units animating correctly after the freeze ends

^292-^* Fixed interaction between ^256Pitfall^* and ^079Nomad's^* ^256Edge

^292-^* Fixed ^079Release the Kraken!^* interaction with ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take
Cover^* and ^079Nomad's^* ^256Edge Counter^*

^292-^* Attempt to make the ^256Terrifying Charge^* shift-queuable with ^256Taunt^*
^292-^* Made the ^256Terrifying Charge^* axe-swing animation play
^292-^* Also fixed his ^256Terrifying Charge^* animation to change properly when he
kills a unit & no other valid targets are around
^292-^* Also recalibrated his attack point & backswing & BAT while in
^256Terrifying Charge^* mode so his attack comes out smoothly

^292-^* Fixed Steam Bath from triggering ^079Nomad's^* ^256Edge Counter^*

^292-^* Fixed "No retreat!" playing X times when X units are hit
^292-^* Also fixed ^256Edge Counter^* from not proccing if the enemy hero is dead
and his attack is in mid-air/continuous

^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Fixed ^256Voodoo Puppet^* not giving assists
^292-^* Fixed ^256Voodoo Puppet^* + ^256Boom Dust^* crashing the game when the
puppet/hero are hugging each other and ^256Boom Dust^* procs

^292-^* Fixed ^256The Chains That Bind^* from making units temporarily unclickable
if they were launched into the air when this skill affects them

^292-^* Added in a missing texture

^970Version 2.0.26^*
^292-^* Fixed shop stock decreasing even if you had a full inventory when trying to
buy a limited quanity item
^292-^* Fixed a longstanding annoyance where on screen health bars that appear
above units would occlude other health bars
^717*^* This was most prevalent when a full health creep was standing to the left
of a low health creep. The full health creep's health bar would end up occulding
the health bar of the low hp creep, making it much harder to last hit/deny
^292-^* Added 4 new Account Icons

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added a new Agility hero: ^079Silhouette^*

^292-^* Introducing a Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Bunny Predator^*

^292-^* Added a new Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Wretched Hottie^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079White Lotus Silhouette^*

^292-^* Fixed her ^256Emerald Lightning^* so it will stun the first target even if
the target enters fog on the same frame the ability goes off

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292-^* Made his ^256Blood Sense^* map icon have the proper icon when you hover
over it on the minimap
^292-^* Made ^256Blood Sense^* map icon slightly smaller so it doesn't clutter
stuff up as much

^292-^* Optimized ^256Boom Dust^* performance

^292-^* Lifesteal streak effects play again when attacking with his aura. Derp.

^292-^* Made ^256Unholy Expulsion's^* tooltip list it as a Physical spell
^292-^* Added a 30 second timer to ^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^717*^* Timer starts when skill is cast, so it will indicate when the spirits start
to fade away

^292-^* Made the damage source equal to Empath if Empath goes inside someone and
uses ^256Essence Link^*
^717*^* Fixes your ally getting the kill credit rather than yourself if they die
from ^256Essence Link^*

^292-^* Added cliffwalking, treewalking and buildingwalking to ^256Burning
Shadows'^* illusions
^717*^* Allows them to chase without being blocked by obstacles
^292-^* Sped up her attack time when under the effects of ^256Reflection^* so you
do not stand there after attacking out of stealth

^292-^* ^256Grapple's^* gadget now doesn't draw on minimap.
^292-^* Fixed a bug where ^256Grapple^* was hitting heroes directly behind him if
the hero was hugging Gauntlet's back

^079Night Hound^*
^292-^* Fixed Teen Night Hound's ^256Pounce^*; it now plays its sound + animation
when used on an enemy unit

^292-^* Fixed all of the sounds while his Alt Avatar is active

^292-^* Fixed an extremely rare bug with Ophelia/Nymphora teleporting Pharaoh to
fountain and Pharaoh teleporting all the enemy heroes to his fountain

^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Made ^256Puppet Show^* not issue a stop command on the target if the target
doesn't find another target to attack
^717*^* This fixes a hitch if the target never attacks anything
^292-^* Fixed ^256Puppet Show^* to not cancel when the acquired target goes
invulnerable for a split second
^717*^* Magmus able to cancel the ability completely if he is targeted, for example
^292-^* Fixed ^256Puppet Show^* to not cancel when the acquired target gets fogged
^717*^* Fixing bad and buggy behavior
^292-^* Fixed a server crash with ^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^292-^* Changed the assist mechanics of ^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^717*^* Now awards kill credit to Puppet Master instead of the allied hero
attacking the Puppet if the allied hero lands the killing blow

^292-^* Fixed a mod-enabled exploit

^292-^* Changed ^256Marksman Shot^* so it won't be targetable on siege units

^292-^* Fixed ^256Swift Slashes^* from making his corpse stand up at the end if he
dies while using it

^292-^* Fixed ^256Elemental Void^* so people can use tablet on allies caught within

^292-^* ^256Dark Swarm^* damage scaling from 20/40/60/80 to 32/48/64/80
^292-^* ^256Terrorform^* tweaked so Tremble is now revealed 1 second after an enemy
hero enters the same mound as him
^292-^* Linger time when leaving Mounds and retaining the perks is reduced to 1
second from 2 seconds
^292-^* ^256Shudder^* can no longer be killed by Nullfire Blade
^292-^* ^256Shudder's^* disable is a now properly a Debuff

^292-^* Tweaked how he gains Intelligence so he can gain an unlimited amount
^717*^* The amount of Intelligence a single enemy can lose is still capped at 125

^970Version 2.0.25^*
^292-^* Added a new ^079Pestilence^* Alt Avatar: ^079Ladybug Pestilence^*
^292-^* Fix to a server issue that caused them to degrade after extended uptime
^292-^* ^090Alchemist Bones^* have been changed back to the 2-charge buildup

^292-^* Fixed resetting keybinds

^970Version 2.0.24^*
^292-^* Fixed a stringtable error with ^079Engineer's^* ^256Spider Mines^*
^292-^* Fixed a cosmetic shop model that was missing
^292-^* Fixed ^079Nomad's^* third level of ^256Sandstorm^* giving 1500% movespeed
^292-^* Updated the icon for ^079Rosie Engineer^*

^970Version 2.0.23^*
^292-^* Fixed the Zzz above creeps for player controlled units
^292-^* Vagabond Leader, Minotaur, and Catman Champion now no longer use abilities
against Magic Immune units

^970== Items ==^*

^292-^* ^090Token of Life^* duration lowered from 10 minutes to 7 minutes

^717*^* Kongor's respawn time is still 10 minutes

^292-^* ^090Bastard Sword^* removed from the game

^292-^* ^090Halberd^* removed from the game
^292-^* ^090Fortified Bracelet^* renamed to ^090Fortified Bracer^*
^292-^* ^090Talisman of Exile^* renamed to ^090Amulet of Exile^*
^292-^* ^090Great Arcana^* renamed to ^090Arcana^*

^090Assassin's Shroud^*
^292-^* Fixed a tiny bug where if you had a high enough attackspeed you can proc
Shroud bonus damage more than once on the same Shroud state.
^292-^* ^090Bastard Sword^* replaced with a ^090Broadsword^*
^292-^* Recipe cost increased by 200
^292-^* Old:
^717*^* ^090Bolstering Armband^*, ^090Halbred^*, 1150 Recipe
^717*^* +6 Str, +30 Damage, Bash
^292-^* New:
^717*^* ^090Mighty Blade^*, ^090Quickblade^*, 1100 Recipe
^717*^* +10 Str, +10 Agi, +20 Damage, Bash

^090Runed Axe^*
^292-^* Renamed to ^090Runed Cleaver^*
^292-^* ^090Bastard Sword^* replaced with a ^090Broadsword^*
^292-^* Damage lowered from 65 to 55

^090Savage Mace^*
^292-^* Old:
^717*^* ^090Halberd^*, ^090Halberd^*, ^090Slayer^*
^292-^* New:
^717*^* ^090Warhammer^*, ^090Warhammer^*, ^090Slayer^*

^292-^* Cost lowered from 2400 to 2200

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added a new Agility hero: ^079Nomad^*

^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Nomaddin^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079Rosie Engineer^*

^292-^* ^256Essence Link^* fixed so it links correctly when the person she is
inside is moving very quickly
^292-^* Made the detection if the target becomes invulnerable better

^292-^* Push from ^256Turret^* increased by ~20%
^292-^* Damage from ^256Energy Field^* changed from % based to 28/58/88 per second
to all units inside
^292-^* ^256Tinker^* removed. Replaced with ^256Spider Mines^*
^292-^* ^256Spider Mines^*
^717*^* 7 second cooldown, 90/100/110/120 Manacost
^717*^* Activate to consume one charge to place a Spider Mine at your location. Up
to 9 may be placed at one time, each dealing 150/200/250/300 Magic Damage.
^717*^* Up to 1/2/2/3 charges may be stored, refreshing every 30 seconds
^717*^* ^256Spider Mines^* are stealthed and appear when an enemy comes near them,
chasing them until contact.

^292-^* Fixed illusions from switching targets if the target becomes invulnerable
^292-^* Improved the server performance of her stances and illusions

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292-^* Fixed an exploit with effects and ^256Crippling Volley^*

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292-^* Made the target animate properly after finishing ^256Tongue Tied^*

^292-^* Made damage on ^256Carnivorous^* be nonlethal
^717*^* Fixes Predator killing enemy units when he shouldn't be

^292-^* Fixed ^256Stampede's^* projectile going through invulnerability

^292-^* Fixed ^256Electric Eye^* so that if you use Detonate on the Eye, then it
will put Scout's Detonate ability on cooldown
^292-^* The silence will no longer hit mechanical units

^292-^* Altered the effects of ^256Poison Spray^* to fix it shooting off in the
wrong direction

^292-^* Fixed the dual-red wings so it moves with the target if the target is

^292-^* Frost modifier priority changed to fix issues in a real game with her
projectile being invisible

^970Version 2.0.22^*
^292-^* April Fools~!
^717*^* Some announcer sounds and hero voices have been... touched up...

^292-^* ^090Alchemist Bones^* have been reverted to the older cooldown version
^717*^* This is a temporary fix while we get new code to fix a significant bug

^292-^* Added a new Alternate Avatar designed by FnaticMSI: ^079MSIvy Slither^*

^292-^* Added a new Alternate Avatar: ^079Mountain Tundra^*
^292-^* Added a new Alternate Avatar: ^079Quadropod Tremble^*

^292-^* Updated the frontscreen picture

^970Version 2.0.21^*
^292-^* Fixed ^079Puppetmaster's^* ^256Voodoo Puppet^* deleting heroes
^292-^* ^079Tremble^* can no longer teleport to an enemy's mounds

^970Version 2.0.20^*
^292-^* Powerups will no longer spawn at 0:00 gametime
^292-^* Buying Back is now limited to 2 per player
^717*^* They never 'restock', so you can buy back only twice during any single game
^717*^* The game tells you when you buy back how many you have remaining
^292-^* Fixed the bounty for Barrracks so that the killer gets the bounty as well
^717*^* Was bugged and everyone on the team except the killer got bounty
^292-^* Fixed a crash with the Match Stats screen

^970== Items ==^*

^292-^* ^090Alchemist Bones^* are now limited to 1 per player and are bind on
^717*^* While a player already has one, they can't assemble another
^717*^* ^090Alchemist Bones is muted when unowned (dropped by a terminated player)

^292-^* ^090Tablet of Command^* now takes a ^090Major Totem^* instead of an

^090Apprentice's Robe^*
^717*^* Stat gain changed from +16 Intelligence to +4 Strength, +4 Agility, +14

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added a new Hellbourne Agility Hero: ^079Tremble

^292-^* Fixed a bug with ^256Swap ^*that caused you and her target to move slightly
closer to each other

^292-^* Fixed ^256Rockets^* so you do not gain a free rocket when you level them
from 2 to 3

^292-^* Fixed his ^256Curse of Ages^* Tooltip
^292-^* Fixed ^256Curse of Ages^* bugging out when you miss the bashing attack

^292-^* Fixed interation between ^256Willowmaker^* and ^256Unbreakable^*

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292-^* Fixed an issue with ^256Unbreakable^* when you have healing-reducing
effects on you

^292-^* Stopped him from standing up and being silly after he dies while hooking

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292-^* Corrected some efficiency issues with his abilities

^292-^* ^256Tsunami Charge^* cleaned up
^292-^* Fixed ^256Tsunami Charge^* so that if he's still charging and dies, his
corpse won't stand there
^292-^* Fixed a bug where ^079Accursed's^* ^256Fire Shield^* can shield Kraken and
he can do actions while charging

^292-^* Updated the ^256Taunt^* so that it will function properly in duplicate hero

^292-^* Fixed ^256Flick^* from triggering stuff like ^079Corrupted Disciple's^*
^256Static Discharge^* twice

^292-^* ^256Wall of Mummies^* grab radius increased by 5
^717*^* This is a fix to the cornercase of someone being caught inside of the
mummies but not grabbed
^292-^* Made his ^256Tormented Soul^* unselectable so you cant tab to them
^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292-^* Fixed his alt avatar not playing the cast sound on his ^256Tongue Tied^*

^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Fixed a very small bug that didn't give ^256Whiplash^* a timer when Puppet
Master died with 1 charge on it
^292-^* Fixed ^256Voodoo Puppet^* to give bloodlusts and assists correctly

^292-^* ^256Stampede^* magic immunity now take place when charges are 4 instead of

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292-^* Fixed a majority of cases of his aura getting around ^256Unbreakable^*

^292-^* Removed the channeling bar from his ultimate for now, we will fix it and
re-add it later

^970Version 2.0.19^*
^292-^* Added ^079Rainbow Rampage^*
^717*^* ^079Unicorn Rampage^* was the Community Alt Avatar Contest Winner. We have
heard your suggestions and have made an alternate version of the alternate avatar:
enter ^079Rainbow Rampage^*. With more color and more effects, we hope this is what
the community was looking for.
^717*^* All players who purchased ^079Unicorn Rampage^* will have ^079Rainbow
Rampage^* added to their account
^717*^* Moving forward, you will be able to purchase either ^079Unicorn Rampage^*
or ^079Rainbow Rampage^* from the Goblin Store

^292-^* Added Heart Japan Account Icon

^717*^* With 10% of the revenue from the double coin promotion going to the Red
Cross for Japan Earthquake Relief Efforts, we have added the Heart Japan account
icon to the Store for people to be able to show their support
^717*^* This item is a Premium item that only costs 25 gold coins and is intended
to show your thoughts are with those in Japan
^717*^* The S2 Staff sends its thoughts and prayers to those affected by this
disaster and thanks the HoN community for their overwhelming support for the people
of Japan

^970Version 2.0.18^*
^292-^* Reverted creep stacking mechanism to allow for 2 stacks (3 camps total)
^717*^* The change was mistakenly patched into the retail client. We are, however,
considering such a change as part of a package of changes aimed at shifting the
focus of play away from funneling all of a team's resources into one carry.

^970Version 2.0.17^*
^970== General ==^*

^292-^* New Alternate Avatar for ^079Rampage^*: ^079Unicorn Rampage^*!

^717*^* Community Alt Avatar Contest Winner, suggested by Kalium.

^292-^* Added a Channeling Bar for heroes with channeling abilities

^292-^* Ancient creeps now have 5.5 Magic Armor
^717*^* The large Dragon is no longer Magic Immune, but has 10 Magic Armor
^292-^* Fixed shop item tooltips not showing bonuses from modifiers (e.g. hatchet,
mystic vestments)
^292-^* Changed the logic of neutral creeps to only use their abilities when there
are a number of visible enemy player controlled units instead of just enemy units
around them
^717*^* This means that they will not use their abilities on lane creeps
^292-^* Added order disjoint to creeps that ^079Ophelia^* (and ^090Whispering
Helm^*) gains control of so they dont mess with other controlled units actions
^292-^* Fixed up some of the stringtables
^292-^* Fixed an issue that could cause creeps to skip towers very occasionally
(when dragged away from the lane at strange angles)

^292-^* Can no longer be attacked from outside of his lair even with Savage Mace
^292-^* Fixed his lair to clean up the places you could attack him from outside

^970== Items ==^*

^292-^* The following items' Attack effects will no longer propagate to illusions
^717*^* ^090Icebrand^*
^717*^* ^090Frostburn^*
^717*^* ^090Shieldbreaker^*
^717*^* ^090Frostwolf's Skull^*
^717*^* ^090Nullfire Blade^*

^090Assassin's Shroud^*
^292-^* Fixed it so that it procs when other projectile-based attack modifiers
(Harkon's Blade/Arachna/Vindicator) are used

^292-^* Fixed Brutalizer so that it doesn't waste ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take Cover^*
and optimized some script

^292-^* Cleaned up some scripting

^090Frostwolf Skull^*
^292-^* Optimized scripting
^292-^* Fixed it so it won't make buildings glow blue

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292-^* Recipe cost reduced from 1200 to 800

^292-^* Optimized scripting
^292-^* Fixed it so the damage popup shows above the target, not the attacking hero
^292-^* Made it nonlethal against allied units when ^256Puppet Show'd^*

^090Homecoming Stone^*
^292-^* Optimized some scripting
^292-^* Fixed an issue where if you sold your ^090Homecoming Stone^* while
channeling, it'll leave a state that lasts until you die/next teleport is used

^090Post Haste^*
^292-^* Optimized the scripting

^090Ring of the Teacher^*

^292-^* Made its toggle not interrupt channeling
^090Savage Mace^*
^292-^* Fixed to not own ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take Cover^*

^292-^* Optimized scripting slightly

^090Void Talisman^*
^292-^* Anyone under the effect of ^090Void Talisman^* can now be attacked and all
attacks except for Magic-based ones are negated

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* ^256Deja Vu^*
^717*^* Unitwalking & shadow slow moved to regular form
^717*^* ^256Boosted Deja Vu^* will now cause Aluna to slow any units she runs
through (in addition to shadow also slowing)
^292-^* ^256Emerald Red^*
^717*^* Manacost lowered from 150 to 75/100/125
^717*^* Now uses only 1 charge on use instead of all charges
^717*^* Added 0.5 sec cd to skill

^292-^* Units hit by her stun will now animate properly after it wears off
^292-^* Made her Aura toggle not interrupt channeling and work on invulnerable

^292-^* Made her Aura toggle not interrupt channeling and work on invulnerable

^292-^* Touched up the scripting on his ^256Armordillo^*

^292-^* ^256Sawblades ^*cooldown increased from 50 to 65 seconds

^292-^* Fixed his ^256Curse of Ages ^*to work with ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take Cover^*
^292-^* Fixed enemy units play idle animation after being Stunned

^292-^* Optimized scripting slightly
^292-^* Made his ^256Vampiric Flight^* impact the main target when he is 60 units
away instead of on top of them
^717*^* This stops him being inside of someone when he has unitwalking
^292-^* His aura will now affect invulnerable allies correctly

^292-^* Optimized the scripting in his skills

^292-^* ^256Hook^* will no longer grab people on the way back

^292-^* Fixed her ^256Essence Link^* so it successfully heals someone you are
inside if they are moving quickly (Magmus stun, etc)
^292-^* Fixed the interation between ^256Reflection^* and things like ^090Harkon's
^292-^* Tweaked the scripting slightly

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292-^* Fixed his ^256Hollowpoint Shells^* to work with ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take

^292-^* Optimized his ^256Grapple^* and ^256Enfeeble^*
^292-^* Optimized his ^256Gauntlet Blast^* and fixed a spelling derp
^292-^* ^256Gauntlet Blast^* will now dispel targets before the damage is dealt

^292-^* ^256Call to Arms^* will no longer deal damage to dead (or just rezzed)
people who died under it's effects

^292-^* Made his Aura toggle not interrupt channeling

^292-^* Made his Aura toggle not interrupt channeling
^292-^* Changed Aura to a Debuff

^292-^* Fixed his ^256Splash ^*to interact with Unbreakable correctly

^292-^* ^256Charge^* bonus speed from 100/150/200/250 to 100/150/200/500
^292-^* Fixed a projectile was only for art affecting gameplay in corner cases
^292-^* Fixed ^256Taunt^* so that if enemies are taunted in fog, they will attack
^292-^* Optimized his ^256Charge^* and ^256Decapitate^*

^292-^* +1 second to the cooldown of all levels of ^256Stalk
^292-^* Fixed rare super long ^256Barrel Roll^*

^292-^* Made his Aura toggle not interrupt channeling
^292-^* Fixed a damage popup bug with Mana Rift
^717*^* Now shows the correct popup value on the target

^079Moon Queen^*
^292-^* Made her Aura toggle not interrupt channeling and working on invulnerable
^292-^* Optimized her bounce attack's scripting

^292-^* Int growth lowered from 3.2 to 2.9
^292-^* ^256Wave Form ^*range lowered from 1000 to 850

^292-^* Optimized her ^256Judgment^* and fixed the state application time to be
accurate in time length before the port
^292-^* Optimized ^256Ophelia's Touch^* tags
^292-^* Fixed enemy units play idle animation after being smashed on

^292-^* Fixed his ^256Toss^* to interact with Unbreakable correctly

^292-^* Fixed his bash from triggering ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take Cover^*

^292-^* Fixed ^256Hellfire ^*so it does the correct number of pulses
^717*^* Was doing one too few
^292-^* Range of the ^256Mummies ^*pushback/manaburn lowered from 200 to 150

^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Optimized ^256Puppet Show ^*scripting
^292-^* Optimized ^256Whiplash^*; now uses a timer instead of onframe condition

^292-^* Optimized some tags of the ^256Charge^*
^292-^* Fixed the charge to prevent it from bugging out sometimes and not pushing
the enemy
^292-^* Fixed his bash from triggering ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take Cover^*
^292-^* Optimized some tags in ^256The Chains That Bind^*

^292-^* Fixed ^256Marksman Shot^* to have a correct buffer range (was 100 too
^292-^* Optimized his stealth

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292-^* Made his Aura toggle not interrupt channeling and a Debuff

^292-^* Can no longer crit from ^256Way of the Sword^* while spinning

^292-^* ^256Chain Reaction^* stun from 2s flat to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2s
^292-^* Cleaned up ^256Torment's^* scripting

^292-^* Optimized ^256Piercing Shards^* and Call of Winter
^292-^* Made his ^256Cold Shoulder ^*not sometimes put him in a random position
relative to the enemy
^292-^* Made his ^256Avalanche^* speed faster to speed up when the push happens

^292-^* Optimized his Aura
^292-^* Made ^256Final Chapter^* go through invulnerability

^292-^* Optimized a tag in ^256Bear Root^*
^292-^* Made ^256Booboo's^* deniable percent to 10% from 50%

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292-^* Fixed a bug that caused him to gain mana even if he had none

^292-^* ^256Cyclones^* will heal the same amount (30) if they expire or are used
^292-^* Fixed ^079Zephyr^* spawning ^256Cyclones^* on enemy corpses if he kills
stuff while dead

^970Version 2.0.16^*
^292- ^*Added a new Gold Collection Alternate Avatar: ^079Legendary Valkyrie^*
^717* ^*She will be available for 14 days before being removed from the shop

^292- ^*New Legion Intelligence Hero: ^079Aluna^*

^292- ^*^079Myrmidon^* and ^079Glacius^* have defected to the Hellbourne

^292- ^*When a player views their own match stats and history, the "Back" button
will appear at the top of the screen
^292- ^*The game lobby will now display the appropriate tooltip indicating the
players MMR instead of PSR
^292- ^*Fixed Powerups not precaching in old replays
^292- ^*Fixed souls now showing on Dampeer's Alt
^292- ^*Added new account icons
^292- ^*Updated Shaders
^292- ^*Fixed some broken models
^292- ^*Fixed a messy cliff on Caldavar

^292- ^*^256Essence Link^* range from 600 to 500
^292- ^*^256Essence Link^* break range from 850 to 750
^292- ^*^256Essence Link^* Damage and Heal per second from 30/45/60/75 to

^970Version 2.0.15^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Armadon^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^090Alchemist Bones^* always starting with 1 charge
^292- ^*Fixed the End Game Match screen so it properly references Silver Coins

^292- ^*Fixed a derp that made tooltips not work at all

^970Version 2.0.14^*
== ^970Store Currency Update^* ==

^292- ^*There are now Gold and Silver Goblin Coins in the Store
^717* ^*Gold coins come from purchasing coins in the Store and on the website,
while you receive Silver coins from matchmaking. Everyone has had there current
stash of coins converted to Gold coins based on how many coins they have purchased
thus far. If you have purchased 2000 coins and you have 2100 coins, you will now
have 2000 Gold Coins and 100 Silver Coins. Similarly, if you purchased 2000 coins
and currently have 500 coins, you will now have 500 Gold Coins.
^292- ^*When purchasing items, your Silver coins will always be used first, then it
will dip into your Gold coins. There is a coin breakdown showing how many of each
type of coin will be used before you confirm your purchase.
^717* ^*Past items and their prices remain the same

^292- ^*^990^:Premium Items^*

^717* ^*^990Premium items^* can be purchased at normal price with Gold Coins or at
a premium price with Silver Coins. Gold and Silver Coins may not be combined on
^990Premium items^*
== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*Added a new Announcer Pack: The Bad Ass Pack voiced by the great Jon St
John himself
^717* ^*This is the first ^990Premium Item^*
^292- ^*Added new ^079Tempest^* Alternate Avatar: Mystic Tempest

^292- ^*If multiple heroes do damage to a player and a creep/tower gets the final
blow, it'll trigger Bloodlust with the gold being shared
^292- ^*Fixed bug where double-tapping your control group for a pet while it was
being summoned would end up having you control your hero, but have the pet selected
^292- ^*Casual mode building armor reduction should no longer wonk out if someone
^292- ^*Items bought on the Courier will no longer be credited to the owner of the
^292- ^*Added an "Off" icon for when you toggle off skills
^292- ^*Upped number of state slots by 8
^292- ^*Tweaked the appearance of the default arcade text slightly
^292- ^*Fixed the Wells so they heal invulnerable units correctly
^292- ^*Fixed the invisible rock in Caldavar bottom lane
^292- ^*Fixed the overly-large blockers in Caldavar middle lane
^292- ^*Courier spam share messages are now more restricted
^292- ^*Fixed some model and linear affector errors
^292- ^*Fixed up some animation jitters

^292- ^*Fixed up a crash while loading into a game

^292- ^*Added missing tooltip info to the "Weather Conditions" in the game options
"Interface" section
^292- ^*Added new account icons and bundles

== ^970Items^* ==

^090Alchemist Bones^*
^292- ^*Builds up to 2 charges, recharge cooldown of 100 seconds (allows you to
instantly transmute two creeps in one jungle trip)
^292- ^*Does not work on player controlled creeps
^292- ^*No longer works on runes

^090Barrier Idol^*
^292- ^*Added the missing +2 All Stats

^090Behemoth's Heart^*
^292- ^*Heart now only gives .75% of Max Health in regen along with the Strength
and Health, regardless of primary attribute

^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*Is now disassembleable
^292- ^*Fixed the issue with only one person getting Health back instead of several

^292- ^*Renamed to Bottle of Tears for now =]

^090Daemonic Breastplate^*
^292- ^*No longer will place it's aura on gadgets

^090Dancing Blade^*
^292- ^*Price lowered from 3300 to 3000 Gold
^090Dust of Revelation^*
^292- ^*No longer has a maximum stack of 2

^090Frostfield Plate^*
^292- ^*Blast now spreads twice as fast
^292- ^*Gives a lingering 2 seconds of clearvision on use

^090Frostwolf Skull^*
^292- ^*Fixed ability projectiles applying the slow

^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^292- ^*Added an additional +50% Mana regeneration for the bearer

^090Nullfire Blade^*
^292- ^*On upgrade, adds 8 charges instead of replacing unused charges (still can
only be upgraded once)

^090Pickled Brain^*
^292- ^*Price lowered from 1000 to 900 gold

^090Post Haste^*
^292- ^*Movespeed increased from 95 to 105
^292- ^*On teleport completion, gives you an additional +200 Movespeed buff for 5
^717* ^*Movement speed buff breaks on entering combat

^090Savage Mace^*
^292- ^*Fixed so it's bonus damage is not lethal to allies
^292- ^*Fixed the popup so it is properly over the target
^292- ^*Fixed the mini-stun so it won't own Bubbles

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292- ^*^256 Fire Shield^* cast range increased from 450 to 700

^292- ^*^256 Spider Sting^* Spiderling health increased from 3 to 4
^292- ^*^256 Webbed Shot^* now deals 4/8/12/16 Magic Damage per second to the
target for its duration

^292- ^*^256 Quill Spray^* mana cost from 35 to 30

^292- ^*^256 Demonic Pathogen^* can now be clicked again to immediately spread
silence, but the original target becomes unsilenced
^292- ^*Exploding Minions from ^256 Hell on Newerth^* will now explode when they
expire naturally

^292- ^*^256 Fireball^* cooldown reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
^292- ^*^256 Flaming Hammer^* projectile speed from 950 to 1200
^292- ^*^256 Chaotic Flames^* previously reduced ^256 Fireball^* cooldown by 3/6/9
seconds. Now, reduces ^256 Fireball^* cooldown by 2/4/6 seconds
^717* ^*^256 Fireball^* cooldown at level 16 remains the same as previously. That
is, 6 seconds.
^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*Movespeed from 290 to 300
^292- ^*Agility gain per level from 2.5 to 2.8

^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Bloodthirst^* so it doesn't reset on death

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*^256 Arcane Hide^* removed and replaced with ^256 Unbreakable^*
^292- ^*^256 Unbreakable^*: Target allied hero is affected with Unbreakable (state)
for 6 seconds. Affected hero gains 15/30/45/60 Attack Damage and if he receives
fatal damage while affected by ^256 Unbreakable^*, he does not die and is instead
restored to 150/250/350/450 health
^717* ^*^256 Unbreakable^* is dispelled when it prevents the target's death

^292- ^*Fixed so she does not draw on the map while using ^256 As One^*
^292- ^*Fixed her ^256 Essence Link^* when she is inside of someone so it links
^292- ^*Fixed her ^256 Essence Link^* so it breaks if the target goes invulnerable
^292- ^*^079Empath^* should now correctly get assists if her target of As One gets
a kill or assist

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*Fixed his Alternate Avatar ^256 Hollowpoint^* noise

^292- ^*^256 Brute Strength^* can no longer be removed early

^292- ^*Movement Speed from 300 to 310
^292- ^*Cast times on ^256 Inner Light^*, ^256 Protective Charm^*, and ^256 Sol's
Blessing^* all improved to 700 cast time and 300 cast action time
^292- ^*Any hero under the affect of ^256 Protective Charm^* that earns a kill
grants Jeraziah an assist
^292- ^*Any hero under the affect of ^256 Sol's Blessing^* that earns a kill grants
Jeraziah an assist

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Tree Sight^* so they don't disappear if more than one person
crowds around them

^292- ^*^256 Terrifying Charge^* Movement Speed bonus from 60/100/140/500 to
^292- ^*^256 Terrifying Charge^* now gives ^079Legionnaire^* 0/2/4/6 Armor and
Magic Armor while he is charging
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Legionnaire^* attacking correctly after ^256 Terrifying Charge^*
^292- ^*Whirling Blade modified to function as such: If ^079Legionnaire^* is struck
once, a counter is added to the ability. If the counter reaches 12 (On taking the
12th attack), Legionnaire spins, and the counter is reset
^717* ^*If ^079Legionnaire^* spins due to the 17% proc chance, the counter is reset
^717* ^*If ^079Legionnaire^* leaves combat for five seconds, the counter is reset

^292- ^*Base Strength increased from 17 to 18
^292- ^*^256 Void^* can now only be cast on units with mana to avoid misclicks
^292- ^*Base armor increased from 0.66 to 1.76
^292- ^*^256 Volcanic Touch^* no longer considered an Attack Modifier
^292- ^*^256 Volcanic Touch^* is now toggleable

^292- ^*Damage inflicted to self changed from True Damage to Magic Damage
^292- ^*Fixed him always playing the heal sword sound in his ranged form

^292- ^*^256 More Axes^* damage from 60/80/100/120 to 30/40/50/60 + (3/4/5/6)% of
target's max health

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*^079Night Hound^* is able to be attacked by towers and creeps while in his
^256 Smoke Bomb^*, and ^079Pollywog^*/^079Slither^* wards may attack while in ^256
Smoke Bomb^*
^292- ^*^079Night Hound^* may attack towers in his own ^256 Smoke Bomb^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^079Night Hound^*'s ^256 Smoke Bomb^* from being selectable and drawn
on the map

^292- ^*^256 Command^* now uses a charge system, max of 1/1/2/3 charges. Charges
gained every 30s.
^292- ^*^256 Command^* now also increases movement speed of creeps by 0/15/30/45
^292- ^*^256 Ophelia's Judgment^* normalized to 75/150/225/300 Magic damage
^717* ^*Cooldown lowered from 30s to 16s

^292- ^*Missing ^256 Cannon Ball^* will no longer slow ^079Pandamonium^*
^292- ^*Fixed him being able to turn during ^256 Flurry^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Wall of Mummies^* from grabbing people and then pushing them
with the burn
^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Wall of Mummies^* so that someone charging through it did not
burn all of the mummy 'charges' in one go

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Movement Speed from 305 to 320

^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Carnivorous^* propagating to illusions

^079Puppet Master^*
^292- ^*Agility gain per level from 1.5 to 2.0
^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Voodoo Puppet^* so it gives assists to anyone who hits it

^292- ^*Base Damage from 37-55 to 43-49
^717* ^*Same average value
^292- ^*^256 Phoenix Wave^* damage increased from 100/170/230/280 to

^292- ^*Attack action time improved from 600 ms to 450 ms
^292- ^*^256 Stampede^* range increased from 9001 to global
^292- ^*At 4+ charges ^256 Stampede^*, ^079Rampage^* is now Magic Immune instead of
having Slow Resistance
^717* ^*The Magic Immunity does not linger past the impact point

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256 Desert's Curse^* linger time lowered from 7 seconds to 3 seconds
^292- ^*^256 Dissipate^* range reduced from 1000 to 700 AoE
^292- ^*^256 Dissipate^* damage reduction and damage return lowered from
5/10/15/20% to 4/8/12/16%

^292- ^*Fixed a bug where he would lose his attack speed if he canceled an attack
without coming out of stealth
^292- ^*^256 Marksman Shot^* is no longer canceled if vision of the target is lost

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Base Strength from 16 to 18
^292- ^*Strength gain per level from 1.7 to 2.0

^292- ^*^256 Heartache^* cast range increased from 600 to 625
^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Mesmerize^* so it properly puts things like ^090Portal Key^* on
^292- ^*^256 Smitten^* mana cost changed to scale from flat 125 to 95/105/115/125
^292- ^*Attack Range from 400 to 500

^292- ^*Fixed duplicated Elementals having full lifetime

^292- ^*^256 Chain Reaction^* and ^256 Agonizing Bonds^* cast action times (the
portion that may NOT be animation canceled) both reduced to 500 ms from 700 ms
^292- ^*^256 Torment^* radius changed from 300/350/400 to a static 400
^292- ^*^256 Chain Reaction^* stun duration changed from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to
static 2 seconds

^292- ^*Fixed a bug with ^256 Cold Shoulder^* that made him run in place like a

^292- ^*^256 Hellhounds^*' attack damage normalized
^292- ^*^256 Metamorphosis^* duration changed from 14/15/16 seconds to static 16

^292- ^*^256 Summon Booboo^* cooldown reduced from 180/160/140/120 seconds to
static 120 seconds
^292- ^*Booboo leash range increased from 925 to 1050
^292- ^*^256 Battle Cry^* hotkey changed from D to E

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Power Drain^* so it doesn't waste 10 Mana if used incorrectly

^292- ^*Fixed ^256 Gust^*'s Stun so it doesn't own Bubbles
^292- ^*^256 Cyclones^* now do 75% damage to neutrals and creeps, increased from
^292- ^*^256 Cyclones^* will now teleport with ^079Zephyr^* correctly
^292- ^*Sped up the movespeed of the ^256 Cyclones^* so they keep up when he is
just running around
^292-^* Fixed Grim Reaper death
^292-^* Fixed some missing UI textures

^292-^* Fixes a cursor issue

^970Version 2.0.13^*
^292-^* New Monitor game feature
^717*^* Right click a friend or clanmate who is ingame to Monitor them, getting
basic stats that update every minute

^292-^* Casual mode changes

^717*^* Decrease creep bounty to Normal Mode values
^717*^* Double hero bounty

^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar for Soul Reaper, the Grim Reaper
^292-^* There are now keybinds in the options menu to level up each of your skills
^717*^* Default bound to ALT+Z, ALT+X, ALT+C, ALT+V, and ALT+O for abilities and
^292-^* Fixed a bug where mousing over the minimap would sometimes turn the cursor
into a targeting cursor
^292-^* Fixed bugs with many of the models in the game. Results in a small
performance increase

^292-^* Predasaurs no longer have evasion, now have additional Armor

^292-^* Vagabond Assasins will not longer automatically purge nearby players
^292-^* Sporespitter no longer has +15 free damage per attack
^292-^* Antlore Healers will no longer heal themselves

^292-^* ^079Empath^*
^717*^* Range on ^256Wall^* changed to 800

^970Version 2.0.12^*
^292-^* Fixed an issue causing ^079Myrmidon's^* ^256Weed Field^* and
^079Behemoth's^* ^256Fissure^* to hit units in a wider area than they should have
^292-^* ^079Empath's^* ^256Essence Link^* will now display its beam properly
through the fog of war
^717*^* Note, Empath will not be able to see the beam if her target is in the fog.
The target will, however, be able to see the beam if Empath is in the fog
^292-^* If the target dies prematurely, ^079Empath's^* ^256Essence Link^* will no
longer continue to give health to the host of her As One With Empath skill
^292-^* ^079Empath^* can no longer target allied illusions with her ^256As One^*

^970Version 2.0.11^*
^292-^* Added a new Intelligence hero: ^079Empath^*
^717*^* Empath has an Alternate Avatar, the ^079Mage Empath^*

^292-^* Towers have had their damage normalized to have no damage range, dealing
the average value all the time
^292-^* Barracks, when they die, will award the killing team with 100 gold for each
player. Last hitter gets no bonus gold. Applies to Casual Mode, but 150 gold per
^292-^* Added cast-range indicator support
^717*^* When casting an AoE spell, the AoE will be colored green if you are
targeting within range of your hero, yellow if you are out of range, or red if you
are trying to target an invalid location
^717*^* When casting a direct target spell, the cursor will turn yellow if you are
attempting to cast on a valid target that's out of range. Green and red still
represent ally or enemy casts, that part is unchanged
^292-^* ^079Gauntlet^* can now double-activate his hookfist and it will go in the
direction he is facing and pull anyone hit back to right infront of himself
^292-^* Debuffs that are flagged for giving assists will now award an assist if
they were actively on a target within 20 seconds of it dying (similar to how assist
damage works)
^717*^* Non-damaging abilities such as ^079Voodoo Jester's^* stun will give assists
correctly now
^292-^* Beardulon has been renamed to Booboo
^292-^* Fixed ^079Swiftblade's^* stringtables

^292-^* Fixed a bug that would sometimes allow players to change their vote after
^292-^* Fixed the scoreboard sometimes showing incorrect info when a player is
^292-^* Added new account icons, including 8-Bit Heroes by the community's Aviseras

^970Version 2.0.10^*
^292-^* Fixed Panda Flick and Legionnaire Charge

^970Version 2.0.9^*
== ^970General^* ==

^292-^* This patch has brought the first Gold Collection Avatar, ^079Sachi
Swiftblade^*. She will only be available for purchase until Friday, February 4th at
12 PM EST, so act swiftly to be one of the lucky few to own her!
^717* ^*Gold Collection items are only available for a limited time

^292-^* Tweaked the ramps near Kongor on Caldavar to be much wider

^292-^* Casual Mode games now automatically start with a courier for each team
^292-^* Outpost no longer has ^090SnakeBracelet^* or ^090MajorTotem^* in it, now
has an ^090ApprenticesRobe^*

Shop improvements
^292-^* The green border around a component now takes into account your stash.
^292-^* An orange border will be displayed around a component if you own it, but
it's not in the selected unit's inventory. It will not show up if it's in anyone
else's stash, if you can't see it, or if it's held by an enemy.
^292- ^*"Buy All Components" is now "Buy Remaining", which will purchase only the
items without a green or orange border. It'll also buy items going left to right,
depth-first, so it can still buy some components even if you can't afford all.
^292-^* You can now buy while dead and then sell those items back while still dead
^292-^* Added a new icon over the item when it's still in the grace period for 100%
sell-back value

^292-^* Fixed Courier purchase messages showing the wrong player as buying them
^292-^* Added more account icons
^292-^* A courier will no longer automatically transfer wards to you, unless you
bought the wards
^292-^* Stunned units can no longer use the Grimm Teleporters
^292-^* You can now earn smackdowns/humiliations if a player-owned unit gets the
killing blow. These kills are now also counted for nemesis/paybacks
^292-^* Fixed the timer for votes showing the wrong amount of time remaining. It
wasn't taking into account time spent paused
^292- ^*You can no longer concede once the enemy team has conceded

^292-^* Fixed the available avatars icon from incorrectly showing if a player does
not have access or the ability to purchase any of the avatars for that hero
^292-^* Added GetGameTime and GetTotalTime console commands
^292-^* Font loading and memory optimizations
^717*^* Fonts load about twice as fast now and use about half the memory
^292-^* When a user joins the queue and a match has not been established in their
MMR bracket/game type/map, the average wait time will display as "??? seconds"
instead of "0 seconds"

== ^970Items^* ==

^090Blood Chalice^*
^292-^* Now takes a ^090Scarab^* instead of a ^090Trinket Of Restoration^*
^717*^* No longer gives +2 Health Regeneration
^717*^* Does not give any Mana Regeneration passively

^292-^* Now gives +51 damage instead of +50 as it is a correct sum of its parts

^292-^* The spell-block component no longer propagates to Illusions

^292-^* Fixed the manaburn to correctly do Magic damage instead of True

^090Sacrificial Stone^*
^292-^* Added +10 damage (from ^090Sustainer^*)
^292-^* Fixed a bug where you could put the stone on a non-hero unit and it
wouldn't lose charges
^292-^* Fixed it so that the wielder must be a hero in order to get charges added
to it.

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292-^* Fixed an anomaly with ^090Nullstone^* and ^256Boom Dust^* allowing
^079Bombardier^* to use ^256Boom Dust^* when he has 0 charges
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Sticky Bomb^* from showing a stun visual when it explodes with 0
charges on it.

^292-^* Fixed ^256Time Freeze^* so that the damage won't be lethal to allied units

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292-^* Optimized ^256Corrupted Conduit^*

^292-^* Fixed Dampeer's Aura dispeling Sage's Lore
^292-^* Fixed his Aura to toggle correctly
^292-^* Should no longer lose his souls if he dies with Token of Life active
^292-^* Cadaver Armor will now gain charges equal to the strength gained

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292-^* Fixed Ultimate so that it always plays the sound when it should
^717*^* Fixes an issue where the "Headshot" would play even if the target did not
^292-^* Fixed alternate avatar from saying gibberish each time he procs his
^256Hollowpoint Shells^*
^292-^* Fixed his ^256Hollowpoint Shells^* from killing allied heroes

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292-^* Fixed Forsaken Archers' skeletons not attacking your target if you issue an
attack order from far away & decide to activate skeletons early on
^292-^* Fixed Forsaken Archer's skeleton timer from displaying wrong time values
when you summon a bunch of skeletons by toggling quickly

^292- ^*^256Infernal Instability^* is no longer dispellable

^292-^* Added disjoint to ^256Showdown^* upon returning the target
^292-^* Fixed ^256Pitfall^* sound effect glitches
^292-^* Made the state that deals damage to you after the ult visible so you know
what is hitting you

^292-^* Fixed units on edge of fog canceling Charge (again)
^292-^* Fixed Terrifying Charge so it can be blocked by ^079Moraxus^*
^292- ^*Decapitate cast effect type changed from Physical to SuperiorMagic
^717*^* This means it can now be cast on Physical Immune as well as Magic Immune

^292-^* Resized his alt avatar
^292-^* Fixed his charge so it will no longer dispel other stuns on the enemies
^292-^* Fixed his Ultimate effect playing 1 second too long

^292-^* Fixed his sword stance not playing his idle animation when you go back to
regular sword stance
^292-^* Fixed Maliken's colors when using sword modes

^292- ^*Fixing his carp from proccing events like ^079Corrupted Disciple's^* static
field more than once

^292-^* Fixed ^256Flick^* to not work on invulnerable units
^717*^* Also fixed ^256Flick^* to properly trigger ^079Moraxus'^* Arcane Shield

^292-^* Fixed the ult being able to hit a unit behind him when he casts it
^292- ^*Tweaked how the ult works with SOTM. Added a new fifth ability to swap
between the versions

^292-^* Fixed ^256Venomous Leap^* so you can correctly disjoint it
^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Properly fixed ^256Mirage^* so there won't be a cooldown on Manifest right
after you cast Mirage
^292-^* Implemented a visual timer on ^256Mirage^* to let Sand Wraith users know
how long Manifest is going to be available

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292-^* Fixed Ultimate so that it always plays the sound when it should
^717*^* Fixes an issue where the sound would play even if the target did not die

^292-^* No longer gains souls from killing gadgets

^292-^* Fixed ^256Mesmerize^* so the first damage tick happens correctly

^292-^* Fixed building attack and building destroyed announcer messages

^970Version 2.0.8^*
^292-^* Units in the fog of war will no longer block pathing
^717*^* This means that if you are clicking to move through a juke spot and an
enemy is in the fog, blocking that path, your hero will still attempt to follow
that path until you see the enemy hero, rather than run around the long way
^717*^* This includes stuff like fissure or other movement blocking gadgets

^292-^* New Kraken alternate avatar: ^079Crustacean Kraken^*

^292-^* Added new account icons
^292-^* Moved the concede and pause options slightly
^292-^* Added a confirmation box when you call a concede vote
^292-^* Removed snow from Caldavar

^292-^* Players can now right click the "Auto-Connect" checkbox to remove all chat
rooms from their auto join list
^717*^* Doing so will also leave each auto join channel they are currently in
^292-^* Fixed the UI acting like spectators could vote on remaking
^292-^* Fixed spectators being able to vote on kick votes
^292-^* Each team now has a 5 second cooldown between any vote call
^292-^* Any global votes fail immediately if enough people vote no
^292-^* Players will now automatically be placed in a group channel when they do
team matchmaking
^292-^* When a player joins a group the group channel will automatically have
channel focus
^292-^* Fixed the editor deleting the /resources/ folder inside of a map archive
when you save
^292-^* Fixed a crash after playing 2+ games in a row
^292-^* Fixed a crash within the hero compendium

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292-^* Recipe cost increased from 500 to 1200
^292-^* Now "Order Disjoints" when used
^717*^* This means someone who queues up a spell or attack on the user has that
order canceled when it is used

^292-^* ^256Boom dust^* ranged decreased from 600 to 500
^292-^* ^256Boom dust^* damage scaling from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100
^292-^* ^256Terrorize^* cooldown increased from 8s to 10s
^292-^* ^256Vampiric Flight^* cooldown increased from 20/16/12/8 to 22/18/14/10

^292-^* ^256Lightning Rod^* area of effect reduced from 1000 to 800

^292-^* Vision on wards reduced from 1400 to 300

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292-^* Base damage decreased from 51-61 to 46-56

^292-^* ^256Gust^* now has a 0.1 second ministun

^970Version 2.0.7^*
^292-^* Fixed AFK kick vote
^292-^* Kick votes now have the proper cooldown
^292-^* Fixed the yellow 'time left' bar over all other units appearing

^292-^* Fixed a minor exploit with the RAP form

^292-^* Fixed Reconnection issues
^717*^* Reconnection was not always working, this fix should get it off the

- Fixed Helga Hammerstorm icon

^970Version 2.0.6^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar for Gladiator: Adventure Gladiator
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar for Hammerstorm: Helga Hammerstorm

^292-^* Based on player feedback and data from the last month of matches
significant improvements to the MM algorithm have been made which should result in
matches being much more balanced
^292-^* Groups waiting more than a few minutes in the queue should now find
themselves being placed into a fair match much sooner than previously
^717*^* This also includes groups with very high or very low MMR that were having
to wait much longer than the average queue times

^292-^* Added more icons and another bundle

^292-^* Vote kick has been re-added to the game
^717*^* A kick vote against someone can only be called once every 3 minutes
^292-^* Concede now only requires 4/5 "Yes" votes after 30 minutes instead of
normal 5/5
^292-^* Fixed a bunch of console errors
^292-^* Fixed an issue on the hero selection screen for the Hellbourne team
^717*^* Part of the UI was overlapping the hero selected circle and causing issues
^292-^* Can now click store item icons to view bundle/avatar/announcer preview
^292-^* Add Romanian language to system bar language selection combobox
^292-^* Tweak to progression interface to display 4-digit cumulative stats
^292-^* Added a "Back" button [back to player stats] for match stats panel when
clicking to view another player's stats for a particular match
^292-^* Fixed the AFK kick vote to indicate that it is team only

^292-^* Items in the shop now show their total cost by default
^717*^* To see just the recipe cost, hold down control with the shop open
^292-^* ^090Wards^* now have a 'Timer' bar above them that shows how much time is
left at a glance
^292-^* Fixed a bug where ^090Striders^* could get charges while on cooldown

^292-^* Re-recorded ^079Gladiator's^* voice

^970Version 2.0.5^*
^292-^* Added new Alt Avatar for Arachna, "Queen Arachna"
^292-^* Added new Flags, Icons, and Bundles
^292-^* Fixed up Chipper recommended items
^292-^* "Ownage" now only plays on the fifth team kill streak, not all kills five
or greater

^292-^* Fixed weather effects stopping when joining a new game

^292-^* Fixed Alt Avatars being selected during hero loading
^292-^* Fixed a crash when someone selected an invalid Alt Avatar
^292-^* The Wards stat is now Wards Places instead of Wards Bought

^292-^* Now begins to lose charges (and consequently, speed) when you are within
900 units of a visible enemy hero
^717*^* The max number of charges is lowered by 1 for every 100 units closer you
are to an enemy hero

^292-^* Fixed some abilities playing through fog
^292-^* No longer invulnerable when charging at someone

^292-^* Fixed the no damage charge bug

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292-^* Stealth is now removed when the attack completes, not when it starts

^292-^* Fixed the chest present box
^292-^* Merry Christmas! :)

^292-^* Fixed an issue with recent matches in the stats page

^970Version 2.0.4^*
^292-^* Added a new Hero, ^079Dampeer^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar for ^079Dampeer^* in the store: ^079Vacation
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar for ^079Flint Beastwood^* in the store: ^079Captain

^292-^* Added new account icons to the Store

^292-^* Added more flags upon request to the store
^292-^* Added new Icons for the minimap

^292-^* Added a new "Terror" overhead icon for When you are feared
^292-^* Improved feedback in Matchmaking for leavers
^717*^* This now tells you how many games you need to play to be a non-leaver
^292-^* Romanian string table update
^292-^* Fixed crash if you used the mousewheel over a playerlist in a chat channel
without clicking, and then hit Up
^292-^* Fixed a drawSelectedPath crash
^292-^* Fixed any attempts to auto-follow into matchmaking games
^292-^* Fix to prevent alt avatars from being selected during hero loading
^292-^* Fixed Neutrals aggro and added a ZZz effect over their heads when they are

^292-^* Added ^090Spellshards^* as recommended items to some heroes

^292-^* Fixed ^090Geometer's Bane^* to correctly remove the "Attack this hero!"
indicator when used

^292-^* Fixed ^079Maliken's^* weird textures with sword mode on

^292-^* Fixed ^079Legionnaire's^* ^256Charge^* so it doesn't cancel when you use it
on someone on the edge of fog
^292-^* Fixed ^079Rampage's^* ^256Charge^* so it doesn't cancel when you use it on
someone on the edge of fog
^292-^* Fixed ^079Night Hound's^* ^256Pounce^* so it always does the bonus damage
^292-^* Fixed up the weird interactions with ^079Pharaoh^* mummy and other heroes.
You could get pushed and pulled from weird angles and this fixes that
^717*^* Also makes the circle around him of mummies slightly more circular
^292-^* Fixed ^079Bubbles'^* and ^079Gladiator's^* abilities with timers so they
reset to 0 correctly if you use the ability early
^292-^* Fixed ^079Soul Reaper's^* ^256Judgment^*, it was hitting siege units before

^970Version 2.0.3^*
^292-^* Added more Winter/Christmas stuff, including a new courier and three free
new Alt Avatars in the store!

^292-^* Maliken, Keeper of the Forest, and Deadwood now have alt avatars in the
store that cost 0 coins. Merry Christmas!
^292-^* Fixed some matchmaking bugs
^292-^* Fixed some UI bugs with the minimap and RAP
^717*^* This should fix the FPS issues players have been having
^292-^* Added some new icons and country flags that were missing
^292-^* Fixed gold report's GPM calculations (this the popup you get when you hover
over your gold)
^292-^* Fixed Ophelia's targeting with Judgment
^292-^* Fixed Nymphora and her ultimate on Grimm's
^292-^* Fixed a few spots on Caldavar you could get perma stuck
^292-^* Fixed Pollywog's alt shooting lightning from the wrong hand

^970Version 2.0.2^*
^292-^* Fixing up a music track
^292-^* Tweaked and fixed some UI issues

^970Version 2.0.1^*
^292-^* Winter Maliken and Kongor!
^292-^* Added snow and snow trees to Caldavar for Christmas
^292-^* Editor Load Map division by 0 fix
^292-^* Fixing Night Hound's Alt Avatar display name in the Vault
^292-^* Nemesis/Payback now only count on direct kills, not assists
^292-^* Hooked up "mystery hero" icon for blind picking in SD
^292-^* Fixed music streaming when there is a Unicode character in the path
^292-^* Fixed interaction with the alt-clicking buildings/heroes and Attack-Moving
and other actions
^292-^* Updated weather effects
^292-^* Updated several effects and sounds

^292-^* Can no longer teleport herself back to base like lawls

^292-^* Wards will no longer be able to hovered over on the minimap

^292-^* Fixed public games list being empty
^292-^* Cleaned up the 'First Time Purchase' window to clearly show the bonus
^292-^* "/weather rain" should now always start the rain effect
^292-^* After a match starts, the game music starts playing immediately after hero
^292-^* Remove the "Voting/etc has moved" box when you hit F6
^292-^* Fixing Blacksmith's Account Icon name
^292-^* Fix for the unexpected interaction between pathing and holding Alt

These changes were in 2.0.0, just were not in the changelog:

^292-^* Base strength increased from 17 to 20
^292-^* Master's Incantation cooldown from 3/2/1/0 to 2/1/0/0

^970Version 2.0.0^*
== ^970Team Matchmaking^* ==

^292-^* Find matches faster! Boasting arranged-team or solo play, this innovative
and intuitive feature increases the efficiency of game creation by automatically
gathering player statistics from a variety of group sizes, formulating teams, then
matching those teams in as fair a manner as possible. With the ability to customize
game mode, region, and map preferences, as well as group up with players on or off
your friends list, the new Matchmaking will not only make it much faster to find a
game of HoN, but also maximize the fairness and quality of the match.
^292-^* Playing Matchmaking rewards you with valuable Goblin Coins! Check out the
new end-game scorescreen function after a Matchmaking game.
^292-^* Matchmaking will be disabled initially, we'll enable it when we're ready to
begin public testing on it this week. Once enabled, expect it to have cycles of
going up and down as we gather data, iterate, improve the algorithms, and fix any

== ^970Cosmetic Store^* ==

^292-^* With goblin coin currency, which can be earned or bought, players can
purchase in-game brag-worthy cosmetic upgrades. The micro-transaction based store,
controlled by Merrick the goblin shopkeeper, lets players customize their
experience without affecting game play or allowing the purchases to change the
level of competition.

^292-^* Cosmetic upgrades include:

^717*^* Alternate hero avatars
^717*^* Taunt
^717*^* Account icons
^717*^* Alternate announcer packs
^717*^* Name color options.
^717*^* Account Symbols

== ^970New 3v3 Map: Grimm's Crossing^* ==

^292-^* A new action-packed and exciting map that includes a two-way teleporter in
the middle area, allowing for more innovative fighting strategies and tactics.
Grimm's Crossing is a battlefield for the bloodthirsty. The terrain favors the
cunning and aggressive, as hidden paths within the trees can provide a quick way to
rout unsuspecting enemies. There is precious little territory to be contested over;
battles are won and lost at frantic paces, often beginning and ending unexpectedly.

^292-^* Features of the new map:

^717*^* 2 lanes that are very close together
^717*^* Only one set of towers outside of each base
^717*^* Small, tightly packed map
^717*^* Neutral creeps spawn only in the middle section of the map
^717*^* No elevation at entrances into bases
^717*^* 1 rune spawn location in the center
^717*^* Towers' armor scales with number of players alive; Buildings have 100% of
armor when all are alive, scaling to 0 armor when your entire team is dead. This is
active if with both Casual and Normal mode on this map.
^717*^* Twin teleporters for quick transit and fun surprises
^717*^* It's a winter wonderland! Try the snow weather on this map!

== ^970New Game Mode: Casual Mode^* ==

^292-^* This entirely new mode of play will provide new HoN players and casual
gamers with a more "fun," less punishing way to learn and play HoN. Elements in
Casual Mode speed up progression and increase rewards in ways that remain true to
the game's core identity, delivering a version that can be embraced by new and
veteran players alike.

^292-^* Changes from Normal Mode to Casual Mode are as follows

^717*^* Exp range from 1000 to 1300
^717*^* Removed gold loss on death
^717*^* Increased hero bounty
^717*^*^717*^* Hero base gold bounty: from 200 to 300
^717*^*^717*^* Hero gold bounty per level: from 5 to 10
^717*^* First blood bonus: from 200 to 300
^717*^* Gold bounty per streak: from 50 to 75
^717*^* Hero assist gold totals 50% of kill amount, split between all assisters
^717*^* Radius assist gold base: from 30 to 0
^717*^* Radius assist gold per level: from 5 to 0
^717*^* Respawn time per level from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
^717*^* Denies no longer deny experience
^717*^* Uphill miss chance removed
^717*^* Creeps give 1.25x of average normal mode value, no gold fluctuation
^717*^* Buildings give 1.5x of average normal mode value, no gold fluctuation
^717*^* Towers give global experience when killed, even to dead people, (by tower
level): 150,200,250,300
^717*^* Tower last hit gold bounty: from 470,520,570,620 to 300,350,400,450
^717*^* Tower Team gold bounty: from 200,240,280,320 to 300,350,400,450
^717*^* The amount of experience required to reach the next level increases as the
game goes on. This means that at the beginning, players level up a lot faster than
in Normal Mode, but in the mid and late game they level up at about the same rate
as in Normal Mode.
^717*^* Buyback costs are at 1.75x normal mode values
^717*^* Towers' armor scales with number of players alive; Buildings have 100% of
armor when all are alive, scaling to 0 armor when your entire team is dead.

== ^970New Interface Features^* ==

^292-^* We have revamped the in-game interface to be more dynamic, informative, and

^292-^* Enhancements include:

^717*^* Advanced mini-map interaction. Try hovering over heroes, buildings, or
^717*^* Pull down tabs in the upper right for intuitive access to vote functions
and game options
^717*^* Graphic kill messages for feedback when you net a kill in the upper left.
^717*^* A gold counter to see the breakdown of your gold earnings from different
sources. Hover your mouse over your gold count to see the exact breakdown!
^717*^* Experience range indicators to mark enemies within the experience gain
range. You will notice a small purple diamond next a creep's health bar when you
are in range and a purple diamond effect will play when they die if you got
^717*^* Context-sensitive pings to highlight the object and send out alert messages
to allies. Try Alt+Clicking an ally, enemy, or building.
^717*^* A hover-over inventory to allow for quicker inventory feedback on allies
and enemies. Hover over an enemy to quickly see their inventory.

== ^970BETA Map Editor^* ==

^292-^* With the exact same tool that we used to make HoN, users can now create and
edit maps for enhanced single-player experiences. Users who are inspired to create
multi-player maps can submit their map designs to the HoN DREAM website for
potential inclusion in HoN. Also, in conjunction with scripting manipulation,
players can create their own custom modes.
^292-^* This is still a BETA version of the Map Editor, and as such still has
features to be added, polish to be done, and bugs to be fixed. Keep this in mind!
^292-^* To open the editor, use the editor.bat file in your HoN directory or re-
install the game and it will automatically add a shortcut to your start menu as

== ^970Weather Effects^* ==

^292- ^*A storm has arrived on Newerth with HoN 2.0 and it shows! Change the
weather of the map you are in at any time through the Options menu and feel free to
sing in the rain.
^292-^* Players can set their preferred weather effect in the interface options or
with a chat command. Right now we support "Rain" and "Snow". The default is "Off".

^292-^* Chat commands are as follows:

^717*^* /weather
^717*^* /weather None
^717*^* /weather Rain
^717*^* /weather Snow

^292-^* We included a text file with instructions on how to make your own weather
effects in the HoN directory

== ^970New Item: Spellshards^* ==

^292-^* It's time for the magic users of Newerth to show their true power! With
Spellshards, they can pierce the defenses of the enemy and burn them to a crisp
that much faster.
^292-^* The wielder's spells ignore a portion of their enemy's magic armor, causing
increased magic damage.
^292-^* After obtaining this item, the recipe may be re-purchased to upgrade it.
Can be upgraded two additional times.
^292-^* Components: Great Arcana (1675) + Recipe (1000)

^292-^* Stats:
^717*^* 6 Intelligence
^717*^* 17 Damage
^717*^* 10 Attack Speed
^717*^* 3/6/9% Cooldown Reduction
^717*^* 75% Mana Regeneration
^717*^* Causes any Magic damage you deal to ignore 2/4/6 of your target's Magic
Armor. This effect can never cause their magic armor to go below 0.

^292-^*[I] Note: The item "Trophy Belt" did not make it into this patch.[/I]

== ^970Nemesis and Payback^* ==

^292-^* Beat down an opponent hard enough and you will become their Nemesis! Be
careful, though, for payback is sweet revenge.
^292-^* A 'Nemesis' against an opponent is gained when you kill them 4 times in a
row without them killing or assisting in a kill against you.
^292-^* A 'Payback' is given when you kill or help kill your Nemesis.

== ^970New Music^* ==

^292-^* Newerth's citizens, every now and then, take the time away from the
battlefield to learn new musical scores. They have brought us six new songs to
encourage us in battle!

^292-^* New songs:

^717*^* The Missing Rune
^717*^* Hope
^717*^* From The Depths They Rose
^717*^* The Chase
^717*^* Overrun Lane
^717*^* Kongor's Lair

^292-^* Each map now has a custom music soundtrack that plays songs in a pre-
determined order.

^292-^* In addition, several music related bugs were fixed:

^717*^* Fixed music looping
^717*^* Fixed playlist looping
^717*^* Fixed music fade-out/fade-in
^717*^* When a music track is stopped, it defaults to fading out
^717*^* Music is now streamed rather than loaded upfront. This fixes an issue where
lower-end computers would randomly hitch when the music switched.
^717*^* When a music track ends, its memory is now freed

== ^970Other Features^* ==

^292-^* BP bans increased from 3 to 4

^292-^* Single draft now has blind pick, meaning you won't see the other team's
hero picks during hero selection
^292-^* Banning draft will now switch bans immediately
^292-^* Mid-bar completely redone for HoN 2.0
^292-^* Streak stats are no longer recorded for public games
^292- ^*Fixes for Caldavar so the creeps won't start in tower range in bottom lane
and the middle lane will be more even

== ^970General^* ==

^292-^* Fixed GPM calculations. Gold that wasn't counted in GPM before:
^717*^* Passive
^717*^* First blood bounty
^717*^* Assists
^717*^* Radius bounty
^717*^* Was counting how much a player should have lost on death, rather than what
he actually lost if he didn't have enough gold

^292-^* Fixed a spot you can hit Kongor from outside of his pit
^292-^* You can now also "buy all components" for items without components and
it'll just buy the individual item.
^292-^* Swapping the minimap to right side now also swaps the location of attack
^292-^* Added sounds to the pause/unpause countdown
^292-^* You can no longer transfer items from your stash onto units that can't
carry items
^292-^* Toggling mute on a player no longer /ignores them
^292-^* Tweaked effects, voices, and animations of several heroes
^292-^* A code tweak that will increase load time for computers with limited amount
of virtual memory, but should help alleviate crashes due to running out of virtual
memory (32 bit Vista and 7)
^292-^* Gold will now max at 65535 instead of looping back to 0
^292-^* Sped up ^090Frostwolf Skull^* projectile to 1500 (medium speed based on
high and low ranges)

^292-^* Fixed up a lot of the stringtables

^292-^* Fixed some divide by zero errors
^292-^* Shrunk some giant textures
^292-^* Custom Game renamed to Public Game
^292-^* Fixed some map textures
^292-^* Fixed follow coloring to update when first displayed
^292-^* Fixed a crash when viewing match stats containing a null player slot
^292-^* Added a unit voice delay slider to the options panel. Credit to Bangerz for
the initial implementation.
^292-^* Follow is now removed when removing buddy
^292-^* Fixed model quality change crash
^292-^* Fixed Tournament Mode not working on linux client
^292-^* Replay_autoSkipPause cvar for auto skipping pauses in replays
^292-^* Deleted un-used voice commands

== ^970Bugfixes^* ==

^292-^* Previously, if a ^090courier^* dropped an upgradeable item on you when you

had a full inventory, including a recipe for that item, the recipe would be
consumed but the item wouldn't upgrade. Fixed.
^292-^* Fixed a ^079Bombardier^* ^256Boom Dust^* bug relating to casting it from
long ranges resulting in quirky behavior
^292-^* ^079Chipper^* ^256ult^* won't draw on the minimap anymore
^292-^* ^079Fayde's^* ^256Burning Shadows^* now give small clearvision
^292-^* ^079Legionnaire's^* ^256ult damage^* when he doesn't kill now correctly
does Magic damage (was a script error)
^292-^* ^079Pharaoh's^* ^256Wall of Mummies^* will now grab people correctly to the
^292-^* ^079Tempest's^* ^256Glacial Blasts^* won't stun magic immune units or
invulnerable units anymore
^292-^* Fixed ^079Arachna's^* ^256ult^* still spawning if the target dies first
^292-^* ^079Thunderbringer's^* ^256ult^* won't hit illusions anymore
^292-^* ^079Vindicator's^* illusions won't steal int from him anymore and will get
the +2 int popup so it's not obvious who the real one is
^292-^* ^079Blacksmith^* can now hit himself with ^256Frenzy^* when it multicasts
on another target
^292-^* ^079Gladiator's^* ^256ult^* won't wonk out anymore if he casts it while
frozen and can't turn
^292-^* ^079Gauntlet's^* ^256fist^* won't wonk out anymore if he casts it while
frozen and can't turn
^292-^* Fixed the manacost of ^079Defiler's^* ^256Silence^* to match the tooltip
^292-^* Fixed ^090Thunderclaw^* and ^090Charged Hammer^* so they won't go off on
^292-^* Added double activate to ^079Blood Hunter^* ^256Blood Crazy^*
^292-^* Added double activate to ^079Succubus^* ^256Mesmerize^*
^292-^* Made ^079Succubus^* ^256ult^* undispellable
^292-^* Made ^090Tablet of Command^* unbind it's target
^292-^* Warbeast's ^256Wolves^* won't take the craters they come out of with them

== ^970Neutrals^* ==

^090-^* Neutrals now sleep at night

^717*^* They have zero aggro range at night and normal aggro range in the day

^079Minotaur^* Neutral Creep:

- Fixed a damage/stun event to fix ^079Bubbles^* wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast

== ^970Heroes^* ==

- Fixed some effects playing through fog:

^717*^* ^079Gladiator^* ^256Pitfall^*
^717*^* ^079Moraxus ^*^256Stomp^*
^717*^* ^079Bubbles' ^*teleport-to-^256Shell-Surf^* "water splash"
^717*^* ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Song of the Sea^*
^292-^* Fixed his illusions from eating creeps

^292-^* Fixed his ^256ult^* from drawing on the minimap like silliness

^079 Devourer^*
^292-^* Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast

^079 Doctor Repulsor^*

^292-^* Fixed missing tooltip info

^292-^* Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast

^292-^* Turret now shoots twice as fast and the cap of number of hits removed.
^717*^* Damage per bullet starts at 40 and is lowered by 10% for every bullet that
hits you
^717*^* The push starts at the same it was, but gets weaker the more you are hit
^717*^* Snare is still max of 35% from 10 hits

^292-^* Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast

^292-^* Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast
^292-^* Added a glow to the whip

^292-^* Fixed a typo in his ^256ult^* damage (was doing 300, should be 350) if you
missed with it

^292-^* Re-exported and cleaned up voice

^292-^* ^256Axes^* damage from 80/100/120/140 to 60/80/100/120

^292-^* New sounds
^292-^* Fixed infinite life ^256weed field^*
^292-^* Fixed a bug that caused him to have a projectile with ^090Frostwolf Skull^*
even in melee form
^292-^* Fixed a permanent vision bug

^292-^* ^256Pod^* is now 250 AOE, 1 second delay, and 60/120/180/240 Damage/Heal.
Used to be 325 AOE, 2.5 second delay, 90/180/270/360 Damage/Heal.

^292-^* Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292-^* Fixed an issue with ^256Dissipate^* that let him get some long range damage
^292-^* Fixed a bug with the ult that reset the cooldown to the max length
incorrectly when ^256Mirage^* was used
^292-^* Fixed the illusions incorrectly giving vision the whole duration of the ult
instead of just while they are alive
^079Soul Reaper^*
^292-^* Fixed him getting mana from hero kills correctly

^292-^* Fixed a damage/stun event to fix Bubbles wasting ^256Take Cover^* autocast
^292-^* Fixed heroes ulted by her not doing their idle animation after it ends

^292-^* Fixed his ^256charge^* and interaction with ^256Moraxus' Shield^*

^292-^* Fixed a bug that caused him to have a projectile with ^090Frostwolf Skull^*
even in melee form

== ^970Console Commands / UI Commands^* ==

^717*^* This section is mainly for modders

^292-^* StopMusic(true) will now fade out the current music track
^717*^* StopMusic() will still stop it instantly

^292-^* New console command 'MusicInfo'

^717*^* Displays the name of current track, length of current track, and position
within current track

^292-^* New console command 'MusicSeek'

^717*^* Allows you to jump to a specific time index within the current music track
^717*^* The argument can be in 'mm:ss' format, for example 01:30, or in seconds,
for example 90
^717*^* If the argument begins with '-' then it represents a time offset from the
end of the track (for example -10 would seek to 10 seconds from the end of the
current track)

^292-^* New console command 'PlaylistStart'

^717*^* Begins playing the specified tracks in order. Example: PlaylistStart
music/track_01.mp3 music/track_02.mp3 music/track_03.mp3

^292-^* New console command 'PlaylistClear'

^717*^* Clears the current playlist

^292-^* New console command 'PlaylistNext'

^717*^* Plays the next track in the playlist
^717*^*^717*^* Fades out the current music track and fades in the next music track

^292-^* New console command 'PlaylistInfo'

^717*^* Displays information about the current active playlist, including number of
tracks, name of each track, and which track is currently active

^970Version 1.0.20^*
^292-^* Added a new strength hero: ^079Moraxus^*
^292-^* Delay before the other team can unpause lowered from 60s to 30s
^292-^* Disabled voice responses for a lot of abilities that have custom sounds
^292-^* New Immortal sound

^292-^* Spawn order changed so next unit tabs to Puzzlebox Wizard when Hero +
summons grouped together
^292-^* Puzzlebox Mauler's passives moved to slots 2/3/4 so that player can easily
distinguish Wizard from Mauler
^292-^* Fixed Puzzlebox Wizard's Manaburn incorrectly burning 275 instead of 225 at
lvl 3
^292-^* Manaburn popup is now above target instead of Wizard
^292-^* Tooltips redone/fixed

^292-^* Removed label abuse

^970Version 1.0.19^*
^292-^* Fixed ^079Arachna^*
^292-^* Fixed ^079Bombardier's^* ^256Air Strike!^* not working with Staff of the
^292-^* ^079Kraken^* Ultimate from 90/80/70 to 110/100/90 second cooldown
^292-^* Reverted the change to ^079Sand Wraith^* due to a technical issue
^292-^* ^090Bottle^* now loses ownership when it is dropped from a ^090Courier^*

^292-^* Missing from 1.0.18 changelog:

^717*^* Tutorial re-voiced by Ms Pudding
^717*^* ^090Tablet of Command^* recipe changed to include an ^090Apprentice's
Robe^* instead of a ^090Major Totem^*. Now gives +16 int and 10 damage

^970Version 1.0.18^*

== ^970General / Bugfixes^* ==

^292-^* Removed Halloween effects

^292-^* Fixed some water effect problems with ^079Rampage^*
^292-^* Fixed ^079Nighthound's^* attackscheme when he is in cloud so it functions
^292-^* Corrected ^079Valkyrie's^* ^256Javelin^* speed from 837 to 857.14
^292-^* ^079Andromeda's^* ^256Void Rip^* will now disjoint her as well as her
target on use
^292-^* ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Take Cover^* will now properly trigger from invulnerable
sources of damage
^292-^* ^079Bubbles'^* ^256Kelp Field^* will now properly stun invulnerable units
that move out of the radius (Magmus Lava Surge, for example)
^292-^* Bugfix for ^079Ophelia's^* ^256Judgment^* so it unbinds the target when
they are teleported
^292-^* ^079Ophelia's^* ^256Judgment^* can no longer be cast on allied lane creeps
^292-^* Fixed an old bug with ^079Ophelia^* that lets her perma-block a neutral
creep spawn with illusions
^292-^* ^079Wildsoul Bear's^* ^256Root^* will now correctly last 9 seconds on non-
hero units
^292-^* ^079Witch Slayer's^* ^256Power Drain^* will now instantly kill illusions on
^292-^* Fixed ^079Bombardier's^* ^256Boom Dust^* so it is correctly blocked by Null
^292-^* Correctly unbind the targets of ^079Nymphora's^* ^256Teleport^*
^292-^* ^079Nymphora's^* ^256Teleport^* now picks the closest targets to her, not
random ones
^292-^* ^079Puppetmaster's^* ^256Puppet Show^* now silences as well (This is a
bugfix for weird situations it can cause)
^292-^* ^079Pharaoh's^* ^256Soul^* will again reveal around itself while in flight
^292-^* ^079Pharaoh's^* ^256Wrath of the Pharaoh^* is now a Superior Magic instead
of Superior Physical touch to fix some issues. No gameplay change.
^292-^* Bugfix for ^079Kraken's^* ^256Charge^* warping people around
^292-^* ^079Thunderbringer's^* ^256Bolt's^* reveal is now clearvision
^292-^* Fix for ^079Pestilence's^* ^256Swarm^* so you can't lose vision on someone
in odd situations
^292-^* Fixed ^079Dark Lady's^* ^256Dark Blades^* so they silence Bubbles correctly
when he has Autocast on
^292-^* ^079Tundra's^* ^256Coeurl^* now has the correct backswing (from 800 to
^292-^* Fixed ^079Tempest's^* ^256Glacial Blasts^* from doing 2x damage on the
first blast
^292-^* Fixed ^079Forsaken Archer's^* ^256Skeletons^* so they won't stand around
like dorks if she is attacking from max range
^292-^* Fixed some effects from playing through the fog

== ^970Items^* ==

^292-^* Added ^090Courier^* sounds and some effects

^292-^* ^090Mana Potion^*, ^090Health Potion^*, ^090Wards^*, and ^090Runes of the
Blight^* now lose ownership when dropped from a courier death
^717*^* This means that if you kill an enemy ^090Courier^* that is carrying wards,
you can now use those wards as if you bought them

^090Ring of Sorcery^*
^292-^* Recipe lowered from 525 to 200

^292-^* They now lose charges if you are within 600 units of a visible enemy hero
at the same rate they gained them. You begin to gain the charges back as soon as
you run away from the enemy.

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292-^* ^256Fire Shield^* cast range from 350 to 450

^292-^* Buff ^256Quills^* projectile flight speed from 900 to 2700

^292-^* ^256Boom Dust^* cast range reduced from 700 to 600
^292-^* ^256Ultimate^* no longer has a long delay before the bombs drop
^292-^* Pick sound corrected

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292-^* ^256Blood Crazy^* from unremovable debuff to removable on enemies, debuff
is a "buff" on allies

^292-^* When you hit someone who is Tar'd with a Rocket, it will put a stacking DoT
on them for each Rocket that hits
^717*^* DoT does 15/20/25/30 Magic Damage per second charge

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292-^* ^256Flare^* DoT to smooth damage over the 2 seconds instead of 2 ticks

^292-^* Terrifying ^256Charge^* cooldown from 30 static to 30/26/22/18

^292-^* ^256sunami Charge^* touch radius from 60 to 80
^292-^* ^256Splash^* cooldown from 8 secs to 11/10/9/8 seconds, damage type changed
from magic to physical

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292-^* Any valid enemy target hit by the initial sand projectile will leave a sand
trail behind them!

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292-^* Manacost on ^256Mojo^* from 95/105/115/125 to 110/120/130/140

^970Version 1.0.17^*
^292- ^*Added kill streaks, and other kill events to the player stats page
^717* ^*This includes Smackdowns and Humiliations (The tracked Humiliation is not a
failed attempt at a smackdown, but when you kill someone who taunted you)

^292- ^*Touched up some effects on the main menu background

^292- ^*Updated stringtables
^292- ^*Updated Catman Leader effects when he stomps

^090Tablet of Command^*
^292- ^*Can no longer be used while immobilized

^090Harkon's Blade^*
^292- ^*Can be toggled while stunned

^292- ^*Tweaked sounds and effects slightly
^292- ^*Added voice

^292- ^*Slow from ^256Willowmaker^* is now linear in how it decreases instead of
down-up-down weirdness

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*^256Flare^* now does DOT damage over 2 seconds (initial hit, 1 tick after
first second, 1 tick after second second)

^292- ^*^256Terrify^* is now properly applied in a cone in-front of him again

^292- ^*Ult (with SOTM only) can now be toggled between targeting enemies only or
enemies and allied heroes

^970Version 1.0.16^*
^292- ^*Fix to quick stats
^292- ^*Candles now fade to smaller versions when in a lobby so they don't block
any buttons
^292- ^*Fix to allow clan tags with a length greater than 3.
^292- ^*Added recommended items
^292- ^*Fixed a hitch in bombardier's portrait animation
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Boom Dust^* not crediting the damage to Bombardier correctly
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Boom Dust^* so the graphics update correctly as you slowly apply
charges to someone and they expire
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Boom Dust^* exploding from DOTs when put on an ally

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*Updated ^256Root^* effect so it's less nonsense and more pumpkin

^292- ^*Fixed the aura not turning off when he dies

^970Version 1.0.15^*

== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*^oHalloween on Newerth has arrived...^*

^292- ^*Increased the number of hero slots on the picking screen.

^292- ^*Quick stats favorite hero % will now display correctly for accounts with
over 32,000 seconds played on that hero
^292- ^*Added EM % to quickstats
^292- ^*Fix for that infinite life infinite spawn simpleemitter particle on the
background effect
^292- ^*Fixed almost all of the tooltip bugs and errors thanks to ElementUser
^292- ^*Removed the "All Heroes" option
^717* ^*All games are now "All Heroes" by default
^292- ^*The "selected" buff icons no longer incorrectly pop / blink
^292- ^*Fixed Bloodlust gold reward from not being logged correctly
^292- ^*Updated French stringtables for the tutorial, courtesy of QualQuek, Bass,
Jelucyr, Tyr00, Neuroleptik.
^292- ^*Normalized the building gold and Kongor kill gold
^292- ^*Hid some states that should not have been shown

== ^970Neutrals^* ==

^292- ^*Added some new effects to the neutrals who have abilities


^292- ^*^095Kongor^* now has a larger health bar

^292- ^*^095Kongor^* now has 75% Magic reduction
^292- ^*^095Kongor^* base armor lowered from 3.5 to 3
^292- ^*^095Kongor^* attack range increased from 100 to 128
^292- ^*Added effects and partial tweaks to his stomp

== ^970Items^* ==

^292- ^*Crow ferrying now refills to 2/3 instead of full

^292- ^*Fixed it to be a proper sum of its part
^717* ^*From 11 Damage to 12 Damage
^717* ^*From 15 Attack Speed to 25 Attack Speed

^090Logger's Hatchet^*
^292- ^*No longer works on ^095Kongor^*

^090Mana Battery^*
^292- ^*AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
^292- ^*Health gain from 12 to 10 per charge
^292- ^*Cost from 210 to 200

^090Power Supply^*
^292- ^*AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
^292- ^*Health gain from 15 to 10 per charge
^292- ^*Cost from 290 to 240

^090Ghost Marchers^*
^292- ^*No longer let you move through Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292- ^*New Legion Int hero, ^079Bombardier^*

^292- ^*Tagged a lot of hero abilities so they will only play the custom voice
response instead of two overlapping ones
^292- ^*Added new debuff states for ^079Swiftblade^*'s ^256Blade Frenzy^*,
^079Magmus^*' ^256Steam Bath^*, and ^079Tempest^*'s ^256Meteor^* so players know
when they are taking damage and when they are not

^292- ^*Correctly hid her stunned state
^292- ^*Base agility from 27 to 26
^292- ^*Strength gain from 2.3 to 2.1
^292- ^*^256Dimensional Link^* aura radius from 900 to 800
^292- ^*Aurora AoE from 300 to 275, damage from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*Fixed him gaining health from illusions

^292- ^*^256Shell Surf^* now disjoints

^292- ^*^256Tar Toss^*
^717* ^*Cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 18/15/12/9
^717* ^*Cast action time from 0.25 to 0
^292- ^*^256Sawblade Showdown^*
^717* ^*Initial damage increased from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400
^717* ^*Fixed bug that placed a lingering DoT on enemies who ran through the saws
quickly which artifically increased its damage
^717* ^*Can not take the initial damage again for 2s after leaving the saws even if
you re-enter them

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*No longer can get an infinite damage boost in certain situations

^079Dark Lady^*
^292- ^*^256Dark Blades'^* damage increase lowered from 50/70/90/110% to
^292- ^*^256Taint Soul^* cast range from 1200 to 800/900/1000/1100

^292- ^*Fixed up ^256Willowmaker^*'s tooltip to list duration of debuffs

^292- ^*Maximum health gained from devouring from 100/150/200 to 75/125/175 per
^292- ^*Fixed tooltip on ^256Devour^* to display correct duration of charges (7s
per charge, incorrectly listed 10s)

^292- ^*Cooldown on ^256Electric Shield^* from 2 secs to 0.5 secs
^292- ^*^256Cleansing Shock^* SotM effect changed: instead of bouncing, it purges
target and yourself at the same time
^292- ^*Cleansed now loses its movespeed bonus smoothly over the whole duration
^292- ^*Purge damage on summoned units is now pure instead of magical

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Burning Shadows^* so it does not reveal enemies hit for a longer
time than intended

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*His ^256Flare^* effect will no longer play in the fog
^292- ^*Fixing a bug causing him to say several different voice responses when
using ^256Flare^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Grapple^* hit detection while right next to someone

^292- ^*Removed the attack, replaced with a slow aura with 7/14/21/28% 300 radius
AOE slow

^292- ^*Projectile speed of ^256Torrent^* increased from 1000 to 1250

^292- ^*^256Terrifying Charge^*
^717* ^*Damage is now instant instead of through an attack
^717* ^*The increased movespeed is kept for an additional second
^292- ^*^256Decapitate^* range increased from 150 to 175

^292- ^*Allied units will no longer 'block' the casting of ^256Lava Surge^*

^292- ^*Removed silence from ^256Flick^*, made it a stun instead

^292- ^*Increased casting speed of ^256Puppet Show^* and ^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^717* ^*Cast action time lowered from 500ms to 300ms

^292- ^*Will no longer gain charges if he dies and an attack is in midair that
kills something

^292- ^*Shiver is no longer Magic Immune, but is now Splash Immune
^292- ^*No longer applies his silence aura to enemy heroes he cannot see

^292- ^*^256Mojo^* can now be double activated to cast on self

^090Patch notes^* ^256colored ^*by ^079Warchamp7^*

^970Version 1.0.14^*
== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*Updated effects for the Vagabond neutrals

^292- ^*Added Australia region filter to public games and create game interfaces
^292- ^*Fixed Kongor slain sound anytime Kongor is killed (Only a problem on some
^292- ^*Quick Stats bad baseline fix.
^292- ^*Fix quick stats always saying "Player's First Game" on Mac/Linux clients
^292- ^*When a killstreak of 11 thru 14 is ended, the game now properly displays "X
has ended Y's BLOODBATH streak", not "X has ended Y's IMMORTAL streak"
^292- ^*Fix for the restore button disappearing on the replay scoreboard (the
entire scoreboard was moving off screen) when a player is terminated

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292- ^*Fixerd him not gaining strength from killing a hero. Logic failure.

^292- ^*Fixed not being able to teleport into your own base

^292- ^*Fixed Hellbourne Main Building bounds so ^256Tsunami Charge^* doesn't just
go through it
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Tsunami Charge^* doing too much damage
^292- ^*^256Tsunami Charge^* no longer brings Invulnerable units along with him
^292- ^*^256Splash^* no longer propagates to illusions

^292- ^*All non-cleave splash damage will now wake up someone slept by Mesmerize

^292- ^* Fix to Deadwood's stringtables

^970Version 1.0.13^*

== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*Darkwood Vale is now a 4v4 map

^292- ^*Kill streaks of 15 or more now play the "IMMORTAL!" announcer sound /
^292- ^*Taunt effect is now more intense and shiny for the first few seconds
^292- ^*Heroes will now fully turn toward their final goal even when pathing into
deeply blocked areas
^292- ^*Max possible charges are now ~16,000 (Fixes several issues)
^292- ^*Change default lag threshold to 1000 ms from 500 ms
^292- ^*Clients no longer precache the voice responses of enemy heroes
^292- ^*Muting a player will /ignore that player, and unmuting will /unignore.
^292- ^*Fixes the white icons when someone randoms. The random now happens before
the load, not after
^292- ^*Updated visual effects for some neutrals' skills
^292- ^*A teammate right clicking on a shop with the courier will open there own
shop window now
^292- ^*Added watery grass to show where fog is blocked yet you can run through
^292- ^*Added global announcer sounds anytime Kongor is slain
^292- ^*New Effects for minotaur, catman, and vagabond leader
^292- ^*Update Frostburn tooltip to show max of 3 charges, instead of 5
^292- ^*Updated effects and sounds for several items like Blood Chalice, Puzzlebox,
and Striders
^292- ^*Updated sounds to several heroes

^292- ^*Fix some loading bar funkiness

^292- ^*Fixed game hosts not being able to assign players from Hellbourne to Legion
side when right clicking their portrait. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
^292- ^*Fixed the quick stats

^292- ^*K:D ratio now displays two digits after the decimal (for example K:D will
be "1.58" instead of "1.6")
^292- ^*Fixed client not handling valid clan name tags that are 4 chars long
^292- ^*Fix for a few of the public game filters (mode, num players, map name,
server type) to correctly save their settings. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
^292- ^*Fixes for Full Game, Advanced Game Option, and Advanced Game Mode Filters
^292- ^*Fixed a potential crash on the chat server that occured when a user was not
able to be resolved during a clan invite
^292- ^*Cleaned up some of the error messages to properly represent the error

== ^970Mod Integration^* ==

^292- ^*Added UI_CMD's GetFPS() and GetPing()

^292- ^*Hon now natively supports the "Mod Options" mod framework
^292- ^*HoN now natively supports the "Movable Frames" mod framework
^717* ^*Movable Frames now supports spectator mode
^717* ^*Cleanly integrated Movable Frames with Mod Options, so that the user can
customize his movable frames the same way he would customize any other mod
^292- ^*The Replay Stats Button mod is now built in (Credit to BASH)
^717* ^*Adds a button to the Local Replays list to view the match stats
^292- ^*The Enhanced Buff Icons mod is now built in
^292- ^*The Improved Spectator UI mod is now built in

== ^970Neutrals^* ==

^095Skeleton Boss^*
^292- ^*Now a ranged unit. Damage re-adjusted
^292- ^*His castable root now ministuns on impact

^095Neutral Ogre^*
^292- ^*Fixed the ^256Ice Shield^* so it doesn't apply when a melee hero casts at
someone who has it on

== ^970Items^* ==
^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*Mana returned from 150 to 100
^292- ^*Now stops all regeneration effects (bottle/health potion) when used

^292- ^*Added visual trail to silence state for some anti-juke fun

^090Savage Mace^*
^292- ^*The proc can no longer propagate to illusions

^292- ^*Will no longer go on cooldown just from looking at someone, you now have to
^292- ^*^090Runes of the Blight^* can now be used and not put the item into
^292- ^*Fixed a bug causing them not to reset cooldown when they are picked up or

^090Sword of the High^*

^292- ^*Cost lowered from 3800 to 3400

^090Tablet of Command^*
^292- ^*Added to the "nohelp" list, so you can no longer push allies who do not
allow you to
^292- ^*Now applies a ministun on use to the target if it is an enemy
^292- ^*The target is no longer silenced or perplexed, and can turn while being

^090Void Talisman^*
^292- ^*Fixed so you cannot activate while magic immune (Can't waste it anymore)

== ^970Heroes^* ==

Fixed the following playing through fog:

^717* ^*^079Magmus'^* ^256Steam Bath^*
^717* ^*^079Wildsoul's^* ^256Bear Teleport^*
^717* ^*^079Forsaken's^* ^256Volley^*
^717* ^*^079Blacksmith's^* ^256Flaming Hammer^*
^717* ^*^079Chronos'^* ^256Timeleap^*

^292- ^*Decreased str gain from 3.1 to 2.7
^292- ^*^256Hell on Newerth^*
^717* ^*Damage:
^717* ^*(Lvl 1) 200/300/400 to 175/250/325
^717* ^*(Lvl 2/3) 350,450,550 to 300/375/450
^717* ^*Effects:
^717* ^*(Lvl 2/3) ^256Hell Snare^* from 6 seconds to 4 seconds
^717* ^*(Lvl 3) ^256Volatile Minions^* damage from 150/225/300 to 125/200/275
^717* ^*When ultimate is in cd you no longer gain charges when enemies cast spells
near you, instead you decrease the cd of your ultimate by 1 seconds per spell cast

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*Clarify ^256Blood Sense's^* tooltip to show that the aura increases by 1500
range per level
^292- ^*^256Feast^* now leaves a lingering debuff for 1.5s when attacking a hero
^717* ^*If they die in this time, ^079Blood Hunter^* still gets healed.
^292- ^*Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for ^256Rockets^*

^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^* no longer works on buildings

^292- ^*^090Striders^* will now be 'turned off' while ^256Decay^* is activated
^292- ^*No longer gains strength from killing himself. :(
^292- ^*His own illusions should no longer steal strength from him when someone
dies nearby
^292- ^*Lower strength gain to 1 per kill
^292- ^*Ult ^256Decay^* increase range rebalanced from 50 per charge/level to
30/40/50 per charge/level

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292- ^*Starting int from 27 to 25
^292- ^*Level 1 armor lowered from 5.1 to 4.1
^292- ^*^256Magnetic Contraption^* still happens instantly, just a 400ms backswing.
Can anim cancel the backswing like normal
^292- ^*Attackspeed slow from ^256Electric Frenzy^* is now -50 instead of -50%
^292- ^*Tree destruction radius on ^256Ludicrous Speed^* reduced from 100 to 75
^292- ^*Can no longer use ^256Ludicrous Speed^* while immobilized

^292- ^*Strength gain lowered from 2.3 to 2
^292- ^*^256Turret^* duration from 6s to 5s
^717* ^*Can only be hit a max of 5 times now (down from 8)
^292- ^*Fixed a bug with ^256Energy Field^* that caused units to get owned if they
went invulnerable while inside

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*^256Money Shot's^* will now auto-cancel if the target is greater than
1800/2300/2800 units away from you while you're still channeling
^292- ^*Crosshair on target should be visible to allies only

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Will no longer spawn skeletons after she dies from a midair arrow

^292- ^*^256Enfeeble^* no longer has charges set to 0 when attacking creeps, only
when hitting heroes
^292- ^*^256Enfeeble^* duration incresed from 3s to 4s
^292- ^*Now steals 1% of anything hit's total damage per charge and gives that
damage to gauntlet for the duration of the slow/steal
^292- ^*Max charges from 50 to 35
^292- ^*Fixed his glove getting snagged on buildings when he threw it
^292- ^*The glove throws no longer disable each other

^292- ^*^256Tundra Blast^* slow from 5s static to 3/3.5/4/4.5s

^292- ^*Reworked
^292- ^*Ability 1: ^256Torrent^*
^717* ^*Kraken conjures a surge of seawater, drowning an enemy. Deals damage,
slows, and reduces armor
^717* ^*Deals 110/160/210/260 Magic damage and applies Torrent to the target for 3
^717* ^*Torrent: 30% Movement Slow, -2/-3/-4/-5 Armor
^292- ^*Ability 2: ^256Tsunami Charge^*
^717* ^*Kraken charges with great strength and speed, dragging the first enemy he
encounters to sure doom. If Kraken collides with a tree, cliff, or structure, he
will stop. If he is dragging someone at that time, they will get stunned.
^717* ^*Charges 800 units in the targeted direction. Deals 60/90/120/150 Magic
damage in a 200 AoE to all enemy units he charges past. On collision with an enemy
hero, that hero is picked up and carried along with Kraken. When he hits a cliff,
building, or tree he stops charging. If he is carrying an enemy hero, that hero is
stunned for 1/1.33/1.66/2 seconds and takes an additional 50/100/150/200 Physical
^292- ^*Ability 3: ^256Splash^*
^717* ^*Kraken releases a devastating slam that splits the seven seas, passively
dealing additional splash damage on occasion.
^717* ^*Deals 30/50/70/90 bonus Magical damage to targets in a 325 radius and an
additional 30/50/70/90 Magical damage to targets in a 200 radius. Attacking will
reduce cooldown by 1 second.
^292- ^*Ability 4: ^256Release the Kraken!^*
^717* ^*Every seafarer's nightmare is manifest as this hulk of watery flesh!
Summons a Whirlpool that damages and pulls in enemies. If they reach the center,
they are damaged and stuned by its lashing tentacles.
^717* ^*After a delay of 1 second a 300 radius whirlpool spawns, dealing 40/50/70
Magic damage per second, slowing by 50%, and pulling units towards the center with
a force of 100/125/150. Any enemies who reach the center are dealt 200/300/400
Magic damage and are stunned for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds. Lasts 3/4/5 seconds.

^292- ^*^256Steam Bath^* now disjoints on use
^292- ^*Fixed a bug causing you to not always go to exactly where you click when
using ^256Lava Surge^*

^292- ^*Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for ^256Flurry^*

^292- ^*Updated tooltips to show he gains slow resistance and reveals the target
while charging
^292- ^*Reveal time after ^256Charge^* is over lowered from 4s to 2s
^292- ^*^256Horned Strike^* damage increased by 20 across all levels
^292- ^*Damage from ult +5% at all levels
^292- ^*When ^256Horned Strike^* procs, +15% movespeed for 1.5s
^292- ^*^256Charge^* slow resistance added instead of treewalking
^292- ^*Fixed a bug with the ult that caused the target to get endless unitwalking

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*^256Deserted^* range check for people being alone lowered from 400 to 300

^292- ^*Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for ^256Wards^*

^292- ^*A 500ms cooldown now starts when using ^256Vanish^* to avoid double
activating it

^292- ^*Anyone who breaks ^256Mesmerize^* and is slept themselves now are immune to
damage for the first 1s
^292- ^*Base strength from 16 to 18

^292- ^*Fixed infinite buff bug with ^256Cold Shoulder^*
^292- ^*The "push-away" from ^256Avalanche^* now correctly goes the full distance
every time and will not push people who were behind Tundra

^292- ^*^079Vindicator^* illusions can no longer steal intelligence
^292- ^*^256Global Silence^* is now dispellable

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Fixed the bug causing ^256Acid Cocktail^* to occasionally split into two
^292- ^*Sped up ^256Acid Cocktail^* from 750 to 800 initial and 450 to 600 for the
^292- ^*Fixed his tooltips to clarify that his ^256Acid Cocktail^* do no damage to

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*Can now only cast ^256Power Drain^* on units with mana

^292- ^*Fix for trial accounts

^970Version 1.0.12^*
^292- ^*Fixed invisible heroes
^292- ^*Fixed a server crash when moving a flying unit

^970Version 1.0.11^*
== ^970Report Abusive Behavior^* ==

^292- ^*Form fixed

^292- ^*Griefing category added (please be sure to describe the situation carefully
before submitting)

== ^970Hero Resource Unloading^* ==

^292- ^*Mainly some memory management optimizations. If you frequently crash after
playing multiple games in a row, this should help
^292- ^*Please report any issues or crashes on the forums

== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*Player Controlled minions are now deniable

^292- ^*Improved chat server stability
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where players were able to invite other players to their
clan even if the targetted player was already in a clan
^292- ^*Game lobby now displays more stats about players when you hover over the
stats button next to their character portrait
^292- ^*Fixed an exploit where players could set d_drawAreaAffectors to true, and
they could see the effect of Madman's stalk in action while he was invisible. This
cvar will only work on practice games or replays from now on
^292- ^*Fixed drag selection of flying units (Tundra Bird or Courier). Trying to
select the bird should no longer cause epic levels of rage.
^292- ^*Spectators (and players in replays) can now view the shop
^292- ^*Fixed shop error messages not showing up when shopping from the main shop
^292- ^*Fixed spectator gold/min inaccuracies when players sell items
^292- ^*Little fix for the tiny icons in spectator mode

== ^970Items^* ==

^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*Cooldown increased from 25 to 35

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292- ^*Fixed a bug with ^256Spine Burst^* doing too much damage

^292- ^*Agi Steal from ^256Curse of Ages^* removed

^292- ^*Fixed a bug that made heroes unbind from projectiles well after he Hooked

^292- ^*Range of ^256Keg^* lowered from 1000 to 800

^292- ^*Infoheight changed so the healthbar isn't on her face
^292- ^*^256Grace of the Nymph^* now also increases the target's Movespeed by
^292- ^*^256Zeal^* range lowered from 1200 to 900
^292- ^*Speed of the ^256Zeal^* projectile lowered from 1100 to 1000

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Desert's Curse^* to follow correctly

^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* can now silence people in the fog again
^717* ^*This is a temp bugfix to when someone won't get silenced even if you can
see them
^717* ^*It is possible it will be changed back to vision-limited once the code bug
is fixed

^970Version 1.0.10^*
== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*Fixed Flint Beastwood's icon to show up in player stats properly

^292- ^*Fixed the remaining issues related to watching a replay when skipping past
the hero loading portion
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where the "permanent keybind" feature for control groups was
not allowing the camera to center when the control group key was double tapped
^292- ^*Fixed the "Save Channel" button to work properly
^292- ^*Fixed an issue with the display of player stats, win percent should once
again be accurate
^292- ^*Fixed advanced game mode filter and advanced game options filter on public
game interface to correctly save values
== ^970Items^* ==

^292- ^*Using ^090Stormspirit^* on an enemy will now block item usage, for example
it will disable a homecoming stone from being used
^292- ^*Using ^090StormSpirit^* on an ally will no longer be dispellable

^292- ^*^090Striders^* will now go into cool down when channeling a spell
^717* ^*They will stay in cool down for the duration of a channeled spell or item,
meaning that if a player teleports to a lane with a home coming stone, they will
have to wait 3 more seconds to get full speed from striders
^292- ^*^090Striders^* will now remain in cool down while dead
^292- ^*^090Striders^* will not longer be put into cool down as the result of
dealing damage over time (DoT) damage on another player
^717* ^*Casting the spell that deals DoT damage will still put them into cool down,
but the lingering DoT will not keep the boots in cool down if the player has
otherwise exited combat

^292- ^*Added more sound effects for spawn and ability usage

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing ^256Spine Burst^* to not always deal its damage

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*Fixed base damage from 39-50 to 36-42
^292- ^*Lowered base armor from 2.94 to 2
^292- ^*Adjusted ^256Hollowpoint^* damage from 30/40/50/60 to 20/30/40/50
^717* ^*Fixed tooltips to show corrrect % chance to proc
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing vision to never be lost on a target if Flint used
his ult and had his mana drained during the channel time
^292- ^*Aggro range for Flint Beastwood increases to 850 when Dead Eye is at max
^292- ^*Can no longer target Mechanical units with ^256Money Shot^*

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing his ^256Desert's Curse^* to not properly track
targets when an enemy hero is selected

^292- ^*Fixed an issue preventing ^256Mesmerize^* from dealing its damage

^970Version 1.0.9^*
== ^970General^* ==

^292- ^*Greatly optimized client performance on all systems

^292- ^*Optimized various interfaces to run more efficiently (9000% more
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing F6 to re-set the position of the scoreboard
^292- ^*Fixed various crashes that could occur during gameplay
^292- ^*Fixed experience popups to off-set from gold popups, such that they do not
^292- ^*Added a new music track to Caldavar, entitled "Encounter at the River"
^292- ^*Fixed in game match stats screen to display the correct XP/Min, such that
it will not calculate time spent playing after reaching level 25
^292- ^*Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the game
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing FPS hitching when new music is loaded
^292- ^*Added hero selection announcements for bubbles, chipper, doctor repulsor,
gauntlet, and tundra
^292- ^*Pre-match time for all game modes changed from 1 minute 15 seconds to 1
minute 30 seconds
^292- ^*Fixed several interface crashes
^292- ^*Fixed advanced game mode filter on public game interface to correctly save
^292- ^*Fixed animations getting stuck when rewinding replays
^292- ^*Fixed rewinding tree deaths in replays
^292- ^*Fixed projectile orientations
^292- ^*Fixed attacking buildings and towers without sight of that building or
^292- ^*Fixed duration of deny animation glow

^292- ^*During modes that use alternating pick (Banning Draft, Banning Pick, etc),
once a player selects their hero it will instantly switch to the other team (rather
than waiting the remaining time)
^717* ^*Each player now has 40 seconds to select their hero, from 30
^717* ^*Transition time between banning and picking is now 15 seconds, from 20
^717* ^*The time after the hero picks has been reduced from 2 minutes to 45 seconds
^292- ^*Hero selection time in all pick reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute

== ^970Mac Bug Fixes^* ==

^292- ^*Fixed a crash in OS X when a user quits by closing the HoN window
^292- ^*Limit AA to 4x on OS X client to avoid all white/black screens caused by
higher settings

== ^970Items^* ==

New Item - ^090Striders^*

^292- ^*New boots added to the Initiation shop
^292- ^*^090Marchers^* + 300 (Recipe)
^292- ^*50 Movespeed. No other bonuses.
^292- ^*When out of combat for 6 seconds, increases movespeed by 100 over the next
2 seconds, for a total of +150 movement speed (including the base).
^292- ^*Bonus movespeed is removed when the owner takes damage, casts a spell,
attacks, or uses an item.
^717* ^*Using Non-combat items such as ^090Wards^*, ^090Bottle^*, ^090Mana^*, or
^090Health Potions^* will not remove the bonus speed

^090Blood Chalice^*
^292- ^*Now requires a ^090Mark of the Novice^* (+3 int) and ^090Crushing Claws^*
(+3 str) instead of a ^090Scarab^*, granting +3 Str/Int
^292- ^*Grants 150 mana for 150 health. Mana is no longer lost after a duration
^292- ^*If an enemy hero dies within 15 seconds and 700 AOE of the user, the user
is healed for 150 as the chalice uses the enemy's spilt blood to pay the debt.
^292- ^*Cooldown lowered from 35s to 25s

^292- ^*AOE abilities (Such as ^079Witch Slayer^*'s ^256Graveyard^* /
^079Pyromancer^*'s ^256Phoenix Wave^*) no longer proc ^090Nullstone^* when clicking
directly on a target
^090Savage Mace^*
^292- ^*Illusions will no longer proc a ministun. They still can get the +100

^292- ^*Now only 'stuns' allies, letting them queue up abilities. Enemies it is
used on can not queue up abilities or items while cycloned.

== ^970Heroes^* ==

^292- ^*Updated many recommended items

^292- ^*Reworked how many projectile-based abilities interact with eachother
^717* ^*This fixes strange behavior when two skills that try to move a unit
interact, such as a charging Kraken getting hooked by Devourer who gets tossed by

^079Flint Beastwood^*
^292- ^*New Hellbourne Agi hero, based on DotA's Sniper
^292- ^*Skills:
^717* ^*^256Explosive Flare^* - Deals damage in an area immediately, then gives
vision over that area and slows/reveals any enemies who come within the vicinity
^717* ^*^256Hollowpoint Shells^* - Gives a chance that an auto-attack will deal
bonus damage and apply a mini-stun
^717* ^*^256Deadeye^* - Increases attack range
^717* ^*^256Money Shot^* - Channels for a brief time then fires a massive shot,
dealing high damage at a long range to a single target

^292- ^*Damage from ^256Curse of Ages^* proc from 20/40/60/80 Magic to 15/30/45/60

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292- ^*Increased vision range on first skill to from 300 to 800
^292- ^*Fixed an issue with sounds on the first skill where some super human
players could hear high frequencies
^292- ^*Radius of tree killing on ult lowered from 150 to 100
^292- ^*No longer disarmed while using ult

^292- ^*Turret is now killable, dies in 3 hits. Units can only get hit a maximum of
8 times, down from 10

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Crippling Volley^* range from awful/awful/decent/800 to 800 at all
^292- ^*^256Crippling Volley^* immobilize time from 1.75/2/2.25/2.5 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
^292- ^*^256Skeletons^* no longer apply the DoT

^292- ^*^256Flagellation^* will no longer deal double bonus damage to buildings
^292- ^*The visual effect on ^256Call to Arms^* now matches the actual area
^292- ^*Damage taken from ^256Call to Arms^* is now spread over 5/6/7 seconds
instead of instant
^292- ^*Increased speed of ^256Call to Arms^* from 650 to 750

^292- ^*^256Nymphora's Zeal^* damage from 55/90/130/160 to 50/85/120/155
^292- ^*^256Nymphora's Zeal^* stun duration from 1/1.3/1.6/2 to 0.75/1/1.25/1.5

^292- ^*Can now target and affect Magic Immune heroes with all of his abilities

^292- ^*^256Poison Spray^* range from 1000 at all levels to 600/725/850/1000

^292- ^*Cast time for ^256Soul Burst^* increased from 1s to 1.4s

^292- ^*Ranged pet attack cooldown from 1.5s to 1s
^292- ^*^256Coldblooded^* replaced with ^256Cold Shoulder^*
^717* ^*300,400,500,600 Range, 40 Manacost, 12s cooldown
^717* ^*Last winter, ^079Tundra^* had two distant relatives teach him how to charge
his enemies correctly, coating them in ice on contact. The ice makes them easier to
hit, increasing everyone's attack speed against that target.
^717* ^*On use, charges the target, dealing ^079Tundra^*'s Attack Damage on impact.
Applies Cold Shoulder to them for 8 seconds.
^717* ^*Cold Shoulder Effects: Increases attackspeed against this target by
^717* ^*Attackspeed will linger for 2 seconds after changing targets
^717* ^*The Brothers of cold send their regards...

^292- ^*Silence aura will no longer be disabled by skills like ^079Devourer^*'s
hook, ^079Chronos^*' ult, ^079Pebbles^*' ^256Chuck^*, etc

^970Version 1.0.8^*
^292- ^*Fixed Pause, Remake, and AFK votes
^717* ^*Remake threshold bumped back to 70%, unless someone has been terminated, in
which case it's 50%
^292- ^*Cleaned up some interface errors

^292- ^*^256Cadaver Armor^* strength gain lowered to 1.5 from 2
^292- ^*^256Cadaver Armor^* Magic Armor back to 1,2,3,4
^292- ^*Tweaks to the tweaks to ^256Devour^*
^717* ^*Health gained from the buff is now added to current health pool. For
example if devourer is at 100/1000 hp and uses his ult at level 6, he'll increase
to 400/1300 hp
^717* ^*Each charge now lasts 10 seconds. This means that for 8 seconds after using
the ult devourer will be at stage 3/max buff, decreasing by 1 stage per second and
wearing off completely at 10 seconds
^717* ^*Damage per charge increased to 15/25/35

^079Doctor Repulsor^*
^292- ^*Fixed Teapots
^292- ^*Added story
^292- ^*Added recommended items
^292- ^*Effects optimizations, fixing FPS lag created by his attacks
^292- ^*Fix some gadgets showing up on the minimap
^292- ^*^256Ludacrious Speed^* now disjoints properly
^717* ^*Can no longer use this ability again while it is in flight

^292- ^*Fix the timing on his ^256Pitfall^* delay correctly.
^292- ^*^256Zeal^* damage from 70,100,130,160 to 55,90,130,160

^292- ^*Fix ^256Chuck^* targetting. Nohelp now stops you from being thrown, not
being thrown to

^292- ^*Updated recommended items

^970Version 1.0.7^*

^292- ^*Removed general kick vote

^292- ^*Players who are marked as AFK are no longer auto-kicked, but instead can be
vote-kicked via a team-only vote
^292- ^*Changed AFK detection to include all areas of the map
^292- ^*Remake time limit extended to 7.5 minutes
^292- ^*Remake will now pass with a 70% majority vote, 50% if there is a leaver in
that time
^292- ^*Pause vote will now pass with a 70% majority
^292- ^*Added a green "no help" button to the left of the teammate portraits that
will toggle their ability to use certain abilities on your units:
^717* ^*^079Andromeda^* - ^256Void Rip^*
^717* ^*^079Blood Hunter^* - ^256Blood Crazy^*
^717* ^*^079Nymphora^* - ^256Teleport^*
^717* ^*^079Glacius^* - ^256Ice Imprisonment^*
^717* ^*^079Ophelia^* - ^256Ophelia's Judgement^*
^717* ^*^079Tempest^* - ^256Elemental^*
^717* ^*^079Succubus^* - ^256Mesmerize^*
^717* ^*^079Pebbles^* - ^256Chuck^*
^717* ^*^079Gladiator^* - ^256Showdown^*
^717* ^*Item - ^090Stormspirit^*
^292- ^*Updated shop icons to more clearly indicate their categories
^292- ^*Updated several jukespots on Caldavar
^292- ^*Added three new music tracks to the ingame music
^292- ^*Fixed Hellbourne ranged super creeps having the same icon/portrait as
Hellbourne melee super creeps
^292- ^*If a player is Taunted and picks up an illusion rune, those illusions will
have the taunted icon play above their heads
^292- ^*Players attempting to spam game servers with courier sharing messages will
now have their sharing messages blocked and subsequent requests they send will be
ignored. Waiting a few seconds before sending another share request will
eventually remove this block.
^292- ^*Kongor
^717* ^*Fixed so wards/gadgets can properly attack him
^717* ^*Increased the size of the area in which you can attack without missing


^292- ^*Added /pingall (and /pa) chat commands

^717* ^*These commands display the ping for other users in the game. This is
intended primarily for settling ping disputes in tournament matches. Note that
another player's ping does not affect the quality of the game for anyone other
than that player
^292- ^*Added "fs_disablemods" console command. When set to true, HoN will ignore
custom archives/files (mods) the next time it starts up
^717* ^*This is for players having difficulty using tournament mode. More support
for this will be added in the future.
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where players could connect to the same game server using
the same account. The server will now disconnect the connecting player with an
appropriate message if it finds two account_ids that are the same.


^292- ^*Some updates to the Report a Player interface and functionality

^292- ^*Fixed a crash relating to when a check for match stats fail
^717* ^*This mainly fixes the issue some players had of crashing after a game ends,
when they go back to the main menu
^292- ^*Fixed a few other miscellaneous crashes
^292- ^*"Invite to Clan" requests will no longer notify players in "Invisible
Mode" or in "/dnd" mode. If the player is invisible, the player inviting them to a
clan will receive a message indicating they are offline. If they are in /dnd mode
the player inviting them will receive a message indicating they are in /dnd mode.
^292- ^*"Add Buddy" requests will no longer work on players in "/dnd" mode.
Players inviting them will receive a message indicating they are in /dnd mode.
^292- ^*Un-checking the Options -> Interface -> Friends -> Request checkbox will
now disable the message printed out to chat, in addition to the notification.
^292-^* Non server game clients will now print additional system details towards
the end of the console.log


^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing ^095Double Damage^* to only last 30 seconds when
used. Now lasts the correct 45 seconds

^292- ^*Recipe from ^090Neophyte's Book^* + ^090Punch Dagger^* changed to
^090Neophyte's Book^* + 2x ^090Punch Dagger^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost from 1350 to 1000
^292- ^*Passive damage bonus from 9 to 18

^292- ^*Cooldown from 10 secs to 7 secs

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*Lower strength from 15 to 10
^292- ^*Changed total agility to be equal to the sum of its parts, from 30 to 26

^090Restoration Stone^*
^292- ^*Will now refresh ^090Shrunken Head^*


^292- ^*New Hellbourne Intelligence Hero: ^079Doctor Repulsor^*

^717* ^*Based on Storm Spirit from DotA

^292- ^*^256Fire Shield^* casting range from 400 to 350
^292- ^*^256Fire Shield^* mana cost from 100/105/110/115 to 100/110/120/130
^292- ^*^256Cauterize^* range from 750 to 700

^292- ^*Strength gain lowered from 1.9 to 1.7
^292- ^*^256Hardened Carapace^* duration reduced from 6s to 3s

^292- ^*Movement speed from 290 to 295
^292- ^*^256Hell on Newerth^* will no longer reset to zero after dying with
^090Token of Life^*

^292- ^*^256Flaming Hammer^*'s negative magic armor debuff is now in the tooltip
^292- ^*^256Flaming Hammer^* projectile speed from 800 to 950

^292- ^*Base damage from 38-49 to 45-50
^292- ^*^256Shell Surf^* will leave vision behind properly when teleported to that
^292- ^*Increase speed of the shell from 600 to 850
^717* ^*Will still only go a max of 1800 units, timer updated accordingly

^292- ^*^256Cadaver Armor^* strength gain per hero kill from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 2
at all levels
^292- ^*^256Cadaver Armor^* strength gain per non-hero kill removed
^292- ^*^256Cadaver Armor^* Magic Armor from 1/2/3/4 to 0/1.35/2.7/4.0
^292- ^*^256Devour^* slightly reworked. While channeling ^256Devour^*, 1 charge is
added each second, which last 10 seconds. Each charge:
^717* ^*Increases the size of ^079Devourer^*
^717* ^*Increases the radius of Decay by 50
^717* ^*Adds 15/25/35 attack damage
^717* ^*Max health increased by 100/150/200

^292- ^*Increase the projectile speed of the turret's deployment by 50% and remove
cast time
^292- ^*Limit to the number of times someone can be hit by the Turret from 5 to 10
^717* ^*Max snare of 35% is still achieved at 5 hits, slowing 7% per hit

^292- ^*^256Cull^* cooldown from 10 secs to 11 secs
^292- ^*^256Cull^* radius from 350 to 300
^292- ^*^256Stance^* blocking from 50 damage to 40 damage
^292- ^*^256Reflection^* no longer leaves behind an illusion
^292- ^*^256Shadow Cripple^* now deals the first tick of damage immediately, second
at end of 1, third at end of 2 (used to be end of 1, end of 2, end of 3)
^292- ^*^256Shadow Cripple^* still reduces healing by 50% for 3 seconds

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Agility gain from +2.7 to +2.5
^292- ^*^256Call of the Damned^* skeletons poison from 4/8/12/16 to 6/8/10/12

^292- ^*^256Infernal Instability^* no longer snares
^292- ^*^256Infernal Instability^* no longer applies its buff to ult or second
^292- ^*^256Infernal Instability^* on use will give max charges on Enfeeble
^292- ^*^256Grapple^* cast time lowered from 400ms to 200ms
^292- ^*^256Grapple^* projectile speed increased from 1500 to 1600
^292- ^*Max charges on ^256Enfeeble^* now scale from 30 to 20/25/30/35
^292- ^*Duration of ^256Enfeeble^* slow decreased from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
^292- ^*Max slow on an enemy by ^256Enfeeble^* is now 50%
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast^* damage reduced from 300/450/600 to 300/400/500
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast^* range from 600/700/800 to 600 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast^* cooldown from 75/65/55 to 80/70/60
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast^* Consumed by Power AoE from 200 to 200/225/250

^292- ^*^256Call to Arms^* now uses the same cast animation as ^256Pitfall^*
^292- ^*Removed the backswing time on his abilities
^292- ^*Lowered the 'trigger time' from 2s to 1.6s on Pitfall
^292- ^*^256Showdown^* now issues a stop command to whoever is teleported back
^292- ^*^256Call to Arms^* now plays no sounds other than at the impact time

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*^256Camouflage^* cast range from 300 to 500, cast time halved
^292- ^*^256Nature's Protection^* cooldown from 7 secs to 5 secs, cast time halved

^292- ^*^256Terrifying Charge^* from +40/80/120/MAX to +60/100/140/MAX, charge will
last max of 5 seconds
^292- ^*Movement speed from 290 to 295

^292- ^*^256Barrel Roll^* no longer slows attack speed
^292- ^*^256Barrel Roll^* cooldown increased from 11s to 13s
^292- ^*^256Barrel Roll^*'s debuff is now dispellable

^292- ^*Base strength from 16 to 17
^292- ^*Strength gain from 1.6 to 1.7

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*Added a third variation for the attack animation on his third ability

^292- ^*Damage from the stun from 25/50/75/100 to 70/100/130/160
^292- ^*Stun duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/2

^292- ^*Lower base armor by 1
^292- ^*^256Stampede^* cooldown from 25 to 30
^292- ^*Movespeed slow from ^256Might of the Herd^* (when used) is now static
-35/50/65/80 MS as long as they stay around him. Lasts for 4 seconds at all levels
from 1/2/3/4. 1 second timeout when moving out of the affector.
^292- ^*Damage from ^256Horned Strike^* rescaled from 100 to 40/60/80/100

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Strength gain from 2.0 to 1.7
^292- ^*^256Withering Presence^* from 1000 radius flat to 700/800/900/1000

^292- ^*Speed up the ice spikes from 1.25s lifetime to 1s lifetime
^292- ^*Bird is now magic immune

^292- ^*^256Sage's Lore^* duration changed from 5/6/7/8 to 7s
^292- ^*^256Sage's Lore^* damage/burn from 20/10,30/15,40/20,50/25 to
^292- ^*^256Sage's Lore^* cooldown from 14 to 15
^292- ^*^256Sage's Lore^* manacost from 75/95/115/135 to 80/100/120/140
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* AoE from 950 to 800
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* will no longer silence heroes that Vindicator does
not have vision of
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* int gain from 1 Intelligence to 2 Intelligence per
^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* silence duration from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to

^292- ^*^079Gladiator^* Voice

^970Version 1.0.6^*
^292- ^*Improved pathfinding most noticeable during the laning phase.
^292- ^*Some effects tweaks to heroes to clean things up
^292- ^*Some tooltip fixes
^292- ^*Added note about AudaciousSam's Blood Chalice to the 1.0.5 patch notes

^095Vulture Lord^*
^292- ^*Removed armor aura

^292- ^*Recipe price from 825 to 1000
^292- ^*No longer reduces cooldown if hit by a spell while in cooldown

^292- ^*Damage increased by 2
^717* ^*This means any item that uses a ^090Steamstaff^* in some way was increased

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Curse of Ages^* level 2/3/4, it will now properly stun and reset
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^* now counts "down" in charges rather than up, always
stunning when no charges are left

^292- ^*Fix to make sure when gauntlet activates ^256Infernal Instability^* while
the glove is in midair it works properly after it's return and can still go off

^292- ^*Ally-freeze through ^256Ice Imprisonment^* damage reduction from
20/40/60/80 to 20/30/40/50%

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Showdown^* so it does not teleport magic immune units
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Flagellation^* going on cooldown correctly when you attack

^292- ^*Fixed the instant death bug

^970Version 1.0.5^*
^292- ^*"Report A Player" added
^717* ^*Upper left on the System Bar, ^r!^* symbol
^717* ^*Fill out the form to report another player for inappropriate actions
^717* ^*False reporters will be punished

^292- ^*Tons of tool tip updates and fixes

^292- ^*Fixed a bug allowing ^090Post Haste^* to teleport to couriers. ^090Post
Haste^* can teleport to player owned pets, such as War Beast's wolves
^292- ^*Gave Vulture Lord's second ability an icon (means the aura no longer
displays a black and white checkerboard)
^292- ^*Stores will no longer remove the 'can buy from me' state if you or a
courier goes invulnerable
^292- ^*Decreased in-game font size slightly
^292- ^*Added a new message when the courier is killed by a non-hero unit, it will
now show a minimap ping along with the appropriate game message indicating which
team the courier was killed by

^292- ^*Fixed an issue where players would add a chat channel to auto connect to
upon startup, and then later be unable to remove this channel from their list
because they were banned from the channel. Players attempting to join channels they
are set to auto connect to and are also banned from will have that channel
automatically removed from their list if they attempt to connect to the channel
they are banned from
^292- ^*Pressing the "Alt" key (or whatever key the player has defined as
chat_gameLobbyChatToggle) when in the game lobby will no longer toggle the chat
type like it used to. It now must be held down and used in conjunction with the
enter key, or with the mouse click of the "Send" button
^292- ^*Fixed a Mac/Linux crash
^292- ^*Fixed issue preventing players from selecting a potential hero during the
banning phase.
^292- ^*Disconnected players will no longer random when it becomes their turn to
pick, unless they run out of time.
^717* ^*Disconnected players are not allowed to use "extra time" in BP mode (if it
is their turn, and they are disconnected, then they will pick their potential hero
or a random hero)
^292- ^*Fixed an issue in duplicate hero mode where if two players had the same
hero "potentially" selected, only one would get it and the other would random
^292- ^*Misc server optimizations to improve stability
^292- ^*News is hidden when choosing to follow a player
^292- ^*The client will no longer display a message indicating the player will get
a leave for disconnecting if they are in a replay or a practice game

^095Invis Rune^*
^292- ^*Now has a 2s fade time. Any spell, ability, or item can be used in this
fade time without ending the stealth.


^292- ^*^090Mana Battery^* is now in Supplies

^292- ^*^090Power Supply^* is now in both Supplies and Initiation

New Item: ^090Blood Chalice^* (Initiation)

^717* ^*On use, grants 150 temporary mana in exchange for 150 health. Mana will
disappear slowly if not used. Damage cannot kill.
^717* ^* Special thanks to user AudaciousSam, who originally suggested the concept
for this item in DotA and gave us permission to use it in HoN.

^292- ^*Fixed a bug so the debuff cannot be dispelled

^292- ^*Fixed it so when you have illusion bottled and use it, the illusions still
don't have it bottled!
^292- ^*^095Double Damage^* will now correctly last 45 seconds instead of 30
seconds when used out of a bottle

^090Frostfield Plate^*
^292- ^*Can no longer be used by ^090Couriers^*

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*Illusions now gain the 0.1s invulnerability as well

^090Ground Courier^*
^292- ^*Will be attacked by creeps/towers again

^090Loggers Hatchet^*
^292- ^*No longer works on splash damage

^292- ^*Melee minion abilities moved to slots 2,3,4 to make it clear which is which
^292- ^*Puzzlebox Minions will no longer be able to attack towers unless the owner
is within 925 units of them

^090Void Talisman^*
^292- ^*Applies -5.5 Magic Armor for the duration

^090Whispering Helm^*
^292- ^*Can no longer be used by ^090Couriers^*


^292- ^*New Legion Strength hero, ^079Gladiator^*, based off DotA's Kunkka
^292- ^*Updated recommended items for several heroes

^292- ^*^079Balphagore^*'s third ability will no longer consume gadgets. Om nom
^292- ^*^256Hell on Newerth^*
^717* ^*Cast time removed
^717* ^*Expanding ring now 'sticks' on ^079Balphagore^* as he moves and expands to
max distance 300ms faster

^292- ^*^256Shockwave^* will no longer hit couriers

^292- ^*When toggled on, ^256Take Cover^* will now automatically be used if the
source of damage is owned by an enemy hero (enemy pets/gadgets will trigger it)

^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing ^256Frenzy^* multicast to not apply to the correct
number of targets (usually one less than it should)

^292- ^*Players are now deny-able if they are burning from the ^256Tar Toss^* +
^256Rocket^* combo
^292- ^*^256Tar Toss^* duration lowered from 5s to 2/3/4/5 secs

^292- ^*^256Rewind^* heal rate doubled (max 50% per second)
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^*
^717* ^*Buff/Debuff time lowered from 10s to 8.5s
^717* ^*Bashes every 8/7/6/5 hits
^717* ^*Deals 20/40/60/80 magic damage on bash hit
^717* ^*Bash stun from .25/.5/.75/1 to 1s all levels
^717* ^*Agi steal from 1/1/2/3 to 1/2/2/3 agility per hit against heroes
^717* ^*Can now build charges between targets for ^256Curse of Ages^*
^717* ^*Can now gain charges from denies

^292- ^*^256Devour^* now reveals any target bit for the duration

^292- ^*^256Shield^* is now a self target cast instead of a toggle
^717* ^*Cast time removed
^717* ^*Costs 20% of max mana to cast, if mana is less than that, uses all of it
^717* ^*Mana consumed is applied as the shield for 12s
^717* ^*Absorbs 50% of damage at the cost of 2/1.66/1.25/0.75 mana consumed per
damage taken
^717* ^*DPS of the shield AOE increased from 12/24/36/48 to 15/30/45/60
^717* ^*^256Shield^* is unremovable

^292- ^*^256Turret^* reworked
^717* ^*Changed to a vector targeting ability to decide the direction it is facing
^717* ^*Manacost lowered from 120 to 100
^717* ^*No longer controllable and only lasts 6 seconds
^717* ^*No longer gets a copy of ^079Engineer^*'s items
^717* ^*Lays down suppressive cover fire in a cone shooting 6 times across the
cone's 800 range, 400 unit spread, 30 shots total
^717* ^*Each bullet deals 25/40/55/70 Physical damage and applies a 7% stacking
movespeed snare (5s duration) to all targets hit
^717* ^*Units hit are pushed 25 units away from the turret
^717* ^*Can only be hit by a max of 5 bullets
^292- ^*^256Energy Field^*
^717* ^*Will no longer hit couriers
^717* ^*Duration lowered from 6/9/12 to 6/8/10
^717* ^*Hits to kill lowered from 5 to 4

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Crippling Volley^*
^717* ^*Ministun removed
^717* ^*Radius lowered from 225 to 200
^717* ^*Damage done increased from 85/140/195/250 to 85/150/215/280

^292- ^*Strength growth from 2.2 to 2.0
^292- ^*Base agility from 21 to 19
^292- ^*Lowered movement speed from 305 to 300
^292- ^*Charges from ^256Scythe^*/^256Shadow Stance^* lowered from 2/3/4/5 and
^292- ^*^256Reflection^*
^717* ^*Movespeed while stealthed rebalanced from 10/20/30% to 10/15/20%
^717* ^*Duration rebalanced from 30/35/40 to 20/35/50
^292- ^*Undev
^292- ^*Reworked
^292- ^*Base STR reduced by 2 (24 to 22) and armor decreased by 0.5
^292- ^*^256Infernal Instability^*
^717* ^*Applies ^256Infernal Instability^* to self for 4 seconds. Granting
10/20/30/40 movement speed for the duration
^717* ^*While Infernal Instability is active, ^079Gauntlet^*'s hand will detonate
on the first target that it comes in contact with.
^717* ^*This includes auto attacks, ^256Grapple^*, or ^256Gauntlet Blast^*. This
ability can be activated while the glove is in mid flight.
^717* ^*Upon detonation, deals 120/180/260/320 Magic damage in the radius, pushing
back units near the hit target and applying a short minor snare for 1.5s
^292- ^*^256Grapple^*
^717* ^*Hand goes 800 range
^717* ^*Can only hit heroes, goes through creeps
^717* ^*Now only grabs units on the way out, not the way back
^717* ^*Moves both ^079Gauntlet^* and the target to where you click, dealing
100/140/180/220 Magic damage to the target and stunning him for 1/1.2/1.4/1.6
^292- ^*^256Cripple^* renamed to ^256Enfeeble^*
^717* ^*30 Max charges
^717* ^*0.8/0.6/0.4/0.2 time between a charge is gained
^717* ^*On attack, transfers all charges to the target, slowing 1% Move, Attack,
and Cast speeds per charge for 5 seconds.
^292- ^*^256Gauntlet Blast^*
^717* ^*75/65/55s Cooldown
^717* ^*600/700/800 Range
^717* ^*100/150/200 Manacost
^717* ^*Shoots the glove out at the target unit. Any enemies within 200 units of
the glove as it flies are stunned for 4 seconds. This stun is broken if they take
any damage after 1 second of being stunned.
^717* ^*When the glove strikes the target, they take 300/450/600 Magic damage and
all buffs are purged
^717* ^*The target hero is stunned and revealed for 1.5 seconds.

^292- ^*Int gain increased from 1.6 to 1.9
^292- ^*^256Terrify^*
^717* ^*Cast time removed (0.6 -> 0)
^717* ^*Now grants vision of the target for the duration of the charge
^717* ^*Now reveals target for the duration of the charge
^717* ^*Now grants 40/80/120/MAX movespeed (used to be max at all levels)

^292- ^*Base strength increased from 17 to 18
^292- ^*^256Barrel Roll^*
^717* ^*Stun removed
^717* ^*Manacost lowered from 130 to 110
^717* ^*Applies a 30/37/44/50% snare for 3.5s
^717* ^*Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 100/160/220/280

^292- ^*^256Nymphora's Zeal^* now deals 25/50/75/100 Magic damage when hitting
^717* ^*Can be hit on both the send and return trip
^717* ^*No longer grants bonus AS / MS

^292- ^*Can no longer throw invisible units

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*^256Extinguish^* is now a true deny (awards the stat)

^292- ^*^256Puppeteer's Hold^*
^717* ^*Fixed a rare bug causing Puppet Strings' floating handles to never
^717* ^*"Snare" effect while under the effect halved from 155 force to 80 force
^717* ^*Negative Attackspeed removed
^717* ^*Cast point sped up from 500ms to 300ms

^292- ^*All Magic damage changed to Physical
^292- ^*^256Stampede^* Reworked
^717* ^*9001 Range
^717* ^*Same mechanic, charges target unit
^717* ^*Gains 15/20/25/30 Movespeed per second
^717* ^*Gains Treewalking after 4 seconds
^717* ^*Does not gain Magic Immunity and no reveal state is placed on enemies
^717* ^*When ^079Rampage^* gets within 450 units of his target, he pounces on them
almost instantly
^717* ^*Causes a Stun and Pushback upon impact instead of just a stun
^717* ^*Movespeed boost retained for 3s after impact
^292- ^*^256Might of the Herd^* Reworked
^717* ^*No longer has a team aura
^717* ^*50 Manacost
^717* ^*Gives self 4/6/8/10% Movespeed
^717* ^*Gains 3/6/9/12% of movespeed in attack damage
^717* ^*On use, stomps the ground every second for 1/2/3/4 seconds, applying Herded
(-15 Movespeed) to all enemies in the radius for 5 seconds. This stacks.
^292- ^*^256Horned Strike^* Reworked
^717* ^*10/9/8/7 second cooldown
^717* ^*Still stuns and pushes back the target on attack. 100 Physical damage at
all levels
^717* ^*While in cooldown, one second is subtracted for every 1000 units traveled
by Rampage
^292- ^*^256Favor of Sol^* removed
^292- ^*New Ultimate: ^256The Chains that Bind^*
^717* ^*^079Rampage^* can use chains he carries around to grab an enemy hero,
stunning them and dragging them behind himself for a limited time
^717* ^*200 Range
^717* ^*175/200/225 Manacost
^717* ^*105/90/75 second cooldown
^717* ^*Binds the target to ^079Rampage^* for 3/3.5/4 seconds and the target will
be dragged behind him as he moves
^717* ^*^079Rampage^* is Disarmed while dragging someone and the dragged target
will take 20/30/40% of the distance they are dragged in Physical damage
^717* ^*If ^079Rampage^* and the target he is dragging get separated by more than
500 units the chains are broken

^292- ^*^256Toxin Wards^* will no longer apply their movement speed slow when they

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*^256Demonic Execution^* will no longer be usable on couriers
^292- ^*^256Demon Hand^* now has a better indicator to its actual radius

^292- ^*Purge should now affect ^079Tempest^*'s elementals after they split

^292- ^*Third ability's damage marked as splash (so it doesn't break
^079Succubus^*' sleep, ^079Gauntlet^*'s ult etc.)

^292- ^*^256Glyph of Silence^* will properly silence heroes that go invulnerable
during casts (^079Magmus^*, ^079Madman^*, etc.)

^292- ^*Illusions will properly copy themselves when he is under the effects of
Bear Form

^079War Beast^*
^292- ^*Illusions will properly copy themselves when he is under the effects of
^292- ^*Hellhounds will no longer be able to attack towers unless ^079War Beast^*
is within 925 units of them

^292- ^*^256Gust^*
^717* ^*Stun Removed
^717* ^*Damage increased from 75/125/175/250 to 75/150/225/300

^970Version 1.0.4^*

^292- ^*Tournament mode updated to not allow mods to be used

^717* ^*Players with mods installed cannot play in tournament mode games, however
they can spectate
^717* ^*Tournament mode games are forced invitation-only games, meaning the host
must invite the other players into the match
^717* ^*Tournament mode will still allow teams to specify who gets first ban so
teams can decide between first ban/team pick

^292- ^*Reworked how health and mana lerps work so they are cleaner overall
^292- ^*You can now press tab after typing /r to rotate through a list of people
who have whispered you recently
^292- ^*The score screen can now be toggled (default [ key)
^292- ^*Fixed an extremely rare case where a player could be terminated after the
game ended (counting as a leave)
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing gold/min and exp/min stats to become inaccurate when
game was paused
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing gold/min and exp/min to become inaccurate when a
player disconnected/reconnected
^292- ^*Removed an unnecessary option from options menu
^292- ^*Gold lerping removed
^292- ^*Fix to a bug that allowed people to pick a hero during a banning phase or
in an all-random game

^292- ^*Moved outside tier 1 neutral camps to where the outposts were
^292- ^*Moved outposts to where the tier 1 outside neutral camps were
^292- ^*Building health increased to be -20% of normal, from -25% of normal

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Time Lock^* not applying to enemies

^292- ^*^256Cleansing Shock^* can now be cast on self via double-activate

^970Version 1.0.3^*
Join the discussion about this patch on the forums:

^970Darkwood Vale^*

^292- ^*Removed two neutral spawns, replaced them with outposts

^292- ^*Replaced two of the higher tier neutral camps with tier 1 neutrals
^292- ^*Outermost towers are now level 1 towers (instead of level 2)
^717* ^*This means they will do slightly less damage and less starting health, same
as the outer most towers on Caldavar
^292- ^*Lowered building health on this map by 25%
^292- ^*Moved some trees to allow better ward spots to cover runes


^292- ^*Players will no longer see trees die in fog

^717* ^*Meaning, juking with ^090Logger's Hatchet^* / ^090Runes of Blight^* is now
much more fun!
^292- ^*Added an interface option for "Double Activate." When enabled, certain
items and abilities may be double-clicked (or double-activated) for automatic use:
^717* ^*^090Homecoming Stone^* and ^090Post Haste^* teleports you home
^717* ^*^090Health Potion^*s and ^090Mana Potion^*s are used on self
^717* ^*^090Tablet of Command^*, ^090Stormspirit^*, ^090Charged Hammer^*, and
^090Nullfire Blade^* are used on self
^717* ^*^090Portal Key^* blinks towards home
^717* ^*^256Grace of the Nymph^*, ^256Inner Light^*, ^256Protective Charm^*,
^256Camouflage^*, ^256Nature's Protection^*, ^256Arcane Hide^*, ^256Healing Wave^*,
^256Cursed Shield^*, ^256Fire Shield^*, ^256Frenzy^*, and ^256Focus Buffer^* are
used on self
^292- ^*Added new game interface option "Move To Spawn On Disconnect"
^717* ^*When enabled, the server will automatically issue a move command to your
hero to move back to base whenever you crash, freeze, or lose your internet
^292- ^*Added new keybind: "Cancel And Hold Position"
^717* ^*Functions exactly like "Hold Position", except it also cancels animations
^717* ^*Players who want this functionality can replace their current Hold
keybinding with the new Cancel and Hold keybinding
^292- ^*A unit in the air no longer gains the 25% "uphill miss chance" evasion
^717* ^*Units stunned by ^079Witch Slayer^* or ^079Magmus^* or tossed by
^079Pebbles^* won't gain extra evasion
^717* ^*Couriers and ^079Tundra^*'s bird won't gain extra evasion
^292- ^*Health and Mana bars for heroes will now show the damage they take
^717* ^*This new 'shadowed' bar can be turned off in the options menu
^292- ^*If the player drag-selects, and the current active control entity is not a
hero, and the selection contains a hero, then the active control entity will become
the first hero in the selection.
^717* ^*This allows players to drag-select ophelia + her creeps and ALWAYS have
Ophelia as active, regardless of the last active unit.
^292- ^*Scorescreen now contains voting options (kick, pause, concede, remake) and
add friend functionality
^292- ^*The camera will no longer shake when an effect (such as homecoming stone)
is played in fog
^292- ^*Fix to properly calculate a player's exp/min, even if he reached max level
^292- ^*Neutral creep agro range for allc reeps set to 300 (some were 250, some
were 300)
^292- ^*Vulture Lord now has a +3 AOE armor aura
^292- ^*Fix to Kongor so he won't wonk out and no one can hit him anymore
^292- ^*Added a visual effect for Main health bars, they now course with energy
^292- ^*Modified the internal random number generator to use a much higher quality
distribution of random number
^292- ^*Dual target abilities now properly ignore trees if their target scheme
ignores them
^292- ^*Hero health/mana bars are now shadowed with 500ms delay on the shadows
^292- ^*Gold lerps to its actual value over 350m
^292- ^*Toggles are correctly propagated to illusions
^717* ^*Fixes illusion steamboots, illusion fayde stance, etc


^292- ^*Added "Potential Hero Selection" functionality

^717* ^*At the hero selection screen, you can right-click on any hero to make it
your "Potential Hero"
^717* ^*Spectators and anyone on your team can see your potential hero (the enemy
team can't)
^717* ^*If you run out of time, you will select that hero rather than randoming
^292- ^*Prevent the "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Let's get it on" countdown from
happening after the hero selection screen
^292- ^*Loading bar now courses with energy
^292- ^*The game lobby will no longer display the message "PlayerName has
connected." once for their initial connection, and again when they have finished
^717* ^*It will now say "PlayerName is connecting." and "PlayerName has connected."
to distinguish the different events
^292- ^*Set the max channel chat message (250), max game chat message (150), chat
channel topic (140), and channel name length (30).
^292- ^*Channel messages will only play sounds when receiving a message in the
current channel that has focus
^717* ^*This fixes all the sounds that used to play when a user was in multiple
channels at the same time
^292- ^*The channel name + topic area of the channel is now truncated off properly
and no longer wraps off the panel onto the rest of the UI for long channel topics
^292- ^*Added a hovertip to the channel name + topic so if the topic is 95+ chars,
if you hover over it it displays the full topic, similar to how long game names
work in the Public Game interface
^292- ^*The game lobby will now play the epic lobby.mp3 music
^292- ^*Moved the voip mute button/icon things to the small colored circle to the
side of the player slot (which normally is only used for the right-click menu) in
all game phases
^717* ^*The normal right-click menu (which is only available pre-hero-picker) now
occupies the same spot used to show the player's avatar/left-click to join button)


^292- ^*Fixed a bunch of random crashes caused from clicking the "Disconnect"
^717* ^*Before, clicking the button had a small random chance to corrupt a random
place in memory that caused you to crash at a random time doing something random
^292- ^*Updated the wording of some of the tooltips to be a bit more clear
^292- ^*When viewing a player's stats, "Public Statistics" is now selected by
default (previously "Ranked Statistics")
^292- ^*Prevent a buddylist bug when the user loses connection to the chat server,
then reconnects to the chat server
^292- ^*Russian stringtables updated
^292- ^*Fixed lock camera on player not turning off after a replay
^292- ^*Profanity filter is now optional
^292- ^*Follow fix: If two players are following each other and one of them joins a
game, the other one will now join that game instead of both of them disconnecting
^292- ^*Fixed a spelling error in the matchmaking interface
^292- ^*Fixed crash when CLIPBOARD selection is unowned and an attempt is made to
^292- ^*Fixed an issue that disconnected a user if they typed a player's name into
the IM window
^292- ^*Fix to the close button of the MOTD so you can click it easier
^292- ^*Fixed mousewheel events not having the correct coordinates in windowed mode
^292- ^*Re-organized the options menu slightly
^292- ^*The game list is no longer cleared when closed
^717* ^*The list will only auto-refresh when it is opened for the first time or a
game starts
^292- ^*Fixed Official Stats or No Stats showing up when you invite someone to a

^292- ^*Cast time removed


^292- ^*Will now be attacked by Towers and the Well

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*Grants 0.1sec invulnerability on activation

^292- ^*Damage increased from 40 to 45

^090Plated Greaves^*
^292- ^*Will no longer apply it's buff to Wildsoul's bear

^292- ^*Recipe increased from 1100 to 1250

^090Shrunken Head^*
^292- ^*Added to the tooltip that it cannot be dispelled

^292- ^*Price lowered to 800 from 900

^292- ^*No longer silences or perplexes, just stuns
^717* ^*This allows you to queue up orders while under it's effects

^292- ^*^079Maliken^*, ^079Warbeast^*, and ^079Wildsoul^* transformations will no

longer act stupid when ^079Dark Lady^* Ults
^292- ^*^079Valkyrie^*'s ^256Javelin^*, ^079Devourer^*'s ^256Hook^*, and ^079Voodoo
Jester^*'s ^256Casks^* will no longer hit couriers

^292- ^*Added new Legion Strength hero, ^079Tundra^*

^717* ^*Based on Rexxar the Beastmaster from DotA

^292- ^*Fire Shield dispels stuns once again
^292- ^*Flame Consumption will no longer automatically activate below 400hp. Must
be cast manually.
^717* ^*This means that silences/stuns/etc will prevent Accursed from triggering
his ult
^292- ^*Staff of the Master now lets Accursed use Flame Consumption while silenced

^292- ^*Spiderling will no longer stand there like a dummy if a hero blinked while
the projectile was midair

^292- ^*Initial 200/275/350 Magic damage on the ult is now Superior Magic, meaning
it will go through magic immunity

^292- ^*^256Shell Surf^* vision increased from 600 to 800 units and now keeps
granting vision if it goes the max distance for 3.34 seconds.
^292- ^*Fixed a bug with ^256Shell Toss^* that was resetting the cooldown
^292- ^*^256Song of the Sea^* now hits units in fog and invisible units
^292- ^*^256Take Cover^* no longer perplexes
^292- ^*^256Kelp Field^* will no longer deal damage or stun magic immune heroes

^292- ^*Attack time increased from 350ms to 450ms

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292- ^*^256Electric Tide^* now is now correctly displayed when originating from a
position within fog

^292- ^*Base strength increased from 23 to 25
^292- ^*Base Armor increased from 2.24 to 2.74
^292- ^*Creeps will no longer dispel the tree

^292- ^*Fixed the Turret's attacks eating ^090Nullstone^*
^292- ^*^256Tinker^* cooldown increased from 15 to 20
^292- ^*^256Tinker^* manacost increased from 25 to 50

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*^256Skeletons^* will no longer trigger neutrals to use their abilities

^292- ^*Ability 1 now has an instant cast time
^292- ^*Cast range on second ability increased from 625/800/975/1150 to

^292- ^*^256Mighty Swing^* can now be toggled on and off

^292- ^*Base armor lowered from 2.4 to 1.4
^292- ^*^256Life Void^* cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds

^292- ^*^256Volcanic Touch^* now correctly deals damage to Mechanical units

^292- ^*Fixed tooltips
^292- ^*^256Possession^* manacost lowered from 150 to 100

^292- ^*Number of people taken with her ^256Teleport^* increased from 0,1,2 to
1,2,3 additional targets per level

^292- ^*Slow from missing a ^256Cannonball^* lowered from 4s to 2s

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*Max distance of ^256Jolt^* lowered by 200

^292- ^*^256Phoenix Wave^* can now target both units and the ground

^079Sand Wraith^*
^292- ^*Using ^256Manifest^* no longer kills all active illusions

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Added to the ult tooltip to correctly state the cooldown changes to 70s at
all levels with it

^292- ^*Fixed the "being knocked down" while using an item bug

^292- ^*Fixed a bug causing sleep to sometimes be removed instantly by a creep
^292- ^*^256Succubus' Hold^* cooldown lowered from 120s at all levels to

^292- ^*Base movespeed increased from 300 to 305
^292- ^*Returned attack no longer triggers responses like ^079Corrupted
Disciple^*'s ^256Static Discharge^*

^292- ^*^256Javelin^* will now leave lingering vision if it hits nothing
^292- ^*Tweaked ^256Prism^* to correctly hit invulnerable allied heroes

^292- ^*Damage when the bear dies now properly goes through immunities
^292- ^*Updated his tooltip to reflect that he takes damage when his bear dies
^292- ^*Beardulon abilities reworked very slightly
^717* ^*Gains ^256Return^* at level 1
^717* ^*Gains ^256Entangling Claws^* at level 2
^717* ^*Gains ^256Demolish^* at level 3
^717* ^*Gains ^256Magic Resist^* at level 4
^292- ^*^256Wild^* cast time removed, letting him cast it on the run
^292- ^*Base movespeed while in Bear form increased from 270 to 285

^079Wretched Hag^*
^292- ^*^256Bat Blast^* can now target both units and the ground

^292- ^*^256Cyclone^* damage halved against non-hero units

^970Version 1.0.2^*
Join the discussion about this patch on the forums:


^292- ^*^090Marchers^* are now in the outpost

^292- ^*Implemented functionality for "Buy All Components"
^717* ^*Clicking this button will attempt to purchase all components and sub-
components needed to complete the recipe.
^292- ^*Fixed several stringtable entries
^292- ^*Fixed blockers behind the Legion fountain to help people who teleport back
^292- ^*Updated some cliffs so wards will not sink into them anymore
^292- ^*Fixed "^090Helm of the Black Legion^*" appearing incorrectly on the shop
due to it's length
^292- ^*Tweaked some weirdness with collisions in the pathing code
^292- ^*Fixed the pause dropdown so it now has the correct title

^292- ^*Following functionality added: Right click on a buddy or clanmate and

select "Follow" to follow them. You will join and leave any games they join or
leave until you unfollow them, quit the game, or are in a game that starts.
^717* ^*Thanks to __VIking for the idea
^292- ^*Players attempting to re-connect to servers they got disconnected from will
no longer be unable to join them due to PSR restrictions for times when they have
recently played a game and their PSR was not updated before connecting to the
^292- ^*Fixed matchmaking to auto focus the channel they join in on
^292- ^*Removed the "stats reset by release" notification from the reset stats form
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where blank lines would appear on IMs when one of the
players chatting would join or leave a game.
^292- ^*Fixed a bug where the No Stats icon would not show up in notifications for
games that were "No Stats"
^292- ^*The game will no longer display an additional disconnect message indicating
that the hero was removed and assets distributed to their team when a player with
no team is kicked from the game
^292- ^*Rearranged the icons on the bottom of Public Games interface to make more
space and fix alignments
^292- ^*Updated Min/Max PSR Filter to be a little more lenient, for example
selecting <1500 and >1600 now checks if it the server is <=1500 or >=1600.
^292- ^*The Public Game interface so that it can now display the actual advanced
game options when hovering over the "Advanced Options" icon
^292- ^*Added a "Hide Restricted Games" option to the Public Game interface
^717* ^*When enabled any games a player is ineligible for due to having a leaver
status or having a PSR outside the range of that game will be hidden
^717* ^*Credit to Bangerz for the implementation
^292- ^*Added the Premium Account icon to the Icon Key tooltip
^292- ^*Added more ping filter values (from a max of 270 to a max of 360) and added
more PSR values (1900 and 1950).
^292- ^*Added game hint indicating players can disable notifications in game via
the options menu
^292- ^*Logging in with "Invisible Mode" will now always bring focus to the
"Status" channel, previously it wouldn't the first time logging in
^292- ^*Removed requirement to enter a reason when banning someone via "/bl add
nickname", it now defaults to the reason "None" if none is specified
^292- ^*Fixed an issue where the banlist reason was not updated properly unless the
player logged out first
^292- ^*Using "/r" will only reply to the last whisper received, and will no longer
reply to the last buddy or clan whisper


^292- ^*Added maximum spread setting for matchmaking

^292- ^*Restrict matchmaking regions to just USW, USE, EU
^292- ^*Improve tracking of matchmaking failure rates and player disconnections


^292- ^*Fixed a glitch when you had a body effect on and threw the shell
^292- ^*Can now use ^256Shell Surf^*'s teleport while under the effects of ^256Take
^292- ^*^256Take Cover^* now triggers off tower hits
^292- ^*Initial radius of ^256Kelp Field^* changed from 600 to 400

^292- ^*^256Rocket Barrage^* damage reduced from 105/130/155/180 to 85/115/145/180
^292- ^*^256Sawblade Showdown^* cooldown set to 50 seconds at all levels (from

^292- ^*^256Stances^* will no longer reset when she dies

^292- ^*Completely reworked, still a dev hero. Let us know what you think on the

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*Updated the tooltip for ^256Smoke Bomb^* to explain that he cannot attack
towers while in the cloud

^292- ^*^256Marksman Shot^* will no longer place an infinite life state on the

^970Version 1.0.1^*

^292- ^*Fixed average wait time and percent successful matches stat tracking for
^292- ^*Added some matchmaker logging
^292- ^*Fixed substitutions not working properly
^292- ^*Tweaked some oddities in the pathing code
^717* ^*Heroes might 'stick' on each other slightly again. We are developing a
more permanent solution
^292- ^*Toggling autocast and attack abilities no longer interrupt any current


^090Harkon's Blade^*
^292- ^*No longer stacks with Lifeleech & other attack modifiers

^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^292- ^*Recipe cost from 600 to 200

^090Plated Greaves^*
^292- ^*The activated effect can now apply to all allied non-hero units (including
player controlled units).

^292- ^*Recipe cost from 1000 to 1100


Added New Legion Int hero, ^079Bubbles^*, inspired by Puck the Faerie Dragon
^717* ^*Fun Fact: The voice of this hero was recorded by [I]Robert Jadah[/I], who
also voiced Morla The Thousand Year-Old Turtle for 'The Neverending Story'

^292- ^*Un-Dev
^292- ^*Fixed Recommended Items
^292- ^*Base armor lowered by 2
^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^* silence from 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds to 1/2/3/4 seconds
^292- ^*^256Demonic Pathogen^* damage from 100 magic DPS to 60 magic DPS
^292- ^*^256Corpse Conversion^* cooldown from 30 to 20
^292- ^*Gold bounty from minions from 21/26/36/41 to 10/13/18/20
^292- ^*Minions now have 3 Magic Armor
^292- ^*Now takes 30 seconds for charges on his ult to start disappearing
^292- ^*His ultimate now gains 0.6 charges per 1% of enemy mana spent (increased
from 0.5)

^292- ^*Blood Sense now grants full vision of low HP targets

^292- ^*^256Uproot^*'s Mana Cost from 60 to 30
^292- ^*^256Uproot^*'s charges from 5/6/7/8 to 5 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Willowmaker^* now casts 100ms faster

^292- ^*Armor from 1.96 to 2.96

^292- ^*Base STR from 22 to 20
^292- ^*Base INT from 19 to 21

^292- ^*^256Scythe Stance^* now causes ^256Cull^* to stun and ^256Burning
Shadows^* to destroy mana
^292- ^*^256Shadow Stance^* now causes ^256Cull^* to destroy mana and ^256Burning
Shadows^* to stun
^292- ^*Fayde now starts in Scythe Stance by default (this makes Reflection deal
Physical damage by default, even when stances are unleveled)

^292- ^*STR growth from 2.5 to 2.1
^292- ^*AGI growth from 1.0 to 1.2
^292- ^*INT growth from 2.7 to 2.9

^292- ^*Armor from 1.8 to 2.8

^292- ^*^256Stalk^* cooldown lowered by 1

^292- ^*^256Grace of the Nymph^* now only dispels from player-controlled unit
^292- ^*^256Teleport^* no longer displays graphic/sfx to enemies when in fog

^292- ^*^256Cannonball^* now snares by 60% for 4 seconds instead of stunning when

^292- ^*^256Toxin Wards^* now have 1/1/2/2 charges for placement, decreased from
^292- ^*^256Toxin Wards^* attack effect changed from -10% Movespeed to -25
Movespeed at all levels
^292- ^*Fixed tool tip of ^256Toxin Wards^* displaying the incorrect amount of

^292- ^*^256Counter-Attack^* no longer uses real attacks, meaning it will not
trigger things like critical strike, life steal, or ^090Frostburn^*. It now
simply deals damage equal to ^079Swiftblade^*'s base attack damage.

^292- ^* Fixing a minor UI issue with the new F6 menu while ingame

^970Version 1.0.0^*
^970Release Build^*

^292- ^* Fixed terminating players properly ingame when they left

^292- ^* Fixed disconnection caused by the terminated player message
^292- ^* Fixed upside down taskbar icon under Linux
^292- ^* Fixed matchmaking giving improper point values
^292- ^* Fixed the black and white box when picking a dev hero
^292- ^* Fixed MinPSR/MaxPSR not being reset back to 0 when a game ends
^292- ^* Rate of passive income is now adjusted when a player terminates (Higher
with less players)
^292- ^* Cleaned up create game dialog
^292- ^* Added a frame that holds the disconnect button on the loading screen
^292- ^* Updated tooltip description for hardcore mode so it doesn't say items are
^292- ^* Tweaked Linux resource auto-reloading

- Minions spawned by ^256Hell on Newerth^* will now die if their target dies
- Won't eat ^090Items^*, ^256Wildsoul's Bear^*, or Mechanical units anymore

^970Version 0.3.6^*

^970Game Modes^*

^292- ^*Added Dev Hero Mode

^717* ^*When enabled, Dev Hero Mode allows work-in-progress "development" heroes to
be played
^717*^* All future S2 Hero additions are going to be added as "dev heroes," this
allows us to get feedback on a large scale and evaluate balance before including
the hero in the stable hero pool
^717*^* Dev hero mode must be enabled when hosting games. It can be filtered in the
game list. Dev heroes will not be used in matchmaking or competitive tournaments
^292-^* Added new advanced game option "Tournament Rules"
^717*^* When enabled, allows the host to specify in the game lobby which team gets
first ban
^717*^* Only affects BP and BD gamemodes
^292-^* Added "Hardcore Mode" advanced game option
^717*^* No passive gold/sec gain
^717*^* A creep/hero deny results in 0 experience for the enemy team
^717*^* A tower deny results in 0 gold for the enemy team
^292-^* "Item Drop" advanced game option now drops all items on death.
^717*^* Items dropped on death cannot be picked up by couriers, sold, or killed on
the ground.
^717*^* Items dropped on death can be picked up and used by anyone.
^292-^* Added 5 seconds to each players pick time in Random Draft (25 -> 30)
^292-^* Added 5 seconds to transition between bans and picks in Random Draft (15 ->

^970Important Bug Fixes^*

^292-^* When using Runes of Blight on a tree, heroes will now approach from the
correct side. (Will now no longer go all the way around a tree to eat it)
^292-^* Heroes are much less likely to keep blocking each other as they try to run
past each other (HUGS!)
^292-^* Fixed ability tooltips sometimes getting stuck on screen
^292-^* Fixed an issue causing buying while dead to sometimes not work
^292- ^*Abilities used from in the fog will no longer originate from the 0,0
^717*^* This includes Devourer's Hook, Electrician's Grip, Pollwog Priest's Tongue
Tied, Puppet Master's Puppeteer's Hold and Voodoo Puppet, and Witch Slayer's Mana
^292-^* Fixed sound system/voicemanager interactions that were causing crashes upon
sound system restart
^292-^* You can now drop an item into an inventory spot with a building under it

^970Matchmaking 2.0^*

^292-^* Matchmaking has received some serious revisions that should drastically
improve match making quality. Please help us further perfect our match making
system by giving it a try and leaving feedback on the forums
^717*^* Reworked how matches are formed to more consistently replace players who
fail to load and to decrease time to find matches for players with exceptionally
high or low SMR ratings
^717*^* Players new to matchmaking must complete 5 provisional matches, in which
they will be matched with other new players. If not enough new players are
available, they will eventually be matched with regular players.
^717*^* Players now have the option to set their initial standing according to
general skill level, which affects the types of players they will be matched
against. The three options are Beginner, Intermediate, and advanced.
^717*^* Solo matchmaking uses Banning Draft (BD)

^970Ingame Changes^*

^292- ^*Added a new keybinding: Direct Pathing (Modifer 3)

^717*^* When held down and an order is given (Move, Attack, Cast, etc) will move
the hero in a direct path towards where you click no matter what is in the way.
Ignores cliffs, heroes, and creeps. Useful for chasing through the woods or pushing
yourself against a cliff to cast into the river!
^292-^* Re-arranged some of the shop to put modifers into the correct (bottom)
shop. This includes all lifesteal items. Brutalizer and Lightning items are now in
the Combat shop. Be wary of your hotkeys!
^292-^* If you buy an item on a courier then transfer that item to your hero, you
can now sell that item for its full value within the 15sec sellback period
^292-^* Added game option "Minimap Rightclick" (default on). When disabled, the
player cannot rightclick on the minimap.
^292-^* The game will no longer display an incorrect disconnect message indicating
that the hero was removed and assets distributed to their team if the disconnected
player was a referee or spectator
^292-^* Fixed disconnect messages appearing twice when a player disconnects in game
^292-^* Calling a vote to remake, pause or kick (through the console) before the
pre-match game phase will no longer work. (ie. only after the players are loaded
into the map can they call these.)
^292-^* If displaying chat timestamps were enabled in game, various game messages
sent to both teams were not being timestamped (disconnects, Kongor kills, Barracks
destruction, etc). These messages now display the timestamp properly if the client
has this option enabled.
^292-^* New death for the legion main building
^292-^* Finally took down our Christmas lights...
^292-^* New Hellbourne sounds and effects for buildings
^292-^* Random small chest sound/model fixes
^292-^* The game option "Show exp numbers" is now on by default for new
^292-^* Added an option "Center Camera on Respawn" that allows users to toggle
whether or not the camera will automatically focus on their hero after respawning
^292-^* Unpause now plays a noise so players are aware
^292-^* Fixed some neutral NPC sounds playing globally
^292-^* Updated map to remove texture seams
^292-^* Added a visible 'corpse' for NPCs dying
^292-^* Heroes can no longer pickup runes while stunned
^292-^* Referees are now treated as spectators
^717*^* Fixes the fog issue, allows them to see the scoreboard, allows them to talk
with other referees and spectators
^292-^* Added some environmental sound effects on Caldavar
^292-^* Double Tap returns!
^292-^* Fixed the sound bug where muting someone might not always work
^292-^* Restrict most actions while the game is paused
^292-^* Fixed the "Share All" courier button to reset its state at the start of
every game
^292-^* Fixed a bug that occurred when spectators used the "Disable Fog of War" or
"Lock Camera" options would see those settings carry over into the the next game
they joined or played
^292-^* Fixed some tooltips for items in the shop
^292-^* Fixed spectators at 1920x1080 resolution

^970Pre-Game Changes^*

^292-^* Hero icons no-longer react to mouseovers/clicks when there's no hero

^292-^* The loading race values now start at 1 and end at 10, the old race values
should no longer appear when loading the next game
^292-^* Pressing ALT in the game lobby will now toggle the chat mode between "Team"
and "All" chat modes.
^292-^* Moved the Ping/Players/Version labels in the game lobby a bit to the right
as we weren't making use of the space and server names with long names like those
we use for South Africa overlapped into these labels
^292-^* Voice chat indicator/mute button shows up in the hero picker/etc. now (on
the inner side of the hero name)
^292-^* Pressing the "All/Team" button in the game lobby will now set focus to the
chat input line
^292-^* Lobby now has sounds for actions (kick, join etc)
^292-^* Increase the max spectator slots to 10
^292-^* Fixed the Alternate Picking crash
^292-^* The host option "Disband" has been changed to "Disconnect", Upon
disconnecting the game server will assign another player as the host and print a
message to the game lobby indicating the transfer of hosting privileges

^970General Changes^*

^292-^* Replays now begin recording during the picking phase

^292-^* Removed the "Tier" filters, columns and inputs from the game browser and
create game interface
^292-^* Added filters, sortable columns and all inputs for Min/Max PSR to the game
browser and create game interface
^717*^* Players may now specify a Min/Max PSR range when creating a game. Min/Max
PSR games will appear normally as they would in the game browser and other players
may join a game if their PSR falls within 2% of the range the game server Min/Max
PSR is set to. (This means a player with 1471 PSR should be able to make it into a
game marked Min 1500, and a 1734 player would be able to join a game marked as Max
1700, but those are the very edge of the 2% tolerance, so anything higher or lower
would be rejected.)
^292-^* Games outside of a player's PSR range are grayed out in the game browser
similar to the way "No Leaver" games appear to a player with leaver status. If no
range is specified when the game is created then no range is enforced. If a player
is invited to a game, the server ignores the PSR restrictions for them allowing
friends to play in games they may not normally be able to be playing
^292-^* Added Min/Max PSR to the /gi or /gameinfo commands
^292-^* The players PSR is now retrieved stored locally on the client when logging
in, and is accessible through the UI_CMD() GetPSR()
^292-^* Removed the ticks, grinds, and blips and whatnot that were playing when the
game started up
^292-^* Added an option "Disable Background Effects" that allows users to toggle
whether or not all the background lobby effects and animations are played. (Credit
to Pancakeslp for the original mod)
^292-^* Fixed some buddy request/add notifications playing sounds a bunch of times
when logging in if a player had those notifications saved in their history
^292-^* The Notification Duration slider under options->interface now sets the
duration (1-15 seconds) a notification is displayed for
^292-^* Fixed a number of incorrectly labeled tooltips on the options menu.
Disabled the "Health/Mana Bar Scale" in the options
^292-^* Removed the "Options" menu from the F10 in game menu
^292-^* Fixed "Add PlayerName" buttons on options menu to align properly and
correctly add the player clicked on
^292-^* Increased max size of joinable channels to 30
^292-^* Using the slash command /join <channelname> "password" will now attempt to
join the channel with the password specified. (Anything in between the quotes at
the end becomes the password)
^292-^* Fixed some issues in the client/interface causing the change password
dialogue to not work
^292-^* Fixed the lock/unlocked tooltip for hosts to display the correct tip (was
previously showing the opposite tooltip it should have been showing)
^292-^* Players can now select Logon/Logoff and Join/Leave Game notification
settings for clan members separately from the notifications they select for their
^292-^* Fixed an issue where notifications were not being saved to the history
^292-^* Fixed the default notification time to be 10 seconds instead of 10000
^292-^* Updated sub-account description
^292-^* Removed "Show Menu Transitions" from the options menu as the option is not
currently being used
^292- ^*Fixed iris closing sound being heard on disconnect
^292-^* Fixed "/r" to not reply to a clan whisper automatically with "/c m",
instead it will reply directly to the sender with a "/w PlayerName" just like how
"/b m" works
^292-^* Trying out new color for the selected item in listboxes
^292-^* Fixed the "Show Winner" button on the match stats screen to correctly
display and announce the team who won
^292-^* Fixed sound driver list sometimes showing the current driver incorrectly
^717*^* This means the sound system will only restart if it is indeed necessary
^292-^* Fixed a couple places where linux system class was using incorrect
character conversions
^292-^* Added console command "precacheworld <mapname>". So for example type
"precacheworld caldavar" to precache its resources
^292-^* Removed cvar browser_maxPing as it was not being used
^292-^* Invisible Mode will now remember its state the next time the game re-loads
^292- ^*Players in "Invisible Mode" will no longer auto join default HoN or Clan
channels when leaving a game, allowing them to properly remain in a hidden state
^292-^* Clicking on the clock in the system bar now toggles between 12 hour and 24
hour display
^292-^* Re-arranged Public and Create Game interfaces to make more space and added
icons/checkboxes for the new "Hardcore" and "Dev Heroes" game options
^292- ^*Moved "Alt Hero Picking" on the Create Game interface to an Advanced
Option, which is what it is actually categorized as


^292-^* Can now be sold for 500 gold

^292-^* Can no longer be transferred to your stash, manually dropped on the ground,
or given to teammates.

^292- ^*Snare is now 5% a charge and stacks 3 times
^090Frostwolf Skull^*
^292-^* Recipe cost increased by 500

^090Geometer's Bane^*
^292- ^*Now spawns illusions in a triangle and randomizes the position of the hero
on use

^090Nome's Wisdom^*
^292-^* Rebalanced
^717*^* Strength lowered from 6 to 4
^717* ^*Agility lowered from 6 to 4
^717*^* Intelligence lowered from 16 to 14
^717*^* +Damage lowered from 10 to 6
^717*^* % Mana Regen removed
^717*^* Aura armor lowered from 4 to 3
^717*^* Healing from the Aura tweaked so that if the healing exceeds your max
health, a shield of equal value is applied for 10 seconds.

^090Nullfire Blade^*
^292-^* Fixed so it can now properly dispel Jeraziah's Protective Charm
^292-^* Recipe will sell for the correct value again

^090Plated Greaves^*
^292-^* Cooldown increased to 30s, duration lowered to 15s
^292-^* AOE effect now grants +20% damage but only affects allied non-player
controlled creeps
^292-^* AOE effect no longer grants armor

^292-^* Can now target all heroes (allied and enemy). Can no longer target Kongor.

^292-^* Can no longer be sold


^292-^* Added ^079Balphagore^* as a dev hero. Must host games with the dev hero
option enabled to play him
^717*^* Feedback on this hero is appreciated, as we are still fine-tuning balance
and making necessary adjustments

^292-^* Fixed weird shadows with ^256Fissure^*

^292-^* Fixed some issues with multicast and ^256Frenzy
^292-^* Voice added. Nuts.
^292-^* ^256Tar Toss^* will no longer apply its slow to Magic Immune units
^292- ^*^256Sawblade's ^*staff of the master upgrade no longer provides a static
70% movement speed slow. Instead, units who walk into the saw blades will have a 4
second snare applied to them that starts at 90% and quickly reduces in strength
over the duration.
^292-^* ^256Sawblade^* Showdown won't slow couriers anymore

^292-^* ^256Clearcutting^* now causes trees to die with a cooler animation.
^292-^* ^256Barrel Roll^* will once again grant invulnerability during the duration
of the roll

^292- ^*^256Lava Surge^* once again provides invulnerability during travel time

^292-^* Ult to 85s at all levels from 90/75/60

^292- ^*Voice added
^292-^* Updated description
^292- ^*A ton of effect changes
^292-^* ^256Slice^* renamed ^256Cull^*
^292-^* Illusions from ^256Burning Shadows ^*now attacks much faster
^292-^* Illusions from ^256Burning Shadows ^*are back to full size
^292- ^*Illusions from^256 Burning Shadows^* can no longer be selected or show
^292-^* Cooldown on switching between ^256Scythe^* and ^256Shadow Stanc^*e removed
^292-^* Fayde now starts in ^256Shadow Stance^*
^292-^* Charges on ^256Shadow/Scythe Stance^* increased to 2,3,4,5
^292-^* ^256Reflection^*
^717* ^*Manacost increased to 150,175,200 from 150
^717*^* Duration changed to 30,35,40 from 40 at all levels
^717*^* ^256Reflection^* stealth state will no longer have charges that do nothing
^717*^* Shadow Cripple now reduces all healing on the target by 50% while it's
^717*^* Shadow Cripple is no longer dispellable

^292-^* Updated ^256Ice Imprisonment^* tooltip to explain that it lasts 10 seconds
when casted on creeps

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292-^* Updated ^256Root^* effect to match the area better

^292-^* Added custom sounds for his charge

^292-^* Updated recommended items

^292-^* ^256Command^* will no longer give the bonus HP to couriers she has bought
or to heroes/herself in weird situations

^292-^* Voice added

^079Plague Rider^*
^292-^* Voice added

^292-^* Units under the effects of ^256Morph^* can no longer evade or deflect
^292-^* Cooldown of ^256Wards^* changed from 110/95/80 to 100
^292-^* Fixed a bug causing ult to trigger Nullstone twice (causing the cool down
to decrease too much)

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292-^* Rewrote some tooltips

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*Units under the effects of ^256miniaturization^* can no longer evade or
deflect attacks
^292-^* Fixed a bug causing ult to trigger Nullstone twice (causing the cool down
to decrease too much)

^292-^* ^256Call of the Valkyrie^* will now determine the close-range target to get
hit twice at the time the ability is used, rather than after a 0.5 second delay
^292- ^*Tweak leap distance from 630,690,780,840 to 630,720,780,870

^292-^* Voice added

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292-^* ^256Cask^* now bounces for 2/4/6/8 times, instead of the incorrect 2/4/5/8

^*^292-^* ^256Metamorphosis ^*will no longer apply to his courier

^292-^* ^256Wild^* will no longer apply to his courier

^292-^* Correctly credit him for damage that his ult does

^970Version 0.3.5^*
^292-^* Fixed the 'terrain being black' bug


^292-^* Tweaked effects on ^090Frostfield Plate^* to better match the area (thanks
to Warchamp7)
^292-^* ^090Kuldra's Sheep^* stick will now dispel stealth on its target
^292-^* ^090Monkey Courier^* now has a three second cool down between purchases
^292-^* ^090Nullfire Blade's^* purge no longer passes through Magic Immunity

^090Tablet of Command^*
^292-^* No longer be castable on Magic Immune units
^292-^* Cooldown lowered from 25s to 16s

^292-^* Reduced recipe cost by 200
^292-^* Now uses a ^090Bolstering Armband^* rather than ^090Fleetfeet^*
^292-^* Removed agility bonus, increased strength to +16 from +15
^292-^* The movement speed slow now lasts 2.5 seconds when wielded by a melee hero,
still 1.5 seconds when wielded by ranged
^292-^* The slow now stacks in strength with consecutive applications
^717*^* Each attack applies a stacking 3% movement speed slow. Stacks a maximum of
5 times, for a 15% slow
^292-^* Reduced recipe cost by 200
^292-^* Now uses a ^090Fleetfeet^* rather than ^090Bolstering Armband^*
^292-^* Removed Strength bonus, increased agility to +16 from +15

^292-^* Total cost reduced by 400 (as a result of ^090IceBrand^* and
^090FireBrand^* changes)
^292-^* Agility and Strength bonuses lowered to +16 each (from +21)
^292-^* Attackspeed bonus lowered to +20 from +30
^292-^* The movement speed slow now lasts 3.5 seconds when wielded by a melee hero,
2.5 seconds when wielded by ranged
^292-^* The slow now stacks in strength with consecutive applications
^717*^* Each attack applies a stacking 3% movement speed slow. Stacks a maximum of
5 times, for a 15% slow


^292-^* Tweaked ^256Fissure's^* effects to improve performance

^292-^* Delay on casting ^256Tar Toss^* reduced to 0.25 seconds (from 0.4),
projectile travel time increased to 0.75 seconds (from 0.35)
^717*^* Increases total delay on the impact by 0.25 seconds

^079Corruped Disciple^*
^292-^* Base damage changed to 44^292-^*48 from 44^292-^*52

^292-^* Damage on ^256Energy Field^* will no longer harm couriers or other
splash^292-^*immune units

^292-^* ^256Guillotine^* is now renamed to ^256Slice^*
^717*^* The mana destruction is now reduced based on the number of hero targets
hit. Destroys 6/12/18/24% of maximum mana, minus 1/2/3/4% per additional target hit
(hitting 2 targets would destroy 20% mana each, hitting 3 targets would destroy 16%
mana, etc).
^717*^* Shadow Stance: Stuns for 1/1.5/2/2.5 s
^717*^* Scyth Stance: Burns Mana
^292-^* ^256Burning Shadows^*
^717*^* Now travels 160 units farther
^717*^* Illusions now attack 1,2,3,4 times and deal 70 damage per attack
^717*^* Illusions are now smaller so they don't stack over heroes
^717*^* Illusions will now chase heroes properly
^717*^* Shadow Stance: Burns Mana instantly when they are hit (same % at Slice)
^717*^* Scythe Stance: Stuns
^292-^* ^256Dark Shield^* removed. Replaced with ^256Scythe Stance^* and ^256Shadow
^717*^* On use, switches between Shadow and Scythe Stance
^717*^* Starts in ^256Scythe Stance^*
^717*^* No Manacost. 48/36/24/12s cooldown.
^717*^* Cannot switch Stances if either ^256Slice^* or ^256Burning Shadows^* are in
^717*^* Passive component: Blocks damage based on Stance. 50 damage per charge (max
1,2,3,4 charges, gains one charge every 10 seconds). Ignores damage less than 25.
^717*^* Blocks magic in Shadow Stance. Blocks physical in Scythe Stance
^717*^* Example: You have 4 charges and are in Shadow Stance. Get nuked by a 300
dmg nuke. All charges removed and nuke damage lowered to 100.
^292-^* ^256Reflection^* reworked
^717*^* Still grants stealth and the seamless illusion. Manacost/cooldown/duration
^717*^* Illusion no longer gives experience to Fayde
^717*^* Applies 3 second DoT on attack from stealth and stealth is removed/illusion
killed. No longer has extra stealth (exits stealth immediately).
^717*^* DoT no longer snares
^717*^* DoT damage set to 75/125/175 DPS. Deals Physical damage by default (in
Scythe Stance), deals Magic damage in Shadow Stance.
^717*^* Invibility from the ult is not removed when changing between Shadow/Scythe

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292-^* Base damage tweaked to 44^292-^*50 from 40^292-^*51
^292-^* ^256Call of the Damned^* can now be toggled to prevent skeletons from
instantly spawning when killing units. Instead, it will build up charges which can
be used at will to spawn skeletons at a later time.

^292-^* ^256Unholy Shackles^* attack + movement speed slow lowered to 20/30/40/50%
from 30/40/50/60%
^292-^* ^256Summon Malphas^* mana cost increased to 200/300/400 from 200/250/300

^292-^* Number of controllable creeps reduced to 1/1/2/3 from 1/2/2/3

^292-^* Fixed an issue causing the passive third ability to play an overly loud

^292-^* Fixed Fayde's tooltip for Reflection to correctly state that the Illusion
is killed when she lands her first attack from stealth.
^292-^* Fixed Fayde's model to not be a teapot. Sorry if you like teapots.

^970Version 0.3.4^*
Join the discussion about this patch on the forums:


^292-^* Life Steal items, except for ^090Abyssal Skull^*, are now exclusive attack
modifiers (will not stack with ^090Frostburn^*, ^090Frostwolf's Skull^*, etc)
^292-^* Dominating neutral creeps (using ^079Ophelia^* or ^090Whispering Helm^*)
will no longer cause the dominated creep's camp to stack less than 3 times total
^292-^* :Doombringer: A ^090Doombringer^* can no longer be killed, transferred to
your stash, sold, or held by a courier / Wildsoul bear. Once someone buys a
^090Doombringer^*, it's in the game for good!
^717*^* NOTE: This means that if you buy a ^090Doombringer^* on a courier /
Wildsoul bear, then it will immediately drop the Doombringer. Beware!

^292-^* Matchmaking will now sort players from top to bottom according to SMR
^292-^* Fixed an issue where the loading race number carries over to the next game,
it should be reset properly each match now
^292-^* Right clicking images for the various game mode/options on the "Join Game"
notification should now close the notification properly
^292-^* "Official" and "Official - No Stats" icons properly appear in the first
column in the game browser now with their appropriate tooltip
^292-^* Hovering over locked or unlocked slots in the game lobby will display the
appropriate "Locked" or "Unlocked" tooltip now
^292-^* Fixed the Jail Bars appearing mis-aligned when a player is locked on the
Hellbourne side in the game lobby
^292-^* Fixed the right click host visible menu appearing half cut-off if used on
the Hellbourne side of the game lobby
^292-^* Added an tooltip to the host's lock/unlock button indicating that slots can
not be locked in the "Auto Balanced" game mode
^292-^* Empty hero picker icons no longer react to mouseover/clicks as if they're

^292-^* Fixed an issue where players who tried to add friends during the first few
days of open beta experienced issues trying to request new friends got a message
indicating they had already requested them and needed to wait. They should no
longer need to wait any longer than 60 seconds to re-request their a friend
^292-^* Fixed an issue where certain players would always be flagged with a PSR of
"N/A", resulting in 100% win chance for their team
^292-^* The notification history now adds the most recent notifications to the top
of the list
^292-^* Fixed a small animation on the effect indicators
^292-^* Fixed a bug which caused music to not loop
^292-^* Removed that non working update button
^292-^* Sending buddy/clan whispers to players in /afk mode will no longer return a
response indicating that the player was AFK with the reason
^292-^* If a player wishes to not see buddy/clan whispers they can use /dnd mode
and it will stop those messages from being delivered to them

^292-^* Startup.cfg fixes (credit to Notausgang)

^717*^* SetSave is now properly quoted and escaped
^717*^* BindButton, BindImpulse, etc is now properly escaped
^717*^* Alias is now properly quoted and escaped

UI modding enhancements (credit to Notausgang/Tisser):

^292-^* Added new UI function IsEnabled. (Credit to Tisser)
^292-^* Added a new UI function EscapeString(str). It scans the input string for
any \ or ' characters and adds a backslash before them
^717*^* Don't do this twice to the same string! That will likely cause the result
to be invalid
^292-^* Added new UI_CMD() AddTemplateListItemWithSortReversed() that takes the
same parameters as AddTemplateListItemWithSort() but adds the newest elements to
the top of the list instead of the end (so the newest item appears at the top of
the widget.)


^090Barbed Armor^*
^292-^* Fixed it returning damage to owners of gadgets that deal damage
(^079Voodoo's^* ^256Ward^*, ^079Defiler^* ^256Spirits^*, etc)

^292-^* Damage multiplier is now constant while the effect is on them (+20%), not a
burst at the end
^292-^* Now perplexes
^090Mock of Brilliance^*
^292-^* Damage will not be dealt if a Courier holds the Mock

^090Nomes Wisdom^*
^292-^* Recipe cost increased to 600 from 260

^090Restoration Stone^*
^292-^* Now properly gives the sum of it's parts in bonuses

^090Savage Mace^*
^292-^* Damage increased to 88 (proper sum of it's parts)


New Hellbourne Agi Hero ^079Fayde^*

^292-^* Sped up the quills for his ^256quill spray^*

^292-^* Fixed Announcer

^292-^* Fixed a small ^256Multicast^* issue

^292-^* Reduce walk noises by 66%
^292-^* Tweak footsteps, more organic sounding
^292-^* Mana cost of ^256rockets^* set to 50/60/70/85 from 50/65/80/95
^292-^* Hitting a target with ^256rockets^* within 175 units will now deal full
damage, rather than half
^292-^* ^256Tar Toss^* is now Physical instead of Magic, but can be removed by
Purge, Shrunken Head activation, etc
^292-^* Reworked ^256Focus Buffer^*
^717*^* Now absorbs 150/300/450/600 Magic damage
^717*^* Buff lasts 20 seconds
^717*^* 20 second cooldown
^292-^* ^256Sawblade Showdown^* can now be boosted by Staff of the Master
^717*^* Increases range to 1000 from 700
^717*^* Applies a 70% snare to all enemies inside of the saws

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292-^* Recommended Item tweaks

^292-^* Fixed the ^256turret^* sometimes not being able to fire the last 2 shots of
the burst
^292-^* Fixed the ^256turret^* not using 1/16th of its mama per shot when it got
more mana

^292-^* ^256Tormented Soul^* no longer draws on the minimap

^292-^* ^256Ward^* health lowered to 60/110/160/210

^292-^* Movespeed lowered by 5
^292-^* Radius of the stun is now consistent across all levels at 225

^292-^* ^256Call of the Valkyrie^* cast time reduced from 1.33s to 0.6s

^292- ^* Units that can't carry items can no longer pick up chests
^292- ^* Fixed -1 bug... AGAIN.
^292- ^* Fix not receiving the proper experience for killing heroes.
^292- ^* Sage's Lore will now be properly dispelled from Wildsoul if he activates
Wild or Battle Cry
^292- ^* Wildsoul will now properly be silenced when activating Wild or Battle Cry
and is standing within range of Vindicator's aura

^970Version 0.3.3^*
^292- ^* Sending a whisper to a player who is not online will now return a message
indicating the player is not online
^292- ^* The updater no longer crashes when a file doesn't exist (such as tos.txt)

^079The Chipper^*
^292- ^* Fixed a bug with Focus Buffer. I was dividing by zero. The universe almost
ceased to exist. You can thank me later.

^970Version 0.3.2^*
^292- ^*Neutral Creep camps (Normal and Ancient) can now only be stacked up to 2
additional times (3 Stacks Total)
^717* ^*Exception are the smallest camps, which have no limit still

^292-^* Selling wards of sight / puzzlebox recipe within the 15s grace period will
now restock the shop.
^292- ^*The weak neutral creep camp on Hellborne side can no longer be pulled into
the lane.
^292- ^*Any teammate can now take ^090Wards of Sight^* and ^090Wards of
Revelation^* from a courier, regardless of who purchased them
^717* ^*Previously either the courier owner or the purchaser of the wards had to
manually give the wards to a teammate; now the teammates can take it by themselves
^292- ^*Activating a courier's "^256Transfer Items to Hero^*" ability (3rd ability)
will automatically transfer any ^090Wards of Sight^* and ^090Wards of Revelation^*
from the courier to your inventory, regardless of who purchased them
^292- ^*Pets can no longer pick up ^090Token of Life^*, ^090Token of Sight^*,
^090Token of Stealth^*, or ^090Bananas^*
^717* ^*No more ninja'ing the token with a flying courier / ^079Wildsoul^*'s bear
^292- ^*Consumables (^090Health Potions^*, etc) purchased by different teammates
will no longer combine together on couriers
^292-^* Ordering multiple units at a time will no longer artificially inflate your

^292- ^*Added a Message of the Day upon logging in

^292- ^*The following changes pertain to players using "invisible" mode:
^717* ^*They will now appears as "offline" if a /whois or "User Information" is
done on them
^717* ^*They will no longer be able to send/receive whispers, send/receive IM's,
and send buddy/clan whispers, however they will still be able to receive
buddy/clan whispers.
^717* ^*They will now properly see all their online buddies/clan members when
logging in
^292- ^*Removing yourself as a buddy now fails with an appropriate error message.
^292- ^*When a buddy approves a friendship request, the person who requested it
will no longer see "You are now friends with <yourname>." They will correctly see
"You are now friends with <buddyname>."
^292- ^*Fixed right clicking a buddy to display the appropriate menu choices the
first time they are clicked (instead of the second)
^292- ^*Fixed Team/All chat to remember it's previous state, so when navigating to
another channel and coming back to the game lobby it will properly show the last
chat type that was used
^292- ^*When in the game lobby, clicking the "Send" button will now return focus
to the text input
^292- ^*Fixed some of the right click menu options either not appearing or not
^292- ^*Fixed banning/unbanning someone from a chat channel, it should now work
properly when used
^292- ^*Adding a user to your ignore list will stop all incoming buddy requests
from the ignored user
^292- ^*Players can only request the same person as a buddy once every 5 minutes
^292- ^*Fixed joining and leaving clan channels with long names
^292- ^*IM notifications only pop up once every 2 minutes now, however the IM
count and any IM conversations will still be updated real time.
^292- ^*Fixed chat channels saving
^292- ^*Added additional flood protection to the chat server when requesting a
buddy or approving a buddy.
^292-^* Arranged matches should now be reported to clan members and buddies, but
the join notification will not show a "Join Game" button, it will merely be
^292-^* Using a /whois or "User Info" on another player in a matchmaking game
should display their information correctly now

^292- ^*Implemented the community mod "Chat Textbox Improvements" for the game
lobby, credit to slime73 for this contribution
^717* ^*Clicking anywhere on the chat window will set focus to the text input
^717* ^*Pressing escape will remove focus from the text input if it has no text,
if there is text it will clear it without removing focus. You can then press
escape again to remove focus
^717* ^*This fixes an issue where currently focus is forced to the chat window and
doesn't allow players to use VOIP for the in the game lobby

^292- ^*Fixed matchmaking epic clock ticks

^292- ^*Fixed matchmaking ratings being -1 (For reals this time)


New Legion Intelligence Hero: ^079The Chipper^*

^292- ^*^256Hook^* cast time decreased to .3 from .41

^292-^* Tokens and Bananas are no longer cloned to the ^256Turret^*

^292- ^*Fixed Ult grabbing gadgets/PsuedoPets

^292- ^*Texture fixes

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*Fixed the weird LOD model stuff

^292- ^*^256Toxin Ward^* health rebalanced to 100,150,200,250 from 75,150,225,300

^292- ^*Debuff while using level 4 ^256Blade Frenzy^* is now -50% Attack Speed
instead of -55 Attackspeed

^292- ^* Fixed replay compatizing to hot-fixed server versions (
^292- ^* Fixed instances of list items staying highlighted when they shouldn't

^970Version 0.3.1^*


^292- ^* Fixed disassembled items losing owner information, thus not letting them
combine with other items
^292- ^* Fixed a crash when selecting a chest containing a token of life or cheese
^292- ^* Fixed unable to purchase from the shop while dead
^292- ^* Reconnect window will no longer show if game is over (conceded) and you
^292- ^* Show disconnect button in interface as soon as there is a winner (i.e.
when a concede vote passes)

^292- ^* Updated French stringtables

^292- ^* Fixed downloading backwards compatibility archives after using the 0.3.0
^292- ^* Fixed issues with out of sync backwards compatibility archives
^292- ^* Fixed a crash when starting old version replays
^292- ^* Reset playback speed when closing a replay
^292- ^* Updated how the "Automatic" create game functionality works
^717*^* Previously it used the first server it recieved a valid response back from.
Now it grabs a server only from the region last selected


^292- ^* Fix Team/All chat switching on phase changes during hero slection (Yes,
this was just as annoying to us)
^292- ^* Player Stats screen now has a dropdown box to show Ranked Stats and normal
play stats, which are now seperate
^292- ^* Added functionality to the UI option "Disable All Notifications" that
turns off all popup notifications, but still records notifications to the history.
^292- ^* Added new option "Disable Notifications In Game" that turns off popup
notifications in game, but still fires them when not in a game.
^292- ^* Added a "Remove All Notifications" button to the bottom of the
notification history, clears out all notifications when used
^292- ^* Fixed buddy invites so when a user ignores or accepts the other persons
friendship, the original buddy request notification in their history is removed
^292- ^* Added space to buddy/clan/notification count to allow for counts 3 digits
in length
^292- ^* Fixed "Disband Game" confirmation popping up for players who clicked
"Disconnect" in their game and were not the host
^717*^* Added a "Disconnect from Game" confirmation instead for players who are in
the game and not currently hosts when they click "Disconnect"
^292- ^* Added SMR/TMR listing in a player's stats
^292- ^* Fixed a problem where users could become silenced for excessively long
^717*^* So for example a user types /silence "name" 9999999999, and they end up
getting silenced in the channel for over a month. Now, /silence name 999999999 will
silence them for a month, but if /silence name 1 is used afterwards, they will only
be silenced for 1 minute.
^292- ^* Added Russian back to lang selector
^292- ^* Fixed EM % in stats page rounding correctly


^292- ^* Fixed leavers able to join matchmaking

^292- ^* Players who try to join matchmaking with no region selected will now be
given an error and told to select a region
^292- ^* Fixed server not reading the proper rating value for matchmaking
^717*^* Caused -1 rating and players always gaining/losing 20 points no matter what
^292- ^* Added better feedback and information for when someone fails to load and
how long the game will wait before disbanding


^292- ^* Added Exclusive mode for OS X

^292- ^* Fixed a memory leak that was crashing OS X client
^292- ^* Mac mods should now be installed to /Users/<username>/Library/Application
Support/Heroes of Newerth
^292- ^* Linux mods should now be installed to ~/.Heroes of Newerth


^292- ^* Slight tweak to how the 'mummy grab' works to fix a control issue

^292- ^*Fixed the US Regions for Matchmaking
^292- ^*Disabled custom avatars...

^292- ^*Fix joining game on the game list
^292- ^*Fix game lobby enter key not working sometimes

^970Version 0.3.0^*

^292- ^*New Front End Interface

^292- ^*Solo Automatic Matchmaking
^717* ^*With one button you can enter the queue for as many different regions as
you want and play with random other people automatically. This does not use PSR,
it uses SMR (Solo Matchmaking Rating) and everyone starts at 1500. Mode is Banning
^717* ^*Players tagged as "leavers" can not join Matchmaking
^717* ^*Players who leave a game before it starts (during the 'loading' phase of a
game) will automatically be replaced by someone else.
^717* ^*If you leave a Matchmaking game at the hero selection screen, you will get
a leave
^292- ^*Tutorial
^717* ^*New ingame interactive Tutorial to help new players learn the basics of
the game before diving in. Even experienced players might learn something!
^292- ^*New Player Stats screen
^717* ^*Including your most played heroes!
^292- ^*Hero Compendium
^717* ^*See detailed stats and recommended items about every hero
^292- ^*Ingame Ladder page
^717* ^*Search and filter the ladder to compare yourself to those at the top. Any
number of options can be turned on and filtered!
^292- ^*New Game Lobby
^292- ^*New Hero Picking screen
^717* ^*Now with 12 more slots for new heroes! How did we do that?!?


^292- ^*You can now swap the placement of the minimap from the bottom left to
bottom right hand corner
^292- ^*Leaver threshold lowered to 5%
^292- ^*Fix for StatusStealth
^717* ^*This fixed an issue that was causing ^079Witch Slayer^* and ^079Pollywog
Priest^*'s crowd control abilities to dispel all states off the target
^292- ^*Updated br stringtables, thanks to Trilles
^292- ^*Recommended Items Updated
^292- ^*Item cursor now changes to a targeting cursor when hovering over an allied
^292- ^*Stacked items (runes of blight, mana potions, health potions) will now
sell for their full total value within 15 seconds of purchasing them. (e.g. if you
buy two health potions for 200g then sell them within 15sec, you will now
correctly gain 200g)
^292- ^*^090Logger's Hatchet^* can now be sold within 15 seconds of buying it (but
not if you used it)
^292- ^*Added "Host:" and "Version:" to the /gameinfo and /gi commands in game,
also added the server version for display in the game lobby screen
^292- ^*Fixed when heroes were 'running in place' after using a Homecoming Stone
^292- ^*Added messages to the game lobby for the following actions:
1) When the host assigns someone as the new host
2) When the host assigns someone as a spectator
3) When the host assigns someone as a referee
4) When the host locks or unlocks a slot
^292- ^*Removed 'remove hero' button in practice mode for now
^292-^* Tweaked the position of ancients

^292- ^*Invisible Mode added

^292- ^*Fixed a bug in the game setup interface where referee count was
incorrectly being set to the count of spectators chosen
^292- ^*Fixed a bug in the game lobby where the current player count exceeded the
max player count in games with spectators(2) and referees(1). e.g. "Players:
13/10". Now shows the correct max player count to match the main lobby game
browser numbers. e.g. "Players: 13/13"
^292- ^*Added flood protection to the chat server to protect against invite to
clan spam and create clan attempts
^292- ^*Fixed an issue causing the change password functionality in game to not
work correctly.
^292- ^*Fixed an issue on the chat server where in certain cases players were not
properly being promoted/demoted
^292- ^*Optimized client code so game server refreshes should no longer hang the
client or user interface.
^292- ^*Chat channels can now be saved via the interface and will be automatically
joined when logging in.
^292- ^*Added new "Ping" filter next to the "Full Games" checkbox. It filters the
results on the client so only pings less the chosen number populate the game list
^292- ^*Added a new filter option to the server browser "Game Mode:" section
called "Advanced". It allows players to filter multiple game modes (ie. SD, BD,
BP) all at once locally in the client. Upon selecting 'Advanced' a small panel
pops up and the player can choose the game modes they want to see in the game list
just by selecting the appropriate checkbox then clicking OK
^292- ^*Default SFX volume down to 0.6 from 0.7
^292-^* Fixed an issue with the chat server where if a user sent a message
using /b or /m and someone on one of those lists was in /dnd mode, it wouldn't
send the message to all the people on the list.
^292-^* Overhauled how adding buddies/friends works. You now must request
friendship before someone is actually added as your friend.
^717*^* You can request friends when offline and they will get the notifications
upon logging in, and approve at their convenience
^717*^* We might have to wipe current friends lists at some point in the future
for this to work correctly.

^292- ^*Added new search support for filtering games by name:

^717* ^*Added feature to allow players to type in multiple search phrases. By
typing a search phrase and adding a ?|? the client will distinguish one phrase
from another. The browser will then search the available games and show any games
showing any one of the phrases separated by a "|".
^717* ^*Added feature to allow players to exclude certain games based on the
search phrase. By typing in a "-" at the beginning of the search phrase the client
will automatically filter any games with "Phrase" to not show up. Note that
exclusion of search terms takes precedence over inclusion. (Excluding a term, and
then trying to include the same term will cause it not to appear, ie ?noobs|-
^717* ^*The "|" and "-" can be escaped with a "\" should the player want to search
on a game with the pipe or hyphen in it.
^717* ^*All searches are color and case insensitive, and the order that the search
phrases are entered have no effect on how they will display. So "1500|-no ab" is
the same as "-no ab|1500".

Some examples:
^717*^*Search Phrase: "1550|1600|1650|-no ab|-noobs" - This searches on any game
with "1550", "1600", and "1650" in the name, and if it has the words "no ab" or
"noobs" in it it will not display.
^717*^*Search Phrase: "-no ab|1500|1550|-countryname|ab" - This searches on any
game with "1500", "1550" and "ab" in the name, and if it has the words "no ab" or
"countryname" in it it will not display.
^717*^*Search Phrase: "1500|\-SDEM|pipe\|test" - This searches on any game with
"1500", "-sdem" and "pipe|test" in the name.

^292- ^*If you attack him from outside of his lair you will have 100% miss now
^292- ^*After leaving his lair, 1.5 seconds later he retreats to go back in and is
invuln on the run back
^292- ^*Is now 40% angrier

Ice Ogre
^292- ^*Cooldown of the frost shield increased by 4 seconds (to 5s)

^090Barrier Idol^*
^292- ^*Fixed a bug that caused it to absorb huge damage when damage taken was all
at once
^090Elder Parasite^*
^292- ^*Incoming damage multiplier reduced to 20%, from 30%
^090Harkon's Blade^*
^292- ^*Increases manacost per attack to 75 from 50
^292- ^*Recipe cost reduced to 825 from 1325
^292- ^*Mana regen increased to 200% from 150%
^292- ^*Now grants +10 damage
^090Runes of the Blight^*
^292- ^*Heal over time is no longer dispellable
^090Wards of Sight^*
^292- ^*Now have a 50 gold bounty when killed


The following auras can now be toggled between all units and heroes only:
^292- ^*^079Andromeda^*'s ^256Dimensional Link^*
^292- ^*^079Arachna^*'s ^256Precision^*
^292- ^*^079Moon Queen^*'s ^256Lunar Glow^*

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Flame Consumption^* to go off anytime he is below 400 health and
takes non-fatal damage
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Flame Consumption^* to properly dispel himself when it
automatically goes off
^292- ^*Fixed ^256Sear^* so it continues to apply the slow and the buff while his
ultimate is active

^292- ^*Rescaled ult range to 750/975/1200 from 600/900/1200

^292- ^*Added cast effect for throwing snot
^717* ^*This is a visual effects change
^292- ^*Charges gained from ^256Restless^* are not longer capped at 4

^292- ^*"Voice"

^292- ^*Lowered base armor by 1
^292- ^*Base Damage lowered to 54-60 from 58-64
^292- ^*^256Flaming Hammer^*'s projectile speed lowered to 800 from 1100
^292- ^*^256Flaming Hammer^*'s negative magic armor starts at -1/-2/-3/-4 for the
first 1 second, then reduces to 0 over its duration.
^292- ^*Base Manacost of ^256Flaming Hammer^* increased to 95/110/125/140 from

^079Blood Hunter^*
^292- ^*^256Blood Sense^* now reveals stealth targets

^292- ^*Manacost on ^256Time Leap^* increased to 135 from 120
^292- ^*^256Time Leap^* damage lowered by 25 at all levels
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^* now steals 1/1/2/3 agility per charge, decreased from
^292- ^*^256Curse of Ages^* now stuns the target after 5 attacks, increased from 4
^292- ^*Targets stunned by ^256Curse of Ages^* will now properly play their attack
animation when the stun wears off
^292- ^*Stun from ^256Curse of Ages^* now scales as a .25,.5,.75,1 second stun
from 1 second at all levels
^292- ^*^256Chronofield^* won't freeze invulnerable targets anymore (Such as
^079Swiftblade^* ulting or ^079Defiler^*'s ult)
^292- ^*^256Chronofield^* now freezes everyone by default, with ^090Staff of the
Master^* lets allies move at -80% speed in the field

^079Corrupted Disciple^*
^292-^* Top end base damage lowered by 5

^079Dark Lady^*
^292- ^*Turn rate increased to 900 from 360
^292- ^*^256Dark Blades^* don't interrupt movement, cast time removed

^292- ^*Proper announcement at hero selection
^292- ^*Rebalanced:
^292- ^*Base strength lowered to 23 (from 25)
^292- ^*Strength Gain lowered to 2.7 from 3.0
^292- ^*Agility Gain increased to 2.0 from 1.6
^292- ^*Base Armor increased to 2.24 from 1.24
^292- ^*Slow from throwing the log increased to 75% max from 60% max
^292- ^*^256Oakbolt^*'s slow now lasts for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds, from 3 seconds at
all levels.
^292- ^*Projectile speed when throwing a log increased to 1200 from 1000
^292- ^*^256Willowmaker^*
^717* ^*Cooldown rescaled to 85,75,65
^717* ^*Cast point lowered to 500ms from 750ms
^717* ^*Damage rescaled to 350, 650, 950 from 400,600,800
^717* ^*Debuff is now a constant 20% strength reduction at all levels from
^717* ^*No longer splashes the debuff in a cone, only the single target
^717* ^*Stun duration increased to 1.5s from 1s

^079Demented Shaman^*
^292- ^*Base Intelligence lowered to 24 from 27
^292- ^*Strength Gain lowered to 1.8 from 1.9
^292- ^*Intelligence Gain lowered to 3.0 from 3.4
^292- ^*Damage rescaled to 44-56 from 41-59
^292- ^*The snare from Entangle will now give assists

^292- ^*No longer gains strength from illusions
^292- ^*Touch radius of ^256Hook^* changed from 60 to 75 and will consistently hit
targets with a 75 radius regardless of what angle it is being thrown

^292- ^*Damage of ^256Clensing Shock^* against summoned units increased to
600,800,1000 from 600 at all levels

^292- ^*Voice
^292- ^*Fixed a ^256Turret^* bug that a bullet from the ^256Turret^* doing 200+
^292- ^*Fixed a bug causing the splash damage when a siege unit debuffed by Tinker
to not deal AOE damage
^292- ^*^256Energy Field^* will only not purge a target if they are under the
effects of ^090Shrunken Head^*
^717* ^*This means the shield will purge off ^079Jeraziah^*'s ^256Charm^*, for

^079Forsaken Archer^*
^292- ^*Voice
^292- ^*^256Skeletons^* now display a timer on the third ability indicating the
time remaining for the next skeleton to expire (Thanks to Tisser)

^292- ^*Base Agility increased to 17 from 16
^292- ^*Damage rescaled to 43-51 from 38-44
^292- ^*Base Armor increased to 1.44 from 1.24

^292- ^*^256Summon Malphas^* now has new ground effects
^292- ^*Negative Magic Armor is now -3,-4,-5,-6 from -2.7,-5.1,-6.9,-8.3

^292- ^*Fixed tooltips (a few errors)
^292- ^*Range of ^256Inner Light^* increased to 500 from 400

^079Keeper of the Forest^*

^292- ^*Eyes are now stealthed and become revealed when a hero comes into the 450
reveal range (from 300)
^717* ^*This stops couriers from killing eyes unless a hero is nearby to spot them
^292- ^*^256Root^* can now be seen even when he is invisible
^292- ^*^256Root^* now hits units in fog

^292-^* Base Int increased to 17 from 14
^292- ^*^256Terrify^* removed
^292- ^*^256Terrifying Charge^* Added
^717* ^*The ^079Legionnaire^* charges very quickly at a target foe and swings wide
with his mighty axe upon reaching them, dealing damage and Terrifying those
unfortunate enough to be standing there. Terrified enemies attack very quickly,
but do less damage per attack.
^717* ^*1000 Range, 40/50/60/70 Manacost, 30s Cooldown
^717* ^*Charges at max movespeed towards the target. Being stunned, losing sight
of the target, or issuing another command will cancel the charge early. Upon
reaching the target, forces an attack that deals 150/200/250/300% of your base
damage and applies Terrify for 4/5/6/7 seconds to all enemies in a 110 degree 240
distance cone.
^717* ^*If the target gets more then 2000 units away (Such as from using teleport)
the charge will cancel
^717* ^*Terrify debuff: -50% Attack Damage, +50% Attack Speed

^292- ^*Snare debuff stuff removed from ^256Stalk^*
^292- ^*Manacost of ^256Berserk^* changed to 50,80,110 from 100,150,205

^292- ^*Model cleaned up
^292- ^*Voice
^292- ^*Stats tweaks:
^717* ^*Base Strength increased to 24 from 22
^717* ^*Strength gain increased to 2.6 from 2.4
^717* ^*Agility gain lowered to 2.0 from 2.4
^717* ^*Base Intelligence lowered to 17 from 18
^292- ^*Speed of ^256Sword Throw^* projectile increased to 850 from 700
^292- ^*Radius of ^256Sword Throw^* lowered to 200 from 225
^292- ^*Manacost on ^256Sword of the Damned^*'s heal mode removed
^292- ^*Self hurt from ^256Sword of the Damned^*'s flame mode changed to 6,9,12,15
from 5,10,15,20
^292- ^*Range while under the effects of ^256Possession^* reduced to 550 from 600

^079Night Hound^*
^292- ^*Base movement speed increased to 305 from 300
^292- ^*Smoke Bomb cast range increased to 425 from 350
^292- ^*Smoke Bomb cast point reduced to 200 from 400
^292- ^*Pounce cooldown rescaled to 20,15,10,5 from 30,20,10,5

^292- ^*Fixed targeting circle radius
^292- ^*Base Agility lowered to 18 from 22
^292- ^*Base Armor lowered to 2.00 from 2.08
^292- ^*Stun from ^256Nymphora's Zeal^* is now 1200 range at all ranks (from bad)
^717* ^*Charges Nymphora gains rescaled slightly so the bonuses are zero at level
1 and the same at level 4

^292- ^*New effects for first ability
^292- ^*^256Command^* now allows ^079Ophelia^* to control 1/2/2/3 creeps at once,
from 1/2/3/3
^292- ^*Level 4 of ^256Command^* no longer grants Magic armor to Ophelia's creeps

^292- ^*New death

^292- ^*Anyone within 175 units of ^079Pharaoh^* will be gauranteed to be caught
inside of his mummy wall on use

^079Plague Rider^*
^292- ^*Agility Gain lowered to 1.8 from 2.0
^292- ^*Damage rescaled to 42-51 from 37-56

^079Pollywog Priest^*
^292- ^*Remodeled and effects redone
^292- ^*Range increased to 550 from 500
^292- ^*Base Armor increased from 1.14 to 1.30
^292- ^*Number of targets hit by ^256Electric Jolt^* is no longer capped
^292- ^*Cooldown of ^256Voodoo Wards^* is now 110/95/80 from 110 at all levels

^292- ^*"Voice"

^292- ^*^256Puppeteer's Hold^* duration lowered by .5 seconds at all levels

^292- ^*Fixed ^256Fervor^* doing 1 DPS too much to buildings
^292- ^*^256Fervor^* set not to propagate to illusions
^292- ^*Wards bounty to 10-15 from 3-9

^079Soul Reaper^*
^292- ^*Base Agility increased to 16 from 15

^292- ^*Dread can no longer be toggled. This fixes the keybinding issues.

^292- ^*Voice
^292- ^*Manacost of ^256Succubus' Hold^* is now 150/250/350 from 200/300/400

^292- ^*Cast times of all abilities lowered to 300ms from 400ms
^292- ^*Damage from ^256Chain Lightning^* is now instant on the first target
^292- ^*AOE of ^256Lightning Rod^* increased to 1000 from 800

^292- ^*Increase turn speed to 900 (from 360)
^292- ^*After hitting a target with ^256Javelin of Light^*, an 800 area around the
target will continue to be revealed for 3.34 seconds
^292- ^*Reworked collision on the ^256Javelin of Light^*. It now has a radius of 80
(reduced from 110) and will consistently hit targets with an 80 radius regardless
of what angle it is being thrown
^717* ^*Previously, it was using a rectangle 110 units wide to calculate
collision, so when thrown on an angle it would often hit targets greater than 110
units away
^292- ^*^256Javelin of Light^* is no longer "Physical"
^717* ^*This means it will hit someone who has void talisman active
^292- ^*^256Javelin of Light^* plays a popup indicating the length of the stun
^292- ^*Removed cast noise on casting ^256Javelin of Light^*
^292- ^*Removed glow from ^256Javelin of Light^*

^292- ^*Base Armor increased from 1.30 to 1.50
^292- ^*Damage rescaled to 45-55 from 39-61

^079Voodoo Jester^*
^292- ^*Base Agility increased to 14 from 13
^292- ^*Base Intelligence increased to 22 from 19
^292- ^*Intelligence Gain increased to 3.0 from 2.9
^292- ^*Initial projectile speed of ^256Acid Cocktail^* increased to 750 from 650
^292- ^*Cast time on ^256Cursed Ground^* reduced to 0.35 seconds (from 0.5)

^292- ^*Manacost of ^256Battle Cry^* reduced to 15,10,5,0 from 15,20,25,30

^079Witch Slayer^*
^292- ^*Base Agility increased to 16 from 15
^292- ^*Base Intelligence increased to 23 from 22

^292- ^*The gust of wind from ^256Gust^* now travels 540 total distance (reduced
from 640)
^292- ^*^256Cyclones^* now display the time remaining before the next cyclone
expires (thanks to Tisser)
^292- ^*^256Typhoon^* damage lowered to 60,80,100 from 60,90,120
^292- ^*^256Typhoon^* no longer spawns max ^256Cyclones^* instantly. Instead, it
spawns one cyclone per second for the duration of the ^256Typhoon^*

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