Revision Projects Marady GP

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Office of Assistant Engineer

LSGD Section, Marady

No: 12/2018 13/07/2018

Assistant Engineer
The Secretary (through email)
Marady Grama Panchayath

Sub : Marady GP 2018-19-Revision of Engineering Projects-Reg.
Ref : Marady GP Committee Resolution No: 02 dated 28/03/2018

The projects (attached in separate sheet) mentioned are to be revised due to various
reasons (shown against each project).
Kindly do the needful to revise the project and to give revised administrative sanction
as early as possible.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Eldhose Paul
Assistant Engineer

1. List of Engineering Projects to be revised

Copy to:
1. The Assistant Executive Engineer, LSGD Sub Division, Muvattupuzha (by email)
Marady GP 2018-19: Revision-Engineering Projects
Revised AS
Sl No Project No Name of Project AS Amount Reason Revised Name Remarks
To be dropped-Different Different assets cannot be
1 49 വിവിധ വാർഡുകളിൽ ഓട നിർ.ാണം 300000
assets combined
To be dropped-Different Different assets cannot be
2 51 വിവിധ അംഗൻവാടികൾ െമയി8നൻ9 300000
assets combined
To be done through
3 55 മംഗ:; അംഗൻവാടി നിർ.ാണം 500000 To be dropped
വികാ9 നഗർ േറാ>റി ?@് േറാB റീടാറിംD വികാ9 നഗർ േറാ>റി ?E MG-R cannot be used for new
4 64 വാർB 6
100000 Name change. Fund change േറാB ൈടൽ പാകൽ 140000
വികാ9 നഗർ വാHIിHലK് േറാB
5 65 200000 Fund change 510000
റീടാറിംD വാർB 6
Own fund-40000 added to
ലLംവീM േകാളനി േറാB റീടാറിംD വാർB To be dropped due to
6 67 350000 Project No-64, MGR-310000
6 insufficient fund
added to Project No-65
േതവർകാM െകാ>ാരം േറാB റീടാറിംD
7 71 350000 Fund change 700000
വാർB 7
ഉലKാQിRി ഇലവുംേകാ>്മൂല േറാB To be dropped due to
8 72 250000 Fund added to Project No-71
റീടാറിംD വാർB 7 insufficient fund
ഉലKാQിRി േതവർകാM േറാB To be dropped due to
9 73 100000 Fund added to Project No-71
േകാൺ:കീVിംD വാർB 7 insufficient fund
അWXാളം േറാB െമVലിംD
10 76 അWXാളം േറാB റീടാറിംD വാർB 9 300000 Name change
, ടാറിംD
Deposit work for
11 80 കുടുംബ:ശീ ഓഫീ9 നവീകരണം 300000
furnishing office
Additional fund of 80000
12 83 െചH് ഡാം , േമാേ>ാർപുര വാർB 10 450000 530000
required for completion
Additional fund of 26000
13 85 െചറുേ]രിൽ പാടI് റാ;് 50000 76000
required for completion
14 86 തൃH േറാB റീടാറിംD വാർB 12 350000 Fund change 700000
To be dropped due to
15 87 മാേWാ>ം േറാB റീടാറിംD വാർB 12 350000 Fund added to Project No-86
insufficient fund
മാ_ുളം കുളQ`റIാഴം േറാB െമVലിംD , മാ_ുളം കുളQ`റIാഴം MG-R cannot be used for new
16 89 500000 Name change. Fund change േറാB ൈടൽ പാകൽ
ടാറിംD വാർB 13 roads
To be dropped-Different Different assets cannot be
17 125 െപാതുകിണറുകള`െട പുനരുbാരണം 309000
assets combined

Note: Please contact the concerned Ward Member and get offcial letter from them
Eldhose Paul
Assistant Engineer

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