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Organization’s Profile

Pusat Pengkajian Strategi Nusantara

Center for the Study of Indonesian Strategies


Pusat Pengkajian Strategi Nusantara or PPSN is an Pusat Pengkajian Strategi Nusantara atau PPSN
independent private organization, non- profit and adalah organisasi swasta independen, non-profit
non-party, think-tank, creative-innovative of dan non-partai, think-tank, kreatif- inovatif dari pola
pikir positif, memberikan masukan kebijakan untuk
positive-thinking, providing policy inputs for
institusi terkait;
related institutions;

PPSN -expertise based- emphasizes objective PPSN berbasis kepakaran mengutamakan sikap
attitude in order to enlightens, educates, and obyektif yang mencerahkan, mencerdaskan, dan
promotes the nation -especially the younger memajukan -terutama generasi muda- untuk
generation- to build the future of the nation membangun masa depan bangsa sesuai keinginan
according to the will of the founders of the pendiri Republik Indonesia;
Republic of Indonesia;

PPSN appreciates the suggestion, positive and PPSN menghargai saran, pendapat yg positif dan
constructive opinions of Indonesians people to konstruktif dari masyarakat Indonesia untuk
realize the ideals of Indonesia Merdeka, as stated mewujudkan cita-cita Indonesia Merdeka,
in the Preambule of UUD 1945 sebagaimana tertuang dalam Mukadimah UUD45.



MOTTO enlighten

move forward

1. Melakukan kajian yang
1. Undertake a continuous berkesinambungan tentang
assessment of the strategic issues masalah strategis negara dan
Become a community of high
of the country and nation; bangsa;
quality thinkers for the 2. Improve the quality and quantity 2. Meningkatkan kualitas dan
realization of a nation that is of cadres of the nation in the life kuantitas kader bangsa dalam
smart, dignified, and of society, nation, and state; kehidupan bermasyarakat,
3. To encourage the promotion of berbangsa, dan bernegara;
the welfare of the nation, 3. Ikut mendorong memajukan
especially in the fields of kesejahteraan bangsa terutama
economy, education and health; dalam bidang ekonomi,
Menjadi komunitas pemikir
4. Providing policy inputs to pendidikan, dan kesehatan;
yang berkualitas tinggi untuk relevant agencies and 4. Memberikan masukan kebijakan
terwujudnya bangsa yang governments; untuk lembaga terkait dan
cerdas, bermartabat, dan 5. Building cooperation networks pemerintah;
with social forces, both nationally 5. Membangun jejaring kerjasama
and internationally. dengan kekuatan sosial, baik
nasional, maupun internasional.


PPSN was established on September PPSN didirikan pada tanggal

21, 2017 September 21, 2017
Based on Deed No. 09, by Notary Berdasarkan Akta Notaris No.09,
Dewi Maya Rachmadani Sobari SH oleh Notaris Dewi Maya
Master of Notary, in Tangerang Rachmadani Sobari SH Master of
Selatan, on Notary, di Tangerang Selatan, pada
September 25, 2017. Tanggal 25 September, 2017.

Then legally confirmed by Kemudian secara legal dikukuhkan

Kemkumham's Decree No. AHU- oleh Surat Keputusan Kemkumham
0015912.AH.01.07. 2017, No. AHU-0015912.AH.01.07. 2017,
dated November 3, 2017, in Jakarta. tertanggal 3 November 2017,
di Jakarta.

1. Memelihara dan menjaga keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik
Indonesia (NKRI), yg berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD-45.
1. Keeping and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the
2. Menghargai pendapat positif, objektif, dan konstruktif untuk
Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), based on Pancasila and UUD-
mewujudkan cita-cita Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, sebagaimana
tertuang dalam Mukadimah UUD 45.
2. Appreciate positive, objective, and constructive opinions to
3. Memberikan kontribusi aktif dalam pembangunan bangsa
realize the ideals of the Proclamation of Independence, as
melalui gagasan kreatif dan innovatif yang dilaksanakan
stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution;
dengan akhlak mulia.
3. Provide an active contribution in the nation’s development
4. Memelihara keaneka-ragaman suku, ras, agama dan budaya,
through creative and innovative ideas that are implemented
dengan mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai religi, dan keadilan
with noble character;
untuk kesejahteraan semua.
4. Maintain ethnic, racial, religious and cultural diversity, taking
5. Memelihara hubungan baik dengan seluruh komponen bangsa
into account religious values and justice for the well-being of
baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri, demi kemajuan NKRI.
6. Senantiasa berupaya untuk menegakkan kebenaran dan
5. Maintain good relations with all components of the nation
keadilan serta menentang kezaliman yang melanggar hak asasi
both at home and abroad, for the sake of progress NKRI;
6. Always strive to uphold the truth and justice and oppose
7. Memberi tauladan kepada generasi muda sebagai warganegara
injustice that violate human rights;
agar berbuat atau bertindak secara jujur dan bertanggung
7. Giving role models to young generation as citizens to act or
behave honestly and responsibly;
8. Menjaga martabat dan integritas sebagai ilmuwan dan atau
8. Maintain dignity and integrity as a scientist and/or
cendekiawan, termasuk cara berkomunikasi dengan baik dan
intellectual, including how to communicate well and politely;
9. Avoiding speech, campaign, writings and attitudes that may
9. Menghindari ucapan, kampanye, tulisan serta sikap yang dapat
disrupt national unity, including harassment of others;
mengganggu persatuan bangsa, termasuk pelecehan terhadap
10. Avoidance of prohibited and despicable acts and things that
orang lain.
are not recommended by religious values
10. Menghindarkan diri dari perbuatan yang dilarang dan tercela
serta hal yang tidak dianjurkan oleh nilai-nilai agama.

Organization’s Structure

Management’s Profile
conferences, workshops, training, and He was Chair of the Commission He was a senior acessor of
joint research programs. He serves as a on Research of the Academic the National Accreditation
reviewer, committee member, chair of Senate Univ. of Indonesia, Board for Higher Education,
various national seminars and member of the Board of Republic of Indonesia, and
international conferences. His research Professor at the same University, Rector University Al Azhar
Sar Sardy was a Professor in the Dept. work published in Optical Engineering, and also as member of the Indonesia in 2014-2016. Now
of Electrical Engineering, University of local Journal of Technology, and national organizing committee of he is Chairman of the Center
Indonesia (UI) since 1999. He joined and international proceedings. He also ETOP2003 (Education and for the Study of Indonesian
the university in 1974, and received translated some Engineering textbooks Training on Optics and Strategies or PPSN.
both Master and Doctor degrees from published by the UI-Press. His research Photonics), Tucson, Arizona, USA,
the Graduate Study Program on Opto- interests include image processing, and ICEM2009 (International
electrotechniques and Laser computer vision, and softcomputing Conference on Experimental
Applications, at the same university in (artificial intelligence, neural networks, Mechanics), Singapore. He was
1980 and 1989, respectively. He was a and fuzzy logic). He was a founder and Chair of CECI2001, ICOLA2002,
contact person of the UI-Chiba University
research scientist at Chiba University, ICOLA2007,IJSE2008. He was “Science and
cooperation. He supervised more than 90
Japan, in 1981, 1986, and 1992, member of the IEEE Computer Technology are
undergraduate students, about 15 Master
sponsored by the JSPS (Japan Society
students, and about 9 Doctor students in
Society, the IEEE Signal symbiotic in nature
for the Promotion of Sciences). He
the University. He published more than
Processing Society, the There is an attractive
was a recipient of the UI Research Indonesian Engineer Association, analogy between
100 papers in the national/international
Awards in Engineering, Hibah Bersaing TWARS, etc. Professor Sardy human visual system
proceedings and journals. He was Head of
IV, RUT-VI, Toray Science Foundation, served more than 30 years for and computer vision
Study Program on
Tifico Foundation, etc. He visited USA, the University of Indonesia, and
Opto-electrotechniques and Laser system, which will
Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy, retired on September 2007, then
Applications and Head of Viscom (Vision, stimulate us to explore
Pakistan, Australia, Spain, P.R. China, he moved to the University Al
Imaging, and Softcomputing) Research some related
South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and other Azhar Indonesia as Dean Faculty
Group. He was Head of Study Program in disciplines”
countries, participating in various of Engineering, until 2009.
Computer Engineering.
Cantika children in Pekanbaru. Ia lahir pada 2 Januari 1964,
In 2015 he established the lulus dari Teknik Kima ITB,
Indonesian Creative Industry Institut Teknologi Bandung .
Entrepreneurs Association, Dia telah bekerja sebagai
insinyur teknik kimia
APINKREI. Active in some
profesional sampai sekarang,
social organizations and ummah untuk
mendirikan fondasi Quantum
youth. 2016 with Mayjend 2020, yang menawarkan konsep mendapatkan
(Ret.), Dr. Saafroedin Bahar, sertifikasi sekolah anti-narkoba, hak politik dan
Ir. Eriyon Agust, IPM., initiated the establishment of konsep rekam medis seumur ekonomi adalah
the Indonesian Social Media hidup, 2010 mendirikan
He was born in 2 January 1964,
bagian dari cita-
Caucus. Currently trusted as Yayasan Pencak Silat
graduated from Kima ITB "Tengguak Tuo" di Sumatera
Vice Chairman of PPSN.
Bandung Engineering. He has Barat, 2005 mendirikan Yayasan kemerdekaan
worked as a professional Serumpun, anak-anak Cantika Indonesia
“The struggle of the di Pekanbaru. 2015 mendirikan sebagaimana
chemical engineering engineer
until now, establishing the ummah to gain political Asosiasi Pengusaha Industri tertuang dalam
and economic rights is Kreatif Indonesia, APINKREI.
foundation of Quantum 2020, pembukaan UUD
Aktif di beberapa organisasi
which offers the concept of anti- part of the ideals of sosial dan pemuda. 2016
drug school certification, lifelong Indonesian independence bersama Mayjend (Purn), Dr.
medical record concept, 2010 as stated in the preamble Saafroedin Bahar,
established the "Tengguak Tuo" of the 1945 Constitution” memprakarsai pembentukan
Pencak Silat Foundation in West Kaukus Media Sosial Indonesia.
Sumatra, 2005 founded Serumpun Saat ini dipercaya sebagai Vice
Foundation, Chairman dari PPSN.

Personal qualification includes analysis/ Graduated in Bachelor degree (S1) in
problem assessment skill, planning and 1986. Final Project: “Penerapan
organizing and leading a group of Metoda Analisa Komponen Utama
people with delegation of authority and untuk Reduksi Kanal Data dan
responsibility. Strong technical Perbaikan Citra.” KEIO University,
knowledge. High commitment to Yokohama – Japan, from 1987 to
Ir. Nur Gunawan Sastranegara, M. achieve objectives and high 1990. Electrical Engineering
Eng. adaptability on major changes in work Department, Faculty Science &
tasks or the work environment. Technology, major in Digital Image
Having studied overseas through a
Indonesian School, Tokyo – Japan, from Processing. Graduated in Master of
scholarship program, developed the
1971 to 1976. Graduated from Primary Engineering degree (S2) in 1990.
ability to deal with and accommodate
School in 1971. Graduated from Junior Master’s Thesis: “A Study on
different culture, personality and
High School in 1974 , SMA negeri 26, Improvement of the Precision of
environment. Design Computer
Tebet, Jakarta – Indonesia, from 1976 to Optical Flow.” University Indonesia,
Network System including Security
1977. Graduated from Senior High Jakarta – Indonesia, from 1999 to 2002
System in LAN (Office & Production
School in 1977. (Major in Mathematic & (postpone). Opto-Electrotechniques
areas) & WAN (Connection between
Science). STTN (Sekolah Tinggi Teknik and Laser Applications, Doctoral
SANYO Cimanggis factory and SANYO
Nasional), Cikini, Jakarta – Indonesia, program study (S3), Faculty of
Osaka headquarter by Internet Leased Engineering, major in Computer
Electrical Department, until level-2 only
Channel & ISDN (provided by PT. Engineering (Digital Image
(second years), from 1978 to 1980.
Telkom) and private network by frame Processing & Multimedia). Topic of
University Indonesia, Jakarta –
relay for data & voice (provided by Research is relation to MPEG-4 &
Indonesia, from 1979 to 1986. Electrical
Indosat, KDD, and SANYO-NTT). Digital Watermarking.
Engineering Department, Faculty of
Development HR system and migration
Technology, major in Computer
Accounting System software from MAS
Engineering (Digital Image Processing). Currently trusted as a Secretary
to ACPACC system in PT. Polymatech
Indonesia. General of PPSN
Chemical engineering engineers, that are environmentally friendly. jawab atas beberapa pembeli
their work in the field of creative He now serves as the general internasional di bidang meuble
industry development has been treasurer of PPSN. Rattan dan Manau. Ia juga tertarik
tens of years with export targets. Insinyur teknik kimia tetapi dengan produksi barang kreatif
One of the founders of Quantum pekerjaan beliau di bidang yang ramah lingkungan. Dia
Foundation 2020 with Ir. Eriyon pengembangan industri kreatif sekarang menjabat sebagai
Agust, IPM. He is also one of the telah puluhan tahun dengan Bendahara umum PPSN.
founders and managers of the target ekspor. Salah satu pendiri
Creative Industry Association of Quantum Foundation 2020
Ir. Itra Sutanto Nusantara. Currently in charge of bersama Ir. Eriyon Agust, IPM. Ia
several international buyers in the juga salah satu pendiri dan
field of meuble Rattan and Manau. pengelola Asosiasi Industri Kreatif
He is also interested in the Nusantara. Saat ini bertanggung
production of creative goods

Consulting/Coaching)Founder/Komisar Staf Pengajar Prodi Manajemen di Pengurus Pusat Intitut Karatedo

is PT. Jogja Adi Jaya (Tour and Travel) Kwik Kian Gie School of Business dan Indonesia (INKAI) / Anggota Majelis
Founder PT. TRP Logistik Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Yarsi. Sabuk Hitam DAN 3, Ketua Bidang
(Logistics Provider), Founder/Pembina Currently as a managing of PPSN Organisasi dan Keanggotaan Dewan
Yayasan Rumah Insan 37 dan Founder Nasional Indonesia untuk
Dojo 37, Waka Bidang Organisasi S1: Teknik Geologi UPN "Veteran" Kesejahteraan Sosial (DNIKS), Ketua
Pengurus Pusat Intitut Karatedo Yogyakarta (Angkatan1987) Umum Persatuan Orang Tua dengan
Indonesia (INKAI)/Anggota Majelis S2: Fisip Prodi Pengembangan Anak Disabilitas Indonesia
Sabuk Hitam DAN 3,Ketua Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia Universitas (PORTADIN), Anggota Dewan,
Ir. Hendratmoko, M..Eng.,
Organisasi dan Keanggotaan Dewan Indonesia (Lulus 2001) Pertimbangan Perkumpulan
Saya Teknik Geologi UPN
Nasional Indonesia untuk Aktivitas: Pendiri / CEO PT. IHS Multi Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia
“Veteran”Yogyakarta (Angkatan1987)
Kesejahteraan Sosial (DNIKS), Ketua Engineering (Konsultasi Sumber Daya (PPDI), Bidang UMKM Masyarakat
S2: Fisip Prodi Pengembangan Sumber
Umum Persatuan Orang Tua dengan Manusia dan Manajemen / Coaching) Ekonomi Syariah (MES) DKI Jakarta,
Daya Manusia Universitas Indonesia
Anak Disabilitas Indonesia Pendiri / Direktur PT. Jogja Adi Jaya Staf Pengajar Prodi Manajemen di
(Lulus 2001)
(PORTADIN), Anggota Dewan, (Wisata dan Perjalanan) Kwik Kian Gie School of Bisnis dan
Aktivitas: Founder/CEO PT. IHS Multi
Pertimbangan Perkumpulan Pendiri PT. TRP Logistik Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Yarsi.
Engineering (Human Resource and
Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia (Penyedia Logistik), Pendiri / Pembina Saat ini sebagai Ketua Komite
(PPDI), Bidang UMKM Masyarakat Yayasan Rumah Insan 37 dan Pendiri
Ekonomi Syariah (MES) DKI Jakarta, Dojo 37, Waka Bidang Organisasi Perumus PPSN.

Hygiene at Mahidol “Initially I aspired to be an yang bertujuan untuk
University, Bangkok, Thailand ustad or a teacher who could memberikan konseling dan
in 1973. go anywhere and respect dukungan untuk orang-orang
This dedicated and well- people like my dad” dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA).
mannered doctor is also one Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas
of the founders of Pelita Ilmu Dia Iahir di Bukittinggi, Indonesia (FKUI) (1969). Diploma
Foundation, a foundation Sumatera Barat, 3 Mei 1945, Kedokteran Tropis dan
Kebersihan di Universitas
that aims to provide usia 73, seorang ahli
Mahidol, Bangkok, Thailand
counseling and support for kesehatan dan pengajaran di (1973), Spesialis
people with HIV/AIDS, Indonesia.Beliau menjabat Penyakit Dalam (1976),
Prof. Dr. dr. Samsuridjal
Faculty of Medicine sebagai Direktur Rumah Sakit Mendirikan Yayasan Pelita Ilmu
Djauzi, SpPD-KAI
University of Indonesia (FKUI) Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta dari (1989), Presiden Direktur Rumah
(1969). Diploma of Tropical tahun 2001 sampai 2005, dan Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta
He was born in Bukittinggi, West (2001-2005), Ketua Perhimpunan
Medicine and Hygiene at juga bekerja sebagai Guru
Sumatra, May 3, 1945, age 73, Asosiasi Pengobatan Internal
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Besar Fakultas Kedokteran
an Indonesian health and Indonesia (PB PAPDI) (20012003),
Thailand (1973), Specialist in Dalam Negeri Universitas
teaching expert. He served as Anggota Masyarakat AIDS
Internal Medicine (1976), Indonesia (FKUI). Gelar Internasional (IAS).
Director of Cancer Hospital
Established Pelita Ilmu Profesor yang dia dapatkan Sekarang sebagai
Dharmais, Jakarta from 2001 to
Foundation (1989), President pada tahun 2004. Samsuridjal Ketua Dewan Pakar PPSN.
2005, and also works as
Director of Cancer Hospital adalah pakar bidang alergi
Professor of Internal Medicine
Dharmais Jakarta (2001- dan imunologi yang diraih dari
Faculty of Medicine, University
2005), Chairman of the program Diploma Tropical
of Indonesia (FKUI). The title of
Union of Indonesian Medicine and Hygiene di
Professor he got in 2004. "Awalnya saya bercita-cita
Association of Internal Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Samsuridjal is an expert in the menjadi seorang ustad atau
Medicine (PB PAPDI) (2001- Thailand pada tahun 1973.
field of allergy and immunology
2003), Member of the Dokter yang berdedikasi guru yang bisa pergi ke
achieved from the Diploma
International AIDS Society dan santun ini juga mana saja dan menghormati
course of Tropical Medicine
(IAS). Now he is Chairman of merupakan salah satu orang seperti ayah saya"
the PPSN Expert Council. pendiri Yayasan Pelita Ilmu,
sebuah yayasan

beginning to take part in around the world. Now, (
Indonesian book industry by He is pursuing Master Produknya telah dikumpulkan
creating his own publishing degree in Publishing oleh beberapa perpustakaan
business, Gre Publishing Media at Oxford Brookes bergengsi di Australia, Amerika
( University, England. Serikat, Jerman, Belanda dan
Currently trusted as a Malaysia. Dia terpilih sebagai
His products have been senior publisher of PPSN. salah satu delegasi Indonesia
collected by several untuk Frankfurt Book Fair
Anggun Gunawan prestigious library in Alumni Sarjana Fakultas Filsafat 2014, pameran buku terbesar
Australia, United States, Universitas Gadjah Mada di seluruh dunia. Sekarang, Dia
He is an undergraduate Germany, Netherlands and (UGM). Sejak 2010, dia telah mengejar gelar Master di
alumnae of Faculty of Malaysia. He was selected mulai mengambil bagian dalam Media Penerbitan di
Philosophy, Gadjah as one of Indonesian industri buku Indonesia Universitas Oxford Brookes,
Mada University (UGM). delegation for Frankfurt dengan menciptakan bisnis Inggris. Saat ini dipercaya
Since 2010, he has been Book Fair 2014, the biggest penerbitannya sendiri, Gre sebagai penerbit senior PPSN.
book fair Publishing

Prof. Abdul Kahar Prof. Djamhari Sirat Prof. Dr. dr. Mohamad Sadikin Prof. Sekartedjo Koencoro
Dr. Abdul Muis Doddy Yudhista Adams Dr. Mohamad Sadly Dr. Setyanto PS Shabah Syamsi, MA
Ir. Abdul Muthalib Dr. Dodi Sudiana Prof. Muchlis Ramli Dr. M. Sholeh
Abdur Rahim Jabbar Dr. Ede Suryana Muhamad Razi Prof. Siti Zuhro
Adam Haris Edy Kuscahyanto Prof. Muhammad Anis Ir. Sofwandi Dt.R Mangkuto
Adi Sasitiwarih, Msc Elmuhammady Dr. Ir. Muslim Muin Prof. Son Kuswadi
Dr. dr. Adi Teruna Effendi Ir. Elvizar, Kh. MM Dr. Muhammad Luthfi Zuhdi Sugiarto Wirjosiswojo
Adian Ir. Eriyon Agust, IPM Dr. Muhammad Najib Prof. Sumi Hudiyono
Dr. Afdol Thariq Wastono Ir. Fakhrurrazi, Msc. Dr. Muhammad Yasser Dr. Suparno Satira
Ahmad Fuadi Fahmi Basyah Muhbib Abdul Wahab Suprapto
Dr. Ahmad Fuad Afdhal Dr. Faisal Hendra Dr. Mukhtar Jusuf Dr. Sutrimo Sumarlan
Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmaloka Prof. Dr. dr. Fasli Jalal Murni Djamal, MA Dr. Susetya Herawati, ST. M.Si.
Ahmad Akyhar, ST Fauziah Fauzan Musawir Al Fayd Mayjend (Purn.), Prof. Syamsul Maarif
Ali Pane Ir. Fuaddy Ibrahim Prof. Mustopadidjaja AR. Taufiq R. Syahuri
Aliudin Mahjudin, MA Ir. Hendratmoko, MSi Nadra Hosen Dr. Taufiq Wisnu Priambodo
Prof. Aminuddin Kasdi Prof. Herman Moechtar Ir. Nur Aini Bunyamin Teguh Hidayat
Prof. Andrivo Rusydi Heyder Attamimi Ir. Nur Gunawan Sastranegara, Prof. Dr. Tommy Ilyas
Drs. Anggun Gunawan Prof. Husin Alatas MEng Sc. Dr. Toha Muhaimain
Prof. Anhari Achadi Imam Shamsi Ali Nur Hendrasto Tubagus Haryono
Dr. Apendi Arsyad Ir. Itra Susanto Nurul Hidayati Fithriyah Prof. Udi Hartono
Dr. Arief Budi Witarto Prof. Jahawir Thontowi Prof. Dr. Oki Muraza Umar M. Badeges
Asvial, PhD. Marsma (Purn.) Juwono Kolbioen Prof. Prijono Tjiptoherijanto Umar Tsani -Abdurrahman, MSc
Prof. Dr. Asep Syaefuddin Prof. Dr. dr. Kalamullah Ramli Ratna Prof. Wahyudi P. Suwarso
Dr. Aulia Nasution Prof. Lukman Hakim Ir. Ricky Nelson Prof. Wahyuning Ramelan
Prof. Azhar Kasim Dr. Ir. Leony Lidya Prof. Rinaldy Dalimi Ir. Wimar Mawan
Prof. Aziz Fachrurrozi Prof. M. Ahmad Djojosoegito Rinto Muhammadsyah, MA Prof. Wirdhani Asri
Ir. Budi Prof. M. Furqon Hidayatullah Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, Msc. Kombespol Dr. Yahya Agil
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bunasor M. Sanin, Msc. Dr. Mahmud Iqbal Ir. Riza Chaniago Prof. Dr. Ir. Yazid Bindar Yekti Hartati
Burmalis Ilyas, MSi Marhamis Brigjend. (Purn.), Dr. Saafroedin Bahar Yezi Osnella
Debbie Lubis Drs. Masriadi Martunus, MM. Sainir Dt Sangguno Dirajo Prof. Yudhie Haryono
Ir. Desrizal Misbah St Sinaro Maya Dewi SH, Ms Notary Saleh Iskak Zaenal Abidin Ismail, MengSc.
Prof. Din Syamsuddin Maryanto Prof. Dr. dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi Zamris Habib
Dr. Dina Nurul Fitria Misbahuddin Prof. Dr. Ir. Sardy Sar M.Eng. M.Sc. Zulfa Basir, MA
Prof. Dipo Alam, PhD Moh. Siddik Zulfi Syarif Koto





The first meeting of the Discussion of asymmetric warfare Discussion of the role of PT to improve the
establishment of PPSN at Soetomo Office Park quality of human resources and
Competitiveness of Nations in UAI

Discussion of energy needs is to contribute the golden Discussion on food security with NTB
year of RI with Wamen ESDM at Hotel Sofyan Governor at Hotel Sofyan

Contact Us
Jalan Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 99, Depan Lapangan Bola PSPT,
Kel. Tebet Timur,Kec. Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12820,
PO Box 1100 JKS-12011, email:
Tel. +62 812 9108 3776, Whats App / Line: +62 812 9108 3776


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